Femininity in The View of Men-Done
Femininity in The View of Men-Done
Femininity in The View of Men-Done
Thien Huynh
Professor Smyrl
May 20, 2021
Femininity in the perspective of men Final
clinging boyfriend, and the impacts of his actions that led to its failure. Tomine in trying to
expand this topic in his writings chooses to experiment and portray his writings using the
perspective of a man in a feminist view. He creates a story using the toxic male voice as the point
of view to a relationship where Miko, the girlfriend, takes control of her life and her sexuality.
This new point of view of feminism from the eyes of a man paints a convicting and humanizing
approach to an otherwise abusive and toxic boyfriend. Showing Ben’s egocentric, solipsistic
view and how Miko is being defined as part of Ben rather than her person connecting to the
common space theory of Other. This leads to an awakening throughout the novel leaving Miko
secure and confident in her own identity and person while leaving Ben uncertain and out of his
delusional narrative.
Ben is shown as the pinnacle of mental abuse and male toxicity in his various verbal altercations
with Miko . In Chapter 1, in the scene where Miko finds Ben’s own pornographic DVDs and
magazines, Miko and Ben argue which climaxes in Ben saying “Because you always assume the
worst about me! You never give me the benefit of the doubt, and you’re acting crazy over
nothing!”(30). This whole interaction proves to be a defining moment in the relationship and
overall one of the main factors along with Ben’s attitude that leads to the failure of their
relationship. Tomine shows how even when Ben is in the clear wrong and has upset Miko in a
significant way, he chooses to deny and look away from his shortcomings as a boyfriend. Miko
then presses the narrative and tries to explain her own emotions leading to Ben then berating her
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over her actions saying “You clutch your purse whenever a black guy walks by!”(29) referring to
her distrust in African Americans walking down the street and diminishing her argument.
Tomine in this scene shows how Ben tries to treat Miko as part of his egocentric worldview,
negating her own opinions, and generally just taking any blame off of himself in every manner as
he believes he is in no wrong. This contributes to the common space theory of Other with Miko’s
own essence of individuality; her opinions and views being completely disregarded by Ben.
Ben’s treatment of Miko can be interpreted as showing a level of toxicity and disregard for her
personal feelings, furthering the common space theory as Ben treats Miko as an extension of
This theme of treating women as Other is seen in Chapter 2 at various points as Ben is trying to
come to terms and cope with Miko going to New York for her internship. In his search and
perhaps his desperation to keep his egocentric narrative, he tries to pursue relationships with
other women (both being white as well) with little success until he meets Sasha, a bisexual
woman who sleeps with him and engages in a casual relationship with him. Ben’s toxicity is seen
in the scene where Sasha visits him to talk about their relationship. However Ben takes this into
his own view and tries to engage in sexual activity with Sasha, moving her bra and shirt down,
however, Sasha is then shown to not be into his advancements saying “I thought maybe we
could… get lunch or something.”(69). Now to some readers, this scene may be overlooked as
perhaps provocative filler or nothing relating to Ben’s own treating women as other to himself.
However, to myself, I believe it shows a perfect example of Ben’s behavior being an offshoot
from his own delusion. Miko being gone allows him the freedom to truly lust and engage in
relationships with women he truly wanted, further showing Miko in the theory of Other. Having
no real loyalty or connection to Miko to try and remain loyal for her while she is in New York
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and quickly pursuing the type of women he lusted after while they dated. When Sasha comes, he
immediately jumps into what he believes is happening which is Sasha coming in for sexual acts
instead of asking her why she came to his apartment. He pastes what he believes is real and then
acts on that instead of what is happening at the moment, which is Sasha coming over just to get
lunch showing how she has her views and life not fitting whatever narrative Ben has made for
The last chapter of the book can be perceived as Miko’s own blossoming from Other to an
individual and Ben’s slow decline as a person. Miko finds new love in New York and the self
confidence to treat herself as her own individual rather than being marginalized to Ben’s world
view. Ben, failing at his new relationships at Berkeley decides to fly to New York where Miko
and Alice are to try and save his relationship and perhaps more importantly his delusional view
of his life but ultimately fails, further breaking his relationship with Miko into a failed one and
perhaps realizes his own faults as a toxic and egocentric lover to Miko. As he walks with Alice
reminiscing about his relationships, in a moment of weakness, Ben says “ You know, there’s still
a part of me that thinks when I land in Oakland, Everything will just be… Back to normal./ the
threaten will be open… you’ll be back in school… Miko will be waiting for me at the
airport”(106). At this moment, Ben comes to perhaps see that he has been treating Miko and the
others in his life as side characters for his masculine reality showing his egocentric mind and
failure to try and love Miko and his past relationships. He even protects Miko from Alice's
insults saying “We all have our reasons.” (107). Ben in a way admits defeat or acceptance of his
own situation, for many years he has seen the world revolve around himself with Miko always
being there for him. Being treated as Other and a part of himself rather than truly being her own
person. For the first time, Ben feels like the world and the individuals around him are moving
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forward without him, with Alice’s engagement and Miko’s new life and lover. He desperately
reaches out to the past that fits his narrative, ultimately uncertain as to what the future will hold
Feminism in the viewpoint of Ben as Tomine tries to show, is a method that portrays challenges
in providing a feminist narrative as well as also showing it in a whole brand new light. Tomine’s
portrayal of Ben as a toxic and guilty boyfriend to Miko, so delusional and self-centered that he
has no real understanding of any problem that was his fault, provides a humanizing
understanding of feminism. It shows growth on both sides with Ben and Miko, with Miko
moving out to New York, finding a new relationship and new self-confidence in herself unlike
when she was with Ben at Berkeley. Ben also finds growth through pain, desperately trying to
cling to this false idea that Miko and his whole life are fixing themselves to try and fit whatever
place he is mentally or physically. His growth is him coming to terms with his shortcoming as a
boyfriend, understanding himself as an egocentric, toxic, and misogynistic lover who treated
Miko wrong and lost her, leaving the ending to him open to change and contemplating what he
Works Cited
Hello again! Regarding the essay and the final revisions I made, I have added more information
connecting to the Common Space theory of Other within each paragraph which can be clearly
seen in the end of the second and last body paragraph along with various points where I touch on
Miko being treated as part of Ben’s world view rather than her own separate individual. I also
shortened my summarizations in the first body paragraph to better show the audience rather than
try and tell the whole story which I have done numerous times as well as made my topic
sentences shorter and more clear to the point I am trying to show. I overall believe that this essay
is one that I genuinely liked writing and honestly one of my best, even being a little rough
around the edges in many ways. The different ways and analyses I provided truly showed me
Thien H.
Huynh 7
Net Tutor