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At the end of this unit , the student is expected to be able to :

1- Understand the fundamentals of gravimetric analysis .
2- Follow the steps of the gravimetric analysis.
3- Choose the appropriate precipitating agent for a certain analyte .
4- Avoid or at least minimize the contamination of the precipitate .
5- Optimize the precipitation conditions in order to obtain a desirable precipitate .
6- Do all sorts of calculations related to gravimetric analysis .
Unit 14
Last update : 1/5/2014 GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS Subjects

Gravimetric methods are quantitative methods that are based on measuring the mass of a
pure compound to which the analyte is chemically related. Since weight can be measured
with greater accuracy than almost any other fundamental property, gravimetric analysis is
potentially one of the most accurate classes of analytical methods . However it is lengthy
and tedious as a result, only a very few gravimetric methods are currently used . There are
three fundamental types of gravimetric analysis . In precipitation gravimetry, which is
our subject in this unit , the analyte is separated from a solution of the sample as a
precipitate and is converted to a compound of known composition that can be weighed .
In volatilization gravimetry, the analyte is separated from other constituents of a sample
by conversion to a gas . The weight of this gas then serves as a measure of the analyte
concentration . In electrogravimetry, the analyte is separated by deposition on an
electrode by an electrical current. The mass of this product then provides a measure of the
analyte concentration.
Unit 14
Last update : 1/5/2014 GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS Subjects

What Is Gravimetric Analysis

In precipitation gravimetry, the analyte is converted to a
sparingly soluble precipitate. This precipitate is then
filtered, washed free of impurities, converted to a product
of known composition by suitable heat treatment, and
weighed. For example, a precipitation method for
determining calcium in natural waters involves the
addition of C2O42- as a precipitating agent :
Ca2+ (aq) + C2O42- (aq) → CaC2O4 (s)
The precipitate CaC2O4 is filtered, then dried and ignited
to convert it entirely to calcium oxide:
CaC2O4 (s) → CaO (s) + CO (g) + CO2(g) VIDEO VIDEO
After cooling, the precipitate is weighed, and the calcium You Tube My Channel
content of the sample is then computed.
Unit 14
Last update : 1/5/2014 GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS Subjects

Steps In Gravimetric Analysis

The steps required in gravimetric analysis, after the sample has been dissolved, can be
summarized as follows: preparation of the solution , precipitation , digestion, filtration
, washing , drying or igniting , weighing and finally calculation .
1. Preparation of the Solution: This may involve several steps including adjustment of the
pH of the solution in order for the precipitate to occur quantitatively and get a precipitate
of desired properties, removing interferences …etc.
2. Precipitation: This requires addition of a precipitating agent solution to the sample
solution. Upon addition of the first drops of the precipitating agent, supersaturation
occurs, then nucleation starts to occur where every few molecules of precipitate
aggregate together forming a nucleus. At this point, addition of extra precipitating agent
will either form new nuclei ( precipitate with small particles ) or will build up on existing
nuclei to give a precipitate with large particles .
3. . This can be predicted by Von Weimarn ratio where, according to this relation the
Unit 14
Last update : 1/5/2014 GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS Subjects

Steps in a Gravimetric Analysis

particle size is inversely proportional to a quantity called the relative supersaturation where
Relative Supersaturation = (Q – S) / S
The Q is the concentration of reactants before precipitation at any point , S is the solubility of
precipitate in the medium from which it is being precipitated. Therefore, in order to get
particle growth instead of further nucleation ( i.e granular precipitate and then low surface area
) we need to make the relative supersaturation ratio as small as possible. In other words
conditions need to be adjusted such that Q will be as low as possible and S will be relatively
large. The optimum conditions for precipitation which make the supersaturation low are:
a. Precipitation using dilute solutions to decrease Q
b. Slow addition of precipitating agent to keep Q as low as possible
c. Stirring the solution during addition of precipitating agent to avoid concentration sites
and keep Q low .
Unit 14
Last update : 1/5/2014 GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS Subjects

Steps in a Gravimetric Analysis

d. Increase solubility S by precipitation from hot solution .

