Ccea RT Pop: The Valmiki-Rhamayana Number-I
Ccea RT Pop: The Valmiki-Rhamayana Number-I
Ccea RT Pop: The Valmiki-Rhamayana Number-I
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The Valmiki-Ramayana Number—I
December, 1960
alutations ( Compiled )
The Valmiki-Ramayana
Book One
er of Discourse:
18, Advent of Sri Rama, Bharata and others; festivities in heaven as well
as in Ayodhya; their investiture with the sacred thread; the arrival of
Viswamitra 65
19. King Dagaratha is stunned to hear the request of Vigwamitra to send Sri
Rama with him to dispose of the Raksasas that interfered with his sacred
observances. 71
20. Dagaratha declines to part with Sri Rama, thereby enraging Viswamitra. 73
21. The wrath of Viswamitra; the intercession of Vasistha in favour of
Viswamitra 76
22. King Dagaratha sends Sri Rama and Laksmana with Viéwamitra and the
two princes receive initiation from the latter in the two mystic spells
Bala and Atibala. 78
23. Night-long sojourn of Sri Rama and Laksmana with Viswamitra ina
holy hermitage at the confluence of the Ganga and the Sarayu 81
36. Gods interrupt the amorous pastimes of Lord Siva and His Consort,
Goddess Uma, on which She curses gods including Mother Earth. 115
38. The narrative of King Sagara, a former king of Ayodhya and a forefather
of Sri Rama 121
39, Indra steals away the horse released by Sagara as a prelude to his horse-
sacrifice; his sixty thousand sons proceed to excavate the earth in quest
and the gods in terror apprise Brahma of this daring
of the horse
act of theirs.
Brahma reagsures the gods by telling them that the sons of Sagara will
The sons of Sagara in the
be destroyed by the curse of Sage Kapila.
arrive in the presence of Kapila and,
course of their excavation
behaving insolently towards him, are forthwith reduced to ashes by the fire
of his wrath.
his grandson Améuman proceeds to Rasatala
41. Under orders of Sagara
by his uncles and, bringing back
through the underground passage made 128
about the fate of his uncles.
the sacrificial horse, tells the king
, successively practise austerities
42. Amgum4n and his grandson, Bhagiratha
terrestrial plane. Brahma grants a
for pringing down the Ganga to the
to propitiate Lord Siva and secure
boon to Bhagiratha and exhorts him 131
on His head.
His consent to receive the Ganga
of Bhagiratha, Lord Siva receives the Ganga
Pleased with the asceticism
46. Disconsolate over the death of her sons, Diti embarks on a course of
at Kusaplava with the permission of her husband, Sage
Kagyapa, with the object of securing a son capable of killing Indra.
The latter on coming to know of her intention serves her during the
47. Viswamitra tells Sri Rama how on the very site of the grove where Diti
practised her austerities Visdla, a son of Ikswaku, built the city of
Vigala. Sumati, the contemporary ruler of Visala, receives Viswamitra
and his party as his distinguished guests. 146
68. Reaching Ayodhya, the counsellors of Janaka tell Daégaratha how Srt
Rama broke the bow of Janaka and won the hand of his daughter, and
convey to him their master’s invitation for the wedding, on which
Dagaratha makes up his mind in consultation with Vasistha to depart
for Mithilaat an early date. 200
69, With a large number of followers Dagaratha proceeds to Mithila for the
wedding and is received with signal honour by Janaka and his people
and comfortably lodged. 202
70. Janaka sends for his younger brother, Kuéadhwaja, from Sankasy4.
Invited by him, Dagaratha meets Janaka at the latter's palace,
where at the instance of Dagaratha Vasistha glorifies the race of Ikswaku. 204
71. Recounting hisown pedigree, Janaka offers the hand of his two daughters,
Sita and Urmila, to Sri Rama and Laksmana respectively. 208
72. Vasistha and Viswamitra jointly ask for the hand of the two daughters
of Kuéadhwajain favour of Bharata and Satrughna and Janaka acquiesoes
in the proposal. Thereupon Dasgaratha gets his sons to perform the rite of
Samavartana and himeelf performs the Nandiéraddha, 210
73. Janaka escorts Dagaratha and hig four sons, clad in nuptial attire, to the
pavilion erected for the wedding. Placing Vidéwamitra and Satinanda at
his head, Vasistha conducts the marriage ceremony- Sr1 Rama and his
three brothers clasp the hand of Sita and her sisters. Singing and
dancing for joy, the gods rain heavenly flowers on the brides and
bridegrooms. 213
74. Taking leave of Janaka and Dagaratha, Viéwamitra returns to his own
hermitage; and, accepting large wedding presents, Dasaratha too turns
back to Ayodhya along with his sons and their newly-wedded brides,
On the way the irascible and redoubtable Paraséurama, a sworn enemy
of the Ksatriyas, suddenly appears before them, axe in hand, and Vasistha
and the other sages accompanying the party offer worship to him. r; 217
75. Turning a deaf ear to Dagaratha’s prayer, Parasurama relates the history
of the bows belonging to Lords Siva and Visnu, and challenges Sri
to string the bow of Lord Visnu in his possession.
76. Fitting the arrow to the bow of Lord Visnu and declaring it a8
unfailing, Sri Rama asks Paragurama to point out at whom it may be
discharged, and at the instance of the latter puts an end to his title oie
( ethereal ) worlds earned by him through his austerities. Recognizing Sri
Rama to be no other than Lord Visnu and taking leave of him, Parasgurama
withdraws to Mount Mahendra in order to resume his ecatenitian! 222
aE On the departure of Paragurama Sri Rama hands over the bow of Lord
yaa to Varuna ( the god of water ) and, sending his army ahead, King
Dasaratha enters Ayodhya. After some days Prince Yudhajit, Bharata's
ae uncle, takes away Bharata and Satrughna to his father's
al. 225
st e
List of Illustrations
The four Divine Brothers entering into Wedlock (Sri Jagannatha Merh )
Valmiki'’s Grief (the Seed of the Ramayana ) ( Sri Bhagawandas ) 13
The Kalyana-Kalpataru
Old Special Numbers still Available
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lane, —TT
«64, FAR g.lk0
straragia—asarsadaten, fedharaeacatear he vs -<° Riek
straragia—aarasareratia, fectaraeacateat a fe * od a
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Gita Press, P. O. Gita Press ( Gorakhpur, U. P.)
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aaa wqHSrITAATTA |
ua Raracharrnt aala ll
Rama, son of Dagaratha and a
I salute Sri
scion of Raghu, the Spouse of Sita, the bejewelled
up to His
lamp of Raghu’s race, whose arms extend
s of a lotus,
knees, whose eyes are big as the petal
of the Raksasas
who brought about the destruction
and who is beyond all proofs. an
——_™ arr
1 Vs R. N,—L
gua wade Agi Aqua witsd aagerad fag afeaat aie!
ale afrarrat az atedifeatiaen, aataat aamqagqea ira faa aarla
1 salute the sage Valmiki, conceived I bow my head to Hanuman (son of
(by the poets) as a cuckoo melodious] y the wind-god ), the leader of the army
sweet syllables “Rama ! of monkeys and the foremost of those
singing the
a bough of the endowed with intelligence, who is swift
Rama !!” while perched on the wind-
as thought, (nay) who equals
tree of poetry. (1) his sense®,
god in speed and has mastered
Pirie ms(Cicer So aplararaaarrent: | and who played the role of a spy to
soaq waRaans st a ata oat af U Sri Rama (in tracing the whereabouts of
Hearing the roar, in the form of Sri Sita and ascertaining the strength of
Rama’s parralive, of Valmiki, the lion Ravana, who had stolen Her away ). (6)
among, sages, roaming in the forest of sega fared: ates adiea:alee Tae: |
poetry, who would not attain to the
highest goal ? (2)
aga aaa gale wet aaa a cafeasaay
q: fqaq aad waaltargaane | I bow with joined palms to the
celebrated Hanuman (the son of Aiijana ),
agaedt Yi at aTadaaReATy II who, having leapt across ihe water of the
1 bow to the sinless sage Valmiki sea (parting the land of Bharatavarsa
(son of Varuga, the god presiding over the from Lanka, which is new identified with
waters ), who, though incessantly drinking the Laccadive Islands) as a maiter of
of the ocean of nectar in the shape of sport and picking up the fire of grief
Sri Rama’s narrative, remains unsated. ( 3 ) of Sita (the Daughter of Janaka) burnt
TleqztHaATATaT AUHHAUAA | Lanka with that very fire. ( 7)
WATAVASIATSNA arasfaarasy 1 aaaaafagesad BaeAa
aaa |
I salute Hanuman {son of the wind- gimadeqeafad ara qanraaezaryi
god ), who sprang across the sea as
I contemplate on the son of Anjana,
though it were an impression made by the
the delight of the wind-god, who has a
hoof of a cow, (nay) who crushed the blood-red face, is endowed with a per-
( of Lanka ) as though they were( so sonality charming as a mouptain of gold
many ) mosquitoes and who is a jewel (as and who has taken up his abode at the
it were ) adorning the great garland of foot of a Parijata (one of the five kinds
( the story of ) the Ramayana. (4 ) of celestial trees credited with the virtue
agalaeza att Sir c | of granting one’s desire ). (8 )
aaa = aT TAT qa aa wWaatad aq aq SARAH |
I bow to the heroic Hanuman (the avqataqistad are aaa THAT |
lord of monkeys ), the delight of Afijana Bow to Hanuman (son of the wind-
( his mother ), who dispelled the grief god ), the destroyer
of the ogres, who j
of Sita ( Daughter of King Janaka ) present with his palms lolned
and made short work of Aksa ( son of POEd s shew hi
and ee
witrh his
as eyelacy
s flooded wijith tears
Ravana, the demon king of Lanka) and Joy ) wherever the
proved a source of terror to Lanka, (5) names and praise
the Lord of the Raghus are be eee
——T~ 2 2
ing sung. (9)
sitanraaegeat a:
The Valmiki-Ramayana
Book One
( Bala-Kanda )
Canto I
less than ) fourteen thousand of ogres powerful prince (Sri Rama), O Ravanal"’
dwelling in Janasthana were made short yet turning a deaf ear to his advice and
work of by Rama while sojourn ing in that impelled by death, theaforesaid Ravana,
who made people scream (in terror
orest. Stupefied through anger to hear of
of his kinsmenu, Ravana wherever he went out in expedition )
the destruction
{ Bk. 1
then proceeded to the site of Rama’s hunting up Sita in the forest in that
of grief, Sri Rama descr ied an
hermitage along with Maricha. Having state
ogre, Kabandha by name, who was
caused the two princes ( Rama and
removed afar ( from deformed of body and terrible to look
Laksmana ) to be
the hermitage ) by the wily Maricha, he at: so the tradition goes. ( 47—55 ) Hav-
stole away Sri Rama's spouse ( Sita ), ing made short work of him, the mighty-
killing the vulture Jatayu ( who tried to armed prince cremated him ( too ) and
intercept him and thereby deliver Sita the demon ( regained his original form
of 2a Gandharva and) ascended to
from his cluthes ). Now tormented with
grief to perceive the vulture mortally heaven. Nay, ( while rising to heaven )
wounded and to hear ( from it ) of Sita he said to Sri Rama, ‘Seek, O Rama
( the princess of Mithila, the capital (a scion of Raghu), Sabari, a pious
of King Janaka ) having been forcibly hermitess, who is well-versed in the
carried off (by Ravana ), Sri Rama (a principles of right eousn ess.’’ The highly
scion of Raghu ) loudly wailed, his mind glorious Raima, the destroyer of his
agitated ( through perturbation ). Then, foes, ( accordingly ) approached Sabarti.
having cremated the vulture Jatayu and ( 56-577)
Then, according to the counsel of Lanka ).( 72) Duly reaching the city
Sampati, the vulture king ( who could of Lanka, ruled over by (the demon
see Sita in Lanka from that distance ), king) Ravana, he found there Sita confined
the mighty Hanuman leapt across the in a grove of Asoka trees, contemplating
{ on the feet of Sri Rama ye C73")
brackish sea, eight hundred miles broad,
Presenting ( to her ) the souvenir( in the
( that parted the mainland of India from
2 Mg R- N.—I
shape of a signet ring handed over to him ( aforesaid ) missile in consequence of
by Sri Rama) and relating the news a boon granted by Brahma ( to the effect
( about Srl Rama's alliance with Sugriva that after undergoing bondage for about
and the latter's installation on the a couple of hours, the missile associated
throne of Kiskindha after Vali, his elder with his name being infallible, he would
brother and mortal enemy, had been got be rid of it ) the hero ( Hanuman, who
rid of by Sri Rama ) and having consoled was keen to meet Ravana ) deliberately
the daughter of King Janaka ( with the bore with those ogres who. carried
asturance that her consort would shortly him in bondage (to Ravana). ( 76 )
come and rescue her after disposing of Having tet on fire the city of Lanka
the tyrannical Ravana ), Hanuman barring (the abode of) Sita, the
demolished the outer gate of the princess of Mithila, alone, the great
orchard, ( 74 ) Having made short work monkey ( Hanuman ) then came back
of five army-commanders ( Pingalanetra ( by the same route to Kiskindha ) to
and others) as also seven sons of break the delightful news (of Sita
ministers ( Jambumali and so on), and having been found) to Sri Rama.
crushed the gallant Aksa (a son of ( 77 ) Approaching the high-souled Rama
Ravana ), he allowed himself to be and going round him clockwise
bound ( under the spell of a Brahmastra (as a mark of respect), Hanuman
or missile presided over by Brahma, the ( who was possessed of infinite
creator, and discharged by Ravana's intelligence ) submitted ( to him )
heirapparent Meghanada ). (75) Though that Sita had been seen ( by him) in
knowing himself as released by the reality. (78 )
dt: aaafear «= meats Esa: | agz aaa AUfeaaAA: | oF II
aaa «6ata «=z: «=a Saf: | aqeaaaaa 0 as AIAaRAL Il co II
a nat gt set gq waned | Ua: daragra GI AISTATIAAT | 22 UI
aaa al wa: qeq sadale | ssqaTT at dar aa sae adt |) cz
adistaaaarg dat meat | Anazeao | wo aa wear Saet aaquaTz |e Il
aeahingt = gee TTC Tela: | aul wa: ages: yisa: adzaa: ll ew Il
athe a agat waded farang | aR AY fava: gamle = Il cul!
Moving to the shore of the the sea ). ( 80) Reaching the city of
(Indian ) ocean (in the extreme Lanka along the bridge and _ killing
south ), accompanied by Sugriva, Sri Ravana in a( single ) combat,
Rama then
Sri Rama
shook the ocean to its experienced a sense of great shame on
lowest depths( in Patdla, the nether- getting back Sita ( who had remained
most subterranean plane ) by his arrows so long at the house of a demon and
glorious as the sun (on the latter could be easily pronouncea by critics
refusing to allow passage to the army as polluted ). (81)
Sri Rama then spoke
monkeys, that sought to march harsh words to her in
across it in order the assembly of
to reach Lanka in monkeys and others. Rese
their bid to recover Sita )§ nting them the
(79) ( At aforesaid Sita, chaste
this ) Ocean, the as she was, entered
lord of the rivers, fire. (82) Coming to know
not only revealed himself ( in person Sita ag
Sinless from the word
to Sri Rama) s of the fire-goq
but also apologized to (who testified
him (for his refractoriness ) and
to her chastity ), $r1z
only Rama thereupon
at the intercession of Ocean $r1 Rama three
accepted her. All the
worlds, comprising
caused Nala to build a bridge ( across the animate
and inanimate Creation, along with the
hosts of gods and Rsis were pleased delighted. (83-84) Nay,having installed
with that remarkable feat ofthe high- Vibhisana, the chief of the ogres, on
souled Rama ( in the shape of the over- the throre of Lanka, Sri Rama felt
throw of Ravana and the deliverance accomplished of purpoge and, rid of
of Sita). Honoured by all the gods, anxiety, greatly rejoiced: £0 the
Sri Rama ( thereupon ) looked extremely tradition goes. ( 85 )
Having received a boon (to the Bage Bharadwaja (in the vicinity of
effect that all the combatants that had Prayag ), Sri Rama of unfailing prowess
fought on the side of Sri Rama and despatched Hanuman (in advance ) to
fallen in battle be restored to oe the presence of Bharata (in order to
from the gods ( whocame in their aeria apprise him of his safe return lest he
cars to felicitate Sri Rama on his should be taken unawares ). (87 ) Narrat-
victory, that had brought solace to all ing past history ( the circumstances that
worlds) and aroused ( as had led to his exile in the forest)
the three
monkeys (fallen and boarding the celebrated Puspaka
though from sleep ) the
once more, he then flew to Nandigrama
in battle ), Sri Rama flew to Ayodhya
in ( the aerial car known by the name of ) ( then a part of Ayodhya ), accompanied
(that had been enatched by by Sugriva( and others). ( 88 ) Having
from his half-brother, Kubera, disentangled his matted hair at Nandi-
by his grama along with his ( three )
the god of riches ), accompanied
and brothers and got back Sita, the
relations (Sita and Laksmana)
sinless Rama regained his kingdom
friends( Vibhisana, Sugriva and others ).
hermitage of the ( too ). ( 89 )
(86) Reaching the
qesateat gaan:
wate: ye: | aaa ada =gfeeruaafaa: I eo Il
a gaa faq weata |get: afaq | aranfasar fae afreafa faaa: 1 88 I
qa aa wat fafararcy assed sraq: la aaa va fafa sarza aut Ul 88 ll
Tal wef aaaragats a il $3 ll
qa aa ged aa aT Tea Lancto a
cafe: «aa TC HAGA TAT | saranaigt aul TSTANG: Ml S¥ II
nai Fed oweat Gert fafeqae | aaeas aa Tal areal wera: 1 $4 I
UAT FSAI ANA, eratarata uaa: | aged a alastea 24 4 aa faateafa | $e Il
aaa axadararta aq | ua usagafeear weer naeafa i se Ul
azq aftnay | a: Weg waa aaa ma=adt II 8c ll
sé faa mad OF
TAT AT aqada: am: Fea at Aelad 188 I
wacemaaige) «=Toa
qaqifas INAH AA, afaar yfaafacadtar |
afarrsa: qua recalls al aaistt neaalad Ukecll
( During the reign of Sri Rama) recognizing and confirming their 60V-
people will be positively much delighted ereignty but even by liberally subsidiz-
ing them). Nay, he will direct the
and cheerful, contented and well-fed,
exceedingly pious, free from mental people belonging to ( all )the four grade s
agony and bodily ailments and rid of of society to follow their respe ctive
( the scourge of ) famine and fear ( of duties on this terrestrial plane. ( 94—96 )
theft etc. ). (90) Nowhere will any Having served his kingdom for eleven
witness the death of their son or thousand yeare, Sri Rama will ascend
daughter, women will never be widows to Brahmaloka (the highe st heave n ).
and will be ever devoted to their ( 97 ) He who reads this sacred narra tive
husband. (91) There will be no fear of Sri Rama, which is capable of purify-
from fire nor will living beings be ing the mind and wiping out sins and
drowned in water. There will be no is treated on a par with the Vedas, is
fear from wind nor any fear of fever. completely absolved from all eins. (98)
(92 ) Nor will there be fear of starvation Reading this narrative centring round
in his kingdom nor that of thieves. Sri Rama and conducive to longevity,
Nay, cities and states will be full of a@ man shall on departing from this
riches and food-grains.( 93) All will world be honoured in heaven alongwith
be ever extremely happy asin Satyayuga. his sons and grandsons as well as his
Having propitiated the Lord through followers and attendants. (99) Read-
hundreds of horse-sacrifices and ( other ) ing it a Brahman bids fair to attain
sacrifices involving the use of abundant eminence in eloquence; if he is8 a
gold, (nay ) bestowed with due ceremony Ksatriya, he is sure to attain lordship
a billion cows on the learned and given over the earth; aman belonging to the
away uDtold riches to the Brahmans, the merca ntile commu nity is sure to secure
highly renowned Rama will establish profit in trade and a man belonging to
royal dynasties a hundred times more the Sidra class can hope to attain
prosperous than before ( by not only superiority ( in his own class ). ( 100 )
Thus ends Canto One in the Bala-Kanda of the glortous Ramayana of
Valmiki, the work of a Rst and the oldest epic.
|r et
fala: ait:
Canto ITI
Brahma’s visit
% ie
Kaly vana-Kalpataru_
On seeing the bird struck down by the pious seer. ( 13) ( Further ) seized with
copulation ) compassion to behold the shrieking
fowler in that state (of
pity was aroused in the heart of that female bird and considering the fowler’s
[ Bk- 1
act to be sinful, the sage addressed the ( Bharadwaja ):—( 17 ) ‘Tet this
) ance made by me while I was stricken
follow ing words ( to the former ):—( 14
“May you not have peace of mind for with grief, (nay) setin four metrical feet,
containing an equal number of
endless years, O fowler, since you killed each
(viz, eigh t) and poss essi ng
one of the pair of cranes, infatuated letters
the rhythm of a song that can be sung
with passion.’’ (15) ( Even ) as he was
to a lute, be accepted as ( real )
speaking in this strain, and ( then )
reflecte d: ‘‘What is it that has been poetry and not otherwise.’’ (18) Hven
me, tormen ted as I was with as the aforesaid sage uttered the couplet,
uttered by
unexcelled as it was (in that it was
grief for this bird'’, uneasiness appeared
suggestive of the entir e theme of the
in his heart. (16) Brooding awhile, the
sage, who was highly learned and full Ramayana ), his pupil, highly delighted,
actually committed it to memory. The
of wisdom, made up his mind and the
said chief of the sages addressed the sage ( thereupon ) felt ( much ) pleased
following words to his pupil with, Hint «(sees
(at Ravana’s hands )of Jatadyu ( the chief been forced into his body by a blow
of the vultures); the sight of (and encounter from Indra’s thunderbolt ) as well as
with ) Kabandha(a demon without head of the Pampa lake; (21) a visit to
and legs and consisting of a mere trunk Sabari ( an ascetic woman ) and partak-
with long arms and a huge mouth in ing of fruits and roots ( offered by her
his belly, his head and thighs having by way of hospitality );
cag aT aR aT NR I
Bayt 8 860A | eae «=e a fasflafamen || 22 II
arferata a4 anasaneay | afer = aad atafataaa || 2¥ Il
Pat qaaieet qeraned | fea: ced aa often Faeaq | 1
aqeardd A waa fasastay | waisaad qa oaradas <aaq li 2 Il
Sri Rima'‘s raving ( over the loss of ( on Mount Rsyamtka ) during the days
his spouse) and his meeting with of the monsoon; ( 24) The ( apparent )
Hanuman on the brink of the Pampa indignation (at the negligence of Sugriva)
lake; (22) his arrival at Mount of Sri Rama (a lion among the scions
Rsyamika (where the monkey chief of Raghu ) and Sugriva’s mustering
Sugriva was encamping in fear of his forces (for being sent all round in
elder brother, Vali, by whom he had guest of Sita ) and despatching teams
been exiled and robbed even of his wife) of monkeys in all directions and Sugriva’s
and meeting with Sugriva; his inspiring description of (the various divisions
confidence in the heart of Sugriva ( by and subdivisions of ) the earth ( for the
kicking the skeleton of the demon information of the monkeys to be sent
in search of Sita ); (25) Sri Rama's
Dundubhi toalong distance and piercing
handing over his ring (to Hanuman );
with one arrow a8 many ag seven palmyra
and friend- how the monkeys ( sent in search of Sita
trees standing in a row)
him; the combat between in a southerly direction under the leader-
ship with
ship of Angada, the crown-prince of
Vali and Sugriva; ( 23) the destruction
Kiskindha ) saw the cave of a bear and
of Vali and the installation of Sugriva
Kiskindha); the sat fasting unto death ( on the sea-shore
(on the throne of
in a desparate mood on their failure
lament of Tara ( Vali’s widow ); under-
to get any clue to the whereabouts
standing with Sugriva( that at the end
of Sita ) and how they met Sampati
of the monsoon messengers would be sent Jatayu );
where. (the elder brother of
in all directions to trace the
abouts of Sita ) and Sri Rama’s sojourn ( 26 )
( subsequent ) meeting ( of Sri Rama ) the whole host of monkeys was ( dis-
with Bharata; the festivities connected banded and ) sent away (to their res-
with the coronation of Sri Rama and how pective homes );
AU Fa ataa frasiaz || 3c II
aad a fae TAS agaTas | aMaANTT Blea aleaifunaafy: || 3e I
TAN MARAT qrAAa enlereA araws qaia: aT WU
How Sri Rama won the heart of his ( also ) described in his excellent poem
people ( by his loving rule ) and exiled whatever deeds were yet to be performed
Sita (the daughter of King Janaka, on earth by Sri Rama the glorious
nicknamed Videha). ( 38 ) Nay, Valmiki page, ( 39 )
Thus ends Canto Three in the Bala-Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki,
the work of a Rst and the oldest epic.
ou AS
Ady: AT:
Canto IV
After his ascension to the throne of Ayodhya Sri
Rama listens to his own story as sung
by his sons ( Kuga and Lava ).
TTAISAS wag = arentfa: laa afc net fafaacentaq ll 2 ll
agaaazart aelalaamalata: | aa ana asf aay ll 2 Ml
rat Og angina: aufaey aalaea | Paraarara at edad sgaiarfaft oa: il 2 Ul
qa faeaaatae nequt aaa: | aatat aa: wal afaaat gelteat ly Ul
Sten of wat wag gafaat | aad oaearead «caataaafet 4 I
of purified mind was pondering ( a8
The glorious sage Valmiki composed
aforesaid ), Kuéa and Lava (the
a poem, consisting of marvellous expres.
topics, two sons of Sri Rama, _ brought
sions and full of excellent
Sita during her exile
depicting the whole life-story of Sri Rama, forth by
hermitage of Valmiki, by
om at the
who had (since) regained his kingd given shelter
( 1 ) whom she had been
( after returning from the woods). been the god-
thousand and who had thus
The sage uttered twenty-four two boys ) presently
{out of them ) six father of the
verses avd made and
( and appeared in the garb of hermits
Kandas, consisting of five hundr hold of his feet ( as a mark
and an Uttara Kanda caught
oad ) cantos, cast a
ee) Having duly of respect ). ( 4) Valmiki
(the epilogue he and Lava, the two co-
along with the glance at Kusa
completed it living
princes, who had been
future uterine
Uttara Kanda, dealing with the their very birth ) in his ae
life ), the highly (since
events ( of Sri Rama's and pupi ls ),
contemplated as to hermitage ( as his godsons
intelligent Valmiki ( towards their
a powerful who knew their duty
what man endowed with had actually
godfather andteacher ) and
recite it ( before
memory could possibly ( by virtue of
that great seer acquired ( great ) fame
audiences ). ( 3 ) While
their devotion to the sage ) and were (and adepts in the science of
( besides ) gifted with a musical voice music ). ( 5 )
applauded them, saying ‘Well done|! both the singers, Kuga and Lava, who
Excellent!!’', their eyes bedimmed deserved all praite:—‘''Wonderful is
with tears. Delighted in mind, the the melody of music, and particularly
sages, who were all virtue-loving, of ( the recitation of ) the verses!
extolled (in the following words) ( 14--17)
presented to them a pitcher. (18—20) Full while another gave them a faggot. ( 24)
sage, who had Yet another gave them a wooden seat
of delight, a certain
out of an Udumbara tree, while
earned great fame( for his proficiency in made
the science of music ) gave them the some invoked blessings ( on them ) on
( for being used as a loin. that occasion. Full of joy other great
bark of a tree
cloth ). Another gave them the skin of a seers ( present ) there blessed them with
another a sacred long life. (25) In this way the sages
black deer and still
thread (for being worn baldric wise ). ( present in that assembly ), who all
(21) A certain sage gave them a ( habitually ) spoke the truth, bestowed
(on the two princes ) and
Kamandalu ( a drinking-vessel made of a boons
‘*Wonderful is this narrative
wild cocoanut ), while another great sage
exquisitely told at length by the
gave them a girdle of Muiba grass. Yet ( 26)
on sage ( Valmiki) .
another gave them on the said occasi
* Our Sasiras
ay ; two styles of singing,
mention sata the Marga style and the Deéi style. The former is
resorted to in singiag songs in Sanskrit, while the latter is used in singing songs in the various
Prakrta dialects or vernaculars.
