NCC General Elective Credit Course

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tdaqtdutffi wgqn srtT

University Gtonls Commission

(fttm qxr+q, qP-f, u-rori)
(lrliniilry ol [dutolion, Govt. ol lndio]
sr-{-+ili fr5ffit rdut{ qqa
{dgrflrd qsl qri, =r{ ffi-ttoooz
fr. rrft$ +{ Bohodur Shoh Zofor Morg, New Delhi'l I 0002
qt{q Ph :. 0l I -2323 6288I 23239337
Fox:01 l'2323 8858
Prof. Rajnish lain
E-moil :

D.O.No. r -r.8 I zorg (CPP-[) April, zozt

Sub: NCC as general elective credit course

Respected Madam/Sir,

UGC has received a letter dated t6th March, zozt from Directorate General, NCC
proposing to include NCC as an elective subject in Indian Universities. The detailed
proposal of the NCC is attached for your consideration and appropriate action.

A list of state-wise NCC DTES (State

Directorates) officers is also attached as
'Appendix-B' with the proposal. You may contact the State Officer of the NCC DTES for
further information in this regard.

With kind regards,

Yours sincerely,


To the Vice Chancellors of all universities


1. Please refer the following :-

(a) Directions issued by UGc in Feb 2013 sanctioning introduction of NCc

as an Elective Subject vide their lefter No M.'11018/'13/2012-CDN (copy
(b) UGC DO No F.14-25/2016(CPP-ll) dated 1 1 Nov 2016 (copy attached).
(c) Ministry of Defence letter No 17101/JSR&D/DGNCC/Trg 'A' -31D
(GS-V|) dated 17 May 2016 (copy attached).
(d) Meeting of Lt Gen TK Aich, AVSM, DG NCC with Dr DP Singh,
Chairman UGC, on 24 Feb 202'1.


2. NEP 2020 was announced in the year 2020 by Gol and is on course for
implementation in a phased manner.

3. The Ministry of Human Resource Development, as part of discussion in the

JSR&D Conference hetd on 3orhJuly,2o1s had decided to implement NCC as an
elective subject. Accordingly universities were urged to implement NCC as an
elective subject vide UGC letter No .D.O.No.F.l 4-2512016(CPP-ll) datedl lrh
November. 2016. However, it did not get implemented in the desired manner due to
various factors.

4. Now with NEP 2020 having "Choice Based Credit System" (CBCS) as its
component, it has been felt that NCC should be introduced as General Elective
Credit Course in universities and colleges having NCC to make it more popular
thereby benefiting the student fraternity enrolled with NCC.

5. ln order to meet this requirement an'in depth'study has been carried out by
DGNCC to have NCC as a General Elective Credit Course as per NEP 2020, under
the'Choice Based Credit System'.


6. lt is proposed that UGC may issue instructions to all universities and

autonomous colleges to implement NCC as General Elective Credit Course. The
major beneflts of the same are as follows :-

(a) All students who enroll as NCC cadets will immensely benefit by
obtaining academic credit for NCC training in addition to acquiring valuable
NCC 'B' and 'C' certificates.

(b) Strengthen NCC training standards by virtue of more accountability and

expectation of students apart from extending due credit to Associate NCC
Officers for their work load on NCC training.

(c) lvlore students as cadets will be able to avail employment incentives

and benefits offered under various Central and State Govt Schemes to NCC
cadets. These benefits are appended at Appendix 'C'.
7. The Credit Course to be introduced in all universities and autonomous
colleges across India which are currently having NCC Troops/companies as allotted
by Headquarters DGNCC, including private colleges which have been allotted NCC
under Fully Self Financed Scheme (FSFS). This will ensure that Credit Course do
not exceed the current capacity of NCC to provide trainers and training
infrastructure. This will also ensure smooth transition from present system to Credit
Course System.

8. NCC has developed NCC General Elective Credit Course design that is
uniform and universally implementable, which is in conformity with UGC policy on
CBCS. The proposed model aligns with NEP 2020 thereby strengthening of NCC

L Proposed course design for NCC General Elective Credit Course is appended
as Appendix 'A'. The comprehensive NCC Course design document along with and
rules and regulations will be on the DGNCC website.