e. Adjust the pH in order to increase S but not too much increase as we do not want to
loose precipitate by dissolution .
f. Precipitation from Homogeneous Solution: In order to make Q minimum we can, in
some situations, generate the precipitating agent in the precipitation medium rather
than adding it. For example, in order to precipitate iron as the hydroxide, we dissolve
urea in the sample. Heating of the solution generates hydroxide ions from the
hydrolysis of urea. Hydroxide ions are generated at all points in solution and thus
there are no sites of concentration. We can also adjust the rate of urea hydrolysis and
thus control the hydroxide generation rate. This type of procedure can be very
advantageous in case of colloidal precipitates.
Unit 14
Last update : 1/5/2014 GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS Subjects

Steps in a Gravimetric Analysis

3- Digestion of the Precipitate: The precipitate is

left hot (below boiling) for 30 min to 1 hour in
order for the particles to be digested. Digestion
involves dissolution of small particles and
reprecipitation on larger ones resulting in particle
growth and better precipitate characteristics. This
process is called Ostwald ripening. An important
advantage of digestion is observed for colloidal
precipitates where large amounts of adsorbed ions
cover the huge area of the precipitate. Digestion
forces the small colloidal particles to agglomerate
which decreases their surface area and thus
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Unit 14
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Steps in a Gravimetric Analysis

The precipitate often contains ions that where trapped when the precipitate was formed.
This is mostly a problem for crystalline precipitates. If the trapped ions are not volatile,
then their presence will corrupt the weighing step. Concentration of interfering species
may be reduced by digestion. Unfortunately , postprecipitation as we will see later will
increase during digestion .
4-Washing and Filtering
Problems with surface adsorption may be reduced by careful washing of the
precipitate. With some precipitates, peptization occurs during washing. Each particle of
the precipitate has two layers , in primary layer certain ions are adsorbed and in the outer
layer other ions of opposite charge are adsorbed . This situation makes the precipitate
settle down . If the outer layer ions are removed then all the particles will have the same
charge so the particles will be dissonant . This is called peptization .
Unit 14
Last update : 1/5/2014 GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS Subjects

Steps in a Gravimetric Analysis

This results in the loss of part of the precipitate because the colloidal
form may pass through on filtration. , in case of colloidal precipitates we
should not use water as a washing solution since peptization would occur. In
such situations dilute volatile electrolyte such as nitric acid, ammonium
nitrate, or dilute acetic acid may be used.
Usually, it is a good practice to check for the presence of precipitating agent
in the filtrate of the final washing solution. The presence of precipitating
agent means that extra washing is required. Filtration should be done in
appropriate sized Goosh or ignition ashless filter paper. After the solution has
been filtered, it should be tested to make sure that the analyte has been
completely precipitated. This is easily done by adding a few drops of the
precipitating reagent to the filtrate ; if a precipitate is observed, the
precipitation is incomplete.
Unit 14
Last update : 1/5/2014 GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS Subjects

Steps in a Gravimetric Analysis

The common ion effect can be used to reduce the solubility of the precipitate. When Ag+
is precipitated out by addition of Cl-
Ag+ + Cl- → AgCl (s)
The (low) solubility of AgCl is reduced still further by the excess of Ag+ which is added,
pushing the equilibrium to the right . It important to know that the excess of the
precipitating agent should not exceed 50% of its equivalent amount , otherwise the
precipitating agent may form a soluble complex with the precipitate :
AgCl + Cl- → AgCl2- ( soluble complex )
The following graph shows that most precipitates follow this pattern, but there are some
anomalies such as Hg2I and BaSO4 .
Unit 14
Last update : 1/5/2014 GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS Subjects

Steps in a Gravimetric Analysis

Example : To precipitate 10 moles of Ag+ as
Ag2S , how many moles of the precipitating
agent S2- do you need to obtain complete
precipitation ?