Taq: AT:
Canto V
A description of the city of Ayodhya
eagaia — aqrarhe Seq awa | ssafsageaa «zat |saenfear tle |
aa a oan am amit aa afta: | Segara 4 ard qdanad || 2 ||
sea aT Tat aT HRA | Aegaae «=waa |aT 2 II
afag acfaera: ag faftasarfaa: | aaarardated Wasqaaaaar || ¥ II
This entire globe has been the ‘‘Ramayana’’,
has its seeds in the line of
property of victorious kings the same high-souled kings tracing their
commencing from Vaivaswata Manu descent from Ikswaku ( the eldest son of
(a lord of created beings). (1) ‘Vaivaswata ): so it is heard.(3)
In their line appeared
the celebrat- two ( Kuga and Lava ) shall ( presently )
ed king, Sagara by name, by whom sing from the( very ) beginning in all its
was hollowed out the Ocean and details the whole of this story, which
whom, ( even) as he went out ( on is conducive to piety, worldly prosperity
an expedition to chastise his enemies yj and sense-enjoyment along with
his sixty thousand sons followed. (2) Liberation. It should be heard by one
This great story, known by the name of who is free from a carping spirit. (4)
That great and glorious city with its the city is difficult of access and cannot
well-aligned roads is twelve Yojanas be easily approached ( by enemies ). It
(ninety-six miles) long and three Yojanas abounds in horses and elephants, cows,
( twenty-four miles ) wide. ( 7 ) camels and donkeys. (13 ) It is ( ever)
It is graced with a beautifully ramified thronged with crowds of feudatory
extensive highway, which is daily princes that flock from all sides on the
sprinkled ( all along ) with water mission of paying their( annual ) tribute,
and strewn with flowers dropped and is graced with (the pretence of )
from the heavens ( by celestial damsels traders inhabiting different countries. (14)
who hover over the city to have a look Adorned with mountain-like mansions
at it and pay their homage to it ). (8 ) built of precious stones, and thickly
King Dagaratha, who promoted his great set with attics, it looks like Indra's
kingdom to a pre-eminent degree ( by Amaravati. (15) Presenting a colourful
virtue of his righteous and benevolent appearance, it is laid out after the
rule), really made the city more populous design of a dice-board, is thronged with
( even ) as Indra ( the ruler of the gods) bevies of lovely women and full cf all
adds to the population of his own varieties of precious stones, and is
capital ( Amaravati ) in heaven. (9 ) It embellished with seven-storied buildings.
has arched gateways with beautiful (16 ) Thick with houses, it is faultless
doors, is provided with well laid out of design and has been built on
markets and equipped with all sorts of a level ground, abounds in rice and
catapults and weapons and is peopled by contains water Bsweet as the sap
all classes of craftsmen. (10) Crowded of a sugar-cane. (17) Made deeply
with panegyrists and bards, it is resonant with the sound of kettle-drums,
prosperous and possessed of matchless clay tomtoms, lutes and drume; it is
splendour, is marked with tall attics and altogether unexcelled on the earth. ( 18 )
flags and equipped with numberlegs With its well-arranged houses it looks
Sataghnis ( interpreted by rome asa kind like a row of aerial cars in heaven
of rocket and by others as iron pikes). (11) belonging to Siddhas (a class of semi-
The great city is enriched with troupes divine beings naturally endowed witb
of female dancers on all sides and graced mystic powers ) and attained through
with orchards in the shape of mango askesis, and is inhabited py jewels
groves and is enclosed by a defensive
among men. (19 )It is crowded on all
wall.( 12) Hncircled by a deep moat sides with thousands of great car-
which cannot be easily entered or crossed, warriors* who never strike
earteesisesesaswessesiounanerwnamseeess with arrows
A Maharatha ( a great car-warrior ) bas been defined in our scriptures as below:—
Acar AT Aa tay qe at at: | a aeicaea: ot ee ae
“A man who is able to fight while defending himself, his charioteer and horses
title of a Mabaratha.”’ enjoys the
According to another definition a Mahiratha
is he who is able to fight
tien thousand archers— singl--handed
SH eat deaf aaa gag afiaaray |
qB: ai:
Canto VI
A description of the city of Ayodhya and the prosperity of its
inhabitants during the reign of King Daéaratha
qi |= garaareaqqai qafaq 9 adeaye: | adestt ones: «diesragefia: |) 2
gepoafaea = asat T aatt | vefaaeat usfifag slg era: 1 2 MI
qsaiq = faearfas))§6©6 fasara ~—Ssfa frfea: gaia aataiea: smaetamian: || 2 II
qq | AAHSIAST BFA gfizfaar aqar aan ws alae ofefear il ~ Il
ada aa faeaa faaafagar qifwat ar gat ast seeotauerad Wl & UI
While living in the city of Ayodhya, worlds. (2) He was strong and
King Dasgaratha protected his subjects. devoid of foes. He had a number
He was well-versed in the Vedas and of allies and was the conqueror of
collected all ( useful ) things. He was his senses. In point of amassing
farsighted and highly glorious and was wealth and other things he was a compeer
loved by the people inhabiting the city of Indra and Kubera. ( 3 ) Just as the
as well as the countryside. ( 1) He was highly glorious Manu protected the whole
car-hero ( Atiratha )} of world, so did King Dasgaratha, ( 4 ) That
a superlative
Ikswaku's race. He was fond of king, who was true to his word and who
performing sacrifices, devoted to virtue was engaged in the pursuit of wealth,
* The six branches of knowledge auxiliary to a study of the Vedas are:—( 1) Sikea
( Prosody ), ( 4 ) Nirukta ( Etymology ),
{ Phonetics ), { 2 ) Vyakarana ( Grammar ), ( 3 ) Chbandas
hich prescribes the ritual and gives rules for
( 5 ) Jyautiga ( Astronomy ) and (6) Kalpa (w
ceremonial or sacrificial acts ).
thas alone.
+ An Atiratha is he who fights a number of Mahara
long lease of life and aredevoted to virtue Brabmans, the Vaigéyas are devoted
and truth, indas such are never deprived to the Kesatriyas and the Sitdras
of their wives, sons, and grandsons. (18) take delight in their own work while
The Ksatriyas follow the lead of the serving the other three Varnas. ( 19 )
AAA! All:
Canto VII
The virtue and upright conduct of the eight ministers of
Emperor Dagaratha
TNA = arafeaeara: gaaraa: | aeameafyaaa fae fyafet <a |) 2 Il
a ayaa © aerate qaqa: | VaqaamHaA UAHA faa | 2 I
qa fasa: gut usta: | aa adage gueaaeAsalfad 1 3 Il
safast slated qmranhtaaa | afagt qatay afeanat ==amgt tl ¥ Il
qaaissay =waite: meas Maa: | aeezaeg aatgern sraraar fest: tl & Il
weasalifitag Rane As
Was: |
The ministers of the exceptionally Vijaya, Surastra, Rastravardhana, Akopa,
high-souled King Dagaratha (a scion of Dharmapala and Arthavit, Sumantra being
Ikswaku) knew how to weigh the pros the eighth. (3) Vasistha and Vamadeva,
and cons of a problem, could read the the foremost of seers, were his two
mind of others and were ever devot
ed to beloved family priests ( and counsellors
the welfare of their beloved master.
( In too ). And there were other counsellors}
Short ) they were endowed with (all ) too, viz, Suyajha and Jabali, Kasyapa (a
virtues ( appropriate to a minister
).( 1 ) scion of Kagsyapa ) and Gautama, the
Hight* (in number) were the ministers long-lived Markandeya and the Brahman,
of that heroic king, who were ( all ) Katyayana. (4-5) Along with there
glorious, pure ( of mind ana
conduct ) Brahman seers, his hereditary priests too
and ever devoted to the affairs of the
king ever functioned as his
(state). (2) They were Dhrsti,
Jayanta, ( also ),
( ever ) playing on their lips and would _with another's wife anywhere in that
never tell a lie (even) in anger or for the ; kingdom. ( On the other hand ) the
sake of sense-enjoyment or wealth. (6—8) whole state as well as the aforesaid city
Nothing connected with their own people of Ayodhya (the foremost of allcities) was
or with others was unknown to them; perfectly tranquil ( free from turmoil or
whatever was done or sought to be done |
tribulation ), ( 15 ) They were all finely
by the people was known to them through
dressed and well-adorned, and were of
Bpies.( 9) They were (all ) tactful in
holy resolve; the welfare of the king (the
their dealings ( with others ), had been
state ) was their ( sole ) purpose (in life)
tried in the matter of loyalty, and meted
and they were ( always ) wide awake,
out puuishment even to their (own) sons
seeing everything with the eye of
( strictly ) according to the law when
prudence. (16) Favoured of the
occision demanded it. (10) They were
preceptor ( of the king ) because of their
( ever ) intent on swelling the state for
( numerous ) virtues and celebrated
exchequer and consolidating the army
their prowess, they were universally
and did not persecute even an enemy if
recognized even in foreign lands, their
he was not ( found ) guilty.( 11) They
conclusions being based on their ( own )
were ( great ) heroes with an undying
intellect.( 17) They were qualified all
zeal (for warfare ) and followed the
round and were never devoid of virtues.
precepts of political science; they
They were conversant with the principles
protected under all circumstances the
determining the propriety of peace and
people of good conduct in their state. (12)
war and were naturally endowed with
They filled the coffers of the state
the divine properties,( 18) They were
without harassing the Brahman and the
capable of maintaining the secrecy of
Ksatriya communities and inflicted heavy
deliberatious and ( further) capable of
penalties (of course) after duly consider-
the fat or slender resources* of the subtle reasoning. They possessed a special
(and the gravity or otherwise knowledge of political science and
offence committed by him ). (13 ) always spoke kindly.(19)
of the
«=gmMadteaqaaz = ABA II Ro ||
aaasaa: | Sat
bs ee
sesledareaa Ua oy c ae
| R24
: ip
STAZAAIT ALT Tal quay) | Waa | aT eae
place of punishment 4s well as the sge and capacity of the convict shou ld be
“The time and
taken into cons‘deration while awarding punishment.”
fayafey = Raga: wT | HAA Tageate: sae fala | 22 I
qeqnesaes a aa al AaAAKAA: |
faa = aaarAea: qaedares: | a mana sae wat fafa taafarzar || 22 I
ddfeafudeafea = fafatddsazh: Fae: aaa: |
a qfaal aiftaa geeasaaaifatafedise: 1 xy 1
ZA AAA aA ual qaaws aa. aM i wo tl
~ ¢
Assisted by such qualified ministers, had a number of allies; the rulers of the
as mentioned above, and priests and adjoining territories bowed to him
counsellors, and free from ( all ) vices*, ( accepted his suzerainty ) and ( all ) his
Emperor Dagaratha ruled over the (entire) enemies were got rid of by his ( very )
globe. ( 20) Seeing everything with his glory. (In this way ) the emperor ruled
eyes in the form of spies and protecting over the world (even) as Indra ( the
the people through righteousness, ( nay ) ruler of the gods ) reigns ( supreme ) in
providing maintenance for his subjects heaven. ( 23) Surrounded by the afore-
and abstaining from unrighteousness, the said counsellors, who had been charged
said tiger among men, who was with the act of deliberation ana were
munificent and true to his promise and devoted to the interests of the state, (nay)
well-known (as such ) in (all) the who were clever and efficient and loyal
three worlds, ruled over this earth while to the king, the said monarch ( Emperor
residing in Ayodhya. ( 21-22 ) He never Dagaratha ) shone with splendour even
met an enemy, who could match, as a rising sun shines bright when
much less excel, him ( in strength ), and joined
with its glorious rays. ( 24 )
Thus ends Canto Seven in the Bala-Kanda
of the glorious Ramayana
of Valmiki, the work of a Rst and the
oldest epic.
— a
* Lord Manu says:—
5 V.R.N.—1
put forth by the king with his own be sacrificed ) be releatred.( 11) Also
lips, in the words ‘'Well conceived !’’ let a sacrificial ground be prepared on
‘Excellent !!'' (10) Nay, highly pleased, the northern bank of the Sarayu. (Through
they all tendered the following advice to the contemplated sacrifice ) you will at
Dasaratha:—''The well-known requisites all events get sons* desired by you, O
(for the performance of a horse-sacrifice) ruler of the earth,—you, to whom such a
may be got together and the horse ( to pious idea for getting a son has occurred.’’
* This
= ian pecrorcance with the) popular saying: —‘uesq, qeq: gat: ( One should
many sons ). covet
+ We read in the Brahmanas:—“qqz
aqqy t afer agerqiaa? ( For
the horse-sacrifice four hundred warriors guard avoiding interruption in
the horse. )
{ The Brahmanas further declare:— ‘agg Freqw qz ot gare.’
§ Verses 15 to 19 of this canto have been repeated almost
under the same numbers. verbatim in Canto XII
aif awaqaq aq alan; sfaghaar: i 22
qiaeze aq aay aaiga «faa 8 | ae fasted aaa adacay
TUAAT || Re ||
saa aleaa: aq
Ly g
| faasiaar ara fag afaalfaeaada | 22 II
qaqa: aT:
Canto IX
A dialogue between Emperor Daéaratha and Sumantra
Vassar «= TE an wsaffenate | yaa aq Fuad FUT A Aa BAT Il ge II
pfafaeqesist yuad) aa va: | apa waar ga asa F7 II 2 |
= ~~
san afat usa yam off | seas agaist fanse eft aa: i & II
garg a era ga xvas) a aq faaaret afiaaat: ar il ¥ Il
aii oosiaifa faaedt «ea fraacarg | afed aerader affeqfa weraa: il & Il
. S : & = ‘
qua: a:
Canto X
the capt tal of Romapada
How the sage Reyasrnga was lured away to
to his adupted daughter, Santa
and married
garaged =val laae 429 aaa |
aalqaa ufafa: | aa fanfed ay ay A afeafu: ae | 8 Ul
VAUNAATAS aalAka: gules: | Sara facqratsaaearfaefutafaa: |) 2 I
HP PTLSY qFAATAT TNFa: | HafMaeg ariat fasamt gaa az | 2 Il
ePaaefaadaefrasarfata: | gearaafacqra: = fas =areaadlaany || ¥ Il
utara ws Bas: wea: | cela fdaataaeedte ana: Il & Il
Urged by the king ( Dasgaratha ), with the fair sex as well as with the
Sumantra then made the following objects of senses and the pleasures
reply:—‘‘Hear from me with your relating to them.(3) We shall in no
counsellors, as being exhaustively told by time cause him to be brought to your
me, how and by what device the sage capital by means of pleasing objects of
Rsyasrnga was brought ( to the capital senses that attract the mind of men;
of Romapada ) by his counsellers, (1 ) 8teps may therefore be taken ( towards
Accompanied by the ministers, the family. this end ).( 4) Let beautifully adorned
priest (of Romapada) spoke to Romapada courtesans of comely appearance proceed
as follows:—‘‘The following unfailing there ( to the hermitage of his father ).
expedient has been carefully thought out Received kindly (by the youthful
by us. (2) Living (as he does)in the woods sage ), they will lure him away to
and rich in askesis and study of the this place by recourse to diverse
Vedas, Rsyasrnga is wholly unacquainted devices.’’ ( 5 )
aaisiaed 9 tama = ATL fanresaa: dala Aaa faraaeqe: |I R¥ Il
wala! AA a
ER AAW: «ASFA: | esq oq adt fagaard cearaar | 4 I
siaq a: Ss atemeaqafie a: | waaai aq aenafafa waa | RII
faamaa adhe eqqafa a fet oa | auicay faa fafafe ufsar ay | Roll
all left, the Brahman with a delighted mind the moment they
When they had
( Rsyaérnga ), sprung from the loins of saw the sage coming from his hermitage,
(a scion of the sage they all then addressed to him the
Kasgyapa ), felt uneasy at heart and was following request:—''( Just ) pay a visit
restless through agony. ( 23) Thinking to our hermitage, O gentle one !’’ and
of them in bis mind again and again, (further ) spoke as follows:—( 24—26 )
that powerful and glorious sage Rsyasrnga “Although roots and fruits of various
(son of Vibhandaka) departed from that kinds may be had in abundance here, this
place the following day to that area where process ( of entertainment ) will surely be
those charming courtesans had been seen gone through there (in our hermitage )
( by him) beautifully adorned ( the in a special degree even as compared
previous day ). Going forth to meet him to this place.’’ ( 27 )
Hearing the prayer of themall, (which due ceremony water to wash his hands
was 80 ) captivating to the heart, he made with and begged of that prince among
up his mind to go ( with them ) and the Brahmans a boon to the effect that no
women took him ( to the capital of King wrath might enter (the mind of ) the
Romapada ) in that manner (in a boat page ( or his father for his having caused
on the holy Ganga ).( 28) Even while the sage to be lured away to his
the high-souled Brahman was being kingdom from his father's presence ).
escorted there ( to the Anga territory) (31) Having ushered him into the
the god of rain sent down a shower all of Synaeceum and duly given away with a
a sudden at that (very ) time, bringing tranquil mind his daughter, Santa, the
great joy to the world, (29 ) Going forth said king experienced ( great ) joy. ( 32 )
to meet the ascetic Brahman, who had Duly entertained with all the desired
arrived ( in his kingdom ) synchronously objects in this way, the said Rsyagrnga,
with the rain, the said ruler of men who was possessed of unique glory,
bowed low to the sage and touched the lived there (in the gynaeceum of King
ground with his head.( 30) Fully Romapada ) with his weddea wife,
composed in mind he offered him with Santa. ( 33 )
Thus ends Canto Ten in the Bala-Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of
Valmiki, the work of @ Rsi and the oldest epic,
00 Doe
Canto XI
Urged by Sumantra, Emperor Dafaratha calls on bis friend, King
Romapada, and brings with the latter’s permission
Santa and Rsyasrnga to his own palace.
waeoua fe wee ay A aad fea |aa a eagae: summa afm | g
URN Ss sat vfscala
Gulag: | arta cal war ata aagfaa: || g
ce a
6 V.R. N.—I
Canto XII
of a
Emperor Daégaratha gives his consent to the performance
horse-sacrifice for being blessed with a son.
enjoined to do. ( 20) Those Brahman s dispersed, the highly intelligent monarch
entered his gynaeceum. ( 42 )
next glorified the emperor, who knew
Canto XIII
Feudatory chiefs called under orders of the emperor and
charged with the duty of setting up stables etc.
Gar mead gard TTT: dqesnad | cars ad ae eaata aaa il 2 Il
sfaaa aft a eq: ofigsa a | aadiq sofia aad gaara feslaaT || 2 II
am oF faar qa aah afagaa | aaa fae: feat aargg fadtaar il = Il
war feara: deena gaa Gal Hela | aNeeat Yaar Aa UR aweq aera: il ¥ II
qt a a wsHaAAae fase: | afd adagaq waar aq aafiay ll & I
The vernal season having appeared by the scriptures, O jewel among sages,
again, one year* got completed and the and steps may be taken to ensure that no
powerful monarch ( Dagaratha ) called obstacles may be thrown ( by the ogres
on Vasistha with a view to commencing etc. )in the way of items forming part
the horse-sacrifice for the sake of a (male) of the sacrifice. (3) You are a loving
progeny.( 1) Having greeted Vasistha friend to me as well as my supreme
and ( his wife ) Arundhati and offered preceptor and an exalted soul ( too),
homage to them according to the The ( whole ) burden of the sacrifice that
scriptural ordinance, he addressed the has come to me is to be borne by
following humble prayer to Vasistha (the you alone.’’ (4) ‘tAmen!’’ gaid that
foremost of the Brahmans) with the Object jewel among the Brahmans to the
of obtaining a son:-(2) “Let the emperor, and added, ‘‘I shall undoubtedly
sacrifice intended to be performed by me, do all that which has been sought
O holy one, be commenced as enjoined for by you.’ ( 5 )
AT Wl 22 WV
Some days after the departure of every side with all the desired objects
Sumantra and others ( a number of ) kings got together ( by your men ) and looks as
arrived with many valuable presents (in if erected by your (mere) wish.’’ ( 38 )
the form of jewels, pearls, articles of On the recommendation of both the sages
wearing apparel, ornaments etc. ) for Vasistha and Rsyagrnga Daégaratha
Emperor Daégaratha: so the tradition ( the ruler of the earth ) accordingly
goes. Highly pleased at their arrival, proceeded ( to the sacrificial hall ) ona
Vasistha spoke to the king as follows:— day marked with a propitious
( 34-35 ) ‘Kings have arrived at your constellation. ( 39 ) Having reached the
command, O tiger among men! Nay, all sacrificial hall in a body, placing
have been received with hospitality Rsyasrnga at their head, all the foremost
according to their deserts by me, O jewel Brahmans with Vasistha as their leader
among monarchs ! Moreover, everything ( Acharya ) then commenced the sacrifice
connected with the sacrifice has been got according to the scriptural ordinance in
ready by your men with great attention, the prescribed order the same day. Nay, the
Therefore, proceed you to the sacrificial glorious emperor with his congorts went
hall close by to commence the sacrifice. through the (ceremony of ) congeecration
( 36-37 ) Be pleased, O king of kings, to ( in order to qualify themselves for
inspect the hall, which is furnished on the sacrificial performance ). ( 40-41)
Thus ends Canto Thirteen tn the Bala-Kaida of the glorious Ramayana
of Valmiki, the work of @ Rsi and the oldest epic.
C ¢
qe: Aun:
Canto XIV
King Daégaratha proceeds with the horsessacrifice; Rsyasrnga grants
him a boon regarding the birth of four sons.
aq aaeat TT afer mia ata | awa alt ual =aaseaada || 2 Il
gpg ye FA aafeatur | aaa aes was BACHAA II 2 II
an pata fafaae =asa Saga: | aafafa aura oReara area: lt) 2 I
cay ela: «= FRAT. TFA feat: | aaa fafaaq aqafas ea area: Il ¥ II
aforementioned horse having being severally known by the names
the completion of a twelve. of Hota, Adhwaryu and Udgata ),
returned on
the foremost among the Brahmang
month after its release, the ( horse- )
on the northern discharged their functions in the
sacrifice commenced
Sarayu. (1 ) Placing great Aswamedha _ sacrifice started
bank of the
at their head ( as the arch. by this exceptionally noble-minded
whose function is monarch. (2) The priests officiating at
priest or Brahma,
a sacri fice, the othe r the sacrifice, who had ( all) mastered the
to supe rvis e
at a sacrifice Vedas, duly performed their (respective)
three priests officiating
7 Vv. R. N.-1
duties and proceeded according to the into a heated vessel called Mahavira or
scriptural ordinance abiding by the Gharma, or into boiling ghee ) as well as
procedure (laid down in the Kalpa-Sutras) through the Isti(a minor sacrifice) called
and following the order of sequence given Upasada, according to the scriptural
in the Mimamsa-Sastra. (3) Having ordinance, the Brahmans (also) duly
gone through the rite known by the name performed every ( additional ) rite
of Pravargya (auxiliary to a _ horse- (even ) beyond the ( express ) injunctions
sacrifice, in which fresh milk is poured of the Sastras. ( 4 )
meals (under the auspices of the the proper way and tasteful ( too ) and
sacrifice ) and so did the recluses too as Dasaratha (a scion of Raghu) heard them
saying, ‘‘Oh, we are (fully ) sated. May
well asthe aged and the diseased as also
good betide you !|'’ (17) Nay,men richly
women and children. ( The dishes were
adorned served food to the Brahmans,
80 delicious that) no satiety was observed
while others decked with ear-rings
in the latter, even though they were fed
made of highly polished gems waited
day and night. ( 12-13 ) Pressed ( by men
upon the former ( in their turn ), (18 )
at the helm of affairs ) in the words ‘‘Let
ealedt | aa fast =2a ara qgaty | ore: aaifiaat dt: aeeaefaaiear 1 28II
faqga feat aa Gat HAST fear: | again amet Ae salfeat: I Ro I
ate 3 facalatealaal AACA: | wae J UR alaeHael fas: 4) 2 Mi
During the interval between two mistakes ) in this sacrificial performance
Savanas ( act of pressing out the Soma of that monarch ( King Dasgaratha ) was
juice ) on that occasion intelligent and not conversant with the six branches of
put forward knowledge auxiliary to the Vedas ( wiz, 1-
highly eloquent Brahmans
many reasoned arguments with the Siksa or Phonetics, 2-Vyakarana or
the better of one Grammar, 3-Chhandas or Prosody, 4-
intention of getting
5-Jyautisa or
another. (19 ) From day to day in that Nirukta or Etymology,
and 6-Kalpa or the science
sacrifice the aforesaid expert Brahmans Astronomy
to which prescribes the ritual and gives
discharged all the functions according
rules for ceremonial or sacrificial acts ),
the scriptural ordinance as directed ( by
not observe sacred vows and was
the elders ). ( 20) No Brahman holding did
duties not very learned or not skilled
the office of a Sadasya ( whose
and correct argument. ( 21 )
are merely to look on
eq alfa areifa oatfa aati =aaom: | aval siete fafaaq ane: Neafaa: | 3 II
TAMGG Aalalaragi feat = efa: | qaqdaer aaa Faal UIT aq || 38 ||
sqaiszana: Gea: «= FATA TAT: | waslanemer «ae fe feqag II vo II
sazq fadta §=9—-aeataafaual AMG | altars aeal fafear: meaeziara Il ve |
safasiagnh aaafauat aq fafaat | afufafeafasaamiaaial = AeA: [v2 II
sixteen Brahman priests ficial ) fire with due ceremony all the
All the
rm- articles worth consigning intothe fire
( taking part in the sacrificial perfo
cast into the ( sacri- as parts of a horse-sacrifice. ( 38)
ances ) in a body
* the four priests mentioned above, the Hota invokes the gods at a sacrifice,
measure the ground, to build the altar, to coJlect and
ing the Rgveda; the Adhwaryu’s duty is to
w ood and water, to light the fire and so on, repeating the
arrange the sacrificial vessels, to fetch
g 80; the Udgata chants the hymns of the Samaveda; while the
texts of the Yajurveda while doin
is required to be the most learned of them all and is expected to
duty of the Brahma, who
know all the Vedas, is to supervise the sacrifice.
mat aa zal ust fet waagaada: | seaaa cdl gaa afant fear ll v2 I
Sa afta =~fafafaar | aeaay wean waatufafet ga li xx Il
ao aaa g aal ealqa: = yeaa: pkana fe cal ust at at Heada: Wee
Uy = «aay TEMsysAaeap
area: Bkaseagqad, «4¢ usd nafafeaaa ve II
walda oat Hee Ai vaquefa | a year anes ae AI: ta WA Il we II
wa: erat at fa fe yan | faeaq fefatae sazsq uarfala Il ¥é Il
aint gay a mal at aT BATA | aq sas Aas ywa a gaHAT Il x8 II
( At the conclusion of the sacrifice ) the said occasion. (45) Having made the
the emperor, the promoter of his race, aforesaid gift, the glorious Dagaratha
gave away (as Daksina or sacrificial fee) (a scion of Ikswaku ) felt extremely
the eastern quarter ( of the globe ) to delighted, All the priests, however, spoke
the Hota, the western to the Adhwaryu, (as follows ) to the sinless king:—( 46 )
the southern quarter to the Brahma and ‘You alone are able to protect the
the northern to the Udgata. Such is the entire globe. We have nothing to do with
Daksina prescribed forthe great sacrifice the earth nor are we able to maintain it.
of ASwamedna, which was performed for (47) As we are constantly devoted to
the first time by Brabma (the self-born the prosecution of the study of the Vedas,
creator of tne universe ). ( 43-44 ) Having O protector of the earth, give you
concluded the ( great ) sacrifice according anything, whatsoever by way of
to the scriptural ordinance, the emperor, consideration at this moment. ( 48 )
a jewel among men and the promoter of Bestow (on us ) some superb gem, gold
his race, actually gave away to the or cows or whatever may be available,
priests ( who officiated at the sacrifice) O jewel among the protectors of men !
the earth itself ( as specified above ) on We have no use for the earth.’ ( 49 )
Gaza? Aa!
