Prediction of Noise From A Wing-In-junct
Prediction of Noise From A Wing-In-junct
Prediction of Noise From A Wing-In-junct
The leading edge turbulence interaction noise model of Amiet was extended to incorporate span-wise variations in
flow properties and integration with modern computational fluid dynamics codes. The present implementation of the
leading edge noise model was validated against experimental data in the literature. To demonstrate the use of the ex-
tended leading edge noise model, the flow and noise from a wing-in-junction test case was simulated numerically.
Noise was calculated using flow data from different upstream positions to illustrate the importance of choosing the
most appropriate turbulence data for noise prediction. The effect of span-wise discretisation on the acoustic predic-
tion was shown and a study of the noise contributions from each span-wise part of the wing was performed. This
showed that the upper part of the wing produced the most noise. Thus, any noise mitigation strategies should be con-
centrated in this area for maximum effect.
Figure 1 illustrates the essential components of turbulence Figure 1. Side view of an airfoil encountering a turbulent
leading edge interaction noise (known as leading edge noise flow field. When the turbulent eddies interact with the airfoil
hereafter). Turbulent eddies with characteristic length scale leading edge, unsteady lift is produced, which is a source of
L (created by atmospheric shear, a wall boundary layer or by noise.
other components upstream of the airfoil) are convected to-
ward an airfoil by the flow. When the eddies reach the lead- There are several methods of numerically simulating turbu-
ing edge, the random velocity fluctuations in the flow induce lent flow about an airfoil. However, the only practical
an unsteady pressure over the surface of the airfoil. The un- method that can be used for engineering design is the solution
steady pressure distribution creates unsteady lift that, by the of the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations.
theory of Curle (1955), creates noise. This is a different This is because other methods such as Large Eddy Simula-
mechanism to that found at the trailing edge (Moreau et al., tion (LES) or Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) require
2011), where turbulent eddies created in the boundary layer high computational resources and solution times, making
produce noise via an edge diffraction process. In this paper, them impractical for use in situations where multiple design
only leading-edge interaction noise is considered. solutions must be evaluated in a realistic time. For leading
edge noise considerations, the use of RANS in the design
Most semi-analytical techniques that are used for the predic- process is to quantify and influence the flow properties up-
tion of leading-edge noise are based on the theory of Amiet stream of an airfoil. For example, RANS can be used to cal-
(1975). This is a very useful methodology and has been used culate the flow properties in an air-conditioning duct in order
by many researchers (Paterson & Amiet, 1982; Roger & to evaluate the noise created by a fan located within it.
Moreau, 2004); however, it was derived for cases where
homogeneous turbulence encounters an airfoil or wing so the The aim of this paper is to present a technique that links
turbulence properties do not vary across the span. In many RANS flow solutions with a semi-analytical leading-edge
situations, this is not the case. For example, turbulent in- noise prediction method. It is complementary to other meth-
ods currently under development at the University of Adel- fluctuating lift to noise. The response function has solutions
aide for other airfoil self noise mechanisms, such as trailing for low and high frequencies, as detailed by Amiet (1975).
edge noise (Doolan et al., 2010). Additionally, this paper Mωb π
extends the leading-edge noise model so that it is able to The low frequency solution is valid when < and
accommodate span-wise variations in turbulent flow proper- 4
ties the high frequency solution is valid for all other frequencies.
The response function itself is lengthy to document, hence
The paper is structured as follows. The leading edge noise the reader is referred to Amiet (1975) for complete details.
model is presented, including a description of how it can be
used with a RANS flow solution and how to take into ac- Using RANS data as an input
count span-wise variations in the flow. The noise model is
then validated against published leading edge noise data for When using a RANS simulation to provide turbulent inflow
an airfoil placed in homogeneous turbulence to show that the data for noise calculations, a method is needed to provide
described implementation of the model is accurate. Finally, turbulence intensity and length scale to the noise model from
the entire model is used on the complex flow demonstration the computed flow field.
test case of a wing-in-junction flow. Here, a RANS flow
solution is presented and used to predict the noise in the far- Turbulence intensity (TI) can be calculated using (Wilcox,
field. 2006)
2d ⎛ za ,i ρ 0U 0 ⎞ ⎛ ωb ⎞
2 2 U = 60 m/s
∑ N ⎜⎝
G pp ,N = ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ c ⎟⎠ | L | φww ,i (ω )l y ,i (ω )
500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 3. Comparison of the theory of Amiet with experi-
mental results (Paterson & Amiet, 1977). The data shown are
a 1 Hz bandwidth power spectrum, referenced to 20 µPa.
