Cognitive Radio Platforms: Wireless Open-Access Research Platform For Networks
Cognitive Radio Platforms: Wireless Open-Access Research Platform For Networks
Cognitive Radio Platforms: Wireless Open-Access Research Platform For Networks
Siddharth Gupta
Rice University, Houston, TX e-mail:
Patrick Murphy
Rice University, Houston, TX e-mail:
Christopher Hunter
Rice University, Houston, TX e-mail:
Ashutosh Sabharwal
Rice University, Houston, TX e-mail:
2 Siddharth Gupta, Patrick Murphy, Christopher Hunter and Ashutosh Sabharwal
1 Overview
Spectrum continues to be one of the most expensive and scarce resources for com-
mercial wireless systems. As a result, constant innovation has ensured that each
new generation of wireless networks (e.g cellular, Wi-Fi) is spectrally more effi-
cient than the previous. Most current wireless systems employ one of the two forms
of spectrum management: centrally managed dynamic allocation or nearly-static al-
locations. In the case of centrally managed dynamic allocation, active nodes can
change their frequency bands but rely completely on a centralized decision maker
that has a more complete view of the network. This model is employed by cellular
networks, for example. In near-static allocations, nodes find a suitable frequency
band for their operation and then use it for long time durations. The most dominant
example is Wi-Fi access points, where the center frequency of the AP is often cho-
sen dynamically during setup or, at best, managed at long time-scales by a central
Recent measurement studies [1–3] demonstrated that while most of the prime
spectrum is allocated, nearly 50% is not in active use even in metropolitan areas.
To enable a more agile use of spectrum, the idea of cognitive wireless has emerged
as a strong candidate for spectrum management because it is both dynamic and
distributed. As is evident from the contents of this book, there are many flavors of
cognitive wireless. Thus, as the field continues to evolve, one question is repeatedly
asked: “Will cognitive wireless work?”
While the above question is asked for any new technology, skepticism is espe-
cially high for cognitive wireless since it has the potential to impact policy, leg-
islation and a vast array of existing and future wireless services. Thus, it is now
commonly believed that unless there are clear technical demonstrations of the tech-
nology [4], cognitive wireless may never realize its envisioned potential. Driven
by this urgent need for at-scale and at-speed verification of clean-slate designs, we
describe the design and use of a flexible cognitive wireless platform in this chapter.
One of the challenges in building a platform for experiments is in defining its spec-
ifications, which must not only accommodate all current ideas but also ideas which
have not yet been conceived. The platform can guarantee longevity by adopting a
modular architecture, with high performance components in each module. To lay out
the specifications for such a platform, we start by noting that central to all cognitive
wireless protocol innovations there are three functional components.
1. Sense: At the heart of cognitive wireless is the ability of nodes to sense the envi-
ronment for ongoing traffic. Nodes can use the sensed spectral usage at multiple
time-scales to adjust their behavior accordingly. Furthermore, the nodes can re-
port their spectral measurements to a server which can execute large spatial-scale
Cognitive Radio Platforms: Wireless Open-Access Research Platform for Networks 3
functionality, like spectrum auctions [5], create spectral maps [6], keep nodes
in the same network synchronized or simply manage nodes in the conventional
2. Adapt: Based on the sensed environment, nodes can adapt any part of their com-
munication stack. For example, they can adapt their physical layer [7] or medium
access layer [8–10] to be more conservative if they sense a primary network with
which they must not interfere.
3. Share: Finally, nodes can best communicate when they have synchronized spec-
trum knowledge at sources and destinations. Since nodes in a wireless network
see a different environment (due to propagation effects of the wireless medium),
their local knowledge is different. As a result, they have a different view of the
network and spectrum utilization. For cognitive nodes to maximize the system
wide utilization, they need to agree on their collective actions.
In addition to enabling the above basic functionality for cognitive protocol in-
novations, an experimentation platform which is completely programmable and de-
ployable has to enable three additional features.
1. Isolated and Integrated Experimentation: The platform should enable isolated
experiments, which are essential for systematically testing sub-components of
a larger system. Yet at the same time, the platform design flow should enable
seamless integration of sub-components into fully functional networks of nodes.
2. Programming and Control of Deployed Networks: To continue innovation in a
deployed network of programmable nodes, it is crucial that rapid reprogramming
of each node is possible. Better still, the nodes should be controllable in real-time
to allow complete exploration of the design space of implemented protocols.
