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Data Model

Reference Manual
AVEVA Solutions Limited

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Data Model Reference Manual

Revision Sheet

Date Version Comments / Remarks

September 2011 12.1 Linestyle Elements added in the System Database and updated
Elements in the Manu Database.
January 2012 Copyright added to all pages.
July 2012 12.1.SP3 Added new attributes and new chapter 17.
April 2013 12.1.SP4 The HRDPRX attribute has been added.
Data Model Reference Manual
Data Model Reference Manual

Data Model Reference Manual

Contents Page

Reference Manual
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:1
Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:1
Guide Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:1

Catalogue Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:1

Catalogue Database Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:1
Attribute List Element (ATLIST) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:1
Bolt List Element (BLIST) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:1
Bolt Table Element (BLTABLE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:1
Bolt Point Element (BLTP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:2
Boxing Element (BOXING). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:3
Branch/Reducer Table Element (BRTAB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:3
Bolt Pointset Element (BTSET) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:3
Cable Core Element (CABCORE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:4
Catalogue DB Element (CATALOGUE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:4
Piping Category Element (CATEGORY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:4
Cable Core Set Element (CCORSET) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:5
Connection Compatibility Table Element (CCTABLE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:6
Coating Element (COATING) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:6
Connection Compatibility Description Element (COCDES) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:6
Connection Compatibility Element (COCO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:7
Selection Table Element (CTABLE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:7
Data Element (DATA). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:8
2D Symbolic Representation for Drafting Element (DRSSET). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:8

© Copyright 1974 to current year. i 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual

2D Symbolic Representation for Drafting Link Element (DRSYLK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:8

Diameter Table Element (DTABLE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:9
Dataset Element (DTSET) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:9
Face Code Element (FACECODE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:10
3D Geomset Element (GMSET). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:10
Structural Geomset Element (GMSSET) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:11
General Part Element (GPART) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:11
Group World Element (GPWLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:12
Group Element (GROUP). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:12
Catalogue Joint Component Element (JOINT). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:13
Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (LCYLINDER). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:13
Line (3D Geomset) Element (LINE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:14
Pyramid (3D Geomset) Element (LPYRAMID). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:15
Snout (3D Geomset) Element (LSNOUT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:16
Length Table Element (LTABLE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:16
Multi-bolt List Element (MBLIST) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:17
Multi-bolt Element (MBOLT). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:17
Measurement Set Element (MSET) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:17
Measurement Type Element (MTYPE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:18
Nominal Bore World Element (NBRWLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:18
Negative 3D Geomset Element (NGMSET) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:18
Negative Cylinder Element (NLCYLINDER). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:19
Negative Pyramid Element (NLPYRAMID) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:20
Negative Snout Element (NLSNOUT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:21
Nominal Bore Element (NOMINB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:22
Nominal Bore Table Element (NOMTAB). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:22
Negative Box Element (NSBOX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:22
Negative Cone Element (NSCONE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:23
Negative Circular Torus Element (NSCTORUS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:24
Negative Cylinder Element (NSCYLINDER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:25
Negative Dish Element (NSDSH). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:26
Negative Extrusion Element (NSEXTRUSION) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:26
Negative Revolution Element (NSREVOLUTION) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:27
Negative Rectangular Torus Element (NSRTORUS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:28
Negative Slope-bottomed Cylinder Element (NSSLCYLINDER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:29
Negative Sphere Element (NSSPHERE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:30
Paint Element (PAINT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:31
Pipe Data Element (PDAELE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:31
Pipe Data Table Element (PDATAB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:32
Pline Element (PLINE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:32

© Copyright 1974 to current year. ii 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual

Part Element (PRTELE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:33

Part World Element (PRTWLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:33
Axial Ppoint Element (PTAXIS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:34
Cartesian Ppoint Element (PTCAR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:34
Mixed Ppoint Element (PTMIX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:35
Ppoint with Position Element (PTPOS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:35
3D Pointset Element (PTSET) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:36
Structural Pointset Element (PTSSET) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:36
Rawplate Catalogue Entry Element (RAWPLA). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:37
RRawplate Table Element (RPLTAB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:37
Structural Annulus Element (SANNULUS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:38
Single Bolt Element (SBOLT). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:38
Box (3D Geomset) Element (SBOX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:39
Sub Branch/Reducer Table Element (SBRTAB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:40
Catalogue Component Element (SCOMPONENT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:40
Cone (3D Geomset) Element (SCONE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:40
Circular Torus (3D Geomset) Element (SCTORUS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:41
Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (SCYLINDER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:42
Disc (3D Geomset) Element (SDISK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:43
Dish (3D Geomset) Element (SDSH) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:43
Detail Text Element (SDTEXT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:44
Piping Section Element (SECTION). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:44
Selector Element (SELEC). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:45
Extrusion (3D Geomset) Element (SEXTRUSION) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:46
Catalogue Fitting Component Element (SFITTING). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:47
Simple Line (3D Geomset) Element (SLINE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:47
Pipe Slope Element (SLOELE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:48
Loop (3D Geomset) Element (SLOOP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:48
Pipe Slope Table Element (SLOTAB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:48
Material Text Element (SMTEXT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:49
Sub Nominal Bore Table Element (SNOTAB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:49
Specification Component Element (SPCOMPONENT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:49
Specification Element (SPECIFICATION) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:50
Catalogue Profile Component Element (SPRFILE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:51
Structural Profile Element (SPROFILE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:51
Vertex for Sprof Element (SPVERT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:52
Specification World Element (SPWLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:52
Structural Rectangle Element (SRECTANGLE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:53
Revolution (3D Geomset) Element (SREVOLUTION) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:53
Surface Treatment Element (SRFTRT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:54

© Copyright 1974 to current year. iii 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual

Rectangular Torus (3D Geomset) Element (SRTORUS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:55

Sub-sub Branch/Reducer Table Element (SSBRTA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:55
Slope-bottomed Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (SSLCYLINDER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:56
Sub-sub Nominal Bore Table Element (SSNOTA). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:57
Sphere (3D Geomset) Element (SSPHERE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:57
Sub-sub-sub Branch/Reducer Table Element (SSSBRT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:58
Structural Category Element (STCATEGORY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:58
Status Link World Element (STLNKW). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:59
Structural Section Element (STSECTION). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:59
Vertex (3D Geomset) Element (SVERTEX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:60
Table Group Element (TABGROUP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:60
Table Header Element (TABHEADER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:61
Table Header Question Element (TABHQUESTION) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:61
Table Item Element (TABITEM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:62
Table Question Element (TABQUESTION) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:62
Table World Element (TABWLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:62
Text Element (TEXT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:63
Tube Element (TUBE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:64
Units Definition Element (UDEFINITION). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:64
Units Element (UNIT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:64
Units Section Element (USECTION) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:65
World Element (WORLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:65
Wall Thickness Element (WTHELE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:66
Wall Thickness Table Element (WTHTAB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:66

Communications Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3:1

Communications Database Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3:1
Communication Element (COMM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3:1
Communication World Element (COMW). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3:1

Elements in the Design Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:1

Elements in Accommodation Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:5
Access Point Element (ACCPNT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:5
Access Point Set Element (ACCSET) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:6
Building Block Element (BBLOCK). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:6
Building Level Element (BLEVEL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:7
Boundary Line Element (BNDLIN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:8
Ceiling Element (CEILIN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:8
Grid Cell Positioning Element (CGRDCP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:9
Gridline Positioning Element (CGRDLP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:10

© Copyright 1974 to current year. iv 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual

Ceiling Grid Components Element (CLNCGR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:10

Ceiling Lattice Element (CLNLATTICE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:11
Planer Ceiling Grid Element (CLNPNGRID) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:11
Ceiling Tile Element (CLNTIL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:12
Constant Thickness Wall Element (CTWALL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:12
Detail Group Element (DETGRP). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:13
Door Element (DOOR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:14
Electrical Fitting Element (ELFITTING) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:15
External Framework Element (EXTFRM). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:16
Floor Cover Cut Plane Element (FCUTPLANE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:16
Fixture Element (FIXTUR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:17
Floor Covering Element (FLRCOV) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:17
Floor Covering Layer Element (FLRLAY). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:18
Fire Protection Fitting Element (FPFITTING) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:18
Furniture Element (FURNIT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:19
Handrail Element (HANDRA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:20
Handrail Features Element (HRFEAT). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:21
Handrail Gate Element (HRGATE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:21
Kickplate Set Element (HRKPSE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:22
Handrail Panel Element (HRPANE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:22
Handrail Panel Set Element (HRPNSE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:23
Handrail Post Element (HRPOST) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:23
Handrail Termination Element (HRTERM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:24
HVAC Fitting Element (HVACFITTING) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:25
Information Fitting Element (INFITTING) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:26
Insulation Requirements Element (INSURQ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:26
Platform Internal Framework Element (INTFRM). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:27
Inventory Element (INVELEMENT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:28
Inventory List Element (INVLST) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:28
Kickplate Element (KICKPL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:29
Open Features Element (OPENFE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:29
Open Space Element (OPENSPACE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:30
Platform Features Element (PLFEAT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:31
Platform Opening Element (PLOPEN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:31
Platform Element (PLTFRM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:32
Plating Grid Element (PLTGRD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:33
Post Set Element (POSTSE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:33
Rail Element (RAIL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:34
Rail Set Element (RAILSET) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:35
Route Attachment Point Element (RATTA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:35

© Copyright 1974 to current year. v 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual

Ref Data Group Element (REFDAT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:36

Room Element (ROOM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:36
Routing Segment Element (RSEG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:38
Restricted Area Element (RSTAREA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:38
Routing Volume Element (RUTVOLUME) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:39
Sequence of Segments Element (SEGSEQ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:40
Boundary Reference Element (SPBOU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:40
Boundary Element Set Element (SPBSET) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:40
Stairwell Element (STRWELL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:41
Window Element (WINDOW) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:42
Wall Components Element (WLCOMPONENTS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:43
Wall Features Element (WLFEAT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:43
Wall Fittings Element (WLFITTING). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:44
Wall Joints Element (WLJNTS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:44
Wall Joint Element (WLJOIN). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:45
Wall Openings Element (WLOPEN). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:45
Wall Panel Element (WLPANEL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:46
Wall Profile Element (WLPROF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:47
Wall Profile Set Element (WLPRSE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:47
Elements in Administrative Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:48
Site Element (SITE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:48
Text Element (TEXT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:49
World Element (WORLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:50
Zone Element (ZONE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:51
Elements in Area Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:52
Area Box Element (ABOX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:52
Area Cone Element (ACONE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:53
Area Circular Torus Element (ACTORUS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:54
Area Cylinder Element (ACYLINDER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:55
Area Dish Element (ADISH) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:56
Area Extrusion Element (AEXTRUSION). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:56
Area Polyhedron Element (APOLYHEDRON) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:57
Area Pyramid Element (APYRAMID) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:57
Area Definition Element (AREADEF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:58
Area Set Element (AREASET) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:59
Area World Element (AREAWLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:59
Area Revolution Element (AREVOLUTION) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:60
Area Rectangular Torus Element (ARTORUS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:60
Area Slope Bottom Cylinder Element (ASLCYLINDER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:61
Area Snout Element (ASNOUT). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:62

© Copyright 1974 to current year. vi 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual

Elements in Assembly Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:63

Assembly Item Element (ASITEM). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:63
Assembly Element (ASMBLY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:64
Assembly World Element (ASWLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:64
Elements in Association Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:65
Association Definition Group Element (ASDFGP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:65
Association Definition World Element (ASDFWL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:65
Association Request Element (ASREQU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:66
Association Definition Element (ASSDEF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:66
Association Member Element (ASSMBR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:67
Association Element (ASSOC). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:67
Association Instance Group Element (ASSOGP). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:68
Association Instance World Element (ASSOWL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:68
Association Status Element (ASTATU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:69
Derived Data Definition Element (DATDEF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:69
Derived Data Element (DERDAT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:70
Member Definition Element (MBRDEF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:70
Mapped Member Element (MBRMAP). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:71
Restriction Definition Element (RESDEF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:71
Restriction Group Element (RESTGP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:72
Restriction Element (RESTRIC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:72
Elements in Cabling Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:73
Cable Branch Element (CABLE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:73
Control Node Element (CNODE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:74
Connectivity Sequence Element (CONSEQ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:74
Cable Core Element (CORE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:75
Cable Tray Bend Element (CTBEND) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:75
Cable Tray Cross Element (CTCROS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:76
Cable Tray Reducer Element (CTREDU). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:76
Cable Tray Riser Element (CTRISE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:77
Cable Tray Straight Element (CTSTRA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:78
Cable Tray Support Element (CTSUPP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:78
Cable Tray Tee Element (CTTEE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:79
Cableway Element (CWAY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:79
Cable Way Branch Element (CWBRAN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:80
External Geometry Element (EXTGEO). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:81
Head Attachment Point Element (HATTA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:81
Point On Path Element (POINTR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:81
Multidiscipline Routing Branch Element (RBRAN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:82
Route Node Element (RNODE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:83

© Copyright 1974 to current year. vii 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual

Route path Element (RPATH) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:83

Curve (on Spine) Element (RSECT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:84
Route Feature Element (RTFEAT). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:84
Tail Attachment Point Element (TATTA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:85
Elements in Dataset Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:85
Attribute Rule Element (ATTRRL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:85
Design Dataset Area Element (DDAREA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:85
Design Data Element (DDATA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:86
Design Dataset Element (DDSE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:86
Valid Value Element (VVALUE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:89
Elements in Equipment Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:89
Electrical Connection Element (ELCONN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:89
Equipment Element (EQUIPMENT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:90
Nozzle Element (NOZZLE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:92
Pipe Track Element (PTRACK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:93
Subequipment Element (SUBEQUIPMENT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:94
Elements in Grid Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:96
Grid Axis Element (GRIDAXIS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:96
Grid Plane Element (GRIDLN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:96
Grid System Element (GRIDSYSTEM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:97
Grid World Element (GRIDWLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:97
Elements in Group Category. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:97
Group Item Element (GPITEM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:97
Group Set Element (GPSET) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:98
Group World Element (GPWLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:98
Group Element (GROUP). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:98
Elements in Hanger Component Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:99
Beam Bolting Attachment Element (BBOLT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:99
Beam Welding Attachment Element (BWLD). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:100
Clevis Element (CLEVIS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:100
Eyenut Element (EYENUT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:101
Eye Rod Element (EYRD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:102
Hanger Element (HELEMENT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:102
Hanger Nut Element (HNUT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:103
Hanger Pin Element (HPIN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:104
Hanger Rod Element (HROD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:104
Pipe Clamp Element (PCLAMP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:105
Pipe Clip Element (PCLIP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:106
Pipe Lug Element (PLUG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:106

© Copyright 1974 to current year. viii 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual

PCLA Overstrap Element (POST) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:107

Rod Coupling Element (RCPL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:108
Steel Clamp Element (SCLAMP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:108
Shoe Element (SHOE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:109
Steel Lug Attachment Element (SLUG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:110
Snubber Element (SNUB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:110
SCLA Overstrap Element (SOST) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:111
Spacer Element (SPACER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:112
Steel Section Element (STLS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:112
Sway Brace Element (SWBR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:113
Turnbuckle Element (TRNB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:114
Trunnion Element (TRNN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:114
U Bolt Element (UBOLT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:115
Variable Effort Spring Hanger Element (VSPR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:116
Washer Element (WASH). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:116
Wear Pad Element (WPAD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:117
Elements in Hull Curved Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:118
General Shell Curve Element (CCURVE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:118
Shell Hole Element (CHOLE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:118
Curved Panel Boundary Element (CPANBO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:118
Curved Panel Element (CPANEL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:119
Plane Element (CPLANE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:119
Shell Plate Element (CPLATE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:120
Curved Panel Internal Seam Element (CPNISE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:120
Curved Hull Point Element (CPOINT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:121
Shell Profile Cutout Element (CPRCUT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:121
Shell Stiffener End Element (CPREND). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:121
Shell Profile Hole Element (CPRHOL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:122
Shell Profile Marking Element (CPRMRK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:122
Shell Profile Notch Element (CPRNOT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:122
Shell Profile Element (CPROF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:123
Shell Profile Trace Curve Element (CPROTR). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:123
Seam Element (CSEAM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:124
Shell Stiffener Element (CSTIFF). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:124
Surface Element (CSURF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:125
Surface Proxy Element (CSURPX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:125
Elements in Hull General Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:125
Block Element (BLOCK). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:125
Compartment World Element (COMWLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:126
Finite Element Model Image Element (FEMIMG). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:126

© Copyright 1974 to current year. ix 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual

Finite Element Model Element (FEMODL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:127

Finite Element Model World Element (FEMWLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:127
Hull Block World Element (HBLWLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:127
Hull Curved Model World Element (HCMWLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:128
Exposed Compartment Element (HCOMPT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:128
Idealised Block Element (HIBLO). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:128
Idealised Planar Panel Boundary Element (HIBOU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:129
Idealised Planar Panel Bracket Element (HIBRA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:129
Idealised Curved Panel Element (HICPAN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:129
Idealised Planar Panel Curve Element (HICUR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:130
Idealised Planar Panel Cutout Element (HICUT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:130
Idealised Planar Panel Doubling Plate Element (HIDOU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:130
Idealised Planar Panel Flange Element (HIFLA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:131
Idealised Planar Panel Hole Element (HIHOL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:131
Idealised Planar Panel Notch Element (HINOT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:131
Idealised Planar Panel Element (HIPAN). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:132
Idealised Planar Panel Pillar Element (HIPIL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:132
Idealised Planar Panel Plate Element (HIPLA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:133
Idealised Planar Panel Point Element (HIPOI). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:133
Idealised Planar Panel Seam Element (HISEA). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:133
Idealised Planar Panel Stiffener Element (HISTI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:134
Hull Mark World Element (HMKWLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:134
Hull Topology References Element (HTPELE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:134
Mog World Element (MOGWLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:135
Reference Surface World Element (RSOWLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:135
Surface World Element (SSOWLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:136
Standard World Element (STDWLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:136
Generic Setup Info Object Element (SUPNFO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:136
Elements in Hull Manufacturing Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:137
Weld Element (MWELD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:137
Weld Joint Element (MWLDJT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:138
Weld Table Element (MWLDTB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:138
Weld Table World Element (MWLWLD). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:138
Weld Joint Part Element (MWPART) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:139
Elements in Hull Planar Category. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:139
Planar Panel Bead Element (HBEAD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:139
Planar Panel Bracket Boundary Element (HBRABO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:140
Bracket Panel Element (HBRAPN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:140
Planar Panel Bracket Element (HBRCKT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:140
Planar Panel Bracket Flange Element (HBRFLA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:141

© Copyright 1974 to current year. x 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual

Planar Panel Bracket Stiffener Element (HBRSTI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:141

Planar Panel Clip Element (HCLIP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:142
Planar Panel Cutout Element (HCTOUT). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:142
Planar Panel Curve Element (HCURVE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:142
Planar Panel Doubling Plate Element (HDOPLA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:143
Planar Panel Flange Element (HFLANG). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:143
Planar Panel Hole Element (HHOLE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:143
Hullmark Element (HMARK). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:144
Planar Panel Notch Element (HNOTCH) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:144
Planar Panel Boundary Interval Element (HPANBI). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:144
Planar Panel Boundary Element (HPANBO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:145
Planar Panel Element (HPANEL). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:145
Planar Panel Pillar Element (HPILLR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:146
Planar Panel Plate Element (HPLATE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:146
Planar Panel Point Element (HPOINT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:146
Planar Panel Profile Cutout Element (HPRCUT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:147
Planar Panel Profile End Element (HPREND) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:147
Planar Panel Profile Hole Element (HPRHOL). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:148
Planar Panel Profile Notch Element (HPRNOT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:148
Exposed Reference Surface Object Element (HRSO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:148
Exposed Reference Surface Object Face Element (HRSOF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:149
Exposed Reference Surface Object Limit Element (HRSOL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:149
Planar Panel Seam Element (HSEAM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:149
Standard Bracket Element (HSTBRA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:150
Planar Panel Stiffener Element (HSTIFF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:150
Subpanel Element (HSUBPN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:151
Planar Panel Tap Element (HTAP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:151
Miscellaneous Object Element (MOGOBJ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:151
Elements in HVAC Component Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:152
Air Handling Unit Element (AHU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:152
Battery Element (BATTERY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:153
Cowl Element (COWL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:154
Damper Element (DAMPER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:155
Flexible Element (FLEXIBLE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:157
Grille Element (GRILLE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:158
Access Panel Element (HACC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:159
Fan Element (HFAN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:160
Saddle Element (HSADDLE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:162
Internal Damper Element (IDAM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:163
Mesh Element (MESH). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:164

© Copyright 1974 to current year. xi 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual

Offset Element (OFST). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:165

Plate Element (PLATE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:167
Plenum Element (PLENUM). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:168
Silencer Element (SILENCER). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:169
Skirt Element (SKIR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:170
Splitter Element (SPLR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:172
Straight Element (STRT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:173
Taper Element (TAPER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:174
Threeway Element (THREEWAY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:175
Test Point Element (TP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:177
Transformation Piece Element (TRNS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:178
Elements in Ladder Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:179
Cage Segment Element (CAGSEG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:179
Ladder Element (LADDER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:180
Ladder Cage Element (LDRCAGE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:181
Ladder Exit Element (LDREXT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:181
Ladder Rung Element (LDRRUN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:182
Ladder Stringer Element (LDRSTR). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:182
Rung Set Element (RUNGSET) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:183
Elements in Laser Modelling Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:183
External Geometry Cell Element (XCELL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:183
External Geometry Small Cube Element (XCELS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:184
External Geometry Large Cube Element (XCLTN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:184
External Geometry Element (XGEOMETRY). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:184
Elements in Link Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:185
Document Element (DOCU). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:185
Document Set Element (DOST) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:185
Document World Element (DOWLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:185
Hold Element (HOLDEL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:186
Holds Folder Element (HOLDFL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:186
Link Document Element (LINKWLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:186
Link Class Element (LNCLAS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:187
Link Descriptor Element (LNDESC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:187
Link Folder Element (LNFOLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:187
Link Element (LNLINK). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:188
Sub-sub Document Element (SSBDOCU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:188
Sub Document Element (SUBDOCU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:188
Elements in Pipe Piece Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:189
HVAC Spool List Element (HSLIST) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:189

© Copyright 1974 to current year. xii 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual

HVAC Spool Element (HSPOOL). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:189

Pipe Piece Element (PPIECE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:189
Pipe Piece List Element (PPLIST) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:190
Pipe Spool List Element (PSLIST) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:190
Pipe Spool Element (PSPOOL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:191
Elements in Piping Component Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:191
Attachment Point Element (ATTACHMENT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:191
Bend Element (BEND) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:193
Branch Connector Element (BRCO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:194
Cap Element (CAP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:195
Closure Element (CLOSURE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:197
Coupling Element (COUPLING). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:198
Cross Element (CROSS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:199
Ducting Element (DUCTING) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:200
Elbow Element (ELBOW) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:202
Blind Flange Element (FBLIND) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:203
Filter Element (FILTER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:204
Flange Element (FLANGE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:206
Fixed Length Tube Element (FTUBE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:207
Gasket Element (GASKET) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:208
Instrument Element (INSTRUMENT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:209
Lap-joint Stub End Element (LJSE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:211
Olet Element (OLET) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:212
Piping Component Element (PCOMPONENT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:213
Reducer Element (REDUCER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:215
Standard Hook-up Element (SHU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:216
Stiffener Element (STIFFENER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:217
Tee Element (TEE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:219
Trap Element (TRAP). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:220
Union Element (UNION). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:221
Valve Element (VALVE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:222
Vent Element (VENT). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:224
Four Way Valve Element (VFWAY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:225
Three Way Valve Element (VTWAY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:226
Weld Element (WELD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:228
Elements in Piping Fabrication Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:229
Fabrication Machine Bending Dimension Element (FMBDIM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:229
Fabrication Machine Bending Element (FMBEND) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:229
Fabrication Machine Bending Plane Element (FMBPLN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:230
Fabrication Machine Bending Springback-stretch Factor Element (FMBSST) . . . . . . . . 4:230

© Copyright 1974 to current year. xiii 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual

Fabrication Machine Group Element (FMGRP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:231

Fabrication Machine Welding Element (FMWELD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:231
Fabrication Machine World Element (FMWLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:231
Fabrication Machine Welding Skey Element (FMWSK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:232
Elements in Piping Major Items Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:232
Branch Element (BRANCH) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:232
Pipe Hanger Element (HANGER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:236
HVAC Element (HVAC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:237
Pipe Element (PIPE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:238
Restraint Element (RESTRAINT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:240
Elements in Point Set Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:241
Design Pointset Area Element (DPAREA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:241
Cartesian Design Ppoint Element (DPCARTESIAN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:241
Cylindrical Design Ppoint Element (DPCYLINDRICAL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:242
Design Pline Element (DPLINE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:242
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:243
Spherical Design Ppoint Element (DPSPHERICAL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:245
Elements in Primitive Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:245
Box Element (BOX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:245
Cone Element (CONE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:247
Circular Torus Element (CTORUS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:248
Cylinder Element (CYLINDER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:250
Dish Element (DISH) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:251
Drawn Line Element (DRAWING) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:252
Extrusion Element (EXTRUSION) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:254
Invisible Point Element (IPOINT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:255
Loop Element (LOOP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:255
Loop Points Element (LOOPTS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:256
Polygon Element (POGON) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:257
Polyhedron Element (POHEDRON). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:257
Point Element (POINT). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:259
Polyhedron Face Element (POLFACE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:259
Polyhedron Loop Element (POLOOP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:260
Polyhedron Point List Element (POLPTLIST) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:260
Polyhedron Element (POLYHEDRON) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:261
Pyramid Element (PYRAMID) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:262
Revolution Element (REVOLUTION) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:264
Rectangular Torus Element (RTORUS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:265
Slope Bottom Cylinder Element (SLCYLINDER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:266

© Copyright 1974 to current year. xiv 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual

Snout Element (SNOUT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:268

Tangent Point Element (TANPOINT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:270
Vertex Element (VERTEX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:270
Elements in Primitive Hole Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:270
Negative Box Element (NBOX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:270
Negative Cone Element (NCONE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:272
Negative Circular Torus Element (NCTORUS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:273
Negative Cylinder Element (NCYLINDER). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:274
Negative Dish Element (NDISH) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:275
Negative Polyhedron Element (NPOLYHEDRON). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:276
Negative Pyramid Element (NPYRAMID) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:277
Negative Revolution Element (NREVOLUTION) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:278
Negative Rectangular Torus Element (NRTORUS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:280
Negative Slope Bottom Cylinder Element (NSLCYLINDER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:281
Negative Snout Element (NSNOUT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:282
Negative Rectangular Extrusion Element (NXTRUSION) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:283
Elements in Reference Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:284
Boundaries and Roadways Element (BOUNDARY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:284
Datum Point Element (DATUM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:285
Ground Model Element (GRDMODEL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:286
Penalty or Preferred Volume Element (PVOLUME). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:287
Routing Plane Element (RPLANE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:288
Routing Plane Element (RPLGROUP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:289
Sub Volume Model Element (SVOLMODEL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:289
Volume Model Element (VOLMODEL). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:290
Elements in Router Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:292
General Rule Element (GRULE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:292
Rule Set Element (RLST). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:292
Rule World Element (RLWLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:292
Elements in Schematic Design Link Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:293
Connectivity Link Group Element (CYMGRP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:293
Connectivity Schematic-design Link Element (CYMLNK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:293
Integrator World Element (CYMWRL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:293
Elements in Stair Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:294
Intermediate Landing Element (INTLNG). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:294
Stair Flight Element (STRFLT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:294
Stair Landing Element (STRLNG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:295
Stair Set Element (STRSET) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:296
Stair String Element (STRSTR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:297

© Copyright 1974 to current year. xv 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual

Stair Tower Element (STRTWR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:297

Tread Element (TREAD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:298
Tread Set Element (TREADSET). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:299
Tower Steel Element (TWRSTL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:299
Elements in Stress Analysis Category. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:300
Load Case Descriptor Element (LCDESCRIPTOR). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:300
Nodal Displacement Element (NODISPLACEMENT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:300
Nodal Load Element (NOLOAD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:301
Nodal Release Element (RELEASE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:301
Section Distributed Load Element (SDLOAD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:302
Section Point Load Element (SPLOAD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:303
Elements in Structural Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:303
Floor Element (CFLOOR). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:303
Compound fitting Element (CMFITTING) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:304
Compound Panel fitting Element (CMPFITTING) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:305
Panel Cofitting Element (COFITTING) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:306
Complementary Fitting Element (COMFIXING) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:307
Screed Element (CSCREED). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:307
Curve (on Spine) Element (CURVE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:308
Wall Element (CWALL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:309
Fitting Element (FITTING) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:310
Fixing Element (FIXING) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:311
Floor Element (FLOOR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:312
Framework Element (FRMWORK). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:314
Structural Generic Section Element (GENSEC). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:315
Wall Element (GWALL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:317
Justification Line Datum Element (JLDATUM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:318
Equipment Load Point Element (LOAPOINT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:319
Panel Linear Joint Element (PALJOINT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:320
Panel Element (PANEL). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:321
Panel Vertex Element (PAVERT). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:323
Primary Compound Joint Element (PCOJOINT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:324
Panel Fitting Element (PFITTING) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:325
Primary Joint Element (PJOINT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:326
Pline Datum Element (PLDATUM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:327
Panel Loop Element (PLOOP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:327
Primary Node Element (PNODE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:328
Point (on Spine) Element (POINSP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:329
Subfitting Element (SBFITTING) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:329
Subframework Element (SBFRAMEWORK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:330

© Copyright 1974 to current year. xvi 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual

Secondary Compound Joint Element (SCOJOINT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:331

Screed Element (SCREED) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:332
Structural Section Element (SCTN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:334
Section Linear Joint Element (SELJOINT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:335
Section Vertex Element (SEVERT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:336
Secondary Joint Element (SJOINT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:337
Secondary Node Element (SNODE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:338
Spine (of Gensec) Element (SPINE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:338
Structure Element (STRUCTURE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:339
Structural Wall Element (STWALL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:341
Subjoint Element (SUBJOINT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:342
Substructure Element (SUBSTRUCTURE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:343
Wall Element (WALL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:344
Elements in System Category. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:346
System Group Area Element (SYGPAR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:346
System Group World Element (SYGPWL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:346
System Catalogue Data Element (SYSCDA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:346
System Group Element (SYSGRP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:347
System Dataset Element (SYSMDA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:347
Elements in Template Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:348
Application Data Area Element (APPDAREA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:348
Application Data Element (APPLDATA). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:348
Application Data World Element (APPLDWORLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:349
Template Area Element (TMAREA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:349
Template Element (TMPLATE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:349
Repeat Set Element (TMRPSET). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:352
Rule Repeat Element (TMRRELEMENT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:353
Template World Element (TPWLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:353
Elements in Unclassified Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:354
ARCHIV Element (ARCHIV). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:354
Cable Segment Element (CBSEGMENT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:354
Cable Tray Feature Element (CTFEAT). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:355
Cable Tray Joint Element (CTJOIN). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:355
Cable Tray Material Element (CTMTRL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:356
Cable Tray Element (CTRAY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:356
SA Item Element (SAITEM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:357
SA SubItem Element (SASUBI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:357
SA Group Level Element (SATGRP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:357
World for Schematic Attributes Element (SATWLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:358

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual

Status Link World Element (STLNKW). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:358

Folder for Primary X Item Element (XPIFLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:359
Primary X Item Element (XPITEM). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:359
World for Primary X Item Element (XPIWLD). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:359
Secondary (sub) X Item Element (XSITEM). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:360

Dictionary Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:1

Dictionary Database Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:1
Attribute Column Element (ATTCOLUMN). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:1
Attribute Filter Element (ATTFILTER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:1
Column Relation Element (COLRELATION) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:2
Create Rules Element (CRERULES) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:2
Database View Element (DBVW). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:3
Database View Group Element (DBVWGROUP). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:4
Database View Set Element (DBVWSET) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:4
Database View World Element (DBVWWLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:4
Attribute Distribution Element (DSXDST). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:5
Distribution Groups Element (DSXGRP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:5
Default Home Definition Element (DSXHOM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:6
Attribute Distribution Element (DSXMBR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:6
Attribute Distribution Element (DSXOWN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:6
Distribution Schema Element (DSXSCH). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:7
Default Home Test Element (DSXTST) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:7
World for Distribution Schemas Element (DSXWLD). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:7
Expression Column Element (EXPCOLUMN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:7
Expression Filter Element (EXPFILTER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:8
Set Attribute Rule Element (SETATTRIBUTE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:8
Set Parameter Element (SETPARAMETER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:9
Set Status Rule Element (SETSTATUS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:9
Source Element (SRCELEMENT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:10
Status Definition Element (STADEF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:10
Status Definitions Group Element (STAGRP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:11
Status Value Element (STAVAL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:11
Status Configuration World Element (STAWLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:11
Test Expression Element (TESTEXPRESSION) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:12
User Defined Attribute Element (UDA). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:12
User Defined Element (UDET) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:13
User Defined Element Group Element (UDETGR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:13
User Defined Element World Element (UDETWL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:14
User Defined Attribute Group Element (UGROUP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:14

© Copyright 1974 to current year. xviii 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual

User Defined Limit Element (ULIMIT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:14

User System Defined Attribute Element (USDA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:15
User Defined Valid Value Element (UVALID). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:15
User Defined Attribute World Element (UWRLD). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:15
World Element (WORLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:16

Draft Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:1

Draft Database Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:1
Annotation Change Rule Element (ACRULE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:1
Annotation Change Style Element (ACSTYLE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:1
Add Entry Element (ADDENTRY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:2
Angular Dimension Element (ADIMENSION). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:2
Angular Dimension Direction Element (ADIRECTION) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:3
Annotation Ruler Element (ANNRLR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:4
Angular Dimension Direction - Ppoint Element (APPT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:5
Arc Element (ARC). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:6
Axes Symbol Instance Element (AXESYMBOL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:6
Backing Sheet Element (BACKINGSHEET) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:7
Circle Element (CIRCLE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:8
Circulation List Element (CIRLIST) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:8
Circulation List Library Element (CLLB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:9
Change Ruleset Element (CRST) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:9
Design Change Rule Element (DCRULE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:9
Design Change Style Element (DCSTYLE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:9
Department Element (DEPT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:10
Design Symbol Instance Element (DESSYMBOL). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:11
Diamond Element (DIAMOND) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:13
ID List Library Element (DLLB). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:13
Dimension Point - Before/After Command Element (DPBA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:14
Dimension Point - Position Element (DPOINT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:14
Dimension Point - Ppoint Element (DPPT). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:15
Drawing Template Library Element (DRTMLB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:16
Drawing Template Element (DRTMPL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:18
Drawing Element (DRWG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:19
View Symbology Layer Element (DSLAYER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:20
Ellipse Element (ELLIPSE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:22
Equilateral Triangle Element (ETRIANGLE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:22
Fill Style Element (FILLSTYLE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:23
Flat Plane Element (FPLANE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:23
Fill Style Table Element (FSTYTB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:24

© Copyright 1974 to current year. xix 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual

General Label Element (GLABEL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:24

Glyph Circle Element (GLYCIRCLE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:25
Glyph Outline Element (GLYOUTLINE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:26
Glyph Element (GLYPH) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:26
Glyph Rectangle Element (GLYRECT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:26
Glyph Table Element (GLYTB). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:27
Hexagon Element (HEXAGON) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:27
Hatch Pattern Element (HPATTERN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:28
Hatch Ruleset Element (HRST) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:28
Hatch Rule Element (HRULE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:28
Hatch Style Element (HSTYLE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:29
Hull Symbolic View Element (HSVDEF). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:29
ID List Element (IDLIST) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:31
IMGELE Element (IMGELE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:31
ISO Symbol Template Library Element (ISOLB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:31
ISO Symbol Template Element (ISOTM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:32
Label Template Library Element (LALB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:33
Layer Definition Element (LAYDEF). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:34
View Annotation Layer Element (LAYER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:34
Layer Ruleset Element (LAYRST) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:36
Layer Rule Element (LAYRUL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:37
Layer Table Element (LAYTBL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:37
Linear Dimension Element (LDIMENSION) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:37
Library Element (LIBY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:38
Linestyle Element (LINESTYLE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:40
Linear Style Table Element (LSTYTB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:41
Marker Element (MARKPRIMITIVE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:41
Marker Style Element (MARKSTYLE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:41
Marker Style Table Element (MSTYTB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:42
Sheet Note Element (NOTE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:42
Overlay Element (OLAYER). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:43
Offset Line Style Element (OLINESTYLE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:44
Outline Element (OUTLINE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:45
Overlay Sheet Element (OVERLAY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:45
PCD Radial Dimension Element (PDIMENSION) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:46
Plane Library Element (PLLB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:47
Position Ruler Element (POSRLR). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:48
Perpendicular Plane Element (PPLANE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:48
Primitive Element (PRIM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:49
World Pointset Library Element (PTWLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:49

© Copyright 1974 to current year. xx 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual

Radial Dimension Element (RDIMENSION). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:50

Recipient Element (RECIPIENT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:51
Rectangle Element (RECTANGLE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:51
Registry Element (REGISTRY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:52
Remove Entry Element (REMENTRY). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:53
Report Element (REPORT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:53
Revision Element (REVISION). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:54
Representation Rules and Styles Library Element (RPLB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:54
Radial Dimension Point - Position Element (RPOINT). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:55
Radial Dimension Point - Ppoint Element (RPPT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:55
Representation Ruleset Element (RRST) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:55
Representation Rule Element (RRULE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:56
ADP Setting Library Element (SDAOPT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:56
Sheet Element (SHEET) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:57
Overlay and Backing Sheet Library Element (SHLB). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:58
Sheet Template Element (SHTMPL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:59
Special Label Instance Element (SLABEL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:59
Stepped Plane Element (SPLANE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:61
Status Link World Element (STLNKW). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:61
Straight Line Element (STRAIGHT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:61
Representation Style Element (STYLE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:62
Style World Element (STYLWL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:63
Symbol Template Library Element (SYLB). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:63
Symbol Instance Element (SYMBOL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:64
Symbol Template Element (SYTM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:65
Table Element (TABLE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:66
Tagging Rule Element (TAGRULE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:66
Task Element (TASK). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:67
Task Library Element (TASKLB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:67
Text Element (TEXT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:68
Multi-line Text Element (TEXTPRIMITIVE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:68
Task Parameter Element (TKPARA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:69
Tagging Rule library Element (TRLB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:69
Tagging Ruleset Element (TRST) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:70
Text Label Template Element (TXTM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:70
View Element (VIEW). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:71
VM Component Element (VMCOMP). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:72
VM Subview Element (VMSUBV). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:73
View Note Element (VNOTE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:73
Vertex Element (VRTX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:74

© Copyright 1974 to current year. xxi 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual

View Section Element (VSECTION). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:75

World Element (WORLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:75
Point given as 3D Position Element (WPOS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:76

Global Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:1

Global Database Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:1
Database Element (DB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:1
Global List of DBs Allocated to Location Element (DBALL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:1
Database List Element (DBLI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:2
Database Location Information Element (DBLOC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:2
DB Range Element (DBRANG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:3
Global Location World Element (GLOCWL). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:3
Global Role World Element (GROLWL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:3
Global Group Element (GRP). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:4
Global Group List Element (GRPLI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:4
Global Status World Element (GSTAT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:4
Global Stamp World Element (GSTWLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:5
Global Team World Element (GTMWL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:5
Global Link Element (LNK). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:5
Global Link List Element (LNKLI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:6
Global Location Element (LOC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:6
Global Location List Element (LOCLI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:7
Permissible Operations Element (PEROP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:7
Role Element (ROLE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:7
Stamp Element (STAMP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:8
Stamp List Element (STLST) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:8
Team Element (TEAM). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:8
World Element (WORLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:9

Manu Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:1

Manu Database Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:1
ARCHIV Element (ARCHIV). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:1
Pin Element (CPIN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:1
Pin Jig Corner Point Element (CPINCR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:2
Pin Jig Element (CPINJG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:2
Pin Jig Row Element (CPINRW) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:3
Manufacturing Package Element (MANPKG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:3
Nested Assembly Plate Element (MAPLNS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:4
Built Profile Part Element (MBPRO). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:5
Burner Data Element (MBURN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:5

© Copyright 1974 to current year. xxii 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual

Nesting Machine Path Time Element (MNPATH) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:6

Nested Plate Part Element (MNPLA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:6
Nested Profile Part Element (MNPROF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:7
Nesting Created Rest Plates Element (MNRCRE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:8
Nesting Rest Plates Normal Steel Quality Element (MNRNSQ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:8
Nesting Rest Plates Work Element (MNRWRK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:9
Nesting Tool Path Element (MNTOOL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:9
Manufacturing Package Folder Element (MPKGFL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:10
Manufacturing Package Filter Element (MPKGFT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:10
Plate Part Element (MPLATE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:11
Nested Plate Element (MPLNST). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:12
Nesting Raw Plate Instances Element (MPLRWI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:13
Nested Profile Element (MPRNST) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:14
Profile Part Element (MPROF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:14
Nesting Pathtime Blast Element (MPTBLS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:15
Nesting Pathtime Burn Element (MPTBRN). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:16
Nesting Pathtime Factors Element (MPTFAC). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:16
Nesting Pathtime Time Factors Element (MPTFCI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:17
Nesting Pathtime GSD Element (MPTGSD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:17
Nesting Pathtime Label Element (MPTLAB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:17
Nesting Pathtime Mark Element (MPTMRK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:18
Production Rest Plate Thickness Element (MRESTH). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:18
Production Rest Plate Quality Element (MRESTQ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:19
Rest Plate Element (MRPLA). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:19
Nesting Toolpath Blast Element (MTPBLS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:19
Nesting Toolpath Burn Element (MTPBRN). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:20
Nesting Toolpath GSD Element (MTPGSD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:21
Nesting Toolpath Label Element (MTPLAB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:21
Nesting Toolpath Mark Element (MTPMRK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:21
Status Link World Element (STLNKW). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:22
World Element (WORLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:22

Property Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:1

Property Database Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:1
Cable Properties Element (CABDATA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:1
Card Data Element (CARD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:1
Case Element (CASE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:2
Case Type Element (CASTYPE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:2
Case World Element (CASWORLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:3
Component Properties Element (CMPDATA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:3

© Copyright 1974 to current year. xxiii 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual

Sorting Category Element (CMPTYPE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:4

Property Component World Element (CMPWORLD). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:4
Constraint Element (CONSTRAINT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:4
Constraint Type Element (CONTYPE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:5
Constraint Data World Element (CONWORLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:5
Fluid Material Element (FLUID) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:5
Group World Element (GPWLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:6
Group Element (GROUP). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:6
Material World Element (MATWORLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:7
Rundeck Element (RUNDECK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:7
Run World Element (RUNWORLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:7
Spot Property A Temperature and Pressure Element (SAPROPERTY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:7
Spot Property B Temperature and Pressure Element (SBPROPERTY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:8
Spot Property C Temperature and Pressure Element (SCPROPERTY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:8
Spot Density Temperature and Pressure Element (SDENSITY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:8
Spot Expansion Coefficient Temperature and Pressure Element (SEXPANSION) . . . . . . . 9:9
SOLids EXTended Info Element (SOLEXT). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:9
Solid Material Element (SOLID) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:9
Spot Poissons Ratio Temperature and Pressure Element (SPOISSON). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:10
Spot Stress Temperature and Pressure Element (SSTRESS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:10
Spot Youngs Modulus Temperature and Pressure Element (SYOUNG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:10
Property Table - A Element (TAPROPERTY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:11
Property Table - B Element (TBPROPERTY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:11
Case Table Element (TCASE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:11
Property Table - C Element (TCPROPERTY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:12
Material Density Table Element (TDENSITY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:12
Expansion Coefficient Table Element (TEXPANSION) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:12
Text Element (TEXT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:12
Poissons Ratio Table Element (TPOISSON) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:13
Allowable Stress Table Element (TSTRESS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:13
Tube Properties Element (TUBDATA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:14
Youngs Modulus Table Element (TYOUNG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:14
World Element (WORLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:14

Schematic Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:1

Schematic Database Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:1
Schematic Actuator Element (SCACTUATOR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:1
Schematic Area Shape Element (SCARSH) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:2
Schematic Branch Element (SCBRANCH) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:2
Schematic Cable Element (SCCABLE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:3

© Copyright 1974 to current year. xxiv 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual

Schematic Core Element (SCCORE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:4

Schematic Drawing Element (SCDIAGRAM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:5
Schematic Duct Element (SCDUCT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:5
Schematic Electrical Connection Element (SCELCONNECTION). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:6
Schematic Equipment Element (SCEQUIPMENT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:7
Schematic Fitting Element (SCFITTING) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:8
Schematic Group Element (SCGROUP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:9
Schematic HVAC Element (SCHVAC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:9
Schematic HVAC Fitting Element (SCHVFITTING) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:10
Schematic Instrumentation Line Element (SCILINE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:11
Schematic Element Index Element (SCIND) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:12
Schematic Instrument Element (SCINSTRUMENT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:12
Schematic Instrumentation Loop Element (SCLOOP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:13
Schematic Multi Cable Element (SCMCABLE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:14
Schematic Nozzles Element (SCNOZZLE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:15
Schematic Offline Instrument Element (SCOINSTRUMENT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:16
Schematic Off-page Connection Input Element (SCOPCI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:17
Schematic Off-page Connection Output Element (SCOPCO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:17
Schematic Document Page Element (SCPAGE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:18
Schematic Pipe Destination Element (SCPDESTINATION) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:18
Schematic Pipeline Element (SCPLINE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:18
Schematic Segment Element (SCSEGMENT). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:19
Schematic Stencil Element (SCSTENCIL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:20
Schematic Subequipment Element (SCSUBEQUIPMENT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:21
Schematic Template Element (SCTEMPLATE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:22
Schematic Tubing Element (SCTUBING) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:22
Schematic Valve Element (SCVALV). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:23
Status Link World Element (STLNKW). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:24
Text Element (TEXT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:24
World Element (WORLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:25

Spooler Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:1

Spooler Database Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:1
Additional Items Element (AITEMS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:1
Attached Weld Element (AWELD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:1
Field Element (FIELD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:2
Implied Joint Element (IJOINT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:2
Isometrics Department Element (ISODEPT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:2
Isometrics Registry Element (ISOREGI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:3
Implied Weld Element (IWELD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:3

© Copyright 1974 to current year. xxv 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual

Joint Group Element (JNTGRP). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:4

Real Weld Element (RWELD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:4
Spool Drawing Element (SPLDRG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:4
Spool Temporary Element (SPLTMP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:5
Spool Element (SPOOL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:6
Status Link World Element (STLNKW). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:6
Weld Group Element (WLDGRP). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:6
World Element (WORLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:7

System Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:1

System Database Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:1
Access Control Rights Element (ACR). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:1
Access Control Rights Reference Element (ACRL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:1
Access Control Rights Group Element (ACRST) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:2
Access Control Rights World Element (ACRW) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:2
Buffer Command Element (CMBU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:2
Initial Macro For Execution Element (CMMA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:2
Set RW Mode Command Element (CMMO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:3
Open Command Element (CMOP). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:3
Resume Command Element (CMRE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:3
Database Element (DB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:3
Database Set Element to Reference DB Element (DBL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:4
Database List Element (DBLI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:4
DB Range Element (DBRANG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:5
Database Set Element (DBSET) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:5
Database Set List Element (DBSTL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:5
Database Set World Element (DBSTWL). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:5
Extracts List Element (EXTLI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:6
Font File Details Element (FONTFILE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:6
Font World Element (FONTWORLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:6
Global Location Daemon Configuration Element (LCOMC). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:7
Global Location Comms Link Details Element (LCOMD). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:7
Global Location Comms Link List Element (LCOML). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:7
Global Location Comms World Element (LCOMW) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:8
Event Timer Information Details Element (LCTIMD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:8
Event Timer Information List Element (LCTIML) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:8
Linestyle World Element (LINESTYLEWORLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:9
Linestyle Width Definition Element (LSWIDD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:9
Multiple Database Element (MDB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:9
Multiple Database World Element (MDBW) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:10

© Copyright 1974 to current year. xxvi 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual

Permissible Operations Element (PEROP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:10

Runfile World Element (RFWL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:10
Role Element (ROLE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:11
Role World Element (ROLWL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:11
Runfile Element (RUNFILE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:11
Scope Element (SCOPE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:12
Scope World Element (SCOWL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:12
Stamp Element (STAMP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:12
Status Element (STATUS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:13
Stamp List Element (STLST) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:13
Stamp World Element (STWLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:13
Team Element (TEAM). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:14
Team World Element (TEAMWORLD). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:14
Team List Element (TMLI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:14
Truetype Font File Details Element (TTFONT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:14
User Login ID Element (ULOGID) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:15
PDMS User Element (USER). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:15
User World Element (USERWORLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:15
World Element (WORLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:16

Transaction Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13:1

Transaction Database Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13:1
Transaction Day Element (TRDAY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13:1
Transaction Failure Element (TRFAILURE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13:1
Transaction Failure List Element (TRFLST). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13:2
Transaction Input Command Element (TRINCOMMAND) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13:2
Transaction Location Element (TRLOCATION) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13:3
Transaction Message Element (TRMESSAGE). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13:4
Transaction Message List Element (TRMLST) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13:4
Transaction Month Element (TRMONTH) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13:5
Transaction Message World Element (TRMSGW). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13:5
Transaction Operations Element (TROPERATION) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13:5
Transaction Foreign Command Element (TROUCOMMAND) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13:6
Transaction Success List Element (TRSLST) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13:7
Transaction Success Element (TRSUCCESS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13:8
Transaction User Element (TRUSER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13:8
Transaction Year Element (TRYEAR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13:8
World Element (WORLD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13:9

Other Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14:1

© Copyright 1974 to current year. xxvii 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual

Other Database Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14:1

Engineering Group Level Element (ENGGRP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14:1
Engineering Item Element (ENGITE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14:1
World for Engineering Data Element (ENGWLD). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14:2

Pseudo Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:1

Attribute Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:1
Attribute Category: Accommodation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:3
Attribute Category: ADMIN DB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:4
Attribute Category: ADMIN DB, Database Element. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:5
Attribute Category: Allowed Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:6
Attribute Category: Assembly Related . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:7
Attribute Category: Association Related . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:8
Attribute Category: Attribute Related . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:8
Attribute Category: Branch Specific . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:9
Attribute Category: Cabling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:10
Attribute Category: Cable Interference Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:12
Attribute Category: Catalog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:12
Attribute Category: Catalog Values for Design Item. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:13
Attribute Category: Catalog Values for Ducting Item . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:14
Attribute Category: Catalog Values for Hanger Item . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:14
Attribute Category: Catalog Values for Piping Item . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:15
Attribute Category: Catalog Values for Sloping Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:18
Attribute Category: Change History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:19
Attribute Category: Claim Related . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:20
Attribute Category: Clasher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:21
Attribute Category: Cross Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:22
Attribute Category: Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:22
Attribute Category: Database Integrity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:23
Attribute Category: Data Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:23
Attribute Category: Database Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:23
Attribute Category: Datal Related. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:24
Attribute Category: Dataset Related . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:24

© Copyright 1974 to current year. xxviii 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual

Attribute Category: Design Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:25

Attribute Category: Design Point Related . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:25
Attribute Category: Draft Colour Related . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:26
Attribute Category: Draft Dimensions and Annotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:27
Attribute Category: Draft Drawing and Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:27
Attribute Category: Draft Drawing View. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:28
Attribute Category: Draft Intelligent Text Related. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:28
Attribute Category: Draft & Schematic Drawing-File Related . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:28
Attribute Category: Draft Style Related - Line/Fill/Marker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:29
Attribute Category: Element Type Related . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:30
Attribute Category: Extract Related . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:30
Attribute Category: Global . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:31
Attribute Category: Hull. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:32
Attribute Category: LEXICON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:37
Attribute Category: Link Related . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:37
Attribute Category: Local Name Related . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:37
Attribute Category: Mass Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:38
Attribute Category: Mitred Bend. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:38
Attribute Category: Name Related . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:39
Attribute Category: Nuclear Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:40
Attribute Category: Other Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:40
Attribute Category: Piping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:40
Attribute Category: Pipe Piece . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:41
Attribute Category: Piping Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:42
Attribute Category: Pline Related . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:43
Attribute Category: Positional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:44
Attribute Category: PPoint Related . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:45
Attribute Category: Presentation Related . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:45
Attribute Category: Project Copy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:46
Attribute Category: Repeats Related . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:46
Attribute Category: Rules Related . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:46
Attribute Category: Schematics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:46

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Data Model Reference Manual

Attribute Category: Space Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:47

Attribute Category: Spatial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:48
Attribute Category: SPOOLER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:48
Attribute Category: Stairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:50
Attribute Category: Status Related . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:50
Attribute Category: Structural . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:50
Attribute Category: Surface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:52
Attribute Category: Surface Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:52
Attribute Category: System Related. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:53

Introduction to Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16:1

Attribute Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16:1
List of All Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16:3

Mapping of Data Extraction Keywords to Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . 17:1

© Copyright 1974 to current year. xxx 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual

1 Introduction

The manual contains details of all the elements which can be created in their respective
databases, their position in the database hierarchy and their attributes.

1.1 Assumptions
The Data Model Reference Manual is written for experienced users of AVEVA Marine who
need to use commands; for example, to write batch macros or to customise the GUI. If the
GUI is going to be customised, the user will need to refer to the Software Customisation
Guide and Software Customisation Reference Manual for information about PML, the
AVEVA programming language.

1.2 Guide Structure

The Data Model Reference Manual is divided into the following sections:

Catalogue Database Describes the Elements within the Catalogue


Communications Database Describes the Elements within the Communications


Elements in the Design Describes the Elements within the Design Database.

Dictionary Database Describes the Elements within the Dictionary Database.

Draft Database Describes the Elements within the Draft Database.

Global Database Describes the Elements within the Global Database.

Manu Database Describes the Elements within the Manu Database.

Property Database Describes the Elements within the Property Database.

Schematic Database Describes the Elements within the Schematic


Spooler Database Describes the Elements within the Spooler Database.

System Database Describes the Elements within the System Database.

Transaction Database Describes the Elements within the Transaction


© Copyright 1974 to current year. 1:1 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual

Pseudo Attributes A complete list of all Pseudo Attributes.

Introduction to Attributes Describes the different types of attributes followed by a

complete list of attributes.

Note: For a comprehensive list of attributes and pseudo-attributes, see the Software
Customisation Reference Manual.

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 1:2 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Catalogue Database

2 Catalogue Database

The Data Model Reference manual contains details of all the elements which can be created
in the Catalogue database, their position in the database hierarchy and their attributes.

2.1 Catalogue Database Elements

All data in the Catalogue database is stored in elements in a strict hierarchy. Every element
has a type and each type determines the attributes available on the element. For more
information on database concepts, refer to Database Management Reference Manual.

2.1.1 Attribute List Element (ATLIST)

Name Name of the element
Atname Attribute name

Legal Owners:
Measurement Type Element (MTYPE)

Legal Members:

2.1.2 Bolt List Element (BLIST)

Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:
Bolt Table Element (BLTABLE)

Legal Members:
Single Bolt Element (SBOLT)
Text Element (TEXT)

2.1.3 Bolt Table Element (BLTABLE)

Primary Element

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 2:1 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Catalogue Database

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
Piping Category Element (CATEGORY)
Piping Section Element (SECTION)
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Bolt List Element (BLIST)
Length Table Element (LTABLE)
Multi-bolt List Element (MBLIST)
Text Element (TEXT)

2.1.4 Bolt Point Element (BLTP)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Number Number
Bdiameter Bolt diameter
Btype Bolt type
Bthkness Parameterised bolt thickness

Legal Owners:
Bolt Pointset Element (BTSET)

Legal Members:

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 2:2 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Catalogue Database

2.1.5 Boxing Element (BOXING)

Name Name of the element
Obstruction Obstruction level
Level Drawing level
Purpose Description code word
Clflag Centreline flag
Tuflag Tube flag
Paxis Axial direction
Pxlength X length
Pzlength Z length
Tvisibility Top visibility flag
Bvisibility Bottom visibility flag

Legal Owners:
3D Geomset Element (GMSET)

Legal Members:

2.1.6 Branch/Reducer Table Element (BRTAB)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Purpose Description code word

Legal Owners:
Table World Element (TABWLD)

Legal Members:
Sub Branch/Reducer Table Element (SBRTAB)

2.1.7 Bolt Pointset Element (BTSET)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Gtype Generic type
Purpose Description code word
Bdiameter Bolt diameter
Btype Bolt type

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 2:3 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Catalogue Database

Bthkness Parameterised bolt thickness

Noff Number off

Legal Owners:
Piping Category Element (CATEGORY)
Piping Section Element (SECTION)

Legal Members:
Bolt Point Element (BLTP)

2.1.8 Cable Core Element (CABCORE)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
CorTag cable core tag
CorcGroup cable core conductor group

Legal Owners:
Cable Core Set Element (CCORSET)

Legal Members:

2.1.9 Catalogue DB Element (CATALOGUE)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Purpose Description code word
Cstandard Catalogue Standard

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Piping Section Element (SECTION)
Structural Section Element (STSECTION), Text Element (TEXT)

2.1.10 Piping Category Element (CATEGORY)

Primary Element

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 2:4 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Catalogue Database

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Gtype Generic type
Skey Symbol key
Ptref Point set reference
Gmref Geometry set reference
Dtref Data set reference
Cdetail Catalogue detail
Cconnect Connection type
Rating Pressure rating
Cplot Plot (in catalogue)
Cstandard Catalogue Standard

Legal Owners:
Piping Section Element (SECTION)

Legal Members:
Bolt Table Element (BLTABLE)
Bolt Pointset Element (BTSET)
Cable Core Set Element (CCORSET)
2D Symbolic Representation for Drafting Element (DRSSET)
Dataset Element (DTSET)
Face Code Element (FACECODE)
3D Geomset Element (GMSET)
Paint Element (PAINT)
3D Pointset Element (PTSET)
Catalogue Component Element (SCOMPONENT)
Detail Text Element (SDTEXT)
Material Text Element (SMTEXT)
Surface Treatment Element (SRFTRT)
Text Element (TEXT)

2.1.11 Cable Core Set Element (CCORSET)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Purpose Description code word

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 2:5 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Catalogue Database

Legal Owners:
Piping Category Element (CATEGORY)
Piping Section Element (SECTION)

Legal Members:
Cable Core Element (CABCORE)

2.1.12 Connection Compatibility Table Element (CCTABLE)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Connection Compatibility Description Element (COCDES)
Connection Compatibility Element (COCO), Text Element (TEXT)

2.1.13 Coating Element (COATING)

Surface Treatment Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Cthickness Coating thickness
Pairef Reference to a PAINT element

Legal Owners:
Surface Treatment Element (SRFTRT)

Legal Members:

2.1.14 Connection Compatibility Description Element (COCDES)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Coconnection COCO Connection type

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 2:6 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Catalogue Database

Legal Owners:
Connection Compatibility Table Element (CCTABLE)

Legal Members:

2.1.15 Connection Compatibility Element (COCO)

Name Name of the element
Ctype Connection type
Ckey ISODRAFT end condition key
Cocoreference COCO description reference

Legal Owners:
Connection Compatibility Table Element (CCTABLE)

Legal Members:

2.1.16 Selection Table Element (CTABLE)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Matref Material reference
SPType Type of element to be selected
Purpose Description code word
Ccolour Colour (in catalogue)
Cstandard Catalogue Standard
Fissue Current pipe spec issue
Finputby Input by
Fstatus Fstatus

Legal Owners:
Table Group Element (TABGROUP)

Legal Members:
Table Header Element (TABHEADER)
Table Item Element (TABITEM)

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 2:7 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Catalogue Database

2.1.17 Data Element (DATA)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Dkey Data Key
Ptype Property type
Pproperty Parameterised Property Expression
Dproperty Parameterised Property Expression (Default)
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Dtitle Data Title
Punits Data Property Units
Ruse True if PPROP/DPROP to be used as an RPROP in geomset/pointset
attribute expression
Lhide Hide flag for catalogue datasets: True if property is not shown on form

Legal Owners:
Dataset Element (DTSET)

Legal Members:

2.1.18 2D Symbolic Representation for Drafting Element (DRSSET)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word

Legal Owners:
Piping Section Element (SECTION)
Piping Category Element (CATEGORY)
Structural Category Element (STCATEGORY)
Structural Section Element (STSECTION)

Legal Members:
2D Symbolic Representation for Drafting Link Element (DRSYLK)

2.1.19 2D Symbolic Representation for Drafting Link Element (DRSYLK)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 2:8 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Catalogue Database

Purpose Description code word

DrTmpref Draft template reference
Criteria Selection criteria (used to define tag & rep. rules)
ScalingFlag Drafting symbol link scaling flag
Xyscale Label XY size

Legal Owners:
2D Symbolic Representation for Drafting Element (DRSSET)

Legal Members:

2.1.20 Diameter Table Element (DTABLE)

Name Name of the element
Blength Bolt length

Legal Owners:
Length Table Element (LTABLE)

Legal Members:

2.1.21 Dataset Element (DTSET)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Gtype Generic type
Purpose Description code word

Legal Owners:
Piping Category Element (CATEGORY)
Part Element (PRTELE)
Piping Section Element (SECTION)
Structural Category Element (STCATEGORY)
Structural Section Element (STSECTION)

Legal Members:
Data Element (DATA)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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2.1.22 Face Code Element (FACECODE)

Surface Treatment Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word

Legal Owners:
Piping Category Element (CATEGORY)
Piping Section Element (SECTION)

Legal Members:

2.1.23 3D Geomset Element (GMSET)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Gtype Generic type
Purpose Description code word
Skey Symbol key

Legal Owners:
Piping Category Element (CATEGORY)
Piping Section Element (SECTION)
Structural Category Element (STCATEGORY)
Structural Section Element (STSECTION)

Legal Members:
Boxing Element (BOXING)
Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (LCYLINDER)
Line (3D Geomset) Element (LINE)
Pyramid (3D Geomset) Element (LPYRAMID)
Snout (3D Geomset) Element (LSNOUT)
Box (3D Geomset) Element (SBOX)
Disc (3D Geomset) Element (SDISK)
Cone (3D Geomset) Element (SCONE)
Circular Torus (3D Geomset) Element (SCTORUS)

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Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (SCYLINDER)

Dish (3D Geomset) Element (SDSH)
Extrusion (3D Geomset) Element (SEXTRUSION)
Simple Line (3D Geomset) Element (SLINE)
Revolution (3D Geomset) Element (SREVOLUTION)
Rectangular Torus (3D Geomset) Element (SRTORUS)
Slope-bottomed Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (SSLCYLINDER)
Sphere (3D Geomset) Element (SSPHERE)
Tube Element (TUBE)

2.1.24 Structural Geomset Element (GMSSET)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Gtype Generic type
Purpose Description code word

Legal Owners:
Structural Category Element (STCATEGORY)
Structural Section Element (STSECTION)

Legal Members:
Structural Annulus Element (SANNULUS)
Structural Profile Element (SPROFILE)
Structural Rectangle Element (SRECTANGLE)

2.1.25 General Part Element (GPART)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Purpose Description code word
Catref Catalogue reference
Detail Detail flag
Matxt Material text
Cmpref Component reference
Bltref Bolt reference
Tmpref Template reference from SPCO
Comment Comment
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Symgroup Symbol Group

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Symname Symbol Name

Pritype Gpart Primary type
Sectype Gpart Secondary type
PTDtref Part Data set reference
Lselec True if can be set Directly in Design
DrSSRef Draft Symbol set reference
Srftref Reference to a SRFTRT element
Stcd Symbol Code
Pucd Paint Code
Pdareference Pipe data table reference
Insuref Reference to a INSCMP element

Legal Owners:
Part Element (PRTELE)
Part World Element (PRTWLD)

Legal Members:

2.1.26 Group World Element (GPWLD)

Group Element
Primary Element

The element is a subsidiary World that contains only GROUPs and is owned by the main
WORLD element.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Group Element (GROUP)

2.1.27 Group Element (GROUP)

Group Element

An administrator can define as a GROUP any collection of elements in the database,
assembling these elements as a single GROUP unit.

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Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

Legal Owners:
Group World Element (GPWLD)

Legal Members:

2.1.28 Catalogue Joint Component Element (JOINT)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Gtype Generic type
Ctyattached Attached connection type
Ctyowning Owning connection type
Pstref Structural Pline set reference
Ptref Point set reference
Gmref Geometry set reference
Ngmref Negative geometry set reference
Dtref Data set reference
Param Parameters

Legal Owners:
Structural Category Element (STCATEGORY)
Structural Section Element (STSECTION)

Legal Members:

2.1.29 Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (LCYLINDER)

Name Name of the element
Obstruction Obstruction level
Level Drawing level
Purpose Description code word
Clflag Centreline flag
Tuflag Tube flag
Ptdistance Distance to top surface
Pbdistance Distance to bottom surface

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Pdiameter Diameter parameter

Paxis Axial direction
Tvisibility Top visibility flag
Bvisibility Bottom visibility flag
NoDims No Dims Flag

Legal Owners:
3D Geomset Element (GMSET)

Legal Members:
Negative Cylinder Element (NLCYLINDER)
Negative Pyramid Element (NLPYRAMID)
Negative Snout Element (NLSNOUT)
Negative Box Element (NSBOX)
Negative Cone Element (NSCONE)
Negative Cylinder Element (NSCYLINDER)
Negative Circular Torus Element (NSCTORUS)
Negative Dish Element (NSDSH)
Negative Extrusion Element (NSEXTRUSION)
Negative Revolution Element (NSREVOLUTION)
Negative Rectangular Torus Element (NSRTORUS)
Negative Slope-bottomed Cylinder Element (NSSLCYLINDER)
Negative Sphere Element (NSSPHERE)

2.1.30 Line (3D Geomset) Element (LINE)

Name Name of the element
Obstruction Obstruction level
Level Drawing level
Purpose Description code word
Clflag Centreline flag
Tuflag Tube flag
Pts Line definition points
Diameter Diameter

Legal Owners:
3D Geomset Element (GMSET)

Legal Members:

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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2.1.31 Pyramid (3D Geomset) Element (LPYRAMID)

Name Name of the element
Obstruction Obstruction level
Level Drawing level
Purpose Description code word
Clflag Centreline flag
Tuflag Tube flag
Pbaxis Direction
Pcaxis Direction of C offset
Paaxis Direction of axis
Pboffset B offset
Pcoffset C offset
Ptdistance Distance to top surface
Pbdistance Distance to bottom surface
Pbtplength Top B length
Pctplength Top C length
Pbbtlength Bottom B length
Pcbtlength Bottom C length
Tvisibility Top visibility flag
Bvisibility Bottom visibility flag
NoDims No Dims Flag

Legal Owners:
3D Geomset Element (GMSET)

Legal Members:
Negative Cylinder Element (NLCYLINDER)
Negative Pyramid Element (NLPYRAMID)
Negative Snout Element (NLSNOUT)
Negative Box Element (NSBOX)
Negative Cone Element (NSCONE)
Negative Circular Torus Element (NSCTORUS)
Negative Dish Element (NSDSH)
Negative Extrusion Element (NSEXTRUSION)
Negative Cylinder Element (NSCYLINDER)
Negative Revolution Element (NSREVOLUTION)
Negative Rectangular Torus Element (NSRTORUS)
Negative Slope-bottomed Cylinder Element (NSSLCYLINDER)
Negative Sphere Element (NSSPHERE)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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2.1.32 Snout (3D Geomset) Element (LSNOUT)

Name Name of the element
Obstruction Obstruction level
Level Drawing level
Purpose Description code word
Clflag Centreline flag
Tuflag Tube flag
Ptdistance Distance to top surface
Pbdistance Distance to bottom surface
Ptdiameter Snout top diameter
Pbdiameter Snout bottom diameter
Paaxis Direction of axis
Pbaxis Direction
Poffset Offset
Tvisibility Top visibility flag
Bvisibility Bottom visibility flag
NoDims No Dims Flag

Legal Owners:
3D Geomset Element (GMSET)

Legal Members:
Negative Cylinder Element (NLCYLINDER)
Negative Pyramid Element (NLPYRAMID)
Negative Snout Element (NLSNOUT)
Negative Box Element (NSBOX)
Negative Cone Element (NSCONE)
Negative Circular Torus Element (NSCTORUS)
Negative Cylinder Element (NSCYLINDER)
Negative Dish Element (NSDSH)
Negative Extrusion Element (NSEXTRUSION)
Negative Revolution Element (NSREVOLUTION)
Negative Rectangular Torus Element (NSRTORUS)
Negative Slope-bottomed Cylinder Element (NSSLCYLINDER)
Negative Sphere Element (NSSPHERE)

2.1.33 Length Table Element (LTABLE)

Name Name of the element

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Legal Owners:
Bolt Table Element (BLTABLE)

Legal Members:
Diameter Table Element (DTABLE)
Text Element (TEXT)

2.1.34 Multi-bolt List Element (MBLIST)

Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:
Bolt Table Element (BLTABLE)

Legal Members:
Multi-bolt Element (MBOLT)
Text Element (TEXT)

2.1.35 Multi-bolt Element (MBOLT)

Name Name of the element
Sbrarray SBOLT references

Legal Owners:
Multi-bolt List Element (MBLIST)

Legal Members:

2.1.36 Measurement Set Element (MSET)

Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:
Units Element (UNIT)

Legal Members:
Measurement Type Element (MTYPE)

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2.1.37 Measurement Type Element (MTYPE)

Name Name of the element
Uref Units reference

Legal Owners:
Measurement Set Element (MSET)

Legal Members:
Attribute List Element (ATLIST)

2.1.38 Nominal Bore World Element (NBRWLD)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Purpose Description code word

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Nominal Bore Element (NOMINB)

2.1.39 Negative 3D Geomset Element (NGMSET)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Gtype Generic type
Purpose Description code word

Legal Owners:
Structural Category Element (STCATEGORY)
Structural Section Element (STSECTION)

Legal Members:
Negative Cylinder Element (NLCYLINDER)
Negative Pyramid Element (NLPYRAMID)
Negative Snout Element (NLSNOUT)
Negative Box Element (NSBOX)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Negative Cone Element (NSCONE)

Negative Circular Torus Element (NSCTORUS)
Negative Cylinder Element (NSCYLINDER)
Negative Dish Element (NSDSH)
Negative Extrusion Element (NSEXTRUSION)
Negative Revolution Element (NSREVOLUTION)
Negative Rectangular Torus Element (NSRTORUS)
Negative Slope-bottomed Cylinder Element (NSSLCYLINDER)
Negative Sphere Element (NSSPHERE)

2.1.40 Negative Cylinder Element (NLCYLINDER)

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Obstruction Obstruction level
Level Drawing level
Clflag Centreline flag
Tuflag Tube flag
Ptdistance Distance to top surface
Pbdistance Distance to bottom surface
Pdiameter Diameter parameter
Paxis Axial direction
Tvisibility Top visibility flag
Bvisibility Bottom visibility flag
NoDims No Dims Flag

Legal Owners:
Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (LCYLINDER)
Pyramid (3D Geomset) Element (LPYRAMID)
Snout (3D Geomset) Element (LSNOUT)
Negative 3D Geomset Element (NGMSET)
Box (3D Geomset) Element (SBOX)
Cone (3D Geomset) Element (SCONE)
Circular Torus (3D Geomset) Element (SCTORUS)
Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (SCYLINDER)
Dish (3D Geomset) Element (SDSH)
Extrusion (3D Geomset) Element (SEXTRUSION)
Revolution (3D Geomset) Element (SREVOLUTION)
Rectangular Torus (3D Geomset) Element (SRTORUS)
Slope-bottomed Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (SSLCYLINDER)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Sphere (3D Geomset) Element (SSPHERE)E

Legal Members:

2.1.41 Negative Pyramid Element (NLPYRAMID)

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Obstruction Obstruction level
Level Drawing level
Clflag Centreline flag
Tuflag Tube flag
Pbaxis Direction
Pcaxis Direction of C offset
Paaxis Direction of axis
Pboffset B offset
Pcoffset C offset
Ptdistance Distance to top surface
Pbdistance Distance to bottom surface
Pbtplength Top B length
Pctplength Top C length
Pbbtlength Bottom B length
Pcbtlength Bottom C length
Tvisibility Top visibility flag
Bvisibility Bottom visibility flag
NoDims No Dims Flag

Legal Owners:
Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (LCYLINDER)
Pyramid (3D Geomset) Element (LPYRAMID)
Snout (3D Geomset) Element (LSNOUT)
Negative 3D Geomset Element (NGMSET)
Box (3D Geomset) Element (SBOX)
Cone (3D Geomset) Element (SCONE)
Circular Torus (3D Geomset) Element (SCTORUS)
Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (SCYLINDER)
Dish (3D Geomset) Element (SDSH)
Extrusion (3D Geomset) Element (SEXTRUSION)
Revolution (3D Geomset) Element (SREVOLUTION)
Rectangular Torus (3D Geomset) Element (SRTORUS)
Slope-bottomed Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (SSLCYLINDER)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Sphere (3D Geomset) Element (SSPHERE)

Legal Members:

2.1.42 Negative Snout Element (NLSNOUT)

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Obstruction Obstruction level
Level Drawing level
Clflag Centreline flag
Tuflag Tube flag
Ptdistance Distance to top surface
Pbdistance Distance to bottom surface
Ptdiameter Snout top diameter
Pbdiameter Snout bottom diameter
Paaxis Direction of axis
Pbaxis Direction
Poffset Offset
Tvisibility Top visibility flag
Bvisibility Bottom visibility flag
NoDims No Dims Flag

Legal Owners:
Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (LCYLINDER)
Pyramid (3D Geomset) Element (LPYRAMID)
Snout (3D Geomset) Element (LSNOUT)
Negative 3D Geomset Element (NGMSET)
Box (3D Geomset) Element (SBOX)
Cone (3D Geomset) Element (SCONE)
Circular Torus (3D Geomset) Element (SCTORUS)
Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (SCYLINDER)
Dish (3D Geomset) Element (SDSH)
Extrusion (3D Geomset) Element (SEXTRUSION)
Revolution (3D Geomset) Element (SREVOLUTION)
Rectangular Torus (3D Geomset) Element (SRTORUS)
Slope-bottomed Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (SSLCYLINDER)
Sphere (3D Geomset) Element (SSPHERE)

Legal Members:

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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2.1.43 Nominal Bore Element (NOMINB)

Name Name of the element
Incbore Inch Nominal Bore
MMbore MM Nominal Bore

Legal Owners:
Nominal Bore World Element (NBRWLD)

Legal Members:

2.1.44 Nominal Bore Table Element (NOMTAB)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Purpose Description code word

Legal Owners:
Table World Element (TABWLD)

Legal Members:
Sub Nominal Bore Table Element (SNOTAB)

2.1.45 Negative Box Element (NSBOX)

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Obstruction Obstruction level
Level Drawing level
Clflag Centreline flag
Tuflag Tube flag
Px Cartesian X position
Py Cartesian Y position
Pz Cartesian Z position
Pxlength X length
Pylength Y length
Pzlength Z length
NoDims No Dims Flag

Legal Owners:
Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (LCYLINDER)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Pyramid (3D Geomset) Element (LPYRAMID)

Snout (3D Geomset) Element (LSNOUT)
Negative 3D Geomset Element (NGMSET)
Box (3D Geomset) Element (SBOX)
Cone (3D Geomset) Element (SCONE)
Circular Torus (3D Geomset) Element (SCTORUS)
Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (SCYLINDER)
Dish (3D Geomset) Element (SDSH)
Extrusion (3D Geomset) Element (SEXTRUSION)
Revolution (3D Geomset) Element (SREVOLUTION)
Rectangular Torus (3D Geomset) Element (SRTORUS)
Slope-bottomed Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (SSLCYLINDER)
Sphere (3D Geomset) Element (SSPHERE)

Legal Members:

2.1.46 Negative Cone Element (NSCONE)

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Obstruction Obstruction level
Level Drawing level
Clflag Centreline flag
Tuflag Tube flag
Pdistance Distance parameter
Pdiameter Diameter parameter
Paxis Axial direction
NoDims No Dims Flag

Legal Owners:
Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (LCYLINDER)
Pyramid (3D Geomset) Element (LPYRAMID)
Snout (3D Geomset) Element (LSNOUT)
Negative 3D Geomset Element (NGMSET)
Box (3D Geomset) Element (SBOX)
Cone (3D Geomset) Element (SCONE)
Circular Torus (3D Geomset) Element (SCTORUS)
Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (SCYLINDER)
Dish (3D Geomset) Element (SDSH)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Extrusion (3D Geomset) Element (SEXTRUSION)

Revolution (3D Geomset) Element (SREVOLUTION)
Rectangular Torus (3D Geomset) Element (SRTORUS)
Slope-bottomed Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (SSLCYLINDER)
Sphere (3D Geomset) Element (SSPHERE)

Legal Members:

2.1.47 Negative Circular Torus Element (NSCTORUS)

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Obstruction Obstruction level
Level Drawing level
Clflag Centreline flag
Tuflag Tube flag
Paaxis Direction of axis
Pbaxis Direction
Pdiameter Diameter parameter
Tvisibility Top visibility flag
Bvisibility Bottom visibility flag
NoDims No Dims Flag

Legal Owners:
Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (LCYLINDER)
Pyramid (3D Geomset) Element (LPYRAMID)
Snout (3D Geomset) Element (LSNOUT)
Negative 3D Geomset Element (NGMSET)
Box (3D Geomset) Element (SBOX)
Cone (3D Geomset) Element (SCONE)
Circular Torus (3D Geomset) Element (SCTORUS)
Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (SCYLINDER)
Dish (3D Geomset) Element (SDSH)
Extrusion (3D Geomset) Element (SEXTRUSION)
Revolution (3D Geomset) Element (SREVOLUTION)
Rectangular Torus (3D Geomset) Element (SRTORUS)
Slope-bottomed Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (SSLCYLINDER)
Sphere (3D Geomset) Element (SSPHERE)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Legal Members:

2.1.48 Negative Cylinder Element (NSCYLINDER)

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Obstruction Obstruction level
Level Drawing level
Clflag Centreline flag
Tuflag Tube flag
Pdistance Distance parameter
Pdiameter Diameter parameter
Pheight Height
Paxis Axial direction
Tvisibility Top visibility flag
Bvisibility Bottom visibility flag
NoDims No Dims Flag

Legal Owners:
Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (LCYLINDER)
Pyramid (3D Geomset) Element (LPYRAMID)
Snout (3D Geomset) Element (LSNOUT)
Negative 3D Geomset Element (NGMSET)
Negative Box Element (NSBOX)
Cone (3D Geomset) Element (SCONE)
Circular Torus (3D Geomset) Element (SCTORUS)
Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (SCYLINDER)
Dish (3D Geomset) Element (SDSH)
Extrusion (3D Geomset) Element (SEXTRUSION)
Revolution (3D Geomset) Element (SREVOLUTION)
Rectangular Torus (3D Geomset) Element (SRTORUS)
Slope-bottomed Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (SSLCYLINDER)
Sphere (3D Geomset) Element (SSPHERE)

Legal Members:

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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2.1.49 Negative Dish Element (NSDSH)

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Obstruction Obstruction level
Level Drawing level
Clflag Centreline flag
Tuflag Tube flag
Pdiameter Diameter parameter
Pheight Height
Pradius Radius
Pdistance Distance parameter
Paxis Axial direction
NoDims No Dims Flag

Legal Owners:
Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (LCYLINDER)
Pyramid (3D Geomset) Element (LPYRAMID)
Snout (3D Geomset) Element (LSNOUT)
Negative 3D Geomset Element (NGMSET)
Box (3D Geomset) Element (SBOX)
Cone (3D Geomset) Element (SCONE)
Circular Torus (3D Geomset) Element (SCTORUS)
Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (SCYLINDER)
Dish (3D Geomset) Element (SDSH)
Extrusion (3D Geomset) Element (SEXTRUSION)
Revolution (3D Geomset) Element (SREVOLUTION)
Rectangular Torus (3D Geomset) Element (SRTORUS)
Slope-bottomed Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (SSLCYLINDER)
Sphere (3D Geomset) Element (SSPHERE)

Legal Members:

2.1.50 Negative Extrusion Element (NSEXTRUSION)

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Obstruction Obstruction level
Level Drawing level
Clflag Centreline flag

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Tuflag Tube flag

Px Cartesian X position
Py Cartesian Y position
Pz Cartesian Z position
Paaxis Direction of axis
Pbaxis Direction
Pheight Height
NoDims No Dims Flag
HulApp Hull applicable Geometry
DesXclude Design Outfitting excluded Geometry
Splate Section plate
Bvsegn Bevelled segment number
BVCODN Bevelled Code number

Legal Owners:
Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (LCYLINDER)
Pyramid (3D Geomset) Element (LPYRAMID)
Snout (3D Geomset) Element (LSNOUT)
Negative 3D Geomset Element (NGMSET)
Negative Box Element (NSBOX)
Cone (3D Geomset) Element (SCONE)
Circular Torus (3D Geomset) Element (SCTORUS)
Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (SCYLINDER)
Dish (3D Geomset) Element (SDSH)
Extrusion (3D Geomset) Element (SEXTRUSION)
Revolution (3D Geomset) Element (SREVOLUTION)
Rectangular Torus (3D Geomset) Element (SRTORUS)
Slope-bottomed Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (SSLCYLINDER)
Sphere (3D Geomset) Element (SSPHERE)

Legal Members:
Loop (3D Geomset) Element (SLOOP)

2.1.51 Negative Revolution Element (NSREVOLUTION)

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Obstruction Obstruction level
Level Drawing level
Clflag Centreline flag
Tuflag Tube flag
Px Cartesian X position

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Py Cartesian Y position
Pz Cartesian Z position
Paaxis Direction of axis
Pbaxis Direction
Pangle Angle subtended
NoDims No Dims Flag

Legal Owners:
Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (LCYLINDER)
Pyramid (3D Geomset) Element (LPYRAMID)
Snout (3D Geomset) Element (LSNOUT)
Negative 3D Geomset Element (NGMSET)
Box (3D Geomset) Element (SBOX)
Cone (3D Geomset) Element (SCONE)
Circular Torus (3D Geomset) Element (SCTORUS)
Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (SCYLINDER)
Dish (3D Geomset) Element (SDSH)
Extrusion (3D Geomset) Element (SEXTRUSION)
Revolution (3D Geomset) Element (SREVOLUTION)
Rectangular Torus (3D Geomset) Element (SRTORUS)
Slope-bottomed Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (SSLCYLINDER)
Sphere (3D Geomset) Element (SSPHERE)

Legal Members:
Loop (3D Geomset) Element (SLOOP)

2.1.52 Negative Rectangular Torus Element (NSRTORUS)

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Obstruction Obstruction level
Level Drawing level
Clflag Centreline flag
Tuflag Tube flag
Paaxis Direction of axis
Pbaxis Direction
Pdiameter Diameter parameter
Pheight Height
Tvisibility Top visibility flag
Bvisibility Bottom visibility flag
NoDims No Dims Flag

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Legal Owners:
Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (LCYLINDER)
Pyramid (3D Geomset) Element (LPYRAMID)
Snout (3D Geomset) Element (LSNOUT)
Negative 3D Geomset Element (NGMSET)
Box (3D Geomset) Element (SBOX)
Cone (3D Geomset) Element (SCONE)
Circular Torus (3D Geomset) Element (SCTORUS)
Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (SCYLINDER)
Dish (3D Geomset) Element (SDSH)
Extrusion (3D Geomset) Element (SEXTRUSION)
Revolution (3D Geomset) Element (SREVOLUTION)
Rectangular Torus (3D Geomset) Element (SRTORUS)
Slope-bottomed Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (SSLCYLINDER)
Sphere (3D Geomset) Element (SSPHERE)

Legal Members:

2.1.53 Negative Slope-bottomed Cylinder Element (NSSLCYLINDER)

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Obstruction Obstruction level
Level Drawing level
Clflag Centreline flag
Tuflag Tube flag
Pdiameter Diameter parameter
Pheight Height
Pdistance Distance parameter
Paxis Axial direction
Pxtshear Inclination of top surface to local X axis
Pytshear Inclination of top surface to local Y axis
Pxbshear Inclination of bottom surface to local X axis
Pybshear Inclination of bottom surface to local Y axis
Tvisibility Top visibility flag
Bvisibility Bottom visibility flag
NoDims No Dims Flag

Legal Owners:
Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (LCYLINDER)
Pyramid (3D Geomset) Element (LPYRAMID)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Snout (3D Geomset) Element (LSNOUT)

Negative 3D Geomset Element (NGMSET)
Box (3D Geomset) Element (SBOX)
Cone (3D Geomset) Element (SCONE)
Circular Torus (3D Geomset) Element (SCTORUS)
Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (SCYLINDER)
Dish (3D Geomset) Element (SDSH)
Extrusion (3D Geomset) Element (SEXTRUSION)
Revolution (3D Geomset) Element (SREVOLUTION)
Rectangular Torus (3D Geomset) Element (SRTORUS)
Slope-bottomed Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (SSLCYLINDER)
Sphere (3D Geomset) Element (SSPHERE)

Legal Members:

2.1.54 Negative Sphere Element (NSSPHERE)

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Obstruction Obstruction level
Level Drawing level
Clflag Centreline flag
Tuflag Tube flag
Pdistance Distance parameter
Pdiameter Diameter parameter
Paxis Axial direction
NoDims No Dims Flag

Legal Owners:
Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (LCYLINDER)
Pyramid (3D Geomset) Element (LPYRAMID)
Snout (3D Geomset) Element (LSNOUT)
Negative 3D Geomset Element (NGMSET)
Box (3D Geomset) Element (SBOX)
Cone (3D Geomset) Element (SCONE)
Circular Torus (3D Geomset) Element (SCTORUS)
Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (SCYLINDER)
Dish (3D Geomset) Element (SDSH)
Extrusion (3D Geomset) Element (SEXTRUSION)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Revolution (3D Geomset) Element (SREVOLUTION)

Rectangular Torus (3D Geomset) Element (SRTORUS)
Slope-bottomed Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (SSLCYLINDER)
Sphere (3D Geomset) Element (SSPHERE)

Legal Members:

2.1.55 Paint Element (PAINT)

Surface Treatment Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Maker Maker

Legal Owners:
Piping Category Element (CATEGORY)
Piping Section Element (SECTION)

Legal Members:

2.1.56 Pipe Data Element (PDAELE)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
NBore Allowable Nominal Bore
Corrosion Tube corrosion
Pflallowance Flange allowance parameter
Wthreference Wall thickness table reference

Legal Owners:
Pipe Data Table Element (PDATAB)

Legal Members:

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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2.1.57 Pipe Data Table Element (PDATAB)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Purpose Description code word
Corrosion Tube corrosion

Legal Owners:
Table World Element (TABWLD)

Legal Members:
Pipe Data Element (PDAELE)

2.1.58 Pline Element (PLINE)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Pkey Pline identifier key
Px Cartesian X position
Py Cartesian Y position
Dx Cartesian X offset
Dy Cartesian Y offset
Plaxis 2D direction angle
Level Drawing level
Clflag Centreline flag
Tuflag Tube flag
Purpose Description code word
Cconnect Connection type
Pvifilter PPoint/Pline visibility filter

Legal Owners:
Structural Pointset Element (PTSSET)

Legal Members:

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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2.1.59 Part Element (PRTELE)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Purpose Description code word
Catref Catalogue reference
Detail Detail flag
Matxt Material text
Cmpref Component reference
Bltref Bolt reference
Tmpref Template reference from SPCO
Symgroup Symbol Group
Symname Symbol Name
PTDtref Part Data set reference

Legal Owners:
Part Element (PRTELE)
Part World Element (PRTWLD)

Legal Members:
Dataset Element (DTSET)
General Part Element (GPART)
Part Element (PRTELE)

2.1.60 Part World Element (PRTWLD)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Purpose Description code word

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
General Part Element (GPART)
Part Element (PRTELE)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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2.1.61 Axial Ppoint Element (PTAXIS)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Number Number
Pconnect Connection type
Pbore Bore
Pdistance Distance parameter
Paxis Axial direction
Pskey Key for ISODRAFT
Purpose Description code word
Pvifilter PPoint/Pline visibility filter
Pzaxis Alignment axial direction
AllAngle Connection allowable rotational angle
Pwidth Width / Wall thickness
Pheight Height
OffTolerance PPoint offset tolerance

Legal Owners:
3D Pointset Element (PTSET)

Legal Members:

2.1.62 Cartesian Ppoint Element (PTCAR)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Number Number
Pconnect Connection type
Pbore Bore
Px Cartesian X position
Py Cartesian Y position
Pz Cartesian Z position
Direction Direction
Pskey Key for ISODRAFT
Purpose Description code word
Pvifilter PPoint/Pline visibility filter
Ptcdirection Parameterised direction
Pzaxis Alignment axial direction
AllAngle Connection allowable rotational angle
Pwidth Width / Wall thickness
Pheight Height
OffTolerance PPoint offset tolerance

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Legal Owners:
3D Pointset Element (PTSET)

Legal Members:

2.1.63 Mixed Ppoint Element (PTMIX)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Number Number
Pconnect Connection type
Pbore Bore
Px Cartesian X position
Py Cartesian Y position
Pz Cartesian Z position
Paxis Axial direction
Pskey Key for ISODRAFT
Purpose Description code word
Pvifilter PPoint visibility filter
Pzaxis Alignment axial direction
AllAngle Connection allowable rotational angle
Pwidth Width / Wall thickness
Pheight Height
OffTolerance PPoint offset tolerance

Legal Owners:
3D Pointset Element (PTSET)

Legal Members:

2.1.64 Ppoint with Position Element (PTPOS)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Number Number
Pconnect Connection type
Pbore Bore
Ptcposition Parameterised position
Ptcdirection Parameterised direction
Pskey Key for ISODRAFT
Purpose Description code word
Pvifilter PPoint/Pline visibility filter
Pzaxis Alignment axial direction

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AllAngle Connection allowable rotational angle

Pwidth Width / Wall thickness
Pheight Height
OffTolerance PPoint offset tolerance

Legal Owners:
3D Pointset Element (PTSET)

Legal Members:

2.1.65 3D Pointset Element (PTSET)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Gtype Generic type
Purpose Description code word
Skey Symbol key

Legal Owners:
Piping Category Element (CATEGORY)
Piping Section Element (SECTION)
Structural Category Element (STCATEGORY)
Structural Section Element (STSECTION)

Legal Members:
Axial Ppoint Element (PTAXIS)
Cartesian Ppoint Element (PTCAR)
Mixed Ppoint Element (PTMIX)
Ppoint with Position Element (PTPOS)

2.1.66 Structural Pointset Element (PTSSET)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Naref Reference to neutral axis
Pskey Key for ISODRAFT
Gtype Generic type
Purpose Description code word

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Legal Owners:
Structural Category Element (STCATEGORY)
Structural Section Element (STSECTION)

Legal Members:
Pline Element (PLINE)

2.1.67 Rawplate Catalogue Entry Element (RAWPLA)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
TbName TbName
Purpose Description code word
Height Height
Length Length
Width Width
Matref Material reference
Charge Charge
Purch Purchase information

Legal Owners:
RRawplate Table Element (RPLTAB)

Legal Members:

2.1.68 RRawplate Table Element (RPLTAB)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Purpose Description code word

Legal Owners:
Table World Element (TABWLD)

Legal Members:
Rawplate Catalogue Entry Element (RAWPLA)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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2.1.69 Structural Annulus Element (SANNULUS)

Name Name of the element
Px Cartesian X position
Py Cartesian Y position
Plaxis 2D direction angle
Pangle Angle subtended
Pradius Radius
Pwidth Width / Wall thickness
Dx Cartesian X offset
Dy Cartesian Y offset
Dradius Radial offset
Dwidth Width offset
Obstruction Obstruction level
Level Drawing level
Clflag Centreline flag
Tuflag Tube flag

Legal Owners:
Structural Geomset Element (GMSSET)

Legal Members:

2.1.70 Single Bolt Element (SBOLT)

Name Name of the element
Nstdblength Non-standard bolt length (reference to DTAB)
Bdiameter Bolt diameter
Length Length
Noff Number off
Xtralength Extra length requirement for BOLTS
Bitems Bolt items
Bitlength Bolt item lengths

Legal Owners:
Bolt List Element (BLIST)

Legal Members:

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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2.1.71 Box (3D Geomset) Element (SBOX)

Name Name of the element
Obstruction Obstruction level
Level Drawing level
Purpose Description code word
Clflag Centreline flag
Tuflag Tube flag
Px Cartesian X position
Py Cartesian Y position
Pz Cartesian Z position
Pxlength X length
Pylength Y length
Pzlength Z length
NoDims No Dims Flag

Legal Owners:
Structural Geomset Element (GMSSET)

Legal Members:
Negative Cylinder Element (NLCYLINDER)
Negative Pyramid Element (NLPYRAMID)
Negative Snout Element (NLSNOUT)
Negative Box Element (NSBOX)
Negative Cone Element (NSCONE)
Negative Circular Torus Element (NSCTORUS)
Negative Cylinder Element (NSCYLINDER)
Negative Dish Element (NSDSH)
Negative Extrusion Element (NSEXTRUSION)
Negative Revolution Element (NSREVOLUTION)
Negative Rectangular Torus Element (NSRTORUS)
Negative Slope-bottomed Cylinder Element (NSSLCYLINDER)
Negative Sphere Element (NSSPHERE)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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2.1.72 Sub Branch/Reducer Table Element (SBRTAB)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Purpose Description code word
NBore Allowable Nominal Bore

Legal Owners:
Branch/Reducer Table Element (BRTAB)

Legal Members:
Sub-sub Branch/Reducer Table Element (SSBRTA)

2.1.73 Catalogue Component Element (SCOMPONENT)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Gtype Generic type
Ptref Point set reference
Gmref Geometry set reference
Dtref Data set reference
Blrfarray Bolt reference array
Param Parameters
CompType Type of component
Ccorref Cable Core set reference

Legal Owners:
Piping Category Element (CATEGORY)
Piping Section Element (SECTION)

Legal Members:

2.1.74 Cone (3D Geomset) Element (SCONE)

Name Name of the element
Obstruction Obstruction level
Level Drawing level
Purpose Description code word
Clflag Centreline flag
Tuflag Tube flag
Pdistance Distance parameter
Pdiameter Diameter parameter

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Paxis Axial direction

NoDims No Dims Flag

Legal Owners:
3D Geomset Element (GMSET)

