RCSI Clinical Examinations in Medicine 2018-19
RCSI Clinical Examinations in Medicine 2018-19
RCSI Clinical Examinations in Medicine 2018-19
Nicole Pierce
No. Clinical Examinations Page
1 Cardiology 2
1 Clinical Examination of the Cardiovascular System 3
2 Respiratory Medicine 15
2 Clinical Examination of the Respiratory System 16
3 Gastroenterology 28
3 Clinical Examination of the Gastrointestinal System 29
4 Clinical Examination of a Stoma 40
5 Clinical Examination of a Hernia 43
4 Neurology 47
6 Neurological Examination of the Upper Limb 48
7 Neurological Examination of the Lower Limb 56
8 Clinical Examination of the Gait and Cerebellum 64
9 Clinical Examination of Speech 70
10 Clinical Examination of Higher Order Functioning 78
11 Clinical Examination of Parkinson Disease 82
12 Clinical Examination of the Cranial Nerves 87
5 Endocrinology 105
13 Clinical Examination of the Thyroid Gland 106
14 Clinical Examination for Acromegaly 114
15 Clinical Examination of the Breast 118
16 Clinical Examination of the Diabetic Patient 122
6 Musculoskeletal & Rheumatology 129
17 Surgical Examination of the Hands 130
18 Musculoskeletal Examination of the Hip 135
19 Musculoskeletal Examination of the Knee 140
20 Musculoskeletal Examination of the Shoulder 146
21 Musculoskeletal Examination of the Spine 151
22 Clinical Examination of Rheumatoid Arthritis 156
7 Vascular 163
23 Arterial Examination of the Lower Limbs 164
24 Venous Examination of the Lower Limbs 168
25 Vascular Examination of the Abdomen 172
8 Genitourinary 175
26 Clinical Examination of the Renal System and AV Fistula 176
General Inspection
§ Alert/well/unwell
§ Breathing
o Rapid/laboured breathing
o Respiratory distress
§ Circulation
o Colour e.g. jaundice/cyanosis
o Abnormal pulsations
§ Devices
o O delivery
o ECG monitor
o IV fluids
o Catheter bag
o Pulse oximeter
o Medications e.g. GTN spray
§ Exposed
o Position at 45° supine, undressed to waist
o Obvious scars
Close Inspection of the Hands
Dorsum of the Hands:
§ Tar staining
§ Peripheral cyanosis
o Blue discolouration of the skin caused by reduced
blood supply to the tissues
o Only affects the skin, does not involve mucous
o May occur in severe central cyanosis
o Causes of peripheral cyanosis:
§ Peripheral vascular disease
§ Heart failure
§ Shock
§ Raynaud’s phenomenon
§ Severe central cyanosis
§ Oslers nodes
o Red, raised, tender nodules on the pulps of the fingers, thenar and hypothenar
eminences in infective endocarditis
§ Tendon xanthomata
o Lipid deposits in hyperlipidaemia
§ Splinter haemorrhages
o Linear haemorrhages of nail caused by
infective endocarditis/vasculitis
§ Koilonychia (anaemia) – spooning of the nails
§ Pitting of the nails
§ Clubbing of the nails
o Loss of angle between the nail and nail bed
o Crouch down to closely inspect to the level of the hands
Grade Description
Grade 1 Fluctuation of the nail bed
Compress nail bed between fingers and gently rock
Grade 2 Loss of angle of nail bed
Get down to level of the fingers and examine
Grade 3 Increased curvature of the nail
Grade 4 ‘Drumstick’ appearance
Grade 5 Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy (HPOA)
§ Temperature
o Determine that they are warm and well-perfused
§ Capillary refill time (<2 secs)
Close Inspection of the Wrist, Palpation of Pulse and Blood Pressure
Palpation of Pulse:
§ Palpate radial pulse using pulp of 2 and 3 fingers
nd rd
o Volume
o Character
§ Radio-radial delay (Assess over 10 seconds)
o Palpate both radial pulses together
o Inequity in timing/volume due to aortic dissection/large arterial occlusion
o Causes of radio-radial delay:
§ Cervical rib
§ Aortic coarctation
§ Aortic dissection
§ Aortic embolism
§ Radio-femoral delay (Assess over 10 seconds)
o Palpate radial and femoral pulses together
o Delay in arrival of femoral pulse suggests coarctation of the aorta
§ Congenital heart disease
§ Aortic dissection
• Ascending aorta: type A
• Descending aorta: type B
§ Collapsing pulse
o Ask px if shoulder is in any pain
o Metacarpals of open palm against radial pulse
o Lift shoulder in air and support
o Pulse will thump against your fingers
o Aortic regurgitation
“John’s pulse is 64 beats per minute with regular pulsation of normal volume”
Blood Pressure:
§ Systolic BP
o Peak pressure that occurs in the
artery following ventricular systole
o Pump to 20 above the anticipated
§ Diastolic BP
o Level to which arterial blood
pressure falls during ventricular
§ Manual BP measurement with
o Wrap the cuff around the upper arm
with the bladder over the brachial
artery, leaving the lower border of
the cuff about 2cm above the
antecubital fossa
o Locate the radial artery, and with your other hand, squeeze the bulb to inflate
the cuff until the pulse is no longer felt
o Release the valve and note the pressure at which the pulse returns; this gives
you an estimate of what the systolic pressure is
o Close the valve and reinflate the cuff to 20-30mm Hg higher than your estimate
of systolic BP
o Place the diaphragm of your stethoscope over the brachial artery
o Remember that it can be uncomfortable for the patient to have the cuff inflated
to this pressure – do not forget this and do not waste time
o Release the valve a little so that the pressure drops very slowly. Meanwhile you
should listen intently for the Korotkoff sounds – faint thudding sounds
o Note the pressure at which you first hear the sounds – this represents systolic
o Note the pressure at which the sounds disappear – this represents diastolic
pressure. (Cuff pressure is now less than diastolic pressure and flow is
continuous throughout the cardiac cycle)
o Once the sounds have completely disappeared, open the valve fully to
completely deflate the cuff
Close Inspection of the Face
§ Malar flush (mitral stenosis)
§ Colour e.g. pallor/jaundice
§ Pallor of conjunctivae
§ Jaundice in conjunctivae
o Severe congestive cardiac failure leads to
hepatic congestion, causing intra-hepatic
§ Xanthelasma
o Intracutaneous yellow cholesterol deposits
around the eyes may indicate
§ Corneal arcus
o Cholesterol deposits in the corneal stroma
result in a white/grey opaque ring surrounding the cornea
o Associated with hyperlipidaemia and with ageing
§ High-arched palate
o Feature of Marfans Syndrome
o Inspect roof of mouth
o Associated with aortic regurgitation
o Distinctive physical appearance – tall and thin, with an arm span that exceeds
height (arachnodactyly)
§ Dentition
o Poor dentition is a source of infective endocarditis
§ Gentle pressure at the base of the neck may abolish visible pulsations and may make
a vein visible by causing distension above the occlusion
Hepatojugular Reflux:
§ Pressure on the liver or abdominal area (right upper quadrant)
§ Put a flat hand over the liver
§ Transient rise in JVP
§ Abdominal compression increases venous return and pressure and facilitates analysis
of the JVP
§ Apply firm sustained pressure over upper abdomen
§ It is a simple way of confirming the venous nature of a pulsation in the neck
Parasternal Heave:
§ Parasternal heave may be palpable when the heel of the hand is rested just to the left
of the sternum, place the hand onto the chest with fingers spread
sternal border
3. Pulmonary: 2 ICS, left sternal edge
Method of Auscultation:
§ Bell
o Designed for listening to low-pitched sounds (don’t press too hard)
o e.g. mitral stenosis best heard with the patient lying on the left hand side using
the bell of the stethoscope
o Diastolic murmur
§ Diaphragm
o Auscultation of high-pitched sounds
o e.g. mitral incompetence
§ Listen over all 4 areas with bell and the diaphragm; palpation of carotid pulsation
will indicate the timing of systole and allow heart sounds to be identified
o Place diaphragm of stethoscope (for high-pitched sounds) on apex beat
o Move up to 4 areas with diaphragm
o Change to bell (for low-pitched sounds) at aortic area
o Move back down to apex beat
Heart Sounds:
§ S1: Mitral and tricuspid valve closure
o Beginning of systole
§ S2: Aortic and pulmonary valve closure
o A component: Closure of the aortic valve
o P component: Closure of the pulmonary valve
o Beginning of diastole
o Lower pitch
Added Sounds:
§ S3:
o Low-pitch mid-diastolic sound
o Pathological S3 ‘gallop rhythm’ is due to reduced ventricular compliance:
Filling sound is produced even when diastolic filling is not rapid e.g. heart
o Normal in some young children
§ S4:
o Always pathological – caused by severe heart failure
o Mechanical heart valve (click)
“On auscultation of this patients heart, heart sounds 1 & 2 were heard and there were no
added cardiac sounds”
Dynamic Manoeuvres:
§ Lesions on the left side of the heart are best elicited on
listening in full expiration
o Aortic stenosis/regurgitation
o Mitral stenosis/regurgitation
§ Lesions on the right side of the heart are best elicited on
full inspiration
o Pulmonary stenosis/regurgitation
o Tricuspid stenosis/regurgitation
Murmur Manoeuvre
Mitral Regurgitation Systolic murmur
Listen with diaphragm at axilla
Mitral Stenosis Diastolic murmur
Left lateral position, listen with bell at mitral area
Aortic Regurgitation Diastolic murmur
Sit px forward in full expiration, listen with diaphragm to LLSB
Aortic Stenosis Systolic murmur
Listen to carotids with diaphragm/bell for carotid bruits
General Inspection
§ Alert/well/unwell
§ BMI e.g. cachexia
§ Breathing
o Position: Any tripod sign? Arms forward, sitting upright
o Use of accessory muscles (look closely)
§ Traps
o Signs of respiratory distress
§ Intercostal
§ Respiratory rate: Measure for 15 seconds and x 4
• Tachypnoea: Rapid respiratory rate
• Normal RR: 12-20/min
o Added sounds
• Cough:
o Productive → exacerbation of COPD
o Dry → bronchospasm e.g. asthma
• Wheeze e.g. severe asthma
• Stridor: Rasping noise loudest on inspiration caused by
obstruction of larynx/trachea/large airways e.g. foreign
• Hoarseness: Laryngitis/laryngeal/lung CA
§ Colour
o Cyanosis
o Polycythaemia
§ Due to chronic hypoxia in COPD
§ Devices
o Medications
o Oxygen masks/nasal prongs
o Inhalers
o Sputum pot
o Nebulisers
o Chest drains
§ Exposure
o Position at 45° supine, undressed to waist
Close Inspection of the Hands
Dorsum of the Hands
§ Tar staining
§ Peripheral cyanosis
§ Clubbing
o The normal angle between the nail and the
cuticle immediately proximal to the nail is
around 140-160°
Grade Description
Grade 1 Fluctuation of the nail bed
Compress nail bed between fingers and gently rock
Grade 2 Loss of angle of nail bed
Grade 3 Increased curvature of the nail
Grade 4 ‘Drumstick’ appearance
Grade 5 Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy (HPOA)
Palmar Surface
§ Pallor of palmar creases
§ Wasting of the thenar and hypothenar eminences
o Due to Pancoast tumour
• Peripheral cyanosis (cold blue hands)
§ Ask patient to hold their hands out in front of them
§ Note any fine tremor which may be caused be inhaled bronchodilators
§ Most common cause is salbutamol (e.g. asthma/COPD), can also be caused by CO 2
Close Inspection of the Wrist
§ Ask patient to dorsiflex the wrist with arms outstretched and fingers spread
§ Gross flapping tremor : Sign of CO retention caused by chronic airflow limitation
e.g. COPD
§ Ddx:
o Uraemic asterixis
o Hepatic encephalopathy
Radial Pulse
§ Assess rate and rhythm at radial artery
o Tachycardia: May be caused by respiratory distress/hypoxia
o Volume: Increased pulse volume may be a sign of CO retention
Respiratory Rate
§ Assess over 30 secs and multiply x 2
§ Normal: 12-20/min at rest in adults
Blood Pressure
§ Offer manual BP
Signs of CO Retention:
1. Tremor
2. Bounding pulse
3. Asterixis
4. Chemosis (conjunctival oedema classically caused by CO retention, also found in
§ Horner’s syndrome:
o Ptosis
o Miosis (fixed constricted pupil)
o Anhydrosis
o Enophthalmos
Mouth and Tongue:
§ Central cyanosis (stick out the tongue and look underneath for central cyanosis)
o Bluish discolouration of skin and mucous membranes due to the presence of
>5g/dL of deoxygenated haemoglobin in the superficial blood vessels
o Hb molecule changes colour from blue to red when oxygen is added to it in
the lungs
o If the level of deoxygenated blood is >5g/100ml blood, there will be an
abnormal blueish tinge to the tissues
o Cyanosis becomes noticeable when O sat falls below 90% in a person with
Tracheal Tug
§ Feel or see the trachea move inferiorly with each inspiration- sign of overexpansion
of the chest because of airflow obstruction
§ Can also be seen in babies with respiratory distress, commonly secondary to
Lymph Nodes
§ Ask the patent to sit forward, stand behind the
patient and explain that you are going to examine the
patient’s neck
§ When examining for lymph node, note:
o Site: exactly where in the body this lump is.
This can be described accurately using
various landmarks and surface anatomy that
you will be learning
o Shape
o Size: this should be measured and described
accurately e.g. 1cm, not 'the size of a pea'. Large nodes are usually abnormal
(greater than 1 cm)
o Temperature: Does the lump feel warm or cold compared to the surrounding
o Tenderness: Does touching the lump cause the patient to feel pain or
discomfort; usually implies acute inflammation or infection
o Tethering: Is the lump attached to other structures e.g. the skin above it or
the bone, muscle or other structure below. Nodes that are fixed to underlying
structures are more likely to be due to carcinoma
o Colour: Variation in the colour of the lump or the overlying skin compared
to normal or the surrounding area
o Consistency: Hard nodes suggest carcinoma, soft may be normal and rubbery
nodes may be due to lymphoma
§ Hard: Solid like a stone
§ Firm: Not solid but has a little 'give' e.g. like a tennis ball
§ Soft: Squashy
o Contours (edges and irregularity): Is the lump smooth or does it have sharp
edges or craggy feel to it
§ Sit the patient up and examine the neck from behind:
o Carefully palpate for the following lymph nodes in turn: the SUBMENTAL
node, which lies directly under, the chin, then the SUBMANDIBULAR
nodes which are below the angle of the jaw
o Posterior to the angle of the jaw feel for the PAROTID node then palpate in
front of the tragus for the PREAURICULAR node
o Now palpate behind the ear for the POSTAURICULAR node, then to the
posterior aspect of the head for the OCCIPITAL node
o Now ask the patient to relax their shoulders and palpate down the anterior
border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle for the ANTERIOR CERVICAL
CHAIN of nodes including the TONSILLAR (JUGULODIGASTRIC) node
o At the inferior end ask the patient to slightly shrug their shoulders and feel
o Now palpate for the POSTERIOR CERVICAL CHAIN of nodes at the
posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle and the posterior triangle
of the neck
Close Inspection of the Chest
§ Scars e.g. pneumonectomy, lobectomy, radiotherapy marks (skin may appear
erythematous/thickened, e.g. tx of lung CA, breast CA, lymphoma), midline
thoracotomy scars, previous chest drains, trauma
§ Hoovers sign:
o Intercostal indrawing due to hyperinflation
§ Symmetry of chest wall movement
o Ask the patient to take a deep breath in
and out
o Is the chest moving with respiration?
o Is the movement equal and symmetrical
on both sides? A large effusion, pneumothorax, area of collapse etc in one
lung can cause asymmetrical movement
o Pectus Excavatum (funnel chest) is a depression
of lower end of sternum (in severe cases lung
capacity may be restricted)
o Pectus Carinatum (pigeon chest) is a
prominence (outward bowing) of sternum and
costal cartilages. Can occur with chronic
childhood respiratory illness and rickets
o Barrel-shaped chest antero-posterior diameter is
increased compared with the lateral diameter.
This indicates chronic hyperinflation e.g. severe asthma and emphysema
§ Deformities
o Kyphoscoliosis: Forward curvature
of the spine
§ Severe kyphoscoliosis may
reduce lung capacity and
increase the WOB
o Scoliosis: Lateral curvature of the
§ Devices e.g. Portacath in situ
Palpation of the Chest
Chest Expansion
§ Measure chest expansion to determine if expansion is equal on both sides
§ Causes of asymmetrical (one-sided) reduced chest expansion:
o Pulmonary fibrosis
o Consolidation
o Collapse
o Ipsilateral pleural effusion
o Ipsilateral pneumothorax
§ Causes of bilateral reduced chest expansion:
o Pulmonary fibrosis
o COPD (as chest is hyperinflated)
§ Method of assessment:
o Place hands on lower posterior chest wall with fingers extending around the
sides of the chest
o The thumbs are lifted slightly off the
chest and should almost meet in the midline
o On inspiration the thumbs should move
symmetrically apart at least 5cms
o Ask the patient: “Take a breath in, and
let it all the way out”. When they are in full
expiration, place your hands over the lower
ribs and stretch your thumbs out until they
meet in the midline. “Take a deep breath in
please” The distance your thumbs move apart
is measured in cm
o Palpation of the posterior chest wall
measures lower lobe expansion
Tactile Fremitus
§ Ask px to cross their arms at front (to move scapula out of way)
§ Place hand on chest and ask px to say ‘99’ as you palpate down chest wall, comparing
§ Do one hand at a time and compare symmetrical sides (like with like)
§ Increase in vibration may be felt on one side – this indicates lung consolidation (lobar
§ Markedly reduced over pleural effusion – only effective sign for this pathology
Percussion of the Chest
Method of Percussion:
§ Approach the posterior chest from behind
§ Ask the patient to cross the arms in front of chest (moves scapula out of way)
§ Technique:
o Begin in supraclavicular fossae
o Percuss the clavicles directly
o Percuss down the chest
o The left middle finger is pressed
firmly against the chest
o With the pad of the right middle
finger strike firmly the middle
phalanx of the middle finger of
the left hand
o The percussing finger must be
held slightly flexed and a loose
swinging movement should come
from the wrist
o Remove the finger quickly so that the note generated is not dampened
o Percussion of symmetrical areas of the anterior, posterior and axillary
regions is necessary
o Compare right and left sides at each level
o Fan out at the bases
o Percuss down as far as T10 posteriorly
o Remember to include axilla
§ Abnormalities in percussion:
o Normal lung is resonant to percussion
o Hyperresonant: Air e.g. pneumothorax
o Dull: Solid e.g. consolidation/tumour
o Stony dull: Fluid e.g. pleural effusion
Auscultation of the Chest
Method of Auscultation:
§ Move scapula out of the way (cross arms anteriorly)
§ Auscultate down the posterior chest
§ Compare right and left sides at each level
§ Fan out at the bases
§ T10 posteriorly
§ Include axilla
Auscultate for:
§ Quality of breath sounds
o Vesicular breath sounds:
§ Produced in the airways
§ Normal breath sounds are louder and
longer on inspiration and there is no
gap between inspiratory and expiratory sounds
§ They are due to the transmission of air turbulence in the large airways
filtered through the normal lungs to the chest wall
o Bronchial breath sounds: (e.g. as the sound over a trachea)
§ Due to turbulence in the large airways without being filtered by the
§ They have a hollow and blowing quality
Surface Anatomy
Right upper
lobe Left upper lobe
Right middle
o Fine crackles: Similar to hair rubbed between the fingers e.g. pulmonary
o Medium crackles e.g. LVF
o Coarse crackles: Characteristic of pools of retained secretions and have an
unpleasant gurgling quality
§ Tend to change with coughing e.g. pneumonia or bronchiectasis
o Pleural rub: Due to thickened, roughened pleural surfaces rubbing together as
the lungs expand and contract e.g. pulmonary infarction/pneumonia
Vocal Resonance
§ While auscultating over the chest wall, ask the px to repeat “ninety nine”
§ Findings:
o Increased vocal resonance: Consolidation (bronchial breathing is also likely
o Muffled: Normal
To Complete Examination
Cardiovascular Examination
§ Signs of right-sided heart failure
o Elevated JVP
o Pitting oedema
o Tricuspid regurgitation
o Hepatomegaly
o RV heave
§ Position of apex beat
o Displacement towards the side of lesion can be caused by collapse of lower
o Displacement away from the side of lesion can be caused by pleural
effusion/tension pneumothorax
o Impalpable in case of hyperinflation e.g. COPD
§ Auscultate for heart sounds
o P2: Pulmonary component of the S2
o Loud P2:
§ Pulmonary hypertension which may be secondary to:
• Chronic airflow limitation
• Pulmonary fibrosis
• Pulmonary VTE
• Obesity
• Sleep apnoea
• Severe kyphoscoliosis
Examination of the Abdomen
§ Hepatomegaly
o Ptosis (due to CO2 retention e.g. COPD)
o Hepatomegaly (due to metastatic deposits secondary to lung cancer)
Pemberton’s Sign
§ Lift both arms over the head and wait for 1 minute
§ Observe for signs of SVC obstruction:
o Facial plethora
o Inspiratory stridor
o Cyanosis
o Non-pulsatile elevation of JVP
o Pre-syncopal symptoms
General Inspection
§ Level of consciousness e.g. hepatic encephalopathy
§ Distress: Dyspnoea/obvious pain
§ Colour: Jaundice/pallor/slate grey pigmentation (haemochromatosis in liver
disease)/bruising (consistent with IV cannulation etc.)
§ Nutritional status: Cachexia/high BMI/obvious distension
§ Devices: e.g. NG tube/IV fluids/TPN/emesis bowl
§ Exposure: From nipple to knee, for purpose of exam nipple to pubic symphysis is
§ Hernia exam: Hands behind the head and ask to cough (for Prof Walsh only)
§ Position: Sitting at 45° supine, must lie them flat for abdominal inspection
Close Inspection of the Hands
§ Clubbing
o An increase in the soft tissue of the distal part of the fingers or toes
o GI causes of clubbing:
§ Coeliac disease
§ Inflammatory bowel disease
§ Cirrhosis
§ Primary biliary cholangitis
§ Chronic active hepatitis
§ Leuconychia
o Opacification of the nail bed
o Caused by:
§ Chronic liver disease
§ Hypoalbuminaemia
§ Koilonychia
o Iron deficiency anaemia
§ Palmar erythema
o Reddening of the palms affecting the
thenar and hypothenar eminences
o Caused by chronic liver disease
§ Pallor of palmar creases
o Caused by anaemia
§ Dupuytren’s contracture
o Thickening of the palmar fascia causing
a flexion contracture of one or more
o Associated with alcohol dependency,
but may also be idiopathic (majority of
§ Ecchymoses (large bruises)
o Clotting abnormalities secondary to chronic liver disease
§ Petechiae (pinhead sized bruises)
o Clotting abnormalities secondary to chronic liver disease
§ Spider naevi
o Central arterioles from which small vessels radiate, akin to spiders legs
o Caused by chronic liver disease (>3 is abnormal)
o Found on arms, neck and chest
§ Muscle wasting
o Malnutrition of chronic alcoholism
§ Pruritic scratch marks
o Pruritus of chronic liver disease
§ Track marks/puncture wounds
o IVDU drug abuse
Ecchymosis Petechiae
Close Inspection of the Face
§ Conjunctival pallor
o Anaemia
§ Scleral icterus
o Jaundice
§ Xanthelasma
o Fatty deposits due to
§ Colour e.g. jaundice
§ Scratch marks (pruritus due to chronic liver disease)
§ Caused by stretching of
abdominal wall
§ Associated with excessive
weight gain/loss or steroid use
§ Ileostomy
§ Colostomy
§ Urostomy
§ Generalised abdominal
distension may be caused by:
o Fat (obesity)
o Flatus (gaseous distension due to bowel obstruction)
o Fluid (ascites)
o Faeces (constipation/bowel obstruction)
o Foetus (pregnancy)
o Filthy big tumour (abdominal mass)
§ Gynaecomastia
o Presence of breast tissue in males
o Associated with chronic liver disease
§ Hernia: Protrusion of an intra-abdominal structure through the boundaries which
normally confine it
§ Ask the patient to bring their chin to their chest and cough
Palpation of the Abdomen*
*It is important to explain to the patient what you are about to do and ask them if any
particular area is tender and then examine this area last. Encourage the patient to relax.
Superficial Palpation
§ Begin with superficial (light) palpation in all 9 areas of
the abdomen
§ Watch patient’s face closing for tenderness, guarding
(voluntary/involuntary resistance to palpation due to
contraction of abdominal muscles) or superficial masses
in each area
§ Palpation is performed with the palmar surface of the
fingers acting together
§ To palpate the edges of organs or masses the lateral surface of the forefinger is used
Deep Palpation
§ Detects masses, guarding and rigidity (constant involuntary contraction of
abdominal muscles, which is always associated with tenderness and indicates
peritoneal irritation)
§ Rebound tenderness is said to be present when after compressing the abdominal
wall slowly a sharp pain occurs on rapidly releasing the compression; occurs with
§ Any mass found must be described and
o Size
o Shape
o Surface (regular/irregular)
o Consistency (hard/soft)
o Tenderness
o Mobility
o Movement with respiration
o Edge (regular/irregular)
o Pulsatile
§ During inspiration the hand is held still and the lateral margin of the forefinger waits
for the liver edge to strike it (the liver should move downwards with inspiration as it
is pushed down by the diaphragm)
§ On expiration the hand is advanced by 1-2cms closer to the right costal margin
§ If the liver edge is identified the surface of the liver should be felt: it may be hard or
soft, tender or non-tender, regular or irregular and pulsatile or non-pulsatile
§ The normal liver edge may just be palpable below the coastal margin on deep
palpation especially in thin people
§ An empty bladder is impalpable
§ In urinary retention, the full bladder may be palpable above the pubic symphysis and
may reach as high as the umbilicus
§ It is impossible to fee the bladders lower edge and the swelling is typically regular,
smooth, firm and oval-shaped
Percussion of the Abdomen
Percussion is used to define the size and nature of organs and masses and also detecting
fluid in the peritoneal cavity
Percussion of the Liver
§ The liver borders should be percussed to
determine the liver span
§ Start percussing from the right iliac fossa to
the right costal margin along the
midclavicular line
§ Dullness defines the liver’s lower border
§ Ask the patient to hold their finger in this
position to demarcate it for you while you
are defining the upper border
§ Define the upper border of the liver by percussing along the midclavicular line from
§ Normally the upper level of liver dullness is
the 6 rib in the right MCL
§ Percuss from the RIF to left costal margin
§ We do not routinely percuss the kidneys as
there will usually be a resonant area due to
overlying gas
§ An area of suprapubic dullness may indicate the upper border of an enlarged bladder
(most commonly from urinary retention in elderly men) or pelvic mass
§ Auscultation for renal artery bruits 2cm either side of the
midline above the umbilicus if renal artery stenosis is
To Complete Examination
§ Digital rectal examination
§ Examination of the groin, hernial orifices and external genitalia
§ Examination of the lower limbs for pitting oedema
o Hypoalbuminaemia due to chronic liver disease
o Starvation /malnutrition/malabsorption
o Protein-losing enteropathy
o Right-heart failure
§ Perform relevant investigations:
o Bedside: Urinalysis, glucose fingerprick
o Bloods: FBC, LFTs, RFTs
o Imaging: US abdomen, erect CXR
General Inspection
§ General appearance, comfortable and breathing
§ Colour e.g. jaundice, pallor, slate grey, bruising
§ Obvious scars
§ Devices e.g. oxygen, IV access, ECG stickers, catheter bag, stoma, NPO
signs/specific diet, PEG tube, fluid restriction
§ Exposure and positioning: From nipple to knee/pubic symphysis, lying flat with 1
pillow for comfort
Close Inspection
§ Site
§ Spout
§ Number of lumens
o Single
o Double
§ Effluent
o Semi-solid effluent
o Hard stool
o Urine
o Comment whether any blood
§ Surrounding skin quality
o Peristomal skin inflammation/erythema
o Duskiness
o Necrosis
o Gangrene
§ Complications
o Haemorrhage
o Retraction
o Prolapse
o Stenosis (offer to digitise the stoma with a
lubricated fingertip)
o Necrosis
o Parastomal hernia (place two hands around the stoma and ask the patient to
o High-output stoma
o Obstruction
§ Bowel sounds (just below umbilicus) – to assess for high-tinkling bowel sounds
which may indicate obstruction
To Complete Examination
§ Perform a full gastrointestinal examination
§ Examine the hernial orifices and external genitalia
§ Check the stoma output chart
General Inspection
§ Alert, well and comfortable
§ Signs of raised intra-abdominal pressure
o Increased body habitus
o Chronic cough
§ Devices around the bed e.g. inhalers (COPD px ?)
§ Obvious scars
§ Positioning and exposure
o Supine at 45/then standing
Close Inspection
(Px Standing):
§ Obvious masses
§ Cough
(Px Supine):
§ Skin of abdomen: Hair loss, signs of steroid use e.g. straie/purpura
§ Scars
§ Raised head to the chin – check for obvious masses
§ Get down to knee (px level at bed)
§ Superficial then deep palpation – 9 regions of the abdomen
§ Start on the normal side
§ Move to affected side
§ Describe the lump:
o Site (approximate to other anatomical structures)
o Size (estimate between the hands)
o Skin
§ Intact
§ Erythema
§ Trauma/scars
§ Signs of necrosis/gangrene
§ Tethering
o Surface
o Palpate for:
§ Temperature
§ Thrill
§ Texture
§ Establish:
o Location to the pubic tubercle:
§ Inguinal hernia: Above and medial to the PT
§ Femoral hernia: Below and lateral to the PT
o Establish where it is reducible or not:
§ Ask px can they reduce it themselves
o Establish relationship to the deep ring:
§ Deep ring is 2cm above the mid-inguinal point, midway between the
ASIS and pubic symphysis
§ Occlude the deep ring
§ Ask the px to cough
General Inspection
§ Alert, breathing and comfortable
§ Obvious neurological deficit
§ Abnormal movements or posturing
§ Devices e.g. Mobility aids, hoists
§ Exposure: Seated with upper limb fully exposed
Close Inspection of the Upper Limb
§ Scars
§ Asymmetry
§ Abnormal posture e.g. Erb’s palsy,
Klumpke’s, UMNL palsy (shoulder
adducted, elbow/wrist flexed,
§ Muscle wasting
§ Fasciculations: Irregular contractions
of small areas of muscles which have
no rhythmical pattern
§ Involuntary movements e.g. tremor
§ Skin lesions e.g. neurofibromatosis
Motor Examination
§ Tone is the assessment of the freedom of movement of a joint when moved passively
§ Described as:
o Normal
o Reduced/hypotonic (LMNL)
o Increased/hypertonic ((UMNL)
§ Assessment of tone:
o Ask the px if they are in any pain
o Take the hand as if to shake it, holding the full weight of the arm at the
o Pronate and supinate the forearm, then roll the hand around the wrist (test 2
o Hold the forearm and the elbow, moving the arm through a full range of
flexion and extension at the elbow
o Repeat for the opposite side and compare
§ Pathologies:
o Hypertonia: UMNL
o Hypotonia: LMNL
o Cogwheel rigidity (Parkinsons)
o Leadpiping (Parkinsons)
Pronator Drift
§ Ask the patient to hold out both hands with the arms extended and the eyes closed
§ Watch the arms for evidence of drifting [movement of one or both arms from the
initial neutral position]
o Downward drift: UMNL; the drift is caused by muscle weakness, and starts
distally with the fingers and spreads proximally
o Upward drift: Cerebellar disease; the drift is caused by hypotonia
o Loss of proprioception: Drift is due to loss of sense of joint position and can
be in any direction
§ Power is a measure of muscle strength
§ Age, gender and build should be taken into account
§ Power is tested by comparing the examiners strength against the patients full
§ Grading of power:
Grade Characteristics
5 Normal power, full power against resistance
4 Reduced power, able to move against some resistance
3 Unable to move against resistance, able to move against gravity
2 Unable to move against gravity
1 Visible flicker of muscle contraction
0 Complete paralysis
§ Abduction (C5, C6)
o The patient should abduct the arms with the elbows flexed and resist
examiners attempt to push them down
§ Adduction (C6, C7, C8)
o The patient should abduct the arms with the elbows flexed and not allow the
examiner to push them up
Elbow * Remember to support the shoulders to properly assess the power at elbow on each
§ Flexion (C5, C6)
o With one hand on the shoulder and the elbow flexed try to straighten the
elbow asking the patient to resist the movement
§ Extension (C7, C8)
o With one hand on the shoulder and the elbow flexed try to bend the elbow
asking the patient to resist you.
§ Flexion (C6, C7)
o With arms outstretched and supporting the wrist from above ask the patient
to flex the wrist and not let the examiner straighten it
§ Extension (C7,C8)
o With arms outsrtetched and supprorting the wrist from above ask the patient
to extend the wrist and not to let the examiner bend it
§ Flexion (C7, C8)
o Hold patients hand out with fingers straight supporting wrist with one hand
push up on the MCP and ask patient to resist
§ Extension (C7, C8)
o Hold patients hand out with fingers straight supporting wrist with one hand
push down on the MCP and ask patient to resist
§ Abduction (C8,T1)
o Hold patients hand out with fingers spread apart support hand at wrist and try
to push fingers together asking patient to resist
§ Adduction (C8,T1)
o Ask patient to hold piece of paper between ring and middle finger and
examiner tries to pull peice of paper out using same fingers on same hand ask
the patient to resist
§ Thumb abduction (C7,T1)
o With thumb held up try to push it down and ask patient to resist
§ Thumb adduction (C7,T1)
o With thumb held up try to push it up towards ceiling and ask patient to resist
§ Pincer grip (Ulnar nerve C8,T1)
o Bring thumb and index finger together in 0 sign and ask patient to resist
examiner pulling them apart
§ Grip strength (C5,T1)
o Place your index and middle finger in palm of patients hand and ask them to
grip your fifplngers and don't let you pull them out
§ The sudden stretching of a muscle usually evokes brisk contraction of that muscle or
muscle groups
§ Technique:
o Use the whole length of the hammer, with the end covered within the palm
o Let the hammer swing
o Make sure the patient is relaxed and resting comfortably
§ Grading of reflexes:
0 Absent
+ Present but reduced
++ Normal
+++ Increased/possibly normal
++++ Greatly increased +/- clonus
1. Brachioradialis/Supinator (C5,C6)
§ With the elbow flexed place
index and middle finger of
non dominant hand over
lower radius just above
wrist, strike the tendon
hammer onto fingers
§ Causes contraction of
brachioradialus muscle and
elbow flexion
2. Biceps (C5,C6)
§ With the elbow partially
flexed and relaxed, find the
biceps tendon
§ Place forefinger of non dominant hand on it and strike tendon hammer onto finger
3. Triceps (C7,C8)
§ With the elbow partially flexed,
isolate thte triceps tendon
§ Strike the tendon hammer directly or
as in the video onto index finger,
causing contraction of the triceps
muscle and extension of the forearm
Remember to compare sides for each reflex
1. Finger-Nose Testing
§ Ask the patient with their index finger to touch their nose and then the examiners
finger (the target)
§ Make sure they have to fully stretch their finger before reaching the target
§ Repeat several times in different planes
§ Compare sides
§ Pathologies:
o Intention tremor: Increase in tremor as target is approached (cerebellar
o Past pointing: Overshooting of target (cerebellar disease)
2. Dysdiadokinesis
§ Ask the patient to pronate and supinate their hand on the dorsal surface (in the video
the the palmar surface is used but the dorsum is more widely accepted) of the other
hand as rapidly as possible
§ Demonstrate this as the instruction is too difficult to follow
§ This movement is slow and clumsy in cerebellar disease and is called
3. Pronator Drift
§ Ask px to stretch the arms out in front of them, palms facing upwards
§ “Close your eyes and keep your arms there”
§ Positive test: Downward drift and pronation of the hand e.g. stroke causing weakness
Sensory Examination
Light Touch
§ Use cotton wool to test for light touch
§ Ask the patient to close their eyes
§ Initially touch the anterior chest wall (normal area) and ask the patient:
Sharp Touch
§ Using a sharp object (neurotip) touch the
patients anterior chest wall (normal area), this is
to demonstrate to the patient how it feels sharp
§ Ask the patient to close their eyes and begin
proximally on the upper arm and test each
dermatome comparing each dermatome on the right with the left
§ Ask patient if they can feel object and if it feels sharp or dull
§ Map out the extent of any area of dullness; always do this by going from the area of
dullness to the area of normal sensation
§ Ask the patient:
o “Can you say yes when you feel it?”
o “Does it feel the same on both sides?”
