Home town
1.Where do you come from?
I’m not a native here. I’m from Bac Lieu which is a small town in the South of
VN. I’m proud of the city ,not only because it has a long history but also it has
reputable genres of music call ĐCTTNB. DCTTNB was recognized by UNESO as
an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity
(If you are living in a different place to where you "come from) Why did
you move there/here?
I would move to HCM City because I got the scholarship from high school for
people who got the price of chemistry. HCM City is the metropolis where have
career prospect with higher income
2.What kind of accommodation do you live in?
A detached house
Anh tốt nhất là không nên
gây sức ép lên gia đình tôi.
You better not be putting the squeeze on
my family
Anh đang dính phải vài vụ khó nhằn.