Fundamentals of English Syntax: (Version 3) Andrew Mcintyre

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English Syntax

Fundamentals of English Syntax know that word is an adjective (slow>slowly). Examples of distributional criteria for various
(Version 3) categories are given below. In each case, assume that the gap in the sentence is to be filled by
Andrew McIntyre a single word.
This is a brief introduction to syntax, the study of the structure of sentences. It introduces (2) a. They have no []N
some basic concepts, aiming to give readers an idea of syntactic phenomena and b. the []A []N
argumentation. The text adopts a theoretical perspective called 'Government and Binding c. She did so []Adv
Theory' or 'Principles and Parameters Theory', familiarity with which is generally d. very []A/Adv
presupposed in original syntactic research, although many of the ideas are found in most e. They can []V
other theories. To simplify the exposition, the text sometimes adopts some fairly old-
fashioned analyses of certain phenomena. Linguistics, like all other sciences, is constantly 1.2. Constituent structure
making new discoveries and many issues in linguistics are subject to debate. Doing justice to Identifying the syntactic category of each word in a sentence is only the beginning of
all the important recent discoveries and to all the approaches which have been suggested for syntactic analysis. Consider the simple sentence below:
the phenomena we discuss is impossible here. Section 4 lists some book-length introductions (3) That man likes that woman
to syntax which fill some of the gaps left open by this short introduction. If you have In analysing sentence (3), we might propose the following rule:
suggestions for improving the manuscript, feel free to send them to (4) S → D+N+V+D+N
(Translation: A sentence can consist of the sequence determiner + noun + verb +
determiner + noun.)
1. Introductory Concepts It is easy to show that a rule like (4) is worse than useless. Suppose we want to give more
information about the man spoken of in (3) and/or to say that he likes someone or something
1.1. Syntactic categories other than that woman. We could then replace that man and that women with different, more
It is assumed that you have some familiarity with what in traditional grammar were called the complex expressions. A small selection of the infinite number of possible replacements is
parts of speech, i.e. notions like those in (1). Such notions are now covered by the term given in (5) and (6).
categories or syntactic categories.1 (5) a. that old man
(1) Category Abbreviation Example b. that old man with the bottle of beer
a. noun N John, London, computer, city, stupidity, event c. that extremely old and decrepit man with a nearly empty bottle of cheap beer
b. verb V hear, think, kill, shorten, eavesdrop, exist d. that man over there near the window
c. adjective A good, obscene, demented, lovely, schoolmasterly e. that extremely old and decrepit man over there with a nearly empty bottle of cheap beer
d. preposition P by, in, with, from, to, at, inside, despite (6) a. heavy metal music from the Seventies
e. adverb Adv slowly, often, now, mostly b. people with a flair for the unusual
f. determiner D (or Det) a, the, this, those2 c. paintings by certain fairly weird and decadent artists
It is worthwhile learning the abbreviations for the categories, as they are used in other works. d. the lady over there beside the fireplace
Let us briefly examine some of the criteria which are used in determining the category a e. his collection of photographs of Victorian guesthouses in Tasmania
word belongs to. We will not try to give a full list of completely failsafe criteria here; we will The possibility of replacing that man in (3) with any expression in (5) and that woman in (3)
simply indicate the types of criteria which are considered more reliable by syntacticians. One with any expression in (6) gives us twenty-five sentences. If we wish to be able to describe
less reliable type of criterion for categories which you may already have encountered is what happens using rules like that in (4), we would require twenty-five different rules. Once
semantic, i.e. based on meaning. Thus, you may have been told in school that a noun denotes we start adding further material to the sentence (say, very much just before likes and/or
a person, place or thing, that a verb denotes an activity or state and that an adjective denotes a obviously at the beginning of the sentence), the number of rules of the type in (4) begins to
property. Unfortunately, such semantic generalisations are tendencies, not absolute rules. multiply. We would rapidly see that the number of rules of the type in (4) required to describe
Thus, there are nouns which denote activities (the hammering), events (recital), states possible English sentences would be infinite. There is no way a child could learn such rules.
(drunkenness) and properties (silliness). Also, such rules are purely descriptive, by which is meant that they just state observed
More reliable evidence for determining the category of a word come from morphological empirical facts without giving any explanation for them.
and distributional criteria. Examples of morphological criteria would be that nouns, but no A way out of this impasse emerges when we realise that what has hitherto been lacking in
other category, can take a plural affix (tables, intervals, oxen) and that most verbs change our analysis of sentences has been the idea that words can combine with other words to form
their morphological form according to the requirements of tense and agreement (I sing, she larger groups of words which belong together. In technical parlance, such groups of words are
sings, I sang; I talk, she talks, I talked). If you can add -ly to a word to form an adverb, you called constituents. Constituents combine with other constituents to form yet larger
constituents, until we eventually have the largest type of constituent studied in syntax, the
sentence. The expressions listed in (5) and (6) were examples of constituents called 'noun
1 You will need to remember any terms written in bold type in this text.
phrases' (NPs), expressions which include a noun and some additional material giving
2 Determiners (some of which are known as 'articles' in some grammar books) are defined more
additional information about it. NPs can typically be replaced by pronouns: each NP in (5)
precisely in section 2.1.

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and (6) can be replaced by he, her, it, them etc. as appropriate. We will give a better proforms.) The answer to the question is also a constituent. (10) illustrates this with reference
definition of NPs and other types of constituents later. Our purpose now is merely to show to (9)(a). In each case, A and B refer to different speakers. B's answer is a constituent.
how establishing constituent structure greatly helps us in analysing sentences. Consider (7), (10) a. A: What did the lady running the group hand in on Friday at noon?
which will be rejected later and should not be memorised, but is far better than (4): B: Her resignation.
(7) S → NP V NP (Translation: A sentence can consist of the sequence NP+V+NP.) b. A: Who handed in her resignation on Friday at noon?
Even if we are only interested in describing the twenty-five possible sentences consisting of a B: The lady running the group
NP from (5), a verb and a NP from (6), the benefits of recognising constituent structure c. A: When did the lady running the group hand in her resignation?
should now be apparent. If we use rules of the type in (4), we would require twenty-five rules B: On Friday at noon
to describe these sentences, whereas (7) describes all twenty-five sentences with just one rule. c) Movement test. If a string can be moved to some other position in the sentence, you know
It should be emphasised again that the rule in (7) is being used only as a way of showing the it is very likely to be a constituent. The following examples apply this test to identify
need for constituent structure. We will later show how this rule can be improved upon. constituents in the respective (a) sentences.
As another, more interesting argument for the need for constituent structure, consider the (11) a. Egbert was reading a thick book about formal logic on the balcony on Sunday.
following sentences containing the possessive s morpheme: b. On Sunday, Egbert was reading a thick book about formal logic on the balcony.
(8) a. [That lady]'s husband left. c. On the balcony, Egbert was reading a thick book about formal logic on Sunday.
b. [That lady over there]'s husband left. (=the husband of that lady over there...) d. Egbert was reading on the balcony on Sunday a thick book about formal logic.
c. [That lady near the door]'s husband left. (=the husband of that lady near the door...) (12) a. Rover ran out of the house. b. Out of the house Rover ran.
d. [That lady you talked to]'s husband left. (=the husband of that lady you talked to...) (13) a. Ann is not a fan of mindless techno music.
e. [That lady you saw]'s husband left. (=the husband of that lady you saw...) b. A fan of mindless techno music, Ann is not.
Notice that we cannot describe the behaviour of the possessive 's in terms of the category of (14) a. Gertrude wasn't interested in art.
the words it attaches to: 's can appear immediately to the right of a word of any category. b. Interested in art, Gertrude wasn't.
Notice also that 's does not necessarily say that the word it appears to the right of is the (15) a. Hortense didn't win the race.
possessor. (For instance, the door in (8)(c) probably does not have a husband.) Rather, the b. Win the race, Hortense didn't.
correct generalisation is that possessive 's attaches to a particular type of constituent (marked d) Coordination test. Coordination is the operation of joining two words or phrases together
by square brackets in (8)), namely a NP. Without knowing what a NP is, there is simply no using conjunctions, e.g. and and or. Strings joined by conjunctions must each be a
way to describe the behaviour of possessive 's. Thus, we cannot describe sentence structure constituent. (They must be constituents of the same type, a fact which will be important to us
without recourse to constituents. later.) Suppose you are trying to test whether the underlined strings in (16)(a) and (17)(a) are
constituents. Try to find another expression which you can coordinate with the underlined
1.3. Tests for constituents string. You can be confident that the string is a constituent if you can place the other
In all sciences, linguistics included, one should be able to assess the truth or falsehood of a expression with which it is coordinated either before or after it without any difference in
claim by means of objective tests. We now introduce some tests for establishing whether a meaning, as in (16)(b,c) and (17)(b,c).
string (i.e. group of words) is a constituent or not. (16) a. I went to the post office to post a letter.
a) Proform test. Proforms are expressions like she, them, somewhere, do so, there which b. I went to the post office to post a letter and did the shopping.
have the function of representing a constituent which has already been mentioned, so that one c. I did the shopping and went to the post office to post a letter.
need not go to the effort of pronouncing/writing the constituent twice. The best-known type (17) a. She spoke to a small number of the students interested in the subject.
of proform is a so-called pronoun, which replaces a NP, e.g. she/him/they. If you can replace b. She spoke to a small number of the students interested in the subject and the staff.
a string with a proform, the string is a constituent. (9) illustrates the use of the proform test in c. She spoke to the staff and a small number of the students interested in the subject.
finding constituents in (9)(a). e) Cleft test. (18)(a) can be changed into the sentences in (b-d). These are instances of cleft
(9) a. The lady running the group handed in her resignation on Friday at noon. sentences (Spaltsätze). (Cleft comes from an old verb cleave meaning 'divide'; the idea is that
b. She handed in her resignation on Friday at noon. [Thus, The lady running the group is cleft sentences are divided in two.) The general form of cleft sentences is (18)(e). The
a constituent] purpose of cleft sentences is to focus the material between be and that, underlined in (18)(b-
c. The lady running it handed in her resignation on Friday at noon. [Thus, the group is a d), presenting it as the new information. This material is always a constituent.
constituent] (18) a. The guests from overseas visited the best parts of the city on Monday.
d. The lady running the group did so on Friday at noon. [Thus, handed in her resignation b. It was on Monday that the guests from overseas visited the best parts of the city.
is a constituent] c. It was the best parts of the city that the guests from overseas visited on Monday.
e. The lady running the group handed in her resignation then. [Thus, on Friday at noon d. It was the guests from overseas that visited the best parts of the city on Monday.
is a constituent] e. It {was/is} X that ... [where X is some constituent]
b) Question test. If you can convert a sentence into a question using a wh-expression (e.g. f) Pseudocleft test. Sentence (18)(a) can also be changed into sentences like those in (19)
where/how/when/why/what/who(m), and phrases like with whom?, at what time?, in whose and (20). These are 'pseudocleft sentences', which we can describe roughly as a reformulation
house?), the string that the wh-expression replaces is a constituent. (Wh-expressions are of a sentence such that a form of be divides the sentence into two parts, of which one is a
focussed constituent from the original sentence (underlined in the examples below) and the

