Mateable Transfer Wiring-System: For Connectors To DIN 41 612 and VG 95 324
Mateable Transfer Wiring-System: For Connectors To DIN 41 612 and VG 95 324
Mateable Transfer Wiring-System: For Connectors To DIN 41 612 and VG 95 324
This cable housing family meets the demand for a fully-in- All housings in this family offer the following advantages
sulated compact housing suitable for holding either the eA strong, fully insulated housing;
male or female half of connectors to DIN 41 612. Exclusion of any mechanical stress on the multi-pin con-
The mechanical protection provided by the cable housings nectors during insertion, operation and withdrawal;
makes these PCB-related connectors suitable for all kind Lifting screws (which can be turned successively) maki
of electrical interfaces. They can be used as board-to- it easy to overcome insertion and withdrawal forces;
wire connectors, as coding or test plugs or as plug-in jum- Suitable guide elements to facilitate mounting on thi
per connections. front panels or wiring ends of PCB modules;
Suitable guide elements assist in matching the two con- Suitable for providing signal or current interconnection!
nector halves and also offer coding possibilities.
between ( W - ) racks;
These universal cable housings have been develo- Three alternative cable outlet positions;
ped in close cooperation with leading manufactu- a Reliable strain-relief;
rers of electronic equipment. Retrofitting of coding devices possible;
Attractive design.
KSG 173 KSG 193
for male or female connectors types B, C, D, H 11, Q, R, for male and female connectors types BK and CK
housing width 15.24 mm (.6) (3T) housing width 15.24 mm (.V) (3T)
Female connectors type H 15 Packing:
housing width 15.24 mm (.6)(3T) Cable housings
for male and female connectors type E as component sets packed in bags - without guide ele-
housing width 20.32 mm (.V) (4T) ments
KSG 203 Guide elements
for female connectors type F as component sets packed in bags including fastening ele-
housing width 15.24 mm (.6) (3T) ments
KSG 253 Coding
for female ribbon-cable (IDC)-connectors type C as component sets packed in bags including fastening ele-
housing width 15.24 mm (.V) (3T) ments
Cable entry 16x20 mm
Cable enliy 11x15 mm
Cable housings KSG 253
for female ribbon-cable (IDC) - connectors type C
f* 3
Cable housings KSG 253
to carry small electronic circuits
LEDs can be fitted at the rear of the cable housing for the visual indication of fault signals or switch positions.
Technical data
Coding system
Packing Part-No.
As comuonent set uacked in a ban:
2 coding bushes positive
2 coding bushes negative 033 004
and fastening elements
Individual parts, ordering details
Cable housings KSG 173,203,253
for male and female connectors to DIN 41 612
Individual parts
Order details
1 cab'e housing
KSG 173
1 Number of
cable outlets
1 For
1 Part-No,
Cable housing
1 Outlets at
11 For
C Insulation
11 Part-No.
This interface system gives users the opportunity of provi- Explanation - Installation possibilities
ding mateable connections on the front-panels. The guide Pos. 1 Guide elements fitted as a card-edge grip for moun-
elements can either be fitted as pull grips or be mounted on ting a male connector resp. inverted female connec-
metal front panels. tor (the female connector resp. inverted male con-
Fitting mateable connectors to the front of PCB modules nector being in the cable housing).
makes it possible to seperate the internal and external wi- Pos. 2 Guide elements fitted as a card-edge grip for the
ring and to provide mateable connections between diffe- mounting of a female connector with angled solder
rent modules, cabinets or other peripheral equipment. pins (the male half being in the cable housing).
This front-side interface system makes it possible to trans- Pos. 3 As Pos. 1 and 2 but for mounting on a front panel.
mit sensitive signals without interferences. For the panel cutout see page 11.
For PCB-drillings please see page 19 -,,Front mountings". Pos. 4 The guide elements are also suitable for cable hou-
sing KSG 253 (the female half being in the cable
Order details, mounting cutouts
Mounting cutout
for guide element 043 520 for guide element 043 551
043 523 043 552
043 575
Guide elements for mounting through wiring fields
with connector types B, C, D, E, F, H 11, H 15, Q, R
In a similar way to front-mounted connectors, this interface Explanation Installation possibilities
System also provides for making mateable interC0nne~- pas, 1 The guide elements are fitted to the motherboard
tions directly from the wiring field to a printed circuit board. support. Alternatively, by fitting suitable spacer
The guide elements are mounted on the rails of a subrack washers (included in the set), the guide elements
and serve to locate the PC0 in the rack. can be fitted directly to a subrack.
