Obtl El 112 Survey of Afro Asian Literature

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OBTL Plan EL112 – Survey of Afro-Asian Literature

Republic of the Philippines


VISION Tarlac State University is envisioned to be a premier university in Asia and the Pacific.

Tarlac State University commits to promote and sustain the offering of quality and programs in higher and advanced education ensuring equitable
access to education for people empowerment, professional development, and global competitiveness.

Towards this end, TSU shall:

MISSION 1. Provide high-quality instruction trough qualified, competent, and adequately trained faculty members and support staff.
2. Be a premier research institution by enhancing research undertakings in the fields of technology and sciences and strengthening
collaboration with local and international institutions.
3. Be a champion in community development by strengthening partnerships with public and private organizations and individuals.

E - xcellence
Q - uality
U - nity
CORE VALUES I - ntegrity
T - rust in God, Transparency & True Commitment
Y - earning for Global Competitiveness

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OBTL Plan EL112 – Survey of Afro-Asian Literature

Course Name Survey of Afro-Asian Literature

Course Credits 3 units
Course Description This course deals with an intensive study of the selected literary texts from Asia and Africa, particularly India, China, Japan-the countries in the southeast region in
Asia, and the African nations-south of the Sahara, along socio-historical, philosophical, and literary underpinnings. Using research-based content knowledge, the
pre-service English teachers will be able to understand, analyze, and appreciate the outstanding characteristics: contexts, dimensions, elements, genres and
structures, of Afro-Asian literatures which can lead to promotion of cultural tolerance. Moreover, they are expected to come up with an annotated reading list of the
chosen literary texts and a synthesis paper that presents their critical interpretation and tolerance of diverse cultures encountered in the study of the select texts.
(1.1.1 and 1.2.1)
Contact Hours/ week 3 hours/ week
Course Outcomes At the end of the course, the learners will be able to:
 demonstrate content and research-based knowledge of Afro-Asian literature in the preparation of an annotated reading list (ARL); and
 write a synthesis paper which encapsulates their understanding of the outstanding characteristics of Afro-Asian literature along various viewpoints and


Course Content/Subject Matter

Week 1 TSU Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives
Week 2-4 African Literature
Week 5-7 Egyptian Literature and Arabian Literature
Week 8-10 Chinese Literature and Hindu Literature
Week 11-13 Hebrew Literature and Persian Literature
Week 14-16 Japanese Literature and Korean Literature
Week 17-18 Vietnamese Literature and Indonesian Literature
One week (or an Allotted for the Midterm and the Final Exams
equivalent of three

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OBTL Plan EL112 – Survey of Afro-Asian Literature

Alignment of Course Outcomes with Summative Assessment Tasks

Course Objectives Summative Assessment Task Details

Evaluate and relate the philosophies behind the cultural text of Panel Discussion In this required output, the students are required to portray a class
African Literature discussion through a panel interview where the students are
tasked to play as researchers, audience, discussants, and
assessors showing a detailed explanation of the characteristics of
African Literature.

Trace the diverse cultural background of Egyptian and Arabian Portfolio/Brochure-making The task is to make a portfolio or an e-brochure showing the life
Literature and culture of Egyptians and Arabians through the understanding
of their literature.

Produce culturally appropriate analyses of the literary texts and Moralistic Analysis The students are tasked to read an assigned literary text and shall
demonstrate understanding of the moral of the stories from look into the moral of each story and relate these to how they
Chinese and Hindu Literature apply the lesson they have learned in their lives.

Portray understanding of the different literary pieces by relating Essay Writing/Synthesis Paper The students are expected to write a synthesis paper where they
the text to one’s experiences. shall share their thoughts about the text and how they relate these
stories into their lives showing literature as a mirror to reality.

