PLC - 1 (CPU 1214C DC/DC/DC) : Totally Integrated Automation Portal

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PLC_1 [CPU 1214C DC/DC/DC]

General\Project information
Name PLC_1 Author Giang Comment
Slot 1
General\Catalog information
Short designation CPU 1214C DC/DC/DC Description Work memory 75 KB; 24VDC power Order number 6ES7 214-1AG40-0XB0
supply with DI14 x 24VDC SINK/
SOURCE, DQ10 x 24VDC and AI2 on
board; 6 high-speed counters and 4
pulse outputs on board; signal
board expands on-board I/O; up to
3 communication modules for seri‐
al communication; up to 8 signal
modules for I/O expansion; 0.04
ms/1000 instructions; PROFINET in‐
terface for programming, HMI and
PLC-to-PLC communication
Firmware version V4.0
General\Identification & Maintenance
Plant designation Location identifier Installation date 2019-11-07 16:43:40.333
Additional informa‐
PROFINET interface\General\Project information
Name PROFINET interface_1 Comment Name DI14/DO10_1
Comment Name AI2_1 Comment
PROFINET interface\Anchor (ParameterNode_E1_Menu )
The TreeNode Pa‐
Node_E1_Menu was
not filled by some
PROFINET interface\Advanced options\Anchor (ParameterInterfaceOptionsMenu)
The TreeNode Pa‐
tionsMenu was not
filled by some ACF
PROFINET interface\Advanced options\Anchor (ParameterRealtimeSettingsMenu)
The TreeNode Pa‐
tingsMenu was not
filled by some ACF
PROFINET interface\Advanced options\Port (X1) (P1)\General\Project information
Name Port_1 Comment
PROFINET interface\Advanced options\Port (X1) (P1)\Anchor (PortInterconnectionMenu)
The TreeNode Por‐
nu was not filled by
some ACF
PROFINET interface\Advanced options\Port (X1) (P1)\Anchor (PortOptionsMenu)
The TreeNode Por‐
tOptionsMenu was
not filled by some
PROFINET interface\Advanced options\Port (X1) (P1)\Hardware identifier\Hardware identifier
Hardware identifier 65
PROFINET interface\Digital inputs\Input filters
I0.0 - I0.3 6.40ms I0.4 - I0.7 6.40ms I1.0 - I1.3 6.40ms
I1.4 - I1.7 6.40ms
PROFINET interface\Digital inputs\Channel0
Channel address I0.0 Enable rising edge 0 Enable falling edge 0
detection detection
Enable pulse catch 0
PROFINET interface\Digital inputs\Channel1
Channel address I0.1 Enable rising edge 0 Enable falling edge 0
detection detection
Enable pulse catch 0
PROFINET interface\Digital inputs\Channel2
Channel address I0.2 Enable rising edge 0 Enable falling edge 0
detection detection
Enable pulse catch 0
PROFINET interface\Digital inputs\Channel3
Channel address I0.3 Enable rising edge 0 Enable falling edge 0
detection detection
Enable pulse catch 0
PROFINET interface\Digital inputs\Channel4
Channel address I0.4 Enable rising edge 0 Enable falling edge 0
detection detection
Enable pulse catch 0
PROFINET interface\Digital inputs\Channel5
Channel address I0.5 Enable rising edge 0 Enable falling edge 0
detection detection
Enable pulse catch 0
PROFINET interface\Digital inputs\Channel6
Channel address I0.6 Enable rising edge 0 Enable falling edge 0
detection detection
Enable pulse catch 0
PROFINET interface\Digital inputs\Channel7
Channel address I0.7 Enable rising edge 0 Enable falling edge 0
detection detection
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Enable pulse catch 0

PROFINET interface\Digital inputs\Channel8
Channel address I1.0 Enable rising edge 0 Enable falling edge 0
detection detection
Enable pulse catch 0
PROFINET interface\Digital inputs\Channel9
Channel address I1.1 Enable rising edge 0 Enable falling edge 0
detection detection
Enable pulse catch 0
PROFINET interface\Digital inputs\Channel10
Channel address I1.2 Enable rising edge 0 Enable falling edge 0
detection detection
Enable pulse catch 0
PROFINET interface\Digital inputs\Channel11
Channel address I1.3 Enable rising edge 0 Enable falling edge 0
detection detection
Enable pulse catch 0
PROFINET interface\Digital inputs\Channel12
Channel address I1.4 Enable pulse catch 0
PROFINET interface\Digital inputs\Channel13
Channel address I1.5 Enable pulse catch 0
PROFINET interface\Analog inputs\Noise reduction
Integration time 50 Hz (20 ms)
PROFINET interface\Analog inputs\Channel0
Channel address IW64 Measurement type Voltage Voltage range 0..10 V
Smoothing Weak (4 cycles) Enable overflow di‐ 1
PROFINET interface\Analog inputs\Channel1
Channel address IW66 Measurement type Voltage Voltage range 0..10 V
Smoothing Weak (4 cycles) Enable overflow di‐ 1
PROFINET interface\Digital outputs
Reaction to CPU Use substitute value
PROFINET interface\Digital outputs\Channel0
Channel address Q0.0 Substitute a value 0
of 1 on a change
from RUN to STOP.
PROFINET interface\Digital outputs\Channel1
Channel address Q0.1 Substitute a value 0
of 1 on a change
from RUN to STOP.
PROFINET interface\Digital outputs\Channel2
Channel address Q0.2 Substitute a value 0
of 1 on a change
from RUN to STOP.
PROFINET interface\Digital outputs\Channel3
Channel address Q0.3 Substitute a value 0
of 1 on a change
from RUN to STOP.
PROFINET interface\Digital outputs\Channel4
Channel address Q0.4 Substitute a value 0
of 1 on a change
from RUN to STOP.
PROFINET interface\Digital outputs\Channel5
Channel address Q0.5 Substitute a value 0
of 1 on a change
from RUN to STOP.
PROFINET interface\Digital outputs\Channel6
Channel address Q0.6 Substitute a value 0
of 1 on a change
from RUN to STOP.
PROFINET interface\Digital outputs\Channel7
Channel address Q0.7 Substitute a value 0
of 1 on a change
from RUN to STOP.
PROFINET interface\Digital outputs\Channel8
Channel address Q1.0 Substitute a value 0
of 1 on a change
from RUN to STOP.
PROFINET interface\Digital outputs\Channel9
Channel address Q1.1 Substitute a value 0
of 1 on a change
from RUN to STOP.
PROFINET interface\Time synchronization
Enable time syn‐ Enable time synchronization via IP addresses Network time server
chronization via NTP NTP server 1
Network time server Network time server Network time server
2 3 4
Update interval 10sec
PROFINET interface\Hardware identifier\Hardware identifier
Hardware identifier 64 Hardware identifier 264
PROFINET interface\I/O addresses\Input addresses
Start address 0 End address 1 Organization block 0
Process image 0
PROFINET interface\I/O addresses\Output addresses
Start address 0 End address 1 Organization block 0
Process image 0
Overview of addresses
Inputs True Outputs True Address gaps False
Slot True
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Overview of addresses\Overview of addresses

