Journal of Geochemical Exploration: Liang Tang, Xuemin Liu, Xueqiu Wang, Shuting Liu, Hui Deng T

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Journal of Geochemical Exploration 216 (2020) 106579

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Statistical analysis of tailings ponds in China T

a,b b,⁎ c b b
Liang Tang , Xuemin Liu , Xueqiu Wang , Shuting Liu , Hui Deng
Applied Nuclear Techniques in Geosciences Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu 610059, China
College of Earth Sciences, Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu 610059, China
Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, 84 Golden Road, Langfang, Hebei, China


Keywords: While tailings wastes have attracted public concern in China, the knowledge of their numbers, distribution, land
Tailings ponds occupation, perimeter, and altitude is incomplete. Based on statistics and geographic information system (GIS)
Altitude method, the present study investigated 5189 of tailings ponds (TPs) in order to understand the present situation
Coverage land of tailings in China. Overall, this study revealed that the occupied land of TPs is about 1884.0 km2, average
altitude is 699.4 m, and the strip between the tailings wastes and soil accumulated to 14,674.4 km. This is
harmful to the security of closed biomes community. Besides, TPs are widely scattered, especially, the distribute
density which ranges from 0.009 to 0.05/km2 are located in the northern Hebei Province, Liaodong Peninsula,
Shandong Peninsula and western Henan province. In terms of watershed for TPs, the ascending order is Huaihe
River, Heilongjiang River, Pearl River, Liaohe River, Yellow River, Yangtze River, Haihe River; and the land
usage is Huaihe River < Pearl River < Liaohe River < Heilongjiang River < Yangtze River < Haihe
River < Yellow River. In a nutshell, tailings wastes should be considered a huge environmental threat in China.

1. Introduction 2. Research method

The tailings ponds (TPs) are the facilities to store mines wastes from The current study obtained the approximate location of TPs from
mining operations. These mining wastes are the major contaminants in government documents, published journal articles, online news, and
the world, and ranked 18th among the most important public hazards internal information (Appendix 1). Then, we compared the field in-
(Xie et al., 2009). In recent decades, mining activities have intensified vestigation of the TPs with remote sensing data (especially the basic
in China and produced huge amounts of tailings wastes. Hence, it is a size, location and topography). From 2013 to 2019, our research team
major concern for its heavy metal pollution (Liu et al., 2018; Wang conducted field surveys about tailings in China, and has gathered some
et al., 2016; Yao et al., 2016), tailings ecological restoration (Dacal preliminary information of the tailings. The remaining TPs were ex-
et al., 2019; Huang et al., 2011; Le et al., 2016), chemical weathering tracted from the hyper spectral remote sensing data, and 5189 of TPs
and tailings CO2 sequestration (Li et al., 2011; Tang, 2017; Van et al., sites in China were identified.
2015). The altitude information of TPs can be gathered from the digital
Nevertheless, existing studies are still inadequate in many ways. elevation model (DEM) of satellite imagery and aerial data. The basic
Firstly, there are insufficient reliable data that could reflect the fun- parameters (e.g., coverage area, perimeter lengths) of the tailings were
damental feature of TPs in China, and the amounts of TPs in China are calculated using geographic information system (GIS) technology. The
still uncertain (Table 1). Secondly, few studies examined the tailings Spatial Analyst Tools in ArcMap was applied to analyze the Kernel
wastes across the entire China, but merely reported regional issues in Density of TPs.
Jiaodong peninsula (Zhou et al., 2017), Qinlin orogenic belt (Qiang,
2013; Wang et al., 2017) in recent years. To this end, this paper intends 3. Results and discussion
to focus on the primary data (distribution, altitude, land occupation,
perimeter) of TPs in China. The idea is to reveal their basic features, and 3.1. Land coverage of the tailings wastes
ultimately attract attention from the public and government authorities
in China. The present study detected a total of 5189 TPs in China. In terms of

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (X. Liu).
Received 16 November 2019; Received in revised form 9 May 2020; Accepted 18 May 2020
Available online 20 May 2020
0375-6742/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
L. Tang, et al. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 216 (2020) 106579

