2-Storey Residential Building-1

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Item Description Qty Unit Rate Amount





Excavations and Earthworks

A Excavate oversite to remove vegetable

top soil average 150mm deep, load
wheel a distance not exceeding 100m
away 240 mᶟ 5.00 1,200.00

B Excavate trench for foundations not

exceeding 1.5m deep commencing at
strip level 48 mᶟ 25.00 1,200.00

C Excavate pit for column bases not

exceeding 1.5m deep commencing at
strip level 65 mᶟ 30.00 1,950.00

D Ditto exceeding 1.5m but not exceeding

3.0m deep do. 17 mᶟ 35.00 595.00

D Extra over various types of excavation

for excavating through rocks (Provisional) 14 mᶟ 200.00 2,800.00

E Extra over various types of excavation

for excavating below ground water level
(Provisional) 7 mᶟ 200.00 1,400.00

F Backfill selected excavated material

around foundation 82 mᶟ 18.00 1,476.00

G Remove surplus excavated materials

from site 57 mᶟ 30.00 1,710.00

H Approved laterite filling well compacted

in 150mm layers to receive concrete
floor bed (measured separately) 125 mᶟ 80.00 10,000.00

J Lay 2-ply polythene damp-proof sheeting

against earth or unblinded hardcore 150 m² 10.00 1,500.00

To Collection GH¢ 23,831.00


Item Description Qty Unit Rate Amount

Concrete Work

Plain in-situ Concrete (grade 15N/MM²

A 50mm Thick blinding 54 m² 30.00 1,620.00

B 75mm Thick blinding 2 m² 42.00 84.00

Plain in-situ Concrete (grade 25N/MM²-

20mm aggregate) as described in:

C Foundations 14 mᶟ 700.00 9,800.00

Reinforced vibrated in-situ Concrete

(grade 25N/MM² - 20mm aggregate)
as described in:-

D Columns bases 19 mᶟ 700.00 13,300.00

E Columns 6 mᶟ 700.00 4,200.00

F Ground beams 10 mᶟ 700.00 7,000.00

G Ground starter beams 1 mᶟ 700.00 700.00

H 150mm Floor bed 122 m² 105.00 12,810.00
J Steps 2 mᶟ 700.00 1,400.00

K 150mm Ramp 2 mᶟ 700.00 1,400.00

L 150 x 300mm Thicknessing under floor

bed with and including all associated
formwork 8 m 16.00 128.00


Mild Steel Rod Reinforcement to

BS 4449 as described:

M 16mm Diameter rods in bases 1349 Kg 6.20 8,363.80

N 16mm Diameter in column in foundations 1133 Kg 6.20 7,024.60

To Collection GH¢ 67,830.40


Item Description Qty Unit Rate Amount

A 12mm Diameter rods in ground beams 790 Kg 6.20 4,898.00

B 10mm Diameter rods as sterrups,

links etc. 973 Kg 6.20 6,032.60

Steel fabric mesh reinforcement A142

laid with 200mm minimum laps both
ways (measured nett - no allowance
made for laps) in:

C 150mm Floor bed 267 m² 35.00 9,345.00

D Ramp 2 m² 35.00 70.00

E Steps 2 m² 35.00 70.00


Sawn Formwork to:

F Vertical sides of columns bases 73 m² 60.00 4,380.00

G Vertical sides of columns 82 m² 60.00 4,920.00

H Vertical sides of ground beams 102 m² 60.00 6,120.00

J Ditto ground starter beams 2 m² 60.00 120.00

K Vertical sides of steps 2 m² 60.00 120.00

L Edges of foundation 200mm wide 32 m² 8.00 256.00

M Edges of bed 150mm wide 45 m 9.00 405.00

N Edges of risers 150mm high 9 m² 9.00 81.00

P Edges of steps cut to profile average

425mm wide 2 m² 25.00 50.00

To Collection GH¢ 36,867.60


Item Description Qty Unit Rate Amount


150mm Solid sandcrete blockwork laid

level and bedded and jointed in cement
and sand mortar (1:4)

A Walls 154 m² 85.00 13,090.00

Plasterwork and other floor, walls and

ceiling finishings

In-situ finishings 20mm cement and

sand (1:3) as described on:

B Walls 79 m² 22.00 1,738.00

Painting and decorating

Prepare and apply three coats of approved

vinyl matt emulsion paints as described

C Walls 79 m² 20.00 1,580.00

D Include a provisional sum of GH¢10,000

for additional work in substructructure Item 10,000.00

To Collection GH¢ 26,408.00


PAGE NO. 1/1 23,831.00

PAGE NO. 1/2 36,867.60

PAGE NO. 1/3 26,408.00


GROUND FLOOR BED) -Carried to Summary GH¢ 87,106.60

Item Description Qty Unit Rate Amount


Reinforced vibrated in-situ concrete

(grade 30N/MM² 20mm aggregate)
as described in:

A Columns 18 mᶟ 700.00 12,600.00

B Beams and lintels 26 mᶟ 700.00 18,200.00

C Roof mᶟ

D Staircase 2 mᶟ 700.00 1,400.00

E Concrete upstand 1 mᶟ 700.00 700.00

F 150mm Horizontal suspended floor slab 128 m² 105.00 13,440.00

G 200mm Horizontal suspended roof slab 39 m² 140.00 5,460.00

H 75 x 250mm Cill 121 m 13.13 1,588.73


Mild steel Rod Reinforcement to

BS 4449 as described:-

J 16mm Diameter rods in columns 2350 Kg 6.20 14,570.00

K 10mm Diameter rods in ditto 892 Kg 6.20 5,530.40

L 20mm Diameter rods in beams and lintels 899 Kg 6.20 5,573.80

M 16mm Diameter rods in ditto 1250 Kg 6.20 7,750.00

N 10mm Diameter rods in ditto 856 Kg 6.20 5,307.20

P 16mm Diameter rods in staircase 13 Kg 6.20 80.60

Q 12mm Diameter rods in ditto 240 Kg 6.20 1,488.00

To Collection GH¢ 93,688.73


Item Description Qty Unit Rate Amount

Reinforcement (cont'd)

A 10mm Diameter rods in ditto 68 Kg 6.20 421.60

B 12mm Diameter rods in horizontal

suspended floor slab 2150 Kg 6.20 13,330.00

C 12mm Diameter rods in horizontal

suspended roof slab 807 Kg 6.20 5,003.40

D 10mm Diamete rods in ditto 305 Kg 6.20 1,891.00

E 12mm Diameter rods in cills 434 Kg 6.20 2,690.80


Sawn Formwork to:

F Vertical sides of columns 125 m² 60.00 7,500.00

G Sides and soffits of beams and lintels 87 m² 60.00 5,220.00

H Ditto roof beams 187 m² 60.00 11,220.00

J Ditto landing beams 2 m² 60.00 120.00

K Sides and soffits of staircase 10 m² 60.00 600.00

L Soffits of horizontal suspended floor slab 100 m² 60.00 6,000.00

M Soffits of horizontal suspended roof slab 39 m² 60.00 2,340.00

N Sides and soffit of cills 38 m² 60.00 2,280.00

P Edge of horizontal suspended floor slab

150mm wide 72 m 9.00 648.00

Q Edge of risers 150mm high 29 m 9.00 261.00

R Edge and sides of staircase cut to

profile average 450mm wide 7 m 7.00 49.00

To Collection GH¢ 59,574.80


Item Description Qty Unit Rate Amount

Precast concrete units

Concrete (Grade
Concrete (grade 30N/MM² - 20mm
aggregate) in precast finished fair on all
exposed surfaces including all necessary
moulds and casings

A 225mm wide x 75mm thick sunk

weathered and throated cill reinforcfed
with including 10mm diameter mild steel
rods at 150mm centres both ways 127 m 60.00 7,620.00

To Collection GH¢ 7,620.00


PAGE NO. 1/4 93,688.73

PAGE NO. 1/5 59,574.80

PAGE NO 1/6 7,620.00

Total Carried to Summary GH¢ 160,883.53

Item Description Qty Unit Rate Amount


150mm Solid sandcrete blockwork laid
level and bedded and jointed in cement
and sand mortar (1:4):

A 100mm Wall 250 m² 80.00 20,000.00


B Include the Provisional Sum of GH¢15,000

for construction of Chimney and
Precast Screen Wall Item 15,000.00

Total Carried to Summary 35,000.00

Item Description Qty Unit Rate Amount



Prepare surface of concrete and lay

three layers of flintcote waterproof
membrane in accordance to
manufacturer's details instructions and

A Top of horizontal suspended roof and

bottom of roof gutter slab laid to falls
and cross falls 39 m² 120.00 4,680.00

B Sides of roof gutter 8 m² 120.00 960.00


0.6mm Pre-painted longspan aluminium

roofing covering complete with all fixing
accessories from an approved
manufacturer (Glanderson)

C Aluminium roof covering 125 m² 72.00 9,000.00

D "U" Shape aluminium flashing average

girth, 750mm 34 m 45.00 1,530.00

Total Carried to Summary 16,170.00

Item Description Qty Unit Rate Amount


The following in sawn "Odum" hardwood

or other equal and approved hardwood
treated with approved wood preservative

Ceiling Structure

A 50mm x 50mm Ceiling noggings 250 m 18.00 4,500.00

B 100mm x 50mm Ceiling joist 321 m 22.00 7,062.00

C 50mm x 50mm Hangers 84 m 16.00 1,344.00

Roof Structure

D 50mm x 75mm purlins 201 m 24.00 4,824.00

E 50mm x 150mm rafters 123 m 27.00 3,321.00

F 50 x 100mm hip piece 63 m 20.00 1,260.00

G 50 x 150mm hip piece 86 m 27.00 2,322.00

H 50 x 150mm Ridge piece 5 m 27.00 135.00

Carpenter's Metalwork

J 16mm diameter mild steel bolt and nuts

with washers 375mm long one end fish
tailed and cast into concrete to receive
timber with and including boring of
holes in timber 120 No. 15.00 1,800.00