Type Addr. from Addr. to Module PIP DP PN Rack Slot
I 0 1 DI14/DO10_1 None - - 0 11
I 64 67 AI2_1 None - - 0 12
I 1000 1003 HSC_1 None - - 0 1 16
I 1004 1007 HSC_2 None - - 0 1 17
I 1008 1011 HSC_3 None - - 0 1 18
I 1012 1015 HSC_4 None - - 0 1 19
I 1016 1019 HSC_5 None - - 0 1 20
I 1020 1023 HSC_6 None - - 0 1 21
Q 0 1 DI14/DO10_1 None - - 0 11
Q 1000 1001 Pulse_1 None - - 0 1 32
Q 1002 1003 Pulse_2 None - - 0 1 33
Q 1004 1005 Pulse_3 None - - 0 1 34
Q 1006 1007 Pulse_4 None - - 0 1 35
CB 1241 (RS485)\General\Project information
Name CB 1241 (RS485) Comment
CB 1241 (RS485)\General\Catalog information
Short designation CB 1241 (RS485) Description Communications board with Order number 6ES7 241-1CH30-1XB0
RS-485 interface; 9-pin D-sub fe‐
male connector
Firmware version V1.0
CB 1241 (RS485)\Port configuration
Baud rate 19.2 kbps Parity Even parity Data bits 8 bits per character
Stop bits 1 Flow control None XON character 0
(ASCII) NUL XOFF character 0 (ASCII) NUL
Wait time 10000ms
CB 1241 (RS485)\Configuration of transmitted message\Transmission options
RTS ON delay 0ms RTS OFF delay 0ms Send break at mes‐ 0
sage start
Number of bit times 12Bit times Send idle line after 0 Idle line after a 12Bit times
in a break a break break
CB 1241 (RS485)\Configuration of received message\Message start\
Define message Start on any character Recognize message 0 Recognize message 0
start conditions start with broken start with idle line
Idle line time 40Bit times Recognize message 0 Message start char‐ 2
start with single acter (HEX)
Message start char‐ STX Recognize message 0 Number of strings 1
acter (ASCII) start with a charac‐ to define
ter sequence
CB 1241 (RS485)\Configuration of received message\Message start\5-character message start sequence\Message start sequence 1
Check character 1 0 Character value 0 Character value (AS‐ ANY
(HEX): CII):
Check character 2 0 Character value 0
Character value (AS‐ ANY Check character 3 0
Character value 0 Character value (AS‐ ANY
(HEX): CII):
Check character 4 0 Character value 0 Character value (AS‐ ANY
(HEX): CII):
Check character 5 0 Character value 0
Character value (AS‐ ANY
CB 1241 (RS485)\Configuration of received message\Message start\5-character message start sequence\Message start sequence 2
Check character 1 0 Character value 0 Character value (AS‐ ANY
(HEX): CII):
Check character 2 0 Character value 0
Character value (AS‐ ANY Check character 3 0
Character value 0 Character value (AS‐ ANY
(HEX): CII):
Check character 4 0 Character value 0 Character value (AS‐ ANY
(HEX): CII):
Check character 5 0 Character value 0
Character value (AS‐ ANY
CB 1241 (RS485)\Configuration of received message\Message start\5-character message start sequence\Message start sequence 3
Check character 1 0 Character value 0 Character value (AS‐ ANY
(HEX): CII):
Check character 2 0 Character value 0
Character value (AS‐ ANY Check character 3 0
Character value 0 Character value (AS‐ ANY
(HEX): CII):
Check character 4 0 Character value 0 Character value (AS‐ ANY
(HEX): CII):
Check character 5 0 Character value 0
Character value (AS‐ ANY
CB 1241 (RS485)\Configuration of received message\Message start\5-character message start sequence\Message start sequence 4
Check character 1 0 Character value 0 Character value (AS‐ ANY
(HEX): CII):
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Automation Portal

Check character 2 0 Character value 0

Character value (AS‐ ANY Check character 3 0
Character value 0 Character value (AS‐ ANY
(HEX): CII):
Check character 4 0 Character value 0 Character value (AS‐ ANY
(HEX): CII):
Check character 5 0 Character value 0
Character value (AS‐ ANY
CB 1241 (RS485)\Configuration of received message\Message end\Define message end conditions
Recognize message 1 Message timeout 200ms Recognize message 0
end by message end by response
timeout timeout
Response timeout 200ms Recognize message 0 Inter-character gap 12Bit times
end by inter-charac‐ timeout
ter timeout
Recognize message 0 Maximum length of 1bytes Read message 0
end by maximum message length from mes‐
length sage
Offset of length 1bytes Size of length field 1bytes The length field fol‐ 0bytes
field in message lowing the data is
not included in the
message length
Recognize message 0
end with a character
CB 1241 (RS485)\Configuration of received message\Message end\5-character message end sequence
Check character 1 0 Character value 0 Character value (AS‐ ANY
(HEX): CII):
Check character 2 0 Character value 0 Character value (AS‐ ANY
(HEX): CII):
Check character 3 0 Character value 0 Character value (AS‐ ANY
(HEX): CII):
Check character 4 0 Character value 0 Character value (AS‐ ANY
(HEX): CII):
Check character 5 0 Character value 0 Character value (AS‐ ANY
(HEX): CII):
CB 1241 (RS485)\Hardware identifier\Hardware identifier
Hardware identifier 269
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC1\General\Enable
Enable this high 0
speed counter
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC1\General\Project information
Name HSC_1 Comment
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC1\Function
Type of counting Count Operating phase Single phase
Counting direction User program (internal direction Initial counting di‐ Count up
is specified by control) rection
Frequency measur‐ -/-sec
ing period
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC1\Reset to initial values\Reset values
Initial counter value 0 Initial reference val‐ 0
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC1\Reset to initial values\Reset options
Use external reset 0 Reset signal level -/-
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC1\Event configuration\
Generate interrupt 0 RidPrefixCvEqualsPv 49152 Event name: 0
for counter value
equals reference
value event.
Hardware interrupt: 0 Counter value equal Counter value equal to reference ValueNull 0
to reference value0 value0
ValueNull 0 EventPriority 6
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC1\Event configuration\
Generate interrupt 0 RidPrefixExternalRe‐ 49408 Event name: 0
for external reset set
Hardware interrupt: 0 External reset0 External reset0 ValueNull 0
ValueNull 0 EventPriority 6
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC1\Event configuration\
Generate interrupt 0 RidPrefixDirection‐ 49280 Event name: 0
for change of direc‐ Change
tion event.
Hardware interrupt: 0 Change of direc‐ Change of direction0 ValueNull 0
ValueNull 0 EventPriority 6
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC1\Hardware inputs\
Clock generator in‐ --- HSCInput0_Status 1 Direction input ---
Reset input --- Adapter name the HscChannel.AddressString Adapter name the HscChannel.SpeedAndSourceDis‐
user control should user control should play
use for the address use for the Spee‐
string dAndSourceDisplay
Adapter name the HscChannel.OutputSource
user control should
use for the Output
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC1\Hardware inputs\
Direction input --- HSCInput1_Status 1 Clock generator in‐ ---
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Reset input --- Adapter name the HscChannel.AddressString Adapter name the HscChannel.SpeedAndSourceDis‐
user control should user control should play
use for the address use for the Spee‐
string dAndSourceDisplay
Adapter name the HscChannel.OutputSource
user control should
use for the Output
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC1\Hardware inputs\
Reset input --- HSCInput2_Status 1 Clock generator in‐ ---
Direction input --- Adapter name the HscChannel.AddressString Adapter name the HscChannel.SpeedAndSourceDis‐
user control should user control should play
use for the address use for the Spee‐
string dAndSourceDisplay
Adapter name the HscChannel.OutputSource
user control should
use for the Output
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC1\I/O addresses\Input addresses
Start address 1000 End address 1003 Organization block 0
Process image 0
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC1\Hardware identifier\Hardware identifier
Hardware identifier 257
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC2\General\Enable
Enable this high 0
speed counter
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC2\General\Project information
Name HSC_2 Comment
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC2\Function
Type of counting Count Operating phase Single phase
Counting direction User program (internal direction Initial counting di‐ Count up
is specified by control) rection
Frequency measur‐ -/-sec
ing period
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC2\Reset to initial values\Reset values
Initial counter value 0 Initial reference val‐ 0
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC2\Reset to initial values\Reset options
Use external reset 0 Reset signal level -/-
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC2\Event configuration\
Generate interrupt 0 RidPrefixCvEqualsPv 49152 Event name: 0
for counter value
equals reference
value event.
Hardware interrupt: 0 Counter value equal Counter value equal to reference ValueNull 0
to reference value1 value1
ValueNull 0 EventPriority 6
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC2\Event configuration\
Generate interrupt 0 RidPrefixExternalRe‐ 49408 Event name: 0
for external reset set
Hardware interrupt: 0 External reset1 External reset1 ValueNull 0
ValueNull 0 EventPriority 6
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC2\Event configuration\
Generate interrupt 0 RidPrefixDirection‐ 49280 Event name: 0
for change of direc‐ Change
tion event.
Hardware interrupt: 0 Change of direc‐ Change of direction1 ValueNull 0
ValueNull 0 EventPriority 6
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC2\Hardware inputs\
Clock generator in‐ --- HSCInput0_Status 1 Direction input ---
Reset input --- Adapter name the HscChannel.AddressString Adapter name the HscChannel.SpeedAndSourceDis‐
user control should user control should play
use for the address use for the Spee‐
string dAndSourceDisplay
Adapter name the HscChannel.OutputSource
user control should
use for the Output
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC2\Hardware inputs\
Direction input --- HSCInput1_Status 1 Clock generator in‐ ---
Reset input --- Adapter name the HscChannel.AddressString Adapter name the HscChannel.SpeedAndSourceDis‐
user control should user control should play
use for the address use for the Spee‐
string dAndSourceDisplay
Adapter name the HscChannel.OutputSource
user control should
use for the Output
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC2\Hardware inputs\
Reset input --- HSCInput2_Status 1 Clock generator in‐ ---
Direction input --- Adapter name the HscChannel.AddressString Adapter name the HscChannel.SpeedAndSourceDis‐
user control should user control should play
use for the address use for the Spee‐
string dAndSourceDisplay
Adapter name the HscChannel.OutputSource
user control should
use for the Output
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High speed counters (HSC)\HSC2\I/O addresses\Input addresses

