Week 3 Module PED 6
Week 3 Module PED 6
Week 3 Module PED 6
GENERAL DIRECTIONS: This module is composed of three parts. Read and understand the
specific directions in each part and answer the activities and guide questions provided. Do not
write anything on this material. Write your answers on the Activity and Assessment Sheets
provided separately.
Directions: Read and understand the texts below then answer the pivotal questions provided.
Moreover, Evan (2005) claimed that the traditional purpose summative assessment is used
to evaluate the achievement of students at the end of instruction. The evaluation includes
classifying and ranking students based on the result of assessment. However, this is opposed by
Liljedahl (2010) who presented a powerful argument explaining that assessment should not be used
for ranking of students. He added that assessment should be used for students to communicate
their leaning to teachers and for teachers to communicate back to students of their progress and
learnings; it is used to evaluate students achievement and evaluate the effectiveness of instruction;
provide report of the quality of instruction as reflected by students acjevement to all stakeholders
concerned. On the other hand, Evan also explained that the contemporary purpose of assessment is
focused on placing emphasis on formative assessment which is used to advance students’ learning
by providing teachers with information regarding the weaknesses of students to help improve
instruction. The use of assessment data can help improve instruction from planning stage to
implementation in which the teacher can decide the best instructional activities and materials that
be used to adapt to students’ learning needs.
Assessment data can be used in different purposes. Placement assessment can be used to
make instructional decisions by determining students performance at the beginning of instruction
while formative assessment is used to monitor students performance in the course of
cisions_Seven_Criteria_for_Assessment_Other_Methods_of_Linking_Assessment_to_Instructions). On the other
hand, Diganostic assessment is usually given before instruction and helps to determine styudents’
learning progress and summative assesment is used to determine students’ achievement at the end
of instruction (https://www.academia.edu/33846130/Roles_of_assessment_in_making_instructional_decisions_1_).
I. Understanding Check
Directions: Based on your readings, answer the following questions comprehensively.
1. There is an argument on the use of assessment as to whether it can be used for ranking
students or not. What is your stand on this and why?
2. How will assessment contribute to the improvement of instruction?
3. What are the roles of assessment in the teaching and learning process? Give at least three.
II. Synthesizing
Directions: Using the table below, summarize the concepts that you have learned about the
different forms of assessments as to when it is applicable to use, its examples, strengths and
Good Job for accomplishing the given practice activity! Now, let us deepen your learning by
answering the questions below.
1. Teacher A explains different facts about a certain 6. Which of the following is NOT an example
topic in biology. To test students’ understanding, of formative test?
the teacher provided a pop quiz before the class ((a) pop quiz
moves on to the lesson. What kind of assessment is (b) practice test
done by Teacher A? (c) periodic test
(a) placement (d) review questions
(b) formative
(c) diagnostic 7. Teacher C provided her students with a
(d) summative test before the start of the lesson to
determine students’ prior knowledge about
2. Teacher B explains different physics concepts to the topic on the properties of matter. What
the students and provided examples and practice kind of assessment is performed by Teacher
activities. At the end of the lesson unit, she feels C?
that her students have good understanding of the ((a) placement
concepts covered and she provided an assessment (b) formative
to measure students learning. What kind of (c) diagnostic
assessment is done by Teacher B in this case? (d) summative
(a) placement
(b) formative 8. What is the main purpose of summative
(c) diagnostic assessment? To determine ________
(d) summative ((a) students’ strengths and weaknesses.
(b) students’ prior knowledge and level of
3. What is the primary purpose of assessment? skills about the topic.
Assessment aims to _________ (c) if students’ have met the set learning
(a) improve instructional strategies standards for the subject.
(b) develop quality instructional materials (d) if the teacher needs to adjust his lesson
(c) improve students’ learning pacing and teaching strategies to student’s
(d) All of the above needs.
4. Which of the following form of assessment can be 9. A final examination is an example of what
used to determine the effectiveness of instructional form of assessment?
strategies used in teaching? (a) placement
((a) placement (b) formative
(b) formative (c) diagnostic
(c) diagnostic (d) summative
(d) summative
5. What form of assessment is used to determine 10. Teacher D provided a test in English
the learning progress of the students during comprehension which will be used to classify
instruction? students who will be enrolled in the school
((a) placement English Comprehension Program (ECP) for
(b) formative Grade 4 pupils. What form of assessment is
(c) diagnostic conducted by Teacher D?
(d) summative ((a) placement
(b) formative
(c) diagnostic
(d) summative
Reminder: After answering the activities and questions provided in this module, turn in this
module to your subject facilitator together with the attached Activity and Assessment
Sheets then request for the next module.
References 1. Banks, K. (2020). What is a Placement Test? Retrieved August 17,
2020, from https://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-a-placement-
2. Evan, R. (2005). Using Assessment to Inform Instructional decisions:
How hard can it be? Retrieved August 12, 2020, from
3. Groepl, J. (n.d.). The Role of Assessment in Teaching and Learning.
Retrieved August 16, 2020, from
4. How to effectively use educational assessment tools? (n.d.). Retrieved
August 16, 2020, from
5. Jang, E., & Wagner, M. (2018). Diagnostic Feedback in the Classroom.
Retrieved August 14, 2020, from
6. Jones, & bartlett. (n.d.). The rolr of assessment in instruction.
Retrieved August 13, 2020, from
7. Liljedahl, P. (2010). The four purposes of Assessment. Retrieved
August 15, 2020, from http://peterliljedahl.com/wp-
8. Preparing for Placement Test. (n.d.). Retrieved August 16, 2020, from
9. Role of Assessment in Instructional Decisions Ways How Assessment
Enhance Instruction 1. Instructional Placement Decisions. 2. Formative
Evaluation Decisions. 3. Diagnostic Decisions Seven Criteria for
Assessment Other Methods of Linking Assessment to Ins. (n.d.).
Retrieved from
10. Understanding the roles of assessment. (n.d.). Retrieved August 15,
2020, from
11. Reform, T. G. (2014). Formative Assessment. Retrieved August 16,
2020, from https://www.edglossary.org/formative-assessment/
12. Roles of Assessmment in Making Instructional Decisions . (n.d.).
Retrieved August 13, 2020, from
13. Tookoian, J. (2018). What is a diagnostic assessment? Retrieved
August 14, 2020, from https://edulastic.com/blog/diagnostic-