Legal Members:
Negative Cylinder Element (NLCYLINDER)
Negative Pyramid Element (NLPYRAMID)
Negative Snout Element (NLSNOUT)
Negative Box Element (NSBOX)
Negative Cone Element (NSCONE)
Negative Circular Torus Element (NSCTORUS)
Negative Cylinder Element (NSCYLINDER)
Negative Dish Element (NSDSH)
Negative Extrusion Element (NSEXTRUSION)
Negative Revolution Element (NSREVOLUTION)
Negative Rectangular Torus Element (NSRTORUS)
Negative Slope-bottomed Cylinder Element (NSSLCYLINDER)
Negative Sphere Element (NSSPHERE)

2.1.75 Circular Torus (3D Geomset) Element (SCTORUS)

Name Name of the element
Obstruction Obstruction level
Level Drawing level
Purpose Description code word
Clflag Centreline flag
Tuflag Tube flag
Paaxis Direction of axis
Pbaxis Direction
Pdiameter Diameter parameter
Tvisibility Top visibility flag
Bvisibility Bottom visibility flag
NoDims No Dims Flag

Legal Owners:
3D Geomset Element (GMSET)

Legal Members:
Negative Cylinder Element (NLCYLINDER)
Negative Pyramid Element (NLPYRAMID)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Negative Snout Element (NLSNOUT)

Negative Box Element (NSBOX)
Negative Cone Element (NSCONE)
Negative Circular Torus Element (NSCTORUS)
Negative Cylinder Element (NSCYLINDER)
Negative Dish Element (NSDSH)
Negative Extrusion Element (NSEXTRUSION)
Negative Revolution Element (NSREVOLUTION)
Negative Rectangular Torus Element (NSRTORUS)
Negative Slope-bottomed Cylinder Element (NSSLCYLINDER)
Negative Sphere Element (NSSPHERE)

2.1.76 Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (SCYLINDER)

Name Name of the element
Obstruction Obstruction level
Level Drawing level
Purpose Description code word
Clflag Centreline flag
Tuflag Tube flag
Pdistance Distance parameter
Pdiameter Diameter parameter
Pheight Height
Paxis Axial direction
Tvisibility Top visibility flag
Bvisibility Bottom visibility flag
NoDims No Dims Flag

Legal Owners:
3D Geomset Element (GMSET)

Legal Members:
Negative Cylinder Element (NLCYLINDER)
Negative Pyramid Element (NLPYRAMID)
Negative Snout Element (NLSNOUT)
Negative Box Element (NSBOX)
Negative Cone Element (NSCONE)
Negative Circular Torus Element (NSCTORUS)
Negative Cylinder Element (NSCYLINDER)
Negative Dish Element (NSDSH)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Negative Extrusion Element (NSEXTRUSION)

Negative Revolution Element (NSREVOLUTION)
Negative Rectangular Torus Element (NSRTORUS)
Negative Slope-bottomed Cylinder Element (NSSLCYLINDER)
Negative Sphere Element (NSSPHERE)

2.1.77 Disc (3D Geomset) Element (SDISK)

Name Name of the element
Obstruction Obstruction level
Level Drawing level
Purpose Description code word
Clflag Centreline flag
Tuflag Tube flag
Pdistance Distance parameter
Pdiameter Diameter parameter
Paxis Axial direction
NoDims No Dims Flag

Legal Owners:
3D Geomset Element (GMSET)

Legal Members:

2.1.78 Dish (3D Geomset) Element (SDSH)

Name Name of the element
Obstruction Obstruction level
Level Drawing level
Purpose Description code word
Clflag Centreline flag
Tuflag Tube flag
Pdiameter Diameter parameter
Pheight Height
Pradius Radius
Pdistance Distance parameter
Paxis Axial direction
NoDims No Dims Flag

Legal Owners:
3D Geomset Element (GMSET)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Catalogue Database

Legal Members:
Negative Cylinder Element (NLCYLINDER)
Negative Pyramid Element (NLPYRAMID)
Negative Snout Element (NLSNOUT)
Negative Box Element (NSBOX)
Negative Cone Element (NSCONE)
Negative Circular Torus Element (NSCTORUS)
Negative Cylinder Element (NSCYLINDER)
Negative Dish Element (NSDSH)
Negative Extrusion Element (NSEXTRUSION)
Negative Revolution Element (NSREVOLUTION)
Negative Rectangular Torus Element (NSRTORUS)
Negative Slope-bottomed Cylinder Element (NSSLCYLINDER)
Negative Sphere Element (NSSPHERE)

2.1.79 Detail Text Element (SDTEXT)

Name Name of the element
Skey Symbol key
SkeyScale Universal SKEY scale factor
MtoLength Material List Length
MtoQuantity Material take off quantity
Rtext R Text string
Stext S Text string
Ttext T Text string
Scode ISODRAFT Compipe: Short code
Cspc ISODRAFT Compipe: Specification
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name

Legal Owners:
Piping Category Element (CATEGORY)
Piping Section Element (SECTION)
Structural Category Element (STCATEGORY)
Structural Section Element (STSECTION)

Legal Members:

2.1.80 Piping Section Element (SECTION)

Primary Element

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Catalogue Database

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Purpose Description code word
Gtype Generic type

Legal Owners:
Catalogue DB Element (CATALOGUE)

Legal Members:
Bolt Table Element (BLTABLE)
Bolt Pointset Element (BTSET)
Piping Category Element (CATEGORY)
Cable Core Set Element (CCORSET)
2D Symbolic Representation for Drafting Element (DRSSET)
Dataset Element (DTSET)
Face Code Element (FACECODE)
3D Geomset Element (GMSET)
Paint Element (PAINT)
3D Pointset Element (PTSET)
Catalogue Component Element (SCOMPONENT)
Detail Text Element (SDTEXT)
Surface Treatment Element (SRFTRT)
Material Text Element (SMTEXT)
Text Element (TEXT)

2.1.81 Selector Element (SELEC)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Answer Answer, when a real is expected
Maxanswer Maximum answer
Question Question
Qualifier Qualifier
Default Default
Ccolour Colour (in catalogue)
Ptype Property type
Tanswer Text answer for text styp in spec
Tdefault Text default for text styp in spec
Tquestion Text question in spec or sele
Tqualifier Text qualifier in spec or sele

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Legal Owners:
Selector Element (SELEC)
Specification Element (SPECIFICATION)

Legal Members:
Selector Element (SELEC)
Specification Component Element (SPCOMPONENT)

2.1.82 Extrusion (3D Geomset) Element (SEXTRUSION)

Name Name of the element
Obstruction Obstruction level
Level Drawing level
Purpose Description code word
Clflag Centreline flag
Tuflag Tube flag
Px Cartesian X position
Py Cartesian Y position
Pz Cartesian Z position
Paaxis Direction of axis
Pbaxis Direction
Pheight Height
NoDims No Dims Flag
HulApp Hull applicable Geometry
DesXclude Design Outfitting excluded Geometry
Bvsegn Bevelled segment number
BVCODN Bevelled Code number

Legal Owners:
3D Geomset Element (GMSET)

Legal Members:
Negative Cylinder Element (NLCYLINDER)
Negative Pyramid Element (NLPYRAMID)
Negative Snout Element (NLSNOUT)
Negative Box Element (NSBOX)
Negative Cone Element (NSCONE)
Negative Circular Torus Element (NSCTORUS)
Negative Cylinder Element (NSCYLINDER)
Negative Dish Element (NSDSH)
Negative Extrusion Element (NSEXTRUSION)
Negative Revolution Element (NSREVOLUTION)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Negative Rectangular Torus Element (NSRTORUS)

Negative Slope-bottomed Cylinder Element (NSSLCYLINDER)
Negative Sphere Element (NSSPHERE)
Loop (3D Geomset) Element (SLOOP)

2.1.83 Catalogue Fitting Component Element (SFITTING)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Gtype Generic type
Ctyattached Attached connection type
Ptref Point set reference
Gmref Geometry set reference
Ngmref Negative geometry set reference
Dtref Data set reference
Param Parameters

Legal Owners:
Structural Category Element (STCATEGORY)
Structural Section Element (STSECTION)

Legal Members:

2.1.84 Simple Line (3D Geomset) Element (SLINE)

Name Name of the element
Obstruction Obstruction level
Level Drawing level
Purpose Description code word
Clflag Centreline flag
Tuflag Tube flag
Ptsposition Parameterised start position
Pteposition Parameterised end position
Diameter Diameter

Legal Owners:
3D Geomset Element (GMSET)

Legal Members:

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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2.1.85 Pipe Slope Element (SLOELE)

Catalogue General Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Purpose Description code word
MinSlope Minimum pipe slope
MaxSlope Maximum pipe slope
DefSlope Default pipe slope
MinVertical Minimum vertical pipe slope

Legal Owners:
Pipe Slope Table Element (SLOTAB)

Legal Members:

2.1.86 Loop (3D Geomset) Element (SLOOP)

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word

Legal Owners:
Negative Extrusion Element (NSEXTRUSION)
Negative Revolution Element (NSREVOLUTION)
Extrusion (3D Geomset) Element (SEXTRUSION)
Revolution (3D Geomset) Element (SREVOLUTION)

Legal Members:
Vertex (3D Geomset) Element (SVERTEX)

2.1.87 Pipe Slope Table Element (SLOTAB)

Catalogue General Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Purpose Description code word

Legal Owners:
Table World Element (TABWLD)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Legal Members:
Pipe Slope Element (SLOELE)

2.1.88 Material Text Element (SMTEXT)

Name Name of the element
Xtext X text
Ytext Y text
Ztext Z text

Legal Owners:
Piping Category Element (CATEGORY)
Piping Section Element (SECTION)
Structural Category Element (STCATEGORY)
Structural Section Element (STSECTION)

Legal Members:

2.1.89 Sub Nominal Bore Table Element (SNOTAB)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Purpose Description code word
NBore Allowable Nominal Bore

Legal Owners:
Nominal Bore Table Element (NOMTAB)

Legal Members:
Sub-sub Nominal Bore Table Element (SSNOTA)

2.1.90 Specification Component Element (SPCOMPONENT)

Name Name of the element
MatPurpose Material purpose
Matref Material reference
Answer Answer, when a real is expected
Maxanswer Maximum answer
Catref Catalogue reference
Detail Detail flag
Matxt Material text

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Cmpref Component reference

Bltref Bolt reference
Ptype Property type
Prtreference Part reference
Tmpref Template reference from SPCO
Pdareference Pipe data table reference
Tanswer Text answer for text styp in spec
Comment Comment
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Symgroup Symbol Group
Symname Symbol Name

Legal Owners:
Selector Element (SELEC)
Specification Element (SPECIFICATION)

Legal Members:

2.1.91 Specification Element (SPECIFICATION)

Primary Element

MatPurpose Material purpose
Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Matref Material reference
Fluref Fluid reference
Nomreference Nominal bore table reference
Brreference Branch table reference
Redreference Reducer table reference
Pdareference Pipe data table reference
Sloreference Pipe slope reference
Rating Pressure rating
Linetype Line type
Question Question
Qualifier Qualifier
Default Default
Bspec Bolt specification
Purpose Description code word
Ccolour Colour (in catalogue)
Bltmethod Bolt method
Cstandard Catalogue Standard
Tdefault Text default for text styp in spec
Tquestion Text question in spec or sele
Tqualifier Text qualifier in spec or sele
Fissue Current pipe spec issue

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Finputby Input by
Fstatus Fstatus

Legal Owners:
Specification World Element (SPWLD)

Legal Members:
Selector Element (SELEC)
Specification Component Element (SPCOMPONENT)
Text Element (TEXT)

2.1.92 Catalogue Profile Component Element (SPRFILE)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Gtype Generic type
Pstref Structural Pline set reference
Gstref Structural geometry set reference
Dtref Data set reference
Param Parameters
Sfcode Stiffener Code
Trclin Trace line

Legal Owners:
Structural Category Element (STCATEGORY)
Structural Section Element (STSECTION)

Legal Members:

2.1.93 Structural Profile Element (SPROFILE)

Name Name of the element
Plaxis 2D direction angle
Obstruction Obstruction level
Level Drawing level
Clflag Centreline flag
Tuflag Tube flag
HulApp Hull applicable Geometry
DesXclude Design Outfitting excluded Geometry
Splate Section plate

Legal Owners:
Structural Geomset Element (GMSSET)

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Legal Members:
Vertex for Sprof Element (SPVERT)

2.1.94 Vertex for Sprof Element (SPVERT)

Name Name of the element
Px Cartesian X position
Py Cartesian Y position
Pradius Radius
Dx Cartesian X offset
Dy Cartesian Y offset
Dradius Radial offset

Legal Owners:
Structural Profile Element (SPROFILE)

Legal Members:

2.1.95 Specification World Element (SPWLD)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Purpose Description code word

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Specification Element (SPECIFICATION)
Table Group Element (TABGROUP)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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2.1.96 Structural Rectangle Element (SRECTANGLE)

Name Name of the element
Px Cartesian X position
Py Cartesian Y position
Pxlength X length
Pylength Y length
Plaxis 2D direction angle
Dx Cartesian X offset
Dy Cartesian Y offset
Dxl Incremental X length
Dyl Incremental Y length
Obstruction Obstruction level
Level Drawing level
Clflag Centreline flag
Tuflag Tube flag

Legal Owners:
Structural Geomset Element (GMSSET)

Legal Members:

2.1.97 Revolution (3D Geomset) Element (SREVOLUTION)

Name Name of the element
Obstruction Obstruction level
Level Drawing level
Purpose Description code word
Clflag Centreline flag
Tuflag Tube flag
Px Cartesian X position
Py Cartesian Y position
Pz Cartesian Z position
Paaxis Direction of axis
Pbaxis Direction
Pangle Angle subtended
NoDims No Dims Flag

Legal Owners:
3D Geomset Element (GMSET)

Legal Members:
Negative Cylinder Element (NLCYLINDER)
Negative Pyramid Element (NLPYRAMID)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Negative Snout Element (NLSNOUT)

Negative Box Element (NSBOX)
Negative Cone Element (NSCONE)
Negative Circular Torus Element (NSCTORUS)
Negative Cylinder Element (NSCYLINDER)
Negative Dish Element (NSDSH)
Negative Extrusion Element (NSEXTRUSION)
Negative Revolution Element (NSREVOLUTION)
Negative Rectangular Torus Element (NSRTORUS)
Negative Slope-bottomed Cylinder Element (NSSLCYLINDER)
Negative Sphere Element (NSSPHERE)
Loop (3D Geomset) Element (SLOOP)

2.1.98 Surface Treatment Element (SRFTRT)

Surface Treatment Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Surmaterial Surface Material
Shoprimer Shop Primer
Surpreparation Surface Preparation

Legal Owners:
Piping Category Element (CATEGORY)
Piping Section Element (SECTION)

Legal Members:
Coating Element (COATING)

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2.1.99 Rectangular Torus (3D Geomset) Element (SRTORUS)

Name Name of the element
Obstruction Obstruction level
Level Drawing level
Purpose Description code word
Clflag Centreline flag
Tuflag Tube flag
Paaxis Direction of axis
Pbaxis Direction
Pdiameter Diameter parameter
Pheight Height
Tvisibility Top visibility flag
Bvisibility Bottom visibility flag
NoDims No Dims Flag

Legal Owners:
3D Geomset Element (GMSET)

Legal Members:
Negative Cylinder Element (NLCYLINDER)
Negative Pyramid Element (NLPYRAMID)
Negative Snout Element (NLSNOUT)
Negative Box Element (NSBOX)
Negative Cone Element (NSCONE)
Negative Circular Torus Element (NSCTORUS)
Negative Cylinder Element (NSCYLINDER)
Negative Dish Element (NSDSH)
Negative Extrusion Element (NSEXTRUSION)
Negative Revolution Element (NSREVOLUTION)
Negative Rectangular Torus Element (NSRTORUS)
Negative Slope-bottomed Cylinder Element (NSSLCYLINDER)
Negative Sphere Element (NSSPHERE)

2.1.100 Sub-sub Branch/Reducer Table Element (SSBRTA)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Purpose Description code word
NBore Allowable Nominal Bore

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Legal Owners:
Sub Branch/Reducer Table Element (SBRTAB)

Legal Members:
Sub-sub-sub Branch/Reducer Table Element (SSSBRT)

2.1.101 Slope-bottomed Cylinder (3D Geomset) Element (SSLCYLINDER)

Name Name of the element
Obstruction Obstruction level
Level Drawing level
Purpose Description code word
Clflag Centreline flag
Tuflag Tube flag
Pdiameter Diameter parameter
Pheight Height
Pdistance Distance parameter
Paxis Axial direction
Pxtshear Inclination of top surface to local X axis
Pytshear Inclination of top surface to local Y axis
Pxbshear Inclination of bottom surface to local X axis
Pybshear Inclination of bottom surface to local Y axis
Tvisibility Top visibility flag
Bvisibility Bottom visibility flag
NoDims No Dims Flag

Legal Owners:
3D Geomset Element (GMSET)

Legal Members:
Negative Cylinder Element (NLCYLINDER)
Negative Pyramid Element (NLPYRAMID)
Negative Snout Element (NLSNOUT)
Negative Box Element (NSBOX)
Negative Cone Element (NSCONE)
Negative Circular Torus Element (NSCTORUS)
Negative Cylinder Element (NSCYLINDER)
Negative Dish Element (NSDSH)
Negative Extrusion Element (NSEXTRUSION)
Negative Revolution Element (NSREVOLUTION)
Negative Rectangular Torus Element (NSRTORUS)
Negative Slope-bottomed Cylinder Element (NSSLCYLINDER)

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Negative Sphere Element (NSSPHERE)

2.1.102 Sub-sub Nominal Bore Table Element (SSNOTA)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Purpose Description code word
Schedule Piping Schedule
WThickness Wall thickness

Legal Owners:
Sub Nominal Bore Table Element (SNOTAB)

Legal Members:

2.1.103 Sphere (3D Geomset) Element (SSPHERE)

Name Name of the element
Obstruction Obstruction level
Level Drawing level
Purpose Description code word
Clflag Centreline flag
Tuflag Tube flag
Pdistance Distance parameter
Pdiameter Diameter parameter
Paxis Axial direction
NoDims No Dims Flag

Legal Owners:
3D Geomset Element (GMSET)

Legal Members:
Negative Cylinder Element (NLCYLINDER)
Negative Pyramid Element (NLPYRAMID)
Negative Snout Element (NLSNOUT)
Negative Box Element (NSBOX)
Negative Cone Element (NSCONE)
Negative Circular Torus Element (NSCTORUS)
Negative Cylinder Element (NSCYLINDER)
Negative Dish Element (NSDSH)
Negative Extrusion Element (NSEXTRUSION)

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Negative Revolution Element (NSREVOLUTION)

Negative Rectangular Torus Element (NSRTORUS)
Negative Slope-bottomed Cylinder Element (NSSLCYLINDER)
Negative Sphere Element (NSSPHERE)

2.1.104 Sub-sub-sub Branch/Reducer Table Element (SSSBRT)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Purpose Description code word

Legal Owners:
Sub-sub Branch/Reducer Table Element (SSBRTA)

Legal Members:

2.1.105 Structural Category Element (STCATEGORY)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Gtype Generic type
Skey Symbol key
Ptref Point set reference
Gmref Geometry set reference
Ngmref Negative geometry set reference
Dtref Data set reference
Pstref Structural Pline set reference
Gstref Structural geometry set reference
Cdetail Catalogue detail
Ownconnect Owning connection type
Attconnect Attached connection type
Cplot Plot (in catalogue)
Cstandard Catalogue Standard

Legal Owners:
Structural Section Element (STSECTION)

Legal Members:
2D Symbolic Representation for Drafting Element (DRSSET)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Catalogue Database

Dataset Element (DTSET)

3D Geomset Element (GMSET)
Structural Geomset Element (GMSSET)
Catalogue Joint Component Element (JOINT)
Negative 3D Geomset Element (NGMSET)
3D Pointset Element (PTSET)
Structural Pointset Element (PTSSET)
Detail Text Element (SDTEXT)
Catalogue Fitting Component Element (SFITTING)
Material Text Element (SMTEXT)
Catalogue Profile Component Element (SPRFILE)
Text Element (TEXT)

2.1.106 Status Link World Element (STLNKW)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
StlPos Status Element reference

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:

2.1.107 Structural Section Element (STSECTION)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Purpose Description code word
Gtype Generic type

Legal Owners:
Catalogue DB Element (CATALOGUE)

Legal Members:
2D Symbolic Representation for Drafting Element (DRSSET)
Dataset Element (DTSET)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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3D Geomset Element (GMSET)

Structural Geomset Element (GMSSET)
Catalogue Joint Component Element (JOINT)
Negative 3D Geomset Element (NGMSET)
3D Pointset Element (PTSET)
Structural Pointset Element (PTSSET)
Detail Text Element (SDTEXT)
Catalogue Fitting Component Element (SFITTING)
Material Text Element (SMTEXT)
Catalogue Profile Component Element (SPRFILE)
Structural Category Element (STCATEGORY)
Text Element (TEXT)

2.1.108 Vertex (3D Geomset) Element (SVERTEX)

Name Name of the element
Px Cartesian X position
Py Cartesian Y position
Pradius Radius

Legal Owners:
Loop (3D Geomset) Element (SLOOP)

Legal Members:

2.1.109 Table Group Element (TABGROUP)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Purpose Description code word
Matref Material reference
SPType Type of element to be selected
Ccolour Colour (in catalogue)
Cstandard Catalogue Standard
Fissue Current pipe spec issue
Finputby Input by
Fstatus Fstatus
Supplier Supplier Name
Manufacturer Manufacturer Name

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Legal Owners:
Specification World Element (SPWLD)

Legal Members:
Selection Table Element (CTABLE)

2.1.110 Table Header Element (TABHEADER)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
Selection Table Element (CTABLE)

Legal Members:
Table Question Element (TABQUESTION)

2.1.111 Table Header Question Element (TABHQUESTION)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Purpose Description code word
Question Question
Qualifier Qualifier
Anstype Type of answer NONE, REAL, WORD, TEXT or BOOL
Qusexpression question expression
Tquestion Text question in spec or sele
Rflag Type of real answer NONE, SINGle, RANGe or MULTi
Qtype Type of question
Default Default
Tdefault Text default for text styp in spec
AttSet Set attribute with result

Legal Owners:
Table Header Element (TABHEADER)

Legal Members:

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2.1.112 Table Item Element (TABITEM)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Prtreference Part reference
Lactive True if selectable : false = limbospec

Legal Owners:
Selection Table Element (CTABLE)

Legal Members:
Table Question Element (TABQUESTION)

2.1.113 Table Question Element (TABQUESTION)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Purpose Description code word
Question Question
Qualifier Qualifier
Qusexpression question expression
Tquestion Text question in spec or sele
Rflag Type of real answer NONE, SINGle, RANGe or MULTi
Qtype Type of question
Tabanswers Tabular answers
Tanswer Text answer for text styp in spec
Wanswers Word answers
AttSet Set attribute with result

Legal Owners:
Table Item Element (TABITEM)

Legal Members:

2.1.114 Table World Element (TABWLD)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Purpose Description code word

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Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Branch/Reducer Table Element (BRTAB)
Nominal Bore Table Element (NOMTAB)
Pipe Data Table Element (PDATAB)
RRawplate Table Element (RPLTAB)
Pipe Slope Table Element (SLOTAB)
Wall Thickness Table Element (WTHTAB)

2.1.115 Text Element (TEXT)

Administrative Element

TEXT is a general element that can occupy most positions in the hierarchy. It can be used to
store additional information about an owning or adjacent element.

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Stext S Text string
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

Legal Owners:
Bolt List Element (BLIST)
Bolt Table Element (BLTABLE)
Piping Category Element (CATEGORY)
Catalogue DB Element (CATALOGUE)
Connection Compatibility Table Element (CCTABLE)
Length Table Element (LTABLE)
Multi-bolt List Element (MBLIST)
Piping Section Element (SECTION)
Specification Element (SPECIFICATION)
Structural Category Element (STCATEGORY)
Structural Section Element (STSECTION)
Units Element (UNIT)

Legal Members:

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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2.1.116 Tube Element (TUBE)

Name Name of the element
Obstruction Obstruction level
Level Drawing level
Purpose Description code word
Clflag Centreline flag
Tuflag Tube flag
Paxis Axial direction
Pdiameter Diameter parameter
Tvisibility Top visibility flag
Bvisibility Bottom visibility flag

Legal Owners:
3D Geomset Element (GMSET)

Legal Members:

2.1.117 Units Definition Element (UDEFINITION)

Name Name of the element
Multiplier Multiplier factor (unit definition)
Adend Addition factor (unit definition)
Sigfigures Significant figures
Decplaces Decimal places
Abbreviation Abbreviation

Legal Owners:
Units Section Element (USECTION)

Legal Members:

2.1.118 Units Element (UNIT)

Primary Element

Bunits Bore units
Dunits Distance units
Dfunits Default unit
Name Name of the element

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Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Measurement Set Element (MSET)
Text Element (TEXT)
Units Section Element (USECTION)

2.1.119 Units Section Element (USECTION)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
Units Element (UNIT)

Legal Members:
Units Definition Element (UDEFINITION)

2.1.120 World Element (WORLD)

Administrative Element
Primary Element

The WORLD is the topmost level of the design hierarchy within which all other elements
exist. It cannot be deleted or copied in the same way that applies to say, a ZONE or a BOX.
Its existence is controlled by the Administration module of Outfitting.

Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:

Legal Members:
Bolt Table Element (BLTABLE)
Catalogue DB Element (CATALOGUE)
Connection Compatibility Table Element (CCTABLE)
Group World Element (GPWLD)
Nominal Bore World Element (NBRWLD)
Part World Element (PRTWLD)
Specification World Element (SPWLD)

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Status Link World Element (STLNKW)

Table World Element (TABWLD)
Units Element (UNIT)

2.1.121 Wall Thickness Element (WTHELE)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Purpose Description code word
NBore Allowable Nominal Bore
WThickness Wall thickness

Legal Owners:
Wall Thickness Table Element (WTHTAB)

Legal Members:

2.1.122 Wall Thickness Table Element (WTHTAB)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Purpose Description code word
Schedule Piping Schedule

Legal Owners:
Table World Element (TABWLD)

Legal Members:
Wall Thickness Element (WTHELE)

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Data Model Reference Manual
Communications Database

3 Communications Database

The Data Model Reference manual contains details of all the elements which can be created
in the Communications database, their position in the database hierarchy and their

3.1 Communications Database Elements

All data in the Communications database is stored in elements in a strict hierarchy. Every
element has a type and each type determines the attributes available on the element. For
more information on database concepts, refer to Database Management Reference Manual.

3.1.1 Communication Element (COMM)

Locrf Location reference

Legal Owners:
Communication World Element (COMW)

Legal Members:

3.1.2 Communication World Element (COMW)

Name Name of the element
Prjlock Project lock
Isolt Location isolation flag
COMUST Upgrade flag

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Communication Element (COMM)

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Communications Database

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Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

4 Elements in the Design Database

All data in the Design database is stored in elements in a strict hierarchy. Every element has
a type and each type determines the attributes available on the element. For more
information on database concepts, refer to Database Management Reference Manual.
The following chapter shows the hierarchy of all the elements available in the Design

Design Database Hierarchy - Top Level

The Top Level hierarchy of the Design database is displayed below:

* Equipment, Piping Hierarchy - including Hangers and HVAL

** Structural Elements Hierarchy - Top Level
*** Area Definition Element (AREADEF)

Equipment, Piping Hierarchy - including Hangers and HVAL

The Equipment and Piping hierarchy of the Design database is displayed below:

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Elements in the Design Database

* Design Primitives
** Piping Components
*** HVAC Components

Piping Components
The Piping components of the Design database are displayed below:



HVAC Components
The HVAC components of the Design database are displayed below:

AHU Air handling unit OFST Offset

BCRO Branch connector PLENUM
FLEX Flexible bend or tube SPLITTER
HACC Access panel TAPER

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Elements in the Design Database

AHU Air handling unit OFST Offset

HFAN Centrifugal fan THREEWAY
HSADDLE TP Test point
IDAM Internal damper TRNS Transformation

Design Primitives
The design primitives of the Design database are displayed below:

These all have negative Other positive primitives: Other negative primitives:
equivalents which can be
POLYHEDRON which can EXTRUSION which can own
owned by positive
own • LOOP which can own
PYRAMID • LOOP which can own which can own
SNOUT • VERTEX • LOOP which can own
CIRCULAR TORUS which can own

Structural Elements Hierarchy - Top Level

The structural elements hierarchy at the top level of the Design database is displayed

* Hierarchy Under Sections

** Hierarchy Under Generic Sections
*** Hierarchy Under Primary Nodes
**** Hierarchy Under Panels

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Elements in the Design Database

Hierarchy Under Sections

The hierarchy under sections of the Design database is displayed below:

Hierarchy Under Generic Sections

The hierarchy under generic sections of the Design database is displayed below:

Hierarchy Under Primary Nodes

The hierarchy under primary nodes of the Design database is displayed below:

Hierarchy Under Panels

The hierarchy under panels of the Design database is displayed below:

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Elements in the Design Database

4.1 Elements in Accommodation Category

All data in the Design database is stored in elements in a strict hierarchy. Every element has
a type and each type determines the attributes available on the element. For more
information on database concepts, refer to Database Management Reference Manual.
Categories are administrative elements which allow the user to segregate particular types of
design data into logical parts of the hierarchy. For more information on Categories and
associated administrative elements, refer to Catalogues and Specifications Reference

4.1.1 Access Point Element (ACCPNT)

Accommodation Element

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Function Function
AccType Access type
RefLevel Reference Level
OpnSize Opening size
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
AccRef Reference to Access element

Legal Owners:
Access Point Set Element (ACCSET)

Legal Members:

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Elements in the Design Database

4.1.2 Access Point Set Element (ACCSET)

Accommodation Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Function Function
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
Building Level Element (BLEVEL)
Open Space Element (OPENSPACE)
Room Element (ROOM)
Restricted Area Element (RSTAREA)
Stair Tower Element (STRTWR)
Stairwell Element (STRWELL)

Legal Members:
Access Point Element (ACCPNT)

4.1.3 Building Block Element (BBLOCK)

Accommodation Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Area Area
Number Number
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Description Description of the element
NAngle North angle
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Heidefault Default Height value
AreaReference Area reference
LabOffset Label offset

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Area Definition Element (AREADEF)
Building Level Element (BLEVEL)

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Elements in the Design Database

Boundary Line Element (BNDLIN)

Detail Group Element (DETGRP)
Open Space Element (OPENSPACE)
Restricted Area Element (RSTAREA)
Routing Volume Element (RUTVOLUME)
Stairwell Element (STRWELL)

4.1.4 Building Level Element (BLEVEL)

Accommodation Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Area Area
Number Number
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Description Description of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Heidefault Default Height value
NAngle North angle
Elevation Elevation
AreaReference Area reference
DFlRHeight Default Floor Height
DClnHeight Default Ceiling Height
XYOffset XY offset
LabOffset Label offset

Legal Owners:
Building Block Element (BBLOCK)

Legal Members:
Access Point Set Element (ACCSET)
Area Definition Element (AREADEF)
Boundary Line Element (BNDLIN)
Detail Group Element (DETGRP)
Inventory List Element (INVLST)
Open Space Element (OPENSPACE)
Ref Data Group Element (REFDAT)
Room Element (ROOM)
Restricted Area Element (RSTAREA)
Routing Volume Element (RUTVOLUME)

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Elements in the Design Database

Boundary Element Set Element (SPBSET)

Stairwell Element (STRWELL)

4.1.5 Boundary Line Element (BNDLIN)

Accommodation Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Area Area
Number Number
Function Function
Description Description of the element
Level Drawing level
Position Position
Orientation Orientation

Legal Owners:
Building Block Element (BBLOCK)
Building Level Element (BLEVEL)
Ceiling Element (CEILIN)
Planer Ceiling Grid Element (CLNPNGRID)
Open Space Element (OPENSPACE)
Room Element (ROOM)
Restricted Area Element (RSTAREA)
Stairwell Element (STRWELL)

Legal Members:
Loop Element (LOOP)

4.1.6 Ceiling Element (CEILIN)

Accommodation Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Area Area
Matref Material reference
Position Position
Orientation Orientation

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Elements in the Design Database

ClnType Ceiling Type

ClnCode Ceiling Code
ClnHeight Ceiling Height
XYOffset XY offset
AreaReference Area reference
ClnVoid Ceiling Void Height
FireRating Fire rating
Firesistance Fire resistance
ColSchema Color Schema
Knuckl True if knuckled
LabOffset Label offset

Legal Owners:
Detail Group Element (DETGRP)

Legal Members:
Area Definition Element (AREADEF)
Boundary Line Element (BNDLIN)
Planer Ceiling Grid Element (CLNPNGRID)
Electrical Fitting Element (ELFITTING)
Fire Protection Fitting Element (FPFITTING)
HVAC Fitting Element (HVACFITTING)
Information Fitting Element (INFITTING)
Panel Element (PANEL)

4.1.7 Grid Cell Positioning Element (CGRDCP)

Accommodation Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
cellid Cell Identifier

Legal Owners:
Ceiling Grid Components Element (CLNCGR)

Legal Members:
Electrical Fitting Element (ELFITTING)
Fire Protection Fitting Element (FPFITTING)
HVAC Fitting Element (HVACFITTING)
Information Fitting Element (INFITTING)

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Elements in the Design Database

4.1.8 Gridline Positioning Element (CGRDLP)

Accommodation Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
GrdLID Gridline Identifier
GrdLXPR Proportion along X gridline from Gridline ID
GrdLYPR Proportion along Y gridline from Gridline ID

Legal Owners:
Ceiling Grid Components Element (CLNCGR)

Legal Members:
Electrical Fitting Element (ELFITTING)
Fire Protection Fitting Element (FPFITTING)
HVAC Fitting Element (HVACFITTING)
Information Fitting Element (INFITTING)

4.1.9 Ceiling Grid Components Element (CLNCGR)

Accommodation Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number

Legal Owners:
Planer Ceiling Grid Element (CLNPNGRID)

Legal Members:
Grid Cell Positioning Element (CGRDCP)
Gridline Positioning Element (CGRDLP)
Ceiling Tile Element (CLNTIL)
Electrical Fitting Element (ELFITTING)
Fire Protection Fitting Element (FPFITTING)
HVAC Fitting Element (HVACFITTING)
Information Fitting Element (INFITTING)

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Elements in the Design Database

4.1.10 Ceiling Lattice Element (CLNLATTICE)

Accommodation Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number

Legal Owners:
Planer Ceiling Grid Element (CLNPNGRID)

Legal Members:
Structural Generic Section Element (GENSEC)

4.1.11 Planer Ceiling Grid Element (CLNPNGRID)

Accommodation Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
GAngle General Angle
GXYOffset Grid XY Offset
GrdXSpacing Grid X Spacing
GrdYSpacing Grid Y Spacing
ColSchema Color Schema
FireRating Fire rating
Firesistance Fire resistance
Knuckl True if knuckled
DCTilThk Default Ceiling Tile Thickness
LabOffset Label offset

Legal Owners:
Ceiling Element (CEILIN)

Legal Members:
Boundary Line Element (BNDLIN)
Ceiling Grid Components Element (CLNCGR)
Ceiling Lattice Element (CLNLATTICE)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Restraint Element (RESTRAINT)

4.1.12 Ceiling Tile Element (CLNTIL)

Accommodation Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
cellid Cell Identifier
Spref Component spec reference
Desparam Design parameters
TAngle Tile Angle
Matref Material reference
FireRating Fire rating
Firesistance Fire resistance
LabOffset Label offset

Legal Owners:
Ceiling Grid Components Element (CLNCGR)

Legal Members:
Electrical Fitting Element (ELFITTING)
Fire Protection Fitting Element (FPFITTING)
HVAC Fitting Element (HVACFITTING)
Information Fitting Element (INFITTING)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

4.1.13 Constant Thickness Wall Element (CTWALL)

Accommodation Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Area Area
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Height Height

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Elements in the Design Database

WThickness Wall thickness

WJusLine Wall Justification Line
VAngle Angle from vertical
BRadius Bend radius
RoutReference Route reference
Desparam Design parameters
Matref Material reference
ColSchema Color Schema
FireRating Fire rating
Firesistance Fire resistance
HCRef Head connections
TCRef Tail connections
CloseFlag True if branch is closed

Legal Owners:
Detail Group Element (DETGRP)
Structure Element (STRUCTURE)

Legal Members:
Head Attachment Point Element (HATTA)
Route path Element (RPATH)
Tail Attachment Point Element (TATTA)
Wall Components Element (WLCOMPONENTS)
Wall Features Element (WLFEAT)
Wall Joints Element (WLJNTS)
Wall Profile Set Element (WLPRSE)

4.1.14 Detail Group Element (DETGRP)

Accommodation Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Number Number
Purpose Description code word
Function Function
Description Description of the element
DUnion DRAFT element union detail flag

Legal Owners:
Building Block Element (BBLOCK)
Building Level Element (BLEVEL)
Open Space Element (OPENSPACE)
Room Element (ROOM)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Stairwell Element (STRWELL)

Legal Members:
Ceiling Element (CEILIN)
Constant Thickness Wall Element (CTWALL)
Door Element (DOOR)
Electrical Fitting Element (ELFITTING)
Fixture Element (FIXTUR)
Floor Covering Element (FLRCOV)
Fire Protection Fitting Element (FPFITTING)
Furniture Element (FURNIT)
Handrail Element (HANDRA)
HVAC Fitting Element (HVACFITTING)
Information Fitting Element (INFITTING)
Insulation Requirements Element (INSURQ)
Ladder Element (LADDER)
Window Element (WINDOW)

4.1.15 Door Element (DOOR)

Accommodation Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Spref Component spec reference
Desparam Design parameters
Matref Material reference
OpnSize Opening size
WThickness Wall thickness
ClrSize Clearance size
Width Width
Height Height
HgSide Hinge side
Swing Swing
Leafs Number of door leafs
LThickness Door leaf thickness
FireRating Fire rating
Firesistance Fire resistance
WaterTight Water Tight
GasTight Gas Tight

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Position Position
Orientation Orientation
LabOffset Label offset

Legal Owners:
Detail Group Element (DETGRP)
Wall Openings Element (WLOPEN)

Legal Members:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Fixing Element (FIXING)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

4.1.16 Electrical Fitting Element (ELFITTING)

Accommodation Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Spref Component spec reference
Mdsysf Reference Array of Model and Design Elements
Desparam Design parameters
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Matref Material reference
ElRating Electrical Rating
OpTemperature Operational temperature
LabOffset Label offset

Legal Owners:
Ceiling Element (CEILIN)
Grid Cell Positioning Element (CGRDCP)
Gridline Positioning Element (CGRDLP)
Ceiling Grid Components Element (CLNCGR)
Ceiling Tile Element (CLNTIL)
Detail Group Element (DETGRP)
Wall Fittings Element (WLFITTING)

Legal Members:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)

Fixing Element (FIXING)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

4.1.17 External Framework Element (EXTFRM)

Accommodation Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Matref Material reference
FireRating Fire rating
Firesistance Fire resistance
AssTmpReference Assembly Template Reference

Legal Owners:
Platform Element (PLTFRM)

Legal Members:
Structural Generic Section Element (GENSEC)
Panel Element (PANEL)

4.1.18 Floor Cover Cut Plane Element (FCUTPLANE)

Accommodation Element

Name Name of the element
Number Number
Purpose Description code word
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Position Position
Cutplane Cutting plane normal

Legal Owners:
Floor Covering Element (FLRCOV)

Legal Members:

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

4.1.19 Fixture Element (FIXTUR)

Accommodation Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Spref Component spec reference
Mdsysf Reference Array of Model and Design Elements
Desparam Design parameters
Matref Material reference
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
LabOffset Label offset

Legal Owners:
Detail Group Element (DETGRP)
Wall Fittings Element (WLFITTING)

Legal Members:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Fixing Element (FIXING)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

4.1.20 Floor Covering Element (FLRCOV)

Accommodation Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Area Area
Number Number
Function Function
Description Description of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
FlrType Floor Type
FlrCode Floor Code
ColSchema Color Schema
FireRating Fire rating

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Firesistance Fire resistance

LabOffset Label offset

Legal Owners:
Detail Group Element (DETGRP)

Legal Members:
Floor Cover Cut Plane Element (FCUTPLANE)
Floor Covering Layer Element (FLRLAY)
Loop Element (LOOP)

4.1.21 Floor Covering Layer Element (FLRLAY)

Accommodation Element

Name Name of the element
Number Number
Purpose Description code word
Description Description of the element
Function Function
MatAngle Material Lay Angle
Matref Material reference
FllThk Floor layer thickness
Fflext Edge Extension Around Floor layer
MatWidth Material Width
MatLength Material Length
Matover Material Overlap

Legal Owners:
Floor Covering Element (FLRCOV)

Legal Members:

4.1.22 Fire Protection Fitting Element (FPFITTING)

Accommodation Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Spref Component spec reference

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Mdsysf Reference Array of Model and Design Elements

Desparam Design parameters
Matref Material reference
Hazard Hazard
LabOffset Label offset

Legal Owners:
Ceiling Element (CEILIN)
Grid Cell Positioning Element (CGRDCP)
Gridline Positioning Element (CGRDLP)
Ceiling Grid Components Element (CLNCGR)
Ceiling Tile Element (CLNTIL)
Detail Group Element (DETGRP)
Wall Fittings Element (WLFITTING)

Legal Members:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Fixing Element (FIXING)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

4.1.23 Furniture Element (FURNIT)

Accommodation Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Spref Component spec reference
Desparam Design parameters
Matref Material reference
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
LabOffset Label offset

Legal Owners:
Detail Group Element (DETGRP)
Wall Fittings Element (WLFITTING)

Legal Members:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)

Fixing Element (FIXING)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

4.1.24 Handrail Element (HANDRA)

Accommodation Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Area Area
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Level Drawing level
RailHeight Heights of rails measured from path
PostSpacing Default post spacing
TangOffset Tangent offset
EPostOffset End post tangent offset
BRadius Bend radius
RoutReference Route reference
Matref Material reference
FireRating Fire rating
Firesistance Fire resistance
HCRef Head connections
TCRef Tail connections
Dcrfarray Array of Design datasets for Design Code/Criteria
ASLStandard ASL Standard Reference
ASLSbStandard ASL Substandard Reference
CloseFlag True if branch is closed
AssTmpReference Assembly Template Reference

Legal Owners:
Detail Group Element (DETGRP)
Ladder Element (LADDER)
Platform Element (PLTFRM)
Stair Flight Element (STRFLT)
Stair Landing Element (STRLNG)
Structure Element (STRUCTURE)

Legal Members:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Head Attachment Point Element (HATTA)

Handrail Features Element (HRFEAT)
Kickplate Set Element (HRKPSE)
Handrail Panel Set Element (HRPNSE)
Post Set Element (POSTSE)
Rail Set Element (RAILSET)
Route path Element (RPATH)
Tail Attachment Point Element (TATTA)

4.1.25 Handrail Features Element (HRFEAT)

Accommodation Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Matref Material reference

Legal Owners:
Handrail Element (HANDRA)
Routing Volume Element (RUTVOLUME)

Legal Members:
Handrail Gate Element (HRGATE)
Route Attachment Point Element (RATTA)

4.1.26 Handrail Gate Element (HRGATE)

Accommodation Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Spref Component spec reference
Desparam Design parameters
Matref Material reference
OpnSize Opening size
ClrSize Clearance size
Width Width
Height Height
HgSide Hinge side

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Swing Swing
PosRef Reference to point
Zdistance Position in section
Pkdistance Proportional distance along Pline
HRJusLine Handrail Justification Line
AssTmpReference Assembly Template Reference
LabOffset Label offset

Legal Owners:
Handrail Features Element (HRFEAT)

Legal Members:
Fixing Element (FIXING)
Structural Generic Section Element (GENSEC)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

4.1.27 Kickplate Set Element (HRKPSE)

Accommodation Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Matref Material reference

Legal Owners:
Handrail Element (HANDRA)
Routing Volume Element (RUTVOLUME)

Legal Members:
Kickplate Element (KICKPL)

4.1.28 Handrail Panel Element (HRPANE)

Accommodation Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Spref Component spec reference
Desparam Design parameters
Matref Material reference

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Elements in the Design Database

EndPosition End Position

Xoffset X-offset
Zoffset Z-offset
PosRef Reference to point
Zdistance Position in section
Pkdistance Proportional distance along Pline
HRJusLine Handrail Justification Line
PaneSize Panel Size
LabOffset Label offset
Bangle Beta angle
Rise Tread Rise
AssTmpReference Assembly Template Reference

Legal Owners:
Handrail Panel Set Element (HRPNSE)

Legal Members:
World for Schematic Attributes Element (SATWLD)
Structural Generic Section Element (GENSEC)
Panel Element (PANEL)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

4.1.29 Handrail Panel Set Element (HRPNSE)

Accommodation Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Matref Material reference
FireRating Fire rating
Firesistance Fire resistance

Legal Owners:
Handrail Element (HANDRA)
Routing Volume Element (RUTVOLUME)

Legal Members:
Handrail Panel Element (HRPANE)

4.1.30 Handrail Post Element (HRPOST)

Accommodation Element

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Spref Component spec reference
Desparam Design parameters
Matref Material reference
Zoffset Z-offset
PosRef Reference to point
Pkdistance Proportional distance along Pline
Zdistance Position in section
Xoffset X-offset
VertDirection VERTDI (true if Z axe is vertical)
HRJusLine Handrail Justification Line
Bangle Beta angle
Length Length
Drnstart Plane normal at start of SCTN/GENSEC
Drnend Plane normal at end of SCTN/GENSEC
AssTmpReference Assembly Template Reference

Legal Owners:
Post Set Element (POSTSE)

Legal Members:
Structural Generic Section Element (GENSEC)
Panel Element (PANEL)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

4.1.31 Handrail Termination Element (HRTERM)

Accommodation Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Spref Component spec reference
Desparam Design parameters
Matref Material reference
Zoffset Z-offset
PosRef Reference to point
Pkdistance Proportional distance along Pline
Zdistance Position in section
Xoffset X-offset

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

VertDirection VERTDI (true if Z axe is vertical)

HRJusLine Handrail Justification Line
Bangle Beta angle
Length Length
AssTmpReference Assembly Template Reference
Angle Angle
RAILTRim Rail Trim

Legal Owners:
Rail Set Element (RAILSET)

Legal Members:
Structural Generic Section Element (GENSEC)
Panel Element (PANEL)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

4.1.32 HVAC Fitting Element (HVACFITTING)

Accommodation Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Cref Connection reference
Spref Component spec reference
Mdsysf Reference Array of Model and Design Elements
Desparam Design parameters
Matref Material reference
OpTemperature Operational temperature
LabOffset Label offset

Legal Owners:
Ceiling Element (CEILIN)
Grid Cell Positioning Element (CGRDCP)
Gridline Positioning Element (CGRDLP)
Ceiling Grid Components Element (CLNCGR)
Ceiling Tile Element (CLNTIL)
Detail Group Element (DETGRP)
Wall Fittings Element (WLFITTING)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Legal Members:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Fixing Element (FIXING)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

4.1.33 Information Fitting Element (INFITTING)

Accommodation Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Spref Component spec reference
Mdsysf Reference Array of Model and Design Elements
Desparam Design parameters
Matref Material reference
Infotext Infotext
LabOffset Label offset

Legal Owners:
Ceiling Element (CEILIN)
Grid Cell Positioning Element (CGRDCP)
Gridline Positioning Element (CGRDLP)
Ceiling Grid Components Element (CLNCGR)
Ceiling Tile Element (CLNTIL)
Detail Group Element (DETGRP)
Wall Fittings Element (WLFITTING)

Legal Members:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Fixing Element (FIXING)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

4.1.34 Insulation Requirements Element (INSURQ)

Accommodation Element
Primary Element

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Elements in the Design Database

Name Name of the element
Number Number
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
InsuType Insulation type
DINThickness Default insulation thickness
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Heidefault Default Height value
FireRating Fire rating
Firesistance Fire resistance
PinDensity Pin Density
Matref Material reference
Ispec Insulation spec reference
LabOffset Label offset

Legal Owners:
Detail Group Element (DETGRP)

Legal Members:
Loop Element (LOOP)

4.1.35 Platform Internal Framework Element (INTFRM)

Accommodation Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
GAngle General Angle
GXYOffset Grid XY Offset
Matref Material reference
GrdXSpacing Grid X Spacing
GrdYSpacing Grid Y Spacing
FireRating Fire rating
Firesistance Fire resistance
GrdPosition Grid Position
GrdDirection Grid direction
AssTmpReference Assembly Template Reference

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Legal Owners:
Platform Element (PLTFRM)

Legal Members:
Structural Generic Section Element (GENSEC)
Panel Element (PANEL)

4.1.36 Inventory Element (INVELEMENT)

Accommodation Element

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Function Function
SpInRef Reference to external inventory element

Legal Owners:
Inventory List Element (INVLST)

Legal Members:

4.1.37 Inventory List Element (INVLST)

Accommodation Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Function Function
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
Building Level Element (BLEVEL)
Open Space Element (OPENSPACE)
Room Element (ROOM)
Restricted Area Element (RSTAREA)
Stairwell Element (STRWELL)

Legal Members:
Inventory Element (INVELEMENT)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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4.1.38 Kickplate Element (KICKPL)

Accommodation Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Spref Component spec reference
Desparam Design parameters
Matref Material reference
Level Drawing level
Bangle Beta angle
Xoffset X-offset
Zoffset Z-offset
LMirror True if Mirroring required
Jusline Justification Pline
BendCorners Bend corners - true if fillet should be applied to the corners of
Ydirection Preferred Y axis direction
Drnstart Plane normal at start of SCTN/GENSEC
Drnend Plane normal at end of SCTN/GENSEC
StaRef Cable Start reference
SPkdistance Proportional distance of start point along Pline
Szdistance Start load point in section
EndRef Cable End reference
EPkdistance Proportional distance of end point along Pline
Ezdistance End load point in section
AssTmpReference Assembly Template Reference

Legal Owners:
Kickplate Set Element (HRKPSE)

Legal Members:

4.1.39 Open Features Element (OPENFE)

Accommodation Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Platform Opening Element (PLOPEN)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Legal Members:
Route Attachment Point Element (RATTA)

4.1.40 Open Space Element (OPENSPACE)

Accommodation Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Area Area
Number Number
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Heidefault Default Height value
NAngle North angle
FlrHeight Floor Height
XYOffset XY offset
AreaReference Area reference
Temperature Temperature
MaxTemperature Maximum Temperature
MinTemperature Minimum Temperature
Humidity Design Humidity
MaxHumidity Maximum Humidity
MinHumidity Minimum Humidity
MaxWater Maximum Water Level
AirChangeRate Air Change Rate
Occupancy Occupancy
Lighting Lighting requirements
FireRating Fire rating
Firesistance Fire resistance
MaxArea Maximum area
MinArea Minimum area
MaxVolume Maximum Volume
MinVolume Minimum Volume
ColSchema Color Schema
DFlrType Default Floor Type
DFlrCode Default Floor Code
LabOffset Label offset

Legal Owners:
Building Block Element (BBLOCK)
Building Level Element (BLEVEL)
Room Element (ROOM)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Legal Members:
Access Point Set Element (ACCSET)
Area Definition Element (AREADEF)
Boundary Line Element (BNDLIN)
Detail Group Element (DETGRP)
Inventory List Element (INVLST)
Ref Data Group Element (REFDAT)
Restricted Area Element (RSTAREA)
Routing Volume Element (RUTVOLUME)
Boundary Element Set Element (SPBSET)
Stairwell Element (STRWELL)

4.1.41 Platform Features Element (PLFEAT)

Accommodation Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Platform Element (PLTFRM)

Legal Members:
Fixing Element (FIXING)
Wall Openings Element (WLOPEN)
Route Attachment Point Element (RATTA)

4.1.42 Platform Opening Element (PLOPEN)

Accommodation Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
WJusLine Wall Justification Line
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Area Area
Position Position
Orientation Orientation

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

PosRef Reference to point

Zdistance Position in section
Pkdistance Proportional distance along Pline

Legal Owners:
Platform Features Element (PLFEAT)

Legal Members:
Open Features Element (OPENFE)
Route path Element (RPATH)

4.1.43 Platform Element (PLTFRM)

Accommodation Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Area Area
Level Drawing level
Matref Material reference
FireRating Fire rating
Firesistance Fire resistance
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Thickn Thickness
Headroom Headroom
BRadius Bend radius
RoutReference Route reference
Desparam Design parameters
CloseFlag True if branch is closed
ASLStandard ASL Standard Reference
ASLSbStandard ASL Substandard Reference
Dcrfarray Array of Design datasets for Design Code/Criteria
AssTmpReference Assembly Template Reference
LabOffset Label offset

Legal Owners:
Structure Element (STRUCTURE)

Legal Members:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
External Framework Element (EXTFRM)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Handrail Element (HANDRA)

Platform Internal Framework Element (INTFRM)
Platform Features Element (PLFEAT)
Plating Grid Element (PLTGRD)
Route path Element (RPATH)

4.1.44 Plating Grid Element (PLTGRD)

Accommodation Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
GAngle General Angle
GXYOffset Grid XY Offset
Matref Material reference
Xoffset X-offset
GrdXSpacing Grid X Spacing
GrdYSpacing Grid Y Spacing
RadiSpacing Radius Spacing
AnglSpacing ANGLE Spacing
BNDOFF Offset from boundary
FireRating Fire rating
Firesistance Fire resistance
LabOffset Label offset
GrdPosition Grid Position
GrdDirection Grid direction
AssTmpReference Assembly Template Reference

Legal Owners:
Platform Element (PLTFRM)

Legal Members:
Structural Generic Section Element (GENSEC)
Panel Element (PANEL)

4.1.45 Post Set Element (POSTSE)

Accommodation Element

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Matref Material reference

Legal Owners:
Handrail Element (HANDRA)
Routing Volume Element (RUTVOLUME)

Legal Members:
Handrail Post Element (HRPOST)

4.1.46 Rail Element (RAIL)

Accommodation Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Spref Component spec reference
Desparam Design parameters
Matref Material reference
Level Drawing level
Bangle Beta angle
Xoffset X-offset
Zoffset Z-offset
LMirror True if Mirroring required
Jusline Justification Pline
Ydirection Preferred Y axis direction
Drnstart Plane normal at start of SCTN/GENSEC
Drnend Plane normal at end of SCTN/GENSEC
StaRef Cable Start reference
SPkdistance Proportional distance of start point along Pline
Szdistance Start load point in section
EndRef Cable End reference
EPkdistance Proportional distance of end point along Pline
Ezdistance End load point in section
Radsetflag Radius set flag - ignore Radius values if FALSE
AssTmpReference Assembly Template Reference

Legal Owners:
Rail Set Element (RAILSET)

Legal Members:

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

4.1.47 Rail Set Element (RAILSET)

Accommodation Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Matref Material reference

Legal Owners:
Handrail Element (HANDRA)
Routing Volume Element (RUTVOLUME)

Legal Members:
Handrail Termination Element (HRTERM)
Rail Element (RAIL)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

4.1.48 Route Attachment Point Element (RATTA)

Accommodation Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Area Area
ConnReference References to other element
PosRef Reference to point
Zdistance Position in section
Pkdistance Proportional distance along Pline
Level Drawing level

Legal Owners:
Connectivity Sequence Element (CONSEQ)
Handrail Features Element (HRFEAT)
Open Features Element (OPENFE)
Platform Features Element (PLFEAT)
Wall Features Element (WLFEAT)

Legal Members:

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Elements in the Design Database

4.1.49 Ref Data Group Element (REFDAT)

Accommodation Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Position Position
Orientation Orientation

Legal Owners:
Building Level Element (BLEVEL)
Open Space Element (OPENSPACE)
Ref Data Group Element (REFDAT)
Room Element (ROOM)

Legal Members:
Drawn Line Element (DRAWING)
Ref Data Group Element (REFDAT)

4.1.50 Room Element (ROOM)

Accommodation Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Area Area
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Heidefault Default Height value
NAngle North angle
FlrHeight Floor Height
ClnHeight Ceiling Height
XYOffset XY offset
OccType Occupancy Type
AreaReference Area reference
ColSchema Color Schema
Temperature Temperature
MaxTemperature Maximum Temperature
MinTemperature Minimum Temperature

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Humidity Design Humidity

MaxHumidity Maximum Humidity
MinHumidity Minimum Humidity
Pressure Pressure
MaxPressure Maximum Pressure
MinPressure Minimum Pressure
MaxWater Maximum Water Level
AirChangeRate Air Change Rate
Occupancy Occupancy
Lighting Lighting requirements
FireRating Fire rating
Firesistance Fire resistance
WaterTight Water Tight
GasTight Gas Tight
MaxArea Maximum area
MinArea Minimum area
MaxVolume Maximum Volume
MinVolume Minimum Volume
DDoorSill Default Door Sill
DWinSill Default Window Sill
DClnType Default Ceiling Type
DClnCode Default Ceiling Code
DFlrType Default Floor Type
DFlrCode Default Floor Code
RoomType Room Type
LabOffset Label offset
Accident Accident level radiation
Production Production level radiation
Maintenance Maintenance level radiation

Legal Owners:
Application Data Element (APPLDATA)
Building Level Element (BLEVEL)
Structure Element (STRUCTURE)

Legal Members:
Access Point Set Element (ACCSET)
Area Definition Element (AREADEF)
Boundary Line Element (BNDLIN)
Detail Group Element (DETGRP)
Inventory List Element (INVLST)
Open Space Element (OPENSPACE)
Ref Data Group Element (REFDAT)
Restricted Area Element (RSTAREA)
Routing Volume Element (RUTVOLUME)

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Boundary Element Set Element (SPBSET)

Stairwell Element (STRWELL)

4.1.51 Routing Segment Element (RSEG)

Accommodation Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Spref Component spec reference
Desparam Design parameters
Bangle Beta angle
LMirror True if Mirroring required
Ydirection Preferred Y axis direction
Drnstart Plane normal at start of SCTN/GENSEC
Drnend Plane normal at end of SCTN/GENSEC
StaRef Cable Start reference
EndRef Cable End reference

Legal Owners:
Sequence of Segments Element (SEGSEQ)

Legal Members:

4.1.52 Restricted Area Element (RSTAREA)

Accommodation Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Area Area
HazType Hazard Description
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Heidefault Default Height value
AreaReference Area reference
LabOffset Label offset

Legal Owners:
Building Block Element (BBLOCK)

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Building Level Element (BLEVEL)

Open Space Element (OPENSPACE)
Room Element (ROOM)

Legal Members:
Access Point Set Element (ACCSET)
Area Definition Element (AREADEF)
Boundary Line Element (BNDLIN)
Inventory List Element (INVLST)
Boundary Element Set Element (SPBSET)

4.1.53 Routing Volume Element (RUTVOLUME)

Accommodation Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Area Area
LabOffset Label offset
Matref Material reference

Legal Owners:
Building Block Element (BBLOCK)
Building Level Element (BLEVEL)
Open Space Element (OPENSPACE)
Room Element (ROOM)

Legal Members:
Head Attachment Point Element (HATTA)
Handrail Features Element (HRFEAT)
Kickplate Set Element (HRKPSE)
Handrail Panel Set Element (HRPNSE)
Post Set Element (POSTSE)
Rail Set Element (RAILSET)
Route path Element (RPATH)
Tail Attachment Point Element (TATTA)

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4.1.54 Sequence of Segments Element (SEGSEQ)

Accommodation Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Cable Branch Element (CABLE)
Cable Way Branch Element (CWBRAN)
Multidiscipline Routing Branch Element (RBRAN)

Legal Members:
Routing Segment Element (RSEG)

4.1.55 Boundary Reference Element (SPBOU)

Accommodation Element

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Function Function
SpBRef Reference to boundary element

Legal Owners:

Legal Members:

4.1.56 Boundary Element Set Element (SPBSET)

Accommodation Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Function Function
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
Building Level Element (BLEVEL)
Open Space Element (OPENSPACE)

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Room Element (ROOM)

Restricted Area Element (RSTAREA)
Stairwell Element (STRWELL)

Legal Members:

4.1.57 Stairwell Element (STRWELL)

Accommodation Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Area Area
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Heidefault Default Height value
StrCon Stair Configuration
AreaReference Area reference
ColSchema Color Schema
CWidth Clearance Width
Headroom Headroom
HeadClearance Head Clearance
FThickness Stair Flight Thickness
OpHeight Operational Height
OpWidth Operational Width
OpLength Operational Length
AccLevels Access Heights for Stairwell
LndLevels Landing levels from owning element
LevRfA References to levels serviced by stairwell
Temperature Temperature
MaxTemperature Maximum Temperature
MinTemperature Minimum Temperature
Humidity Design Humidity
MaxHumidity Maximum Humidity
MinHumidity Minimum Humidity
Pressure Pressure
MaxPressure Maximum Pressure
MinPressure Minimum Pressure
MaxWater Maximum Water Level
AirChangeRate Air Change Rate
Occupancy Occupancy
Lighting Lighting requirements
FireRating Fire rating

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Firesistance Fire resistance

WaterTight Water Tight
GasTight Gas Tight
DClnType Default Ceiling Type
DClnCode Default Ceiling Code
DFlrType Default Floor Type
DFlrCode Default Floor Code
Dcrfarray Array of Design datasets for Design Code/Criteria
LabOffset Label offset

Legal Owners:
Building Block Element (BBLOCK)
Building Level Element (BLEVEL)
Open Space Element (OPENSPACE)
Room Element (ROOM)

Legal Members:
Access Point Set Element (ACCSET)
Area Definition Element (AREADEF)
Boundary Line Element (BNDLIN)
Detail Group Element (DETGRP)
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Inventory List Element (INVLST)
Boundary Element Set Element (SPBSET)
Stair Landing Element (STRLNG)
Stair Tower Element (STRTWR)
Stair Flight Element (STRFLT)

4.1.58 Window Element (WINDOW)

Accommodation Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Spref Component spec reference
Desparam Design parameters
Matref Material reference
OpnSize Opening size
WThickness Wall thickness
ClrSize Clearance size

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Width Width
Height Height
HgSide Hinge side
Swing Swing
FireRating Fire rating
Firesistance Fire resistance
WaterTight Water Tight
GasTight Gas Tight
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
LabOffset Label offset

Legal Owners:
Detail Group Element (DETGRP)
Wall Openings Element (WLOPEN)

Legal Members:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Fixing Element (FIXING)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

4.1.59 Wall Components Element (WLCOMPONENTS)

Accommodation Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Constant Thickness Wall Element (CTWALL)

Legal Members:
Wall Panel Element (WLPANEL)

4.1.60 Wall Features Element (WLFEAT)

Accommodation Element

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Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Constant Thickness Wall Element (CTWALL)

Legal Members:
Route Attachment Point Element (RATTA)
Wall Fittings Element (WLFITTING)
Wall Openings Element (WLOPEN)

4.1.61 Wall Fittings Element (WLFITTING)

Accommodation Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
WJusLine Wall Justification Line
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Area Area
VDistance Vertical Distance
PosRef Reference to point
Zdistance Position in section
Pkdistance Proportional distance along Pline

Legal Owners:
Wall Features Element (WLFEAT)

Legal Members:
Electrical Fitting Element (ELFITTING)
Fixture Element (FIXTUR)
Fire Protection Fitting Element (FPFITTING)
Furniture Element (FURNIT)
HVAC Fitting Element (HVACFITTING)
Information Fitting Element (INFITTING)

4.1.62 Wall Joints Element (WLJNTS)

Accommodation Element

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Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Constant Thickness Wall Element (CTWALL)

Legal Members:
Wall Joint Element (WLJOIN)

4.1.63 Wall Joint Element (WLJOIN)

Accommodation Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Spref Component spec reference
Desparam Design parameters
Matref Material reference
Level Drawing level
WJusLine Wall Justification Line
LMirror True if Mirroring required
Jusline Justification Pline
Bangle Beta angle
PosRef Reference to point
Pkdistance Proportional distance along Pline
Zdistance Position in section
SDistance Vertical Distance of Start
EDistance Vertical Distance of End
Drnstart Plane normal at start of SCTN/GENSEC
Drnend Plane normal at end of SCTN/GENSEC

Legal Owners:
Wall Joints Element (WLJNTS)

Legal Members:

4.1.64 Wall Openings Element (WLOPEN)

Accommodation Element
Primary Element

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Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
WJusLine Wall Justification Line
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Area Area
VDistance Vertical Distance
VertDirection VERTDI (true if Z axe is vertical)
OpnSize Opening size
PosRef Reference to point
Zdistance Position in section
Pkdistance Proportional distance along Pline

Legal Owners:
Wall Features Element (WLFEAT)

Legal Members:
Door Element (DOOR)
Route path Element (RPATH)
Window Element (WINDOW)

4.1.65 Wall Panel Element (WLPANEL)

Accommodation Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
WJusLine Wall Justification Line
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Spref Component spec reference
Desparam Design parameters
Matref Material reference
FireRating Fire rating
Firesistance Fire resistance
PosRef Reference to point
Zdistance Position in section
Pkdistance Proportional distance along Pline
VDistance Vertical Distance

Legal Owners:
Wall Components Element (WLCOMPONENTS)

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Legal Members:
Template Element (TMPLATE)

4.1.66 Wall Profile Element (WLPROF)

Accommodation Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Spref Component spec reference
Desparam Design parameters
Matref Material reference
Level Drawing level
Bangle Beta angle
Xoffset X-offset
Zoffset Z-offset
LMirror True if Mirroring required
Jusline Justification Pline
WJusLine Wall Justification Line
Ydirection Preferred Y axis direction
Drnstart Plane normal at start of SCTN/GENSEC
Drnend Plane normal at end of SCTN/GENSEC
StaRef Cable Start reference
Pkdistance Proportional distance along Pline
Szdistance Start load point in section
EndRef Cable End reference
EPkdistance Proportional distance of end point along Pline
Ezdistance End load point in section

Legal Owners:
Wall Profile Set Element (WLPRSE)

Legal Members:

4.1.67 Wall Profile Set Element (WLPRSE)

Accommodation Element

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Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Zdistance Position in section
VDistance Vertical Distance

Legal Owners:
Constant Thickness Wall Element (CTWALL)

Legal Members:
Wall Profile Element (WLPROF)

4.2 Elements in Administrative Category

4.2.1 Site Element (SITE)

Administrative Element
Primary Element

The SITE is one level below WORLD and is the most significant element that can be
created, deleted, copied or moved. Each SITE may represent a geographical or
administrative division of the plant.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Area Area
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Module Module
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Stmf Template selection pointer
Rlstored Array of ROUTER saved rules

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Boundaries and Roadways Element (BOUNDARY)
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)

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Drawn Line Element (DRAWING)

Ground Model Element (GRDMODEL)
Text Element (TEXT)
Zone Element (ZONE)

4.2.2 Text Element (TEXT)

Administrative Element

TEXT is a general element that can occupy most positions in the hierarchy. It can be used to
store additional information about an owning or adjacent element.

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Stext S Text string
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

Legal Owners:
Boundaries and Roadways Element (BOUNDARY)
Floor Element (CFLOOR)
Screed Element (CSCREED)
Wall Element (CWALL)
Drawn Line Element (DRAWING)
Equipment Element (EQUIPMENT)
Framework Element (FRMWORK)
Ground Model Element (GRDMODEL)
HVAC Element (HVAC)
Pipe Element (PIPE)
Pipe Track Element (PTRACK)
Restraint Element (RESTRAINT)
Subframework Element (SBFRAMEWORK)
Site Element (SITE)
Structure Element (STRUCTURE)
Subequipment Element (SUBEQUIPMENT)
Substructure Element (SUBSTRUCTURE)
Sub Volume Model Element (SVOLMODEL)
Template Element (TMPLATE)
Volume Model Element (VOLMODEL)

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Zone Element (ZONE)

Legal Members:

4.2.3 World Element (WORLD)

Administrative Element
Primary Element

The WORLD is the topmost level of the database hierarchy within which all other elements
exist. It cannot be deleted or copied in the same way that applies to say, a ZONE or a
DRWG. Its existence is controlled by the ADMINISTRATION module of PDMS.

Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:

Legal Members:
Application Data World Element (APPLDWORLD)
Area World Element (AREAWLD)
Association Definition World Element (ASDFWL)
Association Instance World Element (ASSOWL)
Derived Data Element (DERDAT)
Building Block Element (BBLOCK)
Block Element (BLOCK)
Compartment World Element (COMWLD)
Integrator World Element (CYMWRL)
Document World Element (DOWLD)
Finite Element Model World Element (FEMWLD)
Fabrication Machine World Element (FMWLD)
Group World Element (GPWLD)
Grid World Element (GRIDWLD)
Hull Block World Element (HBLWLD)
Hull Curved Model World Element (HCMWLD)
Hull Mark World Element (HMKWLD)
Link Document Element (LINKWLD)
Mog World Element (MOGWLD)

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Weld Table World Element (MWLWLD)

Rule World Element (RLWLD)
Reference Surface World Element (RSOWLD)
World for Schematic Attributes Element (SATWLD)
Site Element (SITE)
Surface World Element (SSOWLD)
Standard World Element (STDWLD)
Status Link World Element (STLNKW)
System Group World Element (SYGPWL)
Template World Element (TPWLD)
World for Primary X Item Element (XPIWLD)

4.2.4 Zone Element (ZONE)

Administrative Element
Primary Element

The ZONE is the administrative element at the third level down the hierarchy. It may
represent a geographical or administrative division of the plant and can directly own
Equipment, Civils and Piping elements.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Area Area
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Pspec Pipe specification
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
BendMacReference Bending Machine reference
DUnion DRAFT element union detail flag
Module Module
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Stmf Template selection pointer
Rlstored Array of ROUTER saved rules
Fstatus Fstatus
Facode Facode

Legal Owners:
Application Data Element (APPLDATA)

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Site Element (SITE)

Zone Element (ZONE)

Legal Members:
Boundaries and Roadways Element (BOUNDARY)
Cable Branch Element (CABLE)
Control Node Element (CNODE)
Cableway Element (CWAY)
Datum Point Element (DATUM)
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Drawn Line Element (DRAWING)
Equipment Element (EQUIPMENT)
HVAC Element (HVAC)
Pipe Element (PIPE)
Pipe Track Element (PTRACK)
Penalty or Preferred Volume Element (PVOLUME)
Multidiscipline Routing Branch Element (RBRAN)
Restraint Element (RESTRAINT)
Routing Plane Element (RPLANE)
Structure Element (STRUCTURE)
Text Element (TEXT)
Volume Model Element (VOLMODEL)
External Geometry Element (XGEOMETRY)
Zone Element (ZONE)

4.3 Elements in Area Category

4.3.1 Area Box Element (ABOX)

Area Element

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Xlength X length

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Ylength Y length
Zlength Z length

Legal Owners:
Area Definition Element (AREADEF)

Legal Members:

4.3.2 Area Cone Element (ACONE)

Area Element

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Dtop Top diameter
Dbottom Bottom diameter
Height Height

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Legal Owners:
Area Definition Element (AREADEF)

Legal Members:

4.3.3 Area Circular Torus Element (ACTORUS)

Area Element

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Rinside Inside radius
Routside Outside radius
Angle Angle

The origin of the Area Circular Torus is at the centre of the circular arcs of radii RINSI and
ROUTS, and is defined in the X-Y plane.

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Legal Owners:
Area Definition Element (AREADEF)

Legal Members:

4.3.4 Area Cylinder Element (ACYLINDER)

Area Element

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Diameter Diameter
Height Height

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Legal Owners:
Area Definition Element (AREADEF)

Legal Members:

4.3.5 Area Dish Element (ADISH)

Area Element

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Diameter Diameter
Height Height
Radius Radius

The origin of the Area Dish is at the centre of the base, and the Z-axis lies along the normal
to the base.

Legal Owners:
Area Definition Element (AREADEF)

Legal Members:

4.3.6 Area Extrusion Element (AEXTRUSION)

Area Element

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Height Height

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Legal Owners:
Area Definition Element (AREADEF)

Legal Members:
Loop Element (LOOP)

4.3.7 Area Polyhedron Element (APOLYHEDRON)

Area Element

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Purpose Description code word
Description Description of the element
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Area Definition Element (AREADEF)

Legal Members:
Polyhedron Face Element (POLFACE)
Polyhedron Point List Element (POLPTLIST)

4.3.8 Area Pyramid Element (APYRAMID)

Area Element

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Xbottom Bottom X length
Ybottom Bottom Y length
Xtop Top X length
Ytop Top Y length
Height Height
Xoffset X-offset
Yoffset Y-offset

The origin of the Area Pyramid is at the mid-point of the line joining the mid-points of the top
and bottom surfaces, and the Z-axis is normal to the top and bottom faces.

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Legal Owners:
Area Definition Element (AREADEF)

Legal Members:

4.3.9 Area Definition Element (AREADEF)

Area Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Area Area
Position Position
Orientation Orientation

Legal Owners:
Area Set Element (AREASET)
Building Block Element (BBLOCK)
Building Level Element (BLEVEL)
Ceiling Element (CEILIN)
Open Space Element (OPENSPACE)
Room Element (ROOM)
Restricted Area Element (RSTAREA)
Stairwell Element (STRWELL)

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Legal Members:
Area Box Element (ABOX)
Area Cone Element (ACONE)
Area Circular Torus Element (ACTORUS)
Area Cylinder Element (ACYLINDER)
Area Dish Element (ADISH)
Area Extrusion Element (AEXTRUSION)
Area Polyhedron Element (APOLYHEDRON)
Area Pyramid Element (APYRAMID)
Area Revolution Element (AREVOLUTION)
Area Rectangular Torus Element (ARTORUS)
Area Slope Bottom Cylinder Element (ASLCYLINDER)
Area Snout Element (ASNOUT)

4.3.10 Area Set Element (AREASET)

Area Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Purpose Description code word

Legal Owners:
Area Set Element (AREASET)
Area World Element (AREAWLD)

Legal Members:
Area Definition Element (AREADEF)
Area Set Element (AREASET)

4.3.11 Area World Element (AREAWLD)

Area Element
Primary Element

The element is a subsidiary World that contains only AREASEs and is owned by the main
WORLD element.

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Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Area Set Element (AREASET)

4.3.12 Area Revolution Element (AREVOLUTION)

Area Element

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Angle Angle

Legal Owners:
Area Definition Element (AREADEF)

Legal Members:
Loop Element (LOOP)

4.3.13 Area Rectangular Torus Element (ARTORUS)

Area Element

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Rinside Inside radius
Routside Outside radius
Height Height
Angle Angle

The origin of the Area Rectangular Torus is at the centre of the circular arcs of radii RINSI
and ROUTS, and is defined in the X-Y plane.

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Legal Owners:
Area Definition Element (AREADEF)

Legal Members:

4.3.14 Area Slope Bottom Cylinder Element (ASLCYLINDER)

Area Element

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Diameter Diameter
Height Height
Xtshear X top shear: inclination of top face to local X axis
Ytshear Y top shear: inclination of top face to local Y axis
Xbshear X bottom shear: inclination of bottom face to local X axis
Ybshear Y bottom shear: inclination of bottom face to local Y axis

The origin of the Area Slope-bottom Cylinder is at the mid-point of the axis (mid-way
between P1 and P2) and the default orientation is with the axis on the Z-axis.

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Legal Owners:
Area Definition Element (AREADEF)

Legal Members:

4.3.15 Area Snout Element (ASNOUT)

Area Element

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Dtop Top diameter
Dbottom Bottom diameter
Xoffset X-offset
Yoffset Y-offset
Height Height

The origin of the Area Snout is at the mid-point of the line joining the centres of the top and
bottom surfaces and the Z-axis is normal to the top and bottom surfaces.

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Legal Owners:
Area Definition Element (AREADEF)

Legal Members:

4.4 Elements in Assembly Category

4.4.1 Assembly Item Element (ASITEM)

Assembly Element

Name Name of the element
AsiQua Assembly item quantity

Legal Owners:
Assembly Element (ASMBLY)

Legal Members:

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4.4.2 Assembly Element (ASMBLY)

Assembly Element
Primary Element

AsName Local assembly name
Description Description of the element
AsWLoc Assembly working location
AsDest Assembly destination
AsBuil Assembly build strategy
Orientation Orientation
AsOri Predefined assembly orientation
AsBPan Assembly base panel reference
AsEWei Assembly estimated weight
AsECoG Assembly estimated centre of gravity
Position Position

Legal Owners:
Assembly Element (ASMBLY)
Assembly World Element (ASWLD)

Legal Members:
Assembly Item Element (ASITEM)
Assembly Element (ASMBLY)

4.4.3 Assembly World Element (ASWLD)

Assembly Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Assembly Element (ASMBLY)

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4.5 Elements in Association Category

4.5.1 Association Definition Group Element (ASDFGP)

Association Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word

Legal Owners:
Association Definition Group Element (ASDFGP)
Association Definition World Element (ASDFWL)

Legal Members:
Association Definition Group Element (ASDFGP)
Association Definition Element (ASSDEF)
Derived Data Definition Element (DATDEF)
Restriction Definition Element (RESDEF)

4.5.2 Association Definition World Element (ASDFWL)

Association Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Association Definition Group Element (ASDFGP)

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4.5.3 Association Request Element (ASREQU)

Association Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Gtype Generic type

Legal Owners:
Association Member Element (ASSMBR)
Association Element (ASSOC)
Restriction Definition Element (RESDEF)
Restriction Element (RESTRIC)

Legal Members:
Association Status Element (ASTATU)
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)

4.5.4 Association Definition Element (ASSDEF)

Association Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Lcnfarray Array of elements with local names

Legal Owners:
Association Definition Group Element (ASDFGP)

Legal Members:
Derived Data Definition Element (DATDEF)
Derived Data Element (DERDAT)
Restriction Definition Element (RESDEF)
Restriction Group Element (RESTGP)
Restriction Element (RESTRIC)

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4.5.5 Association Member Element (ASSMBR)

Association Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Primember Primary member
Amemrf Reference to a design model object
Ppnumber Design PPoint/Port number
Number Number
Pkey Pline identifier key
Pkdistance Proportional distance along Pline
Tarflag Target reference
AssTarget Association Target Reference
Savposition Cached position
Savdirection Cached direction
Pmlname Name of Pmlobject
Posxpr Position expression
Dirxpr Direction expression
Realxpr Real expression
Logxpr Logical expression
Strxpr String expression

Legal Owners:
Association Element (ASSOC)
Derived Data Element (DERDAT)
Restriction Element (RESTRIC)

Legal Members:
Association Request Element (ASREQU)
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)

4.5.6 Association Element (ASSOC)

Association Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Lcnfarray Array of elements with local names
Desparam Design parameters
Comboolean Boolean Combination
Adefrf Reference to master ASSDEF

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Legal Owners:
Association Instance Group Element (ASSOGP)

Legal Members:
Association Request Element (ASREQU)
Association Member Element (ASSMBR)
Association Status Element (ASTATU)
Derived Data Definition Element (DATDEF)
Derived Data Element (DERDAT)
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Polyhedron Face Element (POLFACE)
Polyhedron Loop Element (POLOOP)
Polyhedron Point List Element (POLPTLIST)

4.5.7 Association Instance Group Element (ASSOGP)

Association Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Comboolean Boolean Combination

Legal Owners:
Association Instance Group Element (ASSOGP)
Association Instance World Element (ASSOWL)

Legal Members:
Association Element (ASSOC)
Association Instance Group Element (ASSOGP)

4.5.8 Association Instance World Element (ASSOWL)

Association Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

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Function Function
Purpose Description code word

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Association Instance Group Element (ASSOGP)

4.5.9 Association Status Element (ASTATU)

Association Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Gtype Generic type

Legal Owners:
Association Request Element (ASREQU)
Association Element (ASSOC)
Restriction Definition Element (RESDEF)
Restriction Element (RESTRIC)

Legal Members:

4.5.10 Derived Data Definition Element (DATDEF)

Association Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Lcnfarray Array of elements with local names
Pmlname Name of Pmlobject
Posxpr Position expression
Dirxpr Direction expression
Realxpr Real expression
Strxpr String expression
Logxpr Logical expression

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Legal Owners:
Association Definition Group Element (ASDFGP)
Association Definition Element (ASSDEF)
Association Element (ASSOC)

Legal Members:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Member Definition Element (MBRDEF)

4.5.11 Derived Data Element (DERDAT)

Association Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Lcnfarray Array of elements with local names
Adefrf Reference to master ASSDEF

Legal Owners:
Association Definition Element (ASSDEF)
Association Element (ASSOC)

Legal Members:
Association Member Element (ASSMBR)
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Member Definition Element (MBRDEF)

4.5.12 Member Definition Element (MBRDEF)

Association Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Pmlname Name of Pmlobject
Memname Member name
Amapnme Local Name of Proxy actual member
Primember Primary member

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Legal Owners:
Derived Data Definition Element (DATDEF)
Restriction Definition Element (RESDEF)

Legal Members:

4.5.13 Mapped Member Element (MBRMAP)

Association Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Amapnme Local Name of Proxy actual member
Ampmpnme Local Name of Proxy in Association
Primember Primary member

Legal Owners:
Derived Data Element (DERDAT)
Restriction Element (RESTRIC)

Legal Members:

4.5.14 Restriction Definition Element (RESDEF)

Association Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Lcnfarray Array of elements with local names
Pmlname Name of Pmlobject
Comboolean Boolean Combination
Testxpr Logical Expression

Legal Owners:
Association Definition Group Element (ASDFGP)
Association Definition Element (ASSDEF)
Association Element (ASSOC)
Restriction Group Element (RESTGP)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Legal Members:
Association Request Element (ASREQU)
Association Status Element (ASTATU)
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Member Definition Element (MBRDEF)

4.5.15 Restriction Group Element (RESTGP)

Association Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Comboolean Boolean Combination

Legal Owners:
Association Definition Element (ASSDEF)
Association Element (ASSOC)
Restriction Group Element (RESTGP)

Legal Members:
Restriction Definition Element (RESDEF)
Restriction Group Element (RESTGP)
Restriction Element (RESTRIC)

4.5.16 Restriction Element (RESTRIC)

Association Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Lcnfarray Array of elements with local names
Adefrf Reference to master ASSDEF
Comboolean Boolean Combination

Legal Owners:
Association Definition Element (ASSDEF)
Association Element (ASSOC)
Restriction Group Element (RESTGP)

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Legal Members:
Association Request Element (ASREQU)
Association Member Element (ASSMBR)
Association Status Element (ASTATU)
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Mapped Member Element (MBRMAP)

4.6 Elements in Cabling Category

4.6.1 Cable Branch Element (CABLE)

Cabling Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Area Area
Spref Component spec reference
Mdsysf Reference Array of Model and Design Elements
Desparam Design parameters
FEQDES From Equipment Description
TEQDES To Equipment Description
MarkRf Cable Mark points
RoutNd Cable Preliminary route point
CExes Cable excesses
StaRef Cable Start reference
StaPoint Cable Start connection point
EndRef Cable End reference
EndPoint Cable End connection point
CBSta Cable routing status
IClass Interference class
CabGap cable gap on cabletray as multiple of OUTD
Rlselect Rule selection array
Filchk FILCHK (true if fill level check is enabled)
Ranequip Range of the nearest equipment

Legal Owners:
Zone Element (ZONE)

Legal Members:
Cable Core Element (CORE)

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Head Attachment Point Element (HATTA)

Route path Element (RPATH)
Sequence of Segments Element (SEGSEQ)
Tail Attachment Point Element (TATTA)

4.6.2 Control Node Element (CNODE)

Cabling Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Spref Component spec reference

Legal Owners:
Zone Element (ZONE)

Legal Members:

4.6.3 Connectivity Sequence Element (CONSEQ)

Cabling Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Cable Way Branch Element (CWBRAN)
Multidiscipline Routing Branch Element (RBRAN)

Legal Members:
Route Attachment Point Element (RATTA)

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4.6.4 Cable Core Element (CORE)

Cabling Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
StaRef Cable Start reference
StaPoint Cable Start connection point
EndRef Cable End reference
EndPoint Cable End connection point

Legal Owners:
Cable Branch Element (CABLE)

Legal Members:

4.6.5 Cable Tray Bend Element (CTBEND)

Cabling Element

Name Name of the element
PosRef Reference to point
Level Drawing level
Zdistance Position in section
Pkdistance Proportional distance along Pline
Xoffset X-offset
Zoffset Z-offset
Bangle Beta angle
CTType Cable tray typ
Radius Radius
Angle Angle
Alength Arrive length
LLength Leave length
TrayW Tray Width
TrayH Tray height
TierHeight Heights of trays measured from path
SSplit Spool Split

Legal Owners:
Cable Tray Material Element (CTMTRL)

Legal Members:
Cable Tray Feature Element (CTFEAT)

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Cable Tray Joint Element (CTJOIN)

Cable Tray Element (CTRAY)

4.6.6 Cable Tray Cross Element (CTCROS)

Cabling Element

Name Name of the element
PosRef Reference to point
Level Drawing level
Zdistance Position in section
Pkdistance Proportional distance along Pline
Xoffset X-offset
Zoffset Z-offset
Bangle Beta angle
CTType Cable tray typ
Radius Radius
Angle Angle
Alength Arrive length
LLength Leave length
SLength Side length
SSLength Second side length
TrayW Tray Width
TrayH Tray height
TraySW Tray side width
TrayOW Tray other width
TierHeight Heights of trays measured from path
SSplit Spool Split

Legal Owners:
Cable Tray Material Element (CTMTRL)

Legal Members:
Cable Tray Feature Element (CTFEAT)
Cable Tray Joint Element (CTJOIN)
Cable Tray Element (CTRAY)

4.6.7 Cable Tray Reducer Element (CTREDU)

Cabling Element

Name Name of the element
PosRef Reference to point
Level Drawing level
Zdistance Position in section
Pkdistance Proportional distance along Pline

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Xoffset X-offset
Zoffset Z-offset
Bangle Beta angle
CTType Cable tray typ
OLength Overall length
TrayW Tray Width
TrayRW Tray Reduce Width
TrayH Tray height
TierHeight Heights of trays measured from path
SSplit Spool Split

Legal Owners:
Cable Tray Material Element (CTMTRL)

Legal Members:
Cable Tray Feature Element (CTFEAT)
Cable Tray Joint Element (CTJOIN)
Cable Tray Element (CTRAY)

4.6.8 Cable Tray Riser Element (CTRISE)

Cabling Element

Name Name of the element
PosRef Reference to point
Level Drawing level
Zdistance Position in section
Pkdistance Proportional distance along Pline
Xoffset X-offset
Zoffset Z-offset
Bangle Beta angle
CTType Cable tray typ
Radius Radius
Angle Angle
Alength Arrive length
LLength Leave length
TrayW Tray Width
TrayH Tray height
TierHeight Heights of trays measured from path
SSplit Spool Split

Legal Owners:
Cable Tray Material Element (CTMTRL)

Legal Members:
Cable Tray Feature Element (CTFEAT)

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Cable Tray Joint Element (CTJOIN)

Cable Tray Element (CTRAY)

4.6.9 Cable Tray Straight Element (CTSTRA)

Cabling Element

Name Name of the element
PosRef Reference to point
Level Drawing level
Zdistance Position in section
Pkdistance Proportional distance along Pline
Xoffset X-offset
Zoffset Z-offset
Bangle Beta angle
OLength Overall length
TrayW Tray Width
TrayH Tray height
TierHeight Heights of trays measured from path
SSplit Spool Split

Legal Owners:
Cable Tray Material Element (CTMTRL)

Legal Members:
Cable Tray Feature Element (CTFEAT)
Cable Tray Joint Element (CTJOIN)
Cable Tray Element (CTRAY)

4.6.10 Cable Tray Support Element (CTSUPP)

Cabling Element

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Spref Component spec reference
Cref Connection reference
Stext S Text string
Shop Shop/Site flag
Matref Material reference

Legal Owners:
Cable Tray Element (CTRAY)

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Legal Members:

4.6.11 Cable Tray Tee Element (CTTEE)

Cabling Element

Name Name of the element
PosRef Reference to point
Level Drawing level
Zdistance Position in section
Pkdistance Proportional distance along Pline
Xoffset X-offset
Zoffset Z-offset
Bangle Beta angle
CTType Cable tray typ
Radius Radius
Angle Angle
Alength Arrive length
LLength Leave length
SLength Side length
TrayW Tray Width
TrayH Tray height
TraySW Tray side width
TierHeight Heights of trays measured from path
SSplit Spool Split

Legal Owners:
Cable Tray Material Element (CTMTRL)

Legal Members:
Cable Tray Feature Element (CTFEAT)
Cable Tray Joint Element (CTJOIN)
Cable Tray Element (CTRAY)

4.6.12 Cableway Element (CWAY)

Cabling Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Position Position

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Legal Owners:
Zone Element (ZONE)

Legal Members:
Cable Way Branch Element (CWBRAN)

4.6.13 Cable Way Branch Element (CWBRAN)

Cabling Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Area Area
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
HCRef Head connections
TCRef Tail connections
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Desparam Design parameters
Bangle Beta angle
CloseFlag True if branch is closed
CWJusLine Cable Way Justification Line
BRadius Bend radius
VHeight Volume height
VWidth Volume width
VShape Volume shape
Rllogical Rule logical array
CExs Percentage excess for passing cables
MaxFil Maximum percentage fill level
IClass Interference class

Legal Owners:
Cableway Element (CWAY)

Legal Members:
Connectivity Sequence Element (CONSEQ)
Cable Tray Material Element (CTMTRL)
Head Attachment Point Element (HATTA)
Route path Element (RPATH)
Route Feature Element (RTFEAT)
Sequence of Segments Element (SEGSEQ)

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Tail Attachment Point Element (TATTA)

4.6.14 External Geometry Element (EXTGEO)

Cabling Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
StaRef Cable Start reference
EndRef Cable End reference

Legal Owners:
Route path Element (RPATH)

Legal Members:

4.6.15 Head Attachment Point Element (HATTA)

Cabling Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Cable Branch Element (CABLE)
Constant Thickness Wall Element (CTWALL)
Cable Way Branch Element (CWBRAN)
Handrail Element (HANDRA)
Multidiscipline Routing Branch Element (RBRAN)
Routing Volume Element (RUTVOLUME)

Legal Members:

4.6.16 Point On Path Element (POINTR)

Cabling Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function

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Position Position
SIGREF Significant point reference
PointType Point type
Fradius Fillet radius

Legal Owners:
Route path Element (RPATH)

Legal Members:

4.6.17 Multidiscipline Routing Branch Element (RBRAN)

Cabling Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Area Area
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Spref Component spec reference
Level Drawing level
Desparam Design parameters
Bangle Beta angle
LMirror True if Mirroring required
HCRef Head connections
TCRef Tail connections
AddSegments Auto creating segments flag
BRadius Bend radius
Topology Branch topology

Legal Owners:
Zone Element (ZONE)

Legal Members:
Connectivity Sequence Element (CONSEQ)
Head Attachment Point Element (HATTA)
Route path Element (RPATH)
Sequence of Segments Element (SEGSEQ)
Tail Attachment Point Element (TATTA)

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4.6.18 Route Node Element (RNODE)

Cabling Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Spref Component spec reference
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Area Area
RNType RNode Type
Xoffset X-offset
Yoffset Y-offset
Zoffset Z-offset
Bangle Beta angle
ConnReference References to other element
PosRef Reference to point
Zdistance Position in section
Pkdistance Proportional distance along Pline
Level Drawing level

Legal Owners:
Route Feature Element (RTFEAT)

Legal Members:

4.6.19 Route path Element (RPATH)

Cabling Element

Name Name of the element
Ydirection Preferred Y axis direction
Drnstart Plane normal at start of SCTN/GENSEC
Drnend Plane normal at end of SCTN/GENSEC

Legal Owners:
Cable Branch Element (CABLE)
Constant Thickness Wall Element (CTWALL)
Cable Way Branch Element (CWBRAN)
Handrail Element (HANDRA)
Platform Opening Element (PLOPEN)
Platform Element (PLTFRM)

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Elements in the Design Database

Multidiscipline Routing Branch Element (RBRAN)

Routing Volume Element (RUTVOLUME)
Stair Flight Element (STRFLT)
Stair Landing Element (STRLNG)
Wall Openings Element (WLOPEN)

Legal Members:
General Shell Curve Element (CCURVE)
External Geometry Element (EXTGEO)
Point On Path Element (POINTR)
Curve (on Spine) Element (RSECT)

4.6.20 Curve (on Spine) Element (RSECT)

Cabling Element

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Cposition conditioning position for curve geometry
Zdirection Additional axis direction
EndOff Offset of the end of section
SctDir Section Direction
Radius Radius
Radsetflag Radius set flag - ignore Radius values if FALSE
Bulgefactor Bulge factor
CurType Curve type
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

Legal Owners:
Route path Element (RPATH)

Legal Members:

4.6.21 Route Feature Element (RTFEAT)

Cabling Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Cable Way Branch Element (CWBRAN)

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Legal Members:
Route Node Element (RNODE)

4.6.22 Tail Attachment Point Element (TATTA)

Cabling Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Cable Branch Element (CABLE)
Constant Thickness Wall Element (CTWALL)
Cable Way Branch Element (CWBRAN)
Handrail Element (HANDRA)
Multidiscipline Routing Branch Element (RBRAN)
Routing Volume Element (RUTVOLUME)

Legal Members:

4.7 Elements in Dataset Category

4.7.1 Attribute Rule Element (ATTRRL)

Dataset Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Purpose Description code word
AttName Attribute Name expression for ATTRRL elements
AttRule Attribute Rule expression for ATTRRL elements
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

Legal Owners:
Design Data Element (DDATA)

Legal Members:

4.7.2 Design Dataset Area Element (DDAREA)

Dataset Element

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Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number

Legal Owners:
Application Data World Element (APPLDWORLD)
Template World Element (TPWLD)

Legal Members:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)

4.7.3 Design Data Element (DDATA)

Dataset Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Dkey Data Key
Ptype Property type
Punits Data Property Units
Dtitle Data Title
Ddproperty Design data property value
Dddfault Default Design data value
Preflag Pre-evaluation flag
Poeflag Post-evaluation flag
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Ldisp Display property flag for design datasets: True if property is
shown on form
Maxmin Maximum and minimum values of design property
PTOLER Tolerance on a design property

Legal Owners:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)

Legal Members:
Attribute Rule Element (ATTRRL)
Valid Value Element (VVALUE)

4.7.4 Design Dataset Element (DDSE)

Dataset Element

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Elements in the Design Database