10. You are requested to issue suitable instructions to all universities and
autonomous colleges for adoption of this proposal as given in Appendix'B'. The
concerned NCC Directorates of respective States/UTs will engage with universities
and colleges to work out the modalities of implementation. Contact details of nodal
person at Head Qua(er DGNCC, New Delhi and respective NCC Directorates in the
States/UTs are given as Appendix'B'.

'11. Likewise,Rashtriya Uchha Sikhsha Abiyan (RUSA) offices in States are urged
to interact with respective State Govts and facilitate implementation of NCC as
General Elective Credit Course in State Universities/ colleges with NCC units.

!irr:rtt.trr.t lL
c{Tfil g{*lt

o \ qr€dfiIffil.mirft rriltfl'{
:ffiftr frfen m[r'T
_. .t()tNT SECRE'|'AR\r
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vn+* r{q{
I'tl No. 230?l{86 qfffi-llotls
l':rr i*t.2307141t7 GOVERNUENT OF INOIA

l).( ) \o. Ivl. I l (llll/l 311()l l-('l)N Ncrr l)clhi. l"elrnrarr l.l. 101.1

llon'lrlr.. lltunatt llcsotrrcc It4inister lras corrscrrtctl ttr irruuguratc :r l'llll-

l)t1 \\/orkslrop irr Delhi on lllnrch 12,2013 rt I1.00 snl. to inrroducc N('t'
ls nn lilcctivc sutrjcct l-\tirh-CFd!l-pqi11!Lt11,-.:9J.q!:.!_t:,{uslUffi_!fislitutit'rrl
(Autononlous ('olleqes) fronr Acndenric Ycnr l0l3-l4.

.1. I rrould rcqucsl you lo nlakc ncct'ssiln: affilngcnrenls to hold thr'

rr'orkshrrp trn lr{arclt 12. l0l3 prr.fc.rabh, i11 \/igl,nn l}havan/ N4urrcksltarr
.{uditorirurr. Dcllri Cantt.
i,I -stl-
(Amit Klrlrc)

lfrof. \/erl PrRkash,
(llrlirrnln. I l(iC
lllh:rdur Shalr Zalar lt4arg
Ne u, l)e lhi I l0(X)l

('opr lirr inlirrnratiorr to: Dircctor Gcncral (NCC), Dircctoratc (icncral N('('.
g- \\icsr lllock No. 4. R.K. Puram. Nerv frelhi . Il0 066.
.r,)l ,.i?
c ,J7 I {' (.cr. {. .-.. (' .,- -:"..- .. . m5
$ t. \ (Anrit Khrrrc)
. G,- r--.-.;-1
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,rnql r-rt tl
t '.1 t \.t
:ufUq (riirr. ) \d
Astrol< Dongre
{tr$ttdfi si'fi,rtst'tt'iiil Er;rrfiflirt
Joint Secretary(Trgl & CAO TSTI ri'Ftitrq',
iele : 23018201 & 23018232 $;, sm6tsit tls,
l-ax : 230144li,) rS fqmn- 110011
,liril:;., ri:.1 C}IIEF ADl\fl INISTRATIVE OFFICER'
E-Block, Dalhousie Road,
New Delhi-110011

No. 1710l/rSnao/ocNCC/] rg A-3/D(GS-vt) ,l
May ?.01 t,

Dcar S,rt' lst'u'k

Please refer to DG NCC's letter number 41.45/Elec Sub/DGNCC/Trg ',q'
clated Ttrt October 2013 ancl subsequent reminder dated 27o'Jul1r 2015(Copirs
enclosed) regarding implementation of NCC as an clective subject by Sti-rrt'
Universities and Schools.

2. The matter was also consicJered in the JSR&D Conference held on 3L'ltr'
Jtrly 2015. Hon'ble Raksha Rajya Mantri, tlre Clrairnran, directed tlr;rt
implementation of NCC as an elective subject be takcn up by all States in an
early tirne frame and also desired that MoHRD may also process thc case wittr
all States.

3. NCC lras already been takcn up as an electivc subject by 17 CUSL

schools. 55 colleges nationwide have also implenrented NCC as an electiricr
subject. However, so far no State Government sclrools have takcn up tlrr;
scheme. The proposals have beerr forwarded by NCC Sl.ate Dtr.s to Statr.
Education Departments for consideration,

4. ln view of the above, yoLr are requestcd to process the casc fc,r'
implenrentation of NCC as an elective subject witlr all States/Llnion Tcrritorrc:s
under intimation to DGNCC and Ministry of Defence.

With regards,

\ Ygyrs since.rely,
tl ,\' i\trt-t.,1"),,.,
ii r^
\ Q'{ (Asltok Dongn:)
Smt. lshita Roy
Joint Secretary (Higher Education)
Mrrristry of Human Resource Developmetrt
11.0, C-Wing, Shastri Bhawan
",t" r
NewDellti - ,r
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fufrurtrq rf!il" srirq

lHnrlil Orlnr Comnhrh
'l4{ t-" :. !' {rlrr itq fiEm it[IF]. 'lrat rrr
Cdwrerq Uffif dilmr hm thhpma, $orr,
qtil[ ISI tEl. qt ft?0-ttrxxr
&rf 9'.-f.frf&. Ee
0ohodr thoh lds Isr$ tlcil 0$tl-l l0
rt. 0ll.zSBt3l,w[ttm
nt$ fts tut t'or , 0ll.?ilill[ltt,un0il pro& egrn
D.O.NoF. I {-2S/1m I 6( C P P-l I ) t lrr Novcmhcr, 2016

Ilor tlh,tlrdr*
This h with rcfcrrncc to Ministry of Hurnrn Resourcc Development (MHRD) httcr
No.D.Ol,lo.lS-{6/I014-1.;lA, datod 23'd Ar{ust,30l6 for*uding thcrgwith th
conrmu*lion No.l7l0l[SR*DIDGNCC/Trg A-3iD(6S-Vl] drtad lf Mr]. 2016 of
Minisy of Dcftocc rcglrding implamntation of NCC r.r an clcc'tive subject"

Thc Minfury of Humsn Rmurcc Developncnt. &s pon of discussion in thc JSR&D
Clonfsrnoc hdd on 30s July. 2015 trE$ dccifu to implerncnt N('C asr an cloctirc rubject trr
be trtcn rp by dl rrtit/crdticr.

You fiE, tlurfore lulwsd thrt yrxr mry implcnrnl lhc NC(' ss ur elective liubjat in your
csteenrcd univcrrity for thc bmclit of thc rtrdcn$. Any qrcry in this rrarud. mly h surght
hom thc Joint Socrctrr)' (Trg) & CAO, Ofncc of the Joint S*rctrry (Tr$. Chief
Adminirruive OffBoer. Minirry of Dcftnoa E-Bhck" fHhou$ic Rod. New Delhi-l l0 0l L

With rrrarm rcgrds.


Thc Vlse{hrncclhrl,of rll thElinh'erritles.

Conv tq:

Shri (UCC'). Ministrf of Humrn Resotnce

K. K. Tripehy, lAS, tlilwtor
Dcvclopotcttt. Dc?arnrcmt of Hig[rcr Educgion Gorernnrcnt of lndia. New Delhi
with reftrurrcc to MHRD lcffi No.D.O.No.ltd6ffila.UlA, drtod ?3d Au$r:n.
Thc PuHication (Xfictr IJOC. Nsw Dclhi on I r(iC uabsitc.
Appendix "A"


Gredits Allocated
Semester Total Remarks
Theory Gamp

Semester - | 1 1 2

Semester - ll 1 1 2

Credib of 1" Gamp merged

Semester - lll 1 1 5 7
with 3d Sem

Semester - lV 2 1 3

Gredib of 2no Camp merged

Semester - V 1 1 5 7
with 5h Sem

Semester - Vl 2 1 3

m 6 ,lO 24 Twenty-Four Credits

S no. Subject Periods (1 hour duration each)
Lecturesflutorials Practicals Tota!

1 NCC General 06 o6
2 National lntegration 04 o4
3 Dril! 45 45
4. Weapon Training 25 25
5 Personality Development 25 25
6. Leadership t2 t2
7. Disaster Management 13 13

8. SocialSeruice & 08 39 47
Community Development
9. Heahh & Hygiene 10 10
10 Adventure 01 01,

11 Environmental awareness 03 03
& conseruation
L2 Obstacle Training 09 o9
13. Genera! Awareness o4 o4

74. Border & Coastal Areas o5 05

82 128 zLO


1. Armed Forces 09 09
2 Map Reading 24 24
3 Communications 03 03 06
4 lnfantry Weapons 03 03 06
5. Field Craft & Battle Craft 22 22
5 Military History 23 23
TOTAL HOURS 38 52 90
GRAND TOTAL 12O (08 cr)' 18O (6 cr)t' 300


