Eea 58 3 2010 091 EN LP 000 PDF
Eea 58 3 2010 091 EN LP 000 PDF
Eea 58 3 2010 091 EN LP 000 PDF
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This paper deals with the present stage of the electric scooter development. Starting from some
constructive examples it has resulted that the electric scooter represents an extremely efficient
transportation alternative from the economic and environment protection viewpoints. Also, we
studied the electric scooters from the electric domain viewpoint, the reference model being one of
the most advanced scooter models, the Vectrix scooter, and shows the features of the motor, the
control system and the accumulators for this model.
Keywords: electric scooter, Vectrix, development
scooter represents an important category. noiseless. It is necessary, that the sign “60”
This is a fast and a economic means of should appear on the speedometer, in order
transportation that represents an excellent that the user knows when the scooter is on
alternative for travel through the crowd of the and ready to go. These features can satisfy
big areas. Another big advantage is any customer, the only obstacle being
represented by the purchasing price which is represented by the very high price, namely
accessible enough and which will decrease $11000. However, customers buy the
more and , as a result of the development of technology of special performances and,
the technology for the component parts hereafter, one expects them to be developed
manufacturing, as well as of a mass and even improved at prices that are more
production of these products, of a larger accessible.
number of sold scooters.
Table1. Some examples of electric scooters
At present, in Romania, these vehicles are
not very much appreciated. For example, in 1. EVTAZ – 20b
Bucharest the overwhelming majority of the Maximum speed: 72 km/h;
population lives in blocks of flats, that makes Maximum autonomy: 70 km;
the parking scooter and its charging battery Braking system: disk brake on the
front and back wheels;
extremely difficult. In exchange, in near Wheel diameter: 42 cm;
future, according to the population’s Batteries: 5 batteries of 12 V;
Battery capacity: 35 Ah, 2100 Wh;
background orientation concerning the Battery lifetime: about 300 cycles;
purchasing of houses, even if they are Weight: 138 kg;
outside the town, and taking into DC motor of 2500 W;
Price: € 1900.
consideration that, in the smaller towns, a
much larger number of people lives in 2. EVTA 168
houses, a significant increase of the electric Maximum speed: 50km/h;
scooter use is possible. Maximum autonomy: 58 km;
Braking system: disk brake on the
Another advantage of the electric vehicles front and back wheels;
is given by their efficiency factor. Thus, an Wheel diameter: 42 cm;
electric vehicle is running with an efficiency Batteries : 4 batteries of 12 V;
Battery capacity: 35 Ah , 1680 WH;
of 46 %, which means that, out of the total of Battery lifetime: about 300 cycles;
the energy stored in the accumulators, 46 % Weight: 127 kg;
DC motor of 1500 W;
are sent to the drive wheels as an useful Price: € 2200.
energy, while, in the case of a vehicle
3. Peugeot Scoot’Elec
equipped with an internal combustion motor,
Maximum speed: 50 km/h;
the efficiency is only 18 % of the total energy Maximum autonomy: 40 km;
stored in the tank. This relatively high Braking system: disk brake on the
efficiency, of 45 %, makes us discover that, front and back wheels;
Wheel diameter: 34 cm;
for 3,500 km covered, it is necessary to Batteries: 3 batteries of 6 V;
spend only €13.5, that means a little more Battery capacity: 100 AK, 1800Wh;
than 1 RON for each hundred kilometres Weight: 115 kg;
DC Motor of 2800 W;
covered, in the case of the electric scooter, Price: € 4200.
as a result of an approximate computation. 4. Vectrix
Maximum speed: 100 km/h;
2. Constructive Examples Maximum autonomy : 90 km;
Wheel diameter: 36 cm front wheel
The electric scooters have lately known a and 33 cm back wheel;
significant development. For example, the Batteries: 125 V;
Battery capacity: 30Ah, 3750 WH;
Maxi-Scooter model, that Vectrix Company Battery lifetime: 80000 km;
recently launched in the USA, have the Weight: 210 kg;
DC Motor: 20 kW;
following characteristics: it accelerates from Price: € 8500.
