Winner'S: Case Study

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APM Project Management Awards


Category BNFL Award 2012

Winner Olympic Delivery Authority


Overview Objectives
London’s successful bid for the 2012 Olympic and The ODA had five years to staff up, procure and deliver
Paralympic Games created the need for a major around £6bn of major construction works, mainly built on a
regeneration and construction programme to provide the largely derelict and polluted site in Stratford, East London.
venues and infrastructure needed to stage the Games. At the same time, the ODA needed to satisfy a plethora
The programme of construction was extensive, technically of stakeholders including the government, media, local
and politically challenging, and up against a fixed deadline of residents and the public. It needed to guarantee that it was
the Opening Ceremony of the Games in July 2012. providing value for money and was on track to provide
Turning the vision of the Olympic bid into the reality both the infrastructure required to stage the Games and a
of roads, bridges and stadia was the job of the Olympic lasting legacy for a relatively deprived part of London.
Delivery Authority (ODA), a new publicly funded body The ODA’s programme of works included the
established by an Act of Parliament in April 2006. deconstruction and land remediation of a 400-hectare

APM Project Management Awards


site, the construction of around 20km of roads, 13km of Challenges

tunnels, around 30 bridges and new utilities infrastructure. The ODA understood at the outset that there would be
It also oversaw the construction of 14 permanent huge levels of public interest in London 2012.
and temporary sporting venues, a broadcast centre, It also recognised the project could only be delivered
media centre – for commercial use after the Games – the in partnership and with the support of a large coalition of
construction of the Athletes’ Village, the creation of 80 organisations, many of whom had differing interests.
hectares of parklands, gardens and public open space as As a result, the ODA adopted a highly proactive and
well as huge transport improvements, including station systematic communications and stakeholder management
and infrastructure works. approach from community and political engagement,
through to daily public site visits and media opportunities.
Firstly, the strategy was to embrace transparency and ensure
Resources complete alignment between internal and external objectives.
The ODA budget (part of the overall public sector funding Secondly, it was designed to maintain a drumbeat of
package agreed for the Games in March 2007) was set at progress with intense focus at big moments.
£8.1bn. Finally, the ODA wanted to recognise that “seeing is
The ODA documented the programme scope and believing” – let success speak for itself and allow as many
submitted it with detailed budget assessments to the people as possible to see the Park for themselves.
Ministerial Funders’ Group (Funders) and Olympic Board
for approval.
The resulting Programme Baseline Report – a detailed Co-ordination
500-page description of aligned scope, programme, From the outset, the ODA instituted processes, meeting
budget and risk – was published in November 2007. structures and delegations to ensure strategic direction
It identified the items the ODA planned to deliver, the was clear, performance management was active and value
allocation of risk between the ODA and Funders (to for money was achieved.
govern any subsequent contingency allocations) and, CLM, the delivery partner – a private sector consortium
importantly, those items which were out of its scope. comprising of a partnership from the three parent
The development of this document was crucial in companies of CH2M Hill, Laing O’Rourke and Mace –
bottoming out areas of scope uncertainty at an early stage was fully integrated into all aspects of governance, from
in the programme and gave the ODA a firm footing for the Executive Management Board downwards, and was
delivery of the programme. responsible for leading programme and project delivery
review meetings, with participation from the ODA.
Stakeholder meetings were also held on every project
and for each priority theme to ensure that key stakeholders
remained engaged as projects developed.

APM Project Management Awards


The ODA has successfully achieved its objectives, both for
the delivery of the physical infrastructure of the Olympic
Park, and also for significant achievements in its priority
themes, such as health and safety and sustainability.
It has worked closely with the legacy bodies to ensure that
the platform left for future development is fully supportive
of their legacy plans.
In delivering this successful outcome, the ODA’s
approach to programme management and organisation did
not contain any one magic ingredient; rather it concentrated
on the establishment of a clear delivery strategy, maintaining
a high level of transparency to all stakeholders, clear
definition of scope and focused delivery.

APM Project Management Awards


The APM Project Management Awards have been celebrating

project management excellence since 1993 and the broad range
of categories is designed to make entry possible for projects and
companies of all sizes and complexity.
The awards reflect the invaluable contribution project managers
make in all sectors of society and the event provides an opportunity
for industry professionals to meet with colleagues and entertain
guests as well as celebrate at one of the year’s most exciting events.
Highly regarded in the project management industry, the awards
reflect the dedication and talent that helps to shape the project
management community and the world around us. The finalists,
winners and sponsors of the awards attract national publicity for
their achievement and involvement. Winning an award provides
invaluable recognition and kudos to the careers of winners.

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