§ Immobilise the middle phalanx of the middle finger with one hand, holding the distal
phalanx from the sides
§ Demonstrate the position of the finger as up and down
§ Then ask the patient to close their eyes while these manoeuvres are repeated and ask
them to tell you the movement i.e. up or down
§ Repeat x 3 movements
§ If there is an abnormality, proceed to test the wrists and elbows similarly
To Complete Examination
§ Perform a full neurological examination
§ Assess the vascular integrity of the limb
o Peripheral pulses
o Capillary refill time
§ Perform relevant investigations
o Nerve conduction studies
o CT head
o MRI spine
General Inspection
§ Level of consciousness
§ Breathing distress
§ Devices: Mobility aids, assistive devices, urinary catheter
§ Exposure: Supine at 45°, limb fully exposed
Close Inspection of the Lower Limb
§ Scars
§ Asymmetry
§ Abnormal posture
§ Muscle wasting
§ Fasciculations: Irregular contractions of small areas of muscles which have no
rhythmical pattern
§ Involuntary movements e.g. tremor
§ Skin lesions e.g. neurofibromatosis
Assessment of Gait*
*Before you ask px to walk, ask the examiner to accompany them for px safety
§ Ask patient to walk across the room, turn around quickly, and come back towards
§ Observe for:
§ Balance
o Veer off to one side = cerebellar dysfunction (e.g. disorder of left
cerebellar hemisphere will cause patient to fall to the left; diffuse disease
affecting both cerebellar hemispheres will cause generalized loss of
§ Rate of walking
o Loss of control of balance or speed = Parkinson’s
o Slow moving 2 to pain or limited range of motion in joints =
Ankle Clonus:
§ Clonus is a sustained rhythmical contraction of the muscles when put under sudden
§ It is due to hypertonia from an UMN lesion such as stroke
§ By sharply dorsiflexing the foot if clonus is present recurrent ankle plantar flexion
§ Ankle clonus: ≧3 beats is pathologica
§ A measure of muscle strength
§ Age, gender and overall fitness of patient should be considered
§ Grading of power:
Grade Characteristics
5 Normal power, full power against resistance
4 Reduced power, able to move against some resistance
3 Unable to move against resistance, able to move against gravity
2 Unable to move against gravity
1 Visible flicker of muscle contraction
0 Complete paralysis
§ Flexion (L2, L3)
o Ask patient to lift up their straight leg
o Place your hand on the leg above the knee and attempt to push the leg down
asking the patient not to let you push it down
§ Extension (L5,S1, S2)
o Ask the patient to keep the leg down and not to let you pull it up
§ Flexion (L5,S1
o Ask the patient to bend the knee and not to let you straighten it.
§ Extension (L3,L4)
o With the knee bent ask the patient to straighten the knee and not to let you
bend it
§ Dorsiflexion (L4,L5)
o Ask the patient to bring the foot up and not to let you push it down
§ Plantar flexion (S1,S2)
o Ask the patient to push the foot down and not to let you push it up
§ Plantar flexion (S1,S2)
o Ask the patient to plantar flex the big toe and not to let you push it up
§ Dorsiflexion(L4,L5)
o Ask the patient to bring the big toe up and not to let you push it down
Make sure the patient is resting comfortably.
§ You may need to demonstrate this, or place the patient legs into the correct starting
§ In cerebellar disease the heel wobbles and may fall off shin
Sensory Examination
Light Touch
§ Use cotton wool to test for light touch
§ Initially touch (do not drag as it moves
hair fibres) the anterior chest wall
(normal area); this is to demonstrate to
the patient how it feels
§ Ask the patient to close their eyes and
begin proximally on the upper leg and
test each dermatome (the area of skin
supplied by a vertebral spinal segment)
comparing right with left
§ Ask patient to say ‘yes’ every time they
feel something
§ To demonstrate whether it is
dermatomal or not in distribution, track
with cotton wool (peripheral
neuropathy is non-dermatomal in
origin, so they will have some loss of
sensation in one area and preserved
sensation in another within the same
dermatomal distribution)
Sharp Touch
§ Using a neurotip, touch the patient
anterior chest wall (normal area) to demonstrate to the patient how it feels sharp
§ Ask the patient to close their eyes and begin proximally on the upper leg and test
each dermatome comparing right with left
§ Ask patient if they can feel object and if it feels sharp or dull
§ Map out the extent of any area of dullness
§ Always do this by going from the area of dullness to the area of normal sensation
§ The base of the vibrating tuning fork is then placed on the dorsum of the terminal
§ The patient is asked can they feel it vibrate and to indicate when vibration stops
§ They are then asked to repeat this with their eyes closed
§ Stop the tuning fork vibrating by touching it and the patient should be able to say
exactly when this occurs
§ Compare one side with the other
§ Should vibration sense be lost or impaired distally then the tuning fork should be
moved proximally in order to establish the level at which it is normally appreciated
(1 MTP joint, lateral malleolus, upper part of tibia, iliac crest, costal margin)
§ Grasp the distal phalanx from the sides and move it up and down to demonstrate
these positions to the patient
§ Then ask the patient to close the eyes while these manoeuvres are repeated and ask
them to tell you the movement i.e. up or down (max 5mm in the feet, in the finger
1mm – this is how sensitive our ability to test proprioception should be)
§ If there is an abnormality, proceed to test the ankles and knees similarly
To Complete Examination
§ Perform a full neurological examination
o Spastic paraparesis: Examine for sensory level on the thorax
o Flaccid paraparesis: Perform DRE and examine for saddle anaesthesia
§ Assess the vascular integrity of the limb
o Peripheral pulses
o Capillary refill time
§ Perform relevant investigations
o Nerve conduction studies
o CT head
o MRI spine
General Inspection
§ Alert
§ Breathing
§ Colour
§ Abnormal posture – e.g. hemiplegic positioning
§ Devices – assistive devices, mobility aids
§ Exposure: Ensure that the patient’s legs are exposed and clearly visible
Close Inspection of the Lower Limbs
§ Asymmetry
§ Muscle wasting or hypertrophy
§ Abnormal movements:
o Tremor: Regular, rhythmic contractions and relaxations of a muscle
o Fasciculations: Irregular contractions of small areas of muscle which have no
rhythmical pattern; if present with weakness and wasting, fasciculation
indicates degeneration of the lower motor neuron e.g. MND
o Myoclonic jerks
o Other involuntary movements (dyskinesias) e.g. dystonia, chorea, athetosis,
ballism, tics
Examination of the Gait and Ataxia*
*Before you ask px to walk, ask the examiner to accompany them – VERY IMPORTANT
Truncal Ataxia
§ Ask the patient to sit with
their arms crossed across
the chest at the side of the
o Positive test: Loss of
balance is indicative
of truncal ataxia
§ Ask patient to stand (only if
stable sitting)
o Positive test: Loss of
balance is indicative
of truncal ataxia
Ataxic Gait
§ Ask patient to walk across the room, turn around quickly, and come back towards
§ Observe for features of cerebellar gait:
o Broad-based gait
o Lateral veering (towards affected side; diffuse disease affecting both
cerebellar hemispheres will cause generalised loss of balance)
o Irregular steps
§ Gait disorders:
Romberg’s Test
§ Test for sensory ataxia i.e.
§ Ask the patient to stand with
feet together, first with eyes
open and then closed
§ Stand close to the patient in
the case of fall
§ Inspect for:
o Unable with eyes open
or closed, seen in
cerebellar disease
o Positive Romberg’s Test: Loss of balance with eyes closed (sensory ataxia),
seen with impaired proprioception due to pathology affecting the posterior
dorsal columns
Examination of the Cerebellum
§ Generally, cerebellar lesions cause ipsilateral cerebellar signs
§ Bilateral cerebellar lesions will cause bilateral signs
§ Central cerebellar lesions can cause bilateral, asymmetrical signs
General Inspection
§ Consciousness
§ Hearing aid
§ Asymmetry
§ Involuntary movement
§ Rash àSkin (vasculitis, neurofibromas, café au lait spots)
§ Scars
§ Abnormal posture or gait
§ Walking aid
Head and Neck
§ Jerky horizontal nystagmus towards side of the cerebellar lesion
§ Test vision in ‘H’ pattern
§ Inspect for:
o Loss of saccadic eye movements
o Nystagmus (hold at each point to examine for nystagmus)
§ Test for dysarthria:
o Ask an open-ended question to hear the patient speak e.g. staccato speech
o Difficulty articulating speech e.g. jerky, slurring, explosive, loud, with
irregular separation of syllables (sign of diffuse cerebellar involvement)
§ Ask patient to say “British Constitution” or “West Register Street” e.g. slurring of
Upper Limbs
Pronator Drift
§ Ask patient to extend their arms to shoulder level out in front of them, palms
o Upward drift = cerebellar lesion
o Pronator drift (palms pronate) = contralateral pyramidal tract defect/ upper
motor neuron lesion
§ Abnormalities more pronounced if hands tapped and/or eyes closed
o Downward drift = lower motor neuron lesion
§ Ask patient to raise their arms quickly from their sides, and stop suddenly mid-
o Inability to stop = rebound = loss of coordination between agonist and
antagonist muscle action
§ Tone is the assessment of the freedom of movement of a joint when moved passively
§ Described as:
o Normal
o Reduced/hypotonic (LMNL)
o Increased/hypertonic ((UMNL)
§ Assessment of tone:
o Ask the px if they are in any pain
o Take the hand as if to shake it, holding the full weight of the arm at the
o Pronate and supinate the forearm, then roll the hand around the wrist (test 2
o Hold the forearm and the elbow, moving the arm through a full range of
flexion and extension at the elbow
o Repeat for the opposite side and compare
§ Pathologies:
o Hypertonia: UMNL
o Hypotonia: LMNL
o Cogwheel rigidity: Parkinsons
o Leadpiping: Parkinsons
§ Past-Pointing/Intention tremor:
o Ask patient to move their index finger
between their nose and your finger, reposition your finger after each touch;
test both hands! Ensure patient must fully extend elbow to reach your finger
o Past pointing = ipsilateral cerebellar disease
o Intention tremor = ipsilateral cerebellar disease
§ Dysdiadochokinesis:
o Ask patient to rapidly and repeatedly touch the palm and then dorsal side of
one hand against the palm of the other hand; test both hands!
§ Heel-to-Shin Testing:
o Ask patient to move the heel of one foot up and down along the top of the
other shin; test both feet!
o Inability (not fast or straight) = loss of coordination = ipsilateral cerebellar
§ Toe-to-Finger Testing:
o Ask patient to lift the big toe up to touch your finger; test both feet!
§ Past pointing
§ Intention tremor
To Complete Examination
§ Perform a full neurological examination
§ Assess the vascular integrity of the limbs
o Peripheral pulses
o Capillary refill time
§ Perform relevant investigations
o Nerve conduction studies
o CT head
o MRI spine
o MRI (to visualise posterior fossa)
General Inspection
§ Inspect for:
o Obvious neurological deficit
o Facial asymmetry
o Abnormal posturing or movements
o Devices: Hearing aids, mobility aids or medications
§ Ask the patient:
o “Which hand do you write with?”
§ Dysphasia can only occur in a dominant lobe pathology
§ Offer MMSE
General Assessment of Speech
§ Ask the patient
o “Could you tell me what you did yesterday?”
o “Could you tell me how many grandchildren you have and their names?”
§ Assess the speech for fluency and appropriateness:
o Volume
o Rate
o Rhythm
o Modulation
o Content
o Fluency
Examination for Dysarthria
§ Repeat the following phrases after me*:
o “Baby hippopotamus”
o “Yellow lorry”
o “West register street”
*Look at tongue palatal movement, to examine for issues with movements of mouth and
phonics in relation to motor command
§ Repeat the following sounds after me:
o “La-la-la”: Cranial nerve XII
o “Ga-ga-ga”: Cranial nerve IX and X + gag reflex
o “Ma-ma-ma”: Cranial nerves V and VII
§ Count from 0 to 20
o Fatiguability seen in Myasthenia Gravis
§ Offer to examine cranial nerves IX-XII
Examination for Dysphasia
Assessment for Receptive Dysphasia:
§ Perform these three commands:
o Take this piece of paper in your hand
o Fold it in two
o Place it on the table
§ Could you read this sentence?
§ She had normal modulation, tone and pitch, and her rhythm was appropriate
§ With regards to word finding and naming, she had some difficulty with this but
overcame this with circumlocution
§ In addition, there were some nominal difficulties e.g. unable to repeat some phrases.
