Medical Nutrition Therapy in Management of Eating
Medical Nutrition Therapy in Management of Eating
Medical Nutrition Therapy in Management of Eating
treatment, while, on the other, patients suffering program. It would be wrong to make an agreement
from selective eating are rarely hospitalized. only with the patient, especially if he is a youth,
because he can show a great manipulative
Table 2. Criteria for hospitalization of patients with potential. Therefore, it is important to stress that
eating disorders the parents take ultimate responsibility for the
choice of a diet.
Body mass index below 15 kg/m2 or relative body Nutritional rehabilitation includes: the asse-
weight below 75% or below the 3rd percentile in ssment of nutritional habits and nutritional status,
children under 18
diet therapy, and nutritional counseling.
Dehydration Nutritional assessment implies taking the diet
Circulatory collapse, manifested in low blood history and the assessment of the biochemical,
pressure, slow or irregular pulse, bad peripheral metabolic and anthropometric indicators of his
circulation nutritional status.
Electrolyte deficiency
The diet history should include the asse-
Recurrent vomiting and blood in the vomit
ssment of the energy intake, the intake of macro
Depression, suicidal ideas or intensions, or other
more serious psychiatric disorders and micronutrients, the patient’s attitude to
eating behavior and eating in general. Anorexia
Unsuccessful outpatient treatment
nervosa is characterized by lower energy intake -
below 1000kcal per day. Bulimia is, in turn, very
Recovering the lost fluid and electrolyte difficult to follow in terms of energy intake
balance, if recommended, demands inpatient because of the ‘purging’ phases, that is, self-
hospital care. Stationary health centers hold a induced vomiting (11). Namely, when they are
supreme position because of the fact that they not in the binge phase, patients suffering from
detect and treat complications rapidly; also, they bulimia often avoid food with carbohydrates and
provide better conditions for enteral nutrition. For fats. Therefore, inadequate energy intake and
younger patients, as well as their parents, limited choice of food cause malnutrition. When
admission into children’s ward is less stressful the medical history of nutrition is recorded, a
than admission into psychiatric ward. The doctor should pay attention as to how much
compromise can be made between inpatient fluids have been taken usually. On the one hand,
hospital care and outpatient services. Besides, some patients drink fluids rarely because they
outpatient clinics turn out to be very efficient in feel bloated afterwards; on the other hand, some
the treatment of adult patients. others drink large quantities of fluids to ward off
In the treatment of eating disorders, a diet the feeling of hunger.
therapy is applied with an aim to restore a Patients with eating disorders have typical
healthy diet, that is, good nutritional habits. The attitudes and types of nutritional behavior.
return to a normal diet can be either rapid or They avoid red meat, pastry, sweets, meat
gradual. The former program (rapid) should be and roasted food. They often classify certain
applied to patients without considerable reduction types of food as ‘absolutely good’ or ‘absolutely
in weight, those taken ill recently, and the ones bad’. They perform rituals at the table. They have
treated as outpatients. On the other hand, patents their own ways of eating, of combining different
with considerable and continuous decrease in food or/and they use spices excessively. Not only
weight are rehabilitated through a gradual should these rituals be noted but also the
nutrition therapy (9). duration of the meal itself. The patient suffering
Adequate nutrition can be provided in three from bulimia devour food rapidly, with an
ways: oral, enteral and sometimes parenteral insatiable appetite, whereas, patients suffering
nutrition (10). If the patient’s state of health from anorexia eat slowly and spend much more
requires the level of essential nutrients be increased time. A bulimic will often avoid certain types of
immediately, enteral nutrition is applied. A food because he believes they could trigger off
dietitian, together with hospital medical stuff, the binge episodes (12).
applies enteral nutrition through a nasogastric In anorexia nervosa the level of serum
tube. On the other hand, parenteral nutrition is albumin is usually normal. Despite the fact that
used in order for the patient to recover the lost patients avoid food with fat and cholesterol, the
fluid and electrolyte balance. This is an level of cholesterol in the serum is elevated. Also,
alternative method used when it is impossible to there is an imbalance between lipoproteins
apply either oral or enteral nutrition. primarily because of liver dysfunction (13,14).