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other begins with what. The order of the two parts of the sentence is often flexible. The word-level category itself and any material which -in a manner to be made more precise
important point about pseudoclefts for our purposes is that the string appearing in the part of shortly- adds additional information to it or is dependent on it. In (24)-(28) are examples of
the sentence not containing what, i.e. the underlined string in the examples below, must the phrasal categories we will be concentrating on in this text. Do not worry if you do not yet
always be a constituent. understand why the expressions in (24)-(28) are seen as instances of the respective categories.
(19) a. What the guests from overseas visited on Monday was the best parts of the city. This set of problems is taken up in the next section.
b. The best parts of the city were what the guests from overseas visited on Monday. (24) Noun Phrase (NP)
(20) a. What the guests from overseas did on Monday was visit the best parts of the city. a. the woman; a (big) tree; (this) coffee, (our) existence
b. Visit the best parts of the city was what the guests from overseas did on Monday. b. a (renowned) expert (on indigenous Australian music) (from Brisbane)
(21) a. I don't need losers like him who couldn't think their way out of a paper bag. c. the (classical) dancer (of exceptional talent) (who got run over by a bus)
b. What I don't need are losers like him who couldn't think their way out of a paper d. the (most important) representatives (of workers' interests) (at the conference)
bag. e. a documentary (by a French journalist) (about Spain)
c. Losers like him who couldn't think their way out of a paper bag are what I don't (25) Verb Phrase (VP)
need. a. (suddenly) die (of cancer) (at a young age)
(22) a. She seemed to be totally fed up with the inefficiency of the system. b. (blindly) rely on the advice of a counsellor
b. What she seemed to be was totally fed up with the inefficiency of the system. c. (often) called him a maladjusted sociopath
c. Totally fed up with the inefficiency of the system was what she seemed to be. d. give Basil the book
g) Though test. In (23) we see that it is sometimes possible to transform sentences beginning e. read (a book)
with although into structures where a focussed part of the sentence precedes though, followed (26) Adjective Phrase (AP)
by the rest of the sentence. This fact can be used as another constituent test because whatever a. (very) angry (at the rest of the human race)
stands in front of though must be a constituent.
b. (completely and utterly) disappointed (at the ineptitude of her secretary)
(23) a. Although she is a defender of free will... = A defender of free will though she is...
c. interested (in the history of Postmodernist theatre) (to some extent)
b. Although they are annoyed at their son... = Annoyed at their son though they are...
c. Though he crossed the road with care... = Cross the road with care though he did... d. dull (to the extreme) e. (soul-destroyingly) boring f. devoid of content
There are other constituent tests, but the ones given above will suffice for our purposes. A (27) Prepositional Phrase (PP)
couple of warnings are appropriate. Firstly, to be completely certain that the results are a. (right) near the fireplace b. towards the entrance to the building
correct, it is wise to use more than one test when trying to work out whether a string is a c. (wholly) inside (the enclosure) d. out (of the house)
constituent. Secondly, the above descriptions of the tests were all formulated in terms similar e. despite the failed attempt of the paramilitary at blowing up the Institute of Syntax
to 'If you can do such-and-such with a string, then it is a constituent', rather than 'If you (28) Adverb Phrase (AdvP)
cannot do such-and-such with a string, then it is not a constituent'. This was because a. (very) slowly
constituent tests will sometimes yield unacceptable results not because the string being tested b. (extremely) well
is not a constituent, but because of some other factor. Consider the underlined string in she c. (completely) independently of the approval of his superiors
played the piece very quickly and very skillfully. We know it is a constituent because it is The underlined elements in the phrases above are the elements around which the respective
coordinated with very skillfully. However, we cannot form a question from this sentence: phrases are built. They are said to be the heads of the respective phrases. (Alternative ways
*How did she play the piece and very skillfully? 3 The unacceptability of this sentence does of saying this are, taking NP as an example, that N heads or projects NP, or that NP is a
not show that very quickly is not a constituent, but is explained by a constraint (not discussed projection of N or is headed by N.) The head of a phrase is the element which determines
here) which says that one cannot ask a question of a coordinated element. the properties of the whole phrase. All elements in a phrase other than the head are dependent
on the head, in that they either give additional information about the head, or are included in
A. Apply two of the above tests to show that the underlined phrases are constituents. the phrase because the head requires or allows this. The head is obligatory, in the sense that if
a. A lady in a blue dress sang the national anthem in the stadium some time after noon. you leave out the head of a phrase, the rest of the phrase must be left out too. You can
b. Someone saw a suspicious-looking man with a briefcase walking around in the foyer confirm this by forming a sentence containing any of the phrases in (24)-(28), but omitting
on Monday half an hour before the building blew up. the head of that phrase. The resulting sentence will almost certainly be unacceptable.
Note that the notion of 'head' also applies to word structure. Inside words, the head is the
1.4. Phrasal categories and the notion of 'head' element which determines the properties of the whole word. For instance, we say that eat is
Just like words, constituents larger than words have a category. We distinguish word-level the head of overeat because the whole word has the same category as eat (i.e. it is a verb) and
categories (categories of words, i.e. N, V, A, P, etc.) and phrasal categories or simply is inflected in the same way as eat (cf. ate/eaten and overate/overeaten). A difference
phrases (constituents larger than a word). Examples of the latter which were already between morphological and syntactic heads is that, in English, the head of a word is usually
mentioned are NP and S. There are a number of other types of phrases. The first thing to note the right-hand element, while the head of a phrase is often not the right-hand element.
is that each word-level category has a corresponding phrasal category, which contains the
1.5. The main problems in identifying and motivating the phrasal categories
3 An asterisk (*) indicates that the expression after it is not acceptable to native speakers. Readers may be asking why some of the expressions in (24)-(28) were seen as being headed

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by the underlined elements. In some cases there may be doubt about whether the expressions exists at all, why does it not include the subject? Why is her mother read not a VP?
are even constituents. We address the most challenging cases now, applying the constituent (33) Her mother read a book.
tests introduced in section 1.3 and making some additional observations. (34) a. [S[NPHer mother] [VP [V read] [NP a book]] b. [S [NP Her mother] [V read] [NP a book]]
(35) a. S b. S
1.5.1 NP VP
NPs are among the easiest phrase-level categories to understand. The following points hold V V
of each example in (24), and of all other NPs: Her mother read a book Her mother read a book
a. The whole phrase refers to the entity/concept named by the noun. (34)(b)/(35)(b) suggests that the string read a book is not a constituent, but two independent
b. All the material in the phrase gives information about the noun. constituents. On the other hand, (34)(a)/(35)(a) suggests that this string is a constituent. If we
c. The whole phrase can be replaced by a pronoun (she/her/he/him/it/they/them). apply the constituent tests introduced in section 1.3, we find clear evidence for the existence
Points a and b are two arguments for the claim that the noun determines the nature of the of the constituent presupposed by (34)(a)/(35)(a).
whole phrase, and is thus its head.4 Point c gives an important grammatical characteristic of (36) a. Her mother READ A BOOK. She did so last year. [Proform test]
NPs in general, which helps us to identify them. It is important to realise that pronouns stand b. A: What did her mother do? B: READ A BOOK. [Question test]
for full NPs, not just nouns. If pronouns stood for nouns, then replacing the big tree with a c. Her mother [READ A BOOK] and [did a crossword puzzle] [Coordination]
pronoun would yield the unacceptable expression *the big it. Her mother [did a crossword puzzle] and [READ A BOOK]
It is easy to identify simple expressions like (24)(a) as NPs. Cases which may confuse d. READ A BOOK was what her mother did. [Pseudocleft test]
beginners are structures like (24)(b-d) where the NP includes material after the noun. As an e. READ A BOOK though she did, she was still bored. [though test]
example of this, consider (24)(e), repeated in (29) as part of a full sentence. We can establish To show that the behaviour of read a book is no fluke, we give below some evidence
that the underlined string in (29) is a constituent by applying the cleft test in (30), the indicating that each of the other constructions in (25) are constituents.
movement test in (31) and the proform test in (32). Since the proform is a pronoun, we can (37) [VP Suddenly die of cancer at a young age] though she did, she is still remembered.
assume, as per point c above, that the underlined constituent in (29) is a NP. It should also be (38) What he did was [VP blindly rely on the advice of a counsellor]
clear that the constituent conforms to points a and b above. (39) They [VP often called him a maladjusted sociopath] and [VP laughed at him]
(29) I saw a documentary by a French journalist about Spain last night. They [VP laughed at him] and [VP often called him a maladjusted sociopath]
(30) a. It was a documentary by a French journalist about Spain that I saw last night. (40) A: What did she do? B: [VP give Basil the book]
b. *It was a documentary that I saw by a French journalist about Spain last night. Thus, it is clear that the structures in (25) are possible constituents in a sentence. That the
(31) a. I saw last night a documentary by a French journalist about Spain. constituents in (25) are seen as headed by the verbs rather than some other element seems
b. *I saw by a French journalist about Spain last night a documentary fairly self-evident. Readers will be able to verify for themselves that all the material in the
(32) a. I saw it last night. phrase is giving us information about the situation expressed by the verb.
b. *I saw it by a French journalist about Spain last night
Students may have trouble with these sentences because the string a documentary can be a 1.5.3 PP
complete NP in some contexts. It is important to note that, while it is a NP in a sentence like Beginners sometimes assume that PPs (e.g. (27)) are a type of NP. This assumption seems to
e.g. I saw a documentary last night, the tests above show that a documentary is not a result from the intuition that the preposition is in some sense 'less important' than the noun in
complete NP in the context of (29). the NP after the preposition, which is taken to show that the noun ought to be the head of the
whole construction. This reasoning is misses the mark. Taking the PP into the shop as an
1.5.2 VP
example, we note that the preposition is not telling us anything about the shop, contrary to
Consider now the strings of words in (25), referred to as VPs. These strings all contain a verb what we would expect if it were part of the NP headed by shop. Secondly, note that PPs never
and that, if one adds an appropriate NP (called a subject5) in front of the string, a full denote entities, unlike NPs. In most cases, PPs denote locations or directions. Finally,
sentence is formed. Thus, adding the NP her mother to (25)(e) gives us the sentence (33). pronouns that can replace NPs (it/them/she etc) can never replace PPs. There is thus clear
Readers may wonder why the strings in (25) are regarded as constituents. To make the evidence that PPs are not a type of NP.
question more concrete, consider (33). Why is it better to assume that (33) has the structure
indicated in (34)(a) or (35)(a) rather than that seen in (34)(b) or (35)(b).6 If the VP constituent 1.5.4 AP
It seems to be relatively unproblematic to identify APs in predicative position (i.e. if the AP
4 Note that b does not alone identify NPs. For instance, one could say that everything in the sentence is in a sentence-final position and the NP it describes is nowhere near it, as is the case if one
John loves Ann tells us something about John, but sentences are very different from NPs, for instance of the APs in (26) appears in a sentence beginning with They are, e.g. They are very angry at
because they denote situations and never denote entities. the rest of the human race. What sometimes causes confusion among beginners are cases of
5 Subject is a term for the NP which is outside the VP and can determine the inflection of the verb prenominal APs, i.e. APs which are directly in front of the noun they describe, as in the very
(his mother writes books vs. I write books). A subject differs for instance from an object, i.e. an NP
after a verb. (35)(b) are used to save describing the internal structure of the NPs, which is not relevant to the point
6 The notation in (34) is called (labelled) bracketing. Graphs like (35) are known as phrase at hand. (This common practice is called triangle notation.) Note also that in some works you will
markers, tree diagrams or trees. Trees and bracketing express the same thing. The triangles in see the notation [my mother]NP instead of [NP my mother].

