ROS Commands: Textbook P. 90 127

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ROS Commands

P. 90~127


I. Introduction to ROS commands

II. ROS shell commands

III. ROS execution commands

IV. ROS information commands

V. ROS catkin commands

VI. ROS package commands Textbook

P. 90~127

Command-Line Tools

Command-Line Tools
The following Command-Line Tools are used
throughout the ROS course.
rospack, roscd, rospd, rosls, rosed, roscp, rosdep,
roswf, catkin_create_pkg, wstool, catkin_make,
roscore, rosrun, roslaunch, rosnode, rostopic,
rosservice, rosparam, rosmsg, rossrv, rosbag, tf_echo

Please refer to the distributed ROS Cheat sheet.
ROS shell commands
command importance Command description Detailed description

roscd ★★★ ros+cd(changes directory) Move to the directory of the specified ROS package

rosls ★☆☆ ros+ls(lists files) Check the list of files in the ROS package

rosed ★☆☆ ros+ed(editor) Edit files in the ROS package

roscp ★☆☆ ros+cp(copies files) Copy Files in the ROS Package

rospd ☆☆☆ ros+pushd Add Directories to the ROS Directory Index

rosd ☆☆☆ ros+directory Check the ROS directory index

ROS execution commands

command importance Command description Detailed description

- master (ROS name service)

roscore ★★★ ros+core - rosout (record logs)
- parameter server (Manage parameters)

rosrun ★★★ ros+run Run the Node

roslaunch ★★★ ros+launch Run multiple nodes with options

rosclean ★★☆ ros+clean Check or delete ROS log files

ROS information commands
command importance Command description Detailed description

rostopic ★★★ ros+topic Check ROS topic information

rosservice ★★★ ros+service Check ROS service information

rosnode ★★★ ros+node Check ROS node information

rosparam ★★★ ros+param(parameter) Check and modify ROS parameter information

rosbag ★★★ ros+bag ROS message recording, playback

rosmsg ★★☆ ros+msg Check ROS message information

rossrv ★★☆ ros+srv Check ROS service information

rosversion ★☆☆ ros+version Check ROS Package, Release Version Information

roswtf ☆☆☆ ros+wtf ROS System Inspection

ROS catkin commands
command importance Detailed description

catkin_create_pkg ★★★ Automatically generates a package

catkin_make ★★★ Builds based on the Catkin build system

catkin_eclipse ★★☆ Converts the package created by the Catkin build system for Eclipse

catkin_prepare_release ★★☆ Log cleanup and version tagging for release

catkin_generate_changelog ★★☆ Creates or Updates the CHANGELOG.rst file for release

catkin_init_workspace ★★☆ Initializes the workspace of Catkin build system

catkin_find ★☆☆ Search catkin

ROS package commands
command importance Detailed description

rospack ★★★ ros+pack(age) Displays information related to the ROS package

rosinstall ★★☆ ros+install Installs additional package for ROS

rosdep ★★☆ ros+dep(endencies) Installs dependency files for the package

roslocate ☆☆☆ ros+locate Acquires information regarding ROS package

Automatically generates ROS package (used in old

roscreate-pkg ☆☆☆ ros+create-pkg
rosbuild system)
Builds the ROS package (formerly used by the rosbuild
rosmake ☆☆☆ ros+make

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