Table 1 Thereby, the mine activities wastes are mainly dumped into the
Numbers of tailings ponds (TPs) in China. valley. The strip between soil and tailings wastes could be expanded,
Numbers Region Supplement Citations that is 14,674.4 km of the tape that could threaten to the harvest or
forest soil.
6162 China 5.5 billion tons (Bai et al., 2015) Several factors can influence the size of the TPs in China. Firstly,
8540 China (Xie et al., 2008)
Valley TPs type that limited the storage capacity of tailings. For ex-
8869 China (Li et al., 2017)
12,000 China (Pan et al., 2014; Wang et al.,
ample, Qinling Mountains contain a steep terrain and exhibit difficulty
2017) to construct a large storage facility for tailings wastes. Besides, a bit of
12,600 China 7 billion tons (Tian and Xie, 2009) the tailings warehouses are illegitimate or no valid design prior to op-
585 Shandong (Zhou et al., 2017) eration. This can cause the emergence of numerous tiny tailings re-
servoirs, which is very harmful to the environment and threatens the
270 Shaanxi Province (Qiang, 2013)
5189 China Present study people involved in the tailings facilities (Huang et al., 2012). Finally,
the escalation of mineral demand in China promotes the mining of
small scattered metal deposit. For example, manganese ore in Chengkou
province, the descending order of them is Hebei (1353), Liaoning (513), County, Chongqing province, contains small deposit size and scattered
Inner Mongolia (344), and Jiangxi (323). By contrast, TPs numbers in sites, and it is difficult to build large housewares to store the minerals
Chongqing (7), Beijing (9), and Tibet (10) are relatively small; while dressing wastes.
none was detected in Taiwan, Shanghai and Ningxia (Table 2).
The accumulated land coverage of TPs in China is about 3.3. Altitudes of tailings sites
1884.0 km2, with the average size of 0.363 km2. The tailings' horizontal
density with range from 0.009 to 0.05/km2 are located in the northern Overall, the altitudes of TPs gradually decrease from west to east
Hebei Province, Liaodong Peninsula, Shandong Peninsula and western with an average elevation of 699.4 m, which is consistent with the
Henan province; while the rest are widely scattered throughout the terrain tendency of China (Figs. 2, 3). Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Yunnan-
country (Fig. 1). The individual land coverage varies greatly, with range Guizhou Plateau and the surroundings are the highest regions in China.
from 39.6 km2 (e.g., Coal gangue in Holingola, Inner Mongolia) to From provincial perspective, Tibet has the highest average elevation
0.002 km2 (e.g., PbeZn deposit in Zhenan County, Shaanxi province), (4547 m), followed by Qinghai (3294 m) and Yunnan (1932 m). The
and a standard deviation of 1.2 km2. More specifically, about 80.4% of highest case is 5072 m in Jiama Copper-Polymetallic deposit, Tibet
the TPs are < 0.363 km2, and nearly half of them are < 0.1 km2. The (Xiao et al., 2015). The Qinling Mountains endure a raving mine ex-
TPs with area > 1 km2 only constitute about 7.0% (Fig. 2). ploration in the regions of Jialingjiang Basin, Hanjiang Basin and
In terms of provinces for the occupied land, the descending order of western Henan province. TPs in these regions could threaten the
them is Inner Mongolia (492.03 km2), Hebei (307.64 km2), Liaoning downstream area of Yangtze River, Yellow River and Huaihe River. TPs
(222.75 km2) and Gansu (103.96 km2). In ascending order, Chongqing in the eastern China are featured with low altitudes, such as Shandong
has the smallest area (0.38 km2), followed by Zhejiang (1.04 km2) and (129 m), Jiangsu (97 m) and Anhui (92 m), where a small part of them
Hainan (3.49 km2). Regarding the average occupied land of province, are close to coastal line.
there are 19 provinces with area size smaller than 0.363 km2, including
Chongqing, Hainan, Qinghai, etc. In ascending order, provinces with 3.4. Tailings in river watershed
the smallest occupied areas are Chongqing (0.05 km2), Zhejiang
(0.08 km2), Hunan (0.12 km2), Guangxi (0.12 km2). On the contrary, The number of TPs in the Yangtze River Basin reached 1197. Steep
there are 10 provinces with average occupied land exceeding this level, terrain and cold climate in the upstream have restricted mining activ-
including Tibet, Inner Mongolia, Tianjin etc. (Table 2). ities. In the middle and lower reaches, strong resources demand is
driving up the mining activities and the mineral dressing wastes are
3.2. Shapes of tailings wildly dispersed (Fig. 3). This is posing a huge challenge to the ecolo-
gical security of the Yangtze River.
The shape of TPs can be correlated with coverage area and peri- The Yellow River is the second longest river in China with a total
meter length in the statistical analyses. In this study, the perimeters of number of 668 TPs. The tailings are distributed from upstream to
TPs range from 199.6 m to 43,762.0 m, which accumulate to downstream. Qinghai and Gansu have a certain number of polymetallic
14,674.4 km for all. The shapes of TPs mainly vary from square to mines such as copper and cobalt in the upstream, thus also own some
triangle, such as the square TPs in Bainaimiao Cu-Mo-Au deposit, TPs (Fig. 3). In the middle reaches of Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, and
Siziwang Banner, Inner Mongolia (Li et al., 2012). Approximately 1.7% Shaanxi, there some coal gangue slag piles (Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi)
of the tailings vary from round to square, where the relationship be- and iron tailings (Shanxi).
tween coverage area (y) and perimeter (x) of the square TPs can be Due to the rough mining activities in Haihe River Basin, TPs in this
expressed as: region hit 1480, with an average elevation of 569.2 m. The iron mining
activities are intense in North China Plain because of its demand for
y = 0.0625x 2 − 10−11x + 10−7 R2 = 1 (1)
metal resources. Hence, Hebei contains a large number of TPs in the
Using fitting simulation, most shapes of TPs are close to isosceles Haihe River. By contrast, little TPs are located in Liaoning, Beijing and
triangle, where two sides with similar length are called the Legs and the Tianjin (Table 3).
third side is called the Base of the triangle (Eq. (2), Fig. 2d). As for The number of tailings in Liaohe River basin is 493. Under the
tailings sizes, the Legs represent the strip between tailings and soil, the premise of no sufficient rainfall in the upstream of Hebei and Inner
Base could be the dam of the TPs. Statistics analysis reveals that 95.6% Mongolia, the surrounding soil of tailings could encounter a severe
of the sizes could vary from the square to isosceles triangle (Eq. (3), salinization due to chemical weathering. On top of that, the flow tail-
Legs vs. Base of 12:1), about 2.7% of the TPs shape with Legs vs. Base of ings dust could lead to further soil contamination.
below 12:1 (Fig. 2d). The Heilongjiang River Basin (mainly tributary Songhua River) is
the northernmost watershed in China, where its river flows through the
y = 0.3634x 1.663 R2 = 0.9083 (2) most important agricultural production areas of China. There are 160
TPs in the whole area with an average elevation of 518.4 m, primarily
y = 0.0096x 2 − 7 × 10−12x + 6 × 10−8 R2 = 1 (3)
located in the middle and upper reaches of the Songhua River Basin.

