01 Taking Risks and Making Profits
01 Taking Risks and Making Profits
01 Taking Risks and Making Profits
Business Entrepreneur Goods
• Intangible products
• Any activity that • A person who risks • Tangible products (that can’t be held
seeks to provide time and money such as in your hand) like
goods and to start and computers, food, education,
services to others manage a clothing, cars and healthcare,
while operating at business. appliances. insurance, recreation
a profit. and travel.
• Risk -- The chance an entrepreneur takes of losing time and money on a business that
may not prove profitable.
• Not all businesses make the same amount of profit.
• Businesses take risks, but with great risks could come great profit.
• For example:
• Digicel made billions of dollars selling phones in the poorest and most violent
countries in the world
• Tata motors from India selling cheap car
Standard Of Living & Quality Of Life
In Indonesia:
• Only 3% Indonesia citizens are
entrepreneurs, whilst in the
developed countries at least
14% of their citizens are
entrepreneurs [1]
• 14,3 millions woman own
businesses in Indonesia [2]
[1] Neraca. 2019. https://neraca.co.id/article/115493/syarat-negara-maju-punya-pengusaha-14-ri-baru-31
[2] Merdeka. 2017. https://www.merdeka.com/uang/jumlah-pengusaha-wanita-meningkat-jadi-143-juta-orang.html
[3] Katadata. 2019. https://databoks.katadata.co.id/datapublish/2019/10/15/kesetaraan-gender-dalam-wirausaha-indonesia-tertinggi-di-asia-pasifik
Factors Related to
The Creation Of Wealth
• Why some countries are relatively wealthy and others poor?
• For starter, it depends on the five factors of production
• What makes rich countries rich today is a combination of entrepreneurship and the
effective of knowledge. Also, the business environment either encourages or
discourages entrepreneurship
• Reflect on how Mexico and Indonesia has large numbers of land and labor, but still
not considered as rich countries
Business Environment
Establishing a
interference with
currency that’s
the free exchange
tradable in world
of goods and
Passing laws that
businesspeople to
write enforceable
The Technological Environment
• The obtaining of individuals’ personal information,
such as Social Security and credit card numbers, for
illegal purposes.
Global Environment
Task 1: Stakeholders’ Point of Views