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

Legal Owners:
Application Data Element (APPLDATA)
Association Request Element (ASREQU)
Association Member Element (ASSMBR)
Association Element (ASSOC)
Floor Element (CFLOOR)
Compound fitting Element (CMFITTING)
Compound Panel fitting Element (CMPFITTING)
Screed Element (CSCREED)
Cable Tray Feature Element (CTFEAT)
Cable Tray Joint Element (CTJOIN)
Cable Tray Element (CTRAY)
Wall Element (CWALL)
Derived Data Definition Element (DATDEF)
Design Dataset Area Element (DDAREA)
Derived Data Element (DERDAT)
Door Element (DOOR)
Electrical Connection Element (ELCONN)
Electrical Fitting Element (ELFITTING)
Equipment Element (EQUIPMENT)
Fitting Element (FITTING)
Fixing Element (FIXING)
Fixture Element (FIXTUR)
Floor Element (FLOOR)
Fire Protection Fitting Element (FPFITTING)
Framework Element (FRMWORK)
Furniture Element (FURNIT)
Structural Generic Section Element (GENSEC)
Wall Element (GWALL)
Handrail Element (HANDRA)

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Elements in the Design Database

HVAC Fitting Element (HVACFITTING)

Information Fitting Element (INFITTING)
Intermediate Landing Element (INTLNG)
Ladder Element (LADDER)
Nozzle Element (NOZZLE)
Negative Rectangular Extrusion Element (NXTRUSION)
Panel Element (PANEL)
Primary Compound Joint Element (PCOJOINT)
Panel Fitting Element (PFITTING)
Pline Datum Element (PLDATUM)
Primary Joint Element (PJOINT)
Platform Element (PLTFRM)
Primary Node Element (PNODE)
Pipe Track Element (PTRACK)
Restriction Definition Element (RESDEF)
Restriction Element (RESTRIC)
Rung Set Element (RUNGSET)
Subframework Element (SBFRAMEWORK)
Subfitting Element (SBFITTING)
Secondary Compound Joint Element (SCOJOINT)
Screed Element (SCREED)
Structural Section Element (SCTN)
Site Element (SITE)
Secondary Joint Element (SJOINT)
Secondary Node Element (SNODE)
Stair Flight Element (STRFLT)
Stair Landing Element (STRLNG)
Stair String Element (STRSTR)
Stair Tower Element (STRTWR)
Stairwell Element (STRWELL)
Structure Element (STRUCTURE)
Structural Wall Element (STWALL)
Subjoint Element (SUBJOINT)
Substructure Element (SUBSTRUCTURE)
Subequipment Element (SUBEQUIPMENT)
System Dataset Element (SYSMDA)

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Sub Volume Model Element (SVOLMODEL)

Template Element (TMPLATE)
Tread Element (TREAD)
Tread Set Element (TREADSET)
Volume Model Element (VOLMODEL)
Wall Element (WALL)
Wall Components Element (WLCOMPONENTS)
Zone Element (ZONE)

Legal Members:
Design Data Element (DDATA)

4.7.5 Valid Value Element (VVALUE)

Dataset Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Purpose Description code word
ValidValue Valid value expression for VVALUE elements
ValRule Valid rule expression to test VALIDV attributes of VVALUE
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

Legal Owners:
Design Data Element (DDATA)

Legal Members:

4.8 Elements in Equipment Category

4.8.1 Electrical Connection Element (ELCONN)

Equipment Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Catref Catalogue reference

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Height Height
Angle Angle
Radius Radius
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Duty Duty
Desparam Design parameters
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Stmf Template selection pointer

Legal Owners:
Equipment Element (EQUIPMENT)
Subequipment Element (SUBEQUIPMENT)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

Legal Members:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

4.8.2 Equipment Element (EQUIPMENT)

Equipment Element
Primary Element

The EQUIPMENT element represents process vessels, storage vessels, heat exchangers,
pumps and any other predefined item that is part of the plant. The unique feature of this
element is that it may own NOZZLEs in addition to the normal primitive shapes. Pipework
can be connected to the Nozzles, thus making EQUIPMENTs intrinsic to the process

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Area Area
Usrweight User entered weight value
Usrwweight User entered wet weight value
Usrcogravity User centre of gravity position
Usrwcogravity User wet centre of gravity position
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Uwmtxt User weight Manager text

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Elements in the Design Database

Dscode Design code

Ptspec Paint specification
Inschedule Inspection schedule
Skey Symbol key
StlRef Steel Reference
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Stmf Template selection pointer
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Spref Component spec reference
Fstatus Fstatus
Mdsysf Reference Array of Model and Design Elements
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Zone Element (ZONE)

Legal Members:
Box Element (BOX)
Cone Element (CONE)
Circular Torus Element (CTORUS)
Cylinder Element (CYLINDER)
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Dish Element (DISH)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Drawn Line Element (DRAWING)
Electrical Connection Element (ELCONN)
Extrusion Element (EXTRUSION)
Equipment Load Point Element (LOAPOINT)
Nozzle Element (NOZZLE)
Panel Element (PANEL)
Polyhedron Element (POHEDRON)
Polyhedron Element (POLYHEDRON)
Penalty or Preferred Volume Element (PVOLUME)
Pyramid Element (PYRAMID)
Revolution Element (REVOLUTION)
Routing Plane Element (RPLANE)
Rectangular Torus Element (RTORUS)
Slope Bottom Cylinder Element (SLCYLINDER)
Snout Element (SNOUT)

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Subequipment Element (SUBEQUIPMENT)

Text Element (TEXT)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

4.8.3 Nozzle Element (NOZZLE)

Equipment Element

NOZZles are significant to the Design because they provide the link between an
EQUIPMENT (which owns them) and a Pipe (BRANCH) which is connected to each one.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Temperature Temperature
Pressure Pressure
TPressure TestPressure
Cref Connection reference
Catref Catalogue reference
Height Height
Angle Angle
Radius Radius
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Duty Duty
Desparam Design parameters
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Stmf Template selection pointer
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

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Elements in the Design Database

Legal Owners:
Equipment Element (EQUIPMENT)
Subequipment Element (SUBEQUIPMENT)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

Legal Members:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

4.8.4 Pipe Track Element (PTRACK)

Equipment Element
Primary Element

The Pipe Track is a type of STRUCTURE along which pipes are to be routed. It is a special
element for the automatic pipe routing function of DESIGN; it cannot own

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Stmf Template selection pointer
Usrweight User entered weight value
Usrwweight User entered wet weight value
Usrcogravity User centre of gravity position

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Elements in the Design Database

Usrwcogravity User wet centre of gravity position

Uwmtxt User weight Manager text

Legal Owners:
Zone Element (ZONE)

Legal Members:
Box Element (BOX)
Cone Element (CONE)
Circular Torus Element (CTORUS)
Cylinder Element (CYLINDER)
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Dish Element (DISH)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Drawn Line Element (DRAWING)
Extrusion Element (EXTRUSION)
Panel Element (PANEL)
Polyhedron Element (POHEDRON)
Polyhedron Element (POLYHEDRON)
Penalty or Preferred Volume Element (PVOLUME)
Pyramid Element (PYRAMID)
Revolution Element (REVOLUTION)
Routing Plane Element (RPLANE)
Rectangular Torus Element (RTORUS)
Slope Bottom Cylinder Element (SLCYLINDER)
Snout Element (SNOUT)
Text Element (TEXT)

4.8.5 Subequipment Element (SUBEQUIPMENT)

Equipment Element
Primary Element

The SUBEQUIPMENT element is similar to the EQUIPMENT element, except that it is
owned by an EQUIPMENT element and cannot itself own SUBEQUIPMENT elements.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word

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Elements in the Design Database

Number Number
Area Area
Usrweight User entered weight value
Usrwweight User entered wet weight value
Usrcogravity User centre of gravity position
Usrwcogravity User wet centre of gravity position
Uwmtxt User weight Manager text
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Dscode Design code
Ptspec Paint specification
Inschedule Inspection schedule
Skey Symbol key
StlRef Steel Reference
Desparam Design parameters
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Stmf Template selection pointer
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Spref Component spec reference
Mdsysf Reference Array of Model and Design Elements

Legal Owners:
Equipment Element (EQUIPMENT)

Legal Members:
Box Element (BOX)
Cone Element (CONE)
Circular Torus Element (CTORUS)
Cylinder Element (CYLINDER)
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Dish Element (DISH)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Drawn Line Element (DRAWING)
Electrical Connection Element (ELCONN)
Extrusion Element (EXTRUSION)
Equipment Load Point Element (LOAPOINT)
Nozzle Element (NOZZLE)
Panel Element (PANEL)
Polyhedron Element (POHEDRON)
Polyhedron Element (POLYHEDRON)
Penalty or Preferred Volume Element (PVOLUME)

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Elements in the Design Database

Pyramid Element (PYRAMID)

Revolution Element (REVOLUTION)
Routing Plane Element (RPLANE)
Rectangular Torus Element (RTORUS)
Slope Bottom Cylinder Element (SLCYLINDER)
Snout Element (SNOUT)
Text Element (TEXT)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

4.9 Elements in Grid Category

4.9.1 Grid Axis Element (GRIDAXIS)

Grid Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
GRDAXE Grid axes
GRDLBL Grid Label

Legal Owners:
Grid System Element (GRIDSYSTEM)

Legal Members:
Grid Plane Element (GRIDLN)

4.9.2 Grid Plane Element (GRIDLN)

Grid Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
GRDOFF Grid offset
GRDID Grid Identifier

Legal Owners:
Grid Axis Element (GRIDAXIS)

Legal Members:

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4.9.3 Grid System Element (GRIDSYSTEM)

Grid Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Purpose Description code word
Position Position
Orientation Orientation

Legal Owners:
Grid World Element (GRIDWLD)

Legal Members:
Grid Axis Element (GRIDAXIS)

4.9.4 Grid World Element (GRIDWLD)

Grid Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Grid System Element (GRIDSYSTEM)

4.10 Elements in Group Category

4.10.1 Group Item Element (GPITEM)

Group Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
Group Set Element (GPSET)

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Legal Members:

4.10.2 Group Set Element (GPSET)

Group Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Scosel Access Control scope

Legal Owners:
Group Set Element (GPSET)
Group World Element (GPWLD)

Legal Members:
Group Item Element (GPITEM)
Group Set Element (GPSET)

4.10.3 Group World Element (GPWLD)

Group Element
Primary Element

The element is a subsidiary World that contains only GROUPs and is owned by the main
WORLD element.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Group Set Element (GPSET)
Group Element (GROUP)

4.10.4 Group Element (GROUP)

Group Element

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Elements in the Design Database

You may define as a GROUP any collection of elements in the database, assembling these
elements as a single GROUP unit.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

Legal Owners:
Group World Element (GPWLD)

Legal Members:

4.11 Elements in Hanger Component Category

4.11.1 Beam Bolting Attachment Element (BBOLT)

Hanger Component Element

Name Name of the element
Gtype Generic type
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lsrod Leave rod specification
Crfarray Connection reference array
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Posflag Positioning flag
Oriflag Orientation flag
Angle Angle
Height Height
Nload Nominal load
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items

Legal Owners:
Pipe Hanger Element (HANGER)

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Legal Members:

4.11.2 Beam Welding Attachment Element (BWLD)

Hanger Component Element

Name Name of the element
Gtype Generic type
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lsrod Leave rod specification
Crfarray Connection reference array
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Posflag Positioning flag
Oriflag Orientation flag
Angle Angle
Height Height
Nload Nominal load
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items

Legal Owners:
Pipe Hanger Element (HANGER)

Legal Members:

4.11.3 Clevis Element (CLEVIS)

Hanger Component Element

Name Name of the element
Gtype Generic type
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lsrod Leave rod specification

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Arrive Arrive Ppoint

Leave Leave Ppoint
Posflag Positioning flag
Oriflag Orientation flag
Angle Angle
Height Height
Radius Radius
Nload Nominal load
Crfarray Connection reference array
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items

Legal Owners:
Pipe Hanger Element (HANGER)

Legal Members:

4.11.4 Eyenut Element (EYENUT)

Hanger Component Element

Name Name of the element
Gtype Generic type
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lsrod Leave rod specification
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Posflag Positioning flag
Oriflag Orientation flag
Angle Angle
Height Height
Radius Radius
Nload Nominal load
Crfarray Connection reference array
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items

Legal Owners:
Pipe Hanger Element (HANGER)

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Legal Members:

4.11.5 Eye Rod Element (EYRD)

Hanger Component Element

Name Name of the element
Gtype Generic type
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lsrod Leave rod specification
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Posflag Positioning flag
Oriflag Orientation flag
Angle Angle
Height Height
Radius Radius
Nload Nominal load
Crfarray Connection reference array
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items

Legal Owners:
Pipe Hanger Element (HANGER)

Legal Members:

4.11.6 Hanger Element (HELEMENT)

Hanger Component Element

Name Name of the element
Gtype Generic type
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag

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Spref Component spec reference

Lsrod Leave rod specification
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Posflag Positioning flag
Oriflag Orientation flag
Angle Angle
Height Height
Radius Radius
Nload Nominal load
Crfarray Connection reference array
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items

Legal Owners:
Pipe Hanger Element (HANGER)

Legal Members:

4.11.7 Hanger Nut Element (HNUT)

Hanger Component Element

Name Name of the element
Gtype Generic type
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lsrod Leave rod specification
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Posflag Positioning flag
Oriflag Orientation flag
Angle Angle
Height Height
Radius Radius
Nload Nominal load
Crfarray Connection reference array
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items

Legal Owners:
Pipe Hanger Element (HANGER)

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Legal Members:

4.11.8 Hanger Pin Element (HPIN)

Hanger Component Element

Name Name of the element
Gtype Generic type
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lsrod Leave rod specification
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Posflag Positioning flag
Oriflag Orientation flag
Angle Angle
Height Height
Radius Radius
Nload Nominal load
Crfarray Connection reference array
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items

Legal Owners:
Pipe Hanger Element (HANGER)

Legal Members:

4.11.9 Hanger Rod Element (HROD)

Hanger Component Element

Name Name of the element
Gtype Generic type
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag

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Spref Component spec reference

Lsrod Leave rod specification
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Posflag Positioning flag
Oriflag Orientation flag
Angle Angle
Height Height
Radius Radius
Nload Nominal load
Crfarray Connection reference array
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items

Legal Owners:
Pipe Hanger Element (HANGER)

Legal Members:

4.11.10 Pipe Clamp Element (PCLAMP)

Hanger Component Element

Component for pipe clamps.

Name Name of the element
Gtype Generic type
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lsrod Leave rod specification
Crfarray Connection reference array
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Angle Angle
Height Height
Nload Nominal load
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items

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Legal Owners:
Pipe Hanger Element (HANGER)

Legal Members:

4.11.11 Pipe Clip Element (PCLIP)

Hanger Component Element

Name Name of the element
Gtype Generic type
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lsrod Leave rod specification
Crfarray Connection reference array
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Angle Angle
Height Height
Nload Nominal load
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items

Legal Owners:
Pipe Hanger Element (HANGER)

Legal Members:

4.11.12 Pipe Lug Element (PLUG)

Hanger Component Element

Name Name of the element
Gtype Generic type
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters

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Built Built/Unbuilt flag

Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lsrod Leave rod specification
Crfarray Connection reference array
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Angle Angle
Height Height
Nload Nominal load
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items

Legal Owners:
Pipe Hanger Element (HANGER)

Legal Members:

4.11.13 PCLA Overstrap Element (POST)

Hanger Component Element

Name Name of the element
Gtype Generic type
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lsrod Leave rod specification
Crfarray Connection reference array
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Angle Angle
Height Height
Nload Nominal load
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items

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Legal Owners:
Pipe Hanger Element (HANGER)

Legal Members:

4.11.14 Rod Coupling Element (RCPL)

Hanger Component Element

Name Name of the element
Gtype Generic type
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lsrod Leave rod specification
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Posflag Positioning flag
Oriflag Orientation flag
Angle Angle
Height Height
Radius Radius
Nload Nominal load
Crfarray Connection reference array
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items

Legal Owners:
Pipe Hanger Element (HANGER)

Legal Members:

4.11.15 Steel Clamp Element (SCLAMP)

Hanger Component Element

Component for all connections to supporting steelwork.

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Name Name of the element
Gtype Generic type
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lsrod Leave rod specification
Crfarray Connection reference array
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Posflag Positioning flag
Oriflag Orientation flag
Angle Angle
Height Height
Nload Nominal load
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items

Legal Owners:
Pipe Hanger Element (HANGER)

Legal Members:

4.11.16 Shoe Element (SHOE)

Hanger Component Element

Name Name of the element
Gtype Generic type
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lsrod Leave rod specification
Crfarray Connection reference array
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Angle Angle
Height Height

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Nload Nominal load

Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items

Legal Owners:
Pipe Hanger Element (HANGER)

Legal Members:

4.11.17 Steel Lug Attachment Element (SLUG)

Hanger Component Element

Name Name of the element
Gtype Generic type
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lsrod Leave rod specification
Crfarray Connection reference array
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Posflag Positioning flag
Oriflag Orientation flag
Angle Angle
Height Height
Nload Nominal load
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items

Legal Owners:
Pipe Hanger Element (HANGER)

Legal Members:

4.11.18 Snubber Element (SNUB)

Hanger Component Element

Name Name of the element
Gtype Generic type

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Elements in the Design Database

Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lsrod Leave rod specification
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Posflag Positioning flag
Oriflag Orientation flag
Angle Angle
Height Height
Radius Radius
Nload Nominal load
Crfarray Connection reference array
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items

Legal Owners:
Pipe Hanger Element (HANGER)

Legal Members:

4.11.19 SCLA Overstrap Element (SOST)

Hanger Component Element

Name Name of the element
Gtype Generic type
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lsrod Leave rod specification
Crfarray Connection reference array
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Posflag Positioning flag
Oriflag Orientation flag
Angle Angle
Height Height

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Nload Nominal load

Invfarray Array of Inventory Items

Legal Owners:
Pipe Hanger Element (HANGER)

Legal Members:

4.11.20 Spacer Element (SPACER)

Hanger Component Element

Name Name of the element
Gtype Generic type
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lsrod Leave rod specification
Crfarray Connection reference array
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Posflag Positioning flag
Oriflag Orientation flag
Angle Angle
Height Height
Nload Nominal load
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items

Legal Owners:
Pipe Hanger Element (HANGER)

Legal Members:

4.11.21 Steel Section Element (STLS)

Hanger Component Element

Name Name of the element
Gtype Generic type
Position Position

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Elements in the Design Database

Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lsrod Leave rod specification
Crfarray Connection reference array
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Posflag Positioning flag
Oriflag Orientation flag
Angle Angle
Height Height
Nload Nominal load
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items

Legal Owners:
Pipe Hanger Element (HANGER)

Legal Members:

4.11.22 Sway Brace Element (SWBR)

Hanger Component Element

Name Name of the element
Gtype Generic type
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lsrod Leave rod specification
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Posflag Positioning flag
Oriflag Orientation flag
Angle Angle
Height Height
Radius Radius
Nload Nominal load
Crfarray Connection reference array
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Legal Owners:
Pipe Hanger Element (HANGER)

Legal Members:

4.11.23 Turnbuckle Element (TRNB)

Hanger Component Element

Name Name of the element
Gtype Generic type
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lsrod Leave rod specification
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Posflag Positioning flag
Oriflag Orientation flag
Angle Angle
Height Height
Radius Radius
Nload Nominal load
Crfarray Connection reference array
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items

Legal Owners:
Pipe Hanger Element (HANGER)

Legal Members:

4.11.24 Trunnion Element (TRNN)

Hanger Component Element

Name Name of the element
Gtype Generic type
Position Position
Orientation Orientation

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Desparam Design parameters

Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lsrod Leave rod specification
Crfarray Connection reference array
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Angle Angle
Height Height
Nload Nominal load
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items

Legal Owners:
Pipe Hanger Element (HANGER)

Legal Members:

4.11.25 U Bolt Element (UBOLT)

Hanger Component Element

Name Name of the element
Gtype Generic type
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lsrod Leave rod specification
Crfarray Connection reference array
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Angle Angle
Height Height
Nload Nominal load
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Legal Owners:
Pipe Hanger Element (HANGER)

Legal Members:

4.11.26 Variable Effort Spring Hanger Element (VSPR)

Hanger Component Element

Name Name of the element
Gtype Generic type
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lsrod Leave rod specification
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Posflag Positioning flag
Oriflag Orientation flag
Angle Angle
Height Height
Radius Radius
Nload Nominal load
Crfarray Connection reference array
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items

Legal Owners:
Pipe Hanger Element (HANGER)

Legal Members:

4.11.27 Washer Element (WASH)

Hanger Component Element

Name Name of the element
Gtype Generic type
Position Position
Orientation Orientation

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Desparam Design parameters

Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lsrod Leave rod specification
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Posflag Positioning flag
Oriflag Orientation flag
Angle Angle
Height Height
Radius Radius
Nload Nominal load
Crfarray Connection reference array
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items

Legal Owners:
Pipe Hanger Element (HANGER)

Legal Members:

4.11.28 Wear Pad Element (WPAD)

Hanger Component Element

Name Name of the element
Gtype Generic type
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lsrod Leave rod specification
Crfarray Connection reference array
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Posflag Positioning flag
Oriflag Orientation flag
Angle Angle
Height Height
Nload Nominal load
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Legal Owners:
Pipe Hanger Element (HANGER)

Legal Members:

4.12 Elements in Hull Curved Category

4.12.1 General Shell Curve Element (CCURVE)

Hull Curved Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
SymmEle Reference to CCURVE on other side of CL

Legal Owners:
Surface Element (CSURF)
Surface Proxy Element (CSURPX)

Legal Members:

4.12.2 Shell Hole Element (CHOLE)

Hull Curved Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID
HRDPRX Curved panel reference

Legal Owners:
Surface Proxy Element (CSURPX)

Legal Members:

4.12.3 Curved Panel Boundary Element (CPANBO)

Hull Curved Element

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Curved Panel Element (CPANEL)
Idealised Curved Panel Element (HICPAN)

Legal Members:

4.12.4 Curved Panel Element (CPANEL)

Hull Curved Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
SymmEle Reference to CPANEL on other side of CL (unset for non-
symmetrical panel

Legal Owners:
Block Element (BLOCK)

Legal Members:
Curved Panel Boundary Element (CPANBO)
Curved Panel Internal Seam Element (CPNISE)
Shell Stiffener Element (CSTIFF)

4.12.5 Plane Element (CPLANE)

Hull Curved Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Mog World Element (MOGWLD)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Legal Members:

4.12.6 Shell Plate Element (CPLATE)

Hull Curved Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID
SymmEle Reference to CPLATE on other side of CL (unset for non-
symmetrical plate)
HRDPRX Curved panel reference

Legal Owners:
Surface Proxy Element (CSURPX)

Legal Members:

4.12.7 Curved Panel Internal Seam Element (CPNISE)

Hull Curved Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Curved Panel Element (CPANEL)
Idealised Curved Panel Element (HICPAN)

Legal Members:

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

4.12.8 Curved Hull Point Element (CPOINT)

Hull Curved Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Mog World Element (MOGWLD)

Legal Members:

4.12.9 Shell Profile Cutout Element (CPRCUT)

Hull Curved Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
HncKey Hole Notch Cutout Key
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Shell Stiffener Element (CSTIFF)

Legal Members:

4.12.10 Shell Stiffener End Element (CPREND)

Hull Curved Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Shell Stiffener Element (CSTIFF)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Legal Members:

4.12.11 Shell Profile Hole Element (CPRHOL)

Hull Curved Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
HncKey Hole Notch Cutout Key
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Shell Stiffener Element (CSTIFF)

Legal Members:

4.12.12 Shell Profile Marking Element (CPRMRK)

Hull Curved Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Shell Stiffener Element (CSTIFF)

Legal Members:

4.12.13 Shell Profile Notch Element (CPRNOT)

Hull Curved Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Shell Stiffener Element (CSTIFF)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Legal Members:

4.12.14 Shell Profile Element (CPROF)

Hull Curved Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID
SymmEle Reference to CPROF on other side of CL (unset for non-
symmetrical profile)

Legal Owners:
Surface Proxy Element (CSURPX)

Legal Members:
Shell Profile Trace Curve Element (CPROTR)

4.12.15 Shell Profile Trace Curve Element (CPROTR)

Hull Curved Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Shell Profile Element (CPROF)

Legal Members:
Shell Stiffener Element (CSTIFF)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

4.12.16 Seam Element (CSEAM)

Hull Curved Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID
SymmEle Reference to CSEAM on other side of CL (unset for non-
symmetrical seam)

Legal Owners:
Surface Proxy Element (CSURPX)

Legal Members:

4.12.17 Shell Stiffener Element (CSTIFF)

Hull Curved Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID
SymmEle Reference to CSTIFF on other side of CL (unset for non-
symmetrical stiffener)
HRDPRX curved panel reference

Legal Owners:
Curved Panel Element (CPANEL)
Shell Profile Trace Curve Element (CPROTR)
Idealised Curved Panel Element (HICPAN)

Legal Members:
Shell Profile Cutout Element (CPRCUT)
Shell Stiffener End Element (CPREND)
Shell Profile Hole Element (CPRHOL)
Shell Profile Marking Element (CPRMRK)
Shell Profile Notch Element (CPRNOT)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

4.12.18 Surface Element (CSURF)

Hull Curved Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Surface World Element (SSOWLD)

Legal Members:
General Shell Curve Element (CCURVE)

4.12.19 Surface Proxy Element (CSURPX)

Hull Curved Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
Hull Curved Model World Element (HCMWLD)

Legal Members:
General Shell Curve Element (CCURVE)
Shell Hole Element (CHOLE)
Shell Plate Element (CPLATE)
Shell Profile Element (CPROF)
Seam Element (CSEAM)

4.13 Elements in Hull General Category

4.13.1 Block Element (BLOCK)

Hull General Element
Primary Element

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Elements in the Design Database

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
CHNGD Changed counter
Number Number
ExtBox Defined block box including offset

Legal Owners:
Hull Block World Element (HBLWLD)
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Curved Panel Element (CPANEL)
Planar Panel Element (HPANEL)

4.13.2 Compartment World Element (COMWLD)

Hull General Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Exposed Compartment Element (HCOMPT)

4.13.3 Finite Element Model Image Element (FEMIMG)

Hull General Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Purpose Description code word
CHNGD Changed counter

Legal Owners:
Finite Element Model World Element (FEMWLD)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Legal Members:

4.13.4 Finite Element Model Element (FEMODL)

Hull General Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Purpose Description code word

Legal Owners:
Finite Element Model World Element (FEMWLD)

Legal Members:

4.13.5 Finite Element Model World Element (FEMWLD)

Hull General Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Finite Element Model Image Element (FEMIMG)
Finite Element Model Element (FEMODL)
Idealised Block Element (HIBLO)

4.13.6 Hull Block World Element (HBLWLD)

Hull General Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Legal Members:
Block Element (BLOCK)

4.13.7 Hull Curved Model World Element (HCMWLD)

Hull General Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Surface Proxy Element (CSURPX)

4.13.8 Exposed Compartment Element (HCOMPT)

Hull General Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
Compartment World Element (COMWLD)

Legal Members:

4.13.9 Idealised Block Element (HIBLO)

Hull General Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Purpose Description code word
CHNGD Changed counter

Legal Owners:
Finite Element Model World Element (FEMWLD)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Legal Members:
Idealised Curved Panel Element (HICPAN)
Idealised Planar Panel Element (HIPAN)

4.13.10 Idealised Planar Panel Boundary Element (HIBOU)

Hull General Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Idealised Planar Panel Element (HIPAN)

Legal Members:

4.13.11 Idealised Planar Panel Bracket Element (HIBRA)

Hull General Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Idealised Planar Panel Element (HIPAN)

Legal Members:

4.13.12 Idealised Curved Panel Element (HICPAN)

Hull General Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter

Legal Owners:
Idealised Block Element (HIBLO)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Legal Members:
Curved Panel Boundary Element (CPANBO)
Curved Panel Internal Seam Element (CPNISE)
Shell Stiffener Element (CSTIFF)

4.13.13 Idealised Planar Panel Curve Element (HICUR)

Hull General Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Idealised Planar Panel Element (HIPAN)

Legal Members:

4.13.14 Idealised Planar Panel Cutout Element (HICUT)

Hull General Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Idealised Planar Panel Element (HIPAN)

Legal Members:

4.13.15 Idealised Planar Panel Doubling Plate Element (HIDOU)

Hull General Element

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Idealised Planar Panel Element (HIPAN)

Legal Members:

4.13.16 Idealised Planar Panel Flange Element (HIFLA)

Hull General Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Idealised Planar Panel Element (HIPAN)

Legal Members:

4.13.17 Idealised Planar Panel Hole Element (HIHOL)

Hull General Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Idealised Planar Panel Element (HIPAN)

Legal Members:

4.13.18 Idealised Planar Panel Notch Element (HINOT)

Hull General Element

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Idealised Planar Panel Element (HIPAN)

Legal Members:

4.13.19 Idealised Planar Panel Element (HIPAN)

Hull General Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Purpose Description code word

Legal Owners:
Idealised Block Element (HIBLO)

Legal Members:
Idealised Planar Panel Boundary Element (HIBOU)
Idealised Planar Panel Bracket Element (HIBRA)
Idealised Planar Panel Curve Element (HICUR)
Idealised Planar Panel Cutout Element (HICUT)
Idealised Planar Panel Doubling Plate Element (HIDOU)
Idealised Planar Panel Flange Element (HIFLA)
Idealised Planar Panel Hole Element (HIHOL)
Idealised Planar Panel Notch Element (HINOT)
Idealised Planar Panel Pillar Element (HIPIL)
Idealised Planar Panel Plate Element (HIPLA)
Idealised Planar Panel Point Element (HIPOI)
Idealised Planar Panel Seam Element (HISEA)
Idealised Planar Panel Stiffener Element (HISTI)

4.13.20 Idealised Planar Panel Pillar Element (HIPIL)

Hull General Element

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Idealised Planar Panel Element (HIPAN)

Legal Members:

4.13.21 Idealised Planar Panel Plate Element (HIPLA)

Hull General Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Idealised Planar Panel Element (HIPAN)

Legal Members:

4.13.22 Idealised Planar Panel Point Element (HIPOI)

Hull General Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Idealised Planar Panel Element (HIPAN)

Legal Members:

4.13.23 Idealised Planar Panel Seam Element (HISEA)

Hull General Element

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Idealised Planar Panel Element (HIPAN)

Legal Members:

4.13.24 Idealised Planar Panel Stiffener Element (HISTI)

Hull General Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Idealised Planar Panel Element (HIPAN)

Legal Members:

4.13.25 Hull Mark World Element (HMKWLD)

Hull General Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Hullmark Element (HMARK)

4.13.26 Hull Topology References Element (HTPELE)

Hull General Element

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HtpRef Topology reference

Legal Owners:

Legal Members:

4.13.27 Mog World Element (MOGWLD)

Hull General Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Plane Element (CPLANE)
Curved Hull Point Element (CPOINT)
Miscellaneous Object Element (MOGOBJ)

4.13.28 Reference Surface World Element (RSOWLD)

Hull General Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Exposed Reference Surface Object Element (HRSO)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

4.13.29 Surface World Element (SSOWLD)

Hull General Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Surface Element (CSURF)

4.13.30 Standard World Element (STDWLD)

Hull General Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Bracket Panel Element (HBRAPN)
Standard Bracket Element (HSTBRA)
Generic Setup Info Object Element (SUPNFO)

4.13.31 Generic Setup Info Object Element (SUPNFO)

Hull General Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
Standard World Element (STDWLD)

Legal Members:

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

4.14 Elements in Hull Manufacturing Category

4.14.1 Weld Element (MWELD)

Hull Manufacturing Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID
WcAng Weld connection angle
Wcom Weld comment
WeSusp Weld end suspension
WiAng Weld inclination angle
WldPos Welding position
Wlegl Weld leg length
Wlen Weld length
Wnam Weld name
WnLay Number of weld layers
Wproc Welding process
WrAng Weld rotation angle
WsProc Welding standard process
WsSusp Weld start suspension
Wtorch Weld torch vector
WtProc Welding test procedure
JntBev Joint part bevel code
JntThk Joint part thickness

Legal Owners:
Weld Joint Element (MWLDJT)

Legal Members:

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

4.14.2 Weld Joint Element (MWLDJT)

Hull Manufacturing Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID
JntCom Welded joint comment
JntNam Welded joint name
JnttSl Total welded joint suspension length
JnttWl Total welded joint length
JntTyp Welded joint type

Legal Owners:
Weld Table Element (MWLDTB)

Legal Members:
Weld Joint Part Element (MWPART)
Fabrication Machine Welding Element (FMWELD)

4.14.3 Weld Table Element (MWLDTB)

Hull Manufacturing Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
TsLen Total suspension length
TwLen Total weld length
WtCom Weld table comment
WtStat Weld table status

Legal Owners:
Weld Table World Element (MWLWLD)

Legal Members:
Weld Joint Element (MWLDJT)

4.14.4 Weld Table World Element (MWLWLD)

Hull Manufacturing Element
Primary Element

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Weld Table Element (MWLDTB)

4.14.5 Weld Joint Part Element (MWPART)

Hull Manufacturing Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID
ParNam Part name
PrtIdl Long part id
QuaTxt Quality
Hurefl Reflected

Legal Owners:
Weld Joint Element (MWLDJT)

Legal Members:

4.15 Elements in Hull Planar Category

4.15.1 Planar Panel Bead Element (HBEAD)

Hull Planar Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Planar Panel Element (HPANEL)

Legal Members:

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

4.15.2 Planar Panel Bracket Boundary Element (HBRABO)

Hull Planar Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Planar Panel Bracket Element (HBRCKT)

Legal Members:

4.15.3 Bracket Panel Element (HBRAPN)

Hull Planar Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Standard World Element (STDWLD)

Legal Members:

4.15.4 Planar Panel Bracket Element (HBRCKT)

Hull Planar Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID
Number Number

Legal Owners:
Planar Panel Element (HPANEL)

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:140 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Legal Members:
Planar Panel Bracket Boundary Element (HBRABO)
Planar Panel Bracket Flange Element (HBRFLA)
Planar Panel Bracket Stiffener Element (HBRSTI)

4.15.5 Planar Panel Bracket Flange Element (HBRFLA)

Hull Planar Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Desparam Design parameters
Spref Component spec reference
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Planar Panel Bracket Element (HBRCKT)

Legal Members:
Planar Panel Profile End Element (HPREND)

4.15.6 Planar Panel Bracket Stiffener Element (HBRSTI)

Hull Planar Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Desparam Design parameters
Spref Component spec reference
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Planar Panel Bracket Element (HBRCKT)

Legal Members:
Planar Panel Profile Cutout Element (HPRCUT)
Planar Panel Profile End Element (HPREND)
Planar Panel Profile Hole Element (HPRHOL)
Planar Panel Profile Notch Element (HPRNOT)

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:141 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
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Elements in the Design Database

4.15.7 Planar Panel Clip Element (HCLIP)

Hull Planar Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Planar Panel Cutout Element (HCTOUT)

Legal Members:

4.15.8 Planar Panel Cutout Element (HCTOUT)

Hull Planar Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Planar Panel Element (HPANEL)

Legal Members:
Planar Panel Clip Element (HCLIP)

4.15.9 Planar Panel Curve Element (HCURVE)

Hull Planar Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Planar Panel Element (HPANEL)

Legal Members:

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:142 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

4.15.10 Planar Panel Doubling Plate Element (HDOPLA)

Hull Planar Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Planar Panel Element (HPANEL)

Legal Members:

4.15.11 Planar Panel Flange Element (HFLANG)

Hull Planar Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Desparam Design parameters
Spref Component spec reference
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Planar Panel Element (HPANEL)

Legal Members:
Planar Panel Profile End Element (HPREND)

4.15.12 Planar Panel Hole Element (HHOLE)

Hull Planar Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Planar Panel Element (HPANEL)

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:143 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
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Elements in the Design Database

Legal Members:

4.15.13 Hullmark Element (HMARK)

Hull Planar Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Purpose Description code word

Legal Owners:
Hull Mark World Element (HMKWLD)

Legal Members:

4.15.14 Planar Panel Notch Element (HNOTCH)

Hull Planar Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Planar Panel Element (HPANEL)

Legal Members:

4.15.15 Planar Panel Boundary Interval Element (HPANBI)

Hull Planar Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Planar Panel Boundary Element (HPANBO)

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:144 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Legal Members:

4.15.16 Planar Panel Boundary Element (HPANBO)

Hull Planar Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Planar Panel Element (HPANEL)

Legal Members:
Planar Panel Boundary Interval Element (HPANBI)

4.15.17 Planar Panel Element (HPANEL)

Hull Planar Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
SymmEle Reference to HPANEL on other side of CL (unset for non-
symmetrical panel)

Legal Owners:
Block Element (BLOCK)

Legal Members:
Planar Panel Bead Element (HBEAD)
Planar Panel Bracket Element (HBRCKT)
Planar Panel Cutout Element (HCTOUT)
Planar Panel Curve Element (HCURVE)
Planar Panel Doubling Plate Element (HDOPLA)
Planar Panel Flange Element (HFLANG)
Planar Panel Hole Element (HHOLE)
Planar Panel Notch Element (HNOTCH)
Planar Panel Boundary Element (HPANBO)
Planar Panel Pillar Element (HPILLR)
Planar Panel Plate Element (HPLATE)

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:145 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Planar Panel Point Element (HPOINT)

Planar Panel Seam Element (HSEAM)
Planar Panel Stiffener Element (HSTIFF)
Subpanel Element (HSUBPN)
Planar Panel Tap Element (HTAP)

4.15.18 Planar Panel Pillar Element (HPILLR)

Hull Planar Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Desparam Design parameters
Spref Component spec reference
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Planar Panel Element (HPANEL)

Legal Members:
Planar Panel Profile End Element (HPREND)

4.15.19 Planar Panel Plate Element (HPLATE)

Hull Planar Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID
Number Number

Legal Owners:
Planar Panel Element (HPANEL)

Legal Members:

4.15.20 Planar Panel Point Element (HPOINT)

Hull Planar Element

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Planar Panel Element (HPANEL)

Legal Members:

4.15.21 Planar Panel Profile Cutout Element (HPRCUT)

Hull Planar Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
HncKey Hole Notch Cutout Key
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Planar Panel Bracket Stiffener Element (HBRSTI)
Planar Panel Stiffener Element (HSTIFF)

Legal Members:

4.15.22 Planar Panel Profile End Element (HPREND)

Hull Planar Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID
Spref Component spec reference

Legal Owners:
Planar Panel Bracket Flange Element (HBRFLA)
Planar Panel Bracket Stiffener Element (HBRSTI)
Planar Panel Flange Element (HFLANG)
Planar Panel Pillar Element (HPILLR)

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:147 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Planar Panel Stiffener Element (HSTIFF)

Legal Members:

4.15.23 Planar Panel Profile Hole Element (HPRHOL)

Hull Planar Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
HncKey Hole Notch Cutout Key
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Planar Panel Bracket Stiffener Element (HBRSTI)
Planar Panel Stiffener Element (HSTIFF)

Legal Members:

4.15.24 Planar Panel Profile Notch Element (HPRNOT)

Hull Planar Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Planar Panel Bracket Stiffener Element (HBRSTI)
Planar Panel Stiffener Element (HSTIFF)

Legal Members:

4.15.25 Exposed Reference Surface Object Element (HRSO)

Hull Planar Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:148 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
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Elements in the Design Database

Legal Owners:
Planar Panel Seam Element (HSEAM)

Legal Members:
Exposed Reference Surface Object Face Element (HRSOF)

4.15.26 Exposed Reference Surface Object Face Element (HRSOF)

Hull Planar Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Exposed Reference Surface Object Element (HRSO)

Legal Members:
Exposed Reference Surface Object Limit Element (HRSOL)

4.15.27 Exposed Reference Surface Object Limit Element (HRSOL)

Hull Planar Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Exposed Reference Surface Object Face Element (HRSOF)

Legal Members:

4.15.28 Planar Panel Seam Element (HSEAM)

Hull Planar Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:149 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Legal Owners:
Planar Panel Element (HPANEL)

Legal Members:

4.15.29 Standard Bracket Element (HSTBRA)

Hull Planar Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Standard World Element (STDWLD)

Legal Members:

4.15.30 Planar Panel Stiffener Element (HSTIFF)

Hull Planar Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Desparam Design parameters
Spref Component spec reference
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID
Number Number

Legal Owners:
Planar Panel Element (HPANEL)

Legal Members:
Planar Panel Profile Cutout Element (HPRCUT)
Planar Panel Profile End Element (HPREND)
Planar Panel Profile Hole Element (HPRHOL)
Planar Panel Profile Notch Element (HPRNOT)

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:150 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

4.15.31 Subpanel Element (HSUBPN)

Hull Planar Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Planar Panel Element (HPANEL)

Legal Members:

4.15.32 Planar Panel Tap Element (HTAP)

Hull Planar Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Planar Panel Element (HPANEL)

Legal Members:

4.15.33 Miscellaneous Object Element (MOGOBJ)

Hull Planar Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
Mog World Element (MOGWLD)

Legal Members:

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:151 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

4.16 Elements in HVAC Component Category

4.16.1 Air Handling Unit Element (AHU)

HVAC Component Element

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Angle Angle
Height Height
Radius Radius
Loffline Offline flag
Crfarray Connection reference array
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Cmpx Comparator/Design-Manager exclusion text attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Jnumber Old spooler joint number
Joiprefix Old spooler joint number prefix
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:152 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)

Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Mdsysf Reference Array of Model and Design Elements
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

4.16.2 Battery Element (BATTERY)

HVAC Component Element

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Angle Angle
Height Height
Radius Radius
Loffline Offline flag
Crfarray Connection reference array
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Cmpx Comparator/Design-Manager exclusion text attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:153 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number

Jnumber Old spooler joint number
Joiprefix Old spooler joint number prefix
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Mdsysf Reference Array of Model and Design Elements
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

4.16.3 Cowl Element (COWL)

HVAC Component Element

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:154 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Tspec Tracing spec reference

Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Cmpx Comparator/Design-Manager exclusion text attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Jnumber Old spooler joint number
Joiprefix Old spooler joint number prefix
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

4.16.4 Damper Element (DAMPER)

HVAC Component Element

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:155 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Isohidden Isohidden flag

Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Angle Angle
Height Height
Radius Radius
Loffline Offline flag
Crfarray Connection reference array
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Cmpx Comparator/Design-Manager exclusion text attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Jnumber Old spooler joint number
Joiprefix Old spooler joint number prefix
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Mdsysf Reference Array of Model and Design Elements
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:156 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Legal Members:

4.16.5 Flexible Element (FLEXIBLE)

HVAC Component Element

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Angle Angle
Radius Radius
Cref Connection reference
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Cmpx Comparator/Design-Manager exclusion text attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Jnumber Old spooler joint number
Joiprefix Old spooler joint number prefix
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Dmtype ISODRAFT Reference Dimension attribute
Dmfarray ISODRAFT Reference Dimension attribute
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:157 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

MATN Material Note

Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

4.16.6 Grille Element (GRILLE)

HVAC Component Element

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Cmpx Comparator/Design-Manager exclusion text attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Jnumber Old spooler joint number
Joiprefix Old spooler joint number prefix
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:158 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items

Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

4.16.7 Access Panel Element (HACC)

HVAC Component Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Cstref Constraint reference
Laxes Local axes
Attype Attachment type
Lend Line end

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:159 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Cref Connection reference

Stext S Text string
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Dmtype ISODRAFT Reference Dimension attribute
Dmfarray ISODRAFT Reference Dimension attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Angle Angle
Matref Material reference
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

4.16.8 Fan Element (HFAN)

HVAC Component Element

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:160 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Built Built/Unbuilt flag

Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Angle Angle
Height Height
Radius Radius
Loffline Offline flag
Crfarray Connection reference array
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Cmpx Comparator/Design-Manager exclusion text attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Jnumber Old spooler joint number
Joiprefix Old spooler joint number prefix
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Mdsysf Reference Array of Model and Design Elements
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:161 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

4.16.9 Saddle Element (HSADDLE)

HVAC Component Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Cstref Constraint reference
Laxes Local axes
Attype Attachment type
Lend Line end
Cref Connection reference
Stext S Text string
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Dmtype ISODRAFT Reference Dimension attribute
Dmfarray ISODRAFT Reference Dimension attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:162 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component

Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Angle Angle
Matref Material reference
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

4.16.10 Internal Damper Element (IDAM)

HVAC Component Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Cstref Constraint reference
Laxes Local axes
Attype Attachment type
Lend Line end
Cref Connection reference
Stext S Text string

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:163 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Csfbreak Spooling marker for components

Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Dmtype ISODRAFT Reference Dimension attribute
Dmfarray ISODRAFT Reference Dimension attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Angle Angle
Matref Material reference
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

4.16.11 Mesh Element (MESH)

HVAC Component Element

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:164 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Isohidden Isohidden flag

Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Cmpx Comparator/Design-Manager exclusion text attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Jnumber Old spooler joint number
Joiprefix Old spooler joint number prefix
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

4.16.12 Offset Element (OFST)

HVAC Component Element

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:165 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Cref Connection reference
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Cmpx Comparator/Design-Manager exclusion text attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Jnumber Old spooler joint number
Joiprefix Old spooler joint number prefix
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:166 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

4.16.13 Plate Element (PLATE)

HVAC Component Element

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Cref Connection reference
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Cmpx Comparator/Design-Manager exclusion text attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Jnumber Old spooler joint number
Joiprefix Old spooler joint number prefix
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:167 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)

Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

4.16.14 Plenum Element (PLENUM)

HVAC Component Element

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Cref Connection reference
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Cmpx Comparator/Design-Manager exclusion text attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Jnumber Old spooler joint number
Joiprefix Old spooler joint number prefix
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:168 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items

Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

4.16.15 Silencer Element (SILENCER)

HVAC Component Element

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Angle Angle
Height Height
Radius Radius
Loffline Offline flag
Crfarray Connection reference array

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:169 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Csfbreak Spooling marker for components

Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Cmpx Comparator/Design-Manager exclusion text attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Jnumber Old spooler joint number
Joiprefix Old spooler joint number prefix
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

4.16.16 Skirt Element (SKIR)

HVAC Component Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:170 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Isohidden Isohidden flag

Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Cstref Constraint reference
Laxes Local axes
Attype Attachment type
Lend Line end
Cref Connection reference
Stext S Text string
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Dmtype ISODRAFT Reference Dimension attribute
Dmfarray ISODRAFT Reference Dimension attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Angle Angle
Matref Material reference
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:171 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Legal Members:

4.16.17 Splitter Element (SPLR)

HVAC Component Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Cstref Constraint reference
Laxes Local axes
Attype Attachment type
Lend Line end
Cref Connection reference
Stext S Text string
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Dmtype ISODRAFT Reference Dimension attribute
Dmfarray ISODRAFT Reference Dimension attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:172 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Bselector Bolt Selector

MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Angle Angle
Matref Material reference
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

4.16.18 Straight Element (STRT)

HVAC Component Element

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Cref Connection reference
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Cmpx Comparator/Design-Manager exclusion text attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:173 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Jnumber Old spooler joint number

Joiprefix Old spooler joint number prefix
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

4.16.19 Taper Element (TAPER)

HVAC Component Element

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Cref Connection reference

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:174 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Csfbreak Spooling marker for components

Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Cmpx Comparator/Design-Manager exclusion text attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Jnumber Old spooler joint number
Joiprefix Old spooler joint number prefix
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

4.16.20 Threeway Element (THREEWAY)

HVAC Component Element

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:175 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Spref Component spec reference

Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Angle Angle
Height Height
Radius Radius
Loffline Offline flag
Cref Connection reference
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Cmpx Comparator/Design-Manager exclusion text attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Jnumber Old spooler joint number
Joiprefix Old spooler joint number prefix
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Dmtype ISODRAFT Reference Dimension attribute
Dmfarray ISODRAFT Reference Dimension attribute
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:176 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Legal Members:

4.16.21 Test Point Element (TP)

HVAC Component Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Cstref Constraint reference
Laxes Local axes
Attype Attachment type
Lend Line end
Cref Connection reference
Stext S Text string
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Dmtype ISODRAFT Reference Dimension attribute
Dmfarray ISODRAFT Reference Dimension attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:177 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Bselector Bolt Selector

MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Angle Angle
Matref Material reference
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

4.16.22 Transformation Piece Element (TRNS)

HVAC Component Element

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Cref Connection reference
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Cmpx Comparator/Design-Manager exclusion text attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:178 12 Series

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Elements in the Design Database

Jnumber Old spooler joint number

Joiprefix Old spooler joint number prefix
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

4.17 Elements in Ladder Category

4.17.1 Cage Segment Element (CAGSEG)

Ladder Element

Name Name of the element
Function Function
Description Description of the element
Number Number
Matref Material reference
FireRating Fire rating
Firesistance Fire resistance
ExtRef References to exit level
StaElevation Start Elevation
EndElevation End Elevation
PitchOffset Angular offset from ladder pitch
AssTmpReference Assembly Template Reference
LabOffset Label offset

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Legal Owners:
Ladder Cage Element (LDRCAGE)

Legal Members:
Structural Generic Section Element (GENSEC)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

4.17.2 Ladder Element (LADDER)

Ladder Element

Name Name of the element
Area Area
Purpose Description code word
Function Function
Description Description of the element
Number Number
Matref Material reference
FireRating Fire rating
Firesistance Fire resistance
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
ORise Overall Rising
OGoing Overall Going
Rise Tread Rise
RWidth Rung Width
Headroom Headroom
UExtnsion Upper Extension Length
HeadClearance Head Clearance
Lowgap Lower Gap
FootRoom Clear space behind each rung
Dcrfarray Array of Design datasets for Design Code/Criteria
ASLStandard ASL Standard Reference
ASLSbStandard ASL Substandard Reference
AssTmpReference Assembly Template Reference
LabOffset Label offset

Legal Owners:
Detail Group Element (DETGRP)
Structure Element (STRUCTURE)

Legal Members:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Handrail Element (HANDRA)
Ladder Cage Element (LDRCAGE)

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Ladder Exit Element (LDREXT)

Ladder Rung Element (LDRRUN)
Ladder Stringer Element (LDRSTR)
Rung Set Element (RUNGSET)

4.17.3 Ladder Cage Element (LDRCAGE)

Ladder Element

Name Name of the element
Function Function
Description Description of the element
Number Number
Matref Material reference
FireRating Fire rating
Firesistance Fire resistance
CAGOFF Cage Offset
CAGSIZ Cage Size
AssTmpReference Assembly Template Reference
LabOffset Label offset

Legal Owners:
Ladder Element (LADDER)

Legal Members:
Cage Segment Element (CAGSEG)

4.17.4 Ladder Exit Element (LDREXT)

Ladder Element

Name Name of the element
Function Function
Description Description of the element
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Elevation Elevation
ExtRef References to exit level
ExtDir Direction of ladder exit
LabOffset Label offset

Legal Owners:
Ladder Element (LADDER)

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Legal Members:

4.17.5 Ladder Rung Element (LDRRUN)

Ladder Element

Name Name of the element
Function Function
Description Description of the element
Number Number
Matref Material reference
FireRating Fire rating
Firesistance Fire resistance
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
RungSpacing Rung Spacing
AssTmpReference Assembly Template Reference
LabOffset Label offset

Legal Owners:
Ladder Element (LADDER)
Rung Set Element (RUNGSET)

Legal Members:
Structural Generic Section Element (GENSEC)
Panel Element (PANEL)

4.17.6 Ladder Stringer Element (LDRSTR)

Ladder Element

Name Name of the element
Function Function
Description Description of the element
Number Number
Matref Material reference
FireRating Fire rating
Firesistance Fire resistance
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
UExtnsion Upper Extension Length
PitchOffset Angular offset from ladder pitch
AssTmpReference Assembly Template Reference
LabOffset Label offset

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Legal Owners:
Ladder Element (LADDER)

Legal Members:
Structural Generic Section Element (GENSEC)
Panel Element (PANEL)

4.17.7 Rung Set Element (RUNGSET)

Ladder Element

Name Name of the element
Area Area
Function Function
Description Description of the element
Matref Material reference
FireRating Fire rating
Firesistance Fire resistance
Position Position
Orientation Orientation

Legal Owners:
Ladder Element (LADDER)

Legal Members:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Ladder Rung Element (LDRRUN)

4.18 Elements in Laser Modelling Category

4.18.1 External Geometry Cell Element (XCELL)

Laser Modelling Element

Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Position Position
Xlength X length
Ylength Y length
Zlength Z length

Legal Owners:
External Geometry Small Cube Element (XCELS)

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Legal Members:

4.18.2 External Geometry Small Cube Element (XCELS)

Laser Modelling Element

Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:
External Geometry Large Cube Element (XCLTN)

Legal Members:
External Geometry Cell Element (XCELL)

4.18.3 External Geometry Large Cube Element (XCLTN)

Laser Modelling Element

Name Name of the element
Position Position

Legal Owners:
External Geometry Element (XGEOMETRY)

Legal Members:
External Geometry Small Cube Element (XCELS)

4.18.4 External Geometry Element (XGEOMETRY)

Laser Modelling Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Area Area
Position Position
VenID LMI Vendor ID
ModID LMI Model ID
DaTim LMI Date/time

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Legal Owners:
Zone Element (ZONE)

Legal Members:
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
External Geometry Large Cube Element (XCLTN)

4.19 Elements in Link Category

4.19.1 Document Element (DOCU)

Link Element
Primary Element

Purpose Description code word
Name Name of the element
Function Function
Dfnm Document filename

Legal Owners:
Document Set Element (DOST)

Legal Members:
Sub Document Element (SUBDOCU)

4.19.2 Document Set Element (DOST)

Link Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Document World Element (DOWLD)

Legal Members:
Document Element (DOCU)

4.19.3 Document World Element (DOWLD)

Link Element
Primary Element

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Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Document Set Element (DOST)

4.19.4 Hold Element (HOLDEL)

Link Element


Legal Owners:

Legal Members:

4.19.5 Holds Folder Element (HOLDFL)

Link Element


Legal Owners:

Legal Members:

4.19.6 Link Document Element (LINKWLD)

Link Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

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Legal Members:
Link Class Element (LNCLAS)
Link Descriptor Element (LNDESC)
Link Folder Element (LNFOLD)

4.19.7 Link Class Element (LNCLAS)

Link Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Link Folder Element (LNFOLD)
Link Document Element (LINKWLD)

Legal Members:

4.19.8 Link Descriptor Element (LNDESC)

Link Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
LnkPrp TRUE if item pointed to by descriptor should be propagated
by Global
LnkUse Link Descriptor Usage

Legal Owners:
Link Folder Element (LNFOLD)
Link Document Element (LINKWLD)

Legal Members:
Link Element (LNLINK)

4.19.9 Link Folder Element (LNFOLD)

Link Element
Primary Element

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Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Link Folder Element (LNFOLD)
Link Document Element (LINKWLD)

Legal Members:
Link Class Element (LNCLAS)
Link Descriptor Element (LNDESC)
Link Folder Element (LNFOLD)

4.19.10 Link Element (LNLINK)

Link Element
Primary Element


Legal Owners:
Link Descriptor Element (LNDESC)

Legal Members:

4.19.11 Sub-sub Document Element (SSBDOCU)

Link Element

Name Name of the element
Docref Document reference

Legal Owners:
Sub Document Element (SUBDOCU)

Legal Members:

4.19.12 Sub Document Element (SUBDOCU)

Link Element

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Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:
Document Element (DOCU)

Legal Members:
Sub-sub Document Element (SSBDOCU)

4.20 Elements in Pipe Piece Category

4.20.1 HVAC Spool List Element (HSLIST)

Pipe Piece Element

Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:
HVAC Element (HVAC)

Legal Members:
HVAC Spool Element (HSPOOL)

4.20.2 HVAC Spool Element (HSPOOL)

Pipe Piece Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
HSARFA HVACSpool arrive references
HSLRFA HVACSpool leave references

Legal Owners:
HVAC Spool List Element (HSLIST)

Legal Members:

4.20.3 Pipe Piece Element (PPIECE)

Pipe Piece Element

Name Name of the element
AELRFA Boundary components for the PipePiece

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BENDMC Bending Machine Reference

MCBENT Machine bent
BWITHF Bend with flow
AWDARR Auto weld arrive flange
AWDLEV Auto weld leave flange
WELDMC Welding Machine Reference
UAEXSS User Excess Arrive
UEEXSS User End Excess
BAEXSS Bending Excess Arrive
BLEXSS Bending Leave Excess
FEDEXS Feed excess values
MINFED Minimum feed values
STOCKL Stock Length
PPMODI Pipe piece modified
PPFMCV Pipe piece fabrication machines verified
PPCNBD Pipe piece contains bends
PPCutLength Cut Length
PPFinLength Finished Length

Legal Owners:
Pipe Piece List Element (PPLIST)

Legal Members:

4.20.4 Pipe Piece List Element (PPLIST)

Pipe Piece Element

Name Name of the element
BREF Branch Reference

Legal Owners:
Pipe Element (PIPE)

Legal Members:
Pipe Piece Element (PPIECE)

4.20.5 Pipe Spool List Element (PSLIST)

Pipe Piece Element

Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:
Pipe Element (PIPE)

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Legal Members:
Pipe Spool Element (PSPOOL)

4.20.6 Pipe Spool Element (PSPOOL)

Pipe Piece Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
PLANU Planning Unit
PSTYP Spool Type
PSARFA Pipespool arrive references
PSLRFA Pipespool leave references

Legal Owners:
Pipe Spool List Element (PSLIST)

Legal Members:

4.21 Elements in Piping Component Category

4.21.1 Attachment Point Element (ATTACHMENT)

Piping Component Element
Primary Element

The ATTACHMENT point has three main applications:
• To allow pipe HANGARS to be connected to a point in the BRANCH
• To indicate a special point on the BRANCH which can be dimensioned, labelled, and so
• To allow forces, moments, for example: to be applied to the BRANCH during pipe
The ATTA is created, selected and consistency-checked in the same way as other
Components. However, it is ignored as an in-line fitting by the CONNECT command and is
ignored by the reporting utility when listing tube lengths.

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag

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Elements in the Design Database

Spref Component spec reference

Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Cstref Constraint reference
Laxes Local axes
Attype Attachment type
Lend Line end
Cref Connection reference
Stext S Text string
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Dmtype ISODRAFT Reference Dimension attribute
Dmfarray ISODRAFT Reference Dimension attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkbrk ATTA flag to treat as a real element
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Fstatus Fstatus
Angle Angle
Matref Material reference
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

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Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

4.21.2 Bend Element (BEND)

Piping Component Element

Used where a bend is made in tubing. As the Implied Tube must be straight, it is necessary
to insert such a "Component" where any change of direction occurs. (The element is not the
same as an ELBO, which is a separate catalogue component.)

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Angle Angle
Radius Radius
Loffline Offline flag
Cref Connection reference
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Cmpx Comparator/Design-Manager exclusion text attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Jnumber Old spooler joint number
Joiprefix Old spooler joint number prefix
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items

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Elements in the Design Database

Spsp Old spooler spool prefix

Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Dmtype ISODRAFT Reference Dimension attribute
Dmfarray ISODRAFT Reference Dimension attribute
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Ncuts Number of cuts in a mitred bend
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

4.21.3 Branch Connector Element (BRCO)

Piping Component Element

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Angle Angle
Height Height
Radius Radius

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Loffline Offline flag

Cref Connection reference
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Cmpx Comparator/Design-Manager exclusion text attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Jnumber Old spooler joint number
Joiprefix Old spooler joint number prefix
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Dmtype ISODRAFT Reference Dimension attribute
Dmfarray ISODRAFT Reference Dimension attribute
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

4.21.4 Cap Element (CAP)

Piping Component Element

Component for capping a pipe.

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Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Cmpx Comparator/Design-Manager exclusion text attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Jnumber Old spooler joint number
Joiprefix Old spooler joint number prefix
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Legal Members:

4.21.5 Closure Element (CLOSURE)

Piping Component Element

Component for piping closure.

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Height Height
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Cmpx Comparator/Design-Manager exclusion text attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Jnumber Old spooler joint number
Joiprefix Old spooler joint number prefix
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)

Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

4.21.6 Coupling Element (COUPLING)

Piping Component Element

Component for full or half couplings.

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Loffline Offline flag
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Cmpx Comparator/Design-Manager exclusion text attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Jnumber Old spooler joint number

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Joiprefix Old spooler joint number prefix

Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

4.21.7 Cross Element (CROSS)

Piping Component Element

Multi-way component for straight cross or reducing cross.

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference

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Tspec Tracing spec reference

Angle Angle
Height Height
Radius Radius
Loffline Offline flag
Crfarray Connection reference array
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Cmpx Comparator/Design-Manager exclusion text attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Jnumber Old spooler joint number
Joiprefix Old spooler joint number prefix
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Dmtype ISODRAFT Reference Dimension attribute
Dmfarray ISODRAFT Reference Dimension attribute
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

4.21.8 Ducting Element (DUCTING)

Piping Component Element

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:200 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

General component for rectangular HVAC ducting straights.

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Cmpx Comparator/Design-Manager exclusion text attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Jnumber Old spooler joint number
Joiprefix Old spooler joint number prefix
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:201 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

4.21.9 Elbow Element (ELBOW)

Piping Component Element

Component for elbows and returns.

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Angle Angle
Radius Radius
Cref Connection reference
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Cmpx Comparator/Design-Manager exclusion text attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Jnumber Old spooler joint number
Joiprefix Old spooler joint number prefix
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:202 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component

Dmtype ISODRAFT Reference Dimension attribute
Dmfarray ISODRAFT Reference Dimension attribute
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

4.21.10 Blind Flange Element (FBLIND)

Piping Component Element

Component for blind flanges

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:203 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Mtoref Extra material list spec references

Cmpx Comparator/Design-Manager exclusion text attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Jnumber Old spooler joint number
Joiprefix Old spooler joint number prefix
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

4.21.11 Filter Element (FILTER)

Piping Component Element

Component for filters.

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:204 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Lstube Leave tube reference

Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Angle Angle
Height Height
Radius Radius
Cref Connection reference
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Cmpx Comparator/Design-Manager exclusion text attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Jnumber Old spooler joint number
Joiprefix Old spooler joint number prefix
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:205 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

4.21.12 Flange Element (FLANGE)

Piping Component Element

Component for all classes of flange

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Loose Loose
Height Height
Cref Connection reference
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Cmpx Comparator/Design-Manager exclusion text attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Jnumber Old spooler joint number
Joiprefix Old spooler joint number prefix
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Allowance Allowance
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:206 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)

Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

4.21.13 Fixed Length Tube Element (FTUBE)

Piping Component Element

The component is for stubs or tube or minimum allowed length. It is easier to specify these
as Components from a Specification where the minimum lengths are stored. However,
unlike Implied Tube, the reporting utility does not currently add these lengths when totalling
Tube for a BRANCH.

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Height Height
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Cmpx Comparator/Design-Manager exclusion text attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:207 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Ptntube Old spooler tube part number

Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Jnumber Old spooler joint number
Joiprefix Old spooler joint number prefix
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

4.21.14 Gasket Element (GASKET)

Piping Component Element

Component for gaskets.

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:208 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Oriflag Orientation flag

Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Height Height
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Cmpx Comparator/Design-Manager exclusion text attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Jnumber Old spooler joint number
Joiprefix Old spooler joint number prefix
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

4.21.15 Instrument Element (INSTRUMENT)

Piping Component Element

Component for in-line instruments (for example: flow measurement).

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:209 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Angle Angle
Height Height
Radius Radius
Loffline Offline flag
Crfarray Connection reference array
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Cmpx Comparator/Design-Manager exclusion text attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Jnumber Old spooler joint number
Joiprefix Old spooler joint number prefix
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Mdsysf Reference Array of Model and Design Elements
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:210 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

4.21.16 Lap-joint Stub End Element (LJSE)

Piping Component Element

Component for lap-joint (or "Van Stone") flanges.

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Height Height
Loose Loose
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Cmpx Comparator/Design-Manager exclusion text attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Jnumber Old spooler joint number
Joiprefix Old spooler joint number prefix
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:211 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Allowance Allowance
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

4.21.17 Olet Element (OLET)

Piping Component Element

Component for olets of all types.

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Angle Angle
Height Height
Radius Radius
Loffline Offline flag
Cref Connection reference
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:212 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube

Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Cmpx Comparator/Design-Manager exclusion text attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Jnumber Old spooler joint number
Joiprefix Old spooler joint number prefix
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Dmtype ISODRAFT Reference Dimension attribute
Dmfarray ISODRAFT Reference Dimension attribute
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

4.21.18 Piping Component Element (PCOMPONENT)

Piping Component Element

Element for any type of component not covered by the other classifications.

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:213 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Desparam Design parameters

Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Angle Angle
Height Height
Radius Radius
Loffline Offline flag
Crfarray Connection reference array
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Cmpx Comparator/Design-Manager exclusion text attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Jnumber Old spooler joint number
Joiprefix Old spooler joint number prefix
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Fstatus Fstatus
Mdsysf Reference Array of Model and Design Elements
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:214 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

4.21.19 Reducer Element (REDUCER)

Piping Component Element

Component for all classes of reducers, swages, inserts and so on.

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Cref Connection reference
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Cmpx Comparator/Design-Manager exclusion text attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Jnumber Old spooler joint number
Joiprefix Old spooler joint number prefix
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:215 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Invfarray Array of Inventory Items

Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

4.21.20 Standard Hook-up Element (SHU)

Piping Component Element

Component for general usage by items not covered by the other Component types.

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Angle Angle
Height Height
Radius Radius
Loffline Offline flag
Crfarray Connection reference array
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:216 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Splt Old spooler tube spool number

Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Cmpx Comparator/Design-Manager exclusion text attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Jnumber Old spooler joint number
Joiprefix Old spooler joint number prefix
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

4.21.21 Stiffener Element (STIFFENER)

Piping Component Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:217 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Arrive Arrive Ppoint

Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Cstref Constraint reference
Laxes Local axes
Attype Attachment type
Lend Line end
Cref Connection reference
Stext S Text string
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Dmtype ISODRAFT Reference Dimension attribute
Dmfarray ISODRAFT Reference Dimension attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Angle Angle
Matref Material reference
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:218 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

4.21.22 Tee Element (TEE)

Piping Component Element

Component for all classes of tee, lateral set-on branch, stub-ins, and so on.

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Angle Angle
Height Height
Radius Radius
Loffline Offline flag
Cref Connection reference
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Cmpx Comparator/Design-Manager exclusion text attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Jnumber Old spooler joint number
Joiprefix Old spooler joint number prefix
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Dmtype ISODRAFT Reference Dimension attribute
Dmfarray ISODRAFT Reference Dimension attribute
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Invfarray Array of Inventory Items

Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

4.21.23 Trap Element (TRAP)

Piping Component Element

Component for all classes of separators, strainers, screens and driplegs.

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Angle Angle
Height Height
Radius Radius
Cref Connection reference
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Mtoref Extra material list spec references

Cmpx Comparator/Design-Manager exclusion text attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Jnumber Old spooler joint number
Joiprefix Old spooler joint number prefix
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

4.21.24 Union Element (UNION)

Piping Component Element

Component for any class of union, connector or bushing.

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Lstube Leave tube reference

Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Cmpx Comparator/Design-Manager exclusion text attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Jnumber Old spooler joint number
Joiprefix Old spooler joint number prefix
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

4.21.25 Valve Element (VALVE)

Piping Component Element

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Component for all classes of two-way valve.

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Angle Angle
Height Height
Radius Radius
Cref Connection reference
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Cmpx Comparator/Design-Manager exclusion text attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Jnumber Old spooler joint number
Joiprefix Old spooler joint number prefix
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:223 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch

Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Mdsysf Reference Array of Model and Design Elements
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

4.21.26 Vent Element (VENT)

Piping Component Element

Component for vents.

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Cmpx Comparator/Design-Manager exclusion text attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Jnumber Old spooler joint number
Joiprefix Old spooler joint number prefix
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Spsp Old spooler spool prefix

Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

4.21.27 Four Way Valve Element (VFWAY)

Piping Component Element

Component for all classes of four-way valve.

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Angle Angle
Height Height
Radius Radius

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Crfarray Connection reference array

Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Cmpx Comparator/Design-Manager exclusion text attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Jnumber Old spooler joint number
Joiprefix Old spooler joint number prefix
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Mdsysf Reference Array of Model and Design Elements
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

4.21.28 Three Way Valve Element (VTWAY)

Piping Component Element

Component for all classes of three-way valve.

Name Name of the element
Position Position

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Angle Angle
Height Height
Radius Radius
Cref Connection reference
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Cmpx Comparator/Design-Manager exclusion text attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Jnumber Old spooler joint number
Joiprefix Old spooler joint number prefix
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute
Nwelds Number of attached welds on a piping component
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Mdsysf Reference Array of Model and Design Elements
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 4:227 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

4.21.29 Weld Element (WELD)

Piping Component Element

Component for itemised welds.

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Spref Component spec reference
Lstube Leave tube reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Oriflag Orientation flag
Posflag Positioning flag
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Angle Angle
Height Height
Allowance Allowance
Loffline Offline flag
Csfbreak Spooling marker for components
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Spln Old spooler component spool number
Splt Old spooler tube spool number
Mtoref Extra material list spec references
Cmpx Comparator/Design-Manager exclusion text attribute
Ptno Old spooler component part number
Ptntube Old spooler tube part number
Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number
Jnumber Old spooler joint number
Joiprefix Old spooler joint number prefix
Mtocomponent Material list control for components
Mtotube Material list control for components leave tube
Mtoxarray Old spooler addition items
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Dpfname ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Dpgridref ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid reference attribute

Wldnumber Weld number
Wldprefix Weld number prefix
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bselector Bolt Selector
MATN Material Note
Rlock Branch Member Creation Status code (Router)
Rlinclude Array of references of special rules to include
Rlexclude Array of references of special rules to exclude
Hrelative Branch Member Head relative flag (Router)
Spkchg flag to show where a spec change occurs in a branch
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Branch Element (BRANCH)

Legal Members:

4.22 Elements in Piping Fabrication Category

4.22.1 Fabrication Machine Bending Dimension Element (FMBDIM)

Piping Fabrication Element

Name Name of the element
OD Outer Diameter
WThickness Wall thickness
Grip Minimum distance between bends
MLEFlange Minimum length excluding flange
MLIFlange Minimum length including flange
FCMeasure Flange correction measure
BRadius Bend radius
AwdFln Bending machine accepts autowelded flanges

Legal Owners:
Fabrication Machine Bending Element (FMBEND)

Legal Members:

4.22.2 Fabrication Machine Bending Element (FMBEND)

Piping Fabrication Element

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
STFProportional Proportional stretch factor
STFConstant Constant stretch factor
MaxLP Maximum length of pipe
Compensate Compensate bending activities for springback
AwdFln Bending machine accepts autowelded flanges
BMClockwise True if bending machine bends clockwise

Legal Owners:
Fabrication Machine Group Element (FMGRP)

Legal Members:
Fabrication Machine Bending Dimension Element (FMBDIM)
Fabrication Machine Bending Plane Element (FMBPLN)
Fabrication Machine Bending Springback-stretch Factor Element (FMBSST)

4.22.3 Fabrication Machine Bending Plane Element (FMBPLN)

Piping Fabrication Element

Name Name of the element
MinPlnPosition Minimum Plane Position
MaxPlnPosition Maximum Plane Position

Legal Owners:
Fabrication Machine Bending Element (FMBEND)

Legal Members:

4.22.4 Fabrication Machine Bending Springback-stretch Factor Element

Piping Fabrication Element

Name Name of the element
OD Outer Diameter
WThickness Wall thickness
Matref Material reference
ANGSPA Springback angle at 20 degrees
ANGSPB Springback angle at 120 degrees
STFProportional Proportional stretch factor
STFConstant Constant stretch factor

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Legal Owners:
Fabrication Machine Bending Element (FMBEND)

Legal Members:

4.22.5 Fabrication Machine Group Element (FMGRP)

Piping Fabrication Element

Purpose Description code word
Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Fabrication Machine World Element (FMWLD)

Legal Members:
Fabrication Machine Bending Element (FMBEND)
Fabrication Machine Welding Element (FMWELD)

4.22.6 Fabrication Machine Welding Element (FMWELD)

Piping Fabrication Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
MinOD Minimum Outer Diameter
MaxOD Maximum Outer Diameter
MinLP Minimum length of pipe
MaxLP Maximum length of pipe

Legal Owners:
Fabrication Machine Group Element (FMGRP)

Legal Members:
Fabrication Machine Welding Skey Element (FMWSK)

4.22.7 Fabrication Machine World Element (FMWLD)

Piping Fabrication Element
Primary Element

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Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Fabrication Machine Group Element (FMGRP)

4.22.8 Fabrication Machine Welding Skey Element (FMWSK)

Piping Fabrication Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Skey Symbol key

Legal Owners:
Fabrication Machine Welding Element (FMWELD)

Legal Members:

4.23 Elements in Piping Major Items Category

4.23.1 Branch Element (BRANCH)

Piping Major Items Element
Primary Element

The BRANCH is the key element for all routed piping in the Design model. It represents a
two-ended entity whose route is defined by its Head, Tail and the sequence of Components
(Members) between. A BRANCH Head or Tail may be connected to NOZZLEs, multi-way
Components such as TEEs, or other BRANCH Heads or Tails. Alternatively, a Head or Tail
may be positioned explicitly in space. (All the commands which control the Head and Tail
attributes are described in Spooler Database.) The remaining BRANCH attributes are for:
• Functional Use
• Information storage

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word

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Elements in the Design Database

Built Built/Unbuilt flag

Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Hposition Head position
Tposition Tail position
Hdirection Head direction
Tdirection Tail direction
Href Head reference
Tref Tail reference
Lhead Logical head flag
Ltail Logical tail flag
Hbore Head bore
Tbore Tail bore
Hconnect Head connection type
Tconnect Tail connection type
Detail Detail flag
Lstressed Stress flag
Linetype Line type
Erection Erection class
Temperature Temperature
Pressure Pressure
TPressure TestPressure
Flowdirection Flow direction
Hstube Head tube specification
Ccentre Cost centre
Cclass Cost class
Safclass Safety class
Matref Material reference
Fluref Fluid reference
Casref Case reference
Pspec Pipe specification
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Duty Duty
Dscode Design code
Ptspec Paint specification
Inschedule Inspection schedule
Splh Old spooler head tube spool number
Hdmtype ISODRAFT Reference Dimension attribute
Hdmfarray ISODRAFT Reference Dimension attribute
Tdmtype ISODRAFT Reference Dimension attribute
Tdmfarray ISODRAFT Reference Dimension attribute
Lissue True if drawing has been issued
Wmaximum Maximum weld number in current spool drawing
Pmaximum Maximum part number in current spool drawing
Ptnhead Old spooler head tube part number
Smaximum Maximum spool number in current spool drawing
Jmaximum Maximum joint number in current spool drawing
Mtohead Material list control for head tube

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Ptnbarray Old spooler bolt part number

Drrf Old spooler drawing reference
Spsp Old spooler spool prefix
Jnumber Old spooler joint number
Joiprefix Old spooler joint number prefix
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
BendMacReference Bending Machine reference
Inco Array of integers for ROUTER internal points
PLANU Planning Unit
Bstatus Branch Status code (Router)
Hwrf Head Working Point (Router)
Twrf Tail Working Point (Router)
Brlock Branch Positioning Status code (Router)
Rlstored Array of ROUTER saved rules
Tsfbreak Spooling marker for leave tube
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Mdsysf Reference Array of Model and Design Elements
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference
Sloreference Pipe slope reference

Legal Owners:
HVAC Element (HVAC)
Pipe Element (PIPE)

Legal Members:
Air Handling Unit Element (AHU)
Attachment Point Element (ATTACHMENT)
Battery Element (BATTERY)
Bend Element (BEND)
Branch Connector Element (BRCO)
Cap Element (CAP)
Closure Element (CLOSURE)
Coupling Element (COUPLING)
Cowl Element (COWL)
Cross Element (CROSS)
Damper Element (DAMPER)
Ducting Element (DUCTING)
Elbow Element (ELBOW)
Blind Flange Element (FBLIND)
Filter Element (FILTER)
Flange Element (FLANGE)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Flexible Element (FLEXIBLE)

Fixed Length Tube Element (FTUBE)
Gasket Element (GASKET)
Grille Element (GRILLE)
Access Panel Element (HACC)
Fan Element (HFAN)
Saddle Element (HSADDLE)
Internal Damper Element (IDAM)
Instrument Element (INSTRUMENT)
Lap-joint Stub End Element (LJSE)
Mesh Element (MESH)
Offset Element (OFST)
Olet Element (OLET)
Piping Component Element (PCOMPONENT)
Plate Element (PLATE)
Plenum Element (PLENUM)
Reducer Element (REDUCER)
Standard Hook-up Element (SHU)
Silencer Element (SILENCER)
Skirt Element (SKIR)
Splitter Element (SPLR)
Stiffener Element (STIFFENER)
Straight Element (STRT)
Taper Element (TAPER)
Tee Element (TEE)
Threeway Element (THREEWAY)
Test Point Element (TP)
Trap Element (TRAP)
Transformation Piece Element (TRNS)
Union Element (UNION)
Valve Element (VALVE)
Vent Element (VENT)
Four Way Valve Element (VFWAY)
Three Way Valve Element (VTWAY)
Weld Element (WELD)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

4.23.2 Pipe Hanger Element (HANGER)

Piping Major Items Element
Primary Element

The HANGER is a two-ended entity which is routed between a BRANCH and supporting
steelwork. It is analogous in many respects to the BRANCH element and can own
Components routed between a Head and Tail. The Head or Tail can be connected to a
piping attachment point (ATTA) or positioned specifically, for example: on a supporting
member. Its attributes can be classified as follows:
• Functional and Information attributes for the complete HANGAR (described here).
• Head and Tail attributes (already described).

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Area Area
Hspec Hanger specification
Hsrod Headrod specification
Htype Hanger type
Nload Nominal load
Lhead Logical head flag
Ltail Logical tail flag
Hposition Head position
Tposition Tail position
Hdirection Head direction
Tdirection Tail direction
Href Head reference
Tref Tail reference
Hconnect Head connection type
Tconnect Tail connection type
Hbore Head bore
Tbore Tail bore
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items

Legal Owners:
Restraint Element (RESTRAINT)

Legal Members:
Beam Bolting Attachment Element (BBOLT)
Beam Welding Attachment Element (BWLD)
Clevis Element (CLEVIS)

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Elements in the Design Database

Eyenut Element (EYENUT)

Eye Rod Element (EYRD)
Hanger Element (HELEMENT)
Hanger Nut Element (HNUT)
Hanger Pin Element (HPIN)
Hanger Rod Element (HROD)
Pipe Clamp Element (PCLAMP)
Pipe Clip Element (PCLIP)
Pipe Lug Element (PLUG)
PCLA Overstrap Element (POST)
Rod Coupling Element (RCPL)
Steel Clamp Element (SCLAMP)
Shoe Element (SHOE)
Steel Lug Attachment Element (SLUG)
Snubber Element (SNUB)
SCLA Overstrap Element (SOST)
Spacer Element (SPACER)
Steel Section Element (STLS)
Sway Brace Element (SWBR)
Turnbuckle Element (TRNB)
Trunnion Element (TRNN)
U Bolt Element (UBOLT)
Variable Effort Spring Hanger Element (VSPR)
Washer Element (WASH)
Wear Pad Element (WPAD)

4.23.3 HVAC Element (HVAC)

Piping Major Items Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Bore Bore
Temperature Temperature

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Pressure Pressure
TPressure TestPressure
Pspec Pipe specification
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Matref Material reference
Fluref Fluid reference
Casref Case reference
Ccentre Cost centre
Cclass Cost class
Linetype Line type
Erection Erection class
Rev Pipe Revision number
Safclass Safety class
Duty Duty
Dscode Design code
Ptspec Paint specification
Inschedule Inspection schedule
Skey Symbol key
Lissue True if drawing has been issued
Wmaximum Maximum weld number in current spool drawing
Pmaximum Maximum part number in current spool drawing
Smaximum Maximum spool number in current spool drawing
Jmaximum Maximum joint number in current spool drawing
Drrf Old spooler drawing reference
Cdrg Isodraft Compipe: Drawing number
Cnumber Isodraft Compipe: Line number
Carea Isodraft Compipe: Area
Splprefix Spool number prefix
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Mdsysf Reference Array of Model and Design Elements
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Zone Element (ZONE)

Legal Members:
Branch Element (BRANCH)
HVAC Spool List Element (HSLIST)
Restraint Element (RESTRAINT)
Text Element (TEXT)

4.23.4 Pipe Element (PIPE)

Piping Major Items Element
Primary Element

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The PIPE is an administrative owner of one or more two-ended BRANCHes. Usually a PIPE
will include a principle BRANCH routed between two NOZZLES, with subsidiary
BRANCHes for control loops, bypasses to spare pumps and so on. The PIPE contains
functional attributes of three types:
• Those which are used directly from the PIPE element (by modules such as
ISODRAFT) as a collective attribute for all the BRANCHes in the PIPE, for example:
Pipe Spec (PSPE).
• Those which have no direct significance at PIPE level, but which are cascaded
downwards to member BRANCHes (or even Components) where they perform a
particular function, for example: TEMPERATURE - only used by Branch for insulation,
stressing and so on.
• Information attributes that can only be reported on, for example: BUILT.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Isohidden Isohidden flag
Bore Bore
Temperature Temperature
Pressure Pressure
TPressure TestPressure
Pspec Pipe specification
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Matref Material reference
Fluref Fluid reference
Casref Case reference
Ccentre Cost centre
Cclass Cost class
Linetype Line type
Erection Erection class
Rev Pipe Revision number
Safclass Safety class
Duty Duty
Dscode Design code
Ptspec Paint specification
Inschedule Inspection schedule
Skey Symbol key
Lissue True if drawing has been issued
Wmaximum Maximum weld number in current spool drawing
Pmaximum Maximum part number in current spool drawing
Smaximum Maximum spool number in current spool drawing
Jmaximum Maximum joint number in current spool drawing
Drrf Old spooler drawing reference

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Cdrg Isodraft Compipe: Drawing number

Cnumber Isodraft Compipe: Line number
Carea Isodraft Compipe: Area
Splprefix Spool number prefix
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
BendMacReference Bending Machine reference
Rlstored Array of ROUTER saved rules
Deldsg Delivery Designation flag
Farea Construction area
Fpline Process line number
Fdrawing Isometric drawing number
Frevision Isometric drawing revision
Frdrawing Reference drawings
Fstatus Fstatus
PLANU Planning Unit
JNTC Joint Code
WLDC Weld Code
HEATT Heat Treatment
Mdsysf Reference Array of Model and Design Elements
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference
Sloreference Pipe slope reference

Legal Owners:
Zone Element (ZONE)

Legal Members:
Branch Element (BRANCH)
Pipe Piece List Element (PPLIST)
Pipe Spool List Element (PSLIST)
Restraint Element (RESTRAINT)
Text Element (TEXT)

4.23.5 Restraint Element (RESTRAINT)

Piping Major Items Element
Primary Element

The area of the hierarchy owned by the RESTRAINT element is provided to allow modelling
of pipe supports and hangers. The RESTRAINT is an administrative element which can own
HANGER elements in convenient groupings. It is analogous to the PIPE element.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function

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Purpose Description code word

Number Number
Area Area
Hspec Hanger specification
StlRef Steel Reference
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Mdsysf Reference Array of Model and Design Elements
Fstatus Fstatus

Legal Owners:
Planer Ceiling Grid Element (CLNPNGRID)
HVAC Element (HVAC)
Pipe Element (PIPE)
Zone Element (ZONE)

Legal Members:
Pipe Hanger Element (HANGER)
Text Element (TEXT)

4.24 Elements in Point Set Category

4.24.1 Design Pointset Area Element (DPAREA)

Point Set Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number

Legal Owners:

Legal Members:
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)

4.24.2 Cartesian Design Ppoint Element (DPCARTESIAN)

Point Set Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

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Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Dconnect Design PPoint connection type
Bore Bore
Orientation Orientation
Position Position
Pvifilter PPoint/Pline visibility filter
Pskey Key for ISODRAFT
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

Legal Owners:
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)

Legal Members:

4.24.3 Cylindrical Design Ppoint Element (DPCYLINDRICAL)

Point Set Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Dconnect Design PPoint connection type
Bore Bore
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Angle Angle
Height Height
Radius Radius
Pvifilter PPoint/Pline visibility filter
Pskey Key for ISODRAFT
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

Legal Owners:
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)

Legal Members:

4.24.4 Design Pline Element (DPLINE)

Point Set Element

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Legal Owners:

Legal Members:

4.24.5 Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)

Point Set Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Skey Symbol key
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

Legal Owners:
Application Data Element (APPLDATA)
Association Request Element (ASREQU)
Association Member Element (ASSMBR)
Association Element (ASSOC)
Floor Element (CFLOOR)
Compound fitting Element (CMFITTING)
Compound Panel fitting Element (CMPFITTING)
Screed Element (CSCREED)
Wall Element (CWALL)
Derived Data Definition Element (DATDEF)
Derived Data Element (DERDAT)
Door Element (DOOR)
Design Pointset Area Element (DPAREA)
Electrical Connection Element (ELCONN)
Electrical Fitting Element (ELFITTING)
Equipment Element (EQUIPMENT)
Fitting Element (FITTING)
Fixing Element (FIXING)

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Fixture Element (FIXTUR)

Floor Element (FLOOR)
Fire Protection Fitting Element (FPFITTING)
Framework Element (FRMWORK)
Furniture Element (FURNIT)
Structural Generic Section Element (GENSEC)
Wall Element (GWALL)
HVAC Fitting Element (HVACFITTING)
Information Fitting Element (INFITTING)
Nozzle Element (NOZZLE)
Panel Element (PANEL)
Primary Compound Joint Element (PCOJOINT)
Panel Fitting Element (PFITTING)
Primary Joint Element (PJOINT)
Pline Datum Element (PLDATUM)
Primary Node Element (PNODE)
Pipe Track Element (PTRACK)
Restriction Definition Element (RESDEF)
Restriction Element (RESTRIC)
Subfitting Element (SBFITTING)
Subframework Element (SBFRAMEWORK)
Secondary Compound Joint Element (SCOJOINT)
Screed Element (SCREED)
Structural Section Element (SCTN)
Site Element (SITE)
Secondary Joint Element (SJOINT)
Secondary Node Element (SNODE)
Structure Element (STRUCTURE)
Structural Wall Element (STWALL)
Subequipment Element (SUBEQUIPMENT)
Subjoint Element (SUBJOINT)
Substructure Element (SUBSTRUCTURE)
Sub Volume Model Element (SVOLMODEL)
Template Element (TMPLATE)
Volume Model Element (VOLMODEL)
Wall Element (WALL)

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Window Element (WINDOW)

External Geometry Element (XGEOMETRY)
Zone Element (ZONE)

Legal Members:
Cartesian Design Ppoint Element (DPCARTESIAN)
Cylindrical Design Ppoint Element (DPCYLINDRICAL)
Spherical Design Ppoint Element (DPSPHERICAL)

4.24.6 Spherical Design Ppoint Element (DPSPHERICAL)

Point Set Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Dconnect Design PPoint connection type
Bore Bore
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Ddirection Design PPoint spherical direction
Radius Radius
Pvifilter PPoint/Pline visibility filter
Pskey Key for ISODRAFT
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

Legal Owners:
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)

Legal Members:

4.25 Elements in Primitive Category

4.25.1 Box Element (BOX)

Primitive Element

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Position Position
Orientation Orientation

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Level Drawing level

Obstruction Obstruction level
Xlength X length
Ylength Y length
Zlength Z length
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Tmrref Template Repeat Element Reference
RepCount Rule Repeat Counter

Legal Owners:
Equipment Element (EQUIPMENT)
Pipe Track Element (PTRACK)
Structure Element (STRUCTURE)
Subequipment Element (SUBEQUIPMENT)
Substructure Element (SUBSTRUCTURE)
Sub Volume Model Element (SVOLMODEL)
Template Element (TMPLATE)
Sub Volume Model Element (SVOLMODEL)

Legal Members:
Negative Box Element (NBOX)
Negative Cone Element (NCONE)
Negative Circular Torus Element (NCTORUS)
Negative Cylinder Element (NCYLINDER)
Negative Dish Element (NDISH)
Negative Polyhedron Element (NPOLYHEDRON)
Negative Pyramid Element (NPYRAMID)
Negative Revolution Element (NREVOLUTION)

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Negative Rectangular Torus Element (NRTORUS)

Negative Slope Bottom Cylinder Element (NSLCYLINDER)
Negative Snout Element (NSNOUT)
Negative Rectangular Extrusion Element (NXTRUSION)

4.25.2 Cone Element (CONE)

Primitive Element

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Dtop Top diameter
Dbottom Bottom diameter
Height Height
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Tmrref Template Repeat Element Reference
RepCount Rule Repeat Counter

Legal Owners:
Equipment Element (EQUIPMENT)
Pipe Track Element (PTRACK)
Structure Element (STRUCTURE)

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Subequipment Element (SUBEQUIPMENT)

Substructure Element (SUBSTRUCTURE)
Sub Volume Model Element (SVOLMODEL)
Template Element (TMPLATE)
Volume Model Element (VOLMODEL)

Legal Members:
Negative Box Element (NBOX)
Negative Cone Element (NCONE)
Negative Circular Torus Element (NCTORUS)
Negative Cylinder Element (NCYLINDER)
Negative Dish Element (NDISH)
Negative Polyhedron Element (NPOLYHEDRON)
Negative Pyramid Element (NPYRAMID)
Negative Revolution Element (NREVOLUTION)
Negative Rectangular Torus Element (NRTORUS)
Negative Slope Bottom Cylinder Element (NSLCYLINDER)
Negative Snout Element (NSNOUT)
Negative Rectangular Extrusion Element (NXTRUSION)

4.25.3 Circular Torus Element (CTORUS)

Primitive Element

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Rinside Inside radius
Routside Outside radius
Angle Angle
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Tmrref Template Repeat Element Reference
RepCount Rule Repeat Counter

The origin of the Circular Torus is at the centre of the circular arcs of radii RINSI and
ROUTS, and is defined in the X-Y plane.

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Legal Owners:
Equipment Element (EQUIPMENT)
Pipe Track Element (PTRACK)
Structure Element (STRUCTURE)
Subequipment Element (SUBEQUIPMENT)
Substructure Element (SUBSTRUCTURE)
Sub Volume Model Element (SVOLMODEL)
Template Element (TMPLATE)
Volume Model Element (VOLMODEL)

Legal Members:
Negative Box Element (NBOX)
Negative Cone Element (NCONE)
Negative Circular Torus Element (NCTORUS)
Negative Cylinder Element (NCYLINDER)
Negative Dish Element (NDISH)
Negative Polyhedron Element (NPOLYHEDRON)
Negative Pyramid Element (NPYRAMID)
Negative Revolution Element (NREVOLUTION)
Negative Rectangular Torus Element (NRTORUS)
Negative Slope Bottom Cylinder Element (NSLCYLINDER)
Negative Snout Element (NSNOUT)
Negative Rectangular Extrusion Element (NXTRUSION)

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4.25.4 Cylinder Element (CYLINDER)

Primitive Element

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Diameter Diameter
Height Height
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Tmrref Template Repeat Element Reference
RepCount Rule Repeat Counter

Legal Owners:
Equipment Element (EQUIPMENT)
Pipe Track Element (PTRACK)
Structure Element (STRUCTURE)
Subequipment Element (SUBEQUIPMENT)
Substructure Element (SUBSTRUCTURE)
Sub Volume Model Element (SVOLMODEL)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

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Volume Model Element (VOLMODEL)

Legal Members:
Negative Box Element (NBOX)
Negative Cone Element (NCONE)
Negative Circular Torus Element (NCTORUS)
Negative Cylinder Element (NCYLINDER)
Negative Dish Element (NDISH)
Negative Polyhedron Element (NPOLYHEDRON)
Negative Pyramid Element (NPYRAMID)
Negative Revolution Element (NREVOLUTION)
Negative Rectangular Torus Element (NRTORUS)
Negative Slope Bottom Cylinder Element (NSLCYLINDER)
Negative Snout Element (NSNOUT)
Negative Rectangular Extrusion Element (NXTRUSION)

4.25.5 Dish Element (DISH)

Primitive Element

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Diameter Diameter
Height Height
Radius Radius
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Tmrref Template Repeat Element Reference
RepCount Rule Repeat Counter

The origin of the Dish is at the centre of the base, and the Z-axis lies along the normal to the

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Legal Owners:
Equipment Element (EQUIPMENT)
Pipe Track Element (PTRACK)
Structure Element (STRUCTURE)
Subequipment Element (SUBEQUIPMENT)
Substructure Element (SUBSTRUCTURE)
Sub Volume Model Element (SVOLMODEL)
Template Element (TMPLATE)
Volume Model Element (VOLMODEL)

Legal Members:
Negative Box Element (NBOX)
Negative Cone Element (NCONE)
Negative Circular Torus Element (NCTORUS)
Negative Cylinder Element (NCYLINDER)
Negative Dish Element (NDISH)
Negative Polyhedron Element (NPOLYHEDRON)
Negative Pyramid Element (NPYRAMID)
Negative Revolution Element (NREVOLUTION)
Negative Rectangular Torus Element (NRTORUS)
Negative Slope Bottom Cylinder Element (NSLCYLINDER)
Negative Snout Element (NSNOUT)
Negative Rectangular Extrusion Element (NXTRUSION)

4.25.6 Drawn Line Element (DRAWING)

Primitive Element

DRAWI is an element which may be used to produce a symbol or shape on a drawing not
normally catered for elsewhere in PDMS. If, for example, it were necessary to show a
company name in large letters painted on the side of a tank, the letters could be built up as
DRAWI elements which would be members of the EQUIP containing the tank. Commonly
used to show the centreline of a beam or column.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Position Position
Orientation Orientation

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Level Drawing level

Skey Symbol key
Lissue True if drawing has been issued
Wmaximum Maximum weld number in current spool drawing
Pmaximum Maximum part number in current spool drawing
Smaximum Maximum spool number in current spool drawing
Jmaximum Maximum joint number in current spool drawing
Rev Pipe Revision number
Splprefix Spool number prefix
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
The following graphics displays lines and curves drawn between Points(P), Tangent
Points(T) and Invisible Points(I) for Boundaries and Drawings.

