CRT Display Synchronization Deflection Circuit: Package Dimensions

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Ordering number:ENN1775A

Monolithic Linear IC

CRT Display Synchronization
Deflection Circuit

Overview Package Dimensions

The LA7851 is a sync deflection circuit IC dedicated to unit:mm
CRT display use. It can be connected to the LA7832, 7833 3021C-DIP20
(for vertical output use) to form a sync deflection circuit
that meets every requirement for CRT display use.
So far, ICs for color TV use have been applied to the sync 24.0
20 11
deflection circuit for CRT display use and general-purpose
ICs such as one-shot multivibrator, inverter and a lot of

transistors have been used to form the peripherals such as

sync input interface, horizontal phase shifter. The LA7851
1 10
contains these peripherals on chip, has a wide vertical pull-
in range of 20Hz, and adopts a stable circuit for horizontal

3.3 3.9max
0.51min (3.25)
oscillation from 15kHz to 100kHz aiming at improving the
characteristics requierd for CRT display use.

Features (0.57) 2.54 0.5 1.2

• The vertical pull-in range 20Hz permits non-adjusting at SANYO : DIP20
vertical sync 50Hz/60Hz.
• The horizontal oscillation frequency can be adjusted sta-
bly from 15kHz to 100kHz.
• The horizontal display can be shifted right/left.
• The horizontal/vertical sync input can be used intact re-
gardless of the difference in pulse polarity and pulse width.
• The AFC feedback sawtooth wave can be obtained by
simply applying a flyback pulse to the IC as a trigger
• Any duty of the horizontal pulse can be set.
• Good linearity because DC bias at vertical output stage is
subject to sampling control within retrace time.

On-Chip Functions
[Horizontal Block] [Vertical Block]
• AFC • Vertical OSC
• Horizontal OSC • Vertical sawtooth wave generator
• X-ray protector • Sampling type DC voltage control
• Horizontal phase shift
• AFC sawtooth wave generator
• Horizontal pulse duty setting

Any and all SANYO products described or contained herein do not have specifications that can handle
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SANYO Electric Co.,Ltd. Semiconductor Company

TOKYO OFFICE Tokyo Bldg., 1-10, 1 Chome, Ueno, Taito-ku, TOKYO, 110-8534 JAPAN
O2500TN (KT)/N218TA/4015MW/6114KI, TS No.1775–1/4

Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25˚C
Parameter Symbol Conditions Ratings Unit
Maximum supply voltage V10, V20 max 14 V
Allowable power dissipation Pd max Ta≤65˚C 780 mW
Operating temperature Topr –20 to +85 ˚C
Storage temperature Tstg –55 to +125 ˚C

Operating Conditions at Ta = 25˚C

Parameter Symbol Conditions Ratings Unit
Recommended supply voltage V10, V20 12.0 V
Operating voltage range V10, V20 op 9 to 13.5 V
Recommended vertical pulse input peak value VPULSE 5.0 Vp-p
Operating vertical pulse input peak value range VPULSE 2.0 to 6.0 Vp-p
Recommended horizontal pulse input peak
HPULSE 5.0 Vp-p
Operating horizontal pulse input peak value
HPULSE 2.0 to 6.0 Vp-p

Operating Characteristics at Ta = 25˚C, V11, V22=12V

Parameter Symbol Conditions Unit
min typ max
VCC10 current drain I10 12 30 mA
VCC20 current drain I20 5 12 mA
Vertical frequency pull-in range VP IN Vertical sync 60Hz 21.0 23.0 Hz
Vertical free-running frequency fV fV center 55Hz 50 60 Hz
Increased/reduced voltage characteristic of
∆fVV V22=12±1V, 55Hz at 12V –0.1 +0.1 Hz
vertical frequency
Midpoint control threshold level 3.8 4.4 V
Vertical OSC start voltage fv,st 4.0 V
Temparature characteristic of vertical frequency Ta=–10 to +60˚C –0.028 +0.028 Hz/˚C
Vertical driver amplification factor Gv 12 18 dB
Horizontal AFC DC loop gain IAFC ±0.85 ±1.6 mA
Horizontal free-running frequency fH fH center 15.734kHz –750 +750 Hz
Horizontal OSC start voltage fH, st 4.0 V
Increased/reduced voltage characteristic of
∆fH, V V11=12±1V, 15.734kHz at 12V –50 +50 Hz
horizontal frequency
Horizontal OSC warm-up drift ∆fH 5s. to 30min. after application of power –50 +50 Hz
Temperature characteristic of horizontal Ta=–10 to +60˚C Hz/˚C
–2.9 +2.9
Horizontal output drive current I12 6.0 12.0 mA
Increased/reduced voltage characteristic of
V10=12±1V –0.5 +0.5 %/V
phase shifter delay time
Temperature characteristic of phase shifter Ta=–10 to +60˚C %/˚C
–0.1 +0.1
delay time
Increased/reduced voltage characteristic of
V10=12±1V –1.0 +1.0 %/V
phase shifter delay time
Temperature characteristic of phase shifter Ta=–10 to +60˚C %/˚C
–0.13 +0.13
pulse width
AFC phase comparison center time 15.734kHz after F.B.P. input 9.9 11.5 µs
Increased/reduced voltage characteristic of AFC
V10=12±1V –1.5 +1.5 %/V
phase comparison center time
Temperature characteristic of AFC phase
Ta=–10 to +60˚C –0.2 +0.2 %/˚C
comparison center time
Comparison waveform generating input
V4 0.6 0.9 V
operation voltage
pin 13 voltage at hold-down operation start V13 0.5 0.8 V

Equivalent Circuit Block Diagram

Sample Application Circuit : 14” Color Monitor/fV=60Hz, fH=15.734kHz


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This catalog provides information as of October, 2000. Specifications and information herein are subject
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PS No.1775–4/4

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