Canto XV
RsyaSrnga conducts a sacrifice for securing the birth of sons to Dagaratha;
the gods approach Brahma in that very sacrifice with a prayer for
bringing about the death of Ravana; Brahma implores Lord
Vignu (also present there) to descend in the house
of DaSaratha and do away with Ravana
and the Lord undertakes
to kill Ravana.
raat F ad era a fefafeqqay | eeadaeaed g aaa sana Il 2 Il
se asé after gtlat ganna | aaiiaefa ges: §fest faaraa: Ul 2 I
da: simnfafs at) gah GaN | Gelaral a Aaa) aeqetta satu || 3 II
ait eat: ameaat: «=fag aaa: | asfaserd «8 aaaar «=oaemifafe Il ¥ I
aT: ah aurea afm aafe faa: | aqatearenali =oaenot aad aa: Il & II
Having deeply pondered a little then ing to the procedure shown in the
as to what should be done next and sacred texts.( 3) The (various ) gods
presently becoming conscious ( of his ( including Brahma ) accompanied by
Surroundings ), the highly intelligent Gandharvas ( celestial musicians ),
Rsyagrnga, well-versed in the Vedas, Siddhas ( a class of semi-divine beings
spoke to King Dagaratha as follows:—(1) naturally endowed with mystic powers ),
“For the sake of securing sons to you and the greatest of seers assembled
I shall duly perform a sacrifice capable there to accept in person their share of
of procuring a male progeny and well- Offerings according to the ( established )
known for its unfailing effect with the procedure. ( 4 ) Approaching Brahma, the
help of Mantras ( sacred texts ) taught maker of the universe, in that ( very )
in the Atharva-Veda.’' (2) For securing assembly ( congregated for the sacrifice )
( the birth of four ) sons (to Dasgaratha) according to their ( respective ) rank
the glorious Rsyasrnuga forthwith ( of course unperceived by mortal men ):
commenced the said sacrifice capable of
the aforesaid divinities presently
procuring a male progeny, and poured
addressed the following prayer ( to
Oblations into the ( sacred ) fire accord-
him ):—( 5 )
you were ( with him ). And respecting including Gandharvags, the Brahmans
it (as wedo), we have always brooked and demons, (9) The sun does not
all his wrong doings. ( 7) The evil- scorch him (in midsummer ), the
minded fellow is harassing ( all ) the wind does not blow (furiously)
three worlds, hates the exalted past him. Seeing him the ocean does
( prosperous ) and seeks to overpower not get agitated, though ( naturally )
( even ) Indra ( the lord of paradise ). consisting of turbulent waves. ( 10 )
(o>) Infatuated by the boon Therefore we are much afraid of that
(conferred by you) and hard to ogre of frightful aspect. Be pleased, O
subdoae, he treats profanely Ksis, lord, to devise some means of putting
Yaksas ( a class of demigods ) Bm eng tosbim,? (115)
Waa: at:
adlsadtg | eae . fafeaetea
satay guna: I 22 Il
aq oneasgaint taal 0 tT | IaEAseaa Tym aaa a aeAAT Il 22 II
qaqa AZ AN ATT AT | AeA ASTI qe Bgaleaise faa | Ly II
wader «faa aaa eS BMaISay | Sal ANT: BF «=TEeIRASHATeAMT II 24 I
wafeneazai fasyeraa Relate: |agama: = dlaarar |smeafa: 1 88 II
Saag aurea eee aT | aaeIeHRT © ATA: | BURA? II Po I
Aa = amma aq aa aalfea: | aagaq au: at aaftcey saat: Il ec ll
Pondering (awhile ) when prayed above felt supremely delighted at that
to thus by all the gods, Brahma moment to hear this happy revelation
“Il am glad the means communicated by Brahma.(15) In the
now said,
fellow meantime arrived (there), riding on
of despatching that evil-minded
has come to my mind. (12) ‘Let me ( the back of ) Garuda (the king of birds)
of being killed by asp the eun on a cloud, the extremely
prove incapable
Yakgsas, gods and resplendent Visnu, the Lord of the
the Gandharvas and
universe, clad in yellow and wielding a
ogres |' This was the prayer addressed
and mace in His hands,
by him (to me) and ‘So be it!’ were conch, discus
uttered by me then,( 13) (nay ) decked with a pair of armlets
the words
mention human of refined gold and being glorified by
The said ogre did not
out of the foremost of gods.( 16-17) Nay,
beings on that occasion
meeting Brahma, He took His position
contempt ( for them ). Therefore
( in that assembly ) composed in
of being killed by a there
he is capable
mind. Duly extolling Him and bent
being ( alone ); otherwise there
human the gods
( L45)9 All= the low ( in reverence ), all
is no death for him.’’
follows ):—( 18 )
and great Rsis mentioned prayed to Him (as
qa Aa:
Canto XVI
A dialogue between Lord Vignu and the gods bearing on Ravana; on the
disappearance of the Lord an attendant of Prajapati ( Lord Visnu,
the Protector of all created beings ) rises from the sacrificial
pit and hands over to Daéaratha a basin containing
milk boiled with rice and sugar and the
latter divides it among his wives.
gaaq aad AAT GUT fasunar | ftat Vaarata aay awa JUHA Il ¢ il
a acaga agai wes aeafa: | aasq gfarfats qargektqaa: ll 3 ll
a nat faad froquasq a faaed | aeaatd vel 24: qeaural efit: Il Xo Il
aat GF AANA qaaadenng | cigdd wee yd wedia aaaey Il 28 ll
Foy | WHI FATAT THe geefiaan, | Raraedaaqsenysaday, Heri
BUBANAIe feequaRay | evga caagefamnd || 22 Il
frarataalalt daaafiaqay | aastqacarat wsmaeagesarz |) 2¥ Il
facqraaargat «= iataailftta flan | cua faget @eat qa araadifaa |) 84 Ul
Hearing the aforesaid submission of Dark-complexioned with a ruddy
the gods, the high-souled Lord Visnu countenance and a voice resembling
then desired King Dasgaratha to be His the sound of a large kettle-drum, he was
father. (8 ) Desirous of getting a son, clad in redand had soft and excellent
since he had no male issue, the afore- hair resembling a lion’s all over his
said monarch too, who was possessed of body, about his lower face and on his
great splendour and was capable of upper lip a8 well as on his head. ( 12 )
destroying his foes, performed at that Invested with auspicious marks (on
( very ) time a sacrifice calculated to his body ) and decked with celestial
procure him a son. (9) Having made jewels, he possessed the height of a
up His mind (accordingly ) and saying mountain-peak and strode like a proud
good-bye to Brahma ( the progenitor tiger. (13) His figure shone like the
of the entire creation ), the said Lord sun and he looked like a flame of blaz.-
Visnou disappeared ( even ) while ing fire and personally carried in both
He was being worshipped by the gods his arms a largebasin of refined gold,—
and great Rsis. ( 10 ) Then indeed there full of ethereal Payasa ( milk boiled
arose from the fire (known as the with rice and sugar) and covered
Ahavaniya ) of the sacificer an extra- with a_ silver lid, as though a
ordinary being, possessed of matchless product of magic,—( even ) as one
splendour and endowed with exceptional would carry~ one’s beloved spouse,
prowess and uncommon strength. (11 ) ( 14-15 )
aca aaa: waard aat aarl avaiad cal alfa afar aafag: 1 wll
S323 0 qrafeerad «= al i
garda | geetzy aaa il ||| 2 22 II
Brey = aaersalgay
aqme afar |= gata agafa: | ca aat zat ust wain Wad TH | 8 Il
aaa 4oWaa =I aezeaiaatea: | ata AR =oaal: =geaifeaaa: || Re II
qq a: wa aguafea adisdedamad = 94m|
galaalfacaaraasatstacor TAT sfarafet AAT MN RR I
aaeq oust fader oat) fa: © gent: afaraggeraa:|
aya zefafea eft: antes fanonfagtaa: | 2% Ul
cand Aaa seta onary areas Gem | Wl Xe UI
on receiving the Payasa, ( 30 ) Partak-
With the object of getting (them) a
son (each), the king then gave half of the ing of the excellent Payasa separately
the same moment, those noble wives of
Payasa to Kausalya and the emperor made
the emperor actually felt before
over one half of the other half to Sumitra
long by virtue of it the presence ( in
( his second wife ) too. ( 27 ) Again he
their womb ) of offsprin g vying in
gave half of the rest to Kaikeyi and,
splendour with the fire and the sun. ( 31 )
reflecting (awhile), the highly intelligent
other half of the Perceiving the aforesaid queens with
Dagaratha gave the
once more to offspring in their womb, quickened
nectar-like Payasa
this way the monarch immediately afterwards, the emperor,
Sumitra. In
the Payasa separately who had attained his desired object and
all his aforementioned wives. was adored by Indra (the ruler of
All the aforesaid noble gods ), and hosts of Siddhas and Ksis
( 28-29)
wives of the emperor deemed this (as the future father of the divine Sri
(apportionment) asa unigue honour, their Rama ), felt delighted ( even ) as Indra
mind enlivened through excessive joy does in heaven. ( 32 )
Canto XVII
Birth of monkey chiefs from the loins of different
gods under the direction of Brahma
gad oa oma fo user Henna: | sara @aa: wat aaHnarfaed Ile I
aaa = ae. wat aTSCCéf@tf: | faeon: aera afea: Gag sraefom: || 2 II
aafacar awa qgananiaa | aaa afeatcar faygeqqumara ll 2 Il
SC DIGuIDriC™ fesqdenateana | aalaquaqaaaaatag ly dl
Tag A qerg aad ay a | aaqaqnaeay saamaty Fil & Il
fatdor a aay ada ay alan efteiq Garages | & Il
aq wat ae RAAT: | SAAT azar aA Atala Il © Il
Lord Visnu having all but assumed ( celestial nymphs ), the wombs of
the role of sons to that high-souled Gandharva women, maidens of Yaksas
monarch ( King Daégaratha ), the almighty (a class of demigods, ruled over
Brahma ( the self-born ) commanded all by Kubera ) and Nagas ( serpent-demons
the gods as follows:—(1) ''Beget mighty credited with a human face and serpent-
part manifesfations of yourselves, capable like lower body ), Bhe-bears and
of assuming any form at willand able to Vidyadhara women, the wombs of female
assist the valiant Lord Visnu, who is Kinnaras* and she-monkeys procreate
true to His promise and wishes well of s0ns in the form of monkeys, equalin
us all. (2) Through the*®principal Apsaras Btrength to #£=you, well-versed in
~ ees oe
* A class of demigods with a human figure and the head of a horse or with ’
body and the head of a human being. fra
conjuring tricks, gallant, swift as the body, skilledin the use and withdrawaletce.
wind in speed, expert in policy, gifted of missiles and resembling the gods (that
With intelligence, equal in prowess to feed on ambrosia). (3—6) Jambavan, the
Lord Visnu, incapaple of being killed (by chief of bears, has already been begotten by
the enemy ), conversant with ( various ) me. He issued forth from my mouth all of
contrivances, endowed with an ethereal a sudden(even)asI was yawning.’’(7)
at ae qATAUMCAT ammlarararar: | 89 Il
farnleal: aaeag: | & AAACHFIAT qysaeal §Aelaet: | Xc Il
aqaaaat | ala
BAMA TRS: faotafuafat | ae fazer agg ast aa TAA: Il ES Il
qq ay gah Fat | MAST aoal: fafagaafamal: Wl Xo Il
yaad aaeta
gag a aa Sct au: fatty a | ear nefaneaatenetae «|asta: Ul Rk Il
[ Bk. 1
plARTaS al qarzrafaarfen: || 2x II
fiengeeem = in A | fee: «wea TaaaNEA: I 24 I
AGZEIZA: aq aq aaiaalfaar: | faamag: teen Reda: few Zar Il 26 Il
awaga Wa eye atat faq) anag: fafa seeqarsagquemar I 2 Il
anes = fatigae eta = daar. | aelaele maga Aaa gAsal a4 II RII
aaa me qaagiaenala | Zeal saatfa cdot =Fraelsonz || 28 II
Ad aaaeanloy qaqa wea Laat ag ating = efeqeraT: II Ro I
TFA ATA, INE NCECGE adi | sa Baad: GAMeEY: Beast: || $2 II
aa aafaasaca aaaia a ARR
They were gifted with the power of (26) They could agitate the sea, the
assuming any form and acquiring any lord of the rivers, withtheir impetuosity,
amount of strength at will and could go rend the earth with their feet and leap
about wherever they liked. ( 23-24) Nay, across extensive oceans. (27) They
they rerembled the lion and tiger in point could penetrate into the firmament and
of haughtiness andstrength. Allused(even) catch hold of the clouds. They could even
rocks as their miseiles and all fought with seize elephants in rut roaming at will
mountains (as their weapon ). (25) All had in the forest, ( 28 ) Nay, they could dash
claws and teeth for their weapons and down with their yell crying birds. A
all were skilled in the use of all( sorts crore of suchhigh-souled monkeys capable
of ) missiles. They could shake great of assuming any form at will and ableto
mountains and cleave rooted trees. lead herds of their kind came
to light. They turned out to proved to be the foremost of generals.
be the leaders of ( separate ) herds of Others in their thousands regorted to the
monkeys among their principal troops peaks of Mount Rksavan; (still ).others
and begot ( other) valiant monkeys who sought various mountains and forests.
aa 4 od mt a afeary |) 82 UI
wiaaqeget a efiqum: | ae ale eeaaeaia =afi | 23 I
a oaeaqqzarqar: «= ay gafaaar: | favdisday wata fiecaramalema || By Il
WEA! welalgatet fayefara: | gig ysag = anys [I R& II
Woks N
aha gfe} ai: aqaaaainat | xt fafaaderataeamaean: || 2 II
Sn al
+A AO A_¢ eof
qa yufadeead: aalsat UAaElqeal: || Fe II
ZAIN AAR qreatAMA ones qreawws ae: Se ll 2 Nl
All those monkey chiefs flocked round (aforesaid) bears, monkeys and long-tailed
the two brothers, Sugriva, son of the monkeys. (35) This globe with (all
sun-god, and Vali, son -of Indra, too; its ) mountains, forests and oceans was
while others stood by the side of Overrun by the abovementioned heroes
Nala, Nila, Hanuman and other of diverse podily structures and
monkey chiefs. (29—33) Hndowed with distinguished by various characteristic
the might of Garuda, they were all skilled marks. ( 36 ) The earth was filled with
in warfare and, while roaming about, those mighty leaders of monkey chiefs,
killed all lions, tigers and big snakes who looked like a mass of clouds or
( that confronted them). (34) The like mountain-peaks and were endowed
mighty and stout-armed Vali, who with a fearful body and aspect and had
possessed extraordinary prowess, protected been born (only) to assiet Sri
with the might of his arms the Rama. ( 37 )
Thus ends Canto Seventeen in the Bdala-Kanda of the glorious Ramayana
of Vdlmiki, the work of a Rst and the oldest epic.
t= SH
Advent of Sri Rama, Bharata and others; festivities in heaven
as well as in Ayodhya; their investiture with the sacred
thread; the arrival of Viswamitra
faa qo mal afta ema aeraa: | staged urna =oofasPadamay tl 2 Il
aaa ataltr aa: gedingaalad: | staat tS Te ATIEA I Rl
ame =faareca ua a ofaatar: | afar: gagaaa «oa oafayTay Il 2 I
staat weoat ar mare GU Ad: | aaa uat gal sesta aarfat |
may Sfeeay sae: TA | ofaa gd oar yeaa faslaard |
alraal wal | araysary: «=a: | qaqa Ua a aaa etear II
uq fagsaq a sala Us ata Taraa: | saa gfaaaa gaat fafaraqa |
g uF R, N.—I
The celebrated ASéwamedha sacrifice, foremost of sages ). ( 3 ) Clad in a white
as well as that intended to procure male uniform ( presented by the emperor)
by the high-souled and greatly delight ed, the troops of
progeny, performed
emperor, having been concluded, the those glorious kings, (even) as the
immortals ( who personally attended it ) latter proceeded to their (respective)
returned ( even ) as they hadcome, after homes from that city (of Ayodhya ),
receiving their ( respective ) shares ( of shone brightly. (4) The kings having
the offerings made in the sacrifices ). dispersed, the glorious King Dasaratha
(1) Having completed the sacred vow ( who had gone out in state to see them
( of chastity etc.) taken at the time off )entered the city once more, placing
of consecration, the king proceeded the foremost of Brahmans ( Vasistha
towards his capital accompanied by his and others) at his head. (5) Duly
wives and along with his servants, honoured and being followed (to some
army and conveyances. ( 2 ) Having been distance ) by the wise king with his
honoured according to their (respective) entourage, Rsyasrnga ( too ) departed with
rank by the emperor, who had ( just) (his wife ) Santa. (6) Having thus
concluded his sacrificial performances, sent away all of them, and fully realized
the kings too( that had assembled for the his ambition ( of performing a horse-
sacrifice ) returned full of delight to sacrific e ), the king dwelt happily there
their territories bowing low to Vasistha, (in his own capital ), ( eagerly ) awaiting
Rsyasrnga, Vamadeva and others ( the the birth of sons ( to him ). (7 )
The sage ( on behalf of the emperor ) ( the self-born ). All the ( four ) princes
fed the Brahmans of the capital as well turned out to be mastersof the Vedas
asp of the ( entire ) kingdom ( of Kosala) and ( great ) heroes, and all were intent
and gave away tothe( said ) Brahmans upon doing good to the people. ( 25)
@ large heap of shining jewels, ( 23 ) All were endowed with wisdom and all
He (further ) caused to be performed were adorned with virtues. Sri Rama,
(from time to time ) with respect to however, was exceptionally glorious of
the (four) princes all ( purificatory) them (all) and possessed of true
rites commencing from the Jatakarma (unfailing ) prowess. (26) Like the full
( and ending with Upanayana or in- moon in a clear sky he was the beloved
vestiture with the sacred thread ). The of all people and was esteemed in the art
eldest of them, Sri Rama, proclaimed of riding on elephants und on horseback
the greatness of his race like a flag and in the (various ) processes of
and proved to be the delight of his driving a chariot. ( 27 ) He took delight
father. ( 24) Again he was esteemed in the science of archery and was
by (all) created beings as Brahma devoted to the service of his father.
Tea safe | oafeaay weno )©—owfaaeta: I 2 II
weq ee asgeT eae: | adage: «=owaenia VU: (1 2S II
weam = omar afer = gait: | ao aq fat feat ous Yanda: || 30 II
ragraaatia ae aT | ar Ream aagt as waa: 2 1
att gsatsvafe = aq: «=aieaa | uaenia Ta wena fF | [R211
mo: aad fet ae arta am faa: |
Laksmana, the promoter of fortune of a dainty dish brought for
( of those who sought his protection ), was him
without Laksmana. Whenever
ever deeply attached from
Sri Rama
hig (very ) ( the celebrated scion of Rag
infancy to his eldest hu ) went
brother, $r1 Rama, out a-hunting, mounted
the delight of on horseback,
the world. He gratified Laksmana
the forthwith followed at his
latter in every way, Laksmana, who heels, armed with a bow ( and
was rich in splendour, wag arrows )
& second and guarding him on all side
life a8 it were to Sri Rama, s, Satrughna
moving the younger
outside his body. Without him brother of Laksmana,
Sri Rama was
dearer to Bharata
(the foremost of men) did not
€ven than the
have latter’s own life and
even a wink of sleep, nor Bharata likewise
did he partake was ever dear to Satrughna.
ee .
v AL
we eae
is ELE
Ee ¢
- e
: t -oees
ie Sie
ae EPSoT
$e eh) 2 »
35) tiscs
Ee bh De
abet ;Shae
Se Ngagama
et ef
. ati Ao
a oowafaderma: «=ogadeea: «= RA: 3a
aya quand! «= afta fame: | ¢ aar maaega: ai agar gm: || avIl
elaed: alfred afta: | auadat «=act | daasvar I e& II
fear eat gst aa safe aa) a aria aaseqear Seared za: 1 361
agg = tates
The said King Dagaratha felt supreme- King Dasgaratha, the father of them
ly delighted with his four highly all,—who were possessed of such
blessed and beloved sons as Brahma ( unique ) glory and luminous splendour,—
( the progenitor of the entire creation ) felt rejoiced as Brahma, the ruler
with the gods (viz, Indra, Varuna, Yama of the universe. Those tigers
and Kuabera presiding over the four among men too were attached to
quarters ), When they got enriched with their Vedic studies, nay, devoted to
wisdom, they were all adorned with the service of their parents, and were
virtues. ( Nay ) they were modest, well-versed in the science of
glorious, all-knowing and far-sighted. archery.
you have since earned the status of a accomplish your object; for ( being an
Brahmarsi(Brahman sage), your splendour honoured guest ) you are a( veritable )
having been brightened by your asceticism. god to me. This is an occasion for great
You are (thus) worthy of adoration rejoiéing come to me as well as to
to me in many ways. Your visit ( to mine, O Brahman sage, and the highest
me) has been wonderful in that it religious merit proceeding from your
has proved to be highly purifying for visit has fallen to my lot in its
me, O Brahman sage! ( 54-55) Nay, entirety, O holy one |’? (58) The
by virtue of your ( very ) sight, O lord, great sage ( Vidwamitra ), whose renown
I have visited (all) sacred _ places. occasioned by his excellences had spread
( Pray ) tell me what object is sought far and wide and who was distinguished
( to be accomplished ) by you through by his virtues, experienced supreme
your advent ( to my capital ). Favoured delight on hearing the aforesaid prayer,
by you I wish to promote your cause. which was not only pleasing to the heart
You need not entertainany doubt about but also to the ears, addressed as it
the success of your mission, O sage of was in polite words by the high-souled
noble vows ! (56-57) I shall fully monarch. ( 59 )
—0< >>
walter: Ai:
Canto XIX
dmitra to send
King Daéaratha is stunned to hear the request of ViSwa
$i; Rama with him to dispose of the Rakgasas
interfered with his sacred observances.
qaR AAT | TAAL Heads
qa faafaalseqaraa Il 2 Il
ASAT wate
al aleaa: | aelaaraae afageqqfia: tl 2 Il
acai | usage aaa
aaa fate | Hea uamgse va 3weasfara:; I 3 I
ag ¥ aad WT Ww]
ag faanafas fears qeaga | aa faeaat gt a Wael alae Il ¥ I
ecCi auat uaame faa | aaa BaTEA ariaeal Bfafeat i) & Il
at soataafadaor af = araeaara4ry, |
in my heart, and which is just
speech of foremost
Hearing the aforesaid in ( 80 many )
going to be expressed
among king s ), mar ked
Dagaratha( a lion words, and (thereby ) prove true to
length, the highly
with uncommon 58 of the
replied (as your promise ( made in verse
glorious sage Viswamitra I stand conse-
foregoing canto ). (3)
ng on end:—(1)
follows ), his hair standi crated for @ sacrificial perf
ormance for
worthy of you
“What you have said is the realization of my aim,
O jewel among
on earth, O tiger of taking any
alone and of none else men | Two ogres capable
kings,—you who are descended the said per-
and enjoy the form at will interrupt
of a great pedigree formance in conjunction with their
bei ng ins tru cte d
( proud ) privilege of a associates. ( 4 ) Towards its concl usion ,
! (2) Ma ke been
by the sage Vasistha to when the sacred observance had
oO tiger among kings, measure, how-
resolve, gone through in 4 large
which stands
accomplish the purpose
[ Bk. 1
your beloved son, the lotus-eyed Rama, a way as to ensure that the period of
who ( being grown up) is no longer my sacrificial performance is not
deeply attached ( to you ),for( a period exceeded, O scion of Raghu, and do
of ) ten( days and ) nights only in the not plunge your mind in grief. May
interests of my sacrifice. Act in such good betide you |’’
faq: am:
Canto XX
Dafaratha declines to part with Sri Rama, thereby enraging Viéwamitra.
agar ousaget =faafiae arse | agdfa = fede: «= dararfacaada | 2 I
Faieaaat q ua ooustaslaa: |a saved gearfs ae wea: || 2 Il
< . Aro a
ganalien aal gene = adage: | Haat afeal meal Ale Sfaaraz: ll 2 Il
sh qua 6famreat eat ASeTTar: | ANAT wHanals A UA aganle lv ll
~ ~ ~ Fhe . ives
afgeaqr aaaat
a A aM FAs 3 aeaign a a Jafar: Il s Il
qe anata
aq aal wat aq: Faget fe waar |
10 V. BR. N.—I
less than sixteen years old (yet) I Raksagas in the van of a battle so long
( therefore ) do not perceive his capacity as L breathe. ( 5 } Fully guarded (by me),
to contend with the Raksasas. ( 2) Here the pursuit of the aforesaid observance
is my army, one Akgsauhini* strong, ( by you ) will be rid of ( all) obstacles;
whose maintainer and controllerl am. (for ) I shali go thither (in person). You
Marching with it I shall ( personally) should not ( therefore )take away Rama.
wage war with those ogres. (3) These (6) A child ( yet ) and untrained {in the
heroic and valiant retainers of mine are science of warfare ), he cannot estimate
( all ) skilled in the use of missiles (and the strength or weakness of the enemy.
Other weapons ) and are capable of He is neither equipped with the strength
fighting with hosts of ogres. But you of missiles (and other weapons) nor
should not take away Rama. (4) I skilled in warfare. ( 7 ) Besides he is no
shall myself guard your sacrifice, bow in match for the Raksasas; for the ogres are
hand, and shall contend with the given to treacherous fighting.
TeseaaIT AA qau]}
= aot el.
Uae | HAM
aA || 28 II
Halas) aia)
Helalal UaP aotrela:
or sasreys
| Fat= A ARIF aot 7 :
er IL € Uf
eee eens ties = RS
An Aksauhini
of 21,870
» 0
elephants, an equal number of Chariote,
C ’ 65,610
’ \ horses
£es and
109,350 foot. b
give battle to either of the two. sequel to the above incoherent talk of
Otherwise with my relations I shall Dasaratha ( a ruler of men ). Like a fire
arave your indulgenes ( for my inability well fed with oblations and sprinkled
to comply with your behest ).'’ (27) A over with ghee in the course of a sacrifice,
fierce rage possessed ( the mind of ) the fire of anger ( thus kindled ) in ( the
Viéwamitra ( son of G&adhi, a scion of mind of } Vidwamitra (the eminent
Kuéa ), the foremost of Brahmans, as a seer ) grew violent ( in no time ). ( 28 )
Thus ends Canto Twenty in the Bala-Kanda of the glorious Ramayana
of Valmiki, the work of a Rsi and the oldest epic.
ware: at:
Canto XXI
The wrath of Viswamitra; the intercession of Vasistha
in favour of Vifswamitra
a5 Ta || TS RMT
TTHSA | aaegq: aftr aaa aegara Adtafaz Ul & Il
qara faa fat wiafeefa | usaoAgais? Fem fags: | 2 II
qe t ad Uae = oafteaf «6aumay | faeries: ape Gel Ha geqTa: Il = II
qa TITAS fais daa: | wale agur Heal Zaral a Ba AE Il ¥ II
qaed og far say aa aelafi: | aafa gaat ata afasl aiaquada ago!
Hearing the reply, quoted above, of ({ without taking Rama with me),
Daéaratha, marked with faltering acoents With your promise (thus) falsified,
expressive of parental affection, O scion of Kakutstha, remain at ease
Vidwamitra ( descended in the line of in the midst of your relations.'’(3 )
Kuga ), full of rage, made the follow- When Viswamitra, who was full of
ing answer to the king:—( 1) ‘Having wisdom, was seized with fury, the
first promised to grant the object whole earth shook and ae grave
solicited by me, you want to go back fear entered the mind of gods. (4)
upon your word! This (breach of Perceiving the entire world to be
promise ) is unworthy of the scions of greatly alarmed indeed, the great
Raghu and will prove to be the rnin of and wise Rsi Vasistha of noble
this race.(2) If this is bearable to vows addressed the following words to
you, I shall return ( even) as I came the king:—(5 )
oe SA
Uae S
De ee ene aia ene
Sifaa: aa:
Canto XXII
King DaSaratha sends Sri Rama and Lakgmana with Viswamitra
and the two princes receive initiation from the latter
in the two mystic spells Bala and Atibala.
am afes qa us amen aq | qesaqal = UHATSETa aqweany || 2 ||
Raaeaad «=o (ST CRA quay afatza agewhaaay teem |
a ys Aeqea wat =aaa | aat ogfiayaa «6aitdareauar | 2 I
ql ag: gaeat = Atsest aat aat| feafaand Ua eer usitaeaaq Il ¥ II
qeqafsaecee aageg fafa: | aggsfafais: saat g aerafs i & I
While Vasistha was speaking as him to the care of VisSwamitra ( son
aforesaid, King Daégaratha with an of Gadhi ) with an extremely
exceptionally cheerful countenance delighted mind. ( 2-3 ) Seeing the lotus-
personally called Sri Rama along with eyed Rama following Viéwiamitra at that
Laksmana ( Knowing as he did that the moment, a breeze delightful to the touch
two were inseparable ), (1) Smelling . and free from dust began to blow at once.
the head of his eon ( as a token of (4) Even as the high-souled Rama was
affection ), after he had been blessed about to depart there was a shower
by his mother ( Qusen Kausalya ) of flowers (from the heavens) and
as well as by his father, King Daégaratha, a loud blast of conches ana beating
and consecrated by Vasistha, the family of kettle-drums (in the capital ),
priest, by means of benedictory Vedie aceOmpanied by the sound of celestial]
texte, King Daéaratha then committed drums. (5)
| ta — I ern
TAA: At!