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big tree. Here the AP is very big, not very big tree. A reason for assuming this is that the e. (completely) bereft/devoid OF INSPIRATION (=lacking it)
noun is the head of the whole construction, not the adjective, since the adjective is describing (44) NP a. his fondness/liking FOR STRONG DRINK (during the Winter months)
the noun and not vice-versa. Additionally, if you compare prenominal APs with predicative b. my (misguided) reliance ON MICROSOFT SOFTWARE (in writing these notes)
APs, you will notice that a uniform characterisation of the AP is possible only by assuming c. the expert (ON PHYSICS) (on the committee) (in an orange waistcoat)
that the AP never contains the noun it describes. d. her (profound) faith (IN DIVINE BEINGS) (during the crisis)
e. the (generous) friends (OF THE ACCIDENT VICTIMS)
1.6. More on Coordination f. the (better known) kings (OF ENGLAND) (before the fifteenth century)
We can now complete the treatment of coordination begun in section 1.3. The basic (45) PP: a. towards THE FENCE
principles are: b. (right) inside (THE HOUSE)
• Coordination is generally possible only with constituents of the same category. c. despite STATE INTERVENTION
• Coordination forms a phrase of the same category as that of the coordinated constituents. In these phrases, the constituents in capitals are said to be complements of the heads. The
The examples in (41) illustrate this. expressions in italics are modifiers of the heads. The differences are as follows.
A. It is impossible to define the head of the phrase without referring to its complement.
(41) a. NP b. Adv Take the verbs in (42). Any definition of rely would mention a person or thing relied upon, a
definition of devour would mention something that is eaten and a definition of claim would
NP conj NP Adv conj Adv mention some claim that is made. However, the definitions of the verbs in (42) need not
his mother and his father slowly and carefully
mention the sorts of information expressed by the constituents in italics. (Consider how
redundant the PPs sound in the following definition of devour: 'enthusiastically eat something
c. ?? d. ?? at a particular time and at a particular place'.) A definition of expert (see (44)(c)) would
mention that the individual in question possesses knowledge of a particular subject (which
NP conj PP NP conj AP can appear as the complement of expert), but not whether the expert belongs to a committee
* he is a criminal and in gaol *they are liars and untrustworthy or what they wear. A definition of proud (see (43)(c)) must mention that a proud person is
proud of something or someone.
B. Identify the categories coordinated by the italicised conjunctions in the sentences below. B. Modifiers are always optional, while complements are often obligatory. Notice that the
a. A cleaner and a professor of physics recently got married. claim is not that complements are always obligatory. The capitalised expression in (46) is a
b. She will sing and play a Beatles tune. complement for the same reasons as that in (42)(b) is: one cannot define the verb without
c. He went to the restaurant for a pie and chips but only had a glass of wine there. mentioning an eaten entity. However, it is possible to say she ate as well as she ate the
d. There was an interesting talk on the last day of the conference, but everyone fell asleep. leftovers, so we must assume that the complement is optional. Even if the complement is not
C. Find the heads of the phrases below. Is the phrase a NP, AP, VP, AdvP or PP? expressed, it is still present in the meaning of the VP, for one cannot eat without any food
a. that big and ugly building b. in the house over there being consumed. Similar remarks apply to proud and expert (cf. (43)(c) and (44)(c)). If we
c. extremely proud of his children d. smokes very weird cigarettes hear John is proud, we know that he is proud of someone or something. The sentence John is
e. sometimes sings out of tune f. outside the house over there an expert is understood such that he is an expert on something.
g. seldom knew all the answers h. completely unbeknownst to us (46) ate (THE LEFTOVERS) (before she went to the pub)
D. Identify the NP and VP which combine to form the following sentences. C. Complements appear closer to the head than modifiers do, as the examples above show.
a. The lady over there and her friend know George. D. (This principle subsumes A.) The complements of a word are those elements which
b. Fred obviously believes the story about the Martian invasion. occur within the phrase headed by the word which are mentioned in the lexical entry of a
c. A big problem with the theory still gives the researchers cause for concern. word. A word's lexical entry is the information associated with the word in the (mental)
d. He usually read or watched television. lexicon, the part of the native speaker's linguistic knowledge which contains idiosyncratic
information, i.e. information which must be memorised because it is not describable in terms
1.7. Complements, Arguments and Modifiers of rules. The mental lexicon is thus a mental 'dictionary'. The lexical entry for a word must
Consider the following phrases, where the heads are underlined and optional constituents are include, among other things, information about the syntactic category, the pronunciation and
enclosed in parentheses. the meaning of a word. It will also indicate how and whether certain parts of the meaning of a
(42) VP: a. (constantly) relied ON HER (throughout the crisis) word are to be expressed in the sentence. Consider the verbs eat, devour and dine, all of
b. (secretly) devoured THE LEFTOVERS (in the kitchen) (before leaving) which basically mean 'consume food'. The lexical entries for these verbs will be quite similar,
c. (often) claimed THAT HE WAS GOD'S PERSONAL MESSENGER (despite but (apart from differences in pronunciation and subtle semantic differences) will differ in
somewhat sceptical reactions) their specification of whether and how the food can be expressed in the sentence. The entry
(43) AP: a. reliant ON HER PARENTS (during the crisis) for devour specifies that the food must appear as a NP (we devoured the chicken), the entry
b. fond OF HIS WIFE (in every way) for eat says that it may or may not do so, since both we ate and we ate the chicken are
c. proud (OF HER CHILDREN) (above all justification) acceptable. The entry for dine specifies that the food may either not appear in the sentence
d. unable (TO KEEP THE APPOINTMENT) (because of the accident) (we dined), or may appear as a PP headed by on (we dined on the chicken), but not as a NP

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(*we dined the chicken). From contrasts of this type we can see that the types of complements (49) a. the expert on Mozart from France and the ONE from Austria
a word can take are to some extent idiosyncratic, i.e. not able to be predicted wholly and b. the student of linguistics with long hair and the ONE with short hair
solely on the basis of the meaning of that word. This is why information about the Secondly, the tree in (48) does not do justice to the structures in (50), where and joins the two
complements a word can take must appear in that word's lexical entry. On the other hand, the underlined strings. It is clear that these two constituents are not nouns. Nor are they NPs,
types of expressions which can modify an expression can always be predicted on the basis of since the underlined expressions both require a determiner in order to be a complete NP.
knowledge of the meanings of that expression and of those of the modifiers. (50) [A defender of human rights and advocate of prison reform]NP was on TV today
E. There is no syntactically determined limit to the number of modifiers a word can have Thus, the underlined constituents in (49) and (50) are larger than N and smaller than NP.
within its phrase, cf. (47). Because complements of a head can appear only if the lexical entry These constituents are called N' (pronounced ‘N-bar’). They consist of the noun, which is
for the head mentions them, the number and type of complements of a head is much more head of the NP, and its complement. Perhaps, then, we could suggest the structure in (51).
limited. Verbs have at most two complements, and other categories can mostly only have
one. (51) * NP [TO BE REVISED!]
(47) a. [sometimes] walked THE DOG [slowly] [in the park] [on Fridays] [after work] [for N'
two hours] [to clear his mind]
b. [big], [black], [fluffy] , [slobbery], [dangerous] dogs [without collars] [in the park] D N PP PP
the student of linguistics with long hair
the expert on Mozart from France
The term ‘argument’: In other texts you may encounter the term argument. It means that the defender of human rights from Africa
same as complement, except argument is exempt from condition C above: an argument of a
head need not appear within that head’s projection. Thus, the subjects in John [VP ate the However, (51) is also wrong, since there is evidence that the noun and both PPs form a
food] and Ann [VP gave me the book] are arguments of eat/give, but do not appear in the VP. constituent, specifically one of the same type as N'. In (52), we see that this constituent can be
referred to by the proform one. (53) shows that such constituents can be coordinated.
E. Are the phrases listed in brackets below each sentence below complements or modifiers, (52) Which student of linguistics with long hair are you talking about? The ONE near the
and what are they are complements or modifiers of? More than one answer may be right. window?
a. People started loudly applauding the performance of the band in the next room. (53) a. A defender of human rights from Africa and advocate of prison reform met.
[the phrases headed by loudly, in, of, and performance] b. An expert on Mozart from France and composer of several symphonies is coming
b. She gave Mary a book on French art from the last century at the party. Thus, the correct structure for NPs with a complement and a modifier PP is (54). This can
[the phrases headed by at, from, on, Mary, book] explain all the empirical facts just discussed, and can account for the observation in section
c. The minister resigned because of the parliamentary decision on Friday 1.7 that the complements of N are always closer to N than its modifiers are (cf. *the expert
[the phrases headed by on, because of] from France on Mozart, *the student with long hair of linguistics).
d. They unanimously rejected the application for funding for a second trip to America in (54) NP
August. N'
[the phrases headed by in, for (both occurrences) , unanimously] N'

