The Path To A Healthy Workplace A Critical Review
The Path To A Healthy Workplace A Critical Review
The Path To A Healthy Workplace A Critical Review
This review synthesizes much of the previous health of the employees (Jaffe, 1995). The
research since 1990 linking healthy workplace dual focus associated with the definition of
practices in organizations to employee well-be- a healthy workplace represents a shift in
ing and organizational improvements. Based on the conceptualization of what constitutes
the review, both a direct and an indirect link
health within an organization.
between healthy workplace practices and orga-
nizational improvements are proposed. Five
The notion of a healthy workplace has
general categories of healthy workplace prac- evolved throughout the past 60 years.
tices were identified in the literature: work-life Robin (2003) noted that originally the
balance, employee growth and development, health of an organization was evaluated in
health and safety, recognition, and employee terms of the bottom line. The goal of many
involvement. Previous research also suggests organizations was to avoid being unhealthy
that the link between these practices and em- as opposed to optimizing health. Beginning
ployee and organizational outcomes is contin- in the 1940s, organizations began hosting
gent on the effectiveness of communication outings and picnics for their employees. In
within the organization and the alignment of the 1970s and 1980s, companies provided
workplace practices with the organizational
fitness programs for workers. Now, em-
context. Finally, a discussion of some limita-
tions of previous research and recommenda-
ployees in companies worldwide are inun-
tions for future work in the area of healthy dated with a multitude of organizational
workplace practices are provided. programs designed to maximize employee
health and the health of organizations. Ap-
Keywords: healthy workplace, organizational proximately 90% of organizations with 50
performance, employee involvement or more employees provide some type of
program designed to promote health (Al-
Pets, yoga, music, awards, and stress dana, 2001). The rising interest and invest-
management at first glance may appear to ment in workplace health promotion paral-
be unrelated topics. However, today many lels the significant role of work in the ma-
organizations are integrating such seem- jority of individuals’ lives. Average adults
ingly unrelated and novel practices and pol- spend at least a quarter to a third of their
icies in an attempt to cultivate organiza-
tional health. A healthy workplace, as de-
Matthew J. Grawitch, Melanie Gottschalk,
fined by Sauter, Lim, and Murphy (1996),
and David C. Munz, Department of Psychology,
is any organization that “maximizes the St. Louis University.
integration of worker goals for well-being Correspondence concerning this article
and company objectives for profitability should be addressed to Matthew J. Grawitch,
and productivity” (p. 250). The two critical Department of Psychology, St. Louis Univer-
components embedded in this definition are sity, 3511 Laclede Avenue, St. Louis, MO
the performance of the organization and the 63103-2010. E-mail:
Copyright 2006 by the American Psychological Association and the Society of Consulting Psychology, 1065-9293/06/$12.00
DOI: 10.1037/1065-9293.58.3.129
Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, Vol. 58, No. 3, 129 –147
waking life at work (Harter, Schmidt, & teria and to recommend additional criteria,
Keyes, 2003). In addition, job satisfaction if necessary, in order to develop a compre-
is estimated to account for a fifth to a hensive framework within which to evalu-
quarter of life satisfaction in adults (Harter ate healthy workplace practices by organi-
et al., 2003). In light of these percentages, it zations. To that end, previous theory and
is understandable that so many organiza- research from the past 15 years was used to
tions spend a significant amount of time validate the need for understanding how
and energy developing, implementing, and workplace practices can affect employees
monitoring health promotion programs. and organizations. Specific categories of
Beyond the extensive amount of time workplace practices were identified and
that individuals spend at work, there are linked to employee well-being and organi-
several other mitigating factors behind the zational improvement outcomes. By estab-
application of innovative organizational lishing an empirical link between work-
practices. Past research and site investiga- place practices, employee well-being, and
tions have uncovered enormous financial organizational improvements psychology
and human costs associated with unhealthy can demonstrate its relevance to the devel-
organizations (Cooper, 1994). Human re- opment of healthy organizations.