Start address 1004 End address 1007 Organization block 0
Process image 0
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC2\Hardware identifier\Hardware identifier
Hardware identifier 258
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC3\General\Enable
Enable this high 0
speed counter
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC3\General\Project information
Name HSC_3 Comment
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC3\Function
Type of counting Count Operating phase Single phase
Counting direction User program (internal direction Initial counting di‐ Count up
is specified by control) rection
Frequency measur‐ -/-sec
ing period
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC3\Reset to initial values\Reset values
Initial counter value 0 Initial reference val‐ 0
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC3\Reset to initial values\Reset options
Use external reset 0 Reset signal level -/-
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC3\Event configuration\
Generate interrupt 0 RidPrefixCvEqualsPv 49152 Event name: 0
for counter value
equals reference
value event.
Hardware interrupt: 0 Counter value equal Counter value equal to reference ValueNull 0
to reference value2 value2
ValueNull 0 EventPriority 6
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC3\Event configuration\
Generate interrupt 0 RidPrefixExternalRe‐ 49408 Event name: 0
for external reset set
Hardware interrupt: 0 External reset2 External reset2 ValueNull 0
ValueNull 0 EventPriority 6
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC3\Event configuration\
Generate interrupt 0 RidPrefixDirection‐ 49280 Event name: 0
for change of direc‐ Change
tion event.
Hardware interrupt: 0 Change of direc‐ Change of direction2 ValueNull 0
ValueNull 0 EventPriority 6
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC3\Hardware inputs\
Clock generator in‐ --- HSCInput0_Status 1 Direction input ---
Reset input --- Adapter name the HscChannel.AddressString Adapter name the HscChannel.SpeedAndSourceDis‐
user control should user control should play
use for the address use for the Spee‐
string dAndSourceDisplay
Adapter name the HscChannel.OutputSource
user control should
use for the Output
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC3\Hardware inputs\
Direction input --- HSCInput1_Status 1 Clock generator in‐ ---
Reset input --- Adapter name the HscChannel.AddressString Adapter name the HscChannel.SpeedAndSourceDis‐
user control should user control should play
use for the address use for the Spee‐
string dAndSourceDisplay
Adapter name the HscChannel.OutputSource
user control should
use for the Output
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC3\Hardware inputs\
Reset input --- HSCInput2_Status 1 Clock generator in‐ ---
Direction input --- Adapter name the HscChannel.AddressString Adapter name the HscChannel.SpeedAndSourceDis‐
user control should user control should play
use for the address use for the Spee‐
string dAndSourceDisplay
Adapter name the HscChannel.OutputSource
user control should
use for the Output
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC3\I/O addresses\Input addresses
Start address 1008 End address 1011 Organization block 0
Process image 0
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC3\Hardware identifier\Hardware identifier
Hardware identifier 259
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC4\General\Enable
Enable this high 0
speed counter
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC4\General\Project information
Name HSC_4 Comment
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC4\Function
Type of counting Count Operating phase Single phase
Counting direction User program (internal direction Initial counting di‐ Count up
is specified by control) rection
Frequency measur‐ -/-sec
ing period
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Automation Portal