Legal Owners:
Equipment Element (EQUIPMENT)
Pipe Track Element (PTRACK)
Ref Data Group Element (REFDAT)
Site Element (SITE)
Structure Element (STRUCTURE)
Subequipment Element (SUBEQUIPMENT)
Substructure Element (SUBSTRUCTURE)
Sub Volume Model Element (SVOLMODEL)
Template Element (TMPLATE)
Volume Model Element (VOLMODEL)
Zone Element (ZONE)

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Legal Members:
Invisible Point Element (IPOINT)
Point Element (POINT)
Tangent Point Element (TANPOINT)
Text Element (TEXT)

4.25.7 Extrusion Element (EXTRUSION)

Primitive Element

The EXTRUSION can be used to represent any volume of uniform cross-section. It is
defined by sweeping a profile representing the extrusion's shape(LOOP) through a given
distance (equivalent to the extrusion thickness).

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Height Height
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Tmrref Template Repeat Element Reference
RepCount Rule Repeat Counter

Defining an EXTRUsion.

Legal Owners:
Equipment Element (EQUIPMENT)
Pipe Track Element (PTRACK)
Structure Element (STRUCTURE)
Subequipment Element (SUBEQUIPMENT)
Substructure Element (SUBSTRUCTURE)
Sub Volume Model Element (SVOLMODEL)
Template Element (TMPLATE)
Volume Model Element (VOLMODEL)

Legal Members:
Loop Element (LOOP)
Negative Box Element (NBOX)
Negative Cone Element (NCONE)
Negative Circular Torus Element (NCTORUS)

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Negative Cylinder Element (NCYLINDER)

Negative Dish Element (NDISH)
Negative Polyhedron Element (NPOLYHEDRON)
Negative Pyramid Element (NPYRAMID)
Negative Revolution Element (NREVOLUTION)
Negative Rectangular Torus Element (NRTORUS)
Negative Slope Bottom Cylinder Element (NSLCYLINDER)
Negative Snout Element (NSNOUT)
Negative Rectangular Extrusion Element (NXTRUSION)

4.25.8 Invisible Point Element (IPOINT)

Primitive Element

The element is positioned to allow a break in a line.

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

Legal Owners:
Boundaries and Roadways Element (BOUNDARY)
Drawn Line Element (DRAWING)
Polygon Element (POGON)

Legal Members:

4.25.9 Loop Element (LOOP)

Primitive Element

The LOOP represents a 2D profile which defines the shape of an Extrusion or Solid of
Revolution. It is defined as a set of edges linking adjacent points represented by
Vertex(VERT) elements.

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

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Legal Owners:
Area Extrusion Element (AEXTRUSION)
Area Revolution Element (AREVOLUTION)
Boundary Line Element (BNDLIN)
Extrusion Element (EXTRUSION)
Floor Covering Element (FLRCOV)
Insulation Requirements Element (INSURQ)
Negative Revolution Element (NREVOLUTION)
Negative Rectangular Extrusion Element (NXTRUSION)
Revolution Element (REVOLUTION)

Legal Members:
Vertex Element (VERTEX)

4.25.10 Loop Points Element (LOOPTS)

Primitive Element

A LOOPTS element holds a set of pointers to the individual Point (POIN) elements which
define each vertex of a Polyhedron Loop (POLOOP). These pointers are stored in the
VXREFS attribute of the LOOPTS. The POINs referenced are themselves stored under a
Polygon Point List (POLPTL) element.
The points referenced by VXREFS must be stored under a POLPTL under the relevant
POLYHE or NPOLYH. To preserve the integrity of the primitive, points stored elsewhere will
not be considered.
A POLOOP can hold multiple LOOPTS elements, each LOOPTS being limited to a
maximum of 500 POINs. The order of points round a loop is in member list order of each
LOOPTS in turn.
The INVIS logical array determines the visibility of edges. The points referenced by this
array correspond to those referenced by the VXREFS array. If the INVIS pointer is set to
False for any point (or, by default, is unset), the edge between that point and the preceding
point will be visible; if set to True, the edge will be invisible.

Name Name of the element
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Vxrefs Vertex reference array
Invisible Visibility state

Legal Owners:
Polyhedron Loop Element (POLOOP)

Legal Members:

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A POIN referenced from a LOOPTS with the INVIS flag set to True behaves like an IPOIN in
a POGO, for more information, refer to Polygon Element (POGON).

4.25.11 Polygon Element (POGON)

Primitive Element

The element can belong to a Polyhedron (or Ground Model) and is the definition of a face of
the owning volume. The face is defined by positioning member points which define its

Name Name of the element
Level Drawing level
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

The sequence of points in the Member List must correspond to the anticlockwise sequence
of points when the external face of the polygon is viewed.

Legal Owners:
Ground Model Element (GRDMODEL)
Polyhedron Element (POHEDRON)

Legal Members:
Invisible Point Element (IPOINT)
Point Element (POINT)

4.25.12 Polyhedron Element (POHEDRON)

Primitive Element

The free-form element can be built into any shape by assembling a number of member
POLYGON (POGO) elements.

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Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Tmrref Template Repeat Element Reference
RepCount Rule Repeat Counter

Polyhedra must be constructed so that they have no re-entrant corners. If a polyhedron

contains a re-entrant corner, it must be split into two or more legal polyhedra.

Legal Owners:
Equipment Element (EQUIPMENT)
Pipe Track Element (PTRACK)
Structure Element (STRUCTURE)
Subequipment Element (SUBEQUIPMENT)
Substructure Element (SUBSTRUCTURE)
Sub Volume Model Element (SVOLMODEL)
Template Element (TMPLATE)
Volume Model Element (VOLMODEL)

Legal Members:
Polygon Element (POGON)

Note: The POHE element does not represent a "solid" 3D entity: it simply defines a set of
face planes (the POGOs) which might (or might not) enclose a 3D volume. For a
more versatile primitive, see the Solid Polyhedron (POLYHE) element.

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4.25.13 Point Element (POINT)

Primitive Element

The element is positioned to describe a point in a line (when its owner is a BOUNDARY or
DRAWING) or a vertex on a planar shape (when its owner is a POGON or a POLPTL).

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

Legal Owners:
Boundaries and Roadways Element (BOUNDARY)
Drawn Line Element (DRAWING)
Polygon Element (POGON)
Polyhedron Point List Element (POLPTLIST)

Legal Members:

4.25.14 Polyhedron Face Element (POLFACE)

Primitive Element

An administrative element which holds Polyhedron Loop (POLOOP) members representing
the faces of a Solid Polyhedron (POLYHE) or Negative Polyhedron (NPOLYH). For an
unbroken face, each POLFAC will normally hold one POLOOP only, but a discontinuous
face may be represented by a POLFAC comprising two or more POLOOPs.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

Legal Owners:
Area Polyhedron Element (APOLYHEDRON)
Negative Polyhedron Element (NPOLYHEDRON)
Polyhedron Element (POLYHEDRON)

Legal Members:
Polyhedron Loop Element (POLOOP)

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Elements in the Design Database

Polyhedron Faces (POLFACs), unlike Polygons (POGOs), are not represented in the spatial
map used for clash checking and so on.

4.25.15 Polyhedron Loop Element (POLOOP)

Primitive Element

The POLOOP represents a planar profile which defines all or part of the shape of a
Polyhedron Face (POLFAC). It is defined by a set of edges linking adjacent Point (POIN)
elements, the latter being identified by references held in a Loop Points element (LOOPTS)
owned by the POLOOP.
The order of the vertices (that is whether they are sequenced clockwise or anticlockwise) is
significant. The order for a loop representing a positive polyhedron face is the opposite to
that representing a negative polyhedron face. The LMIRR attribute determines whether the
face points are read from start to end of the list, or in reverse. Reversing the order changes
the loop from a positive outer boundary to a negative hole boundary, or vice versa. By
default, points listed anticlockwise correspond to a positive boundary.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
LMirror True if Mirroring required
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

Legal Owners:
Polyhedron Face Element (POLFACE)

Legal Members:
Loop Points Element (LOOPTS)
The directions clockwise and anticlockwise refer to the sense when looking from outside of
the face into the polyhedron.

4.25.16 Polyhedron Point List Element (POLPTLIST)

Primitive Element

An administrative element which hols Point (POIN) members defining the vertices of a Solid
Polyhedron (POLYHE) or Negative Polyhedron (NPOLYH).

Name Name of the element
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

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Elements in the Design Database

Legal Owners:
Area Polyhedron Element (APOLYHEDRON)
Negative Polyhedron Element (NPOLYHEDRON)
Polyhedron Element (POLYHEDRON)

Legal Members:
Point Element (POINT)

4.25.17 Polyhedron Element (POLYHEDRON)

Primitive Element

The element is a versatile element represents a 3D polyhedral volume in terms of sets of
points which define the vertices, and hence the edges, of the planar faces (POLFACs)
enclosing the volume.
Each POLFAC is defined by one or more planar Polyhedron Loops (POLOOP). Each
POLOOP is defined by a sequence of vertex positions which are identified by means of a
Loop Points element (LOOPTS). The LOOPTS comprises references to sets of Point
(POIN) elements held by administrative Polyhedron Point List (POLPTL) elements. Any
POIN which lies on a common edge between two faces will be referenced more than once
(one reference from the LOOPTS of each POLOOP which shares that POIN).
The intended use of this element is as a means of importing 3D-shape data into DESIGN
from external (non-PDMS) sources, rather than for creating polyhedra directly within
DESIGN. Such data would normally be read into DESIGN via a macro file generated
elsewhere. For this reason, there is no mechanism for creating Solid Polyhedra or their
related elements from the DESIGN applicationware.

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Purpose Description code word
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Tmrref Template Repeat Element Reference
RepCount Rule Repeat Counter

Legal Owners:
Equipment Element (EQUIPMENT)
Pipe Track Element (PTRACK)
Structure Element (STRUCTURE)
Subequipment Element (SUBEQUIPMENT)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Substructure Element (SUBSTRUCTURE)

Sub Volume Model Element (SVOLMODEL)
Template Element (TMPLATE)
Volume Model Element (VOLMODEL)

Legal Members:
Negative Box Element (NBOX)
Negative Cone Element (NCONE)
Negative Circular Torus Element (NCTORUS)
Negative Cylinder Element (NCYLINDER)
Negative Dish Element (NDISH)
Negative Polyhedron Element (NPOLYHEDRON)
Negative Pyramid Element (NPYRAMID)
Negative Revolution Element (NREVOLUTION)
Negative Rectangular Torus Element (NRTORUS)
Negative Slope Bottom Cylinder Element (NSLCYLINDER)
Negative Snout Element (NSNOUT)
Negative Rectangular Extrusion Element (NXTRUSION)
Polyhedron Face Element (POLFACE)
Polyhedron Point List Element (POLPTLIST)

4.25.18 Pyramid Element (PYRAMID)

Primitive Element

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Xbottom Bottom X length
Ybottom Bottom Y length
Xtop Top X length
Ytop Top Y length
Height Height
Xoffset X-offset
Yoffset Y-offset
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Tmrref Template Repeat Element Reference
RepCount Rule Repeat Counter

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The origin of the Pyramid is at the mid-point of the line joining the mid-points of the top and
bottom surfaces, and the Z-axis is normal to the top and bottom faces.

Legal Owners:
Equipment Element (EQUIPMENT)
Pipe Track Element (PTRACK)
Structure Element (STRUCTURE)
Subequipment Element (SUBEQUIPMENT)
Substructure Element (SUBSTRUCTURE)
Sub Volume Model Element (SVOLMODEL)
Template Element (TMPLATE)
Volume Model Element (VOLMODEL)

Legal Members:
Negative Box Element (NBOX)
Negative Cone Element (NCONE)
Negative Circular Torus Element (NCTORUS)
Negative Cylinder Element (NCYLINDER)
Negative Dish Element (NDISH)
Negative Polyhedron Element (NPOLYHEDRON)
Negative Pyramid Element (NPYRAMID)
Negative Revolution Element (NREVOLUTION)
Negative Rectangular Torus Element (NRTORUS)
Negative Slope Bottom Cylinder Element (NSLCYLINDER)
Negative Snout Element (NSNOUT)
Negative Rectangular Extrusion Element (NXTRUSION)

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4.25.19 Revolution Element (REVOLUTION)

Primitive Element

The Solid of Revolution represents any shape which can be generated by sweeping a
constant cross-section profile thought an angle about an axis. The profile is represented by
a LOOP, in the same was as for an Extrusion, but in this case the profile is swept about an
axis rather than along a linear path. The swept angle must but in the range -360 to
+360 degrees, 360 degrees giving a solid which is axially symmetrical.

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Angle Angle
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Tmrref Template Repeat Element Reference
RepCount Rule Repeat Counter

Legal Owners:
Equipment Element (EQUIPMENT)
Pipe Track Element (PTRACK)
Structure Element (STRUCTURE)
Subequipment Element (SUBEQUIPMENT)
Substructure Element (SUBSTRUCTURE)
Sub Volume Model Element (SVOLMODEL)
Template Element (TMPLATE)
Volume Model Element (VOLMODEL)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Legal Members:
Loop Element (LOOP)
Negative Box Element (NBOX)
Negative Cone Element (NCONE)
Negative Circular Torus Element (NCTORUS)
Negative Cylinder Element (NCYLINDER)
Negative Dish Element (NDISH)
Negative Polyhedron Element (NPOLYHEDRON)
Negative Pyramid Element (NPYRAMID)
Negative Revolution Element (NREVOLUTION)
Negative Rectangular Torus Element (NRTORUS)
Negative Slope Bottom Cylinder Element (NSLCYLINDER)
Negative Snout Element (NSNOUT)
Negative Rectangular Extrusion Element (NXTRUSION)

4.25.20 Rectangular Torus Element (RTORUS)

Primitive Element

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Rinside Inside radius
Routside Outside radius
Height Height
Angle Angle
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Tmrref Template Repeat Element Reference
RepCount Rule Repeat Counter

The origin of the Rectangular Torus is at the centre of the circular arcs of radii RINSI and
ROUTS, and is defined in the X-Y plane.

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Legal Owners:
Equipment Element (EQUIPMENT)
Pipe Track Element (PTRACK)
Structure Element (STRUCTURE)
Subequipment Element (SUBEQUIPMENT)
Substructure Element (SUBSTRUCTURE)
Sub Volume Model Element (SVOLMODEL)
Template Element (TMPLATE)
Volume Model Element (VOLMODEL)

Legal Members:
Negative Box Element (NBOX)
Negative Cone Element (NCONE)
Negative Circular Torus Element (NCTORUS)
Negative Cylinder Element (NCYLINDER)
Negative Dish Element (NDISH)
Negative Polyhedron Element (NPOLYHEDRON)
Negative Pyramid Element (NPYRAMID)
Negative Revolution Element (NREVOLUTION)
Negative Rectangular Torus Element (NRTORUS)
Negative Slope Bottom Cylinder Element (NSLCYLINDER)
Negative Snout Element (NSNOUT)
Negative Rectangular Extrusion Element (NXTRUSION)

4.25.21 Slope Bottom Cylinder Element (SLCYLINDER)

Primitive Element

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Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Diameter Diameter
Height Height
Xtshear X top shear: inclination of top face to local X axis
Ytshear Y top shear: inclination of top face to local Y axis
Xbshear X bottom shear: inclination of bottom face to local X axis
Ybshear Y bottom shear: inclination of bottom face to local Y axis
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Tmrref Template Repeat Element Reference
RepCount Rule Repeat Counter

The origin of the Slope-bottom Cylinder is at the mid-point of the axis (mid-way between P1
and P2) and the default orientation is with the axis on the Z-axis.

Legal Owners:
Equipment Element (EQUIPMENT)
Pipe Track Element (PTRACK)
Structure Element (STRUCTURE)
Subequipment Element (SUBEQUIPMENT)
Substructure Element (SUBSTRUCTURE)
Sub Volume Model Element (SVOLMODEL)
Template Element (TMPLATE)
Volume Model Element (VOLMODEL)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Legal Members:
Negative Box Element (NBOX)
Negative Cone Element (NCONE)
Negative Circular Torus Element (NCTORUS)
Negative Cylinder Element (NCYLINDER)
Negative Dish Element (NDISH)
Negative Polyhedron Element (NPOLYHEDRON)
Negative Pyramid Element (NPYRAMID)
Negative Revolution Element (NREVOLUTION)
Negative Rectangular Torus Element (NRTORUS)
Negative Slope Bottom Cylinder Element (NSLCYLINDER)
Negative Snout Element (NSNOUT)
Negative Rectangular Extrusion Element (NXTRUSION)

4.25.22 Snout Element (SNOUT)

Primitive Element

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Dtop Top diameter
Dbottom Bottom diameter
Xoffset X-offset
Yoffset Y-offset
Height Height
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Tmrref Template Repeat Element Reference
RepCount Rule Repeat Counter

The origin of the Snout is at the mid-point of the line joining the centres of the top and
bottom surfaces and the Z-axis is normal to the top and bottom surfaces.

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Legal Owners:
Equipment Element (EQUIPMENT)
Pipe Track Element (PTRACK)
Structure Element (STRUCTURE)
Subequipment Element (SUBEQUIPMENT)
Substructure Element (SUBSTRUCTURE)
Sub Volume Model Element (SVOLMODEL)
Template Element (TMPLATE)
Volume Model Element (VOLMODEL)

Legal Members:
Negative Box Element (NBOX)
Negative Cone Element (NCONE)
Negative Circular Torus Element (NCTORUS)
Negative Cylinder Element (NCYLINDER)
Negative Dish Element (NDISH)
Negative Polyhedron Element (NPOLYHEDRON)
Negative Pyramid Element (NPYRAMID)
Negative Revolution Element (NREVOLUTION)
Negative Rectangular Torus Element (NRTORUS)
Negative Slope Bottom Cylinder Element (NSLCYLINDER)
Negative Snout Element (NSNOUT)

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Negative Rectangular Extrusion Element (NXTRUSION)

4.25.23 Tangent Point Element (TANPOINT)

Primitive Element

The element allows a smooth curve (second order Bezier) to be drawn between two points
in a line.

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

Legal Owners:
Boundaries and Roadways Element (BOUNDARY)
Drawn Line Element (DRAWING)

Legal Members:

4.25.24 Vertex Element (VERTEX)

Primitive Element

A VERT element defines each vertex of a Loop.

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Fradius Fillet radius
Bulgefactor Bulge factor
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

Legal Owners:
Loop Element (LOOP)

Legal Members:

4.26 Elements in Primitive Hole Category

4.26.1 Negative Box Element (NBOX)

Primitive Hole Element

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Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Xlength X length
Ylength Y length
Zlength Z length
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Tmrref Template Repeat Element Reference
RepCount Rule Repeat Counter

These are as for BOX, but note that the Zlength dimension must be the penetrating
dimension for a hole which breaks the surface of its owning primitive.

Legal Owners:
Box Element (BOX)
Cone Element (CONE)
Circular Torus Element (CTORUS)
Cylinder Element (CYLINDER)
Dish Element (DISH)
Extrusion Element (EXTRUSION)
Floor Element (FLOOR)
Wall Element (GWALL)
Panel Element (PANEL)
Polyhedron Element (POLYHEDRON)

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Pyramid Element (PYRAMID)

Revolution Element (REVOLUTION)
Rectangular Torus Element (RTORUS)
Screed Element (SCREED)
Slope Bottom Cylinder Element (SLCYLINDER)
Snout Element (SNOUT)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

Legal Members:

4.26.2 Negative Cone Element (NCONE)

Primitive Hole Element

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Dtop Top diameter
Dbottom Bottom diameter
Height Height
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Tmrref Template Repeat Element Reference
RepCount Rule Repeat Counter

Legal Owners:
Box Element (BOX)
Cone Element (CONE)
Circular Torus Element (CTORUS)
Cylinder Element (CYLINDER)
Dish Element (DISH)
Extrusion Element (EXTRUSION)
Floor Element (FLOOR)
Wall Element (GWALL)
Panel Element (PANEL)
Polyhedron Element (POLYHEDRON)
Pyramid Element (PYRAMID)
Revolution Element (REVOLUTION)

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Rectangular Torus Element (RTORUS)

Screed Element (SCREED)
Slope Bottom Cylinder Element (SLCYLINDER)
Snout Element (SNOUT)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

Legal Members:

4.26.3 Negative Circular Torus Element (NCTORUS)

Primitive Hole Element

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Rinside Inside radius
Routside Outside radius
Angle Angle
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Tmrref Template Repeat Element Reference
RepCount Rule Repeat Counter

The origin of the NCircular Torus is at the centre of the circular arcs of radii RINSI and
ROUTS, and is defined in the X-Y plane.

Legal Owners:
Box Element (BOX)
Cone Element (CONE)
Circular Torus Element (CTORUS)
Cylinder Element (CYLINDER)
Dish Element (DISH)
Extrusion Element (EXTRUSION)
Floor Element (FLOOR)
Wall Element (GWALL)
Panel Element (PANEL)
Polyhedron Element (POLYHEDRON)
Pyramid Element (PYRAMID)
Revolution Element (REVOLUTION)
Rectangular Torus Element (RTORUS)

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Elements in the Design Database

Screed Element (SCREED)

Slope Bottom Cylinder Element (SLCYLINDER)
Snout Element (SNOUT)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

Legal Members:

4.26.4 Negative Cylinder Element (NCYLINDER)

Primitive Hole Element

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Diameter Diameter
Height Height
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Tmrref Template Repeat Element Reference
RepCount Rule Repeat Counter

Legal Owners:
Box Element (BOX)
Cone Element (CONE)
Circular Torus Element (CTORUS)

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Cylinder Element (CYLINDER)

Dish Element (DISH)
Extrusion Element (EXTRUSION)
Floor Element (FLOOR)
Wall Element (GWALL)
Panel Element (PANEL)
Polyhedron Element (POLYHEDRON)
Pyramid Element (PYRAMID)
Revolution Element (REVOLUTION)
Rectangular Torus Element (RTORUS)
Screed Element (SCREED)
Slope Bottom Cylinder Element (SLCYLINDER)
Snout Element (SNOUT)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

Legal Members:

4.26.5 Negative Dish Element (NDISH)

Primitive Hole Element

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Diameter Diameter
Height Height
Radius Radius
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Tmrref Template Repeat Element Reference
RepCount Rule Repeat Counter

The origin of the NDish is at the centre of the base, and the Z-axis lies along the normal to
the base.

Legal Owners:
Box Element (BOX)
Cone Element (CONE)
Circular Torus Element (CTORUS)
Cylinder Element (CYLINDER)

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Dish Element (DISH)

Extrusion Element (EXTRUSION)
Floor Element (FLOOR)
Wall Element (GWALL)
Panel Element (PANEL)
Polyhedron Element (POLYHEDRON)
Pyramid Element (PYRAMID)
Revolution Element (REVOLUTION)
Rectangular Torus Element (RTORUS)
Screed Element (SCREED)
Slope Bottom Cylinder Element (SLCYLINDER)
Snout Element (SNOUT)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

Legal Members:

4.26.6 Negative Polyhedron Element (NPOLYHEDRON)

Primitive Hole Element

Represents a 3D negative polyhedral volume in terms of sets of points which define the
vertices, and hence the edges, of the planar faces (POLFACs) enclosing the volume.
Each POLFAC is defined by one or more planar Polyhedron Loops (POLOOP). Each
POLOOP is defined by a sequence of vertex positions which are identified by means of a
Loop Points element (LOOPTS). The LOOPTS comprises references to sets of Point
(POIN) elements held by administrative Polyhedron Point List (POLPTL) elements.
The intended use of this element is as a means of importing 3D-shape data into DESIGN
from external (non-PDMS) sources, rather than for creating polyhedra directly within
DESIGN. Such data would normally be read into DESIGN via a macro file generated
elsewhere. For this reason, there is no mechanism for creating Negative Polyhedra or their
related elements from the DESIGN applicationware.

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Purpose Description code word
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

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Tmrref Template Repeat Element Reference

RepCount Rule Repeat Counter

Legal Owners:
:Box Element (BOX)
Cone Element (CONE)
Circular Torus Element (CTORUS)
Cylinder Element (CYLINDER)
Dish Element (DISH)
Extrusion Element (EXTRUSION)
Floor Element (FLOOR)
Wall Element (GWALL)
Panel Element (PANEL)
Polyhedron Element (POLYHEDRON)
Pyramid Element (PYRAMID)
Revolution Element (REVOLUTION)
Rectangular Torus Element (RTORUS)
Screed Element (SCREED)
Slope Bottom Cylinder Element (SLCYLINDER)
Snout Element (SNOUT)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

Legal Members:
Polyhedron Face Element (POLFACE)
Polyhedron Point List Element (POLPTLIST)
The Negative Polyhedron (NPOLYH) is identical to the Solid Polyhedron, (POLYHE; refer to
Polyhedron Element (POLYHEDRON)). In principle, except that it is interpreted
geometrically as a hole rather than as a solid volume. See the entries following the Solid
Polyhedron for details of its constituent elements.

4.26.7 Negative Pyramid Element (NPYRAMID)

Primitive Hole Element

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Xbottom Bottom X length

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Ybottom Bottom Y length

Xtop Top X length
Ytop Top Y length
Height Height
Xoffset X-offset
Yoffset Y-offset
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Tmrref Template Repeat Element Reference
RepCount Rule Repeat Counter
The origin of the NPyramid is at the mid-point of the line joining the mid-points of the top and
bottom surfaces, and the Z-axis is normal to the top and bottom faces.

Legal Owners:
:Box Element (BOX)
Cone Element (CONE)
Circular Torus Element (CTORUS)
Cylinder Element (CYLINDER)
Dish Element (DISH)
Extrusion Element (EXTRUSION)
Floor Element (FLOOR)
Wall Element (GWALL)
Panel Element (PANEL)
Polyhedron Element (POLYHEDRON)
Pyramid Element (PYRAMID)
Revolution Element (REVOLUTION)
Rectangular Torus Element (RTORUS)
Screed Element (SCREED)
Slope Bottom Cylinder Element (SLCYLINDER)
Snout Element (SNOUT)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

Legal Members:

4.26.8 Negative Revolution Element (NREVOLUTION)

Primitive Hole Element

The Negative Solid of Revolution represents any negative shape which can be generated by
sweeping a constant cross-section profile through an angle about an axis. The profile is
represented by a LOOP, in the same way as for a Negative Extrusion, but in this case the

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Elements in the Design Database

profile is swept about an axis rather than along a linear path. The swept angle must be in the
range -360 to +360 degrees, 360 degrees giving a volume which is axially symmetrical.

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Angle Angle
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Tmrref Template Repeat Element Reference
RepCount Rule Repeat Counter

Legal Owners:
:Box Element (BOX)
Cone Element (CONE)
Circular Torus Element (CTORUS)
Cylinder Element (CYLINDER)
Dish Element (DISH)
Extrusion Element (EXTRUSION)
Floor Element (FLOOR)
Wall Element (GWALL)
Panel Element (PANEL)
Polyhedron Element (POLYHEDRON)
Pyramid Element (PYRAMID)
Revolution Element (REVOLUTION)
Rectangular Torus Element (RTORUS)
Screed Element (SCREED)
Slope Bottom Cylinder Element (SLCYLINDER)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Snout Element (SNOUT)

Template Element (TMPLATE)

Legal Members:
Loop Element (LOOP)

4.26.9 Negative Rectangular Torus Element (NRTORUS)

Primitive Hole Element

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Rinside Inside radius
Routside Outside radius
Height Height
Angle Angle
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Tmrref Template Repeat Element Reference
RepCount Rule Repeat Counter

The origin of the NRectangular Torus is at the centre of the circular arcs of radii RINSI and
ROUTS, and is defined in the X-Y plane.

Legal Owners:
Box Element (BOX)
Cone Element (CONE)
Circular Torus Element (CTORUS)
Cylinder Element (CYLINDER)
Dish Element (DISH)
Extrusion Element (EXTRUSION)
Floor Element (FLOOR)
Wall Element (GWALL)
Panel Element (PANEL)
Polyhedron Element (POLYHEDRON)
Pyramid Element (PYRAMID)
Revolution Element (REVOLUTION)
Rectangular Torus Element (RTORUS)
Screed Element (SCREED)
Slope Bottom Cylinder Element (SLCYLINDER)

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Snout Element (SNOUT)

Template Element (TMPLATE)

Legal Members:

4.26.10 Negative Slope Bottom Cylinder Element (NSLCYLINDER)

Primitive Hole Element

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Diameter Diameter
Height Height
Xtshear X top shear: inclination of top face to local X axis
Ytshear Y top shear: inclination of top face to local Y axis
Xbshear X bottom shear: inclination of bottom face to local X axis
Ybshear Y bottom shear: inclination of bottom face to local Y axis
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Tmrref Template Repeat Element Reference
RepCount Rule Repeat Counter

The origin of the NSlope-bottom Cylinder is at the mid-point of the axis (mid-way between
P1 and P2) and the default orientation is with the axis on the Z-axis.

Legal Owners:
:Box Element (BOX)
Cone Element (CONE)
Circular Torus Element (CTORUS)
Cylinder Element (CYLINDER)
Dish Element (DISH)
Extrusion Element (EXTRUSION)
Floor Element (FLOOR)
Wall Element (GWALL)
Panel Element (PANEL)
Polyhedron Element (POLYHEDRON)
Pyramid Element (PYRAMID)
Revolution Element (REVOLUTION)
Rectangular Torus Element (RTORUS)

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Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Screed Element (SCREED)

Slope Bottom Cylinder Element (SLCYLINDER)
Snout Element (SNOUT)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

Legal Members:

4.26.11 Negative Snout Element (NSNOUT)

Primitive Hole Element

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Dtop Top diameter
Dbottom Bottom diameter
Xoffset X-offset
Yoffset Y-offset
Height Height
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Tmrref Template Repeat Element Reference
RepCount Rule Repeat Counter

The origin of the NSnout is at the mid-point of the line joining the centres of the top and
bottom surfaces and the Z-axis is normal to the top and bottom surfaces.

Legal Owners:
Box Element (BOX)
Cone Element (CONE)
Circular Torus Element (CTORUS)
Cylinder Element (CYLINDER)
Dish Element (DISH)
Extrusion Element (EXTRUSION)
Floor Element (FLOOR)
Wall Element (GWALL)
Panel Element (PANEL)
Polyhedron Element (POLYHEDRON)
Pyramid Element (PYRAMID)
Revolution Element (REVOLUTION)

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Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Rectangular Torus Element (RTORUS)

Screed Element (SCREED)
Slope Bottom Cylinder Element (SLCYLINDER)
Snout Element (SNOUT)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

Legal Members:

4.26.12 Negative Rectangular Extrusion Element (NXTRUSION)

Primitive Hole Element

The NEGATIVE EXTRUSION can be used to represent any negative volume of uniform
cross-section. It is defined by sweeping a profile representing the negative extrusions shape
(LOOP) through a given distance (equivalent to the extrusion thickness).

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Height Height
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Number Number
Function Function
Tmrref Template Repeat Element Reference
RepCount Rule Repeat Counter
Prodrf Reference to Production Object

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Elements in the Design Database

Legal Owners:
Box Element (BOX)
Cone Element (CONE)
Circular Torus Element (CTORUS)
Cylinder Element (CYLINDER)
Dish Element (DISH)
Extrusion Element (EXTRUSION)
Floor Element (FLOOR)
Wall Element (GWALL)
Panel Element (PANEL)
Polyhedron Element (POLYHEDRON)
Pyramid Element (PYRAMID)
Revolution Element (REVOLUTION)
Rectangular Torus Element (RTORUS)
Screed Element (SCREED)
Slope Bottom Cylinder Element (SLCYLINDER)
Snout Element (SNOUT)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

Legal Members:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Loop Element (LOOP)

4.27 Elements in Reference Category

4.27.1 Boundaries and Roadways Element (BOUNDARY)

Reference Element

For site layout features such as fences and roadways it will often be sufficient to restrict
modelling to lines and arcs laid out on a surface. The BOUNDARY element allows this
method of modelling by positioning member POINTS, IPOINTS (invisible points) and
TANPOINTS (tangent points) to describe the required outlines. The BOUNDARY can be
thought of as a "high level" basic element (its identical low-level equivalent is the DRAWING,
which can belong to EQUIPMENT, STRUCTURES and so on.). The BOUNDARY has the
normal drawing LEVEL attribute of a primitive, but no OBSTRUCTION (as it is composed
entirely of lines).

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

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Elements in the Design Database

Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Level Drawing level
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

Legal Owners:
Site Element (SITE)
Zone Element (ZONE)

Legal Members:
Invisible Point Element (IPOINT)
Point Element (POINT)
Tangent Point Element (TANPOINT)
Text Element (TEXT)

4.27.2 Datum Point Element (DATUM)

Reference Element

The point can be used as a reference position against which other elements are located. It is
shown as a set of axes with a local North pointer.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Level Drawing level
Height Height
Skey Symbol key
Stext S Text string
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

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Legal Owners:
Zone Element (ZONE)

Legal Members:

4.27.3 Ground Model Element (GRDMODEL)

Reference Element

Basic shapes and features in the site can be represented by Ground Models. These may be
natural occurrences like mounds or slopes. Each Ground Model element is built up in
exactly the same way as a POHEDRON (polyhedron) which is described elsewhere.
Restrictions on the form of Ground Models mean that they are of limited user.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Level Drawing level
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

Legal Owners:
Site Element (SITE)

Legal Members:
Polygon Element (POGON)
Text Element (TEXT)

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4.27.4 Penalty or Preferred Volume Element (PVOLUME)

Reference Element

The element is a BOX-like volume that has a special significance to the pipe-routing function
of DESIGN (see Chapter 13). DESIGN can determine whether to treat a PVOL as a
Preferred or Penalty Volume, depending on the relative values of the WEIGHT attribute.
Penalty Volumes are generally used for roads, access ways and so on.

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Xlength X length
Ylength Y length
Zlength Z length
Weighting Weighting value
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

Legal Owners:
Equipment Element (EQUIPMENT)
Pipe Track Element (PTRACK)
Structure Element (STRUCTURE)
Subequipment Element (SUBEQUIPMENT)
Substructure Element (SUBSTRUCTURE)
Sub Volume Model Element (SVOLMODEL)
Volume Model Element (VOLMODEL)

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Elements in the Design Database

Zone Element (ZONE)

Legal Members:

4.27.5 Routing Plane Element (RPLANE)

Reference Element

The element is a planar element that has special significance in pipe routing (for more
information, refer to Part 2 of the DESIGN Reference Manual), but may be used as a
general reference plane. For more information, refer to Part 2 of the DESIGN Reference
Manual for more information about routing planes in Pipe routing and in Steelwork

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Xlength X length
Ylength Y length
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Plpposition Plane pipe positioning code word used by Router
Plwwposition Plane wall to wall positioning code used by Router
Plpmethod Plane pipe packing method - nearest or weighted

Legal Owners:
Equipment Element (EQUIPMENT)

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Elements in the Design Database

Pipe Track Element (PTRACK)

Routing Plane Element (RPLGROUP)
Structure Element (STRUCTURE)
Subequipment Element (SUBEQUIPMENT)
Substructure Element (SUBSTRUCTURE)
Sub Volume Model Element (SVOLMODEL)
Volume Model Element (VOLMODEL)
Zone Element (ZONE)

Legal Members:

4.27.6 Routing Plane Element (RPLGROUP)

Reference Element
Primary Element

The RPLG is a grouping element whose members may be Steelwork RPLANEs (refer to
Routing Plane Element (RPLANE)), as opposed to the Piping RPLANEs.

Name Name of the element
Function Function
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

Legal Owners:
Structure Element (STRUCTURE)

Legal Members:
Routing Plane Element (RPLANE)

4.27.7 Sub Volume Model Element (SVOLMODEL)

Reference Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Area Area
Position Position
Orientation Orientation

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Elements in the Design Database

Usrweight User entered weight value

Usrwweight User entered wet weight value
Usrcogravity User centre of gravity position
Usrwcogravity User wet centre of gravity position
Uwmtxt User weight Manager text
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

Legal Owners:
Volume Model Element (VOLMODEL)

Legal Members:
Box Element (BOX)
Cone Element (CONE)
Circular Torus Element (CTORUS)
Cylinder Element (CYLINDER)
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Dish Element (DISH)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Drawn Line Element (DRAWING)
Extrusion Element (EXTRUSION)
Equipment Load Point Element (LOAPOINT)
Polyhedron Element (POHEDRON)
Polyhedron Element (POLYHEDRON)
Penalty or Preferred Volume Element (PVOLUME)
Pyramid Element (PYRAMID)
Revolution Element (REVOLUTION)
Routing Plane Element (RPLANE)
Rectangular Torus Element (RTORUS)
Slope Bottom Cylinder Element (SLCYLINDER)
Snout Element (SNOUT)
Text Element (TEXT)

4.27.8 Volume Model Element (VOLMODEL)

Reference Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function

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Elements in the Design Database

Purpose Description code word

Number Number
Area Area
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Usrweight User entered weight value
Usrwweight User entered wet weight value
Usrcogravity User centre of gravity position
Usrwcogravity User wet centre of gravity position
Uwmtxt User weight Manager text
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

Legal Owners:
Zone Element (ZONE)

Legal Members:
Box Element (BOX)
Cone Element (CONE)
Circular Torus Element (CTORUS)
Cylinder Element (CYLINDER)
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Dish Element (DISH)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Drawn Line Element (DRAWING)
Extrusion Element (EXTRUSION)
Equipment Load Point Element (LOAPOINT)
Polyhedron Element (POHEDRON)
Polyhedron Element (POLYHEDRON)
Penalty or Preferred Volume Element (PVOLUME)
Pyramid Element (PYRAMID)
Revolution Element (REVOLUTION)
Routing Plane Element (RPLANE)
Rectangular Torus Element (RTORUS)
Slope Bottom Cylinder Element (SLCYLINDER)
Snout Element (SNOUT)
Sub Volume Model Element (SVOLMODEL)
Text Element (TEXT)

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4.28 Elements in Router Category

4.28.1 General Rule Element (GRULE)

Router Element

Purpose Description code word
Name Name of the element
Function Function
Rlselect Rule selection array
Rllogical Rule logical array
Rlaction Rule action array

Legal Owners:
Rule Set Element (RLST)

Legal Members:

4.28.2 Rule Set Element (RLST)

Router Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Rule World Element (RLWLD)

Legal Members:
General Rule Element (GRULE)

4.28.3 Rule World Element (RLWLD)

Router Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Rule Set Element (RLST)

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4.29 Elements in Schematic Design Link Category

4.29.1 Connectivity Link Group Element (CYMGRP)

Schematic Design Link Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Integrator World Element (CYMWRL)

Legal Members:
Connectivity Schematic-design Link Element (CYMLNK)

4.29.2 Connectivity Schematic-design Link Element (CYMLNK)

Schematic Design Link Element
Primary Element

SchLnk Connectivity Schematic Link
DesLnk Connectivity Design Model Link
CmpStatus Connectivity comparison status

Legal Owners:
Connectivity Link Group Element (CYMGRP)
Connectivity Schematic-design Link Element (CYMLNK)

Legal Members:
Connectivity Schematic-design Link Element (CYMLNK)

4.29.3 Integrator World Element (CYMWRL)

Schematic Design Link Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

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Legal Members:
Connectivity Link Group Element (CYMGRP)

4.30 Elements in Stair Category

4.30.1 Intermediate Landing Element (INTLNG)

Stair Element

Name Name of the element
Area Area
Function Function
Description Description of the element
Number Number
Matref Material reference
FireRating Fire rating
Firesistance Fire resistance
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
AssTmpReference Assembly Template Reference

Legal Owners:
Stair Flight Element (STRFLT)

Legal Members:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Structural Generic Section Element (GENSEC)
Panel Element (PANEL)

4.30.2 Stair Flight Element (STRFLT)

Stair Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Area Area
Matref Material reference
FireRating Fire rating
InstOptions Installation Options
Firesistance Fire resistance
Position Position
Orientation Orientation

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Elements in the Design Database

LowRef References to lower exit level

UppRef References to upper exit level
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
ORise Overall Rising
OGoing Overall Going
Rise Tread Rise
LRise Lower Tread Rise
TWidth Tread Width
UExtnsion Upper Extension Length
UCutDirection Upper Extension Cutting Direction
LExtnsion Lower Extension Length
LCutDirection Lower Extension Cutting Direction
Headroom Headroom
FThickness Stair Flight Thickness
Dcrfarray Array of Design datasets for Design Code/Criteria
ASLStandard ASL Standard Reference
ASLSbStandard ASL Substandard Reference
AssTmpReference Assembly Template Reference
LabOffset Label offset

Legal Owners:
Stair Tower Element (STRTWR)
Structure Element (STRUCTURE)
Stairwell Element (STRWELL)

Legal Members:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Handrail Element (HANDRA)
Intermediate Landing Element (INTLNG)
Route path Element (RPATH)
Stair String Element (STRSTR)
Tread Set Element (TREADSET)

4.30.3 Stair Landing Element (STRLNG)

Stair Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Area Area

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Elements in the Design Database

Matref Material reference

Level Drawing level
FireRating Fire rating
Firesistance Fire resistance
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Thickn Thickness
Headroom Headroom
BRadius Bend radius
RoutReference Route reference
RefLevel Reference Level
LFADirection Flight A Direction
LFBDirection Landing Flight B Direction
LFAOffset Landing Flight A Offset
LFBOffset Landing Flight B Offset
CloseFlag True if branch is closed
ASLStandard ASL Standard Reference
ASLSbStandard ASL Substandard Reference
Dcrfarray Array of Design datasets for Design Code/Criteria
LabOffset Label offset
AssTmpReference Assembly Template Reference

Legal Owners:
Stair String Element (STRSTR)
Stairwell Element (STRWELL)

Legal Members:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Structural Generic Section Element (GENSEC)
Handrail Element (HANDRA)
Panel Element (PANEL)
Route path Element (RPATH)

4.30.4 Stair Set Element (STRSET)

Stair Element


Legal Owners:

Legal Members:

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4.30.5 Stair String Element (STRSTR)

Stair Element

Name Name of the element
Area Area
Function Function
Description Description of the element
Matref Material reference
FireRating Fire rating
Firesistance Fire resistance
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
NosOffset Nosing Offset
PostSpacing Default post spacing
AssTmpReference Assembly Template Reference

Legal Owners:
Stair Flight Element (STRFLT)

Legal Members:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Structural Generic Section Element (GENSEC)
Panel Element (PANEL)

4.30.6 Stair Tower Element (STRTWR)

Stair Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Area Area
Number Number
Matref Material reference
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
StrCon Stair Configuration
StrStd Stair Standard
InstOptions Installation Options
INTSEN Installation Sense - true if clockwise
ColXSpacing Spacing between columns in the X direction of the tower
ColYSpacing Spacing between columns in the Y direction of the tower
FCLXSpacing Spacing between stair flights in the X direction of the tower
FCLYSpacing Spacing between stair flights in the Y direction of the tower

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LndLevels Landing levels from owning element

BmLevels Beam levels from owning element
Thickn Thickness
TWidth Tread Width
Headroom Headroom
HeadClearance Head Clearance
FThickness Stair Flight Thickness
OpHeight Operational Height
OpWidth Operational Width
OpLength Operational Length
CLBaseOffset Column base offset
ASLStandard ASL Standard Reference
ASLSbStandard ASL Substandard Reference
FireRating Fire rating
Firesistance Fire resistance
Dcrfarray Array of Design datasets for Design Code/Criteria
LabOffset Label offset

Legal Owners:
Structure Element (STRUCTURE)
Stairwell Element (STRWELL)

Legal Members:
Access Point Set Element (ACCSET)
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Stair Flight Element (STRFLT)
Stair Landing Element (STRLNG)
Tower Steel Element (TWRSTL)

4.30.7 Tread Element (TREAD)

Stair Element

Name Name of the element
Area Area
Function Function
Description Description of the element
Number Number
Matref Material reference
FireRating Fire rating
Firesistance Fire resistance
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
AssTmpReference Assembly Template Reference

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Legal Owners:
Tread Set Element (TREADSET)

Legal Members:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Structural Generic Section Element (GENSEC)
Panel Element (PANEL)

4.30.8 Tread Set Element (TREADSET)

Stair Element

Name Name of the element
Area Area
Function Function
Description Description of the element
Matref Material reference
FireRating Fire rating
Firesistance Fire resistance
Position Position
Orientation Orientation

Legal Owners:
Stair Flight Element (STRFLT)

Legal Members:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Tread Element (TREAD)

4.30.9 Tower Steel Element (TWRSTL)

Stair Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
RefLevel Reference Level

Legal Owners:
Stair Tower Element (STRTWR)

Legal Members:
Structural Generic Section Element (GENSEC)

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Panel Element (PANEL)

4.31 Elements in Stress Analysis Category

4.31.1 Load Case Descriptor Element (LCDESCRIPTOR)

Stress Analysis Element

The LCDE element allows you to supply a detailed description of the types of loading case
that are to be considered as being applied during stress analysis of the Structure. Any
element without a LCDE will be ignored during stress analysis.

Name Name of the element
Lcase Load case number
Stext S Text string
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

Legal Owners:
Structure Element (STRUCTURE)

Legal Members:

4.31.2 Nodal Displacement Element (NODISPLACEMENT)

Stress Analysis Element

The NODI element allows you to apply directional or rotational displacement results or
preconditions to a Structure. The displacements are specified relative to a locally defined
axis system.

Name Name of the element
Lcase Load case number
Laxes Local axes
Displacement Translation displacements
Rotn Rotation
Description Description of the element
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

Legal Owners:
Compound fitting Element (CMFITTING)
Fitting Element (FITTING)
Equipment Load Point Element (LOAPOINT)

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Panel Vertex Element (PAVERT)

Primary Node Element (PNODE)
Secondary Node Element (SNODE)

Legal Members:

4.31.3 Nodal Load Element (NOLOAD)

Stress Analysis Element

The NOLO element is used to apply forces or moments to its owning Node. The forces and
moments are specified relative to a locally defined axis system (LAXES).

Name Name of the element
Lcase Load case number
Laxes Local axes
Force Force vector
Moment Moment
Description Description of the element
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

Legal Owners:
Compound fitting Element (CMFITTING)
Fitting Element (FITTING)
Equipment Load Point Element (LOAPOINT)
Panel Vertex Element (PAVERT)
Primary Node Element (PNODE)
Secondary Node Element (SNODE)

Legal Members:

4.31.4 Nodal Release Element (RELEASE)

Stress Analysis Element

The RELE element is used to define how a stressed structure may flex under the influence
of applied forces or moments. Its attribute settings control both directional and rotational
movement at its owning Node. The Release directions are specified relative to a locally
defined axis system.

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Name Name of the element
Nrelease Nodal releases
Laxes Local axes
Dflfactors Translational spring values
Rflfactors Rotational spring values
Description Description of the element
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

Legal Owners:
Compound fitting Element (CMFITTING)
Fitting Element (FITTING)
Equipment Load Point Element (LOAPOINT)
Panel Vertex Element (PAVERT)
Primary Node Element (PNODE)
Secondary Node Element (SNODE)

Legal Members:

4.31.5 Section Distributed Load Element (SDLOAD)

Stress Analysis Element

The SDLO element allows you to apply forces or moments distributed over a specified
length of the Neutral Axis of a Section. Stress analysis calculations assume a linear
interpolation of such a force or moment over the specified part of the Section. The forces
and moments are specified relative to the axis system of the parent Structure.

Name Name of the element
Lcase Load case number
Szdistance Start load point in section
Ezdistance End load point in section
Sforce Start force vector component
Eforce End force vector components
Width Width
Smoment Start moment component
Emoment End moment components
Description Description of the element
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

Legal Owners:
Panel Vertex Element (PAVERT)
Structural Section Element (SCTN)

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Structural Wall Element (STWALL)

Legal Members:

4.31.6 Section Point Load Element (SPLOAD)

Stress Analysis Element

The SPLO element allows you to apply forces or moments at given points on the Neutral
Axis of a Section. The forces and moments are specified relative to the axis system of the
parent Structure.

Name Name of the element
Lcase Load case number
Zdistance Position in section
Force Force vector
Moment Moment
Description Description of the element
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

Legal Owners:
Panel Vertex Element (PAVERT)
Structural Section Element (SCTN)
Structural Wall Element (STWALL)

Legal Members:

4.32 Elements in Structural Category

4.32.1 Floor Element (CFLOOR)

Structural Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Stspec Structural specification

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Matref Material reference

Grade Steel grade
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Firesistance Fire resistance
DUnion DRAFT element union detail flag
Ptspec Paint specification
Inschedule Inspection schedule
Skey Symbol key
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Stmf Template selection pointer

Legal Owners:
Framework Element (FRMWORK)

Legal Members:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Fixing Element (FIXING)
Floor Element (FLOOR)
Structural Generic Section Element (GENSEC)
Panel Linear Joint Element (PALJOINT)
Panel Element (PANEL)
Primary Node Element (PNODE)
Screed Element (SCREED)
Structural Section Element (SCTN)
Text Element (TEXT)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

4.32.2 Compound fitting Element (CMFITTING)

Structural Element
Primary Element

A CMFI can be used to represent a penetration at which one or more elements (Pipes or
Sections) pass through a hole in a Section. The position of each individual penetrating item
is represented by a Subfitting (SBFI) element owned by the CMFI; the CMFI is primarily an
administrative element used to position a group of SBFI. A CMFI is positioned along the
Z axis of its owning Section, in the same way as a Secondary Node.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function

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Elements in the Design Database

Purpose Description code word

Desparam Design parameters
Gtype Generic type
Number Number
Zdistance Position in section
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Posline Positioning line
Delposition D-position in structure
Bangle Beta angle
Grade Steel grade
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Firesistance Fire resistance
Inref Insulation reference
Spref Component spec reference
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Matref Material reference
Tmrref Template Repeat Element Reference
RepCount Rule Repeat Counter

Legal Owners:
Structural Section Element (SCTN)
Structural Wall Element (STWALL)

Legal Members:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Nodal Displacement Element (NODISPLACEMENT)
Nodal Load Element (NOLOAD)
Nodal Release Element (RELEASE)
Subfitting Element (SBFITTING)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

4.32.3 Compound Panel fitting Element (CMPFITTING)

Structural Element
Primary Element

A CMPF can be used to represent a penetration at which one or more elements (Pipes or
Sections) pass through a hole in a Panel. The position of each individual penetrating item is
represented by a Subfitting (SBFI) element owned by the CMPF; the CMPF is primarily an
administrative element used to position a group of SBFIs.

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Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Gtype Generic type
Number Number
Position Position
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Bangle Beta angle
Sjustification Surface justification for PALJs
Grade Steel grade
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Firesistance Fire resistance
Inref Insulation reference
Spref Component spec reference
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Cfrarray Cofitting reference array for Pfittings
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Matref Material reference
Tmrref Template Repeat Element Reference
RepCount Rule Repeat Counter

Legal Owners:
Floor Element (FLOOR)
Wall Element (GWALL)
Panel Element (PANEL)
Screed Element (SCREED)

Legal Members:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Subfitting Element (SBFITTING)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

4.32.4 Panel Cofitting Element (COFITTING)

Structural Element

A PANEL COFITTING is used where a fitting or penetration spans the junction between two
or more panels. One panel owns a PFIT, while the others each own a COFI. Each COFI
refers back to the associated PFIT via its PFRE (PFIT Reference attribute).

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Data Model Reference Manual
Elements in the Design Database

Name Name of the element
Pfref Pfitting reference for Cofittings
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

Legal Owners:
Floor Element (FLOOR)
Wall Element (GWALL)
Panel Element (PANEL)
Screed Element (SCREED)

Legal Members:

4.32.5 Complementary Fitting Element (COMFIXING)

Structural Element

Name Name of the element
Pfref Pfitting reference for Cofittings
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

Legal Owners:
Structural Generic Section Element (GENSEC)
Wall Element (WALL)

Legal Members:

4.32.6 Screed Element (CSCREED)

Structural Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Stspec Structural specification
Matref Material reference
Grade Steel grade
Ispec Insulation spec reference

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Elements in the Design Database

Firesistance Fire resistance

DUnion DRAFT element union detail flag
Ptspec Paint specification
Inschedule Inspection schedule
Skey Symbol key
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Stmf Template selection pointer

Legal Owners:
Framework Element (FRMWORK)

Legal Members:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Fixing Element (FIXING)
Panel Linear Joint Element (PALJOINT)
Panel Element (PANEL)
Screed Element (SCREED)
Text Element (TEXT)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

4.32.7 Curve (on Spine) Element (CURVE)

Structural Element

A CURVE element defines a segment of a Spine path. It defines the geometry of the Spine
between the POINSPs either side of it in the members list.

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Cposition conditioning position for curve geometry
Zdirection Additional axis direction
Radius Radius
Radsetflag Radius set flag - ignore Radius values if FALSE
Bulgefactor Bulge factor
CurType Curve type
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

Legal Owners:
Route path Element (RPATH)
Spine (of Gensec) Element (SPINE)

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Elements in the Design Database

Legal Members:

4.32.8 Wall Element (CWALL)

Structural Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Stspec Structural specification
Matref Material reference
Grade Steel grade
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Firesistance Fire resistance
DUnion DRAFT element union detail flag
Ptspec Paint specification
Inschedule Inspection schedule
Skey Symbol key
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Stmf Template selection pointer

Legal Owners:
Framework Element (FRMWORK)

Legal Members:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Fixing Element (FIXING)
Structural Generic Section Element (GENSEC)
Wall Element (GWALL)
Panel Linear Joint Element (PALJOINT)
Panel Element (PANEL)
Primary Node Element (PNODE)
Structural Section Element (SCTN)
Structural Wall Element (STWALL)
Text Element (TEXT)

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Elements in the Design Database

Template Element (TMPLATE)

Wall Element (WALL)

4.32.9 Fitting Element (FITTING)

Structural Element
Primary Element

A FITT can be used to represent any item which is attached to the Structure but which does
not form an integral part of it. It may be used to indicate such things as the presence of a
connected implied load, such as a pipe hanger attachment, or an ancillary item such as a
web stiffener or a flange plate.
A FITT is positioned along the Z axis of its owning Section, in the same way as a Secondary

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Gtype Generic type
Number Number
Zdistance Position in section
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Posline Positioning line
Delposition D-position in structure
Bangle Beta angle
Cref Connection reference
Grade Steel grade
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Firesistance Fire resistance
Inref Insulation reference
Spref Component spec reference
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Matref Material reference
Tmrref Template Repeat Element Reference
RepCount Rule Repeat Counter

Legal Owners:
Structural Section Element (SCTN)
Structural Wall Element (STWALL)

Legal Members:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)

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Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)

Nodal Displacement Element (NODISPLACEMENT)
Nodal Load Element (NOLOAD)
Nodal Release Element (RELEASE)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

4.32.10 Fixing Element (FIXING)

Structural Element
Primary Element

A FIXING can represent any fitting or joint owned (indirectly) by a GENSEC. It serves a
similar function to elements such as FITT, CMFI, SBFI, PCOJ, SCOJ, but in a more
generalised way.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Gtype Generic type
Number Number
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Cutback Cutback
Cutplane Cutting plane normal
Jline Joining line
Jfree True if Section position dominates a connection
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Cref Connection reference
Cfrarray Cofitting reference array for Pfittings
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Firesistance Fire resistance
Inref Insulation reference
Spref Component spec reference
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Matref Material reference
Mdsysf Reference Array of Model and Design Elements
Bevcodes Bevel codes for edges
Excess Excess

Legal Owners:
Floor Element (CFLOOR)
Screed Element (CSCREED)

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Elements in the Design Database

Wall Element (CWALL)

Door Element (DOOR)
Electrical Fitting Element (ELFITTING)
Fixing Element (FIXING)
Fixture Element (FIXTUR)
Fire Protection Fitting Element (FPFITTING)
Framework Element (FRMWORK)
Furniture Element (FURNIT)
Handrail Gate Element (HRGATE)
Handrail Panel Element (HRPANE)
HVAC Fitting Element (HVACFITTING)
Information Fitting Element (INFITTING)
Pline Datum Element (PLDATUM)
Platform Features Element (PLFEAT)
Primary Node Element (PNODE)
Subframework Element (SBFRAMEWORK)
Window Element (WINDOW)

Legal Members:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Fixing Element (FIXING)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

4.32.11 Floor Element (FLOOR)

Structural Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Gtype Generic type
Number Number
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Built Built/Unbuilt flag

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Elements in the Design Database

Shop Shop/Site flag

Spref Component spec reference
Matref Material reference
Grade Steel grade
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Firesistance Fire resistance
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Tmrref Template Repeat Element Reference
RepCount Rule Repeat Counter
Prodrf Reference to Production Object
Excess Excess
Bevcodes Bevel codes for edges

Legal Owners:
Floor Element (CFLOOR)
Framework Element (FRMWORK)
Subframework Element (SBFRAMEWORK)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

Legal Members:
Compound Panel fitting Element (CMPFITTING)
Panel Cofitting Element (COFITTING)
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Negative Box Element (NBOX)
Negative Cone Element (NCONE)
Negative Circular Torus Element (NCTORUS)
Negative Cylinder Element (NCYLINDER)
Negative Dish Element (NDISH)
Negative Polyhedron Element (NPOLYHEDRON)
Negative Pyramid Element (NPYRAMID)
Negative Revolution Element (NREVOLUTION)
Negative Rectangular Torus Element (NRTORUS)
Negative Slope Bottom Cylinder Element (NSLCYLINDER)
Negative Snout Element (NSNOUT)
Negative Rectangular Extrusion Element (NXTRUSION)
Panel Linear Joint Element (PALJOINT)
Panel Fitting Element (PFITTING)
Panel Loop Element (PLOOP)

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Elements in the Design Database

Template Element (TMPLATE)

4.32.12 Framework Element (FRMWORK)

Structural Element
Primary Element

The FRMW element provides a convenient administrative element for structural design
modelling. A number of the attributes set at FRMW level will cascade down through the
design hierarchy as member elements are created during the steelwork design process.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Stspec Structural specification
Matref Material reference
Grade Steel grade
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Firesistance Fire resistance
DUnion DRAFT element union detail flag
Ptspec Paint specification
Inschedule Inspection schedule
Skey Symbol key
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Stmf Template selection pointer
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Structure Element (STRUCTURE)

Legal Members:
Floor Element (CFLOOR)
Screed Element (CSCREED)
Wall Element (CWALL)
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Fixing Element (FIXING)
Floor Element (FLOOR)

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Elements in the Design Database

Structural Generic Section Element (GENSEC)

Wall Element (GWALL)
Panel Linear Joint Element (PALJOINT)
Panel Element (PANEL)
Primary Node Element (PNODE)
Subframework Element (SBFRAMEWORK)
Screed Element (SCREED)
Structural Section Element (SCTN)
Structural Wall Element (STWALL)
Text Element (TEXT)
Template Area Element (TMAREA)
Wall Element (WALL)

4.32.13 Structural Generic Section Element (GENSEC)

Structural Element
Primary Element

A GENSEC can represent any component whose geometry is defined by sweeping a 2D
profile along a linear or curved path (its SPINE element). It has a uniform cross-section
along its length, defined by reference to a Catalogue Profile element. In its simplest form,
where the Spine is defined as a line between two fixed points, the GENSEC can be used as
an alternative to the SCTN element. In its more general form, where the Spine consists of a
sequence of straight and/or curved segments, it can represent curved beams, curved walls,
and so on.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Gtype Generic type
Number Number
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Bangle Beta angle
LMirror True if Mirroring required
Joistart Start joint
Joiend End joint
Jlnstart Joining line start
Jlnend Joining line end
Jusline Justification Pline
Ctystart Start connection type
Ctyend End connection type
Srelease Start releases (packed)

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Elements in the Design Database

Erelease End releases (packed)

Grade Steel grade
Matref Material reference
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Firesistance Fire resistance
WeldDp Welding depth
PosNo Position number
ParNam Part name
Inref Insulation reference
Spref Component spec reference
Antype Analysis type
Memline Member line for SCTNs
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Purpose Description code word
Tmrref Template Repeat Element Reference
RepCount Rule Repeat Counter
Prodrf Reference to Production Object
Bevcodes Bevel codes for edges

Legal Owners:
Cage Segment Element (CAGSEG)
Floor Element (CFLOOR)
Ceiling Lattice Element (CLNLATTICE)
Cable Tray Feature Element (CTFEAT)
Wall Element (CWALL)
External Framework Element (EXTFRM)
Framework Element (FRMWORK)
Handrail Gate Element (HRGATE)
Handrail Panel Element (HRPANE)
Handrail Post Element (HRPOST)
Handrail Termination Element (HRTERM)
Platform Internal Framework Element (INTFRM)

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Elements in the Design Database

Intermediate Landing Element (INTLNG)

Ladder Rung Element (LDRRUN)
Ladder Stringer Element (LDRSTR)
Plating Grid Element (PLTGRD)
Subframework Element (SBFRAMEWORK)
Stair Landing Element (STRLNG)
Stair String Element (STRSTR)
Template Element (TMPLATE)
Tread Element (TREAD)
Tower Steel Element (TWRSTL)

Legal Members:
Complementary Fitting Element (COMFIXING)
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Justification Line Datum Element (JLDATUM)
Spine (of Gensec) Element (SPINE)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

4.32.14 Wall Element (GWALL)

Structural Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Gtype Generic type
Number Number
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Spref Component spec reference
Matref Material reference
Grade Steel grade
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Firesistance Fire resistance
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Invfarray Array of Inventory Items

Tmrref Template Repeat Element Reference
RepCount Rule Repeat Counter
Prodrf Reference to Production Object
Excess Excess
Bevcodes Bevel codes for edges

Legal Owners:
Wall Element (CWALL)
Framework Element (FRMWORK)
Subframework Element (SBFRAMEWORK)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

Legal Members:
Compound Panel fitting Element (CMPFITTING)
Panel Cofitting Element (COFITTING)
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Negative Box Element (NBOX)
Negative Cone Element (NCONE)
Negative Circular Torus Element (NCTORUS)
Negative Cylinder Element (NCYLINDER)
Negative Dish Element (NDISH)
Negative Polyhedron Element (NPOLYHEDRON)
Negative Pyramid Element (NPYRAMID)
Negative Revolution Element (NREVOLUTION)
Negative Rectangular Torus Element (NRTORUS)
Negative Slope Bottom Cylinder Element (NSLCYLINDER)
Negative Snout Element (NSNOUT)
Negative Rectangular Extrusion Element (NXTRUSION)
Panel Linear Joint Element (PALJOINT)
Panel Fitting Element (PFITTING)
Panel Loop Element (PLOOP)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

4.32.15 Justification Line Datum Element (JLDATUM)

Structural Element
Primary Element

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Defines the frame of reference for its member PLDATUM elements based on the pline
system of its owning GENSEC. (Replaces the function of the SNODE used by SCTNs.)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Zdistance Position in section
Pkdistance Proportional distance along Pline
Level Drawing level
Hpref Head point reference
Tpref Tail point reference
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Tmrref Template Repeat Element Reference
RepCount Rule Repeat Counter

Legal Owners:
Structural Generic Section Element (GENSEC)
Wall Element (WALL)

Legal Members:
Pline Datum Element (PLDATUM)

4.32.16 Equipment Load Point Element (LOAPOINT)

Structural Element

The Equipment LOAP element provides a link between an Equipment item and a Steelwork
Structural item. The CREF attribute of a LOAP and the CREF attribute of a Fitting may point
to each other to indicate interconnection between them.

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Cref Connection reference
Description Description of the element
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

Legal Owners:
Equipment Element (EQUIPMENT)
Subequipment Element (SUBEQUIPMENT)
Sub Volume Model Element (SVOLMODEL)
Volume Model Element (VOLMODEL)

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Legal Members:
Nodal Displacement Element (NODISPLACEMENT)
Nodal Load Element (NOLOAD)
Nodal Release Element (RELEASE)

4.32.17 Panel Linear Joint Element (PALJOINT)

Structural Element
Primary Element

A Panel Linear Joint is used to connect two Panels together. The start and end of the PALJ
are defined by two Panel Vertex (PAVE) points. Logical connections from the attached Panel
are made by setting Master Vertex (MVERT) attributes of two of the Panels PAVEs to point
to the corresponding PAVEs on the linear joint.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Gtype Generic type
Number Number
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Spref Component spec reference
Matref Material reference
Date Date
Sjustification Surface justification for PALJs
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Mdsysf Reference Array of Model and Design Elements

Legal Owners:
Floor Element (CFLOOR)
Screed Element (CSCREED)
Wall Element (CWALL)
Floor Element (FLOOR)
Framework Element (FRMWORK)
Wall Element (GWALL)
Panel Element (PANEL)
Subframework Element (SBFRAMEWORK)
Screed Element (SCREED)

Legal Members:
Panel Vertex Element (PAVERT)

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4.32.18 Panel Element (PANEL)

Structural Element
Primary Element

The PANEL element is used to represent sheet materials (walls, floors, decking, and so on.)
used to clad the structure. It is defined by sweeping a profile representing the panel's shape
(the Panel Loop. PLOOP) through a given distance (equivalent to the panel thickness) for
more information, refer to the following figure.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Gtype Generic type
Number Number
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Spref Component spec reference
Matref Material reference
Grade Steel grade
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Firesistance Fire resistance
PosNo Position number
ParNam Part name
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Tmrref Template Repeat Element Reference
RepCount Rule Repeat Counter
Prodrf Reference to Production Object
Excess Excess
Bevcodes Bevel codes for edges

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Legal Owners:
Ceiling Element (CEILIN)
Floor Element (CFLOOR)
Screed Element (CSCREED)
Wall Element (CWALL)
Equipment Element (EQUIPMENT)
External Framework Element (EXTFRM)
Framework Element (FRMWORK)
Handrail Panel Element (HRPANE)
Handrail Post Element (HRPOST)
Handrail Termination Element (HRTERM)
Platform Internal Framework Element (INTFRM)
Intermediate Landing Element (INTLNG)
Ladder Rung Element (LDRRUN)
Ladder Stringer Element (LDRSTR)
Plating Grid Element (PLTGRD)
Pipe Track Element (PTRACK)
Subframework Element (SBFRAMEWORK)
Stair Landing Element (STRLNG)
Stair String Element (STRSTR)
Structure Element (STRUCTURE)
Subequipment Element (SUBEQUIPMENT)
Substructure Element (SUBSTRUCTURE)
Template Element (TMPLATE)
Tread Element (TREAD)
Tower Steel Element (TWRSTL)

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Legal Members:
Compound Panel fitting Element (CMPFITTING)
Panel Cofitting Element (COFITTING)
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Negative Box Element (NBOX)
Negative Cone Element (NCONE)
Negative Circular Torus Element (NCTORUS)
Negative Cylinder Element (NCYLINDER)
Negative Dish Element (NDISH)
Negative Polyhedron Element (NPOLYHEDRON)
Negative Pyramid Element (NPYRAMID)
Negative Revolution Element (NREVOLUTION)
Negative Rectangular Torus Element (NRTORUS)
Negative Slope Bottom Cylinder Element (NSLCYLINDER)
Negative Snout Element (NSNOUT)
Negative Rectangular Extrusion Element (NXTRUSION)
Panel Linear Joint Element (PALJOINT)
Panel Fitting Element (PFITTING)
Panel Loop Element (PLOOP)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

4.32.19 Panel Vertex Element (PAVERT)

Structural Element

A PAVE element defines each vertex of a Panel Loop or each connected end of a Panel
Linear Joint.

Name Name of the element
Gtype Generic type
Number Number
Position Position
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Spref Component spec reference
Ctyattached Attached connection type
Fradius Fillet radius
Bulgefactor Bulge factor

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Elements in the Design Database

Bangle Beta angle

Matref Material reference
Date Date
Mvertex Reference to Master Vertex
Lnfarray Hidden Reference Array for linked Vertices
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

Legal Owners:
Panel Linear Joint Element (PALJOINT)
Panel Loop Element (PLOOP)

Legal Members:
Nodal Displacement Element (NODISPLACEMENT)
Nodal Load Element (NOLOAD)
Nodal Release Element (RELEASE)
Section Distributed Load Element (SDLOAD)
Section Point Load Element (SPLOAD)

4.32.20 Primary Compound Joint Element (PCOJOINT)

Structural Element

The Primary Compound Joint is used where two or more attached sections are connected at
a common Primary Node (representing, for example, a gusset plate). It owns a separate
SubJoint for each connection.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Desparam Design parameters
Gtype Generic type
Number Number
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Delposition D-position in structure
Opdirection Origin plane direction
Bangle Beta angle
Grade Steel grade
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Firesistance Fire resistance
Inref Insulation reference
Spref Component spec reference
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Matref Material reference
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items

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Legal Owners:
Primary Node Element (PNODE)

Legal Members:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Subjoint Element (SUBJOINT)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

4.32.21 Panel Fitting Element (PFITTING)

Structural Element
Primary Element

A PANEL FITTING can be used to represent any item which is attached to a Panel. It may
be used to indicate such things as the presence of a penetrating item or an ancillary item
such as an inspection cover, doorway and so on.
A PFIT is positioned relative to the origin of its owning Panel.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Gtype Generic type
Number Number
Position Position
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Bangle Beta angle
Sjustification Surface justification for PALJs
Cref Connection reference
Grade Steel grade
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Firesistance Fire resistance
Inref Insulation reference
Spref Component spec reference
Cfrarray Cofitting reference array for Pfittings
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Matref Material reference
Tmrref Template Repeat Element Reference
RepCount Rule Repeat Counter

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Elements in the Design Database

Legal Owners:
Floor Element (FLOOR)
Wall Element (GWALL)
Panel Element (PANEL)
Screed Element (SCREED)

Legal Members:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

4.32.22 Primary Joint Element (PJOINT)

Structural Element
Primary Element

The PJOINT is used to make a logical connection between a Section's start or end and a
Primary Node. Its position is defined relative to that of a PNOD (cf. SJOINT element). It
allows you to model indirectly, physical connections between Sections.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Desparam Design parameters
Gtype Generic type
Number Number
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Delposition D-position in structure
Opdirection Origin plane direction
Bangle Beta angle
Cutback Cutback
Cutplane Cutting plane normal
Cref Connection reference
Jline Joining line
Grade Steel grade
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Firesistance Fire resistance
Inref Insulation reference
Spref Component spec reference
Jfree True if Section position dominates a connection
Matref Material reference
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Mdsysf Reference Array of Model and Design Elements

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Bevcodes Bevel codes for edges

Excess Excess

Legal Owners:
Primary Node Element (PNODE)

Legal Members:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

4.32.23 Pline Datum Element (PLDATUM)

Structural Element
Primary Element

Defines the frame of reference for its members based on the nominated pline (POSL)
system of its owning JLDATUM. Used to position Fixings, Joints or Fittings along a

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Posline Positioning line
Ydirection Preferred Y axis direction
Level Drawing level
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

Legal Owners:
Justification Line Datum Element (JLDATUM)

Legal Members:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Fixing Element (FIXING)

4.32.24 Panel Loop Element (PLOOP)

Structural Element

The PLOOP represents a 2D profile which defines the shape of a Panel. It is defined as a
set of edges linking adjacent points represented by Panel Vertex (PAVE) elements.

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Name Name of the element
Height Height
Sjustification Surface justification for PALJs
Spref Component spec reference
Matref Material reference
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

Legal Owners:
Floor Element (FLOOR)
Wall Element (GWALL)
Panel Element (PANEL)
Screed Element (SCREED)

Legal Members:
Panel Vertex Element (PAVERT)

4.32.25 Primary Node Element (PNODE)

Structural Element
Primary Element

The PNODE is a fundamental "analytical" point of connection between Sections in an
interconnected steelwork structure. Its position is used to define the placing of Sections
within the design model and as a reference point for stress analytical calculations on the
interconnected structure. Its position is defined relative to the coordinate system of the
parent Structure (cf. the Secondary Node element, whose position is defined relative to an
owning Section).

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Nposition Position in owner
Level Drawing level
Fixity Structural fixity
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Tmrref Template Repeat Element Reference
RepCount Rule Repeat Counter

Legal Owners:
Floor Element (CFLOOR)
Wall Element (CWALL)
Framework Element (FRMWORK)

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Subframework Element (SBFRAMEWORK)

Template Element (TMPLATE)

Legal Members:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Fixing Element (FIXING)
Nodal Displacement Element (NODISPLACEMENT)
Nodal Load Element (NOLOAD)
Primary Compound Joint Element (PCOJOINT)
Primary Joint Element (PJOINT)
Nodal Release Element (RELEASE)

4.32.26 Point (on Spine) Element (POINSP)

Structural Element

A POINSP element defines the start and end of a Spine path, and any location along the
path at which there is a change of direction.

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Lnfarray Hidden Reference Array for linked Vertices

Legal Owners:
Spine (of Gensec) Element (SPINE)

Legal Members:

4.32.27 Subfitting Element (SBFITTING)

Structural Element
Primary Element

A SBFI can represent a single penetration at which a Pipe or Section passes through a hole
in a Panel or Section. Multiple penetrations are represented by a group of SBFIs (one for
each penetrating item) owned by a common Compound Fitting (CMFI) or Compound Panel
Fitting (CMPF) element.

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Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Gtype Generic type
Number Number
Desparam Design parameters
Shop Shop/Site flag
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Delposition D-position in structure
Zdirection Additional axis direction
Bangle Beta angle
Cref Connection reference
Grade Steel grade
Firesistance Fire resistance
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Inref Insulation reference
Spref Component spec reference
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Matref Material reference

Legal Owners:
Compound fitting Element (CMFITTING)
Compound Panel fitting Element (CMPFITTING)

Legal Members:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

4.32.28 Subframework Element (SBFRAMEWORK)

Structural Element
Primary Element

The SBFR element allows you to further subdivide a FRMW into more manageable
administrative portions for structural design modelling. As for FRMW, some attribute
settings will cascade down to member elements.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word

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Number Number
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Stspec Structural specification
Matref Material reference
Grade Steel grade
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Firesistance Fire resistance
DUnion DRAFT element union detail flag
Ptspec Paint specification
Inschedule Inspection schedule
Skey Symbol key
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Stmf Template selection pointer

Legal Owners:
Framework Element (FRMWORK)

Legal Members:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Fixing Element (FIXING)
Floor Element (FLOOR)
Structural Generic Section Element (GENSEC)
Wall Element (GWALL)
Panel Linear Joint Element (PALJOINT)
Panel Element (PANEL)
Primary Node Element (PNODE)
Screed Element (SCREED)
Structural Section Element (SCTN)
Structural Wall Element (STWALL)
Text Element (TEXT)
Template Element (TMPLATE)
Wall Element (WALL)

4.32.29 Secondary Compound Joint Element (SCOJOINT)

Structural Element
Primary Element

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The Secondary Compound Joint is used where two or more attached sections are
connected at a common Secondary Node (representing, for example, a gusset plate). It
owns a separate SubJoint for each connection.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Gtype Generic type
Number Number
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Posline Positioning line
Delposition D-position in structure
Bangle Beta angle
Grade Steel grade
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Firesistance Fire resistance
Inref Insulation reference
Spref Component spec reference
Matref Material reference
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items

Legal Owners:
Secondary Node Element (SNODE)

Legal Members:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Subjoint Element (SUBJOINT)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

4.32.30 Screed Element (SCREED)

Structural Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Gtype Generic type
Number Number

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Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Level Drawing level
Obstruction Obstruction level
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Spref Component spec reference
Matref Material reference
Grade Steel grade
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Firesistance Fire resistance
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Tmrref Template Repeat Element Reference
RepCount Rule Repeat Counter
Prodrf Reference to Production Object
Excess Excess
Bevcodes Bevel codes for edges

Legal Owners:
Floor Element (CFLOOR)
Screed Element (CSCREED)
Framework Element (FRMWORK)
Subframework Element (SBFRAMEWORK)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

Legal Members:
Compound Panel fitting Element (CMPFITTING)
Panel Cofitting Element (COFITTING)
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Negative Box Element (NBOX)
Negative Cone Element (NCONE)
Negative Circular Torus Element (NCTORUS)
Negative Cylinder Element (NCYLINDER)
Negative Dish Element (NDISH)
Negative Polyhedron Element (NPOLYHEDRON)
Negative Pyramid Element (NPYRAMID)
Negative Revolution Element (NREVOLUTION)
Negative Rectangular Torus Element (NRTORUS)
Negative Slope Bottom Cylinder Element (NSLCYLINDER)

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Negative Snout Element (NSNOUT)

Negative Rectangular Extrusion Element (NXTRUSION)
Panel Linear Joint Element (PALJOINT)
Panel Fitting Element (PFITTING)
Panel Loop Element (PLOOP)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

4.32.31 Structural Section Element (SCTN)

Structural Element
Primary Element

A SCTN represents a linear component such as a beam, column, strut and so on. It has a
uniform cross-section along its length, defined by reference to a Catalogue PROFILE
element, while its length is a derived property (not stored in an attribute) which is
determined by the Sections start and end positions.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Gtype Generic type
Number Number
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Bangle Beta angle
Drnstart Plane normal at start of SCTN/GENSEC
Drnend Plane normal at end of SCTN/GENSEC
Posstart Start point position
Posend End point position
Joistart Start joint
Joiend End joint
Jline Joining line
Jusline Justification Pline
Ctystart Start connection type
Ctyend End connection type
Srelease Start releases (packed)
Erelease End releases (packed)
Grade Steel grade
Matref Material reference
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Firesistance Fire resistance
WeldDp Welding depth
PosNo Position number
ParNam Part name

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Inref Insulation reference

Spref Component spec reference
Antype Analysis type
Drgpriority Drawing priority (used to determine how to draw SCTN)
Memline Member line for SCTNs
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Tmrref Template Repeat Element Reference
RepCount Rule Repeat Counter
Prodrf Reference to Production Object
Bevcodes Bevel codes for edges

Legal Owners:
Floor Element (CFLOOR)
Wall Element (CWALL)
Framework Element (FRMWORK)
Subframework Element (SBFRAMEWORK)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

Legal Members:
Compound fitting Element (CMFITTING)
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Fitting Element (FITTING)
Section Distributed Load Element (SDLOAD)
Section Linear Joint Element (SELJOINT)
Secondary Node Element (SNODE)
Section Point Load Element (SPLOAD)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

4.32.32 Section Linear Joint Element (SELJOINT)

Structural Element
Primary Element

A Section Linear Joint is used to connect a Panel to a Section. The start and end of the
SELJ are defined by two Section Vertex (SEVE) points. Logical connections from the
attached Panel are made by setting Master Vertex (MVERT) attributes of two of the Panel's
PAVEs to point to the corresponding SEVEs on the linear joint.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

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Function Function
Gtype Generic type
Number Number
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Spref Component spec reference
Matref Material reference
Date Date
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

Legal Owners:
Structural Section Element (SCTN)
Structural Wall Element (STWALL)

Legal Members:
Section Vertex Element (SEVERT)

4.32.33 Section Vertex Element (SEVERT)

Structural Element

A SEVE element defines each connected end of a Section Linear Joint.

Name Name of the element
Gtype Generic type
Number Number
Desparam Design parameters
Zdistance Position in section
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Spref Component spec reference
Ctyattached Attached connection type
Posline Positioning line
Delposition D-position in structure
Fradius Fillet radius
Bulgefactor Bulge factor
Bangle Beta angle
Matref Material reference
Date Date
Mvertex Reference to Master Vertex
Lnfarray Hidden Reference Array for linked Vertices
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

Legal Owners:
Section Linear Joint Element (SELJOINT)

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Legal Members:

4.32.34 Secondary Joint Element (SJOINT)

Structural Element
Primary Element

The SJOINT element is used to make a logical connection between two Sections in an
interconnected steelwork structure. Its position is defined relative to that of a SNOD (cf.
PJOINT element).

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Gtype Generic type
Number Number
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Posline Positioning line
Delposition D-position in structure
Bangle Beta angle
Cutback Cutback
Cutplane Cutting plane normal
Cref Connection reference
Jline Joining line
Grade Steel grade
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Firesistance Fire resistance
Inref Insulation reference
Spref Component spec reference
Jfree True if Section position dominates a connection
Matref Material reference
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Bevcodes Bevel codes for edges
Excess Excess

Legal Owners:
Secondary Node Element (SNODE)

Legal Members:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

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4.32.35 Secondary Node Element (SNODE)

Structural Element
Primary Element

The SNODE is a fundamental "analytical" point of connection between Sections in an
interconnected steelwork structure. Its position is used to define the placing of Sections
within the design model and as a reference point for stress analytical calculations on the
interconnected structure. Its position is defined relative to an owning Section (cf. the Primary
Node element, whose position is defined relative to the coordinate system of the parent

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Zdistance Position in section
Level Drawing level
Fixity Structural fixity
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Tmrref Template Repeat Element Reference
RepCount Rule Repeat Counter

Legal Owners:
Structural Section Element (SCTN)
Structural Wall Element (STWALL)

Legal Members:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Nodal Displacement Element (NODISPLACEMENT)
Nodal Load Element (NOLOAD)
Nodal Release Element (RELEASE)
Secondary Compound Joint Element (SCOJOINT)
Secondary Joint Element (SJOINT)

4.32.36 Spine (of Gensec) Element (SPINE)

Structural Element

A SPINE defines the path through which a cross-sectional Profile must be swept to generate
a GENSEC. The route of the Spine is defined by a sequence of Spine Points (POINSP): one
at the start, one at the end, and one at each change of direction. Each segment linking

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adjacent Spine Points can be either a straight line or an arc of a circle: the latter is achieved
by the insertion of a CURVE element, for more information on this element, refer to Curve
(on Spine) Element (CURVE).

Name Name of the element
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Drnstart Plane normal at start of SCTN/GENSEC
Drnend Plane normal at end of SCTN/GENSEC
Ydirection Preferred Y axis direction

Legal Owners:
Structural Generic Section Element (GENSEC)
Wall Element (WALL)

Legal Members:
General Shell Curve Element (CCURVE)
Point (on Spine) Element (POINSP)

4.32.37 Structure Element (STRUCTURE)

Structural Element
Primary Element

The structural framework of the plant (for example, buildings, pipe racks, equipment racks)
can be modelled on a simple level using the same basic set of primitive shapes available for
Equipment (the main difference being that such elements cannot own Nozzles).
The principal feature of the STRUCTURE element is its ability to own SUBSTRUCTURES
as well as primitive shapes, Routing Planes and Penalty Volumes. Enabling, say, a rack to
be further divided into beams and columns. For more information on the use of this element
in designing Steelwork Structures, refer to Elements in Structural Category.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Area Area
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Usrweight User entered weight value
Usrwweight User entered wet weight value
Usrcogravity User centre of gravity position
Usrwcogravity User wet centre of gravity position
Uwmtxt User weight Manager text
Built Built/Unbuilt flag

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DUnion DRAFT element union detail flag

Skey Symbol key
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Stmf Template selection pointer
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Fstatus Fstatus
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Zone Element (ZONE)

Legal Members:
Box Element (BOX)
Cone Element (CONE)
Circular Torus Element (CTORUS)
Constant Thickness Wall Element (CTWALL)
Cylinder Element (CYLINDER)
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Dish Element (DISH)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Drawn Line Element (DRAWING)
Extrusion Element (EXTRUSION)
Framework Element (FRMWORK)
Handrail Element (HANDRA)
Ladder Element (LADDER)
Load Case Descriptor Element (LCDESCRIPTOR)
Panel Element (PANEL)
Platform Element (PLTFRM)
Polyhedron Element (POHEDRON)
Polyhedron Element (POLYHEDRON)
Penalty or Preferred Volume Element (PVOLUME)
Pyramid Element (PYRAMID)
Revolution Element (REVOLUTION)
Room Element (ROOM)
Routing Plane Element (RPLANE)
Routing Plane Element (RPLGROUP)
Rectangular Torus Element (RTORUS)
Slope Bottom Cylinder Element (SLCYLINDER)

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Snout Element (SNOUT)

Stair Flight Element (STRFLT)
Stair Tower Element (STRTWR)
Substructure Element (SUBSTRUCTURE)
Text Element (TEXT)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

4.32.38 Structural Wall Element (STWALL)

Structural Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Gtype Generic type
Number Number
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Bangle Beta angle
Drnstart Plane normal at start of SCTN/GENSEC
Drnend Plane normal at end of SCTN/GENSEC
Posstart Start point position
Posend End point position
Joistart Start joint
Joiend End joint
Jline Joining line
Jusline Justification Pline
Ctystart Start connection type
Ctyend End connection type
Srelease Start releases (packed)
Erelease End releases (packed)
Grade Steel grade
Matref Material reference
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Firesistance Fire resistance
Inref Insulation reference
Spref Component spec reference
Antype Analysis type
Drgpriority Drawing priority (used to determine how to draw SCTN)
Memline Member line for SCTNs
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Tmrref Template Repeat Element Reference
RepCount Rule Repeat Counter

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Prodrf Reference to Production Object

Bevcodes Bevel codes for edges

Legal Owners:
Wall Element (CWALL)
Framework Element (FRMWORK)
Subframework Element (SBFRAMEWORK)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

Legal Members:
Compound fitting Element (CMFITTING)
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Fitting Element (FITTING)
Section Distributed Load Element (SDLOAD)
Section Linear Joint Element (SELJOINT)
Secondary Node Element (SNODE)
Section Point Load Element (SPLOAD)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

4.32.39 Subjoint Element (SUBJOINT)

Structural Element

The SUBJ is used to make a logical connection as part of a Primary or Secondary
Compound Joint.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Gtype Generic type
Number Number
Desparam Design parameters
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Delposition D-position in structure
Zdirection Additional axis direction
Bangle Beta angle
Cutback Cutback
Cutplane Cutting plane normal
Cref Connection reference
Jline Joining line

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Grade Steel grade

Ispec Insulation spec reference
Firesistance Fire resistance
Inref Insulation reference
Spref Component spec reference
Jfree True if Section position dominates a connection
Matref Material reference
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Bevcodes Bevel codes for edges
Excess Excess

Legal Owners:
Primary Compound Joint Element (PCOJOINT)
Secondary Compound Joint Element (SCOJOINT)

Legal Members:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

4.32.40 Substructure Element (SUBSTRUCTURE)

Structural Element
Primary Element

Minor structural elements such as beams, columns, walls, ladders and staircases can be
modelled with the standard set of basic primitive shapes within a SUBSTRUCTURE

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Area Area
Usrweight User entered weight value
Usrwweight User entered wet weight value
Usrcogravity User centre of gravity position
Usrwcogravity User wet centre of gravity position
Uwmtxt User weight Manager text
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Length Length
DUnion DRAFT element union detail flag

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Prfl Profile
Skey Symbol key
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Stmf Template selection pointer
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items

Legal Owners:
Structure Element (STRUCTURE)

Legal Members:
Box Element (BOX)
Cone Element (CONE)
Circular Torus Element (CTORUS)
Cylinder Element (CYLINDER)Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Dish Element (DISH)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Drawn Line Element (DRAWING)
Extrusion Element (EXTRUSION)
Panel Element (PANEL)
Polyhedron Element (POHEDRON)
Polyhedron Element (POLYHEDRON)
Penalty or Preferred Volume Element (PVOLUME)
Pyramid Element (PYRAMID)
Revolution Element (REVOLUTION)
Routing Plane Element (RPLANE)
Rectangular Torus Element (RTORUS)
Slope Bottom Cylinder Element (SLCYLINDER)
Snout Element (SNOUT)
Text Element (TEXT)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

4.32.41 Wall Element (WALL)

Structural Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Gtype Generic type
Number Number

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Desparam Design parameters

Built Built/Unbuilt flag
Shop Shop/Site flag
Bangle Beta angle
LMirror True if Mirroring required
Joistart Start joint
Joiend End joint
Jlnstart Joining line start
Jlnend Joining line end
Jusline Justification Pline
Ctystart Start connection type
Ctyend End connection type
Srelease Start releases (packed)
Erelease End releases (packed)
Grade Steel grade
Matref Material reference
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Firesistance Fire resistance
Inref Insulation reference
Spref Component spec reference
Antype Analysis type
Memline Member line for SCTNs
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Purpose Description code word
Tmrref Template Repeat Element Reference
RepCount Rule Repeat Counter
Prodrf Reference to Production Object
Bevcodes Bevel codes for edges

Legal Owners:
Wall Element (CWALL)
Framework Element (FRMWORK)
Subframework Element (SBFRAMEWORK)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

Legal Members:
Complementary Fitting Element (COMFIXING)
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Justification Line Datum Element (JLDATUM)
Spine (of Gensec) Element (SPINE)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

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4.33 Elements in System Category

4.33.1 System Group Area Element (SYGPAR)

System Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number

Legal Owners:
System Group Area Element (SYGPAR)
System Group World Element (SYGPWL)

Legal Members:
System Group Area Element (SYGPAR)
System Group Element (SYSGRP)

4.33.2 System Group World Element (SYGPWL)

System Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
System Group Area Element (SYGPAR)

4.33.3 System Catalogue Data Element (SYSCDA)

System Element
Primary Element

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Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Pspec Pipe specification
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Fluref Fluid reference
Ptspec Paint specification

Legal Owners:
System Group Element (SYSGRP)

Legal Members:

4.33.4 System Group Element (SYSGRP)

System Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function

Legal Owners:
System Group Element (SYSGRP)
System Group Area Element (SYGPAR)

Legal Members:
System Catalogue Data Element (SYSCDA)
System Group Element (SYSGRP)
System Dataset Element (SYSMDA)

4.33.5 System Dataset Element (SYSMDA)

System Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function

Legal Owners:
System Group Element (SYSGRP)

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Legal Members:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)

4.34 Elements in Template Category

4.34.1 Application Data Area Element (APPDAREA)

Template Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number

Legal Owners:
Application Data Area Element (APPDAREA)
Application Data World Element (APPLDWORLD)

Legal Members:
Application Data Area Element (APPDAREA)
Application Data Element (APPLDATA)

4.34.2 Application Data Element (APPLDATA)

Template Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Gtype Generic type
Ttype Template type
Lcnfarray Array of elements with local names

Legal Owners:
Application Data Area Element (APPDAREA)

Legal Members:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Room Element (ROOM)

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Zone Element (ZONE)

4.34.3 Application Data World Element (APPLDWORLD)

Template Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Application Data Area Element (APPDAREA)
Design Dataset Area Element (DDAREA)

4.34.4 Template Area Element (TMAREA)

Template Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number
Daref Reference of associated dataset area

Legal Owners:
Template World Element (TPWLD)

Legal Members:
Template Element (TMPLATE)

4.34.5 Template Element (TMPLATE)

Template Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function

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Elements in the Design Database

Purpose Description code word

Gtype Generic type
Number Number
Usrweight User entered weight value
Usrwweight User entered wet weight value
Usrcogravity User centre of gravity position
Usrwcogravity User wet centre of gravity position
Uwmtxt User weight Manager text
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Ttype Template type
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Invfarray Array of Inventory Items
Ddrfarray Array of default design datasets (for template)
Lcnfarray Array of elements with local names
Rseqarray Sequence numbers for rule execution

Legal Owners:
Cage Segment Element (CAGSEG)
Floor Element (CFLOOR)
Ceiling Tile Element (CLNTIL)
Compound fitting Element (CMFITTING)
Compound Panel fitting Element (CMPFITTING)
Screed Element (CSCREED)
Cable Tray Feature Element (CTFEAT)
Cable Tray Joint Element (CTJOIN)
Cable Tray Element (CTRAY)
Wall Element (CWALL)
Door Element (DOOR)
Electrical Connection Element (ELCONN)
Electrical Fitting Element (ELFITTING)
Equipment Element (EQUIPMENT)
Fitting Element (FITTING)
Fixing Element (FIXING)
Fixture Element (FIXTUR)
Floor Element (FLOOR)
Fire Protection Fitting Element (FPFITTING)
Framework Element (FRMWORK)
Furniture Element (FURNIT)
Structural Generic Section Element (GENSEC)
Wall Element (GWALL)

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Elements in the Design Database

Handrail Gate Element (HRGATE)

Handrail Panel Element (HRPANE)
Handrail Post Element (HRPOST)
Handrail Termination Element (HRTERM)
HVAC Fitting Element (HVACFITTING)
Information Fitting Element (INFITTING)
Nozzle Element (NOZZLE)
Panel Element (PANEL)
Primary Compound Joint Element (PCOJOINT)
Panel Fitting Element (PFITTING)
Primary Joint Element (PJOINT)
Rail Set Element (RAILSET)
Subfitting Element (SBFITTING)
Subframework Element (SBFRAMEWORK)
Secondary Compound Joint Element (SCOJOINT)
Screed Element (SCREED)
Structural Section Element (SCTN)
Secondary Joint Element (SJOINT)
Structure Element (STRUCTURE)
Structural Wall Element (STWALL)
Subequipment Element (SUBEQUIPMENT)
Subjoint Element (SUBJOINT)
Substructure Element (SUBSTRUCTURE)
Template Area Element (TMAREA)
Wall Element (WALL)
Window Element (WINDOW)
Wall Panel Element (WLPANEL)

Legal Members:
Box Element (BOX)
Cone Element (CONE)
Circular Torus Element (CTORUS)
Cylinder Element (CYLINDER)
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Dish Element (DISH)
Design Ppoint/Pline Set Element (DPSET)
Drawn Line Element (DRAWING)

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Elements in the Design Database

Electrical Connection Element (ELCONN)

Extrusion Element (EXTRUSION)
Floor Element (FLOOR)
Structural Generic Section Element (GENSEC)
Wall Element (GWALL)
Negative Box Element (NBOX)
Negative Cone Element (NCONE)
Negative Circular Torus Element (NCTORUS)
Negative Cylinder Element (NCYLINDER)
Negative Dish Element (NDISH)
Nozzle Element (NOZZLE)
Negative Polyhedron Element (NPOLYHEDRON)
Negative Pyramid Element (NPYRAMID)
Negative Revolution Element (NREVOLUTION)
Negative Rectangular Torus Element (NRTORUS)
Negative Slope Bottom Cylinder Element (NSLCYLINDER)
Negative Snout Element (NSNOUT)
Negative Rectangular Extrusion Element (NXTRUSION)
Panel Element (PANEL)
Primary Node Element (PNODE)
Polyhedron Element (POHEDRON)
Polyhedron Element (POLYHEDRON)
Pyramid Element (PYRAMID)
Revolution Element (REVOLUTION)
Rectangular Torus Element (RTORUS)
Screed Element (SCREED)
Structural Section Element (SCTN)
Slope Bottom Cylinder Element (SLCYLINDER)
Snout Element (SNOUT)
Structural Wall Element (STWALL)
Text Element (TEXT)
Template Element (TMPLATE)
Wall Element (WALL)

4.34.6 Repeat Set Element (TMRPSET)

Template Element

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Elements in the Design Database

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

Legal Owners:
Template Element (TMPLATE)

Legal Members:
Rule Repeat Element (TMRRELEMENT)

4.34.7 Rule Repeat Element (TMRRELEMENT)

Template Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Tmrrule Template Repeat Rule
Tmrmaster Template Repeat Master Duplicate Element
Tmrowner Template Repeat Owning Element
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
OffType Offset type: DELTA, LINEAR, RADIAL
DeltaEast Easterly Offset applied to repeat elements
DeltaNorth Northerly Offset applied to repeat elements
DeltaUp Vertical Offset applied to repeat elements
Offdistance Offset distance applied to repeat elements
Offdirection Offset direction applied to repeat
DelAngle Angle applied to repeat elements
AxiPosition Axis position applied to repeat
Axidirection Axis direction applied to repeat
Rorient True if repeat item is re-orientated upon rotation
MaxRepeat Maximum number of Repeat items created

Legal Owners:
Repeat Set Element (TMRPSET)

Legal Members:

4.34.8 Template World Element (TPWLD)

Template Element
Primary Element

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Elements in the Design Database

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Number Number

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Design Dataset Area Element (DDAREA)
Template Area Element (TMAREA)

4.35 Elements in Unclassified Category

4.35.1 ARCHIV Element (ARCHIV)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Uuid Universally unique identifier

Legal Owners:

Legal Members:

4.35.2 Cable Segment Element (CBSEGMENT)


Legal Owners:

Legal Members:

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Elements in the Design Database

4.35.3 Cable Tray Feature Element (CTFEAT)

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Spref Component spec reference
Shop Shop/Site flag
Height Height

Legal Owners:
Cable Tray Bend Element (CTBEND)
Cable Tray Cross Element (CTCROS)
Cable Tray Reducer Element (CTREDU)
Cable Tray Riser Element (CTRISE)
Cable Tray Straight Element (CTSTRA)
Cable Tray Tee Element (CTTEE)

Legal Members:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Structural Generic Section Element (GENSEC)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

4.35.4 Cable Tray Joint Element (CTJOIN)

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Spref Component spec reference
Shop Shop/Site flag
Height Height

Legal Owners:
Cable Tray Bend Element (CTBEND)
Cable Tray Cross Element (CTCROS)
Cable Tray Reducer Element (CTREDU)
Cable Tray Riser Element (CTRISE)
Cable Tray Straight Element (CTSTRA)
Cable Tray Tee Element (CTTEE)

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Legal Members:
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

4.35.5 Cable Tray Material Element (CTMTRL)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Desparam Design parameters
CTSPE Cable tray specification
TrayW Tray Width
TrayH Tray height
TierHeight Heights of trays measured from path
FGap First offset distance
IGap Intermediate offset distance
LGap Last offset distance

Legal Owners:
Cable Way Branch Element (CWBRAN)

Legal Members:
Cable Tray Bend Element (CTBEND)
Cable Tray Cross Element (CTCROS)
Cable Tray Reducer Element (CTREDU)
Cable Tray Riser Element (CTRISE)
Cable Tray Straight Element (CTSTRA)
Cable Tray Tee Element (CTTEE)

4.35.6 Cable Tray Element (CTRAY)

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Orientation Orientation
Desparam Design parameters
Spref Component spec reference
Shop Shop/Site flag
Height Height

Legal Owners:
Cable Tray Bend Element (CTBEND)

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Cable Tray Cross Element (CTCROS)

Cable Tray Reducer Element (CTREDU)
Cable Tray Riser Element (CTRISE)
Cable Tray Straight Element (CTSTRA)
Cable Tray Tee Element (CTTEE)

Legal Members:
Cable Tray Support Element (CTSUPP)
Design Dataset Element (DDSE)
Template Element (TMPLATE)

4.35.7 SA Item Element (SAITEM)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Scsysf System reference array for schematic elements

Legal Owners:
SA Group Level Element (SATGRP)

Legal Members:
SA SubItem Element (SASUBI)

4.35.8 SA SubItem Element (SASUBI)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
SA Item Element (SAITEM)
SA SubItem Element (SASUBI)

Legal Members:
SA SubItem Element (SASUBI)

4.35.9 SA Group Level Element (SATGRP)

Primary Element

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Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
SA Group Level Element (SATGRP)
World for Schematic Attributes Element (SATWLD)

Legal Members:
SA Item Element (SAITEM)
SA Group Level Element (SATGRP)

4.35.10 World for Schematic Attributes Element (SATWLD)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
SA Group Level Element (SATGRP)

4.35.11 Status Link World Element (STLNKW)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
StlPos Status Element reference

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:

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4.35.12 Folder for Primary X Item Element (XPIFLD)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
Folder for Primary X Item Element (XPIFLD)
World for Primary X Item Element (XPIWLD)

Legal Members:
Folder for Primary X Item Element (XPIFLD)
Primary X Item Element (XPITEM)

4.35.13 Primary X Item Element (XPITEM)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
XRPNTR Distributed Attributes reference

Legal Owners:
Folder for Primary X Item Element (XPIFLD)

Legal Members:
Secondary (sub) X Item Element (XSITEM)

4.35.14 World for Primary X Item Element (XPIWLD)

Primary Element
Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
XRSTRT Distributed Attributes reference

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Folder for Primary X Item Element (XPIFLD)

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4.35.15 Secondary (sub) X Item Element (XSITEM)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
Primary X Item Element (XPITEM)
Secondary (sub) X Item Element (XSITEM)

Legal Members:
Secondary (sub) X Item Element (XSITEM)

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Dictionary Database

5 Dictionary Database

The Data Model Reference manual contains details of all the elements which can be created
in the Dictionary database, their position in the database hierarchy and their attributes.