2. The internal structure of phrases
We now go into more detail about the various phrasal categories and their internal structure. the student of linguistics with long hair
As you can see, this tree says that the modifier PP is added to a constituent, namely N',
2.1. Noun Phrases7 without changing the category of the constituent: the category of the constituent consisting of
Consider NPs containing two PPs, of which the first is a complement and the second a both N' and the modifier PP is N', not some bigger type of constituent such as NP. This brings
modifier. An incorrect proposal for the structure of such NPs is (48). us to some extremely important notions in grammar:
(48) * NP [TO BE REVISED] (55) The operation where a constituent X is added to another constituent Y such that the
D N PP PP resulting constituent has the same category as Y is known as adjunction. X is
referred to as an adjunct. We say that X is adjoined to Y.
the student of linguistics with long hair (56) Modifiers are always adjuncts.
the expert on Mozart from France (57) Adjunction, and hence modification, is recursive, by which we mean that it can apply
the defender of human rights from Africa
the speaker on ethics in a blue suit
more than once. For instance, if a modifier is adjoined to N' to form a larger N', then
a believer in discipline from the military academy one can add a further modifier to form a yet larger N'.
One reason why this is wrong is (49). Here the proform one refers back to the underlined Here is a tree illustrating the principle in (57).
strings. This suggests that the latter are constituents, but the tree in (48) does not suggest this.

7 Many linguistis now maintain that what we call a NP is really a Determiner Phrase (DP). This is a
topic for more advanced courses. See e.g. Haegeman & Guéron (1999:406ff) on this.

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(58) NP coordinated, we cannot coordinate N and a N'. Thus, we assume that every N projects a N',
N' even if there are no complements or modifiers in the NP. (62) involves coordination of two
N' N's, as in (63).
(61) a. * NP b. NP
the professor of chemistry from Oxford in the grey suit near the bar D N D N'
the dog
Modification with APs. Like the modifier PPs discussed above, APs found inside an NP N
the dog
adjoin to a N'. As far as the syntax of NPs is concerned, the most important way in which
(62) a. A student and lecturer in psychology
APs differ from modifier PPs can be summarised in the following statement:
b. He became [NP King and head of the Church of England].
(59) English APs adjoin to the left of the N' when they are head-final, i.e. when the
(63) a. [N’ [N’ [N student]] and [N’ [N lecturer] [PP in psychology]] ]
adjective is the last element in AP. If AP is not head-final, it adjoins to the right of N'.
b. [N’ [N’ [N King]] and [N’ [N head] [PP of the Church of England]] ]
Here are some trees illustrating some of the possible types of NPs containing APs.
More evidence that N projects a N' even without complements or modifiers comes from (64),
(60) a. NP b. NP where one, which is a proform for N’ as seen above, can refer back to student.
N' (64) This [N’ [N student] and that one tried to blow up the Institute of Syntax.
N' N' Now we turn to nouns which have no determiners, no complements and no modifiers. (65)
indicates that these must be not only N, but N’ (witness the use of the proform one) and NP,
N' N' witness the pronoun they.
(65) a. The reporter uncovered [NP [N’ [N scandals]]]. I mean big ones.
N' N'
b. The reporter uncovered [NP [N’ [N scandals]]]. They made him famous
D AP AP N PP D AP N PP This leaves the structures (66) as possibilities for NPs consisting solely of a noun. (66)(a)
says that there is a determiner position in the syntax which is occupied by a zero or null
the big, black dog in the garden the interested customers in the shop determiner, one which is not pronounced. The other option is to assume that the determiner
c. NP
position is not projected at all, as in (b). We will not decide which is the better option here.
(66) a. NP b. NP
D N' N'

D N PP AP ∅ students students
water water
the customers in the shop interested in our products Mary Mary

The trees in (60) raise another issue: cases where nouns have modifiers but no complement. Pronouns can be represented as follows for the purposes of this course.
(67) NP
The N's in bold type in (60) are non-branching, i.e. they contain only one category, N. Why
include these N's? One reason is that if we left these N's out, the trees would wrongly imply they
that the phrases in the garden, interested, in the shop are complements of N. Moreover, the The determiner position in the NP, also called a specifier position, can be occupied by a
N’ proform one can replace the bold-printed N' constituents in (60) (e.g. The dog that bit me elements like those in (68). These specify which instance of the type of entity described by
was the big, black ONE in the garden).8 the N' is being referred to. They thus have a different function to that of modifiers, whose
Simpler types of NP. (61) gives two imaginable structures are for NPs with just a function is to specify the type (not the instances) of the entity concerned. Generally,
determiner and a noun. That (61)(b) is better can be deduced from (62). We cannot say that determiners cannot co-occur with other determiners (*a this book, *her these books).9
two nouns are being coordinated here, since this implies that the PPs are complements of the (68) Articles: the definite article (the) and the indefinite article (a(n))
nouns student and King, which is incorrect, because we cannot say *a student in psychology Demonstrative (deictic) determiners: this, that, these, those
and *King of the Church of England. Since only constituents of identical category may be Quantifiers: some, all, both, any, no, each, every, either, neither, a few, a little
Possessive determiners: my, your, its, her, his, our, their, John's
8 Some writers leave out non-branching N’ constituents as an abbreviatory convention. We
do not follow this convention here since it has a proven track record of causing confusion 9 Two exceptions (ignored here) are predeterminers (cf. both/all her books, such an idiot)
among students who have understood the rationale for the N’ constituent. and APs appearing before indefinite articles (this big a dog, so great a difficulty).

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NPs with possessive 's have the following properties: should be able to refer to both VP constituents with this proform. The following sentences
a. There is always a full NP immediately in front of possessive ‘s. show that this is the case. Do so refers back to the constituents in brackets.
b. Possessive ‘s forms a constituent with the NP in front of it, as we can see from (71) a. John [reads the paper]VP in the morning, and Mary DOES SO at night.
coordinations like [[my brother’s] or [my sister’s] car]. a'. John [[reads the paper] VP in the morning]VP , and Mary DOES SO also.
c. Possessive ‘s is a type of clitic or affix, i.e. it cannot stand alone. It attaches to the NP in a''. *John [reads]V the paper in the morning, and Mary DOES SO magazines at night.
front of it. It is not is an affix which attaches to nouns, as seen from examples like [NP [NP b. Fritz [goes to the library]VP often, and Stan DOES SO sometimes.
the man over there]’s hat], and others in (8). b'. Fritz [goes to the library often]VP , and Stan DOES SO also.
d. The NP in front of ‘s is interpreted as a possessor of the entity denoted by the material b''. *Fritz [goes]V to the library often, and Stan DOES SO to the newsagent sometimes.
after ‘s, i.e. such that this NP has this entity. E.g. John’s book = the book which John has Some facts about modifiers in VPs: As was the case with modification of N, modification of
and the slave’s master = the master whom the slave has. V can be recursive, cf. (72). (72) also illustrates another fact about VP modification, namely
e. The constituent NP+’s can be replaced by possessive determiners: the man’s hat = his that certain types of AdvPs may be adjoined to the left of the VP.
hat, the people’s books = their books. (72) VP
f. The constituent NP+’s functions like a type of definite determiner. Thus, Mary’s car
means the car of Mary, not a car of Mary. If the NP in front of possessive ‘s contains a
determiner, this refers to the N inside this NP, not the N after possessive ‘s. Hence, in a VP
person’s cars, a is a determiner of person, not of cars (which is impossible anyway given
*a cars), and my in my sister’s car refers to sister and not car.
The structure in (69) enables us to get a handle on all these facts. It correctly treats ‘s and the AdvP VP AdvP/PP PP
NP in front of it as a constituent (cf. point b above). The fact that the structure treats this a. often practised the piano dilligently after school.
constituent is a type of determiner reflects points e and f above. b. never drank strong drink in the pub in the presence of colleagues
(69) NP Verbs can take (jargon: subcategorise for) various types of complements. Some common
D N’ types of subcategory of the verbs are given below. (You need not memorise the terms for the
subcategories; they are mentioned to give you an idea of the complements verbs can take.)
• Intransitive verbs take no NP complement: dine, work, exist, arrive, die, disintegrate.
my sister 's car • Transitive (or: 'monotransitive') verbs take a single NP complement: see her, read a
book, open a bottle, have a psycho attack.
F. Draw trees for the NPs below. Use triangle notation (see footnote 6) for all PPs and APs. • Ditransitive (or: double object) verbs take two NP complements (the first is called an
a. a French painter of abstract landscapes b. the man in the grey suit near the bar 'indirect object' and the second a 'direct object'): give/send/read/show him a letter, bake me a
c. a big, old car in the street d. Mary's hatred of plastic spoons cake. Ditransitive verbs can often appear in an alternative construction where the indirect
e. my friend's wife's car f. a friend of my wife's car object appears in a PP with to or for: give the book to John, bake a cake for me.
g. John and Mary’s brother [draw two trees for g., one for each meaning] • Verbs with a sentential complement: He said/claimed/argued/thought/knew that he is a
genius. Some such verbs may also have an indirect object PP/NP present: He said [to her]
2.2. Verb Phrases [that she looks like his grandmother], He asked [her] [whether she liked death metal].
We now turn to the internal syntax of VP. Consider (70). Complements of V combine with V • Prepositional verbs have a PP as (one of) their complement(s): rely on them, deal with
to form a VP, and modifiers of V adjoin to VP. This is quite similar to the analysis of NPs them, stare at them; interest [someone] [in the proposal], subject [them] [tests].
given above, except that we are here not assuming that there is a V' constituent parallel to • Verbs with a predicative complement. A predicative complement tells us about one of
N'.10 the NPs in the sentence, namely the subject or, if there is one, the object. Thus, the
(70) VP complement of the verb be always tells us something about the subject: Heidi is intelligent/in
the library/a genius. The PP complement of put tells us about the location of the object (I put
V NP/PP PP/AdvP the book on the shelf). The AP or second NP complement of make tells us something about
read the paper in the morning the (first) NP complement: she made him angry/a bitter person. Other verbs with predicative
go to the library often complements: become/get/stay fit; leave him in the kitchen.
Many verbs can have more than one subcategory. For instance, keep can be either
Evidence for the structure in (70) is as follows. The proform for VP is do so. If (70) is right, transitive (keep the book) or take a predicative complement (keep the mice out of the house).
For our purposes, VPs with more than one complement can be represented as in (73). (Of
10 Actually, many syntacticians assume that there is such a thing as V', consisting of a verb an course, any modifiers present will be adjoined to VP in the usual manner.)
its complement. The specifier position of VP (i.e. the position parallel to a determiner in NP)
is initially occupied by the subject of the sentence, which later moves to a position outside the
VP. On this idea (the ‘VP-internal subject hypothesis’), see e.g. Radford 1997 or Haegeman
& Guéron 1999. This is ignored here because it is a topic for more advanced courses.