Night-long sojourn of Sri Rima and Laksmana with Viswamitra in a holy
hermitage at the confluence of the Ganga and the Sarayu
maat 6g) oat ofall) erafa: | SAAT ME Ta ws |) z Il
aaeqt |Bast UA gal deat sada | Sas aude det famfear | 2 Il
qay: RAK aa: Bea AVAL | Aal Hales AW Hog: aw sq Il 2 Il
A hat iat y -
qaqite aaa RATSemSsafta: | sadieaaat wa aenad ga area: Il 8 II
While moving onward from that spot highest form of asceticism for (the
journey past ) many thousand years. (6)
( where they had broken their
Supremely delighted to behold that
overnight ); the two very mighty princes
sighted the divine river Ganga, which sacred abode of hermits, Sri Rama and
heaven, earth and the Laksmana ( the two scions of Raghu)
( flows through
addressed the following prayer to the
subterranean regions and thus ) takes a
threefold course near its well-known and celebrated Viswamitra of noble mind:—
plessed confluence with the Sarayu. (5) (7) ‘*‘Whose holy hermitage is this ?
the holy What personage, we ask you, dwells in
There they (further ) beheld
of purified it 2 We both desire to hear this; for
site of the hermitages of Rsis
been practising the great is our curiosity ( in this behalf ),
mind, that had
Ti Se Lea a
* The scripture tells us:—T Waal: I AAA,
11 V. R. N.—1
sir |'’ (8) Hearing the hermits ) heartily laughed and said,
O venerable
aforesaid submission of the two ‘Hear, O Rama, of him whose former
brothers, Vigwamitra (the foremost of residence this is. ( 9 )
| qqeeafee wot faata aarfead Il Xo Il
adele gg ead aed aneaTy | aaa =sHal Had =AakAAT Il <8 Ml
aaa | BATT az waar | aaiqer atu eg aay gaa: | VR Ul
aq oma @ aa fae nena: | aad: Fa: Ba NT BazaT z Il 23 ll
aay zh faenaaamala waa | a asc: Mar aag a gala = Il ev ll
aaantaa: «= uae yu | Rear aaa alt ast ag a faad tl kk
i a Gi (CS questa | goal: afalaea sqefieaae aaq fl 26 Il
afuassae aq 8 8Daa: quqaAad | ge aa: Wises Ga aeNAe fay Il Bo ll
tala al FAA AA gqzeal |AVA
Kandarpa (the god of love), who suzerain Jord of gods) ditappeared
is (also) spoken of by the wise and it was in this way that Kama was
as Kama( Cupid ), was endowed with rendered bodileges. (13) Therceiorward he
a (living ) form (in the past 38 (o0n came to be widely known by the name
one occasion ) the foolish fellow was of Ananga( bodiless ),O scion of Raghu,
bold enough to assail ( with shafts of and the tract of land where that glorious
love ) Lord Siva, the suzerain Lord of being shed his embodied state became
gode,—who had been performing known as the Anga territory: so the
austerities in this (very ) hermitage tradition goes. (14) This holy hermitage
and remained uninterru ptedly absorbed belongs to Him and these sages ( practising
in deep meditation,—while He was after austerities here at present ) have been
having married going out along with His disciples in the past. As such they
the (entire ) host of the ( forty-nin e ) are devoted to piety and no sin exists
wind-gods (in order to meet Goddess in them, O Rama!(15) Let us halt
Parvati), and Love was(ther eupon) snubb- for this night in this hermitage, hemmed
ed with aroar (inthe form of the sound in by the two holy streams, O Rama of
‘hum’ ) by the high-souled Lord. (10-11) handsome looks; tomorrow we shall cross
He was further reproached by Lord Rudra the Ganga. (16) Let us all enter the
(the god of destruction ) with His holy hermitage when we are purified( by
(third ) eye, O ecion of Raghu, and bath etc. ). Our sojourn here will te most
(lo!) all the limbs of the evil-minded welcome and we shall happily spend
fellow dropped off from his body. (12 ) the night here after we have bathed,
(It was) on that occasion ( that ) the muttered our prayers and poured
limbs of the haughty fellow, consumed Oblations into the sacred fire, O jewel
through the wrath of Lord Siva ( the among men |"’
qa aaa = aa amnatt = =A | ec UI
faa aT AT gia | et gel autssfaey fazer gfe | 22 |
ASEH: qa Zaratafateary | and anata =—-BUPHAVTHAT || Vo |]
OLE ELCE TUTTI aafea: | aa afafieeiar afafa: gad: ae |) 22 1]
“Aq ga a alaaAIe = «aarti
amifacuahetaa amas | waa sale aera Bfadaa: |) 22 1]
RAN AMAA asa anata aqeaws anf ar 1221
While they were talking together (as (when day and night meet) the
aforesaid ) there( outside the hermitage), aforesaid Rsis ( including Viéwamitra
the sages ( dwelling in the hermitage ), and his pupils, Sri Rama and Laksmana )
felt supremely delighted to discover muttered the Gayatri-Mantra according to
their presence with their eyes that had their ability* with a calm and collected
attained a long range ( clairvoyance) mind. Taken by the sages of holy
through askesis, and experienced a thrill vows dwelling in that hermitage with
of joy. Having offered to Viswamitra them, Vidwamitra and his two pupils
water to wash his hands and feet stayed most comfortably on that site
with and extending their hospitality to of the hermitage associated with the
him, they subsequently offered hospitality name of Kama; while Viswamitra (a
to Sri Rama and Laksmana ( too ). scion of kusa ), the foremost of ascetics,
Having received attentions (in return whose mind is- given to piety,
from Viswdmitra as well as from Sri entertained the two charming
Rama and Laksmana), they regaled them princes with delightful stories,
with stories ( etc. ). (17—20) At dusk ( 21-22 )
Thus ends Canto Twenty-three in the Bala-Kayda of the glorious Ramayana of
Valmiki, the work of a Rsi and the oldest epic.
qaqa: aT:
Canto XXIV
An account of the Sarayu given by Viswamitra; some facts relating to the
ogress Tataka revealed and hints given about killing her
am saa faas naferatcm | feafra gene amedzagma | 2 Il
toa ad aaatal aaa: afraaa: | svar gat ara farafeaamnaas || 2 Il
MET WAT USAR! | feet nm Grad AT Ya BIST Va: Il 2 Il
fafaaige wats slags q | aa afeaaeat aq ama || ¥ II
qq waa -s we dadauafiay | wean dae ae weer fraray | & Il
Maal «Aes: «68s UA: aaa | ST UA: afieaey as=s afagmayz ll & Il
feed gaat «aft: | uaa aa aa sageaataay || © Il
ba’ A
aie fuera
AUAA ALAT qeqeq «=faa |
Placing in the forefront Viswamitra, ( as follows ):—( 2 ) ‘Board you the boat
who had (just) finished his daily routine followed by the king's sons and ( having
(of morning devotions ), the two brothers, crossed the river) proceed on your journey
capable of subduing their at an auspicious moment. Let there be
who were
enemies, arrived at the bank of the river no loss of time.'’ (3) Saying ‘‘Amen !"’ and
returning the salutations of those seers
( Ganga ). (1) Getting an excellent boat
(to ferry them acroes ), all the high- ( assembled to see them off ) with honour,
Viéwamitra, accompanied by the two
souled sages of austere vows, mentioned
to Viswamitra brothers, began to cross the _ river
above, forthwith spoke en
al inn
qeafaar aa:
Canto XX V
Questioned by Sri Rama, Viswamitra tells him more about the birth of
Tataka, of her marriage with Sunda, as well as about the birth of
Maricha as a result of their union, and how the latter
was subjected to an execration by the sage
Agastya, and finally urges Sri Rama
to despatch the ogress.
31 ara GaAATIAT | HA GeaMse: gga gut fe i 2 |
aeqtat aa asl wad afin | at amacae aaqaaer qZ [1 2 Il
Ih aA ATS eH: | etassenar ara ASUTARTAT || 2 |I
Renfiaisade art ay fa aster | ad A east asa tly |]
Hearing the noble utterance of the Hearing the aforesaid question of
celebrated Viswamitra, possessed of Srr Rama (a soion of Raghu ),
immeasurable glory, Sri Rama ( a tiger possessed of infinite
among men ) forthwith asked the follow- strength,
Viswamitra addressed the ( following )
ing sweetly-wordea question:—(1) ‘*‘When
reply to the former, who was
Tataka ( the Yaksa woman) iis known capable of
chastising the enemy, gladdening him
(from what you say ) to be a female
along with Laksmana by
( proverbially lacking his bland
in strength 1Papa © speech:—''Hear the reagon
jewel among hermits, why she ig
she must richly endowed
( presumably ) be of poor might. with strength. Though
How @ frail woman ( by birth ), she wields
( then ) does she wield the strength ( extraordinary ) Btrength
of a thousand conferred by
elephants ?’’ (2) a boon( granted in her favou
r ), (3-4)
¢ y 8
qaaraeaeraa: gadis PIDEICR Baa: «BAAN AW aq wZag: ll & I
frarazeg aulaaey qaTaeaal Heated Fal UA azal ara alaa: ll & Il
qa@l oamagaeq ase: stam: a qa Ta aay al arat wea: Il © Il
a eg Tet faadedt eattaaafedia AVIAN Bara eal wai safes il ¢ ll
PSS~~S . ; vy *
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Tee eae ee
Deliverance of Tadaka
en e
Sr Sar
¢ Bk. 1
aaa: at:
Gratified with the death of Tataka, Vigwamitra imparts to
Sri Rama the knowledge of the various missiles.
. c
. aA en
aa amma: | ode awge Usa Fea: | voll
7 “
gH alas A TUAT |) CI
rs s
Aw dada
aque Hea) oat oad RR Aa aT RASTA 11 88 Il
aa fifi aa asa geen | sem a uaenfa atigaa aaa Il Xe Il
Ud Ua Algal RASTA ACACIA | TAT Raa fasta BUA Il Rk Il
aq afeeala ue a aq wa HAA
5 a
mera: a:
At the request of Sri Rama the sage Viswamitra instructs him as well
as Laksmana in the process of calling back the missiles
and delivers some more missiles to them.
nfaza adisertir Tesaaa: Ura | asa a ape Frafaanatada | et
adaesha wna =gyat: gift | aeamt aerate dea afadna | 2 II
wy galt apea faa Ha: | Se camer saad saa: Ba: |) 3 |
aaqed «8oaaatf 60a wanq a | afaeraz WH WeERAAASTAT || ¥ Ul
wealmeatfaat 34 eealugamat | cael F MAGA Il & II
qaaMaearat seuss | AT wed Aa Auefanwad i |
gone as you will (for the present ). ot Kakutstha in the words ‘'Beitso!"’
mind ( whenever I they withd rew (even ) a8 they had
Appearing in my
recall you ), youshould render assistance come. ( 15 ) Havin g come to know
to me in times of emergency.’’ ( 14) them Sri Rama forthwith addressed the
Taking leave of Srl Rama and also following sweet and delightful words
going round him clockwise (asa mark to the great sage VisSwamitra even
of respect ) and addressing the scion while moving (along with him ):—(16)
wAlAaaa: Aa:
Canto XXIX ‘
Viéwamitra tells Sri Rama the history of Siddhaérama and arrives
at his own hermitage with the two brothers.
ayy aMTAAeyT qa qgssa: | faarfas) aeitar FARATHIART || 2 ||
ge Ua Helael freyaqnena: | anit gage aa gnaatt =F |) 2 4
~ ©
faa: ai:
Canto XXX
Sri Rama protecis the sacrifice of Viswamitra against the
onslaught of the Rakgasas and gets rid of them.
3a at -Sararaat agate | Bata a areamagat aes aa: Ul e Il
madd afta ae femal | dental a gfe afaada aarti 2 I
wt Aq aH squint qqeaat | a a yaa: char: Tatas 2 Il
aaafa =| ISI wad waa aa | dat aa) Ga afaimed a afirea yy 4
at gg aad qa wag aafaat | afad FeaUy aVaaaaag | & Il
sua aT aa qaaara l | waqafrad farafiaatient || & i
Now the two princes, who knew on behalf of the Rsi:— ) “From this
what is appropriate to a particular time day (onward ) keep you vigil for six
and place and were also aware of the (days and) nights ( continuously ), O
kind of words that should be spoken at scions of Raghu ! We tell you this
a particular time and place and who because this sage ( Viswamitra ) has
were capable of subduing the enemy, (already ) gone through the rite of
addressed the following words to consecration and will observe ( strict )
Viswamitra ( a scion of Kuga ):—( 1) *O silence ( all these days as he is doing
venerable sage, we both should like to even now )."’ (4) Hearing the afore-
hear at what (particular ) moment ( of said answer ( made by the hermits ) the
time) the two ogres (Maricha and Subahu) two illustrious princes for their part
have to be guarded against ( by us ). guarded the grove hallowed by austerities
That moment should not escape ( un- for six days and nights { continuously
noticed ).’" (2) Full of delight all without ( even a wink of ) “sleep, (°5:)
those hermits ( who were present there Full of vigilance and armed with
on that occasion ) applauded the two exquisite bows, the two heroes, capable
princes, descended in the line of they were of subduing the enemy, kept
Kakutstha, who spoke as aforesaid, by the side of Viéwamitra, the foremost
impatient because of their eagerness to of sages, and guarded him (as well
fight (with the demons). (3)( They replied as his sacrifice ). ( 6 )
miles ). (18) Seeing Maricha thrown scion of Raghu ) quickly invoked the most
by excellent missile presided over by the
away reeling and struck senseless
breast of
the force of Sitesu( the missile presided god of fire and hurledit at the
by Manu ), Sri Rama said to Subabhu ard, pierced by it, the latter fell
Laksmana, ‘Behold, O Laksmana,( the dead onthe ground. Invoking the missile
power of ) Sitesu, the missile presided presided over by the wind-god, the highly
over and tried by Manu ! It has removed illustrious and extremely large-hearted
the demon ( to such a long distance ) Sri Rama (a scion of Raghu) threw
having rendered him senseless; still the away the rest ( at a distance ), bringing
fellow has not been deprived of his life joy (thereby ) to (all) the sages.
(19-20) I shall get rid of the ( other ) (22-23 ) Having got rid (in this way )
blood-sucking Raksasas too, who are of all the Raksasas that interfered
merciless and wicked, are given to sinful with the performance of sacrifices, Sri
deeds and interfere with the performance Rama was honoured in that (holy )
of sacrifices.” ( 21) Having spoken to retreat by the Rsis (even) as Indra
Laksmana as aforesaid and showing was felicitated in the past on his
his agility as it were, Sri Rama (a victory ( scored over demons }. ( 24)
waza at:
Canto XXXI :
Accompanied by Sri Rama, Lakgmana and a host of Rsis, Sage
ViSwamitra proceeds northward in the direction of Mithila
to witness the bow-sacrifice of King Janaka and
breaks his jcurney on the bank of
the Sone at sunset.
ay at wai aq art UaeweAN | waadfear = Ate TE alFaUAAr || 2
THAT zt 441 Hatatenteal | Pearfiaadteneare afeaiafusaag: || 2 ||
afar = oafaee = sqseqhrg qaay | Had: Wale Taq Agel || &
a OT frags Peat agama | ana
Faeat: | e2 II
aad == ada 860asafe waa | aad fafaainaqaamentata: || 23 1
Ss OA oo
‘“‘A most pious sacrifice is going to be Hager to gauge its strength even very
performed, O jewel among men, by mighty kings and princes failed to bend it.
Janaka, the king of Mithila. We shall (10) There, O Rama fa scion of Kakutstha),
repair to that place. ( 6 ) You too must you will ( be able to) see that bow of
accompany us, O tiger among men! Nay, the high-souled king of Mithila as well
there you ought to see a marvellous jewel as his most wouderful sacrifice, O tiger
among bows (7) The bow, which is(so0) among men!(11) That excellent bow,
terrible and supremely effulgent and well-formed atthe centre ( where it is
whose strength ( weight) cannot be held by the fist }, was indeed rolicited
estimated was actually presented in the by the aforesaid king of Mithila as a
former times, O jewel among men, ( to reward for the sacrifice and _ gifted
a former king of Mithila, Devarata by (as such ) by all gods*, *(612 )
name )ina sacrificial as-embly by the Worshipped with fandal-partes of
gods ( who had got it in their turn from various kinds and incentes emitting the
Lord Siva ). (8 ) Neither gods nor Gan- smell of aloe-wood, it stands enshrined in
dharvas nor demons nor ogres are able the palace of that king as an object of
to bend it, much less human beings. (9) worship, O scion of Raghu !''( 13 )
TS RR oR me
* Elsewhere it is stated tbat the bow was voucheafed to a king of Mithila by Lord Siva
Himself. The Padma-Purana, for instance, says:—‘*alq We az aA. In the Kurcma-Purana
too we read:—
alfa: aT:
An account of the four sons of Kuéa; the hundred
daughters of Kuéanabha turn hunch-backed
under a curse of the wind-god.
mea =Fal aa waagt: | aBeaaada: asanfaqse:
4 jah a SOA Awa BAAS | Feral Haas wae aear gar Il
Sut STAM aU | agar adhere arashar |
Wd 8: ya was aaa: | feral wea gat aa gee goRez ||
BU Fad | TA RATT: | A aR a GUT =TaUaT II AB
14 V.R. N.—I
at Fal agar ual falrge cer | ofaaaq a gatyra: aes: saalaa: Wey I
~~ AY c
@ course of austerities*(
in the form her presence was needed by him ). The
of meditation) directed towards the venerable sage got pleased with ler. (13)
realization of Brahma (11) At that (very) And when the propitious hour came, the
place, during the period of his askesis, sage, O scion of Raghu, said to the girl,
may good betide you, a Gandharva girl, “T am highly pleased (with your innocent
Somadi by name, daughter of Urmila, services ), may all be well with you!
waited upon the Rsi ( in the hope of What service can Ido to you ?’’ (14 )
securing his goodwill ) while he was Supremely delighted to know the sage
( busy ) practising his austeritits. (12 ) much gratified, the eloquent Gandharva
Banding low before him and devoted to girl spoke ( as follows ) in a sweet voice
who was a master of
his service, that most pious girl waited to the seer,
upon him at the right time ( whenever speech:—( 15 )
At the time of marriage, O scion of experienced joy again and again, (24) He
Raghu, King Brahmadatta, who shone then sent away (to his own capital)
like indra ( the ruler of gods ), King Brahmadatta, the delighter of his
married them ( one after another by subjects, along with his wedded wives
taking their hands in his ) in order of and the host of his family priests, as soon
seniority. ( 22 ) The moment their hands asp he was actually married. (25) Seeing
were touched ( by Brahmadatta ) in the the union of his son worthy of him,
course of the wedding the girls were Somada, the Gandharva damsel, too
cured of their deformity and rid of joyfully greeted her son asp well as her
their agony. Invested with supreme aforesaid daughters-in-law (one after
splendour ( all ) the hundred girls shone another ) in order of seniority and,
brightly at that time. ( 23 ) King embracing the said brides again and
Kusganabha was highly pleased to see again and applauding Kusanabha
them freed from morbid affection of the (for his hospitality and rich dowry ),
windy humour in their body and departed. ( 26 )
Thus ends Canto Thirty-three in the Bala-Kanda of the glorious Ramayana
of Valmiki, the work of a Rsi and the oldest epic.
qafaa: a:
KuSanabha performs a sacrifice for the birth of a son
and is blessed
with one, Gadhi by name; the glory of the river
Kausiki (the modern Kosi in Bihar ye
Haale aa aed amet a waa | arya: TAS dtfaearcad || g
zal 2g adaarat Sra adafay | sarq TWH: sal Aagaeat | me
gated =azz: ya ufacala aafaa: | mfe seeafaaad aif CH a MA
Casta Hal A |I 3
Ua Haq wélafaa | sararerratijeq
qaldayz ll TAA
Tad GY gee Fa Il
daa | a2 quai; nifafigq aaa: || &
4 ffar aa apex mfa: qarafie: | BrdU
shay afar Cate |]
qa altdt =a oa at BAT | aar aeqa &
dt ara age} gfarf&ar 1) \s
The aforesaid Brahmadatta having worthy of you, will be
left after being married, O scion born to you, my
of son! You will have
Raghu, Kuganabha ( who had
Gadhi (for your
no male s80n ) and thereby attain
issue ) embarked upon undying glory
a_ sacrifice in _ the World20s (ata)
intended to procure Informing King
a s0n with the Kusganabha
Object of securing a male accordingly, O Rama,
issue. (1) In withdrew Kuga
the meantime, to the immortal
while the sacrifice was Sat) aloka
(the realm of Brahma,
actually going on, from which he
the highly had Obviously come
magnanimous Kuéa ), coursing through
( the father of the
Kusanabha air. (4) After S0me
and ) son of Brahma
( the
time indeed
creator ) prophesied a most pious
to King Kusanabha gon, Gadhi by
as name, the very name
follows ):—( 2 ) ‘A most given by Knéga,
pious son, was born to the wise Kusanabha. ( 5 )
Waa a garaal ll ¢ Il
fasar aaa =| tear fenaqeaqosrar | alaeq feanrate saat ufat an il & Il
aasé fea aaa fara: yay | ulteqt wedge: aifaat arzaA || Vo II
a og acaadl yor aq aH ofafsa | gaaar nena alert afta azt 1122 Il
we fe fram wa fear at agama: | fagraumama: fasta aa aaa | 22 Il
way wa adeafa: aqeq oamea alfaat | tarea f& Herarel aeat ca afta=ofe | 23 11
Following ( as she did ) the wishes virtue of truthfulness and ( exclusively)
of her husband ( throughout her. life) devoted to her husband, is still
my sister bodily ascended to heaven extant in the form of Kausiki, the
and ( later on) turned into a most foremost of rivers, ( 11 ) Leaving that
beneficent and delightful great river,— river I came down ( to the plains)
Kausiki (the modern Kosi), flowing by because of my vow ( to perform a
the side of the Himalayas, unearthly sacrifice af some consecrated spot ) and
in character, whore waters confer merit arrived at Siddhasgrama, where I got
(on those using it ),and is ( thus ) accomplished of my purpose by dint of
engaged in doing good to the world. your glory ( might ), (12 ) In this
( 8-9 ) Full of affection for my sister way has been told(by me) my birth
I had been happily leading a life of ( from the loins of Gadhi ), the genesis
the trees are motionless, the beasts and him ) applauded him saying ‘Well
birds are buried in sleep and the spoken ! Good !! (19) Great is this
quarters stand enveloped in the darkness race of Kuga and ever given
of night, O scion of Raghu ! (15) The to righteousness (too). The high-
evening twilight has gradually receded souled kings descended in the line of
and the firmament, thick set with lunar Kusa have been as good as Brahman
mansions and ( other ) stars, is shining Rsis. (20) You, O highly illustrious
with the heavenly bodies as though Viswamitra ( who have attained
covered with (innumerable ) eyes.(16) Brahmanhocd by dint of your austerities),
The moon, which dispels the darkness are particularly so, And Kausiki, the
of the world (at night), is ( just) foremost of rivers, has added to the
rising*, diffusing its cool rays and lustre of your race.’’ (21) Extolled
delighting the minds of (all ) living CU tnus } “by the foremost of sages,
beings in the world by its ( soothing ( who were ) full of delight, the glorious
and refreshing ) splendour. (17) All Viswamitra (the son of Gadhi, a scion of
nocturnal beings, viz, fearful hosts of Kuga ) fell asleep (even )as the sun sinks
Yaksas and Raksasas as well as fiends below the horizon. ( 22) Glorifying
( feeding onraw flesh ) are freely Viswaimitra (a tiger among sages ),
roaming here and there.’’( 18) Saying Sri Rama too, who felt a bit amazed ( to
s0, the exceptionally glorious and great hear the family history of Viswdmitra ),
sage (Viswamitra ), became silent and all courted sleep along with lLaksmana
the aforesaid sages ( who accompanied ( s0n of Sumitra). (23 )
Thus ends Canto Thirty-four in the Bila-Kanda of the glorious Ramayana
of Valmiki, the work of a Rst and the oldest epic.
qaqa: at:
Canto XXXV
Crossing the Sone, Viswimitra and party reach the bank of the holy
Ganga and spend the night there. Requested by Sri Rama,
he narrates the story of the origin of the Ganga.
suey UG og TRS
refafa: | fat gamut fraladisepaga |) tl
ama faa UA gat dear sada | sfagifas ue qt aaaafeaa | 2 II
Iq aaa TEA BATaeatea: | aad Dara WA Aaa = Il 3 I
ay MT: WARslnra: Yleaarsa: | at gar ww dafena® aaq
Cant q) y ||
Ua faafaalsaai se | OT wea Aalfest Aq aa wedq
: | & I
Having reposed for the rest of the
night ended in a lovely daw
on the bank of the fone along n, O Rama |! The
with the morning twilight has set
great Rsis (who accompanied him in. Get up, arise
on the and make youreelf inc
journey ), ViSwamitra spoke (a8 foll linea to proceed
ows ) (further), May prospe
on the night having rity attend yous.
culminated in a (2) Hearing his instru
beautiful sunrise:—( 1) ‘The night ction ag aforesaid
hag and having finished his morning
* From the above description duties
it ca n be easily inferred
dark fortnight. that it was the ninth night of
( IV. 31 )
agfyerags afta ag TalTAA |
k Vide Bhagavadgita: of a_ sacrifice attain the
form of the remuanis
partaking of ambrosia in ‘the
everlast ing Brah ma.”
15 V.R. N.—l
( along with the gods who took her ful Mandakini (the heavenly stream
away to heaven ). Then this celebrated visible in the form of the milky way )
daughter of Himavan (the king of and ( last of all ) assumed the form
mountains ) rose to heaven ( the realm of an earthly stream ( Ganga ) capable
of gods) in the form of the delight- of ridding the world of its sins. ( 22-23 )
qefa: aa:
Gods interrupt the amorous pastimes of Lord Siva and His
Consort, Goddess Uma, on which She curses
gods including Mother Earth.
saad =|aa afetaran yqaeeat | afar |oat Aaaaafrdaar ll 2 Il
qagaae afad ata <qa |
|| <I
wt Sal =—oweast: alfiaashaaaa: |
‘Hearing the remonstrance of the heart ), © Tell Me this, O jewels among
gods Lord Siva ( the suzerain Lord of all gods 1’ (14) ‘Questioned thus ( by Lord
the worlds ) said ‘Amen !'’ and further Siva) the gods thereupon replied
addressed the following words to Lord
to them Siva ( whose ensign bears the
all: so the tradition goes:—'I alon
g with
of a bull), ‘Harth ( who is
Uma shall retainOur capable of
vital energy by holding everything ) will
dint of Ourvery glory (retentive indeed receive
power ). the vital fluid that hag
Let the terrestrial S0t dislodged go
globe as also the far.’ (1 5 )
other worlds, O gods, live in peac Addressed thus ( by
e ( free gods ), the almighty the
from fear of destruction ). (12- Lora Siva ( the
13) ( But) Ruler of gods ) let
Who shall receive that d, fall Hig See
vital fluid by which was covere
of Mine, unsurpassed d the (entire ) globe
as it is, which including the mountains
is already shaken from its and forests. (16)
seat ( in the The reupon ( fearing lest the earth may
be cracked by being covered all over got consolidated into a white mountain
by the powerful fluid) the gods further and was (subsequently ) transformed into
addressed the following prayer to the a thicket of white reeds resplendent
god of fire ( that feeds on the sacrificial as fire and the sun, in which was born
offerings ):—'Accompanied by the wind- the exceptionally glorious Kartikeya (80
god (and mobilized by him) suck you called because he was suckled later on
the mighty seed of Rudra (the god by the deities presiding over the group of
of destruction ).’ (17 ) Concentrated by stars known by thename of Krttikas), who
fire ( assisted by the wind-god ), itnow is ( accordingly ) spoken of as fire-born.
Mother Earth with Her Consort,
the un ion of
* The demon Narska, the son a es on killed by the same Lord
in the form
divine Boar, was later
Lord Vienu, manifested as the
of Sri Krena,
aaa: AT:
A detailed account of Kartikeya’s birth through Ganga
aqua dat Saat: «= afPagaaar: 1 Aaraiaavicaea: frarneqqaad || 2 Il
adisaqa ae: | Uae fe | foe at Ua Fear: aiffagaaar Il 2 Il
dq Barada 0 TAT SC dL so: eae aaa « OaelaaT Il 2 ll
ATA AAT aa alalal feanizaat | afaacat faaraa @ fe a: gear afa: Ul ¥ Il
taqat = aa gar | aalaare: | aaa |agtateafacanienadta | & Il
“At that time, while the divinity Lord ( Siva ), O glorious one, by whom
( Lord Siva ) was ( busy ) practising a commander for our forces was
austerities ( along with His Consort, vouchsafed (in the form of seed )
Goddess Uma ), the gods along with some time back is practising austerities
Indra ( their ruler ) and accompanied along with Goddess Uma ( His Consort ).
by the god of fire as their leader (3) ( Pray ) accomplish what should
approached Brahma ( the progenitor be done next in this connection with
of the entire creation ), seeking to the intention of doing good to the
secure a commander for their forces. worlds, O knower of expedients,
( 1) Falling prostrate before him, all since you are our supreme resort.’
the gods including Indra and accompanied ( 4 ) Hearing the submission of
by the god of fire as their leader the gods, Brahma ( the progenitor of
thereupon addressed the venerable the whole universe ) addressed’ the
Brahma ( as follows), O Rama ( the following words to the gods, comfort-
delighter of gods ):-—( 2 ) ‘Resorting ing them with sweet assurances.
to supreme asceticism, the almighty (25%)
aga: ait:
The narrative of King Sagara, a former king of Ayodhya
and a forefather of Sri Rama
T at aia wa faa agua | Gata IHeafacuadg || g
ararear fea faatz qaardieaaiag: | Gl AA AAA GMa: @ AMI || g
qugea wa Beet aa area:| Sag] aged! «al oufast «6aeaaifeai || *
sTsaag ear ama = al | fediar amerda wat aafad(aar | ¥ Il
qat ae wes: «=gedleat. «amarera: | fend ana = owgqseat fi | 3%
16 1 ie R. N.—I
{ Bk.1
perpetuate the race and in the other
the sage Kasyapa, a king of sages,
supremely mighty and renowned sons full of
respectively ), who were many
great daring. Which (of you) would have
delighted ( to hear of the boon granted
on that occasion which boon ?’' ( 12 ) Hearing the sage’s
by him ), submitted
with joined palms ( as follows ):—(9 ) reply, Kegini ( the senior queen ), for
‘We wish to hear by which( of us ) will part, O scion of Raghu, preferred in the
be borne a single son and which, O holy presence of the king a son that would
one, will give birth to many. Let your perpetuate the line, O Rama. (13) There-
prediction be true, O sage 1|'’ (10 ) upon Sumati, Garud a’s sister, sought sixty
Hearing that question of theirs, the thousand renowned sons full of great
supremely pious Bhrgu gave the following daring. (14) Going round the sage
excellent reply:—‘‘Let your ( own ) will clockwise and saluting him with his
be enforced in this matter. ( 11 ) Inone head bent low,the king returned to his
case there will be a single son that will capital with his wives, O Rama! (15)
Now, when the time was ripe, the youthful vigour now stood by the side of
senior queen, Kesini, bore Sagara a son, King Sagara. (19) The aforesaid eldest
known by the name of Asamadja, sprung son of Sagara, however, O jewel among
from his loins. (16) Sumati, on men, actually caught hold of infants, O
the other hand, O tiger among men, scion of Raghu, every day and, throwing
brought forth a foetus shaped like a them into the waters of the Sarayu, openly
bitter gourd. On the gourd being split and heartliy laughed to see themdrowning,
up sixty thousand male issues emerged Thus given to sinful conduct and torment.
from it. (17 ) The nurses nurtured ing pious men and intent on doing harm to
them placing them in jars full the citizens, the youth was exiled by his
of ghee, After a considerable period father from the capital. The valiant son
of time all attained maturity. (18) of the aforesaid Asamafja, Améuman by
then after a long time sixty thousand name, ( on the other hand ) was beloved of
sons endowed with comeliness and all people and spoke kindly to all.