Total Carried to Summary GH¢ 26,568.00

Item Description Qty Unit Rate Amount


Wrot Hardwood

Eaves and Verge Boards

A 25mm x 300mm Fascia board 84 m 32.00 2,688.00

Timber Doors

Panelled doors 20mm thick wood panels,

100mm wide stiles and top rails; 150mm
wide intermediate rails; 200mm wide
bottom rail with and including fixed
glass fan light; moulded architraves
approved neoprene sweep with heavy
duty block vinyl threshold

A 1½ Double leaf door size 1600 x 2100mm 1 No. 4,500.00 4,500.00

B Door size 900 x 2100mm 14 No. 700.00 9,800.00

Flush Door

C Semi-core flush door with and

including fixed glass fan light
moulded architrave, size 800 x 2100mm 9 No. 1,200.00 10,800.00

Built-in wardrobe including frames,

battens plywood lining painting and

D Size 3000 x 600 x 2100mm ditto 1 No. 2,250.00 2,250.00

E Size 2200 x 600 x 2100mm ditto 5 No. 1,250.00 6,250.00

F "L"-shaped kitchen cabinet in redwood

with marble counter top size 2000mm
long x 600mm wide x 900mm high 1 No. 5,000.00 5,000.00

To Collection GH¢ 41,288.00


Item Description Qty Unit Rate Amount

A Kitchen top hung cabinets in redwood

size 2000mm long x 450mm wide x
1300mm high 1 No. 2,000.00 2,000.00

B Store room shelves in hardwood

size 3000mm long x 450mm wide x
2000mm high 1 No. 1,000.00 1,000.00

Frames, Skirtings, Batterns etc.

C 50 x 150mm Frames 14 No. 45.00 630.00

D 20 x 75 glazing beads 56 m 15.00 840.00


Supply and fix the following ironmongery

to hardwood with screws to match:

E 1½ Pair 100mm approved quality brass

butt hinges 25 No. 150.00 3,750.00

F Approved British imperial security

mortice lockset mounted on crof-G 250
lever handle furniture 23 No. 300.00 6,900.00

G Semi-cirular brass coated door stoper 25 No. 200.00 5,000.00


H Include a provisional sum of GH¢10,000

for additional work in joinery including Item 5,000.00
Pergola in Timber
To Collection GH¢ 25,120.00


PAGE NO. 1/10 41,288.00

PAGE NO. 1/11 25,120.00

Total Carried to Summary GH¢ 66,408.00

Item Description Qty Unit Rate Amount


Glazed Aluminium Windows and Doors

6mm bronze tinted glass complete with

extruded white powder coated aluminium
frame complete

A 2000mm x 2500mm high (SLD 3) 1 No. 500.00 500.00

B 2100 x 2100 (SLD 4) 1 No. 440.00 440.00

C 3050 x 2550 *SLD 5) 1 No. 7,700.00 7,700.00

D 1600 x 2100 (SLD 6) 2 No. 2,500.00 5,000.00

E 1300 x 2100 (SLD 7) 1 No. 2,700.00 2,700.00

F 1650 x 2550 (DD1G) 6 No. 2,200.00 13,200.00

G 2550 x 2000 (PW1) 2 No. 2,500.00 5,000.00

H 850 x 2000 (FW1) 6 No. 1,500.00 9,000.00

J 1600 x 1000 (MW2) 2 No. 1,400.00 2,800.00

K 900 x 1000 (MW1) 1 No. 800.00 800.00

L 1350 x 1800 (WW3) 2 No. 2,400.00 4,800.00

M 1350 x 1650 (WW2Y) 2 No. 2,500.00 5,000.00

N 1800 x 1650 (WW2) 4 No. 2,900.00 11,600.00

P 900 x 1800 (WW1) 11 No. 1,400.00 15,400.00

Q 1350 x 600 (HLW2) 3 No. 700.00 2,100.00

R 900 x 600 (LW1) 7 No. 480.00 3,360.00

To Collection GH¢ 89,400.00


Item Description Qty Unit Rate Amount

Staircase Railings

Staircase railings; 50mm diameter

galvanised steel resin coated handrail
fixed to 40 x 6mm mild steel flat bar
welded to balusters; timber framed
balustrade cladded both sides with
700 x 12mm polished and fixed to
balustrade with screws; 50mm diameter
galvanised steel resin coated
balustrade at 900mm centres with
base plate drilled and bolted to floor