L. Tang, et al.

Table 2
Regional statistics of TPs in China.
Regions Number Altitude (m) Perimeter (km) Coverage land (km2)

Average Minimum Maximum Standard deviation Total Average Minimum Maximum Standard deviation Total Average Minimum Maximum Standard deviation

Chongqing 7 665 433 851 164 9.0 1.3 0.6 1.7 0.4 0.38 0.05 0.023 0.08 0.02
Beijing 9 184 96 373 81 35.8 4.0 1.0 7.5 2.1 4.62 0.51 0.056 1.05 0.36
Tibet 10 4547 4133 5072 310 87.6 8.8 1.9 26.9 9.8 24.81 2.48 0.098 13.60 4.28
Hainai 11 223 117 333 93 32.4 2.9 1.0 6.6 1.8 3.49 0.32 0.042 0.78 0.28
Zhejiang 13 137 30 466 114 18.8 1.4 0.4 2.4 0.5 1.04 0.08 0.008 0.26 0.07
Tianjing 14 139 32 252 82 71.8 5.1 1.0 16.1 4.5 9.01 0.64 0.063 3.52 0.86
Qinghai 21 3294 2848 3808 315 51.7 2.5 0.6 7.4 1.7 4.76 0.23 0.016 0.98 0.26
Guizhou 36 991 510 2224 358 60.1 1.7 0.3 7.5 2.0 5.25 0.15 0.004 1.27 0.29
Fujian 39 423 173 958 162 91.6 2.3 0.3 19.0 3.2 12.97 0.33 0.005 6.36 1.03
Heilongjiang 43 322 155 518 101 193.9 4.5 0.7 11.8 3.2 26.44 0.61 0.030 5.87 0.98
Jiangsu 44 97 0 263 60 125.1 2.8 0.6 8.4 1.8 14.84 0.34 0.015 2.76 0.50

