B2 C1 C2 Exam Summary

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B2 First C1 Advanced C2 Proficiency

Reading Use of English 1 hr 15 min 1.5 hr 1.5 hr

R1 Multiple choice cloze (8q/m) R1 Multiple choice cloze (8q/m) R1 Multiple choice cloze (8q/m)
R2 Open cloze (8q/m) R2 Open cloze (8q/m) R2 Open cloze (8q/m)
R3 Word formation (8q/m) R3 Word formation (8q/m) R3 Word formation (8q/m)
R4 key word transformations (6q/12m) R4 key word transformations (6q/12m) R4 key word transformations (6q/12m)
R5 multiple choice (6q/12m) R5 multiple choice (6q/12m) R5 multiple choice (6q/12m)
R6 gapped text (6q/12m) R6 cross-text multiple matching (4q/8m) R6 gapped text (7q/14m)
R7 multiple matching (10q/m) R7 gapped text (6q/12m) R7 multiple matching (10q/m)
R8 multiple matching (10q/m)
Writing 1 hr 20 min [140-190 each] 1.5 hr [220-260 words each] 1.5 hr [240-280/280–320 words]
W1 Compulsory question W1 Compulsory question W1 Compulsory question
W2 Situational writing. choose of 3 W2 Situational writing. choose of 3 W2 Question from a choice of four
Listening 40 min L1 multiple choice (8q/m) L1 multiple choice (6q/m) L1 multiple choice (6q/m)
B2 20% mark L2 sentence completion (10q/m) L2 sentence completion (8q/m) L2 sentence completion (9q/m)
L3 multiple matching (5q/m) L3 multiple choice (6q/m) L3 multiple choice (5q/m)
L4 multiple choice (7q/m) L4 multiple matching (10q/m) L4 multiple matching (10q/m)
Speaking 14 min per pair candidates 20%m 15 min per pair candidates 16 min per pair candidates
S1 interview (2min) S1 interview (2min) S1 interview (2min)
S2 long turn (1min) S2 long turn (1min, 30s response) S2 collaborative task (1min react to
picture, 3 min decision)
S3 collaborative task (2min discussion, S3 collaborative task (2min discussion, S3 long turn and discussion (2min/6min)
1 min decision) 1 min decision)
S4 discussion (4min) S4 discussion (5min)

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