Faa-Easa Tip Rev 6 Final - Signed 9-22-2017

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between the
Federal Aviation Administration
of the United States of America
and the
European Aviation Safety Agency
of the European Union

Revision 6
September 22, 2017

1.1 Authorization ........................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Purpose .................................................................................................................................. 4
1.3 Principles ................................................................................................................................ 4
1.4 Changes in the Authority Aircraft Certification Systems .......................................................... 5
1.5 Governance ............................................................................................................................ 5
1.6 Continued Maintenance of Confidence ................................................................................... 6
1.7 Procedures for Adding and Suspending the Acceptance of Findings and Approvals
Made by Specific EU member state (AA) ................................................................................ 9
1.8 Applicable National Requirements, Procedures, and Guidance Material ................................. 9
1.9 Interpretations and Resolution of Conflicts between the FAA and EASA............................... 10
1.10 Notification of Investigation or Enforcement Action ............................................................... 11
1.11 Revisions, Amendments, and Points of Contact.................................................................... 11
1.12 Entry into Force and Termination .......................................................................................... 12
1.13 Definitions ............................................................................................................................. 12


2.1 General ................................................................................................................................. 20
2.2 Design Approvals, Design Data, and Certificates Recognized by the U.S. under the TIP ..... 20
2.3 Design Approvals, Design Data, and Certificates Recognized by EASA under the TIP ......... 22
2.4 Special Airworthiness Certification ........................................................................................ 24
2.5 Provisions for Technical Assistance ...................................................................................... 24
2.6 Provisions for Special Arrangements .................................................................................... 24


3.1 General ................................................................................................................................. 25
3.2 Acceptance ........................................................................................................................... 25
3.3 Procedures for Accepted Design Approvals .......................................................................... 26
3.4 Validation .............................................................................................................................. 30
3.5 Procedures for Streamlined Validation and Technical Validation........................................... 30
3.6 Evaluation of Operational and/or Maintenance Aspects ........................................................ 48
3.7 Environmental Compliance Demonstration and Approval Procedures .................................. 52
3.8 Acceptance of Equipment Standards and Aeronautical Databases ....................................... 54

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3.9 Submission of Electronic Data .............................................................................................. 55


4.1 General ................................................................................................................................. 56
4.2 Malfunctions, Failures, and Defects (MF&D) and Service Difficulty Reports (SDR) ............... 56
4.3 Unsafe Condition and Mandatory Continuing Airworthiness Actions ..................................... 57
4.4 Alternative Methods of Compliance (AMOC) to an AD .......................................................... 59


5.1 General ................................................................................................................................. 60
5.2 Transfer of TCs and STCs .................................................................................................... 60
5.3 Surrender of TC or STC ........................................................................................................ 62
5.4 Revocation or Suspension of TC or STC .............................................................................. 62
5.5 Surrender or Withdrawal of a TSOA/ETSOA ......................................................................... 63
5.6 Change of Holder of TSOA or ETSOA .................................................................................. 63
5.7 Surrender, Withdrawal or Termination of an FAA PMA for a Critical Component .................. 63


6.1 Production System ................................................................................................................ 65


7.1 General ................................................................................................................................. 66
7.2 Export Certificates of Airworthiness ...................................................................................... 66
7.3 New Aircraft Exported to the U.S. or the EU for which a Design Approval Has Been
Granted................................................................................................................................. 66
7.4 Used Aircraft Exported to the U.S. or the EU for which a Design Approval Has Been
Granted................................................................................................................................. 67
7.5 Acceptance of Used Aircraft Being Exported (Returned) to the original SoD ......................... 68
7.6 Acceptance of Used Aircraft for which a Third Country is the SoD ........................................ 68
7.7 New Aircraft Engines and Propellers Exported to the U.S. and New and Rebuilt Aircraft
Engines and New Propellers Exported to the EU .................................................................. 68
7.8 New TSO Articles that Are Subject to Acceptance ................................................................ 69
7.9 New TSO Articles that were Approved prior to Acceptance................................................... 69
7.10 New Modification and Replacement Parts excluding Standard Parts .................................... 69
7.11 Additional Documentation Requirements for FAA PMA Parts ............................................... 70
7.12 New Standard Parts .............................................................................................................. 70
7.13 Coordination of Exceptions on an Export Certificate of Airworthiness ................................... 70
7.14 Exceptions on an Authorized Release Certificates ................................................................ 71
7.15 Additional Requirements for Imported Products .................................................................... 71

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8.1 General ................................................................................................................................. 74
8.2 Witnessing of Tests During Design Approval ........................................................................ 75
8.3 Compliance Determinations .................................................................................................. 76
8.4 Conformity Certifications during Design Approvals ............................................................... 76
8.5 Process for Shared Production Surveillance and Oversight .................................................. 77
8.6 Other Requests for Assistance or Support ............................................................................ 79
8.7 Airworthiness Certificates...................................................................................................... 79
8.8 Protection of Proprietary Data ............................................................................................... 80
8.9 FOIA Requests ..................................................................................................................... 80
8.10 Access to Information Act Requests ..................................................................................... 80
8.11 Accident/Incident and Suspected Unapproved Parts Investigation Information Requests ..... 81


9.1 General ................................................................................................................................. 82

10.1 General ................................................................................................................................. 83

SEPTEMBER 28, 2003

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Design Approval, Production Activities, Export Airworthiness Approval, Post Design Approval
Activities, and Technical Assistance

1.1 Authorization
These Technical Implementation Procedures (TIP) are authorized by Article 5 and
Annex 1 of the Agreement between the Government of the United States of America
(U.S.) and the European Union (EU) on Cooperation in the Regulation of Civil Aviation
Safety (“the Agreement”). In accordance with Article 5 of the Agreement, the Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA) and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) have
determined that the aircraft certification systems of each Authority for the design
approval, production approval, airworthiness approval, and continuing airworthiness of
the civil aeronautical products and articles identified in this document, are sufficiently
compatible in structure and performance to support these procedures.
1.2 Purpose
The purpose of the TIP is to define the procedures for approving the design of civil
aeronautical products and articles eligible for import into the U.S. and the EU, the
process for obtaining eligibility for import, and the means for providing continued
support of those civil aeronautical products and articles after import.
1.3 Principles
1.3.1 The TIP is based on continuous communication and mutual confidence in the
FAA’s and EASA’s technical competence and ability to perform regulatory
functions within the scope of the TIP. The FAA and EASA, when acting as the
Authority for the importing State, shall give the same validity to the
certification made by the other, as the Authority for the exporting State, as if
they were made in accordance with its own applicable laws, regulations, and
requirements. When a finding is made by one Authority in accordance with
the laws and regulations of the other Authority and the TIP, that finding is
given the same validity as if it were made by the other Authority. Therefore,
the fundamental principle of the TIP is to maximize the use of the exporting
Authority’s aircraft certification system to ensure that the airworthiness and
environmental requirements of the validating Authority are satisfied.
1.3.2 The FAA and EASA agree that all information, including technical
documentation, exchanged under the TIP will be in the English language.
EASA will ensure that any translated documents will have the same legal
interpretation as the original documents.
1.3.3 The FAA and EASA mutually recognize each other’s aircraft certification
systems which includes EASA recognition of FAA’s designee system and
FAA recognition of EASA’s design and production organization system.
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1.3.4 The FAA and EASA understand there may be occasional situations where,
upon prior notification to the other Authority, either Authority may interact
directly with a non-governmental individual who is recognized by the other
Authority as either an individual designee (FAA) or authorized representative
of an organizational designee (FAA) or a member of a design or production
organization (EASA). Unless otherwise agreed for specific projects the FAA
and EASA will not routinely notify the other of such individuals’ activities in
advance of any of those persons traveling to the U.S or the EU to witness
tests, to perform conformity inspections, and/or to make determinations of
1.4 Changes in the Authority Aircraft Certification Systems
1.4.1 The TIP is based upon sufficiently compatible aircraft certification systems
being in place at the time of signing. Therefore, the FAA and EASA will keep
each other informed of significant changes within those systems, such as: Statutory responsibilities; Organizational structure (e.g., key personnel, management structure,
technical training, office location); Revisions to airworthiness, certification, environmental standards and
procedures, and associated policies and guidance; Production quality system oversight, including oversight of out-of-
country production of products and articles; or Delegated functions or the kinds of organizations to which functions
have been delegated.
1.4.2 The FAA and EASA recognize that revision by either Authority to its
regulations, policies, procedures, statutory responsibility, organizational
structure, production quality system oversight, or delegation system may
affect the basis and scope of the TIP. Accordingly, upon notice of such
changes by one Authority, the other Authority may request a meeting to
review the need for amendment to the TIP.
1.4.3 The FAA and EASA will notify each other of relevant draft policy and
guidance material prior to issuance of policy and guidance and will consult on
new article performance standards or proposed changes to these standards.
1.5 Governance
As required by the Agreement, the FAA Aircraft Certification Service and EASA
Certification Directors have established the Certification Oversight Board (COB),
consisting of management representatives from each Authority. The COB shall be
responsible for the effective functioning, implementation, and continued validity of these
procedures, including revisions and amendments thereto. The COB shall establish its
own rules of procedure, its membership, and meeting schedules. The frequency of
these meetings will be mutually agreed upon by the COB, and will depend on the
number and significance of the issues to be discussed between the authorities. These
meetings will also be used to discuss and harmonize any major differences in standards

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and their interpretation that are identified during certification projects between the FAA
and EASA and, when significant differences are identified, formal proposals will be
raised through the applicable rulemaking committee. The COB will invite management
from the responsible policy office to participate on all discussions focused on
operational issues (e.g. Maintenance Review Board and Operational Suitability Data).
1.5.1 In order to achieve the objectives of the Validation Improvement Roadmap to
reduce the level of involvement of the validating authority, the following
metrics shall be established by both parties: For Basic projects, the validating Authority (VA) shall record:
(a) The number of projects received from the certificating Authority
(CA) classified as Basic; and
(b) The time between receipt of application from the CA and the
VA’s issuance of its approval. For Non-Basic projects, the VA shall record:
(a) The number of projects received from the CA classified as
(b) The working hours spent by the VA to issue its approval. In
order to measure the reduction of involvement, the baseline
shall be established, shared and agreed upon by both parties;
(c) In addition to (a) and (b), for Non-Basic TC projects:
(1) Validation familiarization flight test hours;
(2) Operational evaluation flight test hours;
(3) The number of new Certification Review Items (CRIs) or
Issue Papers (IPs) issued by the VA; and
(d) The time between receipt of application from the CA and the
VA’s issuance of its approval.
1.5.2 The COB shall annually review the metrics.
1.6 Continued Maintenance of Confidence
1.6.1 Introduction To avoid unnecessary duplication of efforts, the FAA and EASA need
to establish and maintain confidence in each Authority’s technical
ability to make findings on behalf of the other Authority. At the same
time consistent application by the FAA, EASA and the EU member
state Aviation Authorities (AA) of the Agreement in all areas covered
by Annex 1 of the Agreement has to be ensured as part of the COB
mandate. The general principles guiding the development and implementation of
an oversight model that monitors each other’s system and technical
competency, health in the different areas covered by Annex 1 of the
Agreement, and at the same time promotes continued understanding

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and compatibility with each other’s systems, are described hereafter.
1.6.2 General Principles In order to maintain confidence in each other’s system and promote
continued understanding and compatibility with each other’s systems
with regards to the areas covered by Annex 1 of the Agreement, the
FAA and EASA shall establish an oversight model covering at least
the following elements:
(a) A desktop sampling system to verify approvals and findings
post-validation. The sampling system should include
provisions for optional sampling visits based on the results of
the desktop exercise;
(b) Sharing of relevant information on standardization and quality
management activities; and
(c) When deemed necessary by the COB establishment of a
participation program of the FAA as an observer in EASA
standardization inspections or EASA internal quality audits
(EU), and of EASA as observer FAA internal quality audits
(U.S.). As part of the continued maintenance of confidence in each other’s
system, the FAA and EASA will develop procedures to share and
exchange information regarding airworthiness and environmental
standards, certification systems, quality management and
standardization systems. When developing the procedures to share information between EASA
and the FAA (e.g., production, MRB, TSO/ETSO) the following
elements should be addressed:
(a) Defining the relevant data to be shared/exchanged between
EASA and the FAA;
(b) Early identification of concerns by either EASA or the FAA;
(c) Steps for EASA and the FAA to work together to evaluate the
concerns; and
(d) Agreement on how the concerns will be addressed to assure
appropriate level of compliance, safety, and environmental
1.6.3 Certification Activities
EASA and the FAA shall establish a sampling system to check that the
Agreement is being implemented by both parties in accordance with its terms
and in a manner consistent both in the U.S. and in the EU.
Results of those sampling audits should support discussions between the CA
and VA in order to make decisions regarding revisions to the TIP, to update
the Safety Emphasis Items (SEI) list, and for training requirements needed for

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personnel involved in validation projects. The results should not be used to
question a previously issued certificate/approval unless an unsafe condition is
identified. Basic Classifications of design changes, STCs and TCs.
CA approvals that are subject to Streamlined Validation shall be
checked through audits by the VA. Implementation of a desktop
sampling audit system will allow post approval check by the VA of
the CA classifications and ensure common understanding of the
Basic/Non-Basic criteria and non-significant classification. The
audits shall be done at the VA’s premises and does not need
coordination with the CA to complete the audit. However, at the
VA’s request, the CA will provide the complete application package
to the VA so that the VA can assess compliance to the TIP for the
sampled projects. Approvals accepted without review
CA approvals that are accepted by the VA without issuance of its
own approval (refer to “Acceptance” at paragraph 3.2) shall be
subject to sampling audits by the VA on an annual basis. To
support the VA audits, the CA shall provide a list of approvals
subject to automatic acceptance by the VA. It shall cover all
approvals covered by paragraph 3.2 with the exception of minor
changes. From the CA’s list, the VA will select an appropriate
number of projects for desktop review. The CA will provide
appropriate data as requested by the VA so that the VA can assess
compliance to the TIP.
1.6.4 Production EASA and FAA shall establish a sampling system of production
systems in accordance with paragraph Findings resulting from the sampling system audits performed by the
Authority or a Technical Agent shall be shared with the other Authority
or Technical Agent. Resolution and follow-up of these findings shall
also be agreed upon between EASA and FAA. The results of the
audits will be presented yearly during the COB meetings. Any
concerns deriving from the results obtained during the audits are to be
discussed during the COB meetings.
1.6.5 Maintenance Review Board (MRB) EASA and FAA shall establish a sampling system, using selected
MRB/MTB programs as samples, to check that Acceptance is being
implemented by both parties in accordance with its terms and in a
consistent manner in the U.S. and in EU. The established sampling
system shall include provisions to perform optional sampling visits at
Authority level. Results from sampling audits performed by a Technical Agent shall be

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shared with the other Technical Agent. Results that require resolution
or follow-up activity shall be agreed between EASA and FAA. The
results of the sampling audits will be presented yearly during the COB
and Joint Maintenance Coordination Board (JMCB) meetings. Any
concerns deriving from the results obtained during the sampling audits
are to be discussed during the COB and JCMB meetings.
1.7 Procedures for Adding and Suspending the Acceptance of Findings and Approvals
Made by Specific EU member state (AA)
1.7.1 EASA shall notify the FAA of a proposed addition of the acceptance of
production and/or airworthiness findings or approvals made by an AA, as
defined in the Appendix to Annex 1 of the Agreement. EASA and the FAA
shall consult on the basis for this proposal. EASA shall provide the
opportunity for the FAA’s participation in its standardization audit, or the FAA
and EASA may conduct a joint assessment. In exceptional cases, if a joint
assessment is not practical and EASA cannot change its plans to
accommodate FAA’s participation, the FAA may conduct its own assessment
of the AA with an EASA observer. The FAA, following the applicable
assessment, shall inform EASA of concurrence or non-concurrence with
EASA’s recommendation. If the FAA concurs with a recommendation to
accept production and/or airworthiness findings or approvals, the COB shall
make a recommendation to the Bilateral Oversight Board (BOB) to revise the
Appendix to Annex 1 of the Agreement accordingly, or otherwise report its
1.7.2 In the case of the proposed suspension of the acceptance of findings made
by an AA, EASA or the FAA shall promptly notify the other and consult. If
EASA has made the decision to suspend acceptance of production and/or
airworthiness findings or approvals, a recommendation shall be made to the
BOB to revise the Appendix to Annex 1 of the Agreement. If the FAA makes
the proposal to suspend the acceptance of findings or approvals, then a
possible joint confidence building activity may be undertaken. If confidence is
not restored, through whatever means, the COB shall notify the BOB
requesting that the Appendix to Annex 1 of the Agreement be revised
1.8 Applicable National Requirements, Procedures, and Guidance Material
1.8.1 The implementation of the TIP is supported by policy and guidance
documentation issued by each Authority, which are referenced in Appendix B.
If conflicts are found between existing policy and guidance and the TIP, the
TIP will take precedence. In these cases, any conflict must be immediately
documented and presented to the appropriate Certification Authority Group
(CAG) identified in 1.9.3 to determine the course of resolution.
1.8.2 The FAA’s procedures and standards for product airworthiness and
environmental certification include, but are not limited to, Title 14 of the Code
of Federal Regulations (14 CFR), parts 21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35,
and 36. The FAA also uses European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)

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Certification Specifications (CS)-22, CS-VLA (Very Light Airplanes), Joint
Aviation Requirements (JAR)-22, and JAR-VLA for some special class
aircraft. Guidance material, policy, and procedures are contained in FAA
Advisory Circulars, Airworthiness Directives, Orders, Notices, and Policy
Note: 14 CFR parts 34 and 36 make direct references to parts of ICAO
Annex 16, Volumes I and II and the associated International Civil Aviation
Organization (ICAO) Environmental Technical Manual.
1.8.3 The EU requirements for product airworthiness and environmental
certification are contained in the EU regulation (EC) No 216/2008 of the
European Parliament and of the Council of 03 August 2012, Commission
Regulation EC 748/2012, (hereafter referred to as EASA Part 21). EASA also
uses Certification Specifications (CS 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 29, 31, 34, 36, APU,
E, ETSO, LSA, P, VLA, VLR, STAN, ACNS, AWO and OSD related CSs),
Airworthiness Directives, Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC), Guidance
Material, and Certification Memoranda.
Note: EU requirements and guidance for environmental certification are by
direct reference ICAO Annex16, Volumes I and II and the associated ICAO
Environmental Technical Manual.
1.9 Interpretations and Resolution of Conflicts between the FAA and EASA
1.9.1 In the case of conflicting interpretations by the FAA and EASA of the laws,
airworthiness or environmental regulations/standards, requirements, or
acceptable means of compliance pertaining to certifications, approvals, or
acceptance under the TIP, the interpretation of the Authority whose law,
regulation, standard, requirement, or acceptable means of compliance is
being interpreted shall prevail.
1.9.2 The FAA and EASA agree to resolve issues through consultation or any other
mutually agreed-upon means. Every effort should be made to resolve issues
at the lowest possible level before elevating issues to higher management.
To resolve conflicts, the FAA and EASA shall use the processes listed in
paragraphs 1.9.3 and 1.9.4.
1.9.3 Resolution of Conflicts Process When an FAA project manager (PM) and an EASA project certification
manager (PCM) cannot agree on an issue, the issue shall be raised to
their respective managers for resolution. If the managers cannot
reach agreement, the issue will be raised to the next level of
management for resolution. This process shall continue up through
one level of management below the COB. If resolution hasn’t been
achieved by this point, the issue should be raised to the COB. The
COB may choose to address the issue directly, or may task the issue
to the responsible FAA and EASA representatives of the Certification
Authorities Group (CAG) under the Certification Management Team

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10 The FAA and EASA representatives on the CAG should be utilized
whenever possible to resolve issues that could lead to standardization
or harmonization of policy and help to prevent the issue from arising
on future projects. The FAA and EASA representatives on the CAG
should work to provide harmonized feedback to the PM and PCM on
the application of regulatory or guidance material applicable to the
specific project without delaying the issuance of the approval. If the issue is not appropriate for the FAA and EASA representatives of
the appropriate CAG, the issue can be elevated to the COB. Issues elevated to the COB will be reviewed and a determination will
be made on how to address the conflict.
1.9.4 Issues that are worked through the resolution of conflicts process between
the FAA and EASA should be evaluated to determine if coordination to the
CMT is appropriate. The CMT consists of the FAA, EASA, Transport Canada
Civil Aviation and the Brazilian Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil and is
chaired by the Directors of each Authority’s certification group. Coordination
to the CMT should be considered if resolution of the issue would help to
harmonize how all four Authorities address the issue in a consistent manner
on future projects. Where harmonization is not possible, the differences
should be clearly identified. The CMT strives to work certification issues
common to all four Authorities in a collaborative manner to provide
harmonized solutions that work for each Authority. Therefore, when a
certification issue requires resolution at the policy level to standardize or
harmonize among all four Authorities, it is recommended that the issue be
elevated through the CMT structure.
1.10 Notification of Investigation or Enforcement Action
Both the FAA and EASA agree to mutual cooperation and mutual assistance in the
investigation of any alleged or suspected violation of the FAA or EASA laws or
regulations. Both Authorities will cooperate in sharing information needed for any
investigation or enforcement action, including its closure.
1.11 Revisions, Amendments, and Points of Contact
1.11.1 The designated focal points for the TIP are: For the FAA: Aircraft Certification Service International Division (AIR-
400); and For EASA: Certification Policy & Safety Information Department
1.11.2 Contact information for the identified offices is listed in Appendix A.
1.11.3 The TIP may be amended by mutual consent of the FAA and EASA. Such
amendments will be made effective by signature of the duly authorized
representative of the FAA and EASA.
1.11.4 Minor Revisions and administrative/editorial changes to these procedures
may be made by the focal points after mutual consultation and agreement.