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OBTL Plan EL112 – Survey of Afro-Asian Literature


Desired Learning Flexible Teaching and Learning Assessment of Resource Time

Course Content/Subject Matter Textbook/ References
Outcomes (DLOs) Activities (FTLAs) Tasks (ATs) Materials Table
Know by heart the
1. History of the COED and
History of the COED  Integration of Oral Récitation LCD Projector
and TSU, Vision, Asynchronous learning with Laptop
2. Vision, mission, goals, and 1
mission, goals, and TSU Handbook printed and electronic Hand-outs
objectives of the college hours
objectives of the module
3.Orientation and discussion
about the course
Characterize African Literature Carpio, R. (2006). Crisscrossing through Afro-Asian  Multimedia 9
 Differentiated Tasks
Oral Recitation hours
African literature. literature. Philippines: Anvil Publishing, Inc The class will be assigned
1.2.1 (A) 1. Characteristics of with tasks:  Software
African Literature Lapid, M. and Serrano, J. (2015). Afro-Asian - The Researchers Class Activities/ Applications
Share 2. African Writers and literature, Manila: Phoenix Publishing House - The Developers Exercises  MS Teams
- The Discussants  Printed and
representative Poets - The Participants Quiz electronic
literary works by 3. African Poems and - The Assessors
early and Short Stories - The Monitors Module
Online Activities
contemporary 4. African Literature With the supervision
African writers. Suggested Literary of the teacher, the
1.1.1 Pieces: class conducts a
 Africa by David Diop meeting to plan for
the presentation of
Discuss the  Once Upon a Time topics in Unit 1.
prevailing ethos, by Nadine Gordimer Periodic reports shall
ideas and  Anticipation by be submitted to the
philosophies teacher with details
Mabel Dove- on who does what
behind the chosen Danquah and how.
literary text. 1.2.1
(A) Focus of the Discussion:

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OBTL Plan EL112 – Survey of Afro-Asian Literature

- Types and
characteristics of
African literature
- Famous African
- Sample literary works
o summary
o themes
o philosophy
Trace the historical Egyptian Literature Carpio, R. (2006). Crisscrossing through Afro-Asian
 Literature Circle
background of literature. Philippines: Anvil Publishing, Inc Online  Multimedia 9
Each is assigned to a
Egyptian and  Types topic within their group Recitation Presentation hours
Arabian  Tales and Love Lapid, M. and Serrano, J. (2015). Afro-Asian and monitored discussion  Software
Songs will follow thereafter. Class Activities/ Applications
literature.1.1.1 (B)  Myths and Legends literature, Manila: Phoenix Publishing House
Exercises  MS Teams
Discussion Question
Summarize Why do we always need to
 Printed and
Arabian Literature Quiz electronic
selected literary  Prose
consider the culture of the
people when we study Module
pieces.  Poetry literature? Online Activities

Articulate one’s Key Points: Summary Paper

awareness of how types and forms of
Egyptian and Arabian
language works in literature
literary text and
author’s Suggested Literary Pieces
Style in writing. - The
and One
- The Tale
of Sinuhe
us author)
- The Quran/Koran
- The Arabian
Nights by Tahir
- The Lady
and Her Five

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OBTL Plan EL112 – Survey of Afro-Asian Literature

- Love by Kahlil Gibran

- The Prophet by Kahlil
- Bewildered Arab by
Nour-od- Din Abd-
or-Rahman-e Jami
- The Food of
Paradise by Ibn
- Count Not Your
before they
- To Whom
Should I Speak
Today by T.
Eric Peet
Survey the Chinese Literature Carpio, R. (2006). Crisscrossing through Afro-Asian Online Activities
 Think and Talk
outstanding literature. Philippines: Anvil Publishing, Inc Exercises  Multimedia 9hours
Students, in smaller
characteristics of groups, discuss the Presentation
Chinese and Hindu
Suggested Pieces:
Lapid, M. and Serrano, J. (2015). Afro-Asian characteristics of Quiz  Software
- The Five Classics and
literature. 1.2.1 the Four Books literature, Manila: Phoenix Publishing House Chinese and Hindu Applications
literature focusing on Online Activities  MS Teams
(A) the forms and structure-
- A Wife Mourns for her  Printed and
Husband by Confucius e.g. on prose an poetry.
Compare and electronic
Sample group tasks: A Venn Diagram Module
contrast the forms -Analysis of the life and
of Chinese and Hindu Literature teachings of Confucius An Annotated
Hindu prose and Suggested Pieces: -Discussion of Confucius Reading List /
poetry. 1.2.1 (A) - Mahabharata Five Books and Six Annotated
(Ganesha, Vyasa) Bibliography of
-Identification of facts
Organize an - Panchantantra and figures on India the selected
annotated reading collection of Fables by and Indian system of literary pieces.
list of selected Vishnu Sharma government
-Tracing India’s history
Chinese and Hindu - Panchatantra Stories from 1947
literature. to present
- Bhagavad Gita by Vyasa
-Reading India’s religious
- Abhilaash (Hindi for and secular works
Desire) by Rabindranath -Articulation and

