Assessment Task 3 - BSBMKG502 (Final)

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Task 3
Establish and adjust the
marketing mix

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Student Declaration
To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses
 I declare that this task and any attached document related to the task is all my own work and I have
not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student(s)
 I understand that if I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me
according to the process explained to me
 I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
 I have read and understood the assessment requirements for this unit
 I understand the rights to re-assessment
 I understand the right to appeal the decisions made in the assessment

Unit Title
Unit Code
Sarina Janjaeng
Student name

Student ID 44794
Student Date
3 26 FEB 2021
Task Number

BSBMKG502 - Establish and adjust the marketing mix V2 2020 Page 2

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For Trainer and Assessor to complete:

◻ Student requested reasonable adjustment for the assessment

Completed successfully Comments

Did the student satisfactorily:
The student has satisfactory completed ☒ ☐ ☐
and submitted the following:

 Monitoring Plan
 Contextualisation of scenarios
 Evaluation of the impact of the
scenarios on the marketing mix
 Summary of notes collected during the
focus group
 Evaluation o the implication of altering
the marketing mix
 Plan to adjust the marketing mix

The student actively participated in the ☒ ☐ ☐

focus group in Task 3.1C as a facilitator.
Demonstrated ability to: ☒ ☐ ☐
 Monitor marketing mix against
marketing performance and isolate
components for testing
 Evaluate implications of altering one or
more components of the marketing mix
in relation to market factors and
consumer response

This is evidenced by:

The monitoring plan, the evaluation of the
impact of the scenarios on the marketing
mix and the testing in Task 3.1
Demonstrated ability to: ☒ ☐ ☐
 Adjust components of marketing mix in
response to test results and market-
response evaluation
 Ensure adjusted marketing mix meets

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Completed successfully Comments

Did the student satisfactorily:
budgetary requirements
 Ensure adjusted marketing mix
continues to meet organisational,
strategic and operational marketing
objectives, and desired positioning

This is evidenced by:

The evaluation of altering the marketing
mix and the adjustment plan in Task 3.2

Task Outcome: Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory ☐

Student Name: Sarina Janjaeng

Assessor Name:

Assessor Signature:


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Table of Content

Student Declaration................................................................................................................................................2
Task 3 – Monitor and adjust the marketing mix........................................................................6
Task 3.1 Marketing Mix - Monitoring................................................................................................................9
Task 3.2 Adjust the marketing mix..................................................................................................................11

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Task 3 – Monitor and adjust the marketing mix

Task summary and instructions

What is this This task builds on your work in Task 2.

assessment task
about? This task comprises of product-based assessment methods in a
simulated work environment.

It has been designed to evaluate your ability to:

 Monitor marketing mix against marketing performance and

isolate components for testing
 Evaluate implications of altering one or more components of
marketing mix in relation to market factors and consumer
 Adjust components of marketing mix in response to test results
and market-response evaluation
 Ensure adjusted marketing mix meets budgetary requirements
 Ensure adjusted marketing mix continues to meet
organisational, strategic and operational marketing objectives,
and desired positioning

You are required to address the following:

 Task 3.1 Marketing Mix - Monitoring:
o Develop a monitoring plan
o Address the scenarios
o Test the marketing mix components impacted by the scenarios
 Task 3.2 Adjust the marketing mix:
o Evaluate the implications of altering one or more components of
the marketing mix
o Develop a plan to adjust the components of the marketing mix
that need change/refinement

What do I need to do  submit the completed assessment tasks, according to instructions,

to complete this task  complete the tasks with sufficient detail and present them in a
satisfactorily? professional manner,
 use your own words and reference sources appropriately,
 meet the word count where required,
 use the scenario provided,
 use the templates provided where required
 for your performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment

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Task summary and instructions

task you must satisfactorily address all of the assessment criteria,

 if part of this task is not satisfactorily completed you will be asked
to complete further assessment to demonstrate satisfactory

Specifications You must deliver/participate in:

 Facilitate the focus group in week 5 of class (Task 3.1 C)

You must submit to GOALS

o Monitoring Plan
o Contextualisation of scenarios
o Evaluation of the impact of the scenarios on the marketing mix
o Summary of notes collected during the focus group
o Evaluation of the implication of altering the marketing mix
o Plan to adjust the marketing mix

Resources and • Computer with Internet access

equipment • Access to Microsoft Office suites or similar software
• Learning material
• Scenario for assessment document
• Relevant policies and procedures provided in a separate folder
• Use of the templates included in this assessment document
What will the Your assessor will be looking for demonstrated evidence of your ability
assessor be looking to:
o Monitor the marketing mix against marketing performance
o Isolate marketing mix components for testing
o Evaluate the implication of altering the marketing mix
o Adjust the components of the marketing mix

Re-submission You will be provided feedback on your performance by the Assessor.

opportunities The feedback will indicate if you have satisfactorily addressed the
requirements of each part of this task. If any parts of the task are not
satisfactorily completed, the assessor will explain why, and provide you
written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to
demonstrate satisfactory performance. Re-assessment attempt(s) will
be arranged at a later time and date. You have the right to appeal the
outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that you have been dealt
with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal. You are

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Task summary and instructions

encouraged to consult with the assessor prior to attempting this task if

you do not understand any part of this task or if you have any learning
issues or needs that may hinder you when attempting any part of the


1. Review your work in Task 2, the assessment scenario, the business documentation,
including policies and procedures used in Task 2.

2. Develop a plan, in the form of personal planning notes, about how the marketing mix
(recommended and implemented based on your work in Task 2) is monitored and adjusted.

3. Read the scenarios provided and contextualise them to make them relevant to the business
you are working on as a Case Study.

4. Evaluate the impact of the scenarios on the implemented marketing mix.

5. Test the components of the marketing mix.

6. Schedule a time with the trainer and assessor in week 5 of class and organise a focus group
with a group of classmates who will play the role of customers (provide the classmates with
the characteristics of the customers targeted by the recommended marketing mix, and
explain the scenarios that impacted the marketing mix).

Prepare and ask questions to understand better the impact of the scenarios on the
components of the marketing based on your evaluation.

Please note that the trainer and assessor will evaluate your active participation in the focus
group in the role of facilitator. Comments will be provided in the marking sheet.

7. Summarise the notes collected during the focus group.

8. Evaluate the implications of altering one or more components of the marketing mix in
response to the scenarios reviewed in Task 3.1.

9. Develop a plan to adjust the components of the marketing mix that need change/refinement
based on your evaluation.

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Complete the following activities:

Task 3.1 Marketing Mix - Monitoring

A) Monitoring Plan

Develop a plan, in the form of personal planning notes, about how the marketing mix
(recommended and implemented based on your work in Task 2) is monitored and adjusted.

(50-100 words)

It is important to track conversations about brand, products, and competitors also think beyond
the brand monitor that might be better of overall industry, or present opportunities to collect
new data for apply to social listening strategy.
In-store banner
- Advertising prints or banner to represent products and service to customers in the
coffee shop.

Social media marketing strategies

-To release a new content or post 2-3/week and respond customer feedback or
comment day by day
Website strategy: to be active about every special occasion during a year and respond customer
feedback or comment day by day.

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RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
B) Monitoring and evaluation

You are six months into the implementation of the marketing mix.

Read the scenarios below and contextualise them to make them relevant to the business you are
working on as a Case Study.