This appeared to be isolated to a CNIX/X as her main issue related to repetition of
‘ga’. I would like to perform a full cranial nerve examination and examine the gag
§ Relevant negatives: Neologisms, paraphasias, echolalia, circumlocution
§ In summary, the speech was intelligible and fluent, with some word finding
difficulty. This indicates no receptive or expressive dysphasia, but this indicates a
nominal dysphasia
o Circumlocution e.g. ‘something that you write with and there is ink in it’ –
using a long descriptive sentence to describe an object
4. Conductive dysphasia
• Difficulty in repeating a sentence/phrase
• If they come to a sentence themselves they have no problems with it
Syndromes Associated with Speech Deficits
1. Bulbar Palsy Speech:
• Subtype of MND, progressive neurological disease affecting the anterior horn cell
• Bulbar: Cranial nerves IX – XII bilaterally
§ Quality reasonable
§ Nasal/slurred in nature
§ Poor modulation
§ Low volume
§ Low pitch
2. Parkinsons Disease:
§ Quality of speech is fine
§ Low volume, low pitch
§ Monotonous, poor modulation
3. Myasthenia Gravis:
§ Unsustained speech secondary to fatiguability
§ Low volume – not releasing enough ACh, effort for speech increases
4. Pseudobulbar Palsy e.g. MND, stroke
§ ‘Donald duck’ spastic speech
§ Quality is reasonable
§ Comprehensible
§ Quantity is low
§ High pitch, poor modulation, low volume
Orofacial Dyspraxia
May be caused by congenital facial anomalies
e.g. Can you show me how you would blow up a balloon?
§ Inability of execution of a motor command
e.g. dropping consonants at the beginning of words
e.g. intact understanding, speech is non-fluent
General Inspection
§ Alert, well and responsive
§ Obvious neurological deficit
§ Facial asymmetry
§ Abnormal movements or posturing
§ Devices around the bed e.g. hearing aids, mobility aids, medications
Frontal Lobe
Executive Function
§ “Could you show me how you brush your teeth?”
§ “Could you talk me through how you would make a piece of toast?”
§ Motor function:
o Side of hand
o Make a fist
o Palm flat on table
§ Go-no-go test
Primitive Reflexes
§ Ask the patient to place their hands on the table, palms up
§ Ask the patient a question e.g. “Do you have any children? What are their names?”
§ Place a finger into the palm – examine for grasp reflex
Abstract Thinking
§ “Interpret this proverb: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush”
§ “Explain to me how you would get to the bus from here”
§ “Name as many animals as you can beginning with the letter ‘C’”
§ Stroop test – “Could you tell me the colour of this word?”
Additional Symptoms
§ “Have you noticed any rapid changes in your mood lately?”
§ “Have you had any fits or seizures?”
§ “Have you had any trouble controlling your waterworks?”
To Complete Examination
§ Perform a full neurological examination
§ Examine the remaining lobes of the brain
§ Take a collateral history
Parietal Lobe
Dominant Lobe Deficit: Gerstmann Syndrome
§ Acalculia
o “What is 2+5?”
o “Count backwards from 100 in 7s”
§ Agraphia
o “Could you write your full name and address please?”
§ L-R disorientation
o “Show me your left hand”
o “Bring it to touch your right heel”
§ Finger agnosia
Non-Localising Deficit
§ Visual inattention
o “Could you hold both hands out in front of you?”
o “Can you see both hands?”
§ Sensory neglect
o “Can you feel this cotton wool? Does it feel the same on both sides?” (test
one side individually, then both together)
§ Astereoagnosia
o “Keep your eyes closed, and place your hand palm facing upwards”
o Place an object into patients palm
o “Can you tell me what you think this object is?”
§ Two-point discrimination
o With neurotips 1cm apart
§ Visual fields
o Examine for lower quadrantanopia
Temporal Lobe
Assessment of Memory
§ “What age are you?”
§ “Remember and repeat this address after me: 123 St. Stephens Green”
“Remember and repeat these three words: Orchid, lily and rose”
§ “Remember and repeat this name after me: James Bond”
§ “Do you know when World War 2 ended?”
§ “Do you know who the President of Ireland is?”
Assessment of Recall
§ “Can you repeat back everything I’ve asked you today?”
Additional Symptoms
§ “Have you had any recent problems with your vision?”
§ “Have you had any fits or seizures?”
To Complete Examination
§ Perform a full neurological examination
§ Examine the remaining lobes of the brain
§ Take a collateral history
General Inspection
§ Alert, well and comfortable
§ Obvious neurological deficits
§ Loss of facial micro-movements/‘mask-like’ facial
§ Flexed extrapyramidal posturing
o Cannot lie flat (head held off pillow)
o Simian posture on standing
§ Stooped
§ Hands in front of groins
§ Devices e.g. mobility aids, medications
§ Positioning: Ideally supine at 45°, majority can be done
§ “Give me the full weight of your arm”
§ Assess for hypertonicity by passive movement of both upper limbs through a range
of movements
o Cog-wheel rigidity
o Supinator catch
§ Kineer-Wilson sign:
o Ask the patient to tap on their knee with the left hand whilst you examine
for hypertonicity in the right
o Positive Kineer-Wilson sign: Reinforcement of hypertonicity
Examination of Speech
§ Ask patient to state their name and date of birth
§ Listen for slow, monotonous speech
General Inspection
§ Alert, well and comfortable
§ Obvious neurological deficit
§ Abnormal movements or posturing e.g. UMNL
§ Facial asymmetry
§ Neurocutaneous lesions e.g. port-wine stain
(Sturge-Weber syndrome, associated with
aneurysms and AVMs), café-au-lait spots
(neurofibromatosis), neurofibromas (associated with optic
§ Scars e.g. craniotomy scars (look!), behind the ear
(cerebellopontine angle lesion, NFII)
§ Devices e.g. mobility aids, hearing aids, medications,
The 1 Nerve - Olfactory
Visual Acuity*
*Should wear their glasses because refractive errors are not related to CNs
§ Use a Snellan chart, standing an appropriate distance from the patient
§ “Do you wear glasses or contact lenses? Please leave them on if so”
§ “Cover one eye please. Can you read the bottom line of this Snellan chart?”
o If having difficulty: How many fingers am I holding up?
o If having difficulty: Perception of hand movement
o If having difficulty: Perception of light movement
§ Reporting visual acuity:
o Right eye
o Left eye
Visual Fields
§ Sit knee to knee with patient
§ “Could you remove your glasses please?”
§ “Please cover one eye” – if patient covers their right eye, you should cover your left
§ “Please keep your head still and keep looking at my eye”
§ Move wagging finger from the periphery towards the centre
o “Tell me when you see my finger”
o “How many fingers am I holding up?”
o Repeat x 4 times moving towards the centre of the visual field
o Repeat in all four quadrants
§ Change hands and repeat on the opposite eye
§ Defects:
o Bitemporal hemianopia
§ Optic chiasm lesion e.g. pituitary adenoma
• Outer image is usually the false image
o Unilateral field loss
§ Optic nerve lesion
§ Tumour/vascular
o Homonymous hemianopia
§ Optic tract e.g. lesion of occipital cortex
§ Tumour/vascular e.g. UMNL (stroke)
§ Use the right eye to look in patient’s right eye and vice versa
§ Look first at the cornea, iris and lens, then look at the fundus
§ Search first for the optic disc then look at the four quadrants of the retina
§ The blind spot:
o Small area close to the centre of the visual fields where there is no vision
o This is the area where the optic disc is seen on fundoscopy and is the point
where the optic nerve joins the retina
o The blind spot enlarges with papilloedema e.g. raised ICP with brain tumour
§ Opposing ocular tone keeps the eyes in the midline at neutral position
§ Examination of nystagmus:
o Bring the finger 30° from neutral (testing at the extremes of vision will cause
nystagmus in a normal person)
o The direction of nystagmus is defined as that of the fast [correcting]
o Slow movement away is abnormal with a fast beat in the opposite direction
to attempt to correct the tone
§ Differential diagnosis for horizontal nystagmus (accounts for the vast majority of
o Congenital
o Vestibular disease e.g. Meniere’s disease (acute causes nystagmus away from
the side of the lesion, chronic causes nystagmus towards the side of the
o Cerebellar disease (nystagmus towards the side of the lesion)
o Phenytoin toxicity
o Alcohol toxicity
o Tumours
o Multiple sclerosis
o Internuclear ophthalmoplegia: Abducting eye has greater nystagmus than the
adducting eye. There is dissociation of conjugate eye movements. It suggests
MS with a lesion in the medial longitudinal bundle
§ When there is a R-sided INO, the problem is seen when you look to
the opposite side (e.g. look to the left)
• The R eye should adduct
• Thus there will be failure of adduction
• In the L eye, there should be abduction
• Beating nystagmus
§ R-sided lesion (Ask px to look to the side which is contralateral to the
Optic Reflexes
Direct and Consensual Pupillary Light Reflex*
*Ask the patient to look over your shoulder at an intermediate distance
Physiological mechanism:
Afferent limb: CNII fibres on the eye receiving the stimulus detect the light stimulus
and sends a message to both CNIII nuclei + stimulate the Edinger-Westphal nuclei
of the CNIII (parasympathetic innervation)
CNIII fibres effects the motor action (constriction) of the pupils (both eyes)
Accommodation Reflex
§ Ask px to focus on spot on the wall
§ Then focus on the pen in front of them (at the nose)
§ Checking for pupillary constriction and convergence
§ Pathologies of the accommodation reflex:
o Absent light reflex with an intact accommodation reflex occurs in Argyll
Robertson pupil in syphilis affecting the nervous system
o CNII and CNIII, involving the visual cortex (occipital lobe)
5 [Trigeminal] Nerve
Facial Sensation
§ Place cotton wool on the
sternum – to get baseline of
touch sensation
o Test high on the chest
wall because it is
highly unlikely that
there is a spinal lesion
at that high
§ Test in the three divisions of
the nerve comparing each side
with the other
o Ophthalmic: supplies
forehead, cornea and
conjunctiva (test
o Maxillary: supplies the
middle of the face
o Mandibular: supplies the lower jaw
Motor Division
§ Inspect for wasting of the temporal and masseter muscles
§ Most common cause of temporalis wasting is cachexia, particularly if bilateral
§ “Could you clench your teeth please?” Palpate for contraction of the masseter
§ “Could you open your mouth and don’t let me close it?” Attempt to close it shut
(pterygoid muscles)
o Unilateral weakness of the motor division causes the jaw to deviate towards
the weak side
o If weakness is suspected patients should be asked to move the jaw laterally
against resistance
o The jaw can be moved towards the affected muscle but cannot move towards
the normal side
Corneal Reflex
§ Lightly touch the cornea with a wisp of cottonwool
§ Reflex blinking of both eyes is a normal response
§ The afferent part of the reflex arc is the first division [ophthalmic nerve] of the fifth
§ The efferent arc is supplied by facial nerve
§ Each CNV communicates with both CNVII and therefore both eyes close when each
cornea is stimulated
§ Motor innervation to the muscles of facial expression, digastric, stapedius +
§ Special sensory innervation for taste to anterior 2/3 of tongue via chorda tympani
§ Facial symmetry
Special Sensation
§ Examining for taste of the anterior 2/3 of the tongue is not usually required
§ Examination:
o Salt, honey etc.
o Close your eyes
o Place unilaterally on anterior 2/3 of the tongue
o Ask them to wash out again and repeat
§ Ask the patient: “Have you noticed any changes in your sense of taste?”
Corneal Reflex
§ The afferent part of the reflex arc is the first division [ophthalmic nerve] of the fifth
§ The efferent arc is supplied by CNVII
§ Each fifth nerve communicates with both seventh nerves and therefore both eyes
close when each cornea is stimulated
§ Lightly touch the cornea with a wisp of cottonwool
§ Reflex blinking of both eyes is a normal response
8 [Vestibulocochlear] Nerve:
Two components:
§ Vestibular containing afferent fibres for balance
§ Cochlear with afferent fibres for hearing
Whisper Test
§ Ask the patient if they have any pain in the ears at the moment
§ Cover one ear with hand and whisper into the other ear
§ Test low pitch and high pitch in both ears by asking the patient to repeat after your
o Low pitch: One hundred
o High pitch: Sixty-eight
§ Repeat on opposite side
§ Reporting:
o Normal hearing on one side
o Hearing deficit on the right /whisper test abnormal for both types of tone
Rinne’s Test
§ A vibrating tuning fork is placed on the
mastoid process behind the ear
§ Testing bone conduction:
o ‘Can you hear that? Tell me
when it stops’
o When it stops, place quickly
into air
§ When the sound is no longer heard it is
placed in line with the external meatus
§ Normally the sound is audible at the
external meatus
§ This is testing air conduction:
o ‘Can you hear that?’
o ‘Which was louder, the first or
the second?’
Weber’s Test
§ A vibrating tuning fork is placed on the centre of
the forehead. Normally the sound is heard equally
in both ears
§ With sensorineural deafness the sound is
transmitted to the normal ear
§ With conduction deafness the sound is heard louder
in the abnormal ear
§ Patients with defective hearing should be referred for audiometry
§ This measures the degree of hearing loss at different sound frequencies
Uvula Deviation
§ “Could you open your mouth and say ‘ah’
o Inspect the palate with a torch
o Note any displacement of the uvula
(away from the affected side)
Gag Reflex
§ Touch the back of the pharynx on each side
with a spatula
§ Ask the patient if the touch of the spatula is felt each time
§ Normally there is reflex contraction of the soft palate
§ Not routinely done
11 [Accessory] Nerve
o Place a hand at the patient jaw and assess bulk of the SCM on the side
opposite to the turned head
o Weakness on turning the head away from the affected side
12 [Hypoglossal] Nerve
Cranial Nerves II, III & VI: Optic, Oculomotor and Abducens
Features of a CNII Palsy e.g. optic neuritis in MS
§ Abnormal acuity
§ Relative afferent pupillary defect (Eye is slower to receive the stimulus, thus slower
to constrict, looks like a relative dilatation)
§ Intact accommodation reflex + intact light reflex
o Syphilis
o Argyll Robertson pupil
o Adie pupil
General Inspection
§ Mental status (agitation, anxiety, irritability)
§ Cachexia/weight gain
§ Devices e.g. ECG, cardiac telemetry
§ Hoarse voice
Close Inspection of the Hands and Wrist
§ Onycholysis (Plummer’s nails)
o Separation of the nail from the nail bed
§ Thyroid acropachy
o Similar to clubbing, specific to Graves
§ Palmar erythema
o Rheumatoid arthritis
o Liver disease
o Pregnancy
§ Palpate for sweatiness/warmth
§ Pallor of palmar creases (hypothyroidism)
o Anaemia of chronic disease
o Vitamin B12 deficiency – associated with pernicious anaemia (associated
autoimmune disorder)
o Iron deficiency anaemia secondary to menorrhagia
§ Peripheral cyanosis (hypothyroidism)
o Reduced cardiac output
§ Inspect the front and sides of the neck and to identify localised or general swelling
of the gland; may be just visible in a thin, young person below the cricoid cartilage
§ The lateral lobes of the thyroid should have a volume no greater than the patient’s
terminal phalanges of the thumbs
§ Goitre is best observed with the neck slightly extended and observed best when it
moves on swallowing; this also allows the shape of the gland to be seen
§ Give the patient a cup of water: Ask to sip as you observe the neck swelling
§ ‘Take a sip of water and hold it in your mouth. Now swallow’
§ Inspect for:
o Movement of the gland with swallowing
o Base of the gland (implies the absence of retrosternal extension)
o Symmetry of the gland
§ Ask them to protrude tongue: Distinguish thyroglossal duct cyst
Comment upon:
§ Size: Feel for the lower border as its absence
suggests retrosternal extension
§ Surface: Smooth/nodular/diffusely enlarged
§ Consistency: Soft (normal)/firm (simple goitre)/hard (carcinoma)
§ Tenderness: Thyroiditis – subacute (or rarely, suppurative)
§ Movement: Ask the patient to swallow again whilst you palpate the gland. Thyroid
gland should move with swallowing (carcinoma may tether the gland)
§ Masses: If a single nodule is present describe its location, size, consistency,
tenderness and mobility. Determine if other nodules are present [multinodular
Lymph Nodes
§ Approach from behind
§ Walk the fingers along the path of the
§ Palpate laterally for lymph nodes, if you
find lymph node enlargement in the neck
o Submental
o Submandibular
o Pre-auricular
o Posterior auricular
o Anterior cervical chain – Go all the
way to the midline, and that you are
palpating the entirety of the whole of the anterior triangle – down into the
sternal notch
o Posterior cervical chain – Posterior to SCM and anterior to traps, above the
level of the clavicle, use whole hand along the back of the neck
o Occipital – to the occipital protruberance (superficial portion of deep
cervical fascia inserts here, can still get lymph nodes here)
o Supraclavicular group
§ Enlarged lymph nodes near a goitre raise the suspicion of a carcinoma, particularly
if they are firm/hard
§ Description:
o Site
o Size
o Shape
o Fixed/mobile (Ask them to swallow and to protrude the tongue)
o Consistency
o Associated symptoms e.g. skin changes, pain
Percussion of the Neck
• Percuss superior portion of manubrium
• Resonant → dull indicates possibility of a retrosternal goitre, but this is not a very
reliable sign
Auscultation of the Neck
• Auscultate over the thyroid for evidence of
increased vascularity which may occur in
Special Tests
1. Proximal Myopathy
§ Upper limbs:
o Ask the patient to raise the arms over the head
o Check for proximal muscle weakness
§ Lower limbs:
o Ask the patient to sit with arms crossed across the chest in a chair
o Stand from the chair without arms
o Check for proximal muscle weakness
3. Pembertons Sign
§ Ask the patient to raise both arms
over the head
§ Wait for up to 1 minute
§ Observe for:
o Facial congestion
o Facial cyanosis
o Respiratory distress
o Inspiratory stridor
o Dilated veins over the
upper chest and filling of
the external jugular vein
§ Ask the patient to take a deep breath through the mouth and listen for stridor
§ Positive Pembertons Sign: Indicate retrosternal extension and thoracic inlet
obstruction secondary to retrosternal mass
General Inspection
§ Alert and comfortable
§ General size
§ Position: Sitting at 45° angle
§ Goitre
§ Elevated JVP
Examination of the Lower Limbs
§ Inspect for spade-shaped feet
§ Examine for proximal myopathy:
o Ask px to cross their arms across their chest and stand up out of chair
To Complete Examination
§ Perform a full cardiovascular examination
§ Perform a cranial nerve examination
§ Order relevant investigations:
o 12-lead ECG
o Oral glucose tolerance test with growth hormone and IGF-1 measurement –
Failure of GH suppression confirms diagnosis
o Urinalysis (glycosuria) – in DM
o Blood sugars – in DM
o MRI pituitary with contrast – To diagnose pituitary adenoma
General Inspection
§ Level of consciousness
§ Colour (jaundice/pallor)
§ Nutritional status e.g. cachexia, high BMI
§ Devices e.g. central lines, drains (Jackson-Pratt drain),
IV antibiotics
§ Exposure and positioning: Sitting at edge of bed/lying
supine at 45°, exposed to the waist (with gown),
consider chaperone
§ Scars/radiation tattoos
o Breast surgery e.g.
o Lower abdomen: DIEP/TRAM flap
o Back: LD scar
Close Inspection of the Breast
§ Asymmetry
§ Obvious masses
§ Ask the patient (whilst sitting upright):
o “Raise your arms over your head”
o “Place your hands onto your hips
and squeeze down”
o Observe for any obvious masses
§ Tethering
§ Dimpling
§ Eczema
§ Erythema
§ Peau d’orange
§ Colour
§ Retraction
§ Bleeding
§ Discharge
§ Inversion
§ Ulceration
Palpation of the Breast
*Lie them at 45 degrees
§ Always palpate with the pulps of the fingers
§ Technique:
o Circular motion with light pressure
o Examine all four quadrants in a clock fashion, particularly around the nipple
o Place the hand behind the head
o If large breast:
General Inspection
§ Level of consciousness
§ Breathing e.g. hyperventilation in metabolic acidosis
§ Hydration status e.g. dry mouth/loss of skin turgor (dehydration due to osmotic
diuresis caused by glucose load)
§ BMI e.g. obesity/underweight due to weight loss
§ Stigmata of endocrine disease e.g. Cushingoid facies,
acromegaly, pigmentation in haemochromatosis
§ Devices* e.g. insulin pens, glucometers, IV lines, diabetic
diet sign
§ Exposure and positioning: Supine at 45°, exposed for
lower limb examination
*Inspect the shoes for pattern of wear and alterations
Close Inspection of the Hands
§ Fingerprick signs
§ Signs of carpal tunnel syndrome (median nerve entrapment)
o Thenar wasting
o Tinel’s sign
§ Tap over median nerve at carpal tunnel
§ Px gets sensation of parasthesia
o Phelan’s sign
§ Turn hands upside down and press backs of hands together
§ Px gets pain after about 30 secs
§ Look for ulnar nerve entrapment signs
o Hypothenar wasting
Close Inspection of the Lower Limbs
§ Signs of arterial insufficiency
o Pallor
o Hair loss
o Dry skin
o Fissures/skin breaks
§ Signs of neuropathy
o Charcot joint (collapse of the
medial longitudinal arch due to
loss of protective pain sensation)
o Pes planus
o Pes cavus
o Muscle wasting e.g. wasting of
the quadriceps due to femoral nerve mononeuropathy
o Lipoatrophy of the thighs
§ Grasp the distal phalanx from the sides and move it up and down to demonstrate
these positions to the patient
§ Then ask the patient to close the eyes while these manoeuvres are repeated and ask
them to tell you the movement i.e. up or down (max 5mm in the feet, in the finger
1mm – this is how sensitive our ability to test proprioception should be)
If there is an abnormality, proceed to test the ankles and knees similarly
Light Touch
§ Use cotton wool to test for light touch
§ Initially touch (do not drag as it moves
hair fibres) the anterior chest wall
(normal area); this is to demonstrate to
the patient how it feels
§ Ask the patient to close their eyes and
begin proximally on the upper leg and
test each dermatome (the area of skin
supplied by a vertebral spinal segment)
comparing right with left
§ Ask patient to say ‘yes’ every time they
feel something
§ To demonstrate whether it is
dermatomal or not in distribution, track
with cotton wool (peripheral
neuropathy is non-dermatomal in
origin, so they will have some loss of
sensation in one area and preserved
sensation in another within the same
dermatomal distribution)
Sharp Touch
§ Using a neurotip, touch the patient
anterior chest wall (normal area) to demonstrate to the patient how it feels sharp
§ Ask the patient to close their eyes and begin proximally on the upper leg and test
each dermatome comparing right with left
§ Ask patient if they can feel object and if it feels sharp or dull
§ Map out the extent of any area of dullness
§ Always do this by going from the area of dullness to the area of normal sensation
To Complete Examination
§ Perform a full neurovascular examination
§ Perform a full cardiovascular examination including erect and supine BP
o HR >100BPM: Sign of autonomic neuropathy
o Auscultation of the carotids for bruit
o Postural hypotension of >20/10 mmHg is a sign of autonomic neuropathy, or
severe dehydration, in an acutely unwell patient
§ Perform a gastrointestinal examination for signs of hepatomegaly (fatty liver or
haemochromatosis) and signs of fat atrophy/haematoma (if injecting insulin)
§ Perform a respiratory examination
o Signs of infection
§ Annual review
o All patients with diabetes should be screened annually for DPN by checking
any of the five tests (use of a 10-g monofilament, vibration testing using a
128-Hz tuning fork, tests of pinprick sensation, ankle reflex assessment, and
testing vibration perception threshold with a biothesiometer)
o Signs of diabetic neuropathy:
§ Loss of light touch
§ Loss of vibration
§ Consider pin prick and ankle reflexes
o Examine the eyes for signs of diabetic retinopathy (see below)
§ Perform relevant investigations
o Bedside: Glucose fingerprick, ABPI, Doppler US +/- ABG, and urinalysis
§ Microalbuminuria* (albumin/creatinine ratio) for assessment of
§ Protein, glucose and ketones
• if present, urine culture and sensitivity
o Bloods: Blood glucose, HbA1C, U&Es, OGTT
§ Medication review
§ Education and counselling of patient
*Exercise within 24hr, infection, fever, CHF, marked hyperglycaemia, and marked
hypertension may elevate urinary albumin excretion over baseline values
§ “I would inspect the eyes for signs of retinopathy”
§ Stages of retinopathy
§ Use the ophthalmoscope first at arm’s length, to check for
o Rubeosis iridis (new blood vessel
formation in the iris which can lead to
o Cataracts (due to sorbitol deposition
in the lens) – retina will be red and
cataract black
§ Come close to the eye, find optic disc and
look in all four retinal quadrants, following four
retinal arteries
§ Examine for:
o Non proliferative changes: (caused directly
by ischaemia)
§ Microaneurysms: due to vessel wall
§ Dot haemorrhages, they originate in
the inner retinal layer.