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OBTL Plan EL112 – Survey of Afro-Asian Literature

Tagore appreciation of the

great epics of India:
- Gitanjali by Tagore Mahabharata and
- Plays and Poems of
- Studying the life and
Kalidasa writings of
India’s great writers

 Informance
(also called
‘lecture cum
A representative shares
the summary of a
chosen piece after
describing the historical
background when the
piece of literature was

 Signs, Signs, Signs

Each class member will
be assigned to one of
the Analects of
Confucius and they will
transform such into a
‘slogan’ using the most
appropriate choice and
number of words.

Perform the Hebrew Literature Carpio, R. (2006). Crisscrossing through Afro-Asian Online Activities  Multimedia 9
 Group Dynamics
differentiated tasks literature. Philippines: Anvil Publishing, Inc Exercises Presentation hours
1. Nature of the Students possible tasks
that exemplify their Hebrew  Software
and possible outputs: Quiz
understanding of Language, Lapid, M. and Serrano, J. (2015). Afro-Asian - Timelines on the
Hebrew and Poetry and literature, Manila: Phoenix Publishing House history of Hebrew and  MS Teams
Prose Online Activities  Printed and
Persian literature. 2. Masterpieces of the
of Persian literature
1.1.1(B) Jews Suggested
- Narration of electronic
one of the Annotated Module
Pieces Genesis: parables
The Creation Psalm
Reading List
Prepare an - Articulation of one’s
23 appreciation of the
annotated reading
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OBTL Plan EL112 – Survey of Afro-Asian Literature

list of the chosen The Ecclesiastes literary

The Story of masterpieces of the
literary pieces. Joseph The Jews and the
Story of Ruth Iranians
The Parables (The - An annotated
Good Samaritan, The reading list of the
Last Seat, Prodigal chosen literary
Son, Talents pieces
- Discussion of the
facts and figures
Persian Literature about Iran
- Singling out of the
1. Characteristics of
Persian Literature important
contributions of
2. Persian Prose and
the writer to the
Poetry Suggested
growing body of
Pieces: Rubaiyat by
Hebrew and
Omar Khayyam
Persian literature
Hafiz’s Poetry
- Explanation of
Rumi’s epic and poems
the different
Ferdowsi’s writings stanzas of
- Expounding the
poems of Hapiz,
Jami and Sadi
Characterize 8. Japanese Literature Carpio, R. (2006). Crisscrossing through Afro-Asian Online Activities  Multimedia 9
 Peer Mentoring
Japanese and literature. Philippines: Anvil Publishing, Inc Exercises Presentation hours
1. Development of As learning buddies, the
Korean literature. Japanese literature students will discuss the  Software
1.1.1(B) from the beginning up Lapid, M. and Serrano, J. (2015). Afro-Asian development of Quiz Applications
to the modern period literature, Manila: Phoenix Publishing House Japanese literature  MS Teams
2. Life and works form the beginning up Online Activities  Printed and
Compose haikus. of Japanese to the modern period as
well as the life and
authors Haiku Writing
Write a synthesis 3. Haikus of Bassho, works of famous Module
Buson and others Japanese authors.
paper on the The teacher may give a Synthesis Paper
Suggested Pieces:
various literary  Tale of Genji paper and pen test to
pieces of Japan  The Madman on the check the students’ grasp
and Korea. Roof by Hiroshi Kikuchi of the the concepts,
 In a Grove”by names and titles of literary
Akutagawa works.

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OBTL Plan EL112 – Survey of Afro-Asian Literature

For background on what

9. Korean Literature a haiku is, the students
maybe asked to visit
1. About Korea https://www.youtube.co
2. Literary Works of Korea m/watch?v
=VJHCGPp4G4k for
features and structures
of a haikus.

 Read and Tell

The students may be
assigned with a literary
piece to read and to

Understanding Haikus
As a lead-in, the
students maybe given a
time to view, Haikus

Sample haikus maybe

provided before the
class will compose their
own haikus.