Pos. 2 For power connections, the female half is mounted
in the cable housing and the male half and PC0 in
the subrack to provide protection against accidental
Pos. 3 Similar to the front-panel mounting, it is also possi-
ble to fit female connectors with right-angled termi-
nations or reversed female connectors on the prin-
ted circuit board (male connector in the cable hou-
Pos. 4The guide elements are also suitable for cable hou-
sings KSG 253 (female connector in the cable hou-
Order details, mounting cutouts
1 1 Male connector
Female connector 1
1 1 1 Male connector 1 F, H11, H15, 1 043553 1
Mounting cutout
for guide element 043 553 for guide element 043 554
Possibility of mounting the Possibility of mounting the
guide elements either in guide elements either in
h i row 104.14 (hole dia. 2.6 mm) h e row 104,14 (hole dia, 2,6 mm
/ or in hole row 122,5. M 2.5 mead 0 in h i row 122.5. M 2.5 thread
Guide elements for mounting on mother boards or on printed circuit boards
with connector types B, C, D, E, H 11, Q, R
1 1
Pm. Guide element for 1 Part No. 1
l Female connector B, C, D, H11 M 3 555
Male connector '2,R
l l l
l Female connector E 043 556
Mounting cutout
for guide element 043 555 tor guide element 043 556
043 620 043 619
Guide frames and spacer elements for fitting in the wiring plane for
use with connector types B, C, D, E, Q, R
1 For connection to
An adaptor is necessary
when fitting type BK
Cableertry 11x15 mm
Order details
Number of
Designation Cable entries Type Part No.
KSG 193 1 BK, CK 193001
KSG 193 2 BK, CK 193 002
Adaptor - BK 133117 Cable housings with 3 cable ei
on request.
Mounting cutout
for guide element 043 520
043 523
Guide elements for mounting type BK and CK connectors
(half-length VG connectors) on wiring planes
- l
Order details, mounting cutout
Mounting cutout
for guide elements 043 555
043 620
Guide elements for fitting with
connector types BK and CK [half-length VG connectors) in the wiring plane
The guide elements are mounted on the motherboard. For power connections, the female half is mounted in the
Similar to front-panel mounting, female connectors with cable housing and the male half and circuit board in the
right-angled connections can be mounted directly on the subrack to provide protection against accidental contact.
printed circuit board and the male connector is then loca-
ted in the cable housing.
Male connector BK, CK 043 553
Female connector
Mounting cutout
for guide element 043 553
Circuit board drilling pattern
for male and female connectors type BK and CK
(half-length VG connectors) with right-angled connecting pins
Rows occupied Equipped
poles with contac
BK 32 ab Complete 1,O
BK 16 ab Even numbered 1,O
CK 48 abc Complete 1 ,O
CK 32 a c Comolete 1n
1 CK 1 16 1 a c 1 Even numbered 1 1 . 0
1) Hole pattern drawing for male connectors
BK and CK to VG 95 324.
2) Hole pattern drawing for female connectors
BK and CK with right-angled connecting pins.
19" subracks have space for mounting female connectors Electrical and mechanical characteristics
to DIN 41 612 vertically in the wiring plane while the top and
bottom edge wiring fields have room for mounting wiring
strips and plug-on distribution strips horizontally. These
strips are also suitable for mounting in the wiring plane.
The wiring strips VE 64 and VE 96 with gold-plated
0,6x0,6 mm connection pins on a 2,54 mm grid are sui-
Yearlyaverage S 80%, max.100%
table for plugging on female connectors type C to DIN Perm. relative humidity
41 612.
Wiring elements VE 32 and VE 48 with 1x l mm connec-
tion pins on a grid of 5,08 mm are suitable for use as distri- nkg1ri:
bution strips.
+ 20% 4
+7W 2A
A 1 5.5A
The plug-on distribution strips SV 32 and SV 48 facilitate temperaturs +100¡ 1A 2A
the internal and external wiring of subracks on the wiring Test voltage
side. The 1 x 1 mm wire-wrap pins are similar to those of 1000 Vs, 3000 V,!
the wiring strips but they are reduced to 1x0,6 mm in the
contact area so that female connectors type C, D, or E to Polycarbonate 30 % GFR
Insulation material
DIN 41 612 can be plugged on to the ends of these
reduced pins.
Wiring strips
Dimensions, ordering information
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