Act 3 Simplified V
Act 3 Simplified V
Act 3 Simplified V
(They sit down. Puck comes out of hiding, but they can’t see him anyway. He giggles and
winks at the audience to show he has some mischief in mind.)
BOTTOM: —Odors and smells are like your breath, my dearest Thisbe. But what’s that, a
voice! Wait here, I’ll be right back!
QUINCE: Yes, you are. You’re supposed to show that you understand that Pyramus just
went to check on a noise he heard and is coming right back.
(Bottom comes back in, looking somewhat different. Puck has transformed his head into a
donkey’s head, but of course, Bottom doesn’t know it.)
BOTTOM: If I were handsome, my lovely Thisbe, I would still want only you.
QUINCE: Help! It’s a monster! We’re being haunted. Run, everyone, run!
(Quince and the others run off. Puck chases them to be sure they don’t come back. He
wants Bottom to be the only one around when Titania wakes up. Bottom doesn’t know why
his friends are acting that way.)
BOTTOM: Why do they run away?
BOTTOM: I see what they’re up to. They want to make an ass of me, to scare me if they
can. But I won’t leave this spot, no matter what they do. I’ll walk up and down and sing a
song, so they’ll know I’m not afraid.
(Bottom sings and awakens the fairy queen. She falls in love with him, donkey head and all.)
TITANIA: What angel is this who’s waking me up from my bed of flowers? Please sing again,
I know this is the first time I’ve ever seen you, but you’re so wonderful that I can’t help but to
swear that I love you.
BOTTOM: I don’t think you’ve got much of a reason about that. But to tell you the truth,
reason and love have exceptionally small to do with each other these days.
BOTTOM: No, that isn't right. But if I was smart enough to get out of here, I'd be smart
enough to please myself.
(Bottom starts to run away, but Titania casts a spell that glues his feet to the ground.)
TITANIA: Don't waste your time wishing you could leave this forest; you'll be stuck here
whether you like it or not I am the king of the season, and I adore you. Join me, I'll assign
you fairies as servants.
MOTH: And I!
TITANIA: Be kind and courteous to this gentleman. Feed him with apricots and dewberries.
Nod to him and do him courtesies.
COBWEB: Hello!
MOTH: Hello!
TITANIA: Take a good care of him. Please transport him to my sleeping quarters.