High speed counters (HSC)\HSC4\Reset to initial values\Reset values

Initial counter value 0 Initial reference val‐ 0
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC4\Reset to initial values\Reset options
Use external reset 0 Reset signal level -/-
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC4\Event configuration\
Generate interrupt 0 RidPrefixCvEqualsPv 49152 Event name: 0
for counter value
equals reference
value event.
Hardware interrupt: 0 Counter value equal Counter value equal to reference ValueNull 0
to reference value3 value3
ValueNull 0 EventPriority 6
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC4\Event configuration\
Generate interrupt 0 RidPrefixExternalRe‐ 49408 Event name: 0
for external reset set
Hardware interrupt: 0 External reset3 External reset3 ValueNull 0
ValueNull 0 EventPriority 6
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC4\Event configuration\
Generate interrupt 0 RidPrefixDirection‐ 49280 Event name: 0
for change of direc‐ Change
tion event.
Hardware interrupt: 0 Change of direc‐ Change of direction3 ValueNull 0
ValueNull 0 EventPriority 6
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC4\Hardware inputs\
Clock generator in‐ --- HSCInput0_Status 1 Direction input ---
Reset input --- Adapter name the HscChannel.AddressString Adapter name the HscChannel.SpeedAndSourceDis‐
user control should user control should play
use for the address use for the Spee‐
string dAndSourceDisplay
Adapter name the HscChannel.OutputSource
user control should
use for the Output
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC4\Hardware inputs\
Direction input --- HSCInput1_Status 1 Clock generator in‐ ---
Reset input --- Adapter name the HscChannel.AddressString Adapter name the HscChannel.SpeedAndSourceDis‐
user control should user control should play
use for the address use for the Spee‐
string dAndSourceDisplay
Adapter name the HscChannel.OutputSource
user control should
use for the Output
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC4\Hardware inputs\
Reset input --- HSCInput2_Status 1 Clock generator in‐ ---
Direction input --- Adapter name the HscChannel.AddressString Adapter name the HscChannel.SpeedAndSourceDis‐
user control should user control should play
use for the address use for the Spee‐
string dAndSourceDisplay
Adapter name the HscChannel.OutputSource
user control should
use for the Output
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC4\I/O addresses\Input addresses
Start address 1012 End address 1015 Organization block 0
Process image 0
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC4\Hardware identifier\Hardware identifier
Hardware identifier 260
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC5\General\Enable
Enable this high 0
speed counter
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC5\General\Project information
Name HSC_5 Comment
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC5\Function
Type of counting Count Operating phase Single phase
Counting direction User program (internal direction Initial counting di‐ Count up
is specified by control) rection
Frequency measur‐ -/-sec
ing period
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC5\Reset to initial values\Reset values
Initial counter value 0 Initial reference val‐ 0
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC5\Reset to initial values\Reset options
Use external reset 0 Reset signal level -/-
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC5\Event configuration\
Generate interrupt 0 RidPrefixCvEqualsPv 49152 Event name: 0
for counter value
equals reference
value event.
Hardware interrupt: 0 Counter value equal Counter value equal to reference ValueNull 0
to reference value4 value4
ValueNull 0 EventPriority 6
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC5\Event configuration\
Generate interrupt 0 RidPrefixExternalRe‐ 49408 Event name: 0
for external reset set
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Hardware interrupt: 0 External reset4 External reset4 ValueNull 0

ValueNull 0 EventPriority 6
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC5\Event configuration\
Generate interrupt 0 RidPrefixDirection‐ 49280 Event name: 0
for change of direc‐ Change
tion event.
Hardware interrupt: 0 Change of direc‐ Change of direction4 ValueNull 0
ValueNull 0 EventPriority 6
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC5\Hardware inputs\
Clock generator in‐ --- HSCInput0_Status 1 Direction input ---
Reset input --- Adapter name the HscChannel.AddressString Adapter name the HscChannel.SpeedAndSourceDis‐
user control should user control should play
use for the address use for the Spee‐
string dAndSourceDisplay
Adapter name the HscChannel.OutputSource
user control should
use for the Output
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC5\Hardware inputs\
Direction input --- HSCInput1_Status 1 Clock generator in‐ ---
Reset input --- Adapter name the HscChannel.AddressString Adapter name the HscChannel.SpeedAndSourceDis‐
user control should user control should play
use for the address use for the Spee‐
string dAndSourceDisplay
Adapter name the HscChannel.OutputSource
user control should
use for the Output
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC5\Hardware inputs\
Reset input --- HSCInput2_Status 1 Clock generator in‐ ---
Direction input --- Adapter name the HscChannel.AddressString Adapter name the HscChannel.SpeedAndSourceDis‐
user control should user control should play
use for the address use for the Spee‐
string dAndSourceDisplay
Adapter name the HscChannel.OutputSource
user control should
use for the Output
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC5\I/O addresses\Input addresses
Start address 1016 End address 1019 Organization block 0
Process image 0
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC5\Hardware identifier\Hardware identifier
Hardware identifier 261
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC6\General\Enable
Enable this high 0
speed counter
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC6\General\Project information
Name HSC_6 Comment
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC6\Function
Type of counting Count Operating phase Single phase
Counting direction User program (internal direction Initial counting di‐ Count up
is specified by control) rection
Frequency measur‐ -/-sec
ing period
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC6\Reset to initial values\Reset values
Initial counter value 0 Initial reference val‐ 0
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC6\Reset to initial values\Reset options
Use external reset 0 Reset signal level -/-
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC6\Event configuration\
Generate interrupt 0 RidPrefixCvEqualsPv 49152 Event name: 0
for counter value
equals reference
value event.
Hardware interrupt: 0 Counter value equal Counter value equal to reference ValueNull 0
to reference value5 value5
ValueNull 0 EventPriority 6
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC6\Event configuration\
Generate interrupt 0 RidPrefixExternalRe‐ 49408 Event name: 0
for external reset set
Hardware interrupt: 0 External reset5 External reset5 ValueNull 0
ValueNull 0 EventPriority 6
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC6\Event configuration\
Generate interrupt 0 RidPrefixDirection‐ 49280 Event name: 0
for change of direc‐ Change
tion event.
Hardware interrupt: 0 Change of direc‐ Change of direction5 ValueNull 0
ValueNull 0 EventPriority 6
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC6\Hardware inputs\
Clock generator in‐ --- HSCInput0_Status 1 Direction input ---
Reset input --- Adapter name the HscChannel.AddressString Adapter name the HscChannel.SpeedAndSourceDis‐
user control should user control should play
use for the address use for the Spee‐
string dAndSourceDisplay
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Automation Portal

Adapter name the HscChannel.OutputSource

user control should
use for the Output
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC6\Hardware inputs\
Direction input --- HSCInput1_Status 1 Clock generator in‐ ---
Reset input --- Adapter name the HscChannel.AddressString Adapter name the HscChannel.SpeedAndSourceDis‐
user control should user control should play
use for the address use for the Spee‐
string dAndSourceDisplay
Adapter name the HscChannel.OutputSource
user control should
use for the Output
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC6\Hardware inputs\
Reset input --- HSCInput2_Status 1 Clock generator in‐ ---
Direction input --- Adapter name the HscChannel.AddressString Adapter name the HscChannel.SpeedAndSourceDis‐
user control should user control should play
use for the address use for the Spee‐
string dAndSourceDisplay
Adapter name the HscChannel.OutputSource
user control should
use for the Output
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC6\I/O addresses\Input addresses
Start address 1020 End address 1023 Organization block 0
Process image 0
High speed counters (HSC)\HSC6\Hardware identifier\Hardware identifier
Hardware identifier 262
Pulse generators (PTO/PWM)\PTO1/PWM1\General\Enable
Enable this pulse 0
Pulse generators (PTO/PWM)\PTO1/PWM1\General\Project information
Name Pulse_1 Comment
Pulse generators (PTO/PWM)\PTO1/PWM1\Parameter assignment\Pulse options
Signal type PWM Time base: Milliseconds Pulse duration for‐ Hundredths
Cycle time 100ms Initial pulse dura‐ 50Hundredths
Pulse generators (PTO/PWM)\PTO1/PWM1\Hardware outputs
Enable direction 0
Pulse generators (PTO/PWM)\PTO1/PWM1\Hardware outputs\
Pulse output %Q0.0 PulseOutput1_Sta‐ 1 Adapter name the PulseChannel.AddressString
tus user control should
use for the address
Adapter name the PulseChannel.SpeedAndSourceDis‐ Adapter name the PulseChannel.OutputSource
user control should play user control should
use for the Spee‐ use for the Output
dAndSourceDisplay Source
Pulse generators (PTO/PWM)\PTO1/PWM1\Hardware outputs\
PulseOutput2_Sta‐ 1 Pulse output %Q0.0 Adapter name the PulseChannel.AddressString
tus user control should
use for the address
Adapter name the PulseChannel.SpeedAndSourceDis‐ Adapter name the PulseChannel.OutputSource
user control should play user control should
use for the Spee‐ use for the Output
dAndSourceDisplay Source
Pulse generators (PTO/PWM)\PTO1/PWM1\I/O addresses\Output addresses
Start address 1000 End address 1001 Organization block 0
Process image 0
Pulse generators (PTO/PWM)\PTO1/PWM1\Hardware identifier\Hardware identifier
Hardware identifier 265
Pulse generators (PTO/PWM)\PTO2/PWM2\General\Enable
Enable this pulse 0
Pulse generators (PTO/PWM)\PTO2/PWM2\General\Project information
Name Pulse_2 Comment
Pulse generators (PTO/PWM)\PTO2/PWM2\Parameter assignment\Pulse options
Signal type PWM Time base: Milliseconds Pulse duration for‐ Hundredths
Cycle time 100ms Initial pulse dura‐ 50Hundredths
Pulse generators (PTO/PWM)\PTO2/PWM2\Hardware outputs
Enable direction 0
Pulse generators (PTO/PWM)\PTO2/PWM2\Hardware outputs\
Pulse output %Q0.2 PulseOutput1_Sta‐ 1 Adapter name the PulseChannel.AddressString
tus user control should
use for the address
Adapter name the PulseChannel.SpeedAndSourceDis‐ Adapter name the PulseChannel.OutputSource
user control should play user control should
use for the Spee‐ use for the Output
dAndSourceDisplay Source
Pulse generators (PTO/PWM)\PTO2/PWM2\Hardware outputs\
PulseOutput2_Sta‐ 1 Pulse output %Q0.2 Adapter name the PulseChannel.AddressString
tus user control should
use for the address
Totally Integrated
Automation Portal

