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Engine Performance Data 129 kW (173 hp) @ 2200 RPM

Cummins Inc 799 N-m (589 lb-ft) @ 1400 RPM
Columbus, Indiana 47202-3005 Configuration CPL Code Revision
FR91436 D313033CX03 40426 24-Oct-2020

Compression Ratio: 17.2 :1 Displacement: 6.7 L (408 in3)

Fuel System: Bosch Electronic Aspiration: Turbocharged CAC
Emission Certification CARB Tier 3, EU Stage IIIA, US EPA Tier 3
Rating Types Continuous
All data is based upon the engine operating with fuel system, water pump, and with inlet restriction and exhaust restriction at or below datasheet limits. The alternator, fan,
optional equipment, and driven components are not included. Coolant flows and heat rejection data is based on a coolant mixture of 50% ethylene glycol and 50% water.
All data is subject to change without notice.

Torque Output
RPM lb-ft N-m
800 500 678
1000 579 785
1200 585 793
1300 587 796
1400 590 800
1600 549 744
1800 508 689
2000 467 633
2100 440 597
2200 413 560

Power Output
RPM hp kW
800 76 57
1000 110 82
1200 134 100
1300 145 108
1400 157 117
1600 167 125
1800 174 130
2000 178 133
2100 176 131
2200 173 129

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Fuel Consumption
RPM lb/hp-hr g/kW-hr
800 0.358 218
1200 0.344 209
1400 0.363 221
1600 0.36 219
1800 0.362 220
2000 0.37 225
2200 0.38 231

Curves shown above represent gross engine performance capabilities obtained and corrected in accordance with SAE J1995 conditions of 100 kPa barometric
pressure [91 m (300 ft) altitude], 25 deg C (77 deg F) inlet air temperature, and 1 kPa water vapor pressure with No. 2 diesel fuel.
Altitude derate threshold information can be found in ADVISOR.
Tolerance within 5 %
Intake Air System
Maximum allowable air temperature rise over ambient at intake manifold (naturally aspirated engines) or turbo
30.6 delta deg F 17 delta deg C
compressor inlet (turbo-charged engines): *This parameter impacts emissions, LAT, and/or altitude capability
Cooling System
Maximum charge air cooler outlet to ambient at 25 deg C (77 deg F) (CAC dT) 63 delta deg F 35 delta deg C
Maximum CAC outlet temperature at less than or equal to 25 deg C (77 deg F) ambient 140 deg F 60 deg C
Maximum allowable pressure drop across charge air cooler and OEM CAC piping (IMPD) 4 in-Hg 13.6 kPa
Maximum coolant temperature for engine protection controls 237 deg F 114 deg C
Maximum coolant operating temperature at engine outlet (max. top tank temp) 225 deg F 107 deg C
Exhaust System
Maximum exhaust backpressure imposed by exhaust system (at soot level after DPF regeneration or cleaning, when
3 in-Hg 10.2 kPa
DPF is present)
Recommended exhaust pipe size (inner diameter) 3 in 75 mm
Lubrication System
Nominal operating oil pressure at minimum low idle 10 psi 69 kPa
Nominal operating oil pressure at maximum rated speed 55.1 psi 380 kPa
Minimum engine oil pressure at minimum low idle (for engine protection devices) 7.5 psi 52 kPa
Fuel System
*Fuel cooling requirements with diesel fuel
Maximum supply fuel flow 452 lb/hr 205 kg/hr
Maximum return fuel flow 278 lb/hr 126 kg/hr
Engine fuel compatibility (consult Service Bulletin #5411406 for appropriate use of other fuels) B20, B5, DF1, DF2
Maximum fuel inlet pressure 15 psi 100 kPa
Performance Data
Maximum low idle speed: 1200 RPM
Minimum low idle speed: 600 RPM
Minimum engine speed for full load sustained operation: 1600 RPM
Maximum overspeed capability (15 second maximum): 3750 RPM
Maximum continuous power: 130 kW (174 hp)
Maximum continuous speed: 1650 RPM

