p7 p8 m3 - Personal - Development

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Name: Jordan McKinley - Nichols Date: 14.05.


My Personal Development Plan

Step 1 –My Objectives:
My objectives in life are to finish my education at the Blandford school and obtain adequate results to take me onto a career for the
remainder of my life. I intend on starting an apprenticeship scheme which will include me learning the skills of a certain trade that
will get me through career.
After this I would like to move into a job which is not only well paid, but a job that I personally enjoy and that is relevant to the things
that I enjoy doing so for example If I was to successfully complete an apprenticeship course then to go on and run a business in that

Step 2 –Assessment of My Current Position :

My Strengths: My development areas:

- One of my main strengths is my - An initial weakness of mine that I need to
organisational abilities. I am very particular work on is my time management skills. I find
about how things are set out and looked after that a lot of the time especially in exams I
therefore organisation is a strength of mine spend far to much time on less important
things when the time could be better spent
- I feel a second strength of mine is my ability - A second of my minor weaknesses is my
to work with others. Over the last 8 years I numeracy skills. I can do the basics like
have been involved in sports teams, team adding and some of the more advanced
building activities and so on therefore I have maths activities but very advanced maths
built up the ability to work within a team to activities like algebra are my weak points.
achieve the best results possible
- A third strength I believe help to build up my - A third and final weakness that I need to
personality and attributes is my develop on in particular Is my self
communication skills. I enjoy talking to motivational skills. If feel as though if I work
people and listening to what people have to harder on getting myself motivated to work
say as well as discussing things therefore I harder at school, I would be able to achieve
think communication skills are one of my much better things not only in school but in all
stronger points. other activities I take part in throughout life.

Step 3–My Action Plan

Action Measure Support Required Completion Date
Complete my a-levels so I can The way I will measure my The help and support of July 2014 is around the time my
move on to a new stage of my success for this action is by teachers will help me to achieve courses will finish
life referring to teachers reports my target
and my prediceted grades
throughout the year, along with
grades I achieve in practice
exams , and moderation, and
the final measure will be on
results day when I get my final
Improve the way I motivate Again I can measure this based This is something that I really This is a weakness that could be
myself to work harder and on the progress that I make need to address myself but with resolved quickly if I set my
achieve success more often throughout the year, so things support and some pressure mind to it therefore I would like
like improvements on grades from teachers and my parents I to think it can be overcome
and completing work earlier can get myself to work harder. soon.
will be a good measure for this
Step 4: identify areas for improvement and how these will be achieved:
Area for improvement: How I will achieve this:
To ensure that I succeed at school I must first work on I will move away from distractions in classes, such as
my grades people who chat a lot and prevent me from working
I will also put extra hours in at school to catch up on
work that I miss
I will motivate myself to make sure that I am working
to the best of my ability
To begin working towards getting an apprenticeship I will apply for different apprenticeships at different
and a career businesses
I will approach businesses and find out if they are
offering apprenticeships, and if so, what in
To maximize the time I have left at school in order to I will make sure that I work hard in every lesson so I’m
achieve as much out of it as I can not wasting my time
I will take opportunities that the school offer so I can
get the most out of school

Copy of my CV:

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