§ Blot haemorrhages (Occur more superficially in the nerve fibre layer)
§ Soft exudates (cotton wool spots)- fluffy appearance
§ Hard exudates (Due to lipid and protein deposition) - have straight
§ Venous beading
o Proliferative changes:
§ Changes in the blood
vessels in response to retinal
ischemia and are associated
with new vessel formation
(neovascularisation) which
bleed easily (vitreous
haemorrhage), scar formation and eventually retinal detachment
General Inspection
§ Alert, well and comfortable
§ Asymmetry of the upper limb/obvious dysmorphic features e.g. amputations
§ Obvious signs of trauma of the upper limb
§ Devices e.g. splints, casts, medications
§ Exposure: To the elbows
Close Inspection of the Hands
§ Scars
o Carpal tunnel release (palm/wrist)
o Brunner’s scar (Dupuytren’s contracture release)
o Check elbows
§ Colour e.g. pallor
§ Trauma/deformities
§ Dupuytren contracture
§ Abnormal posturing
o Wrist drop: Radial nerve palsy
o Partial claw hand (clawing of little and ring finger): Weak medial lumbricals
with unaffected lateral lumbricals
§ Median nerve
o Wasting of thenar eminence: ‘Begging’ position, hands together with palms
o Compare both sides
o Carpal tunnel decompression scar (palm/wrist)
§ Ulnar nerve:
o Wasting of hypothenar eminence: ‘Begging’ position, hands together
o Dorsal surface: Wasting of the dorsal interossei
o Partial claw hand: Due to weak medial lumbricals (lateral lumbricals are
unaffected as they receive innervation from median nerve)
o Elbows: Scars/evidence of trauma or deformity
§ Radial nerve:
o Wrist drop
§ Temperature
§ Wasting of the thenar/hypothenar eminences
§ Dupuytren’s contracture
o Thickening of the palmar fascia
o Begin proximally at the wrist and move distally
o Palpate at the base of the fingers (particularly the ring and little fingers) for
nodules/thickened cords
§ Median nerve:
o Thumb abduction (palms upwards, point the thumb towards the sky)
§ “Don’t let me push it down”
o Thumb opposition
§ “Hold your thumb to your little finger. Don’t let me break the ring
between the two”
§ Ulnar nerve:
o Finger abduction/adduction
§ “Place your fingers together. Now spread your fingers”
• “Push your little finger against mine”
§ Radial nerve:
o “Make a fist with your hand. Push against mine”
o “Keep your fingers together. Push up against my hand”
Medial antebrachial cutaneous
Median Nerve
§ Palmar side: Sensation to radial 3½ digits on palmar side
§ Dorsal side: Sensation to fingertips of 2 , 3 and ulnar half of 4 digits
nd rd th
Ulnar Nerve
§ Palmar side: Sensation to ulnar 1½ digits
§ Dorsal side: Sensation to ulnar 1½ digits
§ Test: Sensation over hypothenar eminence (palmar side)
Radial Nerve
§ Palmar side: Sensation over underside of thenar eminence
§ Dorsal side: Sensation over dorsum of radial 3 ½ digits (except fingertips of 2 , 3
nd rd
Special Tests
1. Froment’s Sign
§ Test for adductor pollicis
§ Nerve: Deep branch of ulnar nerve
§ Ask patient to pinch a piece of paper between a straight
thumb and index finger
§ Instruct to grip paper as you pull it away
§ Positive test: Flexion of the DIP joint of thumb (see
2. Tinel’s Test
§ Repeatedly percuss over the carpal tunnel (ventral wrist)
§ Positive test: Parasthesia in median nerve distribution
§ Aetiology: Carpal tunnel syndrome
3. Phalen’s Test
§ Wrist held in flexion for 30-60 seconds
§ Positive test: Parasthesia in median nerve distribution
§ Aetiology: Carpal tunnel syndrome
4. Derken’s Test
§ Compress the carpal tunnels for 30-60 seconds
§ More sensitive and specific sign of carpal tunnel syndrome
§ Positive test: Parasthesia in median nerve distribution
§ Aetiology: Carpal tunnel syndrome
5. Allen’s Test
§ Ask patient to open and close the hand as quickly as possible, then squeezing the
hand tightly shut
§ Occlude the radial and ulnar arteries with your
thumb, and hold for several seconds
§ Ask the patient to open the palm and observe for
pallor of the palm
§ Release the radial artery, and observe for return
of colour to the palm (indicates patency of the
blood supply)
§ Repeat with ulnar artery
To Complete Examination
§ Perform a full upper limb neurological assessment
§ Perform a full neurological examination
§ Investigations: XR hand, nerve conduction studies
General Inspection
§ Alert, comfortable and well
§ Asymmetry of the lower limbs
§ Obvious dysmorphic features
§ Obvious leg length discrepancies
§ Devices e.g. mobility aids/crutches, splints, medications, drains in situ
§ Exposure and positioning: Lower limb exposed, patient sitting/supine at 45˚
Inspection of the Hip
§ Ask the patient to stand
§ Ask patient to turn to the side, then turn with their back to you
§ Scars
§ Symmetry
§ Pelvic tilt
§ Muscle wasting e.g. gluteal wasting
§ Deformities e.g. fixed flexion deformity
§ Leg length discrepancy
Examination of the Gait
§ Ask patient to walk to the other end of the room, turn back quickly and come back
§ Inspect for:
o Normal speed and symmetry of gait
o Heel strike and toe off
o Antalgic gait
Trendelenberg Test
§ Standing on normal leg only, gluteus medius on supported leg contracts and elevates
the pelvis on the unsupported side
§ This elevation indicates that the gluteus medius on the supported side is functioning
properly (negative Trendelenburg sign)
§ If the pelvis on the unsupported side drops,
the gluteus medius on the stance side is
either weak or non-functioning (positive
Trendelenburg sign)
§ Causes of positive Trendelenberg test:
o Abductor weakness/nerve damage
(superior gluteal nerve supplies
gluteus medius and minimus)
o Subluxation/dislocation of hip
o Shortening of the femur
Palpation of the Hip
§ Skin: Temperature (with back of hand)
§ Soft tissue: Swelling, tenderness
§ Bone: Greater trochanteric tenderness, ASIS, iliac crests, pubic rami (trochanteric
§ Peripheral pulses
§ Distal sensation
§ Leg length discrepancy:
To Complete Examination
§ Examine distal pulses and lower limb neurological exam (neurovascular integrity)
o Dorsalis pedis pulse, posterior tibial pulse + CRT
o Sensation on dorsum of foot and sole of foot
§ Offer to examine joint above and below (knee and spine)
§ Request imaging [XRs (AP and lateral view) of hip , MRI hip] +/- joint aspiration
General Inspection
§ Alert, comfortable and well
§ Asymmetry of the lower limbs
§ Obvious dysmorphic features
§ Devices e.g. mobility aids/crutches, splints, medications, drains in situ
§ Exposure and positioning: Lower limb exposed, patient sitting/supine at 45˚
Close Inspection of the Knee*
*Ask patient to stand if able, comment if they can weight-bear
o Quadriceps tendon
o Patellar borders
o Popliteal fossa
§ Patellar tap
o Test for large joint effusion
o With leg straight, push the suprapatellar bursa towards the patella
o Tap the patella
o Positive test: ‘Tap’ of patella as it sinks to tap the femur and bounces back to
rest due to excessive fluid accumulation in the joint
§ Sweep test
o Test for small joint effusion
o With the leg straight, run the hand up the medial side of the knee 2-3 times
o Immediately run the hand down the lateral side of the knee
o Watch for ‘bulge’ of fluid in medial compartment
Movement of the Knee
Active Movement
§ Flexion: “Bring your heel to your bum”
§ Extension: “Straighten your leg back out”
§ Hyperextension: “Push the back of the knee into the bed”
§ Straight leg raise: “Keep your leg straight and raise it up from the bed” (Tests for the
integrity of the quadriceps extensor mechanism)
Passive Movement
§ “Tell me if I cause you any discomfort”
§ Keep a hand on the knee joint whilst examining for crepitus
§ Movements:
o Flexion
o Extension
Special Tests of the Knee
1. Anterior and Posterior Drawer Tests
§ For anterior and posterior cruciate
ligament test
§ Knee flexed 90˚ (check
hamstrings relaxed)
§ Anterior drawer test: Pull the tibia
forward from the femur to assess
the integrity of the anterior
cruciate ligament
o Positive anterior drawer
test: Excessive laxity
compared to the opposite
side indicates a positive
§ Posterior drawer test: Push the
tibia backwards relative to the
femur to assess the integrity of the posterior cruciate ligament
o Positive posterior drawer test: Excessive laxity compared to opposite side
indicates a positive test
2. Lachmanns Test
§ Patient supine
§ Knee in 30 ˚ flexion
§ Examiner applies alternate valgus and
varus forces against the joint line
§ Valgus force tests the MCL
§ Varus force tests the LCL
§ Positive test: Excessive laxity and/or
pain compared to opposite side
4. McMurrays Test
§ Patient supine
§ Examiner externally rotates the tibia on the femur and
applies valgus (abduction) force to the joint (stresses the
MCL), whilst keeping a hand across the joint line and
extending the leg
§ Examiner then flexes the knee again
§ Examiner internally rotates the tibia on the femur and
applies a varus (adduction) force to the knee joint
(stresses the LCL) whilst keeping a hand across the joint
line and extending the leg
To Complete Examination
§ Perform a musculoskeletal examination of the joint above and below (hip and ankle)
§ Assess the neurovascular integrity of the lower limb
o Sensation on dorsal/sole of the foot
o Peripheral pulses + capillary refill time
§ Perform relevant investigations
o Imaging: XR knee (AP and lateral, to include joint above and below), MRI
knee, joint aspiration, septic screen
General Inspection
§ Alert, breathing and comfortable
§ Posturing
§ Asymmetry of the upper limb
§ BMI, signs of frailty
§ Signs of trauma
§ Devices e.g. mobility aids, implantable cardiac devices, oxygen tanks, medications
§ Exposure and positioning: To the waist, seated/supine at 45°
Close Inspection of the Shoulder
Ask the patient to stand if possible
§ Scars e.g. previous arthroscopy, joint
§ Asymmetry of the joint
§ Muscle wasting e.g. deltoid due to long-
standing tear
§ Bony misalignment/deformities e.g.