Solution : According to the following

precipitation reaction :
2Ag+ + S2- → Ag2S
The equivalent amount of S2- = 5 moles .
50% of the equivalent amount = 2.5 moles
So the total amount of S2- needed for complete
precipitation of Ag+ = 5 + 2.5 = 7.5 moles
Unit 14
Last update : 1/5/2014 GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS Subjects

Steps in a Gravimetric Analysis

5- Drying and Ignition: The purpose of drying (heating at about 120-150 oC in an oven) is to
remove the remaining moisture while the purpose of ignition in a muffle furnace at
temperatures ranging from 600-1200 oC is to get a material with exactly known chemical
structure so that the amount of analyte can be accurately determined . The precipitate is
converted to a more chemically stable form. For instance, calcium ion might be precipitated
using oxalate ion, to produce calcium oxalate (CaC2O4) which is hydrophil , therefore it is
better to be heated to convert it into CaCO3 or CaO . The CaCO3 formula is preferred to
reduce weighing errors as mentioned in previous lectures .
Unit 14
Last update : 1/5/2014 GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS Subjects

Steps in a Gravimetric Analysis

It is vital that the empirical formula of the

weighed precipitate be known, and that the
precipitate be pure; if two forms are present, the
results will be inaccurate.
6-Weighing the precipitate : The precipitate
can not be weighed with the necessary accuracy
in place on the filter paper; nor can the
precipitate be completely removed from the You Tube
filter paper in order to weigh it. http://www.youtube.com/watc
Unit 14
Last update : 1/5/2014 GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS Subjects

Steps in a Gravimetric Analysis

The precipitate can be carefully heated in a crucible until the filter paper has burned
away; this leaves only the precipitate. (As the name suggests, "ashless" paper is
used so that the precipitate is not contaminated with ash.) . If you use Goosh
crucible then after the precipitate is allowed to cool (preferably in a desicator to
keep it from absorbing moisture), it is weighed (in the crucible).
Unit 14
Last update : 1/5/2014 GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS Subjects

Steps in a Gravimetric Analysis

The mass of the crucible is subtracted from

the combined mass, giving the mass of the
precipitated analyte. Since the composition of
the precipitate is known, it is simple to
calculate the mass of analyte in the original

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Unit 14
Last update : 1/5/2014 GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS Subjects

Impurities in Precipitates
Impurities in Precipitates No discussion of gravimetric analysis would be complete
without some discussion of the impurities which may be present in the precipitates.
There are two typs of impurities :
a. Coprecipitation
This is anything unwanted which precipitates with the analyte during precipitation .
Coprecipitation occurs to some degree in every gravimetric analysis (especially
barium sulfate and those involving hydrous oxides). You cannot avoid it all what you
can do is minimize it by careful precipitation and thorough washing :
1- Surface adsorption
Here unwanted material is adsorbed onto the surface of the precipitate. Digestion of a
precipitate reduces the amount of surface area and hence the area available for surface
adsorption. Washing can also remove surface material.
Unit 14
Last update : 1/5/2014 GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS Subjects

Impurities in Precipitates

2- Occlusion
This is a type of coprecipitation in which impurities are trapped within the growing crystal.
And can be reduced by digestion and reprecipitation .
b. Postprecipitation
Sometimes a precipitate standing in contact with the mother liquor becomes contaminated
by the precipitation of an impurity on top of the desired precipitate .To reduce
postprecipitation filter as soon as the precipitation is complete and avoid digestion .
Unit 14
Last update : 1/5/2014 GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS Subjects

Precipitating Agents

Precipitating Agents :
Ideally a gravimetric precipitating agent should react specifically or at least
selectively with the analyte. Specific reagents which are rare, react only with a
single chemical species. Selective reagents which are more common, react with
a limited number of species. In addition to specificity and selectivity, the ideal
precipitating reagent would react with analyte to give a precipitate that has the
preferred requirements which have been previously discussed.
Inorganic precipitating agents :
The inorganic precipitants e.g. S2- , CO32- , PO43- …etc are usually not
compared to the organic precipitants but it give precipitates with well known
formula .
Unit 14
Last update : 1/5/2014 GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS Subjects

Precipitating Agents

Organic precipitating agents :

The organic precipitants such as dimethglyoxime and 8-hydroxyquinoline are
more selective than inorganic precipitants . They produce with the analyte less
soluble precipitate ( small Ksp ) . They also have high molecular weight so that
the weighing error is redued . The disadvantage of organic precipitants is that
they usually form with the analyte a precipitate of unknown formula , therefore
the precipitate is burned to the metal oxide .
Unit 14
Last update : 1/5/2014 GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS Subjects