Indra steals away the horse released by Sagara as a prelude to
his horse-sacrifice; his sixty thousand sons proceed to
excavate the earth in quest of the horse and
the gods in terror apprise Brahma
has been designated as
* The region intervening the Vindhyan
Arya vart a and decl ared in the Sastras as sacred—
aad: yoayfaaea fanaafarcaat: |
qq oat 6 qq =A: | II
wae TTA afaaaaerq | fern F aaRe afeeaey aeraa: ll ¢ Il
SMEMATOTT: a FAM AMAT, a4 af «6a afraratsadtaa | @ Il
eat oe 0 pe eadalgataany qafeg yaad aamafiar a: II Xo II
qq aut feat usa adsheag: Fal vag aaeaaaa: at aera aafa afta: | 22 I
Sf yaagarfy aaqaagaaq =z aft gar a qafe waar qeqqur |] 22 Il
HEATHEN fe Hea: ag mee fafaraey Gat HRA a: | 23 Il
agazarfaat aal gfudtaanesy uae Ad gar feafmesa | ey Il
Mad gweewlaaq waar Afedty qa eagatt |=AAT «= waar Il 2& II
atfad: qa fea: alQEqANT RqASA ge Genie as a aaa genaatayz || 2 I
Assuming the semblance of an ogre g0e8:—''I do not perceive, my sons, even
Indra stole away the sacrificial horse of the access of ogres ( to this sacrificial
Sagara, while he was ( busy ) performing
performance), O jewels among men, since
the said sacrifice on the day of Ukthya this great sacrifice is presided over
( a liturgical ceremony ). While the afore- by
highly blessed souls consecrated by ( the
said horse of the high-souled Sagara was
recitation of ) holy texts. Therefore, go
actually being taken away, all the and track out the thief, my beloved sons;
priests officiating at the sacrifice forth-
may prosperity attend you (all ). (11—13)
with addressed the sacrificer (as follows):— Ransack the entire globe encircled by
"On the day of Ukthya the sacrificial the oceans. Apportion to y ourselves,
horse is being taken away with vehemence
my sons, land with an area of one square
over there. Kiil the thief, o scion of Yojana ( 64 sq. miles ) each and gcour
Kakutstha, and let the horse be it. ( 14) (If, however, you fail to trace
recovered. This obstruction in the him on the earth’s
sacrificial performance ig calculated surface) excavate
to the earth under my
bring ill luck to us all, (6—10) T'bere order, looking
fore about for
it may be 80 arranged, O king, the very individual who
that the has stolen
away the horse, till the
ig cleared of this horse is found. G16) 2 efor
impediment,’’ Hearing the my part,
report of the who
priests stand consecrated, will tarry
including the family here
priest along with my
( gathered ) in that assembly
grandson ( Amsuman )
the king and the priests
addressed the officiating at the Bacrifice
following words to hig till the horse is in sight; may good
Bixty thousand sons: g0 the tradition
¢ - betide you,’’ (16 )
et gama usar aeraer: | wages wa fagdaaataar: 1) 219 ||
i isOL qanest od aaast: |
A AAAAaa ARTY ‘ons =~ yA.
| feemar qa = AAIEwaAA
AMAT TIAMAT, F || 8 ll
Ua Usa FWA: aaa fAAaISHAT II Ro ||
ast = aeanfoy fs ZS warraq fafigeoff = ua WHTEATIA || 2 |]
wt waa = aeqdh = amen: — ard TINGS wa: ofa: |) 22 1)
Bound by the words
of their father O Rama
all those very mighty ! (17) Traversing the
princes traversed whole earth
the earth’s surface wit and yet not finding the
h a delightea mind, horse, the very
mighty princes, who were tigers among
men, stirted excavating the earth with the course ef the excavation J: 20>)
their arms whose impact was as hard as They excavated, O ecion of Raghu,
that.of a thunderbolt, each digging land land covering an area of sixty thousand
covering an area of one square Yojana square Yojanas as if to reach Rasatala
or sixty-four square miles. (18 pr Fhe ( the sixth or penultimate subterranean
earth groaned ( even ) as it was being Sphere ), a region excelled by no other
dug with pikes hard as adamant as well 8phere (in point of beauty, splendour
aS with most formidable ploughshares, O and amenities of life ), O Rama! ( 21 )
scion of Raghu ! ( 19 )There was a loud In this way, Otiger among princes,
roar, that could not be easily repressed, the ( sixty thousand sons of Sagara went
of Nagas, demons, ogres and other living about excavating in all directions ( the
beings (inhabiting the subterranean land of ) Jambtdwipa, thick with moun-
regions ) that were being killed (in tains. ( 22 )
aati: att:
Canto XL
Brahmi reassures the gods by telling them that the sons of Sagara
will be destroyed by the curse of Sage Kapila. The sons of
Sagara in the course of their excavation arrive in the
presence of Kapila and, behaving insolently
towards him, are forthwith reduced to
ashes by the fire of his wrath.
Qqarat aa: aT MAT fara: l aga aaa =Falragwalfeary || 8 ll
ima: | afest araaeasT aT HTT TY: I 2 II
aga |ReeATTIaaeT
‘ a
alfa wana aeqeafaat aay | aeq aofaararat afacafa aaae | 2 Il
aqaaat eeaaraa | arava fier TAT fae) wera: |) ev II
mat alee fatal vers: | Gaeat ale yfaaroa wag |] ee II
a a oefao sear fend vem | ara fe t wa sruftrar zaraeq |) 28 II
aa ai fast fiar aati fafaag: gat cfaorerafa fect zeued ATT | 2 II
ee =e + ee ree Be ka ek eeern ee a. ee
a nner oe
ok The chivtyethted principal géde | are the sights
a ec ae
Wat ATTA: {I Ry Il
aa: aigaet meat ares faa Feary jreraaa at
+ aq aa aaa waa Aaa | <ET? ais ad aed aaraay Il 4 ll
ao Oe Rae aatafagaa: | seAge aT: ai & Waaraa II RG Il
> gq amet meat aaigeam: | afrasyeaT aalzafseray: ll Rs Il
caatafa II X< ll
aeqaara 6 dgaias «=faesfa |aTqaa | eT aq fe get afaa =
waa Il X83 l
quaea fe ara fe a: ams | aal 4¢ qa ast atel
aay = weassfasy «—GaRAA AT |
aaa aaa afiea AEHal | WeUatHa: at BIRT SAUTE Il Ro Il
zat ASTRA area euleaeA qTHAIVE sata: ar xo ll
h-minded and
celebrated north- mood, ( 24 ) All those hig
Proceeding in the princes, possessed of
presided over by very mighty
easterly direction ( behe ld ther e
held sacr ed for all tremendous speed, actually
Lord Siva and as such mani fest ed in the
the sons of Sagara the eternal Lord Visna
holy undertakings ), all Kapi la, as well as a horse
earth in an angry form ef Sage
continued digging the
grazing not very far from that glorious alone have stolen our sacrificial horse.
sage, On which they all experienced (27-28 ) Indeed know you us to be the
incomparable joy, O scion of Raghu |! sons of Sagara arrived in a body, O
( 25-26 )( Thoughtlessly ) suspecting him evil-minded one idea Seized with fury
to be the man who had interrupted the to hear that threat of theirs, O scion
sacrificial performance ( by stealing away of Raghu, Kapila forthwith uttered the
the sacrificial horse), they felt enraged and
sound ‘hum’ (expressive of contempt ).
rushed towards him with their eyes The very next moment the sons of Sagara
bedimmed through anger, carrying spades were all reduced to a heap of ashes
and ploughs and various kinds of trees by that high-souled Sage Kapila of
and rocks, and said, ‘Stop! Stop !! You immeasurable glory. ( 29-30 )
Thus ends Canto Forty tm the Bala-Kanda of the glorious Ramayana
of Valmiks, the work of a@ Rsi and the oldest epic.
Canto XLI
Under orders of Sagara his grandson Améuman proceeds to Rasatala
through the underground passage made by his uncles and,
bringing back the sacrificial horse, tells the king
about the fate of his uncles.
Qarharaalsarear ane Waareq | aaRAAaG Us dean asa i 2 Il
Wa 8 Fiaaqa 8 6yateaeasfa aaa | fraot afafass a4 aeaiscafea: |) 2 II
sada maf atttafia aaa
a | ast a ofarasd ai Bala BAtA || 3 II
ataaranfyarateca eal faeqaarata | fart: dade an aaeq gem: ily 1]
CageSTa TH TNT HHT ae ag a sua egfana: || & II
a @ad faqfaatiaeaaid verafi: MII Aws dq uarfhafea: i & 1
taqaraqafa: fFaraqgana: Waa = vest feTAGETa I] © II
Perceiving that his sons had been those who deserve to be greeted and
away for a long time, O scion of Raghu, at
the same time killing thoge who come
King Sagara spoke ( as follows ) to his in
your way, return you ( only ) when
grandson ( AméumaAn ), resplendent you
with have accomplished
his own glory:—(1) your purpose, and
‘You are valiant (thus ) ensure
and learned and the compeer of your
the completion of my
Bacrificial performance.’’ (4
forbears in splendour, Tracethe ) Duly
where- instructed
abouts of your uncles as well as of the thus by the high-souled Sagara
and taking his bow and sword, Amgum4n
man by whom the ( Sacrificial ) horse
departed with quick paces.
has been stolen away. ( 2 ) The living (5) Urged
by the aforesaid king, O jewel
beings inhabiting the subterranean among
men, he reached (in no time ) the
regions are full of ( great ) prowess
and underground passage dug by his high-
gigantic ( of body ). In order
to meet minded uncles.(6)
their assault, therefore, take up a The exceptionally
bow glorious Amséuman { presently
alongs with a sword, (3) Bowing to
) saw an
elephant guarding one of the four
e Quarters, ( that was ) being worshipped fiends, winged creatures and serpents.
by gods, demons and ogres, Were |
17 V. R-N.-I
quraeg = 6aatfafa || ~ Il
qi aqnaataleaat alae: | aealenna ust faad AKATEBa | 24 Il
aat «fat UST RISA FRAT wad | aaa use sear fas Ta: I 28 UI
FA AAMT aratasla ones qaws camer. a Wve
Hearing that apparently awe-inspir- not hit upon any plan for ensuring the
ing tale from( the lips of ) Améuman, the descent of the Ganga ( to the terrestrial
king ( Sagara ) concluded the sacrifice plane ).( 25) Failing to reach any
to the best of his capacity in accordance conclusion (in the aforesaid matter
with the scripturat ordinance. ( 24 ) even ) after a considerable time and
Having performed the sacrifice the having reigned for thirty thousand
glorious emperor for his part returned to years, the great king ascended to
his capital. The monarch, however, could heaven. ( 26)
Thus ends Canto Forty-one in the Bala-Kanda of the glorious Ramayana
of Valmiki, the work of a Rsi and the oldest epic.
Re Ss
ses =e ee ee eee
* There is a Smrti text running as under:—
afeeaat ayaa AT TIAA II
safer? «6 TCO t gSfftadt
‘Death at the hands of a pariah or a Brahman or through being submerged in
water, through snake-bite, through being struck by lightning or through being bitten by
animals with fangs falls to the lot of men of sinful deeds ( alone ). Offering water or
lumps of cooked rice or uncooked flour ete. is not recommended for their peace ( in the
other world ).”
feacanfia: av:
Canto XLII
Am$umin and his grandson, Bhagiratha, successively practise
for bringing down the Ganga to the terrestrial plane. Brahma
grants a boon to Bhagiratha and exhorts him to propitiate
Lord Siva and secure His consent to receive
the Ganga on His head.
wea ont wa ant oaedisa: | usd Vaasa = gales tl 2 Il
4 Us ||gaerardiegaly — Wqarea | ae gal Hea fea gfe fava i 2 I
aa usa ames) fad | waarca | fenaoat wa aqeaa BAe | 3 II
alfiaesaaze aatifar Gaia: | aaa ust ai Be aiaa: ty 1
fesiveg Herts: «rat Game «ta | sda gea fad areanced ne ul
wo Tea aT RAT | aR wei Sarfafa fararqdsuaq Il & II
qa faadl fret ation fafa: | ga) mated) ma aR aaatile: 6 I
Sagara having met his end( which is rich in asceticism, ( eventually ) attained
the law of Time, according to which one heaven ( only and not the desired grace
who is born must die sooner or later when of the holy Ganga ). ( 4 ) Hearing of the
one has played one’s allotted role ), O ( unnatural ) death of his grand-unclesg,
Rama, the people desired the highly pious the exceptionally glorious Dilipa could
Amsuman to be their ruler. (1) The not arrive at any decision ( regarding
said Amsgumanu, O scion of Raghu, proved the method of bringing the Ganga down
to be a very great monarch. His son, to the terrestrial plane ) due to his
widely known by the name of Dilipa, judgment being clouded by sorrow. (5 )
was (equally ) great. (2) Having He felt anxious as to how the Ganga
entrusted the kingship to the said should ( be made to) descend ( to the
Dilipa, O scion of Raghu, Amsuman terrestrial plane ), how water could be
practised the severest ( form of ) askesis offered to them and as to how he
(for bringing down the Ganga to the should ( be able to ) redeem them ( their
terrestrial plane) on a delightful departed souls ). (6) While the king,
summit of the Himalayas, ( 3 ) Having who was celebrated for his righteousness,
continued for thirty-two lakhs of years was ( thus ) plunged in thought every
in a grove intended for austerities moment, a most pious son, Bhagiratha
( alone ), the highly illustrious king, by name, was born to him. (7 )
Calling with hosts of gods on the Bons of Sagara receive water from
high-souled Bhagiratha, who had been me- (18) When the ashes of these
practising austerities, Brahma ( the princes of gigantic body get soaked
progenitor of the entire creation ) with the waters of the Ganga, all
thereupon forthwith spoke to him ( as my (aforesaid ) grand-uncles bid fair
follows ):—( 15) ‘‘I am pleased with the to attain the everlasting heaven. (19 )
askesis duly practised by you, O great Born in the line of Ikswaku, O
king, the ruler of people! Therefore, glorious one, I ask for a( male ) progeny
ask (of me )a boon of your choice, O s0 that our race may not get extinct. Let
king of noble vows !"’ (16) Standing witk this be ( treated as) another boon, O
joined palms the exceptionally glorious lord !’’ ( 20 ) Brahma ( the progenitor of
and mighty-armed Bhagiratha submitted all the worlds) thereupon answered
(as follows ) to Brahma ( the progenitor the king, who had uttered the
of all the worlds ):—( 17 ) ‘‘If the lord ( aforesaid ) prayer, in the following
is pleased with me and if there is any benignant and agreeable speech, full of
reward for asceticism, let all the Sweet expressions:—( 21 )
adageal Uae agi ame aaa | soa filed Sa: at: ae weKT: Ul 2% Il
sane AAGIATAT TAA aaa areas Baal: a UW vz
Brahma(the maker of the universe ) rose
Having thus spoken to the aforesaid including
to his heaven with all the gods
king and instructed Ganga ( as well to ( 25 )
the ( forty-nine ) wind-gods.
oblige Bhagiratha when the time comes )s
in the Bala-Kanda of the glorious Ramayana
Thus ends Canto Forty-two
the work of a Rsi and the oldest epic.
af Valmiki,
Praattig: at:
iratha, Lord Siva receives the
Pleased with the asceticism of Bhag
es it into Bindusarovara.
Ganga on His head and discharg
Branching forth into seven streams It then
Bhagiratha to Rasatala and_ libe
his forbears on the way.
aquad || g
aqza oad fa asgeomfadfeary | Fear qgadt wa aati
adaeanena: | suiafa: = aaal aaaHenaNe II g
314 aacat gor
aff = easgaAey
tl SM
~n fo
seal aa fran | feat
ase ai a gee Il
adaeanesat | aal afanegs ear
aq 0 eaadt «= ASNT oaet wags ll && Il
frafazegd | wraaaat aT ed)
snaimaqagy tC ee Ul & Ml
fares & Was aaa wa AAA | Ge qaud weal eee Wa
3s aa fraqaaal |
the worlds,
( the pondage ), the adored of all
When the celebrated Brahma following words
s) had left , O forthwith addressed the
adored even of god am pleased with
to the king:—( 2 ) “T
waited upon Lord
Bhagiratha and shall do
ndi ng on the you, O jewel among men,
ing sta to you. I shall
Siva for a year remain that which is pleasing
toes stamped on
tip of one of his great being receive the Ganga ( the daughter of
(1) On a year ) on My
ground. mountains
use of Uma, Himavan, the king of
completed, Lord Siva (the Spo h Him ), head ( even as it deec ends on earth ). (3)
evidently appeared wit of a very mighty
( who has been Swelling into the form
Pro tec tor of the Jiva acquiring 4 formidable
of its stream and
to an animal because
force, the celebrated Ganga ( the elder (within herself):—‘'Wafting Lord Sankara
daughter of Himavan ), the adored of along with my stream, I might as well
all the worlds, thereupon descended enter Patala.’’ Hnraged to perceive her
forthwith, O Rama, from the heavens arrogance, the three-eyed Lord Sankara
( her reputed home) on the blessed ( the Destroyer of the universe ) for His
head of Lord Siva: go the tradition goes. part forthwith made up His mind to
Nay, the said Ganga, who is all-glorious conceal her (in the midst of His
and most difficult to sustain, thought matted locks ).
Canto XLIV
Applauding Bhagiratha, Brahma urges him to gratify the souls of his
departed great grand-uncles by offering them the water of the
Ganga, and after doing his bidding Bhagiratha returns
to his capital; the glory of hearing and
reading the story of Ganga’s
descent on earth.
a Tea az Usa |aFATATaeta | gs as yay J weraresen: ll| 2
VAqawrss UA asa: slesa a | aataramaaen
walaaenaa II R
aha oawngs fei aera zaqaq | ofs: gases
ame |ara: ||
Ay 8 Wa Wag wefs giaa | anzeqeas: a fafe wena zat ll ¥ Il
34a oafiar vase aa OT via | wenda a aitaia ah eee favar il &
nal fauna am feear ait a | ta cal aaaedia aang Aaa ear il
aragat = agat aA masa | Faq afee UAL afasnqas 8 ——_—
Reaching the excavation made by this Ganga will be your eldest daughter
Sagara’s sons, followed by the Ganga, the and will now be widely known in the
king (Bhagiratha) then entered the lowest world by the name ( Bh&girathi )
stratum of the bowels of the earth, where derived from you. (5) The Ganga
his great grand-uncles lay reduced to will (also) be called Tripathaga
ashes. (1) When their ashes had been ( following a threefold path ), Divya
thoroughly washed by the water of the (a heavenly stream) and Bhagirathi
Ganga, Brahma, the overlord of the ( daughter of Bhagiratha ). Because it
whole universe, (called on and) spoke carves its way through the three spheres
to the king as follows:-—( 2) ‘'The ( vis, heaven, earth and the subterranean
sixty thousand sons of the high-souled region ), hence it is designated as
Sagara have (all) been delivered Tripathaga. (6) Offer water here { on
(from damnation ), O tiger among the bank of the Ganga) to all your
men, and have ascended to heaven like great grand-uncles, O ruler of men, and
gods.(3) Like ( the very ) gods all the implement the vow ( undertaken by your
sons of Sagara will abide in heaven s0 forefathers and yourself, vis, of redeem-
long as the water of the ocean continues ing the sons of Sagara by offering them
to exist on earth, O prince!(4) Nay, the water of the Ganga ), O king 1(7 )
goes. His aim having been forbears of the man who narrates to the
thereby he ruled over his Brahmans, the Ksatriyas and others this
men! ( 17-18 ) story,—which fetches wealth and renown,
kingdom, O jewel among
get him— is conducive to longevity and ensures
The people greatly rejoiced to
O scion of the birth of a male issue and aleo
their king (once more),
With their. grief ( caused by residence in heaven,—feel gratified and
) dispell ed, they felt gods (too) get propitiated ( thereby ). He
separat ion from him
who listens, O scion of Kakutstha, to
accomplished of purpose and found their
this blessed story of the descent of the
anxiety gone, (19) In this way, O Rama,
Ganga (to the mortal plane ), which is
the story ( of the descent ) of the Ganga
by conducive to longevity, bids fair to
has been narrated to you at length
a reward attain all his desired objects. All his
me. Attain blessedness (as
prosperity attend sins totally disappear and the span of
of hearing it }), may
prayers is his life as well as his fame extends.
you! The hour of Sandhy4
past. ( 20 ) The departed ( 21—23 )
Thus ends Canto Forty-four in the Bala-Kanda of the glorious Ramayana
of Valmiki, the work of a Rst and the oldest epic.
qeaaeaifiats at:
Canto XLV
te past the gods and the demons
Viswamitra tells Sri Rama how in the remo the
of milk, using Mount Mandara as
conjointly churned the ocean
the deadly poison skimmed
churning rod, how Lord Siva drank off
ning appeared Lord
out of it, how as a result of that char
the beverage known by
Dhanvantari, a bevy of Apsaras,
ihérava, the
the name of Varuni, the horse Uchcha
Kaustubha gem and nectar, and how
conflict of gods and the Daityas
ended in the destruction
of the latter.
sacred story, told by you, of the descent of his enemy, submitted as follows to
of the Ganga (to the terrestrial plane ) Viswamitra, whore (only ) wealth was his
as wellas of how the excavation made asceticism and who had ( just ) finished
by the sons of Sagara came to be filled his daily routine ( of devotions ):—( 5 )
by it.( 2) This night has slipped past “The eacred night ( hallowed by the
us (two brothers ) like an instant, O narration of the story of Ganga's descent)
tormentor of ( internal ) enemies (in the has passed. That which was most worthy
shape of lust, anger and so on ), even as of hearing has been heard. ( Now ) let
we pondered on your entire story us cross the holy river Ganga ( which
in detail. (3) The whole night, O follows a threefold course), the foremcst
friend of the universe, slipped past me of (all) rivers. (6) Here indeed is a boat
as well as aksmana (the son of furnished with an agreeable matting (to
Sumitra ) as I pondered with him the sit on )and sent by Rsis of meritorious
charming story.'' (4) Then, on the day deeds, which has expeditiously appeared
having clearly dawned, Sri Rama (a on coming to know of Your Holiness
ecion of BKmperor Raghu ), the subduer having arrived here.’’ ( 7 )
all proceeded (once more ) to to lift up the mountain ( from the depths
churn ocean of
the milk, O delighter of of Patala ).'’ Hearing this, Lord Visnu,
the Raghus, and immediately Mount the Ruler of the senses ( of all ), assumed
Mandara (the foremost of mountains), the form of the divine Tortoise and,
that served as their charning-rod, sank supporting the mountain on His back, lay
into Patala (the lowest of the subterranean down at the bottom of that ocean. Nay,
regions ). ( 27) Then the gods including holding fast with one hand the top of
the Gandharvas extolled ( as follows ) the mountain, and taking up His position
Lord Visnu ( the Destroyer of the demon in the midst of the gods, Lord Sri Hari
Madhu ):—''You are the resort of all ( the Ruler even of Brahma and Lord
created beings, particularly of gods Siva ), the Supreme Person and the Soul
( the denizens of heaven ). ( 28 ) Protect of the universe, took part in the churning.
Then emerged (from the ocean of irreproachable as she was. ( 37 ) For that
), O scion of Raghu, the highly reason the sons of Diti came to be known
asp Asuras ( those who did not accept
blessed Varuni ( the deity presiding over
Sura or wine), while for the same
spirituous liquor ),a daughter of Varuna
reason Aditi’s sons became known as
( the god presiding over the waters ),
Suras (those who take wine ). The
seeking fora husband. ( 36 ) The demons
to gods felt thrilled and overjoyed
( sons ), O Rama, did not take
of Diti
due to their acceptance Of Varuni.
wife the said Varunts; but the gods ( the
sons of Aditi) O valiant one, accepted her, (38 )
fefagatea | usa
we 8 ~
tm OF Cx
amas vacate: aa Ul v's Ul
away the
O jewel among men, Lord Visnu then hastily carrried
Next emerged, potency
foremost of (all) nectar, exhibiting His deluding
Uchchaihgrava, the
el. ( 42 )
of valuable in the form of a charming dams
horses, Kaustubha, the most rtal Lord
the excellent Those who opposed the immo
(all) gems, and even so nectar, Person, on that
there ensued Visnu, the Supreme
drink. (39) Now over nectar crushed in an
of the two races occasion were completely
a colossal destruction Visnu. ( 43 )
demons ). On that occas
ion encounter by the almighty
( gods and major conflict between
lly fough t with In this terrible
the sons of Aditi actua e of Aditi the
(40) All demons the sons of Diti and thos
the sons of Diti. letely destroyed
with ogres. The result heroic sons of Aditi comp
got united Having destroyed
conflict, that be- the sons of Diti. ( 44 )
a most deadly
was ined sovereignty,
worlds ( heav en, the sons of Diti and atta
wildered all the three (the destroyer of strongholds)
intervening them ), ( three)
earth and the space felt delighted and rule
d the
41 ) When the whole hosts of Rsis and
© valiant Rama! ( worlds including the
gods and the demons )
host ( of the pards ). ( 45 )
very mighty the Charanas ( celestial
destruction, the
a of the glorious Ramayana
five in the Bala-Kand
Thus ends Canto Forty-
a Rsi and the oldest epic.
of Valmiki, the work of
eo wr
Canto XLVI
Feary aaa: ll 28 Il
a S
zdt qial
~ a ba
feat | fazed
: af
mira eg
~ oe
sqaar oa fafa
em: |Satay | feces wal wal Ted 4 gale 7 Il Xe Il
A ~
a eaenfea a
fafaeadi a | favana aa: qa
alda ra
qa aad
gaifa geal: Faqs | RMI
> ; LY
naisequiga | safc
qafeqaaled fafa
simzranled | aifuet aaa cia aa a aaueta || 3 Il
po 1 i =
. ~ a
~ ~~
aAgeatAe weeql
cat AaaIRAT Tet ena areas wee: A UN VE
her head ought to have Lainie)
Saying so, as the sun had ( just)
entered the orifice of her
meridian, the glorious Indra
reached the powe r),
genitals ( by dint of his yogic
Diti was overt aken by sleep and forth-
and carved the foetus into
placing her feet where O Rama,
with lay down as he was. (18)
seven, fully alert
her head ought to have lain. ( 16 ) Indra shrill
thereupon cried in a
an foetus
laughed and rejoiced to see herin
being cut with his
sciou sly ) voice while
impure posture having ( uncon a weapon with a
her hair to touch her feet, thunderbolt,
allowed VU Rama, ana Diti
where bundred edges
and to behold her feet placed
19 V. KR. N-1
then woke up.(19) Indra wert on ( thereupon ) emerged (from ) her womb.
saying tothe foetus, ''( Pray ) do not cry, (21) Appearing with his thunderbolt,
do not cry !’’ Nay, the exceptionally Indra spoke to Diti with joined
glorious Vasava (a name of Indra) palms ( as follows ):—‘'You lay apleep,
continued to carve the foetus again and O venerable lady, in an impure posture
again (till each part was subdivided with your hair touching the feet. ( 22 )
into seven), even though it remained Seizing that vulnerable point I carved
crying.( 20) Diti only said, ‘'The foetus into seven the foetus that was designed
should not be killed, it should not to kil] Indra ( myself ) in an encounter.
be killed.’’ Out of deference to the You ought to pardon this ( offence of
remonstrance of his stepmother, Indra mine), O worshipful lady!’’ (23)
aqacattia: aa:
Viéwamitra tells Sri Rama how on the very site of the grove where
Diti practised her austerities Viédla, a son of Ikgwaku, built
the city of Viéala. Sumati, the contemporary ruler
of Viéala, receives Viéwamitra and his party as
his distinguished guests.
ara og ost mH fafa: «|eagefeaat | eee «oguad aad ataamadia il ¢ Il
waa | SH AT aR: | ara? f Ra aa aeaea Il 2 I
fq ooaenafaeo =a aaa | weal aa aarai wader vad 2 ll 3 Il
Waren Ft ae oateq fA ogame | area sf ema fReqeor ware: Il ¥ Il
ATA = -AA geRS aTTe: | fesaarghfa waacadalsie aaa tl & W
Sore afflicted on her foetus having conflict with the demons ). ( 3 ) Widely
been split into seven ( batches of seven known as the ( forty-nine ) wind-gods
each ), Diti for her part spoke as ( Maruts, so called because they were
follows in a conciliatory tone to Indra addressed by youinthe words ‘ay aqs%me
( the thousand-eyed god ), who was dad» not cry—and assuming ethereal
difficult to overpower( by force ):—( 1 ) forms let these seven ( into seven)
“This foetus has been split into sewen sons of mine move in the aerial region
through my fault, O ruler of gods! No in the form of the seven belts of air
blame in this behalf attaches to you, O ( bearing the names of Avaha, Pravaha,
destroyer of the demon Bala ! ( 2) I wish Samvaha, Udvaha, Vivaha, Parivaha and
to see your attempt at destroying my Paravaha ), O dear child! (4) Let one
foetus turned favourable ( to both of ns). of these batches blow in Brahmaloka
Let these seven ( into seven parts of ( the realm of Brahma ), anotber in the
my foetus) fill the place of the seven realm of Indra, and a third, known asthe
( batches of ) wind-gods ( each consisting
celestial air and enjoying great fame,
of steven and evidently killed in their blow in the aerial region. ( 5 )
aa ews fam § ay aaa | dafteafa ad & ga fe aaa |] & II
wHIAT Altay | Hea ats ta: | ae aaa eA ARM: Yat |] II
aa mafeateatidl< quad: | vatae wie A ula a daa: | c |
faeafa owe 9 aaenraens: | ad dl fad ger margal aati ¢ |
waded ua gFaratiafe a: aay | UF ee a sige asezregiia: gt I] go II
feft aq anfvama ofeaare a: |
My other four ( batches of seven) sons, suggested by you: there is no doubt
(each )O jewel among gods, indeed will about it. (6—8) Your sons will move about
actually traverse the (four) quarters from in the form of ( the wind- ) gods. Having
time to time according to your direction, reached an agreement on these lines in
May prosperity attend you. They will the grove intended for austerities, and
henceforth be widely known as the Maruts ( thus ) accomplished of purpose the
according to the very name given by mother ( Diti ) and her (step- ) son (Indra)
yourself ( vide verse 4 above ). Hearing her both ascended to heaven, O Rama;
aforesaid appeal the thousand-eyed Indra 80 have we heard. This is that tract,
{ the destroyer of strongholds ) and the O scion of Kakutstha, formerly inhabited
slayer of ( the demon ) Bala, made the by the great Indra, where he rendered
following reply (to Diti) with joined ( personal ) service as aforesaid to Diti,
palms:—''All this will come to pass as who achieved the end of her austerities.
( 14 ) The glorious and mighty Sahadeva tably repoee here for this one night;
asraeaiag: ai:
Having stayed overnight at Viéala as an honoured
guest of Sumati,
Sri Rama, accompanied by V iswamitra and
the other sages,
heads towards Mithila ( the capital of King
Janaka ) and,
on reaching on the way a deserted her
mitage and,
inquiring about it is told by Viéwamitra
Ahalya, wife of Sage Gautama, whose
hermitage it was, was subjected to
a curse by her husband.
ce a Wea | Ret galaatad eqraerz werafay || & ||
wl_ BHM XN
Raqaaqumil nafiemdt
gods descended on earth from the in the size of their body, in the
outer expression of their feelings as
celestial plane of their own will. How
and what for have they travelled well as in the movements of their body,
on foot to this place and whose have got on a track (80 ) difficult to
sons ure they, O rage 9 (4) I wish tread, gracing this land ( even ) a8 the
to hear in reality as to wherefore the moon and the sun illumine the esky, and
among men, carrying excellent weapons (on their
two heroes, the foremost
who are replicas of each other person ).'’ (5-6 )
‘tAh, ( please ) listen ! I shall tell you etc. )}, Indra ( who is noted for hit
in truth, O scion of Raghu, to what thousand eyes ), the spouse of Sachi,
great soul this site of a ( past ) appeared in the guise of the eee
hermitage belonged and by whose ( Gautama ) and spoke to Ahalya a8
wrath it was subjected to a curse. (14) follows:—( 17) ‘Those hankering ot
The hermitage, which looked like a enjoyment do not await the time
heavenly retreat, nay, which was highly favourable for conception ( the sixteen
honoured (even) by gods, formerly nights following menstruation ), O high-
belonged to the high-souled sage ly composed lady ! I, therefore, seek
Gautama, O jewel among men! (15) union with you, pretty woman |’( 18)
In this very hermitage, O highly Meri- ( Even ) on recognizing him to be
torious prince, he practised austerities Indra (the thousand-eyed god),
with (his wife ) Ahalya for many rounds disguised as Gautama, O scion of
of years. (16) Coming to know of his Raghu, the misguided woman set her
absence (from the hermitage due to heart upon Indra in her eagerness to
his having gone out for his daily bath embrace the ruler of gods. (°19)
of your testicles.’ ( 27 ) The testicles that you will extend to him (in the
(the thousand -eyed god) same invisible form ), O immoral
of Indra
the ground even woman, you will regain your own
dropped instantly on
by the ( pristine ) body and return to my
as he was cursed as aforesaid
highly incensed presence full of joy.’ (32) Having
high-souled Gautama,
imprecated as aforesaid that woman
as he was. (28) Nay, having imprecated
he cursed of immoral conduct, the excepti onally
Indra in the foregoing words,
glorious sage Gautama left this
his wife too (as follows ):—‘You will
stay here for many thousands of years hermitage and the great ascetic resumed
without food or drink, living on air his austerities on a delightful peak of
lying on ashes the Himalayas, frequented by Siddhas
(alone ), and remain
full of remorse. You will dwell in this and Charanas. ( 33 )
Forty-eight in the Bala-Kanda of the glorious Ramayana
Thus ends Canto
Valmiki, the work of @ Rst and the oldest epte.
Canto XLIX
lied with testicles
At the intercession of the gods Indra is supp
celestial form
of aram; Ahalya gets back her pristine
moment he
at the very sight of S;i Rama the
enters the hermitage, and the two
brothers are entertained by the
lady with the help of
her husband.
ARTA: naa
fagueqaaled tl & Il
anee oat: Tal | Matafiagiaard| aaa
eT ara fe Hal grwalae Faq Il RM
Baal aqay fact «=|Mae. Fat ll & Ml
agaist FAA FIA a A freer | AAT |AeA anseqed
performed virtuous deeds ) and redeem had been produced by the creator with
this highly blessed woman, Ahaly4, great effort and looked like a product
who was (heretofore ) invested with of magic, who looked like a blazing
a celestial form.'’ (11) Hearing the flame wrapped all over in smoke or like
intercession of Viswamitra, Sri Rama the halo of the full moon obsoured by
(a scion of Raghu ), accompanied by a veneer of snow and screened by a
Laksmana, made his way into the cloud or again like a dazzling bright
hermitage, placing VisSwamitra at circle of light round the sun appearing
his head, so the tradition goes, and in the midst of water ( existing in
beheld the celestial lady, who was highly clouds ). ( 12—15 ) Under the curse of
blessed (in the sense that Sri Rama's Gautama, really speaking, she had grown
eyes fell on her), whose effulgence had imperceptible to (all) the three worlds
been brightened by her austerities, who pending the sight of Sri Rama: 50
could not be easily perceived even by it is said. Having reached the end
gods and demons, much _ Iless by of the curse she had (now) come
earthly beings even on drawing near within the range of their sight.
( due to the curse of Gautama), who (16 )
SOV. dee NL
qa AT:
Canto L
Sri Rima and others reach Mithila and are received in advance by
King Janaka, headed by his family priest, Satananda, and
Viswamitra satisfies their curiosity about the two
princes of Ayodhya.
qa: og meat ua: alfafaot ee | ast = gee amarzqqaAd Il 2 Il
EES I afrargeaara aeceny: | aed} aqmanfafe waaea weaa: || 2 I
age aeainy vaeaaafaary | aanat FEM aaeqqaafears |} 2 II
srftarzia zaqed THAMES: | eal fadlaat awa aa aeane aay || ¥ II
waa aad meat fear = erat: | famenade 22 flat afeataa i & 1
Proceedingin a north-easterly direc. living in different parts of the
tion from the said hermitage, and placing country can be geen here, ag well as
Visgwamitra at his head, Sri Rama, (small) enclosures ret apart for
accompanied by lLaksmana (son of Rsis and full of hundreds of
Sumitra ), reached the Bacrificial carts ( carrying the requisites for
enclosure ( of Janaka, the king of their Agnihotra or daily oblations
Mithila ).( 1) Sri Rama for his part to the sacred fire ), O highly blessed
along with Laksmana remarked to sage ! Let a ( suitable ) Bite be
Viswiamitra ( a tiger among hermits ), Belected, where we should halt,
‘Hxcellent indeed is the preparation O holy one !"" ( 3-4 ) Hearing the
made for the sacrifice undertaken submission of Sri Rama, the great sage
by the high-souled Janaka. (2) Viswaimitra halted at a _ secluded
Many thousands of Brahmans enriched and clean Bpot fupplied with
with a study of the Vedas and water. (5)
Reanfiaaaod ACT TTR | TAT BREW eanfaea: |) & I)
afasisit = ARRAIRAII wL | gS weal faa anfaa: |] © ll
fanfare aay at aaa | ofave a at Gal Faw AERAg: I< II
Ws BIS wa awq a faumaq | a aianr daly ost alareaagdaa: |e II
ameniaht: a4: ANT
ba 9 =
NBA | ait ust aReRs
sae@feunsa |] 20 T
ayaa ANAT
iy 2 oA
aefuaiadaa: | Stata aa: oat
fgare warafa: |) ee |
gat | Base S
ST aeafafiz: | araay =aaraagafasr: = aazaa: |] 2211 .
Canto LI
At the request of Satdnanda Viswamitra tells him how Ahalya was
redeemed by Sri Rima and entertained him with the help of
her husband. And Satdnanda in his turn commences
narrating to Sri Rima the story of Viéwamitra.
qq a ant eat faafiaeq daa: | cedar aes: alae) Aetag: || 2 II
Nae =at Agee = Aaae: | uadainta gk AMT: I 2 1
a at favo ateq aataeal aqme | gard) afd faafaanaada || 2 |
aft a oafiangs aa art anfadt | after usgar at dtdagmear il ¥ 1
A ae
Hearing the aforesaid story told by mother offer hospitality with wild fruits
the celebrated Vidwamitra, who was a etc. to Sri Rama, who deserves to be
repository of wisdom, the exceptionally honoured by all embodied souls ? (5)
glorious Satananda, the eldest son of Did you tell Sri Rama the old story of
Gautama,—who wasa great ascetic (like the outrage which wasdone by Indra to
hisfather ),( nay ) whose brilliance stood my mother, O exceptionally glorious
heightened by his asceticism,—was sage Pp (6) May God blees you,
thrilled (with joy ) and felt greatly O scion of Kusika | Was my mother
astonished at the very sight of Sri Rama, united ( once again ) with my father, O
( 1-2 ) Beholding those two princes jewel among ascetics, as a result of
(Sri Rama and Laksmana) seated and Sri Rama's sight and other factors P
comfortably ensconced, the celebrated (7) Was Sri Rama honoured by my
Satananda now spoke to Viswamitra, father, O son of Kusgika, and has this
the foremost of hermits ( as follows ):— exceptionally glorious prince come here
(3) ‘*Was my illustrious mother, after receiving the hospitality of that
who had been going through a long exalted soul 9? (8) Was my father
course of austerities, shown by you to greeted with a tranquil mind by Sri
O Rama when arrived and honoured (by
Sri Rama (son of King Dasaratha),
Did my him) in this grove, O son of Gadhi
tiger among sages 9 (4)
exceptionally glorious and illustrious ( a scion of Kuga) 9'’ (9 )
hear also what I say. I am determined bitter and alkaline ) that may be pleas-
to entertain with a sumptuous repast ing to a particular individual, to his
this royal sage ( VisSwamitra ) along heart’s content. Look sharp ! Produce,
with his army. ( Please ) get everything O Sabala, in plenty all kinds of food
ready for me. (21) Yield for my sake accompanied by sweetmeats, drinks ( of
in desired quantities, O celestial cow of various kinds ) and dishes that can be
plenty, each one of the six varieties of licked ( such as honey ) or sucked ( such
dishes { viz, pungent, acid, sweet, saline, as the juice of a mango ). ( 22-23 )
Thus ends Canto Fifty-two in the Bala-Kanda of the glorious Ramayana
of Valmiki, the work of a Rsi and the oldest epic.
ee BSS
Aaa: AN:
Canto LIil
Heartily entertained along with his army by Vasistha with
delicious foods and drinks yielded by his cow of
plenty, Viéswamitra asks of him the cow, which
Vasistha declines to part with.
ways! afatea aqzl agqaea | fae erage ara ae aeaftad Far Ul 8 ll
oq AGA SIS Rata araare | waa a seri weataleaaaralg || 2 Il
SAAN TAA Ua: qdagan | aeraafa aga afizeaeaa a ll 2 ll
qaagaat =F aeaat | aaT | AISaTis gmt Mei a agaa: il ¥ Il
aaalal aig geqssaigay | frafaaae wa afeea galsaz il & Il
fe yaesqeRtaMad | aaa UST aalangiifed: tl & Il
ama aRaafia: 9area: gfeemer | ge: Rae afasftcuaatd Il © Il
qfadsé =aa AR qaet gaz: | qqaataaeit naa TAAAUR lam
nat aaaediy «lat ast LOA OE HAAG wae WAT II 8 I
oaaat «otf AAT ad «fa | Gamwed Aa qfast afagaa: || go Il
fafaan aaa saa = Belair |
be seen
by Vasistha, O also. ( 1-2) In this feast could
Thus instructed s, of stea ming
heaps, as high as moun tain
destroyer of foes, Sabala, a cow of ed
of swee t rice boil
es rice, varieties
plenty (as she was ), yielded all luxuri nay, puls es poil ed into
partic ular indivi dual in milk,
as desired by each Balt and
a liquid form with
( of Viswamitra’s camp )—sugar-canes stre ams of
condiments, and even 80
( including all their products—sugar etc. ), ghee ), and
kinds ), even 80 curds (as also of milk and
honeys (of various in thousards brimful
algo silver plates
ya (a kind
fried grains of paddy, Maire fruit juices of various
and other with delicious
of wine, made of jaggery ts. (3-4)
excellent spirituous kinds as well as with sweetmea
substances ) and , O Rama,
led Fully entertained by Vasistha
liquors distilled from boiled or unboi of Viswamitra, wholly
as well as ( other) the entire army
pap of sugar-cane, joyous and
s kinds composed ( as it was ) of
costly drinks and foods of variou ly grati fied. (5)
n ) well-fed men, felt high
( especially those requiring masticatio
21 Vv. R. N.—I
Entertained on that occasion along prefer a request ( to you), O master of
with the foremost inmates of his expression; ( pray ) listen! (8 ) Sabala
gynaeceum as well as with the Brahmans may (kindly ) be handed over to mein
( that had accompanied him ) including exchange for a hundred thousand cows,
his family priest, and even so with his as she is a jewel and a king is the
ministers and counsellors and dependents ( proper ) person who ought to receive a
(too), King Viéwamitra, a veritable sage jewel.( 9 ) Therefore, make over Sabala
among kings, felt rejoiced and strong. to me; she is rightfully mine, O holy
Full of supreme delight he spoke to Brahman !’’ Thus addressed by
Vasistha as follows:—( 6-7) ‘‘I have been Viswamitra, the almighty Vasistha, the
honoured and sumptuously entertaind toremost among ascetics, whose mind
by you ( who are ) deserving of honour was given to piety, replied to the king
( yourself ), O holy one ! I shall ( now ) ( as follows ):—
Canto LIV
On Viéwamitra attempting to take her away by force, Sabala seeks to
know Vasistha’s mind, and at his instance produces a multitude
of warriors that disperse Viswamitra’s army.
alaad afasisla qt oa oad aft: | acre aaet wa faarfaalseatqa | 2 1
aaa «6 AST UA OUT wanat | gifaat Faeaqiara earct aleneferar Wl 2 II
fica afacsa fue GAHal | ale yaaaciat feaa waesfaar il 2 Il
qaqa: aa:
Canto LV
warriors preducel b, Sabala
His entire army having been extermina ted by the ot Vasistha roar
and his hundred sons reduced to ashes by the very
retires to the Himalayas
even as they assailed him, Viswamitra m
a num ber of missiles {ro
for austerities and, receiving
inmates of Vasistha’s
Lord Siva, tries them on the
with a mere
hermitage; Vasigtha meets him
staff appropriate to a Brahman.
Gs aaa: tl & Ul
aaa AT AT, egt Raifraraalearl | afascaleatara FAG
ascetics, then angrily addressed the
were (in his hermitage ) fled in their
thousands from the various quarters. following words to Viswamitra:—( 26 )
of the “Since you have made hayoc of my
(23) The site of the hermitage
turned desolate. In an hermitage, fostered for long, and
mighty Vasistha
so it became noiseless and inasmuchas you are a wicked fool, you
hour or
looked barren as it were in spite of will cease to be ( what you are ).’’ (27)
Vasistha repeatedly calling out:—'*Don’t Saying so and hurriedly lifting a staff,
be afraid, I shall presently make which looked like another rod of
short work of VisSwamitra ( the son of Yama, Vasistha stood highly enraged
Gadhi ) as the sun dispels a fog.’’ like the smokeless fire raging at
( 24-25 ) Saying so, the exceptionally the time of universal destruction.
glorious Vasistha, the foremost of ( 28 )
Thus ends Canto Fifty-five in the Bala-Kayda of the glorious Ramayana
of Valmiki, the work of a Rsi and the oldest epic.
qaqa! Ail:
Canto LVI
With his Brahmanical staff alone Vasistha renders ineffectual all the
mystic missiles discharged by Viswamitra, whereupon the
latter condemns military strength and makes up
his mind to practise austerities with a view
to attaining Brahmanhocd.
over by Lord Siva ( the Protector of the because of its bondage ) as also the one
Jiva, which has been likened toa beast made of a reed. ( 6 )
Canto LVII
Viswamitra embarks on a severe course of austerities with a view to
attaining Brahmanhond. In the meantime King Triganku of Ayodhya
requests Vasistha to conduct for him a sacrifice which may
enable him bodily to ascend to heaven and, on Vasistha
declining to comply with his request, approaches
his sons for the same purpose.
aa: aqdeea: wiaq Ssfaegeacaa: ftizaea fafa Haad AerKaar ess 2 |
a afant fear maar afeeqr az waa qaqa ata at faxarfaaly aerag: Ul 2 I
efasqeal = Ay Sgeal Zeal Ae: qi qed J aa sata i x I
aadeagt oaaq fadfas =adiaar | fRar uateelard agar Hiraeras | & I
aaa ava oat f€ usaf faa | wagaal agaat saa ae ead: I & Il
fafaed ATA Aalat qqaaat: |
Sighing deeply again and again, his and Maharatha ( by name). On _ the
heart being distressed at the thought of completion of a thousand years Brahma
his discomfiture (at the hands of Vasistha), (the progenitor of the universe ) actually
appeared and addressed the following
the celebrated Viswamitra, whohad made
with an exalted soul (like sweet words to VisSwamitra, who was
to the southern rich in asceticism:—''The worlds attained
Vasistha) then proceeded
queen and to by royal sages have been won
quarter with his principal
by you through askesis, O son of
embarked as a great ascetic on ( a course
severe austerities, O scion of Kugika ( Gadhi ) | ( 3—5 ) Through this
of ) most
Living on fruits and askesis we undoubtedly recognize you
Raghu ! (1-2)
his mind and as a royal sage,.’’ Saying s6v, the
roots ( alone ) and with
he practised exceptionally glorious Brahma ( the
senses ( fully ) controlled,
Immediately suzerain lord of all the worlds ) returned
austerities of a high order.
the gods (that had
after his commencing the course of his along with
austerities were born to him four sons accompanied him ) to paradise ( Indra's
virtne— heaven ) en route to Brahmaloka ( the
devoted to truthfulness and
Drdhanetra highest heaven, his own realm ‘
Havispanda, Madhuspanda,
of dejection as follows:—‘'Hven
Filled with great agony to hear the a mood
though most severe austerities have been
aforesaid compliment and with his face gods
practised (by me ) all the
downward a bit through shame,
hung of Rsis recognize
in including the hosts
Viéwamitra too spoke (to himself)
me (only ) a8 a royal sage (and not concluded thus in his mind, the great
as a Brahman as desired by me). I ascetic ( VidSwamitra ), whose mind
(therefore) think that Brahmanhood was given to piety, O scion of
is not the reward for my austerities Kakutstha, and who was of. great
( something more is required for attain- restraint, commenced his austerities
ing the status of a Brahman ).’’ Having anew.
Gant vill
Having been repulsed by Vasistha’s sons as well, Triganku gets
ready to seek another priest, whereupon he is degraded by
the curse of Vasistha’s sons to the position of a
Chandala and approaches ViSwamitra
with the same request.
aafeasiaaa TA Aldaarady | wsyaat UA usTaHeaaate II
reread =gaat TaN aaalfaat | d ea aafantqa aera ||
zea «fe aqui wat afd: qa: | a atfeafad aed aad acarfea: ||
sara = atara—afast yunafi: | d a a amed ad at: Fis II
afer awis aaa ayi ga: | aaa AMAIA eesenfa aa |
Waa FA Fd aA Were aay | ast aq aad at laTATZSATy, II
aout yaaatag qqanada | aealeala) waa «gaya fF Il
seat nfa afieaf aft aseg atuar | efigara ager wat aahafeas |
Ug: 8 -HaHa AVS Tee nfasafa | zeqaara aera Afaa: 4 Baray Il OP
ON \l
Filled with rage to hear the Vasistha has declared as something which
O Rama, the cannot be undertaken P( 4) You are
Submission of Trisganku,
Vasistha forth- (yet) puerile (of understanding), O jewel
hundred sons of sage
with replied to the king as follows:— among men! Return( therefore ) toyour
(1) ‘When you have been repulsed capital. The supremely glorious Vasistha
is even capable of conducting the
by your preceptor ( Sage Vasistha ), who
sacrifices of all the three worlds, O ruler
( always ) speaks the truth, O foolish
king, how have you sought another patron, of the earth! (5) How shall we be able
to offer indignity to him (by embarking
ignoring him? (2) The family priest
(Sage Vasistha) has been the greatest on a venture which has been declared by
him as something which cannot be taken
support of all the scions of Ikswaku and aforesaid
in hand) ?'' Hearing the
the word of that veracious sage cannot be couched
admonition of Vasistha’s sone,
set aside ( with impunity ).(3) How can full of anger,
(as it was) in words
we really venture to conduct a sacrifice more
almighty sage the said king ( however ) once
which the celebrated and
a 98
Thus ends Canto Fifty-eight in the Bala-Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Vulmikt,
the work of a Rsi and the oldest epic.
{ Bk. 1
malagteaa: a:
Canto LIX
Viswamitra assures Triganku of his help, sends word to a
number of sages, inviting them to conduct a sacrifice
for Triganku, and pronounces a curse on those
who declined to come.
sHae oF OU |B Bla: | AANA Fat AAA SSA TAT I) 2 Il
zara ad aa sae at gather| ay at geen ar dlsadna |) 2 II
aemaeaa «oaal He UAT: | AINA «Usa geal fata: | 2 Il
qenged ie Raa ada ae BI aaa afaeafa ly Il
samané aaa | qe NRA aa aRoTTa: I & Il
wage «Aa: Ga RTA | ae AIIM ARAMA | & Il
asad «86aaTEASsTTAMATAI ZI wala sales Fawr il © Il
afta geet ahaa: gaged | qaeql |aaa qaruaaACAled: | <I
ae aqafasalh AAeAAAATAT |
93 V. BR. N.-1
the state of a Nisada( anu outcaste race existence for a long time because of my
born of a Brahman through a Sadra wrath.'’ Uttering this long curse in
woman and ), remaining engaged in the midst of Rsis ( assembl ed for the
destroying the lives of others and sacrifice ), the highly glorious and
( thereby ) acquiring a merciless eminent sage and great ascetic Viswa-
disposition, shall drag a wretched mitra ceased speaking. ( 19-22)
Thus ends Canto Fifty-nine in the Bala-Kanda of the glorious Ramayane
of Valmiki, the work of a Rst and the oldest eptc.
Ep —
qian: ay:
Canto LX
At the instance of Viéwamitra the sages assembled at his hermitage
commence a sacrifice; on the gods failing to appear at the
sacrifice to accept the offerings, Vidwamitra sends Trisanku
bodily to heaven by dint of his own spiritual power, but
the latter is expelled by Indra, on which Viswamitra
stops him in the air and proceeds to create
a new heaven and desists from his
purpose only on the gods
granting his desire.
THsBeasaea = wag angaar | aia gas fenfaatsoqusa tl 2 Il
sritmearearareterag fet faya: | afagar aera at Sa sey Ta: |] 2 Ml
eataa aFaE faalefaeigar | ang anion aale afaeafa | 2 1
dur cael agai ouafear onal ee | fenfasaa: aT ay «Wa RETA: ||
oo: Ha: agar ada adafaa | ai Greer af: ada: II
We Fa ara ed oa ama: | aftraedy fe amar ard creR diga: II
Ta aay oat: wai aur RA | asBfearperard! feafser 2sat | ww KF
aa: qaeat ||(aa: ay anfafasa |
Coming to know (by his yogic realm of gods in his own present
power) of Vasistha’s sons having form ( of a Chandala ), A sacrifice may
been ruined along with Mahodaya (kindly ) be set on foot by you
by dint of his spiritual power, the ( collectively )along with meso that this
exceptionally glorious Visgwamitra spoke
prince may afcend to the region of
( as follows )in the midst of the Rsis gode in his own embodied state.’’ Hear-
( assembled at his hermitage ):—{ 1 ) ing the request of VisSwamitra, all the
‘Here is a scion of Ikswaku, widely great Reis ( present in that assembly ),
known by the name of Triganku, who is who knew what is right, conferred and
not only exceedingly pious but
generous quickly made (to one another) the
also and has moreover sought me as his following observation, consistent with
refuge with the desire of ascending to the
righteousness:—''This sage, Viswamitra
Saying so, the great Reis (assembled take their ( allotted ) shares. ( But )
there ) then duly took charge of their none of the gods appeared on that
( respective priestly ) functions. (8 ) occasion in the aforeeaid sacrifice to
In that sacrifice the highly glorious take their share. ( 9--11 ) Overwhelmed
Vidwamitra owas the chief priest with anger, the eminent sage Viswimitra
( Adhwaryu ) The ( other ) priests thereupon lifted up the _ sacrificial
too, who were (all) well-versed in ladle ( with which ghee is poured into
sacred texts (recited at the time of the sacred fire) and, full of anger,
pouring oblations into the sacred fire ), addressed Triganku as follows:—{ 12)
did all their ( allotted ) duties in their “Behold the efficacy of the spiritual
order of sequence according to the energy acquired by me with my own
mpqfeaa: aa:
Canto LXI
of King
The animal to be sacrificed at the sacrificial performance
Ambariga having been stolen away by Indra appearing in
the arch-priest enjoined the king to secure a human beast as
substitute. Wandering in search of such a beast,
saw the sage Rehika at Bhrgutunga and requested
him to hand over his juvenile son in exchange for
a hundred thousand cows. On the parents
declining to part with their eldest and
youngest sOns, the middle one,
Sunahéepa by name, voluntarily
offered himself for being sold
and the king returned with
| him to his capital.
aad |aaaags |BARAT aaanfea: Weed
Rafat eta: fad eT
fara, | feet ATTA arene =ats Il 8 Al
wears: 9SAAS afamraifizal
their subdivisions, cities, woodlands him and ( thereby ) securing his goodwill
and holy hermitages, the aforesaid king, and (also) inquiring after his all-
O dear Rama ( a scion of Raghu ), saw round welfare, the highly glorious
at close quarters, on Mount Bhrgutunga Ambarisa ( a royal sage ), who
( a mountain-peak associated with Sage was possessed of infinite splendour,
Bhrgu, one of the nine mind-born sons addressed the following submission
of Brahma ), the sage Kchika sitting at to that sage ichika, aglow with
ease with his sons and wife: so the Spiritual energy acquired through
tradition goes. (9-11 ) Bowing low to askesis:—
far asad omar oar |otalaay | fae was wea UTA aaa ANT II R2 II
( agree to) unworthy of being sold. ( 16-17) Know
“Tf for a lakh of cows you
favour )for Sunaka too, the youngest, to be my
sell one of your sons ( in my
animal, O favourite, O lord ! Therefore, I shall not
being used as a sacrificial
blessed one, I shall _ feel hand over my youngest son to you, O
of purpose, O scion of ruler of the earth !(18) For, asa general
! All territories have been rule, O jewel among men, eldest sons are
the pets of their fathers; while the
ransacked ( by me ), but I have not (yet)
youngest are the darlings of their
recovered the sacrificial horse. ( 12-14 )
mothers. Hence [ shall retain the
Be pleased ( therefore ) to deliver one of
youngest.’’ (19 ) The sage having
these sons to me for consideration.’’
replied as above and his wife too hav-
Requested thus ( by the king }, the
Rchika for ing spoken even as she had done, O Rama,
highly glorious gage the
am Sunahgepa, the middie one, uttered
his part spok e as foll ows: —( Tey tk
following words of his own accord:—
boy on
not prepared to sell my eldest the eldest to
among men ie (20) ‘Father pronounces
any account, O jewel
of Rechika ( her be unfit for sale and mother speaks of the
Hearing the answer ) conclude
high- youngest as such. I ( thereby
), the moth er of those
following the middle one (i. ¢., myself ) to be
‘minded boys addressed the me
g mon:— worthy of being disposed of. Take
words to Ambariga, a tiger amon away ( therefor e ), O king (a king's son
scion of Sage
“The venerable Rchika ( a yourself ) 1’’ ( 21)
our elde st son 46
Bhrgu ) decl ares
farfean: am:
Canto LXIT
On reaching Pushkar, while Ambariga is taking rest, Sunahéepa approaches
Viséwamitra, who was practising austerities there, and inquires of him
a means of escaping death without meeting with the king’s
opposition, whereupon Viéwamitra teaches him a prayer each
for propitiating Indra and Lord Vignu respectively, by
reciting which the boy secures release from
Ambariga’s bondage and the latter
gets the reward of the sacrifice
without sacrificing him.
Geai avis oadar oF wae: | saa gat Us Fee WAR || 2 Il
a faamame gamed ower: | geet Sagara fearfast cael got) 2 II
aaranfif: am alas qalat: | fqvqaca) «dtaeaar AMT | I 2 I
qe at wa we Aaqgaa @ | a Asfer aaa far aad awa: waril ¥ Il
qianea eta fina | oat at OR avis east @ fF araa: 1 & II
ut 8 Raa: «=ad Mlaiqeweaa: | @icieaedlal agwacal aaaay || & |
aR art ave wa wea Aaa | Maa yt aatsieranels Pama | © Il
Taking Sunahéepa (with him), O jewel ing rest, the highly renowned Sunahgepa,
among men, the highly illustrious king 80 the tradition goes, saw his maternal
( Ambarisa ) for his part rested at unole*, Vidwamitra, practising austerities
Pushkar at noon, O scion of Raghu ! with ( other ) sages, Nay, pulling a long
( 1 ) Making his way to the elder( main ) face and looking miserable from thirst
Pushkar ( there being two other lakes (or desire to live ) and fatigue, the boy,
in the vicinity of the main lake, known who was sore afflicted, sank into the
as the middle and the younger Pushkar sage'slap, O Rama, and spoke as follows,
respeotively ), while the latter was tak- so it is said:—''There is no mother nor
* It has already been mentioned in verse 7 of Canto XXXIV that Viswamitra had a sister,
Satyavati by name, who was given in marriage to Rehika. It was of thie Satyavati that Sunahsepa
was presumably born.
father to me; how (then) could there be Saved from death and, attaining a long
(any ) kinsmen or relations P (2-4) Be life and practising austerities, ascend
pleased to deliver me, O gentle sir, in the to the celestial plane, the highest of
name of piety, O jewel among sages; for all ( the three worlds ). (6) With a
you are the redeemer of all as well as cheerful mind indeed be you, celebrated
their benefactor.(5) (Pray) so arrange aB yOu are, a protector to me, a for-
that the king ( Ambarisa ) may realize lorn child. You ought to protect me, O
his object (in the shape of a reward of pious soul, against udversity born of sin,
his projected sacrifice ), while I may be (even) as a father protects his son.’’(7)
“This reply, given by you disregard. been bound with cords of Darbha graéts
ing my exhortation, is intrepid, ( nay ) and adorned with a wreath of crimson
divorced from piety, sharp and shocking flowers and bedaubed with red eandal-
too. (16) Like the sons of Vasistha, there- paste ( for being offered as a victim at the
fore, you shall be born on earth among sacrificial performance of King Ambarisa),
the low-born classes (such as the glorify ( through the sacred fire ) Indra
Chandalas and Mustikas ) and, living on and Lord Visnu by means of praises
the flesh of dogs, drag your ( wretched ) ( addressed to them ) and (then) you
existence forfull thousand years.'’ ( 17 ) would do well to chant the two
Having subjected his sons to a curse excellent psalms ( invoking the two
(as aforesaid ), VisSwamitra ( the fore. aforementioned deities ) which I am
most of hermits ) then spoke to the presently going to teach you, O dear
wretched Sunahgepa ( as follows ), son of Sage Rchika! Thereby you will
ensuring protection free from disease attain your object (in the shape
to him ( by means of mystic spells ):— of deliverance from death) at the
(18) ‘Scrambling to the sacrificial post projected eacrificial performance of
sacred to Lord Visnu, when you have King Ambarisa.'’ ( 19-20 )
frafeaa: am:
Brahma pays a visit to Viswamitra at Pushkar and rewards him with
the status of a Rsi ( seer ). There he feels enamoured of Menaka,
a celestial nymph deputed by Indra, and enjoys life with
her for ten years. At last he realizes his folly and
retires to the Himalayas, where he renews his
austerities and is rewarded with the status of
a Maharsi by Brahmi. Still dissatisfied,
he prosecutes his austerities
with renewed vigour.
