Priminary of Spar Truss Platform

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Matlab Aided Modelling of Linear Motion of an Offshore Spar Truss Platform

CHUKU, Promise
B.Tech (Marine Engineering)
Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt

A Dissertation Submitted to the Postgraduate School, Rivers State University, Nkpolu-

Oroworukwo, Port Harcourt in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of
Master of Technology Degree in Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding in Department of
Marine Engineering, Faculty of Engineering.

January, 2019

This research work is primarily aimed at developing a Matlab sort code since the cost of acquiring or purchasing
Naval Architecture and Offshore structure software today, runs into millions of Naira, Owing to this facts and many
more, this research work; Linear motion analysis of an offshore spar truss platform using Matlab programming
language was carried out to meet the need of truss spar surge and heave force which result in the spar truss surge and
heave responses analysis design. To achieve this aim, specific areas of interest were reviewed; Computer and
software utilization in Naval Architecture and Offshore Structure with respect to wave load (wave force) and
responses of the spar truss. The source code is use in calculating the wave force on entire spar truss, this wave force
is either heave force or surge force, which leads to calculating the heave and surge response amplitude operator, this
response amplitude operator determine the response or behavior of the spar truss. The source code when ran gave a
wave like pattern and the maximum surge and heave force occur at were the spar truss natural frequency is also
maximum, also the maximum response amplitude operator for both case are maximum at maximum surge and heave
force respectively. The results of this work show very good agreement with other research works, and was found
that the errors between both results are less than 1 % as the published work result has 0.02 and 0.0004 for surge and
heave response amplitude operator at 0.0125 Hz respectively, while the Matlab result has 0.0215 and 0.00016 for
surge and heave response amplitude operator at 0.0125 Hz respectively. As time goes interested researchers and
students in this field can further developed this source code until it gets to a stage where it will be commercially
approved. However, some recommendations were made, irregular wave approach should be applied to get the actual
wave load on the offshore spar truss structure despite its difficulties because the irregular wave show the exact wave
force on the structure when compared with the regular wave force and that this software should be developed further
to incorporate plate truss analysis.

I, CHUKU, Promise (PG.2014/301) do declare that the research carried out in this dissertation
represents my original work and has not been previously submitted elsewhere or in this
University for the award of a degree of Master of Technology in Marine Engineering.

---------------------------------- ----------------------
Date Signature

We certify that this research work carried out by CHUKU, Promise (PG.2014/00301) in the

Department of Marine Engineering, Faculty of Engineering has achieved its objectives, both in

scope and quality as a partial fulfilment of requirements for the award of the degree of Master

of Technology (M. Tech) in Marine Engineering (Naval Architecture option), Faculty of

Engineering, Rivers State University, Nkpolu-Oroworukwo, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

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Engr. Dr. E Akandu Date
(Main Supervisor)

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Dr. I.E Douglas Date

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Prof. I. Fubara-Mauel Date
(Head of Department

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External Examiner Date

This Dissertation work is dedicated to God Almighty for his protection, love, wisdom, and for

preserving my life throughout my stay in this institution.

I thank God Almighty for His Love, protection and provision throughout my stay and studies in

this master’s program.

To my Dissertation supervisors Engr. Dr. E Akandu for his excellent leadership, guidance,

corrections, addition and for providing the necessary supports throughout the dissertation

duration. To my Co-supervisor Dr. I.E. Douglas for his encouragement and fatherly support for

without you I may not have complete this programme. You are indeed a challenging lecturer and

mentor whom their professional abilities has benefited me in so many ways.

I appreciate the effort of my present Head of Department Marine Engineering Prof. I. Fubara-

Manuel and Dean of Engineering Faculty Prof. C. O. Ahiakwo for providing the enable

environment throughout my studies.

To my lecturers in the department of marine engineering which include Prof. K.D.H.

Bobmanuel, Dr. I.E. Douglas and Dr. D. Tamunodukobipi and other staff of Marine Engineering

department for their patient and knowledge impacted in me throughout my master’s program, I

say a big thank you.

I whole heartedly express my appreciation to my Sweet Mother, for her care, support, advice and

prayers, I pray your prayers and effort will never be in vain. Also to my wife Mrs Promise for

her advice, I appreciate your love, care and encouragement.

And unforgettably are friends and colleagues in the Department of Marine Engineering, Rivers

State University, Hope, John and Sixtus etc who have been helpful throughout the course of this

dissertation has they have contributed in one way or the other to make my master’s program a


Finally, I appreciate Olusegun Samuel for his efforts which include staying out night in a bit to

make this dissertation a success, I love you all.


Content Page

Title page i
Abstract ii
Declaration iii
Acknowledgements iv
Certification v
Dedication vi
Table of Contents vii
List of Figures x
List of Tables xi
Nomenclatures xii
1.1 Background of Studies 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem 3
1.3 Aim and Objective 3
1.4 Significance of the Study 4
1.5 Scope of the Study 4
2.1 Truss Spar Platform 5
2.2 Improvement of Truss Spar 9
2.3 Wave Force and Motion Prediction 11
2.3.1 Froude-Krylov Theory 12
2.4 Spectral Analysis and Response 13
2.5 Research Gap 14
3.1 Overview 15
3.2 Classification of Truss Spar System 16
3.2.1 Truss Spar Platform 16
3.2.2 Model of an Offshore Spar Truss 17
3.2.3 Hard Tank Component of a Truss Spar 18
3.2.4 Truss System Component of a Truss Spar 19
3.2.5 Soft Tank Component of a Truss Spar 20
3.3 Truss Spar Equation 21
3.3.1 Surge and Heave Force of the Truss Spar 21
3.3.2 Quasi-static Force for Surge 25
3.3.3 Surge Frequency Ratio 25
3.3.4 Surge Magnification Factor 26
3.3.5 Surge Response Amplitude Operator 26
3.3.6 Wave spectrum 27
3.3.7 Surge Responses of the Truss Spar 27
3.4 Heave Responses 27
3.4.1 Quasi-Static Heave Force 27
3.4.2 Heave Frequency Ratio 28
3.4.3 Heave Magnification factor 28
3.4.4 Heave Response Amplitude Operator 29
3.4.5 Surge Responses of the Truss Spar 29
3.5 Flow Chart Use for the Matlab 29
3.6 Input Parameters 31
4.1 Results 34
4.2 Discussion of Results 43
4.3 Results Validations 45
5.1 Conclusion 50
5.2 Contribution to Knowledge 51
5.3 Recommendations 51
References 52
Appendix A: Wave Inertia and Drag force Results 55
Appendix B: Force Model Equation
Appendix C: MATLAB Source Code 60

Figures Page

3.1 Flow Chart for the Matlab Program 30

4.1 Surge force Comparison on the Spar Hull, Spar Soft Tank and Spar Plate 34
4.2 Total Surge Force on the Spar Truss against Time 35

4.3 Heave Force Comparison on the Spar Hull and Spar Soft Tank 36

4.4 Total Heave Force on the Spar Truss against Time 37

4.5 ITTC Spectral Density against Time 38

4.6 Surge Response Amplitude Operator against Time 39

4.7 Surge Response of the Spar Truss against Time 40

4.8 Heave Response Amplitude Operator against Time 41

4.9 Heave Response of the Spar Truss against Time 42

4.10 Properties of the Truss Spar for Validation by Kurian, 46

4.11 Wave Properties as Used by Kurian, for Validation 46

4.12 Surge RAO Validation using Kurian, Data 47

4.13 Heave RAO Validation using Kurian, Data 48


Plates Page

2.1 Classification of Truss Spar Platform System 6

2.2 Typical Spar Truss System 8

3.1 Typical Spar Truss Platform with Super Structure 16

3.2 Model of an Offshore Spar Truss Platform


3.3 The Hard Tank Component of a Spar Truss 18

3.4 The Truss System Component of a Spar Truss 19
3.5 The Soft Tank Component of a Spar Truss 20

Table Page

3.1 Parameters as Input to the Matlab Source Code 32


Symbol Definition Unit

ax - Acceleration (x-direction) - m/s2

az - Acceleration (z-direction) - m/s2

B - Breadth of Soft Tank m

Cd Drag Coefficient -------

Cm Inertia Coefficient -------

Cx Co-ordinate in x-direction radian

Cy Co-ordinate in y-direction radian

Cz Co-ordinate in z-direction radian

C surge - Wave steepness at surge - -------

C heave - Wave steepness at heave - -------

Dh Diameter of Spar Hull m

Dp Diameter of Spar Truss Plate m

d Sea Water Depth m

F surge - Surge force - N

F h eave Heave force N

F hsurge Surge Force on the Spar Hull N

F tsurge Surge Force on the Spar Soft Tank N

F hheave Heave Force on the Spar Hull N

F theave Heave Force on the Spar Soft Tank N

F pheave Heave Force on the Spar Truss Plate N

Fqsurge - Quasi- static force for surge - N

Fqheave - Quasi- static force for heave - N

g m
- Acceleration due to Gravity

Hs - Significant wave height - m

k - Wave Number -

L - Length of Soft Tank - m

M - Mass of the barge - kg

Qsurge - Magnification Factor for Surge ------

Q heave - Magnification Factor for Heave ------

R surge - Surge frequency ratio -----

Rheave - Heave frequency ratio -----

RAO Surge - Surge Response Amplitude Operator -------

RAOheave - Heave Response Amplitude Operator -------

m 2 rad
S(ω) - Wave Spectrum

Tn - Natural period - sec

t - Wave period - sec

Vx - Velocity (x-direction)

vz - Velocity (z- direction) m/s

z - Instantenous wave height - m

ξa - Wave Amplitude - m

λ - Wavelength - m

ω rad
- Wave frequency -

ωn - Wave natural frequency -

ρ - Density of sea water - kg/m3

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