Calculations in Gravimetric Analysis

Calculation of Results from Gravimetric Data :
The results of a gravimetric analysis are generally computed from two experimental
measurements : the weight of sample and the weight of a known composition precipitate
.The precipitate we weigh is usually in a different form than the analyte whose weight we
wish to find . The principles of converting the weight of one substance to that of another
depend on using the stoichiometric mole relationships. We introduced the gravimetric
factor(GF), which represents the weight of analyte per unit weight of precipitate. It is
obtained from the ratio of the formula weight of the analyte to that of the precipitate,
multiplied by the moles of analyte per mole of precipitate obtained from each mole of
analyte, that is,
mw of analyte ( g / mole ) g analyte
GF  X R
mw of precipitate ( g / mole ) g precipitate
Where R is the number of moles of analyte in one mole of precipitate
Unit 14
Last update : 1/5/2014 GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS Subjects

Calculations in Gravimetric Analysis

Example : Calculate GF for the

conversions in the table on your right :
Solution : No. Analyte mw or aw precipitate mw
(1) GF  X 1  0.074 1 p 31 Ag3po4 419
174 2 K2HPO4 174 Ag3PO4 419
( 2) GF  X 1  0.415
419 3 Bi2S3 514 BaSO4 233.4
514 1
(3) GF  X  0.734 4 Al 27 Al2S3 150
233.4 3
( 4) GF  X 2  0.54
Unit 14
Last update : 1/5/2014 GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS Subjects

Calculations in Gravimetric Analysis

In gravimetric analysis, we are generally interested in the

percent composition by weight of the analyte in the sample,
that is,

weight of analyte ( g )
% analyte  X 100
weight of sample ( g )

We obtain the weight of analyte from the weight of the VIDEO

precipitate and the corresponding weight/mole You Tube
Unit 14
Last update : 1/5/2014 GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS Subjects

Calculations in Gravimetric Analysis

Weight of analyte ( g )  weight of precipitate ( g ) X GF

We can write a general formula for calculating the percentage composition of

the analyte :

weight of precipitate ( g ) X GF ( g analyte / g precipitate )

% analyte  X 100
weight of sample ( g )
Unit 14
Last update : 1/5/2014 GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS Subjects

Calculations in Gravimetric Analysis

Example : A 0.5962 g sample of iron ore is dissolved in perchloric acid (HClO4). All iron
present is oxidized to Fe3+. The solution is filtered to remove solid matrix materials and made
basic with addition of ammonium hydroxide. The iron precipitates as the Fe(OH)3 .xH2O gel.
The precipitate is collected in a cistern crucible and ignited to produce Fe2O3. What is the wt.
% of iron in the sample if the analysis produced 0.3210 g Fe2O3?
Solution : The overall reaction is :
2 Fe3+ + 3 OH- → Fe2O3 + 3/2 H2
From this we derive the gravimetric factor relating weight of final material to the weight of
iron analyte :
Unit 14
Last update : 1/5/2014 GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS Subjects

Calculations in Gravimetric Analysis

mw of analyte
gravimetric factor  X no. of moles of analyte in one mole of ppt.
mw of ppt.
 X 2  0.6995
Weight of iron  Weight of ppt. X gravimetric factor
 0.3210 X 0.6995  0.2245 g
% iron in the ore  X 100  37.66

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Unit 14
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Calculations in Gravimetric Analysis

Example : A certain barium halide exists as the

hydrated salt BaX2.2H2O . where X is the
halogen. The barium content of the salt can be
determined by gravimetric methods. A sample of
the halide (0.2650 g) was dissolved in water (200
mL) and excess sulfuric acid added. The mixture
was then heated and held at boiling for 45
minutes. The precipitate (barium sulfate , mw =
233.3) was filtered off, washed and dried. Mass
of precipitate obtained = 0.2533 g. Determine the VIDEO VIDEO
identity of X. You Tube My Channel
Unit 14
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Calculations in Gravimetric Analysis

