Horror Films
Horror Films
Horror Films
For the purpose of this report, I will be focusing on horror within
movies, yet it still exists in many mediums whether it’s a novel, TV
show or most popular video games. Even with the rising nature of
horror games I would still argue horror movies would still be the
more important medium with many horror movies going on to be
known as classics such as Stanley Kubrick’s ‘The Shinning’.
Much like many films, horror films where mainly distributed in box
office through cinemas worldwide but recently with the entire world
being affected by a pandemic, the use of online streaming services
such as Netflix, Hulu and amazon prime has grown exponentially
with amazon prime picking up and additional 50 million
subscriptions during the pandemic. This isn’t a surprise with these
services now being available on nearly every device with an internet
Horror tends to follow two general codes and conventions with them
being either a visual horror or more psychological horror experience
creating a strong mental reaction between the viewer and the
movie. There is a strong middle ground in which both types of horror
movies will follow using the likes of:
- Jump scares
- Low key lighting
- Flashbacks
- Quick, flashing shots
- Large, family houses
- Dark colour palettes
- Pathetic fallacy
- Young children
The change with the audience of horror over the last couple of years
has been drastic with it increase over the years. There seems to be
an interesting increase among female viewers with the general
statistics being 49% female versus 47% for the average movie. Over
the last couple of years horror movies have become a more popular
choice with the younger generation being more adrenaline filled and
actively aiming to watch a movie to ‘make them feel more alive’.
Narrative Structures:
Narrative structure is about story and plot: the content of a story
and the form used to tell the story. Story refers to the dramatic
action as it might be described in chronological order. Plot refers to
how the story is told. Story is about trying to determine the key
conflicts, main characters, setting and events. Plot is about how,
and at what stages, the key conflicts are set up and resolved.
The Horror story is an arch-plot (single protagonist) or mini-plot
(multiple characters) external genre. It puts a single victim (even if
there are multiple characters) against impossible odds and a
monster (antagonist) possessed by evil and intent on annihilation.
Representation is how media texts deal with and present gender,
age, ethnicity, national and regional identity, social issues and
events to an audience. Media texts have the power to shape an
audience’s knowledge and understanding about these important