A dietitian has an essential role in the Bulimics also have abnormal levels of lipids in
medical team for the treatment of eating their blood, and the low level of glucose in the
disorders. He is a consultant adviser to parents serum especially because of the deficient
and other team members on the following issues: precursors in gluconeogenesis (15). Hyperca-
• Making a nutrition plan according to the rotenemia is often found in anorexics. Vitamin
individual’s nutrition needs. deficiency is often found in patients suffering
• Monitoring the gradual increase in food intake. from malnutrition. On the other hand, eating
• Replacing certain food stuffs. disorders rarely cause anemia. It can occur only
• Specifying the essential nutrients. as a result of bleeding from the ruptures in the
• Making recommendations for dietary supplements. digestive tract. In anorexia the organic need for
The patient, his parents and dietitian should iron is lower because of amenorrhea on the one
all reach an agreement on the recommended diet hand and the catabolic state on the other. Also,
Acta Medica Medianae 2009,Vol.48 Medical nutrition therapy in management of eating disorders
deficiency in zinc, calcium, magnesium and vitamin the calorie intake decreases, and supplemented
D is possible. Vomiting and laxatives can cause a drinks could be replaced with usual drinks.
serious imbalance between fluids and electrolytes. However, a potential problem could arise. The
Dehydration, hypokalemia, hypochloremia are likely patient might continue to use supplemented
to happen; hyponatremia happens less frequently. drinks more often than solid food. So, he might
The anthropometric assessment of the follow the diet regime intended for weight
nutritional status implies determining the body reduction, even after his recovery.
fat percentage, that is, lean body mass. In the Bitter plants have always been used for
clinical practice the body fat percentage is appetite stimulation in case the patient is aware
calculated by measuring the average thickness of of his problem; if he wants to change his eating
four skin folds (biceps, triceps, subscapular and behavior, he needs to regain the feeling of
suprailiac). In practice, lean body mass could be hunger and appetite. The plants which are often
calculated by measuring the circumference of the used are: Acorus calamus-Sweet Flag, Cnicus
upper arm muscle, that is, by measuring the benedictus-Blessed Thistle, Taraxacum offinale-
circumference of biceps and the skin fold of Dandelion, Hypericum perforatum-St. John’s
triceps, and by comparing these measurements wort. Yet, the effect of these stimulators is
with the standard values for the particular age questionable.
and sex. The anthropometric measures should be Careful clinical observation is necessary
done at the beginning and during the nutritional during the diet therapy. It is important to detect
rehabilitation of the patient with an eating disorder. vital indicators which show cardiopulmonary
A patient with anorexia nervosa is under constant function and to detect peripheral edemas. The
surveillance so that a desired result - the refeeding syndrome appears in 6% of the
increase in body weight - could be noted. In the hospitalized patients (19). It causes minor
treatment of bulimia, however, the short–term abnormalities (a short lasting edema in the feet)
goal is to maintain body weight (16). or serious complications which require utmost
In cases of malnutrition, it is essential that urgency (prolonged QT interval, hypophosphatemia
a patient suffering from an eating disorder should followed by exhaustion, confusion and progressive
gradually increase the overall calorie intake. The neuromuscular dysfunction). This syndrome appears
initial diet implies only 1000 kcal per day. A few most often in patients who have less than 70 %
days later, the calorie intake could imply 200 kcal of the ideal body weight, and in those receiving
more per week. It is possible to start with 1200- enteral and parenteral nutrition. Also, it can
1500 kcal per day and take in 500 kcal more appear in patients who devour food rapidly.
every fourth day. Thus, the increase in body weight Slower nutrition means a lower risk of complications.
is about 0.5-1 kg per week. The maximum increase The level of electrolytes in the serum (especially
should reach 3500 kcal for women and 4000 kcal phosphorus and magnesium), and kidney
for men (17). function should be carefully noted. The clinical
Slight malnutrition demands small but changes and laboratory results which demand
frequent meals, as well as the use of spices which utmost urgency are: changed perception, tachy-
stimulate the appetite. It is recommended to take cardia, congestive heart insufficiency, atypical
in substances with high energetic density such as abdominal pain, prolonged QT interval, QT
juices, dried and stone fruit, as well as highly dispersion (indicator of abnormal ventricular
energetic drinks. The meals should have eye repolarization followed by the risk of arrhythmias,
appeal to stimulate the appetite and the potassium below 3 mmol/l in the serum and
appropriate nutritional behavior. After the meal, phosphorus below 0,8 mmol/l.
the patient is required to be lying in bed in a The evidence shows that many patients
warm room for a half an hour. with eating disorders have deficiency in oligoe-
Severe cases of malnutrition demand lements and minerals. However, except for zinc
digestible, light, small and frequent meals (8-10), (20), there are only a few detailed studies of that
skimmed milk (100 ml) with an addition of 10- field so far. The used supplements are: zinc,
15g of skimmed powdered milk. Thus, the patient calcium, magnesium, iron, vitamins and minerals.
takes in about 1 liter of milk. If the patient is too Use of fortified foods is recommended (21).
weak, milk is dissolved. The treatment of complications depends on
In further stages, sugar, starch, yoghurt, clinical experience. Peripheral edemas are treated
mashed food, soups and boiled meat are added. by elevating the legs and restricting the salt
The patient gradually returns to a diet which is intake (22).