5.1 Dictionary Database Elements

All data in the Dictionary database is stored in elements in a strict hierarchy. Every element
has a type and each type determines the attributes available on the element. For more
information on database concepts, refer to Database Management Reference Manual.

5.1.1 Attribute Column Element (ATTCOLUMN)

A column definition that uses a database element attribute as the columns data source.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Atname Attribute name
AtQualifier Attribute qualifier
Udname User defined name
ReadOnly Read only

Legal Owners:
Database View Element (DBVW)
Source Element (SRCELEMENT)

Legal Members:

5.1.2 Attribute Filter Element (ATTFILTER)

A filter definition that defines an attribute test to filter a set of elements. The tests are
performed using one of a fixed set of operators and a user defined value.

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Name Name of the element
Atname Attribute name
FiltOperator Filter operator
FiltValue Filter value

Legal Owners:
Database View Element (DBVW)
Source Element (SRCELEMENT)

Legal Members:

5.1.3 Column Relation Element (COLRELATION)

A parent child relationship between two columns. Nb the values in the child column
identified must be a sub-set of the values in the parent column identified.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Udname User defined name
ParColumn Parent column
ChdColumn Child column

Legal Owners:
Database View Group Element (DBVWGROUP)
Database View Set Element (DBVWSET)
Database View World Element (DBVWWLD)

Legal Members:

5.1.4 Create Rules Element (CRERULES)

Create rules for creating row elements and column elements within a database view.

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Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
OwnExpression Owner expression
OwnExType Owner expression type
TypExpression Type Expression
typExType Type expression type
Creanc Create ancestors

Legal Owners:
Database View Element (DBVW)
Source Element (SRCELEMENT)

Legal Members:
Set Attribute Rule Element (SETATTRIBUTE)
Set Parameter Element (SETPARAMETER)
Set Status Rule Element (SETSTATUS)

5.1.5 Database View Element (DBVW)

A database view definition that defines a table constructed from the database hierarchy.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Udname User defined name
Elelist Types of elements (including UDETs) to which this attribute
DbVwStRef Database View Set reference array
AutCre Set true to automatically create bound element.

Legal Owners:
Database View Group Element (DBVWGROUP)
Database View Set Element (DBVWSET)
Database View World Element (DBVWWLD)

Legal Members:
Attribute Column Element (ATTCOLUMN)
Attribute Filter Element (ATTFILTER)
Create Rules Element (CRERULES)
Expression Column Element (EXPCOLUMN)
Expression Filter Element (EXPFILTER)
Source Element (SRCELEMENT)

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5.1.6 Database View Group Element (DBVWGROUP)

A group element for managing database view definition elements.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
Database View World Element (DBVWWLD)

Legal Members:
Column Relation Element (COLRELATION)
Database View Element (DBVW)
Database View Set Element (DBVWSET)

5.1.7 Database View Set Element (DBVWSET)

A set of database view definitions which may be related.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Udname User defined name

Legal Owners:
Database View Group Element (DBVWGROUP)
Database View World Element (DBVWWLD)

Legal Members:
Column Relation Element (COLRELATION)
Database View Element (DBVW)

5.1.8 Database View World Element (DBVWWLD)

A world of definition elements for defining database views.

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Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Column Relation Element (COLRELATION)
Database View Element (DBVW)
Database View Group Element (DBVWGROUP)
Database View Set Element (DBVWSET)

5.1.9 Attribute Distribution Element (DSXDST)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
DHTest Test locator expression
DHText Default home identifier expression

Legal Owners:
Default Home Definition Element (DSXHOM)
Default Home Test Element (DSXTST)

Legal Members:

5.1.10 Distribution Groups Element (DSXGRP)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
World for Distribution Schemas Element (DSXWLD)

Legal Members:
Default Home Definition Element (DSXHOM)
Distribution Schema Element (DSXSCH)

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5.1.11 Default Home Definition Element (DSXHOM)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
Distribution Groups Element (DSXGRP)

Legal Members:
Attribute Distribution Element (DSXDST)
Default Home Test Element (DSXTST)

5.1.12 Attribute Distribution Element (DSXMBR)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
AutCre Set true to automatically create bound element.
Elelist Types of elements (including UDETs) to which this attribute
Cardinality Cardinality definition
DefHome Default allocation home

Legal Owners:
Attribute Distribution Element (DSXOWN)

Legal Members:

5.1.13 Attribute Distribution Element (DSXOWN)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Elelist Types of elements (including UDETs) to which this attribute
DefHome Default allocation home

Legal Owners:
Distribution Schema Element (DSXSCH)

Legal Members:
Attribute Distribution Element (DSXMBR)

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5.1.14 Distribution Schema Element (DSXSCH)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
DefHome Default allocation home

Legal Owners:
Distribution Groups Element (DSXGRP)

Legal Members:
Attribute Distribution Element (DSXOWN)

5.1.15 Default Home Test Element (DSXTST)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
DHTest Test locator expression

Legal Owners:
Default Home Definition Element (DSXHOM)
Default Home Test Element (DSXTST)

Legal Members:
Attribute Distribution Element (DSXDST)
Default Home Test Element (DSXTST)

5.1.16 World for Distribution Schemas Element (DSXWLD)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Distribution Groups Element (DSXGRP)

5.1.17 Expression Column Element (EXPCOLUMN)

A column definition that has an expression as its data source. The expression may be a
PML 1 or XPath expression.

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Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Expression Expression
ExpType Expression type
Udname User defined name
Utype Type of attribute value

Legal Owners:
Database View Element (DBVW)
Source Element (SRCELEMENT)

Legal Members:

5.1.18 Expression Filter Element (EXPFILTER)

A filter definition that defines a boolean expression to filter an element set. The expression
may be a PML 1 expression or an XPath 1.0 expression.

Name Name of the element
Expression Expression
ExpType Expression type

Legal Owners:
Database View Element (DBVW)
Source Element (SRCELEMENT)

Legal Members:

5.1.19 Set Attribute Rule Element (SETATTRIBUTE)

A rule used to set an attribute when an element is created. If the value expression is left
unset then the application or user are prompted for input.

Name Name of the element
Atname Attribute name
Expression Expression
ExpType Expression type
Prompt User prompt
Required Required

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Legal Owners:
Create Rules Element (CRERULES)

Legal Members:
Test Expression Element (TESTEXPRESSION)

5.1.20 Set Parameter Element (SETPARAMETER)

A parameter for use when executing rules to element creation within database views.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Udname User defined name
Utype Type of attribute value
Expression Expression
ExpType Expression type
Prompt User prompt
Required Required

Legal Owners:
Create Rules Element (CRERULES)

Legal Members:

5.1.21 Set Status Rule Element (SETSTATUS)

Set the status definition to apply to an element when created.

Name Name of the element
STDEFREF Status definition
Prompt User prompt
Required Required

Legal Owners:
Create Rules Element (CRERULES)

Legal Members:
Test Expression Element (TESTEXPRESSION)

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5.1.22 Source Element (SRCELEMENT)

Defines the navigation from the current element context to another element so that
attributes and expressions can be used from the identified element.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Expression Expression
ExpType Expression type
AutCre Set true to automatically create bound element.

Legal Owners:
Database View Element (DBVW)
Source Element (SRCELEMENT)

Legal Members:
Attribute Column Element (ATTCOLUMN)
Attribute Filter Element (ATTFILTER)
Create Rules Element (CRERULES)
Expression Column Element (EXPCOLUMN)
Expression Filter Element (EXPFILTER)
Source Element (SRCELEMENT)

5.1.23 Status Definition Element (STADEF)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
IniVal Initial Value
Elelist Types of elements (including UDETs) to which this attribute

Legal Owners:
Status Definitions Group Element (STAGRP)
Status Configuration World Element (STAWLD)

Legal Members:
Status Value Element (STAVAL)

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5.1.24 Status Definitions Group Element (STAGRP)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
Status Configuration World Element (STAWLD)

Legal Members:
Status Definition Element (STADEF)

5.1.25 Status Value Element (STAVAL)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
ValName Local Name of a Status Value
ValNumber Numerical representation of a Status Value
DemIx Index of Demote Status Value
PromIx Index of Promote Status Value
ValArray Valid Status Values

Legal Owners:
Status Definition Element (STADEF)

Legal Members:

5.1.26 Status Configuration World Element (STAWLD)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Status Definition Element (STADEF)
Status Definitions Group Element (STAGRP)

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5.1.27 Test Expression Element (TESTEXPRESSION)

An expression used to return a boolean result for

Name Name of the element
Expression Expression
ExpType Expression type

Legal Owners:
Set Attribute Rule Element (SETATTRIBUTE)
Set Status Rule Element (SETSTATUS)

Legal Members:

5.1.28 User Defined Attribute Element (UDA)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Ukey UDA key - internal unique system identifier
Ablength Minimum abbreviation length for a UDA/UDET user defined
Utype Type of attribute value
Ulength Length of data or text
Uunits Units of attribute values (bore/distance/text)
Oldkey Old key
Udacpy UDA copy
Rptxt Text used when presenting the attribute to the user
Elelist Types of elements (including UDETs) to which this attribute
Reflist Types of elements (including UDETs) that can be pointed to
by a reference attribute
Dflt Default value for the attribute
Ucat Category on forms
Upseud Set true to calculate attribute value rather than store it in a
database. User code must be provided
Uprote Set true to disallow viewing the attribute in a protected
Uhide Set true to hide attribute on forms
Uteams Teams that will see a hidden attribute
Uhyper Set true to treat attribute value as a named link to an external
Uconn True if the UDA value should appear on the reference list
Udpend list of attributes that this attribute depends on

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ULVOpt Determines if UDA valid values or range limit is optional

Udname User defined name

Legal Owners:
User Defined Attribute Group Element (UGROUP)
User Defined Attribute World Element (UWRLD)

Legal Members:
User Defined Limit Element (ULIMIT)
User Defined Valid Value Element (UVALID)

5.1.29 User Defined Element (UDET)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Ukey UDA key - internal unique system identifier
BaseTy Base type for the user-defined element type
UDMList List of allowed member types
UDOList List of allowed owner types
UDHLIS Attributes hidden on elements of this user-defined element
Udname User defined name
Oldkey Old key

Legal Owners:
User Defined Element Group Element (UDETGR)
User Defined Element World Element (UDETWL)

Legal Members:

5.1.30 User Defined Element Group Element (UDETGR)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
User Defined Element World Element (UDETWL)

Legal Members:
User Defined Element (UDET)

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5.1.31 User Defined Element World Element (UDETWL)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
User Defined Element (UDET)
User Defined Element Group Element (UDETGR)

5.1.32 User Defined Attribute Group Element (UGROUP)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
User Defined Attribute World Element (UWRLD)

Legal Members:
User Defined Attribute Element (UDA)
User System Defined Attribute Element (USDA)

5.1.33 User Defined Limit Element (ULIMIT)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Umin Minimum value
Umax Maximum value

Legal Owners:
User Defined Attribute Element (UDA)
User System Defined Attribute Element (USDA)

Legal Members:

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5.1.34 User System Defined Attribute Element (USDA)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Usysty Name of the system attribute
Elelist Types of elements (including UDETs) to which this attribute
Ucat Category on forms
Uhide Set true to hide attribute on forms
ULVOpt Determines if UDA valid values or range limit is optional
Uteams Teams that will see a hidden attribute

Legal Owners:
User Defined Attribute Group Element (UGROUP)

Legal Members:
User Defined Limit Element (ULIMIT)
User Defined Valid Value Element (UVALID)

5.1.35 User Defined Valid Value Element (UVALID)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Uvval Valid value for UDA

Legal Owners:
User Defined Attribute Element (UDA)
User System Defined Attribute Element (USDA)

Legal Members:

5.1.36 User Defined Attribute World Element (UWRLD)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
User Defined Attribute Element (UDA)

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User Defined Attribute Group Element (UGROUP)

5.1.37 World Element (WORLD)

Administrative Element
Primary Element

The WORLD is the topmost level of the database hierarchy within which all other elements
exist. It cannot be deleted or copied in the same way that applies to say, a ZONE or a
DRWG. Its existence is controlled by the ADMINISTRATION module of PDMS.

Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:

Legal Members:
Database View World Element (DBVWWLD)
World for Distribution Schemas Element (DSXWLD)
Status Configuration World Element (STAWLD)
User Defined Element World Element (UDETWL)
User Defined Attribute World Element (UWRLD)

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6 Draft Database

The Data Model Reference manual contains details of all the elements which can be created
in the Draft database, their position in the database hierarchy and their attributes.

6.1 Draft Database Elements

All data in the Draft database is stored in elements in a strict hierarchy. Every element has a
type and each type determines the attributes available on the element. For more information
on database concepts, refer to Database Management Reference Manual.

6.1.1 Annotation Change Rule Element (ACRULE)

Draft Representation Definition Element

Name Name of the element
ACstyf Annotation change style reference
ASCode Anno selection code

Legal Owners:
Change Ruleset Element (CRST)

Legal Members:

6.1.2 Annotation Change Style Element (ACSTYLE)

Draft Representation Definition Element

Name Name of the element
Tpen Text pen
Nlpen Note/framing pen
Fpen Fill pen
Font Text font
Brackets Brackets code
Underline Underling flag
Txcolour Text colour
NLStyle Note linestyle

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NLColour Note colour

FStyle Fill style
FColour Fill colour

Legal Owners:
Representation Rules and Styles Library Element (RPLB)

Legal Members:

6.1.3 Add Entry Element (ADDENTRY)

Draft IDList Definition Element

Name Name of the element
Idname Design data or catalogue component
Idnx Design data or catalogue component (as text)
Criteria Selection criteria (used to define tag & rep. rules)

Legal Owners:
ID List Element (IDLIST)

Legal Members:

6.1.4 Angular Dimension Element (ADIMENSION)

Draft Dimensioning Element

Name Name of the element
Ddname Design element reference
Nppt Ppoint number
Pkey Pline identifier key
Pkdistance Proportional distance along Pline
Position Position
Doffset Dimension line offset
Dposition Dimension line/arc position
Lchain Chain flag
Dmspacing Lower limit to spacing between parallel dimensions
Truncate Truncation value (+ve) or percentage (-ve)
Tsize Terminator size
Dterminator Dimension terminator code
Plpen Projection line pen
Dlpen Dimension line pen
Ptpen Projection text pen
Dtpen Dimension text pen

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Dlfg Linear/Angular dimension line flag

Dtoffset Dimension text offset
Ptoffset Projection line text offset
Sense Rotational sense
Justification Justification
Alignment Vertical alignment
Pjustification Projection line text justification
Dfont Dimension text font
Pfont Projection line text font
Dtangle Dimension text angle flag
Ptangle Projection line text angle flag
Plspacing Projection line text line spacing
Plclearance Projection line clearance
Overshoot Overshoot
Dtcheight Dimension text character height
Ptcheight Projection text character height
Blnk Auto-blanking flag
Bmargin Auto-blanking margin
Fterminator First dimension terminator code
Dmtxt Dimension text
Pltxt Projection line text
Ddnx Design element as text
DLStyle Dimension linestyle
DLColour Dimension line colour
PLStyle Projection linestyle
PLColour Projection line colour
DTColour Dimension text colour
PTColour Projection text colour
ACDATE Date last modified in AutoCAD
ACLock AutoCAD picture lock
ACDSTY AutoCAD Dimension style

Legal Owners:
View Annotation Layer Element (LAYER)

Legal Members:
Angular Dimension Direction Element (ADIRECTION)
Angular Dimension Direction - Ppoint Element (APPT)
Dimension Point - Position Element (DPOINT)
Dimension Point - Ppoint Element (DPPT)

6.1.5 Angular Dimension Direction Element (ADIRECTION)

Draft Dimensioning Element

Name Name of the element
Direction Direction

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Plpen Projection line pen

Dlpen Dimension line pen
Ptpen Projection text pen
Dtpen Dimension text pen
Plspacing Projection line text line spacing
Plclearance Projection line clearance
Dtoffset Dimension text offset
Ptoffset Projection line text offset
Overshoot Overshoot
Justification Justification
Alignment Vertical alignment
Pjustification Projection line text justification
Dfont Dimension text font
Pfont Projection line text font
Dtangle Dimension text angle flag
Ptangle Projection line text angle flag
Ptcheight Projection text character height
Dmtxt Dimension text
Pltxt Projection line text
Gaps Projection line gap array
DLStyle Dimension linestyle
DLColour Dimension line colour
PLStyle Projection linestyle
PLColour Projection line colour
DTColour Dimension text colour
PTColour Projection text colour

Legal Owners:
Angular Dimension Element (ADIMENSION)

Legal Members:

6.1.6 Annotation Ruler Element (ANNRLR)

Name Name of the element
Ddname Design element reference
RulrCode Ruler type code
RulLimits Ruler limits
NLStyle Note linestyle
NLColour Note colour
Oset Offset/VIEW position flag
Blnk Auto-blanking flag
Bmargin Auto-blanking margin
Lvisibility Visibility flag
Ddnx Design element as text
ACDATE Date last modified in AutoCAD

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TMDWG AutoCAD template name

ACLock AutoCAD picture lock
ACDSTY AutoCAD Dimension style

Legal Owners:
View Annotation Layer Element (LAYER)

Legal Members:

6.1.7 Angular Dimension Direction - Ppoint Element (APPT)

Draft Dimensioning Element

Name Name of the element
Ddname Design element reference
Ppdirection Ppoint number for direction
Pkey Pline identifier key
RevDirection Reverse Direction flag
Plpen Projection line pen
Dlpen Dimension line pen
Ptpen Projection text pen
Dtpen Dimension text pen
Plspacing Projection line text line spacing
Plclearance Projection line clearance
Dtoffset Dimension text offset
Ptoffset Projection line text offset
Overshoot Overshoot
Justification Justification
Alignment Vertical alignment
Pjustification Projection line text justification
Dfont Dimension text font
Pfont Projection line text font
Dtangle Dimension text angle flag
Ptangle Projection line text angle flag
Ptcheight Projection text character height
Dmtxt Dimension text
Pltxt Projection line text
Gaps Projection line gap array
Ddnx Design element as text
DLStyle Dimension linestyle
DLColour Dimension line colour
PLStyle Projection linestyle
PLColour Projection line colour
DTColour Dimension text colour
PTColour Projection text colour

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Legal Owners:
Angular Dimension Element (ADIMENSION)

Legal Members:

6.1.8 Arc Element (ARC)

Draft 2D Drafting Element

Name Name of the element
Ptfarray Point references
Nlpen Note/framing pen
Radius Radius
Asubtended Angle subtended
Tcode Hashed origin code
NLStyle Note linestyle
NLColour Note colour
ACDATE Date last modified in AutoCAD
ACLock AutoCAD picture lock

Legal Owners:
Sheet Note Element (NOTE)
Symbol Template Element (SYTM)
View Note Element (VNOTE)

Legal Members:

6.1.9 Axes Symbol Instance Element (AXESYMBOL)

Draft Symbol Element

Name Name of the element
AsmblR Assembly reference
Axstype Axes Symbol type
AXSsize AXESYM nominal size
Xyposition 2D Position
Oset Offset/VIEW position flag
Nlpen Note/framing pen
Tpen Text pen
Font Text font
Cheight Character height
Tsize Terminator size
Lterminator Label terminator code
Blnk Auto-blanking flag

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Bmargin Auto-blanking margin

Lvisibility Visibility flag
Axsprinc Is principle Axes Symbol
Txcolour Text colour
NLStyle Note linestyle
NLColour Note colour
AsmblX Assembly reference as text
ACDATE Date last modified in AutoCAD
ACLock AutoCAD picture lock
TMDWG AutoCAD template name
ACDSTY AutoCAD Dimension style

Legal Owners:
View Annotation Layer Element (LAYER)

Legal Members:

6.1.10 Backing Sheet Element (BACKINGSHEET)

Draft Drawing Library Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Spsf Sheet pointset reference
Exfile Extract file number
Arno Picture directory area number
Pvno Picture version number
Size Sheet/region size
Font Text font
Tpen Text pen
Nlpen Note/framing pen
Fpen Fill pen
TTFenabled TrueType fonts enabled flag
Txcolour Text colour
NLStyle Note linestyle
NLColour Note colour
FStyle Fill style
FColour Fill colour
ACDWT AutoCAD drawing template name
ACDSTY AutoCAD Dimension style
ACScale AutoCAD picture scale factor

Legal Owners:
Overlay and Backing Sheet Library Element (SHLB)

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Legal Members:
Sheet Note Element (NOTE)

6.1.11 Circle Element (CIRCLE)

Draft 2D Drafting Element

Name Name of the element
Ptrf Point reference
Nlpen Note/framing pen
Fpen Fill pen
Diameter Diameter
Ocode Hashed origin code
Adegrees Orientation
NLStyle Note linestyle
NLColour Note colour
FStyle Fill style
FColour Fill colour
ACDATE Date last modified in AutoCAD
ACLock AutoCAD picture lock

Legal Owners:
Sheet Note Element (NOTE)
Symbol Template Element (SYTM)
View Note Element (VNOTE)

Legal Members:

6.1.12 Circulation List Element (CIRLIST)

Draft Reporting Element

Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:
Circulation List Element (CIRLIST)
Circulation List Library Element (CLLB)

Legal Members:
Circulation List Element (CIRLIST)
Recipient Element (RECIPIENT)

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6.1.13 Circulation List Library Element (CLLB)

Draft Reporting Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:
Library Element (LIBY)

Legal Members:
Circulation List Element (CIRLIST)

6.1.14 Change Ruleset Element (CRST)

Draft Representation Definition Element

Name Name of the element
SpPurpose Special purpose table attribute
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Representation Rules and Styles Library Element (RPLB)

Legal Members:
Annotation Change Rule Element (ACRULE)
Design Change Rule Element (DCRULE)

6.1.15 Design Change Rule Element (DCRULE)

Draft Representation Definition Element

Name Name of the element
DCstyf Design change style reference
Criteria Selection criteria (used to define tag & rep. rules)

Legal Owners:
Change Ruleset Element (CRST)

Legal Members:

6.1.16 Design Change Style Element (DCSTYLE)

Draft Representation Definition Element

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Name Name of the element
Ffpen Front-face pen
Bfpen Backface pen
Clpen Centreline pen
Obpen Obscured face pen
Plnpen Pline pen
Mlnpen Member line pen
Olpen Outline pen
Fpen Fill pen
FFStyle Front-face linestyle
FFColour Front-face colour
BFStyle Backface linestyle
BFColour Backface colour
CLStyle Centreline linestyle
CLColour Centreline colour
ObStyle Obscured face linestyle
ObColour Obscured face colour
PLnStyle Pline linestyle
PLnColour Pline colour
MLnStyle Member-line linestyle
MLnColour Member-line colour
OLStyle Outline linestyle
OLColour Outline colour
FStyle Fill style
FColour Fill colour

Legal Owners:
Representation Rules and Styles Library Element (RPLB)

Legal Members:

6.1.17 Department Element (DEPT)

Draft General Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Size Sheet/region size
Ucode Units code
Font Text font
Tpen Text pen
Nlpen Note/framing pen
Llpen Label leader pen
Lfpen Label frame pen
Plpen Projection line pen
Dlpen Dimension line pen

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Fpen Fill pen

Dterminator Dimension terminator code
Lterminator Label terminator code
Rrsf Rep ruleset reference
Hrsf Hatch ruleset reference
Crsf Change ruleset reference
Layarf Annotation Layer ruleset reference
Laydrf Design Layer ruleset reference
Bsrf Backing sheet reference
Bsfname Backing sheet filename
BSDWG AutoCAD backing sheet name
BSLayer AutoCAD backing sheet layer
ACDWT AutoCAD drawing template name
ACDSTY AutoCAD Dimension style
Pcode Precision code
Ntext Null text
Txcolour Text colour
NLStyle Note linestyle
NLColour Note colour
LLStyle Label leader linestyle
LLColour Label leader colour
LFStyle Label frame linestyle
LFColour Label frame colour
DLStyle Dimension linestyle
DLColour Dimension line colour
PLStyle Projection linestyle
PLColour Projection line colour
FStyle Fill style
FColour Fill colour
Posformat Intelligent Text positional code word expansion style
Grsystem Grid system reference
SpPurpose Special purpose table attribute
Function Function
DateFormat Date format
SYTBOK SYLBTA attribute updated flag

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Library Element (LIBY)
Registry Element (REGISTRY)

6.1.18 Design Symbol Instance Element (DESSYMBOL)

Draft Symbol Element

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Name Name of the element
Ddname Design element reference
Nppt Ppoint number
Pkey Pline identifier key
Pkdistance Proportional distance along Pline
Tmrf Template reference
Sorf Source reference (for automatic application)
Xyposition 2D Position
Oset Offset/VIEW position flag
Adegrees Orientation
Ppdirection Ppoint number for direction
Llclearance Leader line clearance
Tsize Terminator size
Lterminator Label terminator code
Lleader Leader line flag
Apoffset Leaderline attachment point
Cpoffset Leaderline connection point wrt. text origin
Bpoffset Leader bend point offset
Lshape Leader shape code
Font Text font
Tpen Text pen
Llpen Label leader pen
Lfpen Label frame pen
Blnk Auto-blanking flag
Bmargin Auto-blanking margin
Xyscale Label XY size
Cheight Character height
Lvisibility Visibility flag
Ddnx Design element as text
Atext Unintelligent text string
Gaps Projection line gap array
Position Position
Txcolour Text colour
LLStyle Label leader linestyle
LLColour Label leader colour
LFStyle Label frame linestyle
LFColour Label frame colour
ACDATE Date last modified in AutoCAD
ACLock AutoCAD picture lock
TMDWG AutoCAD template name
ACDSTY AutoCAD Dimension style
Justification Justification
Alignment Vertical alignment

Legal Owners:
View Symbology Layer Element (DSLAYER)

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Legal Members:

6.1.19 Diamond Element (DIAMOND)

Draft 2D Drafting Element

Name Name of the element
Ptrf Point reference
Nlpen Note/framing pen
Fpen Fill pen
Xlength X length
Ylength Y length
Ocode Hashed origin code
Adegrees Orientation
NLStyle Note linestyle
NLColour Note colour
FStyle Fill style
FColour Fill colour
ACDATE Date last modified in AutoCAD
ACLock AutoCAD picture lock

Legal Owners:
Sheet Note Element (NOTE)
Symbol Template Element (SYTM)
View Note Element (VNOTE)

Legal Members:

6.1.20 ID List Library Element (DLLB)

Draft IDList Definition Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
SpPurpose Special purpose table attribute
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Library Element (LIBY)

Legal Members:
ID List Element (IDLIST)

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6.1.21 Dimension Point - Before/After Command Element (DPBA)

Draft Dimensioning Element

Name Name of the element
Ddname Design element reference
Baindicator Before/After indicator
Nppt Ppoint number
Plpen Projection line pen
Dlpen Dimension line pen
Ptpen Projection text pen
Dtpen Dimension text pen
Plspacing Projection line text line spacing
Plclearance Projection line clearance
Dtoffset Dimension text offset
Ptoffset Projection line text offset
Overshoot Overshoot
Justification Justification
Alignment Vertical alignment
Pjustification Projection line text justification
Dfont Dimension text font
Pfont Projection line text font
Dtangle Dimension text angle flag
Ptangle Projection line text angle flag
Ptcheight Projection text character height
Dmtxt Dimension text
Pltxt Projection line text
Gaps Projection line gap array
Ddnx Design element as text
DLStyle Dimension linestyle
DLColour Dimension line colour
PLStyle Projection linestyle
PLColour Projection line colour
DTColour Dimension text colour
PTColour Projection text colour
Srtpriority Sorting priority for dimensions

Legal Owners:
Linear Dimension Element (LDIMENSION)

Legal Members:

6.1.22 Dimension Point - Position Element (DPOINT)

Draft Dimensioning Element

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Name Name of the element
Position Position
Ddname Design element reference
Plpen Projection line pen
Dlpen Dimension line pen
Ptpen Projection text pen
Dtpen Dimension text pen
Plspacing Projection line text line spacing
Plclearance Projection line clearance
PlClFlag Proj. line clearance flag
Dtoffset Dimension text offset
Ptoffset Projection line text offset
Overshoot Overshoot
Justification Justification
Alignment Vertical alignment
Pjustification Projection line text justification
Dfont Dimension text font
Pfont Projection line text font
Dtangle Dimension text angle flag
Ptangle Projection line text angle flag
Ptcheight Projection text character height
Dmtxt Dimension text
Pltxt Projection line text
Gaps Projection line gap array
Ddnx Design element as text
DLStyle Dimension linestyle
DLColour Dimension line colour
PLStyle Projection linestyle
PLColour Projection line colour
DTColour Dimension text colour
PTColour Projection text colour
Srtpriority Sorting priority for dimensions

Legal Owners:
Angular Dimension Element (ADIMENSION)
Linear Dimension Element (LDIMENSION)

Legal Members:

6.1.23 Dimension Point - Ppoint Element (DPPT)

Draft Dimensioning Element

Name Name of the element
Ddname Design element reference

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Nppt Ppoint number

Pkey Pline identifier key
Pkdistance Proportional distance along Pline
Plpen Projection line pen
Dlpen Dimension line pen
Ptpen Projection text pen
Dtpen Dimension text pen
Plspacing Projection line text line spacing
Plclearance Projection line clearance
PlClFlag Proj. line clearance flag
Dtoffset Dimension text offset
Ptoffset Projection line text offset
Overshoot Overshoot
Justification Justification
Alignment Vertical alignment
Pjustification Projection line text justification
Dfont Dimension text font
Pfont Projection line text font
Dtangle Dimension text angle flag
Ptangle Projection line text angle flag
Ptcheight Projection text character height
Dmtxt Dimension text
Pltxt Projection line text
Gaps Projection line gap array
Ddnx Design element as text
DLStyle Dimension linestyle
DLColour Dimension line colour
PLStyle Projection linestyle
PLColour Projection line colour
DTColour Dimension text colour
PTColour Projection text colour
Srtpriority Sorting priority for dimensions

Legal Owners:
Angular Dimension Element (ADIMENSION)
Linear Dimension Element (LDIMENSION)

Legal Members:

6.1.24 Drawing Template Library Element (DRTMLB)

Draft Drawing Library Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Size Sheet/region size
Ucode Units code

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Font Text font

Tpen Text pen
Nlpen Note/framing pen
Llpen Label leader pen
Lfpen Label frame pen
Plpen Projection line pen
Dlpen Dimension line pen
Fpen Fill pen
Dterminator Dimension terminator code
Lterminator Label terminator code
Rrsf Rep ruleset reference
Hrsf Hatch ruleset reference
Crsf Change ruleset reference
Layarf Annotation Layer ruleset reference
Laydrf Design Layer ruleset reference
Bsrf Backing sheet reference
Bsfname Backing sheet filename
BSDWG AutoCAD backing sheet name
BSLayer AutoCAD backing sheet layer
ACDWT AutoCAD drawing template name
ACDSTY AutoCAD Dimension style
Pcode Precision code
Ntext Null text
Txcolour Text colour
NLStyle Note linestyle
NLColour Note colour
LLStyle Label leader linestyle
LLColour Label leader colour
LFStyle Label frame linestyle
LFColour Label frame colour
DLStyle Dimension linestyle
DLColour Dimension line colour
PLStyle Projection linestyle
PLColour Projection line colour
FStyle Fill style
FColour Fill colour
Posformat Intelligent Text positional code word expansion style
Grsystem Grid system reference
SpPurpose Special purpose table attribute
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Library Element (LIBY)

Legal Members:
Drawing Template Element (DRTMPL)

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6.1.25 Drawing Template Element (DRTMPL)

Draft Drawing Library Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Date Date
Clrf Actual circulation list reference
Idlname Drawlist name reference
Rrsf Rep ruleset reference
Hrsf Hatch ruleset reference
Crsf Change ruleset reference
Layarf Annotation Layer ruleset reference
Laydrf Design Layer ruleset reference
Size Sheet/region size
Font Text font
Tpen Text pen
Ucode Units code
Llpen Label leader pen
Lfpen Label frame pen
Plpen Projection line pen
Dlpen Dimension line pen
Fpen Fill pen
Nlpen Note/framing pen
Dterminator Dimension terminator code
Lterminator Label terminator code
Bsrf Backing sheet reference
Bsfname Backing sheet filename
BSDWG AutoCAD backing sheet name
BSLayer AutoCAD backing sheet layer
ACDWT AutoCAD drawing template name
ACDSTY AutoCAD Dimension style
Pcode Precision code
Ntext Null text
Title Title
Idlx Drawlist name (as text)
Author Author
Txcolour Text colour
NLStyle Note linestyle
NLColour Note colour
LLStyle Label leader linestyle
LLColour Label leader colour
LFStyle Label frame linestyle
LFColour Label frame colour
DLStyle Dimension linestyle
DLColour Dimension line colour
PLStyle Projection linestyle
PLColour Projection line colour
FStyle Fill style

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FColour Fill colour

Posformat Intelligent Text positional code word expansion style
Grsystem Grid system reference
SpPurpose Special purpose table attribute
Function Function
PlinOn Pline-required flag

Legal Owners:
Drawing Template Library Element (DRTMLB)

Legal Members:
Library Element (LIBY)
Revision Element (REVISION)
Sheet Template Element (SHTMPL)
Task Element (TASK)

6.1.26 Drawing Element (DRWG)

Draft Drawing and Sheet Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Date Date
Clrf Actual circulation list reference
Idlname Drawlist name reference
Rrsf Rep ruleset reference
Hrsf Hatch ruleset reference
Crsf Change ruleset reference
Layarf Annotation Layer ruleset reference
Laydrf Design Layer ruleset reference
Size Sheet/region size
Font Text font
Tpen Text pen
Ucode Units code
Llpen Label leader pen
Lfpen Label frame pen
Plpen Projection line pen
Dlpen Dimension line pen
Fpen Fill pen
Nlpen Note/framing pen
Dterminator Dimension terminator code
Lterminator Label terminator code
Bsrf Backing sheet reference
Bsfname Backing sheet filename
BSDWG AutoCAD backing sheet name
BSLayer AutoCAD backing sheet layer
ACDWT AutoCAD drawing template name

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ACDSTY AutoCAD Dimension style

Pcode Precision code
Ntext Null text
Title Title
Idlx Drawlist name (as text)
Author Author
Txcolour Text colour
NLStyle Note linestyle
NLColour Note colour
LLStyle Label leader linestyle
LLColour Label leader colour
LFStyle Label frame linestyle
LFColour Label frame colour
DLStyle Dimension linestyle
DLColour Dimension line colour
PLStyle Projection linestyle
PLColour Projection line colour
FStyle Fill style
FColour Fill colour
Posformat Intelligent Text positional code word expansion style
Grsystem Grid system reference
SpPurpose Special purpose table attribute
Function Function
LinkRef Link reference
DrwgNumber Drawing number
PlinOn Pline-required flag

Legal Owners:
Registry Element (REGISTRY)

Legal Members:
Library Element (LIBY)
Revision Element (REVISION)
Sheet Element (SHEET)
Task Element (TASK)

6.1.27 View Symbology Layer Element (DSLAYER)

Draft Drawing Layer or Note Element

Name Name of the element
Lvisibility Visibility flag
Purpose Description code word
Nlpen Note/framing pen
Ucode Units code
Font Text font
Tpen Text pen

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Fpen Fill pen

Lterminator Label terminator code
Justification Justification
Alignment Vertical alignment
Plpen Projection line pen
Dlpen Dimension line pen
Llpen Label leader pen
Lfpen Label frame pen
Dterminator Dimension terminator code
Tsize Terminator size
Mpen Marker pen
Chpen Crosshairs pen
Chosht Crosshairs overshoot
Asubtended Angle subtended
Pjustification Projection line text justification
Overshoot Overshoot
Plclearance Projection line clearance
Doffset Dimension line offset
Dmspacing Lower limit to spacing between parallel dimensions
Direction Direction
Cheight Character height
Lleader Leader line flag
Lframe Frame flag
Lshape Leader shape code
Gbox Box gap
Cspacing Character spacing factor
Lspacing Text line spacing factor
Llclearance Leader line clearance
Xyscale Label XY size
Xyposition 2D Position
Bpoffset Leader bend point offset
Blnk Auto-blanking flag
Bmargin Auto-blanking margin
Trsf Tag ruleset reference
Fterminator First dimension terminator code
Pcode Precision code
Ntext Null text
Txcolour Text colour
NLStyle Note linestyle
NLColour Note colour
FStyle Fill style
FColour Fill colour
LLStyle Label leader linestyle
LLColour Label leader colour
LFStyle Label frame linestyle
LFColour Label frame colour
DLStyle Dimension linestyle
DLColour Dimension line colour
PLStyle Projection linestyle

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PLColour Projection line colour

MStyle Marker style
MColour Marker colour
CHStyle Crosshairs linestyle
CHColour Crosshairs colour
ACDSTY AutoCAD Dimension style
Posformat Intelligent Text positional code word expansion style
Grsystem Grid system reference
SpPurpose Special purpose table attribute
Function Function

Legal Owners:
View Element (VIEW)

Legal Members:
Design Symbol Instance Element (DESSYMBOL)

6.1.28 Ellipse Element (ELLIPSE)

Draft 2D Drafting Element

Name Name of the element
Ptrf Point reference
Nlpen Note/framing pen
Fpen Fill pen
Xlength X length
Ylength Y length
Ocode Hashed origin code
Adegrees Orientation
NLStyle Note linestyle
NLColour Note colour
FStyle Fill style
FColour Fill colour
ACDATE Date last modified in AutoCAD
ACLock AutoCAD picture lock

Legal Owners:
Sheet Note Element (NOTE)
Symbol Template Element (SYTM)
View Note Element (VNOTE)

Legal Members:

6.1.29 Equilateral Triangle Element (ETRIANGLE)

Draft 2D Drafting Element

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Name Name of the element
Ptrf Point reference
Nlpen Note/framing pen
Fpen Fill pen
Length Length
Ocode Hashed origin code
Adegrees Orientation
Fradius Fillet radius
NLStyle Note linestyle
NLColour Note colour
FStyle Fill style
FColour Fill colour
ACDATE Date last modified in AutoCAD
ACLock AutoCAD picture lock

Legal Owners:
Sheet Note Element (NOTE)
Symbol Template Element (SYTM)
View Note Element (VNOTE)

Legal Members:

6.1.30 Fill Style Element (FILLSTYLE)

Draft Style Definition Element

Name Name of the element
FStyNo Fill Style Number
Altdef Alternative Def
SolFilled Solid Filled Flag
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Fill Style Table Element (FSTYTB)

Legal Members:
Hatch Pattern Element (HPATTERN)

6.1.31 Flat Plane Element (FPLANE)

Draft Plane Definition Element

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Name Name of the element
Position Position
Normal Plane normal

Legal Owners:
Plane Library Element (PLLB)

Legal Members:

6.1.32 Fill Style Table Element (FSTYTB)

Draft Style Definition Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Style World Element (STYLWL)

Legal Members:
Fill Style Element (FILLSTYLE)

6.1.33 General Label Element (GLABEL)

Draft Labelling Element

Name Name of the element
Sorf Source reference (for automatic application)
Ddname Design element reference
Nppt Ppoint number
Pkey Pline identifier key
Pkdistance Proportional distance along Pline
Xyposition 2D Position
Oset Offset/VIEW position flag
Adegrees Orientation
Ppdirection Ppoint number for direction
Lframe Frame flag
Gbox Box gap
Cheight Character height
Cspacing Character spacing factor
Lspacing Text line spacing factor
Llclearance Leader line clearance
Tsize Terminator size

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Lterminator Label terminator code

Lleader Leader line flag
Apoffset Leaderline attachment point
Cpoffset Leaderline connection point wrt. text origin
Bpoffset Leader bend point offset
Lshape Leader shape code
Font Text font
Tpen Text pen
Llpen Label leader pen
Lfpen Label frame pen
Justification Justification
Alignment Vertical alignment
Blnk Auto-blanking flag
Bmargin Auto-blanking margin
Lvisibility Visibility flag
Btext Annotation text string
Ddnx Design element as text
Gaps Projection line gap array
Position Position
Txcolour Text colour
LLStyle Label leader linestyle
LLColour Label leader colour
LFStyle Label frame linestyle
LFColour Label frame colour
ACDATE Date last modified in AutoCAD
ACLock AutoCAD picture lock
ACDSTY AutoCAD Dimension style

Legal Owners:
View Annotation Layer Element (LAYER)

Legal Members:

6.1.34 Glyph Circle Element (GLYCIRCLE)

Draft Style Definition Element

Name Name of the element
GDiameter Glyph Circle Diameter
GOffset Glyph Primitive offset
GFilled Glyph Primitive Filled Flag

Legal Owners:
Glyph Element (GLYPH)

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Legal Members:

6.1.35 Glyph Outline Element (GLYOUTLINE)

Draft Style Definition Element

Name Name of the element
GDefinition Glyph Outline Definition
GAngle General Angle
GOffset Glyph Primitive offset
GFilled Glyph Primitive Filled Flag

Legal Owners:
Glyph Element (GLYPH)

Legal Members:

6.1.36 Glyph Element (GLYPH)

Draft Style Definition Element

Name Name of the element
GlyNo Glyph Number
RefSize Reference size
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Glyph Table Element (GLYTB)

Legal Members:
Glyph Circle Element (GLYCIRCLE)
Glyph Outline Element (GLYOUTLINE)
Glyph Rectangle Element (GLYRECT)

6.1.37 Glyph Rectangle Element (GLYRECT)

Draft Style Definition Element

Name Name of the element
GXLength Glyph Rectangle XLength
GYLength Glyph Rectangle YLength
GAngle General Angle

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GOffset Glyph Primitive offset

GFilled Glyph Primitive Filled Flag

Legal Owners:
Glyph Element (GLYPH)

Legal Members:

6.1.38 Glyph Table Element (GLYTB)

Draft Style Definition Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Style World Element (STYLWL)

Legal Members:
Glyph Element (GLYPH)

6.1.39 Hexagon Element (HEXAGON)

Draft 2D Drafting Element

Name Name of the element
Ptrf Point reference
Nlpen Note/framing pen
Fpen Fill pen
Diameter Diameter
Ocode Hashed origin code
Adegrees Orientation
NLStyle Note linestyle
NLColour Note colour
FStyle Fill style
FColour Fill colour
ACDATE Date last modified in AutoCAD
ACLock AutoCAD picture lock

Legal Owners:
Sheet Note Element (NOTE)
Symbol Template Element (SYTM)
View Note Element (VNOTE)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Legal Members:

6.1.40 Hatch Pattern Element (HPATTERN)

Draft Style Definition Element

Name Name of the element
HPatNo Hatch Pattern Number
HAngle Hatching Angle
HSeparation Hatching Line Separation
HOffset Hatching Line Offset
HLStyle Hatching linestyle
PatOffset Line Pattern Offset
PatAdvance Line Pattern Advance value
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Fill Style Element (FILLSTYLE)

Legal Members:

6.1.41 Hatch Ruleset Element (HRST)

Draft Representation Definition Element

Name Name of the element
SpPurpose Special purpose table attribute
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Representation Rules and Styles Library Element (RPLB)

Legal Members:
Hatch Rule Element (HRULE)

6.1.42 Hatch Rule Element (HRULE)

Draft Representation Definition Element

Name Name of the element
Hstyf Hatch style reference
Fcode Face code
Dcode Direction code

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Normal Plane normal

Criteria Selection criteria (used to define tag & rep. rules)

Legal Owners:
Hatch Ruleset Element (HRST)
View Element (VIEW)

Legal Members:

6.1.43 Hatch Style Element (HSTYLE)

Draft Representation Definition Element

Name Name of the element
Olpen Outline pen
Fpen Fill pen
OLStyle Outline linestyle
OLColour Outline colour
FStyle Fill style
FColour Fill colour
PipeSymbols Pipe-end symbol flag

Legal Owners:
Representation Rules and Styles Library Element (RPLB)

Legal Members:

6.1.44 Hull Symbolic View Element (HSVDEF)

Draft View Element

Name Name of the element
SVType Hull symbolic view type
SVComNo Hull symbolic view component number
SVComType Hull symbolic view component type
SVLooking Hull symbolic view looking direction
SVPltype Hull symbolic view plane type
SVCurtype Hull symbolic view curve type
SVScale Hull symbolic view scale
SVPOnly Hull symbolic view pan only
SVReflect Hull symbolic view reflect Y/N
SVSHProfile Hull symbolic view profile Y/N
SVShSeam Hull symbolic view shell seam Y/N
SVShThick Hull symbolic view shell thickness Y/N

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SVAuto Hull symbolic view auto Y/N

SVAsPlane Hull symbolic view as plane Y/N
SVDraInters Hull symbolic view draw inters Y/N
SVDraPlaneV Hull symbolic view draw plane V
SVRSO Hull symbolic view RSO Y/N
SVCAxis Hull symbolic view coord axis Y/N
SVCrosSSym Hull symbolic view cross sect symbol Y/N
SVDrPipe Hull symbolic view draw pipe Y/N
SVDrEquip Hull symbolic view draw equip Y/N
SVDrCWay Hull symbolic view draw cableway Y/N
SVDrStruct Hull symbolic view draw structure Y/N
SVDrPVol Hull symbolic view draw pvol Y/N
SVDrVent Hull symbolic view draw ventilation Y/N
SVDrAccom Hull symbolic view draw accommodation Y/N
SVName Hull symbolic view name
SVPName Hull symbolic view pan name
SVPlXOrigin Hull symbolic view x1
SVPlXUAxis Hull symbolic view x2
SVPlXVAxis Hull symbolic view x3
SVPlYOrigin Hull symbolic view y1
SVPlYUAxis Hull symbolic view y2
SVPlYVAxis Hull symbolic view y3
SVPlZOrigin Hull symbolic view z1
SVPlZUAxis Hull symbolic view z2
SVPlZVAxis Hull symbolic view z3
SVLXMin Hull symbolic view xmin
SVLXMax Hull symbolic view xmax
SVLYMin Hull symbolic view ymin
SVLYMax Hull symbolic view ymax
SVLZMin Hull symbolic view zmin
SVLZMax Hull symbolic view zmax
SVDBefore Hull symbolic view depth before
SVDBehind Hull symbolic view depth behind
SVPosCoAxis Hull symbolic view coord axis pos
SVPlExclude Hull symbolic view exclude panels Y/N
SVPanels Hull symbolic view panel elements
SVBlExclude Hull symbolic view exclude blocks Y/N
SVBlocks Hull symbolic view block elements
SVCurves Hull symbolic view curve elements
SVAssemblies Hull symbolic view assembly elements

Legal Owners:
View Element (VIEW)

Legal Members:

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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6.1.45 ID List Element (IDLIST)

Draft IDList Definition Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Limits Volume of interest
SpPurpose Special purpose table attribute
Function Function

Legal Owners:
ID List Library Element (DLLB)

Legal Members:
Add Entry Element (ADDENTRY)
Remove Entry Element (REMENTRY)

6.1.46 IMGELE Element (IMGELE)

Name Name of the element
IMGDAT Image data

Legal Owners:
Sheet Element (SHEET)

Legal Members:

6.1.47 ISO Symbol Template Library Element (ISOLB)

Draft Template Library Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Spsf Sheet pointset reference
Exfile Extract file number
Arno Picture directory area number
Pvno Picture version number
Font Text font
Tpen Text pen
Nlpen Note/framing pen
Fpen Fill pen
Cheight Character height
Cspacing Character spacing factor
Lspacing Text line spacing factor

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Size Sheet/region size

Bsrf Backing sheet reference
Bsfname Backing sheet filename
ACDWT AutoCAD drawing template name
ACDSTY AutoCAD Dimension style
TTFenabled TrueType fonts enabled flag
Txcolour Text colour
NLStyle Note linestyle
NLColour Note colour
FStyle Fill style
FColour Fill colour
SpPurpose Special purpose table attribute
Function Function
SylbTable SYLBTAble attribute

Legal Owners:
Library Element (LIBY)

Legal Members:
ISO Symbol Template Element (ISOTM)

6.1.48 ISO Symbol Template Element (ISOTM)

Draft Template Library Element

Name Name of the element
Pstf Pointset reference
Xyposition 2D Position
Nsize Nominal size
Nlpen Note/framing pen
Fpen Fill pen
Justification Justification
Alignment Vertical alignment
Font Text font
Tpen Text pen
Cheight Character height
Cspacing Character spacing factor
Lspacing Text line spacing factor
Skey Symbol key
Bkey DRAFT user defined base symbol/skey name
Spindle DRAFT user defined spindle symbol/skey name
Scale DRAFT user defined symbol scale factor
Orin DRAFT user defined symbol orientation
Flwarrow DRAFT user defined symbol flow arrow
Dimension DRAFT user defined symbol dimension flag
Insl DRAFT user defined symbol insulation flag
Trcg DRAFT user defined symbol trace flag
Fill DRAFT user defined symbol fill flag

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Txcolour Text colour

NLStyle Note linestyle
NLColour Note colour
FStyle Fill style
FColour Fill colour
MStyle Marker style
MColour Marker colour
ACExport AutoCAD export flag
ACDSTY AutoCAD Dimension style
ACScale AutoCAD picture scale factor
SpPurpose Special purpose table attribute
Function Function

Legal Owners:
ISO Symbol Template Library Element (ISOLB)

Legal Members:
Marker Element (MARKPRIMITIVE)
Straight Line Element (STRAIGHT)

6.1.49 Label Template Library Element (LALB)

Draft Template Library Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Spsf Sheet pointset reference
Exfile Extract file number
Arno Picture directory area number
Pvno Picture version number
Tpen Text pen
Nlpen Note/framing pen
Fpen Fill pen
Font Text font
Gbox Box gap
Cheight Character height
Cspacing Character spacing factor
Lspacing Text line spacing factor
Size Sheet/region size
Bsrf Backing sheet reference
Bsfname Backing sheet filename
ACDWT AutoCAD drawing template name
ACDSTY AutoCAD Dimension style
TTFenabled TrueType fonts enabled flag
Txcolour Text colour
NLStyle Note linestyle
NLColour Note colour

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FStyle Fill style

FColour Fill colour
SpPurpose Special purpose table attribute
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Library Element (LIBY)

Legal Members:
Symbol Template Element (SYTM)
Text Label Template Element (TXTM)

6.1.50 Layer Definition Element (LAYDEF)

Draft Representation Definition Element

Name Name of the element
ACLayer AutoCAD layer name
Lycol AutoCAD Layer Colour
Lypsty AutoCAD Layer Plotter Style
Lyltyp AutoCAD Layer LineType
Lylwt AutoCAD Layer LineWeight
Lyfrze AutoCAD Layer Freeze flag
Lylock AutoCAD Layer Lock flag
LyVisibility AutoCAD Layer Visibility Flag
Lypfg AutoCAD Layer Plotting flag
Lynvfr AutoCAD Layer New Viewport Freeze
Lycvfr AutoCAD Layer Current Viewport Freeze

Legal Owners:
Layer Table Element (LAYTBL)

Legal Members:

6.1.51 View Annotation Layer Element (LAYER)

Draft Drawing Layer or Note Element

Name Name of the element
Lvisibility Visibility flag
Purpose Description code word
Nlpen Note/framing pen
Ucode Units code
Font Text font
Tpen Text pen

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Fpen Fill pen

Lterminator Label terminator code
Justification Justification
Alignment Vertical alignment
Plpen Projection line pen
Dlpen Dimension line pen
Llpen Label leader pen
Lfpen Label frame pen
Dterminator Dimension terminator code
Tsize Terminator size
Mpen Marker pen
Chpen Crosshairs pen
Chosht Crosshairs overshoot
Asubtended Angle subtended
Pjustification Projection line text justification
Overshoot Overshoot
Plclearance Projection line clearance
Doffset Dimension line offset
Dmspacing Lower limit to spacing between parallel dimensions
Direction Direction
Cheight Character height
Lleader Leader line flag
Lframe Frame flag
Lshape Leader shape code
Gbox Box gap
Cspacing Character spacing factor
Lspacing Text line spacing factor
Llclearance Leader line clearance
Xyscale Label XY size
Xyposition 2D Position
Bpoffset Leader bend point offset
Blnk Auto-blanking flag
Bmargin Auto-blanking margin
Trsf Tag ruleset reference
Fterminator First dimension terminator code
Pcode Precision code
Ntext Null text
Txcolour Text colour
NLStyle Note linestyle
NLColour Note colour
FStyle Fill style
FColour Fill colour
LLStyle Label leader linestyle
LLColour Label leader colour
LFStyle Label frame linestyle
LFColour Label frame colour
DLStyle Dimension linestyle
DLColour Dimension line colour
PLStyle Projection linestyle

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PLColour Projection line colour

MStyle Marker style
MColour Marker colour
CHStyle Crosshairs linestyle
CHColour Crosshairs colour
ACDSTY AutoCAD Dimension style
Posformat Intelligent Text positional code word expansion style
Grsystem Grid system reference
SpPurpose Special purpose table attribute
Function Function

Legal Owners:
View Element (VIEW)

Legal Members:
Angular Dimension Element (ADIMENSION)
Annotation Ruler Element (ANNRLR)
Axes Symbol Instance Element (AXESYMBOL)
General Label Element (GLABEL)
Linear Dimension Element (LDIMENSION)
PCD Radial Dimension Element (PDIMENSION)
Position Ruler Element (POSRLR)
Radial Dimension Element (RDIMENSION)
Special Label Instance Element (SLABEL)
Tagging Rule Element (TAGRULE)
Task Element (TASK)
View Note Element (VNOTE)

6.1.52 Layer Ruleset Element (LAYRST)

Draft Representation Definition Element

Name Name of the element
Laytbf Layer Table reference
SpPurpose Special purpose table attribute
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Representation Rules and Styles Library Element (RPLB)

Legal Members:
Layer Rule Element (LAYRUL)

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6.1.53 Layer Rule Element (LAYRUL)

Draft Representation Definition Element

Name Name of the element
ACLayer AutoCAD layer name
Criteria Selection criteria (used to define tag & rep. rules)

Legal Owners:
Layer Ruleset Element (LAYRST)

Legal Members:

6.1.54 Layer Table Element (LAYTBL)

Draft Representation Definition Element

Name Name of the element
SpPurpose Special purpose table attribute
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Representation Rules and Styles Library Element (RPLB)

Legal Members:
Layer Definition Element (LAYDEF)

6.1.55 Linear Dimension Element (LDIMENSION)

Draft Dimensioning Element

Name Name of the element
Tlindicator True length indicator
Direction Direction
Ddname Design element reference
Ppdirection Ppoint number for direction
Pkey Pline identifier key
Doffset Dimension line offset
Dposition Dimension line/arc position
Pldirection Projection line direction
Lchain Chain flag
Dmspacing Lower limit to spacing between parallel dimensions
Truncate Truncation value (+ve) or percentage (-ve)
Tsize Terminator size
Dterminator Dimension terminator code

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Plpen Projection line pen

Dlpen Dimension line pen
Ptpen Projection text pen
Dtpen Dimension text pen
Dlfg Linear/Angular dimension line flag
Dtoffset Dimension text offset
Ptoffset Projection line text offset
Justification Justification
Alignment Vertical alignment
Pjustification Projection line text justification
Dfont Dimension text font
Pfont Projection line text font
Dtangle Dimension text angle flag
Ptangle Projection line text angle flag
Plspacing Projection line text line spacing
Plclearance Projection line clearance
Overshoot Overshoot
Dtcheight Dimension text character height
Ptcheight Projection text character height
Blnk Auto-blanking flag
Bmargin Auto-blanking margin
Fterminator First dimension terminator code
Dmtxt Dimension text
Pltxt Projection line text
Ddnx Design element as text
DLStyle Dimension linestyle
DLColour Dimension line colour
PLStyle Projection linestyle
PLColour Projection line colour
DTColour Dimension text colour
PTColour Projection text colour
ACDATE Date last modified in AutoCAD
ACLock AutoCAD picture lock
ACDSTY AutoCAD Dimension style

Legal Owners:
View Annotation Layer Element (LAYER)

Legal Members:
Dimension Point - Before/After Command Element (DPBA)
Dimension Point - Position Element (DPOINT)
Dimension Point - Ppoint Element (DPPT)

6.1.56 Library Element (LIBY)

Draft General Element
Primary Element

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Name Name of the element
Size Sheet/region size
Ucode Units code
Font Text font
Tpen Text pen
Plpen Projection line pen
Dlpen Dimension line pen
Llpen Label leader pen
Lfpen Label frame pen
Nlpen Note/framing pen
Fpen Fill pen
Dterminator Dimension terminator code
Lterminator Label terminator code
Rrsf Rep ruleset reference
Hrsf Hatch ruleset reference
Layarf Annotation Layer ruleset reference
Laydrf Design Layer ruleset reference
Bsrf Backing sheet reference
Bsfname Backing sheet filename
BSDWG AutoCAD backing sheet name
BSLayer AutoCAD backing sheet layer
ACDWT AutoCAD drawing template name
ACDSTY AutoCAD Dimension style
Pcode Precision code
Ntext Null text
Txcolour Text colour
NLStyle Note linestyle
NLColour Note colour
LLStyle Label leader linestyle
LLColour Label leader colour
LFStyle Label frame linestyle
LFColour Label frame colour
DLStyle Dimension linestyle
DLColour Dimension line colour
PLStyle Projection linestyle
PLColour Projection line colour
FStyle Fill style
FColour Fill colour
Posformat Intelligent Text positional code word expansion style
Grsystem Grid system reference
SpPurpose Special purpose table attribute
Function Function
DateFormat Date format
SYTBOK SYLBTA attribute updated flag

Legal Owners:
Department Element (DEPT)

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Drawing Template Element (DRTMPL)

Drawing Element (DRWG)
Registry Element (REGISTRY)
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Circulation List Library Element (CLLB)
ID List Library Element (DLLB)
Drawing Template Library Element (DRTMLB)
ISO Symbol Template Library Element (ISOLB)
Label Template Library Element (LALB)
Plane Library Element (PLLB)
Representation Rules and Styles Library Element (RPLB)
ADP Setting Library Element (SDAOPT)
Overlay and Backing Sheet Library Element (SHLB)
Symbol Template Library Element (SYLB)
Task Library Element (TASKLB)
Tagging Rule library Element (TRLB)

6.1.57 Linestyle Element (LINESTYLE)

Draft Style Definition Element

Name Name of the element
LStyno Line Style Number
Altdef Alternative Def
LWidth Line Width
PatName Pattern Name
PatDefinition Pattern Definition
PatRepeat Pattern Repeat
GlyRef Glyph Reference
GlyNumber Glyph Number
TxString Text String for enhanced LineStyles
TxAlignment Text alignment
Font Text font
DecOffset Decoration offset
DecSize Decoration Size
DecGap Decoration Gap
DecRepeat Decoration Repeat
DecMode Decoration Mode
Function Function

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Legal Owners:
Linear Style Table Element (LSTYTB)

Legal Members:
Offset Line Style Element (OLINESTYLE)

6.1.58 Linear Style Table Element (LSTYTB)

Draft Style Definition Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Style World Element (STYLWL)

Legal Members:
Linestyle Element (LINESTYLE)

6.1.59 Marker Element (MARKPRIMITIVE)

Draft 2D Drafting Element

Name Name of the element
Ptrf Point reference
Nlpen Note/framing pen
Purpose Description code word
MStyle Marker style
MColour Marker colour
ACDATE Date last modified in AutoCAD
ACLock AutoCAD picture lock

Legal Owners:
ISO Symbol Template Element (ISOTM)
Sheet Note Element (NOTE)
Symbol Template Element (SYTM)
View Note Element (VNOTE)

Legal Members:

6.1.60 Marker Style Element (MARKSTYLE)

Draft Style Definition Element

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Name Name of the element
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Marker Style Table Element (MSTYTB)

Legal Members:

6.1.61 Marker Style Table Element (MSTYTB)

Draft Style Definition Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Style World Element (STYLWL)

Legal Members:
Marker Style Element (MARKSTYLE)

6.1.62 Sheet Note Element (NOTE)

Draft Drawing Layer or Note Element

Name Name of the element
Pstf Pointset reference
Xyposition 2D Position
Adegrees Orientation
Lvisibility Visibility flag
Justification Justification
Alignment Vertical alignment
Nlpen Note/framing pen
Fpen Fill pen
Font Text font
Tpen Text pen
Cheight Character height
Cspacing Character spacing factor
Lspacing Text line spacing factor
Blnk Auto-blanking flag
Bmargin Auto-blanking margin
Txcolour Text colour
NLStyle Note linestyle

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NLColour Note colour

FStyle Fill style
FColour Fill colour
MStyle Marker style
MColour Marker colour
ACDSTY AutoCAD Dimension style
SpPurpose Special purpose table attribute
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Backing Sheet Element (BACKINGSHEET)
Overlay Sheet Element (OVERLAY)
Sheet Element (SHEET)
Sheet Template Element (SHTMPL)

Legal Members:
Arc Element (ARC)
Circle Element (CIRCLE)
Diamond Element (DIAMOND)
Ellipse Element (ELLIPSE)
Equilateral Triangle Element (ETRIANGLE)
Hexagon Element (HEXAGON)
Marker Element (MARKPRIMITIVE)
Outline Element (OUTLINE)
Primitive Element (PRIM)
Rectangle Element (RECTANGLE)
Straight Line Element (STRAIGHT)
Symbol Instance Element (SYMBOL)
Table Element (TABLE)
Multi-line Text Element (TEXTPRIMITIVE)

6.1.63 Overlay Element (OLAYER)

Draft Drawing Layer or Note Element

Name Name of the element
Osrf Overlay sheet ref
Xyscale Label XY size
Oposition Overlay sheet position
Oangle Overlay sheet angle
Osfname Overlay sheet file
OSDWG AutoCAD overlay name

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Oslvisibility Overlay sheet view layers visible

SpPurpose Special purpose table attribute
Function Function
ACLock AutoCAD picture lock
ACDATE Date last modified in AutoCAD

Legal Owners:
Sheet Element (SHEET)
Sheet Template Element (SHTMPL)

Legal Members:

6.1.64 Offset Line Style Element (OLINESTYLE)

Draft Style Definition Element

Name Name of the element
LWidth Line Width
PatName Pattern Name
PatDefinition Pattern Definition
PatRepeat Pattern Repeat
GlyRef Glyph Reference
GlyNumber Glyph Number
TxString Text String for enhanced LineStyles
TxAlignment Text alignment
Font Text font
DecOffset Decoration offset
DecSize Decoration Size
DecGap Decoration Gap
DecRepeat Decoration Repeat
DecMode Decoration Mode
OlOffset OffsetLine offset from baseline
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Linestyle Element (LINESTYLE)

Legal Members:

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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6.1.65 Outline Element (OUTLINE)

Draft 2D Drafting Element

Name Name of the element
Nlpen Note/framing pen
Fpen Fill pen
Mpen Marker pen
Curfit Curve fitting code: 1 default, 2 cubicfit
NLStyle Note linestyle
NLColour Note colour
FStyle Fill style
FColour Fill colour
MStyle Marker style
MColour Marker colour
ACDATE Date last modified in AutoCAD
ACLock AutoCAD picture lock

Legal Owners:
Sheet Note Element (NOTE)
Symbol Template Element (SYTM)
View Note Element (VNOTE)

Legal Members:
Vertex Element (VRTX)

6.1.66 Overlay Sheet Element (OVERLAY)

Draft Drawing Library Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Spsf Sheet pointset reference
Exfile Extract file number
Arno Picture directory area number
Pvno Picture version number
Size Sheet/region size
Ucode Units code
Font Text font
Tpen Text pen
Fpen Fill pen
Nlpen Note/framing pen
Plpen Projection line pen
Dlpen Dimension line pen
Llpen Label leader pen
Lfpen Label frame pen

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Dterminator Dimension terminator code

Lterminator Label terminator code
Idlname Drawlist name reference
Rrsf Rep ruleset reference
Hrsf Hatch ruleset reference
TTFenabled TrueType fonts enabled flag
Txcolour Text colour
NLStyle Note linestyle
NLColour Note colour
LLStyle Label leader linestyle
LLColour Label leader colour
LFStyle Label frame linestyle
LFColour Label frame colour
DLStyle Dimension linestyle
DLColour Dimension line colour
PLStyle Projection linestyle
PLColour Projection line colour
FStyle Fill style
FColour Fill colour
Acpicture AutoCAD picture flag
ACScale AutoCAD picture scale factor
Pcode Precision code
Ntext Null text
Idlx Drawlist name (as text)
ACDWT AutoCAD drawing template name
ACDSTY AutoCAD Dimension style
ACDATE Date last modified in AutoCAD
ACLock AutoCAD picture lock
Posformat Intelligent Text positional code word expansion style
Grsystem Grid system reference
SpPurpose Special purpose table attribute
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Overlay and Backing Sheet Library Element (SHLB)

Legal Members:
Sheet Note Element (NOTE)
View Element (VIEW)

6.1.67 PCD Radial Dimension Element (PDIMENSION)

Draft Dimensioning Element

Name Name of the element
Ddegrees Dimension line angle
Dflag Radial dimension type flag
Dstyle Radial dimension style flag

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Dtangle Dimension text angle flag

Alignment Vertical alignment
Dtuline Dimension text underlining flag
Dtflag Dimension text radius flag
Dtradius Dimension text radius
Dtoffset Dimension text offset
Dterminator Dimension terminator code
Tsize Terminator size
Dlpen Dimension line pen
Dtpen Dimension text pen
Dfont Dimension text font
Dtcheight Dimension text character height
Mpen Marker pen
Chpen Crosshairs pen
Chosht Crosshairs overshoot
Asubtended Angle subtended
Plpen Projection line pen
Blnk Auto-blanking flag
Bmargin Auto-blanking margin
Dmtxt Dimension text
Gaps Projection line gap array
DLStyle Dimension linestyle
DLColour Dimension line colour
DTColour Dimension text colour
PLStyle Projection linestyle
PLColour Projection line colour
MStyle Marker style
MColour Marker colour
CHStyle Crosshairs linestyle
CHColour Crosshairs colour
ACDATE Date last modified in AutoCAD
ACLock AutoCAD picture lock
ACDSTY AutoCAD Dimension style

Legal Owners:
View Annotation Layer Element (LAYER)

Legal Members:
Radial Dimension Point - Position Element (RPOINT)
Radial Dimension Point - Ppoint Element (RPPT)

6.1.68 Plane Library Element (PLLB)

Draft Plane Definition Element
Primary Element

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Name Name of the element
SpPurpose Special purpose table attribute
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Library Element (LIBY)
Sheet Element (SHEET)

Legal Members:
Flat Plane Element (FPLANE)
Perpendicular Plane Element (PPLANE)
Stepped Plane Element (SPLANE)

6.1.69 Position Ruler Element (POSRLR)

Name Name of the element
Ddname Design element reference
GridName Design grid reference
RulrCode Ruler type code
RulLimits Ruler limits
NLStyle Note linestyle
NLColour Note colour
Font Text font
Cheight Character height
RulTcks Number of ticks between labelled ticks
Oset Offset/VIEW position flag
Blnk Auto-blanking flag
Bmargin Auto-blanking margin
Lvisibility Visibility flag
Ddnx Design element as text
Gridnx Design element as text
ACDATE Date last modified in AutoCAD
TMDWG AutoCAD template name
ACLock AutoCAD picture lock
ACDSTY AutoCAD Dimension style

Legal Owners:
View Annotation Layer Element (LAYER)

Legal Members:

6.1.70 Perpendicular Plane Element (PPLANE)

Draft Plane Definition Element

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Name Name of the element
Position Position

Legal Owners:
Plane Library Element (PLLB)

Legal Members:

6.1.71 Primitive Element (PRIM)

Draft 2D Drafting Element

Name Name of the element
Ptrf Point reference
Gtype Generic type
Nlpen Note/framing pen
Fpen Fill pen
NLStyle Note linestyle
NLColour Note colour
FStyle Fill style
FColour Fill colour
ACDATE Date last modified in AutoCAD
ACLock AutoCAD picture lock
Param Parameters

Legal Owners:
Sheet Note Element (NOTE)
Symbol Template Element (SYTM)
View Note Element (VNOTE)

Legal Members:

6.1.72 World Pointset Library Element (PTWLD)

Draft General Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Count Counter

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

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Legal Members:

6.1.73 Radial Dimension Element (RDIMENSION)

Draft Dimensioning Element

Name Name of the element
Ddname Design element reference
Akey Attribute key
Ddegrees Dimension line angle
Dflag Radial dimension type flag
Dstyle Radial dimension style flag
Dtangle Dimension text angle flag
Alignment Vertical alignment
Dtuline Dimension text underlining flag
Dtflag Dimension text radius flag
Dtradius Dimension text radius
Dtoffset Dimension text offset
Dterminator Dimension terminator code
Tsize Terminator size
Dlpen Dimension line pen
Dtpen Dimension text pen
Dfont Dimension text font
Dtcheight Dimension text character height
Mpen Marker pen
Chpen Crosshairs pen
Chosht Crosshairs overshoot
Asubtended Angle subtended
Plpen Projection line pen
Blnk Auto-blanking flag
Bmargin Auto-blanking margin
Ddnx Design element as text
Dmtxt Dimension text
Gaps Projection line gap array
DLStyle Dimension linestyle
DLColour Dimension line colour
DTColour Dimension text colour
PLStyle Projection linestyle
PLColour Projection line colour
MStyle Marker style
MColour Marker colour
CHStyle Crosshairs linestyle
CHColour Crosshairs colour
ACDATE Date last modified in AutoCAD
ACLock AutoCAD picture lock
ACDSTY AutoCAD Dimension style

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Legal Owners:
View Annotation Layer Element (LAYER)

Legal Members:

6.1.74 Recipient Element (RECIPIENT)

Draft Reporting Element

Name Name of the element
Copies Number of copies
Rname Recipient name
Location Location

Legal Owners:
Circulation List Element (CIRLIST)

Legal Members:

6.1.75 Rectangle Element (RECTANGLE)

Draft 2D Drafting Element

Name Name of the element
Ptrf Point reference
Nlpen Note/framing pen
Fpen Fill pen
Xlength X length
Ylength Y length
Ocode Hashed origin code
Adegrees Orientation
Fradius Fillet radius
NLStyle Note linestyle
NLColour Note colour
FStyle Fill style
FColour Fill colour
ACDATE Date last modified in AutoCAD
ACLock AutoCAD picture lock

Legal Owners:
Sheet Note Element (NOTE)
Symbol Template Element (SYTM)
View Note Element (VNOTE)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Legal Members:

6.1.76 Registry Element (REGISTRY)

Draft General Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Size Sheet/region size
Ucode Units code
Font Text font
Tpen Text pen
Nlpen Note/framing pen
Llpen Label leader pen
Lfpen Label frame pen
Plpen Projection line pen
Dlpen Dimension line pen
Fpen Fill pen
Dterminator Dimension terminator code
Lterminator Label terminator code
Rrsf Rep ruleset reference
Hrsf Hatch ruleset reference
Crsf Change ruleset reference
Layarf Annotation Layer ruleset reference
Laydrf Design Layer ruleset reference
Bsrf Backing sheet reference
Bsfname Backing sheet filename
BSDWG AutoCAD backing sheet name
BSLayer AutoCAD backing sheet layer
ACDWT AutoCAD drawing template name
ACDSTY AutoCAD Dimension style
Pcode Precision code
Ntext Null text
Txcolour Text colour
NLStyle Note linestyle
NLColour Note colour
LLStyle Label leader linestyle
LLColour Label leader colour
LFStyle Label frame linestyle
LFColour Label frame colour
DLStyle Dimension linestyle
DLColour Dimension line colour
PLStyle Projection linestyle
PLColour Projection line colour
FStyle Fill style
FColour Fill colour
Posformat Intelligent Text positional code word expansion style

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Grsystem Grid system reference

SpPurpose Special purpose table attribute
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Department Element (DEPT)

Legal Members:
Drawing Element (DRWG)
Library Element (LIBY)
Report Element (REPORT)

6.1.77 Remove Entry Element (REMENTRY)

Draft IDList Definition Element

Name Name of the element
Idname Design data or catalogue component
Idnx Design data or catalogue component (as text)
Criteria Selection criteria (used to define tag & rep. rules)

Legal Owners:
ID List Element (IDLIST)

Legal Members:

6.1.78 Report Element (REPORT)

Draft Reporting Element

Name Name of the element
Clrf Actual circulation list reference
Date Date
Source Source macro
Orna Originator text
Flename External file name
Title Title
Rvsnumber Revision number

Legal Owners:
Registry Element (REGISTRY)

Legal Members:
Text Element (TEXT)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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6.1.79 Revision Element (REVISION)

Draft Drawing and Sheet Element

Name Name of the element
Revdate Date of revision
Appdate Date of approval
Clrf Actual circulation list reference
Revtime Time of revision
Rvsnumber Revision number
Rvauthor Revision author
Approver Approver
Stext S Text string
Checker Checker
Chkdate Date checked

Legal Owners:
Drawing Template Element (DRTMPL)
Drawing Element (DRWG)
Sheet Element (SHEET)
Sheet Template Element (SHTMPL)

Legal Members:
Text Element (TEXT)

6.1.80 Representation Rules and Styles Library Element (RPLB)

Draft Representation Definition Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
SpPurpose Special purpose table attribute
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Library Element (LIBY)

Legal Members:
Annotation Change Style Element (ACSTYLE)
Change Ruleset Element (CRST)
Design Change Style Element (DCSTYLE)
Hatch Ruleset Element (HRST)
Hatch Style Element (HSTYLE)
Layer Ruleset Element (LAYRST)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Layer Table Element (LAYTBL)

Representation Ruleset Element (RRST)
Representation Style Element (STYLE)

6.1.81 Radial Dimension Point - Position Element (RPOINT)

Draft Dimensioning Element

Name Name of the element
Position Position

Legal Owners:
PCD Radial Dimension Element (PDIMENSION)

Legal Members:

6.1.82 Radial Dimension Point - Ppoint Element (RPPT)

Draft Dimensioning Element

Name Name of the element
Ddname Design element reference
Nppt Ppoint number
Pkey Pline identifier key
Pkdistance Proportional distance along Pline
Ddnx Design element as text

Legal Owners:
PCD Radial Dimension Element (PDIMENSION)

Legal Members:

6.1.83 Representation Ruleset Element (RRST)

Draft Representation Definition Element

Name Name of the element
SpPurpose Special purpose table attribute
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Representation Rules and Styles Library Element (RPLB)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Legal Members:
Representation Rule Element (RRULE)

6.1.84 Representation Rule Element (RRULE)

Draft Representation Definition Element

Name Name of the element
Styf Rep style reference
Omitflag Omission flag
SymbolFlag Symbol flag
Criteria Selection criteria (used to define tag & rep. rules)

Legal Owners:
Representation Ruleset Element (RRST)
View Element (VIEW)

Legal Members:

6.1.85 ADP Setting Library Element (SDAOPT)

Automatic Drawing Production Element

Name Name of the element
Astable ADP association table
Bsrfarray ADP backing sheet list
Scalist ADP main view allowable scale list
Dvsclist ADP detail view allowable scale list
Dvflag ADP detail views flag
Dvthreshold ADP detail views threshold
Vmargin ADP view margins
Mrgflag ADP merge flag
Mrglevel ADP merge level
Rrsf Rep ruleset reference
Ansymref ADP annotation symbol library ref
Updcb ADP update callback
PFReqd Picture file required flag

Legal Owners:
Library Element (LIBY)

Legal Members:

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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6.1.86 Sheet Element (SHEET)

Draft Drawing and Sheet Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Spsf Sheet pointset reference
Exfile Extract file number
Arno Picture directory area number
Pvno Picture version number
Size Sheet/region size
Bsrf Backing sheet reference
Idlname Drawlist name reference
TTFenabled TrueType fonts enabled flag
Layarf Annotation Layer ruleset reference
Laydrf Design Layer ruleset reference
Bsfname Backing sheet filename
BSDWG AutoCAD backing sheet name
Title Title
Idlx Drawlist name (as text)
Acpicture AutoCAD picture flag
ACScale AutoCAD picture scale factor
BSLayer AutoCAD backing sheet layer
ACDWT AutoCAD drawing template name
ACDATE Date last modified in AutoCAD
ACLock AutoCAD picture lock
Adprfarray ADP reference array
Posformat Intelligent Text positional code word expansion style
Grsystem Grid system reference
SpPurpose Special purpose table attribute
Function Function
DArRef Design area reference
LinkRef Link reference
PlinOn Pline-required flag
PFReqd Picture file required flag
Marptype Marine picture type

Legal Owners:
Drawing Element (DRWG)

Legal Members:
Sheet Note Element (NOTE)
Overlay Element (OLAYER)
Plane Library Element (PLLB)
Revision Element (REVISION)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Task Element (TASK)

View Element (VIEW)
VM Subview Element (VMSUBV)

6.1.87 Overlay and Backing Sheet Library Element (SHLB)

Draft Drawing Library Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Size Sheet/region size
Font Text font
Tpen Text pen
Nlpen Note/framing pen
Ucode Units code
Llpen Label leader pen
Lfpen Label frame pen
Plpen Projection line pen
Dlpen Dimension line pen
Fpen Fill pen
Dterminator Dimension terminator code
Lterminator Label terminator code
Rrsf Rep ruleset reference
Hrsf Hatch ruleset reference
Pcode Precision code
Ntext Null text
ACDWT AutoCAD drawing template name
ACDSTY AutoCAD Dimension style
Txcolour Text colour
NLStyle Note linestyle
NLColour Note colour
LLStyle Label leader linestyle
LLColour Label leader colour
LFStyle Label frame linestyle
LFColour Label frame colour
DLStyle Dimension linestyle
DLColour Dimension line colour
PLStyle Projection linestyle
PLColour Projection line colour
FStyle Fill style
FColour Fill colour
Posformat Intelligent Text positional code word expansion style
Grsystem Grid system reference
SpPurpose Special purpose table attribute
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Library Element (LIBY)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Legal Members:
Backing Sheet Element (BACKINGSHEET)
Overlay Sheet Element (OVERLAY)

6.1.88 Sheet Template Element (SHTMPL)

Draft Drawing Library Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Spsf Sheet pointset reference
Exfile Extract file number
Arno Picture directory area number
Pvno Picture version number
Size Sheet/region size
Bsrf Backing sheet reference
Idlname Drawlist name reference
TTFenabled TrueType fonts enabled flag
Layarf Annotation Layer ruleset reference
Laydrf Design Layer ruleset reference
Bsfname Backing sheet filename
BSDWG AutoCAD backing sheet name
BSLayer AutoCAD backing sheet layer
ACDWT AutoCAD drawing template name
Title Title
Idlx Drawlist name (as text)
Posformat Intelligent Text positional code word expansion style
Grsystem Grid system reference
SpPurpose Special purpose table attribute
Function Function
PlinOn Pline-required flag

Legal Owners:
Drawing Template Element (DRTMPL)

Legal Members:
Sheet Note Element (NOTE)
Overlay Element (OLAYER)
Revision Element (REVISION)
Task Element (TASK)
View Element (VIEW)

6.1.89 Special Label Instance Element (SLABEL)

Draft Labelling Element

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Name Name of the element
Ddname Design element reference
Nppt Ppoint number
Pkey Pline identifier key
Pkdistance Proportional distance along Pline
Tmrf Template reference
Sorf Source reference (for automatic application)
Xyposition 2D Position
Oset Offset/VIEW position flag
Adegrees Orientation
Ppdirection Ppoint number for direction
Llclearance Leader line clearance
Tsize Terminator size
Lterminator Label terminator code
Lleader Leader line flag
Apoffset Leaderline attachment point
Cpoffset Leaderline connection point wrt. text origin
Bpoffset Leader bend point offset
Lshape Leader shape code
Font Text font
Tpen Text pen
Llpen Label leader pen
Lfpen Label frame pen
Blnk Auto-blanking flag
Bmargin Auto-blanking margin
Xyscale Label XY size
Cheight Character height
Lvisibility Visibility flag
Ddnx Design element as text
Atext Unintelligent text string
Gaps Projection line gap array
Position Position
Txcolour Text colour
LLStyle Label leader linestyle
LLColour Label leader colour
LFStyle Label frame linestyle
LFColour Label frame colour
ACDATE Date last modified in AutoCAD
ACLock AutoCAD picture lock
TMDWG AutoCAD template name
ACDSTY AutoCAD Dimension style
Justification Justification
Alignment Vertical alignment

Legal Owners:
View Annotation Layer Element (LAYER)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Legal Members:

6.1.90 Stepped Plane Element (SPLANE)

Draft Plane Definition Element

Name Name of the element
Gtype Generic type
Direction Direction

Legal Owners:
Plane Library Element (PLLB)

Legal Members:
Point given as 3D Position Element (WPOS)

6.1.91 Status Link World Element (STLNKW)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
StlPos Status Element reference

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:

6.1.92 Straight Line Element (STRAIGHT)

Draft 2D Drafting Element

Name Name of the element
Ptfarray Point references
Nlpen Note/framing pen
Length Length
Adegrees Orientation
Tcode Hashed origin code
Purpose Description code word
NLStyle Note linestyle
NLColour Note colour

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ACDATE Date last modified in AutoCAD

ACLock AutoCAD picture lock

Legal Owners:
ISO Symbol Template Element (ISOTM)
Sheet Note Element (NOTE)
Symbol Template Element (SYTM)
View Note Element (VNOTE)

Legal Members:

6.1.93 Representation Style Element (STYLE)

Draft Representation Definition Element

Name Name of the element
Tubeflag Tubing flag
Cline Centreline flag
Psymbols Piping component symbol flag
Obstflag Obstruction flag
Insulation Insulation flag
Profile Profile flag
Plines Plines flag
Ffpen Front-face pen
Bfpen Backface pen
Clpen Centreline pen
Obpen Obscured face pen
Plnpen Pline pen
Mlnpen Member line pen
FFStyle Front-face linestyle
FFColour Front-face colour
BFStyle Backface linestyle
BFColour Backface colour
CLStyle Centreline linestyle
CLColour Centreline colour
ObStyle Obscured face linestyle
ObColour Obscured face colour
PLnStyle Pline linestyle
PLnColour Pline colour
MLnStyle Member-line linestyle
MLnColour Member-line colour
Dlevel Drawing level

Legal Owners:
Representation Rules and Styles Library Element (RPLB)

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Legal Members:

6.1.94 Style World Element (STYLWL)

Draft Style Definition Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Function Function

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Fill Style Table Element (FSTYTB)
Glyph Table Element (GLYTB)
Linear Style Table Element (LSTYTB)
Marker Style Table Element (MSTYTB)

6.1.95 Symbol Template Library Element (SYLB)

Draft Template Library Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Spsf Sheet pointset reference
Exfile Extract file number
Arno Picture directory area number
Pvno Picture version number
Font Text font
Tpen Text pen
Nlpen Note/framing pen
Fpen Fill pen
Cheight Character height
Cspacing Character spacing factor
Lspacing Text line spacing factor
Size Sheet/region size
Bsrf Backing sheet reference
Bsfname Backing sheet filename
ACDWT AutoCAD drawing template name
ACDSTY AutoCAD Dimension style
TTFenabled TrueType fonts enabled flag
Txcolour Text colour
NLStyle Note linestyle
NLColour Note colour

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FStyle Fill style

FColour Fill colour
SpPurpose Special purpose table attribute
Function Function
SylbTable SYLBTAble attribute

Legal Owners:
Library Element (LIBY)

Legal Members:
Symbol Template Element (SYTM)

6.1.96 Symbol Instance Element (SYMBOL)

Draft Symbol Element

Name Name of the element
Tmrf Template reference
Xyscale Label XY size
Ptrf Point reference
Adegrees Orientation
ACDATE Date last modified in AutoCAD
ACLock AutoCAD picture lock
TMDWG AutoCAD template name

Legal Owners:
Sheet Note Element (NOTE)
Symbol Template Element (SYTM)
View Note Element (VNOTE)

Legal Members:

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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6.1.97 Symbol Template Element (SYTM)

Draft Template Library Element

Name Name of the element
Pstf Pointset reference
Xyposition 2D Position
Nsize Nominal size
Nlpen Note/framing pen
Fpen Fill pen
Justification Justification
Alignment Vertical alignment
Font Text font
Tpen Text pen
Cheight Character height
Cspacing Character spacing factor
Lspacing Text line spacing factor
TxSplit Text splitting flag
Txcolour Text colour
NLStyle Note linestyle
NLColour Note colour
FStyle Fill style
FColour Fill colour
MStyle Marker style
MColour Marker colour
ACExport AutoCAD export flag
ACDSTY AutoCAD Dimension style
ACScale AutoCAD picture scale factor
SpPurpose Special purpose table attribute
Function Function
Ppdirection Ppoint number for direction

Legal Owners:
Label Template Library Element (LALB)
Symbol Template Library Element (SYLB)

Legal Members:
Arc Element (ARC)
Circle Element (CIRCLE)
Diamond Element (DIAMOND)
Ellipse Element (ELLIPSE)
Equilateral Triangle Element (ETRIANGLE)
Hexagon Element (HEXAGON)
Marker Element (MARKPRIMITIVE)

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Outline Element (OUTLINE)

Primitive Element (PRIM)
Rectangle Element (RECTANGLE)
Straight Line Element (STRAIGHT)
Symbol Instance Element (SYMBOL)
Table Element (TABLE)
Multi-line Text Element (TEXTPRIMITIVE)

6.1.98 Table Element (TABLE)

Draft 2D Drafting Element

Name Name of the element
Ptrf Point reference
Nlpen Note/framing pen
Xlength X length
Ylength Y length
Ocode Hashed origin code
Adegrees Orientation
Nrows Number of rows
Ncolumns Number of columns
Rpen Pen for internal rows
Cpen Pen for internal columns
NLStyle Note linestyle
NLColour Note colour
RowStyle Row linestyle
RowColour Row colour
ColStyle Column linestyle
ColColour Column colour
ACDATE Date last modified in AutoCAD
ACLock AutoCAD picture lock
SpPurpose Special purpose table attribute
Filldirection Fill direction

Legal Owners:
Sheet Note Element (NOTE)
Symbol Template Element (SYTM)
View Note Element (VNOTE)

Legal Members:

6.1.99 Tagging Rule Element (TAGRULE)

Draft Labelling Element

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Name Name of the element
Tmrf Template reference
Idlname Drawlist name reference
Idlx Drawlist name (as text)
Criteria Selection criteria (used to define tag & rep. rules)
SpPurpose Special purpose table attribute
Function Function
LinkRef Link reference

Legal Owners:
View Annotation Layer Element (LAYER)
Tagging Ruleset Element (TRST)

Legal Members:

6.1.100 Task Element (TASK)

Automatic Drawing Production Element

Name Name of the element
SpPurpose Special purpose table attribute
Function Function
PMLFunction PML Function name

Legal Owners:
Drawing Template Element (DRTMPL)
Drawing Element (DRWG)
View Annotation Layer Element (LAYER)
Sheet Element (SHEET)
Sheet Template Element (SHTMPL)
Task Library Element (TASKLB)
View Element (VIEW)

Legal Members:
Task Parameter Element (TKPARA)

6.1.101 Task Library Element (TASKLB)

Automatic Drawing Production Element
Primary Element

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Draft Database

Name Name of the element
SpPurpose Special purpose table attribute
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Library Element (LIBY)

Legal Members:
Task Element (TASK)

6.1.102 Text Element (TEXT)

Administrative Element

TEXT is a general element that can occupy most positions in the hierarchy. It can be used to
store additional information about an owning or adjacent element.

