Provident Fund
Provident Fund
Provident Fund
Provident fund is a very common retirement plan to benefit the employees, which is contributory
in nature and yields a feeling of participation in employees. The establishment settles the
provident fund in form of trust, required to be register with the concerned sub-registrar for
getting the status of an independent body.
There are three types of provident fund, which are known as;
Which are set up under the Provident Fund Act, 1925 and is maintained by Government, semi-
government organizations, local authorities and other such institutions. Payments from such
funds does not need recognitions from the Commissioner Inland Revenue and are exempted from
Which is recognized by Commissioner Inland Revenue under the sixth schedule of the Income
Tax Ordinance, 2001. This type of Provident fund is maintained by private sector or
organizations. Payments from such provident funds are exempted from Income Tax.
No exemptions are available but there is no yearly taxability. Employer’s Contributions and
interest thereon will be taxable at the time of payments to the employees only.
The Provident Fund is created by the employer in the form of irrecoverable Trust, with
the name, reflecting the name of the company and containing the term Employees’
Contributory Provident Fund. At least three to five trustees are appointed for the
management of the Trust who are named in the Trust Deed. The provident Fund Trust
Rules are separately prepared / drafted. The Trust Deed is written on the Stamp Paper.
The Trust is responsible for collection of contribution from employers and employees on
monthly basis and to invest the same in various permissible schemes and securities.
The Trust Deed and the Rules specify the terms and conditions pertaining to
responsibilities, duties, rights and the liabilities of the company, employees, trustees,
auditors, bankers, actuaries etc.
The Trust Deed must broadly contain the information regarding administration and
management of the Fund. The eligibility of the membership and companies’ roles and
power in the administration of the Fund should also be given. Apart from it the
contributions and investments of the Fund’s money should also be mentioned. The
distributions of the profit among members and the terms regarding the dispute and
arbitrations methods may be specified.
The Trust Deed should be registered with the Registrar of the Trust which is a mandatory
requirement. One trustee can be authorized to be appear before the Registrar and the
copies of ID cards of all the trustees and 2 passport sized photographs of each trustee
have to be filed before the Registrar along with original Trust Deed and copy of the
Rules. After its registration the Trust has to get its National Tax Number and all trustees
have also to get their NTNs.
After registration is done the application for tax exemption approval is to be filed under
Part I of the Sixth Schedule of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 before the Commissioner
Inland Revenue. Tax exemption’s approval is granted for lifetime of the Provident Fund.
The conditions for the approval are also given in Part I of the Sixth Schedule of the
Income Tax Ordinance, 2001.
The conditions for tax exemptions are that all the employees should be employed in
Pakistan or being employed by the resident employer. However, the tax exemption’s
approval can be given to non-resident employer if the total ratio of employees employed
outside Pakistan is not be more than 10%. The contribution of employer shall be not more
than the employee’s contributions.
(1) An application for recognition of a provident fund shall be made, in writing, by the
employer maintaining the fund, setting out the following information, namely: –
(a) The employer’s name and the address of the employer’s principal place of business;
(b) The name of all employees, whether in or outside Pakistan subscribing to the fund;
(c) The place where the accounts of the fund are or will be maintained; and
(d) Where the fund is already in existence, a copy of the last balance sheet of the fund
and details of the investments of the fund.
(2) A verification in the following form shall be annexed to the application, name;
“We/ I, the trustee(s) of the above named fund, do declare that what is stated in the above
application is true to the best of our/my information and belief, and that the documents
sent herewith are the originals or true copies thereof.”
Provided that if the original of the trust deed cannot conveniently be produced, the
Commissioner may accept, in lieu of the original, a true copy certified either by a
Magistrate or in any manner as provided by the applicable laws/for in the Companies
Rules, 1984, in which case, an additional copy shall be furnished for retention by the
(4) The application shall be lodged with the Commissioner responsible for the area/
jurisdiction in which the accounts of the fund are kept, or, if the accounts are kept
outside Pakistan, lodged with the Commissioner responsible for the area jurisdiction in
which the local headquarters for the employer are situated.
Profit is distributed at the year-end on the closing accumulated balance of the employees.
It is advisable that the calculation is based on the average balance. The members of the
Provident Fund can have the facility of loan / temporary withdrawal.
They can also have the facility of permanent withdrawal on certain grounds. Interest free
loans can also be availed, however, they are certain limits to loans as given in the Rules.
The guidelines for Provident Fund and moneys are also be given in the Rules.
The employer and employee’s contributions and interest shall be invested in accordance
with the provision of Section 227 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984. Provident Fund
investment rules were issued in the year 1996 which specifies the discipline for
investment in the listed securities. These Rules have been amended from time to time
specifically through SRO 261 of May 10, 2002. The Provident Fund Rules of 2005 were
re-issued regarding investment of Provident Funds moneys. The Provident Fund Trust
have to file its annual Tax Return each year treating itself a company.