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(73) VP intransitive prepositions.

(76) a. they went {inside/downstairs/onwards/forwards}
b. they are {here/everywhere/downstairs/overhead/ahead/outside}
bring Grandma her dinner Older grammars called intransitive prepositions 'adverbs'. This was unfortunate. Intransitive
call him stupid/ an idiot prepositions have little in common with the other main group of words referred to as
put the car in the garage 'adverbs', namely those derived from adjectives (warmly, powerfully, slowly, badly).
Intransitive prepositions have much in common with the elements referred to as
This is in no wise the only possible analysis. Discussing the alternatives would take us too far 'prepositions', the only difference being that the latter have complements while the former
afield. Note however that (73) is far better than (74), which wrongly implies that the second lack them. Intransitive prepositions refer to directions and places, just like other prepositions.
NP is a modifier. If we remember that do so can replace VP, (74) wrongly predicts They may also be coordinated with PPs, cf. (77), suggesting that they head a PP and are
impossible sentences like *Mary brought Grandma her coffee, and John did so her dinner. therefore prepositions. Moreover, a significant number of elements referring to directions or
(74) * VP
VP places can be used either with or without a complement, cf. (78). Calling these 'prepositions'
when they have a complement and 'adverbs' when they do not disguises the relationship
V NP NP between them. Thus, these elements should be treated as prepositions regardless of whether
they have a complement, just as we say that eat is a verb in both I ate and I ate the cake.
bring Grandma her dinner
(77) a. They walked [inside]PP and [down the hall]PP
b. They went [upwards]PP and [over the hill]PP
G. Determine the complements and modifiers of the italicised verbs in the following (78) a. They are inside the house They are inside
sentences. b. The sky above us The sky above
a. He left his keys in his pocket. b. He left his wife in Berlin in 1973. c. The valley below usThe valley below
c. He left his wife in 1973 in Berlin. d. James passed the sugar to Ann.
e. James passed Ann at the corner. f. Fred got a parking ticket in front of the shop. 2.4. Adjective Phrases
g. Fred got the key into the lock. h. They decided that Gertrude was suitable.
As with PPs, you will not be required to indicate the internal structure of APs. A rough
i. Egbert talked about everyone's dissatisfaction with the politicians.
understanding of them will suffice. (79) illustrates a structure for a complex AP. The
H. Draw trees for the VPs in the sentences below. Use triangle notation (see footnote 6) for
adjective and its complement forms an A' constituent, just as the complements of N form a N'
all NPs, PPs, AdvPs and APs.
constituent. A limited set of elements can occur in the specifier position. These elements
a. She often watched videos in the evenings. b. He gave flowers to Mary yesterday.
specify (or, in the case of how, ask for a specification of) the exact degree to which the
c. She sent the letter yesterday. d. She sent John a book yesterday.
property expressed by the adjective applies. There are parallels between the specifiers of AP
e. She went to the pub every night. f. She woke early the next morning.
and specifiers of NP (better known as determiners). Both make the reference of their
g. They called her a genius. h. They called a doctor the next day.
respective heads more specific. Two possible specifiers of AP (this/ that) can also function as
determiners in NP (cf. this dog; this good).
(79) AP
2.3. Prepositional Phrases
You will not be required to draw trees indicating the internal structure of PPs in this course, A'
but to get a rough idea of the possibilities, consider (75). The complements of the preposition
Spec A PP
are within P'. A limited set of items can occur in front of the preposition. The trees treat them so ignorant of sociological factors
as specifiers, analogous to determiners inside NP. (An alternative is to relabel P’ as PP and to that/this good at maths
treat the elements before the prepositions as adjuncts. It is hard to find evidence for or against how afraid of dogs (is he?/he is!)
this alternative. Here we merely note the possibilities.) as fond of art (as Mary is)
There is an interesting relationship between the specifier position of the AP and the position
(75) a. PP b. PP of the whole AP. Recall the statement in (59), which said that an AP can go before the noun
P' P' it modifies if the adjective is the final element of the AP. There is an exception to this: APs
Spec P NP/PP Spec P with a specifier do not go directly before the noun they modify, even if the adjective is the
right in the middle straight inside final element in AP:
3 miles across the border right underneath (80) *a [this big]AP dog, *a [so ignorant]AP person, *a [how big]AP car would you like?
back on the table outwards Instead, such APs must be adjoined after the noun, or, if the noun's determiner is the
out of the house
indefinite article a(n), they may appear before the determiner:
We should discuss the elements under P in (75)(b). Modern syntacticians see these as (81) a. an argument [as simple as that]AP a dog [this big]AP
prepositions without complements. Parallel to the terminology in VP, such prepositions are a person [so ignorant]AP a proposal [twice as bad]AP
called intransitive prepositions. The underlined elements in (76) are further examples of b. [this big]AP a dog [too big]AP a dog
[so ignorant]AP a person [as simple]AP an argument as possible

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[how big]AP a car do you want? [twice as bad]AP a proposal J. The sentences below show syntactic ambiguity: they could be analysed as having two
Further elements which can go before an adjective in an AP are the elements in italics in (82), different structures which each has a different meaning. Use your knowledge of syntax to
which are termed 'degree adverbs'. resolve the ambiguity. Answers to the first two questions are given as an example. (It is
(82) very/incredibly/somewhat/quite/pretty/utterly/totally/mind-blowingly tasteless only necessary to indicate the structure and categories which are relevant to the resolution
These differ from the specifiers just discussed in that they do not prevent the AP from of the ambiguity.)
appearing before the noun they modify: a. Old men and women were sitting in the park.
(83) a very big dog, an utterly tasteless performance, a completely lousy book Answer: Reading (1): old modifies men and women: [N' old [N' men and women]]
These are modifiers of A which adjoin to the left of A'. Evidence for this claim comes from Reading (2): old modifies men but not women: [N' [N'old men] and
cases like the following: [N'women]]
(84) [APso utterly afraid of dogs] was Egbert that he never left his house. b. John gave her the flowers in the kitchen.
Finally, we note that some PPs can modify adjectives, adjoining to the right of A' (good in Answer: The PP might modify either give or flowers. The structures:
some ways, interesting to a certain extent). gave [NP her] [NP the flowers in the kitchen]
[VP [VP gave her the flowers] in the kitchen]
c. He bought her books.
2.5. General remarks d. She has read many books on political affairs in recent years.
There are a couple of general observations which apply to every type of phrase: e. She watched the man with the telescope.
♦ The first thing that a head combines with is its complement(s). f. Do you have more interesting books?
♦ Modifiers adjoin to the constituent consisting of the head and its complement(s). g. The boss talked about the workers in the factory.
Understanding these generalisations will make it easier to remember the individual properties h. There was nothing I wanted to watch on television - only bad movies and documentaries.
of NP, VP, AP and PP. i. She said that she liked him at the party.
The structures assumed for NP, AP and PP conform to a pattern assumed to be involved
in the construction of all phrases. This pattern is called the X' schema, illustrated in (85).
The interpretation is that if X is some head (be it e.g. N, A or P), then it joins with its
complement (=YP in (85)) to form an X'. A specifier (=ZP in (85)) joins with X' to form XP.
Modifiers adjoin to X'. Recall again that here we do not apply the X' schema to VPs for
reasons of simplicity, although if you do more advanced syntax (for instance following the
coursebooks Radford 1997a or Haegeman & Guéron 1999), you will see that VP also adheres
to the X' schema.
(85) XP

I. In the following sentences, find each instance of the category given in brackets after the
sentence. Be careful when deciding where each phrase begins and ends.
a. He drove his brother's wife's car from the top of the hill to the beach. (NP)
b. Mary's brother and John are doing a course on the history of the Roman empire. (NP)
c. At the next meeting, the president of the committee called in an expert on environmental
pollution and global warming from America. (NP)
d. The person over there and John's brother are professional suntan lotion testers. (NP)
e. Francine's idea of a luxurious Sunday afternoon is to have a very hot bath while consuming
immoderately large amounts of affordably cheap French champagne or reading some articles
relevant to her work for the next week. (AP)
f. It's not so very surprising that he's quitting his job, considering that that large an amount of
boring and difficult work gets assigned to him on an almost daily basis. (AP)
g. Rover walked out of the house, down the driveway and onto the street. (PP)
h. The ball hit me right on the nose. (PP)
i. The man at the door's car is on the road, just near the entrance to our house. (PP)
j. Put the chair between the cupboard and the lamp or near the window. (PP)