dislocation, clavicular fracture
§ Adduction (180°): “Bring your arms straight back down to your sides”
§ Internal rotation (90°): “Bring your thumb behind your back to touch your shoulder
o Measure by level of vertebra reached
o Painful if rotator cuff pathology present
§ External rotation (60°): “Pin your elbows to your sides and turn your arms outwards”
Passive Movement
Be sure to stabilise the joint as you palpate for crepitus in passive movement
§ Slow abduction arc (to detect painful arc in impingement syndrome)
Special Tests of the Shoulder
1. Gerber Lift-Off Test: Subscapularis
§ Ask the patient to internally rotate the shoulder, with
dorsum of the hand against the mid-lumbar spine
§ “Push against my hand”
§ Positive test: Pain/weakness indicates subscapularis
Functional Assessment
§ “Place both your hands behind your head” (washing hair, dressing)
§ “Place both your hands to your mouth” (eating, drinking)
§ “Bring both your hands to your bum” (personal hygiene)
Neurovascular Integrity
§ Sensation
o Axillary nerve: Regimental badge area
o Median: Lateral aspect of index finger
o Ulnar: Lateral aspect of little finger
o Radian: Dorsal 1 interosseous space
§ Vascular
o Capillary refill time
o Radial pulse
To Complete Examination
§ Perform a full neurovascular examination of the upper limb
§ Examine the joint above and below (cervical spine and elbow)
§ Perform relevant investigations e.g. XR shoulder (modified axillary and AP
view)/MRI shoulder, joint aspiration
General Inspection
§ Alert, breathing and comfortable
§ Posturing
§ Abnormal curvatures
§ Devices e.g. mobility aids, implantable cardiac devices, oxygen tanks, medications
§ Exposure and positioning: To the waist, seated/supine at 45°
Close Inspection of the Spine
§ Symmetry
§ Skin: Erythema, rash, scars, trauma
§ Soft tissue: Swelling, bruising, muscle wasting, naevus,
protuberant abdomen
§ Bone: Abnormal curvatures, deformities or alignments
o Scoliosis: Loss of lateral curvature of the spine
o Kyphosis: Excessive convex curvature of the
thoracic spine
o Lordosis: Excessive concave curvature of
the lumbar spine
o Fixed thoracic kyphosis, loss of lumbar
lordosis, extension of the cervical spine:
Ankylosing spondylitis
lumbar vertebra
§ Iliac crests are level with 4 /5 lumbar vertebrae
th th
§ Rotation of the thoracic spine: Ask the patient to rotate at the hip from side to
§ Lateral extension: Ask the patient to slide one hand down the side towards the
ankle, repeat on other side
Special Tests of the Spine
Schober’s Test
§ Assesses movement in the lower lumbar spine
§ The examiner places a finger (or mark) on the
patients skin centrally over the 5 lumbar
§ Two other marks are made, one 10cm above
this point and one 5cm below this point
§ There are therefore two marks, 15cm apart
§ The patient is asked to bend forwards to touch
the floor
§ If the two points do not separate by more than 5cm (over 20cm in total) this is a
positive Schobers test
§ This may indicate restriction of lumbar spine flexion e.g. can be associated with
ankylosing spondylitis
To Complete Examination
§ Perform a cardiovascular and respiratory examination for extra-articular features of
ankylosing spondylitis
o Apical fibrosis
o Aortic regurgitation
§ Perform a full musculoskeletal assessment and examine for features of ankylosing
spondylitis e.g. anterior uveitis, Achilles tendonitis
§ Perform a full neurological examination of the lower limbs, including a DRE if
§ Perform relevant investigations
o XR/MRI spine
§ Vasculitic nail changes e.g. pitting,
onycholysis, ridging
§ Nailfold infarcts e.g. SLE
§ Splinter haemorrhages e.g. vasculitis
§ Inspection:
o Rash
o Subcutaneous nodules (RA, gout)
o Enlarged bursa (fluid)
o Colour of nodules (yellow: gout)
o Swelling (joint effusion)
o Psoriasis (psoriatic arthritis)
§ Palpation:
o Warmth
o Enlarged bursa
o Nodules: Hard (RA) or firm (gout)
o Lateral epicondyle: Tenderness =
tennis elbow
o Medial epicondyle: Tenderness = golfer’s elbow
§ Movement:
o Flexion: Normal 150°
o MCPs
o Thumb interphalangeal joints
o Each interphalangeal joint of remaining digits, compare like with like
§ Character of the swelling: Synovial inflammation feels boggy, effusion is fluctuant
Movement of the Hands
Active Movement
§ Finger flexion: “Make a fist”
§ Finger extension: “Straighten your fingers”
§ Finger abduction: “Spread your fingers out”
§ Finger adduction: “Close them together”
§ Wrist flexion: “Make a fist and bend the wrists down”
§ Wrist extension: “Make a fist and pull the wrists up”
§ Radial deviation of the wrist: “Make a fist and turn the wrists towards you”
§ Ulnar deviation of the wrist: “Make a fist and turn the wrists away from you”
§ Pronation of the forearm: “With your palm facing upwards, turn the palm downwards
to face the floor”
§ Supination of the forearm: “With your palm facing downwards, turn the palm
upwards to face the sky”
§ Trigger finger: “Can you make a fist with your hands? Now quickly straighten your
o +ve test: DIP remains in flexion due to fixed flexion deformity
Passive Movement
Move all the joints gently in their normal plane of movement, starting proximally at the wrist
and moving distally
§ “Tell me if I cause you any pain”
§ Stabilise each joint as you repeat movements above
§ Palpate for crepitus and warmth, watch px face for signs of pain or discomfort
§ Test for volar subluxation: Flex the joint with the proximal phalanx held between the
thumb and forefinger
Functional Assessment of the Hands
§ Pinch grip: “Can you touch your thumb to each finger in turn?”
§ Power grip: “Can you grip my two fingers tightly?”
§ Fine motor control: “Can you show me how you would change a lightbulb?”
§ Fine motor control: “Can you pick up this key for me?”
Special Tests of the Hands
6. Tinel’s Test
§ Repeatedly percuss over the carpal tunnel (ventral wrist)
§ Positive test: Parasthesia in median nerve distribution
§ Aetiology: Carpal tunnel syndrome
7. Phalen’s Test
§ Wrist held in flexion for 30-60 seconds
§ Positive test: Parasthesia in median nerve distribution
§ Aetiology: Carpal tunnel syndrome
8. Derken’s Test
§ Compress the carpal tunnels for 30-60 seconds
§ More sensitive and specific sign of carpal tunnel syndrome
§ Positive test: Parasthesia in median nerve distribution
§ Parotid gland enlargement e.g. Sjogren’s syndrome
§ Examination of the TMJ joint:
o Pre-auricular swelling
o Palpation from behind the patient: For tenderness, crepitus when patient
opens and closes the mouth
§ Inspection of the cervical spine for postural abnormalities
§ Palpate spinous processes for any tenderness
§ Active movement, noting any limitation in ROM
§ Offer neurological assessment of the upper limb as cervical spine involvement can
cause neurological deficits
Examination of the Chest
Cardiovascular Examination
§ Pulsus paradoxus (constrictive pericarditis)
§ Elevated JVP (constrictive pericarditis)
§ Impalpable apex beat (constrictive pericarditis)
§ Auscultate for:
o Pericardial friction rub (acute pericarditis)
o Distant heart sounds (pericardial effusion)
o Regurgitant murmurs especially of aortic valve
§ Peripheral oedema (constrictive pericarditis)
Respiratory Examination
§ Palpation:
o Limitation of chest expansion (Fibrosis)
o Unequal expansion (Fibrosis or effusion)
o Tracheal deviation (towards fibrosis – away from effusion)
General Inspection
§ Mental status
§ Breathing distress/comfortable
§ Colour
§ Nutritional status/dehydration
§ Environment
o Devices
o Obvious dysmorphic features (congenital/acquired e.g. amputations)
§ Exposure and positioning: From groin to toes, supine at 45°
Close Inspection of the Lower Limbs
§ Scars (look at groin) – Most common vascular procedure is a common femoral
§ Atrophic changes
o Skin: Colour, quality, obvious trauma, swelling, discharge, bleeding, active
o Hair loss
§ Onychogryphosis (thickening of the nail), may require toe spacers
§ Tissue loss
o Ulcers
o Gangrene
o Previous amputations
§ Wasting
§ Atrophy
o Calf: Measure 15-20cm down the tibial shaft from the tibial tuberosity,
compare calf with calf
§ Deformities
§ Amputations
o Above knee
o Through knee
o Below knee
o Transmetatarsal
o Digital
§ Buerger’s Test: Bring the leg to the edge of the bed and let the foot drop down to
the floor, still inspecting the sole of the foot
§ Positive Buerger’s test occurs with
reactive hyperaemia: Dilatation of
arterioles in an attempt to clear the
accumulation of toxic waste products
(nitrogen, urea, K+) in the blood
secondary to poor arterial supply
Peripheral Pulses
1. Dorsalis Pedis: Draw a line midway
between the medial and lateral malleoli, and
a perpendicular line to the first webspace.
The pulse of the dorsalis pedis artery is in the
proximal 1/3, lateral to the tendon of
extensor hallucis longus
2. Posterior Tibialis: Midway between the
heel and the medial malleolus.
3. Popliteal: Within the popliteal fossa; ask
the patient to flex the knee
4. Femoral: 1.5cm inferior and medial to the
mid-inguinal point, which is midway
between the ASIS and the pubic symphysis
To Complete Examination
§ Auscultate over the arteries for a bruit
§ Examine the abdomen for AAA
§ Auscultate the heart
§ Perform an ABPI to determine the degree of arterial insufficiency
24. Venous Examination of the Lower Limbs
General Inspection
§ Alert, well and comfortable
§ Colour
§ Devices e.g. medications, mobility aids
§ Exposure and positioning: Supine at 45°, exposed from waist down (shorts) –
consider chaperone
Close Inspection of the Lower Limb
Varicose Veins
Saphena Varix
§ Blue-ish lump in groin apparent when standing (may disappear when supine)
§ Caused by dilated saphenofemoral junction secondary to venous incompetence
General Inspection
General Inspection
§ Altered mental status e.g. uraemic encephalopathy
§ Breathing e.g. hyperventilation (may indicated metabolic acidosis)
§ Colour e.g. uraemic tinge/slate grey/bronze (due to iron deposition in dialysis px
who have received multiple transfusions)
§ Circulation e.g. hydration status/volume overload
§ Devices e.g. central lines, Tenckhoff catheter, oxygen, medications
§ Exposure: To the waist, supine at 45°
Close Inspection of the Hands and Wrist
§ Clubbing
§ Koilonychia (anaemia of chronic disease)
§ Terry’s nails
§ Vasculitic nail changes
§ Bowe’s lines
o Transverse pigmentation of the nails due to
malnutrition – hypercatabolic state
§ Muehrcke’s nails
o Two paired white transverse lines which run parallel
to the lunula on the nail
o Hypoalbuminaemia e.g. Nephrotic syndrome
§ Leuconychia
o Aetiology: Hypoalbuminaemia e.g. Nephrotic
§ Flapping tremor (uraemic encephalopathy)
§ Radial pulse
o Rapid assessment of circulatory status
§ Excoriations/scratch marks
o Uraemic pruritus
§ Colour
Blood Pressure
§ Manual BP (supine and standing)
§ Do not examine on the side with AV fistula if present
Examination of AV Fistula*
§ Inspection:
o Longitudinal swelling
o Vascular mass
§ Characteristics of the fistula:
o Site: Radiocephalic, brachiocephalic
o Size: 2-3cm wide, 6-8cm long
o Shape: Cylindrical
o Skin changes: Redness/oedema/bruising/infection/abscess/drainage
o Stigmata: Previous needling
o Signs of failure: Additional IV access e.g. central line, previous scars
§ Palpation:
o Temperature (with back of hand)
o Tenderness
o Thrill (palpable murmur): Should only be at site of anastomosis
o Site of maximal impulse: Palpate from the wrist upwards to the site of
maximal pulsatility
§ Auscultation:
o Listen for bruit
o Continuous, machinery-like murmur(diastolic + systolic) - louder in systole
o If stenosis present, bruit may be discontinuous/high pitched/“whistling”
§ Assessment for complications:
o Signs of infection
§ Erythema
§ Swelling
o Aneurysm/pseudoaneurysm
o Haematoma
o Thrombosis
o Stenosis (turbulence, pseudoaneurysm, injury to vessel wall)
o Steal syndrome: Arterial insufficiency distal to haemodialysis AV access
(look for evidence of ischaemia distal to the fistula)
§ Special Tests:
o Raise arm test
§ Test for outflow stenosis
§ Ask the patient about pain in the arm
§ Elevate the arm above the level of the heart
*Principles of an AV Fistula:
§ Definition: Surgical creation of an anastomosis between an artery and a vein –
leads to venous engorgement and enlargement
§ Indications: Allows large bore needles to be inserted for haemodialysis
§ Sites:
o Radio-cephalic
o Brachio-cephalic
o Upper arm basilic-brachial fistula
§ Characteristics:
o Rule of 6’s ( If one of these is not present the fistula will not be used)
§ Minimum of 6mm in diameter when a tourniquet is placed
§ Maximum 6mm deep
§ Should accommodate flow of 600mls/min
§ Matures in 4-6 weeks
In Summary:
§ Functioning fistula, needling, no renal transplant
§ Longitudinal mass in the left arm, vascular in nature, antecubital fossa
§ I would like to assess for signs of AV fistula failure and decompensated renal disease
§ Examine for peripheral neuropathy
Close Inspection of the Face
§ Cushingoid appearance
§ Malar rash of SLE
§ Pallor (anaemia of chronic disease)
§ Xanthelasma (hypercholesterolaemia)
§ Corneal arcus (hypercholesterolaemia)
§ Anaemia of conjunctivae (anaemia of chronic
§ Hydration status
o Dry/wet mucous membranes
§ Uraemic fetor
§ Renal bruits
o Above the umbilicus, 2cm lateral (L/R) of the midline
o Listen with the diaphragm
§ Lung bases
o Bibasal crepitations
§ Peripheral oedema
o Palpate for sacral oedema
o Palpate for pitting oedema
To Complete Examination
§ Perform a full gastrointestinal examination
o To assess for scrotal masses/genital oedema
o To assess for AAA
§ Perform a complete cardiovascular and respiratory examination
o To assess for signs of CCF
o To assess for pericardial rub
§ Pericarditis secondary to retained metabolic toxins, leading to
pericardial effusion
o To assess for pulmonary oedema
§ Examine the lower limbs
o To examine for vasculitic signs e.g. purpura/livedo reticularis (red-blue
reticular pattern from vasculitis/atheroembolic disease)
o To assess for signs of peripheral vascular disease
§ Clinical Examination: A Systematic Guide to Physical Diagnosis. 7th
Edition. Talley, N., O’Connor, S.
§ Essential Examination. 3 edition. Ruthven, A.K.B.