Xinjiang 55 1107 646 2240 324 158.3 2.9 0.4 12.6 2.3 20.71 0.38 0.010 4.23 0.68
Jilin 63 472 266 783 108 193.2 3.1 0.6 11.1 2.1 21.79 0.35 0.016 1.69 0.39
Guangdong 78 281 0 988 217 215.9 2.8 0.4 15.0 2.4 17.82 0.23 0.010 3.82 0.45
Hubei 84 338 10 1442 458 248.2 3.0 0.3 8.4 2.0 27.34 0.33 0.004 1.41 0.35
Anhui 108 92 14 268 62 334.5 3.1 0.6 11.0 2.1 42.53 0.39 0.012 2.76 0.49
Sichuan 175 1637 436 4184 691 592.5 3.4 0.3 14.0 2.8 65.57 0.37 0.004 3.77 0.57
Gansu 179 1653 906 2504 373 515.1 2.9 0.3 14.3 2.8 103.96 0.58 0.005 9.95 1.31
Shaanxi 191 1212 604 1880 257 553.7 2.9 0.3 21.1 3.6 63.37 0.33 0.002 5.14 0.75
Shanxi 194 1167 480 2135 323 585.2 3.0 0.4 18.8 3.1 54.54 0.28 0.007 3.78 0.62
Yunnan 214 1932 525 4300 683 658.6 3.1 0.3 43.0 4.3 74.87 0.35 0.004 7.71 0.82
Hunan 229 432 71 1269 250 528.0 2.3 0.2 47.0 3.7 26.58 0.12 0.003 2.69 0.22
Henan 267 877 77 1708 363 521.1 2.0 0.3 12.5 1.7 32.26 0.12 0.006 2.98 0.25
Guangxi 272 352 55 967 216 581.9 2.1 0.3 11.4 1.7 42.53 0.16 0.005 2.58 0.25
Shandong 300 129 0 466 85 760.1 2.5 0.3 16.8 2.1 74.32 0.25 0.004 6.14 0.52
Jiangxi 323 205 13 892 146 875.4 2.7 0.2 29.2 2.7 85.74 0.27 0.004 9.04 0.68
Inner Mongolia 344 1109 214 2012 357 1469.8 4.3 0.2 43.8 5.1 492.03 1.43 0.003 39.62 3.74
Liaoning 513 301 27 804 135 1602.1 3.1 0.2 31.1 3.4 222.75 0.43 0.003 11.81 1.03
Hebei 1353 526 17 1640 324 3503.3 2.6 0.3 20.1 2.2 307.64 0.23 0.003 5.41 0.42
Journal of Geochemical Exploration 216 (2020) 106579
L. Tang, et al. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 216 (2020) 106579

Fig. 1. Distributions of tailings ponds in China.

In short, the ascending order of the TPs follows: Huaihe River, ecological environment in the upstream and restricted mineral devel-
Heilongjiang River, Pearl River, Liaohe River, Yellow River, Yangtze opments. In the downstream and estuary, the Quaternary sediment
River, Haihe River. By comparison, land usage for the TPs follows this limited the exploration of metal deposit.
order: Huaihe River < Pearl River < Liaohe River < Heilongjiang
River < Yangtze River < Haihe River < Yellow River. The in- 4. Conclusion
dividual average land coverage of the TPs follows the order of Pearl
River < Haihe River < Yangtze River < Huaihe River < Liaohe The key findings of this paper are:
River < Yellow River < Heilongjiang River (Fig. 3).
Besides, the altitude range of TPs is Huaihe < Liaohe (1) Present study detected 5189 TPs in China. The average altitude is
River < Pearl River < Heilongjiang < Haihe < Yellow about 699.4. They occupied a total land size of 1884.0 km2, with
River < Yangtze River (Fig. 3). The Huaihe River, Pearl River and the average size of 0.363 km2.
Liaohe River basins distributed more TPs in the upper stream because of (2) The TPs are widely distributed throughout the country. In parti-
the low altitude of river's source and the affluent metal deposits in this cular, the distribute density of TPs ranging from 0.009 to 0.05/km2,
area (e.g., Gejiu Tin deposit (Qiao et al., 2014), Qiyugou gold deposit are located in the northern Hebei Province, Liaodong Peninsula,
(Chen et al., 2009), Xiajinbao gold deposit (Jinping, and University, P., Shandong Peninsula and western Henan province.
Beijing, Guangzhou, 2007). Yellow River and Heilongjiang watershed (3) The perimeters of TPs range from 199.6 m to 43,762.0 m, which
distributed more TPs in the middle reaches because of the fragile accumulate to 14,674.7 km for all. The soil close to the tailings

