New Foundry Techniqueschniques
New Foundry Techniqueschniques
New Foundry Techniqueschniques
It is a process of pouring liquid metal into mold to shape it. It is a
manufacturing process in which a liquid material is usually poured into
a mold, which contains a hollow cavity of the desired shape, and then
allowed to solidify. The solidified part is also known as a casting, which
is ejected or broken out of the mold to complete the process.
Molding is a manufacturing process that involves shaping a liquid or
malleable raw material by using a fixed frame; known as either a mold
or a matrix.
Foundry Process
Advanced Foundry Techniques
Because of old foundry techniques there were a lot of losses. For
More work
Lot of man power
Lot of money to buy machines
A lot of space occupied by old type of factories
Only one way of earning money
Not so good productivity
Now new foundry techniques have entered this industry and they have
a lot more benefits. There are a lot of new foundry techniques which
are developed in recent years. Because of these modern technologies,
we are able to produce more complex, stable and high quality products.
Some of the latest techniques are described in the following:
Moulding Techniques
The first major stage in founding is the production of mould with its
impression of the casting and its planned provision for metal flow and
feeding. For this purpose a pattern is required, along with foundry
equipment ranging from moulding and core making machines two
moulding boxes tackle and hand tools. Following a survey of this
equipment the basic techniques of molding and core production will be
Injection moulding
Injection moulding is a manufacturing process for producing parts by
injecting molten material into a mould. Injection moulding can be
performed with a host of materials mainly including metals (for which
the process is called die-casting), glasses, elastomers, confections, and
most commonly thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers. Material
for the part is fed into a heated barrel, mixed (using a helical shaped
screw), and injected into a mould cavity, where it cools and hardens to
the configuration of the cavity. It is the latest process developed in the
industry of foundry.
Compression Moulding
Compression Moulding is a method of moulding in which the
moulding material, generally preheated, is first placed in an open,
heated mould cavity. The mould is closed with a top force or plug
member, pressure is applied to force the material into contact
with all mould areas, while heat and pressure are maintained until
the moulding material has cured. The process employs
thermosetting resins in a partially cured stage, either in the form
of granules, putty-like masses, or preforms.
Compression molding is a high-volume, high-pressure method
suitable for molding complex, high-
strength fiberglass reinforcement. Advanced composite
thermoplastic materials can also be moulded by this technique.
Blow Moulding
Blow molding is a manufacturing process for forming and joining
together hollow plastic parts. It is also used for forming glass bottles or
other hollow shapes. In general, there are three main types of blow
molding: extrusion blow molding, injection blow molding, and injection
stretch blow molding.
Rotational Moulding
Rotational Molding involves a heated hollow mold which is filled with a
charge or shot weight of material. It is then slowly rotated (usually
around two perpendicular axes), causing the softened material to
disperse and stick to the walls of the mold.
Casting Techniques
Casting is a manufacturing process in which a liquid metal is poured
into a mould to solidify. Different casting techniques are used but the
most modern are these.
Investment casting
Investment casting is based on and also called lost wax casting,
one of the oldest known metal casting techniques. From 5000
years ago when beeswax formed patterns, to today’s hi
technology waxes, refractory materials and specialist alloys, the
castings allows the production of components with accuracy,
repeatability, versatility and integrity in a variety of metals and
high performance alloys. Lost foam casting is a modern form of
investment casting and eliminates certain steps in the process.
The process is generally used for small castings, what has been
used to produce complete aircraft door frames steel castings of
upto 300 kg and aluminum castings of upto 30 kg. It is generally
more expensive than die casting and sand casting, but has lower
equipment cost. It can produce complicated shapes, that would
be difficult or impossible by die casting, it like that process it
requires little surface finishing and only minor machining.
Die Casting
Die casting is a metal casting process that is characterized by
forcing molten metal under high pressure into a mould cavity. The
mould cavity is created using two hardened tool steel dies which
have been machined into shape and work similarly to an injection
mould during the process.
The essential feature of die casting is the use of permanent metal
moulds, into which molten alloy is directly poured or injected
under pressure, giving rise to the separate processes of gravity
and pressure die casting. Permanent moulds offer obvious
advantages in terms of simplicity of production for large
quantities of parts, but are subject to limitations yet to be
Gravity die casting, also referred to as permanent mould casting,
has many features in common with other processes of metal
founding including sand casting, both in production technique and
in type of product. There is little such similarity in the case of
pressure die casting, a highly distinctive process which might be
held to have more in common with injection moulding than with
other casting processes.
Centrifugal Casting
Centrifugal casting or rotocasting is a casting technique that is
typically used to cast thin-walled cylinders. It is typically used to
cast materials such as metals, glass, and concrete. A high quality is
attainable by control of metallurgy and crystal structure.
The essential feature of centrifugal casting is the introduction of
molten metal into a mould which is rotated during solidification of
the casting. The centrifugal force can thus play a part in shaping
and in feeding according to the variation of the process employed.
The principle of centrifugal casting is long established, dating
originally from a patent taken out by A. G. Eckhardt in 1809.
Following early development during the nineteenth century, the
process began after 1920 to be used for the manufacture of cast
iron pipes on a large scale and has since been extended to a much
wider range of shapes and alloys.
Lost Foam Casting
Lost-foam casting is a type of evaporative-pattern casting process
that is similar to investment casting except foam is used for the
pattern instead of wax.
Strikomelter System
A Strikomelter System gives lenaal a cast and quality advantage
for its automotive castings.
The Strikomelter System MH-2 was developed in Germany by
Striko Westofen, and assembled in its factory in Strzelce Opolskie
It is one of the latest technologies developed in foundry industry.
Lenaal Andrzejpakusa is an aluminum and zinc die-caster at
Radom in central Poland, and like automotive suppliers
everywhere it seeks technology and process advantages to
enhance its market position. Lately, it is saving costs and
improving its processes with new tilting, melting and holding
furnace operation.
Pattern Making and Core Making Techniques
In casting, a pattern is a replica of the object to be cast, used to
prepare the cavity into which molten material will be poured
during the casting process. Patterns used in sand casting may be
made of wood, metal, plastics or other materials.
Core making is the process which forms the interior part of the
casting. The mould provides a space for the molten metal to go,
while the core keeps the metal from filling the entire space. Cores
can be used to extend mould projections to create extra mould
sections, or to block out and create negative drafts.
Some modern techniques are also developed for core and pattern