Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering 1 - FEE1: Course Notes
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering 1 - FEE1: Course Notes
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering 1 - FEE1: Course Notes
Course notes
Assoc. Prof. PhD. Eng. Mihai Iulian Rebican
2020 - 2021
Electric circuits in variable state
FEE1 – course 8 – 23.11.2020
Variable state: current through an element and voltage along an element are not
constant in time, they can have any variation in time (sinusoidal, exponential, step
variations and so on).
Capacitor is an one-port element for which current through the element depends on
velocity (derivate) of voltage along the element.
Parameter of a capacitor is capacitance, C, given in farads: C [F].
- for receiver convention:
Particular cases:
a) if C=0, then i(t)=0 (any u): open-circuit
b) If u(t)=U=constant in time (DC circuit), then i(t)=0 (any u): open-circuit
Obs.: In DC circuits, the capacitor behaves as an open-circuit.
Energetic characterization (transferred power):
Obs.: Inductor is a symmetric element (it does not matter how it is connected in
Current through inductor is:
where t0 is the initial time, i(t0) is the current at initial time (initial current or initial
condition of the inductor).
Obs.: Current through an inductor has a continuous variation in time (at initial time,
current is the same, i(t0)). But the voltage does not have a continuous variation in time
(a jump of voltage at initial time).
Particular cases:
a) if L=0, then u(t)=0 (any i): short-circuit
b) If i(t)=I=constant in time (DC circuit), then u(t)=0 (any i): short-circuit
Obs.: In DC circuits, the inductor behaves as a short-circuit.
Energetic characterization (transferred power):
Magnetic energy stored by inductor:
Power is transferred from circuit to element.
The inductor is a passive element, a reactive element, which store magnetic energy!
Coupled inductors (inductors with mutual coupling)
Coupled inductors represent a multi-ports element. So, two coupled inductors mean a
two-ports elements.
There is a magnetic coupling between two inductors, so the inductors are not
The voltage along one inductor depends on velocity (derivate) of current through the
inductor and velocity (derivate) of current through the other inductor from the
magnetic coupling.
Obs.: Magnetic coupling is represented by stars (polarized terminals).
Obs.: For both inductors, the voltage and current are oriented according to receiver
L1=L11 is the self inductance of the first inductor
L2=L22 is the self inductance of the second inductor
M=L12=L21 is the mutual inductance of the two inductors
Obs.: L1>0, L2>0, M>0 or M<0.
Mutual inductance is positive if the currents through the two coupled inductors have
the same orientation related to polarized terminals (both currents are going in
polarized terminals or both currents are going out polarized terminals).
Mutual inductance is negative if the currents through the two coupled inductors have
different orientation related to polarized terminals (one current is going in polarized
terminal and the other current is going out polarized terminal).
Obs.: if M=0, there is no magnetic coupling between inductors, so the inductors are
The coupling coefficient is:
The coupled inductors is a passive element, a reactive element, which store magnetic
energy (when W>0)!
Ideal active circuit elements
Ideal voltage source