Now Streaming: The Battle For Ott Dominance: Audio Transcript
Now Streaming: The Battle For Ott Dominance: Audio Transcript
Now Streaming: The Battle For Ott Dominance: Audio Transcript
2. What is the tipping point for the OTT sector OTT players will need to choose which side they
where the scale of viewership translates into want to lean on—create ultra-niche, super-
revenues? specialty content or create content for the
While the current user base statistic of masses. Any muddled thinking on this will lead
approximately 250 million is impressive, it is to a subpar product. In the future, consumer
expected to grow dramatically to half a billion by technology companies will increasingly focus on
the coming year. But more importantly, almost all original content to retain their hold over a loyal
global and domestic operators are finding it consumer base.
challenging to monetize this ever-growing base
of consumers. Fiber-to-the-home is the big hope Hence, it is imperative for current OTT players to
the industry is banking on to help scale up understand their consumers and create content
monetization through increased at-home based on their needs.
consumption. However, this challenge is not
unique to India. 2. PARTNER TO ONBOARD, NOT TO
Globally, digital video viewing has 45 percent of
the overall viewing share but only 23 percent of Partnerships will continue to be a key avenue for
the proportionate revenue share. growth for OTT players. This construct provides
a win-win opportunity for both players as well as
How players in India bridge this divide through consumers. But it is crucial for the players to
inventive pricing and product disruptions will be leverage these partnerships strategically.
the key factor in determining whether this sector Partnerships should be used to enable sampling,
can elbow its way to the top in the media not for short-term syndication gains. Ensuring
industry revenue sweepstakes. that the service owns the consumer should be
the initial objective, with an intent to monetize
3. How will the sector deal with the trust this acquired user base in the long run.
Though not in the same boat as the social media
bigwigs struggling to retain user trust, the OTT streaming services in India have a low
absence of formal regulation is increasingly barrier to entry, and that has led to a perception
becoming a hotly debated topic for OTT problem regarding data misuse and unsuitability
providers. Whether it’s about personal data or of content.
just the nature of unregulated content available
on these services, there is a need to do more to
Families are wary of unsupervised access, Every initiative focused on content, engagement,
fearing exposure to inappropriate content or growth and monetization must be based on
advertisements. In such a scenario, self- consumer and business needs. OTT providers
regulation is the best way forward for OTT that create and sustain consumer relevance in
players even as the government mulls bringing this dynamic, hyper-competitive market will be
in some form of regulation. This will enable the the winners of this exciting shake-out.
sector, as a whole, to build trust with consumers.
This article is written by
OTT streaming services have grown significantly Managing Director and Lead - Communications,
on the back of an enabling environment, but the Media and Technology, Accenture in India
next spurt of growth will need to be innovation-
led. Companies will need to come up with new AND
engagement innovations using experiential
technologies such as Extended Reality and MATTEO MAGA, Managing Director and Lead –
human-computer interactions such as gesture Communications & Media, AAPAC Accenture
recognition and multi-persona
recommendations. Also, pricing innovations
such as sachet pricing and Transaction Video on
Demand can extend the experience and
enhance interaction with consumers. The key
challenge will be to cross-engage the new
generation viewers with traditional viewers to
build a monetizable base for subscription or
advertising-led models.