I lt ilt !V v vt

1 NCC General 6 6

2 Nationa! Integration 4 4
and Awareness

3 Personality 2 5 5 4 6 3 25

4 Leadership 5 4 3 L2

5 Disaster Management 3 10 13

6 SocialService and 3 5 8

7 Adventure 1 1

8 Environmental 3 3
awareness &

9 Genera! Awareness 4 4

10 Border & Coastal Areas 2 2 2 5

11 Armed Forces 6 3 9

L2 lnfantry Weapons 3 3

13 Communication 3 3

L4 Military History 4 19 2t

TotalPeriods 15 15 15 30 15 30 t20

Total Credit Points 1 1 1 2 1 2 08



ll il tv V vt

L Drill t2 t2 8 7 3 3 45

2. Field Craft & Battle 3 4 4 4 4 3 22


3 Map Reading 3 5 4 4 4 4 24

4 Weapon Training 5 4 4 4 4 4 25

5 Communication 3 03

6 lnfantry Weapons 3 03

7 Social Service and 7 5 5 6 5 10 38


8 Health & Hygiene 5 5 10

9 Obstacle Training 5 5 0 10

10 Total Periods 30 30 30 30 30 30 180

TotalCredit Points 1 1 1 1 1 1 5

S No. Subiects Periods Total
1 Physical Training 18 18
2 Drill 32 32
3 Weapon Training 08 28 32
4 Nationa! lntegration and Awareness 08 o4
5 Personality Development 08 12 20
6 Leadership 08 04
7 Disaster Management 08 04
I Social Service and Community 08 08
I Health & Hyqiene 08 o4
10 Obstacle Training 04 04
11. Military History 04
12. Communication u
13 Games 18 18
14. Culture 18 18
15. Spare 04 o4
TOTAL 56 142 170
1 Map Reading
2 lnfantry Weapons o4 24 24
3 Field Craft & Battle Craft 02 04
TOTAL 04 12 12

60(4 cr) 180(6 cr) 240(10 cr)


1. lnstitutional traininq Obiectives. This includes basic military training of the

cadets as part of the curriculum with its long- standing effort to mould young
volunteers into disciplined and responsible citizens of lndia. NCC course is aimed to
achieve following learning objectives : -

a) Develop character, camaraderie, discipline, secular outlook, the spirit

of adventure, sportsman spirit and ideals of selfless service amongst cadets
by working in teams, honing qualities such as self-discipline, self-confidence,
self-reliance and dignity of labour in the cadets.

b) To create interest in cadets by including and laying emphasis on those

aspects of lnstitutional Training which attract young cadets into the NCC and
provides them an element of thrill and excitement.

c) To inculcate defence Services work ethos that is characterized by hard

work, sincerity of purpose, honesty, ideal of selfless service, dignity of labour,
secular outlook, comradeship, spirit of adventure and sportsmanship.

d) To create a pool of organized, trained and motivated youth with

leadership qualities in all walks of life, who will serve the Nation regardless of
which career they choose.

e) To provide conducive environment to motivate young lndians to choose

the Armed Forces as a career.

2. Camp TraininE Obiectives Focus is more on outdoor training and develop

esprit di corps among the cadets. This includes :-

a) Develop character, camaraderie, discipline, secular outlook, the spirit

of adventure, sportsman spirit and ideals of selfless service amongst cadets
by working in teams, honing qualities such as self-discipline, self-confidence,
self-reliance and dignity of labour in the cadets.

b) To inculcate defence Services work ethos that is characterized by hard

work, sincerity of purpose, honesty, ideal of selfless service, dignity of labour,
secular outlook, comradeship, spirit of adventure and sportsmanship.

c) To create a pool of organized, trained and motivated youth with

leadership qualities in all walks of life, who will serve the Nation regardless of
which career they choose.
d) To provide cadets an opportunity to improve upon their menlal and
physical endurance and stamina by sustained, consistent and high pace of
activity throughout the period they undergo in the camp.

e) To provide conducive environment to motivate young lndians to choose

the Armed Forces as a career.

0 Learninq Outcomes. NCC Camp Training is aimed to achieve

following : -

i) After acquiring the basic awareness through theoretical training

at their respective academic institutions, cadets are exposed to the
much-awaited excitement of camp life, where they can apply their

ii) Training schedule planned for the cadets ensure maximum

benefits of regimented way of life of the Armed Forces, reaches
maximum number of cadets.

iiD Main emphasis is on practical aspects of training like cleaning

and maintaining their line area, organizing security in and around the
camp, making part of the purchase committee, planning for messing,
distribution of food, etc.

iv) They also develop limited ability to address real life problems by
applying problem solving and critical thinking skills in addition to
undertaking tasks as members or leaders of small teams and groups.
Para 10 of Proposal refer


S. No Directorate Rank Name Tele Mobile No

1 Andhra Pradesh &Telangana 9849906071
Air Cmde TSS Krishnan 040-2784336e
2 Bihar & Jharkhand
Mai Gen lnder Balan 0612-2321218 8606868825
Delhi Mai Gen RK Mathur, VSM 01 1-27890391 9894608152
4. Gujarat Maj Gen R Kapoor 079-22868028 9833438874
5 Jammu Kashmir & Laddakh
Bris NR Babu 019'1-2505651 7780458655
6 Karnataka & Goa
Air Cmde LK Jain o80--22266644 9422103077
7 Kerala & Lakshdweep
Maj Gen MS G|II o471-2726674 9217928002
d. Maharashtra
Maj Gen YP Khandoori Ci22-22O16225 8800381690
o Madhya Pradesh & Chattishgarh
Maj Gen Sanjay Sharma 0755-246445i 7063952210
10. North Eastern Region
Maj Gen Ananta Bhuyan,SM 0364-2501376 98996'i8240
11 Odisha
Cmde S Banerjee 06'i4-2432051 9869330841
12. Punjab Haryana Himachal
Pradesh & Chandigarh Maj Gen JS Sandhu 0172-292135ti 94061048t18
13 Rajasthan Air Cmde Col Partap Rathore 014i-2?.02133 9530052171
14 Tamil Nadu & Pondocherry
Cmde M Kukreti 044-129550055 941290547A
Uftara khand
MaiGen KJ Babu,YSM 135.2976301 7632437777
16. Uttar Preadesh
Maj Gen Rakesh Rana 522-2288644 9930132271
17. West Bengal & Sikkim
Maj Gen Manjit Kumar 33-23960728 9911627333
Brig AK Mahajan 1i- 26195684 829s059346

Para 6 (c) of proposal refer


Name of State Academic Field Emplovment Field Cash Award Remarks

Andhra Pradesh 1% seat reserved in each Weightage of 5o/o marks Nil
Courses of Engineering College, given for 02 foresters, 03
Medical Courses, Beat 0fficers, 04 Asstt Bcat
MBA/MCA/MA/M Com/M Sc, Officers.
degree and diploma courses,
LLB Course, Govt Polytechnics.

Auth : dated 1711112000 and 07

Jul 2O12.
Chandigarh 1 to 2o/o weightage for'B' & 'C' Nit Nil
certificate holders in
Colleges/Technical lnstitutions in
Chandigarh administration.
Himachal Pradesh 5 to 10 grace marks given in Preference is given to NCC Nit
admission to Bfu B. Sc, MA/M Certificate holders in rectt in
Sc. State Police Force.
Haryana Weightage of 5% marks given to Preference given to NCC
'C' Certificate holders in Certificate holders in
admission to Kurukshetra recruitment io Home Guard
University. Deptt.

