A request for extension or reprint of a Section 22/24 visa must include the applicant's file number, full name, contact details, current address, copy of current visa, and proof of address. If the visa was lost, an affidavit stating the date it was lost and any SAPS case number is also required. The applicant must sign and date the request, with the signature matching that on file.
A request for extension or reprint of a Section 22/24 visa must include the applicant's file number, full name, contact details, current address, copy of current visa, and proof of address. If the visa was lost, an affidavit stating the date it was lost and any SAPS case number is also required. The applicant must sign and date the request, with the signature matching that on file.
A request for extension or reprint of a Section 22/24 visa must include the applicant's file number, full name, contact details, current address, copy of current visa, and proof of address. If the visa was lost, an affidavit stating the date it was lost and any SAPS case number is also required. The applicant must sign and date the request, with the signature matching that on file.
A request for extension or reprint of a Section 22/24 visa must include the applicant's file number, full name, contact details, current address, copy of current visa, and proof of address. If the visa was lost, an affidavit stating the date it was lost and any SAPS case number is also required. The applicant must sign and date the request, with the signature matching that on file.
Request for Extension or Reprint of Section 22/ 24 visa
Please complete electronically or using black ink:
File number as it appears on the document: Full Names and Surname as it appears on visa: Cell Number: Alternative contact number: E-mail address: Current physical address:
Please attach to the request for extension:
1. Copy of current visa; 2. In the event of a lost visa, please attach a commissioned affidavit stating the date the visa was lost. The affidavit must also indicate a SAPS case number, where available. 3. Proof of address (Utility bill, Lease agreement or Affidavit).
I declare the above to be correct
__________________ Signature Date: __________________ (Note signature to match signature on record)