Explain how the Vietnam Literature Carpio, R. (2006). Crisscrossing through Afro-Asian  Creative Presentation Online  Multimedia 9
Each group will be
Vietnam and literature. Philippines: Anvil Publishing, Inc tasked to present a topic
Activities Presentation hours
Indonesian creatively. Exercises  Software
1. Facts about Vietnam
literature mirrors 2. Poetry and Short Lapid, M. and Serrano, J. (2015). Afro-Asian (on poems and short Applications
the customs and literature, Manila: Phoenix Publishing House stories of Vietnam) Quiz
Stories Suggested
Note: These are
 MS Teams
traditions of the Piece:
Vietnamese Literature  Printed and
people. 1.1.1 (B), -The Mandarin and written in English Online electronic
1.2.1 (A) the Flower Festival Activities Module
by P. Khiem  Writing an
Analysis Paper:
Reason out how Suggested Essay Writing
literature affects Pieces:

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OBTL Plan EL112 – Survey of Afro-Asian Literature

the history and -The Mandarin and the

Indonesian Literature Flower Festival by P.
culture a nation Khiem
like Vietnam and -Selected Indonesian
Indonesia. 1.1.1(B) 1. Pujangga Lama Literature
2. Traditional Forms
Organize an  syair (traditional
annotated reading narrative poetry)
list for all the
 pantun (quatrains made
outstanding up of two seemingly
literature of Afro- disconnected couplets)
Asian countries.  qurindam (brief
1.2.1(A)  hikayat (stories, fairy-
tales, animal fables,

 babad (histories or

Suggested Piece:

Everybody has his Burden

(Indonesian Folktale)

Readings and References Carpio, R. (2006). Crisscrossing through Afro-Asian literature. Philippines: Anvil Publishing, Inc
Lapid, M. and Serrano, J. (2015). Afro-Asian literature, Manila: Phoenix Publishing House
https://theculturetrip.com/.../the-top-10-contemporary-african-writers-you-should-know, The Top 10 Contemporary African Writers You Should Know
https://www.acadshare.com/afro-asian-literature-course-synopsis/, Afro-Asian Literature Course Synopsis https://www.ancient.eu/Chinese_Literature/. Chinese Literature
https://www.bartleby.com/214/0203.html, Nature of the Hebrew language, poetry and prose https://www.wdl.org/en/item/6881/ Persian Prose and Poetry
https://theculturetrip.com/middle-east/iran/articles/10-must-read-iranian-authors/10 must read Iranian Authors
https://theculturetrip.com/asia/south-korea/articles/a-century-of-tumult-ten-important-modern-korean-authors/ Ten Important Modern and Contemporary Writers from South
Korea https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJHCGPp4G4k, Haikus

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OBTL Plan EL112 – Survey of Afro-Asian Literature

Course Requirements 1. All students are advised to download and install the following applications, Microsoft Teams, FB Messenger, Schoology and other online platforms and applications
needed for the class.
2. No Special Examination will be administered unless an excuse letter from parent/ guardian or medical certificate noted by the guidance counsellor and class adviser is
3. Attendance will be checked every meeting.
4. Requirements are to be submitted on time. Failure to submit is equivalent to a grade of 5.0.
5. Sharing of videos and screenshots of the virtual classes are prohibited. Only the teacher can record the online class for educational purposes.
6. All students shall uphold the integrity of CTE and shall conduct themselves in accordance with established rules and regulations acceptable mores of society.
Grading System Midterm Finals
45% -Written long exam (Midterm) 45% -Summative Exam (Finals)
45% -Class Standing 45% -Class Standing
10% -Attendance 10% -Attendance

Classroom Policies 1. All students are advised to download and install the following applications, Microsoft Teams, FB Messenger, Schoology and other online platforms and applications
needed for the class.
2. No Special Examination will be administered unless an excuse letter from parent/ guardian or medical certificate noted by the guidance counsellor and class adviser is
3. Attendance will be checked every meeting.
4. Requirements are to be submitted on time. Failure to submit is equivalent to a grade of 5.0.
5. Sharing of videos and screenshots of the virtual classes are prohibited. Only the teacher can record the online class for educational purposes.
6. All students shall uphold the integrity of CTE and shall conduct themselves in accordance with established rules and regulations acceptable mores of society.

Course Title: AY/Term of Effectivity: Prepared by: Reviewed by:


AY: 2020-2021 Chairperson, BSEd Program
LITERATURE Recommending Approval:
Dean, College of Teacher Education

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OBTL Plan EL112 – Survey of Afro-Asian Literature


Area Coordinator, BSEd English Approved:


Vice President for Academic Affairs

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