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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 415–425

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A review of the economical and optimum thermal insulation thickness for

building applications
Omer Kaynakli ∗
University of Uludag, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 16059 Bursa, Turkey

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Energy conservation is an increasingly important issue for the residential sector. Therefore, attention
Received 29 December 2010 towards the thermal performance of building materials, particularly thermal insulation systems for build-
Received in revised form 2 August 2011 ings, has grown in recent years. In this study, a literature review on determining the optimum thickness of
Accepted 22 August 2011
the thermal insulation material in a building envelope and its effect on energy consumption was carried
Available online 15 September 2011
out. The results, the optimization procedures and the economic analysis methods used in the studies were
presented comparatively. Additionally, a practical application on optimizing the insulation thickness was
performed, and the effective parameters on the optimum value were investigated.
Energy conservation
Thermal insulation thickness © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
2. The effects of thermal insulation in the building envelope on reducing emissions and environmental impacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416
3. Optimization of thermal insulation thickness for the building envelope and its effect on energy consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416
3.1. Studies using the degree-time concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417
3.2. Studies considering dynamic thermal conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420
4. Thermal insulation materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420
5. Different approaches and applications of thermal insulation systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421
6. Financial analysis methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 422
6.1. The P1 –P2 method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 422
7. An application for determining the optimum thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 422
8. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424

1. Introduction economic thickness of the material used in the building envelope

are the main subjects of many engineering investigations. These
In many countries, building energy consumption accounts for studies help to reduce building energy use (annual energy require-
approximately 40% of global energy demands, and the energy ments for heating and cooling), the size of air-conditioning and
requirement for space heating and cooling of a building is approx- heating systems in buildings and to achieve a desirable indoor ther-
imately 60% of the total energy consumed in buildings, which mal comfort for occupants.
accounts for the largest percentage of energy usage [1–9]. The The concept of economic thermal insulation thickness considers
proper design and selection of a building envelope and its compo- the initial cost of the insulation system plus the ongoing value of
nents are an efficient means to reduce the space heating–cooling energy savings over the expected service lifetime of the insulation.
loads. As such, thermal insulation is one of the most valuable tools The optimum economic thickness is the value that provides the
in achieving energy conservation in buildings [10–13]. Therefore, minimum total life-cycle cost, as illustrated in Fig. 1. The thickness
determining both the type of thermal insulation material and the is a function of the following: the building type, function, shape,
orientation, construction materials, climatic conditions, insulation
material and cost, energy type and cost, and the type and efficiency
∗ Tel.: +90 224 2941984; fax: +90 224 2941903. of air-conditioning system [13–16]. As the insulation thickness in
E-mail address: a wall increases, the heating and cooling transmission loads for

1364-0321/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
416 O. Kaynakli / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 415–425

by more than 77% when fiberglass–urethane was installed with an

optimum thickness and an air gap of 0.06 m.
Several investigators carried out studies on different DD regions
in Turkey classified as the TS 825 standard-Thermal Insulation in
Buildings. The standard TS 825 defined the rules of calculating the
heating energy demand in buildings and gave the reference and
permeable values for heating energy [30]. According to TS 825,
Turkey is divided into four climate regions based on DD values,
in which the fourth region has the most severe winter conditions
and requires a larger amount of energy to heat buildings. Accord-
ing to the standard, the thermal transmittance values (U) for walls,
floors, windows, glazing and ground floor for each region are given
in Table 1. Maximum heating loads in terms of area and volume
Fig. 1. Optimum insulation thickness.
(A/V) for each region are also presented in Table 1, where A is the
area of the building envelope and V is the heated volume of the
building [31,32].
a building decrease. The transmission loads are used as the input Dombayci et al. [33] determined the optimum insulation thick-
data for an economic model to determine the variation in the cost ness od expanded polystyrene and rock wool for Denizli, located
of the insulation plus the present value of energy consumption, in the second climate region in Turkey. Dombayci [27] investigated
considered lost energy, over the lifetime of the building with such the environmental impact of the thermal insulation applied to the
insulation. external walls because of minimizing the energy usage and reduc-
In most studies, the optimum insulation thickness computations ing emission for Denizli. In the theoretical calculations, coal was
were performed based mainly on the heating and cooling loads used as the fuel source and expanded polystyrene was used as the
and other parameters such as the costs of the insulation mate- insulation material. He determined that CO2 and SO2 emissions
rial and energy, efficiencies of the heating and cooling systems, were cut by 42% (approx. 370,000 tons/year) when the optimum
the lifetime, and the current inflation and discount rates. For that insulation thickness was used in the external walls of buildings. In
reason, the annual heating and cooling energy requirements of a another study, one of the coldest provinces of Turkey, Erzurum, was
building were the main inputs required to analyze the optimum investigated by Comakli and Yuksel [28]. When fuel-oil was used for
insulation thickness. Most studies estimated the heating and cool- heating, they determined that CO2 emissions were cut by 27% with
ing energy requirements by the degree-time concept (degree-day, an optimized insulation thickness in the external building walls.
DD, or degree-hour, DH), which is one of the simplest methods that Moreover, this study emphasized that this ratio could be increased
is applied under static conditions [9,16–23]. On the other hand, only up to 50% (approx. 450,000 tons/year) by employing more energy
a limited number of analytical techniques were applied to analyze saving techniques in the other parts of buildings. Yildiz et al. [34]
the transient behavior of multilayer building envelopes [24–26]. focused on two cities, Izmir and Ankara, which are located in the
In this paper, the studies related to the effects of thermal first and third DD regions, respectively. In that study, they obtained
insulation used in building walls on reducing greenhouse gas the variation of optimum insulation thickness with different fuel
emission were presented first. The variation of carbon dioxide types and two common insulation materials (glass wool and rock
(CO2 ) and sulfur dioxide (SO2 ) emissions in various geographical wool).
regions with different fuel types used and insulation materials were In one of the more recent studies, Ozkan and Onan [35] investi-
investigated. Then, the studies related to determining the opti- gated the effects of altering the glazing area percentage of windows,
mum insulation thickness for different wall configurations were which ranged from 10 to 50%, on the heating energy requirements
presented. The studies on the properties of thermal insulation and the optimum insulation thickness with the P1 –P2 method for
materials and their applications in building envelopes were inves- four DD regions in Turkey. The results showed that optimum insu-
tigated. After examining the financial analysis methods used to lation thicknesses varied between 0.036 and 0.087 m for extruded
obtain an economic insulation thickness, a simple and practical polystyrene foam (XPS) and natural gas. Moreover, CO2 emissions
application on determine the optimum insulation thickness for decreased by 50.91% for natural gas when the optimum insulation
external walls was conducted. thickness was used. On the other hand, the CO2 and SO2 emis-
sions decreased by 54.67% with the use of fuel-oil and the optimum
2. The effects of thermal insulation in the building insulation thickness. Above mentioned studies and their results are
envelope on reducing emissions and environmental impacts summarized in Table 2, which shows the insulation materials, fuels
and economic models used along with the main findings of the
A proper amount of thermal insulation in the building envelope studies.
helps to reduce the cooling and heating energy demands of a build-
ing and its associated CO2 and SO2 emissions into the atmosphere.
Some researchers [27–29] have focused on reducing CO2 , SO2 and 3. Optimization of thermal insulation thickness for the
other greenhouse gas emissions by applying an optimum thermal building envelope and its effect on energy consumption
insulation thickness to the external walls of buildings. Mahlia and
Iqbal [29] concentrated on the potential cost savings and emis- Thermal insulation is known to play a critical role in saving
sion reductions in the Maldives by installing different insulation energy by reducing the rate of heat transfer and determining the
materials with optimum thicknesses and air gaps in the building amount of insulation material required in walls is a key factor.
walls. They concluded that, without an air gap in the wall, the Numerous studies estimated the optimum thickness of thermal
fiberglass–urethane material had the greatest life-cycle savings and insulation used in external walls for different climate conditions
was the most economical insulation material, whereas the rigid [4,15,26,36–43]. Most studies dealing with optimum insulation
fiberglass material was the least economical. Moreover, when an air thickness were based on either heating loads [9,19,20,22,38,41] or
gap was introduced in the composite wall, urethane was the least cooling loads [42–46], while some works considered both annual
economical. They specified that the emissions could be reduced heating and cooling loads [16–18,23].
O. Kaynakli / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 415–425 417