Adapter name the PulseChannel.SpeedAndSourceDis‐ Adapter name the PulseChannel.OutputSource

user control should play user control should
use for the Spee‐ use for the Output
dAndSourceDisplay Source
Pulse generators (PTO/PWM)\PTO2/PWM2\I/O addresses\Output addresses
Start address 1002 End address 1003 Organization block 0
Process image 0
Pulse generators (PTO/PWM)\PTO2/PWM2\Hardware identifier\Hardware identifier
Hardware identifier 266
Pulse generators (PTO/PWM)\PTO3/PWM3\General\Enable
Enable this pulse 0
Pulse generators (PTO/PWM)\PTO3/PWM3\General\Project information
Name Pulse_3 Comment
Pulse generators (PTO/PWM)\PTO3/PWM3\Parameter assignment\Pulse options
Signal type PWM Time base: Milliseconds Pulse duration for‐ Hundredths
Cycle time 100ms Initial pulse dura‐ 50Hundredths
Pulse generators (PTO/PWM)\PTO3/PWM3\Hardware outputs
Enable direction 0
Pulse generators (PTO/PWM)\PTO3/PWM3\Hardware outputs\
Pulse output %Q0.4 PulseOutput1_Sta‐ 1 Adapter name the PulseChannel.AddressString
tus user control should
use for the address
Adapter name the PulseChannel.SpeedAndSourceDis‐ Adapter name the PulseChannel.OutputSource
user control should play user control should
use for the Spee‐ use for the Output
dAndSourceDisplay Source
Pulse generators (PTO/PWM)\PTO3/PWM3\Hardware outputs\
PulseOutput2_Sta‐ 1 Pulse output %Q0.4 Adapter name the PulseChannel.AddressString
tus user control should
use for the address
Adapter name the PulseChannel.SpeedAndSourceDis‐ Adapter name the PulseChannel.OutputSource
user control should play user control should
use for the Spee‐ use for the Output
dAndSourceDisplay Source
Pulse generators (PTO/PWM)\PTO3/PWM3\I/O addresses\Output addresses
Start address 1004 End address 1005 Organization block 0
Process image 0
Pulse generators (PTO/PWM)\PTO3/PWM3\Hardware identifier\Hardware identifier
Hardware identifier 267
Pulse generators (PTO/PWM)\PTO4/PWM4\General\Enable
Enable this pulse 0
Pulse generators (PTO/PWM)\PTO4/PWM4\General\Project information
Name Pulse_4 Comment
Pulse generators (PTO/PWM)\PTO4/PWM4\Parameter assignment\Pulse options
Signal type PWM Time base: Milliseconds Pulse duration for‐ Hundredths
Cycle time 100ms Initial pulse dura‐ 50Hundredths
Pulse generators (PTO/PWM)\PTO4/PWM4\Hardware outputs
Enable direction 0
Pulse generators (PTO/PWM)\PTO4/PWM4\Hardware outputs\
Pulse output %Q0.6 PulseOutput1_Sta‐ 1 Adapter name the PulseChannel.AddressString
tus user control should
use for the address
Adapter name the PulseChannel.SpeedAndSourceDis‐ Adapter name the PulseChannel.OutputSource
user control should play user control should
use for the Spee‐ use for the Output
dAndSourceDisplay Source
Pulse generators (PTO/PWM)\PTO4/PWM4\Hardware outputs\
PulseOutput2_Sta‐ 1 Pulse output %Q0.6 Adapter name the PulseChannel.AddressString
tus user control should
use for the address
Adapter name the PulseChannel.SpeedAndSourceDis‐ Adapter name the PulseChannel.OutputSource
user control should play user control should
use for the Spee‐ use for the Output
dAndSourceDisplay Source
Pulse generators (PTO/PWM)\PTO4/PWM4\I/O addresses\Output addresses
Start address 1006 End address 1007 Organization block 0
Process image 0
Pulse generators (PTO/PWM)\PTO4/PWM4\Hardware identifier\Hardware identifier
Hardware identifier 268
Startup after POWER Warm restart - mode before POWER Comparison preset Startup CPU even if mismatch Parameter assign‐ 60000ms
ON OFF to actual configura‐ ment time for dis‐
tion tributed I/O
OBs should be inter‐ 1
Cycle monitoring 150ms Enable minimum cy‐ 0
time cle time for cyclic
Minimum cycle time 1ms
Totally Integrated
Automation Portal

