Ask An Expert: The Benefits of Aerobic Exercise
Ask An Expert: The Benefits of Aerobic Exercise
Ask An Expert: The Benefits of Aerobic Exercise
Q: "My husband does a lot of strength training, but refuses to include any aerobic exercise in his routine. I'm worried that he's losing out on some important health benefits, but
he doesn't buy it. Can you convince him?"
Aerobic exercise is considered by most experts to be the single most important component of fitness. Studies have shown that people who do regular continuous exercise will
live longer, have a greater work capacity, and will decrease their risk of coronary artery disease, cancer and diabetes.
Aerobic fitness can be defined as the ability of the body’s cardiovascular and muscular systems to provide the necessary energy to sustain activity that uses the large muscle
groups over an extended period of time. To reach aerobic fitness, a person must engage in continuous activity like jogging, walking, cycling, stair climbing, rowing, or
swimming at an intensity level you can maintain for at least 30 minutes, three to seven days per week.
For individuals just starting their exercise program, remember to start slow and gradually increase intensity and duration. Beginning exercisers can start with 15-20 minutes of
a low intensity activity, like easy walking, three times per week.
As your fitness level increases, first increase the duration and then the intensity of your workouts.
If you have yet to embrace an active lifestyle, take note of these other perks of aerobic exercise:
Mental benefits. "Aerobic exercise has been shown to increase your confidence, emotional stability, memory, and
brain function," notes Tripps. Studies show that about 19 million Americans experience depression every year. It is
widely accepted that aerobic exercise improves the symptoms of depression.
Health benefits. Besides strengthening your heart and lungs, aerobic exercise can help lower your cholesterol, reduce
your risk of type 2 diabetes, improve your immune function, and lower your blood pressure.
Physical benefits. Aerobic exercise burns up calories, which can in turn help you shed excess weight. Aerobic
exercise also tones your muscles and improves posture.
Fitness benefits. In addition to looking better and being healthier, aerobic exercise increases your stamina, giving you
more energy for both work and play. You will sleep better and handle stress better, and you’ll feel better about yourself
Regular aerobic activity such as walking, bicycling or swimming can help you live longer and healthier. Need motivation? See how aerobic exercise affects your heart, lungs
and blood flow. Then get moving and start reaping the rewards.
You'll breathe faster and more deeply. This maximizes the amount of oxygen in your blood. Your heart will beat faster, which increases blood flow to your muscles and back to
your lungs.
Your small blood vessels (capillaries) will widen to deliver more oxygen to your muscles and carry away waste products, such as carbon dioxide and lactic acid.
Your body will even release endorphins, natural painkillers that promote an increased sense of well-being.
Below is a list of several of the physical and mental benefits derived from performing an aerobic activity with moderate frequency (i.e. 2 to 5 times per week):