Table 1
U values for building envelope and heating energy requirement in TS 825 standard.

Regions defined in TS-825 Overall heat transfer coefficients, U (W/m2 K) Annual heating energy req.
(for A/V < 0.2)

Walls Ground floor Floor Windows (kWh/m2 ) (kWh/m3 )

1. Region 0.70 0.45 0.70 2.40 19.2 6.2

2. Region 0.60 0.40 0.60 2.40 38.4 12.3
3. Region 0.50 0.30 0.45 2.40 51.7 16.6
4. Region 0.40 0.25 0.40 2.40 67.3 21.6

3.1. Studies using the degree-time concept depending on outdoor air temperature data for 14 years (from 1992
to 2005), the heating energy requirement was calculated. Conse-
As mentioned previously, reliably determining the heating and quently, the optimum insulation thickness for Bursa was found
cooling transmission loads of buildings is an important issue in to vary between 0.053 and 0.124 m depending on the type of fuel
optimizing the insulation thickness. To estimate the amount of used for heating. Bolatturk [17] investigated the optimum insula-
energy required for heating or cooling, one of the commonly used tion thicknesses and payback periods for seven cities located in the
methods is the degree-days or degree-hours method. This is cal- warmest zone in Turkey based on heating and cooling degree-hours
culated as the difference between the base temperature and the (HDHs and CDHs). He emphasized that optimizing the insulation
mean outdoor air temperature and the method was used by many thickness with respect to the cooling load was more appropriate
authors [9,10,17–22,47,48]. Using this method requires little data for warm than cold regions because the thicknesses of the insula-
and provides adequate results for simple systems and applications tion material (polystyrene) varied between 0.032 and 0.038 m for
[49]. The total number of annual heating and cooling degree-days cooling degree-hours and between 0.016 and 0.027 m for heating
(HDDs and CDDs) is calculated by degree-hours. A similar study was carried out by Ozel and Pihtili
 [18] who used HDDs and CDDs to estimate the consumed energy.
HDD = (Tb − To )+ (1) The effect of insulation thickness on the glazing area was investi-
days gated numerically in another study by the same authors, Ozel and
Pihtili [50]. Ucar and Balo [40] determined the optimum insula-

CDD = (To − Tb )+ (2) tion thicknesses numerically, depending on the principal fuel types
used for heating, for four cities (Kocaeli, Aydin, Elazig and Agri) that
are located in different DD regions in Turkey. In that work, typi-
where Tb is the base temperature and To is the daily mean outdoor cal insulation materials such as the Foamboard 3500, Foamboard
air temperature. The plus sign above the parentheses indicates that 1500, extruded polystyrene and fiberglass were studied using the
only positive values are to be counted. The heating and cooling P1 –P2 method for amount of net energy savings. A more recent and
degree-hours can be calculated in a similar manner with the hourly similar study was carried out by Ucar and Balo [23] to optimize
instead of the daily data. the insulation thickness for only certain cities (Mersin, Sanliurfa,
Kaynakli [38] investigated the residential heating energy Elazig and Bitlis) in Turkey on the basis of HDDs and CDDs. In that
requirements and optimum insulation thickness for a prototype study, four different insulation materials (extruded polystyrene,
building in a sample city in Turkey, Bursa. The variation in the expanded polystyrene, nil siding and rock wool) were considered.
annual heating energy requirement of the building for various The amount of the net energy cost savings were calculated using
architectural design properties (such as air inflation rate, glazing the P1 –P2 method. The optimum insulation thicknesses were cal-
type, and glazing area) and the optimum insulation thicknesses culated based on heating fuel types in Bolatturk [9] and Aytac and
with different fuel types were investigated. By using the DHs Aksoy [51] for only one or several cities in Turkey. In general, these

Table 2
The summary results of the studies related to environmental impacts of thermal insulation.

