Fea Viva Questions

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What do you mean by FEM ?

2) l
is a numerical method to solve ‘differentia
) Ans. FEM stands for finite element method, It
equation and it is extensively used for analyzing any engineering problem.

@ What is the significance of numerical methods?

Ans. Numerica! methods are used when it is not possible to solve any problem by
conventional methods used in mathematics. These have gained more
after the advent of computer and software technology
_ Under what conditions numerical integration is carried out,
Ans, Numerical inte gration is carried out when any function cannot be integrate
normal methods for integration from pure mathematics.
tis weighted residue method ?
RM is a numerical method of solving a differential equatis ion wher
aditions are known,

six WRM acai viz, Galerkin, “Colloc

nain and Petrov Galerkin methods. (Last two
Ans. By using Numerical method to solve a differential equation we “usually,
approximate solution to the problem and not an exact one. Hence there is a
error in the solution. This error is termed as residue.

(8) What do you mean by weight function ? i:

Ans. In order to minimize the residue we multiply the residue by a function of
independent variable and integrate the product within the boundary values
equate it to zero. This function of independent variable is known as weight function,
(2) What is the difference between WRM and Weak form method ? a
Ans. In WRM, we calculate residue by differentiating the approximate solution accordi
to the nature of DE and substituting the derivatives in the DE. In weak fo
method, we bring all the terms on DE on one side of the DE and equate it
residue. While integrating the weighted integral we first integrate terms involvi
higher order derivatives by parts

(10) What are similarities in Galerkin and Rayleigh-Ritz methods? ~ >

Ans. The similarity in two methods is that weight functions used in both methods =
same 1.e coefficients of C, in approximate solution y,

(I) In what way the two differ?

Ans. In Galerkin method the approximate solution should satisfy all the bountanee co.
given in the problem, whereas in R-R method, it needs to satisfy only essentialb
conditions. Also in RR method we use weak formulation.

rari, pee ee
Sue fad ine eee

s. NBC are taken care of in the weak Be itself and hence appre Dx
- not need to satisfy NBC. Hence only EBC need to be satisfied inF
What do you mean by functional ? Give an example.
operator which
‘Ans. Functional means function of functions. It is actually an
function u(x) into a real number.

Example ; /(u) = | F(u, u',x) dx is a functional,

8) Can you enumerate different types of boundary conditions ?

Different types of B.C.s are:
Essential B.C. : Pertain to PVs
Natural B.C. =: Pertain to SVs
Neumann B.C. : All natural BCs in a problem
Dirichlet B.C.s : All essential BCs in a problem
Newton B.C.s_ : Mixed i.e. some EBC and some NBCs in a problem.
ci r

J) What do you mean by primary and secondary variables ? <a

The dependent variable in a governing differential equation is called a pris
variable and its derivative is called secondary variable,

(20) Cathey you elaborate giving an example?

Ans. Taking an example
a 2
im du —ku = 0 is the governing DE, then u is the PV and i is the SV,
domain ‘and evaluate the weighted integral over the domain of this ele
Coordinates of points within this element w.r.t. the origin at one of the nodes¢
element are known as local coordinates. Global coordinates are coordin
points within the whole domain w.r.t. the origin which we consider to be at one)
the extreme nodes in the whole domain
hat are the criteria to assume an approximate solution to solve Governing |
ation ?
Criteria are:
(i) The polynomial representing the approximate solution should be complete.
(ii) It should satisfy all the boundary conditions.
(iii) It and its derivatives up to the order of the DE should be continuous.

Vhat do you mean by complete polynomial ?

Ans. Complete polynomial is one which includes terms consisting of all the depen from Fs
minimum to the maximum degree.

‘do you mean by convergence ?