3. Deep Observability of Operational Network: Finally, each node should be able
to report measurements from any layer to enable a deep inspection of any part
of the network stack. Such deep observability is essential to provide insights into
the operation of clean-slate, cross-layer designs and crucial to optimize networks
for highest performance.
1.2 WARPnet
In this chapter, we describe the Wireless Open-Access Research Platform for Net-
works (WARPnet), which is an open-access hardware and software platform built
for experimentation in at-scale deployed networks and has been engineered from
the ground up for cognitive wireless networks. Below we detail how WARPnet ad-
dresses each of the six platform requirements: three for clean-slate protocol devel-
opment, and three for experimentation on deployed and operational networks.
1. End-to-end Design Flows: WARPnet supports two major design flows: WARPLab,
for offline processing of over-the-air data, and a real-time flow targeting stan-
dalone wireless designs. WARPLab enables prototyping of new physical layers
while the real-time flow allows for network level performance measurement.
2. Programming and Control Layer: Once nodes are deployed in a large network,
having fine-grained control of nodes and their system parameters is crucial to
experimentation. WARPnet provides this functionality through the Backdoor
3. Measurement Framework: Reviewing the performance of systems in a large scale
network allows for network-level debugging. This requires the retrieval of data
from every node, which is again supported through the Backdoor Board.
In this section, we discuss three major components of the WARPnet hardware plat-
form. First is the base FPGA Board, which houses a large FPGA, multiple Radio
Boards and the Backdoor Board. Next we describe the two Radio Boards, which
are MIMO-capable and operate in several frequency ranges. Finally, we detail the
Backdoor Board which provides multiple highly-reliable communication interfaces
which can operate both over wireline infrastructure or orthogonal wireless bands. In
addition, the Backdoor Board is capable of local processing and storage.
Cognitive Radio Platforms: Wireless Open-Access Research Platform for Networks 5
Slices XtremeDSPs Block RAM PowerPCs Ethernet MACs RocketIO Transceivers User I/O
42,176 160 376 2 2 20 768
Table 1 Resources available on Virtex-4 FX100
The resources available on the Virtex-4 are shown in Table 1. The flexibility of
the FPGA is realized in the slice resources. Each slice is composed of two 4-input
look-up tables (LUTs) and associated logic. These can implement arithmetic func-
tions or act as distributed RAM. The slices are laid out in an array-like structure and
each can be reconfigured to form larger complex systems. Low-level architectural
systems can be implemented for the fine-grained control of not only the design, but
also the placement and routing.
Other resources such as XtremeDSP slices, Block RAM, Ethernet MACs and
RocketIO Transceivers are hardened logic for specific functions. For example, the
XtremeDSP slice is an 18 x 18 bit multiplier followed by an accumulator. If a design
requires the use of a multiplier, one of these will be instantiated. All these resources
are spread out across the chip easing the load on the interconnect that links all the
The FPGA also includes two PowerPC processors. This is extremely useful in
rendering the node as a standalone device. Embedded operating systems, which can
execute in the PowerPC, provide easy access to all the layers of the OSI network
The hardware peripherals attached to the FPGA are shown in the block diagram
in Figure 1. The FPGA provides the raw processing power to tackle real-time wire-
less algorithms, while the peripherals are the conduits for the data to be processed.
Each peripheral plays a specific role in the complete picture of a standalone node.
Gigabit Ethernet SFP Interfaces
Daughtercard Virtex-4
Backdoor Board
Headers FPGA
connected directly to the FPGA general I/O. Additionally, the FPGA Board pro-
vides dedicated 5 V and -5 V supplies. Significant high-speed bypass on the FPGA
Board reduces noise on the power planes generated by the daughtercards.
To take advantage of the embedded Tri-mode Ethernet MAC in the Virtex-4, the
board is built with the Marvell Alaska 88e1111 gigabit Ethernet transceiver. This is
important in developing higher performance nodes that bridge wired and wireless
domains. The hardened MAC also reduces the load on user designs as it requires
considerably less logic than when implemented in fabric. The transceiver supports
standard features like auto-negotiation and auto-crossover, thus easing intersection
with existing Ethernet installations.