Paper Economic Place Opt. insulation Insulation material Reduction in Fuel

Method thickness emissions

Mahlia and Iqbal LCC Maldives 0.015–0.06 m Fiberglass–urethane, 65–77% Diesel

[29] (depending on fiberglass (rigid),
insulation material urethane (rigid),
and air gap perlite, extruded
thickness) polystyrene,
urethane (roof
Dombayci [27] – Denizli/Turkey 0.095 m (calculated Expanded Approx. Coal
in Dombayci et al. polystyrene 370,000 tons/year
[33]) (42%) for CO2 , SO2
Comakli and Yuksel – Erzurum/Turkey 0.10 m (calculated Styrofoam 27% for CO2 and Fuel-oil
[28] in Comakli and other gases
Yuksel [41]) emissions
Yildiz et al. [34] LCC Turkey (Izmir and 0.05–0.12 m Glass wool, rock Approx. 35% in Coal, natural gas,
Ankara) depending on fuel wool Ankara (for coal) fuel oil, LPG,
type (for glass electricity
Ozkan and Onan P1 –P2 For four DD regions 0.0364–0.087 m Extruded 51% for CO2 Natural gas, fuel oil
[35] in Turkey depending on DD polystyrene foam, (natural gas), 55%
regions (for XPS) rock wool for CO2 , SO2
418 O. Kaynakli / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 415–425

Table 3
The summary results of the studies related to optimization of thermal insulation thickness.

Paper Economic Place Opt. insulation Insulation material Fuel

method thickness

Ucar and Balo [40] P1 –P2 Turkey (Kocaeli, They vary between Foamboard 3500, Natural gas, Coal,
Aydin, Elazig, Agri) 0.0106 and foamboard 1500, Fuel-oil, Electricity,
0.0764 m extr. polystyrene, LPG
depending on fiberglass
cities, and fuel
Ucar and Balo [23] P1 –P2 Turkey (Mersin, They vary in a wide Extruded Natural gas, Coal,
Sanliurfa, Elazig, range depending polystyrene, Fuel-oil, Electricity,
Bitlis) on HDDs, CDDs, expanded LPG
insulation polystyrene, nil
materials and fuel siding, rock wool
Yu et al. [16] P1 –P2 China (Shanghai, 0.053–0.236 m Exp. polys., extr. Electricity
Changsha, polys., foamed
Shaoguan, polyurethane,
Chengdu) perlite, foamed
polyvinyl chloride
Al-Khawaja [15] – Qatar 0.03 m (for Wallmate, Electricity
wallmate) fiberglass,
polyethylene foam
Sisman et al. [22] LCC Turkey (Izmir, 0.033 m, 0.047 m, Rock wool Coal
Bursa, Eskisehir, 0.061 m, 0.080 m
Erzurum) (for walls)
Farhanieh and Tehran/Iran - k = 0.03 W/mK –
Sattari [4] (material is not
Mahlia et al. [52] P1 –P2 Malaysia They vary between Fiberglass–urethane, Electricity
about 0.04 and fiberglass (rigid),
0.10 m depending urethane (rigid),
on insulation perlite, extruded
materials polystyrene,
urethane (roof
Kaynakli [38] – Bursa/Turkey They vary between Polystyrene (for Natural gas, Coal,
0.053 and 0.124 m external walls), Fuel-oil, Electricity,
depending on fuel fiberglass (for LPG
types ceiling), rock wool
(for basement)
Bolatturk [9] LCC Four cities for each They vary in a wide Polystyrene Natural gas, Coal,
DD region in range (from 0.019 Fuel-oil, Electricity,
Turkey (totally 16 to 0.172 m) LPG
cities) depending on cities
and used fuel types
for heating
Bolatturk [17] P1 –P2 Turkey (Adana, They vary between Extruded Natural gas for
Antalya, Aydin, 0.032 and 0.038 m polystyrene board heating, Electricity
Hatay, Iskenderun, for CDHs and for cooling
Izmir, Mersin) between 0.016 and
0.027 m for HDHs.
Comakli and Yuksel LCC Turkey (Erzurum, 0.105 m, 0.107 m, Styrofoam Coal
[41] Kars, Erzincan) 0.085 m
Daouas et al. [26] LCC Tunisia 0.057 m Expanded Electricity
polystyrene, rock
Dombayci et al. LCC Denizli/Turkey 0.032-0.138 m Expanded Natural gas, Coal,
[33] depending on fuel polystyrene, rock Fuel-oil, Electricity,
types (for rock wool LPG
0.076-0.259 m
depending on fuel
types (for EPS)