2o/oweightage to 'C' certificate

holders for admission to BA/ MA/
M. Ed in MD University.
Name of Academic Field Emplovment Field Cash Award Remarks
J&K reserved in Kashmir
2o/o saa.t Preference given for recruitment to htit
University for the candidates non-gazetted post services in
possessing outstanding Police, Home Guard, Forest and
proficiency in NCC Excise Deptt to an NCC 'C'
Certificate holder up to 01 psot or
Auth : dated 27 Apr 1976 and 10% which is higher. Similarly, for
25 Sep 2009. the girl candidate the same
principle should be adopted in the
matter of selection for the non-
gazetted post in Police, Nurses,
Receptionist and Telephone
Karnataka Reservation of seats for NCC Nil Financial incentives for 106
Cadets in professional courses cadets participating in RDC
as under:- and for 122 cadets participating
(i) Polytechnic/ Vocational - 09 in
Trg lnstitutions AITSC/AIVSC/AINSC.
(ii) - 12
(iii) Engineering Colleges - 115 Auth : State Govt letter dated
(iv) B. Sc (Horticulture) - 33 03.05.17 & 05.06.15
(v)BPT/Nursing - 10
Name of Academic Field Employment Field Cash Award Remarks
Kerala 1. Reservation of Seats ln A, B & C Certificate holders are given Nit
Professional Deoree Courses weightage ol 2o/o, 3o/o and 5%
respectively for selection to the
Engineering - 40 Uniformed forces in the Departments
Polytechnic - 50 of Police, Jail, Excise, Forest, Fire
Ayurveda College (BAMS) - 01 and Rescue Service.
Medical College (MBBS) - 03
BDS -02
Bvsc - 01
Bsc(Nursing) - 03
BHMS (H0meo\ -O2
B Pharma - 01

2. Weiqhtaqe Marks for Admission

Pre-Degree (Plus Two)/ VHSE - 1

Degree Courses -15
Post Graduate Courses -05
B. Ed. Course -05
Teachers Trg Course -10
lTl -'A' Certificate -05
'B'Certificate -07
'C'Certificate -10
3. Weiqhtaoe Marks for Admission
to Hioher Studies

'A' Certificate holder 3 Marks, 'B'

Certificate holder 5 Marks and 'C'
Certificate holder 5 Marks.
Name of State Academic Field Em plovment Cash Award Remarks
Maharashtra 15 seat reserved for Nit Chief Minister Scholarship - 150 An amount of
Polytechnics college cadets @ 3 cadets per major unit 1 '18.25 Lakhs was
cadet per minor unit are awarded received from CM
Auth : 24 Aug 1984 Rs 2000/- for SD/SW cadets and of Mah in 1998 as
Rs 1500/- for JD/JW cadets. Corpus for award
of scholarship. The
State Govt Scholarshi o/Gash amount has
Award - As per Govt of Mah a total invested as fixed
of 125 cadets are awarded deposit in SBl. As
scholarship annually. Based on on date the corpus
BOO recornmendation money is stands Rs 33 Lakh
credited to the Bn account directly
by the State Govt.
Madhya Pradesh Admission in Nit
Deqree/ Graduation/
PG Cources.

RDC participant 10%

participants of
weightage 7%, NCC
'C'Certificate holders
5%, 'B' Certificate
holders 3%, 'A'
Certificate holders %

Name of State Academic Field Employment Field Cash Award Remarks
Odisha Weightage of 5% and '10% marks Odisha State Police Governor's Cash Award -
to 'A' &'B' Certificate holders over recruit NCC Cadets on Rs 10,0001 each for M
and above the percentage of merit. cadels.
aggregate marks.
CM's Cash Award -
2% seats are reserved in Diploma, Rs 7,500/- each for 04
Engineering Schools and women cadets.
Punjab Weightage uplo 1o/o in polytechnic Preference in State NIL
college for 'B' and 'C' Certificate Police and State Govt
holders. job

2 to 3 credit points are given to'B'

and 'C' certificate holder for
admission to B.Ed.

1% bonus marks to NCC cadets in

admission to GN Polytechnic
college, Ludhiyana.

Weightage of 5% marks to NCC

cadets for admission in Punjab
agriculture university Ludhiyana.

Weightage of 1% marks in
admission to Thapar polytechnic,

Weightage ol 1o/o to 3% for 'A', 'B'

&'C' Certificate holders in
admission to Punjab University,
Name of Academic Field Employment Field Cash Award Remarks
Rajasthan Weightage of 30% in Rajasthan Preference to NCC Nit
University. cadets to State Police
Uttarakhand Nit Nit Cash incentives, Chief Minister Gold
Medal, Silver Medal prize - amount not
Uttar Pradesh 15 bonus marks for 'C' certificate Nil Governor Medal
holder and 10 marks to 'B'
certificate holder in admission to Gold Medal to best SD/SW and JD/JW of
B.Ed. Air and Naval Wing cadets - Rs 3000/-

