1 Corinthians Quiz Questions

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Lockdown Carmel Bible Quiz - 2020

Subject: Book of I Corinthians Quiz

Maximum Marks - 100

Time: 20 Minutes

1. In 1 Corinthians, Paul extends a greeting not only from himself but

OBJECTIVE from one other Christian brother. Can you name him?
General Instructions a. Timothy
b. Sosthenes
I. Answering all questions (Compulsion is bad, I c. Crispus
d. Barnabas
II. Each question carries equal weightage
(Democracy, you see)

III. Answer without logic is illogical (Simple logic)

2. From whom did Paul learn of the sectarianism that plagued the
IV. Answer without originality is Plagiarism, not church in Corinth?
comprehensive reading of Bible (if you know what I
mean) e. Those of the household of Chloe
f. Those of the household of Corinth
V. No Outsourcing of the paper to anyone else
please (Save that to IT Companies) g. Those of the household of Titus
h. Those of the household of Cynthia
VI. An answer without Biblical reference wherever
needed is like a smartphone without Internet

For this paper you will not be required to borrow any

pen/pencil/scale/eraser/compass/telescope/water 3. Paul names three men in the Corinthian church whom he
pin/ nuclear weapon from anyone (Have with you baptized. Name two of them.
whatever is necessary to answer this paper) i. Sosthenes, Stephanas, Euthicus
j. Crispus, Gaius, Stephanas
k. Barnabas, Phoeba, Gaius
l. Crispus, Stephanas, Barnabas
The Pentecostal Church of God
898, BDA
Austin Town II Stage Bangalore
4. To bring home his point of worldly wisdom being foolishness to
- 560102
God, Paul quotes the following words: "He catches the wise in
their own craftiness." In which book are these words recorded?
m. Job
PHONE n. Psalms
9343360006 o. Proverbs
p. Ecclesiastes

5. Until Paul is able to go himself to Corinth, he sends his own
"beloved and faithful son in the Lord" in his place. Who is this?
q. Timothy
r. Onesimos
s. Philemon
t. Luke
6. What does Paul teach is the ultimate victory over death?
u. Going to heaven when we die.
v. Having our sins forgiven.
w. The healing miracles of Jesus.
x. The resurrection of the body.

7. What happens in the "twinkling of an eye"?

y. Living believers and dead saints are caught up to be with the Lord
in heaven, and unbelievers are unaware of what has happened.
z. Living believers and dead saints are caught up to be with the Lord
in heaven, and unbelievers are aware of what has happened.
aa. Living believers and dead saints are caught up to be with the Lord
in heaven, and we are not told what unbelievers are aware of.
bb. Dead saints are raised incorruptible, and living believers are

8. Who, or what, is the last enemy to be destroyed?

cc. The Antichrist.
dd. Physical death
ee. Spiritual death
ff. Satan

9. How did Paul show that a minister has a right to be supported?

gg. A soldier gets paid
hh. A planter of a vineyard eats grapes
ii. Those that plow, plow in hope
jj. Those that thresh share in the harvest
kk. All of the above

10. What is the purpose for the observance of the Lord's Supper?
ll. In remembrance of Jesus
mm. To examine ourselves
nn. To forgive sins
oo. To reenact Calvary
pp. To fulfill the Passover

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