Winner'S: Case Study
Winner'S: Case Study
Winner'S: Case Study
Overview Objectives
London’s successful bid for the 2012 Olympic and The ODA had five years to staff up, procure and deliver
Paralympic Games created the need for a major around £6bn of major construction works, mainly built on a
regeneration and construction programme to provide the largely derelict and polluted site in Stratford, East London.
venues and infrastructure needed to stage the Games. At the same time, the ODA needed to satisfy a plethora
The programme of construction was extensive, technically of stakeholders including the government, media, local
and politically challenging, and up against a fixed deadline of residents and the public. It needed to guarantee that it was
the Opening Ceremony of the Games in July 2012. providing value for money and was on track to provide
Turning the vision of the Olympic bid into the reality both the infrastructure required to stage the Games and a
of roads, bridges and stadia was the job of the Olympic lasting legacy for a relatively deprived part of London.
Delivery Authority (ODA), a new publicly funded body The ODA’s programme of works included the
established by an Act of Parliament in April 2006. deconstruction and land remediation of a 400-hectare
APM Project Management Awards
APM Project Management Awards
The ODA has successfully achieved its objectives, both for
the delivery of the physical infrastructure of the Olympic
Park, and also for significant achievements in its priority
themes, such as health and safety and sustainability.
It has worked closely with the legacy bodies to ensure that
the platform left for future development is fully supportive
of their legacy plans.
In delivering this successful outcome, the ODA’s
approach to programme management and organisation did
not contain any one magic ingredient; rather it concentrated
on the establishment of a clear delivery strategy, maintaining
a high level of transparency to all stakeholders, clear
definition of scope and focused delivery.
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