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1.11.5 All of the approvals issued under previous TIP remain valid.
1.12 Entry into Force and Termination
1.12.1 The TIP will enter into force six months (180 calendar days) after the date of
signature, and will be used for new validation projects initiated after that date.
Concurrent validation projects initiated prior to that date may continue under
the procedures associated with the TIP revision related to their initiation, or if
the FAA and EASA mutually agree the TIP Revision 6 procedures can be
applied. With the exceptions noted above, TIP Revision 6 will supersede
previous Technical Implementation Procedures, and will remain in force until
terminated by either Authority.
1.12.2 Either the FAA or EASA may terminate the TIP upon receipt of sixty (60) days
written notice by the other Authority. Termination will take effect at the expiry
of the sixty (60) days and will not affect the validity of activities conducted
under the TIP prior to termination.
1.13 Definitions
For the purpose of the TIP, the following definitions are provided. Additional definitions
can be found in Article 1 of the Agreement.
1.13.1 “Acceptance” means the certificating authority (CA) has granted an approval
or finding of compliance and the validating authority (VA) will accept that
approval or finding as satisfactory evidence that a product and/or design
complies with the validating authority’s (VA’s) applicable standards and will
not issue its own equivalent approval.
1.13.2 “Acoustical Change” means a change in the type design of an aircraft or
aircraft engine that may result in an increase in the noise levels of that
1.13.3 “Airworthiness Approval” means a document issued by the FAA, EASA, or AA
for an aircraft, aircraft engine, propeller, or article which certifies that the
aircraft, aircraft engine, propeller, or article conforms to its approved design
and is in a condition for safe operation.
1.13.4 “Airworthiness Directives (AD)” means legally enforceable rules issued by the
FAA in accordance with 14 CFR part 39 or mandatory airworthiness action
issued by EASA in accordance with Part 21.A.3B.
1.13.5 “Airworthiness Standards” means regulations, requirements, airworthiness
codes or other certification specifications governing the design and
performance of civil aeronautical products and articles.
1.13.6 "Amended Type Certificate" means a design change that requires an
amendment to the type certificate (TC) and to the Type Certification Data
Sheet (TCDS).
1.13.7 “Appliance” means any instrument, mechanism, equipment, part, apparatus,
appurtenance, or accessory, including communications equipment that is
used or intended to be used in operating or controlling an aircraft in flight, is
installed in or attached to the aircraft, and is not part of an airframe, engine, or

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1.13.8 “Approved Manuals” means manuals, or sections of manuals, requiring
approval by the FAA or EASA as part of a certification program. These
include the approved sections of the Flight Manual, the airworthiness
limitations section of the Instructions for Continued Airworthiness (ICA), the
engine and propeller installation and operating instructions manuals, and the
certification maintenance requirements where applicable.
1.13.9 “Article” means a material, part, component, process, or appliance.
1.13.10 "Aviation Authority (AA)" means a responsible government agency or entity of
an EU member state that exercises legal oversight on behalf of the European
Community over regulated entities and determines their compliance with
applicable standards, regulations, and other requirements within the
jurisdiction of the European Community.
1.13.11 “Certificating Authority (CA)” means the FAA when fulfilling State of Design
(SoD) functions for design approvals in the U.S.; and EASA when fulfilling
State of Design (SoD) functions for design approvals in the EU.
1.13.12 “Certification Basis” consists of the applicable airworthiness and
environmental requirements established by a certificating or validating
authority as the basis by which the type design for a civil aeronautical
product, or a change to that type design was approved or accepted. The
certification basis may also include special conditions, equivalent level of
safety findings, and exemptions or deviations when determined to apply to the
type certificate. For EASA, the certification basis includes Operational
Suitability Data (OSD) requirements.
1.13.13 “Certification Review Item (CRI)” means a document describing an item that
requires disposition prior to the issuance of Type Certificate (TC), change to
TC approval or Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) by EASA.
1.13.14 “Civil Aeronautical Product” or “product” means each civil aircraft, aircraft
engine, or propeller.
1.13.15 “Compliance Determination” means the determination, by either the
certificating authority’s (CA’s) system or the validating authority’s (VA’s)
system, that the applicant has demonstrated compliance with identified,
individual airworthiness and environmental standards.
1.13.16 “Critical Component” means a part identified as critical by the design approval
holder (DAH) during the product certification process or otherwise by the
Authority for the State of Design (SoD). Typically, such components include
parts for which a replacement time, inspection interval, or related procedure is
specified in the Airworthiness Limitations section or certification maintenance
requirements of the manufacturer’s maintenance manual or Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness.
1.13.17 “Design Approval” means a type certificate (TC) (including Amended TCs and
STCs) or the approved design under a Parts Manufacturer Approval (PMA),
Technical Standard Order Authorization (TSOA), letter of TSO design

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approval, or other approved design. This includes OSD constituents (for
1.13.18 “Deviation” for FAA when used with respect to Technical Standard Order
(TSO) articles means a difference from any performance standard of a TSO
and requires factors or design features providing an equivalent level of safety
to compensate for the standards from which a deviation is requested.
Deviation for EASA is a grant of relief from the requirements of a certification
specification when processed through the appropriate regulatory procedure.
1.13.19 “Emissions Change” means any change in the type design of an airplane or
engine that may result in an increase in fuel venting or any change to the
exhaust emissions.
1.13.20 “Environmental Approval” means a civil aeronautical product has been found
to comply with standards concerning noise, fuel venting, and/or exhaust
1.13.21 “Environmental Standards” means regulations or certification specifications
governing designs with regard to noise characteristics, fuel venting, and
exhaust emissions of civil aeronautical products and articles.
1.13.22 “Environmental Compliance Demonstration” means a process by which the
design or change to a design of a civil aeronautical product or article is
evaluated for compliance with applicable standards and procedures
concerning noise, fuel venting or exhaust emissions.
1.13.23 “Equivalent Level of Safety Finding (ELOS) for the FAA or Equivalent Safety
Finding (ESF)” for EASA means a finding that alternative action taken
provides a level of safety equal to that provided by the standards for which
equivalency is being sought.
1.13.24 “European Technical Standard Order (ETSO)” means a minimum
performance standard used to evaluate an article. Each EASA Technical
Standard Order “ETSO” covers a certain type of article. When authorized to
manufacture an article to an ETSO standard, this is referred to as an ETSO
Authorization (ETSOA).
1.13.25 “European Technical Standard Order Authorization (ETSOA)” means a
design and production approval issued to the manufacturer of an article that
has been found to meet a specific ETSO. An ETSOA is not an approval to
install and use the article in the aircraft. It means that the article meets the
specific ETSO and the applicant is authorized to manufacture it.
1.13.26 “Exemption” means a grant of relief from a standard of a current regulation
when processed through the appropriate regulatory procedure by the FAA.
1.13.27 “Export” means the process by which a product or article is released from a
civil aviation authority’s regulatory system for subsequent use in another civil
aviation authority’s regulatory system.
1.13.28 “Exporting Civil Airworthiness Authority” means the organization within the
exporting State charged by the laws of the exporting State, to regulate the

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airworthiness and environmental certification, approval, or acceptance of civil
aeronautical products, parts, and articles. The exporting civil airworthiness
Authority will be referred to herein as the exporting Authority. For the U.S., the exporting Authority is the FAA; and For the EU, the exporting Authority is:
(a) EASA, for:
(1) The functions and tasks of the State of Design,
Manufacture or Registry when related to design
approval; and
(2) The approval of certain production organizations and
their export airworthiness approvals.
(b) The AA, for:
(1) The approval of production organizations within its
(2) The issuance of corresponding Certificate of
Airworthiness; and
(3) Export airworthiness approvals.
1.13.29 “Finding” means a determination of compliance or non-compliance to the
applicable airworthiness or environmental standards as the result of the
FAA’s review, investigation, inspection, test, and/or analysis. Refer to
paragraph 1.13.70, "Verification of Compliance", for EASA.
1.13.30 “Import” means the process by which a product or article is accepted into a
civil aviation authority’s regulatory system for subsequent use in that civil
aviation authority’s regulatory system.
1.13.31 “Importing Civil Airworthiness Authority” means the organization within the
importing State charged by the laws of the importing State with regulating the
airworthiness and environmental certification, approval, or acceptance of civil
aeronautical products, parts, and articles. The importing civil airworthiness
Authority will be referred to herein as the importing Authority. For the U.S., the importing Authority is the FAA. For the EU, the importing Authority is:
(a) EASA for the functions and tasks related to design approval;
(b) The AA for all other issues related to the import of a product,
part or article.
1.13.32 “Issue Paper (IP)” means a document describing an item that requires
disposition prior to the issuance of Type Certificate (TC), Change to TC
approval or Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) by FAA.
1.13.33 “Licensing Agreement” means a commercial agreement between a TC or

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STC holder and a production approval holder (or applicant) formalizing the
rights and duties of both parties to use the design data for the purpose of
manufacturing the product or article.
1.13.34 “Letter of Design Approval (LODA)” means a Letter of Design Approval issued
by the FAA for an article manufactured outside the U.S. that meets a specific
Technical Standard Order (TSO).
1.13.35 “Maintenance” means the inspection, overhaul, repair, preservation, and the
replacement of articles of a product.
1.13.36 “Major Design Change” means a change other than a minor design change.
1.13.37 ”Major Repair” means a repair that, if improperly done, might appreciably
affect weight, balance, structural strength, performance, power plant
operation, flight characteristics, or other qualities affecting airworthiness; or a
repair that is not done according to accepted practices or cannot be done by
elementary operation.
1.13.38 “Manufacturer” means the person who, by FAA or EASA regulation, is
responsible for showing that all products or articles thereof produced within
the quality system conform to an FAA or EASA-approved design or
established government or industry standard and are in a condition for safe
1.13.39 “Minor Design Change” means a change that has no appreciable effect on the
weight, balance, structural strength, reliability, operational characteristics, or
other characteristics affecting the airworthiness of the product.
1.13.40 “Minor Repair” means a repair other than a major repair.
1.13.41 “Multi-National Consortium” means a group of companies from multiple
countries who have agreed to form a single company for the design and/or
production of a particular product.
1.13.42 “New Aircraft” means an aircraft that is still owned by the manufacturer,
distributor, or dealer, if there is no intervening private owner, lease, or time
sharing arrangement, and the aircraft has not been used in any pilot school
and/or other commercial operation.
1.13.43 “Non-TSO Function” means one that is not covered by a TSO-approved
minimum performance standard, does not support or affect the hosting
article’s TSO function(s), and could technically be implemented outside the
TSO article.
1.13.44 “Operational Suitability Data (OSD)” means the suite of data required to be
established by aircraft manufacturers under EASA Part 21that is considered
important for the safe operation of aircraft type. OSD is approved by EASA
under the type certificate to be used by operators and training organizations.
The data consists of 5 elements: Minimum Syllabus of pilot type rating training, Aircraft Reference data to support the qualification of simulators,

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16 Minimum Syllabus of maintenance certifying staff type rating training, Type-Specific data for cabin crew training, and Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL).
OSD are only applicable to aircraft operated in EASA member states. OSD
does not exist in the FAA system, only the MMEL element has an FAA
equivalent for validation.
1.13.45 “Overhauled Engine” means an engine that has been disassembled, cleaned,
inspected, repaired as necessary, reassembled, and tested in accordance
with approved or acceptable standards and technical data.
1.13.46 “Parts Manufacturer Approval (PMA)” for FAA means a combined design and
production approval issued for modification and replacement articles. It
allows a manufacturer to produce and sell these articles for installation on
type certificated products.
1.13.47 “Person” means an individual, firm, partnership, corporation, company,
association, joint stock association, or government entity, and includes a
trustee, receiver, assignee, or other similar representative of any of them.
1.13.48 “Product” refer to paragraph 1.13.14, “Civil Aeronautical Product.”
1.13.49 “Production Approval” means a document issued by the FAA, EASA or an EU
member state (AA) to a person that allows the production of a product or
article in accordance with its approved design and approved quality system.
For the FAA it can take the form of a Production Certificate, a Parts
Manufacturer Approval, or a Technical Standard Order Authorization; for an
AA or EASA it takes the form of a Production Organization Approval (POA).
1.13.50 “Production System” means a systematic process which meets the
requirements of the Authority for the State of Manufacture (SoM) and ensures
that products and articles will conform to the approved design and will be in a
condition for safe operation.
1.13.51 “Rebuilt Engine” means an engine that has been disassembled, cleaned,
inspected, repaired as necessary, reassembled, and tested to the same
tolerances and limits as a new item by the production approval holder in
accordance with 14 CFR part 43.
1.13.52 “Restricted Category Aircraft” means an aircraft that meets airworthiness
requirements for special purpose operations if it shows compliance to
applicable noise and emissions requirements, shows no feature or
characteristic that makes it unsafe when it is operated under the limitations
prescribed for its intended use, and/or is the type that has been manufactured
in accordance with the requirements of and accepted for use by, an Armed
Force of the U.S. or the Department of National Defense and the EU Armed
Forces and has been later modified for a special purpose.
Note: Only the FAA has restricted category aircraft; EASA issues restricted
type and airworthiness certificates.
1.13.53 “Safety Emphasis Items (SEI)” means areas of VA interest for all products of
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a certain class. SEI are defined in paragraph
1.13.54 “Significant Standards Difference (SSD)” means a VA airworthiness standard
that either differs significantly from the CA standard or has no CA equivalent,
as defined in Paragraph 3.5.13.
1.13.55 “Special Condition” means an additional airworthiness standard(s) prescribed
by the FAA or EASA when the airworthiness standards for the category of
product do not contain adequate or appropriate safety standards due to novel
or unusual design features. Special Conditions contain such safety standards
as the FAA or EASA find necessary to establish a level of safety equivalent to
that established in the applicable regulations.
1.13.56 “Standard Airworthiness Certificate” means an airworthiness certificate issued
in accordance with Article 31 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation
for a normal, utility, acrobatic, commuter, or transport category of aircraft, or
for a manned free balloon, airship, very light aircraft (VLA), or a glider.
1.13.57 “Standard Part” means a part that is manufactured in complete compliance
with an established government or industry-accepted specification, which
contains design, manufacturing, and uniform identification requirements. The
specification must include all information necessary to produce and conform
the part, and must be published so that any person or organization may
manufacture the part.
1.13.58 “State of Design (SoD)” means the State or territory having jurisdiction over
the organization responsible for the type design and continued airworthiness
of the product or article.
1.13.59 “State of Manufacture (SoM)” means the State or territory having regulatory
authority over the organization responsible for the production and
airworthiness of a civil aeronautical product or article.
1.13.60 “State of Registry (SoR)” means the State on whose register the aircraft is
1.13.61 “Supplier” means a person at any tier in the supply chain who provides a
product, article, or service that is used or consumed in the design or
manufacture of, or installed on, a product or article.
1.13.62 “Suspension” means a lapse in the effectiveness of a certificate, approval, or
authorization as ordered by the airworthiness authority.
1.13.63 “Technical Standard Order (TSO)” means a minimum performance standard
used to evaluate an article. Each TSO covers a certain type of article. When
authorized to manufacture an article to a TSO standard, this is referred to as
a TSO Authorization (TSOA).
1.13.64 “Technical Standard Order Authorization (TSOA)” means a design and
production approval issued to the manufacturer of an article that has been
found to meet a specific TSO. A TSOA is not an approval to install and use
the article in the aircraft. It means that the article meets the specific TSO and
the applicant is authorized to manufacture it.

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1.13.65 “Type Design” means the drawings and specifications necessary to define the
product shown to comply with the airworthiness standards, information on
dimensions, materials, and processes necessary to define the structural
strength of the product; and the Airworthiness Limitations section of the
Instructions for Continued Airworthiness (ICA).
1.13.66 “Used Aircraft” means each aircraft that is not a new aircraft, as defined in
paragraph 1.13.42 above.
1.13.67 “Validating Authority (VA)” means the organization within the importing State,
charged by the laws of the importing State, with regulating the design,
production, and airworthiness approval and environmental certification of civil
aeronautical products and articles.
1.13.68 “Validation” means the importing Authority’s approval process of an approval
or certificate issued by the other.
1.13.69 “Validation Work Plan”, hereinafter referred to as “work plan”, means the
document used for Non-Basic validations that outlines VA level of
1.13.70 “Verification of Compliance” means the involvement done by EASA when
reviewing compliance to the applicable airworthiness standards. This
verification can be a desk review (certification documents review), an
inspection, participation in flight or ground tests, and participation in audits.
Refer to paragraph 1.13.29, "Finding", for the FAA.

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2.1 General
2.1.1 The Appendix to Annex 1 of the Agreement lists the products and articles
eligible for import to the U.S. from each EU member state (AA) and lists the
products and articles eligible for import to the EU from the U.S. Section II of
the TIP provides the scope of how EASA exercises the State of Design (SoD)
functions for an individual EU member state (AA) when permitted in
accordance with the Appendix to Annex 1 of the Agreement.
2.1.2 For EU products and articles for import to the U.S., the procedures listed in
Section II apply only to the specific products and articles allowed from an AA
as listed in the Appendix to Annex 1. In that regard, the TIP covers the
products and articles identified below, their approvals, and the provisions set
forth in the following paragraphs. In any case of conflict or ambiguity between
the TIP and the Agreement (including Annex 1 and the Appendix to Annex 1),
the Agreement takes precedent.
2.1.3 In accordance with Article 16.C of the Agreement, the FAA and EASA shall
continue to recognize and accept design approvals and data certified by the
FAA, EASA, and AAs, and validated by the FAA, EASA or an AA prior to the
date of this TIP under the Agreement and bilateral airworthiness agreements
listed in Attachment 1 of the Agreement until such approvals are replaced or
cancelled. These design approvals include TCs, Amended TCs, STCs,
Letters of TSO Design Approval, ETSO/Joint Technical Standard Order
Authorizations or national article approvals, and FAA PMA parts.
2.2 Design Approvals, Design Data, and Certificates Recognized by the U.S. under the TIP
2.2.1 FAA recognizes, as within the scope of this agreement, the following EASA
Design Approvals as the Basis for FAA Design Approval: Type Certificates (TCs) for all products for which EASA functions as
the SoD; All Supplemental Type Certificates (STC) and subsequent amended
STCs and amended TC’s for products that have been issued both an
EASA and FAA type design approval; All STCs issued before 28 September 2003, in accordance with the
scope defined in Appendix E, from applicants in France, Germany,
Italy, Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom; and Any other EASA-approved design changes for products and articles
for which the EASA functions as the SoD.
2.2.2 FAA recognizes, as within the scope of this agreement, EASA-approved
design data used in the support of repairs as identified in paragraph 3.3.5 for
products and articles of: EU member state SoD;
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20 U.S. SoD; or A third country SoD, when both the FAA and EASA have issued a type
design approval for the product.
2.2.3 FAA recognizes, as within the scope of this agreement, EASA Export
Certificates of Airworthiness for Aircraft that Conform to a Type Design
Approved under an FAA Type Certificate including: New and used aircraft for which EASA functions as the SoD; New and used aircraft for which the U.S. is the SoD; and New and used aircraft for which a third country is the SoD, when that
third country has a bilateral agreement or arrangement with both the
U.S. and the EU covering the same class of product.
Note: Aircraft manufactured in a country or territory other than its SoD
requires either the development of a special arrangement per Section IX of
the TIP or FAA review and acceptance of an existing arrangement
established between the SoD and SoM.
2.2.4 FAA recognizes, as within the scope of this agreement, EASA Authorized
Release Certificates for the Following Products and Articles: Engines and Propellers that Conform to a Type Design Approved
under an FAA TC including:
(a) New aircraft engines for which EASA functions as the SoD;
(b) New aircraft engines manufactured in the EU for which a third
country is the SoD, when that third country has a bilateral
agreement with both the U.S. and the EU covering engines;
(c) New propellers for which EASA functions as the SoD; and
(d) New propellers manufactured in the EU for which a third
country is the SoD, when that third country has a bilateral
agreement with both the U.S. and the EU covering propellers.
Note: Products manufactured in a country or territory other than its
SoD requires either the development of a special arrangement per
Section IX of the TIP or FAA review and acceptance of an existing
arrangement established between the SoD and SoM. Articles and replacement parts for articles that conform to an EASA
ETSOA and benefit from Acceptance under the TIP. Articles and Replacement Parts that Conform to an FAA Design
(a) New replacement and modification parts that conform to FAA
approved design data and that are eligible for installation in a
product or article which has been granted a FAA design
approval, as follows:
(1) Replacement parts manufactured by the original

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production approval holder (PAH) for all products and
articles for which EASA functions as the SoD; and
(2) Modification parts manufactured by the original PAH for
all products and articles for which EASA functions as
the SoD.
(b) Reserved.
2.2.5 FAA recognizes, as within the scope of this agreement, EASA Authorized
Release Certificates or Manufacturer’s Certificate of Conformity for Standard
The FAA will recognize, as within the scope of this agreement, Standard
Parts for products covered under the TIP when they conform to established
U.S. or EU government or industry-accepted specifications.
2.3 Design Approvals, Design Data, and Certificates Recognized by EASA under the TIP
2.3.1 EASA recognizes, as within the scope of this agreement, the Following FAA
Design Approvals as the Basis for EASA Design Approval: TCs for all products for which the U.S. is the SoD; All STCs and subsequent Amended STCs and Amended TC’s for
products that have been issued both an FAA and EASA type design
approval; and Any other FAA-approved design changes as identified under
paragraph 3.2 for products and articles for which the U.S. is the SoD.
2.3.2 EASA recognizes, as within the scope of this agreement, the Following FAA-
Approved Design Data: FAA-approved design data used in the support of repairs and
alterations (except for alterations on critical components) as identified
in paragraphs 3.3.4 and 3.3.5 for products and articles of:
(a) U.S. SoD;
(b) EU SoD; or
(c) A third country SoD, when both the FAA and EASA have
issued a type design approval for the product.
2.3.3 EASA recognizes, as within the scope of this agreement, FAA Export
Certificates of Airworthiness for: Aircraft that Conform to a Type Design Approved under an EASA Type
Certificate including:
(a) New and used aircraft for which the U.S. is the SoD;
(b) New and used aircraft for which EASA is the SoD; and
(c) New and used aircraft for which a third country is the SoD,
when that third country has a bilateral agreement/arrangement
with both the U.S. and the EU covering the same class of

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Note: aircraft manufactured in a country or territory other than its
SoD requires either the development of a special arrangement per
Section IX of the TIP or EASA review and acceptance of an existing
arrangement established between the SoD and SoM.
2.3.4 EASA recognizes, as within the scope of this agreement, FAA Authorized
Release Certificates for the Following Products and Articles: Engines and Propellers that Conform to a Type Design Approved
Under an EASA TC including:
(a) New and rebuilt aircraft engines for which the U.S. is the SoD;
(b) New aircraft engines manufactured in the U.S. for which a third
country is the SoD, when that third country has a bilateral
agreement/arrangement with both the U.S. and the EU
covering engines;
(c) New propellers for which the U.S. is the SoD; and
(d) New propellers manufactured in the U.S. for which a third
country is the SoD, when that third country has a bilateral
agreement/arrangement with both the U.S. and the EU
covering propellers.
Note: Recognition, as within the scope of this agreement, of
products manufactured in a country or territory other than its SoD
requires either the development of a special arrangement per
Section IX of the TIP or EASA review and acceptance of an existing
arrangement established between the SoD and SoM. Articles and replacement parts for articles that conform to an FAA
TSOA and benefit from Acceptance under the TIP. Articles and Replacement Parts that conform to an EASA Design
(a) New replacement and modification parts that conform to EASA
approved design data and that are eligible for installation in a
product or article which has been granted an EASA design
approval, as follows:
(1) Replacement parts manufactured by the original PAH
for all products and articles, regardless of the SoD; and
(2) Modification parts manufactured by the original PAH for
all products and articles, regardless of the SoD.
(b) New Parts Manufacturer Approval (PMA) parts except for
critical components that have not been produced under a
licensing agreement from the TC or STC Holder according to
14 CFR section 21.303.
2.3.5 EASA recognizes, as within the scope of this agreement, FAA Authorized
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Release Certificates or Manufacturer’s Certificates of Conformity for Standard
EASA will recognize, as within the scope of this agreement, Standard Parts
for all products and articles covered under the TIP when they conform to
established EU or U.S. industry or government specifications, including U.S.
parts under FAA TSO-C148 (fasteners), TSO-C149 (bearings), and TSO-
C150 (seals).
2.4 Special Airworthiness Certification
The FAA and EASA have agreed to recognize, as within the scope of this agreement,
aircraft type-certificated in the restricted category that are not eligible for a standard
airworthiness certificate. Aircraft for which a special airworthiness certificate is to be
issued will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis through the Special Arrangements
provision in Section IX of the TIP.
2.4.1 For the FAA, restricted category aircraft will be accepted when they are in
compliance with the requirements of 14 CFR sections 21.25 and 21.185.
2.4.2 For EASA, restricted category aircraft will be accepted when they are in
compliance with the requirements of Part 21.A.2
2.5 Provisions for Technical Assistance
The types of technical assistance activities within the scope of this TIP between the
FAA and EASA are specified in Section VIII.
2.6 Provisions for Special Arrangements
The TIP provides for designated officials within the FAA and EASA to make special
arrangements with respect to design approval, production activities, export
airworthiness approval, post design approval, or technical assistance in unique
situations that have not been specifically addressed in the TIP, but which are
anticipated in Annex 1 of the Agreement. All special arrangements between the
Authorities are listed in Appendix C.

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3.1 General
3.1.1 The principles and procedures of this Section apply to the acceptance or
validation of the initial design approval of each other’s civil aeronautical
products and articles, of subsequent design changes to those
products/articles, including STCs, and approval of design data used in
support of repairs and alterations.
3.1.2 This TIP is based on continuous communication and mutual confidence
between the FAA and EASA and establishes the process for implementing
the acceptance of each other's compliance determinations and approvals on
civil aeronautical products. The procedures in this Section are not intended to
diminish the responsibilities of either the FAA or EASA, or of their right to type
design information.
3.1.3 Certificates and design approvals are accepted or approved by the validating
Authority (VA) by using one of three procedures. The procedures described
in this paragraph, and the paragraphs they reference, are applicable to the
airworthiness certification and validation process. Acceptance (see paragraph 3.2)
Acceptance of the CA approvals by the VA without issuance of its own
approval and, therefore, no application for validation is required. Streamlined Validation (see paragraph 3.5.4)
An approval by the VA without any technical involvement, with the
issuance of a VA approved document. Technical Validation (see paragraph 3.5.5)
Technical Validation of the certificate or design change will be
performed by the VA using criteria to define their level of involvement.
The VA will issue an approval document.
3.2 Acceptance
The FAA and EASA conclude that certain approvals can benefit from mutual
acceptance. There are specific CA approvals (further described in paragraph 3.3) that
will be accepted by the VA without issuance of its own approval, and therefore no
application for validation is required for:
3.2.1 Any design change by the TC or STC holder classified as Basic per the
criteria of paragraph that does not require the CA to issue a new or
revised TC, Type Certificate Data Sheet (TCDS), Type Certificate Data Sheet
for Noise (TCDSN) or STC;
3.2.2 All design changes classified as minor in accordance with 14 CFR section
21.93 or EASA Part 21A.91;
3.2.3 Any TSO/ETSO article (see paragraph 3.3.3);
3.2.4 PMA Parts under the conditions of paragraph 3.3.4;
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3.2.5 Design data for a repair (approved in accordance with paragraph 3.3.5); and
3.2.6 Design data for an alteration except for critical components (see paragraph
3.3 Procedures for Accepted Design Approvals
3.3.1 Design changes by the TC or STC holder classified as Basic per the criteria
of paragraph that do not require the CA to issue a new or revised TC,
Type Certificate Data Sheet (TCDS), Type Certificate Data Sheet for Noise
There is no need for application and the design change will be accepted by the
VA without any review. In these cases, the CA will approve these design
changes in accordance with its own procedures against the certification bases of
both the CA and the VA. These design changes are considered approved by the
VA, and are included in the DAH type design data and shall be provided to the
VA on a regular basis.
3.3.2 Minor Design Changes.
Where a DAH introduces a design change that would be classified as minor in
accordance with 14 CFR Part 21 or Part 21A.9, it shall be accepted by the VA
without further review. In these cases, the CA will approve these design
changes in accordance with its own procedures against the certification basis of
both the CA and the VA. These design changes are considered approved by the
VA, and are included in the DAH type design data.
3.3.3 TSO/ETSO Articles General.
Acceptance requires that the importing Authority shall accept the
exporting Authority’s TSOA or ETSOA and will not issue its own
(a) Acceptance will be applicable to all current and future TSOA’s
and ETSOA’s issued by the FAA or EASA. Acceptance is also
applicable to article authorizations issued by EASA’s
predecessor European AA’s.
Note: Article 12 of the Agreement defines the territorial
applicability of this agreement.
(b) The TSO or ETSO authorization is an approved article within
the respective FAA or EASA system, but does not imply
installation approval.
(c) When the exporting Authority does not have a corresponding
TSO or ETSO to that of the importing Authority, an applicant
may obtain an approval from the exporting Authority using the
provisions of 14 CFR section 21.8(d) or EASA part 21.A.305. If
the exporting Authority’s approval is based on assessment of
the TSO or ETSO of the importing Authority, and the production
system and marking requirements are assured by the
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exporting Authority’s approval, then the exporting Authority’s
approval is eligible for Acceptance.
(d) Acceptance of such articles, under the Agreement, shall be
based on the following conditions:
(1) The article meets the TSOs or ETSOs, as evidenced by
a statement or declaration of conformity by the TSOA or
ETSOA; and
(2) If applicable, deviations or exemptions from the TSO or
ETSO or other standard accepted by the FAA and
EASA are substantiated and have been approved by
the exporting authority.
(e) All accepted TSOAs and ETSOAs and validations issued by
the importing Authority prior to the acceptance of TSOAs and
ETSOAs remain valid unless the approval holder surrenders or
the responsible Authority suspends or revokes the respective
approval. Procedures for Changes to Articles by the Design Approval Holder
All design changes to articles accepted under the Acceptance
procedures described above, as well as for articles validated under
previous revisions of this TIP, are managed under the procedures of
the exporting Authority and automatically accepted by the importing
Authority under the terms of Acceptance. Acceptance of Non-TSO Functions.
(a) FAA and EASA shall accept, without further validation, data
related to unapproved non-TSO functions that are integrated
into a TSO or ETSO article and accepted in accordance with
the procedures of the exporting Authority. The following
conditions must be met:
(1) The non-TSO functions included in the article do not
interfere with the article’s functionality and/or ability to
comply with the TSO or ETSO standard;
(2) The data provided with the article relative to non-TSO
functions is valid data as processed by the FAA’s or
EASA’s system in accordance with the applicable
importing authority policy; and
(3) The non-TSO functions must be covered under the
applicant’s quality system.
(b) The acceptance of this additional data does not constitute
installation approval.
3.3.4 PMA Parts

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EASA shall directly accept all FAA PMA approvals, without further showing, for
modification and/or replacement parts for installation on products certified or
validated by EASA in the following cases: The PMA part is not a “critical component” (see definition, paragraph
1.13.16) and the PMA design was approved via:
(a) Identicality without a licensing agreement per 14 CFR section
21.303; or
(b) Test reports and computations per 14 CFR section 21.303. The PMA part conforms to design data obtained under a licensing
agreement from the TC or STC holder according to 14 CFR section
21.303 and the TC or STC has been validated by EASA. The PMA holder is the holder of an FAA-issued STC and an:
(a) Equivalent EASA-issued STC;
(b) EASA-issued STC for a critical component and the PMA
design was approved via identicality without a licensing
agreement per 14 CFR section 21.303; and
(c) EASA-issued STC for a critical component and the PMA
design was approved via test reports and computations per 14
CFR section 21.303.
3.3.5 Design Data for Repairs Acceptance of Design Data Used in Support of Repairs
(a) Design data used in support of repairs must be approved or
accepted, as appropriate, by the exporting Authority/SoD. The
following describes the process that shall be followed by FAA
and EASA so that repair design data can be approved or
accepted. Repair designs requiring the production of new parts
that would constitute a design change, are not eligible for
Acceptance under this TIP. However, it is permissible to
fabricate parts that will be used in the repair of the individual
aircraft, engine, propeller, or article.
(b) FAA shall approve design data in support of major repairs in
accordance with FAA Order 8110.4 Type Certification; FAA
Order 8110.37, Designated Engineering Representative
Guidance Handbook; FAA Order 8100.15, Organization
Designation Authorization Procedures; and FAA Order
8300.16, Major Repair and Alteration Data Approval”. Minor
repairs are made in accordance with “acceptable” data, in
accordance with 14 CFR part 43.
(c) EASA shall approve design data in support of repairs in
accordance with EASA Part 21 Subpart M-Repairs and EASA’s
procedure Airworthiness of Type Design. A design approval
shall be issued for all repair design data.
Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

28 FAA Acceptance of EASA Repair Design Data
(a) The FAA shall accept EASA approved design data produced
under EASA Part 21 Subpart M used in support of major or
minor repairs regardless of the SoD of the product, part, or
article, if:
(1) The FAA has certificated/validated the product or article;
(2) EASA is acting on behalf of the SoD for the repair
design data;
(3) EASA repair design data approval is substantiated via a
repair design approval letter or a repair design approval
issued under a DOA. For repair data approved prior to
September 28, 2003, in France, Germany, Italy, the
Netherlands, Sweden, and the United Kingdom, FAA
shall accept either the AA approval document, or
equivalent, or a repair design approval issued under a
former national DOA as evidence of the approval, and
(4) The repair is not in an area that is subject to an FAA AD,
unless the AD allows for acceptance of an EASA repair
design approval.
(b) In these circumstances, repair design data approved by EASA
are accepted without further review as approved by the FAA.
This process does not require application to the FAA or
compliance findings to the FAA certification basis. EASA Acceptance of FAA Repair Design Data
(a) EASA shall accept data used in support of major repairs
regardless of the SoD of the product, part or article, if:
(1) EASA has certificated/validated the product or article;
(2) The FAA is the Authority of the SoD for the repair design
data; and
(3) The FAA repair design data approval is substantiated
via an FAA letter, FAA Form 8110-3, FAA Form 8100-9,
FAA Form 337 or a signed cover page of a repair
(b) EASA shall also accept data used in support of minor repairs
(1) EASA has certificated/validated the product or article;
(2) The FAA is the Authority of the SoD for the repair design
(3) The repair design data has been provided by the U.S.
TC, STC, PMA, or TSOA holder; and

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(4) For minor repairs from other than the U.S. TC, STC,
PMA, or TSOA holder, the determination that data are
acceptable (under 14 CFR part 43) has been made by a
U.S. maintenance organization under the FAA’s
authorized system.
Note: An EASA approved maintenance organization must
use EASA Part 21 for the approval of repair data for use on
an EU-registered aircraft, unless the data for a minor repair
has been previously used to repair an N-registered aircraft.
(c) In these circumstances, repair design data are considered to
be EASA-approved following its approval or acceptance under
the FAA’s system. This process does not require application to
EASA or compliance findings to the EASA certification basis.
3.3.6 Design Data for Alterations
FAA-approved or accepted alterations per 14 CFR part 43 installed on a used
aircraft exported from the U.S., regardless of the SoD of the aircraft, are
considered approved by EASA at the time of import to the EU except for
alterations on critical components. EASA shall accept such FAA alteration data
when substantiated via an appropriately executed FAA Form 8110-3, FAA Form
8100-9, FAA Form 337 or logbook entry.
Note: An FAA STC whose installation is documented on a Form 337 must be
approved in accordance with paragraph 3.5.
3.4 Validation
For CA design approvals that do not meet the Acceptance criteria established in
paragraph 3.2, there are two validation processes depending on the basic/non basic
classification: Streamlined Validation process (for Basic changes that only need re-
issuance of certificates or datasheets) or Technical Validation process (for Non-Basic).

3.5 Procedures for Streamlined Validation and Technical Validation

3.5.1 CA Application Responsibilities
Upon receipt of an application for validation from an applicant, the CA will: Assure that the application is eligible for validation according to
paragraph 3.5.2; Verify the applicant classification as Basic or Non-Basic according to
paragraph 3.5.3; Determine if the application meets the Acceptance criteria of
paragraph 3.2, and For projects that are not eligible for Acceptance, prepare the
application package for transmittal to the VA according to paragraphs or, as applicable.
3.5.2 Validation Application Eligibility

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The CA will consent to receive an application for validation when the product
or design change is within the scope of this TIP as provided in paragraphs 2.2
and 2.3.
3.5.3 Classification of Applications for Validation
The CA will classify an application for validation as Basic or Non-Basic
according to the criteria in this section. The classification determines the
process to be followed, and also, for Non-Basic projects, defines the scope of
possible VA level of involvement. Basic Classification Criteria
All design approvals that do not meet one or more of the Non-Basic
classification criteria at paragraph are classified as Basic,
and processed by either the Acceptance process (paragraph 3.2) or
the Streamlined Validation process (paragraph 3.5.4). Non-Basic Classification Criteria:
(a) Type Certificate’s
Application for validation of a TC shall be classified as Non-
Basic, except for:
Applications for validation of reciprocating engine and
propeller new TCs, and all changes to those TCs, including
STCs, will be classified as Basic, unless the criteria in
paragraph (b)(2) are met, in which case the application is
classified as Non-Basic.
(b) Major Design Changes, including STCs
Application for validation will be classified as Non-Basic
when any of the following criteria are impacted:
(1) Any item in the VA Safety Emphasis Item (SEI) list as
defined in paragraph;
(2) The CA or VA certification basis includes or is
anticipated to include a new or amended:
(i) FAA exemption or EASA deviation;
(ii) Special condition; or
(iii) Equivalent level of Safety (ELOS/ESF);
Note: New or amended is considered in the context of
the project, relative to the baseline certification basis
of the product or STC being changed.
(3) A classification of “significant” has been made by the CA
in accordance with FAA 14 CFR section 21.101(b) or
EASA 21A101(b);
(4) An AD is affected that was issued unilaterally by the VA;

Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

or an AD is affected that was issued by the VA, and
where the VA is the Authority for the SoD for the TC;
(5) Changes involving the use of a new or different
applicable method of compliance from that previously
agreed by the CA and the VA;
Note: A method of compliance (MOC) would not be
considered “new” or “different” if it had been applied
previously in a similar context by both the CA and the
(6) New technology exists;
Note: New technology is technology that is new to
the VA as a whole, not just new to the VA team
members. For example, if technology used by the
applicant were new to the VA team but not the VA
itself, it would not be considered new. It is the VA
management’s responsibility to make sure the VA
team members are properly informed of the earlier
use of the technology, VA standards and MOC.
(7) Novel applications of existing technology exist;
Note: Novel application of technology is where a
particular technology is being used in a manner that
causes the precepts of the technology to be
questioned. However, it does not mean that existing
technology being applied for the first time to a
particular product line is automatically novel.
Additionally, novel applies to the VA as a whole, not
just to a project being assessed by the specific VA
team members.
(8) The applicant has proposed to the CA non-simple
substantiations of acoustic or emissions changes,
whereas a simple substantiation is when the
compliance demonstration with the CA has involved
standard means of compliance and procedures which
were already regularly agreed by the VA and CA in
previous projects of the same applicant (using the same
test organization).
(9) Changes that have an appreciable effect on any one of
the Operational Suitability Data (OSD) constituents
(refer to EASA Guidance Material GM 21.A.91 to
determine an appreciable effect); and
(10) Any other design change designated as Non-Basic by
the CA.
Note: The addition of models to TC and STCs are

Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

considered basic if none of the 10 criteria is triggered.
(c) PMA parts
Application for PMA parts on critical components that have
not been produced under a licensing agreement from the TC
or STC holder according to 14 CFR section 21.303 shall be
classified as Non-Basic.
(d) Alterations
Application for alteration on critical components shall be
classified as Non-Basic.
3.5.4 Streamlined Validation Process for Applications Classified as Basic
Applications classified as Basic are managed through the Streamlined
Validation process described in this section.
When design changes would be classified as Basic and do not require a change
to the certificate, they are Accepted per Paragraph 3.2, and no validation
involvement or validation application occurs. Streamlined Validation Principles
The VA has no technical involvement in Streamlined Validation
projects. In order to accomplish this, the VA will:
(a) Issue a certificate with minimum administrative involvement
from the CA and the applicant;
(b) Accept the CA’s statement that the design complies with the VA
certification basis;
(c) Accept the data provided by the CA, including CA approved
and accepted manuals; and
(d) Accept the classification of Basic determined by the CA without
any review. The VA may only review the CA classification of
the application after the issuance of the VA’s approval. This
may be conducted under the maintenance of confidence
provisions defined in paragraph 1.6. Streamlined Validation Application
Streamlined Validation application package contents:
(a) A description of the product in accordance with the following:
(1) For a TC, descriptive data defined in 14 CFR section
21.15 for applications to the FAA, or Part 21A.15 for
applications to EASA, plus:
(i) A listing of any applicable CA ADs and a
statement that changes to correct the unsafe
condition identified in the AD have been
incorporated into the type design presented for

Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

validation; and
(ii) A copy of approved manuals and instructions
for continued airworthiness (ICA).
(2) For a design change, including an STC, a high-level
description of the change, together with the make and
model of the product being changed, including, if
affected, a copy of:
(i) Changes to the Airworthiness Limitations
Section of the Instructions for Continued
(ii) Changes to other Operating Limitations (e.g.
Flight Manual); and
(iii) Changes to OSD for EASA validations, and for
FAA validations a copy of changed MMEL.
The VA must be aware of any such changes to
ensure they are able to release updated information,
or to perform any necessary mandatory airworthiness
activity as required by their system, or to address
crew training requirements to support operational
introduction. Any additional information the VA needs
to fulfill such responsibilities will be requested by the
VA within the time frame specified in paragraph
(b) The date of application to the CA.
(c) A statement that the CA has classified the application as Basic
per the Basic criteria as defined in paragraph;
(d) A copy of the CA’s TC and TCDS, TCDSN or STC that
identifies the certification basis upon which the CA’s design
approval was issued. In the absence of a TCDS, the CA
should submit the document that defines the CA certification
If not directly identified in the documentation described in
this paragraph, the CA should also provide the reference
date used to establish the CA certification basis.
(e) A statement that the CA certifies that the product has been
examined tested and has been found to meet either:
(1) The applicable airworthiness, noise, fuel venting, and
emissions requirements of the VA; or
(2) The CA airworthiness requirements and the VA
Significant Standard Differences, special conditions,
equivalent level of safety findings/equivalent safety
findings and exemptions/deviations the VA has
Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

prescribed to provide an equivalent level of safety as
the VA airworthiness requirements, and the CA noise,
fuel venting and emissions requirements, plus any
other requirements prescribed by the VA to provide
noise, fuel venting, and exhaust emissions
requirements equivalent to those provided in the
applicable VA standards.
Note 1: In providing the statement required by this
paragraph, the CA may choose to either list the
pertinent VA standards, or may reference existing VA
documentation that lists those applicable standards.
Note 2: The statement of compliance will not address
OSD constituents.
(f) In cases where the applicant chooses to voluntarily adopt into
the VA certification basis later amendments to airworthiness or
environmental standards than those required as described in
paragraph 3.5.11, those later amendments for those standards
will be identified in the application. VA Review of Application
(a) The VA reviews the application package and requests any
missing information in accordance with paragraph
(b) The VA assures the CA statement of compliance is
complete, including verification of the correct VA certification
basis reference. VA Issuance of Design Approval
The VA shall issue the corresponding certificate or design approval
within fifteen (15) working days (for design change) and twenty (20)
working days for (TC) of receipt of a complete application, with
concurrent notification to the CA.
3.5.5 Technical Validation Process for Applications Classified as Non-Basic
Applications classified as Non-Basic are managed through the Technical
Validation process described in this section. Non-Basic Validation Application Packages
For concurrent validation projects some elements of the application
package will not be known at the time of application; those
applications must include all known data.
(a) A description of the product in accordance with the following:
(1) For a TC, descriptive data defined in 14 CFR section
21.15 for applications to the FAA, or Part 21A.15 for
applications to EASA; and
(2) For design changes including STCs, a detailed
Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

description of the design change together with the make
and model of the product being changed.
(b) Identification that the application is Non-Basic per the Non-
Basic criteria as defined in paragraph;
(c) List of specific criteria(ion) from paragraph that led to
the Non-Basic classification;
This list is necessary for the VA to develop the items for VA
review in the validation work plan.
(d) Copy of the CA’s TC and TCDS, or STC that identifies the
certification basis upon which the CA’s design approval was
issued. In the absence of a TCDS, the CA should submit the
document that defines the CA certification basis;
(e) Proposed VA validation program consisting of the following
elements. The VA will use this information to assist in the
development of the VA work plan:
(1) The proposed VA airworthiness (and OSD, if applicable)
standards, special conditions, equivalent safety findings
and environmental protection requirements; and
(2) The description on how compliance has been or will be
demonstrated, with proposed means of compliance, and
any selected guidance material. The description of the
means of compliance should be sufficient to determine
that all necessary data will be collected and compliance
can be demonstrated.
(f) For TCs, the CA will list any applicable VA ADs and provide an
assessment that changes to correct the unsafe condition
identified in the AD have been incorporated into the type
(g) Compliance checklist;
(h) List of all CA exemptions, deviations, special conditions,
equivalent level of safety findings;
(i) List of all Issue Papers for FAA, Certification Review Items for
EASA, and Certification memoranda raised during the CA’s
certification activities;
(j) Brief description of all novel or unusual design features;
(k) Information on VA customers and delivery schedules;
(l) Master documentation list or master drawing list which lists all
type design drawing, specifications and reports for the TC or
for the change;
(m) Top level drawing of the aircraft or design change. If a top level
drawing is not available include a drawing or diagram that
Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

shows the overall change;
(n) Approved manuals or changes to approved manuals as
(o) Changed OSD constituents for EASA as VA, or MMEL for FAA
as VA;
(p) Weight and balance data if not contained in an approved
(q) Environmental:
(1) For a TC, a definition of the noise, fuel venting, and
exhaust emissions standards upon which the design
approval was based, and the amendment level of VA
noise, fuel venting, and exhaust emissions standards
that the applicant proposes and the CA believes to be
applicable to the VA validation; and
(2) For a design change classified as an acoustical or
emissions change, per 14 CFR section 21.93 or EASA
Part 21, include a copy of the new noise or emission
levels as approved by the CA.
(r) Instructions for continued airworthiness;
(s) For FAA PMA parts on critical components, which will be
validated as an EASA STC, the application should contain the
following information:
(1) The FAA PMA approval, with all supplements, and in
particular the description of the means by which the FAA
PMA approval was granted;
(2) Overview of the technical data transmitted to the FAA
for the purpose of approving the critical PMA part;
(3) Description of the means by which the PMA part user
would be made aware of any changes on the PMA part
by the PMA holder with a potential impact on safety; and
(4) Description of the means by which the PMA part user
would be made aware of any changes by the TC holder
with a potential safety impact on the PMA part.
3.5.6 VA Initial Review and Acknowledgement of Application
The VA will accept the CA’s classification as provided and initiate processing
of the file as described below: The VA will notify the CA within ten (10) working days of receipt of
application. The VA will review the application and request any missing information
within thirty (30) working days.

Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

37 If the VA has concerns over the classification (basic/non basic or
significant/non-significant) of the application, the VA may mark it for
review under the Continued Maintenance of Confidence provisions
defined in paragraph 1.6, but the VA shall proceed with the process as
determined by the CA’s classification. Non-Basic applications will go through the Technical Validation
process unless the VA concludes that they require no further level of
involvement based solely on review of the application. In this case the
VA may proceed directly to the issuance of its validation approval
according to the streamlined validation process in paragraph
3.5.7 Technical Validation
For projects classified as Non-Basic, a Technical Validation may be performed by
the VA to support issuance of the VA design approval. The objective of the Technical Validation process is to provide the VA
with sufficient information for it to identify the applicable Non-Basic
criteria, and within the scope defined by those applicable criteria,
establish its certification basis and acceptable means of compliance. The VA may choose to limit the Technical Validation process to a
review of the application, proceeding from there directly to issuance of
its design approval. Intermediate steps such as a work plan are not
required in such cases, as noted in paragraph Technical Validation can be performed as a sequential or as a
concurrent validation.
(a) In a sequential validation, the CA has completed its
certification, or is well advanced in the certification process,
before the applicant requests validation by the VA. In this
case, the CA certification basis and acceptable methods of
compliance (MOCs) have been established and approved by
the CA.
Type design changes, revised operating limitations, or new or
revised certification testing or analysis may be required in a
sequential program to meet the requirements of the VA, since
these requirements may not have been considered during the
original CA certification.
(b) In a concurrent validation, the applicant requests validation of
the product by the VA at the same time as certification by the
CA, with the objective to get the CA and the VA approval at the
same, or nearly the same time.
(1) This approach allows unique VA requirements to be
addressed during the design development and initial
compliance demonstration.
(2) A concurrent validation provides an opportunity for

Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

collaborative development of both CA and VA use of
exceptions to the latest airworthiness standards, special
conditions, exemptions, deviations, equivalent level of
safety findings and acceptable MOCs. Additionally, it
provides for early identification of areas where jointly
agreed solutions are not readily available.
(3) A concurrent validation may use any or all of the
following optional provisions:
(i) Work Sharing
A work sharing program may be used in areas
where the VA may make compliance
determinations on behalf of both the VA and CA.
Work sharing may be advantageous when
certification activity is occurring within the
geographical area of the VA, or when limited CA
resources make it advantageous to advance the
project by using VA resources. Work sharing can
be limited to a single issue or may be utilized
extensively throughout the project, and, if
agreed, may persist through the life of a program
into post-type certification activities. Such work
sharing arrangements are a form of technical
assistance, as described in the TIP Section VI.
(ii) Common Issue Papers (IP) and Certification
Review Items (CRI)
The CA and the VA may jointly develop and
approve IPs or CRIs that are common or
identical, as applicable, depending on which
authority is the CA, to establish the enveloped
FAA and EASA program certification
requirements. Common IP/CRI can be limited to
a single issue, or may be used extensively
throughout the project.
(iii) Single Certification Basis
The CA and VA may elect to jointly develop a
single agreed certification basis that satisfies
both U.S. and EU regulatory requirements.
3.5.8 Technical Validation Procedure The VA reviews the application and requests any missing information
required in paragraph The VA develops a work plan in accordance with paragraph 3.5.9. The CA reviews the VA-proposed work plan and works with the VA

Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

and applicant to refine the work plan and complete the work plan
elements. Once the work plan activities are concluded, the VA will notify the CA,
in writing, that it has completed its review per the work plan, and that it
is ready to receive the CA certification statement against the VA
certification basis. Upon completion of the CA certification and receipt of the VA
statement described in paragraph, the CA will provide the
following statement to the VA:
“The CA certifies that the {specific product type, model, or STC}
complies with the {VAs} certification basis as identified in {work plan,
issue paper, STC, TCDS, etc., as applicable to the project} dated
{date}”. Communication during a validation should be primarily between the
CA and VA.
(a) If the CA is not present in a technical discussion, the CA should
be immediately informed of the outcome.
(b) The VA will request data through the CA to the applicant.
3.5.9 Work Plan General
(a) The work plan establishes the scope and depth of VA
involvement, and is used to document the VA certification
(b) An initial work plan is created by the VA at the beginning of the
validation program, based on VA review of the Non-Basic
application package.
(c) When applicable the work plan may include reference to
documents such as draft or final CRIs or IPs rather than
duplicating them in the work plan.
(d) In a concurrent project, the initial work plan may evolve over
the course of the validation program as the VA gains
knowledge during technical familiarization, or as the design
presented for validation, including methods of compliance,
evolves over the course of the certification program.
(e) In a sequential program, the VA work plan should be finalized
upon completion of technical familiarization (paragraph
(f) The VA may choose to have no further level of involvement
beyond review of the application package, in which case no
work plan is required and the VA will request a certification
statement, as described in paragraph from the CA to

Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

support issuance of the VA design approval.
(g) As soon as possible, the VA will share the approved work plan
with the CA and the applicant so that the CA can prepare its
resources for the validation activities. The initial work plan is
approved by VA management. The work plan is subsequently
approved by VA management only when expanding the VA’s
(1) Active management oversight assures that the VA’s
involvement remains within the criteria for establishing
the work plan according to paragraph
(2) The immediate supervisor of the validation project
manager or equivalent may provide the signature on the
work plan.
(h) If the VA includes areas of involvement in the work plan that
are not included in the Non-Basic criteria, the CA will question
those work plan elements using the issue resolution of conflicts
process in paragraph 1.9.3.
Limiting the VA scope of involvement to those elements
included in the Non-Basic criteria is critical to ensuring an
efficient validation process. Work Plan Contents
(a) The work plan content described below, and the evolution of
those contents over the course of a validation project, is
described here for a certification project that requires VA
involvement beyond simple review of the application. The work
plan is intended to ensure the VA receives the information it
needs to:
(1) Identify the applicable Safety Emphasis Items (SEI);
(2) Identify its certification basis, including the applicable
Significant Standards Differences, special conditions,
equivalent level of safety findings,
exemptions/deviations, and additional noise, fuel
venting and emissions requirements relative to the CA
certification basis.
(b) The work plan documents the scope and depth of VA level of
involvement. All other areas shall not be subject to any VA
technical review beyond technical familiarization. This means
that EASA will verify compliance on behalf of FAA against FAA
Certification basis for all non-listed areas, and FAA will find
compliance on behalf of EASA against EASA certification basis
for all non-listed areas.

Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

(c) The initial VA work plan will include the following elements.
These elements will be regularly updated by the VA over the
course of the validation program:
(1) A brief description of the product or change, as provided
in the application package;
(2) A proposed initial VA certification basis, including the
following elements, to the extent that they can be
defined based on review of the application:
(i) Applicable VA airworthiness standards;
(ii) Applicable significant standards differences
(SSD); and
(iii) Proposed exemptions/deviations, special
conditions, or equivalent level of safety findings;
(3) A list of proposed areas of VA level of involvement,
bounded by the applicable Non-Basic criteria;
(4) A proposal for technical familiarization activities (see
section necessary to achieve a final work plan;
(5) Identification of the responsible VA project certification
manager and any VA team members identified based
on review of the application.
3.5.10 Technical Validation Guidelines Technical Familiarization
(a) The VA will use the Technical Familiarization process to refine
and finalize the work plan. The objectives of technical
familiarization are to:
(1) Establish the VA certification basis, including
identification of any additional VA airworthiness, noise,
fuel venting and emissions requirements relative to the
CA certification basis;
(2) Establish the VA scope of level of involvement, limited to
the applicable Non-Basic criteria; and
(3) Establish the areas, if any, within the identified VA scope
of level of involvement, where the VA will review
compliance data.
(b) The objectives of technical familiarization can only be fully
satisfied when the applicant or CA has presented to the VA the
following information:
(1) An overview of the proposed design, intended
operational use, and, if applicable, relation to previously
approved products;

Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

(2) The proposed CA and VA certification basis, including
analysis of potential differences; and
(3) Any design features or compliance methods that trigger
the Non-Basic classification criteria of
(c) The VA will focus its attention during technical familiarization on
understanding the general compliance methodologies used or
to be used by the applicant, including assumptions, boundary
conditions and critical parameters of that methodology to verify
the Non-Basic criteria that are impacted, to determine if
IPs/CRIs are necessary, and to update the work plan, if
Further details, including review of test plans or other
compliance documents, test witnessing, or other details of the
compliance demonstration are deferred until that depth of
review is added to the work plan and approved by VA
(d) When technical familiarization meetings are identified and
approved in the VA work plan, those meetings will be arranged
by the CA. The CA must be represented at any technical
familiarization meetings with the VA and the applicant, unless
otherwise agreed between the CA and the VA.
(e) Familiarization flights are a unique aspect of technical
familiarization since, in a concurrent program, they cannot be
conducted until late in the project when a flying article is
available. Familiarization flights are not to be used to repeat
determinations or verifications of compliance performed by the
CA. Rather, they have the following purposes:
(1) Identify any late compliance issues not previously
identified by the validation team when the test article
was not available to be flown during familiarization test
(2) Provide the VA flight test representatives with sufficient
familiarity with the aircraft to develop the MMEL and any
special flight characteristics training requirements; and
(3) Familiarize the VA with the type design as necessary to
support continued operational safety of the VA
registered fleet.
(f) VA requests for familiarization flights must be identified in the
work plan and approved by VA management.
(1) Familiarization flights should be supported by the CA
flight test team to facilitate completion of the objectives
described in paragraph (e) above.

Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

(2) Familiarization flights are typically conducted for all new
TC programs that meet the Non-Basic criteria.
Familiarization flights may also be conducted for other
design change programs having a significant impact on
the operational capabilities or limitations, or pilot/aircraft
interface. Managing VA Level of Involvement and Review of Compliance Data
(a) The depth of VA level of involvement within each impacted Non-
Basic classification element is guided by the procedures and
principles provided in this section.
(b) VA level of involvement in Non-Basic projects (including TC
projects), beyond technical familiarization, is limited to the
applicable Non-Basic criteria
(c) A VA decision to directly review a compliance document is
typically reached through an exchange of information following
identification of an applicable Non-Basic criterion. This
exchange may take place through additional meetings following
technical familiarization, correspondence (in the context of an
established IP or CRI), or other interactions.
A compliance document in this context is any test report or
other document that directly supports a determination of
(d) The VA will rely, to the maximum extent possible, on the CA to
make determinations and verifications of compliance on its
behalf. VA justification is required for any VA review of a
compliance document.
This justification normally falls into the following general areas:
(1) Applicable Non-Basic criteria, when those criteria represent
a new issue for the VA, and judgment is required in its
application to the project; and
(2) Sensitive issues usually associated with an accident or
incident on a product with similar design features.
(e) In the case of a Non-Basic change classified by the CA as
significant per 14 CFR section 21.101 or EASA 21A101(b), the
area of VA involvement shall only be to the extent necessary for
the VA to establish its certification basis, and to determine if that
certification basis triggers any other Non-Basic criteria.
(f) In the case of new or amended exemption/deviation, SC, ELOS
or ESF, if the exemption/deviation, special condition, ELOS or
ESF has been applied previously in a similar context and no
changes are anticipated for the current projects, VA involvement
is limited to the administrative action necessary to extend the

Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

applicability or to reissue the exemption/deviation, SC or
ELOS/ESF to the new project.
Note: A MOC proposed by the applicant that is new to the CA
or VA or different from the one used at original certification of
the product is a criterion for Non-Basic classification to ensure
awareness of the VA of a new or different MOC to ensure any
applicant can use same MOC. It shall not be used a
systematic reason for review of compliance documents or
(g) VA review of compliance determinations, including review of any
compliance documents, must be identified in the work plan along
with the associated justification, and approved by VA
When the VA requests review of a compliance document
according to the procedures in this Section, the VA will provide
a written statement to the CA verifying that the document is
acceptable for demonstration of compliance to the VA
certification basis. This may be part of the general statement
of approval. Use of CRI’s and IP’s
(a) The VA may use CRIs or IPs, as applicable, to fully develop
and document resolution of each of these applicable criteria.
(b) The VA will not generate an IP or CRI on a subject which has
already been addressed by the CA, if applicable to the
validation, and with which the VA concurs. The VA will use the
work plan to document decisions to rely on the CA IP or CRI in
these cases.
(c) The VA will coordinate IP’s or CRI’s through the CA to the
applicant in order to expedite a mutually acceptable resolution
with the awareness of both Authorities.
(d) VA intention to raise IP or CRI, as applicable, must be
documented in the work plan and approved by VA
management. Safety Emphasis Items (SEI)
(a) SEI define areas of VA interest for all products of a certain
class. SEI lists must be developed and approved by the
appropriate offices within the FAA and EASA. SEI lists are an
integral part of the Non-Basic classification criteria, and a list of
SEI for each product class must be available to the public.
(b) The CA will use the VA SEI list to identify in the application
potentially applicable SEI. The VA team will refine and finalize
the list of applicable SEI during technical familiarization. SEIs

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(i) New VA standards or certain SSDs where the VA or CA has
limited past experience with the application to a product, they
have an important impact on the whole product or a critical
feature, and engineering judgment is required to establish
Only those SSDs that meet the noted criteria should be
identified as SEI. The expectation is that the majority of SSD
are well understood by both authorities, with full confidence
given to the CA for determining compliance to those VA SSDs.
(ii) Airworthiness standards where the VA’s and CA’s interpretive,
advisory, MOC, or guidance materials differ or are insufficient,
to an extent that those differences impact the level of safety
required by the VA system and could result in VA required
changes to the type design or approved manuals
(iii) Items identified for special emphasis by the VA in a data-driven
risk assessment analysis for the product class; and
(iv) Subjects linked to known safety conditions that the VA has
identified, and for which the VA either has taken, or is in the
process of taking, airworthiness action.
(c) The list of SEI shall be frequently revised with the goal of
reducing the size of the list through targeted harmonization
effort. SEI list revisions are approved by the management
responsible for maintenance of the list. The update process
shall be subject to COB monitoring.
3.5.11 Establishment of the VA Certification Basis
The VA will establish the VA certification basis for projects classified as Non-
Basic according to paragraph, following the Technical Validation
procedures described in paragraph 3.5.8. The VA shall develop its proposed type certification basis using a
reference date corresponding to the date of application to the CA, or
as applicable under the prior TIP with an AA; The VA special conditions, ELOS/ESF and exemptions/deviations will
be either adopted from the CA proposal or created as part of the
Technical Validation and added to the VA certification basis as
applicable; SSD identified by the CA and agreed to by the VA. CA classification of changes as either significant or non-significant
according to 14 CFR section 21.101 or EASA part 21.A.101, will be
accepted by the VA. For changes classified by the CA as significant,
the VA will determine the final VA certification basis for the change,
including any exceptions to the standards in effect on the date of

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application to the CA; Applicants for U.S. TC, or for a design change classified as an
acoustical change according to 14 CFR section 21.93(b), need to
comply with the noise standards of 14 CFR part 36 in effect on the
reference date established under paragraph; Applicants for U.S. TC, or for a design change classified as an
emissions change according to 14 CFR section 21.93(c), need to
comply with the fuel venting and emissions standards of 14 CFR part
34 in effect on the date of FAA design approval; and Applicants to EASA must comply with the applicable noise, fuel
venting and exhaust emission standards in EASA Part 21 that are in
effect on the reference date established under paragraph
3.5.12 Approval of and Changes to Approved Manuals The CA approves all manuals unless the VA specifies its involvement
to approve certain manuals as documented in the work plan. If the VA requires changes to the manuals during the validation, the VA
will request changes through the CA, and the approval of the manual
will be made by the CA. Change requests to manuals must be directly related to work plan
areas of VA involvement. Stand-alone changes to approved manuals shall be dealt with as any
other design change according to the Acceptance, Streamlined
Validation, or Technical Validation procedures, as applicable.
3.5.13 Significant Standards Difference (SSD) A comparison of the airworthiness standards developed by the FAA
and EASA indicates that they sometimes differ. In some cases, the 14
CFR are more stringent than the CS; in other instances, the CS are
more stringent. An SSD must be identified when in order to meet the minimum
standard of the VA relative to that of the CA, the difference requires
type design changes, approved manual changes, additional or
different demonstrations of compliance, or the imposition of
operational limitations.
(a) This impact determination is accomplished by the VA for each
VA standard, by comparison to the corresponding CA
(b) Multiple CA standards, taken together may satisfy the objective
of a single VA standard; in such cases an SSD need not be
identified. SSDs are identified independent of any project considerations and are
unique to a particular amendment-pair of standards. An amendment-

Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

pair is defined as a particular CS/JAR amendment number and a
comparable 14 CFR amendment number. Each Authority’s list of SSDs must be developed and approved within
the Authority. SSDs for the current standards will be added each time the 14 CFR
and CS amendments change. There will be a current set of SSDs, as
well as other SSDs that have been generated for other amendment-
pairs in the past. Once a particular set of SSDs is generated for a particular
amendment-pair, that set of SSDs will be published and should be
used for all validation projects where the regulatory basis consists of
that amendment-pair. In a particular validation project, especially for derivative products, the
amendment-pair that form the CA and VA certification basis may not
have an SSD list published. In that case, for projects classified as
Non-Basic, the VA will follow the procedures at paragraph 3.5.11 to
establish the VA certification basis, and from that, the VA will identify in
the Work Plan the SSD applicable to the project. All interpretive and guidance material associated with the SSD must
be identified and provided with the SSD list. Differences in interpretive advisory, or guidance material, may exist
even when the standards are identical or equivalent. When
appropriate (see paragraph, these differences will be
identified as SEI.
3.6 Evaluation of Operational and/or Maintenance Aspects
3.6.1 Evaluation of EU Operational and/or Maintenance Aspects
The EASA system includes, under the type certification process, an approval
of data that are considered necessary for the safe operation of an aircraft,
called the Operational Suitability Data (OSD). These data, once approved,
are attached to the TC through a reference in the TCDS and owned by the TC
holder. To support the process, specific panels of experts are part of the
certification team. Means of compliance to the OSD requirements are
described in the relevant Certification Specifications, and listed below, and in
the provisions in this TIP. The OSD consist of: OSD Flight Crew (EASA CS-FCD Flight Crew Data), consisting of the
minimum syllabus of pilot type rating training, including determination
of type rating; OSD Cabin Crew (EASA CS-CCD Cabin Crew Data), consisting of
determination of type or variant for cabin crew and type specific data
for cabin crew; OSD Maintenance Certifying Staff, consisting of the minimum syllabus
of maintenance certifying staff type rating training, including

Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

determination of type rating; OSD Simulator Data (EASA CS-SIMD Simulator Data), consisting of
the definition of scope of the aircraft validation source data to support
the objective qualification of simulator(s) associated to the pilot type
rating training, or provisional data to support their interim qualification;
and OSD Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL) (EASA CS-MMEL
Master Minimum Equipment List), consisting of the MMEL.
3.6.2 Evaluation of U.S. Operational and/or Maintenance Aspects The FAA has established Aircraft Evaluation Groups (AEG) that are
responsible for the operational and maintenance evaluations
necessary to support introduction of products into the FAA system. The AEG will conduct Boards, as appropriate, to review the following
items: Operational Configuration, Pilot Training and Licensing
Requirements, and the formulation and approval of an MMEL.
3.6.3 FAA/EASA Validation of MMEL
This procedure allows validation of an initial or revised MMEL by the FAA or
EASA as the VA. Validation should occur concurrently with the CA MMEL
development as far as practical, to optimize efforts and resources of both
Authorities. However, a request for sequential validation is possible, but the
level of involvement will be determined to the satisfaction of the VA. This
validation procedure is also applicable for MMEL content related to STCs.
Note: This validation procedure is optional, and contingent on the specific
and voluntary request by the applicant. Alternatively, the applicant may elect
to apply the procedure in 3.6.4 also for MMEL. It is however highly
recommended that both FAA and EASA use the validation procedure for
initial MMEL approvals in order to reduce duplication of effort and optimize
the time and resources expended by the applicant, the CA, and the VA. The
TIP does not prevent an applicant from applying for EASA and FAA separate
MMELs. However, these applications should be coordinated by the CA to
ensure appropriate level of cooperation and information exchange between all
the parties. The MMEL validation procedure is based on the following agreed and
underlying conditions:
(a) Validation is applicable when the FAA or EASA is the CA and
does not cover cases when the product is from a third country
(b) The MMEL will be developed during the validation process.
The VA validation of the MMEL will not be issued/approved
until the TC or STC for the product has also been issued by the
(c) The validation of an initial MMEL results in a single MMEL

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document that will be acceptable in both CA and VA regulatory
systems; for revisions of existing MMELs approved separately
by EASA and the FAA, only the proposed change will be
validated under this procedure, and incorporated within the two
separate MMELs;
(d) The CA shall ensure the VA is informed of any request for
validation of initial MMEL or revision to an existing MMEL;
(e) The VA establishes its level of involvement in the MMEL
validation process using risk-based principles;
(f) The MMEL shall be approved in accordance with the
procedures of the CA and after this validation procedure is
satisfactorily completed, the CA approval shall also indicate
that the MMEL is validated/approved by the VA;
(g) FAA Flight Operations Evaluation Board and comparable
arrangements when EASA is the CA, shall allow for
participation by operators and stakeholders; and
(h) The MMEL validation procedure when EASA is the CA shall
allow for FAA public comment period and FAA internal
coordination. FAA and EASA will share information on regulatory and policy
differences that have been identified during MMEL validations using
agreed working procedures. Any potential conflict derived from this process shall be resolved in a
similar manner as the provisions outlined in paragraph 1.9 but through
the appropriate FAA Flight Standards Service and EASA Flight
Standard offices.
3.6.4 EASA Evaluation of Other OSD Elements
While the FAA and EASA have agreed to a validation process for MMELs,
they are still working together to develop validation processes for the
remaining operational suitability aspects. Until these processes are
completed, EASA will verify compliance with the EASA OSD requirements
based on the following: U.S. original equipment manufacturer will send its application and
compliance package to the FAA (either as a standalone application or
as part of a design change or TC approval); The FAA will forward the application and compliance package to
EASA; EASA experts will perform the necessary reviews and evaluations,
and verify compliance to the appropriate CS OSD requirements; and EASA will coordinate all activities with the FAA.
3.6.5 Evaluation of Maintenance Review/Type Board Aspects

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50 The FAA and EASA agree that when acting as the CA for an initial
issue or a revision of a Maintenance Review Board (MRB) or
Maintenance Type Board (MTB) process based report, its
approval/acceptance shall be automatically accepted by the VA as
being equivalent to having granted and issued its own
approval/acceptance. The process referred to as “Acceptance” requires that the VA shall
accept the CA’s report approval/acceptance and shall not issue its
own approval/acceptance, as there is full confidence in each other's
approval/acceptance system. In this case, an application for
approval/acceptance of a report to the VA shall not be required.
Note: In the transition period, for ongoing initial MRB/MTB reports
exercises, the planned CA and VA concurrent participation should
be maintained until the initial revision is approved/accepted. An
exercise is considered to be ongoing, when an
application/notification had been received from an applicant before
the date when TIP Revision 5 Amendment 1 entered into force. For
amendments to living MRB/MTB reports, CA and VA concurrent
participation shall be maintained until the approval/acceptance of
the next planned complete MRB/MTB report revision. The Acceptance of Maintenance Steering Group – 3rd Task Force
(MSG-3) derived MRB/MTB process based reports under the
Agreement is based on the following agreed and underlying
(a) That the CA and VA are members of the International MRB
Policy Board (IMRBPB);
(b) That the CA and VA commit to implement the latest revision of
the International MRB/MTB Process Standards (IMPS)
developed and approved by the IMRBPB;
(c) That Acceptance is applicable to all current and future reports
issued by the FAA or EASA;
(d) That either the FAA or EASA is the CA for the SoD for the
(e) That the product has been issued a TC or validated TC by both
parties, or the TC application is being processed;
(f) That the CA shall inform the VA of any application for a new or
revised issue of the report;
(g) That the report shall be approved/accepted in accordance with
the approval/acceptance procedures of the CA; the CA
approval/acceptance shall state that the report is also
approved/accepted on behalf of the VA under the provisions of
the Agreement;

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(h) That for existing legacy products where specific VA
requirements are addressed in appendices/annexes to the
report, the CA approval/acceptance of these specific
requirements shall be coordinated with the VA;
(i) That for existing legacy products where specific VA action
items are still open, the closure of these action items by the CA
shall be coordinated with the VA;
(j) That significant changes to MRB/MTB approval/acceptance
processes or procedures shall be communicated by each
Authority to the other in accordance with the provisions outlined
in paragraph 1.4;
(k) That the VA reserves the right to review or sample the CA
approval/acceptance process and the resultant MRB/MTB
reports at any point, in the lifecycle of the product from the
MRB/MTB report application, to ensure continued confidence
that the agreement is being implemented in accordance with
the TIP and that the MRB/MTB report achieves its intended
goals. The CA shall make data supporting the report available
to the VA on request, bearing in mind that this shall not prevent
or delay the CA approval/acceptance process; and
(l) That any potential conflict derived from this process shall be
resolved in a similar manner as the provisions outlined in
paragraph 1.9 but through the appropriate FAA Flight
Standards Service and EASA Flight Standard offices. If processes other than MRB/MTB are used to develop scheduled
maintenance interval and/or tasking requirements, those processes
shall be managed by the VA office responsible for the product.
3.6.6 Instructions for Continued Airworthiness
Acceptance or approval, as appropriate, of instructions for continued
airworthiness (ICA), including the Airworthiness Limitations Section (ALS) of
the ICA, will be managed by the VA office responsible for the product. The
Level of involvement of the VA will be established using the Design Approval
Procedures of this Chapter: the CA reviews the ICA unless the VA specifies
its involvement in the Work Plan; stand-alone changes to ICA shall be dealt
with as any other design change according to the Acceptance, Streamlined
Validation, or Technical Validation procedures, as applicable.
3.7 Environmental Compliance Demonstration and Approval Procedures
3.7.1 General The FAA is authorized to make findings of compliance to 14 CFR parts
34 and 36. Information and data must be supplied to the FAA in order to make a
finding in accordance with Title 49 of the United States Code, Section

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44715 (49 U.S.C. 44715) (previously known as the Noise Control Act
of 1972). The FAA, before issuing an original TC for an aircraft of any
category, must assess the extent of noise abatement technology
incorporated into the type design and determine whether additional
noise reduction is achievable. This examination must be initiated as
soon as possible after the application for type certification in each
original type certification project and reflect noise reduction potentials
that become evident during the design and certification process. The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) (42 U.S.C.
4321 et seq.) requires the FAA to publicly assess and analyze
potential environmental consequences of its actions. In order to grant
an aircraft type certificate (new, amended, or supplemental) in the
absence of noise regulations that are applicable and appropriate to a
particular aircraft type, the FAA must prepare an Environmental
Assessment, including a decision on whether to prepare a finding of
no significant impact or an environmental impact statement.
Information and data must be supplied to the FAA in order to prepare
the Environmental Assessment. EASA is required to verify compliance to the environmental essential
requirements found in Article 6 of the Basic Regulation, the
requirements of Part 21.A.18, and in accordance with the procedures
as defined in CS34 and CS36. Upon request to EASA, and after mutual agreement, the FAA may
authorize environmental findings of compliance to be performed by
EASA on behalf of the FAA. For tests conducted prior to a TC or STC
application being made to the FAA, FAA may accept EASA approved
noise and emissions certification compliance data, provided the data
meets the applicable FAA regulations, guidance, and policy material.
Note: None of the bilateral agreements listed in Attachment 1 of
the Agreement have the approval of compliance with environmental
standards within their scope. Upon request to the FAA, and after mutual agreement, EASA may
authorize environmental findings of compliance to be performed by
the FAA on behalf of EASA. For tests conducted prior to a TC or STC
application being made to EASA, EASA may accept FAA approved
noise and emissions certification compliance data, provided the data
meets the applicable EASA regulations, guidance, and policy material.
3.7.2 Environmental Approval Process for new TC and Non-basic changes to a
Type Design (TC/STC) affecting Noise and Emissions
Note: Examples of changes to a TC/STC which are considered to affect
Noise or Emissions are those that:
1. Have any effect on the performance characteristics of the aircraft, (e.g.
drag, weight, lift, power, RPM, etc.) and/or

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2. Add or modify any externally radiating noise sources, (e.g. APU
operation, fuselage distensions, wing extensions, rigging changes,
hollow cavities in landing gear or airframe, etc.); and/or
3. Modify the engine(s), nacelle(s), propeller (s), or rotor system In accordance with the Work Plan, the process for environmental
compliance determination and approvals by the CA includes the
following when the criteria of paragraph is applied:
(a) Environmental (noise, fuel venting and exhaust emissions)
certification compliance demonstration plans must be
submitted to the VA for review, comment, and subsequent
approval not less than ninety (90) days prior to commencing
(b) Information and data must be supplied to the VA in order to
conduct an evaluation of the measurement and analysis
methods and practices, and data correction procedures of the
applicant for aircraft noise certification under 14 CFR part 36,
Subpart B and/or Subpart H or EASA CS34 and CS36;
(c) Compliance demonstration tests must be witnessed by the VA
personnel or authorized VA designees. Prior to the start of
testing it is necessary to assure the conformity of the test article
(aircraft or engine configuration) to that identified in the CA
approved compliance demonstration test plans;
(d) Proposed equivalent procedures to be used by the applicant
during testing, data processing, data reduction, and data
analysis must be specifically identified to the VA and approved
in advance by the VA; and
(e) Compliance demonstration reports must be submitted to the VA
for review and/or comment and subsequent approval prior to
type certification approval.
3.8 Acceptance of Equipment Standards and Aeronautical Databases
3.8.1 Appendix D defines recognized RTCA and EUROCAE standards that may be
used for issuing organization approvals under the TIP.
3.8.2 FAA and EASA have adopted comparable procedures to apply when
accepting an organization providing aeronautical databases for use on aircraft
and/or on certified aircraft application/equipment.
3.8.3 FAA guidance is found in Advisory Circular (AC) 20-153, Acceptance of
Aeronautical Data Processes and Associated Databases.
3.8.4 EASA applies Regulation (EU) 2017/373 of 1 March 2017. According to these
Regulations, Data Services (DAT) providers are allowed, on a voluntary
basis, to apply for, and be granted, the relevant certificates immediately upon
the Entry into Force of that Regulation, i.e., in advance of the applicability
date of this requirement (1st January 2019). Therefore, DAT providers having

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voluntarily implemented Agency’s Opinion 01/2005 on acceptance of
Navigation Database Suppliers and been issued EASA Letter of Acceptance
are also accepted until 1 January 2019.
3.8.5 The FAA shall accept an EASA DAT provider certificate (or an EASA Letter of
Acceptance by 1 January 2019 at the latest) as an equivalent to an FAA
Letter of Acceptance.
3.8.6 EASA shall accept an FAA Letter of Acceptance as an equivalent to a data
services (DAT) provider certificate (or an EASA Letter of Acceptance by 1
January 2019 at the latest) when a data supplier provides a release statement
(reference paragraph 10.2.6 of AC 20-153B) with each database distribution.
3.8.7 Procedures for Split Design/Production Projects
The FAA and EASA recognize that some joint venture projects of their
aviation industries may involve products designed under one’s Authority
jurisdiction and manufactured under the other Authority’s jurisdiction. In such
cases, the FAA and EASA may work together during validation to develop an
arrangement defining their regulatory responsibilities to ensure accountability
under Annex 8 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, done at
Chicago on 7 December 1944, (1994); (the “Chicago Convention”). Such
special arrangements will address the continued airworthiness responsibilities
of SoD and the SoM and will be documented in accordance with Section IX of
this TIP.
3.9 Submission of Electronic Data
When a U.S. or EASA applicant complies with 14 CFR section 36.1236 and FAA Order
8000.79 or EASA’s electronic data policy, as applicable, the applicant is considered to
have an arrangement acceptable to both the FAA and EASA for the submission and
storage of electronic data as long as the data is in a format that is compatible with the
VA’s information system.

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4.1 General
4.1.1 In accordance with Annex 8 to the Chicago Convention, the Authority for the
SoD is responsible for resolving in-service safety issues related to design or
production. The CA, as the Authority for the SoD, will provide applicable
information that it has found to be necessary for mandatory modifications,
required limitations and/or inspections to the other Authority to ensure
continued operational safety of the product or article. Each Authority will
review and normally accept the corrective actions taken by the CA, as
Authority for the SoD, in the issuance of its own mandatory corrective actions.
4.1.2 At the request of either Authority, the Authority for the SoD will assist in
determining what action is considered necessary for the continued
operational safety of the product or article. The Authority for the SoR retains
sole authority for decisions on final actions to be taken for products or articles
under their jurisdiction. The FAA and EASA will strive to resolve differences.
4.1.3 The FAA and EASA recognize the importance of the routine sharing of
Continued Operational Safety (COS) information as a means to assist in the
identification and resolution of emerging airworthiness issues. The FAA and
EASA will share their COS data with each other to assist in their respective
COS oversight.
4.1.4 The VA has the right to seek information from the Authority for the SoD, which
includes, but is not limited to, design data and findings of compliance.
Additionally, once the design is validated, the Authority for the SoD will
provide any mandatory continuing airworthiness information necessary to
ensure continuing airworthiness of the product registered in the jurisdiction of
the importing State.
4.1.5 The FAA and EASA will ensure active communication between specific focal
points, for regular feedback and communicating continuing airworthiness
issues on products certified by either the FAA or EASA and validated by the
other. The extent of this engagement will be commensurate with the
continuing airworthiness activities associated with the product.
4.2 Malfunctions, Failures, and Defects (MF&D) and Service Difficulty Reports (SDR)
4.2.1 The FAA and EASA agree to perform the following functions for the products
and articles for which it is the SoD: Tracking of MF&D reports/SDR and accident/incidents; Evaluating MF&D reports/SDR and accident/incidents; Investigating and resolving all suspected unsafe conditions; Advising the other Authority of all known unsafe conditions and the
necessary corrective actions (see paragraph 4.3); Upon request, providing the other Authority with the following:

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(a) Reports of MF&D/SDR and accidents/incidents, if available;
(b) Status of investigations into MF&D/SDR and
accidents/incidents; and
(c) Copies of final reports reached in its investigation into
MF&D/SDR, if available. Making a reasonable effort to resolve issues raised by the other
Authority concerning matters of safety for products registered in their
4.2.2 The FAA and the applicable EU member state (AA), as Authorities for the
SoR, agree to perform the following functions: Advise the Authority for the SoD of MF&D/SDR and
accidents/incidents occurring on imported products which are believed
to be potentially unsafe conditions; and Support the Authority for the SoD in investigations of unsafe
conditions and their occurrences.
4.2.3 For COS issues related to investigations of Safety Recommendations,
Service Difficulty Reports (SDRs), accidents or incidents on the imported
products, parts, or articles, the Authority for the SoR can directly request
information from the DAH after informing the CA of the investigation.
4.2.4 Copies of MF&D/SDR reports from U.S. can be found at http://av-
info.faa.gov/sdrx/ and for the EU can be found at the addresses listed in
Appendix A.
4.3 Unsafe Condition and Mandatory Continuing Airworthiness Actions
4.3.1 The FAA (under 14 CFR part 39) and EASA (under EASA Part 21) agree to
perform the following functions for the products, articles, and design changes
for which they are the Authority for SoD: Issue a mandatory continuing airworthiness action (Airworthiness
Directive (AD)) whenever the Authority determines that an unsafe
condition exists in a type certificated product or article, and is likely to
exist or develop on a type certificated product or article of the same
type design. This may include a product that has an engine, propeller,
or article installed on it and the installation causes the unsafe
condition; Ensure that the following information is provided to the other Authority
in support of the mandatory continuing airworthiness action or directly
from the approval holder;
(a) The number of aircraft world-wide;
(b) A statement on the availability of parts;
(c) An estimate of the number of labor hours and the cost of parts
required for the corrective actions; and

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(d) Copies of all relevant service bulletins referenced in the
mandatory action, as well as other supporting documentation. Issue a revised or superseding AD when determined that any
previously issued AD was incomplete or inadequate to fully correct the
unsafe condition; Provide timely notification to the VA of the unsafe condition and the
necessary corrective actions by providing a copy of the AD at the time
of publication to the address listed in Appendix A. All documentation
will be forwarded to the appropriate focal point in the product-
responsible FAA or EASA product-responsible department, as
appropriate; In the case of emergency airworthiness information ensure special
handling so that the other Authority is notified prior to publication, and
provide the FAA or EASA product-responsible office advance
electronic notice of anticipated emergency ADs (including security-
sensitive ADs) or other significant safety events; Advise and assist the VA in defining the appropriate actions for the VA
to take in the issuance of its own AD; Provide sufficient information to the VA for its use in making
determinations as to the acceptability of alternative means of
compliance to ADs; and Maintain a web-based database of ADs that can be accessed by the
4.3.2 The FAA and EASA recognize that they may disagree as to the finding of an
unsafe condition and propose to issue a unilateral AD. In such case that
Authority should consult with the Authority of the SoD prior to issuing its own
AD. The responsible office of the VA shall consult with its counterpart
organization. If the CA agrees that the proposed mandatory action is needed, then it
shall issue an AD. If the CA disagrees with the proposed mandatory action, it shall notify
the VA with its written justification via email. The VA shall review the
justification and determine whether or not to continue its AD action. If the decision is to continue with a unilateral AD, the VA shall hold a
teleconference with appropriate management of both Technical
Agents to advise that unilateral AD action shall commence.
4.3.3 The FAA and EASA will promptly respond to the issuance of an AD by the
Authority for the SoD in making its own determination of the need for issuing
its own similar AD that addresses all unsafe conditions on affected products
or articles certified, approved or otherwise accepted by the importing

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4.3.4 When the VA has determined that an AD is needed, the VA should consider
the compliance time given by the CA when establishing is own compliance
4.3.5 The FAA and EASA as an Authority for the SoD will share information on any
changes that affect operating limitations, life limits, or any other airworthiness
limitation, to include manual changes and changes to certification
maintenance requirements. These changes should be promptly sent to the
VA in order to ensure the continued operational safety of the aircraft. The
FAA and EASA will evaluate any of these changes to determine if an unsafe
condition is created.
4.3.6 For certain cases of unsafe condition related to production or maintenance,
EASA may issue an Emergency Conformity Information (ECI) instead of an
AD. Both AD and ECI are EASA-issued Mandatory Continuing Airworthiness
Information under Annex 8 to the Chicago Convention.
4.4 Alternative Methods of Compliance (AMOC) to an AD
4.4.1 If an AMOC of general applicability to an existing AD is issued by the CA for
its own SoD products, articles, or parts, the CA shall electronically notify the
VA of the decision.
4.4.2 FAA approved AMOCs for U.S. SoD products are automatically considered to
be EASA-approved provided the following conditions apply: The related FAA AD has been adopted by EASA, or EASA issued an
AD with no deviations from the FAA AD; and The AMOC approval holder is the design approval holder of the
product, or of the design change, or of the article or part, as
applicable, to which that AD applies.
4.4.3 The FAA must approve all AMOCs in accordance with 14 CFR section 39.19.
When issuing its approval, the FAA will give full consideration to the EASA
approved AMOC provided the following conditions apply: The FAA issued an AD with no deviations from the EASA AD; and The AMOC approval holder is the design approval holder of the
product, or of the design change, or of the article or part, as
applicable, to which that AD applies.
4.4.4 EASA shall provide support to the FAA when approving a similar AMOC. In
consideration of its AMOC approval, the FAA should only account for
differences that may affect the mitigation used by EASA when applied to the
FAA standards.

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5.1 General
This section addresses procedures for the transfer, surrender, revocation, suspension,
termination, or withdrawal of a design approval.
5.1.1 The FAA and EASA shall administer the transfer of TCs/STCs only where an
applicant agrees to assume responsibility for both an FAA and EASA TC/STC
and the affected operating fleet. Early coordination with both Authorities is
necessary for the timely transfer of TCs and STCs (refer to Appendix A).
5.1.2 In all cases, the type design data are the property of the design approval
5.1.3 The transfer of the SoD responsibilities in accordance with Annex 8 of the
Chicago Convention must be agreed to by both Authorities. If agreement
cannot be reached between the two Authorities, then the CA may revoke the
certificate and notify the concerned ICAO States that there is no longer a
design approval holder. The following paragraphs outline the procedures to
be followed for effective TC transfers.
5.2 Transfer of TCs and STCs
The FAA and EASA will administer the transfer of TCs/STCs only if an applicant agrees
to assume responsibility for both an FAA and EASA TC/STC (when applicable) and the
affected operating fleet.
5.2.1 Transfer of a U.S. or EASA TC/STC to a Person in the Other Authority’s
Territory Early coordination between the current TC/STC holder and its
Authority, together with the proposed TC/STC holder and its Authority
is essential. The current Authority will notify the receiving Authority of
the proposed transfer and include information about current
production status. All information related to the transfer of a TC/STC
including technical documentation, will be in the English language. Upon notification of a change in ownership of a TC/STC holder to a
new holder in the other territory, the current Authority’s responsible
office will notify the receiving Authority’s responsible office as listed in
Appendix A. A special arrangement may be developed to identify
each Authority’s responsibilities. The current Authority will transfer to the receiving Authority the ICAO
SoD responsibilities for TCs and STCs within the scope of the TIP.
The receiving Authority will not assume ICAO SoD functions for
models or design changes that have not been found to meet their
certification requirements. If the receiving Authority does not already have a corresponding
TC/STC, the receiving holder will have to apply to their Authority for a
new TC/STC. The transferring Authority will provide support to

Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

establish acceptance of the receiving Authority’s TC/STC as showing
compliance to the applicable certification requirements of the receiving
Authority. This would include the current Authority’s statement of
compliance that the product meets new SoD (receiving Authority)
certification requirements. Upon acceptance, the new Authority will
issue their TC/STC.
(a) For any FAA or EASA-certificated model not listed on the new
TC, the transferring Authority will, if requested, provide support
to establish acceptance of the additional model as showing
compliance to the applicable certification requirements. This
support would include the current Authority’s statement of
compliance that the model meets the receiving Authority’s
certification requirements. Upon acceptance, the new Authority
will place the additional model on their TC.
(b) For STCs, if the original STC does not include a specific
certificated model of the product listed on the new STC, the
applicability of the new STC will only include those TCs that
have been validated by the receiving Authority. All pre-requisite
STCs will be listed on the STC. The transfer of the ICAO SoD responsibilities for the TC/STC to the
receiving Authority will be considered complete when the new
Authority confirms all necessary data have been transferred to the
new holder, and the new holder is able to perform the responsibilities
required of a design approval holder. The transferring Authority will reissue a TC/STC in the name of the
new holder after the new Authority issues their TC/STC. If the new holder does not have and does not apply for a new SoD
TC, or if the Authority for the new SoD’s TC covers only some models
covered by the transferring Authority’s TC and the new holder does
not apply for an additional approval, the transferring Authority will
continue to fulfill its responsibilities for those models. Upon transfer, or a mutually agreed-upon date, the new Authority in
carrying out SoD functions will comply with the requirements of Annex
8 to the Chicago Convention, Airworthiness of Aircraft, for affected
products. For TCs/STCs, the new Authority will notify the previous
Authority and all affected ICAO Contracting States (i.e. States of
Registry) as notified by the previous Authority, of the change in SoD
responsibility and identify the new TC/STC holder, upon completion of
all applicable procedures described above.
5.2.2 Transfer of TCs and STCs within the U.S. or the EU When there is no change in the SoD, the CA will notify the VA when a
TC/STC has been transferred to a new design approval holder within
the country of the CA.

Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

61 The VA will transfer its TC/STC only when satisfied that the applicant
is able to undertake the responsibilities in 14 CFR part 21/ EASA Part
21, as appropriate, and that the TC/STC has been transferred to the
same applicant. The VA may request that the CA provide technical
assistance in making the determination that the new TC/STC holder
will be able to execute their design approval holder responsibilities. The VA will issue a TC/STC in the name of the new design approval
holder after the CA’s TC/STC has been issued.
5.3 Surrender of TC or STC
5.3.1 If a certificate holder surrenders a TC or STC issued by either the FAA or
EASA, the Authority of the SoD will immediately notify the other in writing of
the action. For EASA, notification will be to the appropriate FAA office at the
address listed in Appendix A. For the FAA, notification will be to the EASA TC
or STC website at the address listed in Appendix A.
5.3.2 The FAA or EASA, as Authority for the SoD, will accomplish all actions
necessary to ensure continuing airworthiness of the product until such time
as: The TC or STC is reissued to a new holder when that new holder
demonstrates competence to fulfill the necessary obligations; or The FAA or EASA revokes the TC or STC. Prior to revocation, the FAA
or EASA will notify the other of the pending action.
5.4 Revocation or Suspension of TC or STC
5.4.1 In the event EASA revokes or suspends a TC or STC of a product for which
EASA is the Authority for the SoD, EASA should immediately inform the
appropriate FAA office, at the address listed in Appendix A, in writing. The
FAA, upon notification, will conduct an investigation to determine if action is
required in the U.S. If the revocation or suspension was “for cause” and the
FAA concurs with EASA’s certificate action, the FAA will initiate revocation or
suspension of the U.S. TC or STC. EASA will retain responsibility for assisting
the FAA with design related issues concerning the continued operational
safety of any aircraft for which the TC or STC was revoked or suspended.
Final certificate action is at the sole discretion of the FAA. The FAA may
revoke the U.S. TC or STC if the continuing airworthiness responsibilities
would cause an undue burden for the FAA.
5.4.2 In the event the FAA revokes or suspends a TC or STC of a product for which
the FAA is the Authority for the SoD, the FAA responsible office should
immediately inform EASA in writing. EASA, upon notification, will revoke the
type acceptance certificate. As U.S. STCs are considered acceptable
technical data and not issued an EU STC, EASA will notify all potentially
affected EU operators. The FAA will retain responsibility for assisting EASA
with design related issues concerning the continued operational safety of any
aircraft for which the TC or STC was revoked or suspended. Final certificate
action relating to the revocation of the U.S. STC is at the sole discretion of

Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

EASA. For an STC, EASA will advise potentially affected operators of the
change in acceptability.
5.5 Surrender or Withdrawal of a TSOA/ETSOA
5.5.1 Surrenders
If an FAA TSOA holder, FAA Letter of Design Approval holder (LODA), or an
ETSOA holder elects to surrender the TSOA, LODA, or ETSOA issued by the
FAA or EASA, the FAA or EASA office that issued the approval being
surrendered shall immediately notify the other in writing of the action. The
exporting Authority shall inform the importing Authority when an unsafe
condition has been identified, until such time as the TSOA or ETSOA is
formally withdrawn by the exporting Authority.
5.5.2 Withdrawals
If a TSOA or ETSOA is withdrawn, the FAA or EASA office that issued the
approval being withdrawn shall immediately notify the other in writing of the
action. The exporting Authority shall inform the importing Authority when an
unsafe condition has been identified. In the event of a withdrawal of a TSOA
or ETSOA for non-compliance, the exporting Authority shall investigate all
non-compliances for corrective action and shall notify the importing Authority
of the corrective action. The exporting Authority still has responsibility for the
continuing airworthiness of those TSOA or ETSOA articles manufactured
under its Authority.
5.6 Change of Holder of TSOA or ETSOA
For TSOA and ETSOA validated before the entry into force of TIP Rev 5, upon
notification of a change to a holder of TSOA or ETSOA, the FAA or EASA office that
issued the approval shall immediately notify the other in writing of the action.
5.7 Surrender, Withdrawal or Termination of an FAA PMA for a Critical Component
5.7.1 Surrenders If an FAA PMA holder for a critical component for which EASA has
issued a corresponding STC elects to surrender the PMA and STC
approval issued by the FAA and EASA, the FAA office that issued the
approval shall immediately notify EASA in writing. The FAA shall
inform EASA when an unsafe condition has been identified, until such
time as FAA formally terminates the PMA approval. Upon notification by the FAA, EASA shall revoke its STC according to
paragraph 5.4.
5.7.2 Withdrawal or Termination If an FAA PMA for a critical component for which EASA has issued a
corresponding STC is withdrawn or terminated, the FAA office that
issued the approval shall immediately notify EASA in writing of the
action. In the event of withdrawal or termination for noncompliance,
the FAA shall investigate all non-compliances for corrective action and
shall notify EASA of the corrective action. The FAA shall inform EASA
Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

when an unsafe condition has been identified. The FAA still has
responsibility for the continued airworthiness of those critical PMA
parts manufactured under its authority. Upon notification by the FAA, EASA shall revoke its STC according to
paragraph 5.4.

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6.1 Production System
Implementation of production is addressed starting at paragraph 3.4 of Annex 1 of the

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7.1 General
This section addresses procedures and certifying statements for export for the
implementation of paragraph 3.5 in Annex 1 of the Agreement.
7.2 Export Certificates of Airworthiness
7.2.1 Export Certificates of Airworthiness (FAA Form 8130-4 and EASA Form 27)
are issued by the FAA and EASA for complete aircraft. Authorized Release
Certificates (FAA Form 8130-3 and EASA Form 1) are issued under the FAA
and EASA systems for aircraft engines, propellers and articles.
7.2.2 For the EU, an Export Certificate of Airworthiness, EASA Form 27, is issued
by the AAs or by EASA for completed aircraft. AAs may use their own Export
Certificate of Airworthiness forms, per the aviation Authorities and dates listed
in the Appendix to Annex 1 of the Agreement, for aircraft exported to the U.S.
An Authorized Release Certificate, EASA Form 1, is issued for aircraft
engines, propellers, parts and articles by the POA in all cases, even if export
outside of the EU is not required. A JAA Form One is still valid for aircraft
engines, propellers, parts and articles per the aviation Authorities and dates
listed in the Appendix to Annex 1 of the Agreement.
7.2.3 If the exporting Authority is not in a position to assess whether or not an
aircraft satisfies the conditions defined in this section, it will inform the
importing Authority accordingly.
7.3 New Aircraft Exported to the U.S. or the EU for which a Design Approval Has Been
7.3.1 Except as provided in paragraph 7.13, the importing Authority will accept an
Export Certificate of Airworthiness on new aircraft identified in paragraphs
2.2.3 and 2.3.3, when the exporting Authority certifies that each aircraft: Conforms to a type design approved (or grandfathered by EASA) by
the importing Authority, as specified in the importing Authority’s TCDS; Conforms to a type design approved as modified by each STC and
design change by the importing Authority; Has undergone a final operational check; Is in a condition for safe operation, including compliance with
applicable importing Authority ADs; Is marked in accordance with paragraph 7.15; and Meets all additional requirements prescribed by the importing Authority
in paragraph 7.15 as notified.
7.3.2 Each new aircraft imported to the U.S. or the EU will have an Export
Certificate of Airworthiness. The Export Certificate of Airworthiness should
contain the following statement: “The [insert aircraft MODEL] covered by this
certificate conforms to the type design approved under [insert U.S. or EASA]
Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

REVISION LEVEL], and is found to be in a condition for safe operation,”
and/or any other “import requirements” text as specified in the [insert U.S. or
7.3.3 For aircraft grandfathered on the basis of an FAA type certification basis but
for which EASA has not yet issued an EASA TC, the FAA shall certify that the
aircraft model conforms to the FAA TC and is in a condition for safe
operation. The pre-printed certifying statement on the FAA Form 8130-4 is
sufficient, and no other additional information in the Exceptions block is
Note: Grandfathered aircraft means aircraft with a TC grandfathered under
Article 2.3 of Commission Regulation EC 748/2012.
7.4 Used Aircraft Exported to the U.S. or the EU for which a Design Approval Has Been
7.4.1 The importing Authority will accept an Export Certificate of Airworthiness on
used aircraft identified in paragraphs 2.2.3 and 2.3.3, for import only if a TC
holder exists to support continuing airworthiness of such aircraft and when
exporting Authority certifies that each aircraft: Conforms to the type design approved (or grandfathered by EASA) by
the exporting Authority and importing Authority as specified in their
respective TCDSs; Conforms to a type design approved as modified by each STC and
design change by the exporting Authority and validated or accepted by
the importing Authority; Is in a condition for safe operation, including compliance with all
applicable importing Authority ADs; Is marked in accordance with paragraph 7.15 of this TIP; Is properly maintained using approved procedures and methods
throughout its service life to the requirements of an approved
maintenance program; Can provide records which verify that all overhauls, major changes
and repairs were accomplished in accordance with approved data;
and Meets all additional requirements prescribed by the importing Authority
in paragraph 7.15, as notified.
7.4.2 When a used aircraft produced in the EU or the U.S. is to be imported into the
other country from a third country, the Authority of the original SoM will, upon
request, assist the importing Authority in obtaining information regarding the
configuration of the aircraft at the time it left the manufacturer. The original
SoD Authority will also provide, upon request, information regarding
subsequent installations on the aircraft that the SoD has approved.
7.4.3 If a used civil aircraft produced in the EU or the U.S. has been used in military
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service in either country at any time, the exporting Authority will consult with
the importing Authority to determine if they will accept such an aircraft.
7.5 Acceptance of Used Aircraft Being Exported (Returned) to the original SoD
Either Authority will accept an Export Certificate of Airworthiness on a used aircraft
being exported (returned) to the original SoD for the aircraft, when the conditions of
7.4.1 have been met.
7.6 Acceptance of Used Aircraft for which a Third Country is the SoD
The importing Authority will accept Export Certificates of Airworthiness from the
exporting Authority for used aircraft for which a third country is the SoD, when that third
country has a bilateral agreement/arrangement with both the U.S. and the EU covering
the same class of product, and the conditions of paragraph 7.4.1 have been met.
7.7 New Aircraft Engines and Propellers Exported to the U.S. and New and Rebuilt Aircraft
Engines and New Propellers Exported to the EU
7.7.1 The importing Authority shall accept the exporting Authority’s Authorized
Release Certificates certifying that each new propeller or new and rebuilt
aircraft engine identified in paragraphs and, respectively,
exported to the U.S. or the EU: Conforms to a type design approved by the importing Authority, as
specified in the importing Authority’s TCDS, and any additional STCs
accepted by the importing Authority; Has undergone a final operational check by the manufacturer; Is in a condition for safe operation, including compliance with
applicable importing Authority ADs; For a rebuilt engine, that the engine has been rebuilt by the PAH and
the Total Time Since New (TTSN) is specified in the Technical Record
of that engine; and Meets all additional requirements prescribed by the importing Authority
in paragraph 7.15.
7.7.2 Each new or rebuilt aircraft engine and new propeller exported to the
importing Authority will have an Authorized Release Certificate that identifies
the EA’s approved design data (TC number).
7.7.3 For new and rebuilt aircraft engines and new propellers, the Authorized
Release Certificate should contain information equivalent to the following
statement: “The [INSERT ENGINE OR PROPELLER MODEL] covered by
this certificate conforms to the type design approved under the importing
LEVEL, AND DATE], and is found to be in a condition for safe operation and
has undergone a final operational check,” and any other clarifying language
as specified in the importing Authority’s TCDS.
7.7.4 For aircraft engines and propellers grandfathered on the basis of an FAA type
certification basis but for which EASA has not yet issued an EASA TC, the

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FAA shall certify that the engine or propeller model conforms to the FAA TC
and is in a condition for safe operation. The pre-printed certifying statement
on the FAA Form 8130-3 is sufficient, and no other statement as additional
information is necessary.
Note: Grandfathered aircraft engines or propellers means an aircraft engine
or propeller with a TC grandfathered under Article 2.3 of Commission
Regulation EC 748/2012.
7.8 New TSO Articles that Are Subject to Acceptance
Under the Acceptance provisions for TSO articles as detailed in paragraph 3.3.3, the
importing Authority shall accept the EA’s Authorized Release Certificate on those new
articles only when the exporting Authority certifies, that the new article:
7.8.1 Conforms to the EA’s TSOA or ETSOA as applicable, including any accepted
non-TSO functions (see paragraph as applicable;
7.8.2 Complies with all applicable exporting Authority ADs;
7.8.3 Is marked in accordance with paragraph 7.15; and
7.8.4 Meets all additional requirements prescribed by the importing Authority in
paragraph 7.15, as notified.
7.9 New TSO Articles that were Approved prior to Acceptance
For TSO articles that were approved prior to Acceptance provisions implemented in TIP
Revision 5 (September 14, 2015), the importing Authority shall accept the EA’s
Authorized Release Certificate on those new articles only when the exporting Authority
certifies, that the new article:
7.9.1 Conforms to the EA’s TSOA or ETSOA as applicable, including any accepted
Non-TSO functions (see paragraph as applicable;
7.9.2 Complies with all applicable exporting Authority ADs;
7.9.3 Is marked in accordance with paragraph 7.15; and
7.9.4 Meets all additional requirements prescribed by the importing Authority in
paragraph 7.15, as notified.
7.10 New Modification and Replacement Parts excluding Standard Parts
7.10.1 The importing Authority will accept the EA’s Authorized Release Certificates
on new modification and/or replacement parts as identified in paragraphs,,, and only when the exporting Authority
certifies by issuance of an Authorized Release Certificate that each part: Conforms to EA-approved design data and is in a condition for safe
operation; Is marked in accordance with paragraph 7.15 of the TIP; and Meets all additional requirements prescribed by the importing Authority
in paragraph 7.15, as notified.
7.10.2 Each part exported to the importing State with the EA’s airworthiness

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approval will have an EA’s Authorized Release Certificate. This form should
include the information as required in the Appendix to Annex 1 of the
7.11 Additional Documentation Requirements for FAA PMA Parts
For a PMA part that shall be installed on a product which has been certified or validated
by EASA, one of the following statements should be written in the remarks block of the
FAA Form 8130-3, as applicable:
7.11.1 For a PMA part which is not a “critical component” (see definition paragraph
1.13.16), the following statement should be written in the remarks block of the
FAA Form 8130 3: “This PMA part is not a critical component.”
7.11.2 For a PMA part conforming to design data obtained under a licensing agreement
from the TC or STC holder according to 14 CFR part 21 (see paragraph
3.3.4), the following statement should be written in the remarks block of the
FAA Form 8130 3: “Produced under licensing agreement from the holder of
7.11.3 If the PMA holder is also the holder of the EASA STC design approval which
incorporates the PMA part into an EASA certified or validated product (see
paragraph 3.4), the following statement should be written in the remarks block
of the FAA Form 8130 3: “Produced by the holder of the EASA STC number
7.12 New Standard Parts
7.12.1 The FAA shall accept standard parts exported from the EU when accompanied
with a JAA or EASA Form 1, Authorized Release Certificate signed on the left
side, if the standard part is eligible for a Form 1. All other standard parts shall
be accepted when accompanied by a manufacturer’s Certificate of Conformity
verifying the part’s compliance to an officially recognized standard, e.g. a U.S.
industry, U.S. government or international specification.
7.12.2 The AA shall accept standard parts exported from the U.S. when accompanied
by an FAA Form 8130-3 signed on the left side, if the standard part is eligible
for the FAA Form 8130-3. All other standard parts shall be accepted when
accompanied by a manufacturer’s Certificate of Conformity verifying the part’s
compliance to an officially recognized standard, e.g. a U.S. or EU industry,
U.S. or European government or international specification.
7.13 Coordination of Exceptions on an Export Certificate of Airworthiness
7.13.1 The exporting Authority will notify the importing Authority prior to issuing an
Export Certificate of Airworthiness when non-compliance to an importing
Authority’s import requirements is to be noted on the exporting approval
document. This notification should help to resolve all issues concerning the
aircraft’s eligibility for an airworthiness certificate.
7.13.2 For new aircraft exported to the U.S, this notification should be sent to the
responsible FAA Manufacturing Inspection Office (MIO) at the address listed

Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

in Appendix A.
7.13.3 For used aircraft exported to the U.S., this notification should be sent to the
responsible FAA Flight Standards District Office (FSDO). A listing of FSDOs
can be found at: http://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/field_offices/fsdo/.
7.13.4 For new and used aircraft exported to the EU, the importing AA should be
7.13.5 In all cases, a written acceptance of the exceptions from the importing
Authority is required before the issuance of the EA’s Export Certificate of
Airworthiness. A copy of this written acceptance will be included with the
export documentation. This acceptance does not negate the importing
Authority requiring the rectification of these exceptions prior to the issuance of
the Certificate of Airworthiness.
7.14 Exceptions on an Authorized Release Certificates
When an Engine, propeller or articles contains a non-compliance to an EA approved
design, the non-compliance will be noted in the remarks block of the authorized Release
Certificate. It is up to the importers design organization to assess the acceptability of
the non-compliance.
7.15 Additional Requirements for Imported Products
7.15.1 Additional requirements for the U.S.
The following identifies those additional requirements which must be complied
with as a condition of acceptance for products and articles imported into the
U.S. or for use on a U.S. registered aircraft. Identification and Marking
(a) Aircraft, engines, and propeller must be identified as required
in 14 CFR part 45.
(b) Each critical component of a product must be identified with a
part number (or equivalent) and serial number (or equivalent)
in accordance with 14 CFR part 45.
(c) Each article approved by an FAA Letter of TSO Design
Approval must be marked in accordance with the requirements
in 14 CFR section 45.15(b).
(d) Each replacement or modification part must be marked with the
part number, serial number, if applicable, and a manufacturer’s
name, trademark, or symbol. If the article is too small, or it is
otherwise impractical to mark an article with this information, a
tag attached to the article, or a readily available manual or
catalogue, may contain this information.
(e) For parts produced to U.S. STC design data, the part must be
accompanied with information that identifies the applicable
U.S. STC. This information may be included on the appropriate
airworthiness approval document.

Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

71 Instructions for Continued Airworthiness
Instructions for continued airworthiness and maintenance manuals
having airworthiness limitation sections must be provided by the
certificate holder as prescribed in applicable regulations (i.e. 14
CFR sections 21.50, 23.1529, 25.1529, 27.1529, 29.1529, 31.82,
33.4, 35.4). Aircraft Flight Manual, Operating Placards and Markings, Weight and
Balance Report, and Equipment List
Each aircraft must be accompanied by an approved Aircraft Flight
Manual, including all applicable supplements. The aircraft must also
have the appropriate operating placards and markings, a current
weight and balance report, and a list of installed equipment. Logbooks and Maintenance Records
Each aircraft (including the aircraft engine, propeller, rotor, or
article) must be accompanied by logbooks and maintenance
records equivalent to those specified in 14 CFR section 91.417.
The maintenance records must also show that, for a used aircraft,
that aircraft has had a 100-hour inspection, or equivalent, as
specified in 14 CFR section 21.183(d). Noise certification information must be provided upon export of a new
or used aircraft to the U.S. as specified in 14 CFR sections 36.1581,
36.1583, and 36.105 (as applicable).
7.15.2 Additional requirements for the EU
The following identifies those additional requirements which must be complied
with as a condition of acceptance for products and articles imported into the
EU, or for use on an EU registered aircraft. Product/Article Identification
Aeronautical products and articles must be identified in accordance
with requirements contained in EASA Part 21 Subpart Q.
Each article which was approved by an EASA ETSOA before the entry
into force of the reciprocal acceptance of TSO/ETSO must be marked
in accordance with the requirements in EASA Part 21 Subpart Q
(21.A.807). Instructions for Continuing Airworthiness
Instructions for continuing airworthiness and maintenance manuals
having airworthiness limitation sections must be provided by the
certificate holder as prescribed in EASA Part 21. Aircraft Flight Manual, Operating Placards and Markings, Weight and
Balance Report, and Equipment List
Each aircraft must be accompanied by an approved Aircraft Flight
Manual, including all applicable supplements. The aircraft must also
Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

have the appropriate operating placards and markings, a current
weight and balance report, and a list of installed equipment. The information necessary to complete an EASA Form 45 (noise
certificate) shall be provided upon export of a new or used aircraft to
the EU and any additional information needed to uniquely identify the
aircraft acoustic configuration for the purpose of compliance with
EASA noise certification requirements. Information needed to uniquely identify the engine configuration for
which emission characteristics were obtained for the purpose of
compliance with EASA emissions certification requirements. Logbooks and Maintenance Records.
Each aircraft (including the aircraft engine, propeller, rotor, or
article) must be accompanied by logbooks and maintenance
records equivalent to those specified in EASA Part 145 and Part M
and applicable operations regulations (Part ORO.MLR.110).

Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

8.1 General
8.1.1 Upon request and after mutual agreement, and as resources permit, the FAA
and EASA or an EU member state (AA) may provide technical assistance to
each other when significant activities are conducted in either the U.S. or the
8.1.2 Every effort should be made to have these certification tasks performed
locally on each other's behalf. These technical assistance activities will help
with regulatory surveillance and oversight functions at locations outside of the
requesting Authority’s country. These supporting technical assistance
activities do not relieve the Authority of the responsibilities for regulatory
control, environmental certificate, and airworthiness approval of products and
articles manufactured at facilities located outside of the requesting Authority’s
8.1.3 The FAA and EASA or an AA will use their own policies and procedures when
providing such technical assistance to the other, unless other special
arrangements are agreed upon. Types of assistance may include, but are not
limited to, the following: Certification Support
(a) Approving test plans;
(b) Witnessing tests;
(c) Performing compliance inspections;
(d) Reviewing reports;
(e) Obtaining data;
(f) Verifying/determining compliance;
(g) Monitoring the activities and functions of designees or
approved organizations; and
(h) Conducting investigations of service difficulties. Conformity and Surveillance Support
(a) Conformity inspections;
(b) Witnessing the first article inspection of parts;
(c) Monitoring the controls on special processes;
(d) Conducting sample inspections on production parts;
(e) Monitoring production certificate extensions;
(f) Monitoring the activities and functions of designees or
approved organizations;
(g) Conducting investigations of service difficulties; and

Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

(h) Evaluating or conducting surveillance of production systems
including assistance in determining that a supplier complies
with purchase order and production requirements at locations
in the U.S. or the EU. (see paragraph 8.5). Airworthiness Certification Support
(a) Assistance in the delivery of airworthiness certificates for
aircraft; and
(b) Determining the original export configuration of a used aircraft. Technical Training
Any additional assistance needed to support the technical
implementation of this TIP.
8.1.4 For requests from the FAA for EASA engineering design support (including
conformity of test set-ups), EASA has delegated EASA DOAs to provide
technical assistance to the FAA. Routine requests for technical assistance
shall be sent directly to an EASA DOA with a copy notification to EASA.
When the EU company holds an EASA DOA, the company may use its DOA
procedures to conduct the requested technical assistance on behalf of EASA.
No coordination or individual requests to EASA are required once the FAA
confirms with EASA that the DOA is authorized for similar activities. EASA
retains responsibility for the DOA’s performance. Non-routine requests shall
use the procedures outlined in paragraphs 8.2 through 8.11.
8.2 Witnessing of Tests During Design Approval
8.2.1 The FAA and EASA may request assistance in the witnessing of tests from
each other.
8.2.2 Only Authority-to-Authority requests are permissible and neither the FAA nor
EASA will respond to a test witnessing request made directly from the
manufacturer or supplier. Witnessing of tests will be conducted only after
consultations and agreement between FAA/EASA on the specific work to be
performed. A written request for witnessing of tests will be provided.
8.2.3 Unless otherwise delegated, approval of the design approval applicant’s test
plans, test procedures, test specimens and hardware configuration remains
the responsibility of the Authority of the country in which the design approval
applicant is located. Establishing the conformity of each test article prior to the
conduct of the test is the responsibility of the design approval applicant.
8.2.4 Test witnessing activities may require the development of a working
arrangement based on the complexity and frequency of the requested
certifications. At the discretion of the Authority receiving such requests, these
activities may be delegated to authorized designees or approved
8.2.5 Generally, conformity inspections associated with prototype parts in the EU
are the responsibility of the AA. However, EASA shall assure that such
inspections have been conducted prior to witnessing any tests on behalf of

Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

the FAA. In addition, EASA is generally responsible for the conformity of the
test set-up.
8.2.6 Where there is no working arrangement, requests for witnessing of individual
tests must be specific enough to provide for identification of the location,
timing, and nature of the test to be witnessed. An approved test plan must be
provided by the FAA or EASA, as appropriate, at least two weeks prior to
each scheduled test.
8.2.7 The FAA or EASA requests for conformity of the test set-up and/or witnessing
of tests shall be sent to the appropriate FAA ACO or EASA office which has
responsibility for the location of the test. FAA requests for test witnessing
may be sent on FAA Form 8120-10, Request for Conformity, and described in
the Special Instructions section of the form. FAA and EASA offices are listed
in Appendix A.
8.2.8 Upon completion of test witnessing on behalf of the requesting Authority, the
FAA or EASA will send a report stating that the test was conducted in
accordance with approved test plans and confirming the test results, as well
as any other documentation as notified by the requesting Authority.
8.3 Compliance Determinations
8.3.1 The FAA or EASA may also request that specific compliance determinations
be made associated with the witnessing of tests or other activities. Such
statements of compliance will be made to the airworthiness or environmental
standards of the requesting Authority.
8.3.2 The FAA’s or EASA’s statements of compliance will be sent in a formal letter,
transmitted electronically, to the requesting FAA Aircraft Certification Office
(ACO) or EASA.
8.4 Conformity Certifications during Design Approvals
8.4.1 The CA may request conformity certifications from the Civil Aviation Authority
in the State in which the design approval applicant’s part supplier is located.
8.4.2 Only Authority-to-Authority requests are permissible and Authorities will not
respond to a conformity certification request from the manufacturer, supplier
or designee. Certifications will be conducted only after consultations between
the two Civil Aviation Authorities on the specific work to be performed, and
agreement has been obtained from the Civil Aviation Authority in the State in
which the supplier is located. Requests for conformity certifications should be
limited to prototype/pre-production parts that are of such complexity that they
cannot be inspected by the manufacturer or its Civil Aviation Authority after
assembly or prior to installation in the final product. Conformity certifications
may require the development of a working procedure based on the complexity
of the requested certifications. At the discretion of the Authority in receipt of
such requests, conformity certifications may be delegated to authorized
designees or delegated organizations.
8.4.3 EASA requests for conformity certifications will be sent by standard letter to
the responsible FAA Manufacturing Inspection Office (MIO) which has

Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

responsibility for the U.S. region in which the conformity certification will take
place. FAA Offices are listed in Appendix A. FAA requests for conformity
certifications will be sent on a completed FAA Form 8120-10, Request for
Conformity, to the appropriate AA.
8.4.4 Upon completion of all conformity inspections conducted on behalf of the
requesting Authority, the FAA or EASA will complete and return all
documentation to the requesting Authority, as notified. The Civil Aviation
Authority of the State in which the supplier is located will note all deviations
from the requirements notified by the design approval applicant’s Civil
Aviation Authority on the conformity certification for the particular part. Any
nonconformity described as a deviation should be brought to the attention of
the FAA or EASA for evaluation and disposition. The FAA or EASA should
receive a report stating the disposition required on each deviation before an
FAA Form 8130-3 or EASA Form 1 is issued.
8.4.5 Neither conformity certification on prototype/pre-production parts, nor
inspections on prototype/pre-production parts, should be construed as being
an export airworthiness approval, since a conformity certification does not
constitute an airworthiness determination. Airworthiness determinations
remain the responsibility of the design or PAH and the Civil Aviation Authority
of the State in which the holder is located.
8.5 Process for Shared Production Surveillance and Oversight
8.5.1 When requested by the CA, the FAA, EASA and AAs may share in
surveillance responsibilities on behalf of the CA, including acceptance and
any other authorized technical assistance, with suppliers under the quality
system of both an FAA-issued PAH and an EASA or AA issued Production
Organization Authorization (POA) when that supplier is located in the other’s
territory. Notwithstanding that the TIP specifies that each Authority will use its
own policies and procedures when providing technical assistance to the CA,
this procedure provides for shared surveillance performed to the other
Authority’s policies and procedures.
8.5.2 The following models provide the allowances and restrictions under which
shared surveillance can be requested and agreed to in a special arrangement
(per Section IX below) with the CA for manufacturing facilities (e.g., suppliers)
under the quality system of both a PAH and a POA.

Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

Manufacturing Facility
Approved Production

Model No. 1 Model No. 2 Model No. 3

Surveillance Surveillance Assistance No Assistance

Either authority may provide Not authorized to provide
Either authority may technical assistance on behalf technical assistance.
accept the other authorities of the other, and agree to
surveillance, and agree to No Right of Access.
submit data to show
share data to show compliance.

POA manufacturing facility POA manufacturing facilityr
• Not dual FAA PAH or EASA/
• Same Parts or Articles • Different Parts or Articles
AA POA manufacturing
• Right of Access established • Right of Access established
through each other’s through each other’s
• No Right of Access.
oversight system and oversight system and
Bilateral Agreement Bilateral Agreement

8.5.3 Surveillance Model No. 1 is when a manufacturing facility (e.g., supplier) is

under the quality system of a PAH and a POA for the same parts or articles
being supplied to the approved production organizations. The Authorities
entering into the special arrangement (per Section IX below) should consider
the following: Acceptance of the CA’s system; and Sharing of safety data, such as quality escapes, service difficulties,
and in-service feedback.
8.5.4 Surveillance Model No. 2 is when a supplier is under the quality system of a
PAH and a POA for different parts or articles being supplied to the approved
production organizations. The Authorities entering into the special

Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

arrangement should consider the following: Technical assistance can be requested to support the CA’s
surveillance activities; and Sharing of safety data, such as quality escapes, service difficulties,
and in-service feedback.
8.5.5 Surveillance Model No. 3 represents when a supplier is under only one
Authority’s approved production organization’s quality system (e.g., either a
supplier to a PAH or a POA, but not both). In this case, there may be no legal
authority for right of access to conduct surveillance on the CA’s behalf.
8.5.6 The required technical acceptance or assistance responsibilities between
authorities will be specified in a signed and mutually agreed special
8.5.7 Any special arrangements developed to address supplier surveillance as
described above should consider including the following elements: If the supplier is also a PAH or a POA, the supplier oversight may be
conducted in conjunction with the CA’s scheduled
authorization/approval oversight activity. In this case, all requirements
of the requested technical assistance and terms of this procedure
apply during the surveillance. The Authorities will keep each other informed of any changes in policy,
personnel, and resources, as well as the capabilities of those
resources, relevant to the activity performed under this procedure. All documents and correspondence relating to technical assistance
conducted shall be in English. Any non-conformity or violation of regulations governing supplier
control will be directed to the CA. The Authorities may elect to do a joint assessment of the supplier
when either Authority requests, e.g. for the investigation of significant
non-compliances, violations; incidents; accidents; or suspected
unapproved parts involving a product or article.
8.6 Other Requests for Assistance or Support
The FAA or EASA may request other types of technical assistance outlined in
paragraph 8.1.3. Each request will be handled on a case-by-case basis, as resources
permit. Each written request will include sufficient information for the task to be
performed and reported back to the requestor. Where the technical assistance is
repetitive or long-term, a special arrangement may be needed.
8.7 Airworthiness Certificates
There may be certain programs and conditions that warrant technical assistance for the
issuance of standard airworthiness certificates so that aircraft may be placed directly
into operation from the site of manufacture. The importing Authority may seek
assistance from the exporting Authority in the final processing and delivery of an

Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

airworthiness certificate when the aircraft has been manufactured, granted an Export
Certificate of Airworthiness by the exporting Authority, and entered on the importing
State’s registry. This will require the development of a special arrangement between the
exporting and importing Authorities.
8.8 Protection of Proprietary Data
The FAA and EASA agree that they shall not copy, release, or show data identified as
proprietary or otherwise restricted obtained from each other to anyone other than an
FAA or EASA employee, without written consent of the design approval holder or other
data submitter, unless required by law. The FAA or EASA should obtain this written
consent from the design approval holder through its CA. To the extent that EASA
shares such data with an AA or accident investigation entity, EASA shall ensure that
these persons treat such restricted information in accordance with Article 11.B of the
8.9 FOIA Requests
8.9.1 The FAA often receives requests from the public under the U.S. Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA) (5 U.S.C. section 552) to release information that the
FAA may have in its possession. Each record the FAA has in its possession
must be disclosed under the FOIA unless a FOIA exemption applies to that
record. Trade secrets and financial or commercial information that is
confidential or privileged are examples of criteria that may exempt records
from FOIA. Design approval holders’ data may include trade secrets or other
information that is confidential because release of the information would
damage the competitive position of the holder or other person.
8.9.2 When the FAA receives a FOIA request related to a product or article of an
FAA approval holder or applicant who is located in the EU, the FAA will
request EASA assistance in contacting the FAA approval holder or applicant
to obtain justification for a determination of what may qualify for exemption
under the criteria found in 5 U.S.C. section 552.
8.10 Access to Information Act Requests
8.10.1 The EU Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) office often receives
requests from the public under the Access to Information Act to release
information which EASA may have in its possession.
8.10.2 Each record EASA has in its possession must be disclosed under the Access
to Information Act unless an exemption applies to that record. Subject to
Subsection 20(1) of the act, which pertains to third party information, the ATIP
office shall refuse to disclose any records requested under this Act that
contains (a) trade secrets of a third party; (b) financial, commercial, scientific,
or technical information that is confidential information supplied to EASA by a
third party and is treated consistently in a confidential manner by the third
party; (c) information the disclosure of which could be reasonably expected to
prejudice the competitive position of a third party; and (d) information the
disclosure of which could reasonably be expected to interfere with contractual
or other negotiations of a third party.

Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

8.10.3 If the ATIP Office intends to disclose any record requested under this Act, or
any part thereof, that contains or that EASA has reason to believe might
contain information related to (a), (b), or (c), a notice must be given to the
third party under Subsection 27(1) with a statement that they have twenty
days after the notice is given to make representations to the ATIP Office that
has control of the record as to why the record or part thereof should not be
8.10.4 When the ATIP Office receives a request related to a product of an EASA
approval holder or applicant who is located in the U.S., the ATIP Office will
contact the EASA approval holder or applicant to solicit their position on what
portions of that information should be excluded under the criteria above.
8.11 Accident/Incident and Suspected Unapproved Parts Investigation Information Requests
8.11.1 When either the FAA or EASA needs information for the investigation of
service incidents, accidents, or suspected unapproved parts involving a
product or article imported under the TIP, the request for the information
should be directed to the appropriate authority. In turn, upon receipt of the
request for information, the exporting Authority will ensure that the requested
information is provided in a timely manner.
8.11.2 In case of an incident/accident, the FAA and EASA will cooperate to address
urgent information needs. Following an incident/accident, upon receipt of a
request for urgent information, the FAA or EASA will provide the requested
information. EASA and the FAA will establish individual focal points to
respond to each other’s questions and ensure that timely communication
occurs. The FAA or EASA may request information directly from a
manufacturer if immediate contact with the appropriate focal points cannot be
made. In such cases, notification of this action will be made as soon as
possible. Either the FAA or EASA, as applicable, will assist in ensuring that
their manufacturer provides requested information expeditiously.

Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

9.1 General
9.1.1 It is anticipated that urgent or unique situations will develop that have not
been specifically addressed in the TIP, but which are within the scope of the
Agreement. When such a situation arises, it will be reviewed by the respective
FAA Aircraft Certification Service Director and the EASA Certification
Director, and a working procedure will be developed to address the situation.
If it is apparent that the situation is unique, with little possibility of repetition,
then the working procedure will be of limited duration. If, however, the
situation has anticipated new technology, or management developments,
which could lead to further repetitions, then the TIP will be revised accordingly
by the FAA and EASA.
9.1.2 Once a separate or unique working procedure has been co-developed and
reviewed by the respective stakeholders, it will be agreed to by the FAA and
EASA Certification Directors and then captured as a special arrangement
document under the TIP. The special arrangement may be posted on the
FAA bilateral website and EASA website for public viewing as appropriate.

Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017


The designated focal point offices for the TIP are:

For the FAA: For EASA:

International Division (AIR-400) Certification Policy & Safety Information
Aircraft Certification Service Department (CT7)
Federal Aviation Administration Certification Directorate
c/o Wilbur Wright Building, Room 600W European Aviation Safety Agency
800 Independence Avenue, SW Postfach 10 12 53
Washington, DC 20591 D-50452 Köln
U.S.A. Germany

Telephone: 1-202-385-8950 Telephone: 49-221-89990-4005

Fax: 1-202-493-5144
Email: 9-AWA-AVS-AIR400-Coord@faa.gov

EASA Offices
Mailing Address Physical Location
European Aviation Safety Agency European Aviation Safety Agency
Postfach 10 12 53 Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 3;
D-50452 Köln D-50668 Köln
Germany Germany

EASA Contact Point for Applications

E-mail adresses :
• TCs: tc@easa.europa.eu
• STCs: stc@easa.europa.eu
• Major changes/repair designs: MajorChange-MajorRepair@easa.europa.eu

EASA Contact Point for Airworthiness Directives

• ads@easa.europa.eu

Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

FAA Offices

Key Aircraft Certification Offices for the TIP

FAA Contact Point for FAA Airworthiness Directives

Mailing Address: Office Address:

Continued Operational Safety Policy Section Continued Operational Safety Policy Section
P.O. Box 22082 ARB, Room 304
Oklahoma City, OK 73125 6500 MacArthur Blvd.
Oklahoma City, OK, 73125
Telephone: 1-405-954-4103
Fax: 1-405-954-2209
E-mail: 9-amc-faa-mcai@faa.gov

FAA Contact Point for Article Approval Applications

Boston ACO Branch

1200 District Avenue
Burlington, MA 01803
Telephone: 1-781-238-7150
Fax: 1-781-238-7170

FAA Contact Point for STC Applications

New York ACO Branch

1600 Stewart Avenue
Suite 410
Westbury, NY 11590
Telephone: 1-516-228-7300
Fax: 1-516-794-5531
Email: 7-AVS-NYA-ACO@faa.gov

Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

FAA Policy and Innovation (P&I) Division Branch Contact Points for TC

FAA P&I Branches

Engine and Propeller Standards Branch, AIR-6A0
(Applications for Engine TCs should be sent to ECO Branch, AIR-7E0; applications
for propeller TCs should be sent to the Boston ACO Branch, AIR-7B0)

1200 District Avenue

Burlington, MA 01803
Telephone: 1-781-238-7100
Fax: 1-781-238-7199

Regulatory and policy responsibility for all aircraft engines, propellers, and auxiliary
power units.

Rotorcraft Standards Branch, AIR-680

(Applications should be sent to Standards Staff, ASW-110)
10101 Hillwood Parkway
Fort Worth, TX 76177
Telephone: 1-817-222-5100
Fax: 1-817-222-5959

Regulatory and policy responsibility for powered lift, normal and transport category

Small Airplane Standards Branch, AIR-690

(Applications should be sent to Project Support Section, AIR-692)
DOT Building
901 Locust
Room 301
Kansas City, MO 64106-2641
Telephone: 1-816-329-4100
Fax: 1-816-329-4106

Regulatory and policy responsibility for:

1. Airplanes weighing less than 12,500 pounds and having passenger
configurations of 9 seats or less;
2. Commuter airplanes weighing 19,000 pounds or less, with passenger
configurations of 19 seats or less; and
3. Gliders, airships, manned free balloons, and VLA.

Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

Transport Standards Branch, AIR-670
(Applications should be sent to International Section, AIR-676)
1601 Lind Avenue, SW
Renton, WA 98055-4056
Telephone: 1-425-227-2100
Fax: 1-425-227-1100

Regulatory and policy responsibility for all transport category airplanes.

FAA Headquarters,
FAA Systems Oversight (SO) Division for Manufacturing Inspection and FAA
Certification and Airworthiness (C&A) Division for Aircraft Certification

FAA Headquarters - C&A Division

International Division
800 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20591
Telephone: 1-202-385-8950
Fax: 1-202-493-5144
Email: 7-AWA-AVS-AIR-040-Coord@faa.gov

Certification Procedures Branch

950 L’Enfant Plaza North, SW
Fifth floor
Washington, DC 20024
Telephone: 1-202-267-1575
Fax: 1-202-385-6475
Email: 9-AWA-AVS-AIR100-Coord@faa.gov

FAA Headquarters - Environmental Policy and Regulations

Office of Environment and Energy

800 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20591
Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

Telephone: 1-202-267-3576
Fax: 1-202-267-5594

FAA SO Division for Manufacturing Inspection

New England MIO Branch (for Engine and Propeller)

For the States of: Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts,

New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island,
Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia.

1200 District Avenue
Burlington, MA 01803
Telephone: 1-781-238-7180
Fax: 1-781-238-7898

Southwest MIO Branch (for Rotorcraft Manufacturing Inspection)

For the States of: Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas.

10101 Hillwood Parkway
Fort Worth, TX 76177
Telephone: 1-817-222-5180
Fax: 1-817-222-5136

Central MIO Branch (for Small Airplane Manufacturing Inspection)

For the States of: Alabama, Alaska, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas,
Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North
Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee,
and Wisconsin.

DOT Building
901 Locust
Room 301
Kansas City, MO 64106
Telephone: 1-816-329-4180
Fax: 1-816-329-4157

Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

Northwest MIO Branch (for Transport Airplane Manufacturing Inspection)

For the States of: Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada,
Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.

1601 Lind Avenue, SW
Renton, WA 98057-3356
Telephone: 1-425-227-2128
Fax: 1-425-227-1100

Requests to FAA for Conformity Inspections

Small Airplane Standards Branch: 9-ACE-180-FRFC@faa.gov

Rotorcraft Standards Branch: 9-ASW-180-FRFC@faa.gov
Engine & Propeller Standards Branch: 9-ANE-180-FRFC@faa.gov
Transport Airplane Standards Branch: 9-ANM-108-FRFC@faa.gov

FAA ACO Branches

Anchorage ACO Branch Atlanta ACO Branch

AIR-770 AIR-7A0
222 West 7th Avenue, Unit 14, Room 128 1701 Columbia Avenue
Anchorage, AK 99513 College Park, GA 30349
Telephone: 1-907-271-2669 Telephone: 1-404-474-5500
Fax: 1-907-271-6365 Fax: 1-404-474-5606

Boston ACO Branch Chicago ACO Branch

1200 District Avenue 2300 East Devon Avenue
Burlington, MA 01803 Room 107
Des Plaines, IL 60018
Telephone: 1-781-238-7150 Telephone: 1-847-294-7357
Fax: 1-781-238-7170 Fax: 1-847-294-7834

Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

Denver ACO Branch ECO Branch
Technical Operations Center (TOC) 1200 District Avenue
26805 E. 68th Avenue, Room 214 Burlington, MA 01803
Denver, CO 80249
Telephone: 1-303-342-1080 Telephone: 1-781-238-7140
Fax: 1-303-342-1088 Fax: 1-781-238-7199
Email: 9-Denver-Aircraft-Cert@faa.gov

DSCO Branch Fort Worth ACO Branch

10101 Hillwood Parkway 10101 Hillwood Parkway
Fort Worth, TX 76177 Ft. Worth, TX 76177
Telephone: 1-817-222-5190 Telephone: 1-817-222-5170
Fax: 1-817-222-4960 Fax: 1-817-222-2146

New York ACO Branch Los Angeles ACO Branch

AIR-7H0 AIR-790
1600 Stewart Avenue, Suite 410 3960 Paramount Blvd., Suite 100
Westbury, NY 11590 Lakewood, CA 90712-4137
Telephone: 1-516-228-7300 Telephone: 1-562-627-5200
Fax: 1-516-794-5531 Fax: 1-562-627-5210
Email: 7-AVS-NYO-ACO@faa.gov

Wichita ACO Branch Seattle ACO Branch

AIR-7K0 AIR-780
1801 Airport Road 1601 Lind Avenue
Room 100, Mid-Continent Airport SW Renton, WA 98057-3356
Wichita, KS 67209
Telephone: 1-316-946-4100 Telephone: 1-425-917-6400
Fax: 1-316-946-4107 Fax: 1-425-917-6590
Email: 9-ANM-SACO-Foreign-

BASOO Branch
1601 Lind Avenue
SW Renton, WA 98057-3356

Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

Telephone: 1-425-917-6550
Fax: 1-425-917-6565

FAA Contact Point for MRB Procedures, MMEL Validation and OSD Procedures

AEG Division Manager

1309 S. Terminal Service Road
Greensboro, NC 27409
Phone: (336) 369-3900

EASA Contact Point for MRB Procedures

MRB Section
European Aviation Safety Agency
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 3;
D-50668 Cologne, Germany
Postal: Postfach 10 12 53, 50452 Cologne, Germany
Tel.: +49 221 89990-4331

EASA Contact Point for MMEL Procedures

European Aviation Safety Agency

Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 3;
D-50668 Cologne, Germany
Postal: Postfach 10 12 53, 50452 Cologne, Germany
Tel.: +49 221 89990-4186

EASA Contact Point for OSD Procedures

European Aviation Safety Agency

Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 3;
D-50668 Cologne, Germany
Postal: Postfach 10 12 53, 50452 Cologne, Germany
Tel.: +49 221 89990-4361

FAA Aircraft Evaluation Group Offices

Seattle Aircraft Evaluation Group

1601 Lind Ave SW
Renton, WA. 98057-3356
Phone: (425) 917-6600
Fax: (425) 917-6638

Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

Long Beach Aircraft Evaluation Group
3960 Paramount Blvd.
Lakewood, CA 90712-4137
Phone: (562) 627-5317
Fax: (562) 627-5281

Kansas City Aircraft Evaluation Group

901 Locust Street, Room 332
Kansas City, MS 64106
Phone: (816) 329-3233
Fax: (816) 329-3241

Ft. Worth Aircraft Evaluation Group

10101 Hillwood Parkway
Ft. Worth, Texas 76177-4298
Phone: (817) 222-5270
Fax: (222) 817-5295

Boston Aircraft Evaluation Group

1200 District Ave.
Burlington, MA 01803-5299
Phone: (781) 238-7887
Fax: (781) 238-7026

Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

FAA Referenced Documents
1. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 14, parts 21-36, 39, 43, 45, 91, and 183
2. FAA Advisory Circular 21-2
3. FAA Advisory Circular 21-23
4. FAA Advisory Circular 43-210
5. FAA Order 8110.4
6. FAA Order 8110.37
7. FAA Order 8110.53
8. FAA Order 8110.120
9. FAA Order 8120.23
10. FAA Order 8130.2
11. FAA Order 8130.21
12. FAA Order 8300.16
13. FAA Order 8900.1
14. Annex 8 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation done at Chicago on 7
December 1944 (Chicago Convention)
15. Agreement between the Government of the United States of America (U.S.) and the
European Union (EU) on Cooperation in the Regulation of Civil Aviation Safety (The
16. Annex 1 of The Agreement: Airworthiness and Environmental Certification

EASA Referenced Documents

1. Basic Regulation
2. EASA Part 21
3. EASA Part M
4. EASA Part 145
5. Certification Specifications (CS 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 29, 31GB, 31HB, 31TGB, 34, 36,
6. AMC 20
7. AMC and GM to Part 21
Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

8. Certification Memoranda as listed on EASA website
memoranda )


See the bilateral agreement listing page under European Union.


Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

This appendix includes FAA and EASA recognized airborne systems standards considered to
be equivalent for the purpose of issuing approvals under this TIP.


RTCA/DO-160 ( ), Environmental EUROCAE/ ED-14 ( ), Environmental

Conditions and Test Procedures for Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne
Airborne Equipment Equipment

RTCA/DO-178 ( ), Software Considerations EUROCAE/ ED-12 ( ), Software

in Airborne Systems and Equipment Considerations in Airborne Systems and
Certification Equipment Certification

RTCA/DO-254, Design Assurance EUROCAE/ ED-80, Design Assurance

Guidance for Airborne Electronic Hardware Guidance for Airborne Electronic Hardware

SAE ARP 4754, Guidelines for EUROCAE/ ED-79, Guidelines for

Development of Civil Aircraft and Systems Development of Civil Aircraft and Systems

RTCA/DO-200B, Standards for Processing EUROCAE/ ED-76A, Standards for

Aeronautical Data Processing Aeronautical Data

RTCA/DO-201A, User Recommendations EUROCAE/ ED-77, Aeronautical Information

for Aeronautical Information Services

RTCA/DO-236C, Minimum Aviation System EUROCAE/ ED-75D, Minimum Aviation

Performance Standards: Required System Performance Standards: Required
Navigation Performance for Area Navigation Performance for Area Navigation

RTCA/DO-260, 1090 MHz MOPS for EUROCAE/ ED-102, MOPS for 1090 MHz
ADS-B (a Joint document with EUROCAE) Automatic Dependent Surveillance –

RTCA/DO-218B, MOPS for the Mode S EUROCAE/ ED-82A, Minimum Operational

Airborne Data Link Processor Performance Specification for Mode S
Aircraft Data Link Processors

RTCA/DO-264, Guidelines for the Approval EUROCAE/ED-78A, Guidelines for Approval

of the Provision and Use of Air Traffic of the Provision and Use of ATS Supported
Services Supported by Data by Data Communications

RTCA/DO-272C, User Requirements for EUROCAE/ED-99C, User Requirements for

Aerodrome Mapping Information Aerodrome Mapping Information

RTCA/DO-276B, User Requirements for EUROCAE/ED-98B, User Requirements for

Terrain and Obstacle Data Terrain and Obstacle Data

Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017


RTCA/DO-208, Minimum Operational EUROCAE/ ED-72A, MOPS for Airborne

Performance Standards for Airborne GPS Receiving Equipment used for
Supplemental Navigation Equipment Using Supplemental Means of Navigation
Global Positioning System (GPS)

Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

SEPTEMBER 28, 2003

Previous BASA/IPA scope of U.S. acceptance for STCs from the following member states

France – STCs for products for which France is the SoD

Germany - STCs for both German and U.S. products, and for Airbus model aircraft for
which Germany is the SoD for the design change.

Italy – STCs for products which Italy is the SoD

Netherlands – STCs for Netherlands SoD Aircraft

Sweden – STCs for products for which Sweden is the SoD

United Kingdom – STCs for products for which UK is SoD

Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017

FAA Lists:

FAA All Products SSD and SEI Lists Main Reference Page:

EASA Lists:

EASA (CS-E) All Products SSD and SEI Lists Main Reference Page:

Technical Implementation Procedures September 22, 2017


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