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Stext S Text string
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

Legal Owners:
Report Element (REPORT)
Revision Element (REVISION)

Legal Members:

6.1.103 Multi-line Text Element (TEXTPRIMITIVE)

Draft 2D Drafting Element

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Draft Database

Name Name of the element
Ptrf Point reference
Adegrees Orientation
Font Text font
Tpen Text pen
Cheight Character height
Cspacing Character spacing factor
Lspacing Text line spacing factor
Justification Justification
Alignment Vertical alignment
Btext Annotation text string
Txcolour Text colour
ACDATE Date last modified in AutoCAD
ACLock AutoCAD picture lock
ACDSTY AutoCAD Dimension style
Etext Example text

Legal Owners:
Sheet Note Element (NOTE)
Symbol Template Element (SYTM)
View Note Element (VNOTE)

Legal Members:

6.1.104 Task Parameter Element (TKPARA)

Automatic Drawing Production Element

Name Name of the element
TPValue Task parameter name
Ptype Property type
SpPurpose Special purpose table attribute
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Task Element (TASK)

Legal Members:

6.1.105 Tagging Rule library Element (TRLB)

Draft Labelling Element
Primary Element

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Draft Database

Name Name of the element
SpPurpose Special purpose table attribute
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Library Element (LIBY)

Legal Members:
Tagging Ruleset Element (TRST)

6.1.106 Tagging Ruleset Element (TRST)

Draft Labelling Element

Name Name of the element
SpPurpose Special purpose table attribute
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Tagging Rule library Element (TRLB)

Legal Members:
Tagging Rule Element (TAGRULE)

6.1.107 Text Label Template Element (TXTM)

Draft Template Library Element

Name Name of the element
Xyposition 2D Position
Font Text font
Tpen Text pen
Nlpen Note/framing pen
Cheight Character height
Cspacing Character spacing factor
Lspacing Text line spacing factor
Gbox Box gap
Lframe Frame flag
Justification Justification
Alignment Vertical alignment
Btext Annotation text string
Etext Example text
Txcolour Text colour
NLStyle Note linestyle

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Draft Database

NLColour Note colour

Ppdirection Ppoint number for direction

Legal Owners:
Label Template Library Element (LALB)

Legal Members:

6.1.108 View Element (VIEW)

Draft View Element

Name Name of the element
Direction Direction
Thposition Point through which viewing
Frposition Eye point
Onposition ONTO Point, position of view in the region
Vscale Viewing scale - scales projected view
Vratio View ratio
Adegrees Orientation
Perspective Perspective angle
Arctolerance Arc tolerance
Vtype Type of design view
Idlname Drawlist name reference
Rrsf Rep ruleset reference
Hrsf Hatch ruleset reference
Crsf Change ruleset reference
Size Sheet/region size
Xyposition 2D Position
Rcode Direction of region vertical on sheet
Nlpen Note/framing pen
Lframe Frame flag
NLStyle Note linestyle
NLColour Note colour
Lvisibility Visibility flag
Vgaplength View gap length
Smode Sectioning mode
Title Title
Function Function
Idlx Drawlist name (as text)
Noclipview View no clipping flag
PlinOn Pline-required flag
Vwlimits View Limits - special attribute for use by ADP
Dflta Defaults for Type 1 annotation - special attribute for use by
Dfltb Defaults for Type 2 annotation - special attribute for use by

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Draft Database

Dfltc Defaults for Type 3 annotation - special attribute for use by

Vnref VNOTE reference - special attribute for use by ADP
VCompDate View Comparison Date
VCompStamp View Comparison Stamp
Posformat Intelligent Text positional code word expansion style
Grsystem Grid system reference
SpPurpose Special purpose table attribute
IgnDUnion Ignore DUnion flag
ACLock AutoCAD picture lock

Legal Owners:
Overlay Sheet Element (OVERLAY)
Sheet Element (SHEET)
Sheet Template Element (SHTMPL)

Legal Members:
View Symbology Layer Element (DSLAYER)
Hatch Rule Element (HRULE)
Hull Symbolic View Element (HSVDEF)
View Annotation Layer Element (LAYER)
Representation Rule Element (RRULE)
Task Element (TASK)
VM Subview Element (VMSUBV)
View Section Element (VSECTION)

6.1.109 VM Component Element (VMCOMP)

Draft Drawing Layer or Note Element

Name Name of the element
VMGLayer VM Geometry Layer
VMFLayer VM Fillstyle Layer
VMUSystem VM Fillstyle Unit System
VMTAspect VM text aspect
VMTSlant VM text slant (degrees)
VMCIArray VM Component Int Array
VMCRArray VM Component Real Array
VMDRPDMS VM Draw anno using pdms engine Y/N
VMFCFB VM Fill Colour From Border Y/N

Legal Owners:
VM Subview Element (VMSUBV)

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Draft Database

Legal Members:

6.1.110 VM Subview Element (VMSUBV)

Draft View Element

Name Name of the element
Ddname Design element reference
Ddnx Design element as text

Legal Owners:
Sheet Element (SHEET)
View Element (VIEW)

Legal Members:
VM Component Element (VMCOMP)

6.1.111 View Note Element (VNOTE)

Draft Drawing Layer or Note Element

Name Name of the element
Pstf Pointset reference
Position Position
Xyposition 2D Position
Ddname Design element reference
Nppt Ppoint number
Pkey Pline identifier key
Pkdistance Proportional distance along Pline
Adegrees Orientation
Ppdirection Ppoint number for direction
Lvisibility Visibility flag
Justification Justification
Alignment Vertical alignment
Nlpen Note/framing pen
Fpen Fill pen
Font Text font
Blnk Auto-blanking flag
Bmargin Auto-blanking margin
Tpen Text pen
Cheight Character height
Cspacing Character spacing factor
Lspacing Text line spacing factor
Ddnx Design element as text
Txcolour Text colour

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NLStyle Note linestyle

NLColour Note colour
FStyle Fill style
FColour Fill colour
MStyle Marker style
MColour Marker colour
Vwrefarray View reference array - special attribute for use by ADP
ACDSTY AutoCAD Dimension style
SpPurpose Special purpose table attribute
Function Function

Legal Owners:
View Annotation Layer Element (LAYER)

Legal Members:
Arc Element (ARC)
Circle Element (CIRCLE)
Diamond Element (DIAMOND)
Ellipse Element (ELLIPSE)
Equilateral Triangle Element (ETRIANGLE)
Hexagon Element (HEXAGON)
Marker Element (MARKPRIMITIVE)
Outline Element (OUTLINE)
Primitive Element (PRIM)
Rectangle Element (RECTANGLE)
Straight Line Element (STRAIGHT)
Symbol Instance Element (SYMBOL)
Table Element (TABLE)
Multi-line Text Element (TEXTPRIMITIVE)

6.1.112 Vertex Element (VRTX)

Draft 2D Drafting Element

Name Name of the element
Ptrf Point reference
Bulgefactor Bulge factor
Fradius Fillet radius
Chamfers Chamfer lengths
Nlpen Note/framing pen
Mpen Marker pen
NLStyle Note linestyle
NLColour Note colour

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MStyle Marker style

MColour Marker colour

Legal Owners:
Outline Element (OUTLINE)

Legal Members:

6.1.113 View Section Element (VSECTION)

Draft View Element

Name Name of the element
Plrf Plane reference
Idlname Drawlist name reference
Pmode Plane mode
Clmode Centreline mode: 1=CL OFF, 2=CL ON
Idlx Drawlist name (as text)

Legal Owners:
View Element (VIEW)

Legal Members:

6.1.114 World Element (WORLD)

Administrative Element
Primary Element

The WORLD is the topmost level of the database hierarchy within which all other elements
exist. It cannot be deleted or copied in the same way that applies to say, a ZONE or a
DRWG. Its existence is controlled by the ADMINISTRATION module of PDMS.

Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:

Legal Members:
Library Element (LIBY)
World Pointset Library Element (PTWLD)
Status Link World Element (STLNKW)

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Style World Element (STYLWL)

6.1.115 Point given as 3D Position Element (WPOS)

Draft Plane Definition Element

Name Name of the element
Position Position
Count Counter

Legal Owners:
Stepped Plane Element (SPLANE)

Legal Members:

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Data Model Reference Manual
Global Database

7 Global Database

The Data Model Reference manual contains details of all the elements which can be created
in the Global database, their position in the database hierarchy and their attributes.

7.1 Global Database Elements

All data in the Global database is stored in elements in a strict hierarchy. Every element has
a type and each type determines the attributes available on the element. For more
information on database concepts, refer to Database Management Reference Manual.

7.1.1 Database Element (DB)

Primary Element

Numbdb DB number
Stype SPECON type question
Fino File number
Area Area
Accessdb DB access
Claimdb Implicit or explicit claims
Description Description of the element
Projid PROJID - on the DB element
Fcpyref Forward copy reference
Bcpyref Backward copy reference
ExtNo Extract number
ExtOwner Extract owner
LVariant Variant Flag
LCtrolled Controlled DB Flag
Name Name of the element
LRefO Database holds Reference data only flag

Legal Owners:
Database List Element (DBLI)

Legal Members:
Database Location Information Element (DBLOC)

7.1.2 Global List of DBs Allocated to Location Element (DBALL)

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Global Database

DeAlAll True if location locked due to deallocation of dbs

Legal Owners:
Global Location Element (LOC)

Legal Members:
Database Element (DB)

7.1.3 Database List Element (DBLI)

Primary Element


Legal Owners:
Team Element (TEAM)

Legal Members:
Database Element (DB)

7.1.4 Database Location Information Element (DBLOC)

Primary Element

Locrf Location reference
Prvrf Reference to previous owner of DB
Propg DB propagation flag
Picfd Picture file distribution flag
DeAlDB Reference array for locations where DB id being deallocated

Legal Owners:
Database Element (DB)

Legal Members:

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Global Database

7.1.5 DB Range Element (DBRANG)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
DBRBEG DB range start
DBREND DB range end

Legal Owners:
Global Status World Element (GSTAT)

Legal Members:

7.1.6 Global Location World Element (GLOCWL)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Aduuid PDMS Project GLOBAL UUID version string
GlbVersion Global version string
Hubrf Reference to the hub location
Prvrf Reference to previous owner of DB
NxtHb Reference to next (future) hub

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Global Group List Element (GRPLI)
Global Link List Element (LNKLI)
Global Location List Element (LOCLI)

7.1.7 Global Role World Element (GROLWL)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
LACR Access Control on/off switch

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

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Global Database

Legal Members:
Role Element (ROLE)

7.1.8 Global Group Element (GRP)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
Global Group List Element (GRPLI)

Legal Members:

7.1.9 Global Group List Element (GRPLI)

Primary Element


Legal Owners:
Global Location World Element (GLOCWL)

Legal Members:
Global Group Element (GRP)

7.1.10 Global Status World Element (GSTAT)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Prjnumber Project number
Maxusers Maximum number of user
Prjdesc Project description
Infa Client info - Project Name
Charset Character set
Prjstatus Access Control project status

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
DB Range Element (DBRANG)

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Global Database

7.1.11 Global Stamp World Element (GSTWLD)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Stamp Element (STAMP)

7.1.12 Global Team World Element (GTMWL)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Team Element (TEAM)

7.1.13 Global Link Element (LNK)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Lnkrx Reference to first location of a link
Lnkry Reference to second location of a link
Lnkwv Link weighting value

Legal Owners:
Global Link List Element (LNKLI)

Legal Members:

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Global Database

7.1.14 Global Link List Element (LNKLI)

Primary Element


Legal Owners:
Global Location World Element (GLOCWL)

Legal Members:
Global Link Element (LNK)

7.1.15 Global Location Element (LOC)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Locid Location identifier
Rhost Host computer name or IP address of remote machine
Iconn COMMS connection type (0/1 = on/off-line)
Linit Location initialisation flag
Grprf Reference to group (owner of location)
Locrf Location reference
Prmrf Primary Location Element
Prvrf Reference to previous owner of DB
Extlow Location extract number range, low limit
Exthigh Location extract number range, high limit
LCpOvWrite Location Overwrite DB Users policy flag
NoExtCreation Location extract create suppression flag
Numbdb DB number

Legal Owners:
Global Location List Element (LOCLI)

Legal Members:
Global List of DBs Allocated to Location Element (DBALL)

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Global Database

7.1.16 Global Location List Element (LOCLI)

Primary Element

Extlow Location extract number range, low limit
Exthigh Location extract number range, high limit

Legal Owners:
Global Role World Element (GROLWL)

Legal Members:
Global Location Element (LOC)

7.1.17 Permissible Operations Element (PEROP)

Name Name of the element
Opcreate Create Access Control Operation
Opmodify Modify Access Control Operation
Opdelete Delete Access Control Operation
Opclaim Claim Access Control Operation
Opissue Issue Access Control Operation
Opdrop Drop Access Control Operation
Opoutput Output (DATAL) Access Control Operation
Opexport Export Access Control Operation
Opcopyfrom Copy-From Access Control Operation
Eclass Access Control Element class
Aclass Access Control Attribute class
Condition Access Control Logical condition
Acrmessage Access Control User defined message

Legal Owners:
Role Element (ROLE)

Legal Members:

7.1.18 Role Element (ROLE)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
Global Role World Element (GROLWL)

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Global Database

Legal Members:
Permissible Operations Element (PEROP)

7.1.19 Stamp Element (STAMP)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
SetDate Set Date

Legal Owners:
Global Stamp World Element (GSTWLD)

Legal Members:
Stamp List Element (STLST)

7.1.20 Stamp List Element (STLST)

Name Name of the element
Stlsf Database reference
Stsess Database session number

Legal Owners:
Stamp Element (STAMP)

Legal Members:

7.1.21 Team Element (TEAM)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Teastatus Access Control team status

Legal Owners:
Global Team World Element (GTMWL)

Legal Members:
Database List Element (DBLI)

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Global Database

7.1.22 World Element (WORLD)

Administrative Element
Primary Element

The WORLD is the topmost level of the database hierarchy within which all other elements
exist. It cannot be deleted or copied in the same way that applies to say, a ZONE or a
DRWG. Its existence is controlled by the ADMINISTRATION module of PDMS.

Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:

Legal Members:
Global Location World Element (GLOCWL)
Global Role World Element (GROLWL)
Global Status World Element (GSTAT)
Global Stamp World Element (GSTWLD)
Global Team World Element (GTMWL)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Global Database

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Data Model Reference Manual
Manu Database

8 Manu Database

The Data Model Reference manual contains details of all the elements which can be created
in the Manu database, their position in the database hierarchy and their attributes.

8.1 Manu Database Elements

All data in the Manu database is stored in elements in a strict hierarchy. Every element has
a type and each type determines the attributes available on the element. For more
information on database concepts, refer to Database Management Reference Manual.

8.1.1 ARCHIV Element (ARCHIV)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Uuid Universally unique identifier

Legal Owners:

Legal Members:

8.1.2 Pin Element (CPIN)

Hull Manufacturing Element

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Manu Database

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID
ColNum Pin column number
Hght Height
PntUv Point2D
RowNum Pin row number

Legal Owners:
Pin Jig Row Element (CPINRW)

Legal Members:

8.1.3 Pin Jig Corner Point Element (CPINCR)

Hull Manufacturing Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID
CorNum Corner number
CornUv Corner point
Hght Height

Legal Owners:
Manufacturing Package Folder Element (MPKGFL)

Legal Members:

8.1.4 Pin Jig Element (CPINJG)

Hull Manufacturing Element
Primary Element

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Manu Database

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
AngFr Angle between assembly and frame plane
AngWl Angle between assembly and water-line plane
Npill Number of jig pillars
LowPos Point nearest workshop floor
NoCol Number of pin jig columns
NoRow Number of pin jig rows
ManTra Transformation from local coordinate system
Modrefs Reference to panel or panels

Legal Owners:
Manufacturing Package Folder Element (MPKGFL)

Legal Members:
Pin Jig Corner Point Element (CPINCR)
Pin Jig Row Element (CPINRW)

8.1.5 Pin Jig Row Element (CPINRW)

Hull Manufacturing Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID
RowNum Pin row number

Legal Owners:
Manufacturing Package Folder Element (MPKGFL)

Legal Members:
Pin Element (CPIN)

8.1.6 Manufacturing Package Element (MANPKG)

Hull Manufacturing Element
Primary Element

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Name Name of the element
Description Description
MPkgRf Reference to a manufacturing package folder which act as a
default folder. The folder should have a rule set to true.

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Manufacturing Package Folder Element (MPKGFL)
Manufacturing Package Filter Element (MPKGFT)

8.1.7 Nested Assembly Plate Element (MAPLNS)

Hull Manufacturing Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
AssNst Reference to assembly nest (valid for individual nest only)
Charge Charge
DrawNo Drawing number
FrmScl Form scale
NdtInt NC tape date
NdtTxt NC tape date text
NplDfa Nesting default file 1
NplDfb Nesting default file 2
NplMir Quantity mirrored nested plates
NplNor Quantity normal nested plates
NplTot Total quantity nested plates
Operat Operator
PdtInt Production date
PdtTxt Production date text
Purch Purchase information
RawPla Reference to raw plate
ShipNo Ship number
StpUv Start point
VdtInt Verification date
VdtTxt Verification date text
TypeCd Type code
TypeCe Type code

Legal Owners:
Manufacturing Package Folder Element (MPKGFL)

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Manu Database

Legal Members:
Burner Data Element (MBURN)
Nesting Machine Path Time Element (MNPATH)
Nested Plate Part Element (MNPLA)
Nesting Rest Plates Normal Steel Quality Element (MNRNSQ)
Nesting Rest Plates Work Element (MNRWRK)
Nesting Tool Path Element (MNTOOL)
Nesting Raw Plate Instances Element (MPLRWI)

8.1.8 Built Profile Part Element (MBPRO)

Hull Manufacturing Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Manufacturing Package Folder Element (MPKGFL)

Legal Members:
Plate Part Element (MPLATE)
Profile Part Element (MPROF)

8.1.9 Burner Data Element (MBURN)

Hull Manufacturing Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID
BrnNam Burner name
BrnNum Burner number
BrnPrc Burner process name
BrnRef Burner reference id
BrnToo Burner tool
BrnTyp Burner type
BurnId Burner id

Legal Owners:
Manufacturing Package Folder Element (MPKGFL)

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Legal Members:

8.1.10 Nesting Machine Path Time Element (MNPATH)

Hull Manufacturing Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID
PunchT Punching time
Totalt Total machine time for a nested plate
WatTim Water cleaning time

Legal Owners:
Manufacturing Package Folder Element (MPKGFL)

Legal Members:
Nesting Pathtime Blast Element (MPTBLS)
Nesting Pathtime Burn Element (MPTBRN)
Nesting Pathtime Factors Element (MPTFAC)
Nesting Pathtime GSD Element (MPTGSD)
Nesting Pathtime Label Element (MPTLAB)
Nesting Pathtime Mark Element (MPTMRK)

8.1.11 Nested Plate Part Element (MNPLA)

Hull Manufacturing Element
Primary Element

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Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID
ParNam Part name
CircR Circumscribed rectangle
ManCog Center of gravity
Lcircr Least circumscribed rectangle
HuMirror True if mirrored in local v-axis
PlArea Area
ManWgh Weight
ParRef Reference to MPLATE (may be 2 for mirrored nests)
ManNum Number of manual intervals
ManLen Length of manual intervals
ChaNum Number of chamfer intervals
ChaLen Length of chamfer intervals
ExcNum Number of excess intervals (type 1-3)
ExcLen Length of excess intervals (type 1-3)
GriNum Number of grinding intervals
GriLen Length of grinding intervals
OthNum Number of other intervals
OthLen Length of other intervals
TotLen Total length of other intervals
Npside Side of nested part
Npxyp Local position of part
Nprvec Local rotation vector of part

Legal Owners:
Manufacturing Package Folder Element (MPKGFL)

Legal Members:

8.1.12 Nested Profile Part Element (MNPROF)

Hull Manufacturing Element
Primary Element

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Manu Database

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID
ParNam Part name
NprSid Side of nested profile
ParRef Reference to MPROF

Legal Owners:
Manufacturing Package Folder Element (MPKGFL)

Legal Members:

8.1.13 Nesting Created Rest Plates Element (MNRCRE)

Hull Manufacturing Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID
NrParm Number of rest plate parameters
PlaLen Raw plate length
PlArea Area
PlaWdt Raw plate width
Rparm Rest plate parameters
RplNam Rest plate name
RplTyp Rest plate type
ManWgh Weight

Legal Owners:
Manufacturing Package Folder Element (MPKGFL)

Legal Members:

8.1.14 Nesting Rest Plates Normal Steel Quality Element (MNRNSQ)

Hull Manufacturing Element

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Manu Database

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID
PlaLen Raw plate length
PlArea Area
PlaWdt Raw plate width
RplCod Rest plate code
RplNam Rest plate name
Thickn Thickness
ManWgh Weight

Legal Owners:
Manufacturing Package Folder Element (MPKGFL)

Legal Members:

8.1.15 Nesting Rest Plates Work Element (MNRWRK)

Hull Manufacturing Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID
PlaLen Raw plate length
PlArea Area
PlaWdt Raw plate width
Thickn Thickness
ManWgh Weight

Legal Owners:
Manufacturing Package Folder Element (MPKGFL)

Legal Members:

8.1.16 Nesting Tool Path Element (MNTOOL)

Hull Manufacturing Element

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Manu Database

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Manufacturing Package Folder Element (MPKGFL)

Legal Members:
Nesting Toolpath Blast Element (MTPBLS)
Nesting Toolpath Burn Element (MTPBRN)
Nesting Toolpath GSD Element (MTPGSD)
Nesting Toolpath Label Element (MTPLAB)
Nesting Toolpath Mark Element (MTPMRK)

8.1.17 Manufacturing Package Folder Element (MPKGFL)

Hull Manufacturing Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description
MPkgFilter Manufacturing package folder rule

Legal Owners:
Manufacturing Package Element (MANPKG)
Manufacturing Package Folder Element (MPKGFL)

Legal Members:
Pin Jig Element (CPINJG)
Nested Assembly Plate Element (MAPLNS)
Built Profile Part Element (MBPRO)
Manufacturing Package Folder Element (MPKGFL)
Plate Part Element (MPLATE)
Nested Plate Element (MPLNST)
Nested Profile Element (MPRNST)
Profile Part Element (MPROF)

8.1.18 Manufacturing Package Filter Element (MPKGFT)

Hull Manufacturing Element

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
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Manu Database

Name Name of the element
Description Description
MPkgFilter Manufacturing Package Rule

Legal Owners:
Manufacturing Package Element (MANPKG)

Legal Members:

8.1.19 Plate Part Element (MPLATE)

Hull Manufacturing Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
AnyCha True if chamfer is defined on any edge
AsPart True if assembly part.
AsPlno Number of assembly plate parts
AsPrno Number of profiles on assembly part
AsPwle Total length of weld in assembly part
Bent Bent flag
BlsLen Length of blasting contours
BrnLen Length of burning contours
ManCog Center of gravity
Corrug True if corrugation is defined on the plate part
CrcAng Turning angle for least circumscribed rectangle
CrcLw Length and width of circumscribed rectangle
Curved True if curved plate part.
DatInt Date
DatTxt Date
Dest Destination
FncCd Functional description code
FncTxt Functional description
Folded True if folded
HolGrd True if any hole in the plate should be ground
Knuckl True if knuckled
ManTyp Manufactured type for example. Plane, Curved,...
MrkLen Total marking length
PanSid Side of panel
PlArea Area
PlaTyp Type of plate for example. Plate, Bracket, Clip,...
PosNo Position number
ProSid Plate side with most profile markings
PrtIdl Long part id
PrtIds Short part id

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Manu Database

PrtLst Parts list name

QuaCd Quality code
QuaTxt Quality
SdtTxt Splitting date
Streat Surface treatment
Thickn Thickness
TypeCd Type code
TypeCe Type code
ManWgh Weight
X-Bevel True if part has bevel type X
Y-Bevel True if part has bevel type Y
V-Bevel True if part has bevel type V
Sdtint Splitting date (integer array)
OuterArea Area of outer contour
HRDPRX Plate nest reference

Legal Owners:
Manufacturing Package Folder Element (MPKGFL)

Legal Members:

8.1.20 Nested Plate Element (MPLNST)

Hull Manufacturing Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Charge Charge
DrawNo Drawing number
FrmScl Form scale
MinPos Smallest position number of nested plate parts
NdtInt NC tape date
NdtTxt NC tape date text
NplDfa Nesting default file 1
NplDfb Nesting default file 2
NplMir Quantity mirrored nested plates
NplNor Quantity normal nested plates
NplTot Total quantity nested plates
Operat Operator
PdtInt Production date
PdtTxt Production date text
Purch Purchase information
ShipNo Ship number
StpUv Start point
VdtInt Verification date
VdtTxt Verification date text

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Manu Database

TypeCd Type code

TypeCe Type code
RawPla Reference to raw plate

Legal Owners:
Manufacturing Package Folder Element (MPKGFL)

Legal Members:
Burner Data Element (MBURN)
Nesting Machine Path Time Element (MNPATH)
Nested Plate Part Element (MNPLA)
Nesting Created Rest Plates Element (MNRCRE)
Nesting Rest Plates Normal Steel Quality Element (MNRNSQ)
Nesting Rest Plates Work Element (MNRWRK)
Nesting Tool Path Element (MNTOOL)
Nesting Raw Plate Instances Element (MPLRWI)

8.1.21 Nesting Raw Plate Instances Element (MPLRWI)

Hull Manufacturing Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID
MatDen Material density
PaintO Painting other side
PaintT Painting this side
PlaLen Raw plate length
PlArea Area
PlaWdt Raw plate width
QuaTxt Quality
ScrapT Total scrap of raw plate area
ScrapU Total scrap of used raw plate area
Thickn Thickness
Uarea Used area
UplLen Used raw plate length
Uwght Used weight
Uwidth Used width
ManWgh Weight

Legal Owners:
Manufacturing Package Folder Element (MPKGFL)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
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Manu Database

Legal Members:

8.1.22 Nested Profile Element (MPRNST)

Hull Manufacturing Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
BrnLen Length of burning contours
BrnSt Number of starts for burning
DatInt Date
DatTxt Date
DimTxt Dimensions text
LabSt Number of starts for label signing
MrkLen Total marking length
MrkSt Number of starts for marking
Ncutnt Number of cutouts and notches
Ngsd Number of GSDs
Nhole Number of holes
Parm Parameters
PathTm Path time for selected burning machine
PdtTxt Production date text
ProLen Raw profile length
QuaCd Quality code
QuaPai Paint specification
QuaTxt Quality
RawPro Name of raw profile
ShpSym Shape symbol text
TypeCd Type code
TypeCe Type code
UprLen Raw profile used length
Buying mark Raw profile buying mark
BurnId Raw profile burner ID

Legal Owners:
Manufacturing Package Folder Element (MPKGFL)
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Profile Part Element (MPROF)

8.1.23 Profile Part Element (MPROF)

Hull Manufacturing Element
Primary Element

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Manu Database

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
ManCog Center of gravity
DimTxt Dimensions text
FncCd Functional description code
FncTxt Functional description
ManTyp Manufactured type for example. Plane, Curved,...
MouLen Mould length
PanSid Side of panel
Parm Parameters
PosNo Position number
PrtIdl Long part id
PrtIds Short part id
PrtLst Parts list name
PtpTxt Profile type. for example. Stiffener, Flange,...
QuaCd Quality code
QuaTxt Quality
ShpSym Shape symbol text
TypeCd Type code
TypeCe Type code
ManWgh Weight
SdtTxt Splitting date
SdtInt Splitting date (integer array)
HRDPRX Profile nest reference

Legal Owners:
Manufacturing Package Folder Element (MPKGFL)

Legal Members:

8.1.24 Nesting Pathtime Blast Element (MPTBLS)

Hull Manufacturing Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID
Nidlt Pathtime except idle time
Tott Total pathtime

Legal Owners:
Nesting Machine Path Time Element (MNPATH)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
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Manu Database

Legal Members:

8.1.25 Nesting Pathtime Burn Element (MPTBRN)

Hull Manufacturing Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID
NbevIt Pathtime except starts, I-bevel
NbevXt Pathtime except starts, X-bevel
NbevYt Pathtime except starts, Y-bevel
Totti Total pathtime, I-bevel
Tottx Total pathtime, X-bevel
Totty Total pathtime, Y-bevel

Legal Owners:
Nesting Machine Path Time Element (MNPATH)

Legal Members:

8.1.26 Nesting Pathtime Factors Element (MPTFAC)

Hull Manufacturing Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID
BrnFac Burning factor
ClnFac Cleaning factor
IdlFac Idle movement factor
NstFac Number of starts - factor
PowFac Powder point factor
Prept Preparation time
PwwFac Powder way factor
RatFac Rationalisation factor
RatPot Rationalisation post text
RatPre Rationalisation pre text

Legal Owners:
Nesting Machine Path Time Element (MNPATH)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
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Manu Database

Legal Members:
Nesting Pathtime Time Factors Element (MPTFCI)

8.1.27 Nesting Pathtime Time Factors Element (MPTFCI)

Hull Manufacturing Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID
TimFac Pathtime time factor
TimPet Time factor pre text
TimPot Time factor post text

Legal Owners:
Nesting Pathtime Factors Element (MPTFAC)

Legal Members:

8.1.28 Nesting Pathtime GSD Element (MPTGSD)

Hull Manufacturing Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID
Nidlt Pathtime except idle time
Tott Total pathtime

Legal Owners:
Nesting Machine Path Time Element (MNPATH)

Legal Members:

8.1.29 Nesting Pathtime Label Element (MPTLAB)

Hull Manufacturing Element

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Manu Database

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID
NidLab Pathtime except idle time for label
TotLab Total label pathtime

Legal Owners:
Nesting Machine Path Time Element (MNPATH)

Legal Members:

8.1.30 Nesting Pathtime Mark Element (MPTMRK)

Hull Manufacturing Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID
Nidlt Pathtime except idle time
Tott Total pathtime

Legal Owners:
Nesting Machine Path Time Element (MNPATH)

Legal Members:

8.1.31 Production Rest Plate Thickness Element (MRESTH)

Hull Manufacturing Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
Production Rest Plate Quality Element (MRESTQ)

Legal Members:
Rest Plate Element (MRPLA)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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8.1.32 Production Rest Plate Quality Element (MRESTQ)

Hull Manufacturing Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Production Rest Plate Thickness Element (MRESTH)

8.1.33 Rest Plate Element (MRPLA)

Hull Manufacturing Element
Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
NrParm Number of rest plate parameters
PlaLen Raw plate length
PlArea Area
PlaWdt Raw plate width
Rparm Rest plate parameters
RplNum Number of rest plates
RplPos Rest plate position
RplTyp Rest plate type
RplSet Rest plate set
Thickn Thickness
QuaCd Quality code
QuaTxt Quality
ManWgh Weight

Legal Owners:
Manufacturing Package Folder Element (MPKGFL)
Production Rest Plate Thickness Element (MRESTH)

Legal Members:

8.1.34 Nesting Toolpath Blast Element (MTPBLS)

Hull Manufacturing Element

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 8:19 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
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Manu Database

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID
BevLen Lengths of bevel
IdlLen Non-burning idle length
Nstart Number of non-burning starts

Legal Owners:
Nesting Tool Path Element (MNTOOL)

Legal Members:

8.1.35 Nesting Toolpath Burn Element (MTPBRN)

Hull Manufacturing Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID
BevLi Lengths of I-bevel
BevLv Length of vertical bevel
BevLx Lengths of X-bevel
BevLy Lengths of Y-bevel
BrnSeq Burning sequence number
IdlL Burning idle length
Nstrt Number of burning starts
NstrtI Number of burning starts I-bevel
NstrtX Number of burning starts X-bevel
NstrtY Number of burning starts Y-bevel

Legal Owners:
Nesting Tool Path Element (MNTOOL)

Legal Members:

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 8:20 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
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Manu Database

8.1.36 Nesting Toolpath GSD Element (MTPGSD)

Hull Manufacturing Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID
Nstart Number of non-burning starts

Legal Owners:
Nesting Tool Path Element (MNTOOL)

Legal Members:

8.1.37 Nesting Toolpath Label Element (MTPLAB)

Hull Manufacturing Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID
IdLabl Length of label idle movement
Nchar Number of label characters
NlStrt Number of label starts

Legal Owners:
Nesting Tool Path Element (MNTOOL)

Legal Members:

8.1.38 Nesting Toolpath Mark Element (MTPMRK)

Hull Manufacturing Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
CHNGD Changed counter
TBID Tribon ID
BevLen Lengths of bevel
IdlLen Non-burning idle length
Nstart Number of non-burning starts

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 8:21 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
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Manu Database

Legal Owners:
Nesting Tool Path Element (MNTOOL)

Legal Members:

8.1.39 Status Link World Element (STLNKW)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
StlPos Status Element reference

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:

8.1.40 World Element (WORLD)

Administrative Element
Primary Element

The WORLD is the topmost level of the database hierarchy within which all other elements
exist. It cannot be deleted or copied in the same way that applies to say, a ZONE or a
DRWG. Its existence is controlled by the ADMINISTRATION module of PDMS.

Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:

Legal Members:
Manufacturing Package Element (MANPKG)
Mog World Element (MOGWLD)
Production Rest Plate Quality Element (MRESTQ)
Status Link World Element (STLNKW)

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 8:22 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Data Model Reference Manual
Property Database

9 Property Database

The Data Model Reference manual contains details of all the elements which can be created
in the Property database, their position in the database hierarchy and their attributes.

9.1 Property Database Elements

All data in the property database is stored in elements in a strict hierarchy. Every element
has a type and each type determines the attributes available on the element. For more
information on database concepts, refer to Database Management Reference Manual.

9.1.1 Cable Properties Element (CABDATA)

Name Name of the element
Outdiameter Outside diameter
Outsdiameter Outside shield diameter
Uweight Unit pipe weight
Resistance Resistance
Reactance Reactance
Impedance Impedance
MinBend Minimum Bend Radius
CondGroup No of Conductor Groups
Dinterference Default Interference class
VoltAC Voltage AC
VoltDC Voltage DC
Current Current
GapAllowance Gap Allowance
XArea Cross sectional area

Legal Owners:
Sorting Category Element (CMPTYPE)

Legal Members:

9.1.2 Card Data Element (CARD)

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Name Name of the element
Catype Card type
Ctxt Card text

Legal Owners:
Rundeck Element (RUNDECK)

Legal Members:

9.1.3 Case Element (CASE)

Name Name of the element
Wefactor Weight multiplier
Wpressure Wind pressure
Wifactor Wind multiplier
Ipressure Internal pressure
Rpressure Reference pressure
Ptemperature Pipework temperature
Rtemperature Reference temperature
Tgradient Pipework temperature gradient
Shockload Shock load vector
Application Application

Legal Owners:
Case World Element (CASWORLD)

Legal Members:

9.1.4 Case Type Element (CASTYPE)

Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:
Case World Element (CASWORLD)

Legal Members:
Case Element (CASE)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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9.1.5 Case World Element (CASWORLD)

Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Case Element (CASE)
Case Type Element (CASTYPE)

9.1.6 Component Properties Element (CMPDATA)

Name Name of the element
Outdiameter Outside diameter
Acbore Actual bore
Btolerance Bore tolerance
Wtolerance Wall thickness tolerance / Weight tolerance
Cweight Total component weight
Ciweight Total insulation weight
Wdiameter Wind diameter modulus
Shapemodulus Shape modulus
Rinertia Rotational inertia vector
Sifactor Stress intensification factor
Prfactor Pressure factor
Sdthickness Saddle thickness
Corallowance Corrosion thickness
Efactor E-factor
Pwastage Percentage wastage factor
Bflex Out of plane flexibility factor for bends
Dfflex Displacement force flexibility
Dmflex Displacement moment flexibility
Rmflex Rotational moment flexibility
Mrkr 3 way component marker

Legal Owners:
Sorting Category Element (CMPTYPE)

Legal Members:

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Property Database

9.1.7 Sorting Category Element (CMPTYPE)

Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:
Property Component World Element (CMPWORLD)

Legal Members:
Cable Properties Element (CABDATA)
Component Properties Element (CMPDATA)
Tube Properties Element (TUBDATA)

9.1.8 Property Component World Element (CMPWORLD)

Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Sorting Category Element (CMPTYPE)

9.1.9 Constraint Element (CONSTRAINT)

Name Name of the element
Force Force vector
Moment Moment
Displacement Translation displacements
Rotn Rotation
Dlimit Displacement limit
Rlimit Rotation limits
Flimit Force limit
Mlimit Moment limits
Dflfactors Translational spring values
Rflfactors Rotational spring values
Fcoeff Friction coefficient
Cpull Cold pull - translational
Cputwist Cold pull - twist
Application Application

Legal Owners:
Constraint Type Element (CONTYPE)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Constraint Data World Element (CONWORLD)

Legal Members:
Case Table Element (TCASE)

9.1.10 Constraint Type Element (CONTYPE)

Name Name of the element
Rtype Restraint type

Legal Owners:
Constraint Data World Element (CONWORLD)

Legal Members:
Constraint Element (CONSTRAINT)

9.1.11 Constraint Data World Element (CONWORLD)

Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Constraint Element (CONSTRAINT)
Constraint Type Element (CONTYPE)

9.1.12 Fluid Material Element (FLUID)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
Material World Element (MATWORLD)

Legal Members:
Property Table - A Element (TAPROPERTY)
Property Table - B Element (TBPROPERTY)
Property Table - C Element (TCPROPERTY)
Material Density Table Element (TDENSITY)
Expansion Coefficient Table Element (TEXPANSION)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Text Element (TEXT)

Youngs Modulus Table Element (TYOUNG)

9.1.13 Group World Element (GPWLD)

Group Element
Primary Element

The element is a subsidiary World that contains only GROUPs and is owned by the main
WORLD element.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Group Element (GROUP)

9.1.14 Group Element (GROUP)

Group Element

You may define as a GROUP any collection of elements in the database, assembling these
elements as a single GROUP unit.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

Legal Owners:
Group World Element (GPWLD)

Legal Members:

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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9.1.15 Material World Element (MATWORLD)

Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Fluid Material Element (FLUID)
Solid Material Element (SOLID)

9.1.16 Rundeck Element (RUNDECK)

Name Name of the element
Date Date
Uname Name of user

Legal Owners:
Run World Element (RUNWORLD)

Legal Members:
Card Data Element (CARD)

9.1.17 Run World Element (RUNWORLD)

Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Rundeck Element (RUNDECK)

9.1.18 Spot Property A Temperature and Pressure Element (SAPROPERTY)

Name Name of the element
Temperature Temperature
Pressure Pressure
Aproperty Spot value of property A

Legal Owners:
Property Table - A Element (TAPROPERTY)

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Legal Members:

9.1.19 Spot Property B Temperature and Pressure Element (SBPROPERTY)

Name Name of the element
Temperature Temperature
Pressure Pressure
Bproperty Spot value of property B

Legal Owners:
Property Table - B Element (TBPROPERTY)

Legal Members:

9.1.20 Spot Property C Temperature and Pressure Element (SCPROPERTY)

Name Name of the element
Temperature Temperature
Pressure Pressure
Cproperty Spot value of property C

Legal Owners:
Property Table - C Element (TCPROPERTY)

Legal Members:

9.1.21 Spot Density Temperature and Pressure Element (SDENSITY)

Name Name of the element
Temperature Temperature
Pressure Pressure
Density Spot value of density

Legal Owners:
Material Density Table Element (TDENSITY)

Legal Members:

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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9.1.22 Spot Expansion Coefficient Temperature and Pressure Element


Name Name of the element
Temperature Temperature
Pressure Pressure
Expansion Spot value of expansion coefficient

Legal Owners:
Expansion Coefficient Table Element (TEXPANSION)

Legal Members:

9.1.23 SOLids EXTended Info Element (SOLEXT)

Name Name of the element
QuaCd Quality code
Preppr Preparation information

Legal Owners:
Solid Material Element (SOLID)

Legal Members:

9.1.24 Solid Material Element (SOLID)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Purpose Description code word

Legal Owners:
Material World Element (MATWORLD)

Legal Members:
SOLids EXTended Info Element (SOLEXT)
Property Table - A Element (TAPROPERTY)
Property Table - B Element (TBPROPERTY)
Property Table - C Element (TCPROPERTY)
Material Density Table Element (TDENSITY)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Expansion Coefficient Table Element (TEXPANSION)

Text Element (TEXT)
Poissons Ratio Table Element (TPOISSON)
Allowable Stress Table Element (TSTRESS)
Youngs Modulus Table Element (TYOUNG)

9.1.25 Spot Poissons Ratio Temperature and Pressure Element (SPOISSON)

Name Name of the element
Temperature Temperature
Pressure Pressure
Poissons Spot value of Poissons ratio

Legal Owners:
Poissons Ratio Table Element (TPOISSON)

Legal Members:

9.1.26 Spot Stress Temperature and Pressure Element (SSTRESS)

Name Name of the element
Temperature Temperature
Pressure Pressure
Stress Spot value of stress

Legal Owners:
Allowable Stress Table Element (TSTRESS)

Legal Members:

9.1.27 Spot Youngs Modulus Temperature and Pressure Element (SYOUNG)

Name Name of the element
Temperature Temperature
Pressure Pressure
Youngs Spot value of Youngs modulus

Legal Owners:
Youngs Modulus Table Element (TYOUNG)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Property Database

Legal Members:

9.1.28 Property Table - A Element (TAPROPERTY)

Name Name of the element
Pqualifier Property qualifier
Pname Property description
Sref Source reference

Legal Owners:
Fluid Material Element (FLUID)
Solid Material Element (SOLID)

Legal Members:
Spot Property A Temperature and Pressure Element (SAPROPERTY)

9.1.29 Property Table - B Element (TBPROPERTY)

Name Name of the element
Pqualifier Property qualifier
Pname Property description
Sref Source reference

Legal Owners:
Fluid Material Element (FLUID)
Solid Material Element (SOLID)

Legal Members:
Spot Property B Temperature and Pressure Element (SBPROPERTY)

9.1.30 Case Table Element (TCASE)

Name Name of the element
Casref Case reference

Legal Owners:
Constraint Element (CONSTRAINT)

Legal Members:

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Property Database

9.1.31 Property Table - C Element (TCPROPERTY)

Name Name of the element
Pqualifier Property qualifier
Pname Property description
Sref Source reference

Legal Owners:
Fluid Material Element (FLUID)
Solid Material Element (SOLID)

Legal Members:
Spot Property C Temperature and Pressure Element (SCPROPERTY)

9.1.32 Material Density Table Element (TDENSITY)

Name Name of the element
Pqualifier Property qualifier
Sref Source reference

Legal Owners:
Fluid Material Element (FLUID)
Solid Material Element (SOLID)

Legal Members:
Spot Density Temperature and Pressure Element (SDENSITY)

9.1.33 Expansion Coefficient Table Element (TEXPANSION)

Name Name of the element
Pqualifier Property qualifier
Sref Source reference

Legal Owners:
Fluid Material Element (FLUID)
Solid Material Element (SOLID)

Legal Members:
Spot Expansion Coefficient Temperature and Pressure Element (SEXPANSION)

9.1.34 Text Element (TEXT)

Administrative Element

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Property Database

TEXT is a general element that can occupy most positions in the hierarchy. It can be used to
store additional information about an owning or adjacent element.

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Stext S Text string
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

Legal Owners:
Fluid Material Element (FLUID)
Solid Material Element (SOLID)

Legal Members:

9.1.35 Poissons Ratio Table Element (TPOISSON)

Name Name of the element
Pqualifier Property qualifier
Sref Source reference

Legal Owners:
Solid Material Element (SOLID)

Legal Members:
Spot Poissons Ratio Temperature and Pressure Element (SPOISSON)

9.1.36 Allowable Stress Table Element (TSTRESS)

Name Name of the element
Pqualifier Property qualifier
Sref Source reference

Legal Owners:
Solid Material Element (SOLID)

Legal Members:
Spot Stress Temperature and Pressure Element (SSTRESS)

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9.1.37 Tube Properties Element (TUBDATA)

Name Name of the element
Outdiameter Outside diameter
Acbore Actual bore
Btolerance Bore tolerance
Wtolerance Wall thickness tolerance / Weight tolerance
Uweight Unit pipe weight
Uiweight Unit insulation weight
Wdiameter Wind diameter modulus
Shapemodulus Shape modulus
Rinertia Rotational inertia vector
Sifactor Stress intensification factor
Prfactor Pressure factor
Sdthickness Saddle thickness
Corallowance Corrosion thickness
Efactor E-factor
Pwastage Percentage wastage factor
Bflex Out of plane flexibility factor for bends
Mrkr 3 way component marker

Legal Owners:
Sorting Category Element (CMPTYPE)

Legal Members:

9.1.38 Youngs Modulus Table Element (TYOUNG)

Name Name of the element
Pqualifier Property qualifier
Sref Source reference

Legal Owners:
Fluid Material Element (FLUID)
Solid Material Element (SOLID)

Legal Members:
Spot Youngs Modulus Temperature and Pressure Element (SYOUNG)

9.1.39 World Element (WORLD)

Administrative Element
Primary Element

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The WORLD is the topmost level of the database hierarchy within which all other elements
exist. It cannot be deleted or copied in the same way that applies to say, a ZONE or a
DRWG. Its existence is controlled by the ADMINISTRATION module of PDMS.

Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:

Legal Members:
Case World Element (CASWORLD)
Property Component World Element (CMPWORLD)
Constraint Data World Element (CONWORLD)
Group World Element (GPWLD)
Material World Element (MATWORLD)
Run World Element (RUNWORLD)

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Schematic Database

10 Schematic Database

The Data Model Reference manual contains details of all the elements which can be created
in the Schematic database, their position in the database hierarchy and their attributes.

10.1 Schematic Database Elements

All data in the Schematic database is stored in elements in a strict hierarchy. Every element
has a type and each type determines the attributes available on the element. For more
information on database concepts, refer to Database Management Reference Manual.

10.1.1 Schematic Actuator Element (SCACTUATOR)

709 Element
Primary Element

The SCACTU represents actuator element which can refer to inline elements such as

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Location Location
Distag Display tag
Prefix Prefix
Letter Letter
Number Number
Suffix Suffix
Alcode Alarm code array
Spref Component spec reference
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Ptspec Paint specification
Area Area
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Position Position
Sciref Instrument reference
Scirty Instrument reference type

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Ecrfarray Equipment connection reference array

Scsysf System reference array for schematic elements
Sclore Instrumentation loop reference array for schematic elements
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference
Diarefarray Diagram reference array for schematic elements
Pagearray Page in diagram
Restatus Release to 3D status
Reuser Release to 3D user
Recomment Release to 3D comment
REDATE Release to 3D date
Scaref Area shape reference
Desref Design reference

Legal Owners:
Schematic Group Element (SCGROUP)

Legal Members:
Text Element (TEXT)

10.1.2 Schematic Area Shape Element (SCARSH)

Schematic Piping and HVAC Element
Primary Element

Represents schematic area shape. SCARSH can be referenced by any schematic element
which can be represented on drawing. The elements referencing SCARSH are shown in its
secondary hierarchy in explorer tree.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Diarefarray Diagram reference array for schematic elements
Pagearray Page in diagram
Scaref Area shape reference

Legal Owners:
Schematic Group Element (SCGROUP)

Legal Members:
Text Element (TEXT)

10.1.3 Schematic Branch Element (SCBRANCH)

Schematic Piping and HVAC Element
Primary Element

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The SCBRAN is the owner of the SCSEGments. A SCBRAN has a head (HREF) and tail
(TREF) which refer to the SCBRANch origin and destination.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Href Head reference
Tref Tail reference
Temperature Temperature
Pressure Pressure
Pspec Pipe specification
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Fluref Fluid reference
Ptspec Paint specification
Hstube Head tube specification
Hconnect Head connection type
Tconnect Tail connection type
Area Area
Bore Bore
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

Legal Owners:
Schematic HVAC Element (SCHVAC)
Schematic Instrumentation Line Element (SCILINE)
Schematic Pipeline Element (SCPLINE)

Legal Members:
Schematic Segment Element (SCSEGMENT)
Text Element (TEXT)

10.1.4 Schematic Cable Element (SCCABLE)

Schematic Electrical Element
Primary Element

SCCABle represent a Cable in the schematics. It can connect to SCEQUIpment/
SCSUBEquipment or SCELCOnnections.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function

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Purpose Description code word

FEQDES From Equipment Description
TEQDES To Equipment Description
Spref Component spec reference
CExes Cable excesses
StaRef Cable Start reference
StaPoint Cable Start connection point
EndRef Cable End reference
EndPoint Cable End connection point
Scsysf System reference array for schematic elements
IClass Interference class
Diarefarray Diagram reference array for schematic elements
Pagearray Page in diagram
Restatus Release to 3D status
Reuser Release to 3D user
Recomment Release to 3D comment
REDATE Release to 3D date
Scaref Area shape reference
Desref Design reference

Legal Owners:
Schematic Group Element (SCGROUP)
Schematic Multi Cable Element (SCMCABLE)

Legal Members:
Schematic Core Element (SCCORE)

10.1.5 Schematic Core Element (SCCORE)

Schematic Electrical Element

SCCORE represent a Cable core in the schematics. It can connect to SCELCOnnections.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
StaRef Cable Start reference
StaPoint Cable Start connection point
EndRef Cable End reference
EndPoint Cable End connection point

Legal Owners:
Schematic Cable Element (SCCABLE)

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Legal Members:

10.1.6 Schematic Drawing Element (SCDIAGRAM)

Schematic Piping and HVAC Element
Primary Element

SCDIAGram is a proxy element providing a link to a file (such as a Visio file) and a neutral
viewer file (svg).

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Exfile Extract file number
Pvno Picture version number
Arno Picture directory area number
Number Number
Schtype Schematic type
Schfformat Schematic file format
Scsysd System reference array for schematic diagrams
Sterefarray Stencil reference array for schematic elements

Legal Owners:
Schematic Group Element (SCGROUP)

Legal Members:
Schematic Document Page Element (SCPAGE)

10.1.7 Schematic Duct Element (SCDUCT)

Schematic HVAC Element

The SCDUCTs are inline member of SCSEGment in HVAC, representing the ductwork.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Distag Display tag
Gtype Generic type
Scstype Schematic stype
Spref Component spec reference
Pspec Pipe specification

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Ispec Insulation spec reference

Tspec Tracing spec reference
Ptspec Paint specification
Area Area
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Crfarray Connection reference array
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference
Widarray Width array
Heiarray Height array
Conarray Connection array
Scaref Area shape reference
Desref Design reference

Legal Owners:
Schematic Segment Element (SCSEGMENT)

Legal Members:

10.1.8 Schematic Electrical Connection Element (SCELCONNECTION)

Schematic Equipment Element

SCELCOnnections provide the link between an SCEQUIpment (which owns them) and a
SCCABle which is connected to each one.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Catref Catalogue reference
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Duty Duty
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)
Stmf Template selection pointer
Diarefarray Diagram reference array for schematic elements
Pagearray Page in diagram
Scaref Area shape reference
Desref Design reference

Legal Owners:
Schematic Equipment Element (SCEQUIPMENT)
Schematic Subequipment Element (SCSUBEQUIPMENT)

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Legal Members:

10.1.9 Schematic Equipment Element (SCEQUIPMENT)

Schematic Equipment Element
Primary Element

The SCEQUIpment element represents process vessels, storage vessels, heat exchangers,
pumps and any other predefined item that is part of the schematics. It may own SCNOZZles
and SCSUBEquipment.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Location Location
Purpose Description code word
Distag Display tag
Prefix Prefix
Letter Letter
Number Number
Suffix Suffix
Area Area
Scsysf System reference array for schematic elements
Sclore Instrumentation loop reference array for schematic elements
Diarefarray Diagram reference array for schematic elements
Pagearray Page in diagram
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Spref Component spec reference
Ecrfarray Equipment connection reference array
Position Position
Restatus Release to 3D status
Reuser Release to 3D user
Recomment Release to 3D comment
REDATE Release to 3D date
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference
Scaref Area shape reference
Desref Design reference

Legal Owners:
Schematic Group Element (SCGROUP)

Legal Members:
Schematic Electrical Connection Element (SCELCONNECTION)
Schematic Nozzles Element (SCNOZZLE)

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Schematic Group Element (SCGROUP)

Text Element (TEXT)

10.1.10 Schematic Fitting Element (SCFITTING)

Schematic Piping Element

The SCFITTings are inline member of SCSEGment. A SCFITTing can have up to ten (10)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Distag Display tag
Prefix Prefix
Letter Letter
Number Number
Suffix Suffix
Gtype Generic type
Scstype Schematic stype
Spref Component spec reference
Pspec Pipe specification
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Ptspec Paint specification
Area Area
Failcond FailCond
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Borearray Bore array
Position Position
Crfarray Connection reference array
Scsysf System reference array for schematic elements
Sclore Instrumentation loop reference array for schematic elements
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference
Scaref Area shape reference
Desref Design reference

Legal Owners:
Schematic Segment Element (SCSEGMENT)

Legal Members:

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10.1.11 Schematic Group Element (SCGROUP)

Schematic Piping and HVAC Element
Primary Element

The SCGROUp is an administrative owner of schematic elements such as SCPLIN,
SCHVAC, SCEQUI, SCCAB etc. A SCGROUp can own other SCGROUps.

Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:
Schematic Group Element (SCGROUP)
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Schematic Actuator Element (SCACTUATOR)
Schematic Area Shape Element (SCARSH)
Schematic Cable Element (SCCABLE)
Schematic Drawing Element (SCDIAGRAM)
Schematic Equipment Element (SCEQUIPMENT)
Schematic Group Element (SCGROUP)
Schematic HVAC Element (SCHVAC)
Schematic Instrumentation Line Element (SCILINE)
Schematic Instrumentation Loop Element (SCLOOP)
Schematic Multi Cable Element (SCMCABLE)
Schematic Offline Instrument Element (SCOINSTRUMENT)
Schematic Pipeline Element (SCPLINE)
Schematic Stencil Element (SCSTENCIL)
Schematic Template Element (SCTEMPLATE)

10.1.12 Schematic HVAC Element (SCHVAC)

Schematic HVAC Element
Primary Element

The SCHVAC is an administrative owner of one or more two-ended SCBRANches. Usually
a SCHVAC will include a principle SCBRANch routed between two SCNOZZles.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

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Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Linetype Line type
Number Number
Bore Bore
Temperature Temperature
Pressure Pressure
Dtmpmax Design temp. max
Dtmpmin Design temp. min
Otmpmax Operating temp. max
Otmpmin Operating temp. min
Dpremax Design pres. max
Dpremin Design pres. min
Opremax Operating pres. max
Opremin Operating pres. min
Pspec Pipe specification
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Fluref Fluid reference
Ptspec Paint specification
Ductwidth Default duct width
Ductheight Default duct height
Ductshape Default duct shape
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference
Scsysf System reference array for schematic elements

Legal Owners:
Schematic Group Element (SCGROUP)

Legal Members:
Schematic Branch Element (SCBRANCH)
Text Element (TEXT)

10.1.13 Schematic HVAC Fitting Element (SCHVFITTING)

Schematic HVAC Element

The SCHVFIttings are inline member of SCSEGment in HVAC. A SCHVFItting can have up
to ten (10) connections.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Distag Display tag
Prefix Prefix

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Letter Letter
Number Number
Suffix Suffix
Gtype Generic type
Scstype Schematic stype
Spref Component spec reference
Pspec Pipe specification
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Ptspec Paint specification
Area Area
Failcond FailCond
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Position Position
Crfarray Connection reference array
Scsysf System reference array for schematic elements
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference
Widarray Width array
Heiarray Height array
Conarray Connection array
Scaref Area shape reference
Desref Design reference

Legal Owners:
Schematic Segment Element (SCSEGMENT)

Legal Members:

10.1.14 Schematic Instrumentation Line Element (SCILINE)

709 Element
Primary Element

The SCILIN is an administrative owner of one or more two-ended SCBRANches. Usually a
SCILIN will be used for creating detailed instrument lines.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Linetype Line type
Number Number
Bore Bore
Temperature Temperature

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Pressure Pressure
Dtmpmax Design temp. max
Dtmpmin Design temp. min
Otmpmax Operating temp. max
Otmpmin Operating temp. min
Dpremax Design pres. max
Dpremin Design pres. min
Opremax Operating pres. max
Opremin Operating pres. min
Pspec Pipe specification
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Fluref Fluid reference
Ptspec Paint specification
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference
Scsysf System reference array for schematic elements
Sclore Instrumentation loop reference array for schematic elements

Legal Owners:
Schematic Group Element (SCGROUP)

Legal Members:
Schematic Branch Element (SCBRANCH)
Text Element (TEXT)

10.1.15 Schematic Element Index Element (SCIND)

SCIND represents an element index in the schematics.

Uuid Universally unique identifier
SCReference Schematic element reference

Legal Owners:
Schematic Document Page Element (SCPAGE)

Legal Members:

10.1.16 Schematic Instrument Element (SCINSTRUMENT)

Schematic Piping Element

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The SCINSTrument is a inline instrument, meaning it will be a member of a SCSEGment,
similar to SCFITTings and SCVALVes. A SCINSTrument can have up to ten (10)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Location Location
Distag Display tag
Prefix Prefix
Letter Letter
Number Number
Suffix Suffix
Alcode Alarm code array
Gtype Generic type
Scstype Schematic stype
Spref Component spec reference
Pspec Pipe specification
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Ptspec Paint specification
Area Area
Failcond FailCond
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Position Position
Borearray Bore array
Crfarray Connection reference array
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference
Scsysf System reference array for schematic elements
Sclore Instrumentation loop reference array for schematic elements
Scaref Area shape reference
Desref Design reference

Legal Owners:
Schematic Segment Element (SCSEGMENT)

Legal Members:

10.1.17 Schematic Instrumentation Loop Element (SCLOOP)

709 Element
Primary Element

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Represents schematic instrumentation loop. SCLOOP can be referenced by inline
components, equipments. The elements referencing SCLOIOP are shown in its secondary
hierarchy in explorer tree.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Schematic Group Element (SCGROUP)

Legal Members:
Text Element (TEXT)

10.1.18 Schematic Multi Cable Element (SCMCABLE)

Schematic Electrical Element
Primary Element

SCMCABle represent a Multi Cable in the schematics. It can connect to SCEQUIpment/
SCSUBEquipment or SCELCOnnections.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Scquantity Quantity
Scdigits Digits
Scdelimiter Delimiter
Scalpha ALPHA/NOALPHA flag
FEQDES From Equipment Description
TEQDES To Equipment Description
Spref Component spec reference
CExes Cable excesses
StaRef Cable Start reference
StaPoint Cable Start connection point
EndRef Cable End reference
EndPoint Cable End connection point
Scsysf System reference array for schematic elements
IClass Interference class
Diarefarray Diagram reference array for schematic elements
Pagearray Page in diagram
Scaref Area shape reference
Desref Design reference

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Legal Owners:
Schematic Group Element (SCGROUP)

Legal Members:
Schematic Cable Element (SCCABLE)

10.1.19 Schematic Nozzles Element (SCNOZZLE)

Schematic Equipment Element

SCNOZZles provide the link between an SCEQUIpment (which owns them) and a SCPLIN
(SCBRANCH) which is connected to each one.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Temperature Temperature
Pressure Pressure
Bore Bore
Cref Connection reference
Catref Catalogue reference
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Nspec Specification for NOZZLE
Scgtype Schematic nozzle gtype
Duty Duty
Ductwidth Default duct width
Ductheight Default duct height
Ductshape Default duct shape
Diarefarray Diagram reference array for schematic elements
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference
Pagearray Page in diagram
Scaref Area shape reference
Desref Design reference

Legal Owners:
Schematic Equipment Element (SCEQUIPMENT)
Schematic Subequipment Element (SCSUBEQUIPMENT)

Legal Members:

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10.1.20 Schematic Offline Instrument Element (SCOINSTRUMENT)

Schematic Piping and HVAC Element
Primary Element

The SCOINStrument is an off-line instrument which can refer to other elements, such as
SCTUB, SCVALV, SCFITT, SCINST, SCDUCT and SCHVFI. Typically, it might be an
actuator referring to a SCVALVe.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Location Location
Distag Display tag
Prefix Prefix
Letter Letter
Number Number
Suffix Suffix
Alcode Alarm code array
Spref Component spec reference
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Ptspec Paint specification
Area Area
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Position Position
Cref Connection reference
Sciref Instrument reference
Scirty Instrument reference type
Ecrfarray Equipment connection reference array
Scsysf System reference array for schematic elements
Sclore Instrumentation loop reference array for schematic elements
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference
Diarefarray Diagram reference array for schematic elements
Pagearray Page in diagram
Restatus Release to 3D status
Reuser Release to 3D user
Recomment Release to 3D comment
REDATE Release to 3D date
Scaref Area shape reference
Desref Design reference

Legal Owners:
Schematic Group Element (SCGROUP)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Legal Members:
Text Element (TEXT)

10.1.21 Schematic Off-page Connection Input Element (SCOPCI)

Schematic Piping and HVAC Element

The SCOPCI are incoming off-page connector used to build up chains of SCSEGments in a
SCBRANch via its OPCREF attribute.

Name Name of the element
Opcref Offpage connector reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Scaref Area shape reference
Desref Design reference

Legal Owners:
Schematic Segment Element (SCSEGMENT)

Legal Members:

10.1.22 Schematic Off-page Connection Output Element (SCOPCO)

Schematic Piping and HVAC Element

The SCOPCO are outgoing off-page connector used to build up chains of SCSEGments in a
SCBRANch via its OPCREF attribute.

Name Name of the element
Opcref Offpage connector reference
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Scaref Area shape reference
Desref Design reference

Legal Owners:
Schematic Segment Element (SCSEGMENT)

Legal Members:

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10.1.23 Schematic Document Page Element (SCPAGE)

SCPAGE represents a document page in the schematics.

Uuid Universally unique identifier
SCPaname Schematic page name
SCPatype Schematic page type

Legal Owners:
Schematic Drawing Element (SCDIAGRAM)
Schematic Template Element (SCTEMPLATE)

Legal Members:
Schematic Element Index Element (SCIND)

10.1.24 Schematic Pipe Destination Element (SCPDESTINATION)

Schematic Piping Element

The SCPDEStination is a schematic element representing a pipeline destination to avoid
having unconnected ends.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Location Location
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Position Position
Scaref Area shape reference
Desref Design reference

Legal Owners:
Schematic Segment Element (SCSEGMENT)

Legal Members:

10.1.25 Schematic Pipeline Element (SCPLINE)

Schematic Piping Element
Primary Element

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The SCPLIN is an administrative owner of one or more two-ended SCBRANches. Usually a
SCPLIN will include a principle SCBRANch routed between two SCNOZZles, with
subsidiary SCBRANches for control loops, bypasses to spare pumps etc.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
Linetype Line type
Number Number
Bore Bore
Temperature Temperature
Pressure Pressure
Dtmpmax Design temp. max
Dtmpmin Design temp. min
Otmpmax Operating temp. max
Otmpmin Operating temp. min
Dpremax Design pres. max
Dpremin Design pres. min
Opremax Operating pres. max
Opremin Operating pres. min
Pspec Pipe specification
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Fluref Fluid reference
Ptspec Paint specification
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference
Scsysf System reference array for schematic elements

Legal Owners:
Schematic Group Element (SCGROUP)

Legal Members:
Schematic Branch Element (SCBRANCH)
Text Element (TEXT)

10.1.26 Schematic Segment Element (SCSEGMENT)

Schematic Piping and HVAC Element
Primary Element

The SCSEGment is the owner of the actual SCFITTings and SCVALVes (or SCHVFIttings
for HVAC). The components are in sequential order in the SCSEGment. The head (HREF)
and tail (TREF) refer to the owning SCBRANch if it is a start/end SCSEGment of a

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SCBRANch. SCSEGments are concatenated by using SCOPCI/SCOPCO elements in the

start/end of a SCSEGment. A SCOPCI can refer to a SCOPCO and vice versa to build up a
chain of SCSEGments.

Name Name of the element
Diarefarray Diagram reference array for schematic elements
Pagearray Page in diagram
Href Head reference
Tref Tail reference
Restatus Release to 3D status
Reuser Release to 3D user
Recomment Release to 3D comment
REDATE Release to 3D date

Legal Owners:
Schematic Branch Element (SCBRANCH)

Legal Members:
Schematic Duct Element (SCDUCT)
Schematic Fitting Element (SCFITTING)
Schematic HVAC Fitting Element (SCHVFITTING)
Schematic Instrument Element (SCINSTRUMENT)
Schematic Off-page Connection Input Element (SCOPCI)
Schematic Off-page Connection Output Element (SCOPCO)
Schematic Pipe Destination Element (SCPDESTINATION)
Schematic Tubing Element (SCTUBING)
Schematic Valve Element (SCVALV)

10.1.27 Schematic Stencil Element (SCSTENCIL)

Schematic Piping and HVAC Element
Primary Element

SCSTENcil is a proxy element providing a link to a stencil file (such as a Visio stencil file).

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Exfile Extract file number
Pvno Picture version number
Arno Picture directory area number
Schfformat Schematic file format

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Schematic Database

Legal Owners:
Schematic Group Element (SCGROUP)

Legal Members:

10.1.28 Schematic Subequipment Element (SCSUBEQUIPMENT)

Schematic Equipment Element
Primary Element

The SCSUBEquipment element is similar to the SCEQUIpment element, except that it is
owned by an SCEQUIpment element and cannot itself own SCSUBEquipment elements.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Location Location
Purpose Description code word
Distag Display tag
Prefix Prefix
Letter Letter
Number Number
Suffix Suffix
Scsysf System reference array for schematic elements
Sclore Instrumentation loop reference array for schematic elements
Diarefarray Diagram reference array for schematic elements
Pagearray Page in diagram
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Spref Component spec reference
Ecrfarray Equipment connection reference array
Position Position
Scaref Area shape reference
Desref Design reference

Legal Owners:
Schematic Equipment Element (SCEQUIPMENT)

Legal Members:
Schematic Electrical Connection Element (SCELCONNECTION)
Schematic Nozzles Element (SCNOZZLE)
Text Element (TEXT)

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 10:21 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Schematic Database

10.1.29 Schematic Template Element (SCTEMPLATE)

Schematic Piping and HVAC Element
Primary Element

SCTEMPlate is a proxy element providing a link to a template file (such as a Visio template

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Exfile Extract file number
Pvno Picture version number
Arno Picture directory area number
Schfformat Schematic file format
Sterefarray Stencil reference array for schematic elements

Legal Owners:
Schematic Group Element (SCGROUP)

Legal Members:
Schematic Document Page Element (SCPAGE)

10.1.30 Schematic Tubing Element (SCTUBING)

Schematic Piping Element

The SCTUBe are inline member of SCSEGment representing the tubing.

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Distag Display tag
Gtype Generic type
Scstype Schematic stype
Spref Component spec reference
Pspec Pipe specification
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Ptspec Paint specification
Area Area
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Borearray Bore array

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 10:22 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Schematic Database

Crfarray Connection reference array

Sclore Instrumentation loop reference array for schematic elements
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference
Scaref Area shape reference
Desref Design reference

Legal Owners:
Schematic Segment Element (SCSEGMENT)

Legal Members:

10.1.31 Schematic Valve Element (SCVALV)

Schematic Piping Element

The SCVALVes are inline member of SCSEGment. A SCVALVe can have up to ten (10)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Location Location
Distag Display tag
Prefix Prefix
Letter Letter
Number Number
Suffix Suffix
Gtype Generic type
Scstype Schematic stype
Spref Component spec reference
Pspec Pipe specification
Ispec Insulation spec reference
Tspec Tracing spec reference
Ptspec Paint specification
Area Area
Failcond FailCond
Arrive Arrive Ppoint
Leave Leave Ppoint
Borearray Bore array
Position Position
Crfarray Connection reference array
Scsysf System reference array for schematic elements
Sclore Instrumentation loop reference array for schematic elements
Inprtref Inside paint reference
Ouprtref Outside paint reference

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 10:23 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Schematic Database

Scaref Area shape reference

Desref Design reference

Legal Owners:
Schematic Segment Element (SCSEGMENT)

Legal Members:

10.1.32 Status Link World Element (STLNKW)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
StlPos Status Element reference

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:

10.1.33 Text Element (TEXT)

Administrative Element

TEXT is a general element that can occupy most positions in the hierarchy. It can be used to
store additional information about an owning or adjacent element.

Name Name of the element
Purpose Description code word
Stext S Text string
Orrf Origin reference (for templates)

Legal Owners:
Schematic Actuator Element (SCACTUATOR)
Schematic Area Shape Element (SCARSH)
Schematic Branch Element (SCBRANCH)
Schematic Equipment Element (SCEQUIPMENT)
Schematic HVAC Element (SCHVAC)
Schematic Instrumentation Line Element (SCILINE)
Schematic Instrumentation Loop Element (SCLOOP)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Schematic Database

Schematic Offline Instrument Element (SCOINSTRUMENT)

Schematic Pipeline Element (SCPLINE)
Schematic Subequipment Element (SCSUBEQUIPMENT)

Legal Members:

10.1.34 World Element (WORLD)

Administrative Element
Primary Element

The WORLD is the topmost level of the database hierarchy within which all other elements
exist. It cannot be deleted or copied in the same way that applies to say, a ZONE or a
DRWG. Its existence is controlled by the ADMINISTRATION module of PDMS.

Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:

Legal Members:
Schematic Group Element (SCGROUP)
Status Link World Element (STLNKW)

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 10:25 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Schematic Database

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 10:26 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Spooler Database

11 Spooler Database

The Data Model Reference manual contains details of all the elements which can be created
in the Spooler database, their position in the database hierarchy and their attributes.

11.1 Spooler Database Elements

All data in the Spooler database is stored in elements in a strict hierarchy. Every element
has a type and each type determines the attributes available on the element. For more
information on database concepts, refer to Database Management Reference Manual.

11.1.1 Additional Items Element (AITEMS)

Name Name of the element
Itmtbl Table linking AITEMS elements to piping components

Legal Owners:
Spool Drawing Element (SPLDRG)
Spool Temporary Element (SPLTMP)

Legal Members:

11.1.2 Attached Weld Element (AWELD)

Name Name of the element
Spref Component spec reference
Shop Shop/Site flag
Allowance Allowance
Wldprefix Weld number prefix
Wldnumber Weld number
Awdowner Table linking AWELD elements to piping components

Legal Owners:
Weld Group Element (WLDGRP)

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 11:1 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Spooler Database

Legal Members:

11.1.3 Field Element (FIELD)

Name Name of the element
Issued True if drawing has been issued
Spltbl Table linking SPOOL & FIELD elements to piping

Legal Owners:
Spool Drawing Element (SPLDRG)
Spool Temporary Element (SPLTMP)

Legal Members:

11.1.4 Implied Joint Element (IJOINT)

Name Name of the element
Jntnumber Joint number
JNTowners Table linking IJOINT elements to piping components
Ckey ISODRAFT end condition key

Legal Owners:
Joint Group Element (JNTGRP)

Legal Members:

11.1.5 Isometrics Department Element (ISODEPT)

Primary Element

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Spooler Database

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Splprefix Spool number prefix

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Isometrics Registry Element (ISOREGI)

11.1.6 Isometrics Registry Element (ISOREGI)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Splprefix Spool number prefix

Legal Owners:
Isometrics Department Element (ISODEPT)

Legal Members:
Spool Drawing Element (SPLDRG)

11.1.7 Implied Weld Element (IWELD)

Name Name of the element
Spref Component spec reference
Allowance Allowance
Wldprefix Weld number prefix
Wldnumber Weld number
IWDowners Table linking IWELD elements to piping components
Ckey ISODRAFT end condition key

Legal Owners:
Weld Group Element (WLDGRP)

Legal Members:

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Spooler Database

11.1.8 Joint Group Element (JNTGRP)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Spool Drawing Element (SPLDRG)
Spool Temporary Element (SPLTMP)

Legal Members:
Implied Joint Element (IJOINT)

11.1.9 Real Weld Element (RWELD)

Name Name of the element
Wldprefix Weld number prefix
Wldnumber Weld number
RWDowner Table linking RWELD elements to design WELD elements

Legal Owners:
Weld Group Element (WLDGRP)

Legal Members:

11.1.10 Spool Drawing Element (SPLDRG)

Primary Element

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Spooler Database

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Issued True if drawing has been issued
SFLimit Spooling limits
Smaximum Maximum spool number in current spool drawing
Wmaximum Maximum weld number in current spool drawing
Jmaximum Maximum joint number in current spool drawing
Pmaximum Maximum part number in current spool drawing
Bmaximum Maximum bend number in current spool drawing
Splprefix Spool number prefix
Wldprefix Weld number prefix
Farea Construction area
Fpline Process line number
Fdrawing Isometric drawing number
Frevision Isometric drawing revision
Frdrawing Reference drawings
Fstatus Fstatus

Legal Owners:
Isometrics Registry Element (ISOREGI)

Legal Members:
Additional Items Element (AITEMS)
Field Element (FIELD)
Joint Group Element (JNTGRP)
Spool Temporary Element (SPLTMP)
Spool Element (SPOOL)
Weld Group Element (WLDGRP)

11.1.11 Spool Temporary Element (SPLTMP)

Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:
Spool Drawing Element (SPLDRG)

Legal Members:
Additional Items Element (AITEMS)
Field Element (FIELD)
Joint Group Element (JNTGRP)

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 11:5 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Spooler Database

Spool Element (SPOOL)

Weld Group Element (WLDGRP)

11.1.12 Spool Element (SPOOL)

Name Name of the element
Issued True if drawing has been issued
Splprefix Spool number prefix
Splnumber Spool number
Spltbl Table linking SPOOL & FIELD elements to piping

Legal Owners:
Spool Drawing Element (SPLDRG)
Spool Temporary Element (SPLTMP)

Legal Members:

11.1.13 Status Link World Element (STLNKW)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
StlPos Status Element reference

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:

11.1.14 Weld Group Element (WLDGRP)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function

Legal Owners:
Spool Drawing Element (SPLDRG)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Spooler Database

Spool Temporary Element (SPLTMP)

Legal Members:
Attached Weld Element (AWELD)
Implied Weld Element (IWELD)
Real Weld Element (RWELD)

11.1.15 World Element (WORLD)

Administrative Element
Primary Element

The WORLD is the topmost level of the database hierarchy within which all other elements
exist. It cannot be deleted or copied in the same way that applies to say, a ZONE or a
DRWG. Its existence is controlled by the ADMINISTRATION module of PDMS.

Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:

Legal Members:
Isometrics Department Element (ISODEPT)
Status Link World Element (STLNKW)

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 11:7 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Spooler Database

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 11:8 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
System Database

12 System Database

The Data Model Reference manual contains details of all the elements which can be created
in the System database, their position in the database hierarchy and their attributes.

12.1 System Database Elements

All data in the System database is stored in elements in a strict hierarchy. Every element
has a type and each type determines the attributes available on the element. For more
information on database concepts, refer to Database Management Reference Manual.

12.1.1 Access Control Rights Element (ACR)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Roleref Access Control role references from ACR
Scoperef Access Control scope references from ACR

Legal Owners:
Access Control Rights World Element (ACRW)

Legal Members:

12.1.2 Access Control Rights Reference Element (ACRL)

Acrf ACR reference attribute

Legal Owners:
Access Control Rights Group Element (ACRST)

Legal Members:

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Data Model Reference Manual
System Database

12.1.3 Access Control Rights Group Element (ACRST)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
Access Control Rights World Element (ACRW)

Legal Members:
Access Control Rights Reference Element (ACRL)

12.1.4 Access Control Rights World Element (ACRW)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Access Control Rights Element (ACR)
Access Control Rights Group Element (ACRST)

12.1.5 Buffer Command Element (CMBU)

Bufsize Preferred buffer size
Mbufsize Preferred buffer size in MBytes

Legal Owners:
Runfile Element (RUNFILE)

Legal Members:

12.1.6 Initial Macro For Execution Element (CMMA)

Fname Filename

Legal Owners:
Runfile Element (RUNFILE)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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System Database

Legal Members:

12.1.7 Set RW Mode Command Element (CMMO)

Tynumber Number type
Modedb Database mode

Legal Owners:
Runfile Element (RUNFILE)

Legal Members:

12.1.8 Open Command Element (CMOP)

Modedb Database mode
Fname Filename

Legal Owners:
Runfile Element (RUNFILE)

Legal Members:

12.1.9 Resume Command Element (CMRE)

Fname Filename

Legal Owners:
Runfile Element (RUNFILE)

Legal Members:

12.1.10 Database Element (DB)

Primary Element

Numbdb DB number
Stype SPECON type question

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Data Model Reference Manual
System Database

Fino File number

Area Area
Accessdb DB access
Claimdb Implicit or explicit claims
Description Description of the element
Projid PROJID - on the DB element
Fcpyref Forward copy reference
Bcpyref Backward copy reference
ExtNo Extract number
ExtOwner Extract owner
LVariant Variant Flag
LCtrolled Controlled DB Flag
Name Name of the element
LRefO Database holds Reference data only flag

Legal Owners:
Database List Element (DBLI)
Extracts List Element (EXTLI)

Legal Members:

12.1.11 Database Set Element to Reference DB Element (DBL)

Dbf Database reference attribute

Legal Owners:
Database Set Element (DBSET)

Legal Members:

12.1.12 Database List Element (DBLI)

Primary Element


Legal Owners:
Team Element (TEAM)

Legal Members:
Database Element (DB)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Data Model Reference Manual
System Database

12.1.13 DB Range Element (DBRANG)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
DBRBEG DB range start
DBREND DB range end

Legal Owners:
Status Element (STATUS)

Legal Members:

12.1.14 Database Set Element (DBSET)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
Database Set World Element (DBSTWL)

Legal Members:
Database Set Element to Reference DB Element (DBL)
Database Set List Element (DBSTL)

12.1.15 Database Set List Element (DBSTL)

Dbstf Database set reference attribute

Legal Owners:
Database Set Element (DBSET)

Legal Members:

12.1.16 Database Set World Element (DBSTWL)

Primary Element

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System Database

Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Database Set Element (DBSET)

12.1.17 Extracts List Element (EXTLI)


Legal Owners:
PDMS User Element (USER)

Legal Members:

12.1.18 Font File Details Element (FONTFILE)

Primary Element

Irno ISO-IR number
Stno Style number
Fnma Standard font file name
Fnmb Bold font file name
Faangle Skew angle for font file

Legal Owners:
Font World Element (FONTWORLD)

Legal Members:

12.1.19 Font World Element (FONTWORLD)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Fntdirectory Font directory

Legal Owners:
Status Element (STATUS)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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System Database

Legal Members:
Font File Details Element (FONTFILE)
Truetype Font File Details Element (TTFONT)

12.1.20 Global Location Daemon Configuration Element (LCOMC)

Logfn COMMS log file name
Logms COMMS log file active/inactive flag
Loglv COMMS log file level of detail

Legal Owners:
Global Location Comms World Element (LCOMW)

Legal Members:

12.1.21 Global Location Comms Link Details Element (LCOMD)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Locrf Location reference
Timer Frequency of DB propagation
TimeStart Start time of COMMS window
TimeEnd End time of COMMS window
TimeInterval COMMS retry time interval
TimeOutNumber COMMS max retry count
ExecBefore Exec file before DB propagation
ExecAfter Exec file after DB propagation
LNoUpdate DB propagation suppressed flag

Legal Owners:
Global Location Comms Link List Element (LCOML)

Legal Members:

12.1.22 Global Location Comms Link List Element (LCOML)


Legal Owners:
Global Location Comms World Element (LCOMW)

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System Database

Legal Members:
Global Location Comms Link Details Element (LCOMD)

12.1.23 Global Location Comms World Element (LCOMW)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Global Location Daemon Configuration Element (LCOMC)
Global Location Comms Link List Element (LCOML)
Event Timer Information List Element (LCTIML)

12.1.24 Event Timer Information Details Element (LCTIMD)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Locrf Location reference
LEndTi Time out period for commands
LMaxTry Maximum number of retries for command
LTimeInterval Time Interval between retries
LWaitD Time interval between re-sending commands

Legal Owners:
Event Timer Information List Element (LCTIML)

Legal Members:

12.1.25 Event Timer Information List Element (LCTIML)

LEvenL Time interval for Event Loop
LMerTimer Frequency of Auto Merge of Transaction DB
LMerSuccess Number of days Successful commands persist in Trans dB
LMerFailure Number of days Failed commands persist in Trans dB
LMerDl PDMS GLOBAL Enable automatic merge of transaction db

Legal Owners:
Global Location Comms World Element (LCOMW)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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System Database

Legal Members:
Event Timer Information Details Element (LCTIMD)

12.1.26 Linestyle World Element (LINESTYLEWORLD)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:
Status Element (STATUS)

Legal Members:
Linestyle Width Definition Element (LSWIDD)

12.1.27 Linestyle Width Definition Element (LSWIDD)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
LSWKey Line Style Width Key
LSWidth Line Style Width

Legal Owners:
Linestyle World Element (LINESTYLEWORLD)

Legal Members:

12.1.28 Multiple Database Element (MDB)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Dbls List of DBs belonging to MDB
Curdbs Current DBs
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
Multiple Database World Element (MDBW)

Legal Members:
Database Element (DB)

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System Database

12.1.29 Multiple Database World Element (MDBW)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Multiple Database Element (MDB)

12.1.30 Permissible Operations Element (PEROP)

Name Name of the element
Opcreate Create Access Control Operation
Opmodify Modify Access Control Operation
Opdelete Delete Access Control Operation
Opclaim Claim Access Control Operation
Opissue Issue Access Control Operation
Opdrop Drop Access Control Operation
Opoutput Output (DATAL) Access Control Operation
Opexport Export Access Control Operation
Opcopyfrom Copy-From Access Control Operation
Eclass Access Control Element class
Aclass Access Control Attribute class
Condition Access Control Logical condition
Acrmessage Access Control User defined message

Legal Owners:
Role Element (ROLE)

Legal Members:

12.1.31 Runfile World Element (RFWL)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:
Status Element (STATUS)

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 12:10 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Data Model Reference Manual
System Database

Legal Members:
Runfile Element (RUNFILE)

12.1.32 Role Element (ROLE)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
Role World Element (ROLWL)

Legal Members:
Permissible Operations Element (PEROP)

12.1.33 Role World Element (ROLWL)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
LACR Access Control on/off switch

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Role Element (ROLE)

12.1.34 Runfile Element (RUNFILE)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Smno SMODU number
Security User security

Legal Owners:
Runfile World Element (RFWL)

Legal Members:
Buffer Command Element (CMBU)
Initial Macro For Execution Element (CMMA)
Set RW Mode Command Element (CMMO)
Open Command Element (CMOP)

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 12:11 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Data Model Reference Manual
System Database

Resume Command Element (CMRE)

12.1.35 Scope Element (SCOPE)

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Scosel Access Control scope

Legal Owners:
Scope World Element (SCOWL)

Legal Members:

12.1.36 Scope World Element (SCOWL)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Scope Element (SCOPE)

12.1.37 Stamp Element (STAMP)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Function Function
Purpose Description code word
SetDate Set Date

Legal Owners:
Stamp World Element (STWLD)

Legal Members:
Stamp List Element (STLST)

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
System Database

12.1.38 Status Element (STATUS)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Prjnumber Project number
Maxusers Maximum number of user
Prjlock Project lock
Prjdesc Project description
Infa Client info - Project Name
Infb Comment - Project Message
Charset Character set
Locrf Location reference
Prjstatus Access Control project status

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
DB Range Element (DBRANG)
Font World Element (FONTWORLD)
Linestyle World Element (LINESTYLEWORLD)
Runfile World Element (RFWL)

12.1.39 Stamp List Element (STLST)

Name Name of the element
Stlsf Database reference
Stsess Database session number

Legal Owners:
Stamp Element (STAMP)

Legal Members:

12.1.40 Stamp World Element (STWLD)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 12:13 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
System Database

Legal Members:
Stamp Element (STAMP)

12.1.41 Team Element (TEAM)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Teastatus Access Control team status

Legal Owners:
Team World Element (TEAMWORLD)

Legal Members:
Database List Element (DBLI)

12.1.42 Team World Element (TEAMWORLD)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Team Element (TEAM)

12.1.43 Team List Element (TMLI)


Legal Owners:
PDMS User Element (USER)

Legal Members:

12.1.44 Truetype Font File Details Element (TTFONT)

Primary Element

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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System Database

TTFindex TrueType font index
TTfacename TrueType font face name
TTFdescription TrueType font description

Legal Owners:
Font World Element (FONTWORLD)

Legal Members:

12.1.45 User Login ID Element (ULOGID)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Usef User reference
Usrli Valid users for given user login

Legal Owners:
User World Element (USERWORLD)

Legal Members:

12.1.46 PDMS User Element (USER)

Primary Element

Password Password
Security User security
Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Acrli Access Control User assigned ACRs

Legal Owners:
User World Element (USERWORLD)

Legal Members:
Extracts List Element (EXTLI)
Team List Element (TMLI)

12.1.47 User World Element (USERWORLD)

Primary Element

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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Data Model Reference Manual
System Database

Name Name of the element
Lauthu Login Authentication on/off switch
LckPsw Lock passwords for general users

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
User Login ID Element (ULOGID)
PDMS User Element (USER)

12.1.48 World Element (WORLD)

Administrative Element
Primary Element

The WORLD is the topmost level of the database hierarchy within which all other elements
exist. It cannot be deleted or copied in the same way that applies to say, a ZONE or a
DRWG. Its existence is controlled by the ADMINISTRATION module of PDMS.

Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:

Legal Members:
Access Control Rights World Element (ACRW)
Database Set World Element (DBSTWL)
Global Location Comms World Element (LCOMW)
Multiple Database World Element (MDBW)
Role World Element (ROLWL)
Scope World Element (SCOWL)
Status Element (STATUS)
Stamp World Element (STWLD)
Team World Element (TEAMWORLD)
User World Element (USERWORLD)

© Copyright 1974 to current year. 12:16 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual
Transaction Database

13 Transaction Database

The Data Model Reference manual contains details of all the elements which can be created
in the Transaction database, their position in the database hierarchy and their attributes.

13.1 Transaction Database Elements

All data in the transaction database is stored in elements in a strict hierarchy. Every element
has a type and each type determines the attributes available on the element. For more
information on database concepts, refer to Database Management Reference Manual.

13.1.1 Transaction Day Element (TRDAY)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:
Transaction Month Element (TRMONTH)

Legal Members:
Transaction User Element (TRUSER)

13.1.2 Transaction Failure Element (TRFAILURE)

Primary Element

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Transaction Database

MesNumber Message Number
MsText Message text
DateMs Date message created
CommType Command Type
OpType Operation Type
MsType Reference of TROUCO/TROPER creating this POSTOP
MesReference Message data reference
MesQualifier Message Qualifier Number
MsDTxt Message Data text
MsLocation Location Origin of Message

Legal Owners:
Transaction Failure List Element (TRFLST)
Transaction Message List Element (TRMLST)

Legal Members:

13.1.3 Transaction Failure List Element (TRFLST)

Primary Element


Legal Owners:
Transaction Input Command Element (TRINCOMMAND)
Transaction Operations Element (TROPERATION)
Transaction Foreign Command Element (TROUCOMMAND)

Legal Members:
Transaction Failure Element (TRFAILURE)

13.1.4 Transaction Input Command Element (TRINCOMMAND)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
OriLocation Original Location
DesLocation Destination Location for the command
PrvLocation Previous Location of Command
CommType Command Type
TrDbRf DB for transaction
TrFino Tran. File number
TrExtNo Extract number

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TrArea Area
TrStype Database type
TrDbNo DB number
AuxLocation Previous Location of Command
ExTime Time of Execution for Command
SysLocation System Location for Remote Access
TrCarguments Argument Qualifiers
InArCount Number of integers in Argument list
IntArguments Arguments for command
TrDaccess Database access
Comuid TROUCO Reference at relevant Site
Depcount Number of dependencies
Depend Commands on which this is dependent
Deptype Commands on which this is dependent
IncState Input Command Status
DateCreated Date command Created
DateAk Date command Acknowledged
NAcknowledged No. of times Acknowledged
DateRd Date command ready
DateCm Date command Completed
DateRp Date command Replied
NReply No. of times Replied
TrPassed Successful Result Flag
MsText Message text
DatEnded Date command Stopped
NRepAk No. of times Reply Acknowledged
TrVisi Whether the command is visible
Description Description of the element
UserStopped User who cancelled command
ComString User Command String
TrModu Module
TrLocl Local command or not

Legal Owners:
Transaction Location Element (TRLOCATION)

Legal Members:
Transaction Failure List Element (TRFLST)
Transaction Message List Element (TRMLST)
Transaction Operations Element (TROPERATION)
Transaction Foreign Command Element (TROUCOMMAND)
Transaction Success List Element (TRSLST)

13.1.5 Transaction Location Element (TRLOCATION)

Primary Element

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Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:
Transaction User Element (TRUSER)

Legal Members:
Transaction Input Command Element (TRINCOMMAND)

13.1.6 Transaction Message Element (TRMESSAGE)

Primary Element

MesNumber Message Number
MsText Message text
DateMs Date message created
CommType Command Type
OpType Operation Type
MsLocation Location Origin of Message
MsSent Message Sent to relevant site

Legal Owners:
Transaction Message List Element (TRMLST)

Legal Members:

13.1.7 Transaction Message List Element (TRMLST)

Primary Element


Legal Owners:
Transaction Input Command Element (TRINCOMMAND)
Transaction Operations Element (TROPERATION)
Transaction Foreign Command Element (TROUCOMMAND)

Legal Members:
Transaction Failure Element (TRFAILURE)
Transaction Message Element (TRMESSAGE)
Transaction Success Element (TRSUCCESS)

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13.1.8 Transaction Month Element (TRMONTH)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:
Transaction Year Element (TRYEAR)

Legal Members:
Transaction Day Element (TRDAY)

13.1.9 Transaction Message World Element (TRMSGW)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Trsetl Local commands are to be stored

Legal Owners:
World Element (WORLD)

Legal Members:
Transaction Year Element (TRYEAR)

13.1.10 Transaction Operations Element (TROPERATION)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
OpType Operation Type
OpState Operation Status
DateCreated Date command Created
DateRd Date command ready
DateRn Date command running
DateSl Date command last Stalled
NRetry Number of Retries
MaxTry Maximum Number of Retries
EndTimeTrying Date command Stopped
Waitime Time interval between Retries
DateCm Date command Completed
TrPassed Successful Result Flag
MsText Message text
DatEnded Date command Stopped
UserStopped User who cancelled command
Depcount Number of dependencies

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Depend Commands on which this is dependent

Deptype Commands on which this is dependent
PreOperation Reference of TROUCO/TROPER creating this POSTOP
POpCode Post Operation Code

Legal Owners:
Transaction Input Command Element (TRINCOMMAND)

Legal Members:
Transaction Failure List Element (TRFLST)
Transaction Message List Element (TRMLST)
Transaction Success List Element (TRSLST)

13.1.11 Transaction Foreign Command Element (TROUCOMMAND)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
OriLocation Original Location
DesLocation Destination Location for the command
PrvLocation Previous Location of Command
CommType Command Type
TrDbRf DB for transaction
TrFino Tran. File number
TrExtNo Extract number
TrArea Area
TrStype Database type
TrDbNo DB number
AuxLocation Previous Location of Command
ExTime Time of Execution for Command
SysLocation System Location for Remote Access
TrCarguments Argument Qualifiers
InArCount Number of integers in Argument list
IntArguments Arguments for command
TrDaccess Database access
Depcount Number of dependencies
Depend Commands on which this is dependent
Deptype Commands on which this is dependent
OutState Output Command Status
NxTarLocation Next Target Location for the command
DateCreated Date command Created
DateRd Date command ready
DateSnt Date command Sent
NRetry Number of Retries
MaxTry Maximum Number of Retries
EndTimeTrying Date command Stopped
Waitime Time interval between Retries

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Transaction Database

DateAk Date command Acknowledged

NAcknowledged No. of times Acknowledged
CmReference Reference of TRINCO element at relevant site
DateRp Date command Replied
NReply No. of times Replied
TrPassed Successful Result Flag
MsText Message text
DateRk Date command Reply Acknowledged
NRepAk No. of times Reply Acknowledged
DatEnded Date command Stopped
UserStopped User who cancelled command
PreOperation Reference of TROUCO/TROPER creating this POSTOP
POpCode Post Operation Code

Legal Owners:
Transaction Input Command Element (TRINCOMMAND)

Legal Members:
Transaction Failure List Element (TRFLST)
Transaction Message List Element (TRMLST)
Transaction Success List Element (TRSLST)

13.1.12 Transaction Success List Element (TRSLST)

Primary Element


Legal Owners:
Transaction Input Command Element (TRINCOMMAND)
Transaction Operations Element (TROPERATION)
Transaction Foreign Command Element (TROUCOMMAND)

Legal Members:
Transaction Success Element (TRSUCCESS)

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Transaction Database

13.1.13 Transaction Success Element (TRSUCCESS)

Primary Element

MesNumber Message Number
MsText Message text
DateMs Date message created
CommType Command Type
OpType Operation Type
MsType Reference of TROUCO/TROPER creating this POSTOP
MesReference Message data reference
MesQualifier Message Qualifier Number
MsDTxt Message Data text
MsLocation Location Origin of Message

Legal Owners:
Transaction Message List Element (TRMLST)
Transaction Success List Element (TRSLST)

Legal Members:

13.1.14 Transaction User Element (TRUSER)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:
Transaction Day Element (TRDAY)

Legal Members:
Transaction Location Element (TRLOCATION)

13.1.15 Transaction Year Element (TRYEAR)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:
Transaction Message World Element (TRMSGW)

Legal Members:
Transaction Month Element (TRMONTH)

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13.1.16 World Element (WORLD)

Administrative Element
Primary Element

The WORLD is the topmost level of the database hierarchy within which all other elements
exist. It cannot be deleted or copied in the same way that applies to say, a ZONE or a
DRWG. Its existence is controlled by the ADMINISTRATION module of PDMS.

Name Name of the element

Legal Owners:

Legal Members:
Transaction Message World Element (TRMSGW)

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Transaction Database

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Data Model Reference Manual
Other Databases

14 Other Databases

The Data Model Reference manual contains details of all the elements which can be created
in the Other database, their position in the database hierarchy and their attributes.

14.1 Other Database Elements

All data in the Other database is stored in elements in a strict hierarchy. Every element has
a type and each type determines the attributes available on the element. For more
information on database concepts, refer to Database Management Reference Manual.