2.1.3 DRAM
As the two primary goals of the platform are deployment and experimentation, tak-
ing measurements and storing data are important. To sustain such data collection the
FPGA Board has a DDR2 SO-DIMM slot that can support up to 2 GB of dynamic
RAM. Xilinx tools seamlessly handle interaction with the RAM using a memory
controller provided by the Virtex-4 development tools. Other than data storage, op-
erating systems, such as Linux, can utilize this RAM for program and data.
The MGTs are high-speed serial data links that support a variety of interfaces ca-
pable of up to 6.5 Gbps each. Two MGTs are routed to SATA jacks that enable
Cognitive Radio Platforms: Wireless Open-Access Research Platform for Networks 7
hard drives to be connected for data storage. Two additional gigabit Ethernet ports
connect via Small Form-factor Pluggable (SFP) jacks. And finally, some user de-
signs may require two or more FPGAs to split the processing between them. Large
amounts of data need to be transferred with low latency to sustain such a setup. Four
HSSDC2 jacks provide this functionality. Additionally, a flexible clocking interface
allows two boards to share MGT reference clocks. This can reduce the board-to-
board latency down to a few clock cycles.
The FPGA Board does not tackle the RF aspect of a wireless network. Its primary
goal is to provide the processing power to implement wireless algorithms. Thus
there is no analog conversion on the FPGA Board. The daughtercards that imple-
ment the RF chain have a digital interface to the FPGA on one end and antennas
on the other. This division of roles is ideal for a cognitive radio scenario as differ-
ent daughtercards orthogonal in frequency can be used by the same node, giving it
access to a much wider bandwidth.
The two Radio Boards currently in use operate in two different frequency ranges.
The first radio (Section 2.2.1) that operates in the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz ISM/UNII
bands. The second operates in frequencies from 2.3 GHz to 2.7 GHz, covering both
licensed (especially WiMAX) and unlicensed bands.
FPGA Daughtercard Interface
DAC Maxim PA
There are three chains from the daughtercard header to the radio: transmit, re-
ceive and control.
The transmit chain passes through a 16-bit dual input Analog Devices AD9777
digital-to-analog converter. The dual channel converters reduces imbalances be-
tween the real and imaginary chains of the transmitted signal. The MAX2829 also
includes adjustable baseband transmit filters.
The receive chain employs similar dual 14-bit analog-to-digital (AD9248) con-
verters. In order to fill the dynamic range of the received signal, the MAX2829
has two stages of signal amplification, at RF and at baseband. Both stages are con-
trolled by user designs in the FPGA, allowing flexible and fast automatic gain con-
trol (AGC).
The FPGA can control the various parameters of the radio, such as transmit chan-
nel and power, input and output filters, etc., via an SPI interface. This is a direct
connection between the transceiver and the host FPGA.
The RF front-end encompasses the power amplifier on the output and the antenna
switch that selects between the transmit and receive chain. Both are controlled by
the FPGA.
The second radio daughtercard has a similar structure but includes a highly inte-
grated RF transceiver. It is based around Analog Devices’ AD9352 chip. The block
diagram is shown in Figure 3.
FPGA Daughtercard Interface
Analog PA
Spartan-3AN Devices
tasks, the presence of the Spartan-3AN splits the processing load. Much of fine-
grained radio control can be handled by the local processor while the PowerPC in
the Virtex-4 can continue to perform MAC layer functionality.
The third part of the platform is the Backdoor Board. As mentioned, it serves two
primary purposes: (1) a dedicated control channel and (2) the control and monitoring
hub. The control channel problem can be addressed in many ways. One could add
an additional radio to the system and utilize the same band as the primary network
or use a dedicated control channel orthogonal to the experimental network itself.
WARPnet supports both, as up to four radios can be connected to the FPGA Board.
The Backdoor Board provides dedicated control channels that are also available
to the FPGA. Next, having the ability to control every board in a network from a
central server is important in scheduling experiments and observing network-level
performance. Physical access to the boards may be difficult in deployed networks
and hence remote reprogramming is an integral part of WARPnet. All the above
functionality is provided by the Backdoor Board.
The block diagram of the Backdoor Board is shown in Figure 4. There are two
main processors on the board each serving a different purpose. The first is a Linux
SoC, the Axis ETRAX 100LX, and the second is a Xilinx Spartan-3AN FPGA.