Communication load
Cycle load due to 20%
System and clock memory\System memory bits
Enable the use of 1 Address of system 100 First cycle %M100.0 (FirstScan)
system memory memory byte (MBx)
Diagnostic status %M100.1 (DiagStatusUpdate) Always 1 (high) %M100.2 (AlwaysTRUE) Always 0 (low) %M100.3 (AlwaysFALSE)
System and clock memory\Clock memory bits
Enable the use of 1 Address of clock 200 10 Hz clock %M200.0 (Clock_10Hz)
clock memory byte memory byte (MBx)
5 Hz clock %M200.1 (Clock_5Hz) 2.5 Hz clock %M200.2 (Clock_2.5Hz) 2 Hz clock %M200.3 (Clock_2Hz)
1.25 Hz clock %M200.4 (Clock_1.25Hz) 1 Hz clock %M200.5 (Clock_1Hz) 0.625 Hz clock %M200.6 (Clock_0.625Hz)
0.5 Hz clock %M200.7 (Clock_0.5Hz)
Web server\General
Activate web server False Permit access only True
on this module with HTTPS
Web server\Automatic update
Enable automatic True Update interval 0s
Web server\ParameterWebServerUserManagementMenu
mentMenu was not
filled by one ACF
Web server\ParameterWebServerWatchTablesMenu
nu was not filled by
one ACF
Web server\ParameterWebServerUserDefinedWebPagesMenu
PagesMenu was not
filled by one ACF
Time of day\Local time
Time zone (UTC +01:00) Berlin, Bern, Brussels,
Rome, Stockholm, Vienna
Time of day\Daylight saving time
Activate daylight 0 Difference between 60mins
saving time standard and day‐
light saving time
Time of day\Daylight saving time\Start of daylight saving time
Starting week of the Last Sunday of March
at 01:00 a.m.
Time of day\Daylight saving time\Start of standard time
Last Sunday of October
at 02:00 a.m.
was not filled by
one ACF
Level of protection No protection
Anchor (ParameterCommunicationMenu)
The TreeNode Pa‐
tionMenu was not
filled by some ACF
Anchor (AddressesOverviewMenu)
The AddressesOver‐
viewMenu was not
filled by some ACF
Totally Integrated
Automation Portal

PLC_1 [CPU 1214C DC/DC/DC] / Program blocks

Main [OB1]
Main Properties
Name Main Number 1 Type OB Language LAD
Numbering automatic
Title "Main Program Sweep (Cy‐ Author Comment Family
Version 0.1 User-defined

Name Data type Default value Comment

Initial_Call Bool Initial call of this OB
Remanence Bool =True, if remanent data are available

Network 1:

%M100.0 "MB_COMM_
"FirstScan" REQ LOAD_DB".
"S7-1200_ "MB_COMM_
station_1" PORT LOAD_DB".

Symbol Address Type Comment

"FirstScan" %M100.0 Bool
"MB_COMM_LOAD_DB".DONE Bool Boolean indicating completion without error
"MB_COMM_LOAD_DB".ERROR Bool Boolean indicating completion with error
"MB_COMM_LOAD_DB".STATUS Word Status of the current operation
"S7-1200_station_1" 269 PORT

Network 2:

%M200.2 "MB_MASTER_
"Clock_2.5Hz" REQ DONE DB".DONE


%M200.2 "MB_MASTER_
"Clock_2.5Hz" REQ DONE DB".DONE


%M200.2 "MB_MASTER_
"Clock_2.5Hz" REQ DONE DB".DONE

Inventer" DATA_PTR

Symbol Address Type Comment

"Clock_2.5Hz" %M200.2 Bool
"MB_MASTER_DB".BUSY Bool Boolean indicating operation in progress
"MB_MASTER_DB".DONE Bool Boolean indicating completion without error
Totally Integrated
Automation Portal

Symbol Address Type Comment

"MB_MASTER_DB".ERROR Bool Boolean indicating completion with error
"MB_MASTER_DB".STATUS Word Status or error code of the completed operation
"Tag_1" %MW8 Word
"Tag_2" %MW12 Word

Network 3:

Symbol Address Type Comment

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Automation Portal

PLC_1 [CPU 1214C DC/DC/DC] / Program blocks

Read_Modbus_Inventer [DB3]
Read_Modbus_Inventer Properties
Name Read_Modbus_Inventer Number 3 Type DB Language DB
Numbering automatic
Title Author Comment Family
Version 0.1 User-defined

Name Data type Offset Start value Retain Accessible Visible in Setpoint Comment
from HMI HMI
Read_Inventer "Read" 0.0 False True True False
Output frequency Int 0.0 0 False True True False
Output current Int 2.0 0 False True True False
Output voltage Int 4.0 0 False True True False
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Automation Portal

PLC_1 [CPU 1214C DC/DC/DC] / Program blocks / System blocks / Program resources
MB_COMM_LOAD Properties
Name MB_COMM_LOAD Number 1080 Type FB Language LAD
Numbering automatic
Title Author SIMATIC Comment Family MODBUS
Version 2.1 User-defined MB_CM_LD

Name Data type Default value Retain Accessible Visible in Setpoint Comment
from HMI HMI
REQ Bool FALSE Non-retain True True False The enable to initiate a Mod‐
bus configuration operation
PORT PORT 16#FFFF Non-retain True True False The PtP hardware address
BAUD UDInt 0 Non-retain True True False The baud rate of the PtP port
PARITY UInt 0 Non-retain True True False The parity of the PtP port
FLOW_CTRL UInt 0 Non-retain True True False Transmit and receive flow
RTS_ON_DLY UInt 0 Non-retain True True False The enable time of RTS be‐
fore sending the first charac‐
RTS_OFF_DLY UInt 0 Non-retain True True False The enable time of RTS after
sending the last character
RESP_TO UInt 1000 Non-retain True True False The time to wait for the Mod‐
bus slave to respond
DONE Bool FALSE Non-retain True True False Boolean indicating comple‐
tion without error
ERROR Bool FALSE Non-retain True True False Boolean indicating comple‐
tion with error
STATUS Word W#16#0 Non-retain True True False Status of the current opera‐
MB_DB MB_BASE False False False The instance DB of the Mod‐
bus master or slave
ICHAR_GAP UInt 0 Non-retain True True False
RETRIES UInt 2 Non-retain True True False
WRREC_STATUS Word 2 Non-retain True True False
RDREC_STATUS Word 2 Non-retain True True False
SFC_STATUS Word 2 Non-retain True True False
Port_CFG_SFB Array[0..25] of Non-retain False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[0] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[1] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[2] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[3] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[4] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[5] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[6] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[7] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[8] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[9] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[10] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[11] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[12] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[13] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[14] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[15] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[16] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[17] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[18] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[19] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[20] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[21] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[22] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[23] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[24] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[25] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Send_CFG_SFB Array[0..16] of Non-retain False False False
Send_CFG_SFB[0] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Send_CFG_SFB[1] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Send_CFG_SFB[2] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Send_CFG_SFB[3] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Send_CFG_SFB[4] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Totally Integrated
Automation Portal

Name Data type Default value Retain Accessible Visible in Setpoint Comment
from HMI HMI
Send_CFG_SFB[5] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Send_CFG_SFB[6] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Send_CFG_SFB[7] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Send_CFG_SFB[8] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Send_CFG_SFB[9] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Send_CFG_SFB[10] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Send_CFG_SFB[11] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Send_CFG_SFB[12] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Send_CFG_SFB[13] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Send_CFG_SFB[14] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Send_CFG_SFB[15] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Send_CFG_SFB[16] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB Array[0..60] of Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[0] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[1] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[2] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[3] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[4] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[5] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[6] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[7] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[8] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[9] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[10] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[11] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[12] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[13] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[14] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[15] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[16] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[17] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[18] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[19] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[20] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[21] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[22] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[23] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[24] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[25] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[26] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[27] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[28] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[29] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[30] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[31] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[32] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[33] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[34] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[35] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[36] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[37] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[38] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[39] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[40] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[41] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[42] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[43] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[44] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[45] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[46] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[47] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[48] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[49] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[50] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[51] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[52] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[53] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[54] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[55] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[56] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[57] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[58] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[59] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[60] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
STOP_BITS USInt 1 Non-retain True True False
Totally Integrated
Automation Portal