A 1200mm high 7 m 500.00 3,500.00

Balcony railings in galvanised steel

resin coated finish

Balcony railings, comprising 50mm

diameter handrail welded to balusters,
2 Nr. 50mm diameter balustrades fixed
balusters with screws 50mm diameter
balustrades at 900mm centres with base
plate drilled and bolted to floor

B 1200mm high 13 m 350.00 4,550.00

C Terrace balustrade comprising

75 x 75mm anodised aluminium
balustrade at 1200mm centres, 75 x 25mm
anodised aluminium bracings 50mm
anodised aluminium handrail all bolted
to concrete and blockwork with and
including 10mm diameter mild steel
bolts and washers and including
75 x 4mm thick alucobond strips bolted
to balusters at 150mm centres 4 m 1,400.00 5,600.00

To Collection GH¢ 13,650.00


Item Description Qty Unit Rate Amount


PAGE NO. 1/12 89,400.00

PAGE NO. 1/13 13,650.00

Carried to Summary GH¢ 103,050.00

Item Description Qty Unit Rate Amount



In Situ Finishings
13mm Thick cement and sand (1:4)
render as described on concrete or

A Walls 516 m² 18.00 9,288.00

B Sloping soffits of staircase 5 m² 20.00 100.00

C Soffits of slab 252 m² 22.00 5,544.00

38mm thick cement and sand (1:4)

render as described on concrete or

D Walls 775 m² 95.00 73,625.00

Floor Tiling:
500 x 500 x 10mm Thick polished
Porcelain floor tiles of approved colour;
fixed with tile adhesive on screeded in
matching colour in approved mastic
on screeded bed (measured separately)
and pointed neat with white cement on

E level paving 237 m² 95.00 22,515.00

F Ditto 75mm wide as skirting 74 m 12.00 888.00

300 x 300 x 10mm thick unpolished

porcelain floor tiles of approved colour
fixed with tile adhesive on screeded in
matching colour in approved mastic on
screeded bed (measured separately)
and pointed neat with white cement on:

G level paving 60 m² 100.00 6,000.00

H Ditto 75mm wide as skirting 12 m² 15.00 180.00

To Collection GH¢ 118,140.00


Item Description Qty Unit Rate Amount

Floor Tiling continue:

Unpolished porcelain floor tiles of

approved colour, fixed with the adhesive
on screeded in matching colour in
approved mastic on screeded bed
(measured separately) and pointed neat
with white cement on:

A 300 x 300 x 8mm Unit to treads 300mm

wide 28 m 35.00 980.00

B 300 x 150 x 8mm unit to plain risers

150mm high 28 m 35.00 980.00

C 300 x 100 x 8mm unit to skirting

100mm high 8 m 10.00 80.00

600 x 600 x 100mm non-slip ceramic

floor tiles bedded and jointed in approved
tile adhesive (1:3) and pointed in
matching colour in approved mastic on
screeded backing (measured separately)

D level paving 131 m² 85.00 11,135.00

E Dtto 75mm ewide as skirting 32 m 10.00 320.00

450 x 450 x 10mm glazing ceramic tiles

bedded and jointed in approved tile
adhesive (1:3) and pointed in catching
colour in approved mastic on screeded
backing (measured separately)

F Wall 130 m² 75.00 9,750.00

G Ditto 75mm wide as skirting 92 m 20.00 1,840.00

To Collection GH¢ 25,085.00


Item Description Qty Unit Rate Amount

12mm thick plasterboard suspended

ceiling panels or other equal and
approved eqivalent including framework
and all necessary accessories complete
fixing to hardwood noggings (measured

A Horizontal ceiling lining 194 m² 80.00 15,520.00

Beds and Backings

Cement and sand (1:3)

B 19mm screeded backing to receive

ceramic wall tiles 130 m² 20.00 2,600.00

C 40mm screeded bed to receive porclain

floor tiles 124 m 40.00 4,960.00

D 40mm Thick screeded bed to receive

threads 300mm wide 28 m 15.00 420.00

E 19mm thick screeded backing to receive

risers 150mm high 28 m 8.00 224.00

F Ditto 75mm high skirting 102 m² 8.00 816.00

Waterproof cement and sand (1:2) -

G 50mm screeded bed laid to falls and

cross falls on top of horizontal
suspended roof slab and bottom of
roof gutter 39 m² 60.00 2,340.00

H 20mm rendering on internal surface of

gutter wall internally 5 m² 26.00 130.00

To Collection GH¢ 27,010.00


Item Description Qty Unit Rate Amount


PAGE NO. 1/15 118,140.00

PAGE NO 1/16 25,085.00

PAGE NO. 1/17 27,010.00


Carried to Summary GH¢ 170,235.00

Item Description Qty Unit Rate Amount


A Supply and fix 5mm plain glass sheet

in small panels not exceeding 0.50m²
fixed to frames with glazing beads
(both measured separately) in 8 panes) 7 m² 100.00 700.00