studies found that natural gas and coal were more convenient heat- man et al. [22] investigated the optimum insulation thicknesses for
ing fuels than other fuels (such as fuel-oil, electricity and LPG). external walls and roofs (ceilings) with respect to the different HDD
Durmayaz et al. [19] and Durmayaz and Kadioglu [20] calculated regions. Four cities were considered in this study, and coal and rock
the heating energy requirement and natural gas consumption in wool were selected as the fuel and insulation material, respec-
the biggest city centres of Turkey (Istanbul, Ankara, Bursa, Adana, tively. Yu et al. [16] calculated the optimum thicknesses of five
Konya) using the degree-hours, but the optimum insulation thick- insulation materials (expanded polystyrene, extruded polystyrene,
nesses were not mentioned in their studies. Comakli and Yuksel foamed polyurethane, perlite and foamed polyvinyl chloride) based
[41] determined the optimum insulation thicknesses for Erzurum, on HDDs and CDDs for a typical residential wall in China. In that
Kars and Erzincan in cold regions of Turkey to be 0.104, 0.107 study, different wall orientations and surface colors were consid-
and 0.085 m, respectively, when coal was used for heating. Sis- ered. It was concluded that the optimum insulation thicknesses
O. Kaynakli / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 415–425 419

varied widely, and expanded polystyrene was the most economi- LPG were the popular domestic fuels used for heating. He investi-
cal insulation material because it had the highest life-cycle savings gated the variation of average heating demand (with and without
and the lowest payback period. Another study that considered wall insulation such as cavity, rock wool and polystyrene) for winter
external wall orientations was by Al-Khawaja [15]. The total costs months.
among three different insulation materials (wallmate, fiberglass, Sodha et al. [59], Ozel and Pihtili [60,61], and Al-Sallal [62] inves-
and polyethylene foam) for light-colored and deep-colored surfaces tigated the most suitable location to apply insulation for the roof
were compared for Qatar, and sol-air temperature instead of air and/or walls. A numerical model was applied for 12 different roof
temperature was used in the analysis. By considering the climate and wall configurations during typical winter and summer days.
of Tehran, Iran, Farhanieh and Sattari [4] investigated the variations The studies showed that the pieces of insulation had to be equal
of heat flux from/to external walls as a function of the insulation in thickness and placed at the outdoor surface of the roof/wall,
thickness for the spring, summer, fall, and winter seasons. It was in the middle of the roof/wall, and at the indoor surface of the
emphasized that a substantial amount of energy savings could be roof/wall [60,61]. Al-Sallal [62] compared two types of roof insu-
achieved with insulation in external walls, but the optimum values lation (polystyrene and fiberglass) in warm and cold climates (i.e.,
for insulation were not given in that study. It was found that using Texas and Minnesota) and found that the payback period in cold
a 0.025 m thick insulation for the external wall would save approx- climates was shorter than that in warm climates.
imately 45% of the energy consumption in winter in Tehran. The One of the more recent studies on optimization based on LCC
studies related to the optimization of thermal insulation thickness analysis was by Arici and Karabay [63], who investigated the
and their results are summarized in Table 3. optimum thickness of double-glazed windows for four cities (Isk-
The effects of insulation on the energy requirements for space- enderun, Kocaeli, Ankara and Ardahan) located in different climatic
cooling were investigated by Bojic et al. [42], Bojic et al. [43], Cheung zones in Turkey. They found that the optimum air layer thick-
et al. [44], Al-Turki and Zaki [45] and Aktacir et al. [46]. Bojic et al. ness varied between approximately 12 and 15 mm depending on
[43] investigated the influence of varying the location of the insu- the climate zone and fuel type (natural gas, coal, fuel-oil, elec-
lation layer within the outside walls on the yearly cooling load for tricity or LPG), and up to 60% energy saving could be achieved
two typical high-rise residential flats in Hong Kong. They found by a well-optimized double-glazed window. Similarly, Aydin [64]
that the highest decrease in the yearly cooling load of up to 6.8% focused on the determining the optimum thickness of the air layer
was obtained when a 0.05 m thick insulation layer was placed on for the double-paned windows for four different cities (Antalya,
the inside of envelope walls. However, the magnitude of the reduc- Ankara, Trabzon and Kars) that characterized the different climates
tions depended on the investigated flats. Cheung et al. [44] focused in Turkey. Based on the simulation results, the range of the opti-
on the annual required cooling load and the peak cooling load in the mum thickness was found to be 18–21 mm for Antalya, 15–18 mm
high-rise buildings. The effects of building envelope design param- for Ankara and Trabzon, and 12–15 mm for Kars. Moreover, it was
eters such as insulation (thickness and position), color of external emphasized that if the optimum values were used, the following
walls, glazing systems, shading coefficient and glazing area, on energy reductions could be obtained: 40% for Antalya, 34% for Tra-
these loads were examined. They showed that a saving of 31.4% bzon, 29% for Ankara, and 21% for Kars.
in annual required cooling energy and 36.8% in peak cooling load Several studies used the sol–air temperature instead of the out-
could be achieved. Similarly, Ansari et al. [14] presented a simple door ambient air temperature to study the optimum insulation
model to investigate the effects of building parameters (orienta- thickness by calculating the heating and cooling DDs [15–17,60,65].
tion, window glass shade, number of glass panes, insulation, roof The sol–air temperature is a concept related to the outside air tem-
and floor types) on the building cooling load. In the study of Aktacir perature and the solar radiative flux, and the temperature considers
et al. [46], three different types of insulated buildings located in a the incident solar radiation on a wall. The effect of solar radiation is
hot region in Turkey, Adana, were considered, and the initial and the accounted for by considering the outside temperature to be higher
operating costs of air conditioning systems (constant-air-volume, by an amount equivalent to the effect of solar radiation. The sol–air
CAV and variable-air-volume, VAV) were investigated. As a conclu- temperature is given by [15,17,66]
sion, the initial costs of CAV and VAV systems were reduced by 22%,
˛s q̇s ε(To4 − Tsurr
4 )
and the operating costs of VAV and CAV systems were reduced by Tsol−air = To + − (3)
25% and 33%, respectively, with respect to the no insulated build- ho ho
ing. Before this study, LCC analyses had been carried out by Aktacir where To is the outside air temperature, ␣s the solar absorptivity
et al. [53] for both air conditioning systems. Using the LCC analy- of the surface, ho is the outer surface combined convection and
sis, the effect of insulated roof slabs on the energy needed for air radiation heat transfer coefficient, q̇s is the solar radiation inci-
conditioning was investigated by Halwatura and Jayasinghe [54] dent on the surface, ␧ is the emissivity of the surface, ␴ is the
for Sri Lanka. Yoon et al. [55] studied crop storage insulation sys- Stefan-Boltzmann constant, and Tsurr is sky and surrounding surface
tems in Korea because there are no specific standards or guidelines temperature. Hence, the annual heating and cooling degree-days
for reduction of energy use in refrigerated structures. To determine can be expressed as follows:
the optimal configuration for the storage building insulation sys-
tem, LCC analysis was used in that study. Soylemez and Unsal [56] 

