Benchmark Report 2021 For Freelancers
Benchmark Report 2021 For Freelancers
Benchmark Report 2021 For Freelancers
Report 2021
Big picture 2020....................................... 11
Pricing .....................................................15
Over the years, we’ve heard from many of you that as you’re And with that, we’re proud to share our first ever global survey of
working and growing on your own, you want to learn more about freelancers and agencies, brought to you by Mailchimp & Co.
what others are doing and how they’re finding success. That We’ll follow up with publications where we get into more detailed
sparked this initiative to gather and share our report on the most analysis, as well as information on members-only special events.
important insights of the past year.
And, don’t forget to join Mailchimp & Co—for free—if you
And what a year. None of us could have predicted the tectonic haven’t already.
changes we experienced throughout 2020. From speaking with
many of you directly, I know there were many highs and lows last Please enjoy the study, and again, thank you.
year, and it wasn’t “business as usual” for anyone.
Of everything I’ve observed, the stories that are most amazing to Sean Cook
me are those of resilience and perseverance, innovation and Vice President of Partner Marketing
adaptation. Mailchimp
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Who When we started thinking about
this survey, one of our first
We had
respondents, including
1,382 agencies and
623 freelancers from
44 countries.
“marketing.˝ The rest are positioning themselves as specialists, which can help
freelancers carve out their own niches, stand out from the crowd, charge more
for their expertise, and ultimately increase their earning potential. Below are the
words that came up most often when we asked you to describe your business.
WITH Join Mailchimp & Co
Of note: For many, 2020 Of note: Many say they’re carrying more debt,
provided a nudge to rethink and that it may impact their business decisions
and revitalize how they work, for some time to come.
and they think this will pay big
dividends for years to come.
Pro tip: Make this the year you help someone out,
or ask for help. There’s strength in numbers. (A big
reason we created Mailchimp & Co, by the way!)
Best year
28 %
37 %
around 1 in 5 losing more than a quarter of their
12 %
became opportunities to revamp their service
offering, type of clients, new business strategy, and
ways of working.
Finally—and maybe most surprisingly—there was We struggled Our toughest
some good news across the industry: 45% of a bit year ever
freelancers actually saw revenue increase in
Hourly rates:
fixed or variable?
Agree to scope of work
up front, attaching a fixed fee
Break the project down
into milestones, billing as
each one is reached
Agree to a fixed fee, which
is calculated solely based 29%
on value to the client
Get paid based on usage 4%
of products or services
A lot of things can affect pricing: WITHIN NORTH AMERICA OUTSIDE NORTH AMERICA
your service offering, the number
of years you’ve been operating,
or where you’re located, to name $150 – Top 10% $121 – Top 10%
just a few.
Yes—within 10 years 2%
No 28%
1 2 3 4
See what’s Review your Get more from Increase
profitable (and pricing your existing your capacity
what’s not) Your costs go up every year; clients You don’t need to hire people to
your pricing should, too. For a increase your capacity. There’s
Profits aren’t derived evenly Make sure you have a plan for
step-change in your pricing an army of talented freelancers
across all the work that you do. your key clients and set revenue
(and profitability), you’ll need to out there that you can call
It’s really important to understand targets. Once you’ve established
sell value, not time. Show your on to work with you on key
where you make money (and a relationship on one part of their
clients that you truly understand projects. When doing this, make
where you lose it), so you can business, see if you can expand
their needs, and that you can sure you add an appropriate
make more informed decisions into others. Find new ways to
deliver solutions nobody else margin for the time you’ll spend
about what to take on and what learn more about their challenges
can. That’s what your clients communicating with everyone
to avoid. Which clients and and demonstrate that you can
value, and what they’ll pay involved and managing the
projects are the most profitable? help solve them. Got a great
more for. project for the client.
What do you want more of idea? Pitch it to them, just as
in 2021? you would with a new business
Weekly/fixed schedule 3%
Scroll down for some
great tips to help you
get paid quicker.
together some tips to
help you make it happen
with your clients.
1 2 3
Open with Set up for success Take a phased
openness If you need a deposit to get started,
make sure to let your client know it’s not
Be candid about your terms in just necessary, but actually the fastest Avoid scheduling a large payment for the
proposals and pitch docs. Getting way to get your resources allocated. Try very end of the project. Link your payments
clarity from the start will go a long way to avoid saying it’s just your policy, so to key project milestones and invoice
in defining your relationship. that clients don’t feel overly pressured. regularly throughout the process. It keeps
your business more liquid but also avoids
end-of-project sticker shock.
4 5
Find allies in Be systematic
accounting Make sure to review your receivables at
least once a week and schedule time to
Especially with larger clients, your invoices make check-in calls if necessary. If you’re
can unfortunately get lost in the shuffle one of those people who’s not comfortable
sometimes. If you can, build a relationship making calls like this, is there someone on
with someone in accounting so you can your team who could help?
check in if an invoice or expense report
seems to be stuck in the system.
0% 55%
1–20% 28%
21–40% 5%
41–60% 4%
61–80% 3%
29% 15% 14% 15% 14% 13%
0% 1-20% 21-40% 41-60% 61-80% 81-100% 81–100% 5%
0–20% 25%
21–40% 33%
41–60% 22%
61–80% 13%
81–100% 7%
5% 67% 20% 8%
For most freelancers, there are definitely lots
1 2–5 6–10 11+ of advantages to having a single flagship
client. But if that client represents more than
20% of your billables, there are potential risks,
AT ANY POINT IN TIME? too. Read on to learn how to mitigate them—
or even turn them into advantages.
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Simple tips to If your biggest client
left tomorrow, would
providing consistent work is that they and you’ve delivered the goods,
can sometimes be easier to manage remember that your clients sometimes Who are the first 5 people you could
than multiple smaller ones, and more struggle with uncertainty too. That call to generate additional work?
profitable too. Remember that the means the risk that projects may get
better you know a client, the more put on hold or disappear altogether.
knowledge you have to help them with Stay supportive, and remember that
their marketing efforts. Always ask proactively helping them navigate
yourself—and them—if there are new their business challenges might be
areas of their business you can be a new way to unlock more business
helping with. with them—if not now, then in
the future.
Facebook 3%
Content marketing—written 2%
Instagram 2%
PR 2%
SEO 2%
Other 7%
3 4 5
Be specific Set targets Say thank you
about who you’d really like to work with. to call a certain number of people each to clients who help you out. Provide
What type of business would make a week and ask for referrals. Create a feedback that reinforces what a great
great client for you? Create a list of the script if it makes things easier. The more referral looks like.
qualities you most value in a client you do it, the better results you’ll get.
relationship, then build your prospect
list based on your findings.
Business administration 8%
Strategy 8%
Other 2%
The average
23% 46% 29% 2%
1-20 21-40 41-60 61-80
works 35 hours
70 71 70 69 69
60 60
50 50
Jan 2017 Jan 2018 Jan 2019 Jan 2020 Mar 2020 Apr 2020 Jul 2020 Jan 2021
Scores represent a ranking out of 100, where 0 is least confident and 100 is most confident.
The Mailchimp & Co Team