The document discusses the nursing assessment, explanation, objectives, interventions, and evaluation for a client experiencing acute pain related to arthritis in the right knee. The objectives are to provide short-term relief within 4 hours and long-term increased comfort within 2 days using interventions like pain medication administration, massage, and rest periods. The assessment focuses on pain characteristics, signs/symptoms, response to treatment, expectations, and willingness to try alternative relief methods.
The document discusses the nursing assessment, explanation, objectives, interventions, and evaluation for a client experiencing acute pain related to arthritis in the right knee. The objectives are to provide short-term relief within 4 hours and long-term increased comfort within 2 days using interventions like pain medication administration, massage, and rest periods. The assessment focuses on pain characteristics, signs/symptoms, response to treatment, expectations, and willingness to try alternative relief methods.
The document discusses the nursing assessment, explanation, objectives, interventions, and evaluation for a client experiencing acute pain related to arthritis in the right knee. The objectives are to provide short-term relief within 4 hours and long-term increased comfort within 2 days using interventions like pain medication administration, massage, and rest periods. The assessment focuses on pain characteristics, signs/symptoms, response to treatment, expectations, and willingness to try alternative relief methods.
The document discusses the nursing assessment, explanation, objectives, interventions, and evaluation for a client experiencing acute pain related to arthritis in the right knee. The objectives are to provide short-term relief within 4 hours and long-term increased comfort within 2 days using interventions like pain medication administration, massage, and rest periods. The assessment focuses on pain characteristics, signs/symptoms, response to treatment, expectations, and willingness to try alternative relief methods.
DIAGNOSI EXPLANATION INTERVENTIONS S SUBJECTIVE: ACUTE Unpleasant sensory SHORT TERM: 1. Assess pain 1. Assessment of the SHORT “intermitten PAIN related and emotional After 4 hours of characteristic pain experience is TERM: t right knee to joint experience arising nursing the first step in After 4 hours of pain inflammatio from actual or interventions, the planning pain nursing associated n associated potential tissue client will be able management interventions, with with damage or to identify the strategies. The the client shall arthritis” increased described in terms management patient is the most have been able “occur on disease of such damage; strategies and reliable source of to identify the cold or activity as sudden or slow verbalize decrease information about management rainy days manifested onset of any in pain. his or her pain strategies and and by arthritis intensity from mild 2. Assess for 2. Some people deny verbalize extended pain to severe with an LONG TERM: signs and the experience of decrease in walking or anticipated or After 2 days of symptoms pain when it is pain. sitting.” predictable end and nursing associated with present. Attention Pain level 5/10 Described a duration of less interventions, the pain to associated signs as a bad than 6 months client will be able may help the nurse LONG TERM: ache to exhibit in evaluating pain. After 2 days of OBJECTIVE: increased The patient in acute nursing Restlessness comfort. pain may have an interventions, Pain scale: 7 elevated BP, HR, the client shall out of 10 and temperature. have been able Duration: 30 The patient’s skin to exhibit minutes to 1 may be pale and increased hour cool to touch. The comfort. patient may be “I can tolerate restless and have the pain a little difficulty more now with concentrating. the massage 3. Evaluate the 3. It is important to techniques you patient’s help patient express gave me” response to as factually as pain and pain possible the effect management of pain relief strategies measures. Discrepancies between behavior or appearance and what the patient says about pain relief may be more a reflection of other methods the patient is using to cope with the pain rather than pain relief 4. Evaluate what itself. the pain means 4. The meaning of the to the patient pain will directly influence the patient’s response. Some patients, especially the dying, may feel that the “act of suffering” meets a 5. Assess the spiritual need patient’s 5. Some patients may expectations be content to have for pain relief pain decreased; other will expect complete elimination of pain. This affects their perceptions of the effectiveness of the treatment modality and their willingness to participate in additional 6. Assess the treatments patient’s 6. Some patients may willingness or be unaware of the ability to effectiveness of explore a range nonpharmacologica of techniques l methods and may aimed at be willing to try controlling them, either with or pain instead of traditional analgesic medications. Often a combination of therapies may be more effective. Some patients will feel uncomfortable exploring alternative methods of pain relief. However, patients need to be informed that there are multiple ways to 7. Anticipate the manage pain need for pain 7. One can most relief effectively deal with pain by preventing it. Early intervention may decrease the total amount of analgesic 8. Respond required immediately to 8. In the midst of reports of pain painful experiences, a patient’s perception of time may become distorted. Anxiety and fear about delayed pain relief can exacerbate the pain experience. Prompt responses to reports of pain may result in decreased anxiety in the patient. Demonstrated concern for the patient’s welfare and comfort fosters the development of a trusting 9. Eliminate relationship stressors or 9. Patients may sources of experience an discomfort exaggeration in whenever pain or a decreased possible ability to tolerate painful stimuli if environmental, intrapersonal, or intrapsychic factors are further stressing 10. Provide rest them. periods to 10. The patient’s facilitate experiences of pain comfort, sleep, may become and relaxation exaggerated as the result of fatigue. In a cyclic fashion, pain may result in fatigue, which may result in exaggerated pain and exhaustion. A quiet environment, a darkened room, and a disconnected phone are all measures geared toward facilitating 11. Determine the rest appropriate 11. Unless pain relief contraindicated, all method patients with acute pain should receive a nonopioid analgesic around- 12. Give analgesics the-clock as ordered, 12. Pain medications evaluating their are absorbed and effectiveness metabolized and observing differently by for any signs patients, so their and symptoms effectiveness must of untoward be evaluated effects individually by the patient. Analgesics may cause side effects that range from mild to life threatening.