10/100 Virtex-4
Ethernet Axis Bus Generic I/O
Axis Etrax Interface Xilinx Spartan
USB Virtex-4
1.1 Reconfiguration
GPS Range
The design of the board is centered around an embedded Linux device server, the
Axis Etrax 100LX MCM4+16 [13]. This is a multi-chip module with four major
components: an Axis Etrax 100LX processor, 4 MB flash memory, 16 MB RAM
10 Siddharth Gupta, Patrick Murphy, Christopher Hunter and Ashutosh Sabharwal
Connecting the Axis Etrax chip to the main Virtex-4 on the FPGA Board is a Xil-
inx Spartan-3AN (XC3S700AN) FPGA [14]. This is a reconfigurable device with
plenty of logic blocks and embedded multipliers. Unlike the Virtex-series it has no
embedded processor but a soft processor (e.g. MicroBlaze) can be implemented us-
ing the Xilinx design flow. Since it is programmable, it is ideal for data translation. It
seamlessly interfaces the Etrax and Virtex-4 devices. Any data transfer from either
side is a simple bus transaction through the Spartan.
Other than the main backdoor links, this board also has a GPS receiver. This is
extremely useful for MAC layer algorithms as it can provide information such as
topology and precise globally-synchronized time. To perform scheduled access al-
gorithms all the nodes in the system need a common time reference. The GPS time
is accurate enough for this application [15]. This is also useful when the user is try-
ing to conduct large-scale experiments where events need to occur at certain precise
Remote Interfaces
Layers 3+
Now that we have described the hardware itself, it is important to understand how
all the pieces play together. Each WARPnet node consists of an FPGA Board, up to
four Radio Boards and a Backdoor Board. An example kit can be seen in Figure 6.
Backdoor Board
Radio Boards
As mentioned previously, the Radio Boards have a direct bus connection to the
FPGA. The physical layer design has access to this bus and hence to the data the ra-
dio produces. Using the received waveforms, the physical layer can do the baseband
processing, from the receive decimation filters to the decoding and demodulation.
Once complete, the MAC layer in the PowerPC can direct the data to the appropriate
interface. The Backdoor Board also has a direct connection to the FPGA. Custom
protocols implemented in the Spartan-3AN and the Virtex-4 are needed to maxi-
mally utilize the interface and share information between the Etrax processor and
the PowerPC.
Revisiting the hardware requirements for cognitive protocols, we have a highly
reconfigurable processor that is capable of implementing complex and novel phys-
ical and MAC layers. It has access to two different radio interfaces that can sense
both licensed and unlicensed spectrum. The presence of a dedicated control channel
completes the loop of cognitive radio to share information with other nodes.
Designing for the platform can be a daunting task with the number of devices
in the chain. However, some serve as translators to connect between processor do-
mains. The Spartan-3AN on the Backdoor Board connects the bus of the Etrax de-
vice and the FPGA PowerPC (each adhering to its own standard) by allowing each
to appear as a peripheral to the other. Similarly, the Spartan-3AN on the 2.5 GHz
Radio Board interfaces the radio’s digital interface with the Virtex-4. The radio has
a dual data rate bidirectional port for the receive and transmit waveforms. The Spar-
Cognitive Radio Platforms: Wireless Open-Access Research Platform for Networks 13
tan FPGA splits the data into four individual single data rate unidirectional buses.
This greatly simplifies user designs in the Virtex-4.
The three processors of interest are the FPGA logic, the PowerPC and the Etrax
SoC. The role of each device can be easily delineated based on the design environ-
ment, as illustrated in Figure 7. The FPGA with its high speed low-level hardware
logic is ideal for implementing physical layers. It can support extremely complex
designs in HDL while the Xilinx tools help with placement and routing. MAC lay-
ers are traditionally written in C/C++. Thus the PowerPCs in the FPGA, with direct
access to the physical layer in the FPGA fabric, can be utilized for MAC layer de-
sign. And the Etrax device, also programmed in C/C++, has hooks into the physical
and MAC layer and can therefore provide the functionality of the dedicated control
channel and the monitoring network.
Not every user has expertise in each of the above design environments but would
like to research protocols in only a particular area. To meet this demand, standard
physical and MAC layers have been provided and available online [12]. These en-
able quick iteration in a sub-field without having to recreate the entire system from
scratch for each new protocol.
Having looked at the hardware resources, we can see that there are plenty of re-
sources to implement a cognitive algorithm. The next issue to consider is in-system
validation. How do these algorithms behave once they are in a large network with
several nodes interacting? Will the addition of a once-per-second control packet
severely affect performance in another region of the network?
14 Siddharth Gupta, Patrick Murphy, Christopher Hunter and Ashutosh Sabharwal
Control PowerPC
To WARPnet PLB46
Glue Logic Wireless MAC
Backdoor Board
Interrupt Wireless PHY
Dual Port Block RAM Other Cores
with the Virtex-4 FPGA; but instead take control of power circuits on the FPGA
Board itself.
The capacity of the control channel will depend on the interface used and the
size of the network deployed. If the nodes are connected with wired Ethernet, the
control information can be sent as often as Ethernet can support, while if using the
900 MHz radio the data is limited to 115200 Kbps.
Building on the control framework, we can also gather data from each node in a
large system. The Etrax device can pull data out of the shared memory interface
and send it to the central controller. For example at a low level, AGC gain values
for every receive packet can be extracted to reveal channel variations. At a higher
level, users can collect the total good and bad packets counts received at every node.
Observations relating to node state, such as GPS location, are also accessible by the
central controller.
Just like control information, the observations are limited by the scale and nature
of the deployed network. If the Backdoor Boards are wired together with Ethernet,
receiving packet-level data is feasible. For slower interfaces the user is restricted to
long-term statistics.
Even though some observations would be useful to receive in real-time, most
can be analyzed at the conclusion of the experiment. Thus each node is equipped
to store data locally. A hard drive can also be connected to each board using a
standard SATA interface, so if the user wishes to collect packet traces, representative
channels or actual received samples, these can be stored on the external drive. Once
an experiment is complete, the data can be streamed back over the backdoor network
or the hard drives can be gathered at a later date.
16 Siddharth Gupta, Patrick Murphy, Christopher Hunter and Ashutosh Sabharwal
Controlling an existing algorithm and collecting performance data can point to lim-
itations or bugs in the algorithm. As the goal of the platform is to allow users to
experiment with new technologies, implementations will rarely be perfect. Hence
iterating on user designs needs to be made part of the monitoring network. For this
purpose the platform builds in a methodology to reprogram nodes in a network from
the central location without the need to physically access every board.
The Etrax device has control of the slave serial reconfiguration input for the
Virtex-4 FPGA. The Etrax streams the received bitstream to the FPGA configuration
port. Alternatively, the bitstream can be stored on the CompactFlash card connected
to the FPGA. This allows the FPGA to be restarted from that bitstream at any time.
The process of remotely reprogramming the nodes is similar to what is used in
some sensor networks [16, 17]. Both the 900 MHz radio and Wi-Fi support multi-
hopping, which eases the reprogramming of entire networks.
Often one data point on the failure of an algorithm is not enough to pinpoint its
cause. Several experiments with varied topologies and system settings must be run
to determine the cause. After every experiment the data must be collated and an-
alyzed. This can be automated, and the framework builds in the ability to manage
and schedule large experiments that cycle through system parameters. This allows
for checking corner cases and behavior not anticipated during the design.
The framework can execute experiments on a per-node basis. The parameters for
every node as well as the traffic patterns can be adjusted prior to the start of the ex-
periment. The GPS provides an accurate time-basis for the nodes to start executing
their particular function and run for as long as required. Finally, traffic traces, errors,
system performance numbers and other data can be collected by the central node on
completion. This can be repeated for various patterns and parameters.
In this section, we show how the WARPnet architecture enables rapid prototyping
of clean-slate cognitive network protocols. Due to space limitations, only a basic
form of dynamic spectrum access is demonstrated, where nodes coordinate to im-
prove performance. Further results from extensive experimentation will be reported
Cognitive Radio Platforms: Wireless Open-Access Research Platform for Networks 17
Let us consider a scenario with licensed and unlicensed users. The primary licensed
users have the rights to and hence priority in the frequency bands. Such networks are
generally legacy systems that do not expect other users to exist in the network and
therefore have no active avoidance mechanisms. The secondary unlicensed users, on
the other hand, is trying to “steal” as much bandwidth as possible without affecting
the primary links. Unlike the primary, they are intelligent and spectrum aware, with
all the abilities discussed above.
