Perdev 2q
Perdev 2q
Perdev 2q
Summative Test
True or False Test. Write the word True if you find the statement correct and the word False if otherwise.
Answers should be written on the space before the number.
__________1) Showing trustworthiness in one way of developing rapport and healthy relationships.
__________2) If a person is dishonest, I should also be dishonest to him.
__________3) Attentive listening develops respect and healthy relationships.
__________4) Establishing mutually acceptable boundaries based on personal values is important in any
__________5) Interacting with peers and friends will not help teenagers learn to make decisions and good
__________6) Parent-child relationship is associated with the development of social skills such as conflict
and intimacy.
__________7) Adolescents can develop more healthy relationships with their boyfriend or girlfriend than in
their peers and other adult members in the family.
__________8) Non-parental adults who are family members cannot be role models to children.
__________9) Grandparents may serve as a source of support, good influence to adolescents and provide
information about family history and culture.
__________ 10) Positive peer relationships also appear to discourage aggression, emotional distress, and
anti-social behaviors.
Multiple Choice Test. Read and analyze each statement below and carefully choose the letter that best
describes the statement. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before the number.
_____ 1) It refers to close connection between people, formed by emotional bonds and interactions.
A) Emotional Relationship C) Personal Relationship
B) Social Relationship D) Political Relationship
_____ 2) It refers to the adolescent relationship with their parents, siblings, relatives, grandparents, and
A) Emotional Relationship C) Personal Relationship
B) Social Relationship D) Political Relationship
_____ 3) The following are elements of a healthy relationship in the areas of communication, except;
A) Honest with each other C) Listen to each other
B) Keep in touch with each other D) Trust and Care with each other