Scenario Contextualisation

A new competitor entered the market with a Product/Service:

very aggressive marketing campaign and a
- Increasing sell
pricing strategy that could potentially lead to
- Providing a quality product and service
them acquiring 15% of your market in 6 - Making a community who likes our service
months. style
Their prices are 10% cheaper than yours for a After six months, we have a data
similar product/service. against business that we see
Specify what product or service is impacted.
- Customers are always in a Hurry
- A table is not suitable/enough for some
- Development brand to our target
New legislation requires businesses to comply We have private policy is about personal
with a WHS regulation regarding COVID-19. information including information in
To comply with the regulation, businesses satisfaction surveys/ job applications. Also,
BREW HA HA is committed to protecting
have to train their personnel and make
your privacy. It is bound by the national
changes to their place of business. privacy principles contained in the Privacy
This will impact profoundly on the Act 1988 and all other applicable legislation
organisational budget, and the marketing governing privacy. Moreover, the company
budget will be reduced by 50%. must provide the policy cover the legislation
- Privacy Act 1998 (Cwlth)
- Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Vic)
- Competition and Consumer Act 2010
- Work Health and Safety Act 2011
- Australian Privacy Principles (APPs)
- IP Australia

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Scenario Contextualisation

Your preferred channel of distribution (specify Channel of distribution:

which one) is not performing as expected and Our staff have problem about respond
it is causing delays in the delivery of the customer on online channel such as delay to
product/service to customers. Customer reply customer’s question , send wrong
complaints have increased by 20% in the last product to customer.
Specify what channel of distribution is

You had to recall one of your product/adjust Product/Service:

one of your services due to a procedural issue Delivery is not on time, we got some
that caused the delivery of a sub-standard complain from customers about delay
product/service to customers in the past delivery. Sometimes, customers don’t get
months. some item from our packing.
Specify what product or service was affected.
This issue will also affect your brand and
Your latest promotional campaign is not Promotion: discount 20% when customer
performing as expected. The increase in sales order over $150 on online
of a product or service is neglectable.
Specify what promotion and what product are Product: Online channel

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Evaluate the impact of the scenarios above on the implemented marketing mix

Impact Product Brew Ha Ha Coffee Roasters have
developed their differentiation through
Evaluate the impact of what their coffee making art, but also with
occurred in the scenarios on the their products and their suppliers. Food
marketing mix. is an important part of this strategy.
(30-50 words/component) Their chef is top class and the food is
‘foodie’ and delicious. Brew HaHa
Coffee Roasters offers a different range
of coffee

Place Brew Ha Ha Coffee Roasters has two

different channels of distribution:
1)The physical outlet with an inner west
atmosphere located in Sydney
2)The online store which is attached to
the Facebook page

Price Brew Ha Ha Coffee Roasters prices are

slightly higher than a local competitor for
their coffee due to uniqueness of the

Promotion Promotion is developed and managed

by the owners They can also actively
test the effectiveness of different
promotions and other manipulations of
the marketing mix using a mix of
monitoring tools available on social
media and websites and foot traffic and

People Brew Ha Ha Coffee Roasters service

philosophy outlines the importance of
retains the best staff including chef and
baristas to make people feel special,
serve the best creative cuisine, embrace
the locals, remember their regulars’

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customers and change and delight
regularly with the menu options to
enhance the customer experience when
going to the cafe and there before
encourage customer loyalty
Processes Refers to the systems used to assist
an organisation in the development
of a service or product, as well as
the development of an
accompanying marketing strategy.
The process is a means to achieve
the organisation’s objectives.

Physical Physical evidence adds to a brands

Evidence market presence and provides
multiple points of
reference and reminders for
consumers. These points of
reference help create an overall
atmosphere for a brand or service
and are an essential element of any
marketing mix.

Testing Product , promotion and process.

Select 2-3 components of the
marketing mix based on your
evaluation for testing.

C) Testing

Test the components of the marketing mix.

1. Schedule a time with the trainer and assessor in week 5 of class and organise a focus group
with a group of classmates who will play the role of customers (provide the classmates with
the characteristics of the customers targeted by the recommended marketing mix, and explain
the scenarios that impacted the marketing mix).
2. Prepare and ask questions to understand better the impact of the scenarios on the
components of the marketing mix based on your evaluation.

