Assignment: 02: Due: Language Level: Files To Submit: Practice Exercises
Assignment: 02: Due: Language Level: Files To Submit: Practice Exercises
Assignment: 02: Due: Language Level: Files To Submit: Practice Exercises
Assignment: 02
Due: Tuesday, September 29 at noon (Waterloo time)
Language level: Beginning Student
Files to submit: extremes.rkt, grades.rkt, pos.rkt, parity.rkt,
mean-relative.rkt, sudoku.rkt
Practice exercises: HtDP 9.1.1, 9.1.2, and 9.1.3
• Make sure you read the OFFICIAL A2 post on Piazza for the answers to frequently asked
• This assignment covers concepts up to the end of Module 06. Unless otherwise specified, you
may only use Racket language features we have covered up to that point.
• Policies from Assignment 1 carry forward.
• For this and all subsequent assignments, you should include the design recipe as shown in the
course content.
• The basic and correctness tests for all questions will always meet the stated assumptions for
consumed values.
• You must use check-expect for both examples and tests of functions that produce exact
• It is very important that your function names match ours. You must use the basic tests
to be sure. In most cases, solutions that do not pass the basic tests will not receive any
correctness marks. The names of the functions must be written exactly. The names of the
parameters are up to you, but should be meaningful. The order and meaning of the parameters
are carefully specified in each problem.
• Since each file you submit may contain more than one function, it is very important that the
code runs. If your code does not run, then none of the functions in that file can be tested for
• You may use examples from the problem description in your own solutions, however do not
copy and paste them from the PDF as the formatting of the PDF may not be accepted by Dr.
Note: the use of https is important; that is, the system will not work if you omit the s. This
link is also under the Assignments menu on the course web page.
When you are ready, complete the two required questions under the Module 4a: Boolean
Operators category, the three required questions under the Module 4b: Conditionals, and
the three required questions under the Module 6: Lists category using the semantics given in
the course content for Beginning Student.
2. For this question you will be writing several functions that operate on a non-empty list of
(a) [5% Correctness] Write the function smallest that consumes a list of numbers and
produces the smallest number in the list. Example:
(smallest (cons -5 (cons 2 (cons 10.5 empty)))) => -5
(b) [5% Correctness] Write the function largest that consumes a list of numbers and
produces the largest number in the list. Example:
(largest (cons -5 (cons 2 (cons 10.5 empty)))) => 10.5
(c) [5% Correctness] Write the function max-diff that consumes a list of numbers and
produces the largest difference between any two elements in the list. max-diff itself
must not be called recursively. Instead you should make use of the previous two
functions smallest and largest. Example:
(max-diff (cons -5 (cons 2 (cons 10.5 empty)))) => 15.5
(a) [5% Correctness] Write the function change-due that consumes the list of numbers
costs and the non-negative number paid which represents the amount of money the
customer is providing as payment.
change-due should produce the amount of change the customer should receive back
(that is the sum of all of the costs deducted from the amount paid). You may assume for
this question that customer will always provide enough money to cover the costs of the
items they’re purchasing.
(define prices1
(cons 2.65 (cons 23.30 (cons 7.99 (cons 59.99 empty)))))
(change-due prices1 100) => 6.07
(change-due prices1 93.93) => 0
(b) [5% Correctness] Unlike above unfortunately sometimes people do not have enough
money to cover the items they need to purchase. Write the function paid-enough?
that consumes both the list of numbers costs and the non-negative number paid and
produces whether or not the customer has paid enough to cover the costs. paid-enough?
should produce true if paid is larger than or equal to the sum of costs, and false
(paid-enough? prices1 100) => true
(paid-enough? prices1 50) => false
(c) [5% Correctness] The POS system is for a local family-run store that believes in
supporting and helping out those in their community. The owners of the store want
functionality added to the POS system that allows them to easily find an item to give to
the customer for free, which they can pay back at a time when they’re able to.
Write the function free-item that consumes the list of numbers costs and the non-
negative number paid and produces the first item in the list that is large enough that if
reduced to 0 would mean the customer has enough to pay for their bill. You may assume
that there is always one item in the list large enough to cover the difference. You may
also assume the customer has not provided enough to cover the costs.
(free-item prices1 80) => 23.3
(free-item prices1 60) => 59.99
6. [10% Correctness] A list of numbers might contain some that are below, equal to, or above
the arithmetic mean of the numbers themselves.
Write the function mean-relative that consumes a list of integers and produces a list of
symbols where each symbol in the produced list should be either ’below-mean, ’above-mean,
or ’mean if the number at location in the list was below the mean of the list, above the mean
of the list, or equal to the mean of the list respectively.
Example: (mean-relative (cons 5 (cons 7 (cons 9 (cons 12 empty)))))
=> (cons ’below-mean (cons ’below-mean (cons ’above-mean
(cons ’above-mean empty))))
Place your function in mean-relative.rkt
7. [10% Correctness] Sudoku is game where the player must enter the numbers one through
nine into a 9x9 grid that is also broken up into 3x3 “boxes”. The goal of Sudoku is to make
sure each row, grid, and box has the numbers one through nine in them (meaning there can be
no duplicates as there are only nine spots in each container).
Write a function sudoku-valid? that consumes a list of numbers and produces true if the list
of numbers contains only each of the numbers one through nine exactly once and nothing
else, or produces false otherwise.
(define valid (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 (cons 4 (cons 5
(cons 9 (cons 8 (cons 7 (cons 6 empty))))))))))
(sudoku-valid? valid) => true
(sudoku-valid? (cons 1 valid)) => false
(sudoku-valid? (cons 0 valid)) => false
Place your function in sudoku.rkt
• For each number calculate the square of the difference between the number and the mean
• Calculate the mean of all the numbers calculated in the second step
• Take the square root of the mean calculated in the third step
Once you have calculated the standard deviation for a data set you can start to talk about how far
away any individual data point is from the mean, in terms of standard deviations. The z-score of a
number measures how many standard deviations it is away from the mean of the data set it belongs
to. The calculation for the z-score of a number is standard deviation . Write a function z-scores that
consumes a list of numbers and produces a list of numbers which is the z-score for each number in
the original list.