Solution : The precipitate is barium sulfate . The first stage is om/watch?v=5hkBYzu
to determine the number of moles of barium sulfate MqWQ#t=24
produced, this will, in turn give us the number of moles of
barium in the original sample.
Number of moles of Ba = Wt. of BaSO4 ppt. / mw of BaSO4
= 0.2533 / 233.3 = 1.09 x 10 -3
This is the number of moles of barium present in the
precipitate and, therefore, the number of moles of barium
in the original sample. Given the formula of the halide,
(i.e. it contains one barium per formula unit), this must
also be the number of moles of the halide. From this
information we can deduce the relative molecular mass of
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the original halide salt :
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Calculations in Gravimetric Analysis

mw of BaCl2 . 2H2O = wt. of BaCl2.2H2O / no. of moles of Ba in BaCl2.2H2O

= 0.2650 / 1.09 X 10-3 = 244.18
Atomic wt. of Ba + 2 X mw of H2O = 137.327 + 2 X 18
= 173.327
aw of 2X = 244.18 – 173.327 = 70.85
aw of X = 70.85 / 2 = 34.43

The atomic weight ( am ) of chlorine is 35.45

which is in good agreement with the result
obtained and hence the halide salt is hydrated
barium chloride and X = Chlorine .
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Unit 14
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Calculations in Gravimetric Analysis

Example : You have 10 mL of 0.1 M solution of S2- and you want to precipitate S2- as
Ag2S . Calculate the volume of 0.2 M solution of Ag+ which must be added to achieve
complete precipitation ?
Solution :
2 Ag+ + S2- ↔ Ag2S
mmoles S2- = 10 X 0.1 = 1
mmoles Ag+ ( equivalent ) = mmoles S2- X 2/1 =1X 2/1= 2
mmoles Ag+ required for complete precipitation = mmoles Ag+ ( equivalent ) + 50% of 2 mmole
= 2 + 1 = 3
mmoles Ag+ = M X Vol. (mL)
3 = 0.2 X Vol. (mL)
Vol. (mL) = 3 / 0.2 = 15 mL
Unit 14
Last update : 1/5/2014 GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS Subjects

Evaluation of Gravimetric Analysis

Gravimetric analysis, if methods are followed carefully, provides for exceedingly precise
analysis. In fact, gravimetric analysis was used to determine the atomic masses of many
elements to six figure accuracy. Gravimetry provides very little room for instrumental
error and does not require a series of standards for calculation of an unknown. Also,
methods often do not require expensive equipment. Gravimetric analysis, due to its high
degree of accuracy, when performed correctly, can also be used to calibrate other
instruments in place of reference standards . However , the long time needed for the
analysis makes it tedious and time consuming for this reason , the volumetric analysis
starts to overshadow gravimetry that is why we did not discuss gravimetry in more
details . Gravimetric methods have been developed for most inorganic anions and
cations, as well as for such neutral species as water, sulfurdioxide, carbon dioxide, and
iudine. A variety of organic substances can also be easily determined gravimetrically.
Unit 14
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Evaluation of Gravimwtric Analysis

Examples include lactose inmilk products, salkylates in drug preparations,

phenolphthalein inlaxatives, nicotine in pesticides, cholesterol in cereals, and benz-
aldehyde in almond extracts.
Unit 14
Last update : 1/5/2014 GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS Subjects


In this unit we investigated the fundamentals of and the main steps in gravimetric
analysis . We also discussed the optimal conditions that produce an easily filtered and
pure precipitate . The precipitating agents have been briefly studied . The calculations
of gravimetric analysis are investigated in details with help of solved examples and
tutorial exercises . We tried to provide the student with some videos and graphs to help
him understand the main aspects of gravimetric analysis .
Last update : 1/1/2016 GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS
Exercise 1 : A 0.4960 g sample of a CaCO3 ( mw = 100) is dissolved in an acidic solution.
The calcium is precipitated as CaC2O4. H2O (mw = 146 ) and the dry precipitate is found to
weigh 0.6186 g. What is the percentage of CaO ( mw = 56 ) in the sample?
Your answer :

Our answer
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Answer 1 :
Wt. CaO = Wt. of precipitate X ( mw of CaO / mw of CaC2O4.HO ) X 1
= 0.6186 X ( 56 / 146 ) X 1 = 0.237
% CaO = ( wt. CaO / wt. sample ) X 100 = ( 0.237 / 0.4960 ) X 100 = 47.78
Exercise 2 : 0.8 g sample contains sulfur S ( aw = 32 ) has been dissolved . The sulfur is
precipitated as BaSO4 ( mw = 233 ) . If the weight of the precipitate is 0.3 g calculate the
percentage of sulfur in the sample ?