14.1.1 Engineering Group Level Element (ENGGRP)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:
Engineering Group Level Element (ENGGRP)
World for Engineering Data Element (ENGWLD)

Legal Members:
Engineering Group Level Element (ENGGRP)
Engineering Item Element (ENGITE)

14.1.2 Engineering Item Element (ENGITE)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element
Scsysf System reference array for schematic elements

Legal Owners:
Engineering Group Level Element (ENGGRP)
Engineering Item Element (ENGITE)

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Other Databases

Legal Members:
Engineering Item Element (ENGITE)

14.1.3 World for Engineering Data Element (ENGWLD)

Primary Element

Name Name of the element
Description Description of the element

Legal Owners:

Legal Members:
Engineering Group Level Element (ENGGRP)

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Data Model Reference Manual
Pseudo Attributes

15 Pseudo Attributes

15.1 Attribute Category

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

ALIST element(500)
ARRI integer Arrive Ppoint
AUTCOL real(3) Design rgb autocolour
CABGAP real cable gap on cabletray as multiple of
CLAI integer Claim mode
CLOSEFLAG logical True if branch is closed
CMPSTS string(120) Connectivity comparison status
COMPTYPE word Type of component
CREF element Connection reference
DATE string(12) Date
DFHOME element element, Get default home element
DRMXTL integer Draft general max text length
EXTNO integer Extract number
FEMCOL integer FEM image object colour
GAPALL string(1000) Gap Allowance
GENTYP word Type of geometry
HDIR dir Head direction
IBLNAM string Name of idealised block
LCTROL logical Controlled DB Flag
LDFLT logical logical default value for a UDA
LEAV integer Leave Ppoint

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Pseudo Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

LVAR logical Variant Flag
MFFIND element Find Manufacturingpackage folder
MODID string(2000) LMI Model ID
MPFIND element Find Manufacturingpackage
MPKGFD element Find Manufacturingpackage
NDFLT real Numeric default value for a UDA
NUMBDB integer DB number
OCONE integer Objectcode 1
OVCWIDTH real Overall cables width
PAAX string(30) Direction of axis
PAXI string(30) Axial direction
PBAX string(30) Direction
PCAX string(30) Direction of C offset
PZAXI string(30) Alignment axial direction
SCHED string(10) Piping Schedule
SCOSLX integer(500) Access Control scope
STVDEMOTE element Demote Status Value
STVPROMOTE element Promote Status Value
STVREF element Value Ref
TATYPE string(10) Text answer type
TDIR dir Tail direction
UDIRECTION dir Up axis direction
UDNA string(50) User defined name
USCCOG pos User derived centre of gravity position
USCWCO pos User derived wet centre of gravity
USCWEI real Derived value for user weight
USCWWE real Derived value for user wet weight
UUID string(36) Universally unique identifier
UUIDREF element(500) word Universally unique identifier references
VENID string(120) LMI Vendor ID
XOFF real X-offset
XRLIST element(10000) elemtype List distributed attributes

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Pseudo Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

XRLSTT word(2000) elemtype List distributed attributes
XRQCNT integer elemtype Get distributed attributes element count
XRQELE element elemtype, Get distributed attributes element
XXXDIR dir Direction Test attribute
XXXORI ori Orientation Test attribute
XXXPOS pos Position Test attribute
YOFF real Y-offset

15.2 Attribute Category: Accommodation

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

ACCDIR dir Access Direction
ACCELE real(500) Elevations of Referenced Levels
BNDARE real Boundary line area
CELLTO real Total Number of Cell
CELLTR real Total Number of Trimmed Cells
CELLWH real Total Number of Untrimmed Cells
CLNELE real Ceiling Elevation
EDGELE real Edge Length
FLCARE real Floor cover area
FLCSTHICKNESS real Floor cover thickness
FLCVOL real Floor cover volume
FLLARE real Floor layer area
FLLVOL real Floor layer volume
FLRELE real Floor Elevation
FLRELV real Floor elevation
FLTDIR dir Stairflight Direction
GAREA real Ceiling Grid Area
GOING real(10) Tread Going
INSARE real Insulation requirement area
LABPOS pos Label position

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Pseudo Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

LDRDIR dir Ladder Direction
LGOING real(10) Lower Tread Going
LWP pos Lower Working Point
MATDIR dir Material direction
PITCH real(10) Pitch of stair flight
PRMDIR dir Primary Direction
RUNGS integer Number of rungs
TRIMCE integer(10000) Array of Trimmed Cells
UGOING real(10) Upper Tread Going
URISE real(10) Upper Tread Rise
UWP pos Upper Working Point
WHOLEC real Array of Whole Cells
WJUSL word Wall Justification Line

15.3 Attribute Category: ADMIN DB

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

ACRGRP element(5000) List of ACRs within a ACRSET
DBLS element(1000) List of DBs belonging to MDB
DBSHIE element(5000) Database hierarchy within a DBSET
DBSLEV element(5000) Databases at a level within a DBSET
DBSLIS element(5000) Databases within a DBSET
DBSSTP element(8000) DBs in a stamp
DEFERD element(10000 Deferred DBs in MDB
PRJID string(8) Project id. Available on STAT or GSTAT
TEAMLS element(1000) List of TEAMs to which USER belongs
USERLS element(1000) List of USERs belonging to TEAM

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15.4 Attribute Category: ADMIN DB, Database Element

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

ACCESSDB string(10) DB access
AREAEX logical True if area exists for DB
CLAIMDB string(10) Implicit or explicit claims
CLCCNT integer Claim list changes count
COPYDB element(8191) Copies of this database
CSESS string(120) integer Comment entered for specified session
DACC string Database access
DBLC element(1000) List of LOCs belonging to a DB
DBUsers element(10000 Current Users in the system using this DB
DBUSRX element(10000 Current Users in the system using this DB
) or any extract descendants
DCLA string Database claim mode
DSESS string(120) integer Date of specified session
ENCODB string DB Encoding
EXPIRY string(50) Protected DB Expiry date
EXTALS element(8191) Extract ancestors
EXTCLS element(8191) Extract children
EXTDES element(8191) Extract descendants
EXTFAM element(8191) Extract family
EXTMAS element Extract master
FILEEX logical True if DB file exists and is valid
FILENAME string DB filename
FOREIGN string DB foreign/local
HCCNT integer Header/Extract list changes count
ISCOPY logical True if a copy DB
ISDBFR logical True if database is foreign
ISDBPR logical True if database is primary for global
ISDRDB logical True if database has drawings
ISEXTR logical True if an extract

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Pseudo Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

ISFOR logical True if database is foreign
ISMAST logical True if a Master DB, that is top level
ISWORK logical True if a working extract
LINKSN integer Linked session on parent extract
LPROT logical Protected DB Flag
MDBCLS element(1000) List of MDBs in which DB is current
MDBLS element(1000) List of MDBs to which DB belongs
NACCNT integer Non-additive changes count
NAMEDB string DB name
NXTDBN integer Next DB number
NXTDBU integer Next Unique DB number
NXTEXN integer Next DB extract number
NXTFDB integer Next DB file and DB number
NXTFLN integer Next DB file number
PSESS integer integer Previous session number
RSESS string(120) integer Reason for creation of session
SIZEDB integer Size of DB
STPDBS element(5000) Stamps containing db
STPSES integer(2000) Sessions used in at least one stamp
STYPDB string DB sub type
TYPEDB string(6) DB type
USESS string(120) integer User creating session

15.5 Attribute Category: Allowed Operation

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

DACCLA logical True if DAC allows element to be claimed
DACCOH logical True if DAC allows element hierarchy to
be copied to another DB
DACCOP logical True if DAC allows element to be copied
to another DB
DACCRE logical elemtype True if DAC allows element to be created

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Pseudo Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

DACDEL logical True if DAC allows element to be deleted
DACDRO logical True if DAC allows element to be dropped
DACERR string(120) attr Returns the DAC error
DACEXH logical True if DAC allows element hierarchy to
be exported
DACEXP logical True if DAC allows element to be
DACISS logical True if DAC allows element to be issued
DACMOD logical attr True if DAC allows attribute of element to
be modified
DACOUH logical True if DAC allows element hierarchy to
be output
DACOUT logical True if DAC allows element to be output
MODATT logical attr True if attribute of element can be
MODDEL logical attr True if element can be deleted
MODERR string(120) attr Returns the error text that would occur if
attribute was modified
OKDRPH element(5000) Primary elements preventing hierarchy
OKRLEH element(5000) Primary elements preventing hierarchy

15.6 Attribute Category: Assembly Related

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

ASIOWN element(500) Assembly item referring to element
ASMBLD logical True if element is assembled
ASMBLS string A for assembled elements, NA for not
assembled elements
ASMOWN element(500) Assembly referring to element
ASORIS string(20) Predefined assembly orientation string
ASSEQ integer Assembly sequence

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15.7 Attribute Category: Association Related

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

AOBJS element(500) Reference Array of all Model currently
participating in ASSOCs
ASMBS element(500) Reference Array of all association
members using element
ASSCIA element(500) Reference Array of all associate elements
used with constraints
ASSDFS element(500) Reference Array of all ASSDEFs
ASSOS element(500) Reference Array of all associations with
ASTMBS element(500) Reference Array of all association
members targeting element
DASSCI element(500) Reference Array of all direct associates
with constraints
DASSOS element(500) Reference Array of all associations with
DIREV dir Direction evaluation
LOGEV logical Logical value evaluation
POSEV pos Position evaluation
REALEV real Real evaluation
STREV string(120) String value evaluation
TESTEV logical Result of constraint test evaluation

15.8 Attribute Category: Attribute Related

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

ATTDST word(2000) List the distributed attributes, default
gives all udas
ATTLIST word(2000) List of all attributes for element
ATTOUT word(2000) List of all attributes excluding hidden
ones, i.e as output in "Q ATT"
ATTRAW word(2000) List of raw attributes
PSATTS word(500) List of pseudo attributes

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

RLIS word(200) List of rules set
UDALIS word(2000) List of UDAs
UDASET word(2000) List of UDAs set

15.9 Attribute Category: Branch Specific

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

BRCOG pos Branch centre of gravity
BRCONNECT element(5000) Branch member connections
BREARE real Branch external surface area
BRIARE real Branch internal surface area
BRICOG pos Branch insulated centre of gravity
BRIWEI real Branch insulated weight
BRLEG element(5000) Branch members on the same leg
BRWCOG pos Branch wet centre of gravity
BRWEIG real Branch weight
BRWICOG pos Branch wet insulated centre of gravity
BRWIWEI real Branch insulated wet weight
BRWWEI real Branch wet weight
CLLE real Branch centreline length
HEND string Connection at other end of HREF (HEAD
or TAIL)
HPOSE real Easting of head position
HPOSN real Northing of head position
HPOSU real Upping of head position
TEND string Connection at other end of TREF (HEAD
or TAIL)
TPOSE real Easting of tail position
TPOSN real Northing of tail position
TPOSU real Upping of tail position
TUCL real Tube centreline length of branch
TULE real Tube length of branch

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15.10 Attribute Category: Cabling

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

ACLIST element(500) Arriving cables to attached point
ATCONN element(500) List of elements connected to attachment
AYDIR dir Arrive Y axis direction
CABBOX real(6) Calculated box volume in world
CBACXR real Accumulated cables xarea at route node
CBCOG pos Cable centre of gravity
CBCULE real Cut Length of cable
CBGELE real Geometric Length of cable
CBNUCW element(500) Cables at a point on a cableway
CBPREF element(500) References to POINTR forming route of a
CBRNLS element(500) List of route nodes that cable passes
CBRWGL real Raw Geometric Length of cable
CBTOLE real Total Length of Cable
CBWEIG real Cable weight
CFILL real Fill level at route node
CFRELE real Free Length of cable
CLIST element(500) All cables attached to route node
CMAXF real Calculate maximum fill level on cway
CMINF real Calculate minimum fill level on cway
CONATS element(500) List of attachment connected to
CONBRA element(500) List of branches connected to branch
CONNE logical Segment end connection flag
CONNS logical Segment start connection flag
CONSIS logical Position consistency
CWJUSL word Cable Way Justification Line
CWLIST element(500) All cableways attached to route node
DEPREF element(500) List of elements connected to branch tail

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Pseudo Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

ELCXRF element(500) Return reference from CABLE element to
ELCONN element
FCENTRE pos Centre of fillet arc
FEND pos Fillet arc position
Fill level check logical Fill level check
FILREF element(500) Sorted references to attachment points
with ascending order of fill level greater
then 0
FLEVEL real Fill level at route node
FMID pos Middle point of fillet arc
FSTART pos Fillet start position
HDCONN element(500) List of elements connected to branch
HDREF element(500) List of attachment connected to
LALCAB element(500) List arriving leaving cables on attached
LYDIR dir Leave Y axis direction on point
MINFIL real Min Fill level on Cableway and Cabletray
NPLIST element(500) All NATPs attached to route node
NUMCOR integer Number of cores in a cable
POITYP string(120) Point type
PRFELE element Cableway profile element
PRFOBS integer Cableway profile obstructions
RATTAL element(500) word Rnode list
TLCONN element(500) List of elements connected to branch tail
TLREF element(500) List of attachment connected to
TXAREA real Total Cableway X-area
VRADI real Cableway radius

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15.11 Attribute Category: Cable Interference Class

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

CABINT string(120) cable interference class

15.12 Attribute Category: Catalog

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

BRTXRF element(500) Return reference from Branch Table
element to SPECs
BTHK string(1000) Parameterised bolt thickness
BTYP string(1000) Bolt type
CCORXR element(500) Return reference from CCORSET
element to SCOMs
COCDRE element(500) word COCDESS with same COCONN value as
COCOXR element(500) COCO description return reference
COCSAM element(500) COCOS with same CTYP value as
CTYPLI word(500) List of COCO Ctypes
DESGEO element(5000) Design geometrical dependencies
DUPLIC element(10000 integer Duplicates of the current element with the
) same attribute values
GEODEP element(5000) Direct geometrical dependencies
HDUPLI element(10000 integer Duplicates of the current element
) (checking members)
LBBORE logical TRUE if Minor/Branch bore is in nominal
bore table
LHBORE logical TRUE if Major/Header bore is in nominal
bore table
LRBORE logical TRUE if bores is in reducer table
LTBORE logical TRUE if bores is in branch (tee) table
NOMXRF element(500) Return reference from NOMTAB element
to SPECs
PRTRTX string(1000) word Part element R text
PRTSTX string(1000) word Part element S text

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Pseudo Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

PRTTTX string(1000) word Part element T text
PRTXRF element(500) Return reference from PART element to
REDXRF element(500) Return reference from Reducer Table
element to SPECs

15.13 Attribute Category: Catalog Values for Design Item

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

APAR real(100) Attached catalogue parameters
CATR element Catalogue reference
CATTEX string(725) Concatenation of Detailing and Material
CPAR real(100) Catalogue parameters
DEFSPK element Default Reference of SPEC for branch
DETR element Detailing text reference
DTXR string(2000) RTEXT of detailing text
DTXS string(2000) STEXT of detailing text
DTXT string(2000) TTEXT of detailing text
GMRE element Geometry set reference
GSTR element Structural geometry set reference
GTYP word Generic type
IPAR real(30) Parameters of the insulation catalogue
MATR element Material reference
MTXR element Material text reference
MTXX string(2000) XTEXT of material text
MTXY string(2000) YTEXT of material text
MTXZ string(2000) ZTEXT of material text
NGMR element Negative geometry set reference
OPAR real(100) Owning parameters - catalogue
PARA real(100) Parameters

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Data Model Reference Manual
Pseudo Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

PSTR element Structural Pline set reference
PTRE element Point set reference
SKEYSCALE integer Universal SKEY scale factor
SPMA real word Spec angle maximum answer
SPOW element Reference of SPEC owning SPCO of
branch members
SPRA real word Spec angle answer
SPRB real word Spec bore answer
SPWD string word Spec text answer
STYP string SPECON type question
TPAR real(30) Trace catalogue component parameters
WPAR word(100) Parameters as a word

15.14 Attribute Category: Catalog Values for Ducting Item

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

ARRHEI real Arrive height
ARRWID real Arrive width
LEAHEI real Leave height
LEAWID real Leave width
PPHEI real integer Ppoint height
PPWID real integer Ppoint width

15.15 Attribute Category: Catalog Values for Hanger Item

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

HHBO real Hanger head bore
HHBP pos Bottom of hanger head
HHCO word Hanger head connection type
HHDR dir Hanger head direction
HHGR real Hanger head gradient

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

HHOD real Hanger head outside diameter
HHPO pos Hanger head position
HHTP pos Top of hanger head
HTBO real Hanger tail bore
HTBP pos Bottom of hanger tail
HTCO word Hanger tail connection type
HTDR dir Hanger tail direction
HTGR real Hanger tail gradient
HTOD real Hanger tail outside diameter
HTPO pos Hanger tail position
HTTP pos Top of hanger tail

15.16 Attribute Category: Catalog Values for Piping Item

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

AALLAN real Arrive Ppoint allowed angle
ABOP pos Bottom of arrive pipe
ABOR real Arrive bore
ACON word Arrive connection type
ACORRO real Arrive corrosion allowance
ADIR dir Arrive direction
AGRD real Arrive Ppoint gradient
AOD real Arrive Ppoint outside diameter
APOS pos Arrive position
APOSE real Easting of arrive position
APOSN real Northing of arrive position
APOSU real Upping of arrive position
AQAANG real Angle between alignment direction of
arrive pp and previous
AQANG real Angle between arrive Ppoint and previous
AQBORE logical TRUE if arrive Ppoint has same bore as

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

AQCON logical TRUE if arrive Ppoint has Correct
connection type
AQOFF real Offset between arrive Ppoint and
previous component
ATCORR real Arrive tube corrosion allowance
ATOP pos Top of arrive pipe
ATWALL real Arrive tube wall thickness
AWALLT real Arrive wall thickness
AZDIR dir Arrive alignment direction
BJOINT string Bolt joint
BTOTAL integer Bolt joint total
DCORRO real Derived corrosion
DFBRADIUS real element Default bend radius
DWALLT real Derive wall thickness
FLALLO real Flange allowance
FLOFFS real Flange offset
HCORRO real Head Corrosion
HWALLT real Head wall thickness
LALLAN real Leave Ppoint allowed angle
LBOP pos Bottom of leave pipe
LBOR real Leave bore
LCON word Leave connection type
LCORRO real Leave corrosion allowance
LDI dir Leave direction
LGRD real Leave Ppoint gradient
LOD real Leave Ppoint outside diameter
LPOS pos Leave position
LPOSE real Easting of leave position
LPOSN real Northing of leave position
LPOSU real Upping of leave position
LQAANG real Angle between alignment direction of
leave Ppoint and next
LQANG real Angle between leave Ppoint and next

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

LQBORE logical TRUE if leave Ppoint has same bore as
LQCON logical TRUE if leave Ppoint has Correct
connection type
LQOFF real Offset between leave Ppoint and next
LTCORR real Leave tube corrosion allowance
LTOP pos Top of leave pipe
LTWALL real Leave tube wall thickness
LWALLT real Leave wall thickness
LZDIR dir Leave alignment direction
MAXB real Maximum bore
NOMBIN real(200) word List of valid Nominal bores in Inches
NOMBMM real(200) word List of valid Nominal bores in MM
PALLAN real integer Ppoint allowed angle
PBOP pos integer Bottom of pipe
PCORRO real integer P Tube corrosion
PCWALL real integer Ppoint connect wall thickness
PFLALL string(1000) Flange allowance parameter
PFLOFF string(1000) Flange offset parameter
PHBO real Pipe head bore
PHBP pos Bottom of pipe head
PHCO word Pipe head connection type
PHDR dir Pipe head direction
PHGR real Pipe head gradient
PHOD real Pipe head outside diameter
PHPO pos Pipe head position
PHTP pos Top of pipe head
PQAANG real integer Angle between alignment direction of
specified pp and adjacent component
PQANG real integer Angle between specified Ppoint and
adjacent component
PQBORE logical integer TRUE if specified Ppoint has same bore
as adjacent

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

PQCON logical integer TRUE if leave Ppoint has Correct
connection type
PQOFF real integer Offset between specified Ppoint and
adjacent component
PTBO real Pipe tail bore
PTBP pos Bottom of pipe tail
PTCO word Pipe tail connection type
PTDR dir Pipe tail direction
PTGR real Pipe tail gradient
PTOD real Pipe tail outside diameter
PTOP pos integer Top of pipe
PTPO pos Pipe tail position
PTTP pos Top of pipe tail
PWALLT real integer Ppoint wall thickness
RANANG real(32) elemtype Range of available angles for bends and
RANRAD real(32) elemtype Range of available radii
TCORRO real Tail Corrosion
TWALLT real Tail wall thickness
WALLTH real Tube wall thickness
WTHICK real Wall thickness

15.17 Attribute Category: Catalog Values for Sloping Lines

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

DEFSLO real Default pipe slope
HOFFT real Head offset
MAXSLO real Maximum pipe slope
MINSLO real Minimum pipe slope
MINVER real Minimum vertical pipe slope
OFFTOL string(1000) PPoint offset tolerance
PPOFFT real integer Ppoint offset

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

SLOREF element Pipe slope reference
TOFFT real Tail offset

15.18 Attribute Category: Change History

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

ATTMOD logical attr True if specified attribute has been
modified this session
ATTMODC logical attr True if specified attribute has been
modified since comparison date
ATTMODLIST word(500) integer List of attributes modified since given
ATTMODLISTC word(500) List of attributes modified since
comparison date
CATMOD integer Catalogue Geometry Modified- Not
directly query able
CRDATE string(120) attr Date element created in current DB or if
extract in ascendant
CREXTR integer attr Extract element created in current DB or if
extract in ascendant
CRINFO string(200) DB creation information
CRSESS integer attr Session element created in current DB or
if extract in ascendant
CRUSER string(120) attr User created element in current DB or if
extract in ascendant
DBSESS integer Last DB session
ELECRE logical integer True if created since given session
ELECREC logical True if created since comparison date
ELEDEL logical integer True if deleted since given session
ELEDELC logical True if deleted since comparison date
ELEMOD logical integer True if modified since given session
ELEMODC logical True if modified since comparison date
EXMOD logical True if element modified in this extract
GEOM integer Geometry Modified- Not directly

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

HIST integer(120) attr History of sessions in which element or
specified attribute were made
LASTM string(120) attr Date of last modification
MSESS integer attr Last session number
PRVSES integer integer Previous Session to that specified
RULEMOD logical attr True if rule modified this session
RULEMODC logical attr True if rule modified since comparison
RULEMODLIST word(500) integer List of rules modified since given session
RULEMODLISTC word(500) List of rules modified since comparison
SESCLA integer Session Of Claim
SESSC string(120) integer Comment for specified session
SESSCA integer(2000) List of pairs of DB number, last session
number for all referenced DBs
SESSCH integer(2000) As for SESSCA, but searches all
descendants for referenced DBs
SESSD string(120) integer Date of specified Session
SESSM integer attr Session Of Last Modification
SESSNO integer Current opened Session
SESSU string(120) integer User creating specified session
USERM string(120) attr User making last modification

15.19 Attribute Category: Claim Related

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

CLMID string(120) Unique system ID of user claiming
CLMNUM integer User or extract number claiming element.
Extract numbers are negative
CLMTIE element(4) Reference to elements that are
automatically claimed along with this
EXCLFR logical True if element claimed from this extract.
Only True for Primary elements

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

EXCLHI element(5000) Primary elements in descendant
hierarchy claimed to this extract (includes
this element)
EXCLPA logical True if element claimed to Parent extract.
Only True for Primary elements
EXCLTO logical True if element claimed to this extract.
Only True for Primary elements
EXNCLH element(5000) Primary elements in descendant
hierarchy not claimed to this extract
EXTRC string(120) Name of extract claiming element
LCLM logical True if element is claimed
LCLMH logical True if element and hierarchy claimed
NPDESC element(5000) List of non primary offspring
OKCLA logical True if element may be claimed
OKCLH logical True if element and hierarchy may be
OKREL logical True if element may be released
OKRLH logical True if element and hierarchy may be
PRIMTY logical True if element is primary
PRMMEM logical True if there are any primary elements
amongst descendants
PRMOWN element Primary owning element (will be itself if
USCLHI element(5000) Elements in descendant hierarchy
claimed to this user
USERC string(120) User name of user claiming element
USNCLH element(5000) Elements in descendant hierarchy not
claimed to this user

15.20 Attribute Category: Clasher

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

CLCONN element(5000) integer Clasher connections
HULLDE logical True if element is a hull design item
HULLPR logical True if element is a hull production item

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15.21 Attribute Category: Cross Section

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

XAMANG real Cross section along mounting angle
XFTPT pos Cross section foot point
XINCL real Cross section inclination angle
XTHK real Cross section thickness
XTPPT pos Cross section top point
XXMANG real Cross section cross mounting angle

15.22 Attribute Category: Database

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

DBCL string DB Claim
DBCNTL logical True if element is in a control DB
DBEXNO integer DB Extract Number
DBFI string DB filename
DBFN integer DB file number
DBNA string DB name
DBNU integer DB Number
DBREF element DB reference
DBTE string DB Text Encoding
DBTY word DB type (DESI, CATA etc)
DBVAR logical True if element is in a variant DB
DBWRITE logical True if element is in a writable DB
OWNER element Element owner in database hierarchy
WDBNA string Working DB name

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15.23 Attribute Category: Database Integrity

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

UDETCHECK string(120) Report from UDET check on element

15.24 Attribute Category: Data Model

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

DLIST word(2000) List of all possible dist att types
HLIS word(2000) List of all possible types in owning
LIST word(2000) List of all possible member types
LLIS word(2000) List of all possible types in member
OLIS word(2000) List of all possible owner types
REPTXT string Reporter text used for element type

15.25 Attribute Category: Database Structure

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

ALLELE element(10000) elemtype All elements in the MDB of a particular
CONNECTIONS element(5000) Connections
CONNECTIONSH element(5000) Connections for all descendants
CONNER string(300) integer Connection error message
DDEP integer Database depth within hierarchy (World
is 0)
FRSTW element word Reference of first world of given DB type
in current MDB
GPPRXS element(500) Group proxy items referring to element
GROUPS element(500) GPSETs in which element occurs
MAXD integer DB hierarchy depth of lowest level item
beneath element

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MBACK element(10000) elemtype Members in reverse order

MCOU integer elemtype Number of Element Members of Given
MEMB element(10000) elemtype All members, or members of specific type
OWNLST element(100) Owning hierarchy
PARENT element elemtype Reference of ascendant element of
specified type
QUAN integer Quantity (always one!)
SEQU integer Sequence Position in Member List
SEXPND element(10000) All descendant elements in secondary
SITEM element Reference from secondary hierarchy
SMEMB element(10000) Immediate members in secondary

15.26 Attribute Category: Datal Related

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

DTLELE element(5000) Datal Elements list
DTLLIST word(2000) Datal Attributes List

15.27 Attribute Category: Dataset Related

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

CDPL word(100) List of valid current design properties
CDPR real word Current design dataset property
CFDP element word Current design dataset property
DEPD string(250) word Default value of local design property
DEPL word(100) List of local design properties
DEPR string(250) word Local design property value
FDEPD string(250) word Formatted Local Design Property Default
FDEPR string(250) word Formatted Local Design Property Value
FPRDE string(250) word Formatted property default

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

FPROP string(250) word Formatted property value from dataset
FTCDD string(250) word Formatted Current Design Property
Default Value
FTCDP string(250) word Formatted Current Design Property Value
LDPR real word Local design dataset property
LFDP element word Local design dataset property
PRDE string(250) word Property default
PRLS word(100) List of valid properties - catalogue or
PROP string(250) word Property value from catalogue or design
PRPU word word Property purpose
PRTI string(120) word Property title
RPRO real word Catalogue dataset property
TCDD string(250) word Current design property default value
TCDP string(250) word Current design property value
TDPR real word Template design dataset property
TFDP element word Template design dataset property

15.28 Attribute Category: Design Parameters

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

ADESP real(100) Design parameters of attached element
DDESP real(100) Design parameters as distance
ODESP real(100) Owning design parameters
WDESP word(100) Design parameters as words

15.29 Attribute Category: Design Point Related

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

DDIR dir Design PPoint spherical direction
DPBO real integer Design point bore

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

DPCO word integer Design point connection type
DPCOU integer Number of valid design points
DPDI dir integer Design point direction
DPGR real integer Design Point Gradient
DPLS integer(200) List of valid design points
DPPS pos integer Design point position
DPVI integer(200) List of visible design points

15.30 Attribute Category: Draft Colour Related

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

BFCONU integer Backface colour number
CHCONU integer Crosshairs colour number
CLCONU integer Centreline colour number
COLCON integer Column colour number
DLCONU integer Dimension line colour number
DTCONU integer Dimension text colour number
FCONUM integer Fill colour number
FFCONU integer Front-face colour number
LFCONU integer Label frame colour number
LLCONU integer Label leader colour number
MCONUM integer Marker colour number
MLNCON integer Member-line colour number
NLCONU integer Note colour number
OBCONU integer Obscured face colour number
OLCONU integer Outline colour number
PLCONU integer Projection line colour number
PLNCON integer Pline colour number
PTCONU integer Projection text colour number
ROWCON integer Row colour number
TXCONU integer Text colour number

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15.31 Attribute Category: Draft Dimensions and Annotation

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

AKEYL word(20) Attribute-keylist (for Radial dimensions)
DDNMX real DDNM X position
DDNMXY real(2) DDNM XY position
DDNMY real DDNM Y position
DFONTN string(80) Dimension text font name
DIMPOS pos Derived 3D dimension position
DTLH real Dimension text letter height
EXBTEX string(1500) Expanded annotation text
EXDMTX string(1500) Expanded dimension text
EXPLTX string(1500) Expanded projection line text
FONTN string(80) Font name
LHEI real Letter height
PDEFI string Primitive Definition
PFONTN string(80) Projection line text font name
PRMVI logical Draughting primitive visibility
PTLH real Projection text letter height
SYSZ real Symbol size (uniform scaling)
VDPOS pos Dimension line/arc position

15.32 Attribute Category: Draft Drawing and Sheet

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

DREVAY element(50) DRWG revisions array
DRTITL string(120) Drawing title
NUMOFF integer Number of Sheets in Drawing
SHTNUM integer Sheet Number
SREVAY element(50) Sheet revisions array
STITL string(120) Sheet title

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15.33 Attribute Category: Draft Drawing View

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

ELEVV logical Is Elevation View
PLANV logical Is Plan View
PSTAT integer Plane status
SVWAY element(50) Sheet Views array
VLIM real(6) View limits
VREG real(4) View region
VTITL string(120) View title
VVOL real(6) View volume

15.34 Attribute Category: Draft Intelligent Text Related

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

PCODA integer Precision code angles
PCODF integer Precision code fractions
PCODI integer Precision code imperial
PCODM integer Precision code metric
UCODB integer Units code bore
UCODD integer Units code distance

15.35 Attribute Category: Draft & Schematic Drawing-File


Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

DOFIL string(73) Drawing Object filename
DRFILE string(73) Drawing File name
DRFNUM integer(11) Drawing file numbers
DRFTYP integer(11) Drawing File Types
ISLOADED logical True if Sheet is loaded

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

ISPICF logical Picture has File
PICF string(73) Picture filename
PICHTY word Hard type of picture
PICSTY word Soft type of picture

15.36 Attribute Category: Draft Style Related - Line/Fill/


Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

BFSTREF element Backface linestyle Reference
CHSTREF element Crosshairs linestyle Reference
CLSTREF element Centreline linestyle Reference
COLSTREF element Column linestyle Reference
DLSTREF element Dimension linestyle Reference
FFSTREF element Front-face linestyle Reference
FSTNUM integer Fill style number
FSTREF element Fill style Reference
HLSTREF element Hatching linestyle Reference
LFSTREF element Label frame linestyle Reference
LLSTREF element Label leader linestyle Reference
MLNSTREF element Member-line linestyle Reference
MSTREF element Marker style Reference
NLSTREF element Note linestyle Reference
OBSTREF element Obscured face linestyle Reference
OLSTREF element Outline linestyle Reference
PLNSTREF element Pline linestyle Reference
PLSTREF element Projection linestyle Reference
ROWSTREF element Row linestyle Reference

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15.37 Attribute Category: Element Type Related

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

ACTTYPE word Type of element, truncating non UDETs
to 4 or 6 characters
AHLIS word(200) List of actual types in owning hierarchy
FULLT string Full type of the element
FULSYS string Type of the element, ignoring UDET, not
OSTYPE word Short cut for "Type of owner"
TYPE word Type of the element, ignoring UDET,
truncated to 4 or 6 characters
TYSEQU integer Type Sequence Number

15.38 Attribute Category: Extract Related

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

EXHCNC element(5000) As EXTCNC, but repeat test for all
EXHCNN element(5000) As EXTCNN, but repeat test for all
EXHCON element(5000) As EXTCON, but repeat test for all
EXHRCN element(5000) As EXRCN, but repeat test for all
EXHRCO element(5000) As EXTRCO, but repeat test for all
EXMOC logical As EXMOD but ignoring changes to
"noclaim" attributes and member lists
EXPMOC logical As EXPMOD but ignoring changes to
"noclaim" attributes and member lists
EXPMOD logical True if primary and element or non-
primary descendants have been modified
in this extract
EXTCNC element(5000) As EXTCON but excluding non modified

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

EXTCNN element(5000) As EXTCON but excluding modified
EXTCON element(5000) Primary elements connected/
disconnected from element or non
primary descendants in extract
EXTRCN element(5000) As EXTCNN, but applied recursively to
each connection
EXTRCO element(5000) As EXTCON, but applied recursively to
each connection
OKDROP logical True if element may be dropped
OKRLEX logical True if element may be extract released

15.39 Attribute Category: Global

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

ADMLOC element Currently administered location
CURLOC element True current location
DBALL element(8000) List of DBs allocated to location
DBPR element(8000) List of DBs Primary at location
GLBSTR logical True if Project has Global structure
ISEXAP logical True if extract ancestry is primary here
ISEXCP logical True if all extract children are primary
ISEXMP logical True if extract master is primary here
ISEXOP logical True if extract owner is primary here
ISPRIM logical True if database is primary at this location
LOCPR element(1000) List of LOCs Primary at location
PRIMDB string Global status of DB, primary or secondary
PRMLOC element Primary location

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15.40 Attribute Category: Hull

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

APARMS real(9) All parameters
ASREF element Assembly reference
ATWLEN real Assembly total weld length
BENT logical Bent flag
BEVEL real Bevel
BEVFLA real Bevel code, flange
BEVLFT real Bevel code on left side of seam
BEVM real(2) Bevel codes along M1 and M2 curves
BEVRGT real Bevel code on right side of seam
BEVTXT string Bevel text
BEVWEB real Bevel code, web
BLCKLM logical True if block limit seam
CLIPCD integer Clip code
CLOSED logical True if plate covering entire referenced
CMALL real Structure allowance
CMBOUA element Aft boundary
CMBOUF element Fwd boundary
CMBOUL element Lower boundary
CMBOUP element Ps boundary
CMBOUS element Stbd boundary
CMBOUU element Upper boundary
CMBOX real(6) Bounding box
CMCAT string(256) Compartment category
CMCDE real Content density
CMCTID string(256) Content type ID
CMDESC string(256) Compartment description
CMFLW real Full Load Weight
CMLCV real Longitudinal centre of total volume
CMMGE integer Merged compartment indicator

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

CMPER real Compartment permeability
CMPERD real Permeability for use in damage
CMPURP string(256) Purpose
CMTCV real Transverse centre of total volume
CMTYP integer Type of compartment
CMVCV real Vertical centre of total volume
CMVOL real Total volume
CNTNUM integer Contour number
COMNT string Comment
CONAM string Cutout name
CONCD integer Connection code
CONDES string Connection string
CONTYP string Connection type
CORNUM integer Corner number
DATINT integer(2) Date
DEST string(26) Destination
DIST real(2) Distances
DISTM real(2) Distances to M1 and M2 curves
DSGNTN string Designation
DSTNCE real Distance
DTWTCL string Date of weight/cog calculation
EDPUV pos End point
EPARAM real(6) Evaluated parameters
EXCESS real Excess
EXCLFT real Excess on left side of seam
EXCRGT real Excess on right side of seam
EXCTLF integer Excess type on left side of seam
EXCTRG integer Excess type on right side of seam
EXTNSN real Extension
FLATYP integer Flange type
FNCCD integer Functional description code
FNCTXT string(80) Functional description
FOLDED logical True if folded

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

GENSTR string General strings
GPSTR string General purpose strings
GRIND real Grinding info
HGHT real Height
HLCOLO string Hull Colour
HULCNT integer Size of hull array/collection
HULLOB element Hull object reference
HULOC string Location
HUMVW string Model View
HUREFL logical Reflected
HUREPL element Replica
HUSYMM logical Symmetrical
IDENT string Panel identification string
INCL real Inclination angle
INSTNC string Bracket instance name
ISECPT pos Intersection point
KNUANG real Knuckle angle
KNUCKL logical True if knuckled
LIMNUM integer Order number of limit
MACRID string Clip macro ID
MANBLK string Name of owner block
MANPAN string Name of owner panel
MANTRA real(16) Transformation from local coordinate
MIRROR logical True if mirrored in local v-axis
MODREF element Model reference
MOULEN real Mould length
NOMARK logical True if unmarked
NOPGS integer Number of openings
NTRLEN real Neutral length
OBJCD integer(2) Object codes
OFFSET real Offset
OGDSTS real(25) Distances to openings

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

OUTFRF element Reference of matching outfit object
OVRSH real Overshoot (d-measure) for unsymmetrical
PANREF element Panel reference
PANSID integer Side of panel
PARAL logical True if tap parallel to referred seam
PARM real(6) Parameters
PARNAM string(256) Part name
PARREF element(10) Part reference
PLAREA real Area
PNTUV pos Point2D
PNTXYZ pos Point3D
POINUM integer Point Num
POSNO integer Position number
PRTIDL string(132) Long part id
PRTIDM string(132) Module part id
PRTIDS string(132) Short part id
PRTLST string(26) Parts list name
QUACD integer Quality code
QUATXT string(26) Quality
RAWPLA element Raw Plate
REFLCL logical True if reflected in CL
RSBOX real(6) Bounding box of RSO
RSFFD integer Functional description on face
RSFMC integer Material code on face
RSFMS string(256) Material side on face
RSFMT real Material thickness on face
RSFSA logical Auto stiffening on face
RSFSD string(256) Profile dim on face
RSFSS string(256) Stiffener side on face
RSFST integer Profile type on face
RSFWT logical Watertight
RSLBRA string(256) Bracket instance at limit

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

RSLELE element Limiting element
RSLPRE integer Profile end definition at limit
RSPAN element(1000) Panel(s) defined on RSO
RSPLN integer Principal plane of RSO
RSTYP integer Type of RSO
SCHEME string Scheme name
SDTINT integer(2) Splitting date
SDTTXT string(22) Splitting date
SHFALG real Shrinkage factor along main direction
SHFPRP real Shrinkage factor perpendicular to main
SHFSEA real Shrinkage factor for seams perp. to main
SHPUV pos Point defining shrinkage
SHVUV dir Vector defining shrinkage
SPECIF logical True if outer panel contour on PS/SB are
SPLA string Name of spigot plate
SPPOSN integer Position number of spigot plate
STPUV pos Start point
STREAT string(26) Surface treatment
STRXPL logical True if surface treatment explicitly defined
SYMLNS integer Side of direction vector
SYMM integer Symmetry code
SYMXYZ dir Vector along symmetry line
TAGCD integer Tag code
TAGCDS integer(25) Tag codes
TAGNMS integer(25) Tag numbers
TAGNUM integer Tag number
TOTLEN real Total length
TPLFRR element(10000 Topology references
TWIST logical True if twisted
TWSTAN real Twist angle

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

TYPECD integer Type code
TYPECE integer Type code
WELDDP real Welding depth

15.41 Attribute Category: LEXICON

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

ISKEYDB logical Does ukey incorporate DB number
UDATLS word(200) List of attributes for UDET

15.42 Attribute Category: Link Related

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

LNKCLS element(500) Classes referencing a DocLink
LNKDOC element(500) DocLinks referring to element
LNKELE element(500) Elements referencing a DocLink
LNKREF element Reference internal document (drawing/
LNPRXS element(500) Proxy items referring to element
URL string(1024) URL

15.43 Attribute Category: Local Name Related

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

LNAME string(20) Local name as stored on template
LNLST string(2000) List of local names for current template
RSEQFA element(500) Rule sequence ref array for local names
RSEQN integer Sequence number for rule execution

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15.44 Attribute Category: Mass Properties

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

DNST real Density
GCOF pos Gross centre of gravity
GMOF real(9) Gross moments of inertia
GSRF real Gross surface area
GVOL real Gross volume
GWEI real Gross weight
HCOFG pos computed item centre of gravity
HSRFA real Computed Hull item surface area
HVOLU real Computed Hull Item volume
HWEIG real computed analytic hull item weight
MOFI pos Moment of Inertia
NCOF pos Nett centre of gravity
NMOF real(9) Nett moments of inertia
NSRF real Nett surface area
NVOL real Nett volume
NWEI real Nett weight
RCOF pos Rough centre of gravity
RMOF real(9) Rough moments of inertia
RSRF real Rough surface area
RVOL real Rough gross volume
RWEI real Rough weight

15.45 Attribute Category: Mitred Bend

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

ACTANG real Actual angle of a bend
ACTNCU integer Actual number of cuts of a bend
ACTRAD real Actual radius of a bend
BSCANG real Bend Segment Cut Angle

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

BSCLL real Centre-Line Length of a mitred Bend
BSMNIL real Minimum Length of Insulation of a mitred
Bend Segment
BSMNL real Minimum Length of a mitred Bend
BSMXIL real Maximum Length of Insulation of a mitred
Bend Segment
BSMXL real Maximum Length of a mitred Bend
BVSCLL real Centre-Line Length of a mitred Bend
BVSMNI real Minimum Length of Insulation of a Virtual
mitred Bend end-Segment
BVSMNL real Minimum Length of a virtual mitred Bend
BVSMXI real Maximum Length of Insulation of a Virtual
mitred Bend end-Segment
BVSMXL real Maximum Length of a virtual mitred Bend

15.46 Attribute Category: Name Related

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

CUTNAM string(700) integer Full name of element, truncated to n
CUTNMN string(700) integer Full name of element (without leading
slash) truncated to n characters
FLNM string(700) Full name of the element
FLNN string(700) Full name of the element (without leading
ISNAMED logical True if element is named
NAMESQ string(700) Type. sequence number and name of
NAMETY string(700) Type and name of the element
NAMN string(500) Name of the element (without leading

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

NAMTYP string(700) Type and full name of element
RAWNAM string(500) Name only

15.47 Attribute Category: Nuclear Applications

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

MATPURPOSE word Material purpose
NUCDNA real Distance to nearest anchor
NUCDNE real Distance to the Nearest Edge
NUCDNR element(2) Nearest Adjacent Anchor

15.48 Attribute Category: Other Design

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

AVRAD real Average radius for a CTOR or RTOR
DOCREF element Document reference
DOCXRF element(500) Return reference from Design element to
DOCITM element
NCONNE integer Mismatched connections. that is no valid

15.49 Attribute Category: Piping

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

ATLE real Length of arrive implied tube
CEND string Connection at other end of CREF (HEAD
or TAIL)
FITLEN real Length of branch fitting
GRDE real Gradient of implied tube. Gradient is the
vertical rise(fall) divided by the horizontal
INTHK real Insulation thickness

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

ITLE real Length of implied tube
ITPS pos Position of implied tube
LTLE real Length of leave implied tube
MTBE element Material tube start. The first component,
excluding ATTSs, for whom the LOFF is
invalid or false
MTCL real Material tube centreline length.
MTEN element Material tube end. The first component,
excluding ATTSs, for whom the LOFF is
invalid or false
MTLE real Material tube length for TUBI. Includes
preceding bend length if bend is offline.
MTOL string(1000) Material List Length
MTOQ string(1000) Material take off quantity
PCREF integer(4) integer Ppoint and ref of connected piping
POCK word Is a branch component in a pocket
ROBRRU element(500) Router Rules applying to a piping element
or members
STAP real Length of arrive straight tube
STLE real Length of leave straight tube
TEXIST logical True if component has TUBI. Always true
for offline bends.
TGEOM logical True if component has TUBI geometry

15.50 Attribute Category: Pipe Piece

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

AELRFA element(500) Boundary components for the PipePiece
BELRFA element(500) All components in the PipePiece
BELTYP integer(500) All component types in the PipeSpool
CMPRFA element(500) All components for the PipePiece
MELRFA element(500) All components (non-tube) in the
PCRFA element(500) All spools that contain this element

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

PPANFL real Pipe Piece Angle between flanges
PPAREF element Pipe Piece Arrive Reference
PPBRAD real(500) Pipe piece bend radii
PPBRAT real(500) Pipe piece bend ratio
PPCUTL real Cut Length
PPEFR logical Leave flange required
PPFINL real Finished Length
PPFMCV logical Pipe piece fabrication machines verified
PPLREF element Pipe Piece Leave Reference
PPRFA element(500) All components in the PipePiece
PPSFR logical Arrive flange required
PPSPEC element Pipe Piece Specification
PPVBMC element Return the bending machine IF the pipe
piece is verified
PPVERI word Pipe piece verified
PPVWMC element Return the welding machine IF the pipe
piece is verified
PSVLD logical Pipespool valid

15.51 Attribute Category: Piping Specification

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

ICAT element Insulation catalogue reference
IDET element Insulation detail text reference
IDRT string(2000) Insulation detail RTEXT
IDST string(2000) Insulation detail STEXT
IDTT string(2000) Insulation detail TTEXT
IMAT element Insulation material text reference
IMXT string(2000) Insulation material XTEXT
IMYT string(2000) Insulation material YTEXT
IMZT string(2000) Insulation material ZTEXT
ISPR element Insulation specification component

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

TCAT element Trace catalogue reference
TDET element Trace detail text reference
TDRT string(2000) Trace detail RTEXT
TDST string(2000) Trace detail STEXT
TDTT string(2000) Trace detail TTEXT
TMAT element Trace material text reference
TMXT string(2000) Trace material XTEXT
TMYT string(2000) Trace material YTEXT
TMZT string(2000) Trace material ZTEXT
TSPR element Trace specification component reference

15.52 Attribute Category: Pline Related

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

PLCN logical word Pline centreline flag
PLCO word word Pline connection
PLDE string(120) word Pline description
PLEN pos word Pline end
PLENCU pos word Pline end, allowing for cutback
PLLE integer(2) word Pline level
PLLS word(100) List of valid Plines
PLNA word(100) List of available Pline names
PLOR ori word Pline orientation
PLPU word word Pline purpose
PLREFS element(5000) Pline references
PLST pos word Pline start
PLSTCU pos word Pline start, allowing for cutback
PLTU logical word Pline tube flag
PLVI word(200) List of visible Plines
PLVIF integer word Pline visibility flag

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15.53 Attribute Category: Positional

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

D real Position downing
DRPS pos Derived position for steelwork
E real Position easting
EASTING pos Easting part expressed as a position
EVOL real(6) Enclosing box volume in given
GRDAXE string Grid axes
GRDDIR dir Grid direction
GRDPOS pos Grid Position
N real Position northing
NORTHING pos Northing part expressed as a position
NPOSE real Easting of position wrt owner
NPOSN real Northing of position wrt owner
NPOSU real Upping of position wrt owner
ORI ori Orientation
ORIA real(3) Orientation as angles
POS pos Position
POSN real Northing of position
POSU real Upping of position
POSX real Easting (X coordinate) of position
S real Position southing
SHIPX string(20) Ship X position
SHIPY string(20) Ship Y position
SHIPZ string(20) Ship Z position
TRANS real(12) transformation matrix
U real Position upping
UPPING pos Upping part expressed as a position
W real Position westing
WORI ori World orientation

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

WORPOS pos World position
WTRANS real(12) Transformation matrix to world

15.54 Attribute Category: PPoint Related

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

PCONDE string(120) integer Ppoint connection description
PDIR dir integer Ppoint direction
PGRD real integer Ppoint gradient
POD real integer Ppoint outside diameter
PPBO real integer Ppoint bore
PPCO word integer Ppoint connection type
PPCOU integer Number of valid Ppoints
PPDE string(120) integer Ppoint description
PPEXST logical integer True if Ppoint exists
PPLS integer(200) List of valid Ppoints
PPOS pos integer Ppoint position
PPSK word integer Ppoint pskey
PPUR word integer Ppoint purpose
PPVI integer(200) List of visible Ppoints
PPVIF integer integer Ppoint visibility flag
PSPIN integer Ppoint number showing position of
PZDIR dir integer Ppoint alignment direction

15.55 Attribute Category: Presentation Related

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

ICOTYP string(300) Icon used for element

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15.56 Attribute Category: Project Copy

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

PCPIDV word Enabled for project copy
PCPSET real Enabled for project copy

15.57 Attribute Category: Repeats Related

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

REPSEQ integer Sequence no. for template repeat
TMRXREF element(500) Return reference from TMRREL element
to repeat elements

15.58 Attribute Category: Rules Related

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

DEPATT word(2000) Attributes that a rule or catalogue
parameterised expression is dependent
NRULEE integer Number of rule inconsistencies on
RCOU integer Number of rules on element
RULEER string(300) integer Text of "nth" rule error
RULSET word(2000) List of rules set

15.59 Attribute Category: Schematics

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

BRALNK element(20) Connectivity SCBRAN-BRANCH Link
CMPLNK element Return reference from schematic or
design element to CYMLNK element
DESLNK element(20) Connectivity Design Model Link

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

DIAREF element(500) Diagram reference array for schematic
LLDIAGRAMS string(2000) Line list diagrams
LLENTRY logical Is a line list entry - true or false
LLFROM string(2000) From column text for a line list
LLTBRANCH element Line list tail branch
LLTO string(2000) To column text for a line list
NVIEWF string(73) integer Neutral viewer filename
PAGE integer(500) Page in diagram
RESTAT integer Release to 3D status
SCBREF element(50) Schematic element back reference
SCEIRE element(60) Enhanced instrument relationship
SCELOR element(20) Enhanced instrumentation loop reference
array for schematic elements
SCHELE element Schematic head element
SCHLNK element Connectivity Schematic Link
SCIERTYPE word(60) Instrument enhanced reference type
SCIIRE element(50) Instrument to instrument reference
SCIIRTYPE word(50) Instrument to instrument reference type
SCIPRE element(50) Instrument process reference
SCIPRTYPE word(50) Instrument process reference type
SCIREL element(50) Instrument relationship
SCIRLTYPE word(50) Instrument relationship type
SCTELE element Schematic tail element
STEREF element(500) Stencil reference array for schematic
VISF string(73) Visio filename

15.60 Attribute Category: Space Management

Attribute Data Type Qualifier Description

SPMARA real Area of face
SPMBOX real(6) Bounding box

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Attribute Data Type Qualifier Description

SPMCFA real Floor area
SPMCLI word(2000) List of customer attributes for space
SPMCOV pos Centre of Volume
SPMFAR real Face area
SPMFLW real Full load weight
SPMMVO real Total (moulded) volume
SPMNVO real Net volume
SPMSFP element Returns the space that contains the
given point
SPMTYP string(20) Type of space world as enumerated
SPMARA real Area of face

15.61 Attribute Category: Spatial

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

CSGBOX real(6) CSG-Calculated box volume in world
GTAREAS element(5000) All areas that fully or partially enclose
GTEXAREAS element(5000) All areas that fully enclose element
LVOL real(6) Enclosing box volume in local coordinates
WVOL real(6) Enclosing box volume in world

15.62 Attribute Category: SPOOLER

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

AWDOWN integer(3) Table linking AWELD elements to piping
AWDREF element(20) Return reference to AWELD element
AWELDS integer(20) Weld numbers of attached welds
BOLTPARTNUMB integer(20) Spooling bolt part numbers

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

ITMTBL integer(2000) Table linking AITEMS elements to piping
IWDORF element(1500) Weld owners attribute on IWELD
IWDOWN integer(8) Table linking IWELD elements to piping
JNTORF element(1500) Joint owners attribute on IJOINT
JNTOWN integer(8) Table linking IJOINT elements to piping
JNTREF element integer Return reference from Ppoint to ijoint
MTOPARTNUMB integer(20) Additional spooling item part numbers
PARTNUMBER integer Part number of a spooled component or
leave tube
PBENDNUMBER integer Spooling pulled bend number
RWDOWN integer(2) Table linking RWELD elements to design
WELD elements
RWDOWN element Reference of associated WELD of
RWELD element
SFREF element Return reference from piping component
or leave tube to spool or field element
SPLMEM element(1500) Spooling table attribute on SPOOL or
FIELD elements
SPLPARENT element(500) elemtype Branches referenced by a SPLDRG,
SPLTBL integer(2000) Table linking SPOOL & FIELD elements
to piping components
SPLVOLUME real(3) Volume of a SPOOL element
SPOONUMBER string(120) Spool number including spool prefix
WJPOS pos Implied weld position
WLDREF element integer Return reference from Ppoint or WELD to
IWELD or RWELD element
WSHOP logical Weld shop/site flag on IWELD/RWELD
WSPEC element Weld specification on IWELD/RWELD

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15.63 Attribute Category: Stairs

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

NOTREAD integer(10) Number of treads

15.64 Attribute Category: Status Related

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

STVASD element(500) Status types eligible
STVCOM string element Status comment
STVDSC string element Status description
STVHCO string element Status held comment
STVHOL logical element Current status held
STVLNK element element Status value Reference
STVLSK element(500) Status Link Elements
STVLST element(500) Statuses assigned
STVNAM string element Status value name
STVNUM integer element Status value
STVSUS logical element Current status held
STVTRV element(500) Valid Transitions
STVUNR element(500) Unresolved Status refs
STVUSD element(10000) Elements having this status value
STVVAL element element Status value Reference

15.65 Attribute Category: Structural

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

AANGXZ real Angle of attached SCTN in XZ plane of
AANGYZ real Angle of attached SCTN in YZ plane of
ACTL real Actual length

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

ANPJ pos Attached neutral point of joint (steelwork)
ANPS pos Attached neutral point of section
BPANOR ori Curved base panel orientation
BPANRE element Base panel reference
CUTL real Cut length
DELPE real Easting of D-Position in STRUC
DELPN real Northing of D-position in STRUC
DELPU real Upping of D-position in STRUC
DISTFH real Distance from head
DISTFN real Distance from next point
DISTFP real Distance from previous point
DRNE dir Plane normal at end of SCTN/GENSEC
DRNS dir Plane normal at start of SCTN/GENSEC
ECCE pos Eccentricity (steelwork)
ECCJ pos Eccentricity of joint (steelwork)
HIERARCHY element(5000) Structural connections
HRJUSL word Handrail Justification Line
JUSL word Justification Pline
LENG real Length
LENSEG real Length of segment
LINKS element(5000) Linked elements
LOHE real PLOOP height - from first PLOOP in
owning panel
MIDP pos Section midpoint (steelwork)
ONPJ pos Owning neutral point of joint (steelwork)
ONPS pos Owning neutral point of section
PALIG real Panel alignment
POSE pos End point position
POSEE real Easting of end point position
POSEU real Upping of end point position
POSEY real Northing (Y coordinate) of end point

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

POSS pos Start point position
POSSE real Easting of start point position
POSSN real Northing of start point position
POSSU real Upping of start point position
PSIZE real(2) Panel size
RATTAL element(500) word Ratta list
SLRAP element(500) Sorted list of RATTA after POINTR
SLRBP element(500) Sorted list of RATTA before POINTR
TCTL real True cut length
UBULG real Used bulge factor for curve geometry
UCURTYP word Used curve type
URADI real Used radius for curve geometry
YDIR dir Preferred Y axis direction
ZDIR dir Additional axis direction

15.66 Attribute Category: Surface

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

SURNOR dir pos, dir Surface Normal
SURPNT pos pos, dir Surface Point

15.67 Attribute Category: Surface Treatment

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

MYINSF element Surface Treatment Reference
MYOUSF element Surface Treatment Reference
MYSRFT element word Surface Treatment Reference
PUINCD string(120) Inside punch code
PUOUCD string(120) Outside punch code
STINCD string(120) Inside surface treatment symbol code
STINRF element Inside surface treatment reference

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

STOUCD string(120) Outside Surface treatment symbol code
STOURF element Outside surface treatment reference

15.68 Attribute Category: System Related

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

INSYST element(500) Reference Array of all SYSGRPs
PRIMSY element Reference of the primary system

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Introduction to Attributes

16 Introduction to Attributes

All attributes can be queried and set by the user. However, many are automatically set as a
result of commands. Only the attributes that you would normally set explicitly are described
in full. The ones that are set automatically are of interest because you can report on them.
Note that some attributes are used exclusively by Outfitting modules. These are not
described here.
Attributes can be divided into two categories:
1. General attributes occur throughout the database; they are common to most
elements. For example, OWNER (every element in the Design data has an owner),
POS (position), ORI (orientation), BUILT (true or false, indicating whether it has been
constructed on site or not).
2. Special Attributes belong to particular elements or classes of elements and have
specific meanings for those elements; for example, FLOWD (flow direction) in a
The special attributes are either self-explanatory or are explained in the context of the
element under which they appear in this chapter.

Note: Some special attributes are only used for drawing control within ISODRAFT or
Outfitting Draft. How the settings of these attributes are applied is described in the
ISODRAFT or Outfitting Draft Reference Manual.

In addition to their standard attributes, elements may have one or more user-defined
attributes (UDAs). These are set and used in the same way as standard attributes, except
that the UDA names are distinguished by being prefixed with a colon (:) character. For
further details, see the LEXICON Command Reference Manual.

16.1 Attribute Types

The following is a list of attribute types.

Name Attribute
All names start with a slash / and consist of any number of name parts separated by further
slashes. The maximum length is 51 characters. A name part consists of any string of
characters, letters, or digits, with the exception of $ or @. If the STAR command (qv) has
been used, the * character has special significance.
The names given to elements are purely for your convenience and have no meaning in the
Examples: /HX42 /HX42/NOZ1 /16/23/NH4/H21/N4 /AREA3

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Real Attribute
A real attribute holds a single real number (for example 25.5, -0.057, 25683.5, etc.). Real
attributes are generally used to store dimensions (for example. DIAM, XLEN, etc.).

Integer Attribute
An integer attribute holds a single integer or whole number (for example. 1, -2, 4000, etc.).
Integer attributes are used in Piping Components to identify connection points (ARRIV,
LEAVE); in Equipment Primitives to identify obstruction levels for clash detection (OBSTR);

Reference Attribute
A reference attribute holds a reference to another element. The attribute holds the internal
system reference number, for example. =12/106, and not the name of the element.
Reference attributes are used to forge logical links between elements. For example, the
SPREF attribute is used to link a Piping Component element in the Design to a Specification
Component in a Specification. Note that a reference attribute may be restricted to storing the
references of particular types of element (for example. the SPREF reference of a Piping
Component may only contain the reference to a Specification Component element, that is
an element of type SPCOM). The restrictions on individual reference attributes are shown in
brackets with each attribute.

Logical Attribute
A logical attribute is either TRUE or FALSE. An example of its use is the BUILT attribute in a
Pipe which is needed to indicate whether the Pipe has been constructed on site or not.

Word Attribute
A word attribute holds a string of up to four characters. Word attributes are used, for
example, to indicate the direction of flow in a branch (FORW, BACK) etc.

String Attribute
A string attribute holds a string of up to 120 alphanumeric characters (for example. ’HP
STEAM’). The string must be input between closing single quotes or, optionally, between
vertical bars (useful for entering imperial units, for example. |4’6|).

Datetime Attribute
A datetime attribute holds the date and time information. The value is formatted according to
the current locale.

Real Array Attribute

A real array attribute holds more than one real number. For example, the position attribute
(POS) consists of three real numbers and represents the X, Y and Z coordinates which
define the position of an element.

Integer Array Attribute

An integer array attribute holds more than one integer. For example, the LEVEL attribute
consists of two integers and is used to control the level range of drawing detail.

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Reference Array Attribute

A reference array attribute holds more than one reference to another element. For example,
a connection reference array (CRFA) is used to hold the connection links of a four-way valve
(VFWA) or a CROSS.

Noclaim Attribute
If an attribute is set to 'noclaim' it means that the attribute can be modified without having to
claim the element. Thus reducing contention in specific area such as connecting branches
to equipment where a number of piping engineers can connect their branches to the same
equipment. Note that there would be no warning if two branches were connected to the
same nozzle with the last user to do a savework “winning”.

16.2 List of All Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

AALLAN real Arrive Ppoint allowed angle
AANGXZ real Angle of attached SCTN in XZ plane of
AANGYZ real Angle of attached SCTN in YZ plane of
ABLE integer Minimum abbreviation length for a UDA/
UDET user defined name
ABOP pos Bottom of arrive pipe
ABOR real Arrive bore
ABRE string(8) Abbreviation
ACBO string(1000) Actual bore
ACCDIR dir Access Direction
ACCELE real(500) Elevations of Referenced Levels
ACCESSDB string(10) DB access
ACCIDENT real Accident level radiation
ACCLEV real(500) Access Heights for Stairwell
ACCREF element Reference to Access element
ACCTYP word Access type
ACDATE string(50) Date last modified in AutoCAD
ACDSTY string(120) AutoCAD Dimension style
ACDWT string(120) AutoCAD drawing template name
ACEXPO string AutoCAD export flag
ACLASS word(100) Access Control Attribute class

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

ACLAYE string(120) AutoCAD layer name
ACLIST element(500) Arriving cables to attached point
ACLOCK string AutoCAD picture lock
ACNAME string(120) AutoCAD name
ACON word Arrive connection type
ACORRO real Arrive corrosion allowance
ACPICT string AutoCAD picture flag
ACPO element Access port reference
ACRF element ACR reference attribute
ACRGRP element(5000) List of ACRs within a ACRSET
ACRLI element(1000) Access Control User assigned ACRs
ACRMESSAGE string(120) Access Control User defined message
ACSCAL real AutoCAD picture scale factor
ACSTYF element Annotation change style reference
ACTANG real Actual angle of a bend
ACTL real Actual length
ACTNCU integer Actual number of cuts of a bend
ACTRAD real Actual radius of a bend
ACTTYPE word Type of element, truncating non UDETs
to 4 or 6 characters
ADDSEGMENTS logical Auto creating segments flag
ADEFRF element Reference to master ASSDEF
ADEG real Orientation
ADEN real Addition factor (unit definition)
ADESP real(100) Design parameters of attached element
ADIR dir Arrive direction
ADMLOC element Currently administered location
ADPRFA element(500) ADP reference array
ADUUID string(40) PDMS Project GLOBAL UUID version
AELRFA element(500) Boundary components for the
AGRD real Arrive Ppoint gradient
AHLIS word(200) List of actual types in owning hierarchy
AIRCHA real Air Change Rate

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

AIRT string(120) Air tight control method
AKEY word Attribute key
AKEYL word(20) Attribute-keylist (for Radial dimensions)
ALCODE integer(10) Alarm code array
ALENGTH real Arrive length
ALIGN string Vertical alignment
ALIST element(500)
ALLANG string(1000) Connection allowable rotational angle
ALLELE element(10000) elemtype All elements in the MDB of a particular
ALLO real Allowance
ALTDEF element Alternative Def
AMAPNM string(120) Local Name of Proxy actual member
AMEMRF element Reference to a design model object
AMPMPN string(120) Local Name of Proxy in Association
ANGFR real Angle between assembly and frame
ANGL real Angle
ANGLSP real(10000) ANGLE Spacing
ANGSPA real Springback angle at 20 degrees
ANGSPB real Springback angle at 120 degrees
ANGWL real Angle between assembly and water-line
ANPJ pos Attached neutral point of joint
ANPS pos Attached neutral point of section
ANSTYP word Type of answer NONE, REAL, WORD,
ANSW real Answer, when a real is expected
ANTY string(120) Analysis type
ANYCHA logical True if chamfer is defined on any edge
AOBJS element(500) Reference Array of all Model currently
participating in ASSOCs
AOD real Arrive Ppoint outside diameter
APAR real(100) Attached catalogue parameters
APARMS real(9) All parameters

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

APDT string(12) Date of approval
APOF real(2) Leaderline attachment point
APOS pos Arrive position
APOSE real Easting of arrive position
APOSN real Northing of arrive position
APOSU real Upping of arrive position
APPL string(20) Application
APPR string(1000) Approver
APRO real Spot value of property A
AQAANG real Angle between alignment direction of
arrive pp and previous
AQANG real Angle between arrive Ppoint and
previous component
AQBORE logical TRUE if arrive Ppoint has same bore as
AQCON logical TRUE if arrive Ppoint has Correct
connection type
AQOFF real Offset between arrive Ppoint and
previous component
AREA integer Area
AREAEX logical True if area exists for DB
AREARE element Area reference
ARNO integer Picture directory area number
ARRHEI real Arrive height
ARRI integer Arrive Ppoint
ARRWID real Arrive width
ASBPAN element Assembly base panel reference
ASBUIL string(1000) Assembly build strategy
ASCODE string Anno selection code
ASDEST string(120) Assembly destination
ASECOG real(3) Assembly estimated centre of gravity
ASEWEI real Assembly estimated weight
ASIOWN element(500) Assembly item referring to element
ASIQUA integer Assembly item quantity
ASLSBSTANDA element ASL Substandard Reference

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

ASLSTANDARD element ASL Standard Reference
ASMBLD logical True if element is assembled
ASMBLR element Assembly reference
ASMBLS string A for assembled elements, NA for not
assembled elements
ASMBLX string(120) Assembly reference as text
ASMBS element(500) Reference Array of all association
members using element
ASMOWN element(500) Assembly referring to element
ASNAME string(50) Local assembly name
ASORI integer Predefined assembly orientation
ASORIS string(20) Predefined assembly orientation string
ASPART logical True if assembly part.
ASPLNO integer Number of assembly plate parts
ASPRNO integer Number of profiles on assembly part
ASPWLE integer Total length of weld in assembly part
ASREF element Assembly reference
ASRF element ADP annotation symbol library ref
ASSCIA element(500) Reference Array of all associate
elements used with constraints
ASSDFS element(500) Reference Array of all ASSDEFs
ASSEQ integer Assembly sequence
ASSNTS element Reference to assembly nest (valid for
individual nest only)
ASSOS element(500) Reference Array of all associations with
ASSTAR element Association Target Reference
ASSTMPREFER element Assembly Template Reference
ASTAB word(15) ADP association table
ASTMBS element(500) Reference Array of all association
members targeting element
ASUB real Angle subtended
ASWLOC string(120) Assembly working location
ATCONN element(500) List of elements connected to
ATCORR real Arrive tube corrosion allowance

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

ATEX string(1000) Unintelligent text string
ATLE real Length of arrive implied tube
ATLS word(50) Access type list
ATNA word Attribute name
ATOL integer Arc tolerance
ATOP pos Top of arrive pipe
ATQUALIFIER string(4000) Attribute qualifier
ATTC word Attached connection type
ATTDST word(2000) List the distributed attributes, default
gives all udas
ATTLIST word(2000) List of all attributes for element
ATTMOD logical attr True if specified attribute has been
modified this session
ATTMODC logical attr True if specified attribute has been
modified since comparison date
ATTMODLIST word(500) integer List of attributes modified since given
ATTMODLISTC word(500) List of attributes modified since
comparison date
ATTNAM string(32) Attribute Name expression for ATTRRL
ATTOUT word(2000) List of all attributes excluding hidden
ones, i.e as output in "Q ATT"
ATTRAW word(2000) List of raw attributes
ATTRUL string(1000) Attribute Rule expression for ATTRRL
ATTSET word Set attribute with result
ATTY word Attachment type
ATWALL real Arrive tube wall thickness
ATWLEN real Assembly total weld length
ATWREF element Arrive tube wall thickness reference
AUTCOL real(3) Design rgb autocolour
AUTCRE logical Set true to automatically create bound
AUTH string(1000) Author
AVRAD real Average radius for a CTOR or RTOR
AWALLT real Arrive wall thickness

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

AWDARR logical Auto weld arrive flange
AWDFLN logical Bending machine accepts autowelded
AWDLEV logical Auto weld leave flange
AWDOWN integer(3) Table linking AWELD elements to piping
AWDREF element(20) Return reference to AWELD element
AWELDS integer(20) Weld numbers of attached welds
AXIDIR dir Axis direction applied to repeat
AXIPOS pos Axis position applied to repeat
AXSPRI logical Is principle Axes Symbol
AXSSIZ real AXESYM nominal size
AXSTYP word Axes Symbol type
AYDIR dir Arrive Y axis direction
AZDIR dir Arrive alignment direction
AZID real Default Azimuth value
AZIF real Azimuth attractor factor
AZIL real(2) Azimuth limits (Min/Max)
AZIS logical Azimuth set flag - ignore Azimuth
values if FALSE
BAEXSS real Bending Excess Arrive
BAIN string Before/After indicator
BANG real Beta angle
BASETYPE word Base type for the user-defined element
BBFF element(500) Array of bounding Boundary Formers
BCPY element Backward copy reference
BDIA string(1000) Bolt diameter
BEAD real Default Bearing value
BEAF real Bearing attractor factor
BEAL real(2) Bearing limits (Min/Max)
BEAS logical Bearing set flag - ignore Bearing values
BELRFA element(500) All components in the PipePiece
BELTYP integer(500) All component types in the PipeSpool

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

BENDCORNERS logical Bend corners - true if fillet should be
applied to the corners of kickplate
BENDMACREFE element Bending Machine reference
BENDMC element Bending Machine Reference
BENT logical Bent flag
BEVCOD real(10) Bevel codes for edges
BEVEL real Bevel
BEVFLA real Bevel code, flange
BEVLEN real(2) Lengths of bevel
BEVLFT real Bevel code on left side of seam
BEVLI real(3) Lengths of I-bevel
BEVLV real Length of vertical bevel
BEVLX real(3) Lengths of X-bevel
BEVLY real(3) Lengths of Y-bevel
BEVM real(2) Bevel codes along M1 and M2 curves
BEVRGT real Bevel code on right side of seam
BEVTXT string Bevel text
BEVWEB real Bevel code, web
BFCOLO integer Backface colour
BFCONU integer Backface colour number
BFLE string(1000) Out of plane flexibility factor for bends
BFPN integer Backface pen
BFRF element Reference to real Boundary Former
BFSTREF element Backface linestyle Reference
BFSTYL integer Backface linestyle
BITE word(25) Bolt items
BITL real(25) Bolt item lengths
BJOINT string Bolt joint
BKEY string(4) DRAFT user defined base symbol/skey
BLCKLM logical True if block limit seam
BLEN real(200) Bolt length
BLEXSS real Bending Leave Excess
BLNK logical Auto-blanking flag

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

BLRF element(10) Bolt reference array
BLSLEN real Length of blasting contours
BLTM string(3) Bolt method
BLTR element Bolt reference
BMAR real Auto-blanking margin
BMAX integer Maximum bend number in current spool
BMCLOC logical True if bending machine bends
BMLEVE real(100) Beam levels from owning element
BNDARE real Boundary line area
BNDOFF real Offset from boundary
BOLTPARTNUM integer(20) Spooling bolt part numbers
BORE real Bore
BOREAR real(10) Bore array
BPANOR ori Curved base panel orientation
BPANRE element Base panel reference
BPOF real(4) Leader bend point offset
BPRO real Spot value of property B
BRACKE string Brackets code
BRAD real Bend radius
BRALNK element(20) Connectivity SCBRAN-BRANCH Link
BRCOG pos Branch centre of gravity
BRCONNECT element(5000) Branch member connections
BREARE real Branch external surface area
BREF element Branch Reference
BRIARE real Branch internal surface area
BRICOG pos Branch insulated centre of gravity
BRIWEI real Branch insulated weight
BRLEG element(5000) Branch members on the same leg
BRLO integer Branch Positioning Status code
BRNFAC real Burning factor
BRNLEN real Length of burning contours
BRNNAM string(26) Burner name

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Introduction to Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

BRNNUM integer Burner number
BRNPRC string(26) Burner process name
BRNREF string(26) Burner reference id
BRNSEQ string(26) Burning sequence number
BRNST integer Number of starts for burning
BRNTOO integer Burner tool
BRNTYP string(26) Burner type
BRREF element Branch table reference
BRTXRF element(500) Return reference from Branch Table
element to SPECs
BRWCOG pos Branch wet centre of gravity
BRWEIG real Branch weight
BRWICOG pos Branch wet insulated centre of gravity
BRWIWEI real Branch insulated wet weight
BRWWEI real Branch wet weight
BSCANG real Bend Segment Cut Angle
BSCLL real Centre-Line Length of a mitred Bend
BSDWG string(120) AutoCAD backing sheet name
BSEL string(3) Bolt Selector
BSFN string(1024) Backing sheet filename
BSLAYE string(120) AutoCAD backing sheet layer
BSMNIL real Minimum Length of Insulation of a
mitred Bend Segment
BSMNL real Minimum Length of a mitred Bend
BSMXIL real Maximum Length of Insulation of a
mitred Bend Segment
BSMXL real Maximum Length of a mitred Bend
BSPE element Bolt specification
BSRF element Backing sheet reference
BSRFA element(500) ADP backing sheet list
BSTA integer Branch Status code (Router)
BTEX string(1000) Annotation text string
BTHK string(1000) Parameterised bolt thickness

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Introduction to Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

BTLS word(50) Boundary Former type list
BTOL string(1000) Bore tolerance
BTOTAL integer Bolt joint total
BTYP string(1000) Bolt type
BUFS integer Preferred buffer size
BUIL logical Built/Unbuilt flag
BULG real Bulge factor
BUNI word Bore units
BUNREF element Cable bundle reference
BURF element Reference to real Building Element
BURNID string(80) Burner id
BUYMARK string(26) Buying mark
BVCODN integer Bevelled Code number
BVIS logical Bottom visibility flag
BVSCLL real Centre-Line Length of a mitred Bend
BVSEGN integer Bevelled segment number
BVSMNI real Minimum Length of Insulation of a
Virtual mitred Bend end-Segment
BVSMNL real Minimum Length of a virtual mitred
Bend end-Segment
BVSMXI real Maximum Length of Insulation of a
Virtual mitred Bend end-Segment
BVSMXL real Maximum Length of a virtual mitred
Bend end-Segment
BWITHF logical Bend with flow
CABBOX real(6) Calculated box volume in world
CABGAP real cable gap on cabletray as multiple of
CABINT string(120) cable interference class
CAGOFF real Cage Offset
CAGSIZ real Cage Size
CARD integer(2) Cardinality definition
CARE string(12) Isodraft Compipe: Area
CASR element Case reference

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

CATMOD integer Catalogue Geometry Modified- Not
directly query able
CATR element Catalogue reference
CATTEX string(725) Concatenation of Detailing and Material
CATY integer Card type
CBACXR real Accumulated cables xarea at route
CBCOG pos Cable centre of gravity
CBCULE real Cut Length of cable
CBGELE real Geometric Length of cable
CBNUCW element(500) Cables at a point on a cableway
CBPREF element(500) References to POINTR forming route of
a cable
CBRNLS element(500) List of route nodes that cable passes
CBRWGL real Raw Geometric Length of cable
CBSTA integer Cable routing status
CBTOLE real Total Length of Cable
CBWEIG real Cable weight
CCEN integer Cost centre
CCLA integer Cost class
CCOL integer Colour (in catalogue)
CCON word Connection type
CCORRE element Cable Core set reference
CCORXR element(500) Return reference from CCORSET
element to SCOMs
CDET element Catalogue detail
CDPL word(100) List of valid current design properties
CDPR real word Current design dataset property
CDRG string(24) Isodraft Compipe: Drawing number
CELLID integer(2) Cell Identifier
CELLTO real Total Number of Cell
CELLTR real Total Number of Trimmed Cells
CELLWH real Total Number of Untrimmed Cells
CELREF element Status Element reference

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

CEND string Connection at other end of CREF
CERF element(500) Array of Faces generated by this
CEXES real(4) Cable excesses
CEXS real Percentage excess for passing cables
CFDP element word Current design dataset property
CFFA element(500) Array of Faces generated by this
CFILL real Fill level at route node
CFRA element(10) Cofitting reference array for Pfittings
CFRELE real Free Length of cable
CHALEN real Length of chamfer intervals
CHAM real(2) Chamfer lengths
CHANUM integer Number of chamfer intervals
CHAR integer Character set
CHARGE string(80) Charge
CHCOLO integer Crosshairs colour
CHCONU integer Crosshairs colour number
CHDCOLUMN element Child column
CHECKE string(1000) Checker
CHEI real Character height
CHKDAT string(120) Date checked
CHNGD integer Changed counter
CHOS real Crosshairs overshoot
CHPN integer Crosshairs pen
CHSTREF element Crosshairs linestyle Reference
CHSTYL integer Crosshairs linestyle
CIRCR real(4) Circumscribed rectangle
CIWE string(1000) Total insulation weight
CKEY word ISODRAFT end condition key
CLAI integer Claim mode
CLAIMDB string(10) Implicit or explicit claims
CLBASE real Column base offset
CLCCNT integer Claim list changes count
CLCOLO integer Centreline colour
CLCONN element(5000) integer Clasher connections

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

CLCONU integer Centreline colour number
CLFG logical Centreline flag
CLFL logical Centreline flag
CLIPCD integer Clip code
CLIST element(500) All cables attached to route node
CLLE real Branch centreline length
CLMID string(120) Unique system ID of user claiming
CLMNUM integer User or extract number claiming
element. Extract numbers are negative
CLMO string Centreline mode: 1=CL OFF, 2=CL ON
CLMTIE element(4) Reference to elements that are
automatically claimed along with this
CLNCOD string(120) Ceiling Code
CLNELE real Ceiling Elevation
CLNFAC real Cleaning factor
CLNHEI real Ceiling Height
CLNTYP string(120) Ceiling Type
CLNVOI real Ceiling Void Height
CLOSED logical True if plate covering entire referenced
CLOSEFLAG logical True if branch is closed
CLPN integer Centreline pen
CLRF element Actual circulation list reference
CLRSIZ real(2) Clearance size
CLSTREF element Centreline linestyle Reference
CLSTYL integer Centreline linestyle
CMALL real Structure allowance
CMAXF real Calculate maximum fill level on cway
CMBOUA element Aft boundary
CMBOUF element Fwd boundary
CMBOUL element Lower boundary
CMBOUP element Ps boundary
CMBOUS element Stbd boundary
CMBOUU element Upper boundary

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Introduction to Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

CMBOX real(6) Bounding box
CMCAT string(256) Compartment category
CMCDE real Content density
CMCTID string(256) Content type ID
CMDESC string(256) Compartment description
CMFLW real Full Load Weight
CMINF real Calculate minimum fill level on cway
CMLCV real Longitudinal centre of total volume
CMMGE integer Merged compartment indicator
CMPER real Compartment permeability
CMPERD real Permeability for use in damage
CMPLNK element Return reference from schematic or
design element to CYMLNK element
CMPR element Component reference
CMPRFA element(500) All components for the PipePiece
CMPSTATUS word Connectivity comparison status
CMPSTS string(120) Connectivity comparison status
CMPURP string(256) Purpose
CMTCV real Transverse centre of total volume
CMTYP integer Type of compartment
CMVCV real Vertical centre of total volume
CMVOL real Total volume
CNTNUM integer Contour number
CNUM string(22) Isodraft Compipe: Line number
COCDRE element(500) word COCDESS with same COCONN value
as qualifier
COCONN word COCO Connection type
COCORE element(2) COCO description reference
COCOXR element(500) COCO description return reference
COCSAM element(500) COCOS with same CTYP value as
COLCOL integer Column colour
COLCON integer Column colour number
COLNUM integer Pin column number
COLSCH string(120) Color Schema

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

COLSTREF element Column linestyle Reference
COLSTY integer Column linestyle
COLXSP real(100) Spacing between columns in the X
direction of the tower
COLYSP real(100) Spacing between columns in the Y
direction of the tower
COMBOO word Boolean Combination
COMM string(120) Comment
COMMST string(500) Comment string
COMNT string Comment
COMPEN logical Compensate bending activities for
COMPTYPE word Type of component
CONAM string Cutout name
CONARR word(10) Connection array
CONATS element(500) List of attachment connected to
CONBRA element(500) List of branches connected to branch
CONCD integer Connection code
COND integer(500) Access Control Logical condition
CONDES string Connection string
CONDGR integer No of Conductor Groups
CONNE logical Segment end connection flag
CONNECTIONS element(5000) Connections
CONNECTIONS element(5000) Connections for all descendants
CONNER string(300) integer Connection error message
CONNRE element(10) References to other element
CONNS logical Segment start connection flag
CONSIS logical Position consistency
CONTYP string Connection type
COPI integer Number of copies
COPYDB element(8191) Copies of this database
CORA string(1000) Corrosion thickness
CORCGR string(120) integer cable core conductor group
CORNUM integer Corner number

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

CORNUV pos Corner point
CORROS real Tube corrosion
CORRUG logical True if corrugation is defined on the
plate part
CORTAG string(120) integer cable core tag
COUN integer Counter
CPAR real(100) Catalogue parameters
CPEN integer Pen for internal columns
CPFA element(500) Array of Ports this points to
CPLO string(120) Plot (in catalogue)
CPOF real(2) Leaderline connection point wrt. text
CPOS pos conditioning position for curve geometry
CPRO real Spot value of property C
CPUL real(3) Cold pull - translational
CPUT real(3) Cold pull - twist
CRCANG real Turning angle for least circumscribed
CRCLW real(2) Length and width of circumscribed
CRDATE string(120) attr Date element created in current DB or if
extract in ascendant
CREANCESTOR logical Create ancestors
CREF element Connection reference
CREXTR integer attr Extract element created in current DB
or if extract in ascendant
CRFA element(10) Connection reference array
CRINFO string(200) DB creation information
CRIT integer(250) Selection criteria (used to define tag &
rep. rules)
CRSESS integer attr Session element created in current DB
or if extract in ascendant
CRSF element Change ruleset reference
CRUSER string(120) attr User created element in current DB or if
extract in ascendant
CSESS string(120) integer Comment entered for specified session
CSFBR logical Spooling marker for components

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

CSGBOX real(6) CSG-Calculated box volume in world
CSPA real Character spacing factor
CSPC string(6) Isodraft Compipe: Specification
CSTA string(120) Catalogue Standard
CSTR element Constraint reference
CTCREF element integer Cable tray component ref
CTHICK real Coating thickness
CTSPE element Cable tray specification
CTTYP word Cable tray typ
CTXT string(120) Card text
CTYA word Attached connection type
CTYE word End connection type
CTYO word Owning connection type
CTYP word(2) Connection type
CTYPLI word(500) List of COCO Ctypes
CTYS word Start connection type
CURD element(1000) Current DBs
CURF string Curve fitting code: 1 default, 2 cubicfit
CURLOC element True current location
CURREN string(1000) Current
CURTYP word Curve type
CURVED logical True if curved plate part.
CUTB real Cutback
CUTL real Cut length
CUTNAM string(700) integer Full name of element, truncated to n
CUTNMN string(700) integer Full name of element (without leading
slash) truncated to n characters
CUTP dir Cutting plane normal
CWEI string(1000) Total component weight
CWHEAD element(500) Cableway Head
CWHPOS pos Cableway path head point position
CWIDTH real Clearance Width
CWJUSL word Cable Way Justification Line

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

CWLIST element(500) All cableways attached to route node
CWTAIL element(500) Cableway Tail
CWTPOS pos Cableway path tail point position
D real Position downing
DACC string Database access
DACCLA logical True if DAC allows element to be
DACCOH logical True if DAC allows element hierarchy to
be copied to another DB
DACCOP logical True if DAC allows element to be copied
to another DB
DACCRE logical elemtype True if DAC allows element to be
DACDEL logical True if DAC allows element to be
DACDRO logical True if DAC allows element to be
DACERR string(120) attr Returns the DAC error
DACEXH logical True if DAC allows element hierarchy to
be exported
DACEXP logical True if DAC allows element to be
DACISS logical True if DAC allows element to be issued
DACMOD logical attr True if DAC allows attribute of element
to be modified
DACOUH logical True if DAC allows element hierarchy to
be output
DACOUT logical True if DAC allows element to be output
DAREF element Reference of associated dataset area
DARREF element Design area reference
DASSCI element(500) Reference Array of all direct associates
with constraints
DASSOS element(500) Reference Array of all associations with
DATE string(12) Date
DATEFO string Date format
DATIM string(19) LMI Date/time
DATINT integer(2) Date

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

DATONE integer Date 1
DATTWO integer Date 2
DATTXT string(22) Date
DBALL element(8000) List of DBs allocated to location
DBCL string DB Claim
DBCNTL logical True if element is in a control DB
DBEXNO integer DB Extract Number
DBF element Database reference attribute
DBFI string DB filename
DBFN integer DB file number
DBLC element(1000) List of LOCs belonging to a DB
DBLS element(1000) List of DBs belonging to MDB
DBNA string DB name
DBNU integer DB Number
DBOT real Bottom diameter
DBPR element(8000) List of DBs Primary at location
DBRBEG integer DB range start
DBREF element DB reference
DBREND integer DB range end
DBSESS integer Last DB session
DBSHIE element(5000) Database hierarchy within a DBSET
DBSLEV element(5000) Databases at a level within a DBSET
DBSLIS element(5000) Databases within a DBSET
DBSSTP element(8000) DBs in a stamp
DBSTF element Database set reference attribute
DBTE string DB Text Encoding
DBTY word DB type (DESI, CATA etc)
DBUsers element(10000) Current Users in the system using this
DBUSRX element(10000) Current Users in the system using this
DB or any extract descendants
DBVAR logical True if element is in a variant DB
DBVWSTREF element(50) Database View Set reference array
DBWRITE logical True if element is in a writable DB

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

DCLA string Database claim mode
DCLNCO string(120) Default Ceiling Code
DCLNHE real Default Ceiling Height
DCLNTY string(120) Default Ceiling Type
DCODE string Direction code
DCON word Design PPoint connection type
DCORRO real Derived corrosion
DCRFA element(10) Array of Design datasets for Design
DCSTYF element Design change style reference
DCTILT real Default Ceiling Tile Thickness
DDDF string(1000) Default Design data value
DDEF real(3) Port distance flexibility defaults
DDEG real Dimension line angle
DDEP integer Database depth within hierarchy (World
is 0)
DDESP real(100) Design parameters as distance
DDIR dir Design PPoint spherical direction
DDNM element Design element reference
DDNMX real DDNM X position
DDNMXY real(2) DDNM XY position
DDNMY real DDNM Y position
DDNX string(120) Design element as text
DDOORS real Default Door Sill
DDPR string(1000) Design data property value
DDRFA element(10) Array of default design datasets (for
DEALAL logical True if location locked due to
deallocation of dbs
DEALDB element(1000) Reference array for locations where DB
id being deallocated
DECGAP real Decoration Gap
DECMOD integer Decoration Mode
DECOFF real(2) Decoration offset
DECP integer Decimal places
DECREP real Decoration Repeat

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

DECSIZ real Decoration Size
DEFA real Default
DEFATT word(2000) Default List of all attributes for element
DEFERD element(10000) Deferred DBs in MDB
DEFHOM element Default allocation home
DEFSLO real Default pipe slope
DEFSPK element Default Reference of SPEC for branch
DELANG real Angle applied to repeat elements
DELDSG word Delivery Designation flag
DELP pos D-position in structure
DELPE real Easting of D-Position in STRUC
DELPN real Northing of D-position in STRUC
DELPU real Upping of D-position in STRUC
DELTAE real Easterly Offset applied to repeat
DELTAN real Northerly Offset applied to repeat
DELTAU real Vertical Offset applied to repeat
DEMIX integer Index of Demote Status Value
DENS real Spot value of density
DEPATT word(2000) Attributes that a rule or catalogue
parameterised expression is dependent
DEPD string(250) word Default value of local design property
DEPL word(100) List of local design properties
DEPR string(250) word Local design property value
DEPREF element(500) List of elements connected to branch
DESC string(120) Description of the element
DESGEO element(5000) Design geometrical dependencies
DESLNK element(20) Connectivity Design Model Link
DESMOD integer Design Mode
DESP real(100) Design parameters
DESREF element(10) Design reference
DEST string(26) Destination

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Data Model Reference Manual
Introduction to Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

DESXCL logical Design Outfitting excluded Geometry
DETA logical Detail flag
DETR element Detailing text reference
DFBRADIUS real element Default bend radius
DFFL real(6) Displacement force flexibility
DFHOME element element, Get default home element
DFLA string Radial dimension type flag
DFLF real(3) Translational spring values
DFLRCO string(120) Default Floor Code
DFLRHE real Default Floor Height
DFLRTY string(120) Default Floor Type
DFLT string(120) Default value for the attribute
DFLTA string(1000) Defaults for Type 1 annotation - special
attribute for use by ADP
DFLTB string(1000) Defaults for Type 2 annotation - special
attribute for use by ADP
DFLTC string(1000) Defaults for Type 3 annotation - special
attribute for use by ADP
DFNM string(1024) Document filename
DFON integer Dimension text font
DFONTN string(80) Dimension text font name
DFUN element Default unit
DHTEST integer(500) Test locator expression
DHTEXT integer(500) Default home identifier expression
DIAM real Diameter
DIAREF element(500) Diagram reference array for schematic
DIME logical DRAFT user defined symbol dimension
DIMPOS pos Derived 3D dimension position
DIMTXT string(40) Dimensions text
DINTER string(257) Default Interference class
DINTHK real Default insulation thickness
DIR dir Direction
DIREV dir Direction evaluation

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Data Model Reference Manual
Introduction to Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

DIRXP integer(500) Direction expression
DISP real(3) Translation displacements
DIST real(2) Distances
DISTAG string(120) Display tag
DISTFH real Distance from head
DISTFN real Distance from next point
DISTFP real Distance from previous point
DISTM real(2) Distances to M1 and M2 curves
DKEY word Data Key
DLCOLO integer Dimension line colour
DLCONU integer Dimension line colour number
DLEV integer Drawing level
DLFG string Linear/Angular dimension line flag
DLIM real(6) Displacement limit
DLIST word(2000) List of all possible dist att types
DLPN integer Dimension line pen
DLSTREF element Dimension linestyle Reference
DLSTYL integer Dimension linestyle
DMFA element(2) ISODRAFT Reference Dimension
DMFL real(9) Displacement moment flexibility
DMSP real Lower limit to spacing between parallel
DMTX string(1000) Dimension text
DMTY word(2) ISODRAFT Reference Dimension
DNST real Density
DOCREF element Document reference
DOCXRF element(500) Return reference from Design element
to DOCITM element
DOFF real Dimension line offset
DOFIL string(73) Drawing Object filename
DPBO real integer Design point bore
DPCO word integer Design point connection type
DPCOU integer Number of valid design points
DPDI dir integer Design point direction

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Data Model Reference Manual
Introduction to Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

DPFN string(1024) ISODRAFT dynamic detail plotfile name
DPGR real integer Design Point Gradient
DPGRID integer ISODRAFT dynamic detail grid
reference attribute
DPLS integer(200) List of valid design points
DPOS pos Dimension line/arc position
DPPS pos integer Design point position
DPREMA real Design pres. max
DPREMI real Design pres. min
DPRO string(1000) Parameterised Property Expression
DPSF element Design PPointset reference
DPVI integer(200) List of visible design points
DRAD string(1000) Radial offset
DRAWNO string(26) Drawing number
DREVAY element(50) DRWG revisions array
DRFILE string(73) Drawing File name
DRFNUM integer(11) Drawing file numbers
DRFTYP integer(11) Drawing File Types
DRGP integer Drawing priority (used to determine how
to draw SCTN)
DRMXTL integer Draft general max text length
DRNE dir Plane normal at end of SCTN/GENSEC
DRNS dir Plane normal at start of SCTN/
DRPS pos Derived position for steelwork
DRRF element Old spooler drawing reference
DRSSRE element Draft Symbol set reference
DRTITL string(120) Drawing title
DRTMPR element Draft template reference
DRWGN string(1000) Drawing number
DSCO string(120) Design code
DSESS string(120) integer Date of specified session
DSET logical(3) Displacement limits set flag - ignore
values if FALSE
DSGNTN string Designation

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Data Model Reference Manual
Introduction to Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

DSTNCE real Distance
DSTY string Radial dimension style flag
DTAN string Dimension text angle flag
DTCH real Dimension text character height
DTCOLO integer Dimension text colour
DTCONU integer Dimension text colour number
DTER string Dimension terminator code
DTFL string Dimension text radius flag
DTIT string(32) Data Title
DTLELE element(5000) Datal Elements list
DTLH real Dimension text letter height
DTLLIST word(2000) Datal Attributes List
DTLTST integer(8192) Datal Test attribute
DTMPMA real Design temp. max
DTMPMI real Design temp. min
DTOF real(2) Dimension text offset
DTOP real Top diameter
DTPN integer Dimension text pen
DTRA real Dimension text radius
DTRE element Data set reference
DTUL string Dimension text underlining flag
DTWTCL string Date of weight/cog calculation
DTXR string(2000) RTEXT of detailing text
DTXS string(2000) STEXT of detailing text
DTXT string(2000) TTEXT of detailing text
DUCTHE real Default duct height
DUCTSH word Default duct shape
DUCTWI real Default duct width
DUNI word Distance units
DUNION integer DRAFT element union detail flag
DUPLIC element(10000) integer Duplicates of the current element with
the same attribute values
DUTY string(120) Duty
DVFL logical ADP detail views flag
DVSCL real(500) ADP detail view allowable scale list

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Data Model Reference Manual
Introduction to Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

DVTH real ADP detail views threshold
DWALLT real Derive wall thickness
DWID string(1000) Width offset
DWINSI real Default Window Sill
DX string(1000) Cartesian X offset
DXL string(1000) Incremental X length
DY string(1000) Cartesian Y offset
DYL string(1000) Incremental Y length
E real Position easting
EASTING pos Easting part expressed as a position
ECCE pos Eccentricity (steelwork)
ECCJ pos Eccentricity of joint (steelwork)
ECLASS word(100) Access Control Element class
ECRFA element(500) Equipment connection reference array
EDGELE real Edge Length
EDISTA real Vertical Distance of End
EDPUV pos End point
EFAC string(1000) E-factor
EFOR real(3) End force vector components
ELCXRF element(500) Return reference from CABLE element
to ELCONN element
ELDATA integer(8192) data
ELDSZ integer DataSize
ELECRE logical integer True if created since given session
ELECREC logical True if created since comparison date
ELEDEL logical integer True if deleted since given session
ELEDELC logical True if deleted since comparison date
ELEL word(200) Types of elements (including UDETs) to
which this attribute applies
ELEMOD logical integer True if modified since given session
ELEMODC logical True if modified since comparison date
ELEPTR integer Elemp
ELESZ integer Size
ELEVAT real Elevation
ELEVV logical Is Elevation View

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Introduction to Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

ELRATI real Electrical Rating
ELTYPC word Element type
ELVRSN integer Element version
EMOM real(3) End moment components
ENCODB string DB Encoding
ENDA real End angle
ENDELE real End Elevation
ENDOFF real Offset of the end of section
ENDPOINT integer Cable End connection point
ENDPOS pos End Position
ENDREF element Cable End reference
EPARAM real(6) Evaluated parameters
EPKDI real Proportional distance of end point along
EPOSTO real End post tangent offset
EREC integer Erection class
EREL integer End releases (packed)
ETEX string(1000) Example text
EVOL real(6) Enclosing box volume in given
EXBTEX string(1500) Expanded annotation text
EXCESS real Excess
EXCLEN real(3) Length of excess intervals (type 1-3)
EXCLFR logical True if element claimed from this
extract. Only True for Primary elements
EXCLFT real Excess on left side of seam
EXCLHI element(5000) Primary elements in descendant
hierarchy claimed to this extract
(includes this element)
EXCLPA logical True if element claimed to Parent
extract. Only True for Primary elements
EXCLTO logical True if element claimed to this extract.
Only True for Primary elements
EXCNUM int(3) Number of excess intervals (type 1-3)
EXCRGT real Excess on right side of seam
EXCTLF integer Excess type on left side of seam
EXCTRG integer Excess type on right side of seam