diverse in ingredients, and high in calories. It It might be very beneficial to include the
should be emphasized that the patient is less parents in the treatment (23). Careful planning
tolerant when it comes to fatty food (18). and cooperation between people who arrange
It is recommended that anorexics and meals, parents and the patient is very important.
bulimics should include legumes in their diet. (Who brings the meals? Who is supposed to be
These patients often have problems with glucose present during the meal? How is the time
levels because they consume simple sugars most structured during the meal?)
frequently. Therefore, these patients often suffer The ultimate goal of every meal is to have
from cyclothymia, that is, a mood disorder. an individual diet program. The dietitian should
Highly energetic drinks are very useful as be consulted as to the energy value of the meal.
dietary supplements since they provide the Since these patients are made furious quite
necessary calories. As the therapy progresses, easily, it is important to have a balanced attitude
Medical nutrition therapy in management of eating disorders Maja Nikolić et al.
during the meal: firmness and consistence, on and 5.30 p.m. and it is of the same size as lunch.
one hand, and empathy and flexibility on the Every meal is finished by taking a supplement for
other. During the meal, the patient is often enteral nutrition (nutridrink, for example), which
nervous and annoyed, and he often leaves the is removed before the end of the treatment.
table. Although it is necessary to be committed to Simple meals are added between the regular
the course of the treatment, some compromises ones. Four months later, the patients are allowed
are possible to make. For example, it is possible to eat together, they can eat in restaurants in the
to change a dining room, to replace one type of company of a medical worker or a familiar
food with another, to change the objective of the person. After every meal, the patients have a
meal. This kind of approach shows concern for rest in a room with the maximal temperature of
the patient. The objectives are agreed on in 40 ‘C (26).
advance. The patient can be asked only to touch Patients who receive enteral nutrition
the food with his lips or he can be asked to take should sit together with the rest of the patients in
in ¾ of the meal. The patient should be observed order to witness the proceedings at the table and
during and immediately after the meal in case he to start eating independently when they are
hides and removes the food. The food can be ready. A bolus of supplemented milk is given
hidden under his clothes, under the table or after the meal as an encouragement for dining at
simply spread on the table to appear partly the table. It has an advantage over the constant
consumed. intake because it simulates the normal eating
The patient needs to be encouraged in a habits and the reappearance of normal appetite
specific way. This rule applies to every patient and hunger. The use of nasogastric tube is reconsi-
who suffers from an eating disorder. One part of dered every day; as oral nutrition becomes more
the patient’s character wants to have a strict frequent, enteral nutrition is applied rarely (24).
control over his nutrition, while the other part The meals must be adapted to every
wants the healthy eating behavior and normal life patient independently. Since there is not a single,
back. The patient should be encouraged to resist unique approach in the treatment of eating
that part which manifests itself in eating disorders, the meals have to be under constant
disorders. Some patients need direct verbal surveillance. A multidisciplinary team should
encouragement, other subjects for discussion, or discuss the applied approach continuously (27).
the presence of other people, especially pears.
Parents and medical workers should cooperate Conclusion
and they should solve any problem related to the
patient’s nutrition and his attitude to meals at the The nature of eating disorders and frequent
table. Lack of cooperation makes a negative instances of malnutrition demand that a diet therapy
impact on the patient’s recovery (24,25). should be a necessary step in the treatment.
The premature feeling of satiated appetite, The purpose of a diet therapy is for the
slight abdominal bloating, or nausea occur patient to accomplish normal body weight and to
frequently. They occur because the food exits the recover the healthy patterns of eating behavior.
stomach later than usual. So, it is required to There are two possible ways: to return to normal
have small, frequent and moderate meals. Such diet immediately or, in severe cases of malnu-
meals are intended to reduce anxiety as well, trition, to recover gradually through a specific
since anorexics often perceive portions to be therapy program.
larger than they actually are. The patient should If oral nutrition is impossible or the patient
participate in making a nutrition plan and, to refuses to take food orally, enteral nutrition is
some degree, in the selection of food. It is not applied. To stimulate the normal eating patterns
recommended to talk about calories but only a bolus of food is given during the meal in the
about healthy nutrition in general. A diet list, daytime or at night. Parenteral nutrition is
which specifies the size of the portion, could be applied rarely, in states of urgency, to recover
handed to the patient, but not the number of the electrolyte and fluid balance.
calories. Meals are arranged by doctors, nurses,
Breakfast should be served between 7 and dietitians, and the family members so as to have
8 a.m.; it includes 1.5 dl of yoghurt, sandwich, a the patient under constant surveillance. The
glass of orange juice, a cup of coffee/tea. A objective is set for every meal.
month later, the patient is encouraged to add one Recovering the normal body weight is a
sandwich to the list; but, he is allowed to eat two good prognostic factor for patients suffering from
sandwiches at the most. Lunch is served between eating disorders.
11.30 and 12.30. Dinner is served between 4.30
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