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K. Using the above tests, decide whether the use of do in the do so proform (section 2.2) is a
3. Sentence Structure lexical verb or an auxiliary. You could consult informants or search for the relevant
strings under if you don’t trust your intuitions about English.
3.1. Auxiliaries and lexical verbs L. Decide whether need is an auxiliary or lexical verb in the following sentences.
In discussing English sentence structure, we must discuss auxiliaries: Reformulate the sentences, changing need to a lexical verb if it is an auxiliary, or to an
(86) Modal auxiliaries: can, may, must, shall, will, as well as need in some uses. auxiliary if it is lexical. (The reformulation may not be possible in all cases.)
Other auxiliaries: be, as well as have and do in some uses. a. You don't need to go to the bank. b. I don't need any help.
There are several syntactic differences between auxiliaries and normal verbs (called lexical c. Nobody need do that. d. You need to go to the bank.
verbs because they are part of the LEXICon (the vocabulary) rather than the grammar).
A) In questions, auxiliaries appear in front of the subject NP, while lexical verbs do not: 3.2. The sentence as IP
(87) Does she work? vs *Works she? Has she worked vs. *Worked she? It was suggested earlier that sentences consist of a NP and VP, as in (93)(a), but we were
B) In a tag question (a short question added to a statement like in (88)), an auxiliary can ignoring auxiliaries at this point, so the question arises as to where auxiliaries go. A couple of
appear but not a lexical verb: hypotheses for sentences with auxilaries are given in (93)(b,c). (The hypothesis in (93)(c)
(88) She has worked, hasn't/didn't she? vs. *She worked, worked she? would involve assuming that what we have hitherto called ‘VP’ is really V’. This makes the
C) Negative particles (not, n't) can negate auxiliaries but not lexical verbs: VP look similar to the NP, with grammatical elements like auxiliaries and determiners
(89) she mustn't/must not smoke vs. *she smokes not occupying the leftmost (specifier) position.)
D) Lexical verbs can be transitive (i.e. take a NP complement), auxiliaries cannot: (93) a. [S NP VP] b. [S NP Aux VP] c. [S NP [VP Aux [V’ ] ] ]
(90) he wants/needs a drink vs. *he must a drink It turns out that none of the options in (93) is desirable. The structures in (93)(a,b) do not
E) Lexical verbs can be followed by a VP introduced by the infinitive particle to. assume that the auxiliary and the VP form a constituent which does not include the subject,
Auxiliaries cannot appear with to: contrary to the evidence from coordination and movement in (94).
(91) He wants to read it, she tried to read it; he must read it, she did read it (94) a. She [has already gone to France] and [may go there again]
The constructions in points A-C above are impossible without an auxiliary. If there is no b. She [should go to the doctor soon] and [will probably do so tomorrow]
auxiliary, the auxiliary do must be inserted. This operation is known as do support. This use c. She said she would buy a cow, and [bought a cow] she has.
of do is sometimes known as dummy-do. Do-suppport is illustrated in (92). The structure in (93)(c) is not contradicted by (94), but is also problematic. To see this, note
(92) a. *smokes she? should be . does she smoke? firstly that auxiliaries influence the form of the lexical verb:
b. *she smokes not should be . she does not smoke (95) a. Modals go with verbs in the infinitive form (she must/might sing a song)
c. *she smokes, smokes she? should be . she smokes, doesn't she b. have goes with verbs in the perfect participle form (she has sung a song)
Some verbs can be used either as lexical verbs or as auxiliaries. c. Progressive be goes with verbs in the –ing form (she is singing a song)
d. Passive be goes with verbs in the perfect participle form (the song was sung).
♦ When have forms the perfect tense of a verb it is an auxiliary (have you eaten?). In other These facts lead us to expect something not predicted by any analysis in (94), namely that the
meanings, such as its possessive meaning, it behaves like a lexical verb in most varieties of auxiliary takes the VP as its complement. This expectation arises because an element can
English (Don't you have a pencil?). A minority of British speakers use possessive have as an normally determine what kind of elements appear in another phrase only if this phrase is
auxiliary (I haven't any time; Have you a pencil?). complement of the former element. Consider for example the fact that verbs and prepositions
♦ Do with NP complements (do homework/ a duty/ a dance) is lexical, as expected. require their NP complements to have accusative case (I saw her/*she; with her/*she) or the
Obviously, all cases of do-support involve the auxiliary do. We also find the auxiliary in fact that verbs can demand complements headed by certain prepositions (rely on/*in them;
cases like Martians DO exist, I DID see one! This is often seen as a special use of do trust in*on them). Further reasons for assuming that the VP is complement of the auxiliary
('emphatic do'), but is really just an instance of do support. If we want to emphasise that a include the fact that the VP is after the auxiliary, reflecting the typical head-complement
sentence is true contrary to the hearer's expectations, we stress the auxiliary (I WILL win; He order of English, and the fact that the auxiliary and VP form a constituent (cf. (94)), which
IS a loser). Since this is impossible without an auxiliary, we use do support in such cases. fits the generalisation that a head and its complement form a constituent (section 2.5). Facts
♦ Need always behaves like a lexical verb when it is transitive (he doesn't need a pencil vs. like those just mentioned lead many to posit a structure for sentences of the type seen in (96).
(96) IP
*he needn't a pencil). When need means the same as must, it can either behave like an
auxiliary or lexical verb. In a given sentence, however, it must display either all the
characteristics of an auxiliary or all the characteristics of a lexical verb discussed above; need I VP
never behaves like a cross between an auxiliary and a lexical verb (*need he to go, *does he they should go home
need go, *he need not to go). When used as an auxiliary, need cannot take inflectional they have gone home
they are going home
endings: he need not go vs. *he needs/needed not go. In this respect, need is like other modal
The overall structure correctly reflects the constituency and head-complement selection facts.
auxiliaries (*he musted/musts). An extra complication is that auxiliary need is constrained in
We will shortly see what the label ‘I’ stands for, but let us firstly note that I is present even if
ways similar to the use of any instead of some: it can be used only in questions and negated
there is no auxiliary in the sentence.
contexts: Need I go? I need not go. *I need go.

21 22
English Syntax English Syntax

Arguments for empty I: Consider (97). Recall that coordination is only possible with equal the AdvP marks the beginning of the VP. As clear from (103), the English adverb must
categories (section 1.6). If the lefthand conjunct were just a VP, we would not be able to appear before the verb, while the French adverb must appear after the verb and before the
coordinate it with an I’. (In (97) e stands for ‘empty’, i.e. not pronounced.) complement of the verb. This suggests that the verb moves out of the VP to the I position in
(97) She [I’ [I e] [VP read the book]] and [I’ [I will] [VP watch the video]]. French.
A second piece of evidence (from Radford 1997a) for empty I concerns the fact, seen in (98), (103) IP
that auxiliary have, but not lexical have, can undergo cliticisation (contraction) with the
subject. If we assume that there is an empty I between lexical have and the subject, we have
an explanation for why the cliticisation is impossible with lexical have. VP
(98) a. she [I had] repaired the car; I [I had] cut my hair [auxiliary have]
b. she [I ‘d] repaired the car; I [I ‘d] cut my hair [auxiliary have] VP
c. she [I e] [V had] the car repaired; She [I e] [V had] long hair [lexical have] NP I AdvP V NP
d. *She [I e] [V ‘d] the car repaired; *She [I e] [V ‘d] long hair [lexical have]
a. Tu lis souvent le journal
The nature of I: ‘I’ is an abbreviation for 'Inflection'; the sentence is thus considered to be an
b. *you read often the paper (French word order, impossible in English)
Inflection Phrase or IP. (‘I’ can also be written as Infl.). The thinking behind this
c. you often read the paper (English word order, impossible in French)
terminology is complex and is presented in simplified form here. The 'inflection' referred to English behaved like French in this respect until the 17th century. Before then, people said I
in the term 'Inflection Phrase' refers to the information expressed by inflection on auxiliaries know not this man, which would today be I do not know this man. The negator not occupied a
and lexical verbs, which has two aspects: position similar to that of often in (103) and the lexical verb appears in front of it.
(99) Tense: the distinction between present (you talk) and past (I talked)11
(100) Agreement: person/number information about the subject (you talk vs. she talks). VP-ellipsis: Analysing the sentence as an IP helps us to understand the phenomenon in (104).
The claim that the item called I in (96) expresses tense and agreement information coupled The crossing out of the VPs indicates that they undergo ellipsis, i.e. are not pronounced. This
with the claim in (96) that I is the head of the sentence implies that tense/agreement features (like the do so proform seen in the introductory course) is a way of avoiding the repetition of
are crucial in determining the nature of the whole clause. To see this, consider what happens VPs. (VP ellipsis is typical of English, but is not possible in many other languages.)
if there are no tense/agreement features. In this case we end up with an infinitive, a structure (104) a. John will go to France and Mary may go to France
like to read the book, which is no longer a freestanding sentence. In such cases, the absence b. He said he would help me but I don't know if he will help me.
of tense/agreement features are expressed by inserting the infinitive particle to in the I c. Grandma likes Gothic music but I don’t know if Grandpa does like Gothic music
position, as in (101). d. Juan is seeing the film and Ann has seen the film already.
(101) Stan promised [IP [I to] [VP carefully read the book] ] e. They said they would get there before I do get there, but they never did get there.
If there is an auxiliary, it expresses the tense and agreement features itself. If there is no f. John often reads and Mary said she does often reads. Do you often read?
auxiliary, tense and agreement features of Infl are expressed on the verb in the VP. The g. Simon played the Toccata faster than anybody else does play the toccata.
features in Infl influence the choice of the morphological form of the verb, as the following In (104), elements in the I position are written in bold type. VP ellipsis is impossible unless
diagramme is meant to express. we have a pronounced Infl element. If there is none, we need do support, cf. (104)e-g). Why
(102) IP is this? We can explain this simply as follows:
NP I' A. Assume the idea introduced earlier that the Infl position really is associated with the
sorts of (tense and agreement) information that is expressed in verbal inflection.
I VP B. The tense and agreement features that Infl contains must be pronounced.
she [3pers. sg.] C. If the VP undergoes ellipsis, this information cannot be expressed by inflection on the
[present] reads the paper lexical verb, since the verb is part of the unpronounced material.
D. Since inflectional affixes are bound morphemes, they cannot be pronounced alone in
The fact that I influences the inflection of a verb not found in the I position is a peculiarity of the Infl position. Hence: *Mary loaded the car faster than John [I’ [I –ed] [VP load(ed)
modern English. In other languages, inflection is always expressed directly in the I position. the car]].
Adger (2003:165f) notes that in certain English Creole languages tense inflection is E. To reconcile B, C and D, English inserts the dummy auxiliary do in order to provide a
expressed only by auxiliaries that appear in the Infl position. In many other languages, all stem capable of supporting the inflectional morphemes.
inflected verbs move to the I position. One such language is French. (103) gives an example This explanation for do-support relies on assumption A. To the extent that the explanation is
of a French IP without an auxiliary. The structure of IP and VP is very similar to English, satisfying, it supports assumption A, which is one of the claims to be proved in this section.
apart from the fact that in French all verbs move to I. That the lexical verb lire 'read' moves In (104) we see that the elliptical VPs are identical to the pronounced ones, except that in
out of the VP to the Infl position can be demonstrated using the position of the adverb. In (104)c,d,f,g) the pronounced and unpronounced verbs differ in inflection. If we assume that
both English and French, an AdvP can be adjoined to the left of VP. In sentences like (103), the inflectional information comes from the Infl position and not from the lexical verb itself,
this is not a problem. The elliptical and underlined VPs are identical in all respects. It is only
11 Because Infl is associated with Infl, many linguists use ‘T’ or ‘Tense’ instead of ‘Infl’. the features of Infl that differ between the two clauses.