the effect of solid surfaces will alter the turbulence intensity Acoustic Results
and dissipation in their close vicinity and care must be taken
when collecting flow data upstream of the leading edge for Before the acoustic calculations can be performed, an under-
noise calculations. In order to investigate this effect, data standing of the effect of span-wise discretisation must be
were collected at two locations upstream of the leading edge. obtained. The effect of the number of strips (N) on the root-
These data are summarised in Figure 9 and will be discussed mean-square (rms) of the predicted acoustic signal was inves-
in the following paragraphs. tigated by calculating the power spectral density of the acous-
tic pressure from the wing-in-junction flow using Equation
Data were collected along a line that extended from the floor (5). In each case, the observer or virtual microphone location
to a position equal to the span of the airfoil at two stream- was placed at (xa ya za)= (0 0 600) mm directly over the
wise locations upstream of the leading edge. One location centre of the wing surface (90 degrees to the chord line). For
was chosen to be very close to the leading edge (x/c = various values of N, the predicted spectrum was integrated
-0.0032) where the flow is strongly influenced by the leading over the frequency range of 100 Hz to 20 kHz to obtain an
edge. The second location was chosen to be relatively far overall unweighted sound pressure level. The values of N
from the leading edge (x/c = -0.203) where the flow was un- used for this study were N = [1 5 50 100 500]. A value of N
affected by the wing and was similar to the flow entering the = 1 means that the span-wise varying flow upstream of the
computational domain. leading edge was averaged over the span. Similarly, N > 1
indicates that N equispaced strips were created, and the flow
Figure 9(a) shows the mean stream-wise velocity profiles at properties upstream of the leading edge were averaged over
the two stream-wise locations. The effect of the wing is ob- each strip and used in the acoustic calculation.
vious in this case. At the upstream location, the velocity
profile resembles that of the inlet profile, which is a turbulent Figure 10 displays the results of the investigation of the effect
boundary layer. Close to the leading edge, the flow has of number of strips on acoustic prediction. The figure shows
slowed considerably and is no longer similar to that of a the percentage change in solution (the unweighted overall
boundary layer. sound pressure level) versus number of strips using the nu-
merical flow data taken at the upstream location (x/c =
In Figure 9(b) turbulent kinetic energy profiles are shown at -0.203). The percentage change in solution was calculated by
the two stream-wise locations. In this case, the profiles are dividing change in the integrated pressure level from one
similar in shape, but the magnitude of the data close to the solution to the next as N increased and expressing it as a per-
leading edge is higher than that computed upstream. This is cent. The acoustic solution is quite sensitive to the number of
because the turbulence model detects a wall and increases the strips used when N < 100. However, when N > 100, the solu-
production of turbulence to form a boundary layer. Even tion appears to be unaffected, indicating the numerical
though the mean flow velocity is low, the turbulent kinetic method has become grid insensitive and converged. Thus,
energy is high, thus the overall effect of these competing the acoustic calculations presented here will use a value of N
parameters on noise generation is unclear without the use of = 100, which corresponds to a strip width of dy = 0.69 mm
an acoustic model. It is also interesting to note the produc- for the wing-in-junction test case.
tion of what is termed here as a “secondary” shear layer
along the floor of the domain upstream of the boundary layer. Predicted leading edge noise spectra are shown in Figure 11.
This is clearly identified in the computational data as a peak These spectra were obtained using Equation (5) using the
in the turbulent kinetic energy data over 0 ≤ y/c ≤ 0.1. This data presented in Figure 9 and at both stream-wise locations,
region of higher turbulence intensity will produce more noise i.e. those labelled “Upstream” (x/c = -0.203) and “Leading
than would otherwise be expected from a flow without the edge” (x/c = -0.0032). The results clearly show the import-
secondary shear layer. ance of choosing the location to sample the in-coming flow
correctly. The spectrum calculated using the leading edge
Figure 9(c) compares the turbulent dissipation at the leading (x/c = -0.0032) flow data is approximately 35 dB
edge and upstream from it. Similar to the turbulent kinetic below the spectrum calculated using the upstream flow data
energy results of Figure 9(b), dissipation is higher closer to (x/c = -0.203). The reason for this discrepancy can be traced
the leading edge due to the high production of turbulence to differences in the mean flow data, specifically the differ-
induced by the presence of the wall. The secondary shear ences in turbulent integral length scale (Figure 9(e)) and
layer is also noticeable in the dissipation results. mean velocity (Figure 9(a)).
1 1
Upstream Upstream
Leading edge Leading edge
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012
U/U k/U0
1 1
Upstream Upstream
Leading edge Leading edge
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
1 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
c/U0 TI (%)
Leading edge
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
Figure 9. Flow property profiles measured upstream of the leading edge of the wing. Solid line (labelled “Upstream”)
indicates a position x/c = -0.203 upstream of the leading edge, at a position where the flow variables are unaffected by
the presence of the wing; dashed line (labelled “Leading edge”) indicates a position x/c = -0.0032 upstream of the lead-
ing edge.
20 40
30 0.3<y/c<0.4
15 0.4<y/c<0.5
% change in solution
20 0.7<y/c<0.8
10 Total
PSD (dB/Hz)
5 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 30 2
N 10 10
Frequency (Hz)
pected that the noise results obtained using the upstream (x/c
= -0.203) data will be closer to that expected in reality.
However, this may not be the case and careful experimental
measurements are needed to validate these predictions.
This work has been supported by the Australian Research
Council under linkage grant LP110100033 ‘Understanding
and predicting submarine hydrofoil noise’.