Appendix D: Questions

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Persons have disagreements in their relationships. Please indicate below the approximate extent of
agreement or disagreement between you & your partner for each item on the following list. Tick
one answer for each item.

Almost Almost
Questions Always always Occasionally Frequently Alway
Agree Disagree Disagree always Disagi
agree disagree

1. Handling family finances

2. Matters of recreation

3. Religious matters

4. Demonstrations of affections

5. Friends

6. Sex relations
7. Conventionality (correct or proper
8. Philosophy of life
9. Ways of dealing with parents or in­
10. Aims, goals, & things believed
11. Amount of spent together

12. Making major decisions

13. Households tasks

14. Leisure time interests & activities

15. Career decisions

All the Most of the More often Occasion­

Questions time time than not ally Rarely Nev

16. How often do you discuss or have

you considered divorce, separation or
termination of your relationship?

17. How often do you or your mate

leave the house after a fight?
18. In general, how often do you think
that things between you & your partner
are going well?

19. Do you confide in your mate?

20. Do you ever regret that you married

(or lived together)
■‘■l ■ How often do you & your partner

“■ 1 lClVv olteii do you & your mate get

on each other's nerves?

Questions Everyday Almost

everyday Occasionally Rarely Never
23. Do you kiss your mate?

Questions All of them Most of them Very few None of

Some of them
24. Do you & your mate engage in
outside interests together?

Questions Less than once Once or Once or Once

Never twice a twice More
a month a day
month a week often
How often do the following occur between you & your mate?

25. Have a stimulating exchange of ideas

26. Laugh together

27. Calmly discuss something

28. Work together on a project

These are something about which couples sometimes agree or disagree. Indicate if either item caused
differences of opinions or were problems in the past few weeks.

Questions Yes No
29. Being too tired for sex

30. Not showing love

31; Th" StarS °" the following rePresent different degrees of happiness in your relationship. The middle
point, “HAPPY” represents the degree of happiness of most relationships. Tick the box in the phrase
which best describe the degree of happiness & all things considered of your relationship.

Extremely Fairly A little

unhappy Unhappy Happy Very happy Extremely
unhappy happy Perfect

32. Which of the following statements best describes how you feel about the future of your relationship?
Circle die letter for one statement

A I want desperately for my relationship to succeed, & would go to almost any.length to see that it
B 1 want veiy much for my relationship to succeed, & will do all I can to see that it does.
C I want very much for my relationship to succeed, & will do my fair share to see that it does.
D it would be nice if my relationship succeeded, but I can't do much more than I am doing now to
keep the relationship going.
E It would be nice if it succeeded, but I refuse to do any more than I am doing now to keep the
relationship going.
F My relationship can never succeed, & there is no more that I can do to keep the relationship


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