PLC_1 [CPU 1214C DC/DC/DC] / Program blocks / System blocks / Program resources
MB_COMM_LOAD_DB Properties
Name MB_COMM_LOAD_DB Number 1 Type DB Language DB
Numbering automatic
Title Author SIMATIC Comment Family MODBUS
Version 2.1 User-defined MB_CM_LD

Name Data type Start value Retain Accessible Visible in Setpoint Comment
from HMI HMI
REQ Bool FALSE False True True False The enable to initiate a Modbus config‐
uration operation
PORT PORT 16#FFFF False True True False The PtP hardware address
BAUD UDInt 0 False True True False The baud rate of the PtP port
PARITY UInt 0 False True True False The parity of the PtP port
FLOW_CTRL UInt 0 False True True False Transmit and receive flow control
RTS_ON_DLY UInt 0 False True True False The enable time of RTS before sending
the first character
RTS_OFF_DLY UInt 0 False True True False The enable time of RTS after sending
the last character
RESP_TO UInt 1000 False True True False The time to wait for the Modbus slave
to respond
DONE Bool FALSE False True True False Boolean indicating completion without
ERROR Bool FALSE False True True False Boolean indicating completion with er‐
STATUS Word W#16#0 False True True False Status of the current operation
MB_DB MB_BASE False False False False The instance DB of the Modbus master
or slave
ICHAR_GAP UInt 0 False True True False
RETRIES UInt 2 False True True False
WRREC_STATUS Word 2 False True True False
RDREC_STATUS Word 2 False True True False
SFC_STATUS Word 2 False True True False
Port_CFG_SFB Array[0..25] of False False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[0] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[1] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[2] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[3] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[4] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[5] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[6] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[7] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[8] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[9] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[10] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[11] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[12] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[13] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[14] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[15] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[16] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[17] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[18] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[19] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[20] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[21] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[22] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[23] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[24] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Port_CFG_SFB[25] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Send_CFG_SFB Array[0..16] of False False False False
Send_CFG_SFB[0] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Send_CFG_SFB[1] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Send_CFG_SFB[2] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Send_CFG_SFB[3] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Send_CFG_SFB[4] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Send_CFG_SFB[5] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Send_CFG_SFB[6] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Send_CFG_SFB[7] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Send_CFG_SFB[8] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Send_CFG_SFB[9] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Send_CFG_SFB[10] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Totally Integrated
Automation Portal

Name Data type Start value Retain Accessible Visible in Setpoint Comment
from HMI HMI
Send_CFG_SFB[11] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Send_CFG_SFB[12] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Send_CFG_SFB[13] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Send_CFG_SFB[14] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Send_CFG_SFB[15] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Send_CFG_SFB[16] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB Array[0..60] of False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[0] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[1] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[2] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[3] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[4] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[5] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[6] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[7] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[8] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[9] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[10] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[11] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[12] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[13] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[14] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[15] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[16] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[17] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[18] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[19] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[20] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[21] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[22] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[23] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[24] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[25] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[26] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[27] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[28] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[29] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[30] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[31] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[32] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[33] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[34] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[35] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[36] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[37] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[38] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[39] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[40] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[41] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[42] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[43] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[44] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[45] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[46] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[47] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[48] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[49] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[50] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[51] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[52] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[53] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[54] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[55] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[56] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[57] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[58] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[59] Byte 16#0 False False False False
Rcv_CFG_SFB[60] Byte 16#0 False False False False
STOP_BITS USInt 1 False True True False
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PLC_1 [CPU 1214C DC/DC/DC] / Program blocks / System blocks / Program resources
MB_MASTER Properties
Name MB_MASTER Number 1081 Type FB Language LAD
Numbering automatic
Title Author SIMATIC Comment Family MODBUS
Version 2.2 User-defined MB_MASTR

Name Data type Default value Retain Accessible Visible in Setpoint Comment
from HMI HMI
Base MB_BASE True True False
S_PORT UInt 16#FFFF Non-retain False False False
S_RESP_TO UInt 1000 Non-retain False False False
S_ICHAR_GAP UInt 28 Non-retain False False False
S_RETRIES UInt 2 Non-retain False False False
REQ Bool FALSE Non-retain True True False The enable to initiate a Mod‐
bus master request
MB_ADDR UInt 0 Non-retain True True False The station address of the
Modbus slave
MODE USInt 0 Non-retain True True False Specifies a read, write, or di‐
agnostic operation
DATA_ADDR UDInt 0 Non-retain True True False The Modbus data address
DATA_LEN UInt 0 Non-retain True True False The Modbus data length
DONE Bool FALSE Non-retain True True False Boolean indicating comple‐
tion without error
BUSY Bool FALSE Non-retain True True False Boolean indicating operation
in progress
ERROR Bool FALSE Non-retain True True False Boolean indicating comple‐
tion with error
STATUS Word W#16#0 Non-retain True True False Status or error code of the
completed operation
DATA_PTR Variant False False False Data area used to communi‐
cate with the Modbus slave
SEND_PTP_SFB Array[0..11] of Non-retain False False False
SEND_PTP_SFB[0] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
SEND_PTP_SFB[1] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
SEND_PTP_SFB[2] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
SEND_PTP_SFB[3] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
SEND_PTP_SFB[4] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
SEND_PTP_SFB[5] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
SEND_PTP_SFB[6] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
SEND_PTP_SFB[7] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
SEND_PTP_SFB[8] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
SEND_PTP_SFB[9] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
SEND_PTP_SFB[10] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
SEND_PTP_SFB[11] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
RCV_PTP_SFB Array[0..11] of Non-retain False False False
RCV_PTP_SFB[0] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
RCV_PTP_SFB[1] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
RCV_PTP_SFB[2] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
RCV_PTP_SFB[3] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
RCV_PTP_SFB[4] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
RCV_PTP_SFB[5] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
RCV_PTP_SFB[6] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
RCV_PTP_SFB[7] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
RCV_PTP_SFB[8] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
RCV_PTP_SFB[9] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
RCV_PTP_SFB[10] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
RCV_PTP_SFB[11] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
RCV_RST_SFB Array[0..9] of Non-retain False False False
RCV_RST_SFB[0] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
RCV_RST_SFB[1] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
RCV_RST_SFB[2] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
RCV_RST_SFB[3] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
RCV_RST_SFB[4] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
RCV_RST_SFB[5] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
RCV_RST_SFB[6] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
RCV_RST_SFB[7] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
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Name Data type Default value Retain Accessible Visible in Setpoint Comment
from HMI HMI
RCV_RST_SFB[8] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
RCV_RST_SFB[9] Byte 16#0 Non-retain False False False
PF_FREQUENCY Real 0.0 Non-retain False False False
BLOCKED_PROC_TIMEOUT Real 3.0 Non-retain True True False
CURRENT_TIME_VALUE UDInt 0 Non-retain False False False
SAVED_TIME_VALUE UDInt 0 Non-retain False False False
SAVED_SLAVE_ADDR Word 0 Non-retain False False False
SAVED_MODE Word 0 Non-retain False False False
SAVED_DATA_ADDR DWord 0 Non-retain False False False
SAVED_DATA_LEN UInt 0 Non-retain False False False
MB_STATE UInt 0 Non-retain False False False
COMM_SENT_COUNT UInt 0 Non-retain False False False
BYTE_COUNT USInt 0 Non-retain False False False
INIT_OK Bool FALSE Non-retain False False False
ACTIVE Bool FALSE Non-retain False False False
BROADCAST_FLAG Bool FALSE Non-retain False False False
EXTENDED_ADDRESSING Bool FALSE Non-retain True True False
SAVED_START_ADDR UInt 0 Non-retain False False False
TXBuf_Function_Offset UDInt 0 Non-retain False False False
TXBuf_Address_Offset UDInt 0 Non-retain False False False
TXBuf_Quantity_Offset UDInt 0 Non-retain False False False
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PLC_1 [CPU 1214C DC/DC/DC] / Program blocks / System blocks / Program resources
MB_MASTER_DB Properties
Name MB_MASTER_DB Number 2 Type DB Language DB
Numbering automatic
Title Author SIMATIC Comment Family MODBUS
Version 2.2 User-defined MB_MASTR

Name Data type Start value Retain Accessible Visible in Setpoint Comment
from HMI HMI
Base MB_BASE False True True False
S_PORT UInt 16#FFFF False False False False
S_RESP_TO UInt 1000 False False False False
S_ICHAR_GAP UInt 28 False False False False
S_RETRIES UInt 2 False False False False
REQ Bool FALSE False True True False The enable to initiate a Modbus master
MB_ADDR UInt 0 False True True False The station address of the Modbus
MODE USInt 0 False True True False Specifies a read, write, or diagnostic
DATA_ADDR UDInt 0 False True True False The Modbus data address
DATA_LEN UInt 0 False True True False The Modbus data length
DONE Bool FALSE False True True False Boolean indicating completion without
BUSY Bool FALSE False True True False Boolean indicating operation in pro‐
ERROR Bool FALSE False True True False Boolean indicating completion with er‐
STATUS Word W#16#0 False True True False Status or error code of the completed
DATA_PTR Variant False False False False Data area used to communicate with
the Modbus slave
SEND_PTP_SFB Array[0..11] of False False False False
SEND_PTP_SFB[0] Byte 16#0 False False False False
SEND_PTP_SFB[1] Byte 16#0 False False False False
SEND_PTP_SFB[2] Byte 16#0 False False False False
SEND_PTP_SFB[3] Byte 16#0 False False False False
SEND_PTP_SFB[4] Byte 16#0 False False False False
SEND_PTP_SFB[5] Byte 16#0 False False False False
SEND_PTP_SFB[6] Byte 16#0 False False False False
SEND_PTP_SFB[7] Byte 16#0 False False False False
SEND_PTP_SFB[8] Byte 16#0 False False False False
SEND_PTP_SFB[9] Byte 16#0 False False False False
SEND_PTP_SFB[10] Byte 16#0 False False False False
SEND_PTP_SFB[11] Byte 16#0 False False False False
RCV_PTP_SFB Array[0..11] of False False False False
RCV_PTP_SFB[0] Byte 16#0 False False False False
RCV_PTP_SFB[1] Byte 16#0 False False False False
RCV_PTP_SFB[2] Byte 16#0 False False False False
RCV_PTP_SFB[3] Byte 16#0 False False False False
RCV_PTP_SFB[4] Byte 16#0 False False False False
RCV_PTP_SFB[5] Byte 16#0 False False False False
RCV_PTP_SFB[6] Byte 16#0 False False False False
RCV_PTP_SFB[7] Byte 16#0 False False False False
RCV_PTP_SFB[8] Byte 16#0 False False False False
RCV_PTP_SFB[9] Byte 16#0 False False False False
RCV_PTP_SFB[10] Byte 16#0 False False False False
RCV_PTP_SFB[11] Byte 16#0 False False False False
RCV_RST_SFB Array[0..9] of False False False False
RCV_RST_SFB[0] Byte 16#0 False False False False
RCV_RST_SFB[1] Byte 16#0 False False False False
RCV_RST_SFB[2] Byte 16#0 False False False False
RCV_RST_SFB[3] Byte 16#0 False False False False
RCV_RST_SFB[4] Byte 16#0 False False False False
RCV_RST_SFB[5] Byte 16#0 False False False False
RCV_RST_SFB[6] Byte 16#0 False False False False
RCV_RST_SFB[7] Byte 16#0 False False False False
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Name Data type Start value Retain Accessible Visible in Setpoint Comment
from HMI HMI
RCV_RST_SFB[8] Byte 16#0 False False False False
RCV_RST_SFB[9] Byte 16#0 False False False False
PF_FREQUENCY Real 0.0 False False False False
BLOCKED_PROC_TIMEOUT Real 3.0 False True True False
CURRENT_TIME_VALUE UDInt 0 False False False False
SAVED_TIME_VALUE UDInt 0 False False False False
SAVED_SLAVE_ADDR Word 0 False False False False
SAVED_MODE Word 0 False False False False
SAVED_DATA_ADDR DWord 0 False False False False
SAVED_DATA_LEN UInt 0 False False False False
MB_STATE UInt 0 False False False False
COMM_SENT_COUNT UInt 0 False False False False
BYTE_COUNT USInt 0 False False False False
INIT_OK Bool FALSE False False False False
ACTIVE Bool FALSE False False False False
BROADCAST_FLAG Bool FALSE False False False False
SAVED_START_ADDR UInt 0 False False False False
TXBuf_Function_Offset UDInt 0 False False False False
TXBuf_Address_Offset UDInt 0 False False False False
TXBuf_Quantity_Offset UDInt 0 False False False False
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PLC_1 [CPU 1214C DC/DC/DC]

Technology objects
This folder is empty.
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PLC_1 [CPU 1214C DC/DC/DC] / PLC tags / Default tag table [43]
PLC tags
PLC tags
Name Data type Address Retain Visible in Accessible Comment
HMI from HMI
System_Byte Byte %MB100 False True True
FirstScan Bool %M100.0 False True True
DiagStatusUpdate Bool %M100.1 False True True
AlwaysTRUE Bool %M100.2 False True True
AlwaysFALSE Bool %M100.3 False True True
Clock_Byte Byte %MB200 False True True
Clock_10Hz Bool %M200.0 False True True
Clock_5Hz Bool %M200.1 False True True
Clock_2.5Hz Bool %M200.2 False True True
Clock_2Hz Bool %M200.3 False True True
Clock_1.25Hz Bool %M200.4 False True True
Clock_1Hz Bool %M200.5 False True True
Clock_0.625Hz Bool %M200.6 False True True
Clock_0.5Hz Bool %M200.7 False True True
Tag_1 Word %MW8 False True True
Tag_2 Word %MW12 False True True
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PLC_1 [CPU 1214C DC/DC/DC] / PLC tags / Default tag table [43]
User constants
User constants
Name Data type Value Comment
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PLC_1 [CPU 1214C DC/DC/DC] / PLC data types

Read Properties
Name Read Number 1 Type UDT Language
Title Author Comment Family
Version User-defined

Name Data type Default value Accessible Visible in Setpoint Comment

from HMI HMI
Output frequency Int 0 True True False
Output current Int 0 True True False
Output voltage Int 0 True True False
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PLC_1 [CPU 1214C DC/DC/DC] / Watch and force tables

Force table
Name Address Display format Force value Comment
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PLC_1 [CPU 1214C DC/DC/DC]

Text lists
This folder is empty.
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PLC_1 [CPU 1214C DC/DC/DC]

Local modules
This folder is empty.

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