Ans. In numerical method, we get an approximate solution. In FEA, thet error
reduced by increasing the number of elements or the degree of polynomial. If
solution obtained matches with the exact one expected, within permissible «
_ Say convergence is reached.
al bet
ionis the process of dividing the domain of a pro!
It is the first ewe in FEA.

ins. We

t is formed by bringing all the terms of the governing differential equation one
side. This expression is equated to the residue. ,
different methods to minimize residue.
ns, Different methods to minimize the residue are Galerkin, Collocation,
Least §
Rayleigh, Sub-domain and Petrov-Galerkin methods. (Last two
methods ieuied
_ hot in syllabus.)
re different methods of Numerical Integration ? i 7
ins. Different methods of numerical! Integration are :
) -
(i) Trapezoidal rule
ii) Simpson's 1/3" and 3/8 rule
(ili) Newton Cotes' method
> (ly) Gauss Quadrature method.
conditions will your answer be accurate when cack4

(pezoidal rule ; When polynomial is a straight line.

pson's 1/3"? rule : When polynomial is of 2" degree.
on's 3/8 rule : When polynomial is of 3“ degree.
n Cotes' method : When number of sampling points is equal
gree of polynomial.
‘ature method : When number of sampling|
: A ext integer, where p is the degree. of Poly

ess matrix isa square and symmetric matrix.
agonal elements are always positive

= U, and so on.
secondary variables values at intermediate node is zero if no f

of the global stiffness matrix depends on the number of nodes Na

_ Order
of DOF at each node. It is given by N*DOF
netions are same but when the functions pertain to the geo
nt or the independent variable, they are called interpolation functions,
¢ properties of shape functions ? a
ties of shape functions are:
node and is zero «
Value of shape function of particular node is one at that
the other nodes.
Sum of all the shape functions is 1.
ons for a particular prima
Sum of the derivatives of all the shape functi
ariable is zero vig
ie Z
an by natural coordinates ?
rdinates which are used
coordinates are dimensionless coo
problems, These are deno
ed problems, particularly 2D

1 1-
+ ms
as and similarly ¥ a “gine
ea ian

’ . ar Saad
: hich is used
to relate the de
nand natural coordinates,
og 0&
P| = ae
on en

Explain with an example. - a

The amber ot nonzero elements from either side of the diagonal represent
bandwidth and taken in combination it gives the bandwidth,
k- a
= a = Half bandwidth

‘Ans. Aspect ratio is defined as the ratio of the biggest side of the element to its”
side. It should not exceed 10 as far as possible.

ient: Seems are saprobleais analyzing variation of primary

riable ON to time,
"Ans. We fake two elements and get the values of unknown PVs, Using” A
EME of any one element we can determine BM at mid point.

i uss problem, how is the difference ma

Ans, Roller supports : v = 0 ic. displacement along the perpendicular tot
support is constrained.
Hinged supports; u = v = 0i.e. displacements in both directions are constra

(63) What are the different sources of error 2?

' Ans. The three main sources of error are: discretization errors,
« , formulatt
numerical errors.
do you mean by an Eigenvalue problem ?
Ans. Eigenvalue problem involves finding a parameter ), such that t Di) =
D, and D, are linear differential operators,
5 eters du
eas du can be said; to be an eigenvalue
Fine mesh is the mesh achieved by increasing number of elements. If th
obtained in the two trials show significant variations, further trials :
continuously refining the mesh till we get satisfactory convergence.
containing more and more number of elements is called as fine mesh,

Repeated trials need to be taken by either increasing number of

increasing the degree of polynomial to achieve satisfactory results, 7
called as een si the mesh.

cretizing, care should be taken to see

. lo see the
have the same number of nodes, “a

As shown in the figure, |

{ is the temperature at point C at a distance of § em fr

B of length 8 cm, Temperature at A and B are 300° and I .°
- ,(—
(x) | =| ann300/1-
Uh 3 1
S$) 2 toe
=|3) ++ 5 175

! to learn all the EMEs for different engineering problei

fions as given in the book, There ts every possibility that small problems of.
e may be asked.

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