Your answer :

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Answer 2 :
Exercise 3 : 644 mg of a sample contains Mg ( aw = 24 ) has been dissolved in water .
The magnesium content of the sample is precipitated as MgNH4PO4.6H2O and ignited
and weighed as Mg2P2O7 ( mw = 222 ) . If this weight is 290 mg , calculate the
percentage of Mg in the sample ?
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Answer 3 :
Exercise 4 : The silver content of 20 mL 0.1 M of Ag+ solution is precipitated as Ag2S
using 0.05 M solution of S2- according to the following complete reaction :
2 Ag+ + S2-  Ag2S
Calculate the volume of S2- solution that is required for complete precipitation of Ag+ ?

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Answer 4 : 2 Ag+ + S2- ↔ Ag2S

20 ml 0 .1M = 2 mmoles Ag+- which is equivalent to 0ne mmole S2-
For the precipitation to be complete we should add excess of the precipitating agent ( S2-)
equal to 50% of its equivalent amount i.e.( 0ne mole + 0.5 mole ) of S2- . That means the
total amount of S2 which has to be added equal to 1.5 mole :
no. of mmoles
M 
1.5 mmoles
0.O5 
1.5 mmoles
VmL   30 mL

Exercise 5 : The aluminum ( aw = 27) content of a 5 g sample is determined gravimetricaly

by precipitating the aluminum as Al2S3 ( mw = 150 ) . If the weight of the precipitate is 0.5
g , calculate the percentage of aluminum in the sample ?
Your answer :

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Answer 5 :
Exercise 6 : Calculate the weight of Mn ( aw = 55 ) in 2.5 g of Mn3O4 ( mw = 229 ) ?

Your answer :

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Answer 6 :
Exercise 7 : For the determination of Zn ( aw = 65 ) gravimetricaly in a sample it is
precipitated and weighed as Zn2Fe(CN)6 ( mw = 342 ) . (1) Calculate the weight of Zn in
a sample which gives 0.35 g precipitate . (2) Calculate the weight of the precipitate which
can be produced by a sample containing 0.5 g Zn ?

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Answer 7 :
GF  X 2  0.380
(1) Wt. of Zn  0.380 X 0.35  0.133 g

(2) wt. of Zn  0.5  0.380 X wt. of precipitat e

wt. of precipitate  1.316 g
Exercise 8 : 0.4 g of an impure reagent of KCl ( mw = 74.5 ) is dissolved and an excess of
AgNO3 solution is added . As a result of this 0.7332 g of AgCl ( mw = 143.5 ) precipitate
is formed . Calculate the percentage purity of KCl reagent ?
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Answer 8 :
Exercise 9 : 0.1799 g of an organic compound is burned in O2 atmosphere . The CO2
produced is collected in Ba(OH)2 solution where 0.5613 g of BaCO3 ( mw = 197 ) is
precipitated . Calculate the percentage of carbon in the organic compound ?
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Answer 9 :
Exercise 10 : Calculate the weight of AgI ( mw = 235 ) that can be precipitated from
0.24 g of a sample of MgI2 ( mw = 258 ) which has a purity of 30.6 %w/w ?
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Answer 10 :
Exercise 11 : Calculate the molar concentration of 25 mL of a solution of AgNO3 that
required to completely precipitate SCN- as AgSCN from 0.2124 g of KSCN ( mw =
89 ) ?
Your answer :

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Answer 11 :
Last update : 1/1/2016 GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS
Exercise 12 : 1.204 g of tablet containing saccharin C7H7NO3S is dissolved and the
sulphur content is oxidized to SO42- . Excess Ba(NO3)2 solution is added and the formed
BaSO4 precipitate weighed 0.5341 g .Calculate the percentage of saccharin in the tablets ?
Your answer :

Our answer
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Answer 12 : See this


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