Total to Summary 700.00

Item Description Qty Unit Rate Amount


A Prime back of joinery before fixing

not exceeding 300mm girth 20 m² 10.00 200.00

Prepare and apply three coat of vinyl

matt emulsion paint on:

B Concrete or blockwalls 214 m² 20.00 4,280.00

C Sides and soffit of staircase 5 m² 20.00 100.00

D Side, top and soffit of cills 34 m² 20.00 680.00

E Soffit of horizontal suspended floor slab 145 m² 30.00 4,350.00

Prepare and apply three coats of

graphia to paint on:

F Walls 254 m² 40.00 10,160.00

Prepare and skin soffit surfaces

of plasterboard (measured separately)
with P.O.P and apply two coats of
vinyl mat emulsion paint to:

G Soffit of plasterboard surfaces 194 m² 35.00 6,790.00

Prepare and apply three coat of

polyurethane lacquer including rubbing
down between coats as descrbed on:

H General surface of woodwork 97 m² 30.00 2,910.00

J Ditto not exceeding 300mm girth 33 m² 30.00 990.00

Prepare and apply three coat of oil colour

paint on:

K Fascia board 27 m² 20.00 540.00


Carried to Summary 31,000.00

Item Description Qty Unit Rate Amount




CONCRETE WORK 160,883.53

BLOCKWORK 35,000.00

ROOFING 16,170.00

CARPENTRY 26,568.00

JOINERY 66,408.00




METALWORK 103,050.00



GLAZING 700.00


SUB-TOTAL GH¢ 885,662.69



NOTE: US$1.00 = GH¢ 5.80 US$ 152,700.46


Sanitary Appliances
Supply and install the following
sanitary appliances at the position
indicated on the contract

All appliances shall be Twyford,

amitage shank or approved equal.

1 Twyford Alcona Close Couple Wc

Pan suite in vitreous china with dual
flush chrome push button and
complete with seat and cover Size: 764
x 366mm 7 no. 1,330.00 9,310.00

2 Twyford washbasin fitted with

single 15mm dia cold water pillar
tap; 40mm chromium plated chain
waste and plug, 40mm dia plastic
bottle trap to be fixed on wall
brackets with pedestal. Size:560 x
455mm. 7 no. 1,435.00 10,045.00
3 Twyford chromium plated toilet roll 7 no. 308.00 2,156.00
Twyford Plate glass mirror screwed
to wall with s/s dome shaped
screws Size: 600 x 450mm 7 no. 448.00 3,136.00
Single bowl, single drain stainless
steel cabint sink unit complet with
15mm dia cold water tap unit,
40mm dia. waste outlet with chain
and plug; 40mm dia. bottle trap.All
fittings shall be chromium plated 1 no. 1,065.00 1,065.00
Double bowl, single drain stainless
steel cabint sink unit complet with
15mm dia cold water tap unit,
40mm dia. waste outlet with chain
and plug; 40mm dia. bottle trap.All
fittings shall be chromium plated 2 no. 1,148.00 2,296.00

7 Bathtub with two tapholes without

grips and mixer tap with shower
attached (1700mm x 700mm) 1 no. 2,520.00 2,520.00

8 Shower rose (Twyford) 5 no. 350.00 1,750.00

Twyford towel rail (1000mm long) 7 no. 450.00 3,150.00

B Cold Water Pipe Works

Supply and install the following uPVC
and pipes fittings:
1 32mm dia 85 m 3.92 333.20

2 25mm dia 85 m 3.92 333.20

3 20mm dia 42 m 3.08 129.36

4 15mm dia 47 m 2.10 98.70

90 degree elbow
5 25mm dia 6 no 1.60 9.60

6 20mm dia 9 no. 0.80 7.20

7 15mm dia 11 no. 0.60 6.60

Equal Tee
8 32mm dia 1 m 1.68 1.68

9 25mm dia 1 m 1.68 1.68

10 20mm dia 5 m 1.68 8.40

Reducer Tee
11 20 x15mm 9 no. 1.20 10.80
12 32 x25mm 2 no -
13 25 x20mm 4 no 1.80 7.20
14 20 x 15mm 8 no. 2.20 17.60

Stop Cock
15 15mm dia 17 no 56.00 952.00

Non Return Valve

16 25mm dia 2 no 122.00 244.00

Flexible Tube
17 15mm dia 17 no. 21.00 357.00

Valve Socket
18 15mm dia 34 no 0.60 20.40

Water Tank & Pump Set

Supply and install the following Plastic domestic
water storage tank and necessary
accessories. Polytank or approved

19 Capacity- 8,500 liters as ground

tank 1 no. 5,138.00 5,138.00

ditto but
20 Capacity- 2500 liters as overhead
tank 1 no. 2,443.00 2,443.00

Transfer pump set 1no. Duty, 1no.