L. Tang, et al. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 216 (2020) 106579

Fig. 2. The land coverage, perimeter, altitude and sizes of TPs in China: (a) Land coverage of tailings; (b) perimeter of tailings; (c) altitude of tailings; (d) relationship
between land coverage and perimeter of tailings.

wastes could be contaminated by the chemical weathering and dust contrast, land usage for the TPs is Huaihe River < Pearl
of tailings. River < Liaohe River < Heilongjiang River < Yangtze
(4) In terms of watershed, the order of the TPs is Huaihe River < Haihe River < Yellow River.
River < Heilongjiang River < Pearl River < Liaohe
River < Yellow River < Yangtze River < Haihe River. By

L. Tang, et al. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 216 (2020) 106579

Fig. 3. Distribution density of TPs for seven watersheds in China.

(y-axis is the altitude of seven watersheds in China and the gray box is the altitude range of tailings in the watershed; x-axis is the distribute density of the tailings).

Declaration of competing interest Acknowledgement

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial The project was financially supported by the project of
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ- 2016YFC0600604.
ence the work reported in this paper.

Table 3
Distribution of tailings in the river watershed of China.
Watersheds Number Altitude (m) Coverage (km2) Province {Number, Altitude (m), Coverage (km2)}

Huaihe watershed 47 165.7 14.1 Henan (31, 224, 5.0), Anhui (12, 52.4, 5.8), Jiangsu (4, 51.8, 3.3)
Heilongjiang watershed 160 518.4 238.6 Inner Mongolia (80, 664.3, 200.8), Jilin (37, 431.1, 11.4), Heilongjiang (43, 322, 26.4)
Pearl watershed 352 446 70.9 Yunnan (16, 1688.7, 12.7), Guizhou (14, 1109.4, 2.8), Guangxi (267, 354.2, 42.1), Guangdong (53, 358.4,
13.2), Hunan (2, 490, 0.1)
Liaohe watershed 493 403.2 223.8 Hebei (18, 865.1, 3.1), Inner Mongolia (54, 966.8, 5.8), Liaoning (421, 297.4, 214.9)
Yellow watershed 668 1254.1 375.8 Qinghai (15, 3358.9, 3.0), Gansu (76, 1878.6, 59.3), Inner Mongolia (143, 1325.8, 187.0), Shaanxi (101,
1304.1, 61.6), Shanxi (80, 1077.2, 32.7), Henan (240, 953.1, 27.3), Shandong (13, 292.8, 4.9)
Yangtze watershed 1197 825 297.0 Tibet (2, 4618, 1.8), Yunnan (136, 2116.9, 47.4), Sichuan (175, 1636.9, 65.6), Chongqing (7, 664.9, 0.4),
Guizhou (22, 916.1, 2.4), Hubei (84, 338.1, 27.3), Hunan (227, 431.5, 23.1), Jiangxi (245, 168.9, 72.2),
Anhui (95, 92.4, 35.1), Jiangsu (40, 101.3, 7.2), Henan (2,1171.5, 0.2), Shaanxi (93, 1112.8, 7.6), Gansu
(69, 1397.1, 6.7)
Haihe watershed 1480 569.2 337.3 Liaoning (8, 438.9, 0.5), Shanxi (114, 1230.3, 21.8), Beijing (9, 183.7, 4.6), Tianjin (14, 138.9, 9.0), Hebei
(1335, 525.2, 301.4)

L. Tang, et al. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 216 (2020) 106579

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