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Example of questions may include:
 How do you feel about visiting our business?
 How would you rate our customer service?
 Why did you not act on the call to action in our promotion?
 Is pricing a factor when choosing our product over a competitor?
 Has your perception about our brand changed in the last weeks? Why?

Please note that the trainer and assessor will evaluate your active participation in the focus group in
the role of facilitator. Comments will be provided in the marking sheet.

Summarise the notes collected during the focus group below:

(50-80 words)

Customers are more comfortable to order coffee and buy some products at the store than
order by online because staffs who look after website are not good enough about system
that make customers get information delay. However, our company make plan for staffs
who lack of social media skill and improve our system to more comfortable and easy to use
for customers and our staffs.

Task 3.2 Adjust the marketing mix

A) Evaluation

Evaluate the implications of altering one or more components of the marketing mix in response to
the scenarios reviewed in Task 3.1.
Please note, focus on the components that may be altered.
(30-50 words/ component)

Product Online service : We would like to make more comfortable to our customer
who don’t have time to go out or don’t want to go our during to Covid

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Place Website Brew HA HA , FaceBook page and Instagram

Price Brew Ha Ha Coffee Roasters prices are slightly higher than a local competitor
for their coffee due to uniqueness of the brand.

Promotion We have for online promotion to convince customer to buy our products and
promote our bran to new customer who never try our products as well.
The promotion is “Get 20% off for first order in online service when
customer spend at lease $150” .

People Brew Ha Ha Coffee Roasters service philosophy outlines the importance of

retains the best staff including chef and baristas to make people feel special,
serve the best creative cuisine, embrace the locals, remember their regulars’
customers and change and delight regularly with the menu options to
enhance the customer experience when going to the cafe and there before
encourage customer loyalty

Processes Refers to the systems used to assist an organisation in the development of a

service or product, as well as the development of an accompanying
marketing strategy. The process is a means to achieve the organisation’s

Physical Physical evidence adds to a brands market presence and provides multiple
Evidence points of reference and reminders for consumers. These points of reference
help create an overall atmosphere for a brand or service and are an essential
element of any marketing mix.

B) Adjustments

Develop a plan to adjust the components of the marketing mix that need change/refinement
based on your evaluation.

Adjustments Product NA

List the Place NA

adjustments to
the Price NA
components of
the marketing Promotion NA

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Complete all People NA
that applies.
Write NA Processes We have to train our staffs who don’t have knowledge
against the about using system online and social media and we update
components our webpage and system to easier to use for customer and
that do not our staffs. Moreover, we increase staffs to support order
need online.
Physical NA
20,000 AUS
Estimate the
budget needed
to adjust the
marketing mix.
Actions Description Timelines Resources Outcomes

Determine When To Expected

three actions to implemented implement outcomes of
ensure that the the action, the
adjusted including implemented
marketing mix budgetary actions
continues to resources if
meet applicable
organisational, Action 1 Upgrade and Within Contact Website is
strategic and improve 1 month company who look good
operational online system can upgrade and easy to
marketing system and use.
objectives and website.
positioning Action 2 Training Within Contact Our staffs get
staffs about 1 month company who knowledge
using system can upgrade and respond
and social system and with
media website and customers is
they have better.
system to our
Action 3 Increasing Within Post on We can
staffs to 1 month website to delivery on

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support find stuffs or time and not
online system contact agent get any issue
and delivery. who can find with
employees. customers

C) Email – report to management

Write an email to report to management on the success and/or shortcomings of the marketing mix
activities developed, including coverage of any adjustments made. Base the email your work in
Task 3.1 and 3.2 (A,B)

Write the email in the space below. (50-100 words)

Dear team management,

Due to customer complains about online service. That’s about delay respond and delay delivery.
Now our team make plan to improve this problem so we are looking at our staff why they have
problem about using system and social media so we had to talk with our staffs so that make we
understand route cause and can figure out this problem.
However, we need some help from IT company for improve our system and training our staffs.
The result is very good and no more complain from customer. (successful!!)
Any where, Thank you for support the budget and believe in our team.

Thank you

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