Standby and complete with control
panel and low/high level switches
with 1no. DAB or approved equal

21 Capacity: 7 m3 /hr
Head : 12.6m 2 no. 3,254.30 6,508.60

Soil/ Waste Pipe Works

Supply and install the following uPVC CLASS "B"
pipes and fittings:

22 100mm dia 85 m 39.00 3,315.00

23 50mm dia 106 m 9.10 964.60

24 40mm dia 8 m 9.10 72.80

90 degree elbow
25 100mm dia 10 no. 7.00 70.00

26 50mm dia 12 no. 7.70 92.40

27 40mm dia 10 no 3.60 36.00

Swept Tee
28 100mm dia 2 no. 14.40 28.80

29 50mm dia 17 no. 9.00 153.00

30 50 x 40 mm 10 no 5.90 59.00

Vent Cap
31 100mm dia 3 no. 4.20 12.60

Floor Drain
32 50mm dia 9 no. 69.00 621.00

Sub-total (A) Carried to Summary 57,481.42


Manholes/Waste Chambers
1 Excavate for trenches to straight
lines, correct depths and gradients
required for the pipes and prepare
bed with sand for pipe laying
Width: 450mm
Depth: Not exceeding 1000mm 90 Lm 15.00 1,350.00

2 Excavate, return fill and ram,

of surplus earth, prepare bottoms
support sides etc. and construct
manholes with base in 1:2:4
concrete and walls in block work
with slab cover
Manholes Size : 600 x 600mm
Depth : not exceeding 1000mm 7 no 350.00 2,450.00

-Ditto- but for waste

3 Size: 450 x 450mm
Depth : not exceeding 1000mm 6 no 300.00 1,800.00

Sub-total (B) Carried to Summary 5,600.00




Add Contingency(10%) 6,308.14

GRAND TOTAL 69,389.56

Item Description Qty Unit Rate(GH¢) Amount(GH¢)

Supply and install the follwing

100A TPN Fuse Switch with HRC

A fuses as MEM 1 No. 1,500.00 1,500.00

B 100A TPN Service Cut-Out as LUCY 1 No. 250.00 250.00

C 100A TPN Change - Over 1 No. 1,500.00 1,500.00


Supply and lay the following as Kabel

Metal or Tropical Cables of
600/1000V grade:

4c x 25mm² XLPE/SWA/PVC
D Insulated copper
cable of provisional length 100 m 142.00 14,200.00

E Cable Lugs 25mm² 16 No 11.00 176.00

F Insulation Tape ( High Tension ) 4 No 15.00 60.00

75mm diameter PVC pipe of

G provisional length 100 m 25.00 2,500.00

Excavate trench 450 x 600mm deep

H for U/G cable
and backfill with sand 100 m 17.00 1,700.00

C/F 21,886.00
B/F 21,886.00


Supply and install an earthing system comprising:

A 1m x 1m copper earth mat c/w

1500mm copper rod, buried 1.5m
below ground with palm kernel chaff
as soil treatment 2 No 450.00 900.00

1c x 16mm² PVC insulated copper

cable as earth cable 50 M 15.00 750.00

C Concrete inspection chamber with lid 2 No 370.00 740.00

D 6 way Copper earth bar 1 No 900.00 900.00

Test the installation according to IET

E and ECG
regulations Item 800.00

SUB TOTAL carried to Summary 25,976.00



Supply the following as Memshield

or approved equal c/w mounting

A 8-way TPN Memshield MCB

Distribution board c/w 100A INT.
switch 1 Nos. 2,250.00 2,250.00


Supply and lay the following as Kabel

Metal or Tropical Cables of
600/1000V grade:

B 4c x 16mm² XLPE/SWA/PVC
insulated copper cable from Panel
Board 10 m 69.00 690.00

C 1c x 16mm² PVC insulated copper

cable coloured
Yellow/Green as earth wire from
Panel Board to earth sub D/B 10 m 15.00 150.00

38mm diameter PVC pipe of

D provisional length 10 m 7.00 70.00

50mm diameter PVC pipe of

E provisional length 10 m 14.00 140.00
C/F 3,300.00

B/F 3,300.00


Wire the following points in conduit

as directed by engineer using Kabel
Metal or Tropical Cables of
600/1000V grade PVC insulated
Copper Conduit Cable

A Light and fan points using:

1. 1.5mm2 PVC insulated copper cable 10 Coil 80.00 800.00
2. 1.5mm PVC insulated copper cable 9 Coil 50.00 450.00
3. 1.5mm2 PVC insulated copper cable 9 Coil 45.00 405.00
4. 20mm diameter PVC conduit pipe 300 m 4.00 1,200.00
5. 75mm x 75mm steel conduit boxes 30 No 5.00 150.00
6. Circular boxes of various ways 80 No 3.00 240.00