source professionals have begun to position
healthy workplace programs and activities Literature Review Method
as a source of competitive advantage to Over the past 15 years, theory and re-
curtail increasing health care costs; assist in search focusing on psychological health in
the attraction, acquisition, and retention of the workplace has offered new and innova-
employees; better manage the employer- tive ways of both conceptualizing and mea-
employee relationship; meet the needs of suring the influence of healthy workplace
an increasingly diverse workforce, and initiatives. Therefore, this article focuses
boost employee morale (Fulmer, Gerhar, & on literature dating back primarily to 1990,
Scott, 2003; Jaffe, 1995; Pfeffer, 1994). since it offers the most developed body of
Given the multiple forces that drive or- information within which to understand the
ganizations to focus on organizational concept of psychological health in the
health, it is vital to identify the types of workplace. A variety of disciplines, such as
practices that are employed by healthy psychology, sociology, medicine, public
workplaces and how these various pro- health, management, and economics, have
grams and policies contribute to better em- contributed to the understanding of healthy
ployee and organizational health. The pur- workplace practices. In order to reflect this
pose of this article is to detail the various extensive coverage, specialized databases
forms of health initiatives undertaken by for health and medicine, psychology, busi-
organizations and their influence on em- ness, and multidisciplinary collections
ployee well-being and organizational im- were examined. The resulting journal arti-
provements. This article builds on recent cles and books obtained through this search
work conducted by the American Psycho- reflected the diverse background of spe-
logical Association (APA) Practice Direc- cialty areas that have investigated the topic
torate on its Psychologically Healthy of healthy workplaces. The literature was
Workplace Award. The award recognizes divided into the following four categories:
organizations that make a commitment to (1) the definition of key healthy workplace
programs and policies that enhance the practices; (2) the establishment of the rela-
health and well-being of their employees. tionship between employee well-being and
The purpose of this initiative was to vali- organizational improvements; (3) the rela-
date previously established APA award cri- tionship between healthy workplace prac-
Organizational Improvements
Competitive Advantage
Accident/Injury Rates
Cost Savings
Hiring Selectivity
Product/Service Quality
Customer Service/Satisfaction
and abilities, and to apply the competencies Health and safety programs seek to
they have gained to new situations (e.g., maximize the physical and mental health of
Jamison & O’Mara, 1991; Pfeffer, 1998). employees through the prevention, assess-
Employee growth and development pro- ment, and treatment of potential health
grams allow an organization to capitalize risks and problems (Aldana, 2001). Em-
on the potential of all employees by helping ployee assistance programs for alcohol and
to develop leadership, problem-solving, drug addiction, wellness screenings, stress
and other skills that may make them more management training, counseling, and
committed to the organization and may in- safety training are all examples of potential
crease their likelihood of internal career ad- programs that organizations may imple-
vancement. Examples of employee growth ment to increase the health and safety of
and development programs include addi- their employees.
tional on-the-job training, leadership devel- Recognition programs allow employees
opment, continuing education classes, and to be rewarded for their contributions to the
provision of internal career opportunities. organization, as well as for their achieve-
Table 1
Examples of the Relationship Between Healthy Workplace Practices, Employee Well-Being, and
Organizational Improvements
Organizational Improvement
Healthy Workplace Practice Employee Well-being Outcome Outcome
Work-life balance Organizational commitment (⫹) Productivity (⫹)
Job satisfaction (⫹) Absenteeism (⫺)
Employee morale (⫹) Turnover (⫺)
Employee growth & development Job satisfaction (⫹) Organizational effectiveness (⫹)
Job stress (⫺) Competitive advantage (⫹)
Motivation (⫹) Quality (⫹)
Health & safety Job stress (⫺) Health care costs (⫺)
Physical health risks (⫺) Absenteeism (⫺)
Organizational commitment (⫹) Accident/Injury rates (⫺)
Recognition Job satisfaction (⫹) Hiring selectivity (⫹)
Motivation (⫹) Productivity (⫹)
Job stress (⫺) Turnover (⫺)
Employee involvement Job satisfaction (⫹) Productivity (⫹)
Organizational commitment (⫹) Turnover (⫺)
Employee morale (⫹) Absenteeism (⫺)