Allahabad Universitv Silver Medal to best SD/SW and JD/JW

of Air and Naval Wing cadets - Rs 2000/-
5% marks as bonus for admission
in B.A. Part I for'B' certificate Chief Minister's Medal
holders. 10 marks to'B' Certificate
holder in admission in all faculties. Gold Mecial to SD cadets in shooting,
declamation, cross country Rs 30001
Ruhailkhand Universitv Silver Medal to SD cadets in shooting,
declamation, cross country Rs 2000/-
15 marks for 'C' Certificate holders
and 10 marks for 'B' Certificate RDC Participants - Rs 1000/-
holders in all the faculties.
RDC Guard of Honour - Rs 5001
Gorakhpur Universitv
Selection cadet RD parade Rajpath -
2o/ool tolal marks as bonus for 'C' Rs 3001
Certificate holders for admission in
higher classes. Para Jumping - Rs 300/-

45 bonus marks for 'C' Certificate Participants of Mountaineering -

holders and 30 marks for 'B' Rs 5001
Certificate holders for admission in
B.Ed courses- Expedition - Rs '1000/-
Name of Academic Field Emplovment Field Cash Award Remarks

Uttar Pradesh Awadh Universitv Nil

Contd..... 2% bonus marks for'C' Certificate
holders for admission in the higher
Relaxation of 3o/o of attendance to
NCC'B' &'C' Certificate holders.
Sampurnanand Sanskrit
Universitv. Varanasi NCC
cadet completing 75o/o parade
attendance exemption of
examination fee. 10% bonus marks
for'B'certificate and 15% bonus
marks for'C'Certificate holders in
admission in B.Ed.
Kashi Vidhvapeeth. Varanasi
5% bonus marks to'B'certificate
holder in admission to BA/B.Sc. 45
bonus marks for'C' Certificate
holder and 30 bonus marks for'B'
certificate holders in admission to
Baanaras Hindu Universitv
Weightage of 5 points and 10
points for'B' Certificate and 'C'
certificate holders respectively in
admission to non-competitive
Name of Academic Field Employment Field Cash Award Remarks
Tamil Nadu One Seat reserved in lz marks, 1 mark and 2
each UG Course and marks are being State level best cadet award - 1st position to
PG Course for cadets awarded as bonus @oooAand3'd
enrolled in NCC marks to NCC 'A', 'B' positionto Rs 2000/-
affiliated Arts & and 'C' certificate
Sciences College. holders respectively in National level best cadet award - 1st
Tamil Nadu Uniformed
Services Recruitment
3'd position to Rs 4,000/-
lndividual/Team sDorts event at National
Y" marks is awarded for !eyC! -l5osition to Rs 2,000/- 2'id pos'ition
NCC cadets in the oral to Rs 1200/- and 3'd position to Rs 800/-
test for the BT and PG
Assistant recruitmenU
appointment in Tamil
Nadu Govt Service.
West Bengal Weightage of 5%, 5, 10 and 20 bonus
1Oo/o and 20% marks marks to NCC'A', 'B'&
for'A', 'B'&'C' 'C' certificate holders
certificate holders cadets for enrolment of
respectively. Home Guard
Commandant and
District Commandant
Auth : 3{.03.2010
Name of Academic Field Emplovment Field Cash Award Remarks

Sikkim Nit Nit Best Cadet Deoree Course

@osition - Rs 5oo/- and 3'd
position - Rs 4001

Assam 10% seats reserved for Nit Birchilarai Award to 04 tsest cadets @ Rs 25,0001 each
NCC cadets in with Medal and citation.
polytechnics Auth : 10 Aug 2005
institutions. 02 seats Rs 1.40 lakhs as scholarship to NCC cadets during the
reserved for Assam year 2016-17
E rneen Col e Auth : DSY/PP/NCC/30/2009/54 dt 20 Mar 2O17
Name of State Academic Field Employment Field Cash Award Remarks
Meg halaya 01 seat has been reserved for Nit Rs '10,000/- for RDC
NCC cadets in all the 03
polytechnic colleges of the State
for three year Diploma Course in
Auth : EDN.2222000/319-A dt
Bihar 1% seat in all Medical, 5% weightage in state NIL
Engineering, Polytechnic Colleges Govt Subordinate
be reserved for NCC 'B'and 'C' services to include
certificate holders who have class-lll & lV and State
qualified with 'A'&'B' Grading Police jobs to cadets
only. holding NCC'C'
certificate only in 'A' &

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