B 13A socket points using:

1. 2.5mm2 PVC insulated copper cable 6 Coil 225.00 1,350.00
2. 2.5mm2 PVC insulated copper cable 6 Coil 225.00 1,350.00
3. 2.5mm2 PVC insulated copper cable 6 Coil 225.00 1,350.00
4. 20mm diameter PVC conduit pipe 200 m 4.00 800.00
5. 150mm x 75mm steel conduit boxes 11 No 8.00 88.00
6. 75mm x 75mm steel conduit boxes 14 No 5.00 70.00

C 1-phase A/C / Water Heater points using:

1. 4.0mm2 PVC insulated copper cable 4 Coil 120.00 480.00
2. 4.0mm PVC insulated copper cable 4 Coil 200.00 800.00
3. 4.0mm PVC insulated copper cable 4 Coil 200.00 800.00
4. 20mm diameter PVC conduit pipe 160 m 4.00 640.00
5. 75mm x 75mm steel conduit boxes 11 No 5.00 55.00

D Cooker Control points using:

1. 6.0mm2 PVC insulated copper cable 40 m 7.00 280.00
2. 6.0mm2 PVC insulated copper cable 40 m 7.00 280.00
3. 6.0mm PVC insulated copper cable 40 m 7.00 280.00
4. 20mm diameter PVC conduit pipe 30 m 4.00 120.00
5. 150mm x 75mm steel conduit boxes 1 No 8.00 8.00

C/F 15,296.00

B/F 15,296.00

A T.V points using:

1. Coaxial T.V cable 40 m 5.00 200.00
2. 20mm diameter PVC conduit pipe 30 m 4.00 120.00
3. 75mm x 75mm steel pattress boxes 1 No 5.00 5.00
4. Circular boxes of various ways 6 No 3.00 18.00

B Chase in walls, floors and ceiling Item 3,000.00


Supply and fix the following:

C Decorative Ceiling mounted LED

light 20w 14 Nos. 450.00 6,300.00

D Recessed LED Spot downlight 29 Nos. 380.00 11,020.00

E Decorative Pendant ceiling LED light 1 Nos. 200.00 200.00

F LED Under Counter Fluorescent light

fitting 20w 2 Nos. 350.00 700.00

G 600 x 600 LED Panel light 6 Nos. 250.00 1,500.00

H 1 x 30w LED surface mounted

Fluorescent light fitting 2 Nos. 190.00 380.00

I Wall mounted LED Globe lighter 2 Nos. 380.00 760.00

I Wall mounted LED lighter 1 Nos. 420.00 420.00

C/F 39,919.00

B/F 39,919.00


Supply and fix the following

6A One Way One gang light switch as

A MK 26 Nos. 25.00 650.00

6A Two Way One gang light switch

B as MK 3 Nos. 30.00 90.00

C 2 x 13A Switch Socket outlet as MK 11 Nos. 68.00 748.00

D 1 x 13A Switch Socket outlet as MK 14 Nos. 68.00 952.00

E Shaver Unit 2 Nos. 300.00 600.00

F 1 x 15A Switch Socket outlet as MK 2 Nos. 68.00 136.00

G 32A DP A/C Switch as MK 6 Nos. 80.00 480.00

H Cooker Control Switch as MK 1 Nos. 140.00 140.00

I T.V socket as MK 1 Nos. 30.00 30.00

32A DP Water Heater Switch as MK 3 Nos. 80.00 240.00

K 1.4mm Sweep Ceiling fan as

Crompton greaves or equal. 7 Nos. 280.00 1,960.00

L 4 way T.V Splitter 2 Nos. 80.00 160.00

M Test the installation according to IET

and ECG
regulations Item 1,000.00

SUB TOTAL carried to Summary 47,105.00


Supply the following as Memshield
or approved equal c/w mounting

A 8-way TPN Memshield MCB

Distribution board c/w 100A INT.
switch 1 Nos. 1,500.00 1,500.00


Supply and lay the following

B 4c x 16mm² XLPE/SWA/PVC
insulated copper cable from Panel
Board 15 m 45.00 675.00

1c x 16mm² PVC insulated copper

C cable coloured
Yellow/Green as earth wire from
Panel Board to earth sub D/B 15 m 15.00 225.00

38mm diameter PVC pipe of

D provisional length 15 m 7.00 105.00

50mm diameter PVC pipe of

E provisional length 15 m 14.00 210.00


Wire the following points in conduit

as directed by engineer using PVC
insulated Copper Conduit Cable

F Light and fan points using:

1. 1.5mm2 PVC insulated copper cable 7 Coil 100.00 700.00
2. 1.5mm2 PVC insulated copper cable 6 Coil 40.00 240.00
3. 1.5mm2 PVC insulated copper cable 6 Coil 45.00 270.00
4. 20mm diameter PVC conduit pipe 260 m 4.00 1,040.00
5. 75mm x 75mm steel conduit boxes 35 No 5.00 175.00
6. Circular boxes of various ways 60 No 3.00 180.00
C/F 5,320.00

B/F 5,320.00


A 13A socket points using:

1. 2.5mm2 PVC insulated copper cable 6 Coil 225.00 1,350.00
2. 2.5mm2 PVC insulated copper cable 6 Coil 225.00 1,350.00
3. 2.5mm2 PVC insulated copper cable 6 Coil 225.00 1,350.00
4. 20mm diameter PVC conduit pipe 200 m 4.00 800.00
5. 150mm x 75mm steel conduit boxes 4 No 8.00 32.00
6. 75mm x 75mm steel conduit boxes 22 No 5.00 110.00

B 1-phase A/C / Water Heater points using:

1. 4.0mm PVC insulated copper cable 4 Coil 345.00 1,380.00
2. 4.0mm PVC insulated copper cable 4 Coil 345.00 1,380.00
3. 4.0mm PVC insulated copper cable 4 Coil 345.00 1,380.00
4. 20mm diameter PVC conduit pipe 160 m 4.00 640.00
5. 75mm x 75mm steel conduit boxes 11 No 5.00 55.00

C T.V points using:

1. Coaxial T.V cable 45 m 5.00 225.00
2. 20mm diameter PVC conduit pipe 35 m 4.00 140.00
3. 75mm x 75mm steel pattress boxes 1 No 5.00 5.00
4. Circular boxes of various ways 6 No 3.00 18.00

D Chase in walls, floors and ceiling Item 3,000.00

C/F 18,535.00
B/F 18,535.00


Supply and fix the following:

A Decorative Ceiling mounted LED

light 20w 15 Nos. 100.00 1,500.00

B Recessed LED Spot downlight 20 Nos. 150.00 3,000.00

C 600 x 600 LED Panel light 2 Nos. 900.00 1,800.00

D 1 x 30w LED surface mounted

Fluorescent light fitting 1 Nos. 190.00 190.00

E Wall mounted LED lighter 2 Nos. 420.00 840.00


Supply and fix the following

6A One Way One gang light switch as

F MK 20 Nos. 25.00 500.00

6A Two Way One gang light switch

G as MK 13 Nos. 30.00 390.00

H 2 x 13A Switch Socket outlet as MK 4 Nos. 68.00 272.00

I 1 x 13A Switch Socket outlet as MK 22 Nos. 68.00 1,496.00

J Shaver Unit 2 Nos. 300.00 600.00

K 32A DP A/C Switch as MK 5 Nos. 80.00 400.00

L T.V socket as MK 1 Nos. 30.00 30.00

32A DP Water Heater Switch as MK 4 Nos. 80.00 320.00

C/F 29,873.00

B/F 29,873.00


A 1.4mm Sweep Ceiling fan as

Crompton greaves or equal. 6 Nos. 280.00 1,680.00

B 4 way T.V Splitter 1 Nos. 80.00 80.00

C Test the installation according to IET

and ECG
regulations Item 1,000.00

SUB TOTAL carried to Summary 32,633.00


Supply and install the following:

A UHF/VHF 32-Elements Aluminium

TV antenna with galvanized pole,
bracket and other accessories 1 Nos. 450.00 450.00

B Terrestial signal boosting amplifier

c/w integral power supply unit amd
lighting protection system 1 Nos. 600.00 600.00

C 300 x 240 x 150mm Pastic Enclosure 1 Nos 350.00 350.00

D Installation accessories comprising

bolts, nuts, washers, screws etc Item 300.00

E Testing Item 300.00

SUB TOTAL carried to Summary 2,000.00


Supply and install the following as

FURSE British made

A 1m long multiple point copper air

terminal c/w saddle 2 Nos. 400.00 800.00

B 25mm Copper tape 60 M 70.00 4,200.00

C Screw down test clamp 2 Nos. 120.00 240.00

D Copper clips 50 Nos. 7.00 350.00

E Copper nails 100 Nos. 4.00 400.00

F Wall plugs 1 boxes 18.00 18.00

G Tape to rod clamp 2 Nos. 90.00 180.00

H 1.5m long copper earth rod buried to a

depth of 2m below ground level in a
mixture of sawdust and charcoal c/w
clamps 2 Nos. 400.00 800.00
I Square clamps 10 Nos. 75.00 750.00

J Testing Item 700.00

SUB TOTAL carried to Summary 8,438.00



A FEEDER CABLE 25,976.00

B GROUND FLOOR 47,105.00


C TYPICAL) 32,633.00



SUB TOTAL 116,152.00


TOTAL 119,152.00

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