Friendly Felines: Quick Questions

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Friendly Felines Quick Questions

10 Cats were considered to be sacred, or holy, in ancient 1. Find and copy two adjectives which show that
19 Egyptian society and helped humans just as much as Egyptians thought that cats were special.
22 humans helped them.

31 The ancient Egyptians were skilled farmers and grew many

41 crops, such as wheat and grains, in the nutrient-rich soil
51 close to the River Nile. However, the wheat would attract 2. What is the main point of the third paragraph?
56 mice, rats and snakes, which

60 were dangerous to humans.

65 To solve this problem, the 

68 ancient Egyptians would
74 leave food, such as fish heads, 3. What does ‘nutrient-rich’ tell you about the soil
80 outside to tempt cats to visit. close to the River Nile?
86 When the cats came, they ate

92 the food and scared away any
97 vermin around the food stores. 
103 After a short amount of time,
108 cats were welcomed into the 
113 house and lived happily with 4. Where in this text can I find information about
116 their human friends. the types of crop grown by ancient Egyptians?

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Friendly Felines Answers
10 Cats were considered to be sacred, or holy, in ancient 1. Find and copy two adjectives which show that
19 Egyptian society and helped humans just as much as
Egyptians thought that cats were special.
22 humans helped them.
‘sacred’ and ‘holy’.
31 The ancient Egyptians were skilled farmers and grew many
41 crops, such as wheat and grains, in the nutrient-rich soil
51 close to the River Nile. However, the wheat would attract 2. What is the main point of the third paragraph?
56 mice, rats and snakes, which Accept answers which state the main point
60 were dangerous to humans. is that cats would scare away vermin that
65 To solve this problem, the harmed food stores and so were welcomed by
68 ancient Egyptians would Egyptians.
74 leave food, such as fish heads,
80 outside to tempt cats to visit.
86 When the cats came, they ate 3. What does ‘nutrient-rich’ tell you about the soil
92 the food and scared away any close to the River Nile?
97 vermin around the food stores. Accept answers which state that the
103 After a short amount of time,
soil is full of nutrients / goodness /
108 cats were welcomed into the
will help the crops to grow well.
113 house and lived happily with
116 their human friends. 4. Where in this text can I find information about
the types of crop grown by ancient Egyptians?
Accept answers pertaining to the second
paragraph or second sentence.

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