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Governed Power Maximum Power Peak Torque

Engine Speed 2200 RPM 2000 RPM 1400 RPM
Output Power 129 kW (173 hp) 133 kW (178 hp) 117 kW (157 hp)
Torque 560 N-m (413 lb-ft) 633 N-m (467 lb-ft) 799 N-m (589 lb-ft)
Motoring Power 27 kW (36 hp) 22 kW (30 hp) 12 kW (16 hp)
Intake Manifold Pressure 152 kPa (45 in-Hg) 152 kPa (45 in-Hg) 141 kPa (42 in-Hg)
Turbo Comp. Outlet Pressure 165.2 kPa (48.9 in-Hg) 164.3 kPa (48.6 in-Hg) 148.7 kPa (44 in-Hg)
Turbo Comp. Outlet Temperature 162 deg C (324 deg F) 160 deg C (320 deg F) 156 deg C (313 deg F)
Inlet Air Flow 260 L/s (551 ft3/min) 245 L/s (519 ft3/min) 173 L/s (367 ft3/min)
Charge Air Flow 17.9 kg/min (39.5 lb/min) 16.8 kg/min (37 lb/min) 11.9 kg/min (26.2 lb/min)
Exhaust Gas Flow 543 L/s (1151 ft3/min) 536 L/s (1136 ft3/min) 442 L/s (937 ft3/min)
Exhaust Gas Temperature 397 deg C (747 deg F) 424 deg C (795 deg F) 502 deg C (936 deg F)
Maximum Fuel Flow to Pump 132 kg/hr (291 lb/hr) 122 kg/hr (269 lb/hr) 88 kg/hr (194 lb/hr)
Heat Rejection to Coolant 64.2 kW (3651 BTU/min) 66.9 kW (3805 BTU/min) 58.9 kW (3350 BTU/min)
Heat Rejection to Fuel 1.6 kW (91 BTU/min) 1.4 kW (80 BTU/min) 0.8 kW (45 BTU/min)
Heat Rejection to Ambient 12 kW (682 BTU/min) 6.6 kW (375 BTU/min) 9.8 kW (557 BTU/min)
Heat Rejection to Exhaust 122 kW (6932 BTU/min) 124 kW (7057 BTU/min) 107 kW (6102 BTU/min)
*When operating Naturally Aspirated engines above SAE J1995 conditions, it should be noted that smoke levels will increase due to combustion inefficiencies
associated with a reduction in the air to fuel mixture.
**The table above represents design points to identify IQA test conditions and assist OEMs in sizing vehicle interface systems. It does not necessarily reflect advertised
governed speed, maximum power or peak torque conditions.
Cranking System (Cold Starting Capability)
Minimum cranking speed 120 RPM 120 RPM
Maximum OEM parasitic load at 10 deg F and minimum cranking speed 372 lb-ft 505 N-m
Required Starting Aids: Intake Air Heater Required
Minimum ambient temperature for unaided cold start at maximum OEM parasitic load 10.4 deg F -12 deg C
Minimum ambient temperature with grid heater only at maximum OEM parasitic load -26 deg F -32 deg C
Minimum ambient temperature with ether at maximum OEM parasitic load -26 deg F -32 deg C
Minimum ambient temperature with coolant and lube heater at maximum OEM parasitic load -40 deg F -40 deg C
*Cranking System data obtained with all required starting aids before over crank protection limits.
Noise Emissions
Free field sound pressure level at 1 meter (3.28ft) at rated power (speed and load) per SAE J1074.
Top: 90 dB(A)
Right Side: 93 dB(A)
Left Side: 94 dB(A)
Front: 93 dB(A)
Change Log
Date Author Description
03/11/2009 David P Howarth Changed Configuration and Chief Engineer
3/30/2020 Rick Mason obsolete, see FR96051 for new design

Status for curves and data: Final-(Measured data)

Data shown is representative of engine performance. Engine to engine variability may cause deviation from reported values
Data updated by Robert C Klueppelberg
Bending moment diagrams may be available on GCE under Engine Specific Topics

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