8 oaqaat g Ade aay | wanes gu: aad ausefaatda: |e II
wad gaat | ovat | gafat qa: | afieaafa ud dearfad: safe: ga: 2 II
aatagRal eaalaled qavama | fararfaal aersr waedt weq ag: Il 2 Il
qd: eq aAgat Aaal GUAT; | Goa AAT lg Bwalama | x il
at 46aaat|AeTaST aaat Braras: | storsfaat at fad set aut ll & I
HeqedaamM gaafacaadd | sat: aid Astq aa AE Aaa || & Il
aaa ye 4 aeaa = fambfeazy |
At the end of full one thousand years returned to (the highest) heaven (his own
all the gods ( headed by Brahma, the realm ); while VisSwdmitra, the great
creator ) for their part, keen as they were ascetic, embarked once more on a course
to bestow (onthe sage) the fruit of of severe austerities.( 3) Then aftera
his austerities, personally called on long time ( one day ) Menaka, a celestial
Viswamitra ( the eminent sage ), who nymph of the highest order, came to
had (just) finished his ablutions marking bathe in the (three) lakes going by the
the conclusion of a sacred vow. (1) The name of Pushkar, O jewel among men |
exceptionally glorious Brahma addressed ( 4) The highly glorious Viswa-
to him the following most pleasing mitra (son of Kugika ) beheld in the
words:—''May good betide you ! You have water (of one of the aforesaid lakes )
( now ) become a Rsi ( pure and simple, the celebrated Menaka, matchless
only a royal in beauty, shining like a streak of
while you were till now
pious acts (in the shape lightning in a cloud. ( 5 ) Succumbing to
sage ) by virtue of
of austerities ) performed by your own the passion of love, the sage (Viswamitra)
to him thus, spoke to her in the following words: —
self.’’ (1-2) Speaking
the suzerain lord of the gods ) “My welcome to you, O celestial nymph|
Nay, dwell in this hermitage of mine. gracious to me, infatuated as I am
(6) May prosperity attend on you! Be through love.’’
a | ae. want
aqal fe) warfare faafaagmadq | ae aereat ast ay at aw wag Il S Ml
faafiarsat aa 9aa safaamy: | sa a8 aa afer faearfaat aerate: tl 8 Il
aals za qaafareanaran: | afeda: agar amst waraa || 20 ll
aq BUT Aa TISTERTeL | METGaA a: «SaeaTT aT I 22 I
alae faeatsa agua: | a fae gfat garama faa: | 22 Il
vlamere est acd maf fea | aaet agtateaffasa sferaras: || 23 Il
Sat tad sstaséRTASY mz
Requested thus, the aforesaid belle was the work of the gods. ( He said to
forthwith took up her abode in that himself, ) ‘‘Ten (long ) years have rolled
hermitage. (7) Indeed ( in the form of this by me as though it were a day and
nymph )a great obstacle in the way of night, overwhelmed as I was by
his austerities presented itself before infatuation born of concupiscence. This
Viéwamitra. Twice five years were spent is ( nothing but ) an obstacle come in my
happily by her while living inthat pleasant way |’’ Sighing deeply (with this thought)
hermitage of Viéswamitra, O Rama! So the said Vidwamitra (the foremost of
much time having rolled by (unperceived), sages ) felt distressed through remorse,
the great sage Vidwamitra felt ashamed (8-12) Seeing the celestial nymph
as it were and fell a prey to anxiety Menaka standing ( before him ) with
and grief. The revelation dawned on him, joined palms, trembling with fear, and
with a feeling of indignation, O scion of dismissing her with sweet expressions, O
Raghu, that all that, which was a deep- Rama, Viswamitra, son of Kuéika,
laid design to rob him of the spiritual proceeded to the northern mountain (the
energy stored by him through agkesis, Himalayas ): so the tradition goes.
of years (past). Approaching Brahma, all ‘Hail, O eminent seer ! Pleased with
the gods accompanied by hosts of Rsis, your severe austerities, O dear child,
prayed (to him as follows):—(13—16) '‘May (I hersby )confer on you the distinction
yonder Viswamitra (son of Kugika ) in the shape of the foremost rank
deservedly receive the title of Maharsi (an among Rsis, O son of Kusika |'’ Hearing
eminent seer ).'' Hearing the intercession the boon of Brahma, Viswamitra, however,
of the gods, Brahma ( the progenitor of whose only wealth was his asceticism,
the entire creation ) addressed the replied to Brahma (the progenitor of the
following sweet words to Viséwamitra, entire creation ) with joined palms ( as
whose (only) wealth was his asceticism:— follows), bending low (with humility ):—
qarieaa: at:
Canto LXIV
, the celestial nymph sent
Petrifying by means of a curse Rambha wamitra
by n him from his austerities, Vis
Indra to wea
a further course of austerities.
resolves upon
EAT | aaa Afeae wHAAeeateaay | 8 Il
geatfae Te
a wal aaa qT
Hal =BaAATAAL saa atear fasafas afafear il ¢ |
aie F BAI Fey sqeta: eaaq| awgeeq waa a4 aalaeqaaa Il & Il
ay dq a owstq Wtamfaa a aida | waa afa: ateurma: || Ro |
aaa aq oat faa = afadua: wai meaafas: sag Haas: || Ve II
eat saa araTaafaoTT | qaaraeain at mefa gah eri
AAT: aad asanteaa: Saftafa wh ai amteredtaaz || 23 II
wagral «=r ~S faarfraty aelata: aaaedadq aad ad saad: | ey Il
Hearing his command and assuming Concluding the whole mischief to be
looks which could not be excelled by the doing of Indra ( the thousand-eyed
another, the belle, who wore a bright god ), Viswamitra (son of Kuéika ),
smile (on her lips ) proceeded to lure
the foremost of ascetics, was filled with
Viswamitra.(8) He heard the notes rage and cursed Rambha ( as follows ):—
of the warbling cuckoo and with (11) ‘'Since you have tried to seduce
an overjoyed mind scanned her too. (9)
me, who seek to conquer lust and anger,
Attracted by the notes of the cuckoo ag O Rambha, you shall ( continue to )
well as by the unique song and sight stand as a stone image for ten thousand
of Rambha, the sage now fella doubting
years, O hapless woman! An exceptionally
( whether the nymph had come of her glorious Brahman (viz, Vasistha, a mind-
own accord or had been sent by Indra to born son of Brahma ) richly endowed
interfere with his austerities ). (10) with (spiritual) energy acquired through
Ganto 65 ]j VALMIKI-RAMAYANA 191
austerities, O Rambha, will redeem you, eminent sage, Vidéwamitra, fell a prey to
who have been punished for your foul remorse ( on bis having exhausted the
deed through my anger.’’ (12-13) Having stock of merits, earned through his
qaayfeaa: aa:
Canto LXV
swa mit ra not cea sin g fro m his austerities even on his being con
On Vié ha as urged by
the marsi by Brahma, Vasist
title of a Brah
narration of
here ends the
gods recognizes it and
Satananda. Having worshi
pped Viéwamitra, King
Janaka then returns to his
«alana tl & ll
fet Atl nelafa: | gat fears] qqead
ay faadt wa WaT HA Il X il
qqazae Fal qanaaad | anstad UA ag
Al qAl sasad Il ¢ Il
can be seen in him. If, however, that are puzzled. ( 15 ) Nay, the sun stands
which is keenly sought after by his mind totally eclipsed by the glory of that great
is not granted to him, he is sure to destroy Rsi. The great sage ( VisSwimitra ),
all the three worlds including the animate who is fire personified, endowed as he
and inanimate creation by ( the fire of is with unique splendour, O venerable
his) askesis. Nay, all the quarters are sir, deserves to be propitiated before
enveloped in darkness and nothing is he rets his mind on ( wholesale )
( clearly ) visible. (12-13) All the destruction. ( Even) as all the three
oceans are turbulent and mountains worlds were consumed by the fire
are being riven. The earth is quaking of universal destruction in the past
and the wind is blowing violently ( at the time of universal dissolution ),
at this time. (14) We are at a loss they may likewise be burnt by him.
to discover its remedy, O holy sir! ( Therefore ) let that ( very ) boon be
Like unbelievers people are giving up vouchsafed to him, on which his mind
their sacred duties. With their mind is set, even if he seeks to rule over
deeply agitated (all) the three worlds the gods,’’
qzaeaa: aa:
Canto LXVI
On Viswamitra apprising Janaka of the eagerness of Sri Rima and
Laksmana to see his famous bow, Janaka reveals to him its
glory and tells him how he got it as well as Sita and
also of his pledge to give her in marriage to
Sri Rama if he should string it.
qa: gua fans FATA aufag: | fasafast aeraraarsgera aaa I
anafaat ayeal S[aAT8eA eum | Wat A Real aan qaqa = II
ua amd ase ff safe aaa | Naa arraca yaa azz ||
wat: 4 sale |AA weAal | Tara alas! area |=araafaaiza: |
qt oer = afsay alafaaal | xara wqaqacs agate fasta II
Gat sata uz oa Rawal sea | tater wat at gfaaera: | SC
ay ye HT a BlFargterat aa: Ul 83 Ul
at Maa wear arat alata faa | yasrgherat
at @ saada AARAST || ey Il
Aqgen F sear wrfadanafaar | yawlsrat al F AMAIA AAASTT Ui 24 II
TAAL waray afadaa | ag aaa Feat aast oferaiary | 28 Il
‘Myst wna a cath gameq | aq: ay aqaa: aaa afsgua il eell
fafisracgqny aly faaaaeTar | at faaraaart 24 aeeay Il ec Il
1 ete aa =aquyeileastt ar | aat ataaar qrned meat wea | 28 Il
Tee AAT sqaae aaa aaa |
“Immediately after that there arose who was not born (in the ordinary way )
from the track of the ploughshare, from the ( mother’s ) womb, was kept
( even ) a8 IT was ploughing the plot set by me for being given in marriage
apart for a sacrifice,a female baby, who, to a suitor who would win her by
was discovered while dressing the his valour. Rulers of lands approached
field and ( as such ) was widely me and sued for (the hand of) my
known by the name of Sita*. That aforesaid daughter, who had appeared
( foster-) daughter of mine, who from the soil and was growing (at
had emerged from the soil, gradually an unusual pace), O jewel among
grew at an extraordinary pace ( in my sages | I ( however ) did not give
care). (12—14) This daughter of mine, away my daughter to any, telling all
* The word ‘Sita’ in Sanskrit originally conveyed the sense of the furrow of a ploughsbare,
ia ar
wate ~——\*
the kings who sued for ( the hand ( however ) could not even support it,
of) my girl that she could (only) much less toss it ( in order to be
be won through ( personal ) valour. able to ascertain its weight ). Per-
Thereupon all the kings (lit., rulers ceiving ( as I did ) the prowess of
of men) came to Mithila in a body those princes, who claimed ( great )
and inquired of the standard by which prowess, to be deficient, O eminent
their prowess was going to be judged, sage, those rulers of men were
O jewel among sages ! Then the rejected ( by me ). ( Now ) hear
bow of Lord Siva was brought before what they did next, O sage rich in
the inquisitive princes.( 15-18) They aeceticism!
with great anger, those jewels among on fled with their ministers in various
the directions. I shall certainly show
kings inflicte d suffering on
that the aforesa id most resplen dent and
city of Mithila. Consequ ent on
celebrated bow, O tiger among ascetics ,
siege, at the end of a full twelvemonth well,
jewel to Sri Rama and Laksmana as
all my resources got depleted, O If Rama
of that I O sage of noble vows!
among sages ! As a result
on cL strings this bow, O sage, I promise
felt very wretched. Thereup
all the to give away my daughter, Sita, who
propitiated through askesis
(19—23) Nay, extremely was not born of a ( mother’s ) womb,
hosts of gods.
to the (aforesaid ) son of Dasaratha."’
pleased, the gods conferred on me ar
limbs ( viz, ( 24—26 )
army complete in all its four
aqieaa: aa:
Urged by Viéwamitra, Sri Rama bends the bow, sent by Janaka
to the sacrificial hall, in order to string it and in the
process breaks it, whereupon Janaka with the
concurrence of Viswamitra sends his
couneellors to Ayodhya to invite
Emperor Daéaratha for
the wedding.
TAF AA: ART faaifaat nzrafa: | vadata uaa gf aara ofiay il gl
at: 4 ust sae: afar cafeta 2 | aaudtaat fea aeaaeaaeftar tl 2 ll
sata anfesr: WY | asa: Fea: aeat fasvacfaatsa: |) 2 I
afaar: orfaaa
at aft Gay aalaaAl AeA | ASSTB aT aT ayzeed Fx Il ¥ Il
aay «oaassgaradt =6aa | ae aa: | Gla ¢ =.saaqaacfaafam: N& i
To Ma Oot aaa: | fares Usex aldte aeieofe 1 & I
Hearing the narration of Janaka, the the city). ( 3 ) Five thousand unusually
eminent sage Vidéwamitra, s0 the tradition tall and well-built men somehow
goes, said to the ( aforesaid ) king, managed to propel the chest contain-
‘( Please ) show the bow to Rama."’ ing the bow, mounted on eight wheels.
(1) Thereupon the celebrated King (4) Taking (with them ) that iron
Janaka gladly instructed (as follows) his chest of good design, in which the said
counsellors ( sitting by his side ):—''Let bow had been placed, those counsellors of
the heavenly bow, adorned with sandal- the king said to Janaka, who resembled
paste and flowers, be brought ( here ).” a god (in lustre ):—( 5) ‘'This superb
(2) Commanded by Janaka, his coun- bow, O king, which is worshipped by all
sellors, who were possessed of immense the kings, may ( kindly ) be shown ( to
glory, entered the city and, plac. Sri Rama and Laksmana ) if you will, O
ing the bow at their head, came out ( of raler of Mithila, O king of kings !''( 6 )
qt at aa: | aa Rae@feeasa fearfist wera apt wasn | © |
ze aa waa Saag fa usfha onelaam:
~~ XN
aan | ¢ |
qa am: af aaw a aq waar WATTATAT: afeATATAM: |e UI
ae ons a watise; |aq aay BATT AIA aA aT II Vo II
qeaz AAT aM ata afadaa eran = aay ITAA: U1 88 II
Hearing their prayer, the king who were unable to bend it at
submitted with joined palms to the that time, though they were very
high-souled Viéswamitra and both the powerful. (8) Not even hosts of
aforesaid princes, Sri Rama and gods including demons nor ogres
Laksmana:—( 7) "This excellent bow, nor the foremost of Gandharvas
O holy Brahman, has been worshipped and Yaksas including Kinnarae and
by the Janakas and extolled by kings great Nagas are able to string it. How
( then ) can there be any capacity in This bow, the best of all, has been
( poor ) human beings to bend this
bow, brought ( before you ), O jewel among
String it, fit an arrow to it, vibrate its Sages! (Kindly ) show it ( now ),
string and (toss it in their palms
in O highly blessed one, to these
order to) estimate its weight ? ( 9-10 two
) princes.'’ (11)
fanaa: ae aT TARA | Tea WA ya: qeq zh UaIHAMNT | 221
nea wil aa fase aq qa: | ASSaT maga ESI VaACMATT Il 23 Il
se dat Rat gare qi firar | aaa afacafy AeA gqeaiste ar | ey II
‘cate wt ga aayqa wea a gale} sme aaaieat: || 2% II
qaqa TaZAINT agai Uqrea: | aw @ aatear adiefia aga: | 26 II
ania att a qalaa =—aga: | qe AA VsTAeY Fish Hea: | Vw II
qa zea} Haaleataaata ea: uftarqa gag ogaaeda eta: Il ec
raga a ae aa asta aifear: asf afat usd a a ual esl
gaqraed aa af usr fmaareqa: saa cafsated aaaa afayaay | 2 ||
Hearing the request bow, the
of Jancka highly illustrious Sri Rama
along with Sri Rama, Viéwamitra (a jewel among men) bent the said
spoke to the latter ( as follows ):—*Child bow and (lo!) the bow broke into
Rama, behold the bow !'' ( 12 ) Opening two at the middle. (17) A great noise
at the instance of Viswamitra ( the reverberating like a crash of thunder
eminent seer ) the chest in which the issued from it ( even as it broke) and
famous bow lay encased, and behold- a violent earthquake followed (in its
ing the bow, Sri Rama forthwith said:— wake ) as it would in the event of a
(13) “I hereby hold with my hand this
mountain cracking. (18 ) Nay, stunned
excellent heavenly bow and shall try to by that crash all men ( present there )
toss it on my palms and even to bend toppled down, barring (of course)
it.’’ (14) ‘Amen !'’ gaid the king and Viéwamitra (the foremost of sages ),
the sage ( too ) dittoed the remark. At the the king and the two celebrated scions
instance of the sage Sri Rama sportfully of Raghu. (19) On the people there
seized the bow at the middle. (15) ( recovering from the shock and ) feel-
(Nay) the celebrated scion of Raghu, ing reassured, the king, whose misgivings
whose mind is given to righteousness, had now been set at rest, and who knew
strung that bow as though in sport while how to speak, submitted with joined
many thousands of men stood looking palms to Viswamitra (the foremost of
on. ( 16 ) Having set the string to the pages ) as follows:—( 20 )
Reaching Ayodhya, the counsellors of Janaka tell Dagaratha how
Sri Rama broke the bow of Janaka and won the hand
of his daughter, and convey to him their master’s
invitation for the wedding, on which Daéaratha
makes up his mind in consultation with
Vasistha to depart for Mithila
at an early date.
aazat = aaifasr |=gared Ss @lFaateat: | Puaafsar at asakeat ofa gas ie I
a ws Tal wea Waa: | cegeade = RATS TTA I 2 II
TaIBle gz: at 6gat) fanaaraar: | usd sf aaqaaaa agua Il 3 II
nf aa UAT ATARI GRRA: | AETSHATA «= ATA fiat (1 ¥ Ul
gue aay ta MlTEMAGa aq | TAReaT REIT FSI BTA Il & II
gt 0eaeaea | aaat faferfaa: | aiaraae oad |warafacaadia tl & I
Commanded by Janaka, the aforesaid and beheld (there) the aged King
( counsellors tent as)envoys halted for Dasgaratha, who looked like a god. (2)
three Gays on the way, their horges All the envoys, whose feeling of awe
being exhausted, and then they entered had altogether disappeared (thanks to
the city of Ayodhya. {1) Proceeding the benign look and amiable disposition
to the royal palace, they were ushered of Dasaratha ), made the following polite
into the court under orders of the king and sweetly-worded submission to the
kKing:—( 3 ) ‘'With the sacred fire placed your preceptor and family priest as well
before him and in a polite language as of your attendants. ( 4-5) Inquiring
imbued with affection, O monarch, King after your undisturbed welfare, King
Janaka, the ruler of Mithila and a source Janaka ( of the Videha dynasty ), the ruler
of happiness to his people, has again and of Mithila, has with the consent of
again inquired after your undying welfare
Viswamitra (son of Kuéika)sent you
(through our mouth), as also after that of the following message:—( 6 )
Supremely delighted to hear the afore- sages Vasistha and Vamadeva as well as
paid submission of the envoys (of Janaka), his counsellors in the following words:—
the king ( Dasaratha ) addressed the (14) ‘Looked after by Viswamitra
26 V. KR. N.—I
{ Bk. 1
> g
Canto LXIX
With a large number of followers Da§aratha proceeds
to Mithila for the wedding and is received
with signal honour by Janaka and his
people and comfortably lodged.
aal weat «eadtarat =alareara: aqleda: | Usit ECE)|MESh guafaenadd tl & Il
aq af aaleqat avaalea yaay | aseast gfafear aaleaqaaraar: | 2 il
qagqas oafa att faatg aaa: | AaMGAHIS A Al BWaqaATMAA Il 2 Il
qfast = alag@agyNatfeqa RAT: | aeceaea alaefa: SRATARTAT Il ¥ tl
wa fea saat seat alsa 4 | qaraterelaeng ga fe awaia am il & II
qd aw aa oF aafeot | ustaahifi: ae ased osalseaarg tl & II
Ta 60 Wake AT faderrgatard | Ust a saa: tea TsATHeTAT | © II
dal Usa «6K TNT aay | gfad saat oust ser aa adic il
sq aaa AY awe = aafraay |
Then, on the night being over, King limbs ( viz, the horse, chariots, elephants
Dagaratha, who was closeted with his and infantry ) sally forth, as soon as they
preceptor and relations, joy ously receive my order, as also the whole
(summoned and) addressed Sumantra lot of palanquins etc. as well as other
( his favourite and trusted minister ) conveyances ( chariots etc. ) of a superb
as follows:—( 1) ‘Taking ( with them ) type. (3) Let these Brahmans—Vasistha
abundant riches and richly provided with and Vamadeva as well as Jabali,
various kinds of precious stones and Kagfyapa as also the long-lived Markan-
duly protected (by armed guards), let all deya and Sage Kiatyayana go ahead
treasury Officers proceed ahead today. (2) (in palanguins or chariots); and (also)
Let the army consisting of all its four get ready my chariot so that there may
be no delay, since the envoys are the glorious King Janaka heard of his
urging me to make haste.’’ (4-5) In advent he set about preparing for his
pursuance of the royal command the reception. ( 7 ) Then, approaching the
army consisting of ( all ) its four limbs aged King Daégaratha, a protector of
marched close behind the king ( himself ) men, King Janaka, ( already ) full of
driving along with the sages ( each in joy, experienced supreme felicity. (8 )
his own conveyance ). ( 6 ) Driving The extremely noble Janaka submitted
along the road for four days, he entered as follows to the delighted Dagaratha
the territory of the Videhas. The moment ( the foremost among men ):—
aaftaa: at:
Canto LXX
Janaka sends for his younger brother, Kuéadhwaja, from SankaSya.
Invited by him, DaSaratha meets Janaka at the latter’s palace,
where at the instance of Dafaratha Vasistha
glorifies the race of Ikgwaku.
qq: «oad Hatat vefsfa:
a: | Sara aad aaae: aataee gafeay |) 2 II
War ay ages daar: | gaean efi waa: giaeqaaegury || 2 I
TANKS HTA AT faafreraedt Tala, | ararear qoqaarar faarafra gaa || 2 Il
ane oxfam asta a a aa: | Sf Ashe ages eat Ac Aa az Il y II
Uae Ft Aaa alaeaez afaa | ana: Sfaceaar saa eae ll & Il
Having gone through the (concluding) marked out by a defensive wall
rites connected with the _ sacrifice mounted by engines,—and drinks the
( undertaken by him ) with the water of the river Iksumati. ( 2-3)
help of eminent RKsis, the following He is the guardian of my sacrifice
morning, Janaka, who knew how to (inasmuch as it is he who procured
Bpeak, spoke to his family priest, materials for the sacrifice though living
Satananda, as follows:—(1) ‘'My highly in Sankagy4 ); hence I long to see him.
glorious, valiant and extremely pious That highly glorious brother ( of mine )
( younger ) brother, known by the name too will share with me this delight
of Kuéadhwaja, has taken up his abode ( of witnessing the wedding of my two
in the blessed city of Sankagya,—vying daughters )..’ (4) When these words
with heaven (the reward of virtue ) were uttered (by Janaka) in-~ the
and extensive as the aerial car Puspaka presence of Satainanda, some level-
( belonging to Kubera, the god of headed messengers turned up and
riches ), ( nay ) whose boundaries are Janaka duly instructed them. ( 5 )
mRacaaaa: Aa:
Canto LXXI
Recounting his own pedigree, Janaka offers the hand
of his two daughters, Sita and Urmila, to Sri
Rama and Lakgmana respectively.
wy aay | 6saR: «6ORara «OBaefe: | slanefe ud a we a: afeatfiaz lle I
gasifeCafets eS CfaRaAIGS: | awed «Heda aaa vera Il 2 Il
To Vasistha, who was speaking as daughter (to a bridegroom ), O jewel
aforesaid, Janaka with joined palms among sages, one’s pedigree needs must
replied (as follows ):—''Be pleased to be exhaustively recited by one coming of
hear our genealogy, which is going to be @ respectable family. Therefore hear my
recounted by us. May God bless you.’’ pedigree ( as is being narrated by us),
(1) On the eve of giving away one's O Brahman of great wisdom! ( 2 )
eqaaey we: Ga Ad: Ta: adieat: | cdeaae ante ust aifata: ga: ll 8 Al
qa: atfacentt ade eff wal zanca faqa faqae ads: Il to Il
aasaaal = UST aifaual «= Aztas: | alata = uraaeiaar eqalaa |W 82 Il
| eq Iga cag I 82 Il
There was a most pious-minded king, Sudhrti’s son, again, was the highly
Nimi ( by name ), who was the foremost pious Dhrstaketu, whose mind was given
of all powerful men and celebrated in to righteousness; and the son of the
(all) the three worlds fcr his deeds. (3) royalsage Dharstaketu was widely known
His son was Mithi by name; Mithi’s son py the nameof Haryaswa. (8) Haryaswa’s
was Janaka, the first ruler bearing the title son owas Maru, Maru’'s s0n was
of Janaka. From Janaka, again, sprang up Pratindha ka and Pratindhaka's pious-
son was King Kirtiratha. (2 )
Udavaseu. (4) From Udavasu indeed sprang minded
Kirtiratha’s son, again, was known as
up Nandivardhana, whose mind was
Devamidha, Devamidhba’s son was
really given to piety. Nandivardhana’s
and Vibudha's Mahidhraka. (10)
gallant son, asis well known, was Suketu Vibudha
Mahidhraka's son was the very mighty
by name. (5) From Suketu, again, sprang
up the pious-minded and very mighty King Kirtirata, Maharoma was born as the
Devarata; the son of the royal sage son of the royal sage Kirtirata. (11) From
as Brhadratha. (6) Mabaroma indeed sprang up the pious-
Devarata was known the
minded Swarnaromai and from
The gallantand glorious Mahavira was the up
royal sage Swarnaroma sprang
son of Brhadratha. Mahavira'’s steadfast
Hraswaroma. (12)
and truly valiant son was Sudhrti.( 7 )
a7 V. R. N.—1
feaqaaa: aT:
Vasistha and Viswamitra jointly ask for the hand of the
two daughters of Kuéadhwaja in favour of Bharata and
Satrughna and Janaka acquiesces in the proposal.
Thereupon Dagaratha gets his sons to perform
the rite of Samavartana and himself
performs the Nandiéraddha.
canard «422 fant mga: | sara aad aid afeesafeat aan 2
afareneaaaartiy Hate audna | zeargot fateat act getsi gaa |) 2 1
azail ated: eM =|BIST | Wasa usa dar Aiea az 1 2 I]
THA FAAS AA Aa AA | Ba adler aa UT UST Baa: tl YI
aa oq ws wtorsft af | aed ais = gee ae 1 & I
* The word ‘q)\z]q in Sanskrit aleo means the havin of one’s hair.