studied on optimization of insulation thickness for refrigeration HDD = (Tb − Tsol−air )+ (4)
applications as well. Among the optimization studies, Asan [57] 1
stated the importance of time lag and decrement factors in deter-
mination of optimum insulation position, and as a result, he found


CDD = (Tsol−air − Tb )+ (5)

that the optimum position of insulation from the maximum time
lag point of view was not practical (where two pieces of insulation
are placed in a certain distance apart from each other in the wall). Studies on the effect of an electricity tariff on optimum insu-
Placing half of the insulation in the mid-centre plane of the wall lation thickness were carried out by Al-Sanea et al. [39] and
and the half of it in the outer surface of the wall gave very high Gustafsson and Karlson [67]. Al-Sanea et al. [39] used a dynamic
time lags and low decrement factors (close to optimum values). heat-transfer model based on a finite-volume and an economic
Jaber [58] emphasized that the space heating in Jordan accounted model based on a life-cycle cost (LCC) analysis. They investigated
for about 61% of residential energy consumption, and Kerosene and the optimum insulation thicknesses for the climate conditions in
420 O. Kaynakli / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 415–425

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia using expanded polystyrene as the insulation that the combination of expanded polystyrene and the stone/brick
material. An experimental study was carried out by Cabeza et al. sandwich wall structure had energy savings of 58% with a pay-
[68] to evaluate the influence of the most common insulation mate- back period of 3.11 years with an optimum insulation thickness
rials used in buildings in Spain, such as polyurethane, polystyrene of 0.057 m. In a more recent study by Daouas [78], the optimum
and mineral wool. For this purpose, four house-like cubicles were insulation thickness was found to be 0.101 m, which led to energy
constructed (with a size of 2.4 m × 2.4 m × 2.4 m). They found that savings of 71.33% with a payback period of 3.29 years for the
by applying a layer of 0.05 m thick insulation, the electrical energy southern orientation. Furthermore, it was noted that wall orien-
consumption for air conditioners decreased up to 64% in summer tation had a small effect on the optimum insulation thickness,
and up to 37% for electric oil radiators in winter. Furthermore, it but a more significant effect on energy savings. Yumrutas et al.
was emphasized in the study that the lowest energy consumption [79], Yumrutas et al. [80] proposed an analytical solution for the
was obtained when polyurethane was used as insulation, followed problem of heat transfer through multilayer walls and flat roofs,
by mineral wool (5% higher) and the polystyrene (9% higher). but, any optimization procedure on insulation thickness was not
Kossecka and Kosny [37] focused on the effect of insulation given in their studies. Djuric et al. [81] optimized the total cost
location and the associated energy performance for residential including energy, insulation and the radiator costs, on the basis
buildings with six characteristics wall configurations for six differ- of the thermal comfort by using dynamic thermal simulation soft-
ent US climates (Atlanta, Denver, Miami, Minneapolis, Phoenix and ware (EnergyPlus) and generic optimization program (GenOpt). In
Washington, DC). They emphasized that material configuration of that study, the thermal comfort was represented by Predicted
the exterior wall could significantly affect the annual thermal per- Percentage of Dissatisfied (PPD) index. Another interesting study
formance of the whole building, but this effect depended on the conducted by Masoso and Grobler [82] used the same thermal
type of climate. The best thermal performance was obtained when simulation software (EnergyPlus) for office buildings in the hot
massive material layers were located at the inner side of the walls. and dry climate of Botswana, and found that adding wall insula-
Differences in total energy demand between the configuration “all tion did not always reduce the annual energy consumption. They
insulation inside” and the most effective configuration (from the hypothesized that adding wall insulation could increase the annual
point of view of energy savings) “all insulation outside” may exceed energy consumption because of internal heat gains. In that study,
11% for a continuously used residential building. the cooling set-point temperature was gradually increased, and the
Several investigations have focused on optimizing the building annual cooling energy savings changed from positive to negative
shape to minimize energy use and cost [69–71]. Ourghi et al. [71] after a specific temperature (approx. 26 ◦ C) for 0.08 m of extruded
presented a simplified analysis method to predict the impact of the polystyrene. This temperature was named the “point of thermal
shape of an office building on its annual cooling energy and total inflexion” by the authors. Radhi [83] focused on the energy con-
energy use. In the analysis, they considered the parameters such sumption of air-conditioned commercial buildings in Bahrain, and
as building geometry, glazing type, glazing area and climate. These used a building simulation program (Visual DOE) to model the
studies emphasized the strong correlation between the shape of a cooling load and the electric energy consumed. Simulation results
building and its energy consumption. showed that if the building envelope was well-insulated and effi-
cient glazing was used, the energy use and CO2 emissions could
3.2. Studies considering dynamic thermal conditions be reduced by 25% and 7.1%, respectively. A parametric study [84]
was conducted with the building simulation program (Visual DOE)
A small number of studies applied the dynamic time-dependent to investigate the impact on efficiency measures of energy use in
model instead of the degree-time method to compute the heat office buildings located Dammam, Saudi Arabia. The study showed,
transfer in a composite wall. The accurate determination of the heat respectively, 2%, 6% and 7% reductions in the total electricity con-
gain/loss through the walls or roofs of a building is very impor- sumption as the wall and roof insulation increased from 0.05 m to
tant in selecting a suitable heating or cooling systems that can 0.075 m, and as energy-efficient lamps and low-e double-glazed
efficiently utilize energy, and in computing the amount of ther- window were used instead of the existing glazing system.
mal insulation required in walls. Kaska et al. [72] and Kaska and
Yumrutas [73] investigated, experimentally and theoretically, the
total equivalent temperature difference (TETD) values for multi- 4. Thermal insulation materials
layer walls and flat roofs; these values could be used to calculate
the cooling load of a building. To compute yearly heat transmission Some researchers focused on thermal insulation materials and
loads under steady periodic conditions, Al-Sanea and Zedan [74,75] their properties [85–87,13,88–91]. Papadopoulus and Giama [85]
and Al-Sanea et al. [39] used a dynamic model based on an implicit evaluated the production process of two insulation materials
finite-volume procedure, whereas Ozel [5] used the implicit finite- (stone wool and extruded polystyrene) based on environmen-
difference method. Kumar et al. [76] presented a techno-economic tal criteria with LCC analysis. The effects of insulation on energy
model based on time-dependent for evaluating optimum distribu- and environment were also examined in Lollini et al. [87]. Al-
tion of insulation over various components of an air-conditioned Homoud [13] remarked on the importance of properly using
building in Indian cities (New Delhi, Srinagar, Madras and Jodh- thermal insulation in buildings to reduce the annual energy con-
pur). The results showed that the insulation over the roof provided sumption and the required air conditioning system size. He then
the most savings whereas on the south oriented wall least. Then, presented an overview of the basic principles of thermal insula-
the same methodology was also used by Deshmukh et al. [77]. tion and surveyed the most commonly used building insulation
An analytical method based on the Complex Finite Fourier materials while taking note of their performance characteristics
Transform (CFFT) technique was used in the studies of Daouas et al. and proper applications. The thermal properties of new compos-
[26], Daouas [78], Yumrutas et al. [79], and Yumrutas et al. [80]. ite insulation materials were experimentally tested with thermal
Two typical wall structures (brick/brick and stone/brick sandwich conductivity tests using the heat flux method in Choi et al.
walls) and two types of insulation materials (expanded polystyrene [88]. Mahlia et al. [52] presented a polynomial function repre-
and rock wool) were analyzed by Daouas et al. [26] to determine senting the relationship between thermal conductivity and the
the most economical combination of structure and material selec- optimum thickness of the insulation material. In that study, dif-
tion. Expanded polystyrene was found to be the most profitable ferent insulation materials (fiberglass–urethane, fiberglass-rigid,
insulation material for Tunisia. Moreover, the study concluded urethane-rigid, perlite, extruded polystyrene, and urethane-roof
O. Kaynakli / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 415–425 421