In this particular example, the secondary network is a two node link attempting
to communicate at a constant traffic rate. Examples of such a scenario could be
streaming audio or video, etc. The nodes must pick a channel that can sustain their
rate as well as avoid interfering with the primary flow. In addition to a wireless
stack, each node has a dedicated control channel available to it. The problem of just
picking a wireless channel is simplistic but can be easily extended to considerably
more complex cognitive protocols.
The solution we implement uses the FPGA and PowerPC for the custom wireless
link built with physical and MAC layers, and the Backdoor interfaces to coordinate
on selecting the best channel (Figure 9).
There are three main pieces of the implementation to consider: physical layer, MAC
layer and cognitive protocol.
The physical layer on the boards is a custom 64-subcarrier OFDM system. As
mentioned in the hardware description of WARPnet, the Virtex-4 FPGA has direct
access to the digital waveforms from the radio. Hence, all the blocks of the OFDM
algorithm are implemented in the FPGA: packet detection, automatic gain control,
decimation, FFT and demodulation. This real-time implementation is developed for
a random access system. The packet detector and automatic gain control blocks
are needed to allow the node to receive packets from any transmitter, near or far.
The physical layer has a large packet buffer as the interface to the MAC layer. As
each received packet is processed, it is stored and the MAC layer is notified of its
presence. Finally, to simplify the link to the MAC layer, there are PowerPC drivers
that can access all the parameters of the physical layer.
The MAC layer implementation largely resides in the PowerPC of the FPGA.
It is a carrier-sense, collision avoidance medium access protocol. The nodes are in
wired-to-wireless mode; they forward any data received over the air to Ethernet and
vice-versa. Hence the MAC does not have to interface with any higher layers but
instead determine ideal times for transmission and copy data to the Ethernet.
For efficient cognitive protocol performance, the parameters of the system that
cause a secondary user to modify its behavior must be determined. We can take
advantage of the fact that the nodes are sending data at a constant rate. As the rate
18 Siddharth Gupta, Patrick Murphy, Christopher Hunter and Ashutosh Sabharwal
Data Link
MAC Layer Cognitive
Physical Layer Protocol
is fixed, the expected number of packets over the link can be determined. Hence
one metric for link failure is if the achieved throughput falls too low. As the goal is
to pick the best channel, knowing the quality of the alternate channel is important.
Therefore, the received signal strength of alternate channels is tracked. This is a
good measure of the utilization of the frequency. These two metrics must then be
used to decide whether the link must switch its frequency.
To provide the sensing functionality, there is one major addition to the physical
layer. A second radio interface is enabled to monitor other channels on the network.
For this example, if the primary interface is using channel 3 for data transmission,
the second interface will monitor channel 9. This is the first key trait of cognitive
radio: sensing the environment. Therefore, a custom core is added to the physical
layer in the FPGA that averages the received signal strength (RSSI) of the alternate
channel over one second. The packet throughput data is available at the MAC layer
and this is stored in the memory shared with the Backdoor Board.
The cognitive protocol itself is implemented on the Backdoor Board as a user
application that makes a decision on link performance. The real-time link data (good
and bad packets received) is captured from the MAC layer and average RSSI values
are read from the physical layer. If the number of received good packets is above
a threshold, the channel is good and no change is needed. However, if less than a
certain number of good packets are received there is possibility that the primary user
is transmitting and affecting the secondary throughput. But the secondary link can
switch to the alternate channel only if it is under-utilized. The averaged RSSI value
gives the protocol this information. Again if that is below a threshold, the alternate
channel is good and node can switch. This is the second key trait of cognitive radio:
adapting to changing conditions.
Once it has been determined that the alternate channel is better that the current
one, the transmitter must be notified. Using the backdoor interface, the new channel
value is communicated to the transmitter and both nodes can switch the frequency
channel. This illustrates cognitive radio’s last trait: sharing local information with
other nodes.
Cognitive Radio Platforms: Wireless Open-Access Research Platform for Networks 19
Frequency 3 9
Fig. 10 Spectrogram of Channel Usage During Cognitive Experiment
5 Conclusion
In this chapter we showcased a wireless prototyping platform that not only meets
the needs of cognitive radio but provides all the features required of large-scale de-
ployed experimental networks. We noted the differences between traditional wire-
less and cognitive radio networks, identifying specific features that the cognitive
platform must provide. We described the hardware platform itself and the design
flows for building experiments. Finally, we implemented a basic cognitive protocol
on the hardware in order to demonstrate the full capabilities of the platform.