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Recall from earlier that the infinitive particle to is seen as an instance of I. It is thus no have the same function as the underlined complement NPs in Wayne asked Sybil the time and
surprise that VP ellipsis is possible if to occupies the I position: Someone mentioned the truth to me. In (106)(c), the subordinate clause introduced by
(105) a. He said he would help me but he may not be able to help me. because functions like a VP modifier, as is evident by comparing it to the PP in I no longer
b. Juan is seeing the film and Stan is going to see the film. have a social life [because of my work] PP.
The underlined constituents in (106) cannot generally stand as complete sentences on their
Functional categories: It is worth noting some terminology in conjunction with I. I and its own. If, however, we omit the first word in these subordinate clauses (if, that, because), we
projections (i.e. I' and IP) are instances of a functional category. Functional categories are get a constituent which is able to be used as a freestanding sentence. The first words in these
categories which are part of the grammar rather than the vocabulary of a language. Another subordinate clauses are known as complementisers (not to be confused with complements).
functional category is D. The other categories seen thus far (N, P, A, V, Adv) are lexical Complementisers take a sentence as a complement and indicate its role in the larger sentence.
categories, categories which are part of the vocabulary of a language and express notions In sentences like (107), no complementiser appears, but it is still possible to tell that the
which can be conceived of without the help of language. underlined constituents are subordinate clauses. Firstly, they act like complements of the
verbs think and say (notice the incompleteness of utterances like *Mervyn thought and
A note on negation: A complete analysis of the structure of the clause would have to discuss *Agatha said). Furthermore, the underlined constituents can be rephrased as in (108) with no
the phenomenon of negation, which is however too complex and controversial a topic to be difference in meaning. Thus, (107) and (108) have exactly the same structure. They differ
discussed here. See Radford (1997a:ch. 6) for a proposal. only in that, in (107), the complementiser that is not pronounced.
(107) a. Mervyn thought Georgiette was a good drummer.
M. Draw the trees for the following sentences, using the IP notation for sentences. Use b. Agatha said Egbert should go home.
triangle notation for NPs and VPs. (108) a. Mervyn thought that Georgiette was a good drummer.
a. Fred has forgotten his book. b. Jane has a dislike of spiders. b. Agatha said that Egbert should go home.
c. She helped me and I must thank her. d. She will sing and dance. The syntactic structure assumed for subordinate clauses is (109). The complementiser heads
e. I should go and will go. its own phrase, known as a Complementiser Phrase, or CP. The complementiser stands in
N. Some books describe the use of do in (104)(e,f) as a proform for a VP. This implies that the head position, known as C or Comp.
do in a sentence like (a) below (like do so in (b)) replaces the underlined VP rather than (109) CP
being an instance of do support involving an unpronounced VP. Now consider (c) and (d) C IP
below. Many British speakers accept the sentences in (c), while most other speakers reject
them (hence the stars in (c)). In the light of these facts, assess, with regard to the two (that) she should go
different types of speaker, the claim that do in (a) is a proform for VP. whether she should go
because she should go
a. He said he'd win the race and he did
b. He said he'd win the race and he did so The following trees illustrate various uses of CPs, (a) as a complement of a verb, (b) a
modifier of a VP, (c/d) as a complement to a noun/ an adjective. There are many other uses of
c. *He said he'd win the race and he has done; *He said he'd win the race and he could do
CPs, but the trees below suffice in giving you an idea of the possibilities.
d. He said he'd win the race and he has done so; He said he'd win the race and he could do so
(110) a. VP b. VP
3.3. Another functional category: CP CP VP CP

3.3.1 Subordinate clauses said (that) she should go left because he hated the music
Recall the verbs mentioned in section 2.2 which have a sentential complement (a complement asked whether she should go left after he had said goodbye
which is a type of sentence). Examples of this are: (111) a. N' b. AP
(106) a. Wayne inquired of Sybil if she liked car racing. N CP A CP
b. Someone mentioned to me that Quentin has a massive social problem. idea that he was a genius angry that you left
c. I no longer have a social life because I am writing an introduction to syntax. question whether to go unsure whether to go home
These sentences are complex sentences. They consist of more than one sentence. The fact that you lied certain that he is right
underlined parts of these sentences are referered to as subordinate clauses or 'embedded O. Draw trees for the following sentences.
clauses'. Let us explain the terminology. The term clause means the same thing as ‘sentence’, a. She said John lied. b. They asked if he can sing. c. I fell asleep because I became bored
except that it can be used of IPs (including, say, to-infinitives like to go home) which are part P. What type of constituent is so acting as a proform for in each sentence below?
of larger sentences. The underlined constituents in (106) are said to be 'subordinate' or a. I hope/think/said/believe so. b. He used to be fond of her but he doesn't seem so now.
'embedded' because they are part of larger sentences, which are called a main clauses (or
sometimes 'matrix clauses', 'superordinate clauses'. In (106)(a,b), the underlined clauses
function as complements to the verbs inquire and mention. That they are complements is
clear from the fact that they are obligatory: *Wayne inquired of Sybil and *Someone
mentioned to me are not complete sentences. The underlined constituents in (106) seem to

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English Syntax English Syntax

3.3.2 Question formation (116) CP

NP I' An analysis for yes-no questions C I VP
Complementisers are also involved with the formation of questions. To see this, consider the
following two types of questions. a. Does she t drive a car
• Yes-no questions. These can be answered yes or no. Examples are given in (112). b. *Drives she t a car?
• Wh questions. These are questions introduced by a wh-phrase. A wh-phrase is a phrase
headed by a question word. Examples of wh-phrases are: who, where, when, what, how, c. *Drives she t t a car?
whose book, which person, at what time. Wh questions are sometimes called 'constituent
questions', because one is asking about the identity of a particular constituent in the (117) turns (103) into a yes-no question. A French lexical verb behaves just like an English
sentence. Examples wh questions are given in (113). auxiliary in such questions. French does not require any such device as do-support, since all
(112) a. Are you the boss? b. Can you dance? c. Do you collect books? verbs move to I. Thus, it appears reasonable to assume that the failure of English lexical
verbs to move to the I position is responsible for the impossibility of forming questions
(113) a. Who are you? b. Which book/what did you read? c. How did you know?
without do-support in English. What we have said about French applies to older forms of
Notice that both types of question involve subject-auxiliary inversion. The auxiliary English. See Radford 1997a on this.
appears before the subject, giving us the impression that subject and auxiliary have been (117) CP
'inverted' or have changed places. If there is no auxiliary, we need do support, cf. (112)(c) and IP
(113)(c). Wh questions differ from yes-no questions in that there is a wh-phrase, which is I'
placed before the auxiliary. The above remarks describe most aspects of question formation, VP
but the idea that it involves simply swapping the positions of the subject and auxiliary does VP
not describe what really goes on when a native speaker forms a question. Consider the
following alternative ways of saying the same thing. C NP I AdvP V NP
(114) a. She asked whether I can dance.
Lis- tu t souvent t le journal
b. She asked 'can you dance?'
c. *She asked whether can I dance. *She asked whether can you dance? Read you often the paper? (literal translation, impossible in English)
These involve an 'embedded question', a question which is a subordinate clause. Notice that Do you often read the paper (normal English)
the complementiser and subject-auxiliary inversion are in what linguists call 'complementary
distribution': there may be either a complementiser or inversion, but not both. A standard way Wh-questions
of explaining this is to assume that the subject-auxiliary inversion involves moving the Let us briefly look at the syntax of wh-questions. Essentially, these are like yes-no questions,
auxiliary to the complementiser position. If the C position is already occupied by a except that the specifier position of CP is occupied by the wh-phrase. It is assumed that the
complementiser, the verb cannot also occupy that position. The two possible types of wh-phrase reaches the specifier position of CP by movement. (118) gives an example of this.
embedded question would then receive the following analyses. In this sentence, the pronoun what is interpreted as the complement of the lexical verb do. In
(115) a. CP b. CP the theory explained here, this is reflected by the assumption that there is a trace in the
position where we would normally expect to find the complement of the verb.
whether you can dance can you t dance
(118) CP
The structure in (115)(a) is the type of CP structure already familar to you. A yes-no question C'
has the structure in (115)(b). This tree says that the auxiliary moves to the C position. The Spec C IP
element t in the tree stands for trace, an unpronounced copy of a moved element. NP I'
A simple answer to the question of why do-support is needed in forming questions is as NP I VP
follows. The tree in (116) gives three possible methods of forming yes-no questions: (a) gives
What is she t doing t
the method that English uses: insert an auxiliary under I and move it to C. (b) and (c)
illustrate two methods which are impossible in English. The strategy in (c) is to move the
verb first to I and then to C. This is impossible in English because some (as yet undiscovered) Essentially, it is assumed that the type of question in (118) is derived from the type of
peculiarity of English prevents English lexical verbs from moving to I. (b) involves moving question uttered by the second speaker in the dialogue in (119):
the verb out of its original position in VP directly to the C position, bypassing I. This option (119) SPEAKER 1: She is doing a course on how to talk to vegetables.
is impossible because research on constructions where a word moves from one position to SPEAKER 2: She is doing WHAT?!
another (known as 'head movement') has led to the conclusion that a word can only move into Such questions are known as 'wh-in-situ questions'. (The term is based on Latin in situ 'in
a position in the next highest phrase. This means that the verb drive in (116) can only reach C position', and refers to the fact that the wh-phrase stays in its original position.) In English,
if it moves to I first. However, we just noted that this is not possible in English. such questions are used when the speaker is expressing surprise. In some languages, such as