deck) were considered; the thermal conductivities of these insula- temperatures of 18, 20 and 22 ◦ C, respectively. Recently, a similar
tion materials varied widely from 0.02 to 0.055 W/mK. Anastaselos approach was applied by Ucar [93] in which the optimum insulation
et al. [89] presented an assessment tool for thermal insulation thicknesses were obtained considering condensed vapor in exter-
solutions in terms of energy, economic and environmental evalua- nal walls for four cities in Turkey, namely Antalya, Istanbul, Elazig,
tion. The assessment tool was applied to a double cavity wall and and Erzurum. The cities are separately located in four different DD
external insulation composite system. It was concluded that the regions. The optimum insulation thickness varied from 0.031 to
implementation of an external insulation composite system was 0.082 m depending on cities and indoor temperatures of 18, 20,
preferable. and 22 ◦ C. As an example, for the indoor temperatures of 20 ◦ C, the
The performance of the insulation materials is mainly deter- optimum insulation thicknesses were obtained as 0.038 m, 0.046 m,
mined by its thermal conductivity, which is dependent on the 0.057 m, and 0.074 m for Antalya, Istanbul, Elazig, and Erzurum,
density, porosity, moisture content, and mean temperature dif- respectively.
ference of the material. Thermal insulation materials in buildings Studies on thermal insulation for the cylindrical geometry are
are exposed to significant and continuous temperature variations relatively fewer than that for buildings. The economic insulation
due to varying outdoor air temperature and solar radiation. There- thickness for a pipe depends on a large number of parameters,
fore, the thermal conductivity of the insulation material can vary such as pipe sizes, cost, conductivity, temperature difference and
due to changes in both moisture content and temperature. The annual operation hours [94,95]. Kalyon and Sahin [96] studied the
relationship between the temperature and the thermal conductiv- optimum insulation thickness of a pipe subjected to convective
ity of various insulation materials (fiberglass, wood wool, mineral heat transfer that minimized the heat loss. Sahin [97] optimized
wool, rock wool, polyethylene, polyurethane, and polystyrene) was the variation of thermal insulation thickness of a tube for space
investigated by Budaiwi et al. [90] and Abdou and Budaiwi [91]. applications numerically to minimize the radiative heat loss to
They concluded that thermal conductivity varied with operating the ambient. Li and Chow [98] studied on the optimum insulation
temperature for all tested materials and that a larger temperature thickness for tubes of different sizes. Methods for protecting water
gradient resulted in higher thermal conductivity. Polyurethane and pipes, in cold regions against freezing, by thermal insulation mate-
polystyrene had the lowest rate of change in thermal conductiv- rial and heating cable were analyzed. In that study, LCC analysis was
ity while polyethylene and wood wool had much greater rates of used for optimization of insulation thickness (fiberglass–urethane),
change. and the variation of optimum insulation thickness with dif-
ferent outer tube diameters and outside air temperatures was
5. Different approaches and applications of thermal calculated. As a conclusion, the optimum thickness increased
insulation systems with increasing the outer tube diameter and decreasing the out-
side air temperature, however, the environmental effect was not
Vapor condensation in walls is one of the problems related to significant.
buildings [92]. The optimization method used in Arslan and Kose Review studies carried out by Kaushika and Sumathy [99] and
[92] and Ucar [93] considered the condensed vapor in buildings. Wong et al. [100] focused on transparent insulation materials
In these studies, exergo-economic calculations, which depend on and systems, which included transparent cellular arrays made of
minimizing the total cost equation, were conducted using the equa- glass or polycarbonate materials with a honeycomb arrangement
tion given by between the two bounding surfaces. It was emphasized that the
transparent insulation materials were used extensively for flat-
Ct = CF + Z Cl + Z OM (6) plate solar collectors prior to being used for building applications.
where Ct is the total cost, CF is the fuel cost, and ZC l and ZOM Castell et al. [101] experimentally investigated the incorpora-
are the investment cost and the operation and maintenance costs, tion of phase change materials in two typical brick constructions
respectively. ZOM was taken to be zero because there is no cost of in real conditions to determine the energy savings achieved. Banfi
operation and maintenance [92,93]. ZC l and CF are given by et al. [102] experimentally evaluated the willingness of consumers
to pay for energy saving-measures in residential buildings (both in
Z Cl = Cins xins (7) renovated and new buildings) in Switzerland. The energy-saving
Exloss, Q + Exd measures that benefited individual consumers and the environ-
CF = cF (8) ment were the characteristics of the windows, the insulation of the
ExF − Exloss, S
facade, and the air ventilation system. In Bahadori and Vuthaluru
where Exloss,Q is the exergy loss due to heat transfer, Exd is the [103], simple correlations were formulated to estimate the thick-
exergy destruction due to condensed vapor, ExF is the exergy of fuel, ness of thermal insulation required to arrive at a desired heat
Exloss,S is the exergy loss due to stack gases, Cins is the insulation flow or surface temperature for flat surfaces, ducts and pipes. The
cost.To determine the Exloss,S , the first and second laws of ther- proposed correlation covered the temperature difference between
modynamics were applied, respectively, to a complete combustion ambient temperature and outside temperature up to 250 ◦ C and the
process. The other exergy equations are given by temperature drop through insulation up to 1000 ◦ C. The proposed
correlation calculated the thermal thickness for flat surfaces up to
Exloss, Q = (9) 200 mm and predicted the thermal thickness for ducts and pipes
(Rw + xins /kins )
with outside diameters up to 2400 mm. Another study reported
Exd = mc [(hi − ho ) − T0 (si − so )] (10) by the same authors (Bahadori and Vuthaluru [104]) focused on
 only optimum thickness of thermal insulation as a function of
ExF = 1− QF (11) steel pipe. The correlation proposed in that study depended on
pipe diameter, thermal conductivity of insulation material for sur-
The details of the equations could be found in Arslan and Kose face temperatures at 100, 300, 500 and 700 ◦ C. As a conclusion,
[92] and Ucar [93]. By using these equations, Arslan and Kose [92] they reached that the optimum insulation thickness increased by
studied one city in Turkey (Kutahya) located in the third DD region, diminishing increments with increasing outside diameter of steel
and the extruded polystyrene foam and lignite were used as the pipe.
insulation and fuel, respectively. The optimum insulation thick- Lorente and Bejan [105] addressed the problem of optimizing
nesses were found to be 0.058 m, 0.066 m, and 0.073 m for indoor the internal structure of a vertical composite wall that can meet
422 O. Kaynakli / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 415–425