While Janaka, who belonged to the his four sons, consisting in the shaving
line of the Videhas, was speaking thus, of their hair and the gifting of cows),
King Dagaratha, a scion of Raghu, appropriate to that time. (21) The
joyously replied to the (aforesaid) king ( Dagaratha ), who loved his sons
king (as follows ):-(17) ‘You two very much, gave away in accordance with
brothers, the rulers of Mithila, possess the principles of righteousness a hundred
innumerable qualities. Sages and hosts thousand cows to the Brahmans for the
of princes have been entertained by sake of each of his ( four) sons. ( 22 )
you both ( on many occasions ).'’ (18 ) In the name of the Samavartana
“Attain happiness. May God _ bless ceremony with respect to his ( four)
you ! We shall (now) retire to s0n8 Emperor Dasaratha ( a scion
our own lodging ands ghall duly of Raghu}, the foremost of men,
perform the Sriddha rites,’’ he added. who was (so) fond of his sons,
(19) Asking leave of the celebrated bestowed ( on that Occasion )
Janaka (a ruler of men) at that on the Brahmans four lakhs of
Scheer the highly illustrious King ( recently ) calved cows that had
Dasaratha soon departed, placing the their horns plated with gold ana
aforesaid two great sages (Vasistha and yielded ample wilk, each with a
Viswamitra )athishead. (20) Reaching milking vessel of bell-metal, as
his lodging and performing the Sraddha well as abundant riches of other
with due ceremony, the king rose in the description. ( 22-24 ) Surrounded on that
morning and performed the grand occasion by his sone, who had their heads
Samavartana ceremony ( with respect to shaved and had gifted (80 many )
cows, the king shone brightly like b i
: the beings ) surrounded
( the lord of created the spheres, ( 25 ) Vi, Hheweuertiene 22
delightful Brahma
Thus ends Canto Seventy-two in the Bala-Kanda of the glorious Ramayana
of Valmiki, the work of a Rsi and the oldest epic.
fraqaaa: at:
Gante ex i
Janaka escorts DaSaratha and his four sons clad in nuptial attire to
the pavilion erected for the wedding. Placing Viswamitra and
Satananda at his head, Vasistha conducts the marriage
ceremony. Sri Rama and his three brothers clasp
the hand of Sita and her sisters. Singing
and dancing for joy, the gods rain
heavenly flowers on the brides
and bridegrooms.
aaeafaal =u ae qaaeraf: ll © Il
suit aaa | weiter |yReHA aBaTZAIMTAT II ¢ \l
gad yaaa = FeAl
Sal fana aatnenafid: | wate: feat uA: FARTTARS: Ul & Il
afaz = Xa: cat netaqara | alas ynaaa «=aaefacaaale Il to Il
ages: WT:
> SN
a:N | ARTA:SN aa:N al: aaa: 2 11 2 II
BIA— qa farce
| a: aa: a aareda
ie °
| 23 Il
afar TT fafaaraqrenagy | Geral wes afasst afadaa: Ul ey Il
Saying ‘‘Amen!’’ to Janaka, and plac- at the end of the size of a hand) and Sruvas
ing Vidéwamitra and the pious Satananda ( 8maller wooden ladles used for pouring
at his head, the holy sage Vasistha, who ghee into the Sruk ), vessels brimful
was a great ascetic, prepared a sacrificial with water to be offered toa deity for
altar at the centre ofthe pavilion according washing the hands etc. with, as well
to the scriptural ordinance, and decorated as with vessels full of parched grains of
the said altar on all sides with sandal- paddy and smaller vessels as also with
paste and flowers. He (then) provided it grains of unbroken rice dyed with the
with plates of gold and jars of variegated powder of dried turmeric root. ( Again )
colours containing sprouts as well as with bestrewing the altar with blades of
shallow earthenware cups ( also) full Darbha grags equal in length and placing
of sprouts, vessels for incense containing the fire on it according to the scriptural
incense, conches serving the purpose of ordinance while reciting sacred texts,
vessels, Sruks( large wooden ladles used the highly glorious Vasistha, the
for pouring ghee on a sacrificial fire and foremost of sages, poured oblations into
properly made of Palaéa or Khadira wood it with due ceremony with the recita-
about as long as an arm, with a receptacle tion of sacred texts. (18—24)
Duly escorting after that Sita, adorned will remain exclusively devoted to you
g ( her husband ) and will ever follow you
with all ( sorts of ) jewels, and havin
befor e the sacre d as a shadow.’’ ( 27) Saying 0, the king
comfortably seated her transferred ( to Sri
( the ornam ent of ( Janaka ) forthwith
fire opposite Sri Rama
spoke Rama’s hand ) the water (in his own
Raghu's race ), King Janaka then
ter hand ), consecrated by the recitation of
(as follows) to Sri Rama (the promo
my sacred texts ( signifying his will to offer
of Kauéalya’s joy ):—‘‘This Sita, At that
helpmate the hand of Sita to Sri Rama).
daughter, is going to be your
obligations. time was heard the noise of celestial
in discharging your sacred
your own and kettledrums and there fell an abundant
( 25-26 ) Take her hand in of flowers rained by gods and
own ). May good shower
accept her (as your |’
y fortu nate and sages exclaiming ‘‘Good | Well done
petide you! She is highl
gedifa: aq WIE AT YL He
Having thus given away (to Sri Rama) Janaka spoke to Bharata too (a8
his daughter, Sita, in the wake of water follows ):—( 28—31 ) ‘Clasp the hand of
( held in his palm and ) consecrated by Mandavi with your own, O scion
the recitation of Mantras ( giving of? SRaghuir, The pious king of
expression to his vow of bestowing the Mithila further said to Satrughna,
princess on Sri Rama), King Janaka, filled “Take in your hand, O- mighty-
with rapture, said (to Laksmana ), armed prince, the hand of Srutakirti.
‘‘Taksmana, come along; may good betide You are all gentle and have all duly
you ! Accept Urmila (being) given observed sacred vows (of celibacy
away by me. Take her hand (in your etc). (32-33 } Let yourselves be married,
own ), let there be no lors of time.’’ O scions of Kakutstha |!Let there be
Having requested him (Laksmana ) thus, no delay.’’
Taking leave of Janaka and Daégaratha, Viswamitra returns to his own
hermitage and, accepting large wedding presents, DaSaratha too turns
back to Ayodhya along with his sons and their newly-wedded
brides. On the way the irascible and redoubtable
Paragurdma, a sworn enemy of the Ksatriyas,
suddenly appears before them, axe in hand,
and Vasigtha and the other sages
accompanying the party offer
worship to him.
ay Usa | -aqalara} fraia) agiafa: | aiggr al a ustal salaedday | g
fara nt wus ee fafusrfacy | ante sama ust ae: géq | R
aq oust fate aal waa ae | Tar aaa Agha fafasaqz: || 2
PIAA A geal Aaa Fearault a | eeqawgard feeqeg weHaq Il ¥ Il
zal Re alat adiaanqaad | fea gana ama fagae 3 I &
and (as many ) first-class carpets, army and entourage, King Dasaratha ( the
ruler of Ayodhya) too departed with
( numerous ) silken textiles and tens of
pieces, elephants, his high-souled sons ( for Ayodhya ).
millions of cotton
28 V.R. N.—I
{ BE.1
and a bow (on his left) and holding his intention to wipe out the Ksatriyas
( in his hand ) a fierce shaft, resembling once more, since having massacred
streaks of lightning, like( another ) Lord the Ksatriyas in the past, he has his
Siva, the Destroyer of the demon Tripura. anger appeased and has been rid of his
( 15—19 ) Seeing the sage, terrible of agony ( caused by his father's death ).’’
aspect-and blazing like fire, all the (22) Talking in this strain and taking
Brahman ¢ceers and sages, given to the { in their hands ) water to wash his
practice of austerities and Homa ( offer. hands with, the sages accosted the
ing oblations to the sacred fire ), with scion of Bhrgu, who wore a terrible ag-
Vasistha at their head, collected (at one pect, in sweet words, ''Rama, O Rama !’’
place) and talked to one another, ‘'Let us (23 ) While accepting that honour done
hope, full of indignation over the by the sages ( Vasistha and others ), the
assassination of his father, he is not go- glorious Paragurima, son of Jamadagni,
ing to exterminate the Ksatriya race spoke (as follows) to Sri Rama, the
( over again ). ( 20-21 ) Surely it is not ( eldest ) son of Dasaratha. ( 24 )
Thus ends Canto Seventy-four in the Bala-Kanda of the glorious Ramayana
of Valmiki, the work of @ Rst and the oldest epic.
qaaqidda: Aa:
Canto LXXV
Turning a deaf ear to DaSaratha’s prayer, Paragurama relates
the history of the bows belonging to Lords Siva and
Visnu and challenges Sri Rama to string the bow
of Lord Visnu in his possession.
aw oa a OANA aasga_ | aa Had Ga fAfsea war aay Il ¢ Il
qqquaafaeed = AHA qtIGI | TAHT Sear JAY Il 2 Il
aed axdert weed oweq aa lq ate was eT A Il 2 Il
qazé a as SET MasmeT «6 | aaae =Faenth Aaaseaqae «=aT Ul Yl
fitting this great
O Rama, © valiant son of Dasaratha, bow. (2) Therefore,
terrible-looking bow, received ( by
your prowess is reported to be marvellous and
Jamadagni (my father ),
and your feat in the shape of breaking me) from
simply draw it to its
the bow ( of Lord Siva ) has also been with an arrow,
full length and demons trate your might
heard of by me in all its details. (1)
way you ( thereby ).( 3 ) a VARg | witnessed that
Breaking the bow in the
done is (indeed) marvellous strength of yours in drawing this bow too
have 4 single
and cannot (even ) be conceived at full length, I shall offer you
of it, I have combat which will bring credit to your
( by others ). Hearing
valour.’’ ( 4 )
arrived ( here ), taking another sacred
=< 2
Lords Siva ( whose neck is marked with of Lord Siva, possessed as it was of
a blue patch ) and Visnu. Reading the terrible strength, was rendered inopera-
mind of the gods, Brahma, the foremost tive and the three-eyed Lord Mahadeva
of the votaries of truth, for his part ( too ) struck motionless by the ( very )
BOWwed the seed of discord between roar ( of Lord Visnu ). The two fore-
the two divinities. As a sequel to that most divinities came to terms on
tension a terrible and thrilling that occasion (only ) when they were
combat actually ensued between Lords approached and entreated on that (very )
Siva and Visnu, who were eager to spot by the gods, accompanied by hosts of
conquer each other. In the course of Rsis a8 well as by Charanas ( celestial
that combat of course the bow bards ), tO compose their differences.
ate .
fasoj = Satsea ae
qq Ure «dael faeeg Aaa: II Ro Il
2 4 aM Wa aa: RUHAT INE II
5 A : °
SaaS wusgeal ed aa
ari amt oer fay: a TERA | pated Held: §=«yaeaofaaa: || 22 Il
fiaia = aeatt—CtstéifREEC VTA: aaa «= fat amaafad || 22 Il
aga |faa a
maa 3896afearfera:|
qquofaed a faa: AT =|Fae | aaqqeed dart Waar || R¥ Il
sft «=oaifaei eRe APaRASse UA SPA |ATT I RI
bow of Lord had therefore no use for it ). Reckoning
“Seeing the celebrated
Siva rendered inoperative as aforesaid my father, who had given up the use of
“( Nay, ) having made the gift, I took righteous cause ), O Rama, take (in your
hand ) the celebrated and superb bow
up my abode on Mount Mahendra, Richly
endowed with ( spiritual ) energy earned pelonging to Lord Visnu, inherited by
through austerities ( in the meantime ), me through my father from my grand-
however, I expeditiously arrived here father). ( 27 ) And fit the arrow, capable
from that ( distant ) place on hearing of reducing the stronghold of an enemy,
of the breaking of the bow. (26) Placing to this foremost of bows provide d you
above all ( else ) the noble duty of a are equal to it, O scion of Kakutstha |
Ksatriya ( which consists in accepting Then (alone ) I shall offer a single
the challenge of a warrior to a duelin a combat to you’’. ( 28 )
eer Sse
qaaafaaa: aa:
Vitting the arrow to the bow of Lord Visnu and declaring it as
unfailing, Sri Rama asks Paraéurdma io point out at whom
it may be discharged, and at the instance of the latter
puts an end to his title to the ( ethereal) worlds
earned by him through his austerities. Recognizing
Sri Rama to be no other than Lord Visnu and
taking leave of him, Paragurdma withdraws
to Mount Mahendra in order to
resume his austerities.
AT F Waar aay cena, | Meare aaa: fig amma i 2 II
saat a aaa An | AaeeTHe Aad, faaraoqara: |) 2 1
aadafaarad TT TAT ae | sate A as: ge Asa aR I] 3 II
Hearing the challenge of Jamadagni’s approve of it, O holy Brahman | (2) Since
son, Sri Raima (son of Dasgsaratha ), of ( however ) you despise me,—devo
course, who remained tongue-tied on that ted as
I am to the duty of a Ksatriya
occasion ( and
out of regard for hig father, therefore chary of speech in the
now spoke to Paragurama presence
(as follows):— of a holy Brahman like
(1) you ),—as
‘I have heard, O scion of Bhrgu, powerless, as though lacking in virility,
of the work that you have done, intent O scion of Bhrgu, ( pray ) witness
on repaying the debt you owed to your my slory and prowess today.’’
father (by avenging his death ). We (3) .
ScAtcaT aq: hel Wa aA |a a ots |eT: I] y ||
at 8 w_ UW at wet aa ¢ | amend ad we WH: aaisadfee |} & |
memsdfs qa fieafieeay a | dered a 2 ua aed WL AV || & II
Canto 76 ] VALMIKI-RAMAYANA 22 w
aqaeq agent sata |al gia | vaiser wal eafer Ased GAT II 20 Il
wd aan: aa — fadtaed aia: | araofararastagecarea Nec
qa 34 an aE At ufanef | aa Seaaaaa sae faa: | 28 Il
anaofaa a HicnHefA yaa | aa nfeafa ae sala || 2 II
“When in the past ( the dominion fact of your having ( not only ) seized
of ) the earth was bestowed, by me on ( but also strung and drawn) this
Sage Keasyapa, Kasgyapa spoke to me bow (of Lord Visnu, which could be
as follows:—'You must no longer inhabit strung by none else ) I conclude you
my dominion.’(13) Enjoined thus and to be ( no other than ) the imperish-
Obeying the command of my preceptor able Lord Visnu ( the suzerain Lord of
( Kasyapa ), I do not remain on earth at gods ), the Slayer of the demon Madhu.
night from that time onward inasmuch Let everything be well with you, O
as a pledge has been taken by me to that chastiser of foes | (17) All these hosts of
effect before Kasyapa, which isa well. gods gathered together ( here ) are look-
known fact, O Rama!(14) Be pleased, ing at you, whose deeds are incomparable
therefore, O heroic scion of Raghu, not and who are unrivalled in combat. (17-18)
to put an end to my present (unhampered) This powerlessness of mine in your
movement (in all the three worlds). presence, O scion of Kakutstha, cannot
I shall retire to Mount Mahendra, be a matter for shame to me, since I
the foremost of mountains, with stand worsted by ( none else than ) the
the speed of thought. ( 15 ) Peerless Lord of (all) the three worlds. (19 )
worlds have actually been earned Be pleased, O Rama of noble vows, to
by me by dint of asceticism, O Rama ! discharge your matchless arrow. On
Put an end to my title to them by your having discharged the arrow I
means of your superb shaft. Let there shall return to Mount Mahendra, the
be no loss of time. (16) From the foremost of mountains.’’ ( 20 )
qm oat wa gd sey cara | we zee: ofteifas aeeaAT 1122 II
4 Fa aisha |see sm weed aaaraAT |1 22 II
ad —fafafarar: aat = feaaafeeraar | ae: afta aa TATARAIZAA || V3 |]
we geet wat aaeq: oogfa: | aa: gafaotae =amrareti TH: | Ry Il
TA AAMT area anBaret areas HEARMTA: BT |] 8 II
Even while Paragurama, son . of and ( even ) s0 the intermediate
Jamadagni, was speaking as aforesaid, corners intervening them were rid of
the mighty and glorious Rama, darkness. The gods including the hosts
son of Dasaratha, discharged the of Rsis ( accompanying them ) glorified
superb shaft.( 21) Finding his own Srl Rama, who stood with the uplif
( prospective ) realms tea
earned by dint bow. (23) Having walked clockwise
of asceticism ruined by Sri Rama, round Sri Rama, son
of Dagaratha, the
( son of Jamadagni ) mighty Parasurama (son of Jamadagn
immediately returned
i ),
to Mount highly honoured (by Sri Rama
Mahendra, the foremost ), then
of mountains. retired to his own abode (on Mount
( 22 ) There upon all the quarters Mahendra ). ( 24 )
Thus ends Canto Seventy-six in the Bala-Kanda of the gloriou
s Ramayana
of Valmiki, the work of a Rst and the oldest
— met
Canto 77 ]
aAAAMAA: al:
On the departure of Paragurama Sri Rama hands over the
bow of Lord
Vignu to Varuna (the god of water ) and, sending
army ahead, King DaSaratha enters Ayodhya. After some
days Prince Yudhajit; Bharata’s maternal uncle,
takes away Bharata and Satrughna to
his father’s capital.
Tt Ut 9 gerae wal cerita: | center zd} eee: I? I
afta a Tal aes
| fat fas est Sar wart
Il 2 Il
seat ond wa: gata) aaeft | stented? Sar aa ama afar 2 I
US dS TST RA I erat aiteasg peg wa Il ¥ II
Ta we ga set gs: safe aa: | yasid aa aa qaaraaaa Fz ll & Il
qaqa at fat sea aa: gay | varafeat wat aategefarfzar il & Ul
aA TRIPE | UTIITAG: qTagema: io Il
ay ofa IST AN: HAL I
Parasurama having left, the high- Rama, King Dagaratha closely folded
ly illustrious Sri Rama ( son of in his arms his son, the foremost
Dasgaratha ), whose mind was completely of Raghu's race, and smelt his head
at rest, made over (as a trust) the (as a gesture of affection). (4)
bow in his hand to Varuna (the god Delighted, nay, overjoyed to hear that
of water ) of immeasurable strength. (1) Parasurama had (already ) left, the
Greeting the sages headed by Vasistha king thought his son as well as himself
and seeing his father (who had appar- reborn on that occasion. ( 5 ) He urged
ently failed to notice the discomfiture his army forward and then speedily
and departure of Parasgurama ) perturbed reached his delightful capital. The king
( over the mevacing attitude of (presently )entered in state the city decor-
Parasgurama ), Sri Rama (a_ scion of ated with flags and buntings and rendered
Raghu ) then submitted to his father noisy by fanfares of trumpets. It looked
(as follows ):—(2) ‘tParasurama, son of charming with its highways sprinkled
Jamadagni, has departed. Let the army with water and was strewn with heaps
consisting of four limbs ( viz, elephants, of flowers. It was brimful with citi-
chariots, horsemen and foot soldiers ) zens with their faces blooming over
and protected by you, its master, ( there- the return of their king and carrying
fore ) march in the direction of Ayodhya.'! auspicious articles in their hands, and
(3) Hearing the request of Sri was fully graced with multitudes of men.
_ Some , time after this, one day, In this way King Dasaratha, the
King Daégaratha, the delight of the Brahmans as well as the traders,—in
Raghus, spoke to Bharata, the son of fact, all the people of the kingdom ( of
Kaikeyt (as follows ):—(10—15) “This Ayodhya ) were pleased with the
son of the king of Kekaya, disposition and conduct of Sri Rama. Sri
the heroic Yudhajit, your maternal Rama,who wasendowed with true (unfail-
uncle, who has come to take you ( to ing )valour, outshone (all) his brothers in
his father’s capital ), is tarrying( here reputation and, like Brahma ( the self-
in the hope of being allowed to take born creator ), excelled (all) created
you ).''Hearing this remark of Dagaratha, beings in merits. The high-minded
Bharata, son of Kaikeyi, forthwith got Sri Rama, whose heart was set on his
ready to depart along with Satrr¢hna. spouse and who stood enthroned in her
(Nay,) taking leave of his father ( King heart, enjoyed life with her for many
Dagaratha ) and Sri Rama, who did months. Sita was dear to Sri Rama as
( great ) things without ( much ) exertion, a partner made available ( to him ) by
a8 well as of ( all ) his ( three ) mothers his father. ( Nay ) because of her
( Kausalya, Sumitra and Kaikeyt ), the ( manifold ) virtues and comeliness of
heroic Bharata (a jewel among men) form his affection ( for her ) grew all the
left with Satrughna (for the kingdom more. Her husband too ( because of
of Kekaya ). Highly rejoiced to get his excellences and lovely exterior)
hold of Bharata along with Satrughna, gained a doubly secure footing in her
the valiant Yudhajit ( reached and ) duly heart. (16—27) Sita, the princess of Mithila
entered his town, and his father felt and daughter of Janaka, who compared
gratified at this. Bharata as well as with goddesses in bodily charm and was
Satrughna having left, the very beauty incarnate as it were, could vividly
mighty Rama and Laksmana began to read in minute detail with her mind even
serve their god-like father when that which existed in the inmost heart
the occasion demanded it. Placing his of Sri Rama. ( 28 ) United ( in wedlock)
father’s command above all (else ), with that foremost princess, who was
Sri Rama ever did in every way all the sole object of his love and whose
business relating to the citizens, which love was centred in him, Sri Rama,
was dear to them as well as conducive the aforesaid son of King Dasaratha
to their interests. Doing (all) the work (a royal sage ), looked most charming
of his ( three ) mothers for their sake, and full of joy, ( even) as the all-
S$r1 Rama, who was highly self- pervading Visnu, the suzerain Lord
restrained, attended from time to time of gods, in the company of Sri ( the
to the important business of his elders. goddess of fortune ). ( 29 )
Editor’s Apologia
The Ramayana of Valmiki occupies the volume, which comprises the whole of the
foremost place in the literature of the Bala-Kanda. As will appear from its very
world not only as the oldest extant poem name, this section of the poem deals with
but also as an exquisite specimen of poetic the juvenile pastimes of the heroic Rama,
excellence and beauty and richness of who is taken away by the glorious and
imagery. It stands unique in its moral mighty sage Viéswamitra along with his
appeal and portrays characters that can younger and pet brother, Laksmaya, to his
easily pass as the highest models of hermitage in order to protect his sacrifice
ethical perfection. Apart from the fact against the onslaughts of mighty Raksasas,
that the hero of the poem is a historical After disposing of the demons the two
personage who has been venerated in this divine brothers are taken to Mithila, the
holy land from the hoary past as God Him- capital of the celebrated King Janaka,
self descended in human form, he siands where Sri Rama wins the hand of Sita,
out in the world’s history as the perfect Janaka’s daughter of divine origin, by
embodiment of human values and even so sheer dint of bodily might and is ulti-
his partner in life occupies the first rank mately married with her along with his
among the women of the world as the three brothers, who espouse the hand of
highest embodiment of feminine virtues Sita’s sister and two cousins respectively.
and excellences. Similarly the other It was originally intended to include a
principal characters depicted in the poem portion of the Ayodhya-Kanda too in this
are equally noble and evoke our greatest volume, but this could not be done.
admiration and homage. In this way the
poem deserves to be widely and reverently We take this opportunity to acknow-
read by all lovers of healthy literature ledge our debt to our friends and
especially in this age of rank materialism, co-workers, who have taken great pains in
when the ethical standards of average revising and editing the Commentary and
humanity have fallen very low and the correcting the proofs. Without their help
world is torn by friction and cold war and it would net have been possible to ensure
is showing signs of wid espread rupture accuracy and chastity of language in the
and disintegration. Commentary. We further apologize to our
In order, therefore, to bring the benign readers for the great delay that
treasures of this noble heritage of our has iaken place in releasing this volume,
ancient land within the reach of the which ought to have reached their hands
English-knowing public it was decided much earlier. We hope they will bear with
last year to publish a Commentary of us as they have been doing in the past
this magnum opus im aneasy and simple for our omissions and flaws. In the end
English through the columns of the we dedicate our humble attempt to the
“Kalyana-Kalpataru” by instalments in the feet of the divine Rama, whose grace
form of a Special Number and we have has sustained us throughout in our uphill
great pleasure in presenting the first task.
Thboucadndtete Re RELL ELL aE tt i
oe nt
The Bliss
Volume XXIV
January, 1960
December, 1960
Published by
Special Issue Rs. 2.50: other Issues 0.31 per copy
Inland: Rs. 4.50 a Year: December
> $ 8
Abroad: 10 sh. » 9 5 sh.; Mi : ; 1, ”
Index to Vol. XXIV
( January 1960 to December 1960 )
[ V. & Figures at the end of items indicate inclusive paging, followed by
month-abbreviations, which are Ja, Fe, Ma, Ap, My, Ju, Jl, Au, Se, Oc, No, De. }
Adoration of the Divine Mother ( Poem ). Forgive Me, God ! ( Poem ). Compiled.
Translated by Sri Har Krishan Singh. 114, Ap.
104—6, Ma.
Gita-Jayanti ( Birth Anniversary of “Sri-
Age of the Universe as per the Hindu mad Bhagavad-Gita ). 362, No.
and the Hinsteinian Theories, The,
Gita, Universality of the. Compiled.97,Ma.
By Sri K. R. K. Mohan. 194—98, Ju.
Giving ( Poem ). Compiled. 170, My.
Apologia, Editor’s, De.
Bhagavata-Mahatmya, Srimad(BHxtracted Happiness, Means of attaining Supreme
from the Padma-Purana ). Discourses and Real. By Sri Jayadayal Goyandka.
240—45, Au; 276—81, Se.
lto 4. 2—32, Ja; Discourses 5 to 6. 34—
53, Fe, Hinduism, Integral. By SrikK. S. Rama-
Bhagavata-Mahatmya, Srimad({ Extracted swami Sastri. 78—82, Ma; 109—14, Ap;
from the Skanda-Purana ). Discourses 142—43, My; 205-8, Jl; 245—50, Au;
1 to 4, 54—74, Fe, 271—75, Se; 301—5, Oc; 341—47, No.
Man and Society. By Sri M. M. Varma. 159—63, My; 179—83, Ju; 218—23, Jl;
: 94—97, Ma.
253—57, Au; 285—88, Se; 315-19,
Oc; 351—56, No.
‘My Master's Gift’' ( Poem ). Translated
by Sri Tretanath Tiwari. 135—37, Ap. The Shepherd Boy sings in the Valley
of Humiliation ( Poem). Compiled.
Preparation ( Poem ). Compiled. 284, Se.
233, Jl.
Purusarthas, The. By Sri M. K. Venkata-
The True Knight ( Poem). Compiled.
rama Iyer. 223—27, Jl.
239, Au.
Ramayana, Immanent Teleology in Sri-
Transcendence ( Poem ). Compiled. 193, Ju.
mad. By SriM.K. Venkatarama Iyer.
322—28, Oc. Unto Bliss. By ‘'Siva’’. 76—78, Ma; 108-
Bala- 9, Ap;140-41, My; 172-73, Ju; 204-5. Jl;
Ramayana of Valmiki, Srimad.
236, Au; 268-69, Se; 300, Oc; 332-33,
Kanda; Cantos I to LXXVII. 3 to
227, De.
Virtue Survives Evil ( Poem ). Compiled.
Ramayana, The Meeting of the Human
ibyesh; ios
and the Divine in Srimad. By Sri M. 2 ( Poem ). Compiled
No. What do we seek
K. Venkatarama Iyer. 357—61,
375, Se.
Sadhana, Discouragement during. ( Sri
What know we greater than the Soul »
Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram,
( Poem ). Compiled. 82, Ma.
Pond iche rry ). 238— 39, Au.
so Impatient P ( Poem ). Compiled.
i, Value Why
Sadhana more than the End itseel
Goyandka, 103, Ma.
your. By Sri Jayadayal
115—20, Ap; 148—52, My. World—A Play of the Divine, The.
Sri Y. Jagannatham, B. A. 261—6 6, Au.
Salvation, Man is free to work out his own.
<a SSS
[ 4 ]
List of Illustrations
( Tri-coloured )
Sri Krsna, the Supreme ( Sri B, K. Mitra ) 1, Ja.
Sri Radha, Beloved of Sri Krena ( Sri Jagannath Merh ) 33, Fe.
Sri Rama, the Perfect Man ( et " ) 75, Ma,
The Bewitching Narration ( Sri Bhagawan ) 107, Ap.
The Charmer of the Universe ( A ) 139, My.
re Goddess Uma(The Daughter of Himavan) (
oe 7 ) 171, Ju.
Goddess Laksm!i holding out boons ( Sri B. K. Mitra ) 203, Jl.
Goddess Gayatri ( Sri Jagannath Merb ) 235, Au.
The Lover of Cows ( Sri B. K. Mitra ) 267, Se.
10. Goddess Mahisamardini ( Sri Bhagawan ) 299, Oc.
Rt: The Frolicsome Child of Nanda ( Sri Jagannath Merh ) 331, No.
12. The four Divine Brothers entering into
Wedlock ( ” ” ) Lieies
13. Valmiki’s Grief ( the Seed of the Ramayana ) ( Sri Bhagawan ) 13, De.
14, Lord Visnu in an Assembly of the gods ( Sri B. K. Mitra ) 57, De.
15, Rejoicings over the Advent of Sri Rama
and His Brothers ( Old Painting ) 68, De.
16, Deliverance of Tataka ( Sri B. K. Mitra ) 89, De.
v¢ Janaka’s Meeting with Viéwamitra ( Sri Bhagawan ) 156, De.
18. Sri Rama handling the Bow at Mithila
( ss ” ) 197, De.
19. Disillusionment of Parasgurama ( Sri B. K. Mitra ) 221, De.
0 Sao
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The people of that city were happy, virtuous, Jearned in sacred lore, free
from greed, truthful and contented with their own fortune. There was no-
householder in that great city who had not stored valuable things in abundance
not attained the objects of human pursuit and who was in want of PRP
and had
oxen, cows, h-rses and other wealth and food-grains, There was no man to be
seen in Ayodhya who was sensuous, miserly, cruel, ignorant and unbelieving.
All the men and women of that city were by nature virtuous, well-regulated in
life, (always) cheerful and faultless in character ard disposition like great Regis,—
There was none in Ayodhya, who did not maintain (and worship) the sacred
fire and did not perform sacrifices; no one among them was petty-minded, given ~
to thieving, immoral] and impure of origin. The Brahmans ( inhabiting Ayodhya)
were ever devoured to their duties and exercised: ‘effective control over their
senses. They gave away alms, pursued their studies and were chary of accept
ing gifts There was no member of the twice-born. classes; who was unbelieving, —
untruthful, devoid of knowledge of scriptures, busy finding fault with others,
resourceiess and bereft of learning. There was no one in that city, who had
not mastered the six branches of knowledge auxiliary to a study of the Vedas
and did not observe pious vows. There was no donor of scanty gifts.and no
mi-erable man. There was none who was either distracted in mind or afflicted.
People belunging to (all) the four grades of society, with the Brahman as the
foremost, were fond of worshipping the gods and unexpected visitors. They
were grateful, generous, heroic -and powerful. All the residents of that great
city enjoyed a long lease of life and were devoted to virtue and truth, and as
such were never deprived of their wives, sons and grandsons. The Ksatriyas
followed the lead of the Brahmans, the Vaigyas were devoted to the Ksatriyas and
the Sadras took delight in their own work while serving the other three Varnas,
SR ee .