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Data Model Reference Manual
Introduction to Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

EXDMTX string(1500) Expanded dimension text
EXECAFTER string(512) Exec file after DB propagation
EXECBEFORE string(512) Exec file before DB propagation
EXFI integer Extract file number
EXHCNC element(5000) As EXTCNC, but repeat test for all
EXHCNN element(5000) As EXTCNN, but repeat test for all
EXHCON element(5000) As EXTCON, but repeat test for all
EXHRCN element(5000) As EXRCN, but repeat test for all
EXHRCO element(5000) As EXTRCO, but repeat test for all
EXMOC logical As EXMOD but ignoring changes to
"noclaim" attributes and member lists
EXMOD logical True if element modified in this extract
EXNCLH element(5000) Primary elements in descendant
hierarchy not claimed to this extract
EXPA real Spot value of expansion coefficient
EXPIRY string(50) Protected DB Expiry date
EXPLTX string(1500) Expanded projection line text
EXPMOC logical As EXPMOD but ignoring changes to
"noclaim" attributes and member lists
EXPMOD logical True if primary and element or non-
primary descendants have been
modified in this extract
EXPRESSION string(4000) Expression
EXPTYPE string(60) Expression type
EXTALS element(8191) Extract ancestors
EXTBOX real(6) Defined box
EXTCLS element(8191) Extract children
EXTCNC element(5000) As EXTCON but excluding non
modified elements
EXTCNN element(5000) As EXTCON but excluding modified
EXTCON element(5000) Primary elements connected/
disconnected from element or non
primary descendants in extract

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Introduction to Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

EXTDES element(8191) Extract descendants
EXTDIR string(10) Direction of ladder exit
EXTFAM element(8191) Extract family
EXTHI integer Location extract number range, high
EXTLO integer Location extract number range, low limit
EXTMAS element Extract master
EXTNO integer Extract number
EXTNSN real Extension
EXTOWN element Extract owner
EXTRC string(120) Name of extract claiming element
EXTRCN element(5000) As EXTCNN, but applied recursively to
each connection
EXTRCO element(5000) As EXTCON, but applied recursively to
each connection
EXTREF element References to exit level
EZDI real End load point in section
FAAN integer Skew angle for font file
FACODE string(100) Facode
FAILCO integer FailCond
FAREA string(5) Construction area
FCDATE integer(2) File creation date
FCENTRE pos Centre of fillet arc
FCLXSP real(100) Spacing between stair flights in the X
direction of the tower
FCLYSP real(100) Spacing between stair flights in the Y
direction of the tower
FCMEAS real Flange correction measure
FCODE string Face code
FCOE real(3) Friction coefficient
FCOLOUR integer Fill colour
FCONUM integer Fill colour number
FCPY element Forward copy reference
FDEPD string(250) word Formatted Local Design Property
Default Value
FDEPR string(250) word Formatted Local Design Property Value

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Data Model Reference Manual
Introduction to Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

FDRA string(32) Isometric drawing number
FEDEXS real(500) Feed excess values
FEMCOL integer FEM image object colour
FEND pos Fillet arc position
FEQDES string(120) From Equipment Description
FFCOLO integer Front-face colour
FFCONU integer Front-face colour number
FFLEXT real Edge Extension Around Floor layer
FFPN integer Front-face pen
FFSTREF element Front-face linestyle Reference
FFSTYL integer Front-face linestyle
FGAP real First offset distance
FGRF element(500) Reference to boundary faces
FILCHK logical FILCHK (true if fill level check is
enabled )
FILEEX logical True if DB file exists and is valid
FILENAME string DB filename
FILL logical DRAFT user defined symbol fill flag
Fill level check logical Fill level check
FILLDI word Fill direction
FILREF element(500) Sorted references to attachment points
with ascending order of fill level greater
then 0
FILTOPERATOR string(20) Filter operator
FILTVALUE string(1000) Filter value
FINO integer File number
FINPUT string(120) Input by
FIRE real Fire resistance
FIRERATING string(120) Fire rating
FISSUE string(12) Current pipe spec issue
FITLEN real Length of branch fitting
FIXT string(12) Structural fixity
FLALLO real Flange allowance
FLATYP integer Flange type
FLCARE real Floor cover area

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Data Model Reference Manual
Introduction to Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

FLCSTHICKNES real Floor cover thickness
FLCVOL real Floor cover volume
FLEN string(1024) External file name
FLEVEL real Fill level at route node
FLIM real(3) Force limit
FLLARE real Floor layer area
FLLTHK real Floor layer thickness
FLLVOL real Floor layer volume
FLNM string(700) Full name of the element
FLNN string(700) Full name of the element (without
leading slash)
FLOFFS real Flange offset
FLOW word Flow direction
FLRCOD string(120) Floor Code
FLRELE real Floor Elevation
FLRELV real Floor elevation
FLRHEI real Floor Height
FLRTYP string(120) Floor Type
FLTDIR dir Stairflight Direction
FLUR element Fluid reference
FLWA logical DRAFT user defined symbol flow arrow
FMID pos Middle point of fillet arc
FNAM string(1024) Filename
FNCCD integer Functional description code
FNCTXT string(80) Functional description
FNMA string(32) Standard font file name
FNMB string(32) Bold font file name
FNTD string(32) Font directory
FOLDED logical True if folded
FONT integer Text font
FONTN string(80) Font name
FOOTRO real Clear space behind each rung
FORC real(3) Force vector
FOREIGN string DB foreign/local

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Data Model Reference Manual
Introduction to Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

FPATH string(256) File path
FPEN integer Fill pen
FPLINE string(32) Process line number
FPON integer FROM port number
FPRDE string(250) word Formatted property default
FPROP string(250) word Formatted property value from dataset
FRAD real Fillet radius
FRDR string(32) Reference drawings
FREF element Fitting reference
FREV string(4) Isometric drawing revision
FRMSCL real Form scale
FRPO pos Eye point
FRSTW element word Reference of first world of given DB
type in current MDB
FSPOST real Distance to the first post
FSTART pos Fillet start position
FSTAT string(15) Fstatus
FSTNUM integer Fill style number
FSTREF element Fill style Reference
FSTYLE integer Fill style
FSTYNO integer Fill Style Number
FTCDD string(250) word Formatted Current Design Property
Default Value
FTCDP string(250) word Formatted Current Design Property
FTER string First dimension terminator code
FTHICKNESS real Stair Flight Thickness
FULLT string type of the element
FULSYS string Type of the element, ignoring UDET, not
FUNC string(120) Function
FUNI integer FUNIT
FURNRF element Furniture Reference
GANGLE real General Angle
GAPALL string(1000) Gap Allowance
GAPF real First offset distance

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Data Model Reference Manual
Introduction to Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

GAPI real Intermediate offset distance
GAPS real(30) Projection line gap array
GAREA real Ceiling Grid Area
GASTIG logical Gas Tight
GATECO string(120) Gate Configuration
GATESI real(2) Gate Size
GBOX real Box gap
GCOF pos Gross centre of gravity
GDEFIN integer(100) Glyph Outline Definition
GDIAM integer Glyph Circle Diameter
GENGT word Geometry type
GENSTR string General strings
GENTYP word Type of geometry
GEODEP element(5000) Direct geometrical dependencies
GEOM integer Geometry Modified- Not directly
GFILLD logical Glyph Primitive Filled Flag
GHEIGH real Gate Height
GLBSTR logical True if Project has Global structure
GLBVER string(120) Global version string
GLYNO integer Glyph Number
GLYNUM integer Glyph Number
GLYREF element Glyph Reference
GMOF real(9) Gross moments of inertia
GMRE element Geometry set reference
GOBREF element Generating reference
GOFFS integer(2) Glyph Primitive offset
GOING real(10) Tread Going
GPPRXS element(500) Group proxy items referring to element
GPSTR string General purpose strings
GRADE real Steel grade
GRAXE integer Grid axes (internal)
GRDAXE string Grid axes
GRDDIR dir Grid direction

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Data Model Reference Manual
Introduction to Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

GRDE real Gradient of implied tube. Gradient is the
vertical rise(fall) divided by the
horizontal distance.
GRDID string(20) Grid Identifier
GRDLBL string(20) Grid Label
GRDLID integer(2) Gridline Identifier
GRDLXP real Proportion along X gridline from
Gridline ID
GRDLYP real Proportion along Y gridline from
Gridline ID
GRDOFF real Grid offset
GRDPOS pos Grid Position
GRDXSP real(10000) Grid X Spacing
GRDYSP real(10000) Grid Y Spacing
GRIDNM element Design grid reference
GRIDNX string(120) Design element as text
GRIND real Grinding info
GRILEN real Length of grinding intervals
GRINUM integer Number of grinding intervals
GRIP real Minimum distance between bends
GROUPS element(500) GPSETs in which element occurs
GRPRF element Reference to group (owner of location)
GRSYS element Grid system reference
GSRF real Gross surface area
GSTR element Structural geometry set reference
GTAREAS element(5000) All areas that fully or partially enclose
GTEXAREAS element(5000) All areas that fully enclose element
GTXT string(120) Text storing rule to generate Inventory
GTYP word Generic type
GVOL real Gross volume
GWEI real Gross weight
GWIDTH real Gate Width
GXLEN integer Glyph Rectangle XLength
GXYOFF real(2) Grid XY Offset

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Data Model Reference Manual
Introduction to Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

GYLEN integer Glyph Rectangle YLength
HANGLE real Hatching Angle
HAZARD string(120) Hazard
HAZTYP string(120) Hazard Description
HBLBOX real(6) Block box
HBOR real Head bore
HCCNT integer Header/Extract list changes count
HCOFG pos computed hull item centre of gravity
HCON word Head connection type
HCORRO real Head Corrosion
HCREF element(10) Head connections
HDBREF element Generic Hull DB Ref
HDCONN element(500) List of elements connected to branch
HDIR dir Head direction
HDMF element(2) ISODRAFT Reference Dimension
HDMT word(2) ISODRAFT Reference Dimension
HDREF element(500) List of attachment connected to
HDUPLI element(10000) integer Duplicates of the current element
(checking members)
HEADCL real Head Clearance
HEADRO real Headroom
HEATT integer Heat Treatment
HEIARR real(10) Height array
HEID real Default Height value
HEIF real Height attractor factor
HEIG real Height
HEIL real(2) Height limits (Min/Max)
HEIS logical Height set flag - ignore Height values if
HEND string Connection at other end of HREF
HGHT real Height
HGSIDE word Hinge side

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Data Model Reference Manual
Introduction to Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

HHBO real Hanger head bore
HHBP pos Bottom of hanger head
HHCO word Hanger head connection type
HHDR dir Hanger head direction
HHGR real Hanger head gradient
HHOD real Hanger head outside diameter
HHPO pos Hanger head position
HHTP pos Top of hanger head
HIERARCHY element(5000) Structural connections
HIST integer(120) attr History of sessions in which element or
specified attribute were made
HLCOLO string Hull Colour
HLIS word(2000) List of all possible types in owning
HLSTREF element Hatching linestyle Reference
HLSTYLE integer Hatching linestyle
HMAV real Average humidity
HMMA real Maximum humidity
HMMI real Minimum humidity
HNCKEY integer Hole Notch Cutout Key
HOFFSE real Hatching Line Offset
HOFFT real Head offset
HOLGRD logical True if any hole in the plate should be
HPATNO integer Hatch Pattern Number
HPOS pos Head position
HPOSE real Easting of head position
HPOSN real Northing of head position
HPOSU real Upping of head position
HPREF element Head point reference
HREF element Head reference
HREL logical Branch Member Head relative flag
HRJUSL word Handrail Justification Line
HRSF element Hatch ruleset reference
HSARFA element(500) HVACSpool arrive references

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Data Model Reference Manual
Introduction to Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

HSEPAR real Hatching Line Separation
HSLRFA element(500) HVACSpool leave references
HSPE element Hanger specification
HSRFA real Computed Hull item surface area
HSRO element Headrod specification
HSTU element Head tube specification
HSTYF element Hatch style reference
HTBO real Hanger tail bore
HTBP pos Bottom of hanger tail
HTCO word Hanger tail connection type
HTDR dir Hanger tail direction
HTGR real Hanger tail gradient
HTOD real Hanger tail outside diameter
HTPO pos Hanger tail position
HTPREF element Topology reference
HTTP pos Top of hanger tail
HTYP word Hanger type
HUBRF element Reference to the hub location
HULAPP logical Hull applicable Geometry
HULCNT integer Size of hull array/collection
HULLDE logical True if element is a hull design item
HULLOB element Hull object reference
HULLPR logical True if element is a hull production item
HULOC string Location
HUMIDI real Design Humidity
HUMIRR logical True if mirrored in local v-axis
HUMVW string Model View
HUREFL logical Reflected
HUREPL element Replica
HUSYMM logical Symmetrical
HVOLU real Computed Hull Item volume
HWALLT real Head wall thickness
HWEIG real computed analytic hull item weight
HWRF element Head Working Point (Router)

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Data Model Reference Manual
Introduction to Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

IBLNAM string Name of idealised block
ICAT element Insulation catalogue reference
ICLASS string(120) Interference class
ICON string(120) ICON
ICONL string(120) ICONL
ICONN integer COMMS connection type (0/1 = on/off-
ICONS string(120) ICONS
ICOTYP string(300) Icon used for element
IDENT string Panel identification string
IDET element Insulation detail text reference
IDLABL real Length of label idle movement
IDLFAC real Idle movement factor
IDLL real(3) Burning idle length
IDLLEN real(2) Non-burning idle length
IDLN element Drawlist name reference
IDLX string(120) Drawlist name (as text)
IDNM element Design data or catalogue component
IDNX string(120) Design data or catalogue component
(as text)
IDRT string(2000) Insulation detail RTEXT
IDSPU integer Specified unique identifier
IDST string(2000) Insulation detail STEXT
IDTT string(2000) Insulation detail TTEXT
IGAP real Intermediate offset distance
IGNDUN logical Ignore DUnion flag
IMAT element Insulation material text reference
IMGDAT integer(8192) Image data
IMPED string(1000) Impedance
IMXT string(2000) Insulation material XTEXT
IMYT string(2000) Insulation material YTEXT
IMZT string(2000) Insulation material ZTEXT
INCBOR real Inch Nominal Bore
INCL real Inclination angle
INFA string(119) Client info - Project Name

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Introduction to Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

INFB string(119) Comment - Project Message
INFG logical Insulation flag
INFOTE string(120) Infotext
INIVAL element Initial Value
INMTRF element INSMAT Reference
INPINDEN real Insulation pin density (Area)
INPINLEN real Pin length
INPINT string(120) Insulation pin type
INPRTR element Inside paint reference
INRE element Insulation reference
INRF element Array of Inventory Items
INSARE real Insulation requirement area
INSC string(120) Inspection schedule
INSL logical DRAFT user defined symbol insulation
INSTNC string Bracket instance name
INSTOPTIONS string(120) Installation Options
INSURE element Reference to a INSCMP element
INSUTY string(120) Insulation type
INSYST element(500) Reference Array of all SYSGRPs
INTHK real Insulation thickness
INTSEN logical Installation Sense - true if clockwise
INTY word Inventory item type
INVF element(500) Array of Inventory Items
INVI logical(500) Visibility state
IPAR real(30) Parameters of the insulation catalogue
IPRE real Internal pressure
IRNO string ISO-IR number
ISCOPY logical True if a copy DB
ISDBFR logical True if database is foreign
ISDBPR logical True if database is primary for global
ISDRDB logical True if database has drawings
ISECPT pos Intersection point

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Introduction to Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

ISEXAP logical True if extract ancestry is primary here
ISEXCP logical True if all extract children are primary
ISEXMP logical True if extract master is primary here
ISEXOP logical True if extract owner is primary here
ISEXTR logical True if an extract
ISFOR logical True if database is foreign
ISKEYDB logical Does ukey incorporate DB number
ISLOADED logical True if Sheet is loaded
ISMAST logical True if a Master DB, that is top level
ISNAMED logical True if element is named
ISOHIDDEN logical Isohidden flag
ISPE element Insulation spec reference
ISPICF logical Picture has File
ISPR element Insulation specification component
ISPRIM logical True if database is primary at this
ISSUE logical True if drawing has been issued
ISWORK logical True if a working extract
ITLE real Length of implied tube
ITMTBL integer(2000) Table linking AITEMS elements to
piping components
ITPS pos Position of implied tube
IWDORF element(1500) Weld owners attribute on IWELD
IWDOWN integer(8) Table linking IWELD elements to piping
JFRE logical True if Section position dominates a
JLIN word Joining line
JLNE word Joining line end
JLNS word Joining line start
JMAX integer Maximum joint number in current spool
JNTBEV real(2) Joint part bevel code

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Data Model Reference Manual
Introduction to Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

JNTC integer Joint Code
JNTCOM string(300) Welded joint comment
JNTNAM string(26) Welded joint name
JNTNUMBER integer Joint number
JNTORF element(1500) Joint owners attribute on IJOINT
JNTOWN integer(8) Table linking IJOINT elements to piping
JNTREF element integer Return reference from Ppoint to ijoint
JNTTHK real(2) Joint part thickness
JNTTSL real Total welded joint suspension length
JNTTWL real Total welded joint length
JNTTYP string(26) Welded joint type
JNUM integer(2) Old spooler joint number
JOIE element End joint
JOIP word(2) Old spooler joint number prefix
JOIS element Start joint
JUSL word Justification Pline
JUST string Justification
KNUANG real Knuckle angle
KNUCKL logical True if knuckled
LABOFFS real(3) Label offset
LABPOS pos Label position
LABST integer Number of starts for label signing
LACR logical Access Control on/off switch
LACTIV logical True if selectable : false = limbospec
LALCAB element(500) List arriving leaving cables on attached
LALLAN real Leave Ppoint allowed angle
LASTM string(120) attr Date of last modification
LAUTHU logical Login Authentication on/off switch
LAXE ori Local axes
LAYARF element Annotation Layer ruleset reference
LAYDRF element Design Layer ruleset reference
LAYTBF element Layer Table reference

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

LBBORE logical TRUE if Minor/Branch bore is in
nominal bore table
LBOP pos Bottom of leave pipe
LBOR real Leave bore
LCAS integer Load case number
LCHA logical Chain flag
LCIRCR real(8) Least circumscribed rectangle
LCKPSW logical Lock passwords for general users
LCLAIM logical Access Control Claim flag
LCLM logical True if element is claimed
LCLMH logical True if element and hierarchy claimed
LCNFA element(500) Array of elements with local names
LCON word Leave connection type
LCORRO real Leave corrosion allowance
LCPOVWRITE logical Location Overwrite DB Users policy flag
LCTROL logical Controlled DB Flag
LCUTDI dir Lower Extension Cutting Direction
LDFLT logical logical default value for a UDA
LDI dir Leave direction
LDISP logical Display property flag for design
datasets: True if property is shown on
LDPR real word Local design dataset property
LDRDIR dir Ladder Direction
LEAFS real Number of door leafs
LEAHEI real Leave height
LEAV integer Leave Ppoint
LEAWID real Leave width
LEND logical Line end
LENDTI integer Time out period for commands
LENG real Length
LENSEG real Length of segment
LETTER string(120) Letter
LEVE integer(2) Drawing level
LEVENL integer Time interval for Event Loop

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

LEVRFA element(500) References to levels serviced by
LEXTNS real Lower Extension Length
LFADIR dir Flight A Direction
LFAOFFSET real Landing Flight A Offset
LFBDIR dir Landing Flight B Direction
LFBOFFSET real Landing Flight B Offset
LFCOLO integer Label frame colour
LFCONU integer Label frame colour number
LFDP element word Local design dataset property
LFPN integer Label frame pen
LFRA logical Frame flag
LFSTREF element Label frame linestyle Reference
LFSTYL integer Label frame linestyle
LGAP real Last offset distance
LGOING real(10) Lower Tread Going
LGRD real Leave Ppoint gradient
LHBORE logical TRUE if Major/Header bore is in
nominal bore table
LHEA logical Logical head flag
LHEI real Letter height
LHIDE logical Hide flag for catalogue datasets: True if
property is not shown on form
LIGHTI real Lighting requirements
LIMI real(6) Volume of interest
LIMNUM integer Order number of limit
LINIT logical Location initialisation flag
LINKRE element Link reference
LINKS element(5000) Linked elements
LINKSN integer Linked session on parent extract
LINKXR element(1000) Referencing elements
LISS logical True if drawing has been issued
LIST word(2000) List of all possible member types
LLCL real Leader line clearance
LLCOLO integer Label leader colour

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

LLCONU integer Label leader colour number
LLDIAGRAMS string(2000) Line list diagrams
LLEA logical Leader line flag
LLENG real Leave length
LLENTRY logical Is a line list entry - true or false
LLFROM string(2000) From column text for a line list
LLIS word(2000) List of all possible types in member
LLPN integer Label leader pen
LLSTREF element Label leader linestyle Reference
LLSTYL integer Label leader linestyle
LLTBRANCH element Line list tail branch
LLTO string(2000) To column text for a line list
LMAXTR integer Maximum number of retries for
LMERDL logical PDMS GLOBAL Enable automatic
merge of transaction db
LMERFAILURE integer Number of days Failed commands
persist in Trans dB
LMERSUCCESS integer Number of days Successful commands
persist in Trans dB
LMERTI string(120) Frequency of Auto Merge of
Transaction DB
LMIRR logical True if Mirroring required
LNAME string(20) Local name as stored on template
LNDLEV real(100) Landing levels from owning element
LNFA element(480) Hidden Reference Array for linked
LNKCLS element(500) Classes referencing a DocLink
LNKDOC element(500) DocLinks referring to element
LNKELE element(500) Elements referencing a DocLink
LNKPRP word TRUE if item pointed to by descriptor
should be propagated by Global
LNKREF element Reference internal document (drawing/
LNKRX element Reference to first location of a link
LNKRY element Reference to second location of a link

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

LNKUSE word Link Descriptor Usage
LNKWV integer Link weighting value
LNLST string(2000) List of local names for current template
LNOUPDATE logical DB propagation suppressed flag
LNPRXS element(500) Proxy items referring to element
LNTP word Line type
LOCA string(120) Location
LOCID string(3) Location identifier
LOCK logical True if element is locked
LOCPR element(1000) List of LOCs Primary at location
LOCRF element Location reference
LOCTYP integer Location
LOD real Leave Ppoint outside diameter
LOFF logical Offline flag
LOGEV logical Logical value evaluation
LOGFN string(1024) COMMS log file name
LOGLV integer COMMS log file level of detail
LOGMS logical COMMS log file active/inactive flag
LOGXP integer(500) Logical expression
LOHE real PLOOP height - from first PLOOP in
owning panel
LOOS logical Loose
LOWGAP real Lower Gap
LOWPOS pos Point nearest workshop floor
LOWREF element References to lower exit level
LPOS pos Leave position
LPOSE real Easting of leave position
LPOSN real Northing of leave position
LPOSU real Upping of leave position
LPROT logical Protected DB Flag
LQAANG real Angle between alignment direction of
leave Ppoint and next
LQANG real Angle between leave Ppoint and next
LQBORE logical TRUE if leave Ppoint has same bore as

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

LQCON logical TRUE if leave Ppoint has Correct
connection type
LQOFF real Offset between leave Ppoint and next
LRBORE logical TRUE if bores is in reducer table
LREF element Link reference
LREFO logical Database holds Reference data only
LRISE real Lower Tread Rise
LSELEC logical True if can be set Directly in Design
LSHA string Leader shape code
LSPA real Text line spacing factor
LSRO element Leave rod specification
LSTR logical Stress flag
LSTU element Leave tube reference
LSTYNO integer Line Style Number
LSWID real Line Style Width
LSWKEY string(120) Line Style Width Key
LTAI logical Logical tail flag
LTBORE logical TRUE if bores is in branch (tee) table
LTCORR real Leave tube corrosion allowance
LTER string Label terminator code
LTHICK real Door leaf thickness
LTIMEI integer Time Interval between retries
LTLE real Length of leave implied tube
LTOP pos Top of leave pipe
LTWALL real Leave tube wall thickness
LTWREF element Leave tube wall thickness reference
LVAR logical Variant Flag
LVIS logical Visibility flag
LVOL real(6) Enclosing box volume in local
LWAITD integer Time interval between re-sending
LWALLT real Leave wall thickness
LWIDTH real Line Width

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

LWP pos Lower Working Point
LYCOL integer AutoCAD Layer Colour
LYCVFR logical AutoCAD Layer Current Viewport
LYDIR dir Leave Y axis direction on point
LYFRZE logical AutoCAD Layer Freeze flag
LYLOCK logical AutoCAD Layer Lock flag
LYLTYP string(120) AutoCAD Layer LineType
LYLWT real AutoCAD Layer LineWeight
LYNVFR logical AutoCAD Layer New Viewport Freeze
LYPFG logical AutoCAD Layer Plotting flag
LYPSTY string(120) AutoCAD Layer Plotter Style
LYVIS logical AutoCAD Layer Visibility Flag
LZDIR dir Leave alignment direction
MACRID string Clip macro ID
MAINTENANCE real Maintenance level radiation
MAKER string(100) Maker
MANBLK string Name of owner block
MANCOG pos Center of gravity
MANLEN real Length of manual intervals
MANNUM integer Number of manual intervals
MANPAN string Name of owner panel
MANTRA real(16) Transformation from local coordinate
MANTYP string(26) Manufactured type, for example. Plane,
MANU string(120) Manufacturer Name
MANWGH real Weight
MARKRF element(100) Cable Mark points
MARPTY integer Marine picture type
MATANG real Material Lay Angle
MATDEN real Material density
MATDIR dir Material direction
MATID integer Material ID
MATLEN real Material Length

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

MATN string(1000) Material Note
MATOVE real Material Overlap
MATPURPOSE word Material purpose
MATR element Material reference
MATWID real Material Width
MATX element Material text
MAXA real Maximum answer
MAXARE real Maximum area
MAXB real Maximum bore
MAXD integer DB hierarchy depth of lowest level item
beneath element
MAXFIL real Maximum percentage fill level
MAXHUM real Maximum Humidity
MAXLP real Maximum length of pipe
MAXMIN real(2) Maximum and minimum values of
design property
MAXOD real Maximum Outer Diameter
MAXPLN pos Maximum Plane Position
MAXPRE real Maximum Pressure
MAXREP integer Maximum number of Repeat items
MAXSLO real Maximum pipe slope
MAXTEM real Maximum Temperature
MAXU integer Maximum number of user
MAXVOL real Maximum Volume
MAXWAT real Maximum Water Level
MBACK element(10000) elemtype Members in reverse order
MBUFS integer Preferred buffer size in MBytes
MCBENT logical Machine bent
MCOLOUR integer Marker colour
MCONUM integer Marker colour number
MCOU integer elemtype Number of Element Members of Given
MDBCLS element(1000) List of MDBs in which DB is current
MDBLS element(1000) List of MDBs to which DB belongs

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

MDSYSF element(10) Reference Array of Model and Design
MELRFA element(500) All components (non-tube) in the
MEMB element(10000) elemtype All members, or members of specific
MEMDAB element(10000) Dabacon members
MEML word Member line for SCTNs
MEMNAM string(120) Member name
MEMTYP string(256) Member type array
MFAR word(50) Model Function Word array
MFFIND element Find Manufacturingpackage folder
MFLG logical Master link flag - SLAVE if FALSE
MIDP pos Section midpoint (steelwork)
MINARE real Minimum area
MINBEN string(1000) Minimum Bend Radius
MINFED real(500) Minimum feed values
MINFIL real Min Fill level on Cableway and
Cabletray components
MINHUM real Minimum Humidity
MINLP real Minimum length of pipe
MINOD real Minimum Outer Diameter
MINPLN pos Minimum Plane Position
MINPOS integer Smallest position number of nested
plate parts
MINPRE real Minimum Pressure
MINSLO real Minimum pipe slope
MINTEM real Minimum Temperature
MINVER real Minimum vertical pipe slope
MINVOL real Minimum Volume
MIRROR logical True if mirrored in local v-axis
MLEF real Minimum length excluding flange
MLIF real Minimum length including flange
MLIM real(3) Moment limits
MLNCOL integer Member-line colour
MLNCON integer Member-line colour number

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

MLNP integer Member line pen
MLNSTREF element Member-line linestyle Reference
MLNSTY integer Member-line linestyle
MMBOR real MM Nominal Bore
MODATT logical attr True if attribute of element can be
MODDEL logical attr True if element can be deleted
MODERR string(120) attr Returns the error text that would occur if
attribute was modified
MODID string(2000) LMI Model ID
MODREF element Model reference
MODU string(120) Module
MOFI pos Moment of Inertia
MOME real(3) Moment
MOULEN real Mould length
MPEN integer Marker pen
MPFIND element Find Manufacturingpackage
MPKGFD element Find Manufacturingpackage
MPKGFI integer(500) Manufacturing Package Filter
MPKGRF element Manufacturing Package Reference
MRGF logical ADP merge flag
MRGL word ADP merge level
MRKLEN real Total marking length
MRKR word 3 way component marker
MRKST integer Number of starts for marking
MSESS integer attr Last session number
MSTREF element Marker style Reference
MSTYLE integer Marker style
MTBE element Material tube start. The first component,
excluding ATTSs, for whom the LOFF is
invalid or false
MTCL real Material tube centreline length.
MTEN element Material tube end. The first component,
excluding ATTSs, for whom the LOFF is
invalid or false

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

MTLE real Material tube length for TUBI. Includes
preceding bend length if bend is offline.
MTOC word Material list control for components
MTOH word Material list control for head tube
MTOL string(1000) Material List Length
MTOPARTNUMB integer(20) Additional spooling item part numbers
MTOQ string(1000) Material take off quantity
MTOR element(20) Extra material list spec references
MTOT word Material list control for components
leave tube
MTOX integer(20) Old spooler addition items
MTXR element Material text reference
MTXX string(2000) XTEXT of material text
MTXY string(2000) YTEXT of material text
MTXZ string(2000) ZTEXT of material text
MULT real Multiplier factor (unit definition)
MVER element Reference to Master Vertex
MYINSF element Surface Treatment Reference
MYOUSF element Surface Treatment Reference
MYSRFT element word Surface Treatment Reference
N real Position northing
NACCNT integer Non-additive changes count
NAME string(500) Name of the element
NAMEDB string DB name
NAMESQ string(700) Type. sequence number and name of
NAMETY string(700) Type and name of the element
NAMN string(500) Name of the element (without leading
NAMTYP string(700) Type and full name of element
NANGLE real North angle
NARE element Reference to neutral axis
NBEVIT real(2) Pathtime except starts, I-bevel
NBEVXT real(2) Pathtime except starts, X-bevel
NBEVYT real(2) Pathtime except starts, Y-bevel

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

NBORE real Allowable Nominal Bore
NCHAR integer Number of label characters
NCOF pos Nett centre of gravity
NCOL integer Number of columns
NCONNE integer Mismatched connections. that is no
valid backpointer
NCUTNT integer Number of cutouts and notches
NCUTS integer Number of cuts in a mitred bend
NDFLT real Numeric default value for a UDA
NDTINT integer(2) NC tape date
NDTTXT string(22) NC tape date text
NGMR element Negative geometry set reference
NGSD integer Number of GSDs
NHOLE integer Number of holes
NIDLAB real Pathtime except idle time for label
NIDLT real(2) Pathtime except idle time
NLCOLO integer Note colour
NLCONU integer Note colour number
NLOA real Nominal load
NLPN integer Note/framing pen
NLSTREF element Note linestyle Reference
NLSTRT integer Number of label starts
NLSTYL integer Note linestyle
NMOF real(9) Nett moments of inertia
NOCLIP logical View no clipping flag
NOCOL integer Number of pin jig columns
NODIMS logical No Dims Flag
NOEXTCREATIO logical Location extract create suppression flag
NOFF integer Number off
NOFG logical Link constraint inversion flag
NOHLRF logical NoHLRFlag
NOISEC string(104) Noise category
NOMARK logical True if unmarked
NOMBIN real(200) word List of valid Nominal bores in Inches

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

NOMBMM real(200) word List of valid Nominal bores in MM
NOMREF element Nominal bore table reference
NOMXRF element(500) Return reference from NOMTAB
element to SPECs
NOPGS integer Number of openings
NORM dir Plane normal
NOROW integer Number of pin jig rows
NORTHING pos Northing part expressed as a position
NOSOFF real Nosing Offset
NOTF element Cross-reference to NOTE/VNOT/SYTM
NOTREAD integer(10) Number of treads
NPDESC element(5000) List of non primary offspring
NPILL integer Number of jig pillars
NPLDFA string(80) Nesting default file 1
NPLDFB string(80) Nesting default file 2
NPLIST element(500) All NATPs attached to route node
NPLMIR integer Quantity mirrored nested plates
NPLNOR integer Quantity normal nested plates
NPLTOT integer Total quantity nested plates
NPOS pos Position in owner
NPOSE real Easting of position wrt owner
NPOSN real Northing of position wrt owner
NPOSU real Upping of position wrt owner
NPPT integer Ppoint number
NPRSID string(26) Side of nested profile
NPRVEC real(2) Local rotation vector of part
NPSIDE string(80) Side of nested part
NPXYP real(2) Local position of part
NREL integer Nodal releases
NROW integer Number of rows
NRPARM integer Number of rest plate parameters
NRULEE integer Number of rule inconsistencies on
NSIZ real Nominal size
NSPE element Specification for NOZZLE

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

NSRF real Nett surface area
NSTART integer(2) Number of non-burning starts
NSTD element Non-standard bolt length (reference to
NSTFAC real Number of starts - factor
NSTRT integer(3) Number of burning starts
NSTRTI integer(2) Number of burning starts I-bevel
NSTRTX integer(2) Number of burning starts X-bevel
NSTRTY integer(2) Number of burning starts Y-bevel
NTEXT string(12) Null text
NTRLEN real Neutral length
NUCDNA real Distance to nearest anchor
NUCDNE real Distance to the Nearest Edge
NUCDNR element(2) Nearest Adjacent Anchor
NUMB integer Number
NUMBDB integer DB number
NUMCOR integer Number of cores in a cable
NUMOFF integer Number of Sheets in Drawing
NUSED integer Number of used raw plates
NVIEWF string(73) integer Neutral viewer filename
NVOL real Nett volume
NWEI real Nett weight
NWELDS integer Number of attached welds on a piping
NXTDBN integer Next DB number
NXTDBU integer Next Unique DB number
NXTEXN integer Next DB extract number
NXTFDB integer Next DB file and DB number
NXTFLN integer Next DB file number
NXTHB element Reference to next (future) hub
NXTKEY integer next UDA/UDET key
OANG real Overlay sheet angle
OBCOLO integer Obscured face colour
OBCONU integer Obscured face colour number
OBFG logical Obstruction flag

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

OBJCD integer(2) Object codes
OBPN integer Obscured face pen
OBST integer Obstruction level
OBSTREF element Obscured face linestyle Reference
OBSTYL integer Obscured face linestyle
OCCTYP string(50) Occupancy Type
OCCUPA real Occupancy
OCOD string Hashed origin code
OCONE integer Objectcode 1
OCTWO integer Objectcode 2
OD real Outer Diameter
ODESP real(100) Owning design parameters
OFFDIR dir Offset direction applied to repeat
OFFDIS real Offset distance applied to repeat
OFFSET real Offset
OFFTOL string(1000) PPoint offset tolerance
OGDSTS real(25) Distances to openings
OGOING real Overall Going
OKCLA logical True if element may be claimed
OKCLH logical True if element and hierarchy may be
OKDROP logical True if element may be dropped
OKDRPH element(5000) Primary elements preventing hierarchy
OKREL logical True if element may be released
OKRLEH element(5000) Primary elements preventing hierarchy
OKRLEX logical True if element may be extract released
OKRLH logical True if element and hierarchy may be
OLCOLO integer Outline colour
OLCONU integer Outline colour number
OLDKEY integer Old key
OLENGTH real Overall length

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

OLIS word(2000) List of all possible owner types
OLOFF real OffsetLine offset from baseline
OLPEN integer Outline pen
OLSTREF element Outline linestyle Reference
OLSTYL integer Outline linestyle
OMITFG logical Omission flag
ONPJ pos Owning neutral point of joint (steelwork)
ONPO real(2) ONTO Point, position of view in the
ONPS pos Owning neutral point of section
OPAR real(100) Owning parameters - catalogue
OPCLA word Claim Access Control Operation
OPCOP word Copy-From Access Control Operation
OPCRE word Create Access Control Operation
OPCREF element Offpage connector reference
OPDEL word Delete Access Control Operation
OPDI dir Origin plane direction
OPDRO word Drop Access Control Operation
OPERAT string(26) Operator
OPEXP word Export Access Control Operation
OPHEIG real Operational Height
OPISS word Issue Access Control Operation
OPLENG real Operational Length
OPMOD word Modify Access Control Operation
OPNSIZE real(2) Opening size
OPOS pos Overlay sheet position
OPOUT word Output (DATAL) Access Control
OPREMA real Operating pres. max
OPREMI real Operating pres. min
OPTEMP real Operational temperature
OPWIDT real Operational Width
ORI ori Orientation
ORIA real(3) Orientation as angles

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

ORIF logical Orientation flag
ORIN word DRAFT user defined symbol orientation
ORISE real Overall Rising
ORNA string(1000) Originator text
ORRF element Origin reference (for templates)
OSDWG string(120) AutoCAD overlay name
OSET logical Offset/VIEW position flag
OSFN string(1024) Overlay sheet file
OSHT real Overshoot
OSLV real(12) Overlay sheet view layers visible
OSRF element Overlay sheet ref
OSTYPE word Short cut for "Type of owner"
OTHLEN real Length of other intervals
OTHNUM integer Number of other intervals
OTMPMA real Operating temp. max
OTMPMI real Operating temp. min
OUAREA real Area of outer contour
OUPRTR element Outside paint reference
OUTD string(1000) Outside diameter
OUTFRF element Reference of matching outfit object
OUTSD string(1000) Outside shield diameter
OVCWIDTH real Overall cables width
OVRSH real Overshoot (d-measure) for
unsymmetrical flange
OWNC word Owning connection type
OWNER element Element owner in database hierarchy
OWNEXPRESSI string(4000) Owner expression
OWNEXTYPE string(60) Owner expression type
OWNLST element(100) Owning hierarchy
PAAX string(30) Direction of axis
PAGE integer(500) Page in diagram
PAINTO string(26) Painting other side
PAINTT string(26) Painting this side
PAIREF element Reference to a PAINT element

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

PALIG real Panel alignment
PALLAN real integer Ppoint allowed angle
PANESI real(2) Panel Size
PANG string(1000) Angle subtended
PANREF element Panel reference
PANSCD integer Panel storing code
PANSID integer Side of panel
PANSTC integer Panel storing code
PARA real(100) Parameters
PARAL logical True if tap parallel to referred seam
PARCOLUMN element Parent column
PARENT element elemtype Reference of ascendant element of
specified type
PARM real(6) Parameters
PARNAM string(256) Part name
PARREF element(10) Part reference
PARTNUMBER integer Part number of a spooled component or
leave tube
PASS string(7) Password
PASSQ integer Password Quality
PATADV real Line Pattern Advance value
PATDEF integer(20) Pattern Definition
PATH element(500) Path
PATHTM real Path time for selected burning machine
PATNAM string Pattern Name
PATOFF real Line Pattern Offset
PATREP real Pattern Repeat
PAXI string(30) Axial direction
PBAX string(30) Direction
PBBT string(1000) Bottom B length
PBDI string(1000) Distance to bottom surface
PBDM string(1000) Snout bottom diameter
PBENDNUMBER integer Spooling pulled bend number
PBOF string(1000) B offset
PBOP pos integer Bottom of pipe

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

PBOR string(1000) Bore
PBTP string(1000) Top B length
PCAX string(30) Direction of C offset
PCBT string(1000) Bottom C length
PCODA integer Precision code angles
PCODE integer Precision code
PCODF integer Precision code fractions
PCODI integer Precision code imperial
PCODM integer Precision code metric
PCOF string(1000) C offset
PCON string(1000) Connection type
PCONDE string(120) integer Ppoint connection description
PCORRO real integer P Tube corrosion
PCPIDV element(10000) Enabled for project copy
PCPSET element(10000) Enabled for project copy
PCREF integer(4) integer Ppoint and ref of connected piping
PCRFA element(500) All spools that contain this element
PCTP string(1000) Top C length
PCWALL real integer Ppoint connect wall thickness
PDAREF element Pipe data table reference
PDEFI string Primitive Definition
PDEREF element integer Pipe data element reference
PDIA string(1000) Diameter parameter
PDIR dir integer Ppoint direction
PDIS string(1000) Distance parameter
PDTINT integer(2) Production date
PDTTXT string(22) Production date text
PERS real Perspective angle
PFLALL string(1000) Flange allowance parameter
PFLOFF string(1000) Flange offset parameter
PFON integer Projection line text font
PFONTN string(80) Projection line text font name
PFRE element Pfitting reference for Cofittings
PFREQ logical Picture file required flag

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

PGRD real integer Ppoint gradient
PHBO real Pipe head bore
PHBP pos Bottom of pipe head
PHCO word Pipe head connection type
PHDR dir Pipe head direction
PHEI string(1000) Height
PHGR real Pipe head gradient
PHOD real Pipe head outside diameter
PHPO pos Pipe head position
PHTP pos Top of pipe head
PICF string(73) Picture filename
PICFD logical Picture file distribution flag
PICHTY word Hard type of picture
PICSTY word Soft type of picture
PINDEN real Pin Density
PIPSYM logical Pipe-end symbol flag
PITCH real(10) Pitch of stair flight
PITCHO real Angular offset from ladder pitch
PJUS string Projection line text justification
PKDI real Proportional distance along Pline
PKEY word Pline identifier key
PLALEN real Raw plate length
PLANU string(1000) Planning Unit
PLANV logical Is Plan View
PLAREA real Area
PLATYP string(26) Type of plate , for example. Plate,
Bracket, Clip,...
PLAWDT real Raw plate width
PLAX string(120) 2D direction angle
PLCL real Projection line clearance
PLCLFL logical Proj. line clearance flag
PLCN logical word Pline centreline flag
PLCO word word Pline connection
PLCOLO integer Projection line colour
PLCONU integer Projection line colour number

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

PLDE string(120) word Pline description
PLDI real(3) Projection line direction
PLED dir Plane entry direction
PLEN pos word Pline end
PLENCU pos word Pline end, allowing for cutback
PLFG logical Plines flag
PLINON logical Pline-required flag
PLLE integer(2) word Pline level
PLLS word(100) List of valid Plines
PLNA word(100) List of available Pline names
PLNCOL integer Pline colour
PLNCON integer Pline colour number
PLNP integer Pline pen
PLNSTREF element Pline linestyle Reference
PLNSTY integer Pline linestyle
PLOR ori word Pline orientation
PLPM word Plane pipe packing method - nearest or
PLPN integer Projection line pen
PLPP word Plane pipe positioning code word used
by Router
PLPU word word Pline purpose
PLRD dir Plane routine direction
PLREFS element(5000) Pline references
PLRF element Plane reference
PLSP real Projection line text line spacing
PLST pos word Pline start
PLSTCU pos word Pline start, allowing for cutback
PLSTREF element Projection linestyle Reference
PLSTYL integer Projection linestyle
PLTU logical word Pline tube flag
PLTX string(1000) Projection line text
PLVI word(200) List of visible Plines
PLVIF integer word Pline visibility flag

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Introduction to Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

PLWW word Plane wall to wall positioning code used
by Router
PMAX integer Maximum part number in current spool
PMLFUN string(120) PML Function name
PMLNAM string(120) Name of Pmlobject
PMOD string Plane mode
PNAM string(12) Property description
PNTUV pos Point2D
PNTXYZ pos Point3D
POCK word Is a branch component in a pocket
POD real integer Ppoint outside diameter
POEF logical Post-evaluation flag
POFF string(1000) Offset
POINUM integer Point Num
POIS real Spot value of Poissons ratio
POITYP string(120) Point type
POS pos Position
POSE pos End point position
POSEE real Easting of end point position
POSEU real Upping of end point position
POSEV pos Position evaluation
POSEY real Northing (Y coordinate) of end point
POSF logical Positioning flag
POSFOR string Intelligent Text positional code word
expansion style
POSL word Positioning line
POSN real Northing of position
POSNO integer Position number
POSREF element Reference to point
POSS pos Start point position
POSSE real Easting of start point position
POSSN real Northing of start point position
POSSU real Upping of start point position
POSTSP real Default post spacing

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

POSU real Upping of position
POSX real Easting (X coordinate) of position
POSXP integer(500) Position expression
POWFAC real Powder point factor
PPANFL real Pipe Piece Angle between flanges
PPAREF element Pipe Piece Arrive Reference
PPBO real integer Ppoint bore
PPBRAD real(500) Pipe piece bend radii
PPBRAT real(500) Pipe piece bend ratio
PPCNBD logical Pipe piece contains bends
PPCO word integer Ppoint connection type
PPCOU integer Number of valid Ppoints
PPCUTL real Cut Length
PPDE string(120) integer Ppoint description
PPDI integer Ppoint number for direction
PPEFR logical Leave flange required
PPER element Pipe piece end reference
PPEXST logical integer True if Ppoint exists
PPFINL real Finished Length
PPFMCV logical Pipe piece fabrication machines verified
PPHEI real integer Ppoint height
PPLREF element Pipe Piece Leave Reference
PPLS integer(200) List of valid Ppoints
PPMODI logical Pipe piece modified
PPNU integer Design PPoint/Port number
PPOFFT real integer Ppoint offset
PPOS pos integer Ppoint position
PPRFA element(500) All components in the PipePiece
PPRO string(1000) Parameterised Property Expression
PPSFR logical Arrive flange required
PPSK word integer Ppoint pskey
PPSPEC element Pipe Piece Specification
PPSR element Pipe piece start reference
PPUR word integer Ppoint purpose

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

PPVBMC element Return the bending machine IF the pipe
piece is verified
PPVERI word Pipe piece verified
PPVI integer(200) List of visible Ppoints
PPVIF integer integer Ppoint visibility flag
PPVWMC element Return the welding machine IF the pipe
piece is verified
PPWID real integer Ppoint width
PQAANG real integer Angle between alignment direction of
specified pp and adjacent component
PQANG real integer Angle between specified Ppoint and
adjacent component
PQBORE logical integer TRUE if specified Ppoint has same bore
as adjacent
PQCON logical integer TRUE if leave Ppoint has Correct
connection type
PQOFF real integer Offset between specified Ppoint and
adjacent component
PQUA word Property qualifier
PRAD string(1000) Radius
PRAV real Average pressure
PRDE string(250) word Property default
PREF logical Pre-evaluation flag
PREFIX string(120) Prefix
PREPPR string(26) Preparation information
PREPT real Preparation time
PRES real Pressure
PRFC string(1000) Pressure factor
PRFELE element Cableway profile element
PRFG logical Profile flag
PRFL string(120) Profile
PRFOBS integer Cableway profile obstructions
PRICEE real Price estimate
PRIMDB string Global status of DB, primary or
PRIMEM logical Primary member

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

PRIMSY element Reference of the primary system
PRIMTY logical True if element is primary
PRITYP string(120) Gpart Primary type
PRJD string(180) Project description
PRJID string(8) Project id. Available on STAT or GSTAT
PRJL logical Project lock
PRJN string(17) Project number
PRJSTA word Access Control project status
PRLS word(100) List of valid properties - catalogue or
PRMA real Maximum pressure
PRMDIR dir Primary Direction
PRMI real Minimum pressure
PRMLOC element Primary location
PRMMEM logical True if there are any primary elements
amongst descendants
PRMOWN element Primary owning element (will be itself if
PRMRF element Primary Location Element
PRMVI logical Draughting primitive visibility
PROCDE string(2400) PROCess DEscription
PRODID string(104) Product id
PRODRF element Reference to Production Object
PRODUCTION real Production level radiation
PROJID integer(3) PROJID - on the DB element
PROLEN real Raw profile length
PROMIX integer Index of Promote Status Value
PROMPT string(160) User prompt
PROP string(250) word Property value from catalogue or design
PROPG logical DB propagation flag
PROPRE real attr Calculated Property Real Attribute
PROSID integer Plate side with most profile markings
PRPU word word Property purpose

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

PRTI string(120) word Property title
PRTIDL string(132) Long part id
PRTIDM string(132) Module part id
PRTIDS string(132) Short part id
PRTLST string(26) Parts list name
PRTREF element Part reference
PRTRTX string(1000) word Part element R text
PRTSTX string(1000) word Part element S text
PRTTTX string(1000) word Part element T text
PRTXRF element(500) Return reference from PART element to
PRVRF element Reference to previous owner of DB
PRVSES integer integer Previous Session to that specified
PSARFA element(500) Pipespool arrive references
PSATTS word(500) List of pseudo attributes
PSESS integer integer Previous session number
PSFG logical Piping component symbol flag
PSIZE real(2) Panel size
PSKE word Key for ISODRAFT
PSLRFA element(500) Pipespool leave references
PSPE element Pipe specification
PSPIN integer Ppoint number showing position of
PSTAT integer Plane status
PSTF element Pointset reference
PSTR element Structural Pline set reference
PSTYP word Spool Type
PSVLD logical Pipespool valid
PTAN string Projection line text angle flag
PTBO real Pipe tail bore
PTBP pos Bottom of pipe tail
PTCDI string(1000) Parameterised direction
PTCH real Projection text character height
PTCO word Pipe tail connection type
PTCOLO integer Projection text colour

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

PTCONU integer Projection text colour number
PTCPOS string(250) Parameterised position
PTDI string(1000) Distance to top surface
PTDM string(1000) Snout top diameter
PTDR dir Pipe tail direction
PTDTRE element Part Data set reference
PTEM real Pipework temperature
PTEPOS string(250) Parameterised end position
PTFA element(17) Point references
PTGR real Pipe tail gradient
PTLH real Projection text letter height
PTNB integer(20) Old spooler bolt part number
PTNH integer Old spooler head tube part number
PTNO integer Old spooler component part number
PTNT integer Old spooler tube part number
PTOD real Pipe tail outside diameter
PTOF real(2) Projection line text offset
PTOLER real Tolerance on a design property
PTOP pos integer Top of pipe
PTPN integer Projection text pen
PTPO pos Pipe tail position
PTPTXT string(26) Profile type. for example. Stiffener,
PTRE element Point set reference
PTRF element Point reference
PTS integer(6) Line definition points
PTSP string(120) Paint specification
PTSPOS string(250) Parameterised start position
PTTP pos Top of pipe tail
PTYP word Property type
PUCD string(100) Paint Code
PUINCD string(120) Inside punch code
PUNCHT real Punching time
PUNI string(32) Data Property Units
PUOUCD string(120) Outside punch code

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

PURCH string(26) Purchase information
PURP word Description code word
PVIF integer PPoint/Pline visibility filter
PVNO integer Picture version number
PWALLT real integer Ppoint wall thickness
PWAS string(1000) Percentage wastage factor
PWID string(1000) Width / Wall thickness
PWWFAC real Powder way factor
PX string(1000) Cartesian X position
PXBS string(1000) Inclination of bottom surface to local X
PXLE string(1000) X length
PXTS string(1000) Inclination of top surface to local X axis
PY string(1000) Cartesian Y position
PYBS string(1000) Inclination of bottom surface to local Y
PYLE string(1000) Y length
PYTS string(1000) Inclination of top surface to local Y axis
PZ string(1000) Cartesian Z position
PZAXI string(30) Alignment axial direction
PZDIR dir integer Ppoint alignment direction
PZLE string(1000) Z length
QALLSI integer AllocSize
QMXUPT integer MaxUserPtr
QNELEM integer QNoElem
QOBJSI integer ObjectSize
QTYPE word Type of question
QUACD integer Quality code
QUAL integer Qualifier
QUAN integer Quantity (always one!)
QUAPAI string(26) Paint specification
QUATXT string(26) Quality
QUES word Question
QUSEXP integer(250) question expression
RADD real Default Radius value

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

RADF real Radius attractor factor
RADI real Radius
RADISP real(10000) Radius Spacing
RADL real(2) Radius limits (Min/Max)
RADS logical Radius set flag - ignore Radius values if
RAILHE real(15) Heights of rails measured from path
RAILTR real(10000) Rail Trim
RANANG real(32) elemtype Range of available angles for bends
and elbows
RANEQUIP real Range of the nearest equipment
RANRAD real(32) elemtype Range of available radii
RATFAC real Rationalisation factor
RATI real Pressure rating
RATPOT string(15) Rationalisation post text
RATPRE string(15) Rationalisation pre text
RATTAL element(500) word Ratta list
RATTAL element(500) word Rnode list
RAWNAM string(500) Name only
RAWPLA element Raw Plate
RAWPRO string(26) Name of raw profile
RCOD string Direction of region vertical on sheet
RCOF pos Rough centre of gravity
RCOU integer Number of rules on element
RDEF real(3) Port rotation flexibility defaults
REACT string(1000) Reactance
READONLY logical Read only
REALEV real Real evaluation
REALXP integer(500) Real expression
RECOMM string(256) Release to 3D comment
REDATE string(12) Release to 3D date
REDREF element Reducer table reference
REDTYPE integer Reducer Type
REDXRF element(500) Return reference from Reducer Table
element to SPECs

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Introduction to Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

REF element Reference of the element
REFA word Reference attribute used in ports
REFI integer Reference array index
REFL word(200) Types of elements (including UDETs)
that can be pointed to by a reference
REFLCL logical True if reflected in CL
REFLEVEL integer Reference Level
REFMOD integer Reflection Mode
REFSIZ integer Reference size
REPCOU integer Rule Repeat Counter
REPSEQ integer Sequence no. for template repeat
REPTXT string Reporter text used for element type
REQUIRED logical Required
RESIS string(1000) Resistance
RESO real Model Resolution (distance)
RESTAT integer Release to 3D status
REUSER string(50) Release to 3D user
REV integer Pipe Revision number
REVDIR logical Reverse Direction flag
REWIDTH real Reduced width
RFLAG word Type of real answer NONE, SINGle,
RFLF real(3) Rotational spring values
RGBCOL real(3) RGB colour vector
RHOST string(120) Host computer name or IP address of
remote machine
RINE real(3) Rotational inertia vector
RINS real Inside radius
RISE real Tread Rise
RLAC integer(500) Rule action array
RLEX element(20) Array of references of special rules to
RLIM real(6) Rotation limits
RLIN element(20) Array of references of special rules to

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Introduction to Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

RLIS word(200) List of rules set
RLLO integer(500) Rule logical array
RLOC integer Branch Member Creation Status code
RLSE integer(500) Rule selection array
RMFL real(6) Rotational moment flexibility
RMOF real(9) Rough moments of inertia
RNAM string(120) Recipient name
RNGCON element Rung Connection
RNGOFF real Rung Offset
RNREF element Route Node reference
RNRIDF real Rung Rising Default
RNRIMA real Rung Rising Minimum
RNRIMI real Rung Rising Minimum
RNTYPE word RNode Type
ROBRRU element(500) Router Rules applying to a piping
element or members
ROLEREF element Access Control role references from
ROOMTY string(120) Room Type
RORIEN logical True if repeat item is re-orientated upon
ROTN real(3) Rotation
ROUT real Outside radius
ROUTND element(100) Cable Preliminary route point
ROUTRE element Route reference
ROWCOL integer Row colour
ROWCON integer Row colour number
ROWNUM integer Pin row number
ROWSTREF element Row linestyle Reference
ROWSTY integer Row linestyle
RPARM real(4) Rest plate parameters
RPEN integer Pen for internal rows
RPLCOD integer Rest plate code
RPLNAM string(26) Rest plate name
RPLNUM integer Number of rest plates

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Introduction to Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

RPLPOS real(4) Rest plate position
RPLSET integer Rest plate set
RPLTYP integer Rest plate type
RPRE real Reference pressure
RPRO real word Catalogue dataset property
RPTX string(20) Text used when presenting the attribute
to the user
RRSF element Rep ruleset reference
RSBOX real(6) Bounding box of RSO
RSEQA integer(500) Sequence numbers for rule execution
RSEQFA element(500) Rule sequence ref array for local names
RSEQN integer Sequence number for rule execution
RSESS string(120) integer Reason for creation of session
RSET logical(3) Rotation limits set flag - ignore values if
RSFFD integer Functional description on face
RSFMC integer Material code on face
RSFMS string(256) Material side on face
RSFMT real Material thickness on face
RSFSA logical Auto stiffening on face
RSFSD string(256) Profile dim on face
RSFSS string(256) Stiffener side on face
RSFST integer Profile type on face
RSFWT logical Watertight
RSLBRA string(256) Bracket instance at limit
RSLELE element Limiting element
RSLPRE integer Profile end definition at limit
RSPAN element(1000) Panel(s) defined on RSO
RSPLN integer Principal plane of RSO
RSRF real Rough surface area
RSTYP integer Type of RSO
RTEM real Reference temperature
RTEX string(2000) R Text string
RTYP string(12) Restraint type
RULEER string(300) integer Text of "nth" rule error

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Introduction to Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

RULEMOD logical attr True if rule modified this session
RULEMODC logical attr True if rule modified since comparison
RULEMODLIST word(500) integer List of rules modified since given
RULEMODLISTC word(500) List of rules modified since comparison
RULLIM real(6) Ruler limits
RULRCO integer Ruler type code
RULSET word(2000) List of rules set
RULTCK integer Number of ticks between labelled ticks
RUNGS integer Number of rungs
RUNGSP real Rung Spacing
RUSE integer True if PPROP/DPROP to be used as
an RPROP in geomset/pointset
attribute expression
RVAU string(1000) Revision author
RVDT string(12) Date of revision
RVOL real Rough gross volume
RVSN string(1000) Revision number
RVTM string(120) Time of revision
RWDOWN integer(2) Table linking RWELD elements to
design WELD elements
RWDOWN element Reference of associated WELD of
RWELD element
RWEI real Rough weight
RWIDTH real Rung Width
S real Position southing
SAFC integer Safety class
SAVDIR dir Cached direction
SAVPOS pos Cached position
SBRA element(10) SBOLT references
SBRP element SBFR to RPLA reference link (Router)
SCAL integer DRAFT user defined symbol scale
SCALI real(500) ADP main view allowable scale list
SCALIN logical Drafting symbol link scaling flag

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

SCAREF element(10) Area shape reference
SCBREF element(50) Schematic element back reference
SCDELI string(50) Delimiter
SCDIGIT integer Digits
SCEIRE element(60) Enhanced instrument relationship
SCELOR element(20) Enhanced instrumentation loop
reference array for schematic elements
SCGTYP string(50) Schematic nozzle gtype
SCHED string(10) Piping Schedule
SCHELE element Schematic head element
SCHEME string Scheme name
SCHFF integer Schematic file format
SCHLNK element Connectivity Schematic Link
SCHTYP integer Schematic type
SCIERTYPE word(60) Instrument enhanced reference type
SCIIRE element(50) Instrument to instrument reference
SCIIRTYPE word(50) Instrument to instrument reference type
SCIPRE element(50) Instrument process reference
SCIPRTYPE word(50) Instrument process reference type
SCIREF element(10) Instrument reference
SCIREL element(50) Instrument relationship
SCIRLTYPE word(50) Instrument relationship type
SCIRTY word(10) Instrument reference type
SCLORE element(10) Instrumentation loop reference array for
schematic elements
SCOD string(3) Isodraft Compipe: Short code
SCOPEREF element Access Control scope references from
SCOSEL integer(500) Access Control scope
SCOSLX integer(500) Access Control scope
SCPANA string(120) Schematic page name
SCPATY word Schematic page type
SCQUAN integer Quantity
SCRAPT real Total scrap of raw plate area

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Introduction to Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

SCRAPU real Total scrap of used raw plate area
SCREF element Schematic element reference
SCSTYP string(257) Schematic stype
SCSYSD element(500) System reference array for schematic
SCSYSF element(10) System reference array for schematic
SCTDIR dir Section Direction
SCTELE element Schematic tail element
SDISTA real Vertical Distance of Start
SDTH real(3) Saddle thickness
SDTINT integer(2) Splitting date
SDTTXT string(22) Splitting date
SECTYP string(120) Gpart Secondary type
SEGE pos Segment end point position
SEGS pos Segment start point position
SENS string Rotational sense
SEQU integer Sequence Position in Member List
SESCLA integer Session Of Claim
SESSC string(120) integer Comment for specified session
SESSCA integer(2000) List of pairs of DB number, last session
number for all referenced DBs
SESSCH integer(2000) As for SESSCA, but searches all
descendants for referenced DBs
SESSD string(120) integer Date of specified Session
SESSM integer attr Session Of Last Modification
SESSNO integer Current opened Session
SESSU string(120) integer User creating specified session
SETDATE string(120) Set Date
SEXPND element(10000) All descendant elements in secondary
SFCODE integer Stiffener Code
SFLIMI word Spooling limits
SFOR real(3) Start force vector component
SFREF element Return reference from piping
component or leave tube to spool or
field element

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

SHAP string(1000) Shape modulus
SHFALG real Shrinkage factor along main direction
SHFPRP real Shrinkage factor perpendicular to main
SHFSEA real Shrinkage factor for seams perp. to
main direction
SHIPNO string(80) Ship number
SHIPX string(20) Ship X position
SHIPY string(20) Ship Y position
SHIPZ string(20) Ship Z position
SHOC real(3) Shock load vector
SHOP logical Shop/Site flag
SHOPRI logical Shop Primer
SHPSYM string(40) Shape symbol text
SHPUV pos Point defining shrinkage
SHRF element Reference to associated sheet or library
SHTNUM integer Sheet Number
SHVUV dir Vector defining shrinkage
SIF real(3) Stress intensification factor
SIGF integer Significant figures
SIGREF element Significant point reference
SITEM element Reference from secondary hierarchy
SIZE real(2) Sheet/region size
SIZEDB integer Size of DB
SJUS word Surface justification for PALJs
SKEY string(4) Symbol key
SKEYSCALE integer Universal SKEY scale factor
SLENGTH real Side length
SLOPEF logical SLOPEF (True if its a sloping wall else
step change)
SLOREF element Pipe slope reference
SLRAP element(500) Sorted list of RATTA after POINTR
SLRBP element(500) Sorted list of RATTA before POINTR
SMAX integer Maximum spool number in current spool

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Introduction to Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

SMEMB element(10000) Immediate members in secondary
SMNO integer SMODU number
SMOD string Sectioning mode
SMOM real(3) Start moment component
SOLFILLED logical Solid Filled Flag
SORF element Source reference (for automatic
SOUR string(1000) Source macro
SPBREF element Reference to boundary element
SPECIF logical True if outer panel contour on PS/SB
are different
SPIN string(4) DRAFT user defined spindle symbol/
skey name
SPINRE element Reference to external inventory element
SPKBRK logical ATTA flag to treat as a real element
SPKCHG element flag to show where a spec change
occurs in a branch
SPKDI real Proportional distance of start point
along Pline
SPLA string Name of spigot plate
SPLATE word Section plate
SPLH string(120) Old spooler head tube spool number
SPLMEM element(1500) Spooling table attribute on SPOOL or
FIELD elements
SPLN string(120) Old spooler component spool number
SPLNUM integer Spool number
SPLP string(120) Spool number prefix
SPLPARENT element(500) elemtype Branches referenced by a SPLDRG,
SPLT string(120) Old spooler tube spool number
SPLTBL integer(2000) Table linking SPOOL & FIELD elements
to piping components
SPLVOLUME real(3) Volume of a SPOOL element
SPMA real word Spec angle maximum answer
SPMACC string(25) Access authorization code
SPMACD string(75) Access authorization description

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

SPMALL real Structural Allowance
SPMAOF real Offset AFT
SPMARA real Area of face
SPMARE real Area of face
SPMATP integer Type of space arrangement
SPMBB real(6) Bounding box
SPMBIN integer Boundary identification number
SPMBNA string(80) Boundary name
SPMBOF real Offset BOT
SPMBOX real(6) Bounding box
SPMBR element Bounding reference
SPMCAS real Calculated steel paint area of space
SPMCDE string(75) Content description
SPMCFA real Floor area
SPMCLI word(2000) List of customer attributes for space
SPMCOL integer Colour
SPMCOS real(3) Calculated centre of steel structure
SPMCOV pos Centre of Volume
SPMCTY string(25) Content type code
SPMCWB real Calculated length of butt weld
SPMCWC real Calculated Weight of space Contents
SPMCWL real Calculated length of fillet weld
SPMCWS real Calculated Weight of steel structure
SPMDE real Density
SPMEAS real Estimated steel paint area of space
SPMEHC real Estimated HVAC Capacity
SPMEN string(26) Envelop name
SPMEPC real Estimated Power Consumption
SPMEWB real Estimated length of butt weld
SPMEWC real Estimated Weight of space Contents
SPMEWL real Estimated length of fillet weld
SPMEWS real Estimated weight of steel structure
SPMFAR real Face area

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

SPMFCL string(20) Fire class
SPMFLW real Full load weight
SPMFOF real Offset FWD
SPMFST integer Face state
SPMHSN string(26) Hull surface name
SPMLSC string(25) Space Category
SPMMVO real Total (moulded) volume
SPMNBI integer Next boundary identification number
SPMNOC string(25) Noise category code
SPMNOD string(75) Noise category description
SPMNVO real Net volume
SPMPED real Permeability Damage
SPMPER real Permeability
SPMPOF real Offset PS
SPMPP real(5) Precise properties
SPMPU string(25) Purpose code
SPMRDH real Required deck height
SPMRFA real Required floor area
SPMRSE string(25) Required service code
SPMRSN string(26) Reference surface name
SPMRTE element Reference to envelop space
SPMSAC string(25) Safety category code
SPMSAD string(75) Safety category description
SPMSAN string(80) Space arrangement name
SPMSBD element(500) Space boundary definitions
SPMSEC string(25) Security classification code
SPMSED string(75) Security classification description
SPMSFI integer Subface identification number
SPMSFP element Returns the space that contains the
given point
SPMSOF real Offset SB
SPMSS integer Space state
SPMSTP integer User defined subtype
SPMSWT integer Type of space world
SPMTHC string(25) Thermal insulation code

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

SPMTHD string(75) Thermal insulation description
SPMTIC string(25) Compartment tightness code
SPMTID string(75) Compartment tightness description
SPMTOF real Offset TOP
SPMTOL integer Type of limits
SPMTYP string(20) Type of space world as enumerated
SPMVOI integer Space void marker
SPOONUMBER string(120) Spool number including spool prefix
SPOW element Reference of SPEC owning SPCO of
branch members
SPPOSN integer Position number of spigot plate
SPPURP word Special purpose table attribute
SPRA real word Spec angle answer
SPRB real word Spec bore answer
SPRE element Component spec reference
SPSF element Sheet pointset reference
SPSP string(2) Old spooler spool prefix
SPTYPE word Type of element to be selected
SPWD string word Spec text answer
SQCURR integer Current value in sequence
SQMAX integer Maximum value of sequence
SQNAME string(50) Name of sequence
SQSTEP integer Increments in sequence
SQWRAP logical True if wrap around in sequence is
SREF string(12) Source reference
SREL integer Start releases (packed)
SREVAY element(50) Sheet revisions array
SRFTRE element Reference to a SRFTRT element
SRTP integer Sorting priority for dimensions
SSLENGTH real Second side length
SSPLIT logical Spool Split
STACOM string(1000) Comment to the current status set
STAELE real Start Elevation
STAN real Start angle

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Introduction to Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

STAP real Length of arrive straight tube
STAPOINT integer Cable Start connection point
STAREF element Cable Start reference
STASUS logical Current status suspended
STCD string(100) Symbol Code
STDEFREF element Status definition
STEREF element(500) Stencil reference array for schematic
STEX string(2000) S Text string
STFC real Constant stretch factor
STFP real Proportional stretch factor
STINCD string(120) Inside surface treatment symbol code
STINRF element Inside surface treatment reference
STITL string(120) Sheet title
STLE real Length of leave straight tube
STLPOS element Status Element reference
STLR element Steel Reference
STLSF element Database reference
STMF element Template selection pointer
STOCKL real Stock Length
STOUCD string(120) Outside Surface treatment symbol code
STOURF element Outside surface treatment reference
STPDBS element(5000) Stamps containing db
STPSES integer(2000) Sessions used in at least one stamp
STPUV pos Start point
STRCON string(120) Stair Configuration
STRE real Spot value of stress
STREAT string(26) Surface treatment
STREV string(120) String value evaluation
STRSTD string(120) Stair Standard
STRXP integer(500) String expression
STRXPL logical True if surface treatment explicitly
STSESS integer Database session number
STSP element Structural specification

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

STVASD element(500) Status types eligible
STVCOM string element Status comment
STVDEMOTE element Demote Status Value
STVDSC string element Status description
STVHCO string element Status held comment
STVHOL logical element Current status held
STVLNK element element Status value Reference
STVLSK element(500) Status Link Elements
STVLST element(500) Statuses assigned
STVNAM string element Status value name
STVNUM integer element Status value
STVPROMOTE element Promote Status Value
STVREF element Value Ref
STVSUS logical element Current status held
STVTRV element(500) Valid Transitions
STVUNR element(500) Unresolved Status refs
STVUSD element(10000) Elements having this status value
STVVAL element element Status value Reference
STYF element Rep style reference
STYP string SPECON type question
STYPDB string DB sub type
SUFFIX string(120) Suffix
SUPP string(120) Supplier Name
SURF string(120) Surface Preparation
SURMAT string(100) Surface Material
SURNOR dir pos, dir Surface Normal
SURPNT pos pos, dir Surface Point
SURPRE string(100) Surface Preparation
SVASPLANE logical Hull symbolic view as plane Y/N
SVASSEMBLIES element(100) Hull symbolic view assembly elements
SVAUTO logical Hull symbolic view auto Y/N
SVBLEXCLUDE logical Hull symbolic view exclude blocks Y/N
SVBLOCKS element(100) Hull symbolic view block elements

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Introduction to Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

SVCAX logical Hull symbolic view coord axis Y/N
SVCOMNO integer Hull symbolic view component number
SVCOMTYPE integer Hull symbolic view component type
SVCROSSSYM logical Hull symbolic view cross sect symbol Y/
SVCURTYPE integer Hull symbolic view curve type
SVCURVES element(100) Hull symbolic view curve elements
SVDBEFORE string(20) Hull symbolic view depth before
SVDBEHIND string(20) Hull symbolic view depth behind
SVDRACCOM logical Hull symbolic view draw
accommodation Y/N
SVDRAINTERS logical Hull symbolic view draw inters Y/N
SVDRAP logical Hull symbolic view draw plane V
SVDRCWAY logical Hull symbolic view draw cableway Y/N
SVDREQUIP logical Hull symbolic view draw equip Y/N
SVDRPIPE logical Hull symbolic view draw pipe Y/N
SVDRPVOL logical Hull symbolic view draw pvol Y/N
SVDRSTRUCT logical Hull symbolic view draw structure Y/N
SVDRVENT logical Hull symbolic view draw ventilation Y/N
SVLOOKING integer Hull symbolic view looking direction
SVLXMAX string(20) Hull symbolic view xmax
SVLXMIN string(20) Hull symbolic view xmin
SVLYMAX string(20) Hull symbolic view ymax
SVLYMIN string(20) Hull symbolic view ymin
SVLZMAX string(20) Hull symbolic view zmax
SVLZMIN string(20) Hull symbolic view zmin
SVNAME string(1000) Hull symbolic view name
SVPANELS element(100) Hull symbolic view panel elements
SVPLEXCLUDE logical Hull symbolic view exclude panels Y/N
SVPLTYPE integer Hull symbolic view plane type
SVPLXORIGIN string(20) Hull symbolic view x1
SVPLXUAXIS string(20) Hull symbolic view x2
SVPLXVAXIS string(20) Hull symbolic view x3
SVPLYORIGIN string(20) Hull symbolic view y1
SVPLYUAXIS string(20) Hull symbolic view y2

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Introduction to Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

SVPLYVAXIS string(20) Hull symbolic view y3
SVPLZORIGIN string(20) Hull symbolic view z1
SVPLZUAXIS string(20) Hull symbolic view z2
SVPLZVAXIS string(20) Hull symbolic view z3
SVPNAM string(1000) Hull symbolic view pan name
SVPONLY logical Hull symbolic view pan only
SVPOSCOAXIS string(20) Hull symbolic view coord axis pos
SVREFLECT logical Hull symbolic view reflect Y/N
SVRSO logical Hull symbolic view RSO Y/N
SVSCALE real Hull symbolic view scale
SVSHPROFILE logical Hull symbolic view profile Y/N
SVSHSEAM logical Hull symbolic view shell seam Y/N
SVSHTHICK logical Hull symbolic view shell thickness Y/N
SVTYPE integer Hull symbolic view type
SVWAY element(50) Sheet Views array
SWING word Swing
SYLBTA word SYLBTAble attribute
SYMBFG logical Symbol flag
SYMELE element Reference to element on other side of
CL (unset for non-symmetric)
SYMGRO string(120) Symbol Group
SYMLNS integer Side of direction vector
SYMM integer Symmetry code
SYMNAM string(120) Symbol Name
SYMXYZ dir Vector along symmetry line
SYSZ real Symbol size (uniform scaling)
SYTBOK logical SYLBTA attribute updated flag
SZDI real Start load point in section
TABANS real(10) Tabular answers
TAGCD integer Tag code
TAGCDS integer(25) Tag codes
TAGNMS integer(25) Tag numbers
TAGNUM integer Tag number
TANGLE real Tile Angle
TANGOF real Tangent offset

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Introduction to Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

TANS string(1024) Text answer for text styp in spec
TARF element Target reference
TATYPE string(10) Text answer type
TBID integer Tribon ID
TBNAME string(25) TbName
TBOR real Tail bore
TCAT element Trace catalogue reference
TCDD string(250) word Current design property default value
TCDP string(250) word Current design property value
TCOD string Hashed origin code
TCON word Tail connection type
TCORRO real Tail Corrosion
TCREF element(10) Tail connections
TCTL real True cut length
TDEF string(1024) Text default for text styp in spec
TDET element Trace detail text reference
TDIR dir Tail direction
TDMF element(2) ISODRAFT Reference Dimension
TDMT word(2) ISODRAFT Reference Dimension
TDPR real word Template design dataset property
TDRT string(2000) Trace detail RTEXT
TDST string(2000) Trace detail STEXT
TDTT string(2000) Trace detail TTEXT
TEAMLS element(1000) List of TEAMs to which USER belongs
TEASTA word Access Control team status
TEMF element Team reference
TEMP real Temperature
TEND string Connection at other end of TREF
TEQDES string(120) To Equipment Description
TESTEV logical Result of constraint test evaluation
TESTXP integer(500) Logical Expression
TEXIST logical True if component has TUBI. Always
true for offline bends.

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Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

TFDP element word Template design dataset property
TGEOM logical True if component has TUBI geometry
TGRA real Pipework temperature gradient
THERMA string(104) Thermal category
THICKNESS real Thickness
THPO pos Point through which viewing
TIERHE real(15) Heights of trays measured from path
TIMEEND integer End time of COMMS window
TIMEINTERVAL integer COMMS retry time interval
TIMEOUTNUMB integer COMMS max retry count
TIMER string(120) Frequency of DB propagation
TIMESTART integer Start time of COMMS window
TIMFAC real Pathtime time factor
TIMPET string(15) Time factor pre text
TIMPOT string(15) Time factor post text
TITL string(1000) Title
TLCONN element(500) List of elements connected to branch
TLIN logical True length indicator
TLREF element(500) List of attachment connected to
TMAT element Trace material text reference
TMAV real Average temperature
TMDWG string(120) AutoCAD template name
TMMA real Maximum temperature
TMMI real Minimum temperature
TMPR element Template reference from SPCO
TMRF element Template reference
TMRMASTER element Template Repeat Master Duplicate
TMROWNER element Template Repeat Owning Element
TMRREF element Template Repeat Element Reference
TMRRULE integer(500) Template Repeat Rule
TMRXREF element(500) Return reference from TMRREL
element to repeat elements

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Introduction to Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

TMXT string(2000) Trace material XTEXT
TMYT string(2000) Trace material YTEXT
TMZT string(2000) Trace material ZTEXT
TOFFT real Tail offset
TOPOLOGY string(120) Branch topology
TOTALT real Total machine time for a nested plate
TOTLAB real Total label pathtime
TOTLEN real Total length
TOTT real(2) Total pathtime
TOTTI real(2) Total pathtime, I-bevel
TOTTX real(2) Total pathtime, X-bevel
TOTTY real(2) Total pathtime, Y-bevel
TPAR real(30) Trace catalogue component parameters
TPEN integer Text pen
TPLFRR element(10000) Topology references
TPON integer TO port number
TPOS pos Tail position
TPOSE real Easting of tail position
TPOSN real Northing of tail position
TPOSU real Upping of tail position
TPREF element Tail point reference
TPRESS real TestPressure
TPVAL string(1000) Task parameter name
TQUAL string(1024) Text qualifier in spec or sele
TQUES string(1024) Text question in spec or sele
TRANS real(12) Local transformation matrix
TRAYH real Tray height
TRAYOW real Tray other width
TRAYRW real Tray Reduce Width
TRAYSW real Tray side width
TRAYW real Tray Width
TRCG logical DRAFT user defined symbol trace flag
TRCLIN word Trace line
TREATP element Tread type

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Introduction to Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

TREDOV real Tread Overlap
TREF element Tail reference
TRGENA logical Initial Value
TRIMCE integer(10000) Array of Trimmed Cells
TRSF element Tag ruleset reference
TRUN real Truncation value (+ve) or percentage (-
TSFBR logical Spooling marker for leave tube
TSIZ real Terminator size
TSLEN real Total suspension length
TSPE element Tracing spec reference
TSPR element Trace specification component
TTEX string(2000) T Text string
TTFACE string(32) TrueType font face name
TTFDES string(128) TrueType font description
TTFENA logical TrueType fonts enabled flag
TTFIND integer TrueType font index
TTYP word Template type
TUCL real Tube centreline length of branch
TUFG logical Tubing flag
TUFL logical Tube flag
TULE real Tube length of branch
TVIS logical Top visibility flag
TWALLT real Tail wall thickness
TWIDTH real Tread Width
TWIST logical True if twisted
TWLEN real Total weld length
TWRF element Tail Working Point (Router)
TWSTAN real Twist angle
TXALIGN string Text alignment
TXAREA real Total Cableway X-area
TXCOLO integer Text colour
TXCONU integer Text colour number

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Introduction to Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

TXSPLI logical Text splitting flag
TXSTRI string(1000) Text String for enhanced LineStyles
TYNU integer Number type
TYPE word Type of the element, ignoring UDET,
truncated to 4 or 6 characters
TYPEA string(10) TYPEA
TYPEB string(10) TYPEB
TYPECD integer Type code
TYPECE integer Type code
TYPEDB string(6) DB type
TYPEXPRESSIO string(4000) Type Expression
TYPEXTYPE string(60) Type expression type
TYPINC logical Type is inclusive
TYSEQU integer Type Sequence Number
U real Position upping
UAEXSS real User Excess Arrive
UALL logical UALL
UAREA real Used area
UBULG real Used bulge factor for curve geometry
UCAT string(50) Category on forms
UCOD integer Units code
UCODB integer Units code bore
UCODD integer Units code distance
UCONN logical True if the UDA value should appear on
the reference list form
UCURTYP word Used curve type
UCUTDI dir Upper Extension Cutting Direction
UDACPY element UDA copy
UDALIS word(2000) List of UDAs
UDASET word(2000) List of UDAs set
UDATLS word(200) List of attributes for UDET
UDETCHECK string(120) Report from UDET check on element
UDHLIST word(200) Attributes hidden on elements of this
user-defined element type
UDIRECTION dir Up axis direction

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Introduction to Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

UDMLIST word(200) List of allowed member types
UDNA string(50) User defined name
UDOLIST word(200) List of allowed owner types
UDPEND word(200) list of attributes that this attribute
depends on
UEEXSS real User End Excess
UEXTNS real Upper Extension Length
UGOING real(10) Upper Tread Going
UHIDE logical Set true to hide attribute on forms
UHYPER logical Set true to treat attribute value as a
named link to an external resource
UIWE string(1000) Unit insulation weight
UKEY integer UDA key - internal unique system
ULEN integer Length of data or text
ULVOPT logical Determines if UDA valid values or range
limit is optional
UMAX real Maximum value
UMIN real Minimum value
UNAM string(12) Name of user
UNDERL logical Underling flag
UPDCB string(500) ADP update callback
UPLLEN real Used raw plate length
UPPING pos Upping part expressed as a position
UPPREF element References to upper exit level
UPRLEN real Raw profile used length
UPROTE logical Set true to disallow viewing the attribute
in a protected database
UPSEUD logical Set true to calculate attribute value
rather than store it in a database. User
code must be provided
URADI real Used radius for curve geometry
UREF element Units reference
URISE real(10) Upper Tread Rise
URL string(1024) URL
USCCOG pos User derived centre of gravity position

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Introduction to Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

USCLHI element(5000) Elements in descendant hierarchy
claimed to this user
USCWCO pos User derived wet centre of gravity
USCWEI real Derived value for user weight
USCWWE real Derived value for user wet weight
USEF element User reference
USERC string(120) User name of user claiming element
USERLS element(1000) List of USERs belonging to TEAM
USERM string(120) attr User making last modification
USESS string(120) integer User creating session
USNCLH element(5000) Elements in descendant hierarchy not
claimed to this user
USRCOG integer(500) User centre of gravity position
USRLI element(50) Valid users for given user login
USRWCO integer(500) User wet centre of gravity position
USRWEI integer(500) User entered weight value
USRWWE integer(500) User entered wet weight value
USYSTY word Name of the system attribute
UTEAMS element(200) Teams that will see a hidden attribute
UTYP word Type of attribute value
UUID string(36) Universally unique identifier
UUIDAR integer(4) Universally unique identifier, stored
UUIDREF element(500) word Universally unique identifier references
UUNI string(20) Units of attribute values (bore/distance/
UVVAL string(500) Valid value for UDA
UWEI string(1000) Unit pipe weight
UWGHT real Used weight
UWIDTH real Used width
UWMTXT string(120) User weight Manager text
UWP pos Upper Working Point
VALARR element(50) Valid Status Values
VALIDV string(1000) Valid value expression for VVALUE

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Introduction to Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

VALNAM string(50) Local Name of a Status Value
VALNUM integer Numerical representation of a Status
VALREF element Status Value reference
VALRUL string(1000) Valid rule expression to test VALIDV
attributes of VVALUE elements
VALTEX string(120) Textual representation of a Status Value
VANGLE real Angle from vertical
VBEVEL logical True if part has bevel type V
VCOMPD string(50) View Comparison Date
VCOMPS element View Comparison Stamp
VDISTA real Vertical Distance
VDPOS pos Dimension line/arc position
VDTINT integer(2) Verification date
VDTTXT string(22) Verification date text
VENID string(120) LMI Vendor ID
VERTDI logical VERTDI (true if Z axe is vertical )
VGAP real View gap length
VHEIGHT real Volume height
VIRF logical Virtual Flag
VISF string(73) Visio filename
VLIM real(6) View limits
VMAR real ADP view margins
VMCIAR integer(10) VM Component Int Array
VMCRAR real(10) VM Component Real Array
VMDRPDMS logical VM Draw anno using pdms engine Y/N
VMFCFB logical VM Fill Colour From Border Y/N
VMFLAY integer VM Fillstyle Layer
VMGLAY integer VM Geometry Layer
VMTASP real VM text aspect
VMTSLA real VM text slant (degrees)
VMUSYS integer VM Fillstyle Unit System
VNREF element VNOTE reference - special attribute for
use by ADP
VOLTAC string(1000) Voltage AC

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Introduction to Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

VOLTDC string(1000) Voltage DC
VRADI real Cableway radius
VRAT real(2) View ratio
VREG real(4) View region
VSCA real Viewing scale - scales projected view
VSHAPE integer Volume shape
VTITL string(120) View title
VTYP string Type of design view
VVOL real(6) View volume
VWIDT real Volume width
VWLIMI real(6) View Limits - special attribute for use by
VWREFA element(20) View reference array - special attribute
for use by ADP
VXREF element(500) Vertex reference array
W real Position westing
WALLTH real Tube wall thickness
WAMA real Maximum water level
WANS word(100) Word answers
WATERT logical Water Tight
WATTIM real Water cleaning time
WCANG real Weld connection angle
WCOM string(26) Weld comment
WDBNA string Working DB name
WDESP word(100) Design parameters as words
WDIA string(1000) Wind diameter modulus
WEFA real Weight multiplier
WEIG real(3) Weighting value
WELDDP real Welding depth
WELDMC element Welding Machine Reference
WESUSP real Weld end suspension
WHOLEC real Array of Whole Cells
WIANG real Weld inclination angle
WIDARR real(10) Width array

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Introduction to Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

WIDT real Width
WIFA real Wind multiplier
WJPOS pos Implied weld position
WJUSL word Wall Justification Line
WLDC integer Weld Code
WLDN integer Weld number
WLDP string(4) Weld number prefix
WLDPOS string(26) Welding position
WLDREF element integer Return reference from Ppoint or WELD
to IWELD or RWELD element
WLEGL real Weld leg length
WLEN real Weld length
WMAX integer Maximum weld number in current spool
WNAM string(26) Weld name
WNLAY integer Number of weld layers
WORI ori World orientation
WORPOS pos World position
WPAR word(100) Parameters as a word
WPRE real Wind pressure
WPROC string(26) Welding process
WRANG real Weld rotation angle
WSHOP logical Weld shop/site flag on IWELD/RWELD
WSPEC element Weld specification on IWELD/RWELD
WSPROC string(26) Welding standard process
WSSUSP real Weld start suspension
WTCOM string(300) Weld table comment
WTEREF element integer Wall thickness element reference
WTHICK real Wall thickness
WTHREF element Wall thickness table reference
WTOL string(1000) Wall thickness tolerance / Weight
WTORCH dir Weld torch vector
WTPROC string(26) Welding test procedure
WTRANS real(12) Transformation matrix to world

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Introduction to Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

WTSTAT string(26) Weld table status
WVOL real(6) Enclosing box volume in world
XAMANG real Cross section along mounting angle
XAREA string(1000) Cross sectional area
XBEVEL logical True if part has bevel type X
XBOT real Bottom X length
XBSH real X bottom shear: inclination of bottom
face to local X axis
XFTPT pos Cross section foot point
XINCL real Cross section inclination angle
XLEN real X length
XOFF real X-offset
XRLIST element(10000) elemtype List distributed attributes
XRLSTT word(2000) elemtype List distributed attributes
XRPNTR element Distributed Attributes reference
XRQCNT integer elemtype Get distributed attributes element count
XRQELE element elemtype, Get distributed attributes element
XRSTRT element Distributed Attributes reference
XTEX string(2000) X text
XTHK real Cross section thickness
XTOP real Top X length
XTPPT pos Cross section top point
XTRA real Extra length requirement for BOLTS
XTSH real X top shear: inclination of top face to
local X axis
XXMANG real Cross section cross mounting angle
XXXDIR dir Direction Test attribute
XXXORI ori Orientation Test attribute
XXXPOS pos Position Test attribute
XYOFFS real(2) XY offset
XYPS pos 2D Position
XYSC real(2) Label XY size
YBEVEL logical True if part has bevel type Y
YBOT real Bottom Y length

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Data Model Reference Manual
Introduction to Attributes

Attribute Name Data Type Qualifier Description

YBSH real Y bottom shear: inclination of bottom
face to local Y axis
YDIR dir Preferred Y axis direction
YLEN real Y length
YOFF real Y-offset
YOUN real Spot value of Youngs modulus
YTEX string(2000) Y text
YTOP real Top Y length
YTSH real Y top shear: inclination of top face to
local Y axis
ZDIR dir Additional axis direction
ZDIS real Position in section
ZLEN real Z length
ZOFF real Z-offset
ZTEX string(2000) Z text

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Introduction to Attributes

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Data Model Reference Manual
Mapping of Data Extraction Keywords to Attributes

17 Mapping of Data Extraction Keywords to


The below Excel sheet shows which elements and attributes correspond to the Data
Extraction keywords in the hull area. This can be used as a help when upgrading
customised reports currently using Data Extraction to use the reporting tool instead. Refer to
User Guide Design / Reporting.

Link to Excel sheet: Data_Extraction_to_Attributes.xls

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Data Model Reference Manual
Mapping of Data Extraction Keywords to Attributes

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Data Model Reference Manual


A GROUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:12
JOINT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:13
Attributes LCYLINDER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:13
types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16:1 LINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:14
user defined . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16:1 LPYRAMID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:15
LSNOUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:16
C LTABLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:16
MBLIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:17
Catalogue Database Elements . . . . . . . . 2:1 MBOLT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:17
ATLIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:1 MSET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:17
BLIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:1 MTYPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:18
BLTABLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:1 NBRWLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:18
BLTP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:2 NGMSET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:18
BOXING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:3 NLCYLINDER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:19
BRTAB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:3 NLPYRAMID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:20
BTSET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:3 NLSNOUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:21
CABCORE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:4 NOMINB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:22
CATALOGUE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:4 NOMTAB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:22
CATEGORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:4 NSBOX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:22
CCORSET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:5 NSCONE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:23
CCTABLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:6 NSCTORUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:24
COATING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:6 NSCYLINDER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:25
COCDES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:6 NSDSH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:26
COCO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:7 NSEXTRUSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:26
CTABLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:7 NSREVOLUTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:27
DATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:8 NSRTORUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:28
DRSSET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:8 NSSLCYLINDER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:29
DRSYLK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:8 NSSPHERE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:30
DTABLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:9 PAINT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:31
DTSET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:9 PDAELE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:31
FACECODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:10 PDATAB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:32
GMSET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:10 PLINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:32
GMSSET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:11 PRTELE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:33
GPART . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:11 PRTWLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:33
GPWLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:12

© Copyright 1974 to current year. Index page 1 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual

PTAXIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:34 TEXT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:63

PTCAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:34 TUBE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:64
PTMIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:35 UDEFINITION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:64
PTPOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:35 UNIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:64
PTSET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:36 USECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:65
PTSSET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:36 WORLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:65
RAWPLA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:37 WTHELE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:66
RPLTAB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:37 WTHTAB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:66
SANNULUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:38 Communications Database Elements . . 3:1
SBOLT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:38 COMM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3:1
SBOX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:39 COMW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3:1
SBRTAB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:40
SCOMPONENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:40 D
SCONE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:40
SCTORUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:41 Dictionary Database Elements . . . . . . . . 5:1
SCYLINDER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:42 ATTCOLUMN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:1
SDISK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:43 ATTFILTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:1
SDSH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:43 COLRELATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:2
SDTEXT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:44 CRERULES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:2
SECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:44 DBVW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:3
SELEC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:45 DBVWGROUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:4
SEXTRUSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:46 DBVWSET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:4
SFITTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:47 DBVWWLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:4
SLINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:47 DSXDST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:5
SLOELE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:48 DSXGRP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:5
SLOOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:48 DSXHOM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:6
SLOTAB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:48 DSXMBR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:6
SMTEXT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:49 DSXOWN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:6
SNOTAB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:49 DSXSCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:7
SPCOMPONENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:49 DSXTST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:7
SPECIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:50 DSXWLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:7
SPRFILE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:51 EXPCOLUMN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:7
SPROFILE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:51 EXPFILTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:8
SPVERT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:52 SETATTRIBUTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:8
SPWLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:52 SETPARAMETER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:9
SRECTANGLE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:53 SETSTATUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:9
SREVOLUTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:53 SRCELEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:10
SRFTRT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:54 STADEF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:10
SRTORUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:55 STAGRP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:11
SSBRTA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:55 STAVAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:11
SSLCYLINDER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:56 STAWLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:11
SSNOTA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:57 TESTEXPRESSION . . . . . . . . . . . 5:12
SSPHERE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:57 UDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:12
SSSBRT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:58 UDET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:13
STCATEGORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:58 UDETGR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:13
STLNKW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:59 UDETWL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:14
STSECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:59 UGROUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:14
SVERTEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:60 ULIMIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:14
TABGROUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:60 USDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:15
TABHEADER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:61 UVALID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:15
TABHQUESTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:61 UWRLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:15
TABITEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:62 WORLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:16
TABQUESTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:62
TABWLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:62

© Copyright 1974 to current year. Index page 2 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual

S SCOWL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:12
STAMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:12
Spooler Database Elements . . . . . . . . . 11:1 STATUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:13
AITEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:1 STLST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:13
AWELD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:1 STWLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:13
FIELD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:2 TEAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:14
IJOINT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:2 TEAMWORLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:14
ISODEPT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:2 TMLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:14
ISOREGI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:3 TTFONT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:14
IWELD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:3 ULOGID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:15
JNTGRP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:4 USER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:15
RWELD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:4 USERWORLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:15
SPLDRG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:4 WORLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:16
SPLTMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:5
SPOOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:6
STLNKW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:6
WLDGRP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:6 User
WORLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:7 defined attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16:1
System Database Elements . . . . . . . . . 12:1
ACR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:1
ACRL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:1
ACRST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:2
ACRW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:2
CMBU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:2
CMMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:2
CMMO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:3
CMOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:3
CMRE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:3
DB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:3
DBL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:4
DBLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:4
DBRANG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:5
DBSET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:5
DBSTL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:5
DBSTWL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:5
EXTLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:6
FONTFILE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:6
FONTWORLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:6
LCOMC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:7
LCOMD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:7
LCOML . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:7
LCOMW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:8
LCTIMD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:8
LCTIML . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:8
LINESTYLEWORLD . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:9
LSWIDD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:9
MDB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:9
MDBW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:10
PEROP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:10
RFWL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:10
ROLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:11
ROLWL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:11
RUNFILE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:11
SCOPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:12

© Copyright 1974 to current year. Index page 3 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.
Data Model Reference Manual

© Copyright 1974 to current year. Index page 4 12 Series

AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.

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