0 to 80 Km/h in 6.8 seconds and from The scooter is a motorcycle with 2 wheels,
0-50 km/h in 3.5 seconds, and reaches a and the fixed components (such as the motor
speed of 100 km/H. The batteries are based and the tank) placed in the knee area. This
on nickel and can be loaded in 2.5 hours characteristic, together with the fact that the
from an ordinary socket, offering the scooter drivers feet lean upon the floor and not on
autonomy of 110 km, at 40 km/H speed. The special supports, differentiates the scooter
scooter motor drives the back wheel and it is from the motor bike.
When choosing the traction motor for the performances at a low cost. It moves the
electric scooter, one has to take into account scooter back wheel through a planetary gear.
several characteristics: torque density, Key Features
3-phase, permanent magnets,
inverter sizes, and range of extended speeds Type
brushless, 12-pole, 16-slot
influenced by the vehicle dynamics and Peak Power 20 kW – 3000 rpm
system architecture, power efficiency, safety, Peak Torque 65 Nm
Continuous Torque 22 Nm
reliability, cooling and motor price. Among Maximum RPM 6000 rpm
the characteristics mentioned above, the
speed range and economic efficiency are
those which depend on the vehicle dynamics
and system architecture, therefore when
choosing the electric traction motor, a special
attention must be paid to these two
characteristics. The speed range, significant
Figure 1. The motor used for the Vectrix scooter
for the acceleration performances of a model drive and the key features.
vehicle, represents a design criterion usually
established by the users. However, in real b) The Vectrix scooter model control
time, the vehicle operates, very seldom, in system
extreme conditions (i.e. high speed and The electronic control system represents
acceleration). Consequently, the energy the brain scooter, thus it performs a
efficiency becomes important. The energy relationship among the accumulators block
consumption is given by the efficiency of and the motor. For the Vectrix scooter model,
using the energy throughout the whole the electronic control system was designed
system. In order to ensure a better torque, and developed by the company researchers
the determination of the outline should and it was manufactured by Parker Hannifin
coincide with most frequently operative s Compumotor Division. It carries out the
areas. Together with the adequate force- reduction of the cost, sizes and scooter
speed profile, it is also essential to use the weight by integrating the scooter electronic
very efficient traction motor. An efficient control system in the motor control system.
motor, at a certain operation point, may not Feature Benefit
Digital Signal Processor
be efficient in other points. The attraction (DSP) develops Pulse
motor must have a reasonable efficiency Accurate Motor control
Width Modulation
between the speed torque. However, it is (PWM)
RS-232 Serial Comm Permits troubleshooting &
difficult to develop a highly efficient motor for Port diagnostics
the whole speed torque. Thus, we suggest Fold Back
Provides thermal protection of
the efficiency optimization within the most components
Software control of Optimizes system
frequently used areas. We call that the phase angle advance performance
efficiency energy, as the efficiency is also Design flexibility permits
dependent on time. variety of products at little
additional cost plus security
So, the electric scooter represents an features (PIN Code)
extremely efficient transportation alternative
from the economic and environment
protection viewpoints. It can be successfully
used in the crowd of the big cities, helping
with the traffic fluidization.
Figure 2. The Vectrix scooter model control system
3. Vectrix Model
a) The motor used for the Vectrix scooter c) The Vectrix scooter model
model drive accumulators
The motor used for the Vectrix scooter The Vectrix scooter model runs with a
model drive is a synchronous one, of high battery packet NIMH-Nickel, a Metal Hydride
technology, brushless permanent magnet able to ensure a voltage of 125 V and a
motor, designed and manufactured by Parker current of 30 Ah. The battery packet has a
Hannifin s Divisione SBC, in Milan, Italy. 3.7 kW/h capacity and it was designed to
The motor has a reduced weight, and it is withstand a number of 1,700 loading and
designed for being able to ensure optional unloading cycles. If we consider that the