Robin Hood The Taxman Starter Level
Robin Hood The Taxman Starter Level
Robin Hood The Taxman Starter Level
Printed in Singapore
The Taxman
Fact Files
Self-Study Activities
THE SHERIFF governs the
town of Nottingham. He takes
arrives suddenly at
lots of taxes from poor people
Nottingham Castle
so they don't have money for
after an attack in
food. He hates Robin Hood.
Sherwood Forest.
But can he stop Robin's work?
EDWARD is Marian's father. and CEDRIC
He isn't happy because
Flaxton is a
Marian is working with Robin
taxman. His son,
Hood and his men. It is very
Cedric, works
dangerous for Marian, and for
with him.
Edward too.
A t N o ttin g h a m C a s tle , th e
S h e r iff is ta lk in g
to tw o Don’t make any
теп. mistakes or you’re dead
An attack! Men in
Guards! Take her
the forest! I ..
into the castle and
find a doctor.
R obin’s frie n d s a re in S h erw o o d F o rest.
We are poor. We’ve
Stop! We’re taking your money. got some food, but
no money.
He’s a
Please, no! He
isn’t a taxman!
Please, Marian. I want to be your friend
... maybe one day your husband.
don’t want a
husband, S ir Guy.
It is dangerous for a woman
without a husband, Marian.
Men in Sherwood Forestare
attacking women on the road
to Nottingham. There is an
abbess a t the castle today ...
I want to talk to her about
the terrible attack ...
I hate Sir Guy ... Maybe I can be a
nun. Nuns don’t have husbands.
5 top, or
can’t stop. People have leave this
no food. Without my help, house.
their children don’t eat.
A taxman. His
name’s Flaxton.
Look a t his book.
Г U U rurri C A U W f l l
Please! Put my
father down!
towns?! B u t why?
I don’t know. Bu t the
money goes to the castle
every September.
In the strongroom.
B u t you can’t go in ..
Hello, Abbess, You are locking me into the chapel?! God is
Now, when you watching you, Sheriff. Remember that.
want to leave the
chapel, tell the
guards. They can
open the doors
for you.
want to be a nun.
Can I live with you
a t Rufford ... ?
n and h p e th e
The strongroom
is down here.
... Will opens th e
d o o r! Robin a n d ! V 4 Г'''" V |
his frie n d s leave \ Щ
th e s tro n g ro o m .
W vS
1 Ч-- ■ \
i W 1 v 1
i _ * V I
The S h e r iff s ee s Robin.
. *
Not much. He
isn’t expensive,
but he’s very
good. Why are
you so stupid?!
B u t she isn’t here ... and the
tax money isn’t here!
M a ria n is back a t K nighton H all.
So you are leaving to n ig h t^
Wait, Marian.
I don’t want
to live without
you. You can
D jag is w a itin g in S herw o od
F o re s t w ith Cedric. S he
h e a rs h e r frien d s.
Where’s Cedric?
He’s there.
He’s going!
I he make up artists start
win к I hey work on every
.к lor lor 25 minutes. Black
ry<", and wounds can take
many hours,
oo ЦЧ hioakfasl lime.The
■и Ion. eat on a bus.
/ II nneramen start work.
•» meras and lights are
iearly. I ilming starts.
I get up at 5.45 every day. Then I
ИЧ lime for lunch on have three hours with my make-up
die bus, and lots of nice artist before filming. I love my job,
Hungarian food. but in August it's very hot under
Il\ die end of a long day these clothes!
ol work. The actors have a Lucy G riffiths (Marian)
drink in Budapest, or they
go lo bed - they're starting
We do the fights lots of times before
work again before seven
filming. Sometimes the fights are
lomorrow morning!
dangerous for the actors. I haven't got
one ofmy teeth now!
Keith Allen (the Sheriff)
CECILY doesn't go to
school - there aren't
any schools in her
town. She helps her
mother with her work.
They make cloth and
work in their garden.
She's twelve years old
- ready for marriage.
She likes a boy in her
town, but he's from
a very poor family.
She can't be his wife.
Marriage isn't about
love, it's about money.
Her father is looking
for a good husband
for her.
W h a t is good and
bad about life for
Marian in Robin Hood is 21. That's very old for
teenagers in Robin
a girl with no husband.
Hood's England?
EDWARD is eleven and he comes
from an important family. He
wants to be a knight. He doesn't
live with his family. He lives in a
castle and has lessons there. He
can read, but his important lessons
are horseriding and swordfighting.
There are very young boys at the
castle with him. Some are
only seven.
PA G ES 6 -1 1
Before you read
You can use your dictionary for these questions.
1 This story is about Robin Hood. W hat do you know about him?
3 Which two people live in the same place? W hat job do the other
people do?
an abbess a taxman a nun a guard
4 Read 'People and Places' on pages 4 and 5. Who takes lots of money
from the Sheriff in this story, do you think?
Robin Hood and his men live in Sherwood Forest. The taxman comes to see the
Sheri// of Nottingham, and the men are not happy! They hate taxes and they
hate the Sheriff. Can Robin and his men give back the taxes to the people о/
Nottingham? Or does the Sheriff win ... again?
Beginners Elementary
Pre-A 1 A1
(300 headwords) (600 headwords)
Pre-intermediate - Intermediate
Intermediate B1
A2 (1500 headwords)
(1000 headwords)