Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills For Success Unit 2 Student Book Answer Key
Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills For Success Unit 2 Student Book Answer Key
Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills For Success Unit 2 Student Book Answer Key
Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 2 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition
Yellow: warmth, comfort, anger, royalty Sometimes the referees must make
White: goodness, death a very quick decision, and the color
Activity D, pp. 30–31 influenced them.
Answers will vary. Possible answers include: 2. My bedroom walls are white, so my
1. In the United States, white means walls look clean and my bedroom
goodness. looks large. I like white because I can
2. In Ancient Egypt, people used colors decorate my walls with posters of
to heal sicknesses. any color. I can use any color for my
3. In Japan, white can mean death. bed. Someday I would like to change
4. In the United States, green makes the color to yellow. Yellow is a warm
people think of money. and cheerful color.
5. In China, green can represent a loss
of respect. READING SKILL
6. In Asia, yellow is the color of royalty. Activity A, p. 32
7. In Europe, purple is the color of The following should be circled:
royalty for kings and queens. 1. warmth, comfort, anger
Activity E, p. 31 2. decrease pain
Answers will vary. Possible answers include: 3. wedding dress
1. Although we may be unaware of it, 4. kings and queens
colors can affect us and have 5. study, emotions
different meanings. 6. made, decisions, teams, uniforms
2. Certain colors, such as those found Activity B, p. 32
in nature, can have the same Answers will vary. Sample answers:
meaning around the world. 1. something that you feel; an emotion
3. Humans used color to treat illnesses. 2. to make better; to cure
4. The meaning of a color might vary in 3. a woman who is getting married at a
different cultures. wedding
5. Colors can affect our emotions, 4. a king or queen; a prince or princess
thoughts, and actions. 5. the study of emotions
6. people whose job it is to make sure
WRITE WHAT YOU THINK players follow the rules of a sport
Activity A, B, p. 31
Answers will vary. Possible answers: READING 2
1. I think that the color black PREVIEW THE READING
influenced the referees. Black can Activity A, p. 33
mean death, something bad, or 1. c
something negative. I don’t think 2. a
the referees knew the colors were 3. c
influencing them. A team that is 4. a
wearing black uniforms may look 5. b
like a group of robbers or criminals. 6. a
Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 2 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition
7. b 4. products
8. a 5. respond
Activity C, p. 33
McDonalds, IBM, Microsoft, Dell, Apple, BP, WRITE WHAT YOU THINK
UPS Activity A, p. 36
Activity D, p. 34 Answers will vary. Example answers:
Answers will vary. McDonald’s: red, yellow
McDonald’s colors make me think of
WORK WITH THE READING them as a fun company. Their colors
Activity B, p. 35 are bright and remind me of
2 childhood.
Activity C, p. 35 UPS: Brown
Name of Company Feelings that colors I think of brown as a serious color. It
company colors give is also the color of cardboard boxes.
McDonald’s red and bright, cheerful
BP: Green and yellow
IBM, blue dependable, The colors green and yellow make
Microsoft, Dell peaceful, powerful me think BP is a more
Apple variety of fun environmentally friendly company.
colors Activity B, p. 36
BP green and nature, sun, Answers will vary. Possible answers:
yellow flowers, energy,
bright, cheerful,
1. McDonald’s uses red and yellow,
environmentally which are bright and cheerful colors.
friendly They use red and yellow on all of
UPS brown safe, reliable, their cups and packages and in their
boring, dependable advertising. When I drive, I can
Activity D, p. 35 recognize a McDonald’s restaurant
Answers will vary. Sample answers include: from the colors. UPS uses brown.
1. McDonald’s uses red and yellow Brown is not a lively color. It makes
because they are bright and cheerful me think the company is slow. many
colors. computer companies use blue. I
2. The UPS color is brown. It represents think blue is a very serious color. It
safe and reliable service. makes me feel confident in the
3. Computer companies use blue to companies.
show that they are dependable and 2. I would use green and blue for the
powerful. shelves to create a relaxing
4. BP’s green and yellow represent the environment for the children. The
environment and are bright and tables and reading area will be red
cheerful. and yellow so that they look inviting
Activity E, pp. 35–36 and children will want to sit and
1. cheerful read at them. The walls would be
2. reliable
3. positive
Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 2 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition
Reading and Writing 2 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 2 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition