Contact Metamorphism
Contact Metamorphism
Contact Metamorphism
Contact Metamorphism
Contact Metamorphism, as the name implies, occurs locally, at and near the contacts between
intrussions and the surrounding country rock. As might be expected in such a setting, the
metamorphism is dominantly controlled by the heat introduced by intrusion. The effects of
increased temperature are most pronounced where intrussions occur at shallow levels in the
crust. There, contrasts in temperature between country rock and intrusion, the temperature
contrast generally decreases, as do the contact effects, except in relatively rare cases where
intrusion occurs in higher-P/T facies series.
Mineralogical changes during contact metamorphism are a function of bulk rock chemistry,
P-T conditions, and the nature of the fluid phase. Below, each of the major categories of bulk
rock is discussed in terms of the mineralogical changes that occur during contact
The silica-rich rocks typically have a restricted bulk composition, with high silica, moderate
to low alumina, and minor amounts of other components. Because of the limited range of
chemistry, mineral assemblages are also limited. Where either alumina is relatively abundant
or calcium and the alkalis are significant, the mineralogical changes will be like those of
pelitic rocks and siliceous-alkali-calcic rocks, respectively. The siliceous-alkali-calcic (SAC)
rocks are quartz-and feldspar-rich and are sometimes referred to as quartzo-feldspathic.
Protoliths include sandstones and felsic to intermediate igneous rocks. Some of these rocks
are aluminous, and those that are bear mineralogical similarities to the pelitic-rocks. The
major differences are that the SAC rocks are characterized by calcium-rich phases and
generally lack the aluminum silicates. Those that are more calcium-, iron-, and magnesium-
rich are gradational in composition with the basic rocks. In general, the SAC rocks differ
from the basic rocks in containing abundant quartz and lacking abundant Ca-amphiboles (and
SAC rocks may be represented on either AFM or ACF diagrams. The AFM diagrams (in
figure 24.7) are applicable to aluminous SAC rocks. Mineral assemblages of those with
appreciable calcium may be shown more clearly on the ACF pseudo-phase diagram (in figure
24.8). The dotted polygon outlined on the Zeolite Facies diagram in figure 24.8 shows the
general range of compositions for SAC rocks. A few unusual compositions may lie outside of
this field, but sandstones and siliceous igneous rocks generally plot on the left and upper parts
of the polygon.
At the lowest grades of metamorphism, in the Zeolite Facies, a number of phase assemblages
characterize rocks metamorphosed under various conditions. Figure 24.8 shows a common
group of assemblages. Metasandstones typically contain an assemblage that includes quartz,
analcite, clay minerals, heulandite and chlorite or chlorite mixed-layer minerals. More calcic
sandstones may also include pumpellyite, calcite or both. At lower temperatures,
xanthophyllite may occur, whereas higher temperatures may yield laumontite, prehnite or
Figure 24.8
Marking the transition from the Zeolite Facies to the Albite-Epidote Hornfels Facies are the
conversion of kaolinite to pyrophyllite.
Albite-quartz-biotite-calcite-chlorite-white mica
The appearance of andalusite, garner, and hornblende mark the transition to the Hornblende
Hornfels Facies. Plagioclase is more calcic than in lower-grade facies and zoisite may be
present. In the higher-temperature part of the facies, cordierite occurs and calcite is replaced
by wollastonite. A characteristic assemblage is
Is representative.
The Pyroxene Hornfels Facies, in its lower-temperature part, contains aluminous SAC rocks
that are mineralogically like theis pelitic counterparts, except that quartz and the feldspars are
more abundant. White mica is absent. A typical assemblage is
Quartz-plagioclase-alkali feldspar-cordierite-andalusite-biotite
Quartz-plagioclase-alkali feldspar-cordierite-orthopyroxene
SAC rocks may melt under Pyroxene Hornfels Facies conditions. The resulting rocks contain
the assemblage
Quartz-plagioclase-alkali feldspar-glass-orthopyroxene-titanite
The phase assemblages of the Sanidinite Facies are less complex than those of the lower-
temperature facies. The glass-bearing rocks are sometimes called buchites. Characteristic
assemblages include