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English Syntax English Syntax

French, wh-in-situ questions are one of the normal ways of asking a question, and do not Restrictive relative clauses are so called because they seem to restrict (i.e. make smaller) the
carry the connotations of surprise that they do in English. It is worth mentioning that, in set of entities to which the NP could possibly refer. By contrast, non-restrictive relative
English, we also find wh-phrases in situ when there is more than one wh-phrase, since the clauses tell us nothing about which specific entities are referred to. They just give additional
specifier position of CP can only accomodate one such element: information about NPs whose reference is already established. There are differences in form
(120) a. Who said what at the meeting? between the two types of relative clauses. Firstly, non-restrictive relative clauses are
b. Whom did you meet when? separated from the rest of the sentence by a slight pause (represented by a comma in written
English). Secondly, the non-restrictive type can only appear with a wh-relative pronoun.
3.3.3 Relative clauses Thus, there are no non-restrictive interpretations of relative clauses introduced by that or with
We have now seen several uses of the C position. We can now state that the general function no relative pronoun: the relative clause in the books (that) you found must be restrictive.
of C is to indicate the role of the IP in a larger context. For instance, we saw Why do the two types of relative clause differ in meaning in the way they do? To answer
complementisers which signal that the IP is part of a larger IP. Moreover, the choice of this, we must understand scope. The scope of an expression is the part of the sentence which
elements occurring in C or its specifier position, and indeed whether these positions are the expression gives information about. For instance, old in (126) has two different scope
occupied at all, determines whether the IP should be seen as a statement or question (a choice possibilities, as indicated. In (126) and many other cases, the scope of an expression normally
which has clear consequences for how the IP relates to the larger discourse). For instance, we corresponds to the constituent it directly combines with in syntax.
know that if a verb occupies the C position, the sentence is interpreted as a question. We now (126) The old men and women were invited.
examine another phenomenon involving a CP: relative clauses, CPs functioning as modifiers a. old has scope over men: [NP the [N' old [N' men]] and [N' women]]
within a NP. Examples are given below. b. old has scope over men and women: [NP the [N' old [N' men and women]]]
(121) a. This is [the artist [who(m) I met]CP]NP The difference between restrictive and non-restrictive relative clauses arises from the scope
b. This is [the artist [(that) I met]CP]NP possibilities available to the relative clause and the determiner. Taking (126) as an example,
c. The animal bit [the person [that fed it]CP]NP. consider (127). This claims that the has scope over houses on Elm Street in (a) and over
d. [The person [whose house you blew up]CP]NP is hardly going to give you flowers.. houses on Elm street which are state-owned in (b). The relative clause has scope over the
e. This is [the place [where we will put the flower pot]CP]NP houses on Elm Street in (a) and over just houses on Elm street in (b).
The underlined elements are called relative pronouns. They involve either wh-phrases or the (127) a. [NP [NP the [N' houses on Elm Street]] which are state-owned] NON-RESTRICTIVE
complementiser that (as in its other uses as a complementiser, that can be omitted, unless it b. [NP the [N' [N' houses on Elm Street] which are state-owned]] RESTRICTIVE
refers to a subject, cf (b), (c)). Relative pronouns serve to introduce the relative clause, and at Notice that the houses on Elm Street, taken in isolation, refers to the entire set of houses on
the same time act as a proform for the N which heads the NP modified by the relative clause. Elm Street.12 This is exactly the constituent that the relative clause modifies, so we can now
The internal syntax of relative clauses is partly like that of wh-questions. The relative see why (a) suggests that all the houses on Elm Street are state-owned.
pronoun (or the constituent of which it is a part, cf. whose house in (121)(d)) occupies the In (b), the determiner still forces reference to the entire set of entities described by the N' in
specifier position of CP. However, relative clauses differ from wh questions in that in the the determiner's scope. But now N' (houses on Elm Street which are state-owned) is a more
former there is no movement of an auxiliary from I to C (*this is the artist whom did I meet). specific type of entity than the N' in (a). The reason for this is clear: each modifier added to
In this course, you need not learn the internal syntax of relative clauses, but it is worth an expression makes it unusable in describing cases where the modifier does not apply. The
understanding the distinction between restrictive and non-restrictive relative clauses, since interpretation is exactly like the state-owned houses on Elm Street.
it builds on several concepts introduced in this text. The easiest way to understand the
distinction is to look at examples such as those below. 4. Literature: Other Introductions to Syntax
(122) a. Avoid all Australians, who drink too much beer. (NON-RESTRICTIVE. Implies that • Adger, D. 2003. Core Syntax. London: Blackwell
all Australians drink too much beer.) • Carnie, A. 2001. Syntax. London: Blackwell.
b. Avoid all Australians who drink too much beer. (RESTRICTIVE. If you encounter an • Cullicover, P. 1997. Principles and Parameters. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Australian who drinks too much beer, avoid him or her.) • Haegeman, L, 1994. Introduction to Government & Binding Theory. Oxford: Blackwell
(123) a. My piano, which I bought recently, is out of tune. (NON-RESTRICTIVE. My piano is • Haegeman, L & Guéron, J., 1999. English Grammar: A generative perspective. Oxford:
out of tune, and I bought it recently.) Blackwell
b. My piano which I bought recently is out of tune. (RESTRICTIVE. Implies that I have • Ouhalla, J., 1999. Introducing Transformational Grammar. London: Edward Arnold.
more than one piano. The relative clause signals that I am talking about only one of • Radford, A., 1988. Transformational Grammar. Cambridge University Press.
my pianos, namely the one which was bought recently.) • Radford, A., 1997a. Syntactic theory and the structure of English. Cambridge University Press.
(124) a. My mother, whom I saw recently, is ill. (Similar remarks to those in (123)(a).) • Radford, A., 1997b. Syntax: A minimalist Introduction. Cambridge University Press.
b. *My mother whom I saw recently is ill. (Similar remarks to those in (123)(b), • Radford, A., 2004a. Minimalist Syntax Cambridge University Press.
except that this sentence makes no sense, because most people only have one mother.) • Radford, A., 2004b. English Syntax: An Introduction. Cambridge University Press.
(125) a. The houses on Elm Street, which are state-owned, will be renovated soon. (NON-
RESTRICTIVE. Implies that the state owns all houses on Elm St.)
b. The houses on Elm Street which are stated-owned will be renovated soon. 12 This is clearly due to the determiner, since the same NP need not refer to all houses on Elm Street
(RESTRICTIVE: Of the Elm St houses, only the state-owned ones will be renovated.) if we use a determiner other than the (cf. some/most/several houses on Elm Street) or no determiner
(strange noises were heard from houses on Elm Street).

29 30
English Syntax

5. Index
Adjective Phrase, 6 I, 24 relative pronouns, 31
adjoin, 13 Infl, 24 restrictive, 31
adjunct, 13 Inflection Phrase, 24 scope, 31
adjunction, 12 Intransitive, 16 sentential complement, 16
Adverb Phrase, 6 intransitive preposition, 18 specifier, 14, 18
AdvP, 6 IP, 24 string, 3
Agreement, 24 lexical category, 26 subcategorise, 16
ambiguity, 21 lexical entry, 10 subject, 7
AP, 6 lexical verb, 22 Subject, 7
auxiliary, 22 lexicon, 10 subject-auxiliary inversion, 28
C, 28 main clause, 27 subordinate clause, 27
categories, 1 modifier, 10 syntactic categories, 1
clause, 27 non-restrictive, 31 tag question, 22
cleft, 4 Noun Phrase, 6 Tense, 24
Comp, 28 NP, 6 though, 5
complement, 10 object, 7 trace, 29
complementiser, 27 phrasal categories, 5 Transitive, 16
conjunction, 4 phrases, 5 tree, 8
constituents, 2 PP, 6 triangle notation, 8
coordination, 4, 9 predicative complement, 17 Verb Phrase, 6
CP, 28 Prepositional Phrase, 6 VP, 6
degree adverb, 19 Prepositional verb, 16 Wh questions, 28
Ditransitive, 16 projection, 6 wh-phrase, 28
do so, 3, 16, 17 pronouns, 7 word-level categories, 5
do support, 22 pseudocleft, 4 X' schema, 19
functional category, 26 recursive, 13 Yes-no questions, 28
head, 6 Relative clauses, 31

1. Introductory Concepts ....................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Syntactic categories................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Constituent structure ................................................................................................. 2
1.3. Tests for constituents ................................................................................................ 3
1.4. Phrasal categories and the notion of 'head'................................................................ 5
1.5. The main problems in identifying and motivating the phrasal categories ................ 6
1.5.1 NP ..................................................................................................................... 7
1.5.2 VP ..................................................................................................................... 7
1.5.3 PP ...................................................................................................................... 8
1.5.4 AP ..................................................................................................................... 8
1.6. More on Coordination............................................................................................... 9
1.7. Complements, Arguments and Modifiers ................................................................. 9
2. The internal structure of phrases ..................................................................................... 11
2.1. Noun Phrases .......................................................................................................... 11
2.2. Verb Phrases ........................................................................................................... 15
2.3. Prepositional Phrases .............................................................................................. 17
2.4. Adjective Phrases.................................................................................................... 18
2.5. General remarks ...................................................................................................... 19
3. Sentence Structure........................................................................................................... 21
3.1. Auxiliaries and lexical verbs................................................................................... 21
3.2. The sentence as IP................................................................................................... 22
3.3. Complementisers, questions and CP....................................................................... 25
3.3.1 Subordinate clauses......................................................................................... 25
3.3.2 Question formation ......................................................................................... 27
3.3.3 Relative clauses............................................................................................... 29
4. Literature: Other Introductions to Syntax ....................................................................... 30
5. Index................................................................................................................................ 31


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