Intermediate Accounting Exam 2
Intermediate Accounting Exam 2
Intermediate Accounting Exam 2
General Rule: Please, read all the questions properly, observe carefully the problems, and answer the following
with intelligence. You must put your solutions at the back of the paper, which is written clearly and readable.
WARNING! Cheating is not allowed, being caught on act of cheating that person/s will face a great consequence. (20
1. Let us assume that a buyer is planning to buy the business of a competitor. The cumulative net earnings for the past 5
years were P18,000,000. The current value of net assets of the seller was P10,000,000 only. Meaning if the buyer is able
to acquire the assets and assume the liabilities at fair value, the purchase price would only be P10,000,000. But let us say
that buyer will account for the past performance of the seller and determine it as a contributor to additional income in the
future from the purchase of the seller’s business. Goodwill is determined by the following assuming a 20 percent rate of
return and a 25% capitalization rate.
• The purchase price will then be P16,400,000 which is the price at fair
value plus the goodwill added to the fair value.
2.Which of the following statements pertaining to the recognition and measurement of an impairment loss is/are valid?
I. An impairment loss is the amountby which the carrying amount of an asset exceeds its recoverable amount.
II. After the recognition of an impairment loss, depreciation of theasset for the future periods should be equal to the
revised carryingamount less its residual value allocated on a systematic basis overits original life.
III. An impairment loss shall be recognized in profit or lossimmediately.
IV. If the recoverable amount of an asset is less than its carrying amount, the carrying amount of the asset shall be reduced
to its recoverable amount.
a. I, II, III and IV
b. I, III and IV
c. I, II andIV
d. II only