the requirements of maximizing the thermal insulation with a fixed recover the initial investment in an opportunity. This value rep-
mechanical strength. The effect of block cavities on heat transfer resents the discounted payback period of the specific thickness
was examined by Antar [106] to achieve more energy savings for compared to the reference thickness. The reference thickness is
the end users. He emphasized that changing the layout of the cav- set as zero in order for the payback period to be compared to the
ities could substantially decrease the heat leak and provide better un-insulated condition.
thermal insulation without affecting the structural characteristics
of the blocks. In the literature, several studies partitioned the cav- 6.1. The P1 –P2 method
ities in the block to reduce the heat transfer rate [107–109]. The
insulations used in the study by Habali et al. [110], rock wool and Several studies used the P1 –P2 method to calculate the net
polyurethane, were used to insulate a long-term concrete storage energy savings [16,17,40,52,56,116]. P1 is the life cycle energy
tank. In the study, the effect of the insulation thickness on the total related to the market discount rate d (for the value of money),
cost of a solar system used in space heating and domestic hot water the inflation rate i (for the energy cost), and the economic anal-
systems was investigated. ysis period (or the technical lifetime of the applied insulation in
years [56], LT). The value of P1 can be calculated for residential
6. Financial analysis methods applications by [52,117]
1 1+i
In the literature, several financial methods were used to opti- 
LT 1 − i=
/ d
(1 + i)

mize the thermal insulation thickness of external walls. One of the P1 = = (d − i) 1+d (17)
(1 + d)
j LT
financial analysis methods was the Simple Payback Period. This j=1 i=d
method is based on the time required to repay the initial capital
investment with the operating savings attributed to that invest- P2 is the ratio of the life cycle expenditures incurred because of
ment. The main drawback of this simple analysis is that it does not the additional capital investment to the initial investment, which
take into account the time value of money, a very important finan- can be calculated by
cial consideration [111]. The more commonly used method is the Rv
Life Cycle Cost (LCC) analysis [26,33,41,112,113]. This analysis cal- P2 = D + (1 − D)P1 + Ms P1 − LT
(1 + d)
culates the cost of a system or component over its entire lifetime.
The amount of net energy savings via insulation over a lifetime (LT) where D is the ratio of the down payment to the initial investment,
is evaluated in the present value using the present worth factor Ms is the ratio of first year miscellaneous costs (maintenance, insur-
(PWF). The PWF, which depends upon the inflation rate (i), and the ance, and other incidental costs) to initial investment, and Rv is the
discount rate (d), is calculated as [2,114,115] ratio of the resale value at the end of the economic period to the
1 + i  1 + i LT  initial investment. If no additional capital is invested other than
PWF = 1− (if d =
/ i) (12) the initial investment (such as maintenance and operation costs),
d−i 1+d P2 can be taken as 1 [52,56].
PWF = (if d =
/ i) (13) 7. An application for determining the optimum thickness
LT could be assumed to be 10 years [22,23,33,41], 20 years A practical application for optimizing the insulation thickness
[16,29,52,56], 25 years [15] or 30 years [26,78,87]. After calculating based on degree-days was conducted by using the LCC analysis
the PWF value, the total cost based on the number of heating and in the present work. Iskenderun, located in the first DD region in
cooling degree-days can be expressed as follows Turkey, was chosen as an example. The weather data used in energy
86400HDDCf PWF analysis determined the accuracy and characteristics of the results.
Ct,H = Cins x + (14) Therefore, the database used in energy requirement calculations
(Rt,w + x/k)Hu
should cover a long period and depend on recent values [21]. In
86400CDDCe PWF this study, approximately 20 year-ambient temperature (dry bulb)
Ct,C = Cins x + (15)
(Rt,w + x/k)COP data were used to determine the heating and cooling degree-days.
where Cins is the cost of insulation material per unit volume, Hu The data were taken from The State Meteorological Affairs Gen-
is lower heating value of the fuel,  is efficiency of the heating eral Directorate [118]. Using these values, the variation of heating
system, Cf is the cost of fuel, Rt,w is the total wall thermal resis- and cooling DDs is plotted in Fig. 2. The HDDs and CDDs values for
tance excluding the insulation layer, x and k are the thickness and Iskenderun were computed as 674 and 448, respectively.
thermal conductivity of insulation material, respectively, The opti- By using the HDDs and CDDs, the annual heating and cooling
mum insulation thickness for annual (heating and cooling) energy transmission loads could be estimated. The variation of these loads
requirements is obtained by minimizing the sum of eqs. (14) and and the decreasing ratio of the total annual transmission load with
(15). The derivative of the total cost equation with respect to insu- the insulation thickness are shown in Figs. 3 and 4. The particular
lation thickness is taken and set equal to zero, then the optimum parameters used in the calculations are given in Table 4. As the
insulation thickness (xopt ) is obtained as insulation thickness increased, both the heating and cooling loads
per square meter of wall decreased, as expected. The annual total
86400PWF(Cf HDD/ Hu + Ce CDD/COP)k transmission load dropped to 50% with an insulation thickness of
xopt = −Rt,w k (16) only 0.02 m, and it dropped under 20% with an insulation thickness
of 0.10 m, as seen in Fig. 4.
where Ce is the cost of electricity since the cooling system is sup- In the calculations, the cooling system was supplied with elec-
plied with electricity and COP is the coefficient of performance of tricity, and natural gas was chosen as the heating fuel because it is
the cooling system, which depends on the operating parameters; widely used for space heating in Turkey. The costs of electricity and
on average, it is assumed to be 2.5 [17,56]. natural gas are also given in Table 4. The variation of cost curves
After determining the optimum insulation thickness most stud- (total heating-cooling energy and insulation) with insulation thick-
ies compute the payback period of the insulation cost. The payback ness and the optimum economic thickness of the insulation can be
period is the amount of time (typically measured in years) to seen in Fig. 5. The optimum insulation thickness minimizing the
O. Kaynakli / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 415–425 423

Table 4
The parameters used in the calculations.

Parameter Value

Overall heat transfer coefficient of wall U = 1/(Rins + 0.672) W/m2 K [17]

Insulation (polystyrene)
Density  > 30 kg/m3
Conductivity k = 0.030 W/mK [9,26,92]
Material cost Cins = 170 USD/m3
Natural gas (in heating)
Price, Cf 0.367 USD/m3
Lower heating value, Hu 34.526 × 106 J/m3 [17]
Efficiency of heating system,  0.93 [17,33]
Electricity (in cooling)
Price, Ce 0.118 USD/kWh
COP 2.5 [56]
Financial parameters
Inflation rate, i 5%
Discount rate, d 7%
Lifetime, LT 10 [22,23,33,41]
Present worth factor, PWF 9.03
Fig. 2. The variation of HDDs and CDDs during year.

Fig. 5. The variation of total life cycle cost and insulation cost with insulation thick-
Fig. 3. The variation of annual heating and cooling transmission loads with insula- ness.
tion thickness.

DDs. On the other hand, optimum values for CDDs were higher than
life cycle cost over a lifetime of 10 years was 0.023 m. The effect those for HDDs because of the unit cost of energy.
of DD values on the optimum insulation thickness is seen in Fig. 6. The HDDs and CDDs in Turkey were 690 and 398 for Isk-
The optimum insulation thickness did not vary linearly with the enderun and 5137 and 0 for Ardahan, respectively [21]. By
DD values; it increased by diminishing increments with increasing using these values, the annual total (heating and cooling) energy
requirements were calculated to vary between approximately 140

Fig. 4. The variation of the decreasing ratio of total annual transmission load with
insulation thickness. Fig. 6. The variation